Breaking News — SCOTUS Strikes Down GOP Voting Law
“The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.
“The vote was 7-2. Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, said that a 1993 federal law known as the Motor Voter Act takes precedence over the Arizona law because of its requirement that states ‘accept and use’ the federal voter registration form.
“Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two members of the court’s conservative wing, dissented.
“Groups opposed to the Arizona law said that the court had blocked an attempt at voter suppression.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is NOT good news for the Republican vote suppression campaign and their financial backers (e.g. the Koch brothers). When their lawyers can’t even get Scalia to go along with their schemes to prevent American citizens from voting in their own country (a right that millions of our veterans fought for), that means the whole GOP strategy to impose a minority-party government on our country by restricting the voting rights of the majority is in jeopardy. If they want to establish a dictatorship in America, they’re gonna hafta figure out some other way to do it.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
” they’re gonna hafta figure out some other way to do it.”
Oh great, give them a challenge!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Although the Arizona case was litigated by civil rights advocates, it was not based on discrimination against minorities. Rather, this is a far-reaching decision that says states can’t make voter registration more burdensome than federal law permits. It’s also significant that the decision is based on federal preemption, not constitutional grounds, which means that although SCOTUS has upheld GOP-passed state voter ID laws, Congress could void all of those laws by passing a federal law defining whether states can require voter ID and what ID it can require. This decision also implies that states can’t impose more stringent residency requirements (e.g., aimed at college students) or other voter qualifications than permitted by federal law. This decision is really going to hobble Republican efforts to narrow the voting base via state-level legislation. It’s a major defeat for ALEC and GOP-controlled legislatures.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Given what their intellectual capabilities are, I’m not unduly worried.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I personally think that instead of scrapping provisions of the Voting Rights Act allowing the DOJ to supervise elections in (southern) states having a history of racial discrimination, SCOTUS should extend those provisions to every state with a Republican governor or GOP-controlled legislature, because denying our citizens their voting rights isn’t a southern phenomenon, it’s a Republican phenomenon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So here’s the deal: Federal election laws preempt state election laws. That’s really going to handcuff GOP governors and state legislators trying to keep American citizens from voting in their own country. It’s about time! Apparently even some of the conservative justices couldn’t stomach turning America into another Iran.
I’m expecting that now the Republican House to start trying to amend the Motor-Voter law to allow such suppression efforts. Of course, they will market it as fear of minorities taking over, but officially they will say it’s only an attempt to prevent “voter fraud”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Which will suffer the same fate as their three-dozen-and-counting attempts to repeal Obamacare.
@5 Right. Otherwise, to make the nation’s political map consistent we’d have to find a way to move Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
In San Antonio, they have been planning a streetcar line for the past few years(they are way behind Dallas and Houston in the rail transit front, even what Austin has is more than San Antonio). Of the six options, people agree on one thing, don’t serve the Alamo. Although on one issue, the impact can be negated, the overhead wires. Many of the proposed builders are developing off wire capability.
1)I was shocked to see Scalia join the majority on this one. He’s an arch conservative, and last year, he threw out his earlier defense of the commerce clause in the Affordable Care Act decision.
Good. The fascist paradigm can never be successful in a Nation with a Constitution that all but codifies the direct opposite in the Law. The GOP represents a long-since discredited method of governance. Creating divisions in the population based on social status, religion or wealth and promoting a constant state of fear of attack by synthetically generated outsiders within that context is a non-functional and inherently corrupt political method. It is designed to be corrupt, and created specifically to protect the most corrupted individuals and institutions from the purview of the rule of Law.
This is how the National-Socialists in Germany and the Fascists in Italy, Spain, Greece and most of the South American Countries were able to consolidate power once being placed in control of the political and socioeconomic systems that made their countries function. There are no innocents in a Fascist society. Everyone is suspect, and anyone except the individuals at the top can be prosecuted. And even they are vulnerable to political maneuvering within the corruption they seek to control and profit from. The Soviet Union proved that hundreds of times.
@12 “The Soviet Union proved that hundreds of times.”
…and from the look of things, Russia as it is presently constituted will continue to do so.
1. Roger Rabbit spews:
Breaking News — SCOTUS Strikes Down GOP Voting Law
Aw… Too Bad…
The RETHUGS won’t be able to protect the ANGRY WHITE GUY minority vote by voter suppression of everyone else.
Will this cause BUTTBUTTER to have a meltdown? Not likely. He has a skin as thick as a month old COW PIE under the hot July sun.
Maybe BUTTBUTTER can help department.
(He is after all, our official HA WGET SYS ADMIN.)
Given the World Wide Web’s ubiquity, you might be tempted to believe that everything is online. But there’s one important piece of the Web’s own history that can’t be found through a search engine: the very first Web page.
Now a team at the lab where the World Wide Web was invented is seeking to restore that page, and other pieces of memorabilia from the earliest moments of the http:// era. They’re on the hunt for old hard drives and floppy disks that may hold missing copies of early, valuable files.
Blue Johnspews:
One way to fight colony collapse is to create smarter, stronger bees, he said. That’s where the work being done at WSU comes in.
I await our glorious bee Overlords. All hail the Queen.
One good thing about Chicago METRA having a surplus of used coaches as newer ones reequipped the fleet in recent years, is some regions of the country can get some good deals on rolling stock for startups. The acquisition cost is dirt cheap, I believe that Nashville got a few for a dollar each, and had to pay for refurbishment.In Michigan, there are two proposed commuter rail operations out of Ann Arbor that could be operational within a few years. One of them is focused on Ann Arbor itself, the other is running to Detroit. The refurbishment of the coaches and cab cars was done by the Great Lakes Central railroad, using as much Michigan sourced components as possible.
It seems like the slave-holder mentality amoung “capitalists” blossomed under the Bush years, and it’s taken a while to knock it back down.
Earlier today MNSBC was reporting that it was raiding a number of 7-11 stores on the northeast where alleged undocumented workers were smuggled into the country (primarily from Pakistan) and made to work as clerks at a series of 7-11 stores. The were paid a wage, but only after deductions for “rent” in an apartment (mattresses in shared rooms) and their “voyage” expenses were paid. They dared not speak up because they couldn’t go anywhere else, they had no passports or ID cards and only enough money for food for a day.
And this afternoon a McDonalds worker in Pennsylvania filed suit after she was paid in the form of a debit card, which had fees deducted for everything from withdrawals to balance inquires. Most states, including both Pennsylvania and Washington, require wage payments by check – to avoid the “company store” issues made famous by the coal companies.
“How do you make abortion funny?” That was a key question mulled at a major conservative gathering Friday on how to make social conservatism appealing to young people, after an election where Republicans got trounced in the battle for millennial voters (who are are moving even further and further away from the Christian-right on marriage and other issues).
Abortion has to be made funny, the thinking goes, because funny sells on social media, and that’s where one goes to court young people. “You can engage with sarcasm, it’s hard with the abortion issue, but you have to,” said Students for Life president Kristan Hawkins at a breakout panel at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference in Washington today on how to win millennial voters. “Unfortunately we have to, because this is the generation that we’ve been dealt.”
You know what is not funny? Republicans.
You know what is terrifying? Young Republicans.
From Darryl’s 5 things to watch as Washington state lawmakers head into Week 2 of second special session link
IMPACT ALREADY FELT: Legislative inaction has led Washington State University to put off plans to expand its course offerings in Everett until fall 2014. In a letter to the Everett mayor last Wednesday, WSU President Elson Floyd said the university has been waiting for the state budget to be finalized before it opens electrical engineering, communications and hospitality management programs in Everett. Although every legislative budget proposal officials have seen appears to give the university enough money for the expansion, Floyd said they can’t start recruiting students until they know the final plan.
What companies in Snohomish might need Electrical Engineers? It is not like there’s a company up there that employs 10s of thousands of WA residents that has, like, electrical problems with batteries or electrical panels or … oh wait.
Rodney Tom should move to Wisconsin. His type of destructive power to an economy could make him the next Governor of Wisconsin.
Rodney Tom is fapping his way into the next gubernatorial campaign. He thinks he stands a chance by emulating Scott Walker. Let him be.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”
– Napoleon Bonaparte
20)Sounds like Rodney Tom is doing the Republicans dirty work on that one. It could be putting efforts to keep Boeing here in jeopardy. They can put the blame on him.
Earlier today MNSBC was reporting that it was raiding a number of 7-11 stores on the northeast where alleged undocumented workers were smuggled into the country (primarily from Pakistan) and made to work as clerks at a series of 7-11 stores.
Ahhh we found one of the few whom watch PMSNBC.
Thanks for admitting you are one of the what… 200,000 or so a day?
Scalia wrote Federal Law trumps state law in this case. He left open some further remedies for Arizona. Puddy’s head didn’t explode!
See ya!
The most apropos image that illustrates the GOP. Too old, rich and stupid to know when they’re about to lose, again.
Did ekim goatse leave a pile?
He is after all, our official HA goat herder; all for his personal pleasure
Now that’s the truth!
Railroads are taking many paths when it comes to getting their locomotives into compliance with EPA regs, such as Tier3 and 4. In the early days of Diesel railroading, it was the horsepower race that had railroads taking different paths. Southern Pacific tried out a German Diesel-Hydraulic type,but it was no match for the Sierras. A preservation group is working on restoring one of them to running condition. They have the multiple unit control replaced, which since the engine is not working yet, was necessary for a test run. A diesel electric, an EMD SD-9, provided the power. Be great to see this running again.
European bee preservation in the apple state! I wonder if those “eastern alpine” bees are the Carnica variety. Locals tell me that the Carnica bees are hardy and well developed for our cold climes (there are typically a couple of weeks in February where we enjoy -20C), and that they are threatened by invasive bees. It’s nice to think that Carnica bees (also locally renowned for the quality of their honey) might find a bit of help east of the Cascades.
They certainly need it – Austria’s top federal environmental officer decided last month that “Neonicotinoide” pesticides aren’t damaging to bees, in spite of the research linking declining bee populations to this class of pesticides.
Who would have thought that protections for worker bees would come from the dry side?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Interesting response by a black guy to a comment about modern-day slavery. I’ve met dogs who’ve met fire hydrants that had more sensitivity than you do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Yeah, keep salivating over the possibility of preventing American citizens from voting in their own country. It must make your mother proud of you. Btw, did you even have a mother? Seriously, I wonder sometimes if you didn’t morph out of some kind of algae slime.
@23 Interesting response by a black guy to a comment about modern-day slavery.
Once again the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit is a lunatic! Where did Puddy in post #23 discuss slavery you moron? Puddy was commenting on rhpee6033 ADMITTING he watched PMSNBC along with a paltry few others. PEBKAC every day in your case!
Then the next post is more classic
@24 Yeah, keep salivating over the possibility of preventing American citizens from voting in their own country.
It’s not about citizens you idiot SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. It about illegals voting. Remember Francine Busby? Apparently not because old age is destroying that “great legal mind” you claim to possess! 24 hour moronic mindless moonbat memory malady in loony leftist libtards!
Sheesh. Mrs Wabbit, your husband needs medical help!
No time for Fascistsspews:
If I follow puddy’s logic, it is better to disenfranchise 100,000 legal citizen voters, to keep that one possible illegal from voting.
Typical of puddy to quote something from seven years ago, out of context:
On June 2, five days before the special congressional election, Busby was participating in a panel discussion with four other presenters who were addressing a largely Latino audience. She had been invited to explain her position in support of comprehensive immigration reform. The discussion was conducted in Spanish with some translation. During a discussion presented by a fellow panelist about ways to get involved in political action, a man from the back of the room addressed a question to Busby in Spanish. Busby said, “I didn’t hear the entire question, but I understood that he wanted to help and said something about papers. I misspoke by saying he didn’t need papers to vote. I meant that he didn’t need papers to volunteer. This was not a discussion about my campaign.” Her comments were recorded by a member of the Minutemen. “You can all help–you don’t need papers to vote, and you don’t need to be a registered voter to help.” She made this comment in response to a question by a man who asked in Spanish, “I want to help, but I don’t have papers.”[9] The recording was circulated over the Internet and on radio.[10]
Metro announced that New Flyer, which builds METRO’s articulated hybrid buses, will be supplying replacement electric trolleybuses. If they are like what is used in Vancouver, it’s great news. Some of the Trolley routes, like the 3, 7, and 49 are high ridership routes, and the Trolley buses in Vancouver have seating layouts that accommodate that.
To get a better deal, METRO will be working with San Francisco MUNI on the order. Also, since MUNI buses do not leave the City and County of San Francisco(although I believe that they have a route over the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin County), they don’t have to have as much 2×2 seating as possible, they can accommodate more standing passengers. They are putting fewer seats up front on diesel buses as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
New Revenue Forecast Could Break Budget Stalemate
The Seattle Times reports today the state’s latest revenue forecast adds $231 million to the pie, which may be enough to bring the parties together on a budget agreement.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d guess this reflects a pickup in car sales. During the Great Recession people postponed car purchases, and our sales tax-dependent state revenues took a big hit from that. America now has its oldest-ever private vehicle fleet — the average car is over 10 years old — which means a lot of aging cars have to be replaced. That should result in healthy new car sales and create a mini-boom in sales tax receipts for the next several years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Billionaire Carlos Slim, the world’s second-richest man, thinks 65 is too young to retire and workers should be required to keep working past age 65.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s easy for him to say. I wonder if his companies push out workers when they hit age 55 like a lot of companies do. (In the U.S., it’s illegal, but laws have never stopped businesses from doing as they please. See, e.g., the latest fraud lawsuits against Bank of America.) The reality is this talk about working past age 65 is merely a conservative talking point designed to rationalize reducing social security and medicare benefits for workers, so high-income people won’t have to pay higher FICA taxes.
While the scandal associated with the Mayor of Toronto might be more intriguing, the Mayor of Montreal just resigned, amid corruption charges. The irony, is he was only the interim mayor, the last one also resigned amid corruption charges.
If I follow puddy’s logic, it is better to disenfranchise 100,000 legal citizen voters, to keep that one possible illegal from voting.
As always Fascist Pigsty can’t follow his own nose. No where has Puddy even inferred that. Butt like SENILE and DUMB Wabbit they’ll throw up bullshit hoping it “sticks”!
Sux to be them!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 I don’t shill for a party that’s trying to prevent millions of American citizens from voting in their own country. You … ?
@38 I don’t shill for a party that’s trying to prevent millions of American citizens from voting in their own country. You … ?
Sure you do. It’s called the IRS from 2010-2013 under Obummer!
Don Joespews:
@ 40
It’s called the IRS
Oy, which Orwellian argument is Puddy trying to foist on us today? Is it the Dean Chambers argument, or the John Fund argument?
Doesn’t really matter. Both arguments require us to believe that not providing a tax-based subsidy to politically active groups is the same thing as making it impossible for legitimate voters to actually cast a vote. That’s not even a conservative argument.
I gotta say, though, that the funniest part of the Dean Chambers argument was the part where he noted that Republican voter suppression efforts actually resulted in increased voter turn out, because those efforts pissed people off enough for them make extra effort to vote. Because these efforts failed miserably, we’re supposed to ignore the fact that Republicans tried to suppress the vote.
Seriously, it’s shit like this that will cost Republicans in future elections. Keep preaching it Puddy. You’re actually helping the liberal cause.
Breaking News — SCOTUS Strikes Down GOP Voting Law
“The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.
“The vote was 7-2. Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, said that a 1993 federal law known as the Motor Voter Act takes precedence over the Arizona law because of its requirement that states ‘accept and use’ the federal voter registration form.
“Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two members of the court’s conservative wing, dissented.
“Groups opposed to the Arizona law said that the court had blocked an attempt at voter suppression.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is NOT good news for the Republican vote suppression campaign and their financial backers (e.g. the Koch brothers). When their lawyers can’t even get Scalia to go along with their schemes to prevent American citizens from voting in their own country (a right that millions of our veterans fought for), that means the whole GOP strategy to impose a minority-party government on our country by restricting the voting rights of the majority is in jeopardy. If they want to establish a dictatorship in America, they’re gonna hafta figure out some other way to do it.
” they’re gonna hafta figure out some other way to do it.”
Oh great, give them a challenge!
Although the Arizona case was litigated by civil rights advocates, it was not based on discrimination against minorities. Rather, this is a far-reaching decision that says states can’t make voter registration more burdensome than federal law permits. It’s also significant that the decision is based on federal preemption, not constitutional grounds, which means that although SCOTUS has upheld GOP-passed state voter ID laws, Congress could void all of those laws by passing a federal law defining whether states can require voter ID and what ID it can require. This decision also implies that states can’t impose more stringent residency requirements (e.g., aimed at college students) or other voter qualifications than permitted by federal law. This decision is really going to hobble Republican efforts to narrow the voting base via state-level legislation. It’s a major defeat for ALEC and GOP-controlled legislatures.
@2 Given what their intellectual capabilities are, I’m not unduly worried.
I personally think that instead of scrapping provisions of the Voting Rights Act allowing the DOJ to supervise elections in (southern) states having a history of racial discrimination, SCOTUS should extend those provisions to every state with a Republican governor or GOP-controlled legislature, because denying our citizens their voting rights isn’t a southern phenomenon, it’s a Republican phenomenon.
So here’s the deal: Federal election laws preempt state election laws. That’s really going to handcuff GOP governors and state legislators trying to keep American citizens from voting in their own country. It’s about time! Apparently even some of the conservative justices couldn’t stomach turning America into another Iran.
I’m expecting that now the Republican House to start trying to amend the Motor-Voter law to allow such suppression efforts. Of course, they will market it as fear of minorities taking over, but officially they will say it’s only an attempt to prevent “voter fraud”.
@7 Which will suffer the same fate as their three-dozen-and-counting attempts to repeal Obamacare.
@5 Right. Otherwise, to make the nation’s political map consistent we’d have to find a way to move Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
In San Antonio, they have been planning a streetcar line for the past few years(they are way behind Dallas and Houston in the rail transit front, even what Austin has is more than San Antonio). Of the six options, people agree on one thing, don’t serve the Alamo. Although on one issue, the impact can be negated, the overhead wires. Many of the proposed builders are developing off wire capability.
1)I was shocked to see Scalia join the majority on this one. He’s an arch conservative, and last year, he threw out his earlier defense of the commerce clause in the Affordable Care Act decision.
Out of the mouths of boobs.
Good. The fascist paradigm can never be successful in a Nation with a Constitution that all but codifies the direct opposite in the Law. The GOP represents a long-since discredited method of governance. Creating divisions in the population based on social status, religion or wealth and promoting a constant state of fear of attack by synthetically generated outsiders within that context is a non-functional and inherently corrupt political method. It is designed to be corrupt, and created specifically to protect the most corrupted individuals and institutions from the purview of the rule of Law.
This is how the National-Socialists in Germany and the Fascists in Italy, Spain, Greece and most of the South American Countries were able to consolidate power once being placed in control of the political and socioeconomic systems that made their countries function. There are no innocents in a Fascist society. Everyone is suspect, and anyone except the individuals at the top can be prosecuted. And even they are vulnerable to political maneuvering within the corruption they seek to control and profit from. The Soviet Union proved that hundreds of times.
@12 “The Soviet Union proved that hundreds of times.”
…and from the look of things, Russia as it is presently constituted will continue to do so.
Aw… Too Bad…
The RETHUGS won’t be able to protect the ANGRY WHITE GUY minority vote by voter suppression of everyone else.
Will this cause BUTTBUTTER to have a meltdown? Not likely. He has a skin as thick as a month old COW PIE under the hot July sun.
Maybe BUTTBUTTER can help department.
(He is after all, our official HA WGET SYS ADMIN.)
The First Web Page, Amazingly, Is Lost
Given the World Wide Web’s ubiquity, you might be tempted to believe that everything is online. But there’s one important piece of the Web’s own history that can’t be found through a search engine: the very first Web page.
Now a team at the lab where the World Wide Web was invented is seeking to restore that page, and other pieces of memorabilia from the earliest moments of the http:// era. They’re on the hunt for old hard drives and floppy disks that may hold missing copies of early, valuable files.
I await our glorious bee Overlords. All hail the Queen.
One good thing about Chicago METRA having a surplus of used coaches as newer ones reequipped the fleet in recent years, is some regions of the country can get some good deals on rolling stock for startups. The acquisition cost is dirt cheap, I believe that Nashville got a few for a dollar each, and had to pay for refurbishment.In Michigan, there are two proposed commuter rail operations out of Ann Arbor that could be operational within a few years. One of them is focused on Ann Arbor itself, the other is running to Detroit. The refurbishment of the coaches and cab cars was done by the Great Lakes Central railroad, using as much Michigan sourced components as possible.
It seems like the slave-holder mentality amoung “capitalists” blossomed under the Bush years, and it’s taken a while to knock it back down.
Earlier today MNSBC was reporting that it was raiding a number of 7-11 stores on the northeast where alleged undocumented workers were smuggled into the country (primarily from Pakistan) and made to work as clerks at a series of 7-11 stores. The were paid a wage, but only after deductions for “rent” in an apartment (mattresses in shared rooms) and their “voyage” expenses were paid. They dared not speak up because they couldn’t go anywhere else, they had no passports or ID cards and only enough money for food for a day.
And this afternoon a McDonalds worker in Pennsylvania filed suit after she was paid in the form of a debit card, which had fees deducted for everything from withdrawals to balance inquires. Most states, including both Pennsylvania and Washington, require wage payments by check – to avoid the “company store” issues made famous by the coal companies.
McDonald’s Worker Sues over Pay
via BJ
GOP plan to appeal to millennials: “Make abortion funny”
You know what is not funny? Republicans.
You know what is terrifying? Young Republicans.
From Darryl’s 5 things to watch as Washington state lawmakers head into Week 2 of second special session link
What companies in Snohomish might need Electrical Engineers? It is not like there’s a company up there that employs 10s of thousands of WA residents that has, like, electrical problems with batteries or electrical panels or … oh wait.
Rodney Tom should move to Wisconsin. His type of destructive power to an economy could make him the next Governor of Wisconsin.
Rodney Tom is fapping his way into the next gubernatorial campaign. He thinks he stands a chance by emulating Scott Walker. Let him be.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”
– Napoleon Bonaparte
20)Sounds like Rodney Tom is doing the Republicans dirty work on that one. It could be putting efforts to keep Boeing here in jeopardy. They can put the blame on him.
Ahhh we found one of the few whom watch PMSNBC.
Thanks for admitting you are one of the what… 200,000 or so a day?
Scalia wrote Federal Law trumps state law in this case. He left open some further remedies for Arizona. Puddy’s head didn’t explode!
See ya!
The most apropos image that illustrates the GOP. Too old, rich and stupid to know when they’re about to lose, again.
Did ekim goatse leave a pile?
Now that’s the truth!
Railroads are taking many paths when it comes to getting their locomotives into compliance with EPA regs, such as Tier3 and 4. In the early days of Diesel railroading, it was the horsepower race that had railroads taking different paths. Southern Pacific tried out a German Diesel-Hydraulic type,but it was no match for the Sierras. A preservation group is working on restoring one of them to running condition. They have the multiple unit control replaced, which since the engine is not working yet, was necessary for a test run. A diesel electric, an EMD SD-9, provided the power. Be great to see this running again.
European bee preservation in the apple state! I wonder if those “eastern alpine” bees are the Carnica variety. Locals tell me that the Carnica bees are hardy and well developed for our cold climes (there are typically a couple of weeks in February where we enjoy -20C), and that they are threatened by invasive bees. It’s nice to think that Carnica bees (also locally renowned for the quality of their honey) might find a bit of help east of the Cascades.
They certainly need it – Austria’s top federal environmental officer decided last month that “Neonicotinoide” pesticides aren’t damaging to bees, in spite of the research linking declining bee populations to this class of pesticides.
Who would have thought that protections for worker bees would come from the dry side?
@23 Interesting response by a black guy to a comment about modern-day slavery. I’ve met dogs who’ve met fire hydrants that had more sensitivity than you do.
@24 Yeah, keep salivating over the possibility of preventing American citizens from voting in their own country. It must make your mother proud of you. Btw, did you even have a mother? Seriously, I wonder sometimes if you didn’t morph out of some kind of algae slime.
Once again the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit is a lunatic! Where did Puddy in post #23 discuss slavery you moron? Puddy was commenting on rhpee6033 ADMITTING he watched PMSNBC along with a paltry few others. PEBKAC every day in your case!
Then the next post is more classic
It’s not about citizens you idiot SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. It about illegals voting. Remember Francine Busby? Apparently not because old age is destroying that “great legal mind” you claim to possess! 24 hour moronic mindless moonbat memory malady in loony leftist libtards!
Sheesh. Mrs Wabbit, your husband needs medical help!
If I follow puddy’s logic, it is better to disenfranchise 100,000 legal citizen voters, to keep that one possible illegal from voting.
Typical of puddy to quote something from seven years ago, out of context:
Metro announced that New Flyer, which builds METRO’s articulated hybrid buses, will be supplying replacement electric trolleybuses. If they are like what is used in Vancouver, it’s great news. Some of the Trolley routes, like the 3, 7, and 49 are high ridership routes, and the Trolley buses in Vancouver have seating layouts that accommodate that.
To get a better deal, METRO will be working with San Francisco MUNI on the order. Also, since MUNI buses do not leave the City and County of San Francisco(although I believe that they have a route over the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin County), they don’t have to have as much 2×2 seating as possible, they can accommodate more standing passengers. They are putting fewer seats up front on diesel buses as well.
New Revenue Forecast Could Break Budget Stalemate
The Seattle Times reports today the state’s latest revenue forecast adds $231 million to the pie, which may be enough to bring the parties together on a budget agreement.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d guess this reflects a pickup in car sales. During the Great Recession people postponed car purchases, and our sales tax-dependent state revenues took a big hit from that. America now has its oldest-ever private vehicle fleet — the average car is over 10 years old — which means a lot of aging cars have to be replaced. That should result in healthy new car sales and create a mini-boom in sales tax receipts for the next several years.
Billionaire Carlos Slim, the world’s second-richest man, thinks 65 is too young to retire and workers should be required to keep working past age 65.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s easy for him to say. I wonder if his companies push out workers when they hit age 55 like a lot of companies do. (In the U.S., it’s illegal, but laws have never stopped businesses from doing as they please. See, e.g., the latest fraud lawsuits against Bank of America.) The reality is this talk about working past age 65 is merely a conservative talking point designed to rationalize reducing social security and medicare benefits for workers, so high-income people won’t have to pay higher FICA taxes.
While the scandal associated with the Mayor of Toronto might be more intriguing, the Mayor of Montreal just resigned, amid corruption charges. The irony, is he was only the interim mayor, the last one also resigned amid corruption charges.
As always Fascist Pigsty can’t follow his own nose. No where has Puddy even inferred that. Butt like SENILE and DUMB Wabbit they’ll throw up bullshit hoping it “sticks”!
Sux to be them!
@38 I don’t shill for a party that’s trying to prevent millions of American citizens from voting in their own country. You … ?
Sure you do. It’s called the IRS from 2010-2013 under Obummer!
@ 40
It’s called the IRS
Oy, which Orwellian argument is Puddy trying to foist on us today? Is it the Dean Chambers argument, or the John Fund argument?
Doesn’t really matter. Both arguments require us to believe that not providing a tax-based subsidy to politically active groups is the same thing as making it impossible for legitimate voters to actually cast a vote. That’s not even a conservative argument.
I gotta say, though, that the funniest part of the Dean Chambers argument was the part where he noted that Republican voter suppression efforts actually resulted in increased voter turn out, because those efforts pissed people off enough for them make extra effort to vote. Because these efforts failed miserably, we’re supposed to ignore the fact that Republicans tried to suppress the vote.
Seriously, it’s shit like this that will cost Republicans in future elections. Keep preaching it Puddy. You’re actually helping the liberal cause.