A verdict is expected tomorrow in Port Orchard, but there’s another decision coming up in a more high profile medical marijuana case. Legal medical marijuana dispensary owner Charlie Lynch, who opened his dispensary with the Morro Bay, California mayor by his side, was raided by DEA agents after the San Luis Obispo County sheriff invited them to do so. Lynch was then convicted by a jury that was not allowed to know that he was legally authorized to dispense marijuana to card-carrying patients. His sentencing was supposed to be this week, but the judge postponed the decision to get some clarification from the Justice Department. According to Attorney General Holder, dispensary owners who follow state laws will no longer be targeted by the Feds.
At the end of this post, you can watch a great video by Drew Carey (Go Sounders!) about Lynch and one of his patients.
The recommended post at the end is highly worthwhile. Drew Carey, as a Libertarian, takes a few unnecessary shots at the federal government, given that the federal government is changing hands. But, the post is damned moving. The criminalization of marijuana is, simply, nuts. And, I don’t even smoke the shit,though, I believe, if memory serves me, did at one time.
The video was actually made before Obama became president – sometime in 2008, I believe.
Drew Carey does still, as far as I understand, proclaim to be a “Libertarian.” That is what all thoughtful Republicans claim to be now. At heart, nonetheless, they listen to Rush. They are tired of the Republican brand, so they claim to be something else. It’s kind of sad, but that’s where they are.
At heart, nonetheless, they listen to Rush.
Not folks like Drew. I may disagree with the Reason folks on a lot of their free market views, but they’re not Rush-worshipping wingnuts by any stretch.
The main point is that marijuana should be legal and available to adults who choose to enjoy it. The War on Drugs is a failure and just plain batshit when it comes to this weed that grows naturally just about everywhere.
Lee @4,
Yes, that’s correct.
Reines storm: Clinton conflict brews
Lee tries to reason with the blockhead@1. What a waste of time!
Busy Simon Cowell Tells Jay Leno He Turned Down Obama’s Invitation to Have Dinner in LA
Olson was acquitted:
Great! Now if Charlie Lynch can avoid these arcane and hypocritical government thugs’ wrath.
“and, I don’t even smoke the shit”
The how did you know it’s made from shit?
@12: He guesses at a lot of things above his pay grade…