I get so angry when people in the national media cite Washington bending the curve as good news. I, of course, am very grateful for everyone who is staying inside and everyone who can’t. But people describing 500 dead as good news because it isn’t more just feels off.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
The elected leader of the world’s largest xtian sect, who oversees and guides the spiritual and moral lives of 1.3 billion earthlings and over 70 million Americans is now calling for Universal Basic Income everywhere on the planet.
Including Kentucky.
Biden, The Sexual Predator is now a thing.
Yesterday the NYT.
Last night, the AP.
Hey, if y’all wanna wait until late October for that report to show up on Fox News and in Sheldon Adelson’s hands, I’m totes OK with that.
Believe all women, bitches. Don’t let Alyssa Milano happen to you. I’m your
huckleberryRose McGowan.I am your restaurant stimulus, dickwicks.
Yeah, go ahead and respond that way when your fave coffee shop doesn’t reopen.
Tell ’em Sawant sent you.
How bad is the Biden Sexual Predator news?
So bad the NYT stealth-edited its own piece after publishing AND tweeting the quote it quickly hid from view:
The difference between Trump and Biden “grab ’em by the pussy” stories is that Trump’s comment was metaphorical. Biden’s action was shared contemporaneously with a friend of Reade’s, and the University of Delaware has a written report.
First Tuesday in November’s a long ways away. I can wait.
“The Sexual Predator is now a thing.”
The orange sexual predator “thing” you voted for is plummeting in the Rasmussen polls.
Maybe you two fucktards shouldn’t have had your thumbs up your asses while Americans were needlessly dying because of your fucking incompetence.
I’d place more emphasis on what these guys have to say were they not dumb enough to pay The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 $225k per speech.
Goldman Sachs abandons its bearish near-term view on stocks, says the bottom is in
Wasserman-Schultz, 2016: The Chardonnay Lady 2.0
Perez, 2020: Hold my beer.
Steve @ 6
Check out the new Fox News poll.
I’m not a fan of national polls, as I have consistently stated.
Let’s just say that none of y’all HA libbies are gonna report on the Fox News poll.
Steve, who’s the DNC gonna pick to run against Trump instead of Biden?
I wonder what happens to Biden’s poll numbers once the Creepy Sexual Predator news takes hold.
Steve, what do you think?
@ 6
Maybe you two fucktards shouldn’t have had your thumbs up your asses …
Maybe Biden @ 2, 5, 10 shouldn’t have had his index and middle fingers up Tara Reade’s snatch, Steve.
Fauci, 2/29:
“Right now at this moment there is no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis.”
Everyone is going to have a chance to explain why their story changed. Some people will have an easier time doing it than others.
Which reminds me: Bill deBlasio will never, ever be president.
“Steve, what do you think?”
Haven’t you figured it out yet? I think you’re a dumbfuck and a traitor.
Here’s the Taiwan CDC’s email to WHO asking about the 7 patients in Wuhan with atypical pneumonia who were isolated for treatment.
On December 31, 2019.
Even with Russian help, with FOX on board, and with the usual access media willingness to treat everything as “equivalent”, Rapepublicans will never cross the finish line with “proudly bragging about years of violent sexual assaults is exactly the same thing as ‘hair touching'”.
They can only try. And really, if you stop to think about it, what other choice do any of them have? They have to find some way to make it all okay. In October of 2016 Every Republican You Know listened carefully as they heard their nominee proudly boasting of his long violent history of sexual assaults against women. Less than 24 hrs later they again listened carefully as he confessed that everything they heard was true. Then merely one month later they voted to make him president.
They are no different than most victims of a con. Sustaining their own positive self-image demands that they deny the con. They were conned into voting to make a morally corrupt evil rapist president of the United States. The truth of that has now sunk in. So the only way past that truth is to make everyone a rapist. And thus “hair-touching” becomes violent rape.
This only really works if you’ve never been raped.
They failed to learn that in 2018. Looks like they intend to fail again in 2020.
Memory check:
6 facts about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China
Geez. Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron is plummeting in Reuters polls as well.
After all of Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron’s fuck ups resulting in over a half million infected Americans, tens of thousands of Americans dead, and millions of American workers newly unemployed, who could have ever imagined that their monumental failures wouldn’t go over so well.
Best that Doctor Dumbfuck cling to Fox News polling for hope.
Oh how I’d love to hear one of them, just once, attempt to elaborate on this idiotic “locker room talk” excuse.
He said what he said to Bush and his producers. He admitted that he said it all and that the tape was entirely an accurate representation.
So what is the metaphor? “I tried to fuck her” “grab ’em by the pussy” “when you’re a star they let you” “you can do anything”
Which one of these is merely a figure of speech and to what person is it being applied? Even a general identification of the person would work. An intern? A contestant? An employee? Many employees? Many contestants? Women in general?
Then finally, what is the symbolism? Is the “pussy” literal but the “grabbing” symbolic? How so? Was trying to “fuck” the wife of a friend a symbolic reference for something else? Any idea what? Or are Rapepublicans just making this shit up because they really neeeeed to?
Pro tip: when you are still an active victim of the con, never try to explain the con to any outsider, at least not relying on logic. That’s why keeping the con a secret from outsiders is a crucial element of any successful con.
Steve, the NYT’s Nate Cohn has some bad news for you.
For more on “Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China” versus “the Rapepublican president using the power of his office to direct taxpayer resources to his own businesses for the last three years” please see 15 above.
Same thing. Rapepublicans just can’t see it from their side of Teh Orange Event Horizon. The sticky film of porn star anal lube, dried Diet Coke, jizz splatters, and soiled non-disclosure agreements, and now the rapidly growing Trump Body Pile makes it hard to see much of anything.
23,000 > 15
While Dumbfuck cackles his lover presides over daily loss of life 4 to 5 (sometimes 6) times greater than any day during the Vietnam war.
Well over 9-11.
Thousands of times worse than the worst mass shooting.
More than H1N1
Tens of thousands of times more than Obama’s Ebola.
More than the flu (probably)
And Dumbfuck thinks anyone cares about Hunter Biden while Jared is checking Google for hydrochloroquine.
Can’t imagine that being a pretty major theme of a campaign. I can picture it.
Two audio clips and a moving graph line.
“15 and soon it will be down to zero” (graph moves past 5000deaths)
“15 and soon it will be down to zero”
(Graph moves past 10000 deaths)
“15 and soon it will be down to zero”
(Graph moves past 20000 deaths)
“15 and soon it will be down to zero”
(Graph moves past 30,000 deaths)
Long pause in black screen, current number of deaths appears.
VO, “I don’t take any responsibility.”
Don’t really even need to mention the candidate.
@2 So, your excuse for voting for Trump in November will be that Biden is a “sexual predator”?
Other things Dumbfuck is forgetting
E. Jean Carroll
Outtakes from the Apprentice ordered handed over by judge.
The drip drip drip all summer long doesn’t just mean you needing to wipe your face.
@3 “I am your restaurant stimulus, dickwicks.”
In other words, you don’t know how to fry an egg.
@4 My fav coffee shop never closed. I make my own coffee in the morning. I also know how to fry eggs.
Now that your fav breakfast hangout is shuttered, how good is the horse at making your coffee and eggs for you, your wife having refused years ago to wait on you or kiss your ass in mornings anymore?
The sacrifices imposed by Covid-19 are falling unequally. Some are doing without things they’ve come to expect more than others. Mostly the less self-sufficient accustomed to depending on the cheap labor of others.
In wonder how many of the 17m newly unemployed Americans are wondering why Hunter Biden had a job once?
But it knew Trump was a “sexual predator” when it voted for him in 2016. And that hasn’t changed.
So in fact, his excuse must be that Trump is his preferred “sexual predator”.
I’m guessing it’s the orange pubic hair…
@5 “How bad is the Biden Sexual Predator news?”
Nowhere near as bad as your steaming hypocrisy.
@6 The “strongly disapprove” number hasn’t budged, but wow, look what’s happening to the “strongly approve” number.
Even some of the knuckleheads are finally realizing that embracing Trump is an act of suicide.
@7 That’s simply the free market putting a valuation on information and insights. It’ll be interesting to see how much, if anything, they pay for Trump’s insights when Biden is president. My guess is nothing, because the Goldman boys and girls are pretty good at sniffing out the true value of things.
You liberal progressive, socialist, communist and anti-fascist trolls are always complaining about Fox when ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC and others support your totalitarian agenda to overturn the Constitution and install your chosen dictator. Yet you complain that one media organization, Fox, disagrees with your plan!
You fuckers need to get a grip!
Wherein trying to keep millions of Americans alive is UnConstulitutional.
Wherein trying to keep millions of Americans alive is UnConstulitutional.
You liberal progressive, socialist, communist and anti-fascist
You left out healthy, affluent, well-educated, modern, and better dressed. But you’re new. So it can be forgiven. Try to be a better troll than Q Clearance Pussy. It’s really fallen apart since it lost most of its retirement savings in the TrumPlague meltdown.
Our plan?
Raise taxes on the very wealthy.
Raise taxes on massively profitable corporations that don’t pay any tax.
Buy lots and lots and lots of masks, gloves, gowns and ventilators no matter how much Susan Collins hates it. Maybe some fire engines too.
Next time shut down travel from China without quarantine for all travelers. Not just the brown ones.
Higher minimum wage.
Affordable health insurance for everyone.
Vote by mail.
BTW, this shit is all incredibly popular.
@9 Fox actually gets a pretty good grade from Nate Silver (A- vs. C+ for Rasmussen).
And as I recall, I’ve cited Fox polls quite a number of times. But the interesting thing about the poll you linked to is that it shows Biden’s purported loss of support going to, not Trump, but independent candidates or “undecided.” However, when you look at RealClearPolitics’ aggregation of polls here:
… what you see is the Fox poll in question is the only poll in April not showing Biden leading by +4 to +11 points; and the fact virtually all polls show Trump’s approval rating deteriorating in recent days makes Fox’s results somewhat inexplicable.
I’m not saying the Fox poll is inaccurate. It shows what every other poll shows: Not more than 42% to 44% of voters are willing to vote for Trump. Presidents have been elected with that margin or less, but only in elections where third-party candidates made strong showings (George Wallace in 1968, Ross Perot in 1992), a factor that almost certainly will be absent from the 2020 race.
As you’ve repeatedly harped on, it will come down to key states. Most people start with the 2016 map and postulate from there. In all probability, Michigan is gone, which takes Trump down to 290. Pennsylvania probably is gone, too, which takes him down to 270. Also losing the 1 Maine EV he got in 2016 would cost him the election, assuming he flips none of Hillary’s states (and there’s little reason to believe he will).
But Biden also leads in Wisconsin (-10), North Carolina (-15), Ohio (-18), and Arizona (-11); if he also takes Florida, where polling results are mixed but RCP gives him a slight edge, that state’s EVs combined with the others above would give him over 350 EVs and leave Trump with less than 190.
So, considering it’s unlikely Trump will get more than 42% – 44% of the total vote, and the rest have nowhere to go except Biden, and about 40% of Trump’s 2016 EVs appear to be endangered, which horse are you putting your money on in this match race, dumbfuck?
@10 “I wonder what happens to Biden’s poll numbers once the Creepy Sexual Predator news takes hold. Steve, what do you think?”
I’ll tell you what I think: Anybody who gives a shit about this is more likely to vote for the Less Creepy Sexual Predator than the More Creepy Sexual Predator.
Q Clearance Pussy has already declared. It called itself a “die-hard Trump supporter” months ago when Tulsi was still in the race for the Democratic nom. It voted for Trump in 2016, despite recognizing even then that in a very literal, and not the least bit metaphorical sense, the Republican nominee had admitted to a long history of violent sexual assaults against women. It approves of a certain kind of men engaging in a certain kind of violent sexual assault against a certain kind of woman. The picture paints itself.
None of that has changed.
It’s now waiting patiently for a magic bullet. Might be a pretend Durham Frog March. Might be replacing Mike Pence with Nikki Haley. One thing we know: it won’t be the Dow breaking 30k.
“Trump claims he can overrule states on ending COVID-19 shutdowns”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He can’t overrule me. He can’t order me out of my burrow. I’ll poke my bunny ears above ground when I feel it’s safe and not before.
It’s not like I have no experience with this kind of thing. Falcons, dogs, cars … you name it … I’ve seen this before. Trump can huff and puff all he wants, but he’s not my superior (he’s inferior in every way) and I don’t have to take orders from him.
@11 So we’re going to have a grab-em-by-the-pussy president in 2021-2025. That should make you happy. Why would someone who fucks horses and chickens and doesn’t give a damn about what happens to his fellow Americans care which one it is?
@12 “Bill deBlasio will never, ever be president.”
Neither will you, thank God.
At best it suppresses turnout. In Rapepublican favor? I doubt it.
Negative partisanship isn’t being upended by TrumPlague. It’s being amplified. 25 million people still waiting for their state’s unemployment system to function is a strong as fuck signal alongside “hair touching”. The people who don’t like Trump hate him. They aren’t growing any less certain about that hatred by watching their Nana gasp her last breaths in a hospital hallway where they’ve run out of ventilators.
So are there large numbers of less engaged suburban white female voters who dependably watch FOX? Nope. There are some. But they are mostly much older. Their numbers were already in decline in 2016 and more so in 2018. So the tactic here is a weak signal to begin with targeting a small and shrinking segment of a key demo. Could it shift some of these voters? Sure it could. But it shifts them into not voting (or casting a throwaway vote). Without them Rapepublicans lose. And this doesn’t get these people to vote for Rapepublicans.
And it is not going to be enough to overcome an even larger negative partisanship turnout driven by all the preceding history, but now massively amplified by 100,000 dead bodies, 25 million unemployed, a 25% decline in the markets, and “I don’t take any responsibility”.
@31 Speaking of loose grips, if you were a rock climber, you’d be a pink blot on the rocks at the base of the cliff.
I’ll tell you what I think: Anybody who gives a shit about this is more likely to vote for the
LessCreepy Sexual Predator than theMoreCreepy Sexual Predator who by deliberate inaction killled 50,000 Americans and presided over the total collapse of the American economy.Fixed.
Those 17M newly unemployed Americans have a different takeaway from shareholders getting their lives back while they try to figure out how to come up 3-4 months unpaid mortgage. Getting pre-foreclosure notices in August and September…..DAMN YOU JOE BIDEN!
@34 The way I see it, right now “our plan” is to simply survive.
Trying to kill Grandma so Hobby Lobby can sell wall hangings is a weird campaign message.
The State’s Rights GOP will be along in…oh who are we kidding. Wonder how Amon Bundy feels about Donald telling people, “You will obey me!”?
@ 20
The sticky film of porn star anal lube, dried Diet Coke, jizz splatters, and soiled non-disclosure agreements, and now the rapidly growing Trump Body Pile makes it hard to see much of anything.
And if we’re in mid-November and preparing for president-elect Biden’s inauguration, I’ll agree that Democrats didn’t see much of anything with the candidate hair-sniffing, senator’s daughter leering, Senate staff member snatch-grabbing, and POS Hunter Bidening.
But Creepy Joe Biden’s gotta get past all that in a general election, same as Trump did in 2016. I think that’s still a challenge for y’all. Biden might not get past the first ballot during whatever passes for the DNC convention.
@41 “by watching their Nana gasp her last breaths in a hospital hallway where
they’ve run out ofthe ventilators that would have kept her and others like her alive were confiscated by Trump and are now being sold by Jared to the highest bidders through private companies in which he and other Trump family members have investments.”Well that happened.
A sailor from USS Roosevelt has died of Covid-19.
Veterans groups and military families firmly agree Biden did it.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 39 has a point.
President Grab ‘Em By The Pussy might actually be in vogue starting next year. Hell, it could be the basis for Biden’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. I’m sure Neera Tanden and Alyssa Milano can spin it into a new specimen collection method for Pap smears. Wouldn’t be any less credible than the basis for Obama’s Prize.
@43 “have a different takeaway from shareholders”
Well, so far I’ve lost 2/3rds of 1% of my income to dividend cuts, meaning 99.33% of my income is still intact, and I have no rent or mortgage payment but if I were evicted from my burrow I could dig another one in 30 minutes. Any dirt or clay will do, as long as it doesn’t have too many rocks in it. Life isn’t fair. If it were up to me, everybody would be a capitalist and a rabbit.
@45 Amon Bundy may be dead six weeks from now. Not wishing for that, just an observation about how Darwinian selection works.
Trumpers are calling him Doctor Falsify.
Any bets on how much longer he lasts?
@46 Seems to me you’re overlooking the relativistic nature of presidential elections.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a dumbfuck.
@ 35
This is incorrect. Trump got 42% of registered voters, which is who were polled. His share of likely voters would be higher. And since 3% of the respondents wouldn’t vote (question 4 in the poll), already Trump’s up to 43.2% (42/97).
6% of the respondents answered that they “don’t know” who they’d vote for, and Trump would garner a share of those.
Trump likely ends up with 47-48%.
In 2016 his 46% share was enough to win.
I’m talking to you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Believe what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit spews at your peril.
Formulation at 46 strongly implies that the incumbent does not actually have to win an election.
Candidates have shit they have to get past. Weird screams. Dumb helmet photos. Interracial love-child smears. Wives who got drunk and killed their boyfriend. Twenty five percent drops in the Dow. Twenty Five million unemployed voters. Giant smoldering body piles.
“Biden might not get past the first ballot”
Every one of us will take that action.
I can certainly agree that president RapeHero has reason to feel some confidence that he can assemble pretty much the same collection of 63 million moronic credulous dupes, mouth breathing frat bros, mindless badge bunnies, and aggrieved old white men as he did in 2016.
It won’t be enough.
It won’t be enough to eek out a win in the Electoral College.
It won’t be enough to save PA or MI.
It might not even be enough to prevent a Biden landslide.
And it sure as fuck won’t be enough to save Susan Collins, Martha McSally, or Cory Gardner, with or without the stolen masks and ventilators.
@ 46
@46 Seems to me you’re overlooking the relativistic nature of presidential elections.
Seems to me you have to distort reality to fit your desires, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Starting with your desire for people to see you as a millionaire, for instance.
@49 Tell you what. Let’s elect the lesser evil of the two pussygrabbers we have to choose from in this election, and penalize that behavior by not awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to either one of them. I can live with that.
@ 55 Then I guess we’d better hurry up and confirm some more judges.
@54 Doctor Dumbfuck has a point. I failed to properly take into account the millions of dollars and countless manhours the GOP will invest in preventing registered voters from voting and their efforts to kill off those who do manage to vote.
@56 I see your Magic Stock is down twice as much as the S&P today.
@58 The funny thing about judges is their inclination to follow the law, and the Congress your tribe doesn’t own anymore will be enacting the laws. Also, your president became a socialist when you weren’t looking, and will continue to be one for the rest of his term, because present circumstances leave him no other choice.
One of the 250 Seattle stimulus grant recipients is KO Fitness, which trains its members to beat the shit out of other people.
Out: Liberals must arm.
In: Liberals must stick and move.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Story keeps changing …
“A woman who briefly worked as an aide for former Vice President Joe Biden in the 1990s has expanded her claims that he harassed her to now include an instance of sexual assault ….”
And corroboration is lacking …
“NBC News has spoken … with five people with whom Reade said she shared varying degrees of detail over time. Three of those people said on the record that they do not recall any such conversation with Reade. A fourth person … said she remembers Reade’s telling her that she spoke with superiors in Biden’s office about harassment but not the assault. She also recalled that Reade told her she filed a formal written complaint with a Senate personnel office at the time. A fifth person … recalled that Reade … didn’t detail the alleged assault. … Former Biden staffers, including his former chief of staff Ted Kaufman and his longtime executive assistant Marianne Baker, were both named by Reade as having been told about harassment at the time, but both said they have no recollection of the [assault] claim.”
Should be easy enough to dig up that formal written complaint and see what she wrote in it.
I’m not saying every woman who sits on a sexual assault allegation for 27 years should be disbelieved. I’m not even saying this one should be disbelieved. All I’m saying is that from my perspective as a lawyer the evidence isn’t compelling.
One thing you can be sure of, though, is that the Republicans who insisted that Christine Blasey-Ford’s sworn testimony wasn’t believable will swallow these unsworn allegations whole without skepticism or reservations.
Bernie’s 2020 National Press Secretary:
James Carville agrees that Trump can win with 42% – 44% of the vote — by cheating.
Of course, that possible outcome can’t be ruled out, because that’s how he “won” the last time.
@ 64
Should be easy enough to dig up that formal written complaint and see what she wrote in it.
Why, surely, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Just go ask the University of Delaware @ 2 for it. They’ll be glad to provide it, probably toward the end of 2033, maybe early 2034.
Biden deserves the same scrutiny that Kavanaugh received. Good and hard, he deserves it.
The person most likely to come up with the first effective Covid-19 vaccine is a black woman employed by the federal government as an NIH scientist.
Rat wars. As restaurants close and garbage disappears from urban alleys, rats are invading each others’ territories and even eating each other. Rats, it turns out, are a major casualty of the coronavirus.
Perhaps a preview of what’s coming for another breed of rats.
@ 68
Here’s how uber-serious NBC News covers the researcher mentioned by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit (his link):
What, nothing about her nails?
I wonder if Joe Biden has calendars? I’be seen him drink beer Could save his ass, Squee.
@67 “a Senate personnel office”
Why would a complaint to “a Senate personnel office” be filed away in “Biden’s Senate files” at the University of Delaware unless she never complained to anyone outside Biden’s office?
And if she never complained to anyone except, in effect, Biden himself then what does that tell you about how serious the incident was?
This is entirely consistent with, “Don’t touch my hair again.” It’s not consistent with, “Don’t finger-fuck me again.”
You see, Dumbfuck, it’s not only what a witness says, but also how it fits with the other evidence, and reasonable inferences drawn from the totality of facts and circumstances.
In my professional opinion, I think Doctor Dumbfuck would stink as a juror, and I wouldn’t hesitate to peremptory him.
@70 Wow. A woman who obsesses over her appearance. What’s next, hungry people wanting food?
New discoveries are being made all the time. Some don’t even require state-of-art telescopes.
Tara Reade is brave and Christine Blasey-Ford is…
the worst names in the book pos rapey mcdimfuk can muster..
It’s all good. The ones they’ve already got are poised to affirm NPV by the end of summer.
Remember, this is all Trump’s fault.
@75 Blasey-Ford waited longer to come forward, 36 years vs. 27 years. Don’t you see that makes all the difference in the world?
That’s all I have. You can go back to sleep now.
@ 75
Reade told someone contemporaneously, Blasey didn’t.
Holes in both stories, agreed. No argument.
Biden should be treated the same way Kavanaugh was treated. The same way Thomas was treated.
I wonder what Anita Hill thinks of this?
@77. Give it time. Don’t forget, you were the one who posted that tornadoes are more deadly than pandemics. I don’t think you understand how numbers work.
We have tested 1% of the population so if we don’t test, we can’t tell if the deaths were from Covid-19. Keeping our numbers down through lack of science. Bonus!
I guess we should wring our hands over this allegation against Biden. After all, sexual harassment is a terrible thing. I’m against it. I didn’t decide to cast my primary vote for Biden until it came down to him or Sanders, and I then made a pragmatic decision based on Captain Aubrey’s guiding principle that …
Guess who?
@ 75, 78
Here’s what Reade did, in 1993. Not decades later. In 1993:
Hell, it might not be Hunter who takes down Creepy Joe Biden. It might be Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman instead.
Wouldn’t that be something.
“White House council to reopen America to include Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner”
As well as Mnuchin, Kudlow and Ross.
I reckon that’s Doctor Dumbfuck’s idea of America’s A-Team.
I for one can’t yet see any reason nor anywhere near enough credible supporting evidence, to assign to Biden guilt for anything more than literally a situational lack of body boundaries that has made lots of his friends, family, and not a few colleagues a little uncomfortable over the years. He touches too much for some people. And he isn’t very observant of the normal, non-verbal cues that indicate when another person is not open to being touched. He grabs arms. He touches hands. He touches hair. He hugs.
If we’re lucky enough to live a long life, I’m willing to bet nine out of ten of us have had such a friend, family member, boss, or coach at one point in our lives.
None of that behavior is sexual assault.
And if any of us need to have that explained then you just need to go ask the next woman you see – nearly all of whom, if they haven’t been raped themselves, have narrowly escaped rape at least once and are close friends with at least one victim of rape.
Is there a continuum on which “too much hugging and touching” exists that also has sexual assault on it? Yes. But it is very situational. Discerning that difference certainly has to do with private versus public spaces. But it also has to do with threat,
And ultimately there’s a simpler test. If for some reason the gender of the perpetrator of the offending conduct seems to make a difference in how you label it, then it is not sexual assault. If a woman behaves exactly the way Joe Biden is accused of behaving, would you put that behavior on the same behavioral continuum as sexual assault?
This shit is really only “Rocket Science” to Rapepublicans.
@ 84
Well, I doubt the White House council will include another $25M for the Lincoln Center, Steve. If that’s what you mean.
Trump has been talking about a task force for reopening the country for days now. Dems went ahead and threw one of their own together in one day.
I reckon that’s Steve’s idea of America’s A-Team.
Prediction: Restoration of SALT deductions will be the centerpiece of this collection of high-tax state governors.
Corbett is a scientist who loves Jesus..
Lets talk politics and Jesus for a sec…
Jesus was an apocalyptic jewish preacher from a rural backwater of Palestine called Galilee.. Apocalypticism was a current of jewish thought that preceded the birth of Jesus by about two centuries. In the Bible two apocalyptic books stand out, Daniel and Revelation.. The Essenes, a jewish sect who kept the Dead Sea Scrolls, were apocalypticists who wanted to practice their religion free of what they believed was corruption at the temple in Jerusalem.
Jews in the years before and after Jesus wondered why is it that I’m a pious observant jew who follows the law in accordance with the covenant with God and I’m suffering and the bastard schmuck who is my neighbor flouts the jewish law, gets away with murder and is having the time of his life? Why are observant jews under the thumb of conquerors like the Persians and the Romans? At the time of Jesus, there hadn’t been a king of Israel for 5 or 6 hundred years. Apocalyticism posited that the world is suffused with evil and controlled by demonic forces and that there’s nothing the pious observant jew could do about it. However, God was going to set things straight through a reckoning and bring forth a Messiah who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews and reestablish a Godly kingdom on earth where the righteous would be rewarded.
Every generation of Jews since apocalyptic-ism was a thing thought the kingdom would be restored in their lifetime. Jesus in Mark 1 said the “kingdom is at hand”.. Jesus, the apocalyptic preacher, thought the very same.
Jesus believed he was the Messiah and at the last supper said each of his disciples would rule over a tribe of Israel. That was a bridge too far for Judas Iscariot who then reported Jesus to the Roman authorities who then tortured and crucified Jesus as a threat to their hegemony over Palestine.
The idea that Jesus was a crucified Messiah was absolutely ludicrous to almost all Jews of that time. The Messiah was supposed to liberate Israel from its enemies, restore the kingdom and rule. The Messiah would lift up the righteous and destroy the evil doers. Jesus didn’t do any of that. Jesus was killed for his grandiosity. Saul of Tarsus, a greek speaking, literate and deeply religious apocalyptic jew persecuted the earliest christians because he was angry that they would proclaim this semi-literate aramaic speaking jew from Galilee as the figure of grandeur and power who would restore the kingdom on earth.
Saul of Tarsus would then become the apostle Paul to the gentiles when he had a born again experience – a vision of Jesus appearing to him and making him question and re-evaluate his core beliefs. But to almost the very end, Paul believed Jesus would return to reestablish the kingdom in Paul’s lifetime. Every generation of Christians since then have believed the same. And it hasn’t happened.
So what is the value of Jesus to someone like Dr. Corbett? I would hope it is Jesus’ message of love and service rather than Jesus of Nazareth’s grandiose vision of himself. Dr Corbett’s service to humanity at this juncture is greatly appreciated.
My .02..
Matt Stoller who worked for Bernie Sanders had some interesting insights into the Bern..
I never liked Biden but plenty of well-meaning folks did and maybe we could endure 4 years of Joe but right now..
Neither Biden or Sanders should be the nominee of the party.
By some miracle the party could still nominate someone without all the baggage who could actually do something so radical as to competently govern and lead this country.
When they tell you don’t touch the red lever, don’t touch the red lever.
Could’ve been worse. At least he didn’t sign up for the ICBM tour.
Reminds me of when I was in Bunny Scouts on a tour of an Air Force base. They told us someone sitting in a fighter cockpit got to fooling around with the switches and levers, and had to be peeled off the hanger ceiling. Sounds apocryphal to me. If it happened, it must’ve been a maintenance worker, because I can’t imagine the Air Force ever letting a civilian tourist sit in an armed ejection seat. That’s like giving someone in a tour group to an Army base a hand grenade to play with.
@83 Sounds like exactly the procedure that would be followed if a U.S. Senator finger-fucked a female staffer in his office … in the Republican wing of the Senate Office Building.
@84 Could’ve fooled me. I would’ve guessed that was the lineup for Comedy Central’s amateur night.
Just needing to point out, aside from the math @54 being mostly entirely very wrong, it is also based on a premise we’ve discussed and debunked repeatedly: “His share of likely voters would be higher.”
This is a cherished myth among pundits, campaign strategists, and dimwitted political journalists. But pollsters have abandoned it a long time ago. Using any non-partisan means, whenever a surveyor chooses to segregate “likely voters” from the larger universe of “registered voters” a few characteristics will emerge. But once again, the important thing to keep in mind is that whatever that means is, it is based on prior elections. It’s predictive power works best if all voters in the projected election behave precisely as they or very, very similar voters behaved in the past.
So of course there are problems with this. The population of voters changes from one election to the next. The behavior of voters changes from one election to the next. So pollsters are very careful about the winnowing of respondents and how this might introduce significant error – something it is absolutely known to have done in many past polls. But in the end analysis, and despite heroic efforts on the part of GOP election officials to prevent it, from one election to the next, with nagging consistency, significantly measurable numbers of unlikely voters continue to insist on voting in elections. Damn them.
And here’s the even weirder and more frustrating thing: all other things being equal, unlikely voters actually tend to favor Rapepublicans in general, and Trump in particular. This was in fact the secret sauce that Steve Bannon liberally dumped into the Trump campaign that helped them win the key states. So it really comes down to turnout, and differential turnout in particular. And polls of “likely voters” can’t measure that by design.
@87 A brilliant black female scientist leading a team of other brilliant scientists with weighty enough credentials to capsize an aircraft carrier, all doing world-saving work, and all Teh Dumbfuck can think of to say about her is … to remark on her appearance.
No wonder they parked him in a windowless basement radiology lab and assigned him to writing up other radiologists’ opinions on x-rays they wouldn’t let him see.
Overruling Trump 101
“States on the country’s East and West coasts are forming their own regional pacts to work together on how to reopen from the stay-at-home orders each has issued to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.”
Reade told someone contemporaneously, Blasey didn’t.
How old was Blasey? 15? 16?
Dimfuk looks at pictures of trauma for a living, maybe gets some wood from that..
Maybe dimfuk has been through trauma itself and maybe silence speaks volumes..
whatevs dimfuk… Your record, your behavior here on the matter is mere entertainment for us.
When all things are not equal:
Country ranks by population density
Netherlands 32
Belgium 33
Italy 77
France 94
Spain 118
United States 174
But then Dumbfuck assures us he’s tied into the medical field and might know something about how population density could affect infectious disease and how the most dense parts of the United States would logically show a greater and faster rate of spread.
Fake News.
Do Deaths per country next? USA! USA! USA!
It is not clear at this point that Biden’s rape accuser shared contemporaneously the relevant reported incident. I would not concede that important detail until it has been better established.
Two accusations are made by Ms. Reade.
One, that she was invited into a staff meeting (where Biden was not present) and requested to serve drinks at a fund raiser because she was “young and good looking”, and a senior staffer who was by the accuser’s account actively engaged in arguing with other senior staff told he she did not have to do it because it was demeaning and wrong and Ms. Reade left without answering.
This report is said by Ms. Reade to have been shared with her mother (deceased), her brother – although he is uncertain and may have heard it from her mother, and a friend. And this was the substance of the accuser’s harassment complaint.
The second account was the accusation of rape against then Senator Biden. This is said to have been shared with the accuser’s mother. But being deceased she is not available to confirm that. The brother is again uncertain. The friend was not told or is uncertain and may be remembering the harassment or may have been told more recently.
There’s a lot of confusion in the interviews between things that Ms. Reade says she reported recently and things that she says she reported at the time thirty years ago. May of the interviewers are themselves imprecise about this. And on at least a couple of occasions during such interviews Ms. Reade has become either angry, or frustrated, or hostile in reaction to efforts at reducing the confusion.
So far a lot of people with a lot of resources have been digging furiously to find more stories of rape, or at least more rape-continuum stories to contextualize the accusation. Nothing has been found. No non-disclosure agreements. No shell companies in Connecticut to launder payoffs. No mud fights between competing lawyers trolling for the big payday.
Just more hair touching.
My mind is open. But I just can’t be persuaded by this alone.
“I reckon that’s Steve’s idea of America’s A-Team.”
Fuck you and your Team of Klowns.
This is an alliance of state governors working together, an alliance necessitated by the fact that you and your dumbfuck self and your useless fucking orange moron have used this pandemic to turn the United States of America into the Divided States of America, with each state fighting with other states for survival.
Apparently those state governors don’t want to be a part of your Survival of the States reality TV shit show.
But I’m sure you recognize the bright side of this, don’t you? Putin is pleased as fuck with how you fucking traitors have purposely divided our country during a national fucking emergency.
It’s their new version of “federalism”.
Do as your told. Say only nice things. It’s my stockpile. I am not your shipping clerk.
As in the past, when reduced notions of federalism were promoted, powerful and influential states combined their forces to affect the outcome of events.
Like this one time, at band camp, they even did away with slavery and reduced the slave states to a bunch of smoldering tire fires.
That would be so cool.
The reporter asked about funding of the WHO, so he starts babbling about the World Trade Organization being mean to us.
Wait. The impeached miserable failure just declared himself dictator 20 minutes ago?
“When somebody’s the President of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s gotta be.”
“The federal government has absolute power.”
Two direct quotes from Trump today.
“The federal government has absolute power.”
So much for states rights. Is there a conservative principle these traitors haven’t abandoned yet?
Raises an interesting precedent:
“So if the president has absolute power to shutter and open businesses as he sees fit, would President Biden be able to close every non essential business in Alabama if (for example) an especially nasty strain of the flu hit? And Alabama’s governor would have no say? That’s the precedent the GOP want to set here?”
Oh, I see, only if the president is a republican.
Absolute power with absolutely no responsibility:
“When I lose this job in November it will be because I let the other guys win.”
This should, but won’t give Dumbfuck pause.
Despite all efforts by GOP and SCOTUS and the attempt to utterly disenfranchise the city of Milwaukee with closed polling stations….
In the statewide race on the ballot,
Liberal Justice Jill Karofsky defeats sitting State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly giving the court a liberal 4-3 majority. The vote wasn’t that close. In the midst of the Pandemic Donald sent encouraging campaign tweets in favor of Justice Kelly.
It’s rightly pointed out that national polls aren’t indicative of much and state by state is where the action is. Wisconsin is a state Donald is counting on winning again in 2020. Even when they GOP pulled out all the stops to depress Democratic Party voters…they failed. Sad Horns.
As soon as The Hump orders them to get to their knees they’ll gladly take three cocks in there mouths.
Looking at county results, Karofsky outright won or outperformed Hillary by 5% or more in 35 counties won by Donald in 2016.
So this isn’t just a Liberal areas thing. The whole state is moving to the left. On quick glance there were a dozen or more swings of 10+% in counties won by Donald to the Liberal justice last week.
23,000 votes. That was Donald’s Wisconsin margin. 75,000 votes is the current margin for Karofsky with 75% of precincts reporting.
Better get that Foxcon plant up and running before November, Donnie! Maybe they can keep Milwaukee closed completely instead.
Maybe it’s time to consolidate States into Regions and succeed from the Federal Government and other States.
Speaking of Repukes and States rights. Fuck it
Wisconsin voters flip a great big “FUCK YOU” to Trump and the GOP:
“Democrats claimed victory Monday in a Wisconsin Supreme Court election that Republicans insisted on holding last week despite the coronavirus pandemic.
“Liberal Dane County Judge Jill Karofsky defeated conservative Justice Daniel Kelly, an incumbent backed by President Donald Trump …. The outcome is an embarrassment for state and national Republicans ….
“Republican state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald’s insistence on in-person voting led to long lines in Democratic strongholds like Milwaukee, where the city reduced its planned 180 polling places to just five that were open on election day. …
“Karofsky’s victory reduces the conservative majority on Wisconsin’s high court to 4-3 [and] could also position Karofsky to cast the deciding vote in a closely watched case over a GOP effort to purge the state’s voter rolls of more than 230,000 people ….”
History is a fine teacher. When beset by horrific events in their own communities and facing uncertain personal futures voters often tend to move left. That is, they begin to think a little bit less about “getting ahead of The Others” and a little bit more about surviving the chaos and hanging on to whatever is left.
The basic GOP instinct runs counter to any notion of governance or successful team building to overcome that kind of adversity. Trump isn’t really wrong to disavow responsibility and leadership and to refuse to work with others in trying to save lives and reduce the carnage and loss. He knows that as a modern Republican he has no capacity or talent for it. Appearing to make the attempt would only result in the appearance of failure. And he hates that more than anything.
But fail he must.
Because Republicans are not cut out for this work.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
723,640Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124The amount of deaths per day has dropped. That’s great.
On the other hand Two direct quotes from Trump today.
“Thousands of white voters now have a sense of what it was like to vote as a black person during the Jim Crow era. These voters risked their physical safety, their jobs — even their lives — just to vote. … [They] stood in the same long lines as black voters. And they witnessed something else that many black voters experienced during the Jim Crow era: brazen hypocrisy.
“During Jim Crow, politicians … boasted about the US being a great democracy while erecting a gauntlet of voting barriers for blacks …. One viral image from last week’s primary captures a similar disconnect. It was of Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos trying to reassure voters last Tuesday that in-person voting was ‘incredibly safe’ … while wearing a mask, gloves and other protective gear. …
“Daniel Schultz, a poll worker in Wisconsin, wrote …[,] ‘If I do die of this stupid virus because I took part in an ill-advised election, I want people to know: You have my complete permission to politicize my death,’ Schultz wrote. ‘Push for mail-in ballots. Push for voting reform. Make sure every anti-democratic politician who callously risked their constituents’ lives has to answer for it.’
“This anger could backfire on Republicans …. ‘We must never forget the images we saw in Wisconsin this week …,’ wrote Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund. ‘None of them could be certain they would avoid taking the deadly coronavirus home with them …. And, yet, they waited for hours … to exercise the fundamental right ….’ And plenty of them are also going to vote in November’s presidential election.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the best way to protect your precious right to vote is by turning out to vote against the party that wants to take it away from you.
If angry voters hand the House, Senate, and White House to Democrats this fall, one of the first things the new Congress and administration should do is enact a new voting rights law that ensures Republicans can never again take away American citizens’ right to vote.
This includes nationwide mail voting, a requirement for paper ballots, supervision of voter roll purging, and a new Supreme Court-proof Voting Rights Act.
@112 Still thinks the federal government can be run like a private family business.
@98 Appoint a special counsel and subpoena her bank accounts to see if there are any recent, large, inexplicable deposits. I’m not talking about the $1,200 stimulus payment.
@99 You know you’re being trolled, don’t you? And that his sole objective is to get a rise from you?
He whines about being “outnumbered 20 to 1,” yet he’s in no hurry to leave. Obviously, he gets something from being here. It’s watching you take the bait and gleefully clapping his hands together when you do.
Why airlines shouldn’t get government bailouts:
“Since 2000, U.S. airlines have declared bankruptcy 66 times. Despite the obvious vulnerability of the sector, boards/CEOs of the six largest airlines have spent 96% of their free cash flow on share buybacks, bolstering the share price and compensation of management … who now want a bailout. They should be allowed to fail. Bondholders will own the firms. Ships and planes will continue to float and fly ….”
Elections have consequences. In Virginia, where Democrats have taken complete control of state government,
” … Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation that repeals voter ID laws, makes Election Day a state holiday and expands access to early voting…. Early voting will now be allowed 45 days prior to an election without a stated excuse. … A separate bill expanded absentee voting timelines. … [T]he package of reforms included automatic voter registration … [making] Virginia is the 19th state, plus the District of Columbia, to adopt AVR. Not bad for a policy that didn’t exist in any state … five years ago.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Democrats want you to vote. Republicans don’t. It’s easier to impose a dictatorship like we have now when the people have no say.
Apparently there’s now a saliva test for Covid-19.
The analysis in this article, which addresses whether Gilead’s remdesivir — one of the most talked-up potential treatments for Covid-19 — works, should be right up the good doctor’s tree.
Spoiler alert: The article suggests it might work for some patients, but says there’s no real evidence yet that it works for any patients.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Gilead stock.)
With 98% reporting in Wisconsin the liberal margin in the Supreme Court race has ballooned over 150k votes.
That’s quite a lot in a partisan race that the GOP fought hard to win and Donald took an active role.
On the enthusiasm front with a high profile State Supreme Court race at stake, and a concerted effort all the way to USSCOTUS to depress Democratic leaning voters,(rounded)
Donald turned out 600k in the Primary.
Biden got 570k.
Seems bad until you see Bernie got 290k.
Add in the other Dems not even campaigning and you get (rounded)
930k Democratic votes
620k GOP votes
One could make an argument about foregone conclusion GOP primary but given the vote suppression effort AND the high profile statewide race this is about as bad a result as Team Donnie could get.
Seems Wisconsin hates the current state of affairs.
@121 And even shutting down 175 of the 180 polling places in the state’s largest city couldn’t save them.
My delicate rabbit nose is picking up a grassroots rebellion afoot. It’s detectable despite the suffocating stench from mountains of rotting Republican bullshit.
Sanders campaign spokeswoman: ‘I don’t endorse Joe Biden’
Wait ’til she finds out what he did to Tara Reade.
Slate does its take on Creepy Joe Biden. It was not kind.
Joe Biden Sails Under the New York Times’ Bar for Sexual Abuse
Women for Biden. Good luck with that PAC, Alyssa.
Also WaPo: There’s no justification for calling it the Wuhan virus, and it’s more than a little bit racist to do so.
WaPo: State Department Warned Of Safety Issues In Wuhan Coronavirus Lab In 2018
At some point y’all gonna get tired of this poseur.
He’s a white guy who wants y’all to think he’s black. If y’all don’t take him down now he’s gonna help take down Creepy Joe Biden.
Rachel. Dolezal.
Oh. One more thing. White dude’s right about Biden.
Isn’t it cute. The racist woman hater is echoing right wing propaganda in hopes it will get the impeached miserable failure re elected. Bless his little black heart. he cares deeply about the dictator wannabe.
Get some more ammo in that clip, on your going to hear empty clicks from the receiver long before the TrumPlague Death Virus quarantine is over.
There have to be other victims. There must be. Biden has been doing these terrible things for thirty years. In the case at hand he is accused of body slamming his victim into a wall and forcibly finger fucking her in a public hallway in the Rayburn during normal business hours in broad daylight in the middle of the day.
Not a single witness? Not to this and not to any other of what must surely be literally thousands of sexual assaults? No other corroborating reports and no other victims? With the Trump campaign, the Russian GRU, the GOP, and every single Trumpalo media shop hiring every single crank investigator from Jacob Wohl to Jerome Corsi to dig and dig and never stop until you find or make something there have simply got to be more victims out there and more reports of violent sexual assault, including a few that actually hold up under close examination. It’s been weeks. Where are they?
We need more than just “hair touching”.
“C’mon man. I heard you liked me.” Don’t quit now.
“y’all gonna get tired of this poseur.”
Can anybody here tell me, where exactly would I encounter said “poseur” on a regular or even sporadic basis that I could expect to “tire” of him or it?
Trumpalos encounter far more of AOC, Kathy Griffin, Michael Moore, and Glenn Greenwald then actual real Americans ever do.
And as far as any of us can tell, “y’all” will never tire of any of them.
More Rasmussen fun:
February 13, 2020
46% of likely voters feel America is headed in the right direction.
April 13, 2020
37% of likely voters feel America is headed in the right direction.
I notice that whenever his orange moron has a tantrum, Doctor Dumbfuck comes here and has one, too.
Maybe it isn’t so much that we have #TooManyFireEngines!
Maybe stupid, asshole Rapepublicans are wrong about that after all.
Maybe we just don’t have enough of the right kind of fire engines. Maybe, even when we all agree that there is a serious problem that we all need to spend some money trying to fix, we listen to the stupid, asshole Rapepublicans too much, and we get suckered into spending the money on the wrong things and then we’re afraid to fix it later because the stupid, asshole Rapepublicans will point at it and yell and call us names or worse.
Our case in point and our lesson for the current TrumPlague Death Virus pandemic crisis:
Armen Henderson is a Doctor of Internal Medicine and a hospitalist who works at The University of Miami Health System in Dade County Florida. For weeks now he has been using his own personal van stocked with supplies and equipment either donated or purchased with his own money to travel around Dade County testing, treating, and supporting the large homeless population there to protect them from the GOPlague.
It’s Florida. So naturally, of course, there is absolutely no public support for this effort. Which as Henderson points out, is important to gain control over the virus. Because you can’t simply ignore a viral population reservoir in your community when that population is free to move about within your community and spread the virus. You need some other kind of “fire engine” to go around and put out the viral hot spots and teach fire safety. But Florida is run by Rapepublicans. So BEACH WEEK!! motherfuckers!
But because this is Florida they do have plenty of money for another kind of “fire engine”. This is the kind of fire engine that trolls slowly back and forth through formerly red-lined neighborhoods looking for “suspicious activities” being perpetrated by POCs, ready to leap out and open fire at the slightest provocation. Florida has nearly unlimited resources for that kind of fire engine.
And once again, not only does that kind of fire engine consistently fail to put out any fires, in fact that kind of fire engine only ever succeeds in starting them.
Rapepublicans are not cut out for this work.
From my latest column:
“The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with a budget of more than $6 billion, is part of the government-medical complex, a division of the deep state that remains in power as politicians move in and out of office. Whatever their failures, the white coat supremacists never lose their jobs, never have to say they are sorry, and the money keeps coming.”
24,000 > 15
And Donald is giving movie reviews.
Housed in close proximity to the invisible Pizza Baby-Cannibal Dungeon for greater convenience.
Isn’t it a fascinating phenomenon that despite the awesome dark powers wielded by G-classified federal workers, they are consistently paid less than their private sector counterparts and they can be driven from their jobs at any moment by nothing more than the next snot-nossed, alt-Right propeller head with a Boat-Full-‘O-Dildos.
Funny old DERPSTATE! world!
If you vote for stupid, stupid is what you’ll get.
Maybe Floridians will know better than to elect a GOP governor again. We can hope.
And a Trump-clone GOP governor at that.
Stupid is, as stupid does.
@134 Yeah, to hell with them; here, have some anthrax with your coffee. What do they know.
@133 “Rapepublicans are not cut out for this work.”
I don’t see that they’re cut out for any kind of work. There is no task of leadership, governance, or public service that I would hire them for.
Keep an eye out for fire tantrum tweets to Shifty
I am assured that they make the best MLP porn.
I’m gonna have to trust my sources on that one.
@128 Sure looks like Trump isn’t the only one who’s scared shitless of Joe Biden. He’s giving Doc sleepless nights.
The polling data and images of Wisconsin’s determined voters, soon to be replicated all over the country, must be terrifying to anyone afraid of the White House being occupied by a human being next January.
It worked just like they hoped 40,000 fewer voters in Milwauke cast a ballot in their 5 open polling places than in 2016 primary.
It was not helpful.
Personally, I think he should let them.
25,000 > 15
Florida and Louisiana making a play for top five in number of cases.
Something big companies appear to be doing is covering up workplace exposure. Because, I presume, they don’t want employees stampeding for the exits. Last week I read that Delta Airlines ordered its employees to not exchange information about sick co-workers. Here, I see UPS hiding an employee’s illness and death from his co-workers.
It’s all about keeping “essential” workers on the job; to hell with their safety and well being. That’s evident from how slow these companies have been to provide even basic protective gear to their workers. The show must go on even if people die.
Ah, what the hell, just rope off the red counties and let ’em do what they want.
Just make sure nobody enters or leaves. Teams in hazmat suits do periodic sweeps to pick up the bodies.
@125 “Women for Biden. Good luck with that PAC, Alyssa.”
Thanks. You’re gonna need it, Bubba. You assholes lost America’s women four years ago. Even your mothers, wives, and daughters will vote against you. Again. They know a grunting pig when they see one.
More incompetence:
“It’s been more than three weeks since the $2 trillion CARES Act was signed into law, but the vast majority of those who qualify for economic relief — some in multiple categories — have yet to see their share.”
If you want something done, don’t hire a Republican to do it.
Is that per capita?
Do per capita. It’s fun.
Louisiana is already there. Florida is coming up slowly.
But that’s easier to understand when you look at the number of tests per capita. For example, Louisiana’s testing rate is about the same as NY. Florida is testing at way less than half that rate.
Florida is testing at a rate that compares with Wyoming.
We could be deeper in the woods than anyone wants to admit. Many larger states (higher population) with higher caseloads should be testing a fuckuvalot more than they are right now. That includes California unfortunately. Most of these states have abandoned contact tracing and are just hunkering down hoping for things to get better on their own.
So once again, maybe the only reliable metric is death rate and how that is trending. In the weeks ahead as moronic Rapepublicans continue to demand that we sacrifice our Nana for the sake of preserving BEACH WEEK!!! we may see some alarming trends from states like Florida. Unless they can be successful at classifying TrumPlague deaths as “accidental drownings” or whatever.
I wish they’d hurry up with my $1200 stimulus deposit, so I can send in my $1200 quarterly tax payment.
It would be more, but thanks to Republican Millionaire Deficit Tax Cuts (TM, pat. pend.), my taxes are much lower now than under Reagan or Bush41. We millionaires don’t pay many taxes anymore.
Many employers are ordering employees not to discuss the health status of another employee, citing HIPAA, and threatening them with federal criminal prosecution.
Let me be clear, the security provisions of HIPAA apply to providers and health insurers. The 2009 HITECH act expanded the protections to include “Business Associates” of providers and health insurers. Under certain circumstances, when an employer or and employer’s agent is acting in a capacity as an administrator on behalf of health insurer or a health insurer’s business associate then the employer and only the employer is bound by HIPAA.
Employers are correct to advise managers who act in an administrative capacity providing health insurance, and other benefits related to an employee illness that they may not share secure patient information. But that has absolutely nothing to do with employees sharing among themselves when a co-worker becomes pregnant, catches a deadly TrumPlague, or suffers a tragic arm-fishing or bottle shooting accident.
As usual these employers are fucked in the head and the threats they are making might even constitute unlawful workplace harassment. Their defense will be that “the big law confuses us”. But that’s bullshit. They fucking wrote “the big law”.
Breaking News:
If 2020 again comes down to a painful choice between two plainly awful candidates, Barack would like you to pick Creepy Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump.
That’s a smidge to the left of voting present.
That’s a smidge to the left of voting present.
Yawnn… snore…
129 times.. 3 percent… which means teh black guy voted yea or nay almost 4000 times?
Didn’t Tulsi vote present? Oh but that broke kreepee pos rapey mcdimfuk’s heart!
@ 157
One guy left in the race. Obama finally endorses. Now if that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what is.
The only thing missing is “
grab your ankles andhold your nose and…” at the end there.Now he’s gotta do it two elections in a row.
@158 You’ll pretend to hold your nose and then gleefully vote for the real stinker. Just like last time.
YTD Boeing has a total of negative 307 orders.
Wichita is shitting a brick over it.
Ya know, for a bear market, things aren’t too bad.
Once again, I’d like to thank YLB’s kids for footing the bill for it. Oh, and for the Social Security checks that’ll start rolling in just a few years from now.
Once again, I’d like to thank YLB’s kids
oooh triggered…
The great thing about kids is that they’re young. The odds are very good in this country they’ll be alive when a rapidly aging over the hill kreepee pos rape fantasy freak will die.
(die due to heart attack when its “mistress” writes a check to ACLU)..
@ 162
ACLU, Doctors Without Borders, The Nature Conservancy, KUOW…
Two weeks ago she got a “letter” from Ivanka. I don’t get any of that shit, especially since we moved, and we don’t know why she did.
Ya know, for a bear market, things aren’t too bad.
Thanks to 10 trillion in soshuleesm (free stuff) from the government and the federal reserve to make corps with bad management and governance, hedge funds, billionaire home offices and assholes with stock – whole..
Less than 10 cents on the dollar for people (most of us) who are in arrears on their rent and have no idea how they’re going to survive this crisis.
Yawn… chortling, complacent mofos can f themselves.
@163 a check to planned parenthood should really make a vein throb in your head…
let it be written.. let it be done..
Did over 2000 americans just die in the last 24 hours?
Yet surreal ‘murkans like kreepee pos rapey mcdimfuk believe “things aren’t too bad”…
Oho. Look who’s gleefully posting about a local company losses.
Maybe you could distract yourself watching an XFL game.
Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson raised their dividends today.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns both stocks.)
“Did over 2000 americans just die…”
Sure. But unless one of the 2000 actually is the sociopath then they are not perceived as real in the mind of the sociopath.
Am I correct that Q Clearance Pussy has offspring?
Let us hope for their sake that he was too consumed with his career to spend any time with them when they were young.
@161 ” … for the Social Security checks that’ll start rolling in just a few years from now”
What we have here is a guy who avoided the Vietnam draft by postponing his birth for 15 years.
I avoided it by enlisting.
@162 For me, Social Security is a sure thing. Doctor Dumbfuck, otoh, may be dead before seeing a penny. In fact, he has rather poor odds, given that Republicans have unhealthy lifestyles leading to early mortality from such morbidities as getting kicked in the head by a horse. I’m thinking maybe I should thank him for his payroll deduction contributions toward my Social Security while I still can.
Thanks, Doc. I appreciate it. I’m an asshole, but I’m not an ingrate.
@169 “Am I correct that Q Clearance Pussy has offspring?”
Yes, and in fact I retrieved a photo of one of them from his family photo album on his Facebook page. https://tinyurl.com/t8rg9s9
Heh. Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron liken himself to Captain Queeg.
Can we kick Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron off the boat now?
I take no exception to that hashtag.
“Is pro wrestling an ‘essential business’ in Florida? Gov. Ron DeSantis says it is. The statewide stay-at-home order doesn’t cover essential businesses. Then the governor layeth down the exception for the WWE.”
Gov. Jay Inslee to Doctor Dumbfuck, “You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. “
American ingenuity in action: An engineer husband and doctor wife came up with a way to reuse N95 masks by decontaminating them with hydrogen peroxide mist in shipping containers. Each shipping container can cycle 80,000 masks a day.
Oh heavens above! The death toll in the last 24 hours due to the novel coronavirus is now..
nearly 6000…
Does this mean “things” are “just a little worse”?
26,000 > 15
We actually ran past this one a while back.
Right Wing and Trump talking point. Hundreds of people die a day in car crashes (actually not true its 90 on average) and we don’t close down the roads!
6000 > 90
@178 Don’t forget old age. Old age kills people, too. But we don’t stop having birthdays.
And now we have landlords evicting nurses …
… which, btw, is illegal …
This looks to me like “Help me win re-election or I’ll kill your state’s old people, doctors, and nurses”.
That might be impeachable conduct. But only Jonathan Turley can say. Yup.
@173 The Bounty mutineers put Captain Bligh and crew members who remained loyal in a boat and set them adrift. They survived 4,164 miles across mostly open sea. I’m not sure Trump is made of the same stuff.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts Bombshell News – Demorat Phonies Throw Under Bus Woman Assaulted By Biden-Einstein.
In late March, Anna Fahr, a 38-year-old independent filmmaker, went down an internet rabbit hole. She Googled and tweeted and posted on Facebook: She wanted to know why she couldn’t find any mainstream outlets’ stories about Tara Reade – a woman who alleges former vice president Joe Biden sexually assaulted her when she was working in his Senate office in 1993.
It “set off alarm bells” that an allegation against the leading Democratic presidential candidate seemed to be “hush-hush,” says Fahr, an American citizen who’s splitting her time between Toronto and Beirut. In the age of #MeToo, she wondered: “Why in this particular case are we not having a conversation about this?” [Because Demorats are lying phonies dingbat, wake the phuc up.]
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/10/20 at 6:52 pm
After another 7 days, the frighteningly (to Democrats who are desperate for something to use against Republicans holding office)
severe pandemic has now killed
30 people… no, one week later it’s 100 people
… no, one week later it’s 685 people
… no, one week later it’s 12,813 people
… no, one week later it’s 26,047 people
in a population of 331,000,000. Of those, about 28 would probably have died in the next 3 years, anyway, and more than a couple would have succumbed to “the flu”.
Testing Reveals ‘Stunning’ Asymptomatic Coronavirus Spread Among Boston’s Homeless
“Perfectly healthy” Norwalk trainer, 30, dies after contracting coronavirus
Coronavirus Ravages the Lungs. It Also Affects the Brain. As Covid-19 cases mount, doctors are seeing patients who are experiencing symptoms like seizures, hallucinations and loss of smell and taste
GOP congressman: Dying from virus is ‘lesser of two evils’ if we can save economy
>> I wonder if the racist woman hater will come out of his basement and die to save the economy of Washington for the reelection of the impeached miserable failure.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – China Orders Demorat-China Party To Sabotage Reopening Of American Economy, China-Demorats Promptly Obey The Chicom Party Line.
China Orders- The COVID-19 epidemic situation in Europe has shown signs of easing.
But it is hard to tell whether an inflection point has appeared in the Europe and US. Such little relief cannot justify the resumption of work in Europe and the US.
An economic shutdown can be more detrimental to the ruling parties of the US and European countries than the pandemic. For the US, it is a capitalist country after all where maintaining economic activities is given higher priority than humanitarianism and is the basic way to keep society running.
Demorat-China Party Obeys- Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Hysterical Speech-Ripping Dingbat) blasted President Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis as “almost sinful,” saying countless Americans would die if he reopens the U.S. economy in May.
@185 I see you want to kill us, too.
So does this idiot:
“An Indiana congressman said Tuesday that letting more Americans die from the novel coronavirus is the ‘lesser of two evils’ compared with the economy cratering due to social distancing measures.”
605,000 cases, 25,757 deaths including 2,129 more today, and they want to play Russian roulette with our lives.
This RI Gov is a tough cookie. No way is she going to let The Hump tell her what to do.
Palin should really learn what a soccer mom is. Wasn’t that her expression? Something to do with a mom
Mrs. Palin referred to herself as a “Mama Grizzly”
protecting her cubspimping her cubs out to media pornographers.Family values, etc.
Good night thought:
president RapeHero has never expressed condolences for any of those who died from the coronavirus or their families.
He has never invoked a moment of silence out of respect for their lost lives.
He has never expressed any thanks or appreciation for the doctors, nurses, and other front line healthcare workers battling to keep the rest of us safe while they also battle to keep a few more of us from dying.
He doesn’t have it in him. They don’t have it in them.
This is not who Rapepublicans are.
Rapepublicans are not cut out for this work.
“He doesn’t have it in him.”
While I detested Reagan’s policies, he was still my president, and I was very glad to see that he had “it” in him for four minutes on January 28, 1986 .
We’ll continue our quest in space. There will be more shuttle flights and more shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers in space. Nothing ends here; our hopes and our journeys continue.
I want to add that I wish I could talk to every man and woman who works for NASA or who worked on this mission and tell them: “Your dedication and professionalism have moved and impressed us for decades. And we know of your anguish. We share it.”
There’s a coincidence today. On this day 390 years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama. In his lifetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and an historian later said, “He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it.” Well, today we can say of the Challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake’s, complete.
The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and “slipped the surly bonds of earth” to “touch the face of God.”
Fucking hilarious.
“With A Little Help From The Feds” by Founders Sing
@190 ahhh, yes, Mama Grizzly, that was it. More like Mama Pimper, as stated.
@191 why have to thank anyone when you’re the best and greatest person in the world.
The best damn Doctor. The best Weatherman. The Best at everything. People have to thank him! Especially for the $1200 check.
Dictator In Chief
Come suck my big two round balls
Fuck You, You Fat Slob
3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the WHO as of March 3
COVID 19 does not have a cure or a vaccine yet. So a person gets it, all the medical professionals are doing is trying to keep them alive long enough for the person’s immune system to fight off the virus if it can.
It seems to me that if we lift the “stay-at-home” the virus will still kill 3.4% of the population, but do it more slowly instead of all in April and May.
Age & Death Rate.
80+ years old 14.8%
70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
Until we get universal testing or a vaccine, we won’t know if it’s safe to be around other people.
What am I mistaken on?
Maine tracking poll has more very bad news for Moscow Mitch.
Susan Collins is the most disapproved of statewide incumbent in Maine. Some might even say “despised”.
Collins numbers dropped during her disgraceful impeachment performance sailing to the rescue of president RapeHero. And now as Mainers overwhelmingly approve of their own state’s response to the TrumPlague Death Virus Disaster in comparison to president RapeHero, they disapprove of Collins even more.
Primaries have been wisely postponed until July. Which will give Mainers even more time to watch the Trump Body Pile grow, consider Collins’ scandalous history of repeatedly blocking pandemic response funding, her efforts to block TrumPlague economic relief for hard working Mainers, and prepare to be more partisan than they have ever been before.
Moscow Mitch has to play these cards before him. Too late to shuffle. And he is going to lose this hand badly. He put Collins in this position. All she had to do to look reasonable to her constituents was cast a “no” vote on Associate Justice Rohypnol and a “yes” vote on impeachment. Two simple things she knew were the right thing to do. But Moscow Mitch forbade it. And she will lose because of it.
Because Rapepublicans are not cut out for this work.
I think he should pick Warren or Bernie as VP, personally.
Not much.
In the meantime – ideas of how to retool to keep an economy going and supply chains open, however limited, is what needs to be done.
We need Socialism more than ever right now.
@197 my buddy Nick can do a great impression of the wench from Maine. It’s hilarious – but Bob probably would pout about it, the Snowflake, or maybe just Flake, that he is.
Try this:
My wife explains she can’t stand listening to president RapeHero. She says the sound of is voice, his speech pattern, whatever, makes her feel physically ill. So I came up with a mental trick for her to make it easier. It’s a lot like the Marsha Brady driving test trick.
Close your eyes and listen to a recording of Trump. But as you do picture Bea Arthur from Maude:
@190 Alaskans know her as Quitter Palin. The police know her for her mean right hook.
@195 What $1200 check? I haven’t seen one. If I ever get it, I’ll just use it to pay taxes anyway. The lord giveth, the lord taketh away.
@196 “What am I mistaken on?”
Three things: There’s an acceptable level of casualties. You’re expendable. The economy is not.
Here’s a candidate the dumbfuck can vote for:
Kellyanne’s back in the news with her patented hijinks.
“This is Covid-19, not Covid-1, folks. You would think that people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that. This is just a pause right now.”
Yeah, why did WHO wait for the 19th pandemic to do something about this virus? Believe it or not, 9 of 10 Republicans will fall for this spiel.
Oh. This is what’s holding up the $1200 stimulus checks:
“President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks …. The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days ….”