Seattle, we’re such weather wimps. This weekend we’ll hear oh, it’s too hot! Oh, I don’t have AC. My children can’t get comfortable. Pretty soon the inevitable I can’t open my window because of all the smoke, and I just want to be able to breathe.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Number of Democrats authorized to read the entire, unredacted Mueller report: 6
Number of these Democrats who have done so: 0
See, y’all want the issue. Y’all know there’s nothing there, so y’all stick with the issue rather than reality. It’s all that’s left.
Read elsewhere:
Beto’s looking less like the white Obama and more and more like the white Rubio.
Well, why not? I mean, it’s possible Goldy has consensual sex with his daughter, too, amirite? “I don’t know the answer to that.”
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Comey at a town hall in Washington, “Do you think the Russians have leverage over President Trump?”
“I don’t know the answer to that,” Comey responded.
“Think it’s possible?” Cooper asked.
“Yes,” Comey responded, without hesitation.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investing record remains intact:
3M $173.19 -2.0863 -1.19%
That’s a 52-week low.
My Notadumbfuck Method
of investing. Validated, once again.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, on the day he bought 3M:
Meanwhile, I bought 3M yesterday, which pays a $5.44 dividend — which is $5.44 more than Doctor Dumbfuck’s favorite stock pays — and 3M is already worth $4 more than I paid for it in the first 24 hours I’ve owned it.
I don’t have Doctor Dumbfuck’s patience (or stupidity, take your choice). I don’t like to wait four months for a stock to go “up” to what I paid for it.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit prefers to wait six months for his stocks to go “down” to prices lower than what he paid for it.
Don’t be a dumbfuck. Don’t be like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Hey, anyone remember Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit defending his ownership of GE on the basis of its dividend? Good times, good times.
Wall Street is pressuring GE to cut its dividend to free up cash to invest in its businesses. We’ll find out on Nov. 13 what the company decides. If you buy the stock today, you’re getting a yield on cost over 4%, and if they cut the dividend by a third, you’ll still get a dividend yield at about the S&P 500 average. You could also expect the cut to eventually be restored as cash flow and earnings improve.
I think the changes will be good for the stock long-term. Other investors apparently agree, because the stock rose $1.73 today from its opening price of $22.10 to close at $23.83. GE actually posted a gain today after releasing its shitty earnings report. That’s a sign of investor confidence in the company’s long-term prospects.
GE is one of my larger positions, and I’m comfortable with the idea of holding onto it. If you presently own it, you shouldn’t panic and sell it, and I think the current share price is a buying opportunity if you have the patience to wait 2 or 3 years for returns to materialize. It’s a solid company today and I think it will emerge from this transition as a stronger company down the road.
Man they hate women.
Ohio Republican introduces bill that would outlaw most forms of birth control in the state arguing that most forms of birth control are the same as abortion. (Se. what happens with ‘abstinence only’ sex Ed?)
Also, requires doctors surgically implant an embryo from an ectopic pregnancy into a woman’s uterus so it can gestate normally. Actual doctors were quick to point out that such a procedure is impossible at least for the time being.
Imagine if some lefty-politician pushed and environmental bill that mandated levitation commuting because cars are bad.
@1 First of all, it’s not true.
” … the Department of Justice placed a less-redacted version of his report in a secure room on Capitol Hill, and granted access to that room to congressional leaders of both parties, as well as the chairmen and ranking members of intelligence and judiciary committees in the House and Senate. As of this writing, not one of the six Democrats granted access to what amounts to 99.9 percent of volume II of the Mueller report, which details the president’s behavior as it relates to obstruction of justice, have taken the opportunity to examine it.”
“Less redacted” is not “unredacted,” dumbfuck. And “volume II” is not the “entire” report; it doesn’t include anything relating to Russian interference in the election.
Second, Democrats also asked to see the underlying evidence. You know, the evidence that Barr and Rosie didn’t review before announcing their prosecutorial decision. None of that is being offered.
So get your facts straight, dumbfuck. You’re blowing gas out of your ass.
Third, red herring. What Barr “offered” is irrelevant. A subpoena is a subpoena. “Less redacted” and “access in a secure room” and “offer” are not in complying. Complete withholding of the underlying evidence is massive noncompliance. The law requires Barr to comply with the subpoena. Period; end of discussion.
Fourth, failing to comply with a subpoena is contempt. Period. People get arrested and thrown in jail for that. Chelsea Manning just served jail time for that. Lawyers get their licenses pulled for that. Contempt is contempt. Barr is in contempt because he refuses to comply with the subpoena.
You really are a dumbfuck. Your brainless parroting of lame GOP spin this is childish, and now you’ve stooped to lying, too. Pull your head out of your ass and get real. There are intelligent people and rabbits on this blog. Rightwing media may get away with this crap when brainwashing the rubes, but you try this shit here, you’ll get caught.
@2 If Beto keeps you awake at night, good for him. I love watching you sweat marbles.
@3 “Well, why not? I mean, it’s possible Goldy has consensual sex with his daughter, too, amirite?”
Well, well, well. This sure looks familiar. Longtime readers of HA know that Goldy was a devoted single father of a wonderful daughter for a number of years. Back when Goldy had his radio show, some asshole reported Goldy to the police as a child molester, and the cops came to his door to investigate.
I think we have a suspect now.
And lest people forget, back then it wasn’t just one deranged individual who was smearing people as “child molesters,” it was the whole goddamned WSRP.
This is not who they are now; it’s who they’ve always been.
@4 Glad to see you’re willing to admit your favorite demagogue and trade policy moron is creating opportunities to buy top-tier blue-chip stocks on the cheap.
@5 Yup. 3M is down over 6% from what I paid for it. But guess what? Varian is down over 6% in the last month, too. Trump is creating a buying opportunity for you, too. And 3M, unlike Varian, pays a dividend; so, unlike you, I’m still making money.
@6 Republicans are now introducing a cascade of unconstitutional bills because they’re giddy from Trump’s lawlessness and want to flaunt their own.
I mean, it’s not like these issues haven’t already been decided by the courts. They have, and they’re settled law. Everyone understands the intent of these bills is to get courts to revisit these issues. In other words, Republicans want to unsettle the law.
I suspect they have their eye on the Constitution itself. The parts they seem to dislike most are the First Amendment (free speech and free press), Fourth Amendment (due process), and provisions relating to elections that allow non-whites to vote.
@ 12
3M is down over 6% from what I paid for it.
And 3M, unlike Varian, pays a dividend; so, unlike you, I’m still making money.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you are down 6% from your purchase price, have suffered 0.8% erosion of your invested funds due to inflation since purchase, and have only received 1.65% back in dividends since then (3.3% 3M yield and six months ownership), how is it you are making money on your investment?
My @ 4 Notadumbfuck Investment Method.
Validated @ 12 again. Every time he opens his fucking mouth it’s validated.
@ 9
Longtime readers of HA know that Goldy was a devoted single father of a wonderful daughter for a number of years.
Why use past tense, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? Is it because Goldy’s devotion to his daughter subsequently ceased?
@ 7
Mea culpa.
I paraphrased from something I read, a couple of hours after I read it, and fucked @ 1 it up. You are correct that it is not a completely unredacted version that has been offered. No excuses on my part.
The Dow is now up, and 3M is now up, too. This is insignificant. I’m simply rubbing Doctor Dumbfuck’s face in it.
@15 No, it’s because she grew up and became an adult as all children eventually do, unless they’re killed in their school by an NRA-armed nutjob.
One thing that never changes, though, is you’re a dumbfuck. Your dumbfuckery is ceaseless.
How does it feel to be a malicious false reporting suspect?
@16 Good God, a Republican admits error! Give the man three gold stars.
You’ve put me in an uncomfortable position, doc. Now I’m forced to make an admission of my own: There’s one part of you that rises above the green scum blanketing the Republican Party and makes you better than the rest of them.
If only honest Republicans were a thundering herd. But right now I see only one. That’s still much better than nothing. A certain measure of respect is due that one.
@3 godwinha: Stomach Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer. Not Soon Enough.