Time marches on, and the Christo Fascists hate it. The anti-science crowd is pulling out all the stops. Remember, Jesus hated gays…. Not!
It is only a matter of time before we are hearing that Hitler was not only a gay socialist, but was an illegal Mexican immigrant who hated offshore oil drilling.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
NoFacts@1(Has NoFacts ever exhibited facts here on HA?)… Where is that in the Bible?
Show us the verse or verses!
Jesus loves the person not their acts they do against God and His statutes. Jesus loves the sinner not the sins. He wants all to stop sinning. You hate people who don’t agree with your politics. Jesus doesn’t like that either NoFacts.
Remember John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.”
Remember Leviticus 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”
So Puddy has a simple question to ask NoFacts. If you ever cracked open a Bible, you know, the one jo mama gave ya collecting dust in the bookcase. If you read the story of the Samaritan woman at the well with Jesus… what did Jesus offer her after He told her she was living with a man not her husband? He offered her to drink the Living Water! Drinking Christ’s Living Water (it’s a metaphor NoFacts) tends to make all people change their ways. Well certainly not the arschloch goatsee, it was bitter to him. Clearly the question is… If you believe in Christ and accept His death on the cross and you drink His Living Water, how can you continue to live that lifestyle?
Clearly you are as clueless as Clueless (arschloch goatsee) still is every day.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
The anti-science crowd is pulling out all the stops.
So NoFacts… since you are clearly claiming science is orderly, trustworthy and rational, who do you think created science? The Big Bang? Of course you’s definitely a libtardo atheist!
God created science because God is orderly, trustworthy and rational. He is a God of order. In the book above you’d learn of Copernicus, Johannes Keppler, Galileo, all challenged to fallacy of the Catholic church and how later the Catholic Church said Copernicus was right. God is a God of order. The earth rotates around the sun. It only took the Catholic Church about 500 years to get it right. How about Blaise Pascal? He believed in God. Ever read The Wager? Probably not, you like to stay Factless. Carl Linnaeus and Isaac Newton certainly did! From WikiPedia “Isaac Newton’s religious views influenced his lifetime of work.” Oh My. Oh no; another Fact blowing up NoFacts. John Ambrose Fleming from WikiPedia “He wrote a book about creation and helped start the Evolution Protest Movement. Fleming believed that science must rely on the belief that the universe was created by God.” BTW he “was an English physicist, best known for his discoveries related to electricity and telecommunication. ” Then how about Jean Henri Fabre, Robert Boyle, George Washington Carver, Louis Pasteur, Gregor Mendel, Michael Faraday, etc.
As Puddy said… in the book you’d learn.. Puddy takes that back. You’d read but you’d ignore. We try to take you to the Living Water trough but you think it’s bitter water!
You are just a bundle of NoFacts in that one post!
Why do you not hear my voice? When my friend said “Jesus hated gays…. Not!” you responded by writing that leviticus says that sex between two men is to be punished. Leviticus says nothing of “hate.” The book gives laws. You violate these laws too, do I hate you?
Then my friend says that he is distressed by people who deny my Word “The anti-science crowd is pulling out all the stops”.. Are your eyes behind a veil such that you can not see the Word I write to you in DNA, in the layers of rock, in the very order of the planets whose motions you extol as evidence of My Word.
And you … with disdain for my Word, say that you would rather heed Glenn Sunshine?
Do you believe I gave you eyes so that you could cover them with a veil?
@ 3
A primary aspect of ignorance is founded in repeatedly asserting the same mythological sources as truth for every occasion and refusing to believe the actuality of any given situation, even if such actualities are right in front of ones face.
Your quaint little black book means nothing in actuality in a dynamic, modern society. It is myth, it is legend, and it is therefore false. You calvinist primitives will always remain ignorant, and will always be only comparable to the most extreme elements of any myth-based belief system wherever the originating cultural foundations for that belief system.
In short, if your only source for knowledge of a particular subject is in a 3000 year old set of myths, you cannot adapt to the needs of a modern, highly dynamic society, nor will you ever be able to address the questions and problems that arise from the changes that occur.
If an oil rig 50 miles off the coast explodes in a mile depth of water, are you going to consult your book of fables, clasp your hands together and wish for a solution to spontaneously arise, or are you going to assure that the actuality of the situation dictates the response?
It seems to me that, given the fact that as much as 15% of the entire human population is homosexual, forcefully excluding otherwise capable human beings from participating in a given problem, and providing parts of the solutions who are otherwise fully capable of doing so, is suicidal. Especially in a situation where survival and victory are the goals.
In a combat situation, I would rather have a flaming queer who can shoot lying next to me, than some bible-thumping heterosexual yahoo who couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a barn door.
Ignorance is simply, not understanding or wanting to understand. Your element will always, without exception, only represent ignorance.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
To the fool playing God…
And you … with disdain for my Word, say that you would rather heed Glenn Sunshine?
You need a refresher course in how to mimic the Creator and then play one on a blog.
To the DeathFroggie… you need to stop playing in traffic. You do a disservice to all HA Libtardos who believe in God and the Bible but don’t have the cojones to attack you for your fallacious beliefs. Puddy would be shocked if a Christ loving libtardo who take your silly commentary on, butt Puddy knows they are chickens!
This Bible never changes DeathFroggie. When Jesus comes again in His Father’s clouds of glory what will your silly beliefs profit you then?
In a combat situation, I would rather have a flaming queer who can shoot lying next to me, than some bible-thumping heterosexual yahoo who couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a barn door.
What say you to that GBS?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
If an oil rig 50 miles off the coast explodes in a mile depth of water, are you going to consult your book of fables, clasp your hands together and wish for a solution to spontaneously arise, or are you going to assure that the actuality of the situation dictates the response?
No butt Puddy will look at who signed the authorization papers for the well and why environmentalists who use oil products every day have forced oil exploration so far out from land? When environmentalists stop using all oil products in their homes and everyday lives then they can cry Puddy a river!
Suppose I am a fool, then would it not be the Christian thing t do to answer my questions?
“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
and then …
“You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.”
is that not the same as asking “You foolish Puddy! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes I give you truth and you deny me.”
‘You fool! This very day your wealth will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’
I am that I am.
@3 – So God hates the sin and not the sinner. So Puddy why do you choose to sin? Like when you refer to homosexuals as fudge-packers? You mean to tell me that some where in that lovely Bible, it doesn’t speak against disrespectful name calling, bigotry and hate? You sin as you see fit, let me sin as I see fit. Mind your own business when it comes to my sins.
Yes you can take that quote and forever hold it in that small brain of yours, but answer the question, why do You choose to sin?
Ignorance is simply, not understanding or wanting to understand. Your element will always, without exception, only represent ignorance.
Willful ignorance = stupidity.
Ignorance is curable by simple loyalty to the truth — wherever that leads. This is the fatal flaw of all faith(s) and the essential superiority of science and the scientific method.
Pssst! God? As an atheist, let this be a little private joke amongst friends, OK God? So, next time you see me slam Pudpuller or one of the other trolls we can both have a nice little chuckle!
Just to be clear, “God” is not my name, nor have I ever claimed to have a name for Me.
That is why I said, “Do not take My name in vain,” and why Muslims and Jews find the naming of Me to be blasphemy.
Nor is there a need for secret medals, I am that I am. No more, no less.
As for Puddy, perhaps he is Me?
I am that I am
@ 11
Truth is founded in observable fact. Repeated experimentation, changing controllable variables and observing, recording and disseminating the results is the root of establishing fact. If variables are uncontrollable, then the experiment is essentially flawed, and the results of the experiment are untrustworthy.
Religionists will always simply refuse to experiment. Their establishment of truth has no need for it. Tests of fact are anathema to their belief systems, as they will always contradict those beliefs.
This is why any questioning of the underlying purposes of unquestioned belief (blind faith) will always result in vitriolic response from those who only seek to maintain the belief system. It is merely a form of social control. For whatever purpose, be it economic or political.
It is simplicity itself, to encourage the religionists to reveal their ignorance by merely questioning it, and experimenting with their responses to the questions by simply asking another question.
If they somehow believe that a homosexual is incapable of contributing to the solution to an emergent situation, merely by being homosexual, in spite of any other inherent talents the person may possess, they will always fail to adequately respond to that situation. It is suicide.
One cannot wish for magical solutions to emergent situations. Hope is not wishing, it is remaining rational and maintaining optimism when emergencies occur.
Battlefields are always full of emergencies. Effective combat readiness means that the system does not exclude talented and capable individuals from responding to the dynamics of combat situations, based merely on individuals sexual orientation.
If the only guy in the squad who understands how to call in a close-quarters artillery strike from the field is gay, is it correct to prevent that man from being allowed to use that talent when you have bullets smashing the mud next to your face merely because he is gay?
It seems to me, that any military organization cannot afford to exclude such talent, given the emergent situation, especially when that situation may mean the survival of ones culture or economy is at stake.
Superior firepower does not win battles, tactics do. Wars are not won by perceptions of individuals social “correctness”, they are won by carefully studied strategies. Those tactics and strategies must not ever exclude individuals with relevant talents, merely because of an artificially established perception of the social acceptability of their sexual orientation.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I know there’s a ban in the Bible about men having sex with one another, but what’s the explicit word on women having sex with each other? As far as I can tell, that’s not prohibited by the Bible, and I do really enjoy watching some porno lesbos put on a show when nobody’s looking!!
#2 FTW!
I love the video.
@17: I wouldn’t put it past Pudpuller to play God. He definitely isn’t shy about speaking for him (her/it)!
Again, Puddy has no response, so again someone else has to answer for him (comment 14).
Puddy, do you care whether someone commits adultery? What do you do about that? Do you care if someone is a bigot? What do you do about that? Why do yo care about Homosexuality. Move on with your life and be happy that you are a heterosexual. One of those murderers, rapists and thieves.
God knows Republicans are trying to get you to the back of the bus. You should be more worried about that.
I must admit I have never understood exactly what the meaning of lesbian intercourse might be?
I have thought about asking Roger Rabbit if, perhaps, lesbian love acts involve carrots.
As for what has been written in My name, please remember when these documents were written. You might also want to look up the meaning of Ashera and see if you can figure out why She was the topic of so m much disdain nby the prophets. Analogies to Jesus come to My mind.
BTW, if it makes you feel better, Ashera is among the deities who have never disappeared. She is still worshipped by many, many humans though often under other names.
I do recommend prayers to Ashera. Certainly, that can do you no more harm than praying to Jesus. Many, many who have prayed in those names have received wonderful rewards!
“God knows Republicans are trying to get you to the back of the bus. You should be more worried about that.”
no. I do not think I know that but I do think the Republicans would rather that Puddy were driving the bus than have Mexicans do the same.
But then, what do I know?
I am that I am.
find a lifespews:
@22 Again, Puddy has no response
Actually, I suspect he’s out doing things more important in his life with friends and family – unlike you and the rest of the lunatics who’ve spent their entire Saturday morning on HA.
@26: Nice excuse making for Puddy – he posts MORE than anyone else on here – yet he runs when he has no answer (or he changes the topic) and he is afraid to directly answer questions.
I spell that COWARD.
My personal favorite Puddy evasion technique is when he claims that the source is biased (such as the NY times or wikipedia, and therefore invalid) but then uses that same source later when it suits his purposes.
I spell that HYPOCRITE.
@26 – So what are you doing here? You should go find a life? And Puddy made time to be here from 7:30 to 8:50 am and then decided to hide.
@ 27
Most of the time he cites only one single source for his hyperbole, that is the American version of the King James bible. He never cites relevant academic studies, rarely if ever cites actual scholarly works or authors. His mind is closed, made up, and totally incapable of learning new things. Not through the fact of a lack of a basic education or an inability to read, but deliberately. He has actively made the decision that he has learned all that he would ever need to learn about everything.
Such is the nature, and purpose, of dogmatic belief systems. Such people are easily duped, easily manipulated and will willfully lie to themselves and the people around them to accomplish whatever purpose they have at the moment.
He would rather die than allow anyone not conforming to his narrow, self-perceived concepts of what makes a person to save his life. It is people like him that nearly totally dominate the United States Military command structure, and the Academies that support it. Such people will always lose wars when left to command, for the simple reason that they always retreat into dogmatism when confronted with new situations.
If the United States had to fight a real, major war on the scale of WW2 tomorrow, we very likely would lose. We don’t have the industrial base, we don’t have the manpower, and we sure as hell don’t have the money or the borrowing ability we did back then.
@26 “he’s out doing things more important in his life with friends and family”
The fellow with nearly 30,000 posts is the guy who understands that there are better things to do in life than post comments at HA? Oh, I get it. heh- You’re just making fun of Puddy, aren’t you? Clever. I like that.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
he posts MORE than anyone else on here
Wrong again nottobright. The run away weiner is THE DUMB BUNNY!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy was and still is enjoying peeps over for dinner today. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding fool!
“Hitler” doesn’t have the thread killing power it did in the old days. The story leads off with it, and yet, the thread takes a strange turn toward the only god that exists, and I recognize, people prentending to be all powerful over others.
False gods and false worshipers, the society of strawmen armies of hate burn in a Hell of their own making.
McCain has no soul, no point in praying for it, or preying on it.
heh- There’s over 600 Mosaic laws and I’ll bet Puddy has broken at least 615 of them. But little Baby Jesus somehow manages to forgive him every single time and this leaves Puddy free to come here to HA to righteously cast judgement and to damn to the eternal fires of Hell all who would dare disagree with Puddy’s extremist right-wing politics. As for the wingnut atheists, as with those on the right who spew hatred towards his own race, Puddy throws no lightning bolts of righteous condemnation. Rather, he graces them with the silence of his approval. This is Puddy acting out his real values. And with his foul acts and deeds Puddy tells us again and again that politics trumps faith and that Reagan towers over Jesus.
Does Puddy no longer sin? Not at all? Ever?
“If you believe in Christ and accept His death on the cross and you drink His Living Water, how can you continue to live that lifestyle?”
Puddy does continue to sin and so we can follow his example and disparage his faith. He’s an obvious phoney. For if Puddy did believe in Christ and accept his death on the cross and drank His Living Water, he would have forsaken his sinful lifestyle. He has not. As he believes that we are deserving of his scorn and judgement, he is deserving of ours.
Judge not, you sinful twit, or you too shall be judged.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
What sin is that Steve Steve Steve? Please oh master judge of all living people, tell Puddy what sin that is!
Little Baby Jesus Steve Steve Steve? You mean the Son of God who sits at the right hand of His Father, Master of the universe?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy post early then late every day. Figger it out.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy noticed NO ONE DARED address Post #4.
@ 38
Puddy noticed NO ONE DARED address Post #4.
Because it was totally incomprehensible.
That is the problem we libbers have. It is impossible to counter nonsensical, inane and bizarre statements made by the teanaggers with anything approaching the rational. How does one dispute the pontifications of a chronically deranged liar and gibbering lunatic?
It just cannot be done. Are you ‘baggers so dedicated to believing such flagrantly false information that you cannot permit yourselves to do any actual, you know, RESEARCH?
I’ve had more comprehensible conversations in the streets with schizophrenics off their medications.
as you see, Puddy’s view of Me is fearful. That is why he never replies or, when he does, it is to call his own God a fool.
But then, Puddyy is me, so perhaps I am a fool? Or am I, as Puddy, afreaid of the Truth within Me?
to Puddy,
We both you know are anything but without sin. But, perhaps, it is only the left hand sock puppet who calls on the right hand of Me and claims to see Me reflected?
Or are you my right hand?
I am that I am.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
You are not the God of Heaven, so why should Puddy jump and down to answer an imposter?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Oh deathfroggy, it’s gibberish because you are full of disorder, fully confused about God! It’s your kind who claim Christians are anti-science. When the facts are presented Christians prove science is God given. That’s why to an atheist such as you it’s incomprehensible.
1 Cor 1:27 is you deathfroggy… “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Since you think you are wise God uses his people, Christian scientists to confound fools like you!
Don’ believe Hitler was gay but it’s well known he was a vegan.
@ 42
As I’ve said many times before, your little book of bronze-age fables and myths means nothing to me. As much nothing as the dead opossum in the ditch across the street from my house.
I fear no god, for god is unknowable and indecipherable. There is no proof of the existence of that entity which man has decided to call God, and thus created in his own image.
It is the ultimate form of narcissism to presume that an all-powerful entity that knows everything, is aware of and in control of all events in this immeasurable universe, is even the least bit concerned with the activities of a primitive, violent and self-destructive species on some tiny wet rock spinning around a small star in some obscure corner of an average sized galaxy, in some backwater corner of that universe.
We may not be alone in this universe, but we sure as shit are all by ourselves out here.
Do try to get used to that idea.
Greetings my most excellent Neo-Socialist friends.
Some time ago, Roger Rabbi suggest that a single C-130 aircraft was used to transport 369,000 pounds of currency from the East Coast to Iraq. Such a feat is theoretically possible, the same that moving a ton of sand from Vancouver, WA to Blaine using a single wheelbarrow might be possible. The practicality of the matter is that it would be deemed not an efficient way to move a load.
So,the bottom line is that Roger Rabbit, sometime ago, perpetrated a lie on the Horsesass.org populace, saying that a C-130 was used to move 369,000 pounds of cash from America to Iraq. The Air Force would not be so stupid as to affect such a transfer. More likely, the Air Force wold have used a couple of C-5s or maybe three C-17 aircraft to do the job, with aerial refueling for those planes involved. The first aerial refueling might have been planned for 10-NE, a refueling tract off the coast of Maine. Other refueling might have been planned with altitude reservations over the UK or the Mediterranean Sea. The point is, a C-130 or several C-130s would not have been involved. Roger Rabbit was a liar about this episode. He should not be trusted ever again to tell the truth.
“tell Puddy what sin that is”
Go ahead, Puddy, present yourself to all-knowing God as an unflawed man living a sin-free life. I’ll be putting my money on God calling “Horseshit!” on your sorry ass.
“Greetings my most excellent Neo-Socialist friends”
Geez, as a proto-commie-fascist, I’m feeling a little left out here.
“Don’ believe Hitler was gay but it’s well known he was a vegan.”
1 Cor 1:27 “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Yes, and does this apply to you????
I am that I am
@41 – to impostor or no impostor, you do not answer any questions; maybe it is because you think that they are gotcha questions like Sarah believes in.
You’ve read all my comments and you seem to have even remarked in reply to some of them, but you still haven’t answered the question…So why do you choose to sin?
Hitler may not have been gay, but like Dan Pro Iraq War Savage he did believe in preemptive military interventions.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Steve Steve Steve,
Go ahead, Puddy, present yourself to all-knowing God as an unflawed man living a sin-free life.
Where did Puddy say this? Another of your Psych 101 projections?
Get help Steve Steve Steve. Stay away from the Stupid Solution! Puddy knows it’s hard for you to work on your psychosis.
I LOVE the fact Puddy is always on HA trying to defend the indefensible!
It takes a cretin to know a cretin. That is essentially Dan Savage’s point. It’s just so appropriate that Puddy always finds a way to fall into about every trap out there. Maybe if Puddy bothered to actually watch / read the stuff posted here, he might find a way to avoid embarrassing himself so often. It’s as if he WANTS to embody the stereotype of the most disgusting and ignorant right winger out there….
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Thank you Max!
And your “point” is? It takes a cretin to know a cretin. Oh yeah… Everyone knew you were a cretin! Nothing new here… move along!
The prosecution rests your honor!
Another idiot placed in the pasture.
I just feel sorry for Puddy.
Puddy is afraid to actually take and defend a position.
Puddy just comes on here to attack – but fails to actually defend his positions by running away or changing the topic.
Pretty juvenile.
Thanks for proving that the far rightwing positions have no basis in reality, Puddy.
Your juvenile name-calling validates the idea that the teabaggers have no intellectual heft and are a bunch of racist, name-calling fools.
Yeah, crow all you want about being black, you support racists. Being black does not give you a free pass for being stoopid.
Pretend that you are intelligent all you want, we can see yhour lack of critical thinking skills.
I know – you will just insult me again becuase that is all you have.
go worship Phil Gramm – he is your real god. Oh, and how did all yor support for Bush work out?
Time marches on, and the Christo Fascists hate it. The anti-science crowd is pulling out all the stops. Remember, Jesus hated gays…. Not!
It is only a matter of time before we are hearing that Hitler was not only a gay socialist, but was an illegal Mexican immigrant who hated offshore oil drilling.
NoFacts@1(Has NoFacts ever exhibited facts here on HA?)… Where is that in the Bible?
Show us the verse or verses!
Jesus loves the person not their acts they do against God and His statutes. Jesus loves the sinner not the sins. He wants all to stop sinning. You hate people who don’t agree with your politics. Jesus doesn’t like that either NoFacts.
Remember John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.”
Remember Leviticus 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”
So Puddy has a simple question to ask NoFacts. If you ever cracked open a Bible, you know, the one jo mama gave ya collecting dust in the bookcase. If you read the story of the Samaritan woman at the well with Jesus… what did Jesus offer her after He told her she was living with a man not her husband? He offered her to drink the Living Water! Drinking Christ’s Living Water (it’s a metaphor NoFacts) tends to make all people change their ways. Well certainly not the arschloch goatsee, it was bitter to him. Clearly the question is… If you believe in Christ and accept His death on the cross and you drink His Living Water, how can you continue to live that lifestyle?
Clearly you are as clueless as Clueless (arschloch goatsee) still is every day.
Another NoFacts moronic statement
Clearly NoFacts hasn’t read Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home by Glenn S. Sunshine. Was it because Sunshine would be shown on your head stuck so far up your ASS NoFacts?
So NoFacts… since you are clearly claiming science is orderly, trustworthy and rational, who do you think created science? The Big Bang? Of course you’s definitely a libtardo atheist!
God created science because God is orderly, trustworthy and rational. He is a God of order. In the book above you’d learn of Copernicus, Johannes Keppler, Galileo, all challenged to fallacy of the Catholic church and how later the Catholic Church said Copernicus was right. God is a God of order. The earth rotates around the sun. It only took the Catholic Church about 500 years to get it right. How about Blaise Pascal? He believed in God. Ever read The Wager? Probably not, you like to stay Factless. Carl Linnaeus and Isaac Newton certainly did! From WikiPedia “Isaac Newton’s religious views influenced his lifetime of work.” Oh My. Oh no; another Fact blowing up NoFacts. John Ambrose Fleming from WikiPedia “He wrote a book about creation and helped start the Evolution Protest Movement. Fleming believed that science must rely on the belief that the universe was created by God.” BTW he “was an English physicist, best known for his discoveries related to electricity and telecommunication. ” Then how about Jean Henri Fabre, Robert Boyle, George Washington Carver, Louis Pasteur, Gregor Mendel, Michael Faraday, etc.
As Puddy said… in the book you’d learn.. Puddy takes that back. You’d read but you’d ignore. We try to take you to the Living Water trough but you think it’s bitter water!
You are just a bundle of NoFacts in that one post!
Why do you not hear my voice? When my friend said “Jesus hated gays…. Not!” you responded by writing that leviticus says that sex between two men is to be punished. Leviticus says nothing of “hate.” The book gives laws. You violate these laws too, do I hate you?
Then my friend says that he is distressed by people who deny my Word “The anti-science crowd is pulling out all the stops”.. Are your eyes behind a veil such that you can not see the Word I write to you in DNA, in the layers of rock, in the very order of the planets whose motions you extol as evidence of My Word.
And you … with disdain for my Word, say that you would rather heed Glenn Sunshine?
Do you believe I gave you eyes so that you could cover them with a veil?
@ 3
A primary aspect of ignorance is founded in repeatedly asserting the same mythological sources as truth for every occasion and refusing to believe the actuality of any given situation, even if such actualities are right in front of ones face.
Your quaint little black book means nothing in actuality in a dynamic, modern society. It is myth, it is legend, and it is therefore false. You calvinist primitives will always remain ignorant, and will always be only comparable to the most extreme elements of any myth-based belief system wherever the originating cultural foundations for that belief system.
In short, if your only source for knowledge of a particular subject is in a 3000 year old set of myths, you cannot adapt to the needs of a modern, highly dynamic society, nor will you ever be able to address the questions and problems that arise from the changes that occur.
If an oil rig 50 miles off the coast explodes in a mile depth of water, are you going to consult your book of fables, clasp your hands together and wish for a solution to spontaneously arise, or are you going to assure that the actuality of the situation dictates the response?
It seems to me that, given the fact that as much as 15% of the entire human population is homosexual, forcefully excluding otherwise capable human beings from participating in a given problem, and providing parts of the solutions who are otherwise fully capable of doing so, is suicidal. Especially in a situation where survival and victory are the goals.
In a combat situation, I would rather have a flaming queer who can shoot lying next to me, than some bible-thumping heterosexual yahoo who couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a barn door.
Ignorance is simply, not understanding or wanting to understand. Your element will always, without exception, only represent ignorance.
To the fool playing God…
You need a refresher course in how to mimic the Creator and then play one on a blog.
To the DeathFroggie… you need to stop playing in traffic. You do a disservice to all HA Libtardos who believe in God and the Bible but don’t have the cojones to attack you for your fallacious beliefs. Puddy would be shocked if a Christ loving libtardo who take your silly commentary on, butt Puddy knows they are chickens!
This Bible never changes DeathFroggie. When Jesus comes again in His Father’s clouds of glory what will your silly beliefs profit you then?
What say you to that GBS?
No butt Puddy will look at who signed the authorization papers for the well and why environmentalists who use oil products every day have forced oil exploration so far out from land? When environmentalists stop using all oil products in their homes and everyday lives then they can cry Puddy a river!
You call me “fool.”
Yet, you do not answer the questions.
Suppose I am a fool, then would it not be the Christian thing t do to answer my questions?
“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
and then …
“You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.”
is that not the same as asking “You foolish Puddy! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes I give you truth and you deny me.”
‘You fool! This very day your wealth will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’
I am that I am.
@3 – So God hates the sin and not the sinner. So Puddy why do you choose to sin? Like when you refer to homosexuals as fudge-packers? You mean to tell me that some where in that lovely Bible, it doesn’t speak against disrespectful name calling, bigotry and hate? You sin as you see fit, let me sin as I see fit. Mind your own business when it comes to my sins.
Yes you can take that quote and forever hold it in that small brain of yours, but answer the question, why do You choose to sin?
Willful ignorance = stupidity.
Ignorance is curable by simple loyalty to the truth — wherever that leads. This is the fatal flaw of all faith(s) and the essential superiority of science and the scientific method.
Perhaps Puddy and God are both sock puppets? Maybe they are like Punch and Judy?
This would explain a lot!
@11 Zotz
Bless you.
I am that I am.
LOL. Who gives a flying fuck what that stoner lunatic Dan Savage rants about? Irrelevant.
Good weekend all.
My reading of Leviticus is that can’t tell lies to your buddy the same way you tell lies to your wife.
God: Did you know that Zotz is a God too? And especially smite-friendly as well!
Anyone who possesses HIS sacred medallion can simply invoke HIS name and point at the offending lifeform (e.g., Pudpuller!) to eliminate them!
Pssst! God? As an atheist, let this be a little private joke amongst friends, OK God? So, next time you see me slam Pudpuller or one of the other trolls we can both have a nice little chuckle!
Just to be clear, “God” is not my name, nor have I ever claimed to have a name for Me.
That is why I said, “Do not take My name in vain,” and why Muslims and Jews find the naming of Me to be blasphemy.
Nor is there a need for secret medals, I am that I am. No more, no less.
As for Puddy, perhaps he is Me?
I am that I am
@ 11
Truth is founded in observable fact. Repeated experimentation, changing controllable variables and observing, recording and disseminating the results is the root of establishing fact. If variables are uncontrollable, then the experiment is essentially flawed, and the results of the experiment are untrustworthy.
Religionists will always simply refuse to experiment. Their establishment of truth has no need for it. Tests of fact are anathema to their belief systems, as they will always contradict those beliefs.
This is why any questioning of the underlying purposes of unquestioned belief (blind faith) will always result in vitriolic response from those who only seek to maintain the belief system. It is merely a form of social control. For whatever purpose, be it economic or political.
It is simplicity itself, to encourage the religionists to reveal their ignorance by merely questioning it, and experimenting with their responses to the questions by simply asking another question.
If they somehow believe that a homosexual is incapable of contributing to the solution to an emergent situation, merely by being homosexual, in spite of any other inherent talents the person may possess, they will always fail to adequately respond to that situation. It is suicide.
One cannot wish for magical solutions to emergent situations. Hope is not wishing, it is remaining rational and maintaining optimism when emergencies occur.
Battlefields are always full of emergencies. Effective combat readiness means that the system does not exclude talented and capable individuals from responding to the dynamics of combat situations, based merely on individuals sexual orientation.
If the only guy in the squad who understands how to call in a close-quarters artillery strike from the field is gay, is it correct to prevent that man from being allowed to use that talent when you have bullets smashing the mud next to your face merely because he is gay?
It seems to me, that any military organization cannot afford to exclude such talent, given the emergent situation, especially when that situation may mean the survival of ones culture or economy is at stake.
Superior firepower does not win battles, tactics do. Wars are not won by perceptions of individuals social “correctness”, they are won by carefully studied strategies. Those tactics and strategies must not ever exclude individuals with relevant talents, merely because of an artificially established perception of the social acceptability of their sexual orientation.
I know there’s a ban in the Bible about men having sex with one another, but what’s the explicit word on women having sex with each other? As far as I can tell, that’s not prohibited by the Bible, and I do really enjoy watching some porno lesbos put on a show when nobody’s looking!!
#2 FTW!
I love the video.
@17: I wouldn’t put it past Pudpuller to play God. He definitely isn’t shy about speaking for him (her/it)!
Again, Puddy has no response, so again someone else has to answer for him (comment 14).
Puddy, do you care whether someone commits adultery? What do you do about that? Do you care if someone is a bigot? What do you do about that? Why do yo care about Homosexuality. Move on with your life and be happy that you are a heterosexual. One of those murderers, rapists and thieves.
God knows Republicans are trying to get you to the back of the bus. You should be more worried about that.
Right now Bigot Lobotomy is enjoying time off during the three day weekend with his family.
This is the excuse he will use to avoid paying the $1000 he will owe to GBS at the next DL.
heh. The record of right wingers paying off the wagers they owe to lefties is not good here.
@19 PI
I must admit I have never understood exactly what the meaning of lesbian intercourse might be?
I have thought about asking Roger Rabbit if, perhaps, lesbian love acts involve carrots.
As for what has been written in My name, please remember when these documents were written. You might also want to look up the meaning of Ashera and see if you can figure out why She was the topic of so m much disdain nby the prophets. Analogies to Jesus come to My mind.
BTW, if it makes you feel better, Ashera is among the deities who have never disappeared. She is still worshipped by many, many humans though often under other names.
I do recommend prayers to Ashera. Certainly, that can do you no more harm than praying to Jesus. Many, many who have prayed in those names have received wonderful rewards!
I am that I am.
@22 Gman
no. I do not think I know that but I do think the Republicans would rather that Puddy were driving the bus than have Mexicans do the same.
But then, what do I know?
I am that I am.
@22 Again, Puddy has no response
Actually, I suspect he’s out doing things more important in his life with friends and family – unlike you and the rest of the lunatics who’ve spent their entire Saturday morning on HA.
@26: Nice excuse making for Puddy – he posts MORE than anyone else on here – yet he runs when he has no answer (or he changes the topic) and he is afraid to directly answer questions.
I spell that COWARD.
My personal favorite Puddy evasion technique is when he claims that the source is biased (such as the NY times or wikipedia, and therefore invalid) but then uses that same source later when it suits his purposes.
I spell that HYPOCRITE.
@26 – So what are you doing here? You should go find a life? And Puddy made time to be here from 7:30 to 8:50 am and then decided to hide.
@ 27
Most of the time he cites only one single source for his hyperbole, that is the American version of the King James bible. He never cites relevant academic studies, rarely if ever cites actual scholarly works or authors. His mind is closed, made up, and totally incapable of learning new things. Not through the fact of a lack of a basic education or an inability to read, but deliberately. He has actively made the decision that he has learned all that he would ever need to learn about everything.
Such is the nature, and purpose, of dogmatic belief systems. Such people are easily duped, easily manipulated and will willfully lie to themselves and the people around them to accomplish whatever purpose they have at the moment.
He would rather die than allow anyone not conforming to his narrow, self-perceived concepts of what makes a person to save his life. It is people like him that nearly totally dominate the United States Military command structure, and the Academies that support it. Such people will always lose wars when left to command, for the simple reason that they always retreat into dogmatism when confronted with new situations.
If the United States had to fight a real, major war on the scale of WW2 tomorrow, we very likely would lose. We don’t have the industrial base, we don’t have the manpower, and we sure as hell don’t have the money or the borrowing ability we did back then.
@26 “he’s out doing things more important in his life with friends and family”
The fellow with nearly 30,000 posts is the guy who understands that there are better things to do in life than post comments at HA? Oh, I get it. heh- You’re just making fun of Puddy, aren’t you? Clever. I like that.
Wrong again nottobright. The run away weiner is THE DUMB BUNNY!
Puddy was and still is enjoying peeps over for dinner today. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding fool!
“Hitler” doesn’t have the thread killing power it did in the old days. The story leads off with it, and yet, the thread takes a strange turn toward the only god that exists, and I recognize, people prentending to be all powerful over others.
False gods and false worshipers, the society of strawmen armies of hate burn in a Hell of their own making.
McCain has no soul, no point in praying for it, or preying on it.
heh- There’s over 600 Mosaic laws and I’ll bet Puddy has broken at least 615 of them. But little Baby Jesus somehow manages to forgive him every single time and this leaves Puddy free to come here to HA to righteously cast judgement and to damn to the eternal fires of Hell all who would dare disagree with Puddy’s extremist right-wing politics. As for the wingnut atheists, as with those on the right who spew hatred towards his own race, Puddy throws no lightning bolts of righteous condemnation. Rather, he graces them with the silence of his approval. This is Puddy acting out his real values. And with his foul acts and deeds Puddy tells us again and again that politics trumps faith and that Reagan towers over Jesus.
Does Puddy no longer sin? Not at all? Ever?
“If you believe in Christ and accept His death on the cross and you drink His Living Water, how can you continue to live that lifestyle?”
Puddy does continue to sin and so we can follow his example and disparage his faith. He’s an obvious phoney. For if Puddy did believe in Christ and accept his death on the cross and drank His Living Water, he would have forsaken his sinful lifestyle. He has not. As he believes that we are deserving of his scorn and judgement, he is deserving of ours.
Judge not, you sinful twit, or you too shall be judged.
What sin is that Steve Steve Steve? Please oh master judge of all living people, tell Puddy what sin that is!
Little Baby Jesus Steve Steve Steve? You mean the Son of God who sits at the right hand of His Father, Master of the universe?
Puddy post early then late every day. Figger it out.
Puddy noticed NO ONE DARED address Post #4.
@ 38
Because it was totally incomprehensible.
That is the problem we libbers have. It is impossible to counter nonsensical, inane and bizarre statements made by the teanaggers with anything approaching the rational. How does one dispute the pontifications of a chronically deranged liar and gibbering lunatic?
It just cannot be done. Are you ‘baggers so dedicated to believing such flagrantly false information that you cannot permit yourselves to do any actual, you know, RESEARCH?
I’ve had more comprehensible conversations in the streets with schizophrenics off their medications.
No wonder the world is laughing.
to all …
as you see, Puddy’s view of Me is fearful. That is why he never replies or, when he does, it is to call his own God a fool.
But then, Puddyy is me, so perhaps I am a fool? Or am I, as Puddy, afreaid of the Truth within Me?
to Puddy,
We both you know are anything but without sin. But, perhaps, it is only the left hand sock puppet who calls on the right hand of Me and claims to see Me reflected?
Or are you my right hand?
I am that I am.
You are not the God of Heaven, so why should Puddy jump and down to answer an imposter?
Oh deathfroggy, it’s gibberish because you are full of disorder, fully confused about God! It’s your kind who claim Christians are anti-science. When the facts are presented Christians prove science is God given. That’s why to an atheist such as you it’s incomprehensible.
1 Cor 1:27 is you deathfroggy… “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Since you think you are wise God uses his people, Christian scientists to confound fools like you!
Don’ believe Hitler was gay but it’s well known he was a vegan.
@ 42
As I’ve said many times before, your little book of bronze-age fables and myths means nothing to me. As much nothing as the dead opossum in the ditch across the street from my house.
I fear no god, for god is unknowable and indecipherable. There is no proof of the existence of that entity which man has decided to call God, and thus created in his own image.
It is the ultimate form of narcissism to presume that an all-powerful entity that knows everything, is aware of and in control of all events in this immeasurable universe, is even the least bit concerned with the activities of a primitive, violent and self-destructive species on some tiny wet rock spinning around a small star in some obscure corner of an average sized galaxy, in some backwater corner of that universe.
We may not be alone in this universe, but we sure as shit are all by ourselves out here.
Do try to get used to that idea.
Greetings my most excellent Neo-Socialist friends.
Some time ago, Roger Rabbi suggest that a single C-130 aircraft was used to transport 369,000 pounds of currency from the East Coast to Iraq. Such a feat is theoretically possible, the same that moving a ton of sand from Vancouver, WA to Blaine using a single wheelbarrow might be possible. The practicality of the matter is that it would be deemed not an efficient way to move a load.
So,the bottom line is that Roger Rabbit, sometime ago, perpetrated a lie on the Horsesass.org populace, saying that a C-130 was used to move 369,000 pounds of cash from America to Iraq. The Air Force would not be so stupid as to affect such a transfer. More likely, the Air Force wold have used a couple of C-5s or maybe three C-17 aircraft to do the job, with aerial refueling for those planes involved. The first aerial refueling might have been planned for 10-NE, a refueling tract off the coast of Maine. Other refueling might have been planned with altitude reservations over the UK or the Mediterranean Sea. The point is, a C-130 or several C-130s would not have been involved. Roger Rabbit was a liar about this episode. He should not be trusted ever again to tell the truth.
“tell Puddy what sin that is”
Go ahead, Puddy, present yourself to all-knowing God as an unflawed man living a sin-free life. I’ll be putting my money on God calling “Horseshit!” on your sorry ass.
“Greetings my most excellent Neo-Socialist friends”
Geez, as a proto-commie-fascist, I’m feeling a little left out here.
“Don’ believe Hitler was gay but it’s well known he was a vegan.”
No Republican Vegans in South Carolina!
@41 Puddy
are you addressing Me? Isn’t this the sin you call vainglory?
You are, however correct .. I am not the God in Heaven I am just the God of all. Do you worship a deity who is only in heaven??
bless you, for you know not what you do….
I am that I am
Yes, and does this apply to you????
I am that I am
@41 – to impostor or no impostor, you do not answer any questions; maybe it is because you think that they are gotcha questions like Sarah believes in.
You’ve read all my comments and you seem to have even remarked in reply to some of them, but you still haven’t answered the question…So why do you choose to sin?
Hitler may not have been gay, but like Dan Pro Iraq War Savage he did believe in preemptive military interventions.
Steve Steve Steve,
Where did Puddy say this? Another of your Psych 101 projections?
Get help Steve Steve Steve. Stay away from the Stupid Solution! Puddy knows it’s hard for you to work on your psychosis.
I LOVE the fact Puddy is always on HA trying to defend the indefensible!
It takes a cretin to know a cretin. That is essentially Dan Savage’s point. It’s just so appropriate that Puddy always finds a way to fall into about every trap out there. Maybe if Puddy bothered to actually watch / read the stuff posted here, he might find a way to avoid embarrassing himself so often. It’s as if he WANTS to embody the stereotype of the most disgusting and ignorant right winger out there….
Thank you Max!
And your “point” is? It takes a cretin to know a cretin. Oh yeah… Everyone knew you were a cretin! Nothing new here… move along!
The prosecution rests your honor!
Another idiot placed in the pasture.
I just feel sorry for Puddy.
Puddy is afraid to actually take and defend a position.
Puddy just comes on here to attack – but fails to actually defend his positions by running away or changing the topic.
Pretty juvenile.
Thanks for proving that the far rightwing positions have no basis in reality, Puddy.
Your juvenile name-calling validates the idea that the teabaggers have no intellectual heft and are a bunch of racist, name-calling fools.
Yeah, crow all you want about being black, you support racists. Being black does not give you a free pass for being stoopid.
Pretend that you are intelligent all you want, we can see yhour lack of critical thinking skills.
I know – you will just insult me again becuase that is all you have.
go worship Phil Gramm – he is your real god. Oh, and how did all yor support for Bush work out?