– This carmageddon will be different.
– Most law-enforcement bodies have discretion over what they test, and many shelve kits if a victim seems untrustworthy or a suspect has already been identified, according to the National Institute of Justice, a research arm of the Department of Justice. Police also give priority to cases in which the suspect is a stranger and the victim is visibly injured. Yet perhaps eight in ten rapes take place between people who at least vaguely know each other, and most lack signs of violence. Acquaintance rapists are often chronic offenders, says David Lisak, a clinical psychologist. [h/t]
– Well done Standing Against Foreclosure and Eviction and Mayor Murray.
– Spokane people, any of you going to miss the Parkade Plaza Fountain?
– I don’t think the GOP have really thought through the Halbig case.
– Jonah Goldberg is a horrible person, but he’s a horrible person in a specific way that has allowed a lot of people to make fun of him over the years.
Breaking News — Businessman David Perdue has defeated Rep. Jack Kingston in Georgia’s GOP Senate primary runoff, which may make it easier for Democrats to pick up the seat being vacated by retiring GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss in November. Kingston was the candidate favored by the GOP and business establishments. Perdue will face Michelle Nunn, daughter of former Democratic Sen. Sam Nunn, in the general election.
Slow evening,tonight.
Jack @ 2,
“Slow evening,tonight.”
Not particularly. But down another one, there, Squirt. It’ll seem that way.
CNN’s Sally Kohn is a MORON. Does she have friends here on HA DUMMOCRETINS? https://twitter.com/sallykohn/status/491701531935129600
Guy Benson continued the tweet.
American Flags over the Brooklyn Bridge replaced with white flags. Meanwhile NYC has cameras and bight lights watching the bridge!
It’s appropriate… Obummer has surrendered America’s superiority in the world. Now we have little nations leveraging the US!
Why did Obummer pay Iran $2.8 Billion to extend the nukular negotiations for 4 more months? http://online.wsj.com/articles.....1405893703
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, you gleefully voted for this community organizer who can’t keep Dianne Feinstein on his side! http://www.nationalreview.com/.....ew-johnson She doesn’t like Obummer’s fundraisers during this time of crisis!
Syria… See the red line in the sand… Oh never mind I misspoke.
Did North Korea launch some missiles recently…? Oh yeah I missed it… fund raising again
Did Russian separatists shoot down MH17…? Man they are so 1980s in their world view http://foxnewsinsider.com/2014.....tin-russia Let me mention it for 40 seconds then go onto my fund raiser on the east coast. BTW Romney was RIGHT about Putin you moronic libtards
Great job libtards. Destroying America one day at a time!
Seems Obummer has forgotten these peeps… http://www.foxnews.com/world/2.....latestnews
Butt winning the November erections for $10,000 to $32,000 fund raising is more important than:
Sgt Tahmooressi rotting in a Mexico prison
The economy contracted last quarter
IRS is still lying
Putin is gone rogue
Syria missed the line in the sand
MH17 shot down
Butt whine and cry that no one is listening to my words!
Why is John Effin Kerry upset with Israel and trying to rescue Hamas?
How would HA DUMMOCRETINS if 1600+ rockets rained down on Seattle?
When Great Britain was buzz bombed by Germans. didn’t Britain carpet bomb Germany? Is Israel carpet bombing Hamas?
Why are libtard msmers taking the side of Hamas?
GOATSEBOY has his head shoved so far up his ass it ain’t coffee he is smelling. But then this is his normal…
DAUM… This is funny… Maybe an entry on the Friday Night Comix? http://www.foxnews.com/enterta.....latestnews
Or maybe this one? http://radaronline.com/exclusi.....g-scandal/ Ellen Degenerate cheated?
GOATSEBOY loves chicken cloacas. The smell is a refreshing change from his own ass.
Ad hominem attacks proves Puddy is winning! Keep it up!
You and rujaxoffallthetime are so morally bankrupt and fools!
So GOATSEBOY, so why are you now molesting CHICKENS instead of GOATS? Could it be the rumor is true that you can’t take the GOAT KICKS TO THE NUTS anymore?
Meanwhile Mark Levin smacks down Jon Stewart Leibowitz http://therightscoop.com/mark-.....n-of-them/
Keep it up. Puddy wins each time you post!
So GOATSEBOY admits he is trying for the GOLDEN CHICKEN.
Don’t worry GOATSEBOY, nobody else is even in the competition.
So GOATSEBOY, how many GOLDEN CHICKENS have you won so far?
You are doing a yeoman’s job!
Nah, goatboy is just trying to cop the HA posting record, but he’s got a ways to go.
Steve Doocy.
‘Nuff said.
Apeman lost every argument because he never has a point. And his only come back is that I am winning and you are losing.
Nice to see you are so ingrossed with the love life of gay people. You don’t seem to be so ingrossed with the failings of the likes of Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, etc….ect…etc.
Per the Apeman’s bible, heterosexuals can commit adultry and get away with it. Preach Apeman, preach. Do as I say and not as I do.
New study came out that kids who were brought up in Religion don’t go by the facts….you are the biggest example of that.
SUX to be the Apeman. How about a banana to cheer you up.
bible, heterosexuals can commit adultry and get away with it.
Adultery and get away with it? Where is that gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, with the empty scrotum tea bag and the puffy butt from being hammered?
Got verse?
Lose arguments gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, with the empty scrotum tea bag and the puffy butt from being hammered? ekimgoatsucka hasn’t refuted one FACT yet!
Sux to be you gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, with the empty scrotum tea bag and the puffy butt from being hammered!
@22 boy are you just a dumb fuck…..more stupid than an Ape. Apes would be insulted if they knew you were an ape.
Puffy, maybe you should get together with Travis Bickle, he can tell you how he gets 56 cents per kwh from his Solar Panel installation.
When they lose they revert to ad hominem attacks. Good job gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, with the empty scrotum tea bag and the puffy butt from being hammered!
Crooks And Liars Dep’t
It turns out a company calling itself “Made in USA” and selling “certifications” to manufacturers didn’t check whether their clients were lying to consumers about where products were made.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Caveat emptor. Of course, that’s the conservative philosophy about free markets in a nutshell: “I’m dishonest and it’s up to you to catch me.” Republicans would get rid of the Federal Trade Commission and consumer protection agencies and laws if they could. So why would any consumer vote Republican? You’re voting against yourself.
The GOP’s Solution To The Border Crisis
Send troops. To deal with kids.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP thought process is one-dimensional: Every problem has a military solution, and a military response is the only solution for any problem. How could anyone in their right mind vote for people like that?
Ummm no Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… Still swimming on those left wrong sites…
That’s the libtard narrative and of course being a self-professed libtard jackASS, you drank from the trough!
Waytogo NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit! Sux to be brain addled.
Unless you slept through the financial crisis, you’ve probably heard the labor participation rate is dropping. Many people assume this is due to Baby Boomers retiring, but that’s wrong; the number of elderly people working is going up, not down. (Presumably because they have to, in this era of downsized retirement incomes.) As this eye-opening chart shows, the biggest drop in workforce participation is among prime working age males, i.e. men who are 25 – 54 years old.
@29. Why does the graph have that shape? Now THAT would be interesting.
Where did 10-12% of that demographic disappear to, comparing 1960 to now? Jail? Grad School? Any thoughts?
@28 you are drinking from the sanitary sewer.
Mexican Cargo Train Carrying 1,300 Migrants To The US Derails
Comments, GOATSEBOY?
@28 – There are 18,516 border patrol men and women watching 1969 miles of the southern border of the USA with Mexico. Divide by 3 for three shifts (24 hour watch), and that is 3 men/women for every mile or using survailance to watch. How many more do you need? Are you and Texas saying that these American heros suck at their jobs. I think you and Texas Lt. Gov are full of shit. The Texas National Guard has no authority to arrest or detain any illegals. Even Rick Perry said the Guard Unit is for show.
Thanks for having faith in the +18,000 men watching the border. I suggest you send them a chrismas card, telling them that they suck, in your opinion.
@31, GOATSEBOY is drinking fermented chicken shit.
None of that sanitary sewer juice for him!
And before you proclaim, in the future, that sending in the National Guard helped stem the flow of migrants, let it be know that the number of people coming into the border has already shown decreasing in numbers. Rick Perry won’t do shit. What is he going to do with the 1,000 guardsmen? Is he going to put them along the border or will they be eating doughnuts somewhere?
Researchers from the University of Notre Dame said college graduates are more likely to support tea party ideas if they live in counties characterized by high levels of residential segregation based on education level. The researchers found the correlation between tea party support and educational segregation to be uniquely strong compared to factors like racial segregation and class segregation.
“When you’ve had little exposure to people who haven’t had the same opportunities as you, you’re more likely to adopt a view that ‘really anybody who wanted to could have succeeded if they only did what I did,’” said McVeigh. “I really think the key here is education is widely understood to be a primary determinant of where you end up in life. … But as we know, not everybody has the same access to a high-quality education.”
Kind of riffing on the idea that conseratives cannot have empathy for anything that doesn’t happen to them.
Did ekimgoatsucka belch after sucking off a goat?
Meanwhile ekimgoatsucka is absuing animals we learn this about Montana’s Libtard Senator http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07.....hesis.html
Walsh’s response?
It wasn’t intentional. – Ummmm Sure!
How about Elizabeth I’m Really a Cherokee Warren/John It Wasn’t Intentional Plagiarizing Walsh for 2016?
educational segregation…
Hmmm… Lessee… NEA is against charter schools and school vouchers which are proven to help poor inner city children. GW Bush pushed for them and when Obummer came in WA DC lost their program because the NEA had Obummer by the crotch short hairs. So the inner city child stays disadvantaged and culturally segregated worser. And you jockstrap those instructional inequalities by jockstrapping libtards!
Now we see AFSCME Union going racist… http://allenbwest.com/2014/07/.....lege-fund/
What do you have to say about that worser?
Man you are an IDIOT ekimgoatsucka! Sucking too many animals off? This was covered two weeks ago… http://www.amren.com/news/2014.....n-the-u-s/ The children are being coached and everyone except ekimgoatsucka knows this! Why? He’s airtight with animal appendages!
Also http://www.breitbart.com/Big-G.....y-Permisos
Now who said that ekimgoatsucka? Obummer with his dream act and his ignorance of existing laws!
So why is ekimgoatsucka culturally and absolutely ignorant of real world issues? Being in the field with animals causes ekimgoatsucka to miss the real news. So much for living on left wrong sites when ekimgoatsucka comes in from the animal pleasures!
Meanwhile another libtard college is showing their true colors. http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....on-campus/
Meanwhile Israel found a tunnel under a kindergarten and HA DUMMOCRETINS continue to side with Hamas… mondoweiss.net/ 2014/ 07/palestinians- kindergarten-netanyahu. html Link edited to get past the system censuring. Remove the spaces!
Notice this person is skeptical. Yet Israel has film of tunnels they’ve entered.
Did anyone find this on left wrong sites? Remember Gaza voted Hamas as their leaders.
Now we learn Obummer lied over ISIS. http://www.aei-ideas.org/2014/.....inst-isis/
Holy Beheaded Christian Batman! You don’t say!
Remember Obummer bragged he personally approves kill lists. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05.....wanted=all
Can’t have an admission of failure over Obummer’s Iraq strategy!
What do HA DUMMOCRETINS say about this?
“Jonah Goldberg is a horrible person, but he’s a horrible person in a specific way that has allowed a lot of people to make fun of him over the years.”
One of the main reasons you would say Goldberg is a horrible person is due to his book “Liberal Fascism”, written in 2007. Very difficult to honestly dispute his documented evidence of liberals & leftists being fascistic in the way they govern – just witness the Federal Government since 2009 since B. Hussein Obama became POTUS – let me count the ways !
So Goldberg dare smite your religion (liberalism is a religion, more commonly called leftism). Jonah Goldberg has a sense of humor which has allowed people to make fun of him over the years. That is more than can be said for 99% of the leftists I have encountered in blogs or in person. Kudos to Mr. Goldberg for exposing us to the truth – although it is often not pleasant.
Man this phony IRS scandal is getting more phony eh libtards? Yet IRS Commissioner Koskinen doesn’t come forth and be proactive back to Congress!
The reason 74% of Americans believe this smells!
Meanwhile Putin’s boys shot down two more planes today in Ukraine! Putin is sending more weapons into this region! Man that’s so 1980s. Why doesn’t Putin listen to Obummer’s words? Oh wait… words are useless to Putin. Strength is his buzzword. Obummer is drastically cutting the military! No strength under Obummer!
Duncan Hunter, Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran… “Obummer the Accidental President.”
@46 What do you have in mind, goatboy? Send American boys to fight Ukraine’s war against Russia? Will you go? If not, you’re just blowing hot air.
Arizona Bungles Another Execution
“A condemned Arizona inmate gasped and snorted for more than an hour and a half during his execution Wednesday before he died in an episode sure to add to the scrutiny surrounding the death penalty in the U.S.
“Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne’s office said Joseph Rudolph Wood was pronounced dead at 3:49 p.m., one hour and 57 minutes after the execution started.
“Wood’s lawyers had filed an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court while the execution was underway, demanding that it be stopped. The appeal said Wood was ‘gasping and snorting for more than an hour.’ Word that Justice Anthony Kennedy denied the appeal came about a half hour after Wood’s death.
“Wood, 55, gasped more than 600 times before he died. Defense lawyer Dale Baich called it a botched execution that should have taken 10 minutes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The problem, once again, is states are using makeshift drugs to carry out lethal injections because reputable drug companies refuse to provide execution drugs. So far, the rightwing Supreme Court has refused to intervene, which leads me to suspect conservatives would burn people at the stake if we let them. Why does anyone vote for these people? They can’t get appointed to the Supreme Court if we don’t vote for Republicans.
I’m not against the death penalty for heinous crimes where there’s no doubt about guilt, but I’m not for barbaric executions under any circumstances. Arizona’s governor, Jan Brewer, ordered a review of her state’s execution procedures; but she described this afternoon’s bungled execution as “lawful.” It was not. The Constitution’s “cruel and unusual” clause doesn’t permit this. And she’s a twit for saying that.
Wait a sec. These guys are from the country that can do no wrong.. Are they doing wrong here by not endorsing the slaughter of Palestinians?
Oh wait a sec – here’s the correct behavior:
Citizen from the country that cannot in any way be criticized lest you be called “anti-semitic”. The reporter works for the BBC not Al Jazeera and he’s got at least a 4 on his visa.
Another stooooooooooopid comment from NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit@46. Where did you get that from NoBalls? That’s so 1980s NoBalls!
Golly clueless crazed cretin…
It’s unfortunate that Hamas uses wimens and chillen as human shields. Don’t you think Israel could fully level Gaza in 8 hours?
Didn’t Gazans vote in Hamas as their leaders?
Don’t Gazans forfeit their right to be called normal people when you freely elect terrorist organization members as your statesmen? Hmmm… Even though Bill Ayers Bernadine Dohrn and friends are not elected, they are members from which party clueless crazed cretin? YOURS!
Did Hamas reject an Egypt cease fire?
Didn’t Gazans approve of Hamas storing weaponry in schools hospitals and mosques?
Does Hamas shoot rockets from apartment buildings?
Does Hamas shoot rockets from schoolyards?
Does Hamas have their headquarters in the bottom of a hospital?
Does Hamas store rockets on UNRWA?
Did UNRWA give the rockets back to Hamas?
Does Hamas wear uniforms clueless crazed cretin?
Does Hamas meet Israeli soldiers on battlefields?
Does Hamas hide in apartment building mosques and hospitals?
Hey clueless crazed cretin, ever read about Hamas using foreign funds to make the lives of their people better?
Or did Hamas use those funds to build tunnels to attack Israelis?
Does Hamas put on Israeli uniforms to capture Israeli soldiers?
When Israel gave them free greenhouses what did your friends do? They torn them down!
Here is what clueless crazed cretin’s friends have as their manifesto http://fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/880818a.htm. Puddy provides it because Puddy knows clueless crazed cretin hasn’t read it!
Sux to be the clueless crazed cretin!
Re-posted from Sunday Bible discussion:
Here are some quotes from Moshe Sharett, first Foreign Minister of Israel and later Prime Minister….
Found here: http://www.brainyquote.com/quo…..arett.html
“We have forgotten that we have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from people inhabiting it, that governs it by the virtue of its language and savage culture.”
“As for the future, we are equally determined to explore all possibilities of getting rid, once and for all, of the huge Arab minority which originally threatened us.”
“Fear is the main factor in Arab politics… There is no Arab who is not harmed by Jews’ entry into Palestine.”
“Arabs respect only the language of force.”
“By the reduction of the Arabs on the one hand and Jewish immigration in the transition period on the other, we will ensure an absolute Hebrew majority in a parliamentary regime.”
“As for the long-term future: I am prepared to see in this a vision, not a mystical way but in a realistic way, of a population exchange on a much more important scale and including larger territories.”
“I saw clearly how those who saved the state so heroically and courageously in the War of Independence would be capable of bringing a catastrophe upon it if they are given the chance in normal times.”
Meanwhile Black Chicagoans are a wondering about Obummer…
http://www.ijreview.com/2014/0.....-obama-go/ His own people are turning against him. Maybe these reservation lovers are tired of the reservation?
Where is rujaxoffallthetime on this?
Also re-posted from last Sunday (I never did hear back from SJ):
Nahum Goldmann, founder of World Jewish Congress….
“One day, or rather night, in 1956 I sat up at his [Ben-Gurion’s] house till three in the morning. That night, a beautiful summer night, we had a forthright discussion on the Arab problem. “I don’t understand your optimism,” Ben-Gurion declared. “Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it’s true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations’ time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it’s simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army. Our whole policy is there.”
53 – LMAO!!! Israel tells 43 percent of Gaza civilians to “evacuate”.</A.
Where the fuck are they going to go? The GAZA is a prison!
What hasbara in 53!
I’ll repeat…
David Ben-Gurian: “Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country.”
“They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?”
I think Ben-Gurion understood something we’re no longer allowed to discuss in polite company.
Gaza: 1.8 million people in 139 sq.mi. = ~13000 people/sq.mi.
USA: 318 million people in 3.7 million sq.mi. =~86 people/sq.mi.
If the USA were as dense as Gaza, we’d all fit in ~24000 sq.mi., or about the area of West Virginia. (With no way to leave.)
The ~690 people dead in Gaza over the past weeks, mostly civilians, many children, of that 1.8 million, is proportionately the same as 122,000 of the 318 million in the US.
Think about that – the entire population of the USA, packed into West Virginia, without any way to leave, without sufficient water, profoundly impoverished, surrounded and besieged by the most powerful military in the region, being bombed and having 122,000 people, mostly civilians, many children, killed, in a matter of days.
Something Obummer doesn’t want you to know… http://usdailyreview.com/immig.....he-border/
Approximately 1600 rockets shot into Israel and HA DUMMOCRETINS have no problem with that! Imagine if that was Seattle?
Hamas killed three innocent teenagers, one an American citizen. HA DUMMOCRETINS had no problem with that!
@60, 61….run along puddybigot, and let’s the adults talk.
Hasbara is hard work. The fiend started at what 6:30 am?
He’s still going!
We’ll see more tomorrow. Much more. Count on it.
Ahhh yes shitforbrains scumschmucko returns @63. Adults are talking little boy! So why did you appear?
FACTS scare little boys like shitforbrains scumschmucko!
You do know under Sha’ria you are a prime target. Everything you stand for is against them except their want of your money!
shitforbrains scumschmucko; clueless as clueless crazed cretin!
clueless crazed cretin@64,
More ad hominem attacks. Glad to see you are trolling Puddy. Puddy PWNS your sorry ASS.
Wait a minute you are an arschloch, because you are all ASS!
Wrong again, bigot…those children were murdered by criminals that frequently have worked to undermine Hamas.
Moreover, Netanyahu government knew they were dead from the first day of their disappearance, but shut down release of information and whipped up racist anti-Palestinian bloodlust…that in part resulted in the revenge murder – by burning alive – of a Palestinian child.
Netanyahu’s manipulation of the situation included a massive military incursion in the West Bank, ostensibly to “find” the children they knew were dead.
The suspects in the murder of the Israeli children are in custody. Their houses have been bulldozed and destroyed. Suspects in the murder of the Palestinian child are also in custody. Their houses are intact.
Bueller decoder ring please!
To read the fiend, you’d think Hamas was raining rockets on Israel 24/7 and Israel was only now getting around to striking back..
But what comes of Gaza when the rockets don’t fly?
Nothing of course.. The typical Israeli never thinks of the people living in the Gaza prison – that’s for the IDF manning the blockade to worry about. A too high percentage of Israelis would never dream of having an Arab as a neighbor.
And this is a tolerable state of things for the typical Israeli? Even Glenn fucking Beck is delivering hot meals and soccer balls to kids coming across the border.
clueless crazed cretin can’t answer the questions posed in #53.
The answers are not on left wrong sites! clueless crazed cretin searched for answers and has none. So you can see what the clueless crazed cretin posted instead!
Billy Preston once said “Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing.” When you read clueless crazed cretin responses you are definitely left empty handed!
Sux to be clueless crazed cretin!
Why is Gaza a prison clueless crazed cretin.? Puddy went to the Middle East in 2011. You sit on the couch and grow yeast!
Facts lost on the clueless crazed cretin… Where did all the money go? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....lestinians
You should direct that question to SJ/Steve Schwartz. He maintains that “Jewish democracy” is not an oxymoron, nor any different from a “Japanese democracy” or a “Swedish democracy”.
This is an illuminating infographic….
Even Israeli CITIZENS, if Arab, are not allowed to live in certain parts of the country.
I have a very difficult time finding a meaningful difference with the Bantustans of South Africa and Israeli policy toward Palestinians. Of course, Israel and South Africa were big friends during the apartheid era.
How many Palestinians died in Cast Lead? Almost 1500?
We’re up to almost 700 with no end in sight..
The IDF death toll is at 29 so far. TWICE Cast Lead?
They’re putting skin into the game. I’ll give them that.
Arab Israeli citizens don’t enjoy the same missile defense. Some Israelis are more equal than others.
LMAO!!! You mean your ugly ass occupied air and space in the Holy Land – the country that can do no wrong, the country that cannot be criticized lest a klownservative calls the critic “anti-semitic”???
What number was put on your passport/visa? 2 or 3? That Arab reporter for the BBC had a 4 I bet. No way he got to Ashkelon with a 5 or 6.
@52 I don’t dispute that comment #46 is stupid. I do dispute the attribution of that comment to me. Apparently you can’t recognize your own name.
So @75 it should have been #48 and yes #48 is stooooooooooopid.
Notice everyone crazed clueless cretin has not answered a single question in #53. crazed clueless cretin can’t answer where all those $Billions of aid to the Palestinians went all these years? Everyone knows crazed clueless cretin went to his left wrong sites for ASSistance. Since crazed clueless cretin didn’t find any answers there the crazed clueless cretin laughed his ASS off. Well he is all ASS hence crazed clueless cretin arschloch!
Man this clueless crazed cretin arschloch is truly clueless. Puddy knew enough prodding and the clueless crazed cretin would demonstrate his Hamas cheer leading bona fides! So far on this event HA has two identified Hamas cheerleaders. crazed clueless cretin arschloch and the little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist.
The Iron Dome is protecting Israeli citizens because Hamas fired approximately 1600 rockets into Israeli cities. Without Iron Dome there would be many Israeli casualties. Of course clueless crazed cretin arschloch is getting his moral equivalence from those left wrong sites clueless crazed cretin arschloch visits every day! There must be an equal number of casualties on both sides otherwise it’s not fair; right crazed clueless cretin arschloch? Man you really are a crazy arschloch!
I email friends there to see how they are doing. What do you do except grow yeast on the couch and spout from left wrong sites?
You have no clue about passports. You don’t need a visa to visit Israel you moron crazed clueless cretin arschloch! Just another ignorant rant from an yeast infected arschloch! A really crazed clueless cretin arschloch!
Puddy loves how the crazed clueless cretin arschloch uses
as it wrote above. What is a beck and how do you fuck it crazed clueless cretin arschloch? Ummm… crazed clueless cretin arschloch, with all the hatred you’ve written about Glenn Beck on this blog, where is the moral equivalence now crazed clueless cretin arschloch? crazed clueless cretin arschloch likes Glenn Beck now? So you contributed to his charity Mercury Arts to help? Or are you couch bound screaming about shit you have no clue about like those illegal aliens children being undocumented. Why haven’t you applied for a few to live with you yet?
Puddy asked this question no HA DUMMOCRETIN wants to answer. If someone launched 1600 missiles against Seattle what would King County libtards do?
So what time did Puddy post today crazed clueless cretin arschloch?
Ding ding ding ding.. 6:30 am
I don’t take your orders moron. Continue with your hasbara..
We’ll continue to laugh at you!
First laugh of the morning:
What a dope!
From little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist link on Israel/South Africa…
Hmmm… 1979… And who was preznit at the time little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist?
While Puddy doesn’t condone Israel and South Africa working together both had a common enemy. Russian-backed enemies. This always seems to go right over the head of little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist!
Israel always denounced apartheid. Starting in the 1950’s onward… “There is no room for discrimination, whether it’s called apartheid or any other name”, Peres said. “We repeat that we express our denunciation of the system of apartheid. The Jewish outlook is that every man was born in the image of God and created equal.” No wonder why little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist hates Israel. They believe in God. They believe all men are created equal. That’s not what little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist believes! little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist believes in discrimination. little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist has proved that over the years!
Even Nelson Mandela said ” Israel cooperated with the apartheid regime, but it did not participate in any atrocities.”
Another EPIC moral equivalence FAYLE from the little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist!
Ding ding ding ding.. 6:30 am
Wrong again crazed clueless cretin arschloch!
What a dope
Didn’t Puddy say he went to Israel in 2011? Puddy didn’t need a visa. And…
Once again it’s demonstrably proven crazed clueless cretin arschloch is 10000000000000000% all IDIOT!
Another EPIC FAYLE! This crazed clueless cretin arschloch is one of yours HA DUMMOCRETINS. Keep it!
Butt wait… there is more… http://www.goisrael.com/Touris.....tions.aspx
Such an ASS this crazed clueless cretin arschloch is!
And who is the dope again? crazed clueless cretin arschloch! crazed clueless cretin arschloch finds a left wrong web site and believes it’s gospel!
Now watch patiently!
Second laugh at the fiend’s ‘hasbara”:
He says his paper is based entirely on open-source documents and observations and was cleared for public release by the Pentagon in late May….
Hamas rockets that are hit from the side or behind may be knocked out of the air, but their warheads usually aren’t detonated, Lloyd says, so they can still explode when they hit the ground and cause serious damage.
If the IDF can tout the effectiveness of the “Iron Sieve” for which Israel wants 225 million MORE U.S. Taxpayer dollars then Hamas’ rockets well – they gotta be pinpoint!
Hey but it makes for great fear-mongering and it beats letting 1.8 million people out of the IDF’s prison.
crazed clueless cretin arschloch doesn’t know the difference between an ink stamp one receives when you enter a foreign country for up to three months and an actual visa document which is applied to a page of your passport or electronically acquired (Australia) and a work permit one receives when they visit a country many times over a short period of time! Puddy has all three with the PuddyPassport!
It really sux to be the crazed clueless cretin arschloch! Now everyone can see crazed clueless cretin arschloch’s passport knowledge is up there with his wireless knowledge and Iron Dome knowledge! This is what happens when you sit on the couch and grow yeast!
Yawwwn… I’m bored already with our village idiot’s bullshit..
an endorsement on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country.
Bye bye..
Did your poor leetle neanderthal cranial orifice exploded so oh no time to change the topic eh crazed clueless cretin arschloch?
Your new word of the day is hasbara? Did you get that from a left wrong site? Of course you did! Have you read it yet? Those questions were direct from Puddy with no help from any “hasbara”! Glad to see you read “it” thoroughly! Puddy hasn’t! What happened to the salt mines?
Now watch patiently!
Notice how the the tune changes… Puddy provides what a visa is and it goes nutzo!
What an IDIOT HAs crazed clueless cretin arschloch is… He googles Visa and that’s it’s answer… http://travel.state.gov/conten.....-visa.html
And there are many more the crazed clueless cretin arschloch could have found instead of the usual crazed clueless cretin arschloch bullshit from left wrong web sites!
By crazed clueless cretin arschloch’s hijacked definition Puddy has over 30 of them!
Wow…our local bigot has been busy….
…though not a word about Ben-Gurion’s or Sharett’s or Goldmann’s quotes above.
Just sputtering name calling and appeals to authority, cuz he been to Izrl because GOD! *YAWN*
What I find startling is that it seems that there was some sort of realism early on in Israel’s history, an acknowledgement that there were people there (Arab/Palestinian mostly), and that those people would necessarily be evicted to make way for the Jewish state. Further, a realism that those evicted would fight back.
Now, we’re deep into the propaganda war and struggling against a mythology that has been wildly successful….the Palestinians are murderous and subhuman, that their imprisonment in ghettos and bantustans is right and necessary and unavoidable and there would be peace if only they would relent.
This leads, I think to the right-wing, the security-state, the racism – like a cancer – that seems to undergird the present Israel. I don’t see a way out of an ongoing cycle of viciousness and violence unless some recognition is made of these facts, that there was a great theft and a profound injustice done to an entire people, and that reparations of some sort between those now in abject poverty and an open-air prison on the one hand, and those living a few miles away in affluent, post-industrial comfort as the only superpower’s best friend is the only way forward.
…though not a word about Ben-Gurion’s or Sharett’s or Goldmann’s quotes above.
They be dead and gone. Puddy wonders about today’s words and Hamas’ charter. Seems Israel has rejected their words by trying to live peacefully with their Palestinian neighbors.
Historically it seems Israel was there because God put them there. Oh wait… this “creature” doesn’t believe in God!
Sux to be you little boi shitforbrains scumschmucko scientist!
Thank you person playing puddybud….for confirming everything we’ve thought of you….sputtering buffoon.