– I loved seeing my extended family, but it’s good to be back in Washington.
– When Washington’s GOP pick a new head, they should definitely look to Oregon as an inspiration.
– Who could have predicted that crisis pregnancy centers aren’t honest?
– Because of the way my brain works (poorly) I’ve had this poem stuck in my head since I heard about these terrorist attacks. But I could only remember the first two verses, and not all that well. Looking it up didn’t help.
– I know this is old news for people who weren’t on vacation, but I’m looking forward to a general election mayoral race between two of my favorite local elected officials.
– And speaking of, congrats to Ed Murray on his marriage.
Here’s a Republican member of the House Science committee…
Sounds a lot like cheapshotBob, both with the climate change denialism and the racism. A twofer!
I gotcher $15 minimum wage right here, missy:
San Francisco-based Momentum Machines claim that using Alpha will save a restaurant enough money that it pays for itself in a year, and it enables the restaurant to spend about twice as much on ingredients as they normally would – so they can buy the gourmet stuff. Saving money with Alpha is pretty easy to imagine. You don’t even need cashiers or servers. Customers could just punch in their order, pay, and wait at a dispensing window.
Guess Deathfrogg’s gonna have to go get retrained again.
Welcome back Carl!
@ 2
You really are a complete dumbfuck.
Typical Fascist.
@ 1
That climate denialism charge would ring a little less hollow if the Arctic sea-ice loss wasn’t back to what it was 8 years ago:
Pray for that storm, Lib Sci.
Wow. Offshoring image-reading to radiologists in India, and/or pattern-recognition software could put cheapshotBob out of a job.
Well, maybe the offshoring isn’t happening (yet).
Computer-aided detection is becoming far more standard for mammography.
Similarly, for Pap smear cytology.
1. Radiologist reads mammogram, finds no lesions.
2. Same study passed through a computer scanner, which searches for patterns of calcification or soft tissue proliferation known to be consistent with malignancy.
3. If assessment by radiologist is benign and that by CAD is malignant, study automatically routed to a second radiologist for further review.
It’s a good thing.
As far as the ‘offshoring’, it’s been done for years for ‘wet reads’. When it’s late-night in Boston it’s daytime in India. India-based, US-trained, ACR-certified radiologists provide preliminary interpretation. The study is re-reviewed and finalized the next day by the in-house team.
I’m not worried.
If I were a medical transcriptionist, though, I’d be scared shitless.
But cheapshot, you forgot this graph.
Note that icecover for 2009-2013 are all below the range for 1979-2000. As your original graph also shows, 2013 is just a bit less severe – in this metric – than the previous few years.
Could you enlighten us on the specifics that the graph is depicting. Single point? Whole Arctic? Measurement methods? Reliability? Comparison to other methodologies for determining ice cover – if that is indeed the data depicted?
Moreover, as you always do, you’re trying to pick a single counterexample to (seemingly) argue against the reality of antorpogenic global climate change.
@ 8
@ 5 is from Danish Meteorological Institute, using satellite data.
BTW your range is now obsolete. NSIDC now uses a 30 year range:
Sea Ice Index products will use a 30-year base period of 1981 to 2010 (inclusive). Data prior to July 2013 have been reprocessed to this new base period.
Note that they’re ‘reprocessed’ their data.
Finally, satellite data has been around only since 1979. Coincidentally, the last prolonged warm phase
From 1977 to 1998, another 21–year warm phase occurred.
corresponds roughly with the availability of satellite data. There’s a reason I keep bringing up PDO. It’s because it’s relevant.
Ergo, Lib Sci, your 22 year data set is nearly all within that warm period. Convenient for you alarmists, isn’t it?
While you’re accusing me of cherry-picking, please note that I selected from DMI, NSIDC, and NOAA.
Still trying that line? The mass of the permanent ice is dropping dramatically but the seasonal freeze-thaw-freeze is increasing. The permanent millenia aged ice is disappearing but, nothing to see here cause the seasonal surface ice is increasing.
These things are not the same.
Oh, WOW, look at this graph for sea ice in April since 1979.
One interpretation, the one likely favored by BozoBob is that for the last 8 years, the general trend is increasing.
Of course, that would be a complete misinterpretation of the data set. Sort of like what BozoBob’s fellow ‘skeptics’ do with this data.
Again, one has to ask, is he so stupid as to actually believe the shit he posts, or is he willfully misleading?
Stupid or lying. Every. Damn. Time.
@ 6
LIb Sci:
The father of error in radiology. Most of his career has been spent investigating why we err.
Sounds great until you look at the size of it. The machine will be great as long as the kitchen doesn’t need to do anything else. Want a vegeburger, shit out of luck. Want a few sandwiches and not just burgers…we have delicious burgers.
@ 11
Now, take that graph and look at the data points for the time period following the PDO warm phase, which ended in 1999 @ 9.
Plot a line. What does that line do?
@ 13
Want a vegeburger, shit out of luck.
Want a vegeberger, don’t go to McDonald’s. Not having this on the menu doesn’t seem to have hurt them much.
Looking at factors that are related to permenant ice melt…sea level rise is an observable result. But hey, that winter temporary ice is getting bigger…see…see…see I have a graph.
Not so Nerdy:
You picked a great example. Explain to me how the machine will make a McWrap or a Filet O Fish or a McNugget or a Mc Muffin or a Big Breakfast? It will take out a bunch of space in the physical environment and decrease menu choice.
Sure, there will be a chain of MecanoidBurger somewhere in the future that may be able to carve out some market space.
You can get your pre-made burgers at any 7-11 or AM/PM market. Just add a “select and pay” machine. Automated vending has been around since the 1930’s, but with more labor (to refill the machines) and the pay-by-credit option.
But there’s a reason why few buy the 7/11 burgers – it pretty much tastes like cardboard.
Adding to the “crazy Republicans in the House”
—Rep. Markwayne Mullin on food stamps.
Courtesy Slate.com
Here’s a different example:
I first tried Dragon’s speech recognition software v.2, maybe in 1995 (?). Back then it was a small Boston company and the software did better with Bostonian-accented speech, not so great with California dialect (I dumped it after a few hours of experimentation), and if you had a foreign accent, you were SOL.
v.5, not much better. I stuck with it for a couple of weeks.
I waited several years and then picked up v.9. Worked really well. I’ve upgraded to v.10 – Medical, which works really, really well. I’m about to upgrade to the newest version of Medical (essentially v.12) after I receive my optimized laptop I just ordered.
The first iterations sucked. But now, it’s great, they (Nuance) have versions for several different professions, and they have specific versions for specific accented English-speakers. They’re largely displacing transcriptionists, and that profession is rapidly becoming obsolete.
The hamburger robot is an early version of something that is likely to become more useful and will replace substantial human labor in the future. Since so much of the current job growth is in the restaurant/food service industry, not to mention part-time (93% of new jobs created since the start of the year, I posted a week or so ago), those jobs won’t be permanent any more than they are well-paying. That may very well be Obama’s legacy, in fact.
Technology marches on. It’s nobody’s fault, but it’s a big reason that unskilled persons demanding high minimum wages to do things like hamburger-flipping won’t be around very far into the future, at least not in those jobs.
@ 17, 18
I foresee one in each marijuana dispensary. Get your bud and your munchie fix with one-stop shopping. Maybe add in a RedBox kiosk out front and the evening is complete.
I’d bet it puts out a decent product but automation has it’s own set of problems. 7-11 maybe could put out a tasty product if they can find a bunch of space in the chip and candy aisle to house the machine.
Then there’s the maintenance. Unless they plan to have techs available at a moments notice, there will be downtime. It’s like the photocopier. If yours goes down, send it to Kinko’s if it’s urgent. If the machine on which 100% of your business relies is down, close the doors until it’s fixed ’cause there is no burger machine rental to fill in.
There are some automated bartenders in Narjta airport that are really amazing engineering but then the choice is limited. Want anything other than x and coke or y and tonic sorry, you need to go to the bar with a human server.
I’ve always thought that the taco truck that is permanently parked outside the headshop in Fremont (Piece of Mind) was just such a thing – and totally brilliant, though somewhat exploitative of munchie-beset stoners.
Readily available munchies is a basic human right.
Four basic food groups:
Ice cream
“(Pizza) can be chosen from a wide variety of flavors.” as long as those flavors are one of these four buttons. want some things from button 1 combined with some from button 3…too damn bad.
A1 Concepts, the company behind the machine made splashy announcements about opening in Atlanta in q3 2012. It’s going gangbusters since they have no U.S. division as of yet. Did a little Googling and can’t find any sales figures in Europe. Wonder why?
Higher Speed Rail construction continues in Illinois, with line consolidation in Springfield.
“I foresee one in each marijuana dispensary. Get your bud and your munchie fix with one-stop shopping.”
Yes, sir, I think about something like that, an evening spent munching and smoking a mild intoxicant. I bet those people will sit around and talk, too. And then probably eat ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and go to bed.
When I compare that to alcohol-fueled nights of loud music, drunken pawing, and lots of shouted curses, possibly ending in a DUI, a car crash, and/or adultery, and don’t forget gunplay, it makes me wonder why on earth Washington ever voted to legalise pot.
It’s gonna put a lot of EMTs, tow drivers, Emergency Room personnel and policeman out of work.
Rick Santorum: “Talking about class is marxism”
This man is so fucking stupid it hurts to watch him breathe between platitudes.
As stupid as some congressmen, sometimes their constituents are even stupider.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, duh, that’s how they got elected. But actually, I think you could justify revoking the voting rights of birthers on grounds of mental incompetency.
“I’d bet it puts out a decent product but automation has it’s own set of problems.”
Well, one problem an automated burger-maker might have, that of controlling microbial growth and keeping the internals sanitary, is being ameliorated (is that a word?) to the extent possible, by Washington’s own Ozone International.
@20 Please explain how the people who design pizza vending machines are going to sell their pizzas when only vending machines have jobs.
When humans become obsolete, they’ll be replaced by rabbits, not pizza vending machines. We’re ready to take over your niche!
Since rabbits have only three functions — eating, fertilizing, and making more rabbits — we’ll never be unemployed no matter how many rabbits there are.
“Rick Santorum: “Talking about class is marxism”
Ah, but “race”? That there is science, boy! And you can’t argue with science!”
I’ll bet Doctor Dimbulb would become a big supporter of a $15 minimum wage if suddenly most radiologists had their jobs shipped to India and the ones that are left had their pay cut to $9/hr.
I also don’t see why surgery can’t be performed by some kid with a game console. All he has to do is push buttons and the machine does the rest. The average XBox player has better dexterity than the average surgeon.
@ 32 RR
You left one out. Rabbits serve four functions, and you are being disingenuous to leave out the fact that Rabbits are also a fast-breeding food resource for everything from snakes and weasels to humans and eagles.
Go to Australia, and ask those people what they think about when they hear the word “Rabbit”
“Go to Australia, and ask those people what they think about when they hear the word “Rabbit”
The way they think about rabbits in Australia? My psychiatrist has an ugly name for that, but refuses to tell me what it is until I catch up on my bill.
Most times I’d say.. Look at the trolls we’ve had over the years.. (Proud Ass, JCH, Doofus, Klynical, little ricky dumbass, little maxee asshat etc..)
They make the politicians they vote for look almost moderate!
Are the klownservatives going to hoist Jeb Bush as their saviour in 2016??
Shit, not if the baggers screw it up.. They’re hellbent on stopping that “common core” education stuff that Jeb pushed..
Heh.. Poor klownservatives can’t catch a break.. The baggers could fail to show big in 2016 – see their way less than enthusiastic support for R-Money in 2012 over his religion and “moderate” past.
More moderate GOOPers finally push back against the batshit insane and despicable Randroid Ryan..
Mobster Whitey Bulger has been convicted. Interesting, while he was on the run, he had time to visit one of the first prisons he served time in, Alcatraz.
Anyone paying attention, or not a delusional partisan, knew this. Romyan 2012 spent the entire campaign on defense.
Point out that Ryan’s unspecified cuts would have to hit defense, “No, you’re wrong. My Plan doesn’t say that.” Ryan, R-FantasyLand
Point out that if defense is off limits the only possible way to make the numbers work is deep cuts in popular programs, “I never said that. It’s not in my plan ’cause my plan has no specifics, it’s my dream big plan to have all this and no consequences. I never said that.” Ryan, R-LearnedDebate from Piddles.
Point out that Ryan’s’plan’ is pure fantasy without deep cuts hurting huge swaths of Americans, “Stop picking on my fantasy plan. I haven’t filled in the specifics but I know in my heart it can work. I just can’t prove it and you’re asking me for specifics is just picking on me by the librul media.” Ryan R-
Reality is a myth.
Wine vs. Bike.
In my email box from McCarthy & Schiering just now:
Make Your Voice Heard – Attend Tonight’s Town Hall
It has been our privilege to serve as your neighborhood wine merchant for more than 30 years. The friendships and memories are precious to all of us at McCarthy & Schiering Wine Merchants here in Ravenna.
But a plan the City has for NE 65th St will threaten our ability to continue to give you the same level of service. We want to let you know what is happening, and what you can do to help us preserve what makes the Ravenna neighborhood special.
The City of Seattle is proposing, as part of its Bicycle Master Plan, to eliminate parking along NE 65th St from I-5 to Sand Point Way by constructing an Elevated Bicycle Track, thereby also eliminating the current configuration of two lanes westbound during morning rush hour, and two lanes eastbound during evening rush hour.
This proposal will turn NE 65th St into a two lane “arterial” at all times. There will no longer be any parking along NE 65th St near the McCarthy & Schiering Ravenna shop. Traffic will come to a complete halt at bus stops, and when anyone wants to make left hand turns. When a Fire Truck/EMT stops in from of The Ida Culver House (at least a daily occurrence), traffic essentially will be stopped eastbound for 20 minutes at a time.
Massive traffic congestion will become the norm along NE 65th St, pushing parking and commuters onto residential side streets. This proposed change will significantly effect how you access the Ravenna Wine Shop, and your commute from I-5 to Laurelhurst, Windermere and Sand Point.
What’s worse, it’s becoming obvious that NE 65th St has already been designated as a Bicycle Track Corridor, without any due diligence on whether it’s the best choice.
Tonight you have an opportunity to express your opinion at a Town Hall Meeting called by Mayor Mike McGinn. The meeting starts at 6:45 p.m. at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center, 6535 Ravenna Ave NE. The city needs to hear your voice on this critical issue!
There’s plenty of parking at the monster wine thing at 45th and I-5, too.
@ 42
The world is rife with delusional partisans. As evidenced by a few of them that come in here.
@ 40
I still cannot imagine why the GOP picked such a terribly unintelligent pair to run for the Executive last year. Both men has some serious cognitive and mental health issues, and anyone with any real knowledge of history, economics or foreign political considerations could see that.
Normally and traditionally, Executive candidates always campaigned on something tangible; Foreign Policy, Domestic policy, the economy etc. These two men campaigned on mostly domestic considerations, but they didn’t say anything concrete at all. It was all platitudes and clichés. The only time they would ever speak in terms of specifics, was when they were talking to an entirely supportive audience at a closed-door fundraising event such as the one that got Romney the trustketeer in trouble. They could not say what they were really about unless they had a wholly trusted audience to speak to. They knew they stood nearly zero chance of winning the election if they were as candid with the general public as they were in front of the smiling, jewel-encrusted thieve set, that being his real constituency.
If you have black skin, and don’t get good grades, you can be denied life-saving medical care.
Never heard of this happening to a European-descended individual. If course, us white folk have created so much wonderful technology, like the sort that enables us to fire high explosives into sleeping refugee campsites from 4500 miles away.
Assault on Metro Bus Driver this morning. The driver is ok, it was not life threatening, but the shooter is in Harborview Hospital.
King County Executive Constantine visited the driver, and the driver was more concerned about the passengers. Wonder if he will make Driver of the year. The talk about driver shields has come up, Metro has tried them out, more negatives than positives.
Today was a different outcome than November 27, 1998, that day, when a driver was shot, Driver Mark McLaughlin was killed, and another passenger, as the bus fell off the Aurora Bridge.(I don’t count the shooter, who also died)
Ever look in the mirror OWS Racist Fraggy?
OWS Racist Fraggy submits
The real headline: “Dying Black Teen Denied Heart Transplant Due Partly to Low Grades and Trouble With the Law“
Speaks well of you OWS Racist Fraggy! Why didn’t you qualify this as part of Dr Howard Dean’s death panels? ObummerCare in action in Atlanta!
Keep up the sux work!
2. Serial conservative spews: ROBOT SERVES UP 360 HAMBURGERS PER HOUR
Again, I ask you as a conservative, what is the conservative response to the low wage, low skilled workers who are now out of a job. If they came to you for advice, what would conservatives tell them?
As we progress toward a more and more automated future, we need less and less people to do stuff. The highly motivated and or highly skilled will likely find some sort of employment fixing the machines, the ones at the far end of the bell curve.
What happens to the rest of the bell curve? Our entire society is based on employment to be able to get health insurance, housing, eating, and when all but the sliver of the curve cannot find work, what then?
The same thing Puddy’s father and step father told Puddy. Get an education! Too many take the easy road out like HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron! We have a welder friend who is taking night school classes to better himself. We have another friend who used to cut trees for a living but developed MS. He went to driving school got his commercial license now drives professionally. What does HA’s lazy assed unemployed ASSHOLE moron moron do?
Absolutely nuthin except write useless goto code for the crazed databaze while we all work!
@52. I agree that education is essential. I thought I covered that in “The highly motivated and or highly skilled will likely find some sort of employment”. I guess you didn’t read that.
What about the rest of the population? What would you tell the out of work burger flippers and medical transcribers. What jobs should they be striving for?
We have a welder friend who is taking night school classes to better himself. What field is he going into?
Your friend has MS and they are driving truck.
I looked up MS. With symptoms like
Do you think it’s wise they are behind a wheel of a big rig? Is that fair to the others on the road?
@13 Who cares? Eat your Soylent Green and shut up.
In small words, the bright and the motivated and the healthy will mostly find employment, what does society do with the ordinary and stupid that can’t find work, since machines took their easy to do jobs.
Best cartoon of the month!
The limits (on profit) of technological innovation.
The Serial RENEGER tried to make some sort of point here today about robots making hamburgers.
Robots are fine, and technological innovation can be a great thing for everybody or it can be used to squeeze already underpaid workers, but there are limits.
Cheapshot stumbled right into one; Hamburgers.
Look, if you enjoy eating McDonald’s hamburgers a technological innovation which would enable McDonald’s (and their ilk) to sell you the “McDouble” for $0.25 must sound like a great deal. But the fact is, nobody with $10 to spend on a meal wants to eat that shit.
Which is why in the burger business it is the “premium” burger joints that are making money (e.g. Five Guys).
The quickest way to increased profitability for McDonald’s and their ilk is to increase the wage they and other minimum wage employers pay. These are the folks who will buy more of their “cheap” products.
It isn’t the low skill jobs that are at risk from tech innovation, it is high skill jobs. RENEGER’s example of speech to text is more apropos. Stenography is a tough skill to master, and today it is less expensive to buy crappy software to do the job.
Farmer: Lord I wish it would rain. Not for me, I’ve seen rain. But I’d like my grankids to see it at least once.
What’s with the “surfer and lobster” viral videol? Is James Greenslate another James Keefe? This is so blatant he’s got to be a rightwing operative.
@58 Keep fucking with an aquifer long enough, and someday it will fuck with you.
The gunman in the attack on the Metro driver has died of his wounds.
The crazy grifter does not fall far from the crazy grifter tree
Seriously, watch the entire video of Cruz. He’s batshit fundamentalist crazy.
American Taliban!
This is what the Wingnut Court has wrought:
“North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed a bill Monday requiring photo identification at the polls and eliminating a slew of voting measures designed to protect against voter disenfranchisement. …
“The bill will require voters to show photo identification — a driver’s license, passport, veteran’s ID, tribal card — beginning in the 2016 elections. Student IDs are not an acceptable form of identification.
“The bill also reduces early voting by a week, eliminates same-day registration, ends pre-registration for 16-and-17 year-olds and a student civics program, kills an annual state-sponsored voter registration drive and lessens the amount of public reporting required for so-called dark money groups, also known as 501(c)(4)s.”
His justification? Get a load of this:
“McCrory said the bill was necessary even if there are very few reported cases of voter fraud. ‘Even if the instances of misidentified people casting votes are low, that shouldn’t prevent us from putting this non-burdensome safeguard in place,’ he said in a Raleigh News and Observer op-ed. ‘Just because you haven’t been robbed doesn’t mean you shouldn’t lock your doors at night or when you’re away from home.'”
Can anything be more blatant than that? C’mon, Republicans, admit it — your real intent is to create a country in which only Republicans are allowed to vote. Well, it won’t go unanswered:
“Just hours after McCrory’s signature, the ACLU of North Carolina and a coalition of other groups filed a lawsuit against the bill, charging that it violates the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The North Carolina NAACP and Advancement Project followed shortly after, filing another lawsuit.”
This is what the Wingnut Court has wrought:
“North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed a bill Monday requiring photo identification at the polls and eliminating a slew of voting measures designed to protect against voter disenfranchisement. …
“The bill will require voters to show photo identification — a driver’s license, passport, veteran’s ID, tribal card — beginning in the 2016 elections. Student IDs are not an acceptable form of identification.
“The bill also reduces early voting by a week, eliminates same-day registration, ends pre-registration for 16-and-17 year-olds and a student civics program, kills an annual state-sponsored voter registration drive and lessens the amount of public reporting required for so-called dark money groups, also known as 501(c)(4)s.”
His justification? Get a load of this:
“McCrory said the bill was necessary even if there are very few reported cases of voter fraud. ‘Even if the instances of misidentified people casting votes are low, that shouldn’t prevent us from putting this non-burdensome safeguard in place,’ he said in a Raleigh News and Observer op-ed. ‘Just because you haven’t been robbed doesn’t mean you shouldn’t lock your doors at night or when you’re away from home.'”
Can anything be more blatant than that? C’mon, Republicans, admit it — your real intent is to create a country in which only Republicans are allowed to vote. Well, it won’t go unanswered:
“Just hours after McCrory’s signature, the ACLU of North Carolina and a coalition of other groups filed a lawsuit against the bill, charging that it violates the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The North Carolina NAACP and Advancement Project followed shortly after, filing another lawsuit.”
Actually that’s not uncommon.
Compliance, or the perception of what future compliance behavior, is a BIG part of the organ recipient selection process.
I have a number of patients in my practice who have been declined for transplant for this reason – all of them white.
Organ transplantation is one area of medicine in which what you do for one patient materially affects others – organs are limiting and a critical resource – many people die one the various waiting lists waiting for their turn to come up.
This bore on the story of that little girl in Pennsylvania who needed lungs – bending/breaking the rules for her directly affected the person who didn’t get those lungs though by the criteria in place should have – it may have cost one or more people their lives.
With regard to the 15-year-old African American kid – that’s a whole other thing. Predicting the compliance behavior of adolescents now and into the future is, I would imagine (I’m not a pediatrician) a dicey process. And yes, his grades and school behavior, and interactions with law enforcement, could be reasonably used to assess whether he’ll show up for appointments, take his medications, report problems he might be having, abstain from smoking and drugs and alcohol.
That’s the sort of crystal ball gazing that transplant committees – surgeons, cardiologists, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, therapists – have to engage in to come to a decision to list someone. Another criterion is social support – if you don’t have family or friends who accompany you to visits and who commit to assisting you with the travails of the process, you are FAR less likely to be listed – loners get screwed by the process, as I imagine kids with disheveled domestic situations do as well (I don’t know whether that’s the case here or not).
That all said, there are tremendous barriers to access for the poor and people of color and this is unconscionable and unacceptable. Whether that’s what we seeing here with this case, or whether it’s a judicious call with regard to organ allocation in the most ethical way possible – we cannot know with the data at hand.
And the religious folks wonder why the rest of us don’t want them anywhere near public policy decisions…
Ha! I know a couple of welders that have more money in the bank than people I know with fancy degrees and fancy titles. The welders went to school for free, bought smallish houses in working class neighborhoods, and a good welder can pull down pretty good pay.
@ 66
It seems to me that judging a persons character by his or her adolescent behavior isn’t a reason at all to deny them medical care. The kid is only 15. I was a wild motherfucker when I was 15. I wasn’t a criminal, but I did get in trouble with the cops a couple times, for fighting, my pre-license days of riding dirt bikes around the neighborhood and once a weapons charge that was dropped. The kid is only 15. He’s a minor. That means the greater harm would be from the refusal, rather than the permission. He’s not a murderer or a rapist, he’s just a punk. A lot of 15 year olds are punks. I’d say the vast majority.
I’d say put him in line for the transplant, for the simple reason that he’ll never really be healthy again. Especially if he starts fucking off his anti-rejection meds. They will tell him that, and he just might accept that information. He’ll be in bed for weeks at least after the surgery, maybe it’d give him some time to think about how having that heart is going to really affect the rest of his life. Those anti-rejectals are a permanent part of it.
Lie him down in bed. Make sure he understand that he will die if he moves for a few months, then leave a pile of books in the room, and no fucking television.
What TeaBaggers think about the disabled receiving benefits.
Now here are some real Family Values.
Hey he lives in California, and they make the rules there!
Burger flippers? Do they ascribe to be that? Puddy thought Medical Transcribers had to get some schooling?
Even though it was decided on HA some time ago not all are cut out for 4 year school, getting a trade will help!
Be the best carpenter
Be the best plumber
Be the best electrician YOU CAN BE!
There goes FlubScout farting away again:
What do the Taliban do FlubScout? Has Ted Cruz performed any of those acts?
See what type of ASSHOLE you are? No? Look in the mirror! U no different than OWS Racist Fraggy. Never thought you’d stoop that low butt wonder never cease!
Meanwhile in Benghazi potentially new information is appearing in the realm of the other phony scandal!
Holy Stinger Batman. No wonder Obummer wants to deflect and obfuscate the Benghazi issue. Butt to Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats it’s all phony! Wait for the latest from Libtard SCHMUCKO!
Do us proud SCHMUCKO! We all laugh at your BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!111!!!!! line! Spontaneous protests over a dumb movie! Yes you who always agree with SCHMUCKO. This is getting worse by the day! Another Jimmy Carter like action!
I notice that the asshole posting that – and threateneing to post names of people receiving disability payments – signed as ‘Artemis of the wildland’ and not their real name.
And presenting………….. another Obummer sadministration loony toon!
That’s a generous sentiment.
Yes, I agree that applying fairly severe criteria to a 15 year old is extraordinarily difficult. And I would emphasize that we chatting here don’t have all the facts.
In a perfect world, yes, some support and education and tough love while you have him ‘captive’ during the surgical convalescence might serve to turn him around, if the issue is a superficial ‘punkiness’ as you describe.
OTOH, that’s not the job of the transplant team, per se. Moreover, if what we know of this kid’s past (what little we know) is indicative of a generalized home dishevelment, no support, other sick people or impaired people a like parent who would otherwise be helpful but could be either absent or actively detrimental – the transplant decision-makers might say that it’s too likely that all of the complex requirements that go on after the surgery – where the real challenges lay – aren’t going to happen, then they very well might say no – and give the heart to someone else on the list.
I’m not saying it’s right, but that this might be the thinking behind this – rather than the specific, single-person directed racism that was proposed. Now, poverty and home disruption and lack of support and impaired/absent parents/caregivers are all endemic to our society along poverty and race lines – so in that way, IF that’s what’s playing out here, then yes, racism is a part of this, in a broader, systematic way.
This is very tricky. Taking care of adolescents is very challenging, in the best of circumstances. I’ve often thought that diabetes was the cruelest disease – for many reasons – because the juvenile type hits kids in their teen years often, and care demands discipline and commitment – which are extraordinarily difficult for a person that age.
Also there’s no room to ‘wait and see’ here – if he were waiting for a kidney, he could go on dialysis, and there could be some time to bring to bear the support and education you advocate. Here, though, he waiting for a heart, and when his native one finally goes – it’s all over.
And, there is always another kid in a similar situation – dying from a diseased heart, with many on the waiting list who will die there waiting – if a clear-eyed honest assessment leads to the conclusion that there is a high likelihood that this kid is not going to fly, for whatever reason, and you put the heart in anyway and it does fail, have you killed the kid next in line to never got an organ before it was too late?
That’s the thing with organ allocation – there is a real shortage of the critical ingredient, and there are triage and rationing decisions that have to go into it. The decisions about one patient materially affect everyone else on the list, and deciding whether one person gets an organ can often mean you’ve decided that someone else is going to die.
That’s where the imperative that putting the organs in the people most likely to benefit maximally come from, from an ethical perspective. The greatest good for the greatest number of people – to best utilize a limiting resource.
It’s more a statement about our race- and class- and wealth-divided society that the people better able to be in a position in the first place to benefit are the people who are already benefiting more, who already have more. Our system perpetuates injustice, magnifies the differences rather than tending to ameliorate them.
Ahhh, puddybigot continues the performance art…
The headline in question (from the idiot ‘Washington Examiner’ of course)??
Now, the Examiner editors are shocked, SHOCKED!, that the Obama Administration is not engaging in ‘debate’.
As if there were any rational debate about whether climate change exists, or is caused by humans…..there isn’t.
Just another demand of the loony right, the boot-licking of the fossil fuel industry by the stupid people caucus – epitomized by the puddybigot, who, as a believer that the Earth is 6000-years old and Jesus rode a velociraptor, has forfeited his right to be taken seriously.
Once again OWS Racist Fraggy gets it wrong. It’s ObummerCare in action. With Medicare benefits being diverted into Obummer care, Dr Howard Dean’s death squads are forming in Oregon! Butt gotta blame it on the political opposition! That’s the OWS Racist Fraggy way!
You need a new pony, puddybigot. As soon as you write…
Has anything either of them have ever spewed in public turned out to be correct, honest, factual?
puddybigot, you really need to up your game – this grows tedious, and really waaaaay too easy to shoot down, with extreme prejudice.
And this is what Libtard SCHMUCKO calls thought?
Cry Puddy a river!
Googling Media Matters for retorts? Libtard SCHMUCKO… we always knew you were stoooooooooooopid. Puddy remembers all your Benghazi blather. Even Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit thinks something smells there. Butt not you! IDIOT!
Thanks for playing!
Really? You can’t read, can you?
The topic at hand is some asshole proclaiming their concern about government benefit fraud and posting fliers signed “Artimis of the wildlands’ – you can practically smell the Lipton teabags hanging from her tiara – and threatening to list those people in that neighborhood for the larger community to comment on – utterly cruel and inappropriate, and likely illegal.
This stupid thing you have going – it’s an act, right? No on can be this obtuse, no one.
Absolutely. The link in question is a very nice compendium of DiGenova/Teonsing dishonesty, with rebuttal links and discussion.
Deal with it. Leftists trade in facts, your side in frothy hysterical fantasies.
They’re not the same.
Somehow Puddy remembers some leftists were caught playing Tea Party people… The foo shits and you are the foo(l)!
I’ve never said that we know everything about what went on there…..but I know that Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing are not reliable sources for anything but lies, mischaracterizations, and political attacks.
They’ve made their reputations, but you seem to use them as sources of facts, which is laughable on its face. But that’s you, laughable.
You make my points for me.
Surely you remember these (tea party) friends of yours SCHMUCKO!
Ohhhh the burn. MORON!
From reading you link, no one was ‘caught’ doing anything.
All you’ve provided is a photo of a very Tea-party sounding flier, and a claim that the alleged source does not exist.
You need to watch out about all the spinning and frothing you’re doing – you’re going to hurt yourself.
Have you heard of these things called ‘facts’? What about ‘logic’? ‘Rhetoric’? ‘Proof’?
You use those words all the time, but apparently in your homeskuul they were never adequately or accurately defined.
My access went down for the past hour – only now back up – told me “cannot make database connection”
@ 50
2. Serial conservative spews: ROBOT SERVES UP 360 HAMBURGERS PER HOUR
Again, I ask you as a conservative, what is the conservative response to the low wage, low skilled workers who are now out of a job. If they came to you for advice, what would conservatives tell them?
I guess I’d tell them that next time they’re in a job that is in an industry that is slowly replacing human staff with computers and technology, they should realize that going on strike and demanding 50-100% increases in pay will only accelerate the rate at which they become obsolete.
Not just peoples jobs becoming obsolete. I wonder what Conservatives would say to the person looking for some water?
Fast food for thought:
According to the Census Bureau, the average family income of a minimum wage-earner is over $53,000
And I kinda doubt it’s because minimum wage earners group themselves in family units of three.
OTOH, it’s quite possible that the 21 year-old chick who commutes from Shoreline to Ballard so she can work at Taco Bell when she isn’t out protesting has a bedroom in mom and dad’s house while she’s taking classes during the day at Shoreline CC.
Moved to 8/13 OT
Going to the Anschultz Examiner as a source. Always good for a laugh.
So yes, the article even admits you have to include all children living with parents, add the children;s salary and any salary of the parents together to get to that “$53k/year figure.
Well argued.
@75 & 79
So a Stinger SAM weighs a little over 33 pounds.
Looters entered the embassy around midnight never took over the annex. Reinforcements from the Annex and Tripoli were at the embassy just after 1am. Meanwhile at least 4 Marines and 30 Embassy personnel were at the embassy for the entire attack and survived.
So in a little over an hour, according to a very unreliable media whore attorney, looters evaded the remaining Marines and embassy staff, located and made of with 13,000 pounds of SAMs.
@ 99
I’d be more willing to believe your assertions if, say, all those other CIA and embassy folks were made available for interviews rather than being hidden from view.
What’s to hide?
And regarding your attack duration:
However, a CIA timeline of the Sept. 11 events, which was provided by a senior U.S. intelligence official, and which generally comports with the description of events in the ARB’s own report, shows that about one hour and fifty minutes elapsed between the time the State Department’s “Special Mission” compound first came under attack and the moment when a rescue team from the nearby CIA “Annex” was able to extract the surviving U.S. personnel from that mission.
– See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/articl.....ppKEB.dpuf
Unless, of course, you prefer:
“What happened on September 11th and 12th in Benghazi was a series of attacks in multiple locations by unknown assailants that ebbed and flowed over a period of almost eight hours,” Pickering volunteered.
I also recall reading about multiple attack waves over several hours. The two CIA guys died at the end of it – they fought attackers for hours.
Waves of attacks, compound eventually being overrun by terrorists.
Your defense and timeline are weak.
@ 99
CZ, there’s always the possibility that the missiles disappeared well after the firefight that was the terrorist attack:
Although the gates to the Benghazi compound were locked several days after the attacks, looters and curiosity-seekers were free to roam in the initial chaotic aftermath, and many documents may have disappeared.
No government-provided security forces are guarding the compound, and Libyan investigators have visited just once, according to a member of the family who owns the compound and who allowed the journalists to enter Wednesday.
Two private security guards paid for by the compound’s Libyan owner are the only people watching over the sprawling site, which is composed of two adjoining villa complexes and protected in some places by a wall only eight feet high.
“Securing the site has obviously been a challenge,” Mark Toner, deputy spokesman at the State Department, said in response to questions about conditions at the Benghazi compound. “We had to evacuate all U.S. government personnel the night of the attack. After the attack, we requested help securing the site, and we continue to work with the Libyan government on this front.”
Remember the stuff disappearing from Iraqi munitions depots after our 2003 invasion? Is it really that far-fetched to suggest that the same delayed disappearance could have happened in Benghazi, given that no one was really minding the store?
Because of course 50 minutes from the time the attack starts to the time looters are able to enter the compound is totally unreasonable.
Yeah, an advancing army failing to secure the enemimy’s weapons depots is EXACTLY like trained CIA and Marines leaving a large cache of SAMs they are well aware of undestroyed in a keystone cops like fashion.
@ 103
Then let’s hear from those highly trained CIA and Marine types.
Why are they being prevented from giving interviews/testimony?
Maybe ’cause they’re covert and Issa insists on having them testify publically.
And it all circles back. See diGenova/Toensing Valerie Plame.
Republican Senators have publically stated that they’ve been briefed on the classified aspects of the attack and are satisfied. ‘Cept McCain who skipped the briefing and then found a camera so he could complain that he wasn’t briefed.
But…but…but, why didn’t Susan Rice declassify everything in national tv on the following Sunday. BENGAAAAAZI….Murder….MOOOOSLIMS…..Clinton killed Foster….
I found a link to Corker, on May 8th, saying he was fairly satisfied.
Of course, on May 10th he was a signer of a letter wanting more information:
Why the change in Corker’s perspective?
Perhaps this:
Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference
Nice try.
Wow. 100% of Republicans on a committee signed a letter? You got a smoking gun there, I tell you what. And it was because of info that was known 7 Months after the letter was signed? They must be clairvoyant.
Meena, AR….BarrySpeck…WAAAAAAAAtergate….IRS….Kenya..Building 7….Floride…..FEMA…BENGHAAAAAAAAZIII!!!
Dimbulb Bob was a Vince Foster believer back in the day…
It was a bureaucratic snafu over talking points trying to maintain CIA cover for that facility.. Period..
Of course the truth doesn’t matter when there’s !!IMPEACHMENT!!! in silly right wing idiot minds..
and then this:
Any time anyone brought Benghazi you went into ridicule mode… So let’s start the Benghazi comment parade…
The database was down so no connectivity where Puddy is!
More BULLSIT from HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron!
Everyone knows it was a lie to coverup something!
Richard Armitage… EPIC FAYLE again by checkmate!
Continues to FAYLE with leftist garbage!
Now that’s funny. It was even in bold so that makes it so.
It was way more than an hour checkmate. C H E C K M A T E again! Amazing what “spontaneous demonstrators” can do working together!
Gotta go. Hydrofoil time!
See ya later!
Yet another Vince Foster trufer/dimbulb passes more gas:
zzzZZZzzz.. So when is your beloved Issa gonna call for General Betrayus to testify dummy?
How many jobs will that create?
Good riddance.. Stick your pinhead in the drink and wash away the klownservative filth. Maybe the hydrofoil engine vibes will help!
What a degenerate dumbass!
Hate to admit it but Piddles has a point. It was to cover up that there were covert assets there.
Here’s great moments in history according to Pidddles, Issa and Fox news:
“General Eisenhower. You knew for well over seven days that the invasion of Normandy was about to commence. Why, when the Times of London interviewed Maj. General Barker on June the 1st, did he lie and say he didn’t know when it would start?”
“Why didn’t CIA Director Turner release a full list of Embassy personnel in Tehran. He certainly knew that there were people in the Canadian embassy. Their families had a right to know where they were and that they were safe.”
“General Washington, it is now known that you planned the Battle of Trenton. Did you or did you not SIR alert the troops that Christmas Day, 1776 might be their last on Earth. Why was Congress not briefed that you were prepared to sacrifice your men on that, the holiest day of Christendom? Did you not consider it blasphemous to slaughter British Christians during the Christmas? Did you or did you not start a war on Christmas?”
Yep, I’m mocking Piddles again.
Well checkmate… We know CNN corroborated World Net Daily’s weapons story of September 2012 which was pooh poohed by the HA loony libtard faithful nuthouse.
So mock Puddy all you want. Facts Always tell the truth!
Awww poor unemployed ASSHOLE moron stuck in Seattle again. The Hydrofoil was smooth and pretty quick! No place to goto with your family on vacation cuz you choose to stay unemployed? Wait… you don’t have to goto anywhere except the crazed databaze cus you are always on vacation. So sad a sack of horsesASS manure! Puddy calls them as Puddy sees them and when Puddy sees your insipid tripe we know what caused it!
No motivation whatsoever!
Oh no… It’s not Fox News, it’s NBC. Actual reportage on ObummerCare and it’s effect on the lower and middle class peeps. Butt hey to HA libtards just another phony scandal.
Nuthin new here. Just evil capitalists operating as capitalists. Oh wait many of these were prolly Obummer goosesteppers in 2012. That’s why NBC went to them. They already knew who to talk to!
Oh no… another teacher scumbag union got busted… Hey in 2009 the AFT head said the union was only interested in themselves and erecting DUMMOCRAPTS not caring for the skuul children. Puddy posted the link many times; so many times HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron has it cataloged by duplication. Lookie here for some details…
Wait for it… Libtard SCHMUCKO to the rescue with some stoooooooooooopid and insane comment. Good… it seems the immediate payment will have to come from NEA’s national coffers so they can’t be using that $14 million for DUMMOCRAPTS in 2014.
Yeah right… hell will freeze over before union thugs and scumbags think morally. DUMMOCRAPTS don’t have moral bones in their bodies! What would you expect from libtard union thugs and scumbags who run the show? They only want power. Puddy bets some money is prolly in the ISTA leaderships’ bank accounts. That’s what Ponzi schemes do. Think Bernie Madoff, who made off with lotsa cash!
Oh a while back Libtard SCHMUCKO claimed Puddy was using goosesteppers because Puddy was copying him. What a crock.
If SCHMUCKO searched HA, SCHMUCKO would have found when SJ “lectured” Puddy on it’s use. An easy search would have seen Puddy using it in 2008, butt since SCHMUCKO like to think the world “revolves” around his sorry ASS, let him continue to thunk it!
Maybe the libtards were on vacation?
Oh no… ObummerFail? Well they removed this from the web site.
Wait for it… More stoooooooooooopidity from Libtard SCHMUCKO or c h e c k m a t e. Puddy can those two morons a continent away!
What is it with Bibul-thumping right-wingers and their hatred of unions?
How is it that a guy who works for a living, like the puddybigot seems to do, could be driven to such caustic hatred of other working people banding together to better negotiate and influence their working conditions?
I understand how rich people would instinctively desire free labor – it’s bedrock for the business side of the Republican clown car, but the ordinary working people – so effectively turned against other working people? It’s a rather brilliant political tactic, and I imagine gives some insight into some psychology – I think people like cheapshotBob as well as the puddybigot SO DESIRE being in the same circumstances as the Koch brothers, or Benny Hinn, or Donald Trump – that they literally take on those beliefs regardless of their actual, rational circumstances.
It’s the whole House Slave/Field Slave dichotomy all over again.
Oh, and about the money? Rather than running to the puddybigot’s preferred fever swamp sites (incl the State of Indiana, BTW), here’s the Insurance Journal….
And even better, the Indianapolis Star…
The headline could be written…
…with sub-headlines….
and finally…
Did you skip over ‘modal verbs‘ in homskuul?
Since you continue to attack YLB for what you perceive to be failings in his homelife, rather than the content of his writings, I’ll repost something I wrote the other day that you have ignored…
Yawwwwwn… More babbling from Babble-on 13..
Nothing to see here folks..
LS… It’s ok.. He’s incapable of anything else..
…he needs to be called out on that shit….
Strange that puddymoron’s own wife was a member of a labor union..
Maybe still is.. He won’t come clean about it.
Won’t do any good.. He’s committed body and soul to this bizarre performance art of his..
So let him continue representing the right as he does..
He makes our point every day.
Check this out, from Bloomberg (via Kos)…
My goodness, once again we see it’s OK to receive ‘handouts’ from the government, as long as you’re a white Republican.
Kinda just like cheapshotBob and his solar subsidies.
‘Limited government’ and ‘DEFICITS!!’ are only operative when talking about resources going to ‘those people’.
More than greed, this highlights the right-wing empathy deficit.
I think there are people with stunted empathy centers in their higher cortex, and those people are congenital Republicans.
An excerpt from my link…
Republicans think with their brainstems (ie reptilian or lizard brain), Democrats with their cortices.
Oh Piddles….deep sigh…don’t you ever…shake head…read or think?
So what we actually know is that CNN confirmed that some lawmakers are SPECULATING that what they read on WND might have actually happened.
In Puddyworld, since it fits your conspiracy worldview that sentence reads as iron clad proof of something.
More world according to Piddles ’cause it’s fun.
“CNN has confirmed Drudge’s original reporting that Michele Bachaman is speculating that the Obama administration is working with United Airlines to release mind control gas over U.S. soil in the contrails of jet planes.” proof enough for Piddles. Obama is using mind control gas.
“CNN has confirmed that the story of Senator Harry Reid that appeared on Free Republic stating that the Senator eats live babies may be true according to Senator Steve King. “I have never seen Senator Reid eat a baby but it is certainly possible to eat a baby.” Piddles….”Oh my God. The Dummocrapts elected a baby eater!”
Sure. I think I will mock you all I want.
@ 131
My goodness, once again we see it’s OK to receive ‘handouts’ from the government, as long as you’re a white Republican.
Kinda just like cheapshotBob and his solar subsidies.
I’m not receiving handouts.
I’m demonstrating incentivized behavior, which was desired by my state legislature, which was Democrat-controlled at the time the incentives were created, and is desired by my governor and by my president.
I’m not receiving handouts. I’m creating energy. And I’ve written checks for just shy of $20,000 – that money has gone to a WA-based solar panel manufacturer, a WA-based solar inverter manufacturer, and a Seattle-based electrician and his employees, who created a solar spin-off of his business.
If you didn’t want this to happen, you shouldn’t have created the incentives.
@133. Boy it’s fun to watch Serial “racist bigot” conn spin that one. I guess in his mind it’s only a handout if it goes to other people.
People on food stamps are also demonstrating incentived behavior.
They are not starving while they look for work, or working at their existing jobs that don’t pay a living wage, or are elderly and/or physically unable and cannot work.
People on food stamps are not “receiving handouts”. They are maintaining jobs. They are spending what money they have in the community, helping other people stay employed.
If conservatives didn’t want this to happen, they shouldn’t have created the incentives.
Oh wait, they don’t. They do want to cut the food stamps and have those “taker’ people starve.
@ 134
Weird concept of fun you have, NTfF.
Look and you shall find. A good rant about food stamps.
All can see how SCHMUCKO misses the point then screams how others miss the point when he “attempts” one.
Crazed mofo SCHMUCKO is!
Pavlov calls it right on time. HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron has Puddy on the brain. Can’t live without a daily Puddy attack!
Guess you’ll never know HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron!
Speculation… Seems checkmate never calls Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit when Roger speculates on Republicans.
Sad mind checkmate possesses. C H E C K M A T E ! (checkmate’s king falls over again)!
Another thing checkmate.. how come people know there were 400 shoulder fired missiles missing? Looks like there was NO SPECULATION except that in your teeny leetle mind!
Fascist Pigsty… Runs to Daily Kooks as always. Prolly lives on Daily Kooks during the non-working hours!
Puddy don’t hate the common man SCHMUCKO. Puddy dislikes union thugs who readily admit they are not in it for the children. Did you miss reading comprehension in school SCHMUCKO?
It’s great to see SCHMUCKO needs to see his “events” in writing again. BTW SCHMUCKO, Puddy had time so Puddy went back and answered your vile bile BEFORE PUDDY saw this post. Check the time you idiot! You can venture back and see Puddy’s response.
Sux to be you!
It’s great to see SCHMUCKO copy Puddy. Puddy been using skuul for years. Just ask HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE for a replay SCHMUCKO! Puddy dares ya!
Thanks again for the copy SCHMUCKO!
strange… SCHMUCKO never calls out HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE on his shit… Now why is that?
If the foo shits SCHMUCKO wears it!
Notice how Libtard SCHMUCKO deflects from the headline at hand… Union thugs losing money!
SCHMUCKO has a hard time with the truth!
You talking about yourself again unemployed ASSHOLE moron? Now that’s a bizarre performance art!!!!! You created the crazed databaze while sitting at home doing nuthin all day while Mrs slaves hard as a member of the SEIU losing her union dues to SEIU thuggery for DUMMOCRAPTS.
…over, and over, and over again and again and again…
Puddybigot, would you do the work you do, if you were not paid for it?
AAAAAANd we come full circle.
Piddles “There were 400 missiles blah, blah, blah”
Me: “Actually a lawyer with ties to the Valerie Plame scandal and a penchant for exaggeration claims that but there’s no proof.”
Piddles. “Of course there’s proof, everyone knows it was a coverup.”
Me “Right a coverup that there was covert activity that remains classified that incidentally was declassified to people with security clearance according to Republicans in the briefing.”
Piddles. “World Nut Daily says CNN confirms that there was arms running.”
Me: “No, World Net Daily confirms that some members of Congress are SPECULATING that there was gun running. WND has confirmed that their imaginative reporting on weapons in Benghazi is true because now some Congress-critters are speculating it MIGHT be true.” Known henceforth as the iron clad fact of speculation.
Piddles: “I win cause everyone knows there were 400 missles.” (see claim #1 above)
A virtuoso performance in circular debate.
Bravo. Curtain calls, fine performance by Piddles, AKA it’s an act ’cause no one is actually that thick.