– I’ve been asked a couple times to sign the $15 minimum wage initiative. So far I’ve declined, waiting for the process to play itself out. But if the process plays out badly (second piece) I’ll be glad to sign it.
– These are possibly the NIMBYest NIMBY’s in all of NIMBYdom.
– Rainier Valley is Fueling Link Ridership Growth
– I’m pretty sure this XKCD What If got written for the hover text for the penultimate picture more than anything else, although the answer itself is fun enough.
If you live in Pam Roach’s district, lucky you: Your choice in the primary will be between Roach (R), Cathy Dahlquist (R), or a Tea Party birther calling herself a “Democrat.”
Yes, there’s a high chance the whole minimum wage thing will implode, but that still won’t convince me to sign a petition for a charter amendment.
The City Charter is the constitution of the City of Seattle. It should lay out basic goals and values and define the structure of City government. It should not include specific legislation matters such as wage rates for certain workers. That’s a topic for legislative process, not constitutional process.
“The North Carolina Senate on Thursday voted to make it a crime to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking[.]”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Republican response to poisoned drinking water is to throw you in jail for asking what’s in your drinking water. Why on earth does ANYONE vote for these shitheads?
Meanwhile Al NoSoSharpton at his best. Eat it up HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://youtu.be/4MlUtZ5F_Mk
Meanwhile DAYUM Funny… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6IK4sQnJy8
Meanwhile… Puddy can’t wait to see the rate hikes due to Obummer! http://thehill.com/regulation/.....ection-day Remember
Yeah that’s the ticket!
@6 When I went to Rep. Inslee’s townhall meeting a couple years ago, he said the uninsured cost the average family $1,300 a year in higher premiums. If some of these freeloaders now have to pay for their own health care, all I can say is, IT’S DAMN WELL ABOUT TIME!!!
My insurance premiums didn’t go up at all this year. THANK YOU OBAMACARE!!!
BTW DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM Can you say smackdown of Rockefeller by Johnson? Smackdown!
1) http://youtu.be/W27LLO6Tct0
2) http://youtu.be/hE3xFPSqZws
Yeah but the ObummerCare premiums are going up IDIOT Wabbit not down!
@3 right on que, comment that follows is from the biggest shithead.
I guess making it crime to disclose what chemicals are in fracking must be called not allowing someone to purposely stifle free speech in the name of free speech. FREEDOM from the Putin Lovin Commies.
Shithead at 4,5,6, 9, and 10. You are a mameluke!
Here is a real beauty……anyone having sex with this neanderthal has to be pretty desperate.
Puffy you may want to send him the bible, i’m sure there is a verse in there that he can use to defend himself.
Truth hurts. Take some Fukitol!
@10 That’s your problem.
Anyone looking at that right wing shit posted by the craphead troll?
Count me out.
@16 I print it out and use it as toilet paper.
Greyhound is officially moving terminals today, from the old Interurban Terminal, to a new terminal next to Stadium Station in SODO.
Another inmate has died in the death camp known as Snohomish County Jail. According to KOMO-4, that makes 10 deaths in this lockup since 2010.
DUMMOCRETINS are real scum… http://www.buzzfeed.com/kateno.....u?bftw=pol
Why do DUMMOCRETINS make everything political?
Why do DUMMOCRETINS hate minorities?
We all know why… It’s all or nuthin with DUMMOCRETINS… By blocking the military provision for DREAMers it’s necessary and politically important for your Senate DUMMOCRETINS to go on the record try and make conservatives look bad on immigration this year. Boehner and Cantor better trumpet this loud and clear. But that’s A-OK to release crimminal illegal aliens into the American population so they for DUMMOCRETIN in 2016. http://www.washingtontimes.com.....tion-1jpg/ Who cares they walk among us? http://www.washingtontimes.com.....at-escape/
You all suck shit!
Will Da Perfessa carry this “boss” slogan since Obummer is really displaying his managerial skills over the VA Scandal? What does Thom Fartman say about how Obummer is handling the VA? http://my.democrats.org/page/s.....c_20140523
DUMMOCRETINS hate the military and are definitely hating their veterans. Sez it all… https://twitter.com/NRCC/status/469852988769464320/photo/1
When you fail to follow the law just find a DUMMOCRETIN judge to help your cause… http://twitchy.com/2014/05/23/.....ry-ballot/
Well this is Detroit… The Jungle of DUMMOCRETINS…
And the price is right…https://twitter.com/exjon/status/469890114769145856
Still relevant today! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzZT9gW5gp8
Translation: The craphead troll
everyone who has plainly deduced from the troll’s 40,000+ comments here that he is
the saddest,
most stupid,
most credulous,
pathologically lying
in the history of these comment threads.
And this idiot thinks he’s doing himself a favor for demonstrating this daily?
More stupidity from the Party of Stupid.
“The House passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization bill on Thursday that would bar the Department of Defense from using funds to assess climate change and its implications for national security. … The bill aims to block the DOD from taking any significant action related to climate change or its potential consequences.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this mean the Pentagon can’t bomb terrorists who blame their attacks on climate change?
Only in TexASS:
The home of “the culture of life”…
Here comes another tidal wave:
This is a BIG deal. We won’t recognize the place in 10 years.
Only thing permanent in life is change.
Driver-less cars, Negating the need for taxi drivers and completely changing mass transit. But also another set of people, put out of work. We are going to have find a way to come to grips with the permanently unemployed