– It’s too bad that the state’s unions have to justify their existence, but they do a good job of it.
– Everybody get your rotten tomatoes ready, Scott Walker is coming to town.
– Taking pictures is not a problem, and certainly not worthy of escalating a situation, King County and Seattle police.
– I’m on the record in the Hillary Clinton is great camp, but if she runs (and I’m not saying either way) there is going to be a lot of stupid. Even by the standards of the manufacturers of stupid.
– And a heads up: I’m on vacation next week. I may do a few posts, but will probably be more preoccupied with family stuff. Darryl will be around, and maybe the rest of the front pagers.
Next question! Spitzer refuses to deny rumors of ‘extra-marital affair’
Anyone seen Silda around lately?
Speaking of Hillary, I remember when it was announced that she and Bill were gonna move to NY after they were done in the White House.
Me and Anthony and Paterson got together and had a few drinks and I remember how Paterson said that with Bill in NY, everyone would be watching where his hands were, and no one would notice where we were getting our tail.
That really didn’t work out the way we thought it would. Of course, Paterson just thought he’d fly under the radar being both black and blind, as well as being a Democrat – a threefer. Me and Anthony don’t have those advantages. Only one we have is calling ourselves Democrats.
I gotta say one of the best things about being a Democrat caught up in a sex scandal is watching how hard those other Democrat bitches – I’m talking about Nancy and Debbie although there are lots of others, and even whole organizations like Emily’s List – work to make like our serial whoring is no big deal to them. I think they work harder at it than our wives do. And they did a really good job covering for our asses, too, until Filner decided he could grab some ass as well. Ruined a really good thing for the rest of us, that asshole did. It’s really starting to affect our campaigns. You know how hard it is to cry on cue? Especially when you’re really not sorry you did it. I couldn’t quite pull it off on that Sunday show. It looked staged, didn’t it?
Well, that didn’t work out the way it was supposed to.
In Newtown, Gun Permits Surge After Shooting
Obama’s Pick to Head Firearms Agency Clears Senate
B. Todd Jones is the first person confirmed by the Senate to lead the ATF.
Coincidental headline from the same publication, I’m sure.
Somehow I think this sentence
Burdick is Filner’s third chief of staff since the story broke three weeks ago.
‘should have been more prominently featured in the story:
If it weren’t a publicly funded source, maybe it would have been.
“Police Threatened to Arrest Me for Taking Their Photo Last Night ”
What’s that old saying, “if you are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide from.”
Just say’n.
I’m on vacation next week. I may do a few posts, but will probably be more preoccupied with family stuff.
Enjoy your time off. If you get a chance, places like the NY harbor are really nice to visit this time of year – great, expansive views. When I was AG, whenever I could I would send people to Riker’s Island for a few days, before they ended up someplace else.
Is anyone making book on which of our resident trolls is suffering from diarrhea this morning?
All over the country, cops have been intimidating, threatening, and arresting citizens (sometimes for standing on their own property) because cops DO NOT LIKE being photographed. They all know what happened to the cops who beat up Rodney King. Their solution? Not stop beating up the Rodney Kings of the world, but to expand the beatings to include people who videotape and photograph cops beating up the Rodney Kings of the world.
Courts have repeatedly rebuffed the bullshit excuses cops give for confiscating videos and arresting people for having cameras:
“You’re interfering with a police operation.”
“You’re threatening me.”
“I don’t feel safe.”
The latter are especially pernicious, because they imply the officer may draw his weapon and shoot you dead if you don’t stop filming him.
All of this is illegal. All of it is a violation of citizens’ constitutional rights. All of it has repeatedly been repudiated by the courts. Yet cops all over the country keep doing it. Why?
Because there are no consequences. They aren’t disciplined. They don’t lose their jobs or a single day’s pay. They don’t get sued, or if they do, the taxpayer pays. They think they have a free pass to abuse citizens who watch to see if they’re abusing other citizens.
So, what can you do if you’re caught up in this situation? First, continue videotaping so their threats and bullying are documented. Second, don’t voluntarily give them your camera; make them take it from you, so you can later make an official complaint of inappropriate use of physical force and destruction of private property (they invariably erase or damage the images, which is their real objective). Third, if you’re detained or cited, sue.
I have just two words of advice for citizens who are inappropriately arrested or harassed by police for observing or filming police activity: Anne Bremner.
She used to represent Seattle cops. She has highly specialized knowledge of legal cases involving law enforcement — and especially cop behavior — issues. She’s in private practice now, and can (and will) take cases involving citizens vs. cops.
Obviously, there’s an issue here that’s much larger than individual lawsuits can resolve. It’s not limited to SPD; it’s a national problem: Too many cops have chips on their shoulders. Too many cops see the world through an us-versus-them lens. Too many cops have a cavalier attitude toward citizens’ rights. Too many cops are bullies. Police departments have become too militarized. Cops are too trigger-happy. They’re too quick to use deadly force to resolve ordinary policing situations. It’s out of control to the point where fundamental changes in police training, management, and behavior are urgently required.
America’s cops seem to have collectively gotten a notion that they’re kings of the hill who can do whatever they want. Collectively, they need reminding that they’re public servants, not public masters.
It’s going to take a lot of hard work by citizens to bring about change, and change won’t happen overnight, but America’s cops are out of control and need to be put on a leash. If we don’t do that, cop abuse of citizens will not only continue but escalate. The numbers of innocent citizens shot dead by out-of-control cops will continue rising. Police departments that are supposed to be guardians of public safety will increasingly become public menaces.
America’s police forces are like a driverless truck rolling downhill. Someone needs to jump into the cab and stomp on the brakes. That someone is us.
Here’s something that may work against cops who illegally and unconstitutionally try to force citizens to stop filming them.
In this day and age of ubiquitous cellphones that work as videocams, if, when cops start giving a citizen a hard time for filming them, everyone in a crowd whips out their cellphones and films the cops-vs.-citizens encounter and then posts it on You Tube, well, they can’t arrest everyone. When they’re outnumbered, there simply aren’t enough cops to bust all the videofilmers and confiscate all the cameras.
The videos are evidence. Only one video of an police-citizen encounter needs to survive to be used in the media or in court to prove the cops’ behavior was illegal and inappropriate. And if every citizen who is arrested, detained, or intimidated for filming gets a lawyer and sues the police, eventually police departments will find themselves spending so much money defending themselves against lawsuits and paying judgments that they’ll have to rein in their officers.
In the Monday thread Obama parrot MikeBoyScout pollywannacrackered that Obama has bent the health care cost curve downward:
Not so much, it turns out:
By 2009, the growth rate fell to 3.9% a year — and did not change for 3 years.
That does not mean health care became cheaper. A lower rate of growth means that costs are still rising, just not as quickly as in the past. Health spending in the US averaged $5,695 per person in 2002 and climbed to $8,680 by 2011. Maybe that’s why no one noticed.
Even so, any sign that the growth in health spending is slowing would seem to be good news. But that depends on why the slowdown occurred.
Despite what the White House wants us to believe, Obamacare had nothing to do with it. Health reform wasn’t even signed into law until 2010, well after health spending growth had dropped.
In the immortal words of James Carville, it’s the economy, stupid. Millions of people lost their jobs during the deep recession that ended in 2009, and many of them still don’t have work. Without a job and the health insurance that comes with it, it’s difficult to pay for health care. No wonder health spending slowed down.
Don’t wait around for the White House to explain that to the voters.
Once all of Obamacare’s costs kick in, will MBS still be crowing about the downward bend? Doubtful. Costs are expected to climb, substantially, especially once the care outflows begin. Don’t forget they trail the cash inflows, since ACA costs were backloaded.
This Illinois man was charged with 5 felonies and faces 75 years in prison for videotaping police.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Government routinely violates our constitutional rights when they intercept and eavesdrop on our e-mails and phone conversations, but they use wiretapping laws to accuse citizens who record police activity of “terrorism.” Go figure.
@ 10
That’s crowdsourcing, of sorts.
Kind of like this response
to an asshole bully and domestic terrorist:
Always nice to link ‘Brett Kimberlin’ to the word ‘asshole’ whenever I can.
Looks like the Oregon TALGO trains are now in service. I thought that they had more testing to do.
The head of Swiss Federal Railways(I will not even try the abbreviation, as it is in each if the three main languages), is under fire over the commuter train wreck earlier this week. Turns out that the section of track where it happened, the signalling system dates back to the 1950s. Seems the priority for the newer system, ETCS, is for the Gothard and Lotschberg tunnel routes. The railway had also been in trouble for Zurich S-Bahn breakdowns last week, and the debate in Bern was over passenger compensation.
Also, awhile back an MP from the Swiss People’s Party quit the parliament. One of the reasons was that the weakening Euro was disadvantageous to the Swiss Franc, so he had to concentrate on his business. The MP is the CEO and owner of Stadler Rail, the major domestic train builder in Switzerland. He said he had to do more selling in othwr markets, and would be away from Bern more. By the way, trolls might like his party, despite the name, it’s a right-wing party.
Stadler Rail is making progress in the US market, with three light commuter rail operations, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Jersey. On the electric light rail vehicle front, they tried in Portland, but Siemens has a loyal customer in TriMet.
@13 And this is relevant to what? This guy is a con artist. Given his rap sheet, we all should assume his advocacy is a scam. Just ignore him and you’ll be fine.
So what’s your point? Do you have one?
10)That’s what made the Oscar Grant case different from Trayvon Martin. Everybody had a camera, so it helped and hindered both sides.
Interesting story about Knoxville, Tennessee, a very red city in Tennessee, and it turning green.
@17 just his usual agenda:
Unions are bad.
The rich pay too much in taxes.
Obama is wrong.
Be afraid of brown people.
Only liberals have to live up to what they say.
And as much distracting of the discussion as he can get away with.
Almost everything he posts falls into one of those buckets.
Goverment was SUPPOSED to be there to handle the things that were too big for individuals to handle, like fighting wars or helping people when employers won’t pay them a living wage to afford FOOD, or when they couldn’t find a job at all.
The government should abdicate trying to mitigate poverty. That’s the church’s responsibility?
Is that the mind set of all republicans?
Hey Serial “Doesn’t pay his bets” Conn, how come you are not championing this story
I guess it only matters to Serial “Doesn’t pay his bets” Conn if it’s not done by republicans. Typical.
@ 20
@ 21
We talked about it two days ago. Something new to add? No? Then no further interest after 48 hours.
It’s the same freaking principle as Atlanta. Good scores get good money. People will cheat to be able to justify that money. We need to change the system so either there is no incentive to cheat, or have regulations (gasp) and regulators with teeth (pesky bureaucracy) to keep people from cheating.
Enjoyed these comments
Whether you’re a working mother who relies on welfare, a child who gets nutrition from food stamps, or a Catholic nun, some Republican lawmakers apparently have the same refrain for those seeking government assistance: You’re on your own.
Ryan’s comments, combined with Ribble’s, invoked an old conservative stereotype of the lazy, unemployed welfare recipient, living off of government funding instead of working for her family’s wellbeing. Under their logic, those who receive welfare—or faith-based social justice charities that ask for government assistance—are just not working hard enough.
Is that how you see it? Those who receive welfare are just not working hard enough?
19 – You forgot:
left-leaning women are bitches, smelly, etc..
i.e. that misogynistic crap he puts out when his medication is wearing thin.
Okay, so taping the police may be a crime in some states if you record audio, although I seriously question whether this application of the eavesdropping laws that many states (including Washington) have enacted would withstand a court test. Under these laws, you’re legal if you turn off the audio and record only images, but don’t expect belligerent cops to understand that fine distinction.
These laws were never intended to criminalize citizen observation or recording of police performing their public duties.
Washington has a typical eavesdropping law: It prohibits electronic recording of private conversations without the consent of participants. It also provides that illegal recordings can’t be used as evidence in state courts.
Shortly after its enactment, Washington’s law came under a very interesting court test. The case is State v. Smith, 85 Wn.2d 840 (1975). A Seattle burglary detective named David Smith lured the victim to an alley where Smith killed him, as an apparent exercise of “street justice.” (Smith was investigating the victim for murder and burglary, and the victim had threatened Smith’s life.) The medical examiner discovered a tape recorder on the victim’s body that captured the entire encounter, including the victim begging for his life and the gunshots. This tape was used to convict Smith of murder. Smith appealed, claiming he was convicted with illegal evidence. The Washington Supreme Court upheld the admissibility of the tape recording and Smith’s conviction, stating that “gunfire, running, shouting, and screams” are not “private conversation” within the meaning of the statute, but declined to provide a “definitive definition” of the statutory phrase “private conversation.”
Obviously, there’s a fine line here. The Smith case seems to suggest that merely pointing a cellphone camera at a group of cops beating up a detainee would not violate the Washington statute, even if audio is recorded. On the other hand, if a cop walks up to you and demands that you hand over your cellphone, you may not be able to legally record that conversation.
What is obviously needed is a law clarifying citizens’ rights to observe and record police activity. Obviously, the law should not give citizens a license to interfere with police. But we do need a law providing a clear, unambiguous, black-and-white right to record police activity from a distance. The police do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when they’re carrying out their official duties in public. This is especially true when police activity involves the possible abuse of citizens or violation of citizens’ rights, as in the Rodney King case.
@ 23
Again, where’s your link?
I have my kids in private school because there is no way I will subject them to high-stakes testing.
Purely coincidental that in private school almost everyone around them is white(, too). Has nothing to do with homogeneity, safety, or perhaps education in theology and ability to participate in team lacrosse. Has everything to do with avoiding those vexing tests.
Uh huh. Bet he reads Playboy for the articles, too.
Heh.. Shit I never heard of that guy till Mr Dimbulb’s comment.
But google him and you see a freaking OCEAN of klownservative obsession with him..
Fine.. The more winguts are obsessed with bit-players like Kimberlin who are cursed with a litigious streak, the more progess rational people can make replacing the batshit insane krackpot kongress who’s hell bent on destroying this country.
A little funding can go a long way against the wingnuts.
@ 28
Shit I never heard of that guy till Mr Dimbulb’s comment.
That’s the point of calling him out in blog posts/comments, YLB. Now you have and, moreover, he might even be captured for posterity in your precious creepy database.
I hear about tons of people for the first time around here. That’s also the point about hanging around others with whom I disagree.
@29 Kimberlin’s Wikipedia bio gives the lowdown on this career criminal and serial perjurer to anyone who wants to know.
It doesn’t matter whether he’s pushing a conservative or liberal agenda, meme, or cause. Just assume that whatever he says (1) is a lie, and (2) has a monetary motive.
In fact, of all this guy’s lies, the last one I’d believe is any claim by him to be a liberal. Convicts like him are usually redneck rightwingers, and if they get their voting rights restored, they usually vote for people like Dino Rossi.
The best way to deal with Kimberlin is press the “ignore” button. Problem solved.
After the disputed 2004 governor’s election, local news media interviewed 10 ex-felon voters — 9 white guys and 1 woman. The woman told reporters she voted for Gregoire. All 9 of the white male ex-felons said they voted for Dino Rossi.
In the aftermath of the election, which was decided by 129 votes, investigation of voting results indicated that about 1,100 ineligible ex-felon voters had voted in the election. No one knew who they voted for, of course. The GOP’s lawyers came up with a complex mathematical formula, based on data from other states, which they argued showed that Gregoire probably got more of the ineligible felon votes than Rossi did. The judge didn’t buy the data or the argument.
The data came from states like New Jersey that have a relatively high proportion of minority (especially black) inmates, who are far more likely to vote Democratic than white male criminals are. Washington has a much lower ratio of minority inmates than those states, so it was not a valid comparison, although the judge’s ruling was more along the lines that the data or formula used didn’t matter because this was all sheer speculation anyway.
But the available research and studies do show one striking thing: White male ex-convicts are extremely likely to vote Republican. Like, almost 100% of them. Maybe they’re law-and-order zealots, or maybe the GOP has an image that viscerally appeals to people who think of themselves as tough guys, who knows why (and who cares). It’s simply interesting that white male convicts are almost certain to have very conservative, pro-Republican, political views.
Which raises the interesting question of whether Kimberlin’s seemingly liberal political orientation is fake. Why not? He’s lied about everything else. Why wouldn’t he lie about that, too?
Using the Washington State GOP’s methodology their lawyers deployed in the 2004 election trial, Kimberlin probably is a Republican.
Already has Dr. Dimbulb.. Before today, Kimberlin merited one mention by the batshit contingent here:
From, of course, our goto klownservative running sore for laughs around here.
One.. Easily ignored, forgotten.
If Kimberlin is a Republican, as I suspect he probably is, he wouldn’t be the first Republican to lie about who he is and what he believes. See, e.g., Rodney Tom and Susan Hutchison.
Why does Dr. Dimbulb’s moniker link us to a high-performance auto parts site?
31)In Maine and one other New England state, felons can vote while incarcerated.
A distant relative of Amelia Earhart plans on retracing and completing her namesake’s final flight. She’s a traffic pilot/reporter in Denver.
@10, 17, 26
If you’re not a fan of local Seattle Hip-Hop, this is still worth hearing (in this case a fan vid so…seeing.)
BART Strike Part II coming up, barring a last minute deal. Although if it is true that BART has dropped the conditions on the raise, I would suggest that the Union accept the offer. Also, the BART GM has failed in a crisis before, as Grace Crunican was head of the Seattle Department of Transportation from 2001-2009, including the Snowpocalypse of 2008. Governor Brown has been through this before, and has not ordered a cooling off period, because he wants it settled, before the high school and college students return to school. Part I lasted 4 days before they agreed to an extension of the expired contract.
During that strike, MUNI ridership within San Francisco went up 10%, that is 10% on an existing daily ridership of 700,000. Why no sympathy strike? Dan Francisco Municipal Railway employees are prohibited by language in the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco from striking. Some are suggesting Sacramento pass legislation barring strikes at BART. Who’s not? That’s something both the Unions and BART management agree on. They don’t want such legislation. By the way, up here, King County Metro employees can’t strike, it’s mandatory arbitration.
One thing BART employees want is safer conditions for station agents, including bulletproof glass in their booths.
Regional officials think that it will be worse this time. Caltrain is at capacity, and as I said before, BART takes pressure iff of MUNI, running in the lower deck of the Market Street Subway, and acting as another transit line within the city, from Embarcadero Station to Balboa Park Station. Caltrain has one or two other stations within city limits. Then there are the passenger only ferries.
A little info from an op-ed on the workers side. By the way, management is a beneficiary of some of the more wasteful benefits. Including a compensation package for the previous GM they botched the firing of and had to buy out.
No wonder Team Obama was taking such pains to avoid calling Benghazi a consulate.
‘Little Langley’ might have been a better way of describing it:
Among the many secrets still yet to be told about the Benghazi mission, is just how many Americans were there the night of the attack.
A source now tells CNN that number was 35, with as many as seven wounded, some seriously.
I guess this means there’s a bunch more people that the House GOP reps can subpoena for answers, right?
If Team GWB43 had 35 CIA operatives stuffed in some diplomatic installation somewhere in Lower BF Libya, the Dems would be asking why, right?
Shakes head…
Bob Filner… Anthony Weiner… Eliot Spitzer…
Oh wait… Dem be DUMMOCRAPTS!
Meanwhile over at SlashDot…
Well… do you trust Obummer libtards? Aren’t you happy to know da feds are screening everything? Obummer and his sadministration open their mouth and lies abound.
The rrason why I say “botched” firing of Crunican’s predecessor, is the board was in the right, they just violated Open meetings laws. Still, in 2012, her predecessor was allowed to take home accrued vacation pay. $330,000 to be exact. Dorothy Duggar had been with the agency for 20 years, 4 as GM.
In situattons like this, it’s always being asked if the rank and file workers are overpaid, but few are asking if the executives are.
38, meant San Francisco Municipal Railway employees.
Obummer commentary… so now we see Obummer doing this with the Keystone Pipeline. It creates jobs and the State Department claims it does. So now we see Obummer Puts Party Above Country!
@42 “Well… do you trust Obummer libtards?”
As I recall, your organ grinder monkey started all this, after ignoring warnings about terrorists who eventually collapsed several buildings and killed several thousand Americans. Then the same chimpanzee started a war against the wrong country that killed several thousand more Americans. Do I trust Obama? Let’s just say I trust Republicans less.
Compared to the average GOP screwup, Benghazi was a relatively good day — comparatively speaking, of course — only four Americans died. Republicans get Americans killed in four-figure batches.
@45 “It creates jobs”
Yeah, all 50 of ’em, plus a couple thousand temporary construction jobs. Look, as far as I’m concerned, they can build it, as long as they don’t route it through Sand Hills or over the Oglalla Aquifer. That Canadian company had an alternate route all along because they knew their preferred route couldn’t and wouldn’t be approved. Some environmentalists don’t want it built because they want Canadian tar oil to stay in the ground. That ain’t gonna happen. So I won’t argue that Obama should block it to prevent air pollution in China, even though China’s soot pollutes the whole world. Or to prevent water pollution in Canada, even though tar oil is the dirtiest oil in the world. As long as the pipeline doesn’t create direct pollution problems here in the U.S., I’ll go along with it. Let the market sort it out. If oil falls to $80 a barrel, none of that Canadian tar oil will come out of the ground. It’s not only the dirtiest oil on earth, it’s also very expensive oil to extract, and it’s not economic except when oil prices are very high (like now). That’s why nobody ever mined it before now.
A single McDonalds hamburger franchise creates more permanent jobs than the Keystone XL pipeline will. Pipelines are automated. They require hardly any human labor to run them. A few guys sitting at computer consoles and that’s about it.
Didn’t Obummer give up the missile defense shield for Poland and Czech Republic as a good will to Putin in 2009? So Putin sticks his boot up Obummer’s ASS with Snowden’s asylum.
Yeah we reset after Booooooosh huh? Seems Putin respected America much more with Bush as president!
So sad!
So do car crashes. Do we want more car wrecks?
Golly ROGER SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit… the State Department claims 2000 permanent and 42,000 2 year jobs. Even your buds in labor unions want the project Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit.
C R A S S from HA’s DUMBASS!
That wasn’t respect, that was worry that Bush would do something really stupid.
Obama’s nothing to write home about, but he’s still better than Bush or Romney.
Golly… The NY Times is just a leftist slime gutter. Ad revenue proves it.
I don’t see a shred of evidence that anything Bush did ever kept Putin in line. Putin did, and continues to do, whatever he wants. He never asked Bush for permission. He doesn’t ask Obama for permission, either. No difference at all there.
@45 “It creates jobs”
So fucking what? So do wars, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and widespread outbreaks of infectious diseases. And so eventually will cleaning up the God-awful turd piles Republicans have created all over the place wherever they’ve managed to lie, cheat or steal their way into power and see what they can pilfer or break before they get kicked out.
7-Eleven is being sued by franchisees who assert the company exercises such total control over the operation of franchises (right down to the temperature inside the stores) that the franchisees are mere employees. Its business model allows 7-Eleven to make its “employees” put up their own money for the stores they work in, and then work 80+ hours a week, for no pay and no benefits.
Yeah the:
Sebelius Illegal Requests for ObummerCare “donations” from Corporations
Now the FEC is involved with the IRS
Spying on the AP
James Rosen the Natural Security Threat
Fast and Furious
etc. etc. etc.
Yeah… Right!
@48 The real point is that if crude does stay over $80 a barrel, which it will certainly do in the long run, Canada is going to become an economic powerhouse. With all that wealth and a comparatively small population, it’ll be like Saudi Arabia in the 1960’s except with beer and poutine. In fact, they’ll be the ones pushing us around in the world marketplace–at least for a few decades. And perhaps it’s just as well for us down here below the 49th parallel in the long run if we build the fool pipeline and enable China to outbid us for all that incredibly dirty oil. Same goes for the coal, because we won’t be burning it here and fouling our own air and water.
Got proof Putin put a boot into Booooooosh’s ASS?
Puddy will wait.
“the State Department claims 2000 permanent and 42,000 2 year jobs”
That’s horseshit. The State Department’s figures in its EIS are 3,900 annual construction jobs and 35 permanent jobs. Politifact says:
“[W]e went to the State Department’s lengthy environmental impact statement on the project that came out in March. In that report, the lowest estimate for jobs directly tied to construction was 3,900 jobs a year. That number came after analysts wrestled with the stop-and-start nature of construction work and converted the jobs to a yearly estimate. ‘Approximately 10,000 construction workers engaged for 4-to 8-month seasonal construction periods (approximately 5,000 to 6,000 per construction period) would be required to complete the proposed project. When expressed as average annual employment, this equates to approximately 3,900 jobs.’ … It also confirmed that there would be few long-term jobs, something on the order of 35.
“The largest jobs number in the State Department report is an annual average of 42,100, but that includes part-time jobs and … the ripple effects as spending moves through the economy, measured over two years. The further out from the immediate project the analysis moves, the less certain the results. The report said these jobs would amount to 0.02 percent of total American employment, adding some weight to the president’s characterization of the impact on the overall jobs picture.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I apologize for my mistake. I should’ve said 35, not 50, permanent jobs. Sorry. It was careless of me.
Now that Nadal Malik Hasan has officially renounced his citizenship will he stop getting paid? He’s gotten over $275 Large so far!
Will Obummer stop calling this workplace violence and call it terrorism so the survivors can finally get the benefits afforded them with a terrorist designation?
DUMMOCRAPTS putting party above 160 affected people! Typical!
@61 When he told Bush to take his missile shield and shove it.
@63 Do you have a cite to where Obama called it “workplace violence”? (Your link only takes us to an article about what the Pentagon says.)
And do you wish to argue it wasn’t workplace violence?
BULLSHIT on the Pipeline? Really Mr Cuyahoga County?
State Department’s draft SEIS review, would generate 42,100 direct and indirect jobs during a two-year building phase. Of that total, 3,900 jobs would go to construction workers.
Puddy trusts Forbes since they know all about money.
@48 If Canada builds its own pipeline to the Pacific Coast and exports its tar oil to China, we’ll have zero say about what Canada does. On the other hand, if their tar oil has to go through the U.S. to reach refineries and ports, we have the Canadians by the balls.
@11 Serial RENEGER – cognitively impaired?
1) I said ObamaCare was “bending the cost curve of health care.”
2) I quoted a White House announcement which stated “the slowest rate of increase in nearly 50 years.”
Today you gloat a refutation with a citation to an article which says (and you quote) “A lower rate of growth means that costs are still rising, just not as quickly as in the past.”
I’ve added the emphasis not in the hope that you understand, but so the others can’t point and laugh at your stupidity …. again.
Now, how about you be a man and pay your 8 month past due debt on your bet, you dimwitted RENEGER?
The Pentagon works for Obummer. Remember Abu Ghraib… Libtards claimed it was a Bush directive. So….
Nuff SAID Sucka.
@66 With a little more creative accounting work, anyone can inflate that 42,100 number to 42 million.
What does trusting Forbes have to do with this? Everyone is using the same numbers. It doesn’t matter whether PolitiFact or Forbes cites the 42,100 figure in the State Department EIS. They may interpret that number in different ways, though.
Which brings me to my point: So can you. You can take that 42,100 figure and inflate it into an argument that the pipeline will create 42,100 jobs, although the State Department isn’t really saying that and neither is Forbes. PolitiFact is explicit about what that number really is.
In fact, the Forbes article reads like the author got his information from PolitiFact. He merely deleted PolitiFact’s explanation of what the State Department meant by its 42,100 figure.
The 42,100 figure includes all the 7-Eleven clerks who will sell Big Gulps to thirsty construction workers, dummy.
You brought up the State Department. The State Department is your source. Their figures are 3,900 construction jobs (annualized) and 35 permanent jobs.
I’m merely taking figures from your source and shoving them up your lying ass.
@69 “The Pentagon works for Obummer.”
So does a janitor working in a federal building in Poughkeepsie, but that doesn’t make everything the janitor says a statement by Obama.
@69 “Remember Abu Ghraib… Libtards claimed it was a Bush directive.”
It was. Bush authorized torture. Then lied about it. And when the Busheviks got caught, they turned a few dogface Army privates into scapegoats. What a sorry bunch of asswipes.
I doubt any CIA employees would torture detainees without an authorization signed by the president. That’s their get-out-of-jail-free card. They aren’t stupid. They know how the scapegoating system works. But we know for sure that Bush signed such an authorization. And then lied about it.
Really DUMBASS Wabbit. Politifact, the leftist leaning groop is agreeing with the Pipeline Haters from Cornell University.
And your worthless point it? 42,100 jobs because some leftists say no? The Oklahoma section created 4000 jobs.
Right here dumbass..
What did that empty suit do about it?
Initially the Bush Administration considered a military response to defend Georgia, but such an intervention was ruled out due to the inevitable conflict it would lead to with Russia. Instead, Bush opted for a softer option by sending humanitarian supplies to Georgia by military, rather than civilian, aircraft.
i.e. hardly anything worth mentioning..
@69 Uncle Puddles!
The Bush Administration’s Most Despicable Act
Puddy doesn’t remember Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit telling the other HA libtards that Bush DID NOT order the Abu Ghraib episode.
Sorry DUMBASS, you can’t change tunes just because Obummer is now in the whitey house!
Last time I heard wingnuts talk about Abu Ghraib, they were defending what happened there. They not only saw nothing wrong with it, but called anyone who did a traitor. That, right there, tells you what kind of feces wingnuts are made of.
@77 “Puddy doesn’t remember Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit telling the other HA libtards that Bush DID NOT order the Abu Ghraib episode.”
??? What does this have to do with what we’re arguing about?
@75, the unemployed spittoon farts a JOKE!
@77 Uncle Puddles!
up @69 you wrote:
It’s not a claim, asswipe. It is a sad American tragedy that you supported ….twice.
Oh my FLUBSCOUT appears… Abu Ghraib was all about Al Qaeda prisoners? Really FLUBSCOUT? It was about Iraqi prisoners.
Everything DUMB Wabbit… Obummer’s Pentagon speaks for him just like y’all claim the Pentagon did Bush’s bidding as provided by FLUBSCOUT!
Puddy gotta go for a while DUMB Wabbit. Puddy in a city where a family friend and child we used to engage with as a playmate for our sons is now an executive chef at a multi-city restaurant.
Oh BTW DUMB Wabbit, son just got a job offer today as a lawyer when he gradiates!
See you later!
Be back later!
@82 “It was about Iraqi prisoners.”
Many of whom were innocent Iraqi civilians who were rounded up simply because they looked sinister to some PFC with an MP armband.
@83 “Obummer’s Pentagon speaks for him just like y’all claim the Pentagon did Bush’s bidding as provided by FLUBSCOUT!”
These are the words of a simpleton. We’re talking about a bureaucratic labeling of a mass murder incident as “workplace violence” instead of “terrorism.” That’s Pentagon doublespeak, not White House policy, moron. But an idiot like you wouldn’t know the difference.
There’s a reason for it, of course. The Pentagon is trying to limit its liability to the victims. Workplace violence is compensable under a worker’s comp system (if you’re a civilian worker) or service-connected disability system (if you’re a service member). Calling it “terrorism” legally takes it out of those systems and opens up the government to much larger compensation claims by victims’ families and survivors.
@83 “son just got a job offer today as a lawyer when he gradiates!”
Good for him. My congratulations. I’ll look for him on a federal appeals court someday. I sincerely hope he’s smarter than you, for all of our sakes.
When he invaded Georgia. The one in the Caucasus Mountains not the one in the southeastern US.
@75 I missed your post.
Stop it. Putty hates facts.
A few days ago, it was reported that Walker said he was open to limiting the power of Police and Fire Unions now that he got away with going after other public employees union rights, and then walked it back. One paper has asked him to just let it go?http://www.beloitdailynews.com.....f887a.html
By the way, transit workers were put in the same category as Police and Fire Unions, because their Federal money was at stake. The legislation that created federal funding for transit, had a provision protecting such rights. At the time, although they were failing, most public transportation operations were private, and most public sector workers did not have union rights.
Bankrupt Detroit is still going to Piss away 500 million on a new sports stadium. Gotta love it, no money for pensions, but they need a new stadium…
Let the laughs roll
And he’s out!
This, along with #90’s post, show the non-leadership and corruption in those who claim to be the leadership class in America. It’s time for mass retirements! Or maybe petrol bombs and pitchforks.
@90 Old news. I posted about it days ago. Just one more example of the disgusting fetish city fathers have for taxpayer-funded sports palaces.
The Gun Nuts Lose One
“A controversial program to arm teachers and school staff members in an Arkansas town was shot down Thursday as illegal under state law. …
“The new plan — which would have armed about 20 volunteer teachers and staff members — troubled some legislators, who sought a ruling on its legality from state Attorney General Dustin McDaniel.
“In an opinion issued Thursday, McDaniel said state codes don’t authorize ‘either licensing a school district as a guard company or classifying it as a private business authorized to employ its own teachers as armed guards.'”
Nice post
That’s real crap DUMB Wabbit. They were on the base getting paid by the military. Hey SENILE and FORGETFUL moron… Remember when Obummer arranged a hero’s welcome for Kimberly Munley at the State of the Union address and made all that pomp and circumstance? Remember she took three bullets from Hasan? No, well that 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady is still prevalent in yo rabbit head. Well she be fired now from her job. Remember how Obummer said he would take care of them. Yeah… like how Obummer has taken care of Brian Terry’s family. Workplace Violence!
Or How Obummer has taken care of Chris Stevens’ family. Or how Obummer has taken care of Glen Doherty’s family. Or how Obummer has taken care of Tyrone Woods’ family. Or how Obummer has taken care of Sean Smith’s family. Workplace Violence!
Yeah limiting the liability of dead and injured, that’s the DUMMOCRAPT way.
That’s BULLSHIT Roger. You claimed the other day being a Vietnam vet, you seem to agree with this Workplace Violence. Why haven’t the victims gotten Purple Hearts? Oh no can’t have that can we SENILE DUMBASS? Yet they’ll continue to pay Hasan over $278 Large. That’s A-OK!
All a pack of lies!
And that was what for the US?
MarkStooooooooooooooopid and the unemployed dog dropping… two peas in a pod!
Yet FLUBSCOUT and you libtards claim Bush’s decision was the cause of Abu Ghraib. Yeah right!
Your heroes at work.
So is pud asserting that infrastructure spending (pipelines creates jobs? How about roads and bridges? Why don’t we build, or more likely rebuild some of those?
@97 Oh, okay, if you say so. But just one little detail, if I may …
“The Torture Memos, sometimes called the Bybee Memo or 8/1/02 Interrogation Opinion, was a term originally applying to a set of three legal memoranda drafted by John Yoo as Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the United States and signed by Assistant Attorney General Jay S. Bybee, head of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice. They advised the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Department of Defense, and the president on the use of enhanced interrogation techniques: mental and physical torment and coercion such as prolonged sleep deprivation, binding in stress positions, and waterboarding, and stated that such acts widely regarded as torture might be legally permissible under an expansive interpretation of presidential authority during the ‘War on Terror’.
“Following accounts of the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq, one of the memos was leaked to the press in June 2004. Jack Goldsmith, then head of the Office of Legal Counsel, had already withdrawn the memos by Bybee and Yoo, and advised agencies not to rely on them. He resigned that month without completing replacement of the legal opinions. In December 2004, another head of OLC had reaffirmed the original legal opinions.
In 2008 another related memo by Yoo was revealed during a Senate investigation; it was written and issued by Yoo, as acting head of OLC, to the Department of Defense on March 14, 2003, shortly before the invasion of Iraq beginning March 19. It concluded ‘that federal laws against torture, assault and maiming would not apply to the overseas interrogation of terror suspects’. The legal opinion had been requested by William J. Haynes, General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Defense. It was used by DOD to ‘justify harsh interrogation practices on terror suspects at Guantánamo Bay’ and the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse.
“In May 2005 the CIA requested new legal opinions about the interrogation techniques it was using. The OLC issued three memos that month, signed by Steven G. Bradbury, ruling on the legality of the authorized techniques if agents followed certain constraints.
“In addition to these memos issued by the OLC to executive agencies, internal memos were written related to the use of torture in interrogation of detainees; for instance, in 2002 and 2003, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, signed several memos authorizing ‘Special Interrogation Plans’ for specific detainees held at Guantanamo Bay in an attempt to gain more information from them.
“All of these memoranda have been the focus of considerable controversy over executive power, government practices, and the treatment of detainees during the Bush administration. They were repudiated by President Barack Obama on January 22, 2009, shortly after he took office.”
Sure sounds like a rogue operation, huh? Hey dumbass, read this phrase again: Presidential authority. This shit was authorized at the top. As in direct presidential involvement. But never mind all that, we’re supposed to take your word as gospel truth around here …
Brett Kimberlin sounds like a DUMMOCRAPT to Puddy! He tried to nail Dan Quayle during the presidential election. From WikiPedia…
Nuff said right there!
@98 “Sergeant Thomas Molnar said Virginia State Police were aware of the incident, saying it ‘occurred a few months ago’. ‘This is a personnel matter and state police does not have further comment on this matter,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I’m not a big fan of skateboarders, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t in the police procedures manual. It’ll be interesting to see what the back story is. Maybe this cop had a few encounters with this skater and decided to teach him a lesson. But, like I said, it’s not an authorized police procedure.
Griner, England and others had no standing to perform what they did based on the memo cuz they were Iraqi regulars.
Good try!
Dayum Puddy was waiting for this.. Thanks “K”. Remember that $830 Billion Obummer spent for all those “shovel ready jobs”?
Another Obummer lie!
@101 He’d fit right in at any GOP gathering. GOPers embrace loonies like him.
So what happened to that war on wimens commentary from BlabberMouth Schultz and Stretch Pelosi…?
Oh never mind… they be DUMMOCRAPT men!
@103 “and others”
I assume by this you mean the highly compensated (by taxpayers) private contractors at Abu Ghraib who behaved like Gestapo thugs?
“had no standing to perform what they did based on the memo cuz they were Iraqi regulars”
Ah, I see. They were only authorized to torture, abuse, assault, and kill Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists. If they do it to Iraqi regulars by mistake, the people who signed the memos pursuant to the president’s authorization, and the president himself, had nothing to do with it. Nice cover.
Oh, by the way, is there some reason you didn’t mention the fact that the vast majority of Iraqis abused in Abu Ghraib were non-combatant civilians who were simply picked up in street sweeps?
I’ll give puddy one thing, he’s certainly creative in his jackassery.
Except he exhibits DUMMOCRAPT qualities… And we know WikiPedia leans leftist!!!!!
Then you just made Puddy’s day. And you accuse Puddy of “jackASSery” with a comment like that. You just proved Griner, England and others did not follow the directive of Al Qaeda and Taliban as proffered above by FlubScout.
Going to bed DUMB Wabbit. Scream at yourself now!
The topic, dear readers, as you may recall is who was responsible for designating Maj. Hassan’s alleged mass murders as “workplace violence” instead of “terrorism.” There is no evidence whatsoever that this was anything other than a mid-level bureaucratic decision at the Pentagon, with no presidential involvement whatsoever.
President Bush, on the other hand, authorized the use of torture (and lied about it). This authorization occurred prior to the invasion of Iraq, and was in place prior to and during the Abu Ghraib abuses. Those abuses were not just a product of overreaching by company-level soldiers:
“On December 21, 2004, the American Civil Liberties Union released copies of FBI internal memos they had obtained under the Freedom of Information Act concerning alleged torture and abuse at Guantanamo Bay, in Afghanistan and in Iraq. One memo dated May 22, 2004 was from someone whose name was blanked out but was described in the memo as “On Scene Commander – Baghdad”. He referred explicitly to an Executive Order that sanctioned the use of extraordinary interrogation tactics by U.S. military personnel. The methods explicitly mentioned as being sanctioned are sleep deprivation, hooding prisoners, playing loud music, removing all detainees’ clothing, forcing them to stand in so-called ‘stress positions’, and the use of dogs. The author also claimed that the Pentagon had limited use of the techniques by requiring specific authorization from the chain of command. … This was the first internal evidence … that forms of coercion of captives had been mandated by the President of the United States. … [T]he particular acts committed at the prison … were not isolated incidents. These or similar incidents of torture and humiliation were routine, systemic and widespread, had been occurring for over a year, and some of them were official policy.”
And also, let’s not forget the Abu Ghraib torture abuses were perpetrated not only by American soldiers but also by private contractors. It was really the latter who ran the show and called the shots.
Let’s not forget that when the whistle was blown on Abu Ghraib, rightwingers called the whistleblowers “traitors.” They did the same thing 40 years ago when the whistle was blown on My Lai. Rightwingers believe that when American troops commit atrocities and war crimes, these events should be covered up. Rightwingers believe the perpetrators of these atrocities and war crimes should not be punished. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, rightwingers loudly cheered every time a journalist was killed. They loudly cheered the detention and torture of innocent Iraqi civilians. Their bloodlust poured in rivers from blogs like Free Republic and other online meccas for rightwing crazies.
All I’m sayin’ is I’m not gonna vote for these people. I’m not gonna vote for Republicans or conservatives or wingnuts in any shape or form. They don’t reflect my values or what I believe in, and I’m not gonna support them or vote for them. Puddy can if he wants, it’s a free country so that’s his prerogative, and we all know what he’s made of anyway. That’s all I have to say on this topic.
@110 See ya again tomorrow, fool. Don’t let the bedbugs chew yer dick off.
looking for some Elliot Bronstein “brown-bag” discourse….you know, the recycled newspaper guy who gets some job for civil rights…where now you cannot invite folks to a brown bag…..because….somebody brown might be offended? really…..and this guy is paid to make up this nonsense?
I meant to add this came from Joel Connelly blog on seattlepi.com
@112 “Rightwingers believe that when American troops commit atrocities and war crimes, these events should be covered up.”
Or applauded. Or perhaps jacked off over.
In Los Angeles, something interesting is happening, the number of new households with few or no cars, is on the rise, outnumbering ones that do. Part of it is the economy, part of it ithat the MTA is beginning to build up a good system. The Blue Line, Long Beach to Downtown Los Angeles, is near capacity, and the MTA is going to build a second North-South line to the west, on Crenshaw.Expo Phase II is first, in 2016, Regional Connector is Downtown by 2020.
Sez Mr Speculator. How many times have Obummer’s talking heads came on and talked about decisions made at the highest levels. One of Jay Carneybarker’s favorite lines. And SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit… mid-level bureaucrapts?
DUMBEST thing you wrote last night! With all the hue and cry this is a chief of staph decision!
Good try at “shaping the argument”. EPIC FAYLE Again!
Okay FartinArt… It is strange that Puddy didn’t hear your voice when during Obummer’s watch…
when this happened…
this happened…
when this happened…
It’s only when a Republican is in da whitey house do HA DUMMOCRAPTS determine soldier created atrocities are bad!
Scalp, rightfully claimed.
Florida education chief resigns over role in Indiana grade scandal
Or, to use the No Time for Fascists rationale (see Atlanta schools score-changing scandal discussion earlier this week), a poorly thought-out concept created an opportunity for an otherwise honest man to commit a fraudulent act. It wasn’t his fault and he really shouldn’t be held to account for his actions. The system failed this good man.
See how stupid that sounds when it’s applied to the other side, NTfF?
McAuliffe accepts payday lenders’ support
Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who took a hard line against payday lenders in his bid for governor four years ago, has accepted their support this time around.
Well, a lot has changed. Since it’s now clear that the employment participation rate won’t be improving under Obama, usurious loans are a much more important part of the economy these days.
Follow the money.
Headline du jour:
CIA ‘running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked’
Who will play the part of Oliver North? Or, more interestingly, Fawn Hall?
On the eve of his military trial, accused Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan released seven pages of handwritten and typed documents to Fox News in which he appears to renounce his U.S. citizenship, abandons his military oath as a commissioned officer, and explains his relationship with radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki — the first American targeted for death by the CIA.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....z2ap34R8x6
Hopefully now we can just drone-strike the motherfucker and be done with it.
Dozens of CIA agents were apparently on the ground in Benghazi, Libya last September.
What I want to know is why.
That sensation you are experiencing, YLB, is the ground shifting under your feet.
It wasn’t his fault and he really shouldn’t be held to account for his actions. The system failed this good man.
Who the hell said that it wasn’t either of their faults, that they are victims. Show me the links where we said they shouldn’t be held accountable. You can’t.
These people who cheated were wrong AND the system is wrong because in it’s currently parameters of rewarding test scores with cash without regulations and safeguards, it encourages that behavior.
Here is a crude analogy, Bank robbers would be wrong and so would the banking system that didn’t put locks on the vault and let the robbers guard the vault. (I know, rabbit will be able to post a wall street example that is just that, but that’s my analogy and I’m sticking to it)
You are choosing to be willfully ignorant if you ignore that the system encourages this kind of corrupt behavior.
Meh, it’s like talking to the TV set on Fox, and about as productive.
@ 125
You are choosing to be willfully ignorant if you ignore that the system encourages this kind of corrupt behavior.
The system relies on honesty the same way a business with a cash register does.
A business is not negligent for not posting a “Do Not Steal” sign visible to the employee above each and every cash register. Similarly, it is not a flaw in program design to expect that teachers not fraudulently change scores before submitting the results.
Today you seem less willing to excuse the Atlanta staff behaviors than you were previously, which I note and appreciate.
I do see your point – really – but the high bar set by NCLB does not excuse blatant dishonesty. Period.
@ 126
Shit. I know it’s requested that we maintain a consistent user name in a thread. SC = Client 9. Apologies.
Today you seem less willing to excuse the Atlanta staff behaviors than you were previously.
Bullshit. Again… Show me the links where we said they shouldn’t be held accountable. You can’t.
Don’t try to weasel out and say I’m coming over to your side. I said it was wrong then and I say it was wrong now.
What was important to me was to find out WHY they both felt compelled to cheat.
“Similarly, it is not a flaw in program design to expect that teachers not fraudulently change scores before submitting the results.”
Then we have to disagree, because the design of the whole program is flawed.
Obsession with standardized testing is been shown to not accomplish what it was intended to do. Teachers felt it was acceptable to game the system for economic gain. Schools stop teaching whole important fields of education just to improve scores on what they DO test for. Society are fools if we don’t change the system so our kids get a good education, not good numbers.
This seems to be like climate change for you, not amount of facts will allow you to accept that there is a problem. I see a theme.
@ 128
Don’t try to weasel out and say I’m coming over to your side. I said it was wrong then and I say it was wrong now.
Actually, you said it was a good reason for cheating. Pretty much verbatim:
Of course, first you started out by Blaming Bush:
And then you blamed their dishonesty on the system, as if there was no moral failing on the part of the 35 educators indicted:
Right up there with The Dog Ate My Homework. Or at least The Devil Made Me Do It.
Don’t forget your efforts to make the union out as heroes in this:
I wonder how many of those 35 indicted belong to a union.
And then you alleged I was racist for even bringing it up:
So, Lessee:
1. Blame Bush. Check.
2. Unions good, nay, unions angelic. Check.
3. Raaaaacccciiiissssssstttttt!!!!! Double Check.
I believe you have renewed your Basic Liberal Argument Script subscription for another four years with that parroting.
Attention Red Staters.
@ 129
I’m OK with my tax dollars going to those poor rural people instead of to prop up/bail out population-dense Detroit, Illinois, and California. Is there a box on my 1040 I can check for that?
@130. Why?
@129 Why is the poverty mostly in the south? Shouldn’t their low wage, right to work for less laws and lack of regulations make that a worker’s paradise and economic powerhouse?
The south, indian reservations, and coal country.
We’re not bailing out California. California pays way more into the federal system than it gets back.
I do believe that the point here is that there isn’t a single county with persistant poverty in any of the places that Red Staters love to rail against.
Republicans blocked the Senate version of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development bill, and the House Republicans pulled their own version, Hastert Rule, I believe.
I had been getting action alerts from NARP and All Aboard Washington, about the amendments to the bill that would have hurt Amtrak. The Flake Amendment, sponsored by the Senator from Arizona, would have made the ride so bad, nobody would. Specifically going after food service. It failed. Amtrak already recovers 88% of it’s operations costs from ticket revenue, in fact, they have asked for less operating grants this year. The big share of it’s Federal funding is for Capital improvements. The Amtrak president, a Republican by the way, is doing a good job. The food and beverage service never made money, even in the days when railroads operated it. They considered it a loss leader in attracting passenger revenue. The fares are not flat, they are distance based, First Class is even more.
CIA in Benghazi,
Yep another phony scandal… this time reported by Jake Tapper… libtard of CNN!
CNN: CIA Cover Up of Benghazi
CNN reports this morning,
“Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.
“CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.
“Since January, some CIA operatives involved in the agency’s missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings. The goal of the questioning, according to sources, is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or Congress.
“It is being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career. In exclusive communications obtained by CNN, one insider writes, ‘You don’t jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well.’ Another says, ‘You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation.’ …
“Among the many secrets still yet to be told about the Benghazi mission, is just how many Americans were there the night of the attack. A source now tells CNN that number was 35, with as many as seven wounded, some seriously. While it is still not known how many of them were CIA, a source tells CNN that 21 Americans were working in the building known as the annex, believed to be run by the agency. …
“Speculation on Capitol Hill has included the possibility the U.S. agencies operating in Benghazi were secretly helping to move surface-to-air missiles out of Libya, through Turkey, and into the hands of Syrian rebels.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cover-up usually means fuck-up. Let’s see, who was CIA director when the Benghazi embassy was attacked? That would be David Petraeus, one of Bush’s boys.
Conservatives claim U.S. forces were ordered to stand down. Now why would anyone do that, and who would order it? Not the State Department. That would be the CIA, and why wouldn’t they want U.S. regular troops on the scene? I think that would go beyond the CIA people on the scene thinking they could handle the situation themselves; it has to do with the CIA folks not wanting the Pfc. Mannings of the world to see (a) that the place was crawling with CIA operatives, and (b) what kind of materiel they were handling (e.g., missiles destined for Syria). In other words, if U.S. troops stationed in Europe were ordered to stand down, that order came from the CIA and its purpose was to keep CIA secrets secret.
@135 Oh, I think we have a pretty clear picture now that this wasn’t an attack against an embassy, it was an attack against a pretty important and hush-hush CIA operation.
It remains to be seen whether Syria’s Assad had his fingers in this pie, but usually when you’re at war, the enemy installations you go after include his weapons depots.
This is fucking news????
The Benghazi consulate was providing cover for a secret CIA outpost.
Ground changing under our feet? Whoop de doo Dr. Dimbulb..
Your klownservative mancrush Issa gonna burn your ears with more bullshit hearings from his feckless committee? Got any IRS, Solyndra or Fast’n’Furious to serve up with that shit?
Nope. Sorry. That’s intelligence committee silly klownservatives. Michelle Bachmann’s gonna lead the charge on that one!
Wow imagine that! Klownservatives leading the charge on restrictions on the hush-hush dirty work the CIA and the NSA does to “keep us safe”.
In other news about klownservative follies, Randroid Ryan makes an ass of himself AGAIN:
Randroid Ryan one year ago:
“Sowing social unrest and class resentment makes America weaker, not stronger,”
“denigrating people who are successful”
Randroid Ryan now:
“The president claims his economic agenda is for the middle class. But it’s actually for the well-connected,”
Gimme a freaking break! This after hobnobbing with Willard R-Money???
And before our goto klownservative JERK for laughs around here bloviates about Ryan’s past remarks about corporate welfare, note that the “Ryan Plan” included dropping the corporate tax rates to 25 percent.. Who does that help more? Small or big business??
Despicable, deceitful Randroid Ryan..
@139 For explanation of this behavior, see my comment about witches @35 in “Popular Nonsense” thread.
Let’s review one more time for the klownservative tools here:
22 January 2002; Calcutta, India Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami gunmen attack Consulate; 5 dead
Bush didn’t resign.
14 June 2002; Karachi, Pakistan al-Qaeda truck bomb detonates outside Consulate; 12 dead
Bush didn’t resign.
12 October 2002; Denpasar, Indonesia Consular Office bombed by Jemaah Islamiyah as part of the Bali bombings. No deaths.
Bush didn’t resign
28 February 2003; Islamabad, Pakistan Unknown gunmen attack Embassy; 2 dead
Bush didn’t resign.
30 June 2004; Tashkent, Uzbekistan Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan suicide bomber attacks Embassy; 2 dead
Bush didn’t resign
6 December 2004; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia al-Qaeda gunmen raid diplomatic compound; 9 dead
Bush didn’t resign
2 March 2006; Karachi, Pakistan; Car bomb explodes outside Consulate; 2 dead
Bush didn’t resign
12 September 2006; Damascus, Syria; Gunmen raid US Embassy; 4 dead
Bush didn’t resign
12 January 2007; Athens, Greece; RPG Fired at Embassy by Revolutionary Struggle; no deaths
Bush didn’t resign
18 March 2008; Sana’a, Yemen; Mortar attack against US Embassy; 2 dead
Bush didn’t resign
9 July 2008; Istanbul, Turkey; Armed attack against Consulate; 6 dead
Bush didn’t resign
11 Sept 2001; New York City, USA; Major attack against the US Homeland using 4 hijacked airlines as suicide bombs; 2,996 dead
Bush didn’t resign
P.S.: Donald Rumsfeld depicted the conduct of the Obama administration over the Benghazi CIA Station (consulate) as “weakness”. Eight of the attacks mentioned above occurred while Rumsfeld was SecDef.
141 – Eight of the attacks on diplomatic facilities to be more specific.. Nine if you include 9/11.
Puffy and Serial would be proud of this jackass.
@143 He’d be a dead jackass if that had been George Zimmerman’s kid.
Really Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit? Clinton promoted him to Brigadier Geneeral. Obummer did this per WikiPedia and
nominated him
You are such a loony jackASS SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit!
You are not Zimmerman’s kid and you are a jackASS!
To the unemployed shrunken package@39,
Paul Ryan is 100% correct… 953,000 Jobs created 731,000 part time jobs. Obummer is a divider not a uniter and you are an idiot like always!
You cheer ObummerCare… well guess what? Congress exempted themselves from it after Harry Reid said it wasn’t being done.
To the low information voter you unemployed moron!
Two words that always define you… unemployed moron!
Makes all your posts perfectly clear.
leftist blabbermouths SENILE DUMBASS LUNATIC!
All those part time jobs!
Y’all can thank ObummerCare! Yessiree! Sux to be an HA Libtard loving ObummerCare! Proves the Obummer econimic policies Christine Roemer promulgated in academia (she went back) are a FAILURE!
Wow Lois Lerner was already helping Obummer in 2008. This gets more smelly as the days go past. No wonder Elijah Cummings wanted this investigation to end.
FEC and IRS trading data. ILLEGALLY?
Wait… nothing here… phony scandal!
When will Da Perfessa broach some real news instead of that phony news from the 3rd and 4th tier libtards?
Gerrymandering may have turned a Republican in Congress in favor of rail transit, in Texas of all places. In Houston, the University Line Light Rail line has hit a snag, with a congressman opposing it. A key portion of the line, Richmond Ave, is now in Rep. Ted Poe’s district. He actually canvassed his new constituents, and a majority of the ones affected, support the line.
Rail Transit in Texas is gaining ground. Dallas has light rail, vintage streetcars, and Commuter Rail, and are building more light rail, light commuter rail, and a modern streetcar. Fort Worth has commuter rail, and is building a light commuter rail. Houston has one light rail and is building a few more. Austin has one light commuter rail line, and is planning an Urban Light Rail line. Denton County outside of Dallas has a diesel light commuter rail line that connects with one of DART in Dsllas’s electric light rail lines. Also planning is underway in San Antonio for a commuter rail line to Austin, and a streetcar. On the latter, city hall is adamant, keep it away from the Alamo, worried about overhead wire impacts, although wireless technology is evolving rapidly.
@145 Obama has appointed lots of Bush’s boys. After all, it was Bush’s fundraisers who got Wall Street to pay for his campaign.
@148 I prefer leftist blabbermouths over rightwing killers and torturers.
@149 I blame selfish moneygrubbing employers. Obama doesn’t write work schedules, employers do. In case you haven’t noticed, companies like McDonalds are making record profits, so there’s no real reason other than greed to convert full-time jobs to part-time jobs to avoid providing medical benefits for their workers. But I guess puddy prefers to pay taxes for Medicaid so these employers can make bigger profits.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonalds stock and personally profits from the company’s cheap-labor personnel policies.)
Like this dope..
Trying to stay alive!
LOL!!! ODS-addled small mind looking at a small picture..
First, the 7.2 million number is accurate. Private-sector employment hit bottom for the recent cycle in February 2010, at 106,850,000. In June, it was 114,051,000, or 7,201,000 higher.
So how many full-time jobs out of that 7.2 million? Plenty I’m sure..
Another 2nd Amendment success story …
Something we might have been able to use and improve for Seafair Hydro Race Shuttles, if it had not been abandoned. The branch line of the Seattle and Ranier Valley Interurban railway.
Backing down to protesters, a GOP leader of Florida’s legislature has agreed to hold hearings on the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law this fall.