— This is the very definition of insanity!
— Don’t be an asshole…VOTE!
— I think we should call this “the GOP Cancer Strategy”: “House Republicans will take a carefully orchestrated, staunchly anti-Washington campaign to voters this month, blaming President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats for Americans’ unhappiness with government.“
— Cool! Farmer’s Market Finder for Washington and Oregon
— Woodland Park Zoo’s baby boom.
— A CEO weighs in: Law promoting STEM education is a win for Washington.
— The new Dr. Who.
— The RNC threatens NBC and CNN. Reince Priebus threatens cutting networks from debate access if they air Clinton programs.
– The RNC threatens NBC and CNN. Reince Priebus threatens cutting networks from debate access if they air Clinton programs.
And then there are the Hillary movies they won’t air:
She’s only a rock star because you guys spend so much time saying she’s a rock star.
“What difference at this point does it make?”
We’ll see.
Two Pennsylvania Children Banned from Discussing Fracking Settlement for Their Entire Lives
Makes you wonder what they are covering up?
Reince is having a sad, and cheapshotBob gives us links to scary, SCARY Hillary movie from…Citizens United. I loved the storm clouds in the background!
Reince is trying to find a way to pull the clown car that is the Republican primary off the national stage – and what better way to do it than have a tantrum alleging favorable coverage for Hillary from the “LIBTARD MSM!!”
Wasn’t Citizens United about corporations having to freedomz! to broadcast anything they damn well please? Aren’t CNN and NBC corporations?
Cheapshot, you are just a laugh a minute.
@ 2
“I, frankly, your Honor, as an attorney, to be honest with you, I don’t know if that’s possible that you can give up the First Amendment rights of a child.”
Of course, they can’t say ‘Bong hits for Jesus’ in certain places, so that’s sort of still up for discussion, I’d venture.
How about if NBC and CNN cut off the GOP from air time? Republicans need them more than they need Republicans.
What did Anthony Weiner see in Sydney Leathers?
At the top of http://www.vivid.com there’s 36 seconds of NSFW video.
I didn’t look but if you want to see more, I’m sure there’s a way to pay to do it. Ask Anthony for the specifics. He’s been payin’ for a couple of weeks now.
@ 5
How about if NBC and CNN cut off the GOP from air time?
How about a FEC violation so obvious that any non-attorney with a high school civics class under his/her belt would be smart enough not to suggest it, dumbfuck?
@2 Children can’t enter legally binding contracts, and it’s questionable whether parents can make agreements that are binding on their children which continue into adulthood, so that gag order may not be worth the paper it’s written on after the children turn 18.
@7 “How about a FEC violation so obvious …”
Really? Here’s what’s obvious to everyone except a civics illiterate like you:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Read that, then explain to me where FEC has authority to issue orders to NBC and CNN about what they must cover, report on, print, or broadcast.
You’re so cute when you get all huffy and profane like that.
*eye roll*
What’s it like to be the habitual target of ridicule from an entire online community, small though it may be?
When republicans lock out journalists from The Stranger, Serial “Doesn’t pay his debts” Conn says nothing, but when the reverse is threatened to the GOP, he gets all indignant.
“It’s OK if a Republican Does it”
@ 11
Actually, that ‘Get a job.’ smarmy comment McKenna made turned me off from his campaign and I stopped supporting him at that point. Learned about that right here on HA.
Also, Obama did the same thing a couple of weeks ago – they kept out some right-leaning student reporter group (of course I can’t recall exactly what it was) and I also said nothing.
My indignation had to do with dumbfuck RR’s suggestion that equal air time not be provided to GOP candidates. I’m sure air time wasn’t in the Constitution, so I’d have to retort to dumbfuck RR’s First Amendment quotation @ 9
with something out of the Fourteenth.
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;
The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Seems relevant.
The Australian Election is on for September 7th after all. After ousting Prime Minister Gillard in a party-riom vote, former PM Kevin Rudd has caused a big bounce in the polls, both a gain in the primary vote, and parity on two party prefered vote. In May, both of those had the opposition Liberal and National parties in such a commanding lead, Members of the House of Representatives from the Governing party were packing up their offices in Canberra.
@ 7 @ 9
I said FEC and still think that FEC has some controlling authority but apparently it’s under FCC if it’s a campaign ad on the tube:
Communications Act of 1934, as Amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996
As far as which Article or Amendment in the Constitution contains the explicit authority granted to Congress, dumbfuck RR @ 9, I assume it’s in the same Article as those rights to privacy and to abortion. Since I’m a ‘civics illiterate’, I couldn’t find those rights specifically enumerated.
@ 12
Are you really promoting the idea that Corporations and Political Parties are States?
The GOP has no right to demand “equal time” for any broadcast service after they got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. If I owned a large network like that, Conservatives wouldn’t even be reported on except for the constant scandals they seem to get mixed up in. I’d report every connection to the Banks and Multinational conglomerates, and I’d report on every Swiss bank account, and every goddamn time one of them walked out on a restaurant or hotel bill which they seem to do with alarming regularity.
Fuck the GOP. They’re the party of crazy, stupid, greedy and mean. Just because someone seems to have perfectly coiffed hair, wears their alleged “faith” on their sleeve and they all seem to be wearing $10,000 suits doesn’t mean they aren’t thieves. Quite the opposite in fact. You cannot present yourself as a “candidate for the people” when you’re wearing a $150,000 wristwatch while making speeches about how everyone should just tighten their belts.
NBC and CNN have to do the will of the republicans, but FOX news can show what ever it wants.
Really come back when you can make sense and be fair and balanced.
@ 15
The GOP has no right to demand “equal time” for any broadcast service
See @ 14
Just because someone seems to have perfectly coiffed hair, wears their alleged “faith” on their sleeve and they all seem to be wearing $10,000 suits doesn’t mean they aren’t thieves.
Not a nice thing to say about Michelle Obama.
If I owned a large network like that…
Don’t you need to find a job first? An analogy would be me saying “If I were married to Jennifer Aniston…”
@ 16
Really come back when you can make sense and be fair and balanced.
The sentence immediately following your Media Matters link.
Something I do share with the real conservatives of my youth, a healthy fear for the 1984 Big Brother surveillance state.
Our government should NOT be spying on it’s citizens.
And to cut you off before you all use the “If you are not doing something wrong, you should mind being watched” argument, Just because something is legal NOW, doesn’t mean it’s not illegal in the next administration. I’m a gay man, I remember stories of how it was illegal to dance with person of the same gender in bars. Look at the changes in Russia. What if the next admin thinks it’s perfectly fine to coordinate with it’s favorite donor corporations and blacklist every employee who has ever posted something that is pro union.
@ 17
I don’t see Michelle Obama going around telling everyone within earshot how “Christian” she is. She’s not an elected official. Besides, if she didn’t have well-dressed hair and nice clothes, you Fascisti would have a field day with that. It’s bad enough you assholes make a point of talking about her ass, as though that the most important aspect of her persona.
I don’t see Barack Obama wearing a gold Patek Philippe Celestial, the way Mittens does.
@11 “when the reverse is threatened to the GOP”
No wait, go back and read the original comment, it’s the GOP threatening to lock out NBC and CNN that’s provoking Serial Numbskull’s outrage.
He didn’t read the fine print before signing the lease.
@11 “when the reverse is threatened to the GOP”
No wait, go back and read the original comment, it’s the GOP threatening to lock out NBC and CNN that’s provoking Cereal’s outrage. He didn’t read the fine print before signing the lease.
@18 I though you would enjoy the irony of Facts vs Fox.
Is it acceptable for Fox to not broadcast the president’s entire speech?
Do you think Fox has the right to choose what it shows and doesn’t show?
@ RR
Since when do Fascists understand the need for basic reading comprehension? Half their fucking electorate are functionally illiterate.
@21,22. Dang. I got that backwards. I apologize.
(Trigger Serial “won’t pay his debt’s” Conn’s glee in 3. 2. 1.)
@ 23
Um, what speech?
Over the weekend I saw two headlines about Michelle’s birthday Tweet to Barack.
After I pulled my head out of the toilet I realized that we didn’t see tweets from George W. to Laura, although very few were tweeting 5-6 years ago. We certainly saw fewer woman’s magazines with First Lady splashed on the cover, GQ spreads of Barack, and Oprah/Leno visits by the first couple.
If Fox doesn’t broadcast Barack 24/7, that’s their choice. Now, when they cut out of a big game before it’s over…..
@12 Hey armchair lawyer, what “privileges and immunities” are you talking about? The Fairness Doctrine, perchance? If so, my retort would be, I thought your crowd was against that and went to court to block it.
So, Cereal seems to think the government can order NBC and CNN to broadcast coverage of GOP rallies, candidates, and campaigns.
If I’ve misunderstood what the law is, and FEC can do that, then I want to talk with FEC about Fox News.
Until now, the system in this country has always been that if you don’t like how the other guy’s newspaper reports political news, your recourse is to start your own frikken newspaper.
In the Australian Election, the Liberals and Nationals have the lions share of seats in Western Australia,cand the House Seat in the Northern Territory. They have the state governments in the three states on the Eastern Seaboard, but the LNP government in Queensland is losing support, and the Liberals in Victoria jave ousted one premier already. It could flow up, and the minor parties, where they put their preferences is important, as for it to be a valid vote, all candidates have to be ranked. Also, the Liberals can’t pick their voters by hampering their opponents voters ability to vote claiming voter fraud, Voting is compulsory, and the election is overseen by the Australian Election Commission.
Cereal is off to a good start today. Rarely has he been in such superb form.
@26. Ok, you have established that you don’t want repercussions if “If Fox doesn’t broadcast Barack 24/7, that’s their choice.” Then it’s up to NBC and CNN to air Clinton programs, that’s their choice, and there should not be repercussions. Cause if Fox can air or not air with impunity, so should the other networks.
Republicans got rid of the Fairness Doctrine, remember?
@15 “Are you really promoting the idea that Corporations and Political Parties are States?”
Yeah, that’s what he’s saying. Why not? “Corporations are people, too,” so why can’t they also be “states?”
I would argue that Cereal calling me a “dumbfuck” involves a certain amount of literary license.
@17 “me saying “If I were married to Jennifer Aniston…””
Now here’s an interesting proposal! She has a lot of trouble hanging onto guys (for what Mrs. Rabbit assures me are very good reasons). Looks like we’ve found one who wants her. Somebody call her agent!
@26 “If Fox doesn’t broadcast Barack 24/7, that’s their choice.”
BINNGGGOOOOOO!!!!! Now explain to us again why that doesn’t apply to NBC and CNN if they don’t want to broadcast GOP whining, sniveling, and bullshitting.
And now for something completely different.
Of the new doctor who doctors, David Tennant then Christopher Eccleston were my favorites. This new guy looks interesting.
The last couple of episode sets have been getting kind of dreary. For me, it wasn’t so much the actor’s fault, as the stories were consistently lame. I’m getting tired of Executive producer Steven Moffat guidance. It feels like he’s run out of good stories arcs he wants to tell, and he’s just coasting. Still, of the last set, I though Hide was a fun episode, and so was The Crimson Horror.
I voted.
Nathan Schlicher will be a boring, but adequate, non-boat rocking state senator. Which isn’t much of an endorsement, but it’s better than Jan Angel who’s a highly partisan member of the far right and, based on the interactions I’ve had with her over the years, also dumber than a cabbage.
My 10 year old asked if Mayor McGinn won a second time, would that be “McGinn Again”?
@37 “dumber than a cabbage”
Is there a wingnut who isn’t?
Today’s commute in the Bay Area could have been worse, as BART Strike Part II was about to happen. Marathon negotiations began to stall last night. Literally atthe eleventh hour, Governor Jerry Brown imposed a 7 day cooling off period, at BART management requear. In June, the unions asked for a 60 day cooling off period, and he refused.
While the Board of Investigators looks into the situation, no strikes or lockouts can occur. Ironically, the two sides agreed on one thing earlier in the week, they both opposed a San Francisco Supervisor’s suggestion that a ban on strikes, such as what is in place for San Francisco Municipal Railway bus, streetcar, and cable car drivers. The Supervisor’s name was the same last name as a certain NYC mayoral candidate.
Lifetime generation 220.05 kWh
Current Power 2584 W
Generation Of Current Day 6.23 kWh
Sporting News reports Mariner Jesus Montero has agreed to serve a 50-game suspension arising from the Biogensis scandal.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
Two people are dead and five injured after a gunman sprayed a crowd outside a Salinas, California taco shop. The mayhem, which police say is gang-related, followed a murder a few hours earlier.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m against gang-bangers having guns,
no matter what the Second Amendment says.
@ 42
All of them did, except A-Rod. He wasn’t offered 50.
@44 Are you still here? Don’t you have a job to go to, or something?
You dismiss the MediaMatters story out of hand without any information as to a perceived bias. What exactly was incorrect about the story? Did Fox cut away from Obama’s speech while CNN and MSNBC continued with the speech or not? That question is not colored by partisan bias, it’s either true or it’s not. You have failed to demonstrate where the falsehood is.
WOW! Smarmy? That is just too precious for words.. Dr. Carlos Dimbulb taking offense at a Republican goobernatorial candidate directing sharp words at a woman asking him a question about abortion legislation..
What a compassionate klownservative that Dimbulb.
Of course Dimbulb would be offended.. The proper retort from the Dimbulb perspective is:
Take a bath, bitch!
That’d get a fat check and a vote from Dr. Dimbulb in a New York nanosecond.
Jan Angel is the Washington State Co-chair for ALEC, that utterly despicable Koch-front group that brings us things like ‘Stand-your-ground’ and giveaways to Big Oil and Big Ag, “Right-to-Work” bullshit, and other state-level giveaways to the plutocracy.
It is imperative that Schlicer win and Angel lose that seat, for those reasons as well as maintaining (and not backsliding) in terms of Democrats in the State Senate.
@ 46
You are correct, I have failed to demonstrate bias by mediamatters.org in that @ 18 comment.
Similarly, I need not demonstrate on a daily basis that water is wet. I need only avoid showering after dressing.
I note that ABC and CBS were not mentioned. Did they cover it? How about CNBC? Was it covered in its entirety?
Did Team Obama request airtime for the speech? It’s generally considered optional to cover something that isn’t specifically requested for live TV coverage by the White House.
Fox continued the coverage on its business channel. Are they obligated to anchor themselves to a droning speech that breaks new ground? What pivot-to-jobs number is this for President Pirouette, 19?
@ 47
YLB, you and I both know that you wouldn’t recognize a fat check if you ever saw one.
Your best bet is to continue trying to be run over by that weekly sanitation truck.
50 – LOL! Like LS said, you’re a laugh a minute Dr. Dimbulb..
“Smarmy” Rob McKenna…
That’s rich indeed Dr. D..
@45 – Get him Rog….shit all over that dumb fuck.
@50. Who golly Seriel, you really schooled him. Personal character attacks are always the best way to show how smart you are, what a big man you are. Are you going to attack his kids next? That’s always a knee slapper! You are so right. Show us more of your intellegance!
Wonder how Piddles us reacting to news that the elder Tsarnaev was reading Truther and Gun Nut literature? I don’t put much stock into people’s personal libraries as I myself own ‘Atlas Shrugged’ and The King James Bible and believe in them equally.
C’mon Piddles, show us that ‘Laughner is a satanist’ link again. Please?
I noticed that on the Light Rail issue, some of the Mayoral challengers said that they would just use the Sound Transit plan. I was wondering if they know that as mayor, they get a seat on the board. They are allotted by sub-area, with the three subareas in King County chosen by the King County Executive, although the Seattle mayor usually gets one seat from the Seattle-Norh King subarea.
In Los Angeles, the two mayoral candidates in the runoff, had differing opinions on how transit riders in South LA will be heard. One candidate said she would take their concerns into account, while Eric Garcetti said he would appoint someone from South LA to the MTA board. Garcetti won. When it comes to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority board of directors, the Maor gets one seat, and appoints three more. Garcetti has appointed a city councilmember who represents South LA to the board.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos just bought the Washington Post.
The Red Sox oener also bought the Boston Globe over the weekend.
In Australia, the focus of the election coverage will be the Labor, Liberals, Nationals, and a few smaller parties like the Greens, Democratic Labor, Family First, Katter’s Australian Party(named after the independent MP who atarted it), but there are a lot of issue-oriented microparties. They got names like the Wikileaks Party, Liberals for Forests, Bullet Trains for Australia, Shooters/Outdoor Recreation, and even the Sex Party.
In Australia, these parties can affect policy, through how they distribute their preferences in the preferential voting system used in Australia.
You know what would show them? A week long documentary series on Fox on Rick Santorum, showing what he stands for and what his vision for America is. Boy, that would really turn things around! The other don’t pass the ideology tests. Cristie is a RINO, so nothing for him. Rubio is kinda sorta maybe for immigration so he’s out.
@48 And to turn Rodney Turncoat into Senate Minority Leader.
@49 Obama’s jobs record is better than your organ grinder monkey’s. But that’s not hard to do. There isn’t a single GOP president since Harding whose jobs record has bested that of any Democrat since then. In other words, the worst Democrats are better than the best Republicans at creating jobs. Did Milton Friedman ever figure out how to explain that away?
Where did Doctor Dimbulb go? Is it time for his daily enema?
Jobs, jobs, jobs,
Or not. And they can’t even get the thing passed. Rick Perry is failure monkey A#1.
WTF does that have to do with anything. If history is correct, Mitt Romney earned his money, not by being a community organizer or involved in politics on the guvmint dole like Obummer.
Another specious and worthless argument!
Fascist Pigsty is blind to biases of CNN and NBC knowingly and willingly choosing to stick with Hillary cheer leading. So then how can they be neutral political brokers in 2016? We already viewed Candy Crowley in a 2012 debate and then she chose to retract it “after” the election, not before.
Once again HA librul leftist moonbats display their true colors.
Who knows? ABC and CBS don’t have 24 hour cable news stations like FOX, MSNBC and CNN. Most of the broadcast networks are showing Oprah, or soaps or game shows during the afternoon and leave policy speeches to the cable news networks and CSPAN. But Fox viewers, who couldn’t give a shit what happens outside the borders of the US, suddenly need to know the name of the new British prince? Name one time where CNN or MSNBC cut away from a Bush speech to cover a Michael Jackson story.
Do you even know how these speeches are handled by the White House? The networks are given a heads up as to how long the speech will last and even a copy of the speech. Fox could have just declined from the start to show it on their main channel and only on their business channel, but to start airing the speech, then cut away when their Neanderthal viewers’ attention span craters is just plain rude. It’s called respect for the office:
“In this building, when the President stands, nobody sits”
Big pile of BULLSHITTIUM right there! Media Morons is a leftist rag with big time leftist biases. Very easy to dismiss anything anytime from Media Morons!
You mean you are finally comparing Tamerlan to Van Jones another Truther? Or how about headless racist lucy being a truther? Guess truth hurts.
Unless you count that $1.5B from the US Treasury that Mitt got to run the Olympics. He would have you believe that he did it all with private donations. And don’t forget that cheap land that he and his buddies bought in the Utah boonies, then later sold at a profit after the taxpayers built nearby roads to get the fans out to the ski slopes. Mitt suckered the US government into handing out $1.5B, now that’s a hell of an organizer.
Oh boy. More verbal diarrhea from Putty Butt.
Looks like Carlos Dimbulb’s relief showed up.
@63 “Mitt Romney earned his money”
Mitt “earns” money the same way I do, and contributes roughly as much to the economy as I do.
@66 “is a leftist rag”
What’s wrong with that? Way more respectable than a Rupert rag.
@ 63 the Liar and imbecile
Do you know HOW he “earned” that money? He laundered the funds looted out from the National Treasuries of Nicaragua and El Salvador by the Somozas and the Plutocrats that “owned” all the damn land that everyone had to live on. He made another fortune laundering money into the NYSE and the NASDAQ from the Cali and Medellin Cartels.
Yep, a real job-creator that one.
@73 Wait. What?
Serial RENEGER told me Mitt the True American Capitalist was sure to win the 2012 Presidential Election.
Are you trying to say Mittens didn’t win because he is a known Vulture Capitalist who made his mega-million$ buy lying cheating & stealing from those who were not born on third base?
Seems likely
We interrupt this political discussion for a little sports…
Jesus Montero, Mariners .203, 3HR, 9rbi. And he was juicing.
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
A disgruntled landowner killed 3 people and wounded 6 more tonight at a board of supervisors meeting in a Pennsylvania township.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think people with grudges and homicidal urges shouldn’t be allowed to have guns even if they have clean records. Grudge + homicidal urge + gun = bad combination.
Let me guess: That disgruntled landowner with the high-powered handgun is probably some rightwing fanatic who got the idea from reading Free Republic that zoning regulations restricting junk cars on private property are communist tyranny.
@ 76 RR
But the who would the gun makers sell their toys to?
Pissed-off, homicidal assholes make up the bulk of firearms owners.
This guy shot 9 people tonight: http://tinyurl.com/pdaup3u
“Rockne Newell has been fighting Ross Township for almost 20 years, refuting the township’s view of his Flyte Road property as an ‘eyesore’ filled with ‘junk.’
“Now, Monroe County Court has ruled in the township’s favor, ordering Newell to vacate his property within less than a month and clean it up within less than two months. The court order … says he can never again … occupy the property unless he gets occupancy and sewage permits from the township.
“‘Looks like I’m gonna be homeless because I have nowhere to go,’ Newell said, his voice rising in outrage as he walked among tires, cinderblocks, piles of lumber and other items on his unmown property.”
When you get right down to it, he shot 9 people over a dispute about shit and a building permit. Well, he solved his housing problem. He’ll have free room and board for the rest of his life.
@75 Shit, I could do that on grapefruit juice.
Uh oh, we’ve got another one, this came on the news wires just 2 minutes ago:
“San Diego County sheriff’s officials say the bodies of a woman and child have been found inside a burned house, and a man is suspected of killing the woman and abducting one or both of her children. … The suspect is the house’s owner, 40-year-old James DiMaggio. Authorities say he was in a close platonic relationship with Anderson.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe the platonic nature of the relationship was the problem? Who knows. It just seems like there’s an awful lot of homicidal maniacs running loose in the US of A. I wonder why?
In political news, the GOP House has just voted for the 13th time to defund ACORN. “‘Word is the [GOP] majority will also prohibit foreign aid to the Ottoman Empire this year,’ a Democratic congressional aide snarked.”
“This spying on citizens has gone too far. We, the Reoublican led house, have proudly stood up to the Obama overreach and voted today to de-fund the Office of Strategic Services.”
Election officials catch dead man donating $100,000 to Sen. Mitch McConnell
Wait, what?!? But what gets my attention is this little nugget?
Does the will have to stipulate where the money is donated or can the heirs of Mitch McConnell donate unlimited funds to Hillary 2016 just to piss him off if he shuffles off soon?
And that counts how don? He was chosen to run the Olympics
The rest of the rant specious!
MarkStooooooooooooooooooooopid was sighted. Nothing to say just attack attack attack!
In the Obummer economy… no work, no job, leaves people crazy!
If so where are the money laundering charges by the SEC? Where are the lawsuits for defrauding the public? Where are the indictments by the Justice Department? Lots of innuendo and guilt by “associations”. Typical Saul Alinsky tactics. BTW no Somozas in the HuffPo recycled article y’all love to run to.
On another note… If Al Qaeda was in disarray as Obummer tried to tell the world last fall during the election cycle… why were all those embassies shuttered? Puddy loves this…
How do you know a DUMMOCRAPT is lying? Their lips are moving.
One of the podcasts I watch/listen to, is a show called People and Politics from Deutsche Welle. The Germans are gearing up for Bundestag elections next month,and this show is doing a show on a few of the candidates. Last week it was from a Candidate for the Christians Democrats. She is running in a city in the western part of the country, young, and Muslim.
While all parties that have a hope of winning seats in the Bundestag woo Turkish voterthiry years ago. candidates, the CDU’s legendary Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, is having to defend remarks he made about Turkish immigrants thirty years ago. Chancellor Merkel is still doing good in the polls.
Bill Kristol has it right…:
Obummer and gang told the Amerikkkan public blatant lies to get reerected. Now 22 embassies and consulates were closed. Do you think Putin would be closing Russian embassies and consulates? NYET.
Under Obummer two things occurred… Major Hasan perpetrated first terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 [in his own words to the world] and the first murder of a U.S. ambassador [Chris Stevens] and some of his support staff in 30 years.
This is unfortunate, if he only had an automatic with 30 rounds in it he could have killed more, what a shame that he didn’t have one.
@ 84
Yawn. I wonder if you would have posted the dead man donation had you clicked through to the actual USA Today piece:
In first place: the Democratic National Committee, which took in more than $245,000. Party officials declined to comment.
Nancy Jennings, who died of cancer in May 2011, was among the donors to the DNC and President Obama’s re-election committees. She contributed more than $38,000 records show.
Jennings, 47, had volunteered on Obama’s 2008 campaign, and decided in the last two weeks of her life that “she wanted to leave a legacy and help with the campaign,” said her sister Judy Swinnerton, who is the executor of Jenning’s estate.
@88 “Lots of innuendo and guilt by ‘associations’. Typical Saul Alinsky tactics.”
YEEEEEEHAAAAAAAWWWWW!!! Sometimes pudnutz is downright funny, especially when he doesn’t intend to be.
House Republicans are dropping their remaining legal defense of DOMA.
One of the reasons I believe that there should be redundancy. Last night, SABRE,the airline reservation system, went down. It caused delays at Sea-Tac, with employees resorting to pen and paper. Always have a back-up.
Amtrak is going to e-ticketing, but on paper tickets, they are replacing the conductor’s ticket punch with a barcode scanner on an iPhone App.
@ 97
Pen and paper was the backup.
Financial industry deregulation had no backup.
That was what I meant, in this case they resorted to the tried and true method. People have gotten too use to convenience. Just like the comments I saw on news stories about Sound Transit and the pilot project to charge for parking. In the Bay Area, BART charges for parking, I think that the base fare is more than the parking charge.
Thank God for Team Obama and all those green jobs:
Estimates given to Reuters by industry analysts and manufacturing experts back in September 2012 demonstrated that General Motors loses $49,000 on each Chevy Volt it manufactures. Those numbers may be on the conservative side because there are leasing deals offered this summer where customers are paying a little over $5K for a two year lease on the Volt which costs as much as $89K to build.
$49K. That’s nearly what the government loses on YLB each year.
Governor Brewer greated President Obama today. It was not January 2012, this time a friendly chat on the Tarmac.
Woo-hoo! Go red state Real America! You show those dirty, touchy-feely, liberals how it’s done.
If a man wants to blow up his dog with an illegal firework that’s his right. He owns the dog doesn’t he? That dog is his property and he can do whatever he damn well pleases with his property! It even says so in the constitution!
@95 still haven’t proven Puddy wrong! That’s the Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Rabbit way! Don’t let facts stand in the way of a worthless personal attack.
A U.S. Representative from Maine has filed a bill, in the wake of the Lac Megantic disaster, requiring two person crews on freight trains. The other rep from Maine is a cosponsor. While I am for the mandate on trains carrying hazardous cargo, I am against it on all freight trains. There are some operations that do a good job with one man crews. The Indiana Railroad does well with one-man crews, and by the way, it is a union shop.
A suburb of Dayton, Ohio is trying to stop the Miami Valley Regional Transportation Authority from adding three stops in their town, one of which would serve Wright State University. One of the conditions was each stop have shelters with heating and air conditioning, and of course the MVRTA could not meet those demands, and the permits were denied. The suburb is mostly white, most of the bus riders are black.
In other news the FBI got some splaining to do. No wonder Bob Mueller left.
A politician from the Liberal Party of Australia is neing considered the Australian Rick Perry. His party has a six-point plan, and in front of the camera, could not remember it.
Amusing stuff. Anyone we know?
The only think I could add would be for the type that pretends to be intellectual and reasonable and then spouts stuff from 1-5, but in subversive careful words so they can claim that you misunderstood or it was a joke.
Yawwwn. Here we go again with Dr. Dimbulb and his obsession with the Volt. Dimbulb says he doesn’t watch Faux Snooze Channel. yeah right..
So? The Volt project got the green light before the great recession from a right wing CEO who is a climate science denier. It’s private capital’s choice on the time they decide to cut their losses short.
And the GM bailout was a Bush administration initiative.
I suppose Dr. Dimbulb would have rather had GM go through the “bankruptcy process” as recommended by Willard R-Money and the Volt go on the chopping block..
Hmmm. Too bad it didn’t.. We might have a Democratic majority in Congress and more Democratic governors in the Midwest. That’s where right wing plans usually lead, i.e. “Herbert Hoover time”.
And we wouldn’t have to listen to Dr Dimbulb’s silly whining about the Volt in these threads..
But we’d also have massive poverty in the Midwest i.e. more mess to clean up than the Republicans made in the first place. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
Historical Revisionism again from the unemployed moron!
First off it’s funny to see Ha’s unemployed idiot cheerleading GM…
Puddy thought HA’s unemployed moron was against ALEC?
So what Bob Lutz is a climate denier? Puddy thought as Americans you had the right to free think and free speech? Well if you are an unemployed moron that isn’t a right.
Yes the GM Bailout was Bush’s idea. Looks like it’s time to prove HA’s unemployed moron wrong again. BTW this is covered multiple times in the crazed databaze. It had stipulations
which Obummer changed once he became preznit. Now who changed the loan terms unemployed moron? Obummer did to help his union pals.
The cost lost leader, The Chevy Volt is fact; things that the unemployed moron want you not to know or to skip over.
111 – ZZzzzzZZZZzzzz… Moronic non-sequituurs from our goto nincompoop for laughs around here..
Jobs were saved in the Midwest during the worst downturn in history that happened on a jerk right wing Preznit’s watch.. Period…
What was the right wing solution? Touted by the Republican pretender in 2012?
Enough said!
Damn straight moronic one..
Yet GM employs union labor unlike foreign manufacturers producing in right to work for less states..
If I was in the market for a vehicle, I’d be loud and clear about GM exiting from the odious ALEC.
Oh.. That’s all I said fool.. What was “wrong” about that?
What a silly dope.. Blathering stupidly about perfectly legitimate deals made after the economy ruining warmongering creep administration shuffled off to Buffalo.