Clever video. I suppose everyone here saw where Beck wants Americans to leave their churches if there’s any talk there of social justice or democracy – to Beck a clear sign of commie-fascism. What a dangerous dolt. This coming from a guy who follows Joseph Smith, a false prophet who supposedly took dictation from God as Joe stuck his face and a rock in his hat. To Beck there is only one true church and that is the Mormon, or LDS church. What a fucking loon Beck is. He obviously knows his marks and how to target them, counting on brainless, insipid KLOWNS like our Mr. Klynical to be dumb enough to fall for his BS.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Jon DeVore has a sense of humor? Jury still out.
Beck smeared Van Jones? Van Jones’ own words smeared Van Jones’ ASS. Moronic!
Jon, I always knew you were up to no good~
Unkl Witzspews:
I don’t really think Glen Beck could possibly believe all the crap he puts out, any more than he could possibly believe the nonsense that LDS is founded on.
But I do think he is having a lot of fun and making a ton of money seeing just how far he can push the envelope of fantasy, conspiracy theories, and bad taste that is the content of his media broadcasts each day.
You are right about “knowing his marks”. But he is hardly alone in that regard. There are a lot of similar folks making a lot of money peddling fear, hatred and Jesus.
You really ought to lighten up on Mr. C though, he’s just another rube who is willing to let someone else do his thinking for him.
So, so far this month we have the shooting at the Pentagon. We have police corporal J. R. Searcy in Ouachita Louisiana shot to death. We have Forest Ranger Christopher Arby Upton, shot and killed-mistaken for a coyote. Officer James Bonneau of Jackson MI was also shot and killed.
Sounds more like low-level civil war than exercising our civil rights to me.
And we have idiots like Glenn Beck fanning the flames.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Hey Michael,
Can you PROVE conservatives pulled the trigger? If not, stop playing THE DUMB BUNNY FOOL!
In other news… where is the thread on the 7 year old California boy pulled his sister into the bathroom and called 911 during a home break-in? Now that’s a great lesson for all children to learn.
Unkl Witzspews:
Seems like Puddy Pounder always wants to change the subject when the discussion is not going his way.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Auntie Witless,
Puddy asked Michael for the proof… Puddy doubt’s he can prove it. Puddy was moved by the little tyke having the cojones he had.
You are stupid like always!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 I believe Beck chases nickels by pandering to society’s lowest common denominator. Which says a lot about both the panderer and the pandered to.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6, 8 — Yeah, like all those wild-eyed gun-brandishers running loose in our country are Second Amendment Liberals. Want to make a case for that?
Life imitates art.
The clip makes outrageous fun of shit that didn’t happen, like a protest with a sign “Liberals hate puppies”. Ridiculous, right? Liberal bull.
For those who don’t get it, try this analogy: a bill that cuts taxes, but that also forces dog owners to kill the cutest puppy of every litter, won’t get support from conservatives. They like the tax cut; they don’t like forcing people to kill cute puppies.
Remember, Liberals are always twisting the truth while Conservative Republicans are brain dead troglodytes deadly serious or post modern tragic comic clowns.
Where did I allege that conservatives pulled the trigger(s)? Hell, in a previous thread I pointed out that the shooter in the Pentagon case was just ill, not left or right.
Please stop lying about what I’ve written.
Well that proves it, liberals want death panels for puppies!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Where did I allege that conservatives pulled the trigger(s)?
Hmmm… Michael, let’s review your rant above…
Sounds more like low-level civil war than exercising our civil rights to me. And we have idiots like Glenn Beck fanning the flames.
The inference is right there Michael, direct from your fingers. So who’s LYING again? Learning at the paws of THE DUMB BUNNY!
Michael, Puddybud is Sad my friend died is correct. Glenn Beck is neither an idiot nor fanning flames.
The video clip clearly states Glenn Beck is a post modern tragic comic clown.
Clowns tragically stick together, right Puddybud?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Wouldn’t know about that Outlier MikeBoyScout. Butt, Glenn does spot progressives fools in action.
BTW, how is that Glenn Beck Program boycott working for the “progressives”?
Has beens
CNN KING 699,000
CNN COOPER 582,000
You claimed I said the shooters were conservatives and you’ve still not shown where I said the shooters were conservatives and you will not be able to show where I said the shooters were conservatives because I did not say that the shooters were conservatives.
Going back to the tread about the Pentagon shootings, I pointed out that the shooter was just plain crazy. In my post above I pointed out that one of the victims was mistaken for a coyote (how the hell you do that is beyond me).
You’re inventing things Puddy.
Yes, there’s a point to what I posted, but it isn’t what you claim it is.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
society would be better off if glenn beck and ed schultz would shoot each other in the head.
Unkl Witzspews:
Like I said, Puddy Pounder likes to change the subject when the discussion is not going his way. He is quick to quote TV ratings when his team is falling behind on the rational arguments. As if who and how many folks watch which television channel is any kind of validation of an ideology. But when confronted with the fact that the current Administration overwhelmingly won an honest election and is attempting to govern as they see fit, he’s off to watch Glen Beck spout innuendo and theories of a dark conspiracy; no “proof” required.
In short, Puddy is one of those not too bright folks who think “being a Christian” and being a “Conservative” is the way to go because all the folks in his little world feel the same way.
Unkl Witzspews:
Since Pud wants to change the subject, perhaps I can assist. This in from that always reliable and totally unbiased pollster Scott Rasmussen:
“WA-Sen: Murray Has Leads Over All Announced GOP Challengers
Rasmussen heads back into Washington this week, to check on the status of Senator Patty Murray and to continue their recruitment of two-time GOP gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi. Ras, as they did a few weeks back, shows the Democratic incumbent easily defeating the current crop of Republicans who have announced Senate bids, with margins ranging from 11-19 points. But Ras takes great pains to point out that if Rossi would enter the fray, he would start the race with a three-point edge (49-46) over Murray.”
We can only hope ol’ Dino will jump in and win the primary. His solid record of a two time loser, the last time being a total humiliation puts him in a commanding role to challenge a sitting senior Senator from the Great State of Washington.
Go for it Dino!
Pink Anderson and Floyd Councilspews:
re 14: You mean that the implication is there. The inference is in your head.
How do you get one foot to follow the other?
Pink Anderson and Floyd Councilspews:
re 19: There is no reasonable comparison between the two.
Can you say, ‘conflation’?
I knew you could!
Unkl Witzspews:
Oh, and one more thing Pud. Since you’re such a God fearing good little Christian, did you check in with your Pastor like Glenn told ya to and make sure the flock doesn’t have any of that “social justice” crap in your creed. Cuz if ya do, well… ya know that’s code words for being a Nazi and a Commie.
Never mind what the gospels say, ‘social justice’ is out. Just ask Glenn.
@17 Yeah right. Everyone should eat shit, because 100 billion flies can’t be wrong.
Glenn Beck would be a disgrace to whatever church he chose to belong to, except perhaps Fred Phelps’ mob…but they’re already a disgrace to themselves.
I’ve personally known a lot of Mormons, and I doubt any of them would give Beck so much as the time of day. Members of the LDS church are taught above almost anything else to be polite and respectful. Those are two concepts with which Glenn Beck appears to be completely unfamiliar.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
the current Administration overwhelmingly won an honest election
No argument there Unkl. Odumba claimed he was a “centrist” in the debates. Now we see he’s running th ecountry as a whackamole progressive. His approval rating has tanked anywhere from 20-32 points since his inauguration. Independents have left him in droves. His positions caused Scott Brown to win the Ted Kennedy senate seat over a well known Massachusetts libtardo.
Nuff Said.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Pink Anderson and Floyd Council AKA headless lucy doppelganger #50,
IGNORED. Your racist agenda has been rejected by your own peeps. Stop hiding behind the smoke screen and be a man… use headless lucy from now own instead of 52 doppelgangers. Wait a minute… you’re not a man!
Ahhhh sure, ya betcha.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Hey Unkl,
We don’t have any social justice in any of our creed. Butt maybe Glenn was talking about YOUR FRIENDS in the ‘religion of peace’.
“Other agencies gave higher death tolls. Sani Shehu, president of the nongovernmental agency Civil Rights Congress, put the number of dead at about 485. And a Christian leader who participated in a mass burial of 67 bodies Monday in one of the towns said about 375 people were dead or still missing.”
Butt then again you “progressives” only listen to Human Rights Watch and other orgs when they discuss Abu Ghraib or Club GITMO. Y’all ignore them otherwise.
Since the thread subject is a parody… placing facts in a parody is changing the subject…
Mighty interesting theory that Unkl Witz has… To bad it don’t work.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
15. MikeBoyScout spews: Michael,
Puddybud is Sad my friend died is correct.
So Michael, since you said above…
So, so far this month we have the shooting at the Pentagon. We have police corporal J. R. Searcy in Ouachita Louisiana shot to death. We have Forest Ranger Christopher Arby Upton, shot and killed-mistaken for a coyote. Officer James Bonneau of Jackson MI was also shot and killed.
Sounds more like low-level civil war than exercising our civil rights to me.
And we have idiots like Glenn Beck fanning the flames.
It was you who made the equivalence here between deputized law officer shootings and Glenn Beck commentary. Since you and other HA Libtardos claim only crazy right-wing conservatives watch Glenn Beck (need to read previous HA Libtardo past year comments regarding Glenn Beck), what shooting deputized law officer flames would Glenn Beck be fanning?
You wrote it Michael. Can’t run now. A stupid comment Michael. Reminds Puddy of the screams of Bill O’Reilly caused Scott Roeder to kill George Till The Baby Killer on HA Libtardos!
BTW Michael, the Pentagon shooter was a 9/11 Truther and a Bush Crime Family book believer like ekim. He hated GW Bush. He wrote no blood for oil. He was a registered DUMMOCRAPT. All those are HA Libtardo comments and known qualities.
Progressives will lie and cheat and smear to get their way!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Pink Anderson and Floyd Council AKA headless lucy doppelganger #50,
Puddy forgot to say above John Bedell the pentagon shooter was a 9/11 Truther like yourself. Do you own a gun fool?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@23..sure there is…they are both scam artists who pander to the political extremes in order to cash in……and they both do it by denigrating those who think differently than they do.
you can add olbermann, rush, medved, madcow, hartmann, et al to that list. fuck all of them.
But you’re the good little Christian around here, so I’m afraid it will be up to you to explain why ‘people of faith’ continue to be the problem rather than the solution.
And while you’re at it, maybe you can tell us why the Christians seem to be the worst of the lot.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
How are people of faith the problem Auntie Witless? Are we killing people with machetes? Are we annihilating unborn babies? It’s progressives who get their pink lace panties in a wad when the voting populace goes against their “useless positions”.
Exhibit #1 – Prop 8 in California
Exhibit #2 – Denigrating commentary on Tea Party members
Exhibit #3 – Attacking anyone who identifies feckless progressivism
Exhibit #4 – Hiring the Jihad Lawyers in the Justice Department
Exhibit #5 – Blowing up homes and cars
Exhibit #6 – Throwing paint, feces or urine on peeps wearing fur coats
“It’s progressives who get their pink lace panties in a wad when the voting populace goes against their “useless positions”.”
Sure, kind of like how Mr. Klynical got his swastika imprinted lace panties in a wad and called for a revolution simply because the voting populace went against his “useless positions” and caused his beloved Republicans to lose a presidential election. Indeed, Puddy, wingnuts lose an election and it’s time for a revolution, er, at least that was the case ’til the Rasmussen polls gave wingnut KLOWNS a glimmer of hope.
RE exhibit #6…if someone did that to the lebowski or mrs lebowski, they would be eating right hands and nursing a broken jaw real quick-like…
@38…I think you can say that about BOTH sides. lest we forget the moon-howling and frothing that accured after the 2000 and 2004 elections
@40 Yes, it applies to both sides, which is why I point out the hypocricy of the post @37. It’s not like I’ve wasted any words here at HA telling folks how wonderful Dems are. They’re not.
“Hiring the Jihad Lawyers in the Justice Department”
Good grief, Puddy. Jihad lawyers?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Hey remember THE DUMB BUNNY rant on Liz Cheney’s commentary regarding the hidden lawyers Holder wouldn’t discuss when asked?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Lebowski, well them PETA peeps love doing that.
So it’s “Jihad Lawyers”, huh? Why do you do that shit? Do you want them killed or something?
@44…I also notice that they only do it to people who dont or cant fight back…
..the lebowski would go Jules Winnfield on them.
“Denigrating commentary on Tea Party members”
Of course, when wingnuts denigrate others, it’s OK. Right, Puddy?
45. Mr. Cynical spews: cc@42–
I did miss Roger Rabbit….he’s not a pansy-ass like the other faggots.
08/29/2005 at 8:00 pm
29. Mark The Redneck spews:
Doc Bong – What is it with you butt fuckers that makes you think we’re AFRAID of fags? I assume you know that the suffix “phobe” means “fear of”. We aren’t afraid of them. We just think they’re wackos.
But as usual… you resort to name calling when you can’t win the intellectual argument.
Fucking idiot…
03/07/2006 at 9:33 pm
Steve, read the thread chronologically. Auntie Witless farted
But you’re the good little Christian around here, so I’m afraid it will be up to you to explain why ‘people of faith’ continue to be the problem rather than the solution.
I explained how, as a group progressives act on the six exhibits above. Singling out Cynical and his rant doesn’t destroy my argument, Steve.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
“It’s like an NBA team signing an opponent’s star players. We’re adding talent and denying that same talent to our opponents. The more like each other we become, the less ground there is for hostility. We’re trying to move from a ‘deadly enemies’ to a ‘respected rivals’ way of thinking on this.” AG Holder Oops forgot the link.
So Steve, Shorter Holder: “The more we in the Justice Department can show we too hate the United States, the easier we can befriend our jihad enemies.”
Or Even Shorter Holder ‘deadly enemies’ to a ‘respected rivals’? WTF? Like this is some game with rules? Islamofascists play by rules? Blowing up innocent women and children with potential EunuchBomber attacks? Where are those rules Steve? These are deadly enemies using any thing at any time and any way to kill us. Jihad Janes? AG Holder doesn’t get it.
Steve, I know you sometimes exhibit 24 hour libtardo disease, but remember Tony West? The Mercury News link is gone but the WaPo link remains. link is gone Steve but you should see the PuddyArchive from ylb arschloch’s personal daily backup of Goldy’s HA blog. Tony West did two notable things:
1) Raised $65 million for Odumba
2) Was John Walker Lindh’s attorney.
So Puddy asks Steve, if you put Jihad lawyers in the Justice Department, they are the ones who’ll turn a blind eye to jihad. Seems to me a 9/10/01 mentality. Shucks, they already jockstrapped one jihad joe, this appointment of a terrorist’s defense lawyer to DoJ told me last year Odumba is in favor of a more lenient stance on terrorists.
Makes real sense right Steve?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
In other news…
“Contending that men who lose their jobs are more prone to abuse their wives, Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) urged his state’s voters to return him to the senate in November’s balloting “for the sake of my wife’s health and well-being.””
Politically Incorrectspews:
Beck’s certainly a colorful and funny character. I like the guy, but don’t always agree with him.
Clever video. I suppose everyone here saw where Beck wants Americans to leave their churches if there’s any talk there of social justice or democracy – to Beck a clear sign of commie-fascism. What a dangerous dolt. This coming from a guy who follows Joseph Smith, a false prophet who supposedly took dictation from God as Joe stuck his face and a rock in his hat. To Beck there is only one true church and that is the Mormon, or LDS church. What a fucking loon Beck is. He obviously knows his marks and how to target them, counting on brainless, insipid KLOWNS like our Mr. Klynical to be dumb enough to fall for his BS.
Jon DeVore has a sense of humor? Jury still out.
Beck smeared Van Jones? Van Jones’ own words smeared Van Jones’ ASS. Moronic!
Jon, I always knew you were up to no good~
I don’t really think Glen Beck could possibly believe all the crap he puts out, any more than he could possibly believe the nonsense that LDS is founded on.
But I do think he is having a lot of fun and making a ton of money seeing just how far he can push the envelope of fantasy, conspiracy theories, and bad taste that is the content of his media broadcasts each day.
You are right about “knowing his marks”. But he is hardly alone in that regard. There are a lot of similar folks making a lot of money peddling fear, hatred and Jesus.
You really ought to lighten up on Mr. C though, he’s just another rube who is willing to let someone else do his thinking for him.
So, so far this month we have the shooting at the Pentagon. We have police corporal J. R. Searcy in Ouachita Louisiana shot to death. We have Forest Ranger Christopher Arby Upton, shot and killed-mistaken for a coyote. Officer James Bonneau of Jackson MI was also shot and killed.
Sounds more like low-level civil war than exercising our civil rights to me.
And we have idiots like Glenn Beck fanning the flames.
Hey Michael,
Can you PROVE conservatives pulled the trigger? If not, stop playing THE DUMB BUNNY FOOL!
In other news… where is the thread on the 7 year old California boy pulled his sister into the bathroom and called 911 during a home break-in? Now that’s a great lesson for all children to learn.
Seems like Puddy Pounder always wants to change the subject when the discussion is not going his way.
Auntie Witless,
Puddy asked Michael for the proof… Puddy doubt’s he can prove it. Puddy was moved by the little tyke having the cojones he had.
You are stupid like always!
@4 I believe Beck chases nickels by pandering to society’s lowest common denominator. Which says a lot about both the panderer and the pandered to.
@6, 8 — Yeah, like all those wild-eyed gun-brandishers running loose in our country are Second Amendment Liberals. Want to make a case for that?
Life imitates art.
The clip makes outrageous fun of shit that didn’t happen, like a protest with a sign “Liberals hate puppies”. Ridiculous, right? Liberal bull.
Well, over at (un)Sound pudge wrote:
Remember, Liberals are always twisting the truth while Conservative Republicans are
brain dead troglodytesdeadly serious or post modern tragic comic clowns.@6
Where did I allege that conservatives pulled the trigger(s)? Hell, in a previous thread I pointed out that the shooter in the Pentagon case was just ill, not left or right.
Please stop lying about what I’ve written.
Well that proves it, liberals want death panels for puppies!
Hmmm… Michael, let’s review your rant above…
The inference is right there Michael, direct from your fingers. So who’s LYING again? Learning at the paws of THE DUMB BUNNY!
Puddybud is Sad my friend died is correct. Glenn Beck is neither an idiot nor fanning flames.
The video clip clearly states Glenn Beck is a post modern tragic comic clown.
Clowns tragically stick together, right Puddybud?
Wouldn’t know about that Outlier MikeBoyScout. Butt, Glenn does spot progressives fools in action.
BTW, how is that Glenn Beck Program boycott working for the “progressives”?
FOXNEWS BECK 3,406,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 2,243,000
Has beens
CNN KING 699,000
CNN COOPER 582,000
You claimed I said the shooters were conservatives and you’ve still not shown where I said the shooters were conservatives and you will not be able to show where I said the shooters were conservatives because I did not say that the shooters were conservatives.
Going back to the tread about the Pentagon shootings, I pointed out that the shooter was just plain crazy. In my post above I pointed out that one of the victims was mistaken for a coyote (how the hell you do that is beyond me).
You’re inventing things Puddy.
Yes, there’s a point to what I posted, but it isn’t what you claim it is.
society would be better off if glenn beck and ed schultz would shoot each other in the head.
Like I said, Puddy Pounder likes to change the subject when the discussion is not going his way. He is quick to quote TV ratings when his team is falling behind on the rational arguments. As if who and how many folks watch which television channel is any kind of validation of an ideology. But when confronted with the fact that the current Administration overwhelmingly won an honest election and is attempting to govern as they see fit, he’s off to watch Glen Beck spout innuendo and theories of a dark conspiracy; no “proof” required.
In short, Puddy is one of those not too bright folks who think “being a Christian” and being a “Conservative” is the way to go because all the folks in his little world feel the same way.
Since Pud wants to change the subject, perhaps I can assist. This in from that always reliable and totally unbiased pollster Scott Rasmussen:
“WA-Sen: Murray Has Leads Over All Announced GOP Challengers
Rasmussen heads back into Washington this week, to check on the status of Senator Patty Murray and to continue their recruitment of two-time GOP gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi. Ras, as they did a few weeks back, shows the Democratic incumbent easily defeating the current crop of Republicans who have announced Senate bids, with margins ranging from 11-19 points. But Ras takes great pains to point out that if Rossi would enter the fray, he would start the race with a three-point edge (49-46) over Murray.”
We can only hope ol’ Dino will jump in and win the primary. His solid record of a two time loser, the last time being a total humiliation puts him in a commanding role to challenge a sitting senior Senator from the Great State of Washington.
Go for it Dino!
re 14: You mean that the implication is there. The inference is in your head.
How do you get one foot to follow the other?
re 19: There is no reasonable comparison between the two.
Can you say, ‘conflation’?
I knew you could!
Oh, and one more thing Pud. Since you’re such a God fearing good little Christian, did you check in with your Pastor like Glenn told ya to and make sure the flock doesn’t have any of that “social justice” crap in your creed. Cuz if ya do, well… ya know that’s code words for being a Nazi and a Commie.
Never mind what the gospels say, ‘social justice’ is out. Just ask Glenn.
@17 Yeah right. Everyone should eat shit, because 100 billion flies can’t be wrong.
Glenn Beck would be a disgrace to whatever church he chose to belong to, except perhaps Fred Phelps’ mob…but they’re already a disgrace to themselves.
I’ve personally known a lot of Mormons, and I doubt any of them would give Beck so much as the time of day. Members of the LDS church are taught above almost anything else to be polite and respectful. Those are two concepts with which Glenn Beck appears to be completely unfamiliar.
No argument there Unkl. Odumba claimed he was a “centrist” in the debates. Now we see he’s running th ecountry as a whackamole progressive. His approval rating has tanked anywhere from 20-32 points since his inauguration. Independents have left him in droves. His positions caused Scott Brown to win the Ted Kennedy senate seat over a well known Massachusetts libtardo.
Nuff Said.
Pink Anderson and Floyd Council AKA headless lucy doppelganger #50,
IGNORED. Your racist agenda has been rejected by your own peeps. Stop hiding behind the smoke screen and be a man… use headless lucy from now own instead of 52 doppelgangers. Wait a minute… you’re not a man!
Ahhhh sure, ya betcha.
Hey Unkl,
We don’t have any social justice in any of our creed. Butt maybe Glenn was talking about YOUR FRIENDS in the ‘religion of peace’.
“Other agencies gave higher death tolls. Sani Shehu, president of the nongovernmental agency Civil Rights Congress, put the number of dead at about 485. And a Christian leader who participated in a mass burial of 67 bodies Monday in one of the towns said about 375 people were dead or still missing.”
Butt then again you “progressives” only listen to Human Rights Watch and other orgs when they discuss Abu Ghraib or Club GITMO. Y’all ignore them otherwise.
Didn’t Daddy Love somewhere recent tell everyone the Dummocrapts will hold congress?
BTW Unkl,
Since the thread subject is a parody… placing facts in a parody is changing the subject…
Mighty interesting theory that Unkl Witz has… To bad it don’t work.
So Michael, since you said above…
It was you who made the equivalence here between deputized law officer shootings and Glenn Beck commentary. Since you and other HA Libtardos claim only crazy right-wing conservatives watch Glenn Beck (need to read previous HA Libtardo past year comments regarding Glenn Beck), what shooting deputized law officer flames would Glenn Beck be fanning?
You wrote it Michael. Can’t run now. A stupid comment Michael. Reminds Puddy of the screams of Bill O’Reilly caused Scott Roeder to kill George Till The Baby Killer on HA Libtardos!
BTW Michael, the Pentagon shooter was a 9/11 Truther and a Bush Crime Family book believer like ekim. He hated GW Bush. He wrote no blood for oil. He was a registered DUMMOCRAPT. All those are HA Libtardo comments and known qualities.
Progressives will lie and cheat and smear to get their way!
Pink Anderson and Floyd Council AKA headless lucy doppelganger #50,
Puddy forgot to say above John Bedell the pentagon shooter was a 9/11 Truther like yourself. Do you own a gun fool?
@23..sure there is…they are both scam artists who pander to the political extremes in order to cash in……and they both do it by denigrating those who think differently than they do.
you can add olbermann, rush, medved, madcow, hartmann, et al to that list. fuck all of them.
disciples of goebbels.
Even faithful Mormons are beginning to sour on Beck:
About time.
Sorry Pud Head,
But you’re the good little Christian around here, so I’m afraid it will be up to you to explain why ‘people of faith’ continue to be the problem rather than the solution.
And while you’re at it, maybe you can tell us why the Christians seem to be the worst of the lot.
How are people of faith the problem Auntie Witless? Are we killing people with machetes? Are we annihilating unborn babies? It’s progressives who get their pink lace panties in a wad when the voting populace goes against their “useless positions”.
Exhibit #1 – Prop 8 in California
Exhibit #2 – Denigrating commentary on Tea Party members
Exhibit #3 – Attacking anyone who identifies feckless progressivism
Exhibit #4 – Hiring the Jihad Lawyers in the Justice Department
Exhibit #5 – Blowing up homes and cars
Exhibit #6 – Throwing paint, feces or urine on peeps wearing fur coats
“It’s progressives who get their pink lace panties in a wad when the voting populace goes against their “useless positions”.”
Sure, kind of like how Mr. Klynical got his swastika imprinted lace panties in a wad and called for a revolution simply because the voting populace went against his “useless positions” and caused his beloved Republicans to lose a presidential election. Indeed, Puddy, wingnuts lose an election and it’s time for a revolution, er, at least that was the case ’til the Rasmussen polls gave wingnut KLOWNS a glimmer of hope.
RE exhibit #6…if someone did that to the lebowski or mrs lebowski, they would be eating right hands and nursing a broken jaw real quick-like…
@38…I think you can say that about BOTH sides. lest we forget the moon-howling and frothing that accured after the 2000 and 2004 elections
@40 Yes, it applies to both sides, which is why I point out the hypocricy of the post @37. It’s not like I’ve wasted any words here at HA telling folks how wonderful Dems are. They’re not.
“Hiring the Jihad Lawyers in the Justice Department”
Good grief, Puddy. Jihad lawyers?
Hey remember THE DUMB BUNNY rant on Liz Cheney’s commentary regarding the hidden lawyers Holder wouldn’t discuss when asked?
Lebowski, well them PETA peeps love doing that.
So it’s “Jihad Lawyers”, huh? Why do you do that shit? Do you want them killed or something?
@44…I also notice that they only do it to people who dont or cant fight back…
..the lebowski would go Jules Winnfield on them.
“Denigrating commentary on Tea Party members”
Of course, when wingnuts denigrate others, it’s OK. Right, Puddy?
Steve, read the thread chronologically. Auntie Witless farted
I explained how, as a group progressives act on the six exhibits above. Singling out Cynical and his rant doesn’t destroy my argument, Steve.
“It’s like an NBA team signing an opponent’s star players. We’re adding talent and denying that same talent to our opponents. The more like each other we become, the less ground there is for hostility. We’re trying to move from a ‘deadly enemies’ to a ‘respected rivals’ way of thinking on this.” AG Holder Oops forgot the link. near the bottom Steve.
So Steve, Shorter Holder: “The more we in the Justice Department can show we too hate the United States, the easier we can befriend our jihad enemies.”
Or Even Shorter Holder ‘deadly enemies’ to a ‘respected rivals’? WTF? Like this is some game with rules? Islamofascists play by rules? Blowing up innocent women and children with potential EunuchBomber attacks? Where are those rules Steve? These are deadly enemies using any thing at any time and any way to kill us. Jihad Janes? AG Holder doesn’t get it.
Steve, I know you sometimes exhibit 24 hour libtardo disease, but remember Tony West? The Mercury News link is gone but the WaPo link remains. link is gone Steve but you should see the PuddyArchive from ylb arschloch’s personal daily backup of Goldy’s HA blog. Tony West did two notable things:
1) Raised $65 million for Odumba
2) Was John Walker Lindh’s attorney.
So Puddy asks Steve, if you put Jihad lawyers in the Justice Department, they are the ones who’ll turn a blind eye to jihad. Seems to me a 9/10/01 mentality. Shucks, they already jockstrapped one jihad joe, this appointment of a terrorist’s defense lawyer to DoJ told me last year Odumba is in favor of a more lenient stance on terrorists.
Makes real sense right Steve?
In other news…
“Contending that men who lose their jobs are more prone to abuse their wives, Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) urged his state’s voters to return him to the senate in November’s balloting “for the sake of my wife’s health and well-being.””
Beck’s certainly a colorful and funny character. I like the guy, but don’t always agree with him.