Oh hey, it’s the afternoon and I think that you’re just going to have to accept that this is open threads now.
Anyway, I need to say: Please don’t eat poison. The President is recommending that people eat poison, but it’s a bad idea. Please, please, please do not eat poison. Eat pasta. Or eat rice. Maybe eat lentils. Those are a much better option than poison.
Do, however, wash your hands right now.
Everything wrong in this world is Doctor Dumbfuck’s fault.
Calling Doctor Bob
Your Fault of all that is wrong
Calling Doctor Bob.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – More Proof Demorats Are Colluding With China, Chicoms Join Demorats In Pushing “Trump Is Racist” Propaganda
The spread of the coronavirus in the US has become a disaster and a tragedy for urban and rural low-income groups. Income inequality and the unbalanced distribution of health system resources could increase the damage of the coronavirus’ spread in the US and affect the lives of many people. The Trump administration should pay more attention to the poor with new cases of the coronavirus rapidly increasing in the country.
The number of people killed by the coronavirus in the US neared 10,000 on Monday. Why has the epidemic spread so rapidly in the US and led to a huge spike in deaths? Income inequality may be one reason behind the increased figures. A wide income gap between the rich and the poor has been a chronic illness of the US economy. Now, the chronic illness is being exposed by the coronavirus outbreak.
The next two weeks will be crucial in the fight against the deadly virus in the US. But unfortunately, US authorities have not yet done enough to protect the poor from the coronavirus. It seems Americans are unaware of the role of income inequality played in the coronavirus outbreak. A wide income gap could cause serious consequences not only for the US economy but also its national destiny.
Bill deBlasio
Laid waste to The Big Apple
Don’t mind the maggots
The Mayor Who Can’t Rise to the Occasion
New York’s Bill de Blasio seems irritated by the need to fight the coronavirus.
Not the eeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvviiiiiiiilllllll Jacob Vigdor !?!?
I cannot believe that Goldy would have anything to do with a guy whose work led to this:
UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs | The …www.seattletimes.com › business › uw-study-finds-seattles-minimum-wa…
Jun 26, 2017 – Jacob Vigdor, study director for the University of Washington’s … That law raises Seattle’s minimum wage gradually until it reaches $15 for all by 2021. … in Seattle, that translates into a loss of about $125 per month per job.
Young, new workers struggling amid Seattle $15 minimum wagemynorthwest.com › seattle-minimum-wage-young-inexperience-work…
Oct 23, 2018 – Study: Young, new workers struggling amid Seattle $15 minimum wage … the decision for (employers),” said UW researcher Jacob Vigdor. … Employers may have given extra hours to the workers they retained, or just cut hours, too. … Vigdor says that the $15 minimum wage is helping some and not helping …
Why, it’s almost as if Vigdor isn’t a Nazi quack.
Isn’t that right. Goldy.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorats Roll Out Backup Plan To Make Epidemic Worse – Rep. Tavia Galonski (D- Hysterical Demorat Dingbat) explained; “We tried to get a few million more infected Chinese in here but calling the Trump travel ban racist didn’t work and he did it anyway. But we can still stop people from being cured if we can convince people that Trump’s hydroxychloroquine theory is dangerous, and that’s almost as good.”
Some congresswoman named Tavia Galonski, a Democrat from the Great State of Ohio, announced she would formally accuse Trump of “crimes against humanity” at the United Nations International Court of Justice at The Hague. Trump’s alleged “crime against humanity”? Offering hope about the controversial malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which some say helps cure COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
“ I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been to The Hague. I’m making a referral for crimes against humanity tomorrow. Today’s press conference was the last straw. I know the need for a prosecution referral when I see one. https://t.co/XQin24gqY4”
— Rep. Tavia Galonski (@RepGalonski) April 6, 2020
Who’s the boss?
This D-list actress was singing a different tune when Kavanaugh was accused:
And this chick is having none of it:
When she’s right, she’s right. Alyssa Milano’s 15 minutes should have been over 25 years ago.
Treating Biden as if he’s above reproach, Steve @ 1, is why everything in the world will be my fault from January 20, 2021 through January 20, 2025, too.
You’ve been warned, ya pussy.
Thanks a fucking lot, Communists Party of China!
10,000 > 15
“Hysterical Dingbat”:
I take it your church elders have pulled you aside to indicate their disapproval when your refer to women as “cunts”.
No really, Greeezy Pork Sauuuce, all you have to do now is find us one single instance, in all the times you have referred to Democrats as “Hysterical” or as “Dingbat” when it was in reference to someone without a Y chromosome. (Relax. I just checked. You never referred to Chelsea Manning as either.)
God still hates you for being a bad person who fears and despises women.
She’s just a little less offended if you avoid the vulgarity is all.
With this whole “Wrath of God” GOPlague going around, if I were you I’d make the wife do the grocery shopping at least until May. And skip the weekly duties in the salt mine.
Thanks the fuck a lot Humpman!
Steve is cool with it.
Because Biden did nothing.
Do you have a tape?
@ 13
You mean, like, a pee-pee tape?
C’mon, man.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorats Score Major Victory In Attempt To Make epidemic Worse – Governor Andrew Cuomo
( D – Evil) Stops Testing Of Cure For Epidemic. Cuomo explained; “We’ve got to keep this epidemic going as long as possible and blame Trump so obviously I can’t let Americans find out that there is a cure.”
Dr. Mehmet Oz joined Lou Dobbs on Monday to discuss the latest on the coronavirus pandemic.
During their conversation Dr. Oz revealed that Governor Andrew Cuomo shut down his study to determine the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in the early treatment of the coronavirus.
Dr. Oz: “Well the trial that I was helping with at my institution was shut down when the governor banned the use of hydroxychloroquine for prescription use for outpatients. And I was trying to see if it could prevent, well there was a prevention trial that was approved, but I was trying to see if it could actually treat early disease and replicate what has been done in China and in France. Unfortunately, those trials have been held back. I don’t know of a trial in New York State.”
I am cool with it
Because Kavanaugh is now
Called Mr. Justice.
There are good people
Then there are Republicans
Whom are scummy worms
Thanks so much for asking.
Oh yes. We have a tape.
Posting it is always a delight. But it’s that much sweeter when it is by request. Especially when that request comes from a Trumper!
Trump: You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
And he did. For years.
Admitted as much. On television before all 63 million of his voters.
And four months later you all voted your approval.
It’s who you are now!
Monday Evening Gallery of Jackasses
First Contestant: “Police in Texas are searching for an 18-year-old girl who claimed … to have tested positive for and to be ‘willfully spreading’ the coronavirus. … ‘I’m here at Walmart about to infest every motherf——, because if I’m going down, all you motherf—— are going down,’ she says in the video … [and] in a subsequent video, [she] said: ‘If you want to get the coronavirus and f—–‘ die, call me. I’ll meet you up and I will shorten your life.'” This jackass, who’s still on the loose, is facing terrorism charges.
Re @4: You folks ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until he takes up Japanese swordsmanship.
@5 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck contends that lower wages result in higher income.
This being the case, I’m surprised he doesn’t ask his hospital employer for a pay cut.
@7 Hmm, let’s see:
Biden: Not above reproach
Trump: Never reproached
I think there’s a pattern in here somewhere.
If you can find it, dumbfuck, it may explain where Steve sees a fault.
‘Dr.’ Oz, peddler of fake health supplements ignores now TWO clinical trials showing a ‘cure’ doesn’t work and demands that despite deaths and observed dangerous side effects the President’s gut feeling must be administered to patients.
@8 Everything that happens in China is your fault, Karl.
@10 A word of friendly advice. I’m not a fish, but I know better than to go for bait on a hook. When a troll starts citing the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper, you’re being trolled. Three splashes in one evening, right at sunset, is a dead giveaway there’s a fisherman working the lily pads.
But you can add the troll to the Monday Evening Gallery of Jackasses if you like. The troll obviously doesn’t know what it’s talking about.
“There’s Golfing to be done. If they close Beaches where will the hot coeds go? It’s not spring break without a couple ‘Girls Gone Wild.’ And I’m really into the boobs. You can’t be a ten without big tits. It’s a hoax anyway. We’re all safe. At least the better people. The real Americans. I’ve got so many people at my rallies. I’m doing great. Oh, another tee time is here. No one will get sick. We contained it. Shutdown the border quick and the wall. Can’t believe I missed that 6ft putt. Get me a Big Mac. Have you seen the amazing stock market? Really good round except that putt.” Donald, January, February, March.
If Boris Johnson doesn’t pull through we should all be as respectful as Dumbfuck is toward the Grandchild and Great Grandchild of a politician who was murdered about fifty years ago.
The kid was after all eight and should have known better than to get in a car with Ted.
@16 You really hate us, don’t you? Although I can’t say I blame you. We treat you with the respect you deserve.
What’s next, computer-generated Japanese calligraphy?
@19 Hard to believe the dumbfuck doesn’t think there’s a tape of a hotel room tryst arranged by Putin, who himself says, “we have the best prostitutes!” For a former spy like Putin, it would be malpractice to not tape their work for later supervisory review. Any NFL coach would understand.
@27 “A top White House adviser starkly warned Trump administration officials in late January that the coronavirus crisis could cost the United States trillions of dollars and put millions of Americans at risk of illness or death.
Looking more like 9/11 all the time:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Two successive Republican presidents, two Pearl Harbors. When are you stupid humans going to learn?
@31 continued:
The job facing voters is really simple. There are two dots. One is labeled “Republican” and the other is labeled “Disaster.” All a voter has to do is draw a straight line connecting them.
But sure as shit, some voters will fuck this up again.
@28 Car? You mean Ted didn’t paddle a canoe off that bridge? I read somewhere it was a canoe. Pajama Media or Chicom Daily News or some similarly reliable news source.
That’s not just any troll, tho.
And while I certainly know who he really is, I just want to make sure he knows God hates him and wants him dead just as much as the Klansmen he pals around with. In times such as these that’s very dangerous game.
I am cool with it
Watching JEB!s trade Florida
to reverse Kelo.
@34 Well then, grab his line, and wrap it around a stump. Then watch the loon try to reel in the stump.
Have you seen those memos?
Single space, 1 inch margins, one was four pages, and the other was seven pages long!!- including tables!!!
Not even a single bullet point or emoji.
Nobody can read that stuff. No way. That’s not humanly possible.
According to latest polls posted on RealClearPolitics, Biden leads in Florida (+0.4), Wisconsin (+2.7), Michigan (+4.4), Pennsylvania (+3.8), North Carolina (+3.4), Arizona (+3.8), Virginia (+6.3), Ohio (+4), Nevada (+4), and trails by less than 3% in Texas (-2.8; one poll there, CNN, has Biden up by +1 and another, Dallas Morning News, has Biden down by only -1).
So let’s see, if that’s how it plays out in November, then Trump, uh, can’t win. And if Biden also somehow wins Texas (not expected), then Trump, uh, still can’t win.
Trump needs not only Texas (probably a given) and Florida (slightly favored), but also Ohio and Pennyslvania and, if he loses Michigan and North Carolina, also Wisconsin and Arizona. If he wins North Carolina, he could lose either Wisconsin or Arizona, but not both. If he loses Pennsylvania, he’s fucked.
Trump lost Pennsylvania during the BEACH WEEK!!! Gang Rape confirmation. He hasn’t done anything since to un-lose it.
Now watching his body piles grow in MI while yelling at their Governor and advising the nation to drink poison is just the kind of bold and unexpected strategy most “conventional” politicians would have been “too scared” to try.
And that undoubtedly explains Q Clearance Pussy’s rebounding confidence. That and liquor store vodka deliveries.
The strong woman the misogynist racist wishes were dead, said this about Wisconsin republicans willing to kill voters.
“I think I’m gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise!”
GOP Finger RapeHero owns a big piece of Sanofi, French maker of Fish Tank Poison. The largest shareholder is a mutual run by one of his biggest donors.
Of course.
Because what have you got to lose?
Wow liberals what is this?
It is just their own words the Daily Show decided to forget or skip over.
It’s like just so weird that the US, with less than 1/4 of China’s population, has more than four times as many cases, and yet I still can’t get any fresh bat meat at the warehouse club.
What’s up with that?
You know last month my idiot Republican BIL mocked the TrumPlague and said it “was just a fucking cold”.* But the thing is, he’s only in charge of himself. He’s literally only responsible for his own safety. His job title is “boss of nobody except himself”. No bucks stop with him. He is the “commander in chief” of absolutely nothing.
*Oh yeah, he’s got it. Picked it up at a community event buffet line. Not mocking it now. And not voting for Trump either.
“… the strongest contributing factor for the fear plaguing our nation — and our health care professionals — stems from the fact that we are relying on inconsistent and often inaccurate guidance from our leaders. This is not just a failure, but a betrayal to us all.” — Joseph Pollino, Nevada, physician assistant
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No politics, no bullshit; just a frontline healthcare worker calling failure and betrayal by their right names, and who can argue with that?
@37 “Have you seen those memos?”
No, and I haven’t seen Saturn’s moons, either, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there.
Without clicking through let me guess.
Someone with 10,000 Twitter followers is held up as saying something that When taken out of context that is roughly similar to Hannity, Limbaugh, Administration officials…
Take that “no one’s ever heard of” website somewhere else.
@40 “Or they will lose their right to vote, through no fault of their own.”
Except for felons, people who lose their right to vote always do so through no fault of their own.
Note that “losing the right to vote” is, by definition, distinct and separate from choosing not to exercise the right to vote. Choosing and losing are two different things.
When a person loses their right to vote, it’s not their fault they’re black.
When a person loses their right to vote, it’s not their fault they’re a tribal member and the state has chosen to locate the nearest polling place 50 miles away from the reservation.
When a person loses their right to vote, it’s not their fault the voting machines don’t work, or are inadequate in number, or the poll workers don’t know how to do their job.
When a person loses their right to vote, it’s not their fault they’ve been deregistered because they didn’t receive/didn’t reply to a letter mailed to them by a private sender with fraudulent intentions and for a fraudulent purpose.
No, it’s not their fault; it’s because, as Kurt Vonnegut would say, so it goes. And also because the rest of us either didn’t or couldn’t do enough to protect their right to vote. Although in this case no one can say we didn’t try to keep people who disrespect the right to vote and interfere with its free exercise off the Supreme Court.
@43 “Wow liberals what is this?”
Drivel from a website nobody ever heard of.
As for the content, it’s patently ridiculous to suggest that liberals are equally guilty of not taking the pandemic seriously. You would spend a lifetime searching in vain for anything in the so-called “liberal media” that rose to the level of irresponsibility of those Fox hosts. Like the fucking moron who called it a “scheme to impeach Trump.” It wasn’t a Democratic administration that called this a “hoax” or dropped the ball on it.
You idiots own this sucker, and it pwns you.
Shadow press secretary Stephanie Grisham is reassigned. The website nobody heard of claims Kayleigh McEnany, the twit who comes across as knowing as much about the world as a second grader, will replace her as shadow-press-secretary-who-never-holds-a-press-conference. This hasn’t been confirmed in the real media, which reports that Trump hasn’t decided yet; she’s only an apparent contender. But it must be said that Trump putting an airhead who can’t tie her own shoelaces in that position would surprise no one. In any case, it’s not what it seems, because he does all the talking anyway.
Fox isn’t real news, but it can sometimes be useful as a window into the twisted thinking of rightwing extremists both inside and outside this administration. In that regard:
“President Trump suggested Tuesday that he might consider cutting funding for the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus crisis and alleged role in helping China downplay the severity of the outbreak.
“‘The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?’ he tweeted.”
“Former national security adviser John Bolton is joining mounting calls for the director of the World Health Organization to resign, calling him an “accomplice to China’s massive coverup” as the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic.”
“Last week, Dr. Michael Ryan, a leader at the World Health Organization, announced that in response to the spread of this virus, authorities may have to enter people’s homes and remove family members, presumably by force. … Just so you know, [WHO is] coming to your house, seizing your children and ‘isolating’ them in a safe and dignified manner ….”
Well, shit. Gotta blame somebody. Otherwise somebody might blame us. And … borders. Open borders …
Better Democrats are still working. And they are listening:
This needs to be in the next bill. And Republicans will hate it and do everything they can to kill it.
But all of us who are not blood sucking Republican ghouls need to think about this when we hear our recycling being picked up, or the next Amazon delivery being dropped off, or when we head to the store for food or the pharmacy for prescriptions.
Transportation workers, police and firefighters, retail clerks, order pickers, corrections officers, sanitation workers, plumbers, mechanics, public works employees, and yes, doctors and nurses all have to keep right on working and fearing every single day that they are going to bring home a deadly TrumPlague infection. This is policy, not choice. This is being imposed upon them. We owe them this much.
The way I see it, people who get their news from Fox are stupid, ignorant, and gullible; and the Republicans running the country are corrupt, immoral, and incompetent. These aren’t value judgments, only observations. It’s not unusual; it’s how you stupid humans do things, more often than not. You should all step aside and let rabbits run the world. Shit like this wouldn’t happen if we were in charge. Everybody would be up to their long furry ears in fresh lettuce and carrots, and what could be better than that?
12,000 > 15
“Shit like this wouldn’t happen if we were in charge. ”
Pluh-wheeze! Give us a fucking break, you blithering idiot!
@53 I’m for it. Better than what Vietnam veterans got. They got $65 a month extra as combat pay,* and spit at the airport when they came home (if they came home).
* This isn’t as much as it sounds, because in many cases it wasn’t paid for a full tour of duty or anywhere close to it. Some collected it for only a few months or weeks, and some for only a few days. But as a compensating factor, those veterans generally didn’t have to deal with the airport receptions on the home front.
@56 How do you know rabbits wouldn’t run things better than you stupid humans? You haven’t given us a try. But any reasonable person or critter can easily infer that it would be difficult to do worse than the current human incumbents. Even a shelter dog would be a better president than the one you homo sapiens idiots elected.
Shorter 56:
and ButteryMales.
That is all.
Republicans, who refuse to let people vote by mail, want voters to die. Especially in the African-American precincts.
The reason is obvious: Democracy is the enemy of everything Republican. They are, and always will be, the smaller party. Their current leader was “elected” with nearly 3 million fewer votes than his awful* opponent. Imagine how much larger that margin of loss would have been if he’d had to run against a shelter dog! So the only way Republicans can “win” is if the majority doesn’t vote; and the many strategies they deploy to keep the majority from voting apparently now includes killing them off in polling place lines. In Africa, thugs working for tinpot dictators do this with machineguns; here in America, the thugs working for our tinpot dictator do it with a superbug, but the result is the same: Dead voters. And then the thugs who killed them go to bars and order drinks to celebrate what they have wrought. You might see five Supreme Court justices there, too, drinking with them. There’s certainly some evidence those 5 justices showed up for work this week drunk. How else to explain their decision to force people to stand in these lines infecting each other, if they want to exercise their “right”** to vote?
* You don’t have to take my word for it that Hillary Clinton was an “awful” candidate. Just ask Doctor Dumbfuck, he’ll tell you. After all, those are his own words.
** Republicans see this “right” differently than we do. To them it’s like money: They have it, the rest of us don’t, and that’s how things should be.
@ 41
The president’s three family trusts all have investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding is Sanofi, which manufacturers the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.
And this pharmaceutical is SO IMPORTANT to the fortunes of Sanofi, and by extension to Trump’s family, that on a day (today) in which the S&P 500 is up > 2%
Sanofi shares are DOWN 1.6%.
You keep up with those important observations, Cz-252. Maybe next you’ll be telling us how many shares of the maker of Charmin those trusts hold.
It occurs to me the safest people in America right now are the terrorists, bombers, and killers in isolation cells at Florence ADX. Unless, of course, an infected guard spits in their food.
In addressing the extremely petty spew @ 41 of Cz-252 I am reminded of the kerfluffle involving Samuel Alito for not recusing himself from a case involving Vanguard, because Alito owned shares in Vanguard funds.
Clownish efforts in each case. You never let me down, Cz-252.
The Feds’ handling of this virus is just like in the Harry
Potter books. The government’s actions have been similar to the Ministry of Magic reacting to my return.
@61 Procter & Gamble shareholders (of which I’m one) have nothing to worry about. You’re not going to run out of shit anytime soon.
@63 You’re actually complaining about “extremely petty spew” on this blog? What do you think you do here? To borrow your phrase, you’re a fucking clown.
I’m reading that the French hydroxyquinolone study is being criticized for the rapidity of its review process prior to publication.
Among the complaints:
Using similar rationale, the prescient UW researchers breached ethics by testing specimens without informed consent of patients, as well. Most of us are damned glad they did.
The rapid review process is currently underway in numerous medical journals; it is necessary to get important COVID-10 information into the hands of clinicians ASAP. Yes, these decisions to expedite have shortcomings. OTOH NYC doesn’t have several months to await formal, traditional review, does it?
There’s always plenty of time to assign blame when all of this is over.
The biggest non-surprise of the week:
“President Donald Trump has removed the lead watchdog overseeing the $2 trillion coronavirus package, just days after the official, Glenn Fine, was appointed to the role. The move came as Trump pursued similar action in recent weeks against independent inspectors general across the federal government.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No mystery here. It’s harder to be corrupt with honest people watching you.
@67 “There’s always plenty of time to assign blame when all of this is over.”
In general situation terms, why wait when it’s so obvious where the blame lies?
From a diehard Trumpalo who continues to bring us all regular reporting from deep inside the invisible underground toddler pizza cannibal dungeon.
Put that alongside the GOP RapeHero being financially invested in a company whose products of unknown effect he is using his office to promote. And now ordering agencies to purchase.
And if that doesn’t work he can always send out another search team for “the missing server” or for “the long-form birth certificate”.
-Anatoly Stepanovich Dyatlov, Deputy Chief-Engineer, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Coming Soon to CSPAN:
Impeachment II – Contagion.
Imagine the House taking up entirely new articles of impeachment based on Trump’s willful defiance of federal statutes for financially corrupt purpose with a pile of 200,000 dead behind it and 25 million unemployed.
72, cont.
When we get there, right after the August recess I’d say, I can already here the FOX bleating:
“They can’t do that! IT’S DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!”
Tweet du jour:
Of course for Dumbfuck, if there’s a Trump family dick to suck he asks for a little glass of water for a chaser.
Donald owns stocks in the company that manufactures the drug he’s touting as the ‘cure all’ with zero evidence. Full stop.
(Check the Way Back machine for Blum -> Post Office Real Estate -> Feinstein… It was all the rage for dumbfuck once. Then do Al Gore -> Alternative energy stocks. It was all the rage for deniers that global warming is a fraud and Al’s just getting rich.)
@ 75
Donald owns stocks in the company that manufactures the drug he’s touting as the ‘cure all’ with zero evidence. Full stop.
Billionaire has a holding possibly worth $1,500 in a drug company.
Full petty.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is the only Seattle attorney whose memorial service will be announced on a GoFundMe web page.
Creepy Joe Biden on ABC’s This Week, two days ago:
C’mon, man. Start with a noun, a verb, and virus.
Modly has resigned (under orders).
Apparently he was unable to locate a hijab wearing teen he could shoot in the stomach before time ran out.
He will be remembered.
Making up shit about someone’s net worth and holdings is peak Dumbfuck.
In re Biden:
They called him “Chopper”.
You left out the invisible pizza dungeon.
And that, ironically enough, is still “raging” for the Q Clearance Pussy.
Not to mention the mystery disappearance of the server that never existed and the intrepid efforts of The Mighty Durham to search the globe leaving no potential resort hotel site unturned!
Fuck me!
Still laughing!
Feeling a bit faint. Thankyou!!!
Coming on the heels of other news, the question that Dumbfuck would be asking if there was a Democrat in the White House is, was the investment in the Drug Company made before or after the company paid the President’s private attorney $1.2M for access to the President?
…the Cambridge police acted stupidly…
It’s too late.
You killed him @80.
This is just bouncing the rubble.
@74 I agree with you. China is no more credible than Trump is.
@76 How do you know? Do you have his brokerage statements and tax returns? For all anyone else knows, $1,500 is 50% of his net worth, and this is a guy who didn’t owe any taxes for at least 10 years, which is not consistent with having more than about $19,400 of net income.
@77 You won’t be here to virtually attend. Human brains rot a lot faster than rabbit brains. Especially yours, in which an advanced state of gangrene is already evident.
@79 Three high-profile firings today: Modly is out, not-press secretary Grisham is out, and the independent IG charged with — among other things — keeping Trump’s sticky fingers out of the stimulus candy dish also is out.
Getting fired by this administration carries no stigma. Everybody who works for Trump gets fired eventually. The only person he hasn’t fired yet is Melania, and I wouldn’t get too settled in if I were her.
There are probably a bunch of Americans that wish they were Taiwanese.
Maybe even Boris wishes the same
Yep. Taiwan killed it. Global champion gold medalists at TrumPlague Response. Sad president RapeHero could not even come close.
Crushed Trump’s wrinkly balls and sent him home crying like a loser.
Q Clearance Pussy and other like-minded Fed Soc drones will celebrate:
Sure. Uh huh.
But dig this pull:
“Jacobson instructs that all constitutional rights may be reasonably restricted to combat a public health emergency.” Cites Jacobson 47 times, no less.
All constitutional rights.
For example, the right to carry around a high capacity rapid fire military style assault weapon and use it to shoot up an elementary school.
How else could police in Brighton Colorado gain control over the hulking, menacing, uncooperative, objectively frightening…
… father playing tee ball with his six-year-old daughter?
How? How else, I ask you?
Trump opposes voting by mail, about which he said, “If you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again” in a Fox interview.
He’s probably right. Without his party’s strenuous efforts to keep American citizens from voting in their own country, including insisting on in-person voting during a deadly pandemic, Republicans couldn’t get elected.
The GOP’s future depends on Republican survivors being the only people allowed to vote.
WHO didn’t praise Donald’s medical advice and won’t back up his assertion that his response was the most perfect in the history of disease.
So the funds are blocked.
Because…..something something, research, finding cure, something, vaccine, something, hydro
codonechloroquine is great, no funding!There once was a dick
His name is traitorous Bob
He loves little Putin balls.
We’re surely glad Ksama Sawant is a Seattle and King County problem and not our problem!
@98 The flip side is the neighbors you have to live with. But I suppose you don’t mind that as much if you’re one of ’em.
All nine of you plus Aamon Bundy?
More like you’re all surely glad you get to continue importing a not insignificant portion of your local tax base.
But for how much longer? Trump has now introduced “The New Federalism” – you’ve got to be your own shipping clerk from now on. Your own payroll too, I’m afraid.
Laughing at Cz-252’s Sanofi conspiracy.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/10/20 at 6:52 pm
After another 7 days, the frighteningly (to Democrats who are desperate for something to use against Republicans holding office)
severe pandemic has now killed
30… no, one week later it’s 100
… no, one week later it’s 685
… no, one week later it’s 12,813 people
in a population of 331,000,000. Of those, about 28 would probably have died in the next 3 years, anyway, and more than a couple would have succumbed to “the flu”.
@101 Death rate with chloroquine equals that of those who do not use, says preliminary study by Fiocruz
>> Fuck you. The impeached miserable failure is killing people.
Bill Gates calls Taiwan’s handling of coronavirus ‘exemplary’
In little over 2 months, Covid-19 has killed more Americans (12.450+) than H1N1 2009 did in a Year (CDC data)
Hospitals say feds are seizing masks and other coronavirus supplies without a word
Vote for better Democrats because Republicans are killing people.
@76 “Billionaire has a holding possibly worth $1,500 in a drug company. Full petty.”
You’re right, for people who have no principles (e.g., you and Trump and virtually all Republicans), it’s the amount of money a corrupt politician steals that makes it important or trivial, and not any principle that might be involved.
And you’re further right, $1,500 is petty. Except for a $7.25/hr. minimum wage worker for whom that’s more than a month’s wages who sees that and then hears you call a corrupt politician stealing $1,500 “petty.”
First of all, insider trading is stealing, no matter who does it. (Ask Martha Stewart; she knows about this.) Next point: In Washington, where you purportedly live, stealing $1,500 is a felony. It is in Florida, too.
So I’ll tell you what. Trump being a Florida resident, and this being only $1,500, let’s find out how “petty” this theft is by agreeing to prosecute it under the laws of his state of residence, i.e. Florida, and he can do the time in Florida’s penitentiary.
I’m on board for that. Are you?
Btw, should you drop $1,500 on the ground in your driveway, and don’t want to bother picking it up, let me know where it is and I’ll remove it for you, so you don’t have to look at it.
@102 More to the point, chloroquine hoarding is taking the drug away from patients with a legitimate need for it.
This may cost Trump the lupus vote.
RepublicansBob’s killing people.13000 > 15
Wonder why Dumbfuck hid that he’s quoting a Federalist writer?
I hear it tastes like salty bananas.
Coronavirus is Rigelian Fever.
Fish Tank Cleaner is the ryetalyn.
And Trump is Captain Kirk!
President Trump: “I think mail-in voting is horrible, it’s corrupt.”
Reporter: “You voted by mail in Florida’s election last month, didn’t you?”
Trump: “Sure. I can vote by mail”
Reporter: “How do you reconcile with that?”
Trump: “Because I’m allowed to.”
When you’re a star, they let you, You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. Vote by mail. You can do anything.
@109 All of which, and more, flies right past the morons who voted for him and will vote for him again.
@109 It’s pretty clear what the GOP strategy in 2020 is: Keep as many people from voting as they can.
I was holding it together, playing some old vinyl and then I tried to get through
Puddy had to see if anyone jumped on the Trump owns stock train!
Is @84 really that dumb? Seems so! Plaquenil was originally approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1955.
Sanofil is a French Drug Company https://www.cernovich.com/sanofi-and-trump/
Novartis is a Swiss Drug Company –
Your source was Dan Abrams – Hates Trump
You scored no hit points. EPIC FAYLE!
Puddy is off to fun and games again! John Durham can’t come fast enough.
God still hates you.
Pilsner has been slamming monster hit points.
Democrats offer you masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and hazard pay.
Republicans offer you crazy sock day.
@113 Cernovich, ha! ha! ha! Hard to tell who’s crazier, you or him.
So we finally have some numbers on the famous study with 100% effectiveness of chloroquine.
100% cure rate according to interviews with the principal physician an author.
26 patients
1 died
3 to ICU not yet fully recovered.
2 refused to participate after initial interview.
20 recovered
One could say the Roughly 4% mortality
rate is better than the 5% worldwide. What might not be ‘All things equal’ in a blind study of only 26?
What’s the MOE with 26 patients when the worldwide infected is close to 1.5M?
That’s a similar number to the population of Hawaii and literally everyone would laugh at a poll that extrapolated Hawaii from interviewing 26 residents. But OK. Give the President’s gut (and stock holdings) feeling just to see. Side effects and shortages for patients who need the drug be damned.
Horse, Goat, Chicken, Dog
Conservatives fuck them all
Hillbillies so small
Isn’t it time for infrastructure week again?
So we finally have some numbers on the famous French study with 100% effectiveness of chloroquine performed by Professor Didier Raoult, a biologist and professor of microbiology.
Sure is strange the moron above posted no link. Puddy provides links!
We need an effective treatment to cure COVID-19 patients and to decrease the virus carriage duration. In 80 in-patients receiving a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin we noted a clinical improvement in all but one 86 year-old patient who died, and one 74 year old patient still in intensive care unit. A rapid fall of nasopharyngeal viral load tested by qPCR was noted, with 83% negative at Day7, and 93% at Day8. Virus cultures from patient respiratory samples were negative in 97.5% patients at Day5. This allowed patients to rapidly de discharge from highly contagious wards with a mean length of stay of five days. We believe other teams should urgently evaluate this cost-effective therapeutic strategy, to both avoid the spread of the disease and treat patients as soon as possible before severe respiratory irreversible complications take hold. ”
78 out of 80 patients recovered.
One 86 year old died
One 74 year old was still alive
Dr Marc Seigel explained how is father recovered using the “dreaded drug” hydroxychloroquine
And in the same link above the black female Michigan Representative who also recovered using the “dreaded drug” hydroxychloroquine!
Yet we hear from
“dr.” wolf blitzer how bad hydroxychloroquine is
“dr.” brian steltzer how bad hydroxychloroquine is
“dr.” joe scarborough how bad hydroxychloroquine is
“dr.” mika brzezinski how bad hydroxychloroquine is
dr sanjay gupta how bad hydroxychloroquine is as it could cause blindness in rare instances (after 10 years at max dosage)
And, of course, the usual hate Trump “dr.” suspects on those well known but low rated cable news outlets!
If you hate Trump you must hate anything and everything he suggests. Or you could wait for the 2 year double blind study while people die!
Puddy off to fun and games today! Can’t wait for John Durham to return his Russia Russia Russia findings.
121 Strawman Fallacy
Description: Substituting a person’s actual position or argument with a distorted, exaggerated, or misrepresented version of the position or the argument.
Also Incel Fallacy
Description: Substituting the fierce, keening anger and frustration of too many Salt-Mining demands for anything approaching a sincere interest in limiting the carnage from the TrumPlauge.
@122, the Strawman fool.
The French Dr exaggerated his findings per @122. Strawman!
One can easily read the latest hydroxychloroquine pronouncements from CNN and MSNBC. Just Google search their anti-hydroxychloroquine sayings. Strawman!
https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/04/coronavirus-china-trail-leading-back-to-wuhan-labs/ – Strawman!
https://nypost.com/2020/04/01/whistleblowing-coronavirus-doctor-mysteriously-vanishes/ – Strawman!
If @122 only had a brain. – Strawman!
Puddy off to fun and games today! Can’t wait for John Durham to return his Russia Russia Russia findings.
Poodebutt off to fun and games today!
Please come back..
7:53 pm on Friday…
and don’t miss 7:55pm on Saturday.. Stay as long as you NEED…