– Sorry it’s so late. I think even though I knew it was coming I wasn’t prepared for this crappy new bus reality. Should be back to regular soon.
– Hillsboro’s environmental record is really something to strive for.
– It’s a little late for banned books week, but I’m linking to this now because it’s better than never.
– Speaking of books and a little bit late, hey, my friend wrote a book. I haven’t read it yet, so no recommendation one way or the other.
Thanks Roger for education the Ape on Saluting, in an earlier thread. But I’m afraid the Apes limitation of learning is limited to pushing buttons for the reward of Bananas.
History should be taught with warts and all. No candy-coating anything.
Or embellishing.
@2 My comment on that subject is here: http://handbill.us/?p=34717
Vermont Cop, pulls a black dude over in freezing weather for an “obscured registration tag”, then claims the dog sitting in his truck detected heroin. The dog was not a drug dog, and never left the seat of the truck, so the cop has the man’s car towed after the man refused to grant permission to the Cop to search the vehicle, leaving the man 8 miles from home. The cop outright lied to the subject, and then used his ability to flout the law to his own advantage.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the Nazis don’t need the politicians to do anything but provide the budgets and to provide excuses to ignore the law. All they need to take over the entire system and eliminate Constitutional protection of the Citizen, is to control the Police. They start with the Black folks because most people, especially White folks, will agree (at least secretly) that the Black folks and Brown folks are just the criminal class in any case, so such things don’t affect them.
Us Liberal White folks don’t do anything, because we somehow continue to presume that Police Officers are generally considered to be somewhat more honest than “regular folks” and are tasked with solving crimes. We still have a measure of faith that this is the case. We want to believe that they’re not just a group of thugs and State-licensed criminals and psychopaths. We still have our doubts, even when the Police commit outright cold blooded deliberate murder in full view of the Public. The Police don’t even need to justify their actions in the face of an actual threat, they only need to make the statement that they “felt threatened”. This gives absolute license to any sadistic coward wearing a badge to do as he damn well pleases. So they’re shooting elderly people lying in bed, they’re beating people to death in the streets. They’re killing people having epileptic seizures, diabetic crises and hearing deficiencies. They are doing this openly, and without anyone in a position to stop them.
All Police are trained by private contractors now. Jorge Scientific, Academi and other private companies that just might have an agenda beyond contracting for Police training and prison management. Police Officers are being specifically trained to kill on sight, have engaged in several highly visible and illegal extrajudicial killings over the years, and are only increasing their legal justifications for doing so. There are no good ways to oppose this. There is no Political representation that can maintain occupancy of an elected office and counter these arguments. To do so, is to be accused of being “soft on crime” by the Court of public opinion, (force-fed by the Corporate press), and courts open opposition from business and the political representation system of the Police themselves.
It’s certain that there are several companies that openly promote the idea that the Government should get out of the way completely and that private business should be put in charge of everything, including Law Enforcement. They pay hundreds of millions of dollars to Lobbyist/bribery organizations like The National Chamber of Commerce and ALEC to promote this idea, and they have one entire Political party dedicated to supporting them. The only “oppositional” party is mostly going along with the program. There are huge profits to be made in enforcing the Law nowadays. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Greed is the best motivator, especially where the ability to reward it is granted to the individuals who are tasked with writing and enforcing the Law.
Welcome to the Fourth Reich. Constitution? We don’t need to actually enforce those laws, those are just words on paper. It’s “pre-911” thinking. George Bush and Dick Cheney made sure that became the new national norm. It started with Richard Nixon, and Lyndon Johnson set the tone. Ronald Reagan recited his lines and everyone got down on their knees and sucked his withered little dick over it. They still do.
If that doesn’t define Fascism, I don’t know what else would.
I’ve been convinced for a long time, that the United States of America effectively ceased to exist the moment Lyndon B. Johnson first raised his hand and swore out the Oath of Office.
Republican Court Blocks Early Voting In Ohio
In yet another partisan decision, the 5 Republican extremists on the Supreme Court blocked the start of early voting in Ohio tomorrow.
@4 “There are no good ways to oppose this.”
There’s still one — tort lawyers. Unlawful killings by cops are costing municipal governments millions per pop. That doesn’t get killer cops fired, or their chiefs replaced, or mayors and city councils diselected. (But I hope Ed Murray is a one-term mayor.) But juries can stick it to them financially, and no one controls juries.
Looks like King County Metro will be holding off on further cuts.
Metro has been making efficiencies that are little noticed, such as health savings, ordering fewer buses, bus procurement costs lower than projected, and the cost of diesel going down.
stuffed butt empty tea bag? Where did Puddy get educated on saluting by NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? Dreaming again?
Meanwhile Obummer misses the PDB and the libtard press sez nuthin! http://www.breitbart.com/Big-P.....-Briefings
Obummer like most HA DUMMOCRETINS always wants to blame someone else. Throw them under the bus. Butt, Josh Earnest had to try and clean it up yesterday at the Daily whitey house press Lies and Coverup meeting!
Butt there is more http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....-isis.html
PuddyCommentary: Obummer wanted to “cement” his legacy as the president who ended Afghanistand and Iraq. Well even well educated NY Slimes and New Yorker colmunist admitted Obummer wrong to fast leave Iraq. Was a recent agreement just signed to leave 9800 soldiers in Afghanistan? Now Obummer doesn’t attend the PDB? Where is the outrage from the freakazoid libtards of HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Too many links and the it’s held back. Find them freakazoids!
@8 case in point, you are uneducatable.
@8 If you missed it, see #21 in http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....ganza-188/
@9 And who created an opening for ISIS by destabilizing Iraq in the first place? I’m not saying Saddam’s government was all that great, but what did your organ grinder monkey get in its place? A Sunni-Shiite civil war and ISIS … so maybe attacking Saddam wasn’t the best move in the circumstances? Not to mention the 4400+ American lives GOP warmongers squandered in Iraq. Or do you still believe there are WMDs buried somewhere in the desert sands? I wouldn’t put that past you, either.
@9 you ever hear the song “you can’t always get what you want, but if you try some time you just might find you get what you need”? End of story. With Republicans you get a Nazi state with freedoms taken away, and the American Taliban on the rise. With Republicans you never get what you want, unless you are looking for less freedom and most definatlely quicker and longer wars.
Liberal = Freedom. Conservative = Nazi State
Wow! The village idiot troll did another one of his classic scream and run from the facts fits, facts which conflict with his bullcrap memes, over in the Multimedia thread.
Let’s examine this scream fit in detail:
How lame!
Again: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03.....wanted=all
“About 17 percent of blacks who moved to the South in the past decade left New York State, far more than from any other state, the census data show.”
“The five counties with the largest black populations in 2000 — Cook in Illinois, Los Angeles, Wayne in Michigan, Kings in New York and Philadelphia — all lost black population in the last decade.”
See quote above!
“Houston’s southern suburbs are the top choice for African American home buyers. Houston does not have large “all-Black” suburbs that are typical of places like Atlanta or Washington DC. However, for those who want to enjoy the middle class and upper middle class lifestyle within the same culture, this is where it is most possible.
When Houstonians are asked where the top areas to live for African Americans are, these are usually the first mentioned. More than 125,000 or 15.5% of the Suburbs south of Houston are African American.
Black population growth has been in the triple digits in areas of Richmond, Pearland, Fresno, and Manvel during the last nine years.”
“The city of Atlanta actually had a net decline in blacks from 2000 to 2010, even though the metro area [suburbs] led all others in black population gain.”
The jerk troll has not refuted this FACT. He tries to distract from the TRUTH of this FACT by cherry picking Seattle. Or just freaking LYING about metro areas whose inner cores have seen obvious African American out-migration.
And this jerk troll has the nerve to call African Americans “sheeple”.
The “RESERVATION” that the troll blathers about (and worships his beloved WEST and CARSON over) exists only in the vacuum between the troll’s ears.
The vacuum is “reserved” for always wrong wing aka klownservative idiocy and propaganda!
EPIC FAYLE Again from NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit.
Obummer did you jackASS!
Once again NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is as wrong as ever!
Wow, Chris Matthews must be very sure of no Obummer backlash… http://www.realclearpolitics.c....._here.html
No wonder Kentucky peeps are staying with Mitch McConnell at this time… Grimes is another DUMMOCRETIN klown! http://hotair.com/archives/201.....ht-answer/
@15 I can’t follow your logic, probably because there isn’t any.