– Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske made a very odd claim to an Irish newspaper that we’ve “ended [our] war on drugs”. I think some folks in Jamaica might disagree. And Mexico. And Canada. And Afghanistan. And not to mention right here at home. For even more on the ongoing disaster in Mexico, click here.
– Teachers in Virginia were suspended for showing students a video explaining what rights they have during a police encounter. Next door in Maryland, people who legally videotape police officers in public are still being prosecuted.
– The truth on pot and schizophrenia.
– I’ll be out at Folklife tomorrow gathering signatures for I-1068. We have one month left to get on the ballot. If you have some free time in June, please consider volunteering.
82% of Americans are against any boycott of Arizona. Why are HA Libtardos jackboot marching to the wrong step music again?
To Jason Osgood,
Here is the Arizona law. Read it and get back to Puddy. Then you’ll be smarter than AG Holder and other Odumba disciples.
Did you fools notice John Brennan was at it again? He calls Jerusalem Al Quds instead of Jerusalem.
“The president’s strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face. Our enemy is not terrorism.” Of course it’s an Overseas Contingency Operation!
PuddyCommentary… When Israel is attacked by Islamic extremists using jihad as their tenet and carrying out terrorism, John Brennan will say no they can’t use that word, as he knows better. “It’s counterproductive”
Remember the “real terrorists” are those nasty Tea Party members.
Oops… maybe it’s those who attack G8 meetings.
Oops… maybe it’s those who attack WTO meetings.
Oops… maybe it’s those who set fire to a street of dream of homes.
Oops… maybe it’s those who blow up radio antennas.
Oops… maybe it’s those who burn a whole bunch of new Hummers in a dealership.
Oops… maybe it’s those who sling feces and urine on their political opponents.
Hmmm… Those are all progressive DUMMOCRAPTS.
jawhol herr kerlikowske
Junk-shot fails:
As our junk-shot has failed here for years in the comment threads..
A “junk-shot” from the ass-end of the right wing noise machine.
Wow arschloch goatsee…12:54 am most “husbands” are taking care of bidness with their wives. You are on HA gathering more info for that valuted database! Apparently that couch is lonely!
Notice no response to the facts posted above. So Typical! You are a follower and a dumb brick. Now only is it a copy of Puddy’s comments about you, it proves you are the feckless boob.
You realize what Odumba and his disciples said made no sense and now you are joining the chorus.
You’re so stupid you don’t even realize your attacks undermine your political position!
monomanical, chronologically moronic and politically foolish!
EPIC FAIL FOOL! Stay stupid as always!
Odumba on his second vacation since the oil spill and nuthin from the HA Libtardo morons. Why is that? You all had a cow when Bush was in Crawford Texas during Katrina and the environmental impact was much less. Looks like Odumba didn’t have the problem under control after all, he was vacationing, figgering out how to tell a good story about that Joe Sestak “administration volunteer” job offer! How do you know a DUMMOCRAPT is lying… their lips are flapping.
And why can’t Odumba be at Arlington National Cemetary GBS and all other military libtardos? GW Bush made 7 out of 8 and missed only one cuz he was at Normandy visiting that cemetary. Once again it sez much for a progressive DUMMOCRAPT who deep down despises American power (Last year’s American Apology Tour and the continual bow at other leaders) and dislikes the US Military.
Odumba is not a leader.
– Calderon calls and tells Odumba not to use the 1200 soldiers on the border to interdict illegals from Mexico. Odumba sez yes’m boss.
– Russia sez lift the ban on our companies who deal with Iran weaponry and nuclear ambitions and May 21st in the Federal Register Odumba sez yes’m boss.
– China sez don’t meet with the Dali Lama before coming to China. Odumba sez yes’m boss.
– The Arabs tell Odumba the northern Israeli settlements must be dismantled before the Middle East peace process continues. This has never been in a previous peace treaty. Odumba sez yes’m boss.
– The Arabs want a nuclear free Middle East. Everyone else knows Israel’s nuclear weapons are a deterrent against being overrun by their more populous Arab neighbors. Odumba sez yes’m boss we’ll get the Israelis to fess up to nuclear weapons and have them give them up.
– SEIU tells Odumba to delay the cadillac health care tax until 2018 saving unions $60 Billion cuz you know you need our support in elections. Odumba sez yes’m boss.
– Andy Stern and the SEIU want to paint America “purple”. Odumba sez yes’m boss.
– Big Pharma sez you better make the health care bill financially sound for us. How about $80 Billion? Odumba sez yes’m boss.
BTW NoFactsWorthlessPositions… each of these factual points are easily found in the libtardo MSM. Or to make it easier for you ask the arschloch goatsee to review these posts from his personal blog!
It is Sunday,
read about Me.
I am that I am.
LMAO!!! “Junk-shot” makes my morning.
I highly recommend junk-shot’s “facts”.
Highest recommendation!
“In all my travels the city I have come to love most is al-Quds, Jerusalem, where three great faiths come together,” Brennan said.
Puddy, you are an idolator.
You throw stones at mr. Brennan for referring to Jerusalem as “al-Quds” yet YOU call me by names that are not mine.
As for Jerusalem, that place is holy because humans have chosen to make it so … like erecting statues of Me.
Since you claim to care about My words, please note that in the only revelation I gave you, the Torah, I never mentioned making Jerusalem a holy city.
Why do yuo always post words of hate? Do you think that is doing My will?
I am that I am.
Notice that junk-shot has a long running hateful obsession about “Odumba”..
In other news President Obama will honor our fallen heroes at an Illinois military cemetery named after a Republican:
Junk-shot shoots – awwwww, AIRBALL…
Highest recommendation on junk-shot’s “shooting” ability.
arschloch goatsee,
Air ball? Is that what you did at 12:54 AM this morning? Puddy was finishing another slam dunk fool!
Our National Cemetary is in Arlington VA. Ever been there? Doubt it as the arschloch goatsee is a dumb brick who sits on his ASS capturing all the HA blog entries every day 24x7x365(6). The Memorial Day Holiday is a National Holiday arschloch goatsee honoring our war dead. Odumba’s vacation is more important than honoring the national war dead on the official national holiday.
Keep making excuses dumb brick ARSCHLOCH GOATSEE! Glad you are giving PuddyFacts your “highest”. Facts are facts!
Person@11 who plays god.
You just gave away the biggest hint as to whom you are. Puddy remembers previous conversations on this topic, personal and public.
Brennan’s use of Al Quds for Jerusalem is another Odumba administration slap at Israel. Yet the libtardos like you who “play god” miss the reference.
Puddy thought you told everyone long ago the Second Commandment
Since no man has seen your back side since Moses and Your Son sits on Your right hand in Heaven, what are these statues? What do you look like? When did you “pose” for the statue? Is it a good likeness of you?
“Oops… maybe it’s those who set fire to a street of dream of homes.
Oops… maybe it’s those who blow up radio antennas.”
“the facts posted above”
Facts? You have no facts. All you have is more shit pulled from your lying wingnut ass.
Steve Steve Steve,
Both were shown to be progressive DUMMOCRAPTS. Don’t belive Puddy ask the arschloch goatsee, as Puddy already provided the links. Curious how you decided to pull those two. Everyone knows about the other ones, eh Steve Steve Steve? You agree with the others, eh Steve Steve Steve?
Hint ya silly man…
Need to see the other evidence?
Kommodore Steve, you are proving how ineffective your posts have become since you took that last big swig of Steve Stupid Solution in March! Just ask the arschloch goatsee. The links are in his personal copy of the HA database. How do you think notcorrectoorright tried to claim Puddy posts the most? Of course he was wrong!
So Steve Steve Steve,
Who torched those homes? Tea Party members? Were they around then Steve Steve Steve? Per your ilk, they are the “real terrorists” here.
You have no proof. You just pull something foul from your ass and call it truth. Some have called these “Puddyfacts”. I call it what it is, “lying”.
“Who torched those homes?”
I’m sure you have a link to the FBI report. If not, you’re just lying again, calling the turds you pull from your lying ass the “truth”.
“The links are in his personal copy of the HA database.”
In other words, you can’t back up your lies and this is your typical bailout move.
“Kommodore Steve, you are proving how ineffective your posts have become since you took that last big swig of Steve Stupid Solution”
And this is your standard and very infantile reaction when you’ve been caught lying to us – you always resort to calling us childish names.
“arschloch goatsee” “notcorrectoorright”
Infantile namecalling. That’s all you’ve ever brought here. And you don’t even do that very well.
You seem to talk about goats a lot these days, Puddy. What’s up with that? Got issues? Someone push your button? It strikes me that this is yet another Psych 101 issue that you need to work on.
I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That’s — (in black man voice) ‘we’ve got a motherfu**ing problem here?’ Shoot somebody in the foot
Steve Steve Steve,
Steve Steve Steve farts
Who called Puddy names like there:
Going to enjoy the rest of the weekend with Mrs Puddy.
You can ask the arschloch goatsee. Then either Puddy is lying or you’re lying. Plain and simple!Stay Stupid Steve. Keep drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Steve Steve Steve farts
Oh butt Puddy can. As the 2nd most prolific poster my posts are saved in two places Goldy’s Internet provider and the arschloch goatsee’s house.
Twice the storage for very factual links. OR Steve Steve Steve, you can Google. Puddy doesn’t have to prove anything to you anymore Kommodore!
“NUFF SAID Sucka.”
You made baseless accusations and I called you on it. And now all you can come back with is yet more infantile namecalling and absolutely no proof whatsoever to back up your false charges.
In case you thought Deepwater Horizon might be an isolated problem, here’s a map of the 4000 rigs in the northern gulf (via PZ Myers):
Heh. 2004? Nobody.. At least not here in the HA comment threads.
What’s with that mythical bubble memory fool?
Seems to me irreparably damaged by corrosive, toxic, sickening right wing bullshit..
Pfffffft.. Wrong…
How stooopid are you junk-shot?
@29: Guilty and proud of it!
I routinely call him Pudpuller. It’s apt ‘cuz his frenetic insane babbling is classic mental masturbation.
Crusted up choad, is Pudpuller…
I even noted once or twice that “Puddybud” was really a euphemism for anal sphincter.
Well you may have called him that but I highly doubt you did that in 2004.
@31: Ooops! Correct.
Curious: When do I 1st show up here? As I recall, one of my earliest posts was a “poem” for Pudpuller.
The earliest record of a comment by “Zotz” I see is 3/24/2009.
The poem came almost 3 months later.
@33 Cool! What else can you do with that?
!18 You have no proof. You just pull something foul from your ass and call it truth
Ha, kinda like YLB’s “database” . . .
“kinda like YLB’s “database””
Only as much as YLB’s database contains a record of Puddy’s excremental comments.
Thanks, man! That was a long time, 1st time for me. I was reading HA long before (2006?)
BTW, cool troll blog. Must drive ’em crazy (duh)!
33 – Well every comment is date and time stamped, so you can draw all kinds of pictures of troll behavior with graphs and whatnot, measure how obsessed they are.
You can answer a lot of questions. Like what is junk-shot’s (puddybud’s) most frenzied, day, week, month? What was driving him so nuts?
Stay tuned..
Puddy @ 2
You still haven’t answered the question:
Do you support AZ’s SB 1070?
Yes or no?
Why are you unwilling, or unable, to defend your beliefs?
All the while criticizing others for their position.
Seems unfair. A double standard. Hypocritical.
Puddy doesn’t do yes or no. He is a drive-by polemicist. You’ll never get any honesty from Puddy. He just does rightwing nonsense. Hey, but it makes him feel good.
One of the Breeders.
proud @ 40
Yea, you’re right, and I know it.
I’m just so glad that Puddy, Cynical and others have this soapbox to spew their nonsense.
Meanwhile, it makes me feel better reminding others that Cynical and the others have radical beliefs, far outside of their own party.
For instance, Cynical believes that citizens, and not the govt, should pay for elections. We call that a poll tax. I’ve met a lot of libertarians, most of them pretty nice, and exactly none of them shared Cynical’s neolithic beliefs. So it’s silly when Cynical claims to be a libertarian or conservative. He’s a party of one.
puddy @ 2
Okay, Puddy. A freebie.
As a kid, my family, thru my church, co-sponsored a couple of families escaping from Vietnam. The so called Boat People, who were illegal immigrants or asylum seekers. (People from my former church continue to do this kind of work. Many have gone south, to help on both sides of the Mexico/US border.)
Your cherished SB 1070 law prohibits anyone from helping illegal immigrants. In other words, it makes Christian charity, like how my family helped other families, illegal.
Just thinking about it, and typing this note, I’m filled with disgust.
What kind of troglodyte makes it illegal to help other people?
So, Puddy, once again, with you claiming to be a Christian:
Do you support AZ’s SB 1070?
Yes or no?
But, but, but, I thought only Democrats lied about this sort of thing???
First Ol Goatee,
Drive by what you moron? How is Puddy gonna answer a FOOL who hasn’t and will not read the Arizona law? Wrong answer Ol Goatee! He takes other people’s word for it. Isn’t that goosestepping jackboot walking with the 18%ers? remember 82% of Americans say don’t boycott Arizona. Since idiots such as you and Jason don’t read but take other peeps word for things… Here is the poll since you two can’t seem to grow a brain cell…
– The number of illegal immigrants decreased (76%, up from 73%).
— Illegal immigrants removed from the country (41%, up from 37%).
— To halt the influx of illegal immigrants and deport those here (60%).
— To assign more federal agents to security on the Mexico border (88%).
— To fine employers of illegal immigrants tens of thousands of dollars (71%).
— “Do you favor or oppose this law?” 57% were in favor of it and 37% were opposed.
Now, how about boycotting Arizona over this new law? Nope — 82%.
Why does Puddy choose to sin?
A freebee Jason,
Hmmm… We as a country have always been against communism… soooooooooooooooooo having a bunch of people escape Vietnam and escape communism is a humanistic act and Puddy commends your church.
So where are these Mexicans escaping communism? Last Puddy checked Mexico is a Federal Republic. When did Calderon change into a communist? So let Puddy give you a short primer on what’s in the law since YOU CAN’T FIND THE TIME TO READ IT BUT YOU CAN TRY AND ATTACK PUDDY WHENEVER!
Puddy ain’t gonna answer your insipid questions until YOU READ THE LAW!
What sin is this Gman?
Heh. George Will of all people brings it home on DADT…
And wingnuts want to bring back the same old, same old..
Puddy @ 47
Mexico isn’t a Communist nation. Insightful.
Though I don’t think Jesus cared much where poor people came from. But what do I know? Maybe your Jesus was all judgmental.
@48 – are you suggesting that you don’t sin? Only you know of your sin, I only ask why do you choose to sin?
Simple question, but I understand, not an easy answer. How about you just admit that you too are a sinner. You can do it….you do go to confessional, don’t you? Forgive me Father for I have sinned……
I bet this guy is gay.