I’m confused. Liberals tell us all the time that liberal-created violent books, movies, TV shows, and video games don’t cause violence. But conservative radio does cause violence? Sounds like a double standard.
@4 I’m confused. Liberals tell us all the time that liberal-created violent books, movies, TV shows, and video games don’t cause violence. But conservative radio does cause violence?
tada!!!!!!the point of the century! the one you’ll never hear on cnn or the nyt’s
one hint though (green, crisp and includes pictures of old white men)
Posted on Huffpo on 12/17/10
So is this our future? Videos of killers wielding illegal guns and holding innocent people hostage — or worse. Reality TV, gone very, very wrong.
Unless/until we decide that gun safety, economic equality, and preventing pundits from inciting riot/slandering whole groups of people on air are reforms worth fighting for. Stay tuned on this one. In the meantime, sadly, I can promise you one thing: Many mini-revolutions such as this will be televised.
Uh, yeah, fictional TV shows or games about cops and robbers shooting at each other or superheros and supervillians in spandex are the exactly same as real political leaders saying that other real political leaders are out destroy the country and must be stopped with “Second Amendment” options. Um, right.
Pudd the goat loving hipsterspews:
Goldy, don’t ya get it. Snark is the coin of the relm at The Strangers Slog. You have to do things vice magazine style. Nothing is off the table. death, war, suffering-anyone and anything is fair game for hipster ironic snark. google “Say yes to war on Iraq” by Dan Savage–he supported Bush and Cheney and the invasion of Iraq because people didn’t expect him too. all that death and destruction and suffering-hey what the fuck-it got Dan some attention!
In 2008, he tried to enlist in the U.S. Army. The Army rejected him, and privacy laws keep the military from disclosing the reason, the service said in a statement to CNN.
He also enrolled at Aztec Middle College, a partnership between Tucson schools and Pima Community College that helps high school dropouts transition to community colleges, PCC President Sylvia Lee told CNN. He took classes at the college from 2005 until October 2010, when withdrew after five contacts with police “for classroom and library disruptions” at two campuses between February and September, the school said in a statement issued Saturday night.
Loughner was suspended after authorities found a YouTube video in which he called the school “illegal according to the U.S. Constitution, and makes other claims,” the PCC statement said. He quit during an October 4 meeting with his parents and school administrators, and a follow-up letter warned that to return, he had to present a doctor’s note stating that “his presence at the College does not present a danger to himself or others.” http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/.....g.suspect/
Liberal Scientistspews:
Like I said, Clarence Dupnik, Pima Count Sheriff, for Governor of Arizona.
The man is a hero simply for being sane. What have we come to?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Perhaps his partner got him the gun. (See the video of Clarence Dupnik discussing the likelihood of a second person involved.)
Those whose violent, eliminationist rhetoric has polluted the air waves and other media for the past couple of decades, ramping itself up a little more each year, especially with the arrival of an African American in the White House, are, of course, denying that the shootings of a Congresswoman, a judge, a child and bystanders on a street corner in Arizona have anything to do with their savage words. No surprise. One thing they’re good at is refusing to accept any responsibility for the consequences of this murderous talk, whether it’s Timothy McVeigh blowing up a federal building or Scott Roeder assassinating a doctor.
Michael Savage bleating on Savage Nation radio, says: “Only vigilance and resistance to this baby dictator, Barack Hussein Obama, can prevent the Khmer Rouge from appearing in this country.” Erick Ericksson at Red State says: “At what point do the people … march down to their state legislator’s house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp?” No matter how it tries, the right cannot divorce itself from the pustulence of its violent rhetoric no matter how many times its practitioners say “not me, not me” after people are murdered for taking these vile imprecations to heart. A few crocodile tears from Glenn Beck won’t cut it.
Zotz sez: This space available! Previous wingnut tenant leaves to spend more time with his goat(s)!spews:
What have we come to?
A very bad place. But could be a turning point.
I’ve been reading around. Our trolls don’t hold a candle to some of the shit I’ve read. They’re frantic — and they should be.
It’ll be interesting to watch the media cycle unfold on Sunday and next week.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
Now who said dat Lib Unscientist?
#4 Troll
Liberals wrote the Old Testament?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
drool per 82. Blue John spews: Jesus was a liberal and a progressive.
didnt a female democratic congresswoman just say “its time for pitchforks”? dont make me look it up
Liberal Scientistspews:
So you’re over here now, eh, Pudendum?
So tell me, how many people did Clay Duke, besides himself, kill?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
More on this fool. Puddy noticed The Ave’s main proprietor has it definitely wrong on Jared Loughner!
Hates God and a flag burner. Simply a guy who shouldn’t have been running loose.
Sometimes I imagine that I am a pretty ballerina performing dainty pirouettes for Herr Himmler.
Liberal Scientistspews:
To all who might take Pudlet’s rant about DailyKos with any seriousness (I know, I know – he has no credibility), here are the facts.
In a nutshell:
It seems that a diary was posted in the past week by someone who was upset at Rep. Giffords for voting for Rep. Lewis for Speaker of the House. The person entitled their diary: My Congresswoman voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is Now Dead to Me! The diary contained no threats of violence, no gun sites, no Sarah Palin-like ‘reload’ language. Other than the title, the harshest remarks were something to the effect of no longer being a volunteer for Rep. Giffords. Hardly the stuff of rousing vitriol. When Rep. Giffords was shot today, the diarist out of respect for Rep. Giffords and after apologizing for causing any distress, deleted the diary of his/her own free will.
For those that might be confused about this, consider the source. Pud is a serial liar.
whoever impersonated me…wow i must have really hit a nerve.
Once again Pud, yes, both parties have followers who spew irresponsibly. Only one party is chosing as leaders those who speak in coded terms of violence- “armed and dangerous” from a favorite in the House, “second amendment solutions” from one chosen to run for the senate.
Quite frankly I’m well past expecting intelligent discourse from you. But for you to consider murder becoming a part of our politics as yet another opprotunity for your bile disgusts me.
Eat shit, asshole.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Yet again, since Pud brought it up as an example of a “liberal” who commits violence, I wonder if anyone here knows how many people were killed by Clay Duke when he stormed the Panama City School Board, wielding a gun?
Here’s the answer: only himself.
And MOT, you are just a cartoon.
Hey, cool. We’re just like Iraq and Afganistan now.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Eat shit asshole? Is that the best you can do K? Puddy places FACTS! Clay Duke is one of those FACTS!
After all the shit your ilk posted that Jared Loughner was a Tea Bagger in three threads this evening?
Only one party is “chosing” as leaders those who speak in coded terms of violence- “armed and dangerous”
Apparently you missed the originator of this comment.
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
Apparently you have no clue as always. An Ivy Leaguer who is really stupid!
It was Odumba who said that above.
So K, how is that shit sandwich?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
But for you to consider murder becoming a part of our politics as yet another opprotunity for your bile disgusts me.
Shame, shame belongs to Puddy, to Troll, to anyone who does not feel shame for their role in this.
I am that I am.
Sorry Pud, but I am sad and outraged. You do not honestly engage and you are enjoying this tragedy.
So yes, eat shit asshole
And I will not prove anything to you. You ignore what you choose and seem to believe you can set the rules.
ANd when you are done eating shit, bark at the moon.
There is no value to exchanges with you and no entertainment with the deaths of others. Shame on you.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Once again Lib Unscientist is an idiot. Clay Duke was brainwashed by Media Morons and theprogressivemind.info. We see Jared Loughner was brainwashed by the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf.
But wait… Remember Van Jones and his Communist Manifesto? Another HA progressive hero. Puddy Remembers. They (Odumba’s gang) tried to scrub it from the net!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
SJ playing “god”,
Puddy had no role in this. Jared read the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Those are not in Puddy’s house SJ. The more we see the more we know he was a leftist leaning loon!
Apparently K didn’t read what Puddy wrote in the other thread about the shooting. Nope! K projects hate 24x7x365.25
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
There is no value to exchanges with you and no entertainment with the deaths of others. Shame on you.
Oh yeah K? More pinheaded commentary!
Every time a person gets shot the HA progressive leftists like you jump on their keyboards and immediately start calling the shooter a Tea Bagger.
So K won’t prove it? Just more screaming into the HA void from K. And K there is your favorite site Daily Kooks identified above!
Of course K is blind to these FACTS, especially now we know more about Jared!
You are welcome to believe in Me or not, just as you are welcome to believe in Jesus or Brahm.
Your lack of shame at a time like this reflects on you, only you.
I am that I am.
Some people don’t have to have their face rubbed into the stream to know something fishy is going on
“When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous. And, unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the Capital. We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry. ”
While the “Forgive Timothy McVeigh” crew cries rivers about how right wingers are being tainted by their own assasinations and violence
When it’s just an abortion doctor here & there, the supporting politicians can ignore it — what happens after one of their own political class gets it?
puddy, one time you said my posts offended you. well, it certainly didnt win you any friends here, now you see their true colors. they take a sad incident and try to use it to say anyine who disagrees with them should just shut up. but of course they could say any hateful thing they wanted about george bush and dick cheney. they’re all liberal scumbags. jews, whi hate christians, and moron goys who dont realize they are used for suckers. but fear not, this whole rotten system is ready to crash oin our heads, and the jew george soros will be living in a guarded castle in bosnia counting his 5 billion in gold.,,,oh my god, i must be crazy for saying this and not believing what katie couric and brian williams tells me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Facts and Figures on the State Budget
The fishwrapper has a news article on the state budget that provides useful numbers on how much money is involved and where it goes.
The money quote:
“The largest parts of the budget most vulnerable to cuts include the state’s college and university system, K-12 programs not considered part of basic education, and health-care services for the poor that can be eliminated without opting out of Medicaid.”
This article seems like a good starting point for those wishing to conduct a factual discussion of the state budget.
@41 Soros wouldn’t have a dime if those who run countries didn’t play games with their currencies. He’s performing the useful service of keeping them halfway honest, and an even more useful service by giving money to organizations and candidates dedicated to keeping wingnut idiots out of important leadership and policy positions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “Jared read the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Those are not in Puddy’s house SJ.”
I don’t see anything wrong with having these books in your house, or with reading them, puddy. Too bad more thinking people didn’t read Mein Kampf before Hitler got hold of power. It’s not like he didn’t tell the world what he intended to do, if he did get power.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What’s missing in people like Jared and Puddy is a capacity for critical thinking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, that was a low blow, even for me! Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I’m only a feral rabbit and nobody expects me to have a human conscience. We rabbits are merely instinctive creatures who respond reflexively to stimuli in our environment. And, for some strange reason, kicking with my powerful hind feet happens to reach the exact height of Puddy’s nuts. That must be what they call Intelligent Design.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Roger, you make me laugh.
Pud is in rare form – I didn’t think it was possible, but after his rants tonight, I consider him even more foul and odious and malignant than I did this morning.
You know what else I’ve noticed about him? He only attacks. He never says anything in a positive way – never even promoting his (ostensible) side (maybe they don’t want him either?), only tearing down others.
WRT the state budget – I appreciate your post. I need to see if there have been any revisions, but about a week or two ago I saw proposals regarding Medicaid. Among other things, they were going to stop paying for adults’ prescriptions – which will inevitably result in a flood of people in the ERs around the state with ragingly high blood pressures (and consequent heart attacks and strokes), destabilized psychiatric problems, impossible to treat infections – it’s penny wise/pound foolish and a public heath disaster in the making. Also, they’re going to stop paying for translators – so I won’t be able to speak with my Russian and Spanish and Hmong and Swahili speaking patients, unless they bring a friend or relative with them. Maybe they’ll also bring a chicken or two for me – as the Medicaid reimbursement is already below my overhead costs. It’s utterly fucking stupid. I”m wondering – are these Federally matched dollars? Are cuts like these magnified by the loss of fed matching portion? If so, a huge hit to the economy as well.
We are ruled by idiots and surrounded by trolls. I’m beginning to think New Zealand sounds pretty good right now (it’s summer!)
Liberal Scientistspews:
You know, the shooter’s YouTube site had a bunch of short rambling weird weird videos quite literally babbling – with syntax that actually reminded my of Puddles.
Most of the trolls’ posts in this thread are if nothing else proof positive that there are plenty of other crackpots out there.
@49 Most of the trolls’ posts in this thread are if nothing else proof positive that there are plenty of other crackpots out there.
artfart, i begrudgingly admit you’re right. we should all just take a cue from colleges and universities and restrict our thinking to the jew, female, minority and gay agenda. i mean, i’m just trying to picture the lack of any type of discourse in the university lunchroom. i bet you couldnt tell the difference between that and a cambodian reeducation camp.
Gee, lets all turn on the tee vees and watch the Republicans cry their crocodile tears. Oh, how unfortunate. We haven’t been encouraging violence. We haven’t been talking hate speech, and calling people socialists, communists, destroying America etc. We’re all innocent. Us and our Tea Party Patriot (armed) friends. Us with our campaign ads at gun ranges like the dirt bag that ran against Giffords. No messaging there….
Republicans Are A Disease. That statement has never been as true as it is right now.
Now should we shoot Republicans? Heck no. Treat them with sunlight.
By the way, we found them WMD’s yet? The mushroom cloud producing nuclear program?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
You know what else I’ve noticed about him? He only attacks. He never says anything in a positive way – never even promoting his (ostensible) side (maybe they don’t want him either?), only tearing down others.
Once again El Blockhead hasn’t read other threads last night?
So let’s review yesterday’s postings by the moronic HA liberal progressive wing. Who was first to make the Tea Party reference with the shooter?
Roger Dumb Rabbit? [ ]
DeadToad[ ]
The dumb brick ylb[ ]
BlueJohnny[ ]
Factless Positions[ ]
None of them. It was Liberal Unscientist here. This is why you are an unrespected jackASS on this blog fool! You have no basis in fact. You make the accusation, “people” like K overlook it and then you jump back in trying to make another insipid point. This one was P R I C E L E S S too. Puddy doesn’t need any chronological failure databaze to keep track of your HorseSHIT, because you present it so blatantly. Then, your moronic Moonbat! mental malady takes over. You forget what you post. Liberalism is a mental disorder. When confronted with your own posts you deflect and change the subject delivering ad hominem attacks against Puddy and anyone else who identifies your cockamamie comments here. Watch everyone his next post. Pavlov calls deflection! It’s attack and hate 24x7x365.25.
Passionate_Jus wrote: “This is horrible and my thoughts and prayers are with her family and those in critical condition.”
Goldy’s response: “Bullshit. Giffords was assassinated, and we shouldn’t sugar coat it.” You can read the test of their comments in the other thread Lib Unscientist.
Stupid is as Stupid does. As Lt General Russel Honore one said to a reporter “don’t get Stuck on Stupid”, Liberal Unscientist is Stuck on Stupid.
The Free Republic Comments are pretty revealing. I read this one regularly. They are in a constant state of “readiness” for the revolution. Fucking insane. This particular thread is a standard example.
The Home page is full of varying subjects where the nutters and nazis are given full vent to their rhetoric.
They sound almost proud.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
After 35 years as a psychologist she knows a disturbed mind when she sees one. When I told her that you were a black guy, she was rendered speechless.
Believe me, mom is never without something to say.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
The Democratic Underground Comments are pretty revealing. Puddy uses this site regularly to demonstrate moronic Moobat! behavior. They are in a constant state of “lunacy” always looking to blame the right when lefties go nuts. Fucking insane. This particular thread is a standard example.
The Home Page is full of varying subjects where the nutters, fascists, socialists, communists and nazis are given full vent to their rhetoric.
The Progressive Mind is a collection of articles and annotated links to sites, articles, publications and editorials expressing progressive and humanistic viewpoints. The editor is an active supporter of efforts to uncover the truth about the horrible events on Sep 11, 2001
Liberal Scientistspews:
Wow, Spudster, you’re in rare form. You can practically see the spittle flecking the monitor.
I must have really hit a nerve…oops.
To be clear, my first post to which you link said this:
Known facts:
The rhetoric and actions of the right-wing/Teahaddist/Palinist movement are suffused with guns and images of guns and violence.
Rep. Giffords ‘targeted’ for political attack and the imagery is of telescopic sight crosshairs.
Rep. Giffords murdered/assassinated by person wielding gun.
Whether the assassin was directly motivated by Palin’s imagery or not, or was just a nutcase, it is undeniable that guns and violence and “second amendment remedies” are part of the Teahaddist toolkit for their will to power, and this illustrates that images and innuendo of violence have no place in our political discourse.
Oh, and Rep. Giffords murdered/assassinated by person wielding gun.
Go ahead and refute anything I posted, point out my mistakes.
I note you say that I “made a Tea Party reference” about the shooter. From that careful construction one can tell that you don’t accuse me of calling him a teabagger – which I didn’t.
However, one cannot discuss guns, or regulation of guns, or the religiosexual fetishization of guns by the right-wing, or the ubiquitous injection of guns into political culture by all the gun-wielding ‘patriots’ at Tea Party events without discussing the Western Taliban – your peeps, homeslice.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Puddy would love to meet jo mama for lunch. You can come too. She would be enlightened on how a black man from Philadelphia left the liberal reservation. Next, Puddy will introduce her to conservative psychologists and Puddy would love to videotape that conversation. Where does she scramble young minds full of mush? City? Date? Time?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Spudlet links to a second post of mine, one that said this:
Exactly right.
This is the dark heart of the Western Taliban. Beautiful and horrible in its simplicity: Derive power from selling fear and hate. Whip that product into a corrosive froth. Sit back and count the bodies.
In which I was responding to goldy saying this:
Crusader @7,
“We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee.” — Ann Coulter
But don’t be stupid. When they paint us as the enemy of America and the friend of terrorists, when they accuse us of treason or worse, they are knowingly fomenting violence.
You of course derive this conclusion:
When confronted with your own posts you deflect and change the subject delivering ad hominem attacks against Puddy
Well, here ya go, Pudster, doesn’t look like I’m deflecting, does it?
Once again I invite you to point out my factual errors. Or errors of analysis, whatever you like.
You actually make my point for me – the original blockquote of mine that you led off with @52 is perfectly illustrated by your subsequent rant – tear down, attack, try to drive wedges, but not one iota of positive vision. Not one critique of the violence cultivated in our society in general and political discourse in particular.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Wow Liberal Unscientist,
Earlier last week you claimed you’d never respond to Puddy again. Now when your words are replayed making the association of this nut Jared to a
Teahaddist toolkit
you get upset.
It was you who claimed the Teahaddist toolkit! You were first to make any Teahaddist reference.
Careful construction? Last week you called Puddy an idiot? So if “Puddy an idiot” (your words…) how can Puddy carefully construct sentences?
Will it go round in circles? – Billy Preston – You and your idiotic circular logic.
Pavlov calls it… Watch another leftist progressive take part of the third paragraph out of context.
Will it be:
Roger Dumb Rabbit []
Factless Positions []
Proud Leftist []
Stupid Solution Steve []
The dumb brick ylb []
DeadToad []
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Ohhh poor poor Lib Unscientist… Now his pink panties are all twisted around his scrote because Puddy is cherry picking his comments?
Well if you didn’t make them they wouldn’t be here for Puddy’s use.
Tear down what? You made the first Teahaddist reference in that thread. You tear down each thread with your “associative commentary”. It wasn’t Tea Party it was Teahaddist. You make Puddy’s point with your every day lunacy!
Liberal Scientistspews:
Perhaps I was not clear earlier. I’m done trying to respond to you with any expectation of a rational or reasoned or honest response. I gave up trying to engage you in a civil discussion.
However, your writing, when it’s decipherable, is offensive and wrong, and my posts that concern you are really directed at the other readers and posters here – I just am not willing to let some of the idiocy and vileness you embrace and post here go without comment.
Don’t make the mistake and assume I’m talking to you – I’m talking about you – part fascinating sociopathology study, part whack-a-mole with your more vile and dishonest comments.
Critical, derisive, taunting comment, Spudster.
Oh, and by the way, I stand by the Teahaddist Toolkit comment. Your gals Sarah and Michelle and Sharon, and the boys at Fox, and all the gun totin’ crazies at Teabag conventions are spouting off about ‘second amendment remedies’ for a reason – that kind of violent dogwhistle works with the rubes – the only reason that they do it…and you seem to be one of ’em.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
I stand by the Teahaddist Toolkit comment.
We see.
vile and dishonest comments
Sure. Puddy places FACTS on this board of you and your ilk and you want Puddy to cry you a river. To Lib Unscientist, anyone who places the words and pictures of a liberal progressive using guns to carry out violence against liberals or conservatives is vile and dishonest. Perfect Lib Unscientist Perfect!
Puddy stands by Puddy’s continual use of Zomblog and Zomblog to REMIND you of your friends and their proposed remedies and solutions. Puddy will use Daily Kook postings like the one above about you and your friends and their proposed remedies and solutions.
Puddy stands by his continual use of Clay Duke and Clay’s love of Media Morons and theprogressivemin.info
There is no question you would be a sign carrying member in a Zomblog picture.
Face it wingnutz. Your turkey has come home to roost.
Now the fact that the shooter may have had an accomplice, and a photograph on a surveillance tape is now being distributed, shows that this was probably a planned incident between at least two people.
Like the Taliban, or the Al-Queida, the real perpetrators are behind the scenes keeping their hands clean, and recruiting their “soldiers” from the mentally ill, the mentally impaired, downs syndrome and other low intelligence folks.
This is how the KKK worked back in the early part of the last century. The Council for Conservative Citizens, the modern replacement for the KKK and other right wing extremist organizations, has charities and support programs for people with Downs syndrome and other forms of mental impairment. It’s a great tax writeoff and gives them a great propaganda tool. They can always say how “charitable” they are towards the less fortunate. I suppose it is a good tool for raising funds as well. Who wouldn’t support programs to help people with mental impairments or illnesses?
Maybe all it is, is a way for them to recruit their foot soldiers.
Goddamit. Forgot to close a tag. Could someone close it after the word “interview” in the first sentence please?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
How is Jared a Teabagger with his Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf? Sound more like a Van Jones acolyte!
Jumping to conclusions again DeadToad?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Maybe all it is, is a way for them to recruit their foot soldiers.
Heh, Spuddy Spuddy Spuddy.
The word “maybe” is quite implicit. No proof is necessary. You Fox news aficionados should know that by now.
Language is a bitch isn’t it.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Notice, everyone, how Spuddles @66 is trying to make this about Van Jones. It’s the deflection of which he rants so loudly.
He also tries to somehow protect the Teabagger brand by distancing, insinuating that Mein Kampf is somehow incompatible with Western Taliban ‘thought’. I would bet that every nutjob in the last 50 years has had Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto on their bookshelves. They are both very powerful and important texts, each in their own way – and one of the salient features of the modern whacko exploding in violence on the public stage is a sense of powerlessness and a drive to appear powerful.
I suspect a related motivation underlies the Right’s continual victimhood, the sense that “their country” is being taken away, and the need to appear in public with as much firepower as they can muster.
Oh, and about this troubled fellow’s reading list, it also included We the Living, by Ayn Rand. Feel free to comment on that.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
The word “maybe” is quite implicit. No proof is necessary. You Fox news aficionados should know that by now.
Just following the same thought processes used by liberal progressives here.
The level of discourse, if you want to call it that, make it seem like shooting people you don’t agree with is a viable option to resolve your disagreements. Whatever your motivation for hating government, those who are mentally unstable will find a way to identify with that hate and act on it–regardless of whatever their own crazy reasons are for hating the government.
The rhetoric of violence that is bantied about so carelessly is manifested in Palin’s idioicy with her crosshairs map. Palin, obviously, is being metaphoric to further her fake “momma grizzly” shit. She’s an idiot of the first order and has given zero thought, just like her teaparty compatriots about the consequences of her metaphors. Giffords’ opponant also offered “metaphoric” violent suggestions in his campaign against her.
Lots of crazy people get the intended message of these “metaphors.” I’m sure the people who shot out the window of Giffords office got the message. As did all the people who sent threatening letters, phone calls, e-mails to her and at other times to the judge that was killed in this attack.
Whatever motivates violence, the message that it is a viable way to address your grievances starts with the free use of the language of facism.
People should stop being simpletons and try to fit all this shit into political catagories of left or right.
The teaparty language tells us that the overall level of understanding and critical thinking in this country has really dropped. Currently we label it simply as “right and left” but really, it is about being either a troglodyte or a person of reason.
The mainstreaming of troglodyte thinking and their inbred way of dealing with complex world issues motivates crazy people to carry out their crazy shit against people.
Anyone who thinks it is completely random that Giffords had her office window shot out in Arizona is completely unrelated to her appearing to be a viable target because..uh..she was listed as a target on Palin’s map is probably nearly as delusional as her shooter.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Notice, everyone, how Spuddles @66 is trying to make this about Van Jones
Uhhh there you go again. There was this post from Jon DeVore which discussed Van Jones. Puddy remember apparently you don’t. Well liberalism is a mental disorder and you demonstrate that lunacy each day here. Puddy is making an association with previously discussed threads here on HA to the Jared Loughner reading material.
Too bad you moronic Moonbat! memory malady inhibits synapses from firing at the right time.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
That’s real interesting lauramae.
People should stop being simpletons and try to fit all this shit into political catagories of left or right.
You should talk to the leftist fools just in this thread who use Teahaddist for example.
It only counts now that Giffords was shot by a whack-job communist/nazi reading loving fool that her window was shot out on March 2010? Yet you forget the leftist vandalism here and here and here and here and here?
Or all those years of death threats to GWBush by your leftist friends? Visit Zomblog to refresh your memory!
“troglodyte thinking”? Thank you for giving Puddy what was on the tip of his tongue. A specific way to identify Lib Unscientist and DeadToad!
Thanks again LAURAMAE!
Liberal Scientistspews:
So everyone doesn’t have to subject themselves to Spuddle’s links, I took a peek.
-The first (from 2004) goes to a report that included this:
…the vandals left a burned effigy depicting President Bush and Sen. John Kerry…
-The second is Instaputz reference to the story at the first link.
-The third was indeed vandalism of the lawn where people posted their Bush/Cheney signs (back in 2004).
-The fourth is again from 2004 and is more Instaputz commentary (no real news) about a Bush/Cheney office having window shot out.
-The fifth (this one is rich) is actually somewhat contemporary – from March 2010. Eric Cantor making political hay over being attacked, when actually, reported here and here, the bullet was randomly fired in the air (but I’m sure legally owned and registered), and hit a window in a building where Cantor had an office, but not his office window. Putz.
You will recall that Eric Cantor played this to the hilt, and this moved the news of real right-wing violence engendered to silence the health care debate off the front pages. White powder to Weiner’s office, anyone?
Once again we see Puddle’s use of links in a manipulative, dishonest fashion.
This has been a public service announcement.
Reading the comments on various threads here at HA, I can understand why few people read the comments. The shooter was nuts. Trying to assign blame to the right or left is just a way of trying to escalate things. Now I even understand why the whackjob Klynical left. You guys are pathetic.
Blue Johnspews:
@75. The shooter was nuts.
There is a complete disconnect between our concept that “words matter” and what the conservatives think. In their minds there is no connection between their side’s words and the individual actions.
They can be screaming “FIRE” in a dark theater, and if people are trampled, it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of the personal choices made by the crowd.
Puddy, way to be a simpleton.
Blue Johnspews:
I thought this was amusing.
On a conservative site. One thread says
“AZ Shooting – why no security?”
next to
“Biggest losers today – The right to approach our representatives will now be hindered.”
“The media owes the Tea party an apology”
“Olberman makes me sick.”
“Srcurity at Tea Party Events?” (their spelling)
“Healthcare Repeal vote indefinitely postponed in light of shooting” (It’s the shooting’s fault!)
“How long until Obama siezes action of Arizona NUT to Destroy Civil Rights & Grow Gov?”
“Hanoi Jane blames Tea Party, Palin and Beck”
“Turning the Gifford’s shooting into a political issue is disgusting”
Heh. We see “We the Living” on Loughner’s reading list.
What book does Paul Ryan make his staff read, isn’t it “The Fountainhead”?
Ok the kid was a head case and at the outset ideology appears to be incidental to his actions.
We’ll see.
Liberal Scientistspews:
The right has long cultivated a deep-seated sense of victimhood.
It’s a very useful device for priming the anger/violence against the latest boogeyman, be it blacks/Big government/Invading Mexicans/Gays/Feminists/Liberal Elites – whomever is being played up as the cause of their misery this week – the person they’re supposed to hate. (They’ve always been at war with East Asia)
The communists burned down the Reichstag, after all, gotta put ’em in a concentration camp.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh wow Lib Unscientist,
Just a few minutes ago you were ranting about Van Jones.
1) An apparent mob of vandals attacked the North Carolina Republican Party headquarters
2) Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando, FL
3) Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush-Cheney Supporter’s Lawn Madison, WI
4) KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Gunshots shattered the plate-glass front doors of a local Bush-Cheney campaign headquarters Tuesday morning before volunteers reported to work.
5) Kantor’s Office
So as one can see Lib Unscientist is a BALD FACED liar! He claimed two were repeats. Puddy gave you leftist political vandalism front and center. Gunshots at buildings. That doesn’t count with Lib Unscientist. Of course the fool doesn’t read. It’s all inferred innuendo and associative attacks!
And you notice how Lib Unscientist dances around the Zomblog posts. The moron will not touch them! Skips right over his friends in action.
Great job lauramae. Nothing like following the fool Lib Unscientist!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hey dumb brick ylb,
Your good blog friend and racist pal headless lucy is an Ayn Rand acolyte. Look it up in your databaze. Put it to some real use instead of your chronological failures. You wasted all those unemployed months telling the unemployment office you were looking for a yob while writing BULLSHIT code!
Ok the kid was a head case and at the outset ideology appears to be incidental to his actions.
The moronic class claimed he was a Teahaddist using the Teahaddist toolkit. Ya mean the moronic class may be wrong?
Sucks to be you!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
White powder to Weiner’s office, anyone? White powder to Weiner’s office, anyone? White powder to Weiner’s office, anyone?
(UPDATE: WABC-TV is reporting that police have concluded the powder is not hazardous.) Great job Lib Unscientist. Rant on about Kantor and then link Weiner!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No intelligence spotted in Lib Unscientist. Maybe surrogates took his certification examinations.
Puddles would have us believe that non-hazardous white powder sent as a threat to a Leftist Democratic member of Congress in the midst of a Teahaddist firestorm over Death Panels and a Government take-over of Medicare is somehow a joke. Far from it.
Since the post-9/11 anthrax attacks that killed five people, EMS, fire and law enforcement have responded to more than 30,000 incidents involving suspicious powders, liquids or chemicals. These responses are expensive, time consuming and can often be fraught with inter-agency conflict.
Here‘s a fire and EMS discussion blog about responding to unidentified white (and other) powders.
These attacks are not benign. They are an obvious malicious threat, and people have been killed when the white powder is anthrax. Moreover, these events demand expensive and time consuming law enforcement and investigative responses.
That Puddles would somehow consider this in any way trivial is a very stark and informative look at his rather twisted character.
(I also figured that he’s go ballistic over Weiner and white powder)
Moreover, provoking an emergency response unnecessarily is a malicious and dangerous act. From 2007 statistics:
* 68 volunteer firefighters and 50 career firefighters died while on duty
* There were 7 firefighter fatality incidents where 2 or more firefighters were killed, claiming a total of 21 firefighters’ lives
* 11 firefighters were killed during activities involving brush, grass, or wildland firefighting, the lowest in over a decade
* Activities related to emergency incidents resulted in the deaths of 76 firefighters
* 38 firefighters died while engaging in activities at the scene of a fire * 26 firefighters died while responding to or returning from emergency incidents
* 11 firefighters died while they were engaged in training activities
* 15 firefighters died after the conclusion of their on-duty activity
* Heart attacks were the most frequent cause of death for 2007, with 52 firefighter deaths * 27 firefighters were killed as a result of vehicle crashes
Calling firefighters out of their station is an inherently hazardous activity. To do so in the context of a larger act of political violence is unspeakably vile.
My question to Goldy is, since your principles are so high on this issue, will you now refuse to go to work for The Stranger?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Oh, and lest I forget, I would point out to the community that Puddles is still clinging to the “Cantor’s office was attacked” meme, when it was thoroughly shown that the bullet was fired randomly in the air, and hit the window in another office in the building where he rented a different office from the one that was hit.
And he played that shit to the max to get the real Teahaddist violence off the radar screen.
Puddles sure is carrying a lot of water for the violent extremists in our midst today.
zdp 189spews:
A leftward poster on another board boiled thousands of words down to 24 words. Not quite the linguistic economy of Gettysburg, but close:
It’s in poor taste and dickish to take yesterday’s shootings to try to score political points. And that’s about all there is to it.
“poor taste” and “dickish” pretty well sums up Goldy and many on this blog.
Headless Lucy IS NOT Chairman of the Budget Committee in the House of Representatives.
Headless Lucy HAS NOTassumed dictatorial powers over the operations of that Committee in breaking with prior practices under both Dems and REPUBLICRAPS..
Representative Paul Ryan, also of Wisconsin, requires staffers to read Atlas Shrugged, describes Obama’s economic policies as “something right out of an Ayn Rand novel,” and calls Rand “the reason I got involved in public service.”
Some whacked out right wingers probably believe Loughner did a “public service”. He read both Ayn Rand and Hitler.
@87 Puddy also repeatedly told us that the woman in Kentucky who was curb-stomped had it coming to her.
22-year-old Jared Loughner, is that of a deranged young man whose mind was deeply distubred, but who also tinkered with both anarchist ideas and leftwing politics.
ABC News reported Saturday night that Loughner had identified among his favorite books “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and the fiction classic “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” — hardly the reading list of a Palin supporter.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Your comment is completely outdated, given the extensive discussions on multiple threads here over the past 24 hours.
Read up a little before you post.
Hint: he also liked Ayn Rand, like many adults trapped in adolescence.
The bigger, important point is that right-wing eliminationist haranguing of our political discourse opens the window to killing your opponents. So cut it out.
“Gone Galt” lately as little Miss Malkin commanded?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hint: he also liked Ayn Rand, like many adults trapped in adolescence.
Wow like headless lucy, who likes Ayn Rand, trapped in adolescence!
BTW extensive discussions on HA don’t change the truth about Jared Loughner’s literary motivations. He was a leftist leaning nutcase.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Lest anyone forgets Lib UnScientist still can’t admit he can’t read linked material.
Puddles would have us believe that non-hazardous white powder sent as a threat to a Leftist Democratic member of Congress in the midst of a Teahaddist firestorm over Death Panels and a Government take-over of Medicare is somehow a joke.
PROVE IT Lib Unscientist. Your days of blind accusations are OVER!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Steve@91 agrees women can attack defenseless men through car windows with pine wood with any retribution.
104 – Make up any fantasy you want. You already do that a plenty.
I could give a flip.
All entertainment to me – or boredom to tears.
Just a quick reading of the poxsts by Puddy – and I find it hard to believe that such a vindictive, bitter little person calls himself a Christian.
Puddy, grow up – you are nothing but a provocateur who calls people names and defends the indefensible – violence and incitement to violence. You make your “case” by claiming the other side does it too – how juvenile.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I find it so gratifying that so many posters here over the past day or two have come to the same conclusion.
This “Puddy” thing – whether it’s a real person, or an act, or a program – is vile and nasty. It’s a caricature of a real person, and its only purpose is destructive.
Play with it at your own risk. Whack its more nasty and dishonest assertions, but don’t give it too much attention – don’t feed the troll – and certainly don’t ever expect a reasoned, rational response.
Don Joespews:
The purpose of engaging someone like Puddy would be to draw out the absurdity of his arguments. Watching him spend hours of his time trying to proove that Alan Greenspan is a liberal counts as one of my more rewarding moments here on HA.
he’s right, we cant be angry anymore. cant we all just get along and let the jews continue to run things.
Pima County Sheriff for Governor!
@ 1 MOT
Man, you are one single minded piece of work. What happened, your mother marry a Jewish man after your daddy beat her to a pulp too many times?
Guys like you are always the same. Go back to Stormfront you fucking imbecile.
I’m confused. Liberals tell us all the time that liberal-created violent books, movies, TV shows, and video games don’t cause violence. But conservative radio does cause violence? Sounds like a double standard.
I’m confused. Liberals tell us all the time that liberal-created violent books, movies, TV shows, and video games don’t cause violence. But conservative radio does cause violence?
tada!!!!!!the point of the century! the one you’ll never hear on cnn or the nyt’s
one hint though (green, crisp and includes pictures of old white men)
Posted on Huffpo on 12/17/10
Uh, yeah, fictional TV shows or games about cops and robbers shooting at each other or superheros and supervillians in spandex are the exactly same as real political leaders saying that other real political leaders are out destroy the country and must be stopped with “Second Amendment” options. Um, right.
Goldy, don’t ya get it. Snark is the coin of the relm at The Strangers Slog. You have to do things vice magazine style. Nothing is off the table. death, war, suffering-anyone and anything is fair game for hipster ironic snark. google “Say yes to war on Iraq” by Dan Savage–he supported Bush and Cheney and the invasion of Iraq because people didn’t expect him too. all that death and destruction and suffering-hey what the fuck-it got Dan some attention!
This is what the Stranger aspires to be:
We let this guy buy a handgun?
Like I said, Clarence Dupnik, Pima Count Sheriff, for Governor of Arizona.
The man is a hero simply for being sane. What have we come to?
Perhaps his partner got him the gun. (See the video of Clarence Dupnik discussing the likelihood of a second person involved.)
What Meteor Blades said.
An excerpt:
A very bad place. But could be a turning point.
I’ve been reading around. Our trolls don’t hold a candle to some of the shit I’ve read. They’re frantic — and they should be.
It’ll be interesting to watch the media cycle unfold on Sunday and next week.
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
Now who said dat Lib Unscientist?
#4 Troll
Liberals wrote the Old Testament?
drool per 82. Blue John spews: Jesus was a liberal and a progressive.
didnt a female democratic congresswoman just say “its time for pitchforks”? dont make me look it up
So you’re over here now, eh, Pudendum?
So tell me, how many people did Clay Duke, besides himself, kill?
I am disgusted how Goldy is trying to politicize this incident. The young man in AZ obviously is a victim of mental illness.
What is Lib Unscientist babbling about? The more we know about this latest fool it seems he’s more and more moronic and progressive.
Facts just suck don’t the Lib Unscientist.
Pudendum – TASTY! Thanks for the idea tonight!
Yes, this was on Daily Kooks… It says
“My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi And is mow DEAD to Me!”
Daily Kooks pulled the posting of course.
More on this fool. Puddy noticed The Ave’s main proprietor has it definitely wrong on Jared Loughner!
Hates God and a flag burner. Simply a guy who shouldn’t have been running loose.
Sometimes I imagine that I am a pretty ballerina performing dainty pirouettes for Herr Himmler.
To all who might take Pudlet’s rant about DailyKos with any seriousness (I know, I know – he has no credibility), here are the facts.
In a nutshell:
For those that might be confused about this, consider the source. Pud is a serial liar.
whoever impersonated me…wow i must have really hit a nerve.
Once again Pud, yes, both parties have followers who spew irresponsibly. Only one party is chosing as leaders those who speak in coded terms of violence- “armed and dangerous” from a favorite in the House, “second amendment solutions” from one chosen to run for the senate.
Quite frankly I’m well past expecting intelligent discourse from you. But for you to consider murder becoming a part of our politics as yet another opprotunity for your bile disgusts me.
Eat shit, asshole.
Yet again, since Pud brought it up as an example of a “liberal” who commits violence, I wonder if anyone here knows how many people were killed by Clay Duke when he stormed the Panama City School Board, wielding a gun?
Here’s the answer: only himself.
And MOT, you are just a cartoon.
Hey, cool. We’re just like Iraq and Afganistan now.
Eat shit asshole? Is that the best you can do K? Puddy places FACTS! Clay Duke is one of those FACTS!
After all the shit your ilk posted that Jared Loughner was a Tea Bagger in three threads this evening?
Apparently you missed the originator of this comment.
Apparently you have no clue as always. An Ivy Leaguer who is really stupid!
It was Odumba who said that above.
So K, how is that shit sandwich?
Where idiot K?
Thou shall not kill.
Shame, shame belongs to Puddy, to Troll, to anyone who does not feel shame for their role in this.
I am that I am.
Sorry Pud, but I am sad and outraged. You do not honestly engage and you are enjoying this tragedy.
So yes, eat shit asshole
And I will not prove anything to you. You ignore what you choose and seem to believe you can set the rules.
ANd when you are done eating shit, bark at the moon.
There is no value to exchanges with you and no entertainment with the deaths of others. Shame on you.
Once again Lib Unscientist is an idiot. Clay Duke was brainwashed by Media Morons and theprogressivemind.info. We see Jared Loughner was brainwashed by the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf.
But wait… Remember Van Jones and his Communist Manifesto? Another HA progressive hero. Puddy Remembers. They (Odumba’s gang) tried to scrub it from the net!
SJ playing “god”,
Puddy had no role in this. Jared read the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Those are not in Puddy’s house SJ. The more we see the more we know he was a leftist leaning loon!
Apparently K didn’t read what Puddy wrote in the other thread about the shooting. Nope! K projects hate 24x7x365.25
Oh yeah K? More pinheaded commentary!
Every time a person gets shot the HA progressive leftists like you jump on their keyboards and immediately start calling the shooter a Tea Bagger.
So K won’t prove it? Just more screaming into the HA void from K. And K there is your favorite site Daily Kooks identified above!
Of course K is blind to these FACTS, especially now we know more about Jared!
You are welcome to believe in Me or not, just as you are welcome to believe in Jesus or Brahm.
Your lack of shame at a time like this reflects on you, only you.
I am that I am.
Some people don’t have to have their face rubbed into the stream to know something fishy is going on
“When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous. And, unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the Capital. We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry. ”
While the “Forgive Timothy McVeigh” crew cries rivers about how right wingers are being tainted by their own assasinations and violence
When it’s just an abortion doctor here & there, the supporting politicians can ignore it — what happens after one of their own political class gets it?
puddy, one time you said my posts offended you. well, it certainly didnt win you any friends here, now you see their true colors. they take a sad incident and try to use it to say anyine who disagrees with them should just shut up. but of course they could say any hateful thing they wanted about george bush and dick cheney. they’re all liberal scumbags. jews, whi hate christians, and moron goys who dont realize they are used for suckers. but fear not, this whole rotten system is ready to crash oin our heads, and the jew george soros will be living in a guarded castle in bosnia counting his 5 billion in gold.,,,oh my god, i must be crazy for saying this and not believing what katie couric and brian williams tells me.
Facts and Figures on the State Budget
The fishwrapper has a news article on the state budget that provides useful numbers on how much money is involved and where it goes.
The money quote:
“The largest parts of the budget most vulnerable to cuts include the state’s college and university system, K-12 programs not considered part of basic education, and health-care services for the poor that can be eliminated without opting out of Medicaid.”
This article seems like a good starting point for those wishing to conduct a factual discussion of the state budget.
@41 Soros wouldn’t have a dime if those who run countries didn’t play games with their currencies. He’s performing the useful service of keeping them halfway honest, and an even more useful service by giving money to organizations and candidates dedicated to keeping wingnut idiots out of important leadership and policy positions.
@37 “Jared read the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Those are not in Puddy’s house SJ.”
I don’t see anything wrong with having these books in your house, or with reading them, puddy. Too bad more thinking people didn’t read Mein Kampf before Hitler got hold of power. It’s not like he didn’t tell the world what he intended to do, if he did get power.
What’s missing in people like Jared and Puddy is a capacity for critical thinking.
Man, that was a low blow, even for me! Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I’m only a feral rabbit and nobody expects me to have a human conscience. We rabbits are merely instinctive creatures who respond reflexively to stimuli in our environment. And, for some strange reason, kicking with my powerful hind feet happens to reach the exact height of Puddy’s nuts. That must be what they call Intelligent Design.
Roger, you make me laugh.
Pud is in rare form – I didn’t think it was possible, but after his rants tonight, I consider him even more foul and odious and malignant than I did this morning.
You know what else I’ve noticed about him? He only attacks. He never says anything in a positive way – never even promoting his (ostensible) side (maybe they don’t want him either?), only tearing down others.
WRT the state budget – I appreciate your post. I need to see if there have been any revisions, but about a week or two ago I saw proposals regarding Medicaid. Among other things, they were going to stop paying for adults’ prescriptions – which will inevitably result in a flood of people in the ERs around the state with ragingly high blood pressures (and consequent heart attacks and strokes), destabilized psychiatric problems, impossible to treat infections – it’s penny wise/pound foolish and a public heath disaster in the making. Also, they’re going to stop paying for translators – so I won’t be able to speak with my Russian and Spanish and Hmong and Swahili speaking patients, unless they bring a friend or relative with them. Maybe they’ll also bring a chicken or two for me – as the Medicaid reimbursement is already below my overhead costs. It’s utterly fucking stupid. I”m wondering – are these Federally matched dollars? Are cuts like these magnified by the loss of fed matching portion? If so, a huge hit to the economy as well.
We are ruled by idiots and surrounded by trolls. I’m beginning to think New Zealand sounds pretty good right now (it’s summer!)
You know, the shooter’s YouTube site had a bunch of short rambling weird weird videos quite literally babbling – with syntax that actually reminded my of Puddles.
Most of the trolls’ posts in this thread are if nothing else proof positive that there are plenty of other crackpots out there.
Most of the trolls’ posts in this thread are if nothing else proof positive that there are plenty of other crackpots out there.
artfart, i begrudgingly admit you’re right. we should all just take a cue from colleges and universities and restrict our thinking to the jew, female, minority and gay agenda. i mean, i’m just trying to picture the lack of any type of discourse in the university lunchroom. i bet you couldnt tell the difference between that and a cambodian reeducation camp.
Gee, lets all turn on the tee vees and watch the Republicans cry their crocodile tears. Oh, how unfortunate. We haven’t been encouraging violence. We haven’t been talking hate speech, and calling people socialists, communists, destroying America etc. We’re all innocent. Us and our Tea Party Patriot (armed) friends. Us with our campaign ads at gun ranges like the dirt bag that ran against Giffords. No messaging there….
Republicans Are A Disease. That statement has never been as true as it is right now.
Now should we shoot Republicans? Heck no. Treat them with sunlight.
By the way, we found them WMD’s yet? The mushroom cloud producing nuclear program?
Once again El Blockhead hasn’t read other threads last night?
So let’s review yesterday’s postings by the moronic HA liberal progressive wing. Who was first to make the Tea Party reference with the shooter?
Roger Dumb Rabbit? [ ]
DeadToad[ ]
The dumb brick ylb[ ]
BlueJohnny[ ]
Factless Positions[ ]
None of them. It was Liberal Unscientist here. This is why you are an unrespected jackASS on this blog fool! You have no basis in fact. You make the accusation, “people” like K overlook it and then you jump back in trying to make another insipid point. This one was P R I C E L E S S too. Puddy doesn’t need any chronological failure databaze to keep track of your HorseSHIT, because you present it so blatantly. Then, your moronic Moonbat! mental malady takes over. You forget what you post. Liberalism is a mental disorder. When confronted with your own posts you deflect and change the subject delivering ad hominem attacks against Puddy and anyone else who identifies your cockamamie comments here. Watch everyone his next post. Pavlov calls deflection! It’s attack and hate 24x7x365.25.
Passionate_Jus wrote: “This is horrible and my thoughts and prayers are with her family and those in critical condition.”
Goldy’s response: “Bullshit. Giffords was assassinated, and we shouldn’t sugar coat it.” You can read the test of their comments in the other thread Lib Unscientist.
Stupid is as Stupid does. As Lt General Russel Honore one said to a reporter “don’t get Stuck on Stupid”, Liberal Unscientist is Stuck on Stupid.
The Free Republic Comments are pretty revealing. I read this one regularly. They are in a constant state of “readiness” for the revolution. Fucking insane. This particular thread is a standard example.
The Home page is full of varying subjects where the nutters and nazis are given full vent to their rhetoric.
They sound almost proud.
Another Factless comment.
FACTS, they explode the liberal progressive mind.
Spuddy, my mother has read your posts too.
After 35 years as a psychologist she knows a disturbed mind when she sees one. When I told her that you were a black guy, she was rendered speechless.
Believe me, mom is never without something to say.
The Democratic Underground Comments are pretty revealing. Puddy uses this site regularly to demonstrate moronic Moobat! behavior. They are in a constant state of “lunacy” always looking to blame the right when lefties go nuts. Fucking insane. This particular thread is a standard example.
The Home Page is full of varying subjects where the nutters, fascists, socialists, communists and nazis are given full vent to their rhetoric.
They sound almost proud.
Then there is this site theprogressivemind.info
Wow, Spudster, you’re in rare form. You can practically see the spittle flecking the monitor.
I must have really hit a nerve…oops.
To be clear, my first post to which you link said this:
Go ahead and refute anything I posted, point out my mistakes.
I note you say that I “made a Tea Party reference” about the shooter. From that careful construction one can tell that you don’t accuse me of calling him a teabagger – which I didn’t.
However, one cannot discuss guns, or regulation of guns, or the religiosexual fetishization of guns by the right-wing, or the ubiquitous injection of guns into political culture by all the gun-wielding ‘patriots’ at Tea Party events without discussing the Western Taliban – your peeps, homeslice.
Puddy would love to meet jo mama for lunch. You can come too. She would be enlightened on how a black man from Philadelphia left the liberal reservation. Next, Puddy will introduce her to conservative psychologists and Puddy would love to videotape that conversation. Where does she scramble young minds full of mush? City? Date? Time?
Spudlet links to a second post of mine, one that said this:
In which I was responding to goldy saying this:
You of course derive this conclusion:
Well, here ya go, Pudster, doesn’t look like I’m deflecting, does it?
Once again I invite you to point out my factual errors. Or errors of analysis, whatever you like.
You actually make my point for me – the original blockquote of mine that you led off with @52 is perfectly illustrated by your subsequent rant – tear down, attack, try to drive wedges, but not one iota of positive vision. Not one critique of the violence cultivated in our society in general and political discourse in particular.
Wow Liberal Unscientist,
Earlier last week you claimed you’d never respond to Puddy again. Now when your words are replayed making the association of this nut Jared to a
you get upset.
It was you who claimed the Teahaddist toolkit! You were first to make any Teahaddist reference.
Careful construction? Last week you called Puddy an idiot? So if “Puddy an idiot” (your words…) how can Puddy carefully construct sentences?
Will it go round in circles? – Billy Preston – You and your idiotic circular logic.
Pavlov calls it… Watch another leftist progressive take part of the third paragraph out of context.
Will it be:
Roger Dumb Rabbit []
Factless Positions []
Proud Leftist []
Stupid Solution Steve []
The dumb brick ylb []
DeadToad []
Ohhh poor poor Lib Unscientist… Now his pink panties are all twisted around his scrote because Puddy is cherry picking his comments?
Well if you didn’t make them they wouldn’t be here for Puddy’s use.
Tear down what? You made the first Teahaddist reference in that thread. You tear down each thread with your “associative commentary”. It wasn’t Tea Party it was Teahaddist. You make Puddy’s point with your every day lunacy!
Perhaps I was not clear earlier. I’m done trying to respond to you with any expectation of a rational or reasoned or honest response. I gave up trying to engage you in a civil discussion.
However, your writing, when it’s decipherable, is offensive and wrong, and my posts that concern you are really directed at the other readers and posters here – I just am not willing to let some of the idiocy and vileness you embrace and post here go without comment.
Don’t make the mistake and assume I’m talking to you – I’m talking about you – part fascinating sociopathology study, part whack-a-mole with your more vile and dishonest comments.
Critical, derisive, taunting comment, Spudster.
Oh, and by the way, I stand by the Teahaddist Toolkit comment. Your gals Sarah and Michelle and Sharon, and the boys at Fox, and all the gun totin’ crazies at Teabag conventions are spouting off about ‘second amendment remedies’ for a reason – that kind of violent dogwhistle works with the rubes – the only reason that they do it…and you seem to be one of ’em.
We see.
Sure. Puddy places FACTS on this board of you and your ilk and you want Puddy to cry you a river. To Lib Unscientist, anyone who places the words and pictures of a liberal progressive using guns to carry out violence against liberals or conservatives is vile and dishonest. Perfect Lib Unscientist Perfect!
Puddy stands by Puddy’s continual use of Zomblog and Zomblog to REMIND you of your friends and their proposed remedies and solutions. Puddy will use Daily Kook postings like the one above about you and your friends and their proposed remedies and solutions.
Puddy stands by his continual use of Clay Duke and Clay’s love of Media Morons and theprogressivemin.info
There is no question you would be a sign carrying member in a Zomblog picture.
Interesting interview with Ms. Giffords just a couple of months ago. When her father was asked if his daughter had any enemies, his reply was “the teabaggers”.
Face it wingnutz. Your turkey has come home to roost.
Now the fact that the shooter may have had an accomplice, and a photograph on a surveillance tape is now being distributed, shows that this was probably a planned incident between at least two people.
Like the Taliban, or the Al-Queida, the real perpetrators are behind the scenes keeping their hands clean, and recruiting their “soldiers” from the mentally ill, the mentally impaired, downs syndrome and other low intelligence folks.
This is how the KKK worked back in the early part of the last century. The Council for Conservative Citizens, the modern replacement for the KKK and other right wing extremist organizations, has charities and support programs for people with Downs syndrome and other forms of mental impairment. It’s a great tax writeoff and gives them a great propaganda tool. They can always say how “charitable” they are towards the less fortunate. I suppose it is a good tool for raising funds as well. Who wouldn’t support programs to help people with mental impairments or illnesses?
Maybe all it is, is a way for them to recruit their foot soldiers.
Goddamit. Forgot to close a tag. Could someone close it after the word “interview” in the first sentence please?
How is Jared a Teabagger with his Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf? Sound more like a Van Jones acolyte!
Jumping to conclusions again DeadToad?
Heh, Spuddy Spuddy Spuddy.
The word “maybe” is quite implicit. No proof is necessary. You Fox news aficionados should know that by now.
Language is a bitch isn’t it.
Notice, everyone, how Spuddles @66 is trying to make this about Van Jones. It’s the deflection of which he rants so loudly.
He also tries to somehow protect the Teabagger brand by distancing, insinuating that Mein Kampf is somehow incompatible with Western Taliban ‘thought’. I would bet that every nutjob in the last 50 years has had Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto on their bookshelves. They are both very powerful and important texts, each in their own way – and one of the salient features of the modern whacko exploding in violence on the public stage is a sense of powerlessness and a drive to appear powerful.
I suspect a related motivation underlies the Right’s continual victimhood, the sense that “their country” is being taken away, and the need to appear in public with as much firepower as they can muster.
Oh, and about this troubled fellow’s reading list, it also included We the Living, by Ayn Rand. Feel free to comment on that.
Just following the same thought processes used by liberal progressives here.
The level of discourse, if you want to call it that, make it seem like shooting people you don’t agree with is a viable option to resolve your disagreements. Whatever your motivation for hating government, those who are mentally unstable will find a way to identify with that hate and act on it–regardless of whatever their own crazy reasons are for hating the government.
The rhetoric of violence that is bantied about so carelessly is manifested in Palin’s idioicy with her crosshairs map. Palin, obviously, is being metaphoric to further her fake “momma grizzly” shit. She’s an idiot of the first order and has given zero thought, just like her teaparty compatriots about the consequences of her metaphors. Giffords’ opponant also offered “metaphoric” violent suggestions in his campaign against her.
Lots of crazy people get the intended message of these “metaphors.” I’m sure the people who shot out the window of Giffords office got the message. As did all the people who sent threatening letters, phone calls, e-mails to her and at other times to the judge that was killed in this attack.
Whatever motivates violence, the message that it is a viable way to address your grievances starts with the free use of the language of facism.
People should stop being simpletons and try to fit all this shit into political catagories of left or right.
The teaparty language tells us that the overall level of understanding and critical thinking in this country has really dropped. Currently we label it simply as “right and left” but really, it is about being either a troglodyte or a person of reason.
The mainstreaming of troglodyte thinking and their inbred way of dealing with complex world issues motivates crazy people to carry out their crazy shit against people.
Anyone who thinks it is completely random that Giffords had her office window shot out in Arizona is completely unrelated to her appearing to be a viable target because..uh..she was listed as a target on Palin’s map is probably nearly as delusional as her shooter.
Uhhh there you go again. There was this post from Jon DeVore which discussed Van Jones. Puddy remember apparently you don’t. Well liberalism is a mental disorder and you demonstrate that lunacy each day here. Puddy is making an association with previously discussed threads here on HA to the Jared Loughner reading material.
Too bad you moronic Moonbat! memory malady inhibits synapses from firing at the right time.
That’s real interesting lauramae.
You should talk to the leftist fools just in this thread who use Teahaddist for example.
It only counts now that Giffords was shot by a whack-job communist/nazi reading loving fool that her window was shot out on March 2010? Yet you forget the leftist vandalism here and here and here and here and here?
Or all those years of death threats to GWBush by your leftist friends? Visit Zomblog to refresh your memory!
“troglodyte thinking”? Thank you for giving Puddy what was on the tip of his tongue. A specific way to identify Lib Unscientist and DeadToad!
Thanks again LAURAMAE!
So everyone doesn’t have to subject themselves to Spuddle’s links, I took a peek.
-The first (from 2004) goes to a report that included this:
-The second is Instaputz reference to the story at the first link.
-The third was indeed vandalism of the lawn where people posted their Bush/Cheney signs (back in 2004).
-The fourth is again from 2004 and is more Instaputz commentary (no real news) about a Bush/Cheney office having window shot out.
-The fifth (this one is rich) is actually somewhat contemporary – from March 2010. Eric Cantor making political hay over being attacked, when actually, reported here and here, the bullet was randomly fired in the air (but I’m sure legally owned and registered), and hit a window in a building where Cantor had an office, but not his office window. Putz.
You will recall that Eric Cantor played this to the hilt, and this moved the news of real right-wing violence engendered to silence the health care debate off the front pages. White powder to Weiner’s office, anyone?
Once again we see Puddle’s use of links in a manipulative, dishonest fashion.
This has been a public service announcement.
Reading the comments on various threads here at HA, I can understand why few people read the comments. The shooter was nuts. Trying to assign blame to the right or left is just a way of trying to escalate things. Now I even understand why the whackjob Klynical left. You guys are pathetic.
@75. The shooter was nuts.
There is a complete disconnect between our concept that “words matter” and what the conservatives think. In their minds there is no connection between their side’s words and the individual actions.
They can be screaming “FIRE” in a dark theater, and if people are trampled, it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of the personal choices made by the crowd.
Puddy, way to be a simpleton.
I thought this was amusing.
On a conservative site. One thread says
“AZ Shooting – why no security?”
next to
“Biggest losers today – The right to approach our representatives will now be hindered.”
“The media owes the Tea party an apology”
“Olberman makes me sick.”
“Srcurity at Tea Party Events?” (their spelling)
“Healthcare Repeal vote indefinitely postponed in light of shooting” (It’s the shooting’s fault!)
“How long until Obama siezes action of Arizona NUT to Destroy Civil Rights & Grow Gov?”
“Hanoi Jane blames Tea Party, Palin and Beck”
“Turning the Gifford’s shooting into a political issue is disgusting”
It’s Bizarro planet.
Heh. We see “We the Living” on Loughner’s reading list.
What book does Paul Ryan make his staff read, isn’t it “The Fountainhead”?
Ok the kid was a head case and at the outset ideology appears to be incidental to his actions.
We’ll see.
The right has long cultivated a deep-seated sense of victimhood.
It’s a very useful device for priming the anger/violence against the latest boogeyman, be it blacks/Big government/Invading Mexicans/Gays/Feminists/Liberal Elites – whomever is being played up as the cause of their misery this week – the person they’re supposed to hate. (They’ve always been at war with East Asia)
The communists burned down the Reichstag, after all, gotta put ’em in a concentration camp.
Oh wow Lib Unscientist,
Just a few minutes ago you were ranting about Van Jones.
1) An apparent mob of vandals attacked the North Carolina Republican Party headquarters
2) Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando, FL
3) Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush-Cheney Supporter’s Lawn Madison, WI
4) KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Gunshots shattered the plate-glass front doors of a local Bush-Cheney campaign headquarters Tuesday morning before volunteers reported to work.
5) Kantor’s Office
So as one can see Lib Unscientist is a BALD FACED liar! He claimed two were repeats. Puddy gave you leftist political vandalism front and center. Gunshots at buildings. That doesn’t count with Lib Unscientist. Of course the fool doesn’t read. It’s all inferred innuendo and associative attacks!
And you notice how Lib Unscientist dances around the Zomblog posts. The moron will not touch them! Skips right over his friends in action.
Great job lauramae. Nothing like following the fool Lib Unscientist!
Hey dumb brick ylb,
Your good blog friend and racist pal headless lucy is an Ayn Rand acolyte. Look it up in your databaze. Put it to some real use instead of your chronological failures. You wasted all those unemployed months telling the unemployment office you were looking for a yob while writing BULLSHIT code!
The moronic class claimed he was a Teahaddist using the Teahaddist toolkit. Ya mean the moronic class may be wrong?
Sucks to be you!
(UPDATE: WABC-TV is reporting that police have concluded the powder is not hazardous.) Great job Lib Unscientist. Rant on about Kantor and then link Weiner!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No intelligence spotted in Lib Unscientist. Maybe surrogates took his certification examinations.
Goldy is leaving his blog to work for a paper that published the home assesses (with pictures) of GOP supporters.
Puddles would have us believe that non-hazardous white powder sent as a threat to a Leftist Democratic member of Congress in the midst of a Teahaddist firestorm over Death Panels and a Government take-over of Medicare is somehow a joke. Far from it.
From the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, first responders take any white powder very seriously:
Here‘s a fire and EMS discussion blog about responding to unidentified white (and other) powders.
These attacks are not benign. They are an obvious malicious threat, and people have been killed when the white powder is anthrax. Moreover, these events demand expensive and time consuming law enforcement and investigative responses.
That Puddles would somehow consider this in any way trivial is a very stark and informative look at his rather twisted character.
(I also figured that he’s go ballistic over Weiner and white powder)
Moreover, provoking an emergency response unnecessarily is a malicious and dangerous act. From 2007 statistics:
Calling firefighters out of their station is an inherently hazardous activity. To do so in the context of a larger act of political violence is unspeakably vile.
My question to Goldy is, since your principles are so high on this issue, will you now refuse to go to work for The Stranger?
Oh, and lest I forget, I would point out to the community that Puddles is still clinging to the “Cantor’s office was attacked” meme, when it was thoroughly shown that the bullet was fired randomly in the air, and hit the window in another office in the building where he rented a different office from the one that was hit.
And he played that shit to the max to get the real Teahaddist violence off the radar screen.
Puddles sure is carrying a lot of water for the violent extremists in our midst today.
A leftward poster on another board boiled thousands of words down to 24 words. Not quite the linguistic economy of Gettysburg, but close:
It’s in poor taste and dickish to take yesterday’s shootings to try to score political points. And that’s about all there is to it.
“poor taste” and “dickish” pretty well sums up Goldy and many on this blog.
Hey Idiot Moron @ 82 Puddybud,
Headless Lucy IS NOT Chairman of the Budget Committee in the House of Representatives.
Headless Lucy HAS NOT assumed dictatorial powers over the operations of that Committee in breaking with prior practices under both Dems and REPUBLICRAPS..
Too bad Loughner went psycho – he had leg up on becoming a RYAN STAFFER!
Some whacked out right wingers probably believe Loughner did a “public service”. He read both Ayn Rand and Hitler.
@87 Puddy also repeatedly told us that the woman in Kentucky who was curb-stomped had it coming to her.
22-year-old Jared Loughner, is that of a deranged young man whose mind was deeply distubred, but who also tinkered with both anarchist ideas and leftwing politics.
ABC News reported Saturday night that Loughner had identified among his favorite books “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and the fiction classic “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” — hardly the reading list of a Palin supporter.
Your comment is completely outdated, given the extensive discussions on multiple threads here over the past 24 hours.
Read up a little before you post.
Hint: he also liked Ayn Rand, like many adults trapped in adolescence.
The bigger, important point is that right-wing eliminationist haranguing of our political discourse opens the window to killing your opponents. So cut it out.
92 – How about Ayn Rand ld(iot)?
The required reading of Paul Ryan staffers?
“Gone Galt” lately as little Miss Malkin commanded?
Wow like headless lucy, who likes Ayn Rand, trapped in adolescence!
BTW extensive discussions on HA don’t change the truth about Jared Loughner’s literary motivations. He was a leftist leaning nutcase.
Lest anyone forgets Lib UnScientist still can’t admit he can’t read linked material.
PROVE IT Lib Unscientist. Your days of blind accusations are OVER!
Steve@91 agrees women can attack defenseless men through car windows with pine wood with any retribution.
Fuck off you heartless clueless freak. You are beyond redemption.
Hey! That demands a response:
Yep BULLSHIT CODE… while drawing unemployment. The last three words are the important ones.
Once again rujax the bent over ASS flake forgets Lib Unscientist called Puddy Pudendum.
101 – Heh. So you say.
Don’t care what your code is. Does it pay the billz? Or WA State Unemployment?
104 – Make up any fantasy you want. You already do that a plenty.
I could give a flip.
All entertainment to me – or boredom to tears.
Just a quick reading of the poxsts by Puddy – and I find it hard to believe that such a vindictive, bitter little person calls himself a Christian.
Puddy, grow up – you are nothing but a provocateur who calls people names and defends the indefensible – violence and incitement to violence. You make your “case” by claiming the other side does it too – how juvenile.
I find it so gratifying that so many posters here over the past day or two have come to the same conclusion.
This “Puddy” thing – whether it’s a real person, or an act, or a program – is vile and nasty. It’s a caricature of a real person, and its only purpose is destructive.
Play with it at your own risk. Whack its more nasty and dishonest assertions, but don’t give it too much attention – don’t feed the troll – and certainly don’t ever expect a reasoned, rational response.
The purpose of engaging someone like Puddy would be to draw out the absurdity of his arguments. Watching him spend hours of his time trying to proove that Alan Greenspan is a liberal counts as one of my more rewarding moments here on HA.