– This has been going around, but here’s the list of places opposing the minimum wage increase.
– It would be very nice indeed to have an Eyman initiative free year at the polls.
– Happy first day of the South Park Bridge reopening.
– It was a bit of a surprise how quick Podlodowski’s tenure was.
– Every time gas prices go up, Republicans pass imaginary legislation.
– Putin’s quite the grand master chess player. It takes a rare talent to push potential allies away, while tarnishing your country’s reputation on the global stage and pushing your economy into a recession.
You know, he’s not really a Lightworker – you’ve got to give Obama time. He’s got the first two down and he’s hard at work on the third.
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Ana Marie Cox ✔ @anamariecox
Retweeted by Gold
Try the Dictionary Act.
In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, unless the context indicates otherwise—
the words “person” and “whoever” include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals;…
It’s as good a start as any.
Thanks for that handy list of businesses to support.
I wonder if anyone here thought to ask Seattle’s new police chief what she thinks of police organizations in Massachussetts turning their SWAT units into private corporations so they can keep their records sealed as “proprietary information”.
NYT and others, today:
JERUSALEM — Israeli searchers found three bodies believed to be those of the missing Israeli teenagers who were abducted more than two weeks ago in the occupied West Bank, the Israel Defense Forces said on Monday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel called an emergency cabinet meeting.
The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that the bodies, which were undergoing forensic identification, were found “following extensive searches” in the Palestinian territory.
I read elsewhere all had gunshot wounds.
We’re gonna have plenty to talk about this week.
“Our customers deserve more than we delivered in these vehicles. That has hardened my resolve to set a new industry standard for vehicle safety, quality and excellence.”
28,450,000+ cars recalled (so far) this year seems like a new industry standard to me, ma’am. That record will stand until….well, until you add to it. There are six more months to go in 2014.
Good thing the government dumped the GM stock when it did, huh?
C’mon, YLB. I wanna hear you say it again. Don’t leave out the exclamation points:
“Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Hey TartyArt@4,
Sure is amazing how a libtard guvnur who is Obummer’s bestus friend is acting on decisions Obummer and his Just-us Department have made regarding the police as private paramilitary units.
If you paid attention… Puddy knows you seldom do, Puddy placed articles on this blog demonstrating how Obummer is using the local police for his personal (read NSA) informational gain.
So sad you don’t pay attention to information on right thinking blogs and web sites that covered this many weeks ago!
Meanwhile Libtard Law Professor Laurence Tribe delivers the smackdown on PMSNBC Joy Reid. http://www.mrctv.org/videos/st.....ells-msnbc That woman is a real airhead!
@6. Would you rather have had GM go out of business?
What do you imagine the results of that would have been?
@5. While all are terrible, which is more America’s problem?
3 murders in the occupied West Bank or
Or that in America there were
26 murders at Sandy Hook and
415 murders in Chicago in 2013.
I know, I know, You bring up the west bank because it ties into your need to make cheap shots at liberals and religion bait.
@6 and 9. A better question, do you feel the GM recalls are so bad that, if you could, you would retroactively go back and make the company go out of business?
Apparently you haven’t been reading HA DUMMOCRETINS for a while. GW Bush asked to have GM saved from bankruptcy. Obummer took it to a new level making sure the UAW got it’s share of guvmint money. Travis is making fun of the HA bottom dweller clueless crazed cretin.
Still waiting for the clueless crazed cretin to adopt some of those illegal alien children and provide them “documentation”!
There are twenty different abortion type pills in ObummerCare! Hobby Lobby didn’t want to provide day after abortion pills; basically four abortion types out of twenty types. The SCOTUS said Hobby Lobby still has to provide the other sixteen types and the national DUMMOCRETINS and the four libtard ASCJOTUS go nutzo!
Did you read about this on Daily Kooks or Media Morons http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014.....latestnews
Obummer was told months ago ISIS was on the march. The Kurds told him. Obummer dithered! Butt wait… The national libtard msm tell us Obummer didn’t know!
I wonder how many Republicans are running GM. Sounds like they don’t know how to run shit. GOP = GRAND OLE PROBLEMS
Megyn Kelly kicks Bill Ayers ASS all over the teevee tonight. Part 2 tomorrow!
empty teabag @16
Look it up. Puddy has delivered the correct web sites to determine this on HA DUMMOCRETINS over and over. U tell us lazy one!
Whew it sure does STINK of Troll shit in here!
I’ll “wait” for the foul stink to be let out.
Ahhh the stink of the bottom feeder of HA arrived. Whale shit, octopus shit, dolphin shit, u name it shit all eaten by the clueless crazed cretin of HA@19.
See ya!
Turns out the Get Out Of Jail Free cards that George W. Bush issued to his $150,000-a-year taxpayer-funded mercenaries were good only for his term of office. These killers should have thought about that before pulling the trigger.
Meanwhile, for you old timers… do y’all remember when Puddy schooled the clueless crazed cretin over Google and their street view cars stealing wireless information? Well SCOTUS has something to say about it and it’s not good for the crazed clueless cretin and it’s “knowledge” of technical stuff… http://www.theinquirer.net/inq.....w-wiretaps
Reminds Puddy of it’s programming skillz! Or lack of such!
Sux to be the bottom feeder of the libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS!