John McCain. The “Maverick.” May he rest in peace. (Actually, might he have a little indigestion before he rests in peace for having spewed Sarah Palin upon us.)
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Puddy agrees with this. Ask the arschloch for the original posting on HA. He has it all in his personal HA database.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Interesting take on the LA Boycott of Arizona. Puddy still waiting on someone who’s read SB 1070 to show Puddy where it’s racist.
We know…
Odumba didn’t read it. Here are some of his lackeys in action proving Puddy’s point.
Eric Holder didn’t read it. He received his law review from the ACLU and newspapers.
Janet Napolitano didn’t read it. Who knows where she receives her info. Remember everything worked perfectly with the EunuchBomber actions. Remember the Almost NYC Bomber acted alone.
Assistant Secretary of State PJ Crowley didn’t read the law.
Michael Posner didn’t read it.
If fact at Posner’s presser the moron said this…
Random Reporter Question- “Did the recently passed Arizona immigration law come up? And, if so, did they bring it up or did you bring it up?”
Michael The Moron Posner – “We brought it up early and often. It was mentioned in the first session, and as a troubling trend in our society and an indication that we have to deal with issues of discrimination or potential discrimination, and that these are issues very much being debated in our own society.”
That proves Posner didn’t read the law but got his info from the ACLU and newspapers.
Then Odumba stands next to a man slapping America and the fool and the DUMMOCRAPTS in Congress stand up and cheer this moron from down south of the border? Puddy forgot to embed…
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
To The Raven…
Remember our conversation at Drunken Liberals Tuesday Night…
Cass Sunstein wrote about the need for “What can the government do about conspiracy theories, and what should it do? (1) Government might ban “conspiracy theories”, somehow defined. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help. Each instrument has a distinctive set of potential effects, or costs and benefits, and each will have a place under imaginable conditions. Our main policy claim here is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories, which involves a mix of (3), (4), and (5).”
Butt, did you notice in the opening paragraphs how many libtardo NYers were 9/11 Truthers like SOME ON THIS BLOG?
I apologize to PudPuller (though I recognize it probably won’t register with him as an apology).
Previously, I was only half serious when I said Pudpuller was one truly sick fuck, who needed to get some help.
It’s now beyond doubt that Pudpuller is profoundly ill, so ill he is now babbling to the ether.
So Pudpuller, I’m genuinely worried about you.
If this registers, if there’s any remnant of sanity left in there, please get help. OK? I mean it this time. Seriously.
Some fun comments on a Daily Pravda story in the PI; about the “males” who assualted a cop; obviously not white mails or the paper would have said their race. Must be hard to be so politically correct. I wonder how you can find a suspect if you cannot mention his skin color?
How about we add to Oba-Mao’s long list of nicknames a new one—FLOUNDER!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15
In 2012, when the Tea Party unleashes it’s attack on “Flounder’s” voting record, no cries of “racism” will save this Marxist from being held accountable from his ACTIONS.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Have you seen the latest Oba-Mao Flounder bumpersticker?
OBAMA–The Quicker Fucker Upper
Mr. Cynicalspews:
To the lameass effort of cnr and his fellow fringe lunatic lefty’s trying to discredit Rasmassen…I remind you that Rasmussen is actually slightly LEFT-leaning in recent races, especially in Mass. where they had it a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Republican State Attorney General Tom Corbett is near the critical 50% mark in his race against Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato for governor of Pennsylvania.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Pennsylvania, taken Wednesday night, finds Corbett earning 49% support to Onorato’s 36%. Four percent (4%) prefer another candidate in the race, and 10% remain undecided. Both men won their parties’ respective primaries on Tuesday.
Last month, Corbett posted a 45% to 36% lead over Onorato in a hypothetical match-up.
The Tea Party has yet to rev up the engines folks. Oba-Mao & his henchmen plus Reid/Pelosi have fueled anger with their ACTIONS!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Obama saved the U.S. from a second Great Depression, passed badly needed health reform, and equally badly needed financial reform, all in the teeth of opposition from a destructive political party that is trying to drag down the entire country, and you call him a fuckup? Sorry, Klown, but Obama is a savior and you wingnuts are world-class fuckups.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Another Democrat incumbent will bite the dust– Friday, May 21, 2010
Republican Rick Berg has moved past the 50% mark in support against incumbent Democratic Congressman Earl Pomeroy in North Dakota’s race for U.S. House of Representatives.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Berg picking up 52% support to Pomeroy’s 43%. Only two percent (2%) would vote for some other candidate, and three percent (3%) are undecided.
While the new results are similar to those found March just after Pomeroy’s vote for the national health care bill, the race was much closer last month, when Berg held a slim 49% to 45% edge.
Will the HA’ers are whining on the Blogs, the Tea Partiers are out recruiting amongst the masses. The Atheist Progressive movement has lost all steam and sense of direction….
mislead by FLOUNDER OBA-MAO!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
11. Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 Obama saved the U.S. from a second Great Depression, passed badly needed health reform, and equally badly needed financial reform, all in the teeth of opposition from a destructive political party that is trying to drag down the entire country, and you call him a fuckup? Sorry, Klown, but Obama is a savior and you wingnuts are world-class fuckups.
Seems like less people everyday agree with you Rog.
PS–How have you been feeling healthwise?
I want you to be around to watch Oba-Mao fall in complete disgrace in 2012.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I was reflecting a few minutes ago on my long career in state government and how it relates to the disgruntled elements of society comprising the tea party movement.
Working in the private sector is EASY. You have clearly defined goals: Sell something, fix something, satisfy the customer. For example, let’s say you sell lawn mowers, and a customer brings in a mower with a starting problem. What you have to do is extremely simple: Fix the mower, and get it back to the customers as quickly as possible, to make the customer happy.
Working for government is vastly more complicated and difficult. Let’s say you have an enforcement job with the state department of revenue, and you’re dealing with a small business owner who has failed to file tax returns or pay taxes. First of all, who is your customer? The agency you work for? Other taxpayers? The business owner? It’s not clear. And, if you think of the business owner as your customer, then customer satisfaction clearly is not the goal.
By their very nature, government activities often piss people off. The motorist who gets pulled over by a cop and cited for speeding isn’t happy with the cop or ticket. The farmer who has been cited for letting his cows wander into a salmon stream isn’t happy with the inspector who wrote him up. The abusive parent who’s had his children taken away from him by a state social worker isn’t happy with the heavy hand of goverment interfering in his family life.
Well, I got to thinking about this, and realized the government-hating tea partiers very likely are people who have had run-ins with government because they’re not law abiding, responsible, or well behaved. They’re probably the very people we hire government workers to protect us from.
That’s something to think about before you listen to people who bawl they want government off their backs or vote for the anti-government candidates they support. The tea partier who wants to cut the police budget may be the drunk driver who kills your daughter a few months from now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Seems like less people everyday agree with you Rog.”
They’re cloning you? There’s a bunch of little Cynicals running around? Shit. It’s gone from bad to worse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “PS–How have you been feeling healthwise?
I want you to be around to watch Oba-Mao fall in complete disgrace in 2012.”
Don’t give yourself a fucking aneurysm when he wins re-election, Klown. I’m worried about you — not sure you can handle disappointment of that magnitude. I mean, who are you GOPers going to run against him, Wall Street Baron Mitt Romney? The Wasilli Hick? Have you forgotten that you guys don’t have a candidate? Not to mention your party is a laughingstock? I don’t see this turning out well for you, Klown.
roger; you know why public jobs are harder? you work less and thus have more work per hour.
ps, i don’t want to cut any police or army or fire budgets; i want to cut gov’t spending on stupid stuff; fancy city halls, diversity programs, mandatory art, …all the crap that we can do on our own…..i can’t stop fires, but i can buy my own art, thank you.
16 – The teabaggers are only going to split the right wing vote.
The worst thing that can happen to the right wing is the teabaggers succeeding in placing their guy or gal on the White House ticket.
Please.. Let it be so. The country will recoil in HORROR!
How many hard core Republicans voted for Obama after Palin? Lots and lots!
Only the wealthy are worthy of viewing something of beauty. What do you think this is europe or pre-Reagan America or something?
The Republicans are going to blow what little cash they have protecting their incumbents in primary fights. I can’t wait!
Rand Paulspews:
Howdy Ya’ll – fuck the crippled and ya’ll have every right to use the “N” word, it’s your freedom of speech god darn it.
Why did my tax dollars to put fish art on the freeway towards Issaquah?
Why does the federal government restrict my salt intake?
Why does Seattle get to jam a cell tower into my neighborhood?
Why do i have to wear a seat belt?
Why do we pay people not to farm?
Why can’t i buy distilled alcohol at a regular store?
1. Because your friends and neighbors voted rather overwhelmingly and went to pubic meeting and testified for it. And they voted, again rather overwhelmingly, for state Reps and Senators that support that sort of thing.
2. Do you have to give a weekly blood sample at your work place? Will the salt police come to your home if you go outside their guidelines?
3. Why not let whomever wants to cram a cell tower in your neighborhood do so. Why not let 20 folks cram 20 towers in your neighborhood?
4. Because when you use a public resource you agree to abide by the rules the public settled on when using that resource. And the public has said for a lot of reasons that they want people using seat belts.
5. Good question!
6. Because, historically, the public has said that they want greater restrictions regulation on the hard stuff than they do on beer and wine. This might be changing in the near future.
You know we used to surround houses with cops and just wait for the guy to come out, but that would make bad TV.
DETROIT — The house where Aiyana Stanley-Jones lived on the East Side here is quiet now, a makeshift memorial of teddy bears and balloons on the porch where the police lobbed a stun grenade through the front window last Sunday. They were looking for a 34-year-old homicide suspect.
The police were being shadowed by a camera crew from a reality television show, “The First 48.”
But Aiyana, 7, asleep for the night on a sofa under the window, died from a bullet to the neck
ah michael, yeah i know someone passed a law, its rhetorical
1. nobody i know went to a meeting and demanded metal fish on the freeways
2. obama will limit the ingredients in the food we eat; why does the government have to be involved in my food, beyond assuring its not filled w botulism or poison?
3. if my neighborhood wants to regulate ourselves (local govt) why does the federal government override us; other than fair housing and equal protection, they have no right
4. yea, its creeping socialism; regulate the cell calls in the car because that impacts others; if i die cuz of a missing seat belt, that was my choice
6. in this states its combo of nanny state, bolshevism and dullness (oh yeah, protecting the unions). it makes zero sense.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Hey Zotz you moron, come to a DL on a Tuesday night and say it to my face fool!
The only deranged idiots around here besides the arschloch and rujax is you fool!
Lata idiot!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
I’m poking around to put a number on the extent of your obsession with the database. THAT will be amusing.
Go for it arschloch. We discussed your “database” at Tuesday’s DL. One comment was “Why? There’s Google”. It’s because you are one sick dude with nuthin to do being a “progressive”.
Check your “vaulted” database for that you idiot!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Hey Zotz,
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 28
You didn’t include me in your list of “deranged idiots.” I hope that was mere oversight and not intentional; I’d really feel left out if it was intentional.
1. We passed a pubic arts law. While you may not know anyone that voted for it, or stumped for it many did. They also voted into office people that support public arts. Don’t like it, change the law, vote the bums out.
2. The ingredients in your food were regulated long before Obammy go into office. I eat very little in the way of processed foods. Don’t like it, don’t eat processed foods. You can put all the salt you want in your homemade peanut butter. Or move to some third world shit hole. Anywhere nice on the planet regulates the food More than we do in America.
3. Federal law trumps state and local. Always has. Still trying to fight the Civil War?
4. The public decides the rules on how someone can or can’t use public resources. Got a better idea? Fatality accidents tie up traffic and cost the public a ton of cash, seat belts lower the number of fatality accidents. I thought you righties didn’t like paying taxes?
5. Hey look, something we might agree on. It’s a shame you left it blank.
6. Don’t like it then change the law. It almost happened in the last legislative session. Changes like this sometimes take a couple of go-rounds before they take.
I’d like to see the liquor stores stay, but I’d also like to see places that sell beer and wine and happen to be near a micro-distillery like Dry Fly over in Spokane be able to carry that micro-distilleries product.
With low growth, low birthrates and longer life expectancies, Europe can no longer afford its comfortable lifestyle, at least not without a period of austerity and significant changes. The countries are trying to reassure investors by cutting salaries, raising legal retirement ages, increasing work hours and reducing health benefits and pensions.
“We’re now in rescue mode,” said Carl Bildt, Sweden’s foreign minister. “But we need to transition to the reform mode very soon. The ‘reform deficit’ is the real problem,” he said, pointing to the need for structural change.
Crisis Imperils Liberal Benefits Long Expected by Europeans
How many times have the HA faithful assured us that Europe has the right model?
Does this sound like Greece. Must be F’n Nice 13 Trillion and 2.6 Trillion more this year. I thought Drunkin sailors spent too damn much, but nooooooo not compared to guvmnt suckers
Monsanto, out of the goodnes of their hearts donates 475 tons of GMO corn and veggie seeds to the poorest farmers on earth. These seeds are designed to be sterile. Farmers cannot save seeds from one year to the next. They become slaves to the seed patent holder. The seeds also contaminate the original heritage crops, destroying them. Multi-nationals will end up owning the rights to all seedcrops on the globe. These GMO crops have been controlled or banned accross the planet by responsible countries. But not in the good ole US where money rules.
1. public arts law is stupid in that it forces funding of really stupid stuff; we are pissing away millions on worthless art
2. gov’t has no right to limit my salt intake. period.
3. fcc trumps local/state. neighbor gets to install a 100 foot nasty shortwave tower, even though everything else is illegal. surprised libs allow this nonsense
4. gov’t has no right to tell me to use a seatbelt….only w/ socialized medicine and big gov’t do they get to back into controlling this (“gee our costs of healthcare go up cuz of people thrown out of the car”0
5 agree
6. Stupid liquor store laws. A left wing town filled w/ dopers can’t join the 21st century. We look backwards.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Proud Leftist prove Puddy wrong above.
Did anyone in Odumba’s administration read the law?
Of course under Federal immigration law there is no requirement for a lawful stop and detention prior to any questions about the person’s legal status. – In the Arizona law, there is.
Of course under the Federal immigration law there is no requirement whether a police person can consider the person’s race in determining whether to inquire about a suspect’s immigration status. – In the Arizona law, there is.
Of course under the Federal immigration law there is no requirement of reasonable suspicion to inquire about the person’s immigration status. – In the Arizona law, there is.
Of course to Zots none of that it matters Proud Leftist. He’s a moron of the prime order. You pinheads doesn’t oppose the law on Constitutional grounds. That would blow your sorry ASSes out of the water. Instead you libtardos oppose it because these illegal aliens serve a larger political and progressive multicultural agenda.
So…er….when do the “Death Panels”(tm) start? Let’s ask Sarah Palin. ROTFLMAO
Maybe the week after Obama and his secret Kenyan army outlaws Christianity? Or two weeks after guns are outlawed and the black FEMA helicopters swoop in to confiscate them all? ROTFMALO
Now that the health care bill passed, and we no longer have “freedom”(tm), how is everyone’s life going? ROTFLMAO
Now that Iowa has gay marriage, I assume heterosexual Iowans have stopped getting married or having children. Same with Massachusetts, the state that has had gay marriage the longest. They MUST have the highest divorce rate in the nation? What? Lowest? Huh. ROTFLMAO
With the “attack on religion”, how many of you out there have had your local church shutdown by the government now? All of you? 50%? I assume the government has come into your house to take your bible? ROTFLMAO
You can’t fix stupid.
proud leftistspews:
38: “You can’t fix stupid.”
Indeed, you can’t. But, you sure as hell can find amusement in stupid.
You made a little vocabulary usage error in one of your comments.
I did a search.
You’ve made the same mistake in at least 36 comments. (I don’t have April or May compiled yet.) So this is not just a simple one time thing. It’s baked in.
Let’s see if you can find it. Otherwise I’ll just poke a bit of fun at you every time you repeat it.
Let’s see that “edumucation” of yours!
@14: That was profound, Roger.
@25: Fuck, he’s (its) stupid!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
arschloch… Four people at Tuesday’s Drinking Libtardos heard a certain person ask that question fool. Why not ask your question to peeps who were there?
Of course being a laughing hyena arschloch, you won’t ask!
FREAKED OUT? From a dumb brick who can’t use a box of matches? Who, when used the vaulted DB the first time couldn’t perform a chronological equation on Mike Webb?
You are the lowest of the lowlifes on HA you stupid moron! So far Puddy has counted 97 HA lefty lowlifes!
Oh and Puddy doesn’t do your bidding fool!
@30: Tag! You’re it!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Yep you can’t fix stupid, except when you listen to the health care rationing coming to a hospital near you. Just what Sarah Palin said was coming in her book which libtardos went nutzo over…
Since health care would have to be rationed if it were promised to everyone, it would therefore lead to harm for many individuals not able to receive the government care.
By the truth you’ll be set free.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Oh BTW arschloch, those four peeps also saw Puddy give the $$$ to Goldy. Why not match Puddy’s gift to keep HA going so Puddy can smack your ASS some more?
Of course the laughing hyena arschloch won’t; you are a cheep bastard huh?
Stupes, I contributed to Goldy’s fund drive before you did and probably more times.
And I’m going to keep giving because I believe in what Goldy’s doing. He’s an engaging and entertaining read.
What do you believe in?
Need I ask? I’ll say because it bears repeating:
Right wing bullshit and the legend in your own “mind”..
G’night fool! The count of your idiotic usage still stands at 37 and I’ll update when I have April in the database. I’m tuning my code like it’s a freaking stock car.
Why does the federal government restrict my salt intake?
Please explain.
I have four kinds of salt in my pantry. Lots of it. No one’s been checking my intake.
obama/fda considering limiting salt in foods. Its bad for 2 reasons; a) its none of the gov’t business whether i have too much salt, or pepper, or thyme in my food, b) we’re broke…its a frivolous item to have bureaucrats working the salt issue; spend our scare tax revenue elsewhere
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
I’m tuning my code like it’s a freaking stock car.
You are a dumb brick freak so what’s new arschloch… Remember four people at Tuesday’s Drinking Libtardos heard a certain person ask “Why? There’s Google”.
Talk about obsessions. Do you obsess about the junior arschlochs getting into college, or, will they be as stupid as you demonstrate here on HA?
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Jason, Did you read the Arizona law? And since their law is more restrictive than the US law Puddy is wondering where’s da beef Jason?
Show Puddy where the law is more openly racist than the federal law.
Puddy will wait.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Trying to discuss facts with Jason Osgood is similar to dealing with the dumb brick arschloch…
Either Jason doesn’t read much or he forgets what he reads in a 24 hour span.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
“NYPD officials are frustrated with the Department of Homeland Security’s delay in releasing funds that the Finest badly need for the prevention of a “dirty bomb” attack.
The Police Department said it has been trying since last fall to obtain an $8 million federal grant for a radiation detection system, which would instantly read data from 4,500 sensors in cop cars across the region to intercept vehicles carrying explosive devices.”
It’s because Odumba and his disciples want mayhem to get their “plans” in place or they have no clue at all!
#2 – the product of the ass-end of the right wing idiot machine that manufactures right wing idiots from the ranks of the silly, the gullible, the credulous, the fearful, the foolish, the angry, the resentful – like freaking widgets!
Remember four people at Tuesday’s Drinking Libtardos heard a certain person ask “Why? There’s Google”.
You really believe I need anyone’s approval to do what I fucking please within the limits I set for myself?
What a freaking idiot!
Dr. Drespews:
Dr. Drespews:
so while YLB’s wife works all day, he obsesses over HA code instead of looking for a job..LMFAO
nice marriage.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Dr Dre…
For the arschloch can you say
D I P S H I T?
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
The arschloch product of the HorsesASS-end of Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat Progressive moronic idiot machine that manufactures left wing idiots from the ranks of the silly, the gullible, the incredulous, the fearful, the strange, the dumb, the foolish, the angry, the resentful – like freaking widgets!
To be clear, YLB, who could be volunteering his time if work isn’t possible, instead spends it building what is essentially an enemies list for HA. Far more Nixonian than Progressive, that’s for sure.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
who could be volunteering his time
The arschloch would be rejected.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Puddy guesses Jason Osgood didn’t read the Arizona law and he didn’t know about the FDA and their salt decisions.
Yet he’ll be in your face asking questions about topics he knows little about!
Rand Paulspews:
Can you say Implosion?
Actually, the process for limiting salt in processed foods goes back to 2005. Started under W, implemented under Obammy.
Oops, hit submit too soon.
FDA has not exercised its regulatory authority to limit the amount of salt added to processed foods; however, the agency is conducting research in this area. In 2005, the Center for Science in the Public Interest submitted a Citizen’s Petition to FDA requesting that the agency make changes to the regulatory status of salt, including requiring limits on the amount of salt in processed food. In November 2007, FDA held a public hearing in College Park, Md., on the agency’s policies regarding salt in food, and solicited comments from the public about future regulatory approaches.
The just released IOM stating that we should lower the amount of salt in processed foods was started in 2008.
So far we got a dumbass bigot with the mentality of junior high, a wannabe hit man and a batshit insane fiend..
Well… What can I say? Someone’s gotta do it.
proud leftistspews:
Who would you propose as the Top Ten All-Time HA Trolls? There have been so many that dart in and out; the criteria for all-timers is not easily stated. Is it longevity? Could a one-hit wonder make the list if the stain left has enough stench?
go for itspews:
@74 I’m obviously on the right track..
Personally, I eagerly await your project’s completion and HA’s revelation of troll identities. go for it, ylb!
@75 PL and YLB
Though an infrequent visitor here any more, I like your idea. If y’all would take nominations, I’d propose – from your side of the street – the late, very unlamented, byebyegop. Biggest troll, and most miserable piece of human dung imaginable. You have to admit, that there have been few more rancid individuals ever on HA. Don’t know what ever happened to him/her/it, parents finally kicked him out? but I’m sure it was well deserved.
Not the least interested in the troll’s true identities. They’ll stay anonymous. Let me repeat.
They stay anonymous. I really don’t care who they are.
I’m interested in their obsessive compulsive behavior and their addiction to a bankrupt ideology.
I’m curious at how the big picture of this strange message board community of trolls looks after a good examination. I believe the picture that’s eventually drawn will be both funny and horrifying.
@76, @78 – They stay anonymous
Meaning what exactly? You/HA will have determined people’s identities with your smart software/database, but will choose to keep them anonymous until you don’t? I didn’t think you could do this.
This is all off the top of my head. I’ve been knee deep in code lately and haven’t read as much troll stuff as I should.
77 – I have to mostly agree. ByebyeGop’s stuff was more often than not painful to read and I think his style very often hurt the progressive cause here. I appreciated his linking to the good progressive news from MSNBC but beyond that.. not so much.
proud leftistspews:
Good list. The various Marks deserve mention. Of course, Ricky D. has penned under a number of names, which hardly distinguishes him from other trolls, I suppose. We have this Dr. Dre character currently who seems to want to make a play for the team. I remember someone really vile, like pnr, or something like that. Real hateful character, with nothing to say. That hardly distinguishes him, I guess. You should run your data by a social psychologist when it is compiled. Fascinating insights would surely ensue.
79 – Uhhh.. No the stuff I’ve coded up doesn’t turn an anonymous troll into a flesh and blood human being. Any conclusions drawn are based purely on stuff you see in both the day to day as well as the totality of threads.
What I’ve done is what anyone could do if they bothered to take the time and trouble.
If a troll somehow reveals their true identity through a slip of some kind – again, I’m not interested in finding that. If I did find something like that, I would not reveal it.
81 – Absolutely, the mark brothers deserve special mention:
The Real Mark, who made an ass of himself haranguing the other marks to leave his handle alone. and prognosticating and ending up totally wrong and looking like a total loser. He has at least been smart enough to stay away.
marks – who was ok on some days, pretty obnoxious on others.
Mark the Redneck – Yikes, how could I have left him out?
and the odious turd – Mark1.
Yes, prr was a pretty vile one.
And yep the moronic bigot is making a strong play for Puddybud’s spot for the LEAST amongst this latter day breed of trolls.
proud leftistspews:
Hey, trolls,
Ramp it up, guys (and maybe gals)! We’ve got some competition going here. Put your best foot forward (into your mouth). Be remembered. You surely won’t be remembered at whatever else it is you’re doing in your life.
How come it took this leftist fool over a week to do the correct thing??
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has issued a formal apology for inaccurately portraying his military service during the Vietnam War — nearly a week after the Democratic candidate for Senate was first confronted with allegations of misleading voters. Blumenthal said in an e-mail to The Hartford Courant late Sunday that he has taken “responsibility” for his statements.
“I have made mistakes and I am sorry. I truly regret offending anyone,” he said. “I will always champion the cause of Connecticut’s and our nation’s veterans.”
Blumenthal is under fire for saying, on several occasions, that he served in the Vietnam War when he was a Marine reservist who never left U.S. soil. He held a press conference last Tuesday to express regret for the claims. But he did not formally apologize at the time and claimed that public misstatements about his Vietnam service, first published in The New York Times, were unintentional and rare. Since the Times report was published, local newspapers have unearthed more statements showing Blumenthal claiming he served “in” the Vietnam War, as opposed to during it.
Much better than Odumba who nevver admits his mistakes..just calls it “misspeaking”
This is why the Left will collapse…failure to take accountability in a timely fashion.
I hope the Tea Party & Vets descend upon Conn. for the election in November.
Allow me to save Cynical the trouble this AM
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18. That’s the president’s lowest rating since the health care bill became law in March.
Following passage of health care, enthusiasm for the president among Democrats soared. Today, however, just 49% of Democrats Strongly Approve of Obama’s performance. That’s down from a high of 65%.
@82 What I’ve done is what anyone could do if they bothered to take the time and trouble.
Yea, and didn’t have jobs in order to (a) provide for themselves and their families, and (b) to pay the taxes necessary to help the more needy in the state including the “unemployed but don’t want to work” – like you. That’s some gig you’ve got going YLB.
I guess we can add Erica to the idiot troll list:
Allow me to inform you Erica: Rasmusseen is not a reputable pollster, period. Anyone who quotes Rasmussen opinion polls is ignorant and a fool. Welcome.
If you took Rasmussens biased data and put in the numbers under Bush, you would get much worse numbers.
Klynical never bothered to put that up either.
@46: hahaha Puddy the idiot is at it again.
Sarah Palin and you have two things in common – you are both way above yor heads on politics and you both lie.
As if we do not have rationing rigth now in health care – what is the first thing they ask you for in the hospital? An insurance card.
The idea that the sickest people should be treated first and that we should do preventative care for all is just sooooo scary – that the rightwingnuts cannot fathom it.
Common sense is too hard for the idiot rightwingers to understand.
Tenderhands YLBleeder apparently does have a job: internet stalker.
goldy, you should be concerned about this.
Government is boring and takes forever to do anything. There was no way the salt thing could have started under Obama and gotten this far this quickly. It just took a little digging around to find that stuff. It looked like regulating salt in processed foods was first mentioned back in the mid 70’s.
@96 Heh- salt. It’s just another manifestation of that “truther” mentality of theirs that they seem to need to project onto us.
Gig? Hmmm. Interesting. Where have I heard that word recently? Dope, meathead, dumb bunny, now gig. Interesting.
What in the f*** are you talking about?
I’m a rare visitor to HA, and you’re clearly a head case. What normal person would spend all their time tracking and building a repository of people’s identities for the purpose of what, blackmail? Your assurances above are bogus, and you know it.
Heh.. Yes indeed until last Thursday or so you were kind of scarce.. Since end of Feb was it not?
I enjoyed your little tag team with the braindead bigot. Oh what a coincidence. He’s back for another handoff..
Was it “michael not Michael” last week? But then you DID capitalize the M to call DL a “dope” did you not? Or someone else some other name. I’ll look it up later.
building a repository of people’s identities for the purpose of what, blackmail?
Oh my. Sigh… Entertainment only. Indentities? Only interested in your comment thread personality. I truly DON’T.WANT.TO.KNOW who you are.
Goldy and Darryl only nominally police these threads. Here, you can be “yourself”. Isn’t that right?
If this is the place you come to be “yourself”. Why would any decent person want to know who you are?
Entertainment for me. Something else for you it seems.
Keep going but again it’s totally up to you. Your call.
You are a head case. And some of those other readers up above have you absolutely pegged re: your tracking of identities. You’re not being honest about that. Not cool, dude.
Meaning what exactly? You/HA will have determined people’s identities with your smart software/database,
This query from hit squad gal deserves some comment.
I’m NOT affiliated with Goldy or any other HA blogger. I’ve met Goldy and few other HA bloggers but I actually haven’t been in direct contact with any of them for a number of years.
I’m just another comment thread guy like almost everyone else here.
HA has outed only one troll to my recollection – Kevin Carns of the odious Speakers Roundtable and Goldy never revealed his comment thread name. Only two trolls have been banned – the totally ridiculous and OCD JCH and Marvin Stamn.
These comment threads are as safe a place as any for right wing trolls. It’s why it’s been such a troll magnet over the years. And the trolls know that.
Might as well have some fun at troll expense. The trolls have never been shy about dishing it out in the other direction.
How long before YLB hands over some personal info to someone like Rujax for one his “midnight visits”??
Oooh.. The mental dwarf bigot is scaaared.. Spinning his braindead bigoted fantasies.
Ignorant and silly..
yo! from the moonspews:
Taking time out from late-breakfast pitchers at Roethke’s Blue Moon to goad Dr. Darryl into a discussion of paleodemography. Break that big word down for us, Darryl. Tell us (in little words we can understand) what you’ve learned.
Here, for the second or third time, is a useful J-curve. This one, unlike Michael Mann’s global warming hockey stick, is the real deal. It’s from Nobel-winner Solow’s review of Gregory Clark’s book about turning Malthus upside down.
The graph’s inflection point corresponds to the first sustained rise in real income in the known history of homo spaiens. Although the ag revolution of ~10,000 years ago may have achieved a similar spike in real income, Clark notes that many hunter-gatherer groups during the ag era were better fed and longer-lived than were agriculturalists.
The spike in income that began 200 years ago also corresponds to increased longevity. Before 1800, for most or all cultures and for most or all of our history, lifespans were flatline flat. Malthus ruled. For thousands of years we were leveled by Malthusian mortality. Then, at about the moment Malthus published, Malthusianism began to perish.
Caveat: In swaths of sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Latin America, lifespans are probably shorter now than they were in 1800.
Very interesting.
Dr. Drespews:
@105? scared? no.
but concerned that some of you freaks will decide to get drunk one night and let your little mental condition get the best of you.
I have kids, and dont need a “midnight visit” to the house, especially if I am not home.
trust me, I can handle anybody here, and have the firepower to back that statement up – I just dont want my kids dealing with you fanatics. I have seen your type in action couple of times – most notably at WTO. Fanatical progressives accosting 50 year old secretaries just trying to get the hell out the area. You see, its what you people are all about: you always resort to violence, that is until someone puts you in your place.
you wanna go dance sometime, just name a place.
Dr. Drespews:
@107…ya, coming from the “man”(and I use that term loosely) who wont find a job, wont help take care of the kid, and who hasnt left his basement in three weeks.
Fanatical progressives accosting 50 year old secretaries …
and over-the-hill old trolls like moi. Couldn’t get to work at Key Tower for days. Others already in Key Tower couldn’t get out.
That’s how left-wingers wing it for the working class.
carns and stamn. oh damn.spews:
The only one here I’m afraid of is Dr. Darryl. Mostly because he beat me down on a thread and because I then called him names … I mean, what else could I do? Then I linked him to the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers of yore.
Figure the dude wants to share a pitcher becuase he wants to stuff me in it. Wouldn’t stand a chance against an alpha male like him.
proud leftistspews:
Re: Dr. Dre’s post at 109
Further evidence that the phenomenon most commonly at work in wingnuttia thinking is paranoia.
These comment threads are as safe a place as any for right wing trolls. It’s why it’s been such a troll magnet over the years. And the trolls know that.
Great, then you won’t mind bringing your source code to DL tomorrow and sharing with us. The only way you could have the identity information you claim to have is through detailed HA log data. You want to put this to rest, be there code in hand.
And incidentally, I’m no troll, though some of them are very good friends – I voted for Obama. Privacy issues are a hot topic for me.
but concerned that some of you freaks will decide to get drunk one night and let your little mental condition get the best of you.
109 – Too fucking stupid for words!
WTO? The silly anarchists from Eugene got the little bigot so sceeered..
WTO. How long ago was that?
Since then the country turned from majority right wing to majority a bit more sane than the right wing (although weak-kneed) and the bigot is so sceeered of progressives. You know people who favor some more government spending on education, infrastructure and health care (especially for veterans of Bush’s miserable wars) over recreational wars of choice, manufacturing terrorists through torture and other outrages and war profiteering.
Internet stalking? What a frightened dolt. This is the only place on the net I hang. And I have not the slightest interest in following a worthless ignorant bigoted right wing name-caller ANYWHERE.. If you want to stay here and indulge yourself as you’ve been doing then you’re going to get some surly attitude. Deal with it. Poor baby.
I feel sorry for your kids bigot to have such a craphead for a father.
So continue your miserable crusade here bigot and I and others will continue to laugh at your ignorance, your mean-spiritedness and your paranoia. You’re a credit to the right wing. Your kind make our point every day.
Thank you for that.
And it appears you’re the half-man behind the curtain of the hit squad – all your personalities seem to share your ignorant fear of being outed. Calm bigot, calm.. Put away your pop gun.
whachoo talking ’bout, ylb? you dissing sock puppet me or the other sock puppet, the docta?
The only way you could have the identity information you claim to have is through detailed HA log data
Wow. What a treat you are!
Identity information. When did I claim that?
Log data? Uhh.. no… Just comment threads dolt – which are in the public sphere.. Trolls reveal plenty through their antics here and that’s all I’m interested in.
If you REALLY BELIEVE I have access to HA log data then take it up with Goldy. HE’s at DL every week. He’d have to be complicit and I already told you – his track record of coming back at trolls is almost non-existent.
What a child… You want to see some of my code? Read my blog. I’ve even posted some of it here in the threads. No I’m not going to make a DL appearance to calm your silly fears.
Privacy issues are a hot topic for me.
Then don’t post stupid, abusive stuff in blog comment threads. That’s not the least bit private. That’s just inviting others to come back at you.
Now who’s the head case? You take something for your paranoid schizophrenia? While you’re at it, take something for you dumbassedness.
Nope not addressing you. I have to admit, it appears to me you have a bit more on the ball than some of these other “dopes” and “meatheads” I’m addressing at the moment.
Then again, you could be them.. Anything’s possible in anonymous troll land.
appears to me you have a bit more on the ball
Please leave my balls out of this.
Have tried to tell you that you have better trolls than you deserve. If you can’t show us the respect we deserve, at least try to give us some gratitude.
120 – Don’t flatter yourself. The expression refers to baseball if I’m not mistaken (pitching in particular, again iinm) not the human male genitalia.
I have better trolls? Moi… Heh.. This coming from a troll.
As for gratitude, I thanked the braindead bigot above for being such a credit to the right wing cause. Of course I was being mocking/sarcastic/facetious/disingenuous, whathaveyou..
John McCain. The “Maverick.” May he rest in peace. (Actually, might he have a little indigestion before he rests in peace for having spewed Sarah Palin upon us.)
Puddy agrees with this. Ask the arschloch for the original posting on HA. He has it all in his personal HA database.
Interesting take on the LA Boycott of Arizona. Puddy still waiting on someone who’s read SB 1070 to show Puddy where it’s racist.
We know…
Odumba didn’t read it. Here are some of his lackeys in action proving Puddy’s point.
Eric Holder didn’t read it. He received his law review from the ACLU and newspapers.
Janet Napolitano didn’t read it. Who knows where she receives her info. Remember everything worked perfectly with the EunuchBomber actions. Remember the Almost NYC Bomber acted alone.
Assistant Secretary of State PJ Crowley didn’t read the law.
Michael Posner didn’t read it.
If fact at Posner’s presser the moron said this…
Random Reporter Question- “Did the recently passed Arizona immigration law come up? And, if so, did they bring it up or did you bring it up?”
Michael The Moron Posner – “We brought it up early and often. It was mentioned in the first session, and as a troubling trend in our society and an indication that we have to deal with issues of discrimination or potential discrimination, and that these are issues very much being debated in our own society.”
That proves Posner didn’t read the law but got his info from the ACLU and newspapers.
Then Odumba stands next to a man slapping America and the fool and the DUMMOCRAPTS in Congress stand up and cheer this moron from down south of the border? Puddy forgot to embed…!
To The Raven…
Remember our conversation at Drunken Liberals Tuesday Night…
Cass Sunstein wrote about the need for “What can the government do about conspiracy theories, and what should it do? (1) Government might ban “conspiracy theories”, somehow defined. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help. Each instrument has a distinctive set of potential effects, or costs and benefits, and each will have a place under imaginable conditions. Our main policy claim here is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories, which involves a mix of (3), (4), and (5).”
Butt, did you notice in the opening paragraphs how many libtardo NYers were 9/11 Truthers like SOME ON THIS BLOG?
Maybe this is the start of it now by Congressman Anthony Weiner!
The Raven… another link to the paper and the Huff Po since you discount all other sources. And of course that old lefty favorite Greenwald.
Sunstein IS A SCARY GUY in OIRA!
You know what?
I apologize to PudPuller (though I recognize it probably won’t register with him as an apology).
Previously, I was only half serious when I said Pudpuller was one truly sick fuck, who needed to get some help.
It’s now beyond doubt that Pudpuller is profoundly ill, so ill he is now babbling to the ether.
So Pudpuller, I’m genuinely worried about you.
If this registers, if there’s any remnant of sanity left in there, please get help. OK? I mean it this time. Seriously.
Some fun comments on a Daily Pravda story in the PI; about the “males” who assualted a cop; obviously not white mails or the paper would have said their race. Must be hard to be so politically correct. I wonder how you can find a suspect if you cannot mention his skin color?
How about we add to Oba-Mao’s long list of nicknames a new one—FLOUNDER!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
In 2012, when the Tea Party unleashes it’s attack on “Flounder’s” voting record, no cries of “racism” will save this Marxist from being held accountable from his ACTIONS.
Have you seen the latest Oba-Mao Flounder bumpersticker?
OBAMA–The Quicker Fucker Upper
To the lameass effort of cnr and his fellow fringe lunatic lefty’s trying to discredit Rasmassen…I remind you that Rasmussen is actually slightly LEFT-leaning in recent races, especially in Mass. where they had it a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points!
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Tea Party has yet to rev up the engines folks. Oba-Mao & his henchmen plus Reid/Pelosi have fueled anger with their ACTIONS!!
@9 Obama saved the U.S. from a second Great Depression, passed badly needed health reform, and equally badly needed financial reform, all in the teeth of opposition from a destructive political party that is trying to drag down the entire country, and you call him a fuckup? Sorry, Klown, but Obama is a savior and you wingnuts are world-class fuckups.
Another Democrat incumbent will bite the dust–
Friday, May 21, 2010
Will the HA’ers are whining on the Blogs, the Tea Partiers are out recruiting amongst the masses. The Atheist Progressive movement has lost all steam and sense of direction….
mislead by FLOUNDER OBA-MAO!
11. Roger Rabbit spews:
Seems like less people everyday agree with you Rog.
PS–How have you been feeling healthwise?
I want you to be around to watch Oba-Mao fall in complete disgrace in 2012.
I was reflecting a few minutes ago on my long career in state government and how it relates to the disgruntled elements of society comprising the tea party movement.
Working in the private sector is EASY. You have clearly defined goals: Sell something, fix something, satisfy the customer. For example, let’s say you sell lawn mowers, and a customer brings in a mower with a starting problem. What you have to do is extremely simple: Fix the mower, and get it back to the customers as quickly as possible, to make the customer happy.
Working for government is vastly more complicated and difficult. Let’s say you have an enforcement job with the state department of revenue, and you’re dealing with a small business owner who has failed to file tax returns or pay taxes. First of all, who is your customer? The agency you work for? Other taxpayers? The business owner? It’s not clear. And, if you think of the business owner as your customer, then customer satisfaction clearly is not the goal.
By their very nature, government activities often piss people off. The motorist who gets pulled over by a cop and cited for speeding isn’t happy with the cop or ticket. The farmer who has been cited for letting his cows wander into a salmon stream isn’t happy with the inspector who wrote him up. The abusive parent who’s had his children taken away from him by a state social worker isn’t happy with the heavy hand of goverment interfering in his family life.
Well, I got to thinking about this, and realized the government-hating tea partiers very likely are people who have had run-ins with government because they’re not law abiding, responsible, or well behaved. They’re probably the very people we hire government workers to protect us from.
That’s something to think about before you listen to people who bawl they want government off their backs or vote for the anti-government candidates they support. The tea partier who wants to cut the police budget may be the drunk driver who kills your daughter a few months from now.
@13 “Seems like less people everyday agree with you Rog.”
They’re cloning you? There’s a bunch of little Cynicals running around? Shit. It’s gone from bad to worse.
@13 “PS–How have you been feeling healthwise?
I want you to be around to watch Oba-Mao fall in complete disgrace in 2012.”
Don’t give yourself a fucking aneurysm when he wins re-election, Klown. I’m worried about you — not sure you can handle disappointment of that magnitude. I mean, who are you GOPers going to run against him, Wall Street Baron Mitt Romney? The Wasilli Hick? Have you forgotten that you guys don’t have a candidate? Not to mention your party is a laughingstock? I don’t see this turning out well for you, Klown.
roger; you know why public jobs are harder? you work less and thus have more work per hour.
ps, i don’t want to cut any police or army or fire budgets; i want to cut gov’t spending on stupid stuff; fancy city halls, diversity programs, mandatory art, …all the crap that we can do on our own…..i can’t stop fires, but i can buy my own art, thank you.
Poor Stupes. Keeps barking orders at people to check with me to back his horseshit.
Sorry Stupes. Only one person has asked me something and it had NOTHING.TO.DO.WITH.YOU.
The database is for my amusement alone, not the approval of others.
I’m poking around to put a number on the extent of your obsession with the database. THAT will be amusing.
So let’s get this straight. Wrongon wants ugly public buildings and only white people people to work in government so…
1) People perceive government as an eysore.
2) Government serves only the interests of the declining white majority.
The teabagger mentality more or less.
16 – The teabaggers are only going to split the right wing vote.
The worst thing that can happen to the right wing is the teabaggers succeeding in placing their guy or gal on the White House ticket.
Please.. Let it be so. The country will recoil in HORROR!
How many hard core Republicans voted for Obama after Palin? Lots and lots!
Only the wealthy are worthy of viewing something of beauty. What do you think this is europe or pre-Reagan America or something?
The Republicans are going to blow what little cash they have protecting their incumbents in primary fights. I can’t wait!
Howdy Ya’ll – fuck the crippled and ya’ll have every right to use the “N” word, it’s your freedom of speech god darn it.
Why did my tax dollars to put fish art on the freeway towards Issaquah?
Why does the federal government restrict my salt intake?
Why does Seattle get to jam a cell tower into my neighborhood?
Why do i have to wear a seat belt?
Why do we pay people not to farm?
Why can’t i buy distilled alcohol at a regular store?
1. Because your friends and neighbors voted rather overwhelmingly and went to pubic meeting and testified for it. And they voted, again rather overwhelmingly, for state Reps and Senators that support that sort of thing.
2. Do you have to give a weekly blood sample at your work place? Will the salt police come to your home if you go outside their guidelines?
3. Why not let whomever wants to cram a cell tower in your neighborhood do so. Why not let 20 folks cram 20 towers in your neighborhood?
4. Because when you use a public resource you agree to abide by the rules the public settled on when using that resource. And the public has said for a lot of reasons that they want people using seat belts.
5. Good question!
6. Because, historically, the public has said that they want greater restrictions regulation on the hard stuff than they do on beer and wine. This might be changing in the near future.
You know we used to surround houses with cops and just wait for the guy to come out, but that would make bad TV.
ah michael, yeah i know someone passed a law, its rhetorical
1. nobody i know went to a meeting and demanded metal fish on the freeways
2. obama will limit the ingredients in the food we eat; why does the government have to be involved in my food, beyond assuring its not filled w botulism or poison?
3. if my neighborhood wants to regulate ourselves (local govt) why does the federal government override us; other than fair housing and equal protection, they have no right
4. yea, its creeping socialism; regulate the cell calls in the car because that impacts others; if i die cuz of a missing seat belt, that was my choice
6. in this states its combo of nanny state, bolshevism and dullness (oh yeah, protecting the unions). it makes zero sense.
Hey Zotz you moron, come to a DL on a Tuesday night and say it to my face fool!
The only deranged idiots around here besides the arschloch and rujax is you fool!
Lata idiot!
Go for it arschloch. We discussed your “database” at Tuesday’s DL. One comment was “Why? There’s Google”. It’s because you are one sick dude with nuthin to do being a “progressive”.
Check your “vaulted” database for that you idiot!
Hey Zotz,
Puddy @ 28
You didn’t include me in your list of “deranged idiots.” I hope that was mere oversight and not intentional; I’d really feel left out if it was intentional.
1. We passed a pubic arts law. While you may not know anyone that voted for it, or stumped for it many did. They also voted into office people that support public arts. Don’t like it, change the law, vote the bums out.
2. The ingredients in your food were regulated long before Obammy go into office. I eat very little in the way of processed foods. Don’t like it, don’t eat processed foods. You can put all the salt you want in your homemade peanut butter. Or move to some third world shit hole. Anywhere nice on the planet regulates the food More than we do in America.
3. Federal law trumps state and local. Always has. Still trying to fight the Civil War?
4. The public decides the rules on how someone can or can’t use public resources. Got a better idea? Fatality accidents tie up traffic and cost the public a ton of cash, seat belts lower the number of fatality accidents. I thought you righties didn’t like paying taxes?
5. Hey look, something we might agree on. It’s a shame you left it blank.
6. Don’t like it then change the law. It almost happened in the last legislative session. Changes like this sometimes take a couple of go-rounds before they take.
I’d like to see the liquor stores stay, but I’d also like to see places that sell beer and wine and happen to be near a micro-distillery like Dry Fly over in Spokane be able to carry that micro-distilleries product.
With low growth, low birthrates and longer life expectancies, Europe can no longer afford its comfortable lifestyle, at least not without a period of austerity and significant changes. The countries are trying to reassure investors by cutting salaries, raising legal retirement ages, increasing work hours and reducing health benefits and pensions.
“We’re now in rescue mode,” said Carl Bildt, Sweden’s foreign minister. “But we need to transition to the reform mode very soon. The ‘reform deficit’ is the real problem,” he said, pointing to the need for structural change.
Crisis Imperils Liberal Benefits Long Expected by Europeans
How many times have the HA faithful assured us that Europe has the right model?
Does this sound like Greece. Must be F’n Nice 13 Trillion and 2.6 Trillion more this year. I thought Drunkin sailors spent too damn much, but nooooooo not compared to guvmnt suckers
Here’s an example of that benevolent nurturing the Libertarian free-market delivers.
Haitian Farmers Refuse Monsanto’s Seeds
Monsanto, out of the goodnes of their hearts donates 475 tons of GMO corn and veggie seeds to the poorest farmers on earth. These seeds are designed to be sterile. Farmers cannot save seeds from one year to the next. They become slaves to the seed patent holder. The seeds also contaminate the original heritage crops, destroying them. Multi-nationals will end up owning the rights to all seedcrops on the globe. These GMO crops have been controlled or banned accross the planet by responsible countries. But not in the good ole US where money rules.
1. public arts law is stupid in that it forces funding of really stupid stuff; we are pissing away millions on worthless art
2. gov’t has no right to limit my salt intake. period.
3. fcc trumps local/state. neighbor gets to install a 100 foot nasty shortwave tower, even though everything else is illegal. surprised libs allow this nonsense
4. gov’t has no right to tell me to use a seatbelt….only w/ socialized medicine and big gov’t do they get to back into controlling this (“gee our costs of healthcare go up cuz of people thrown out of the car”0
5 agree
6. Stupid liquor store laws. A left wing town filled w/ dopers can’t join the 21st century. We look backwards.
Proud Leftist prove Puddy wrong above.
Did anyone in Odumba’s administration read the law?
Of course under Federal immigration law there is no requirement for a lawful stop and detention prior to any questions about the person’s legal status. – In the Arizona law, there is.
Of course under the Federal immigration law there is no requirement whether a police person can consider the person’s race in determining whether to inquire about a suspect’s immigration status. – In the Arizona law, there is.
Of course under the Federal immigration law there is no requirement of reasonable suspicion to inquire about the person’s immigration status. – In the Arizona law, there is.
Of course to Zots none of that it matters Proud Leftist. He’s a moron of the prime order. You pinheads doesn’t oppose the law on Constitutional grounds. That would blow your sorry ASSes out of the water. Instead you libtardos oppose it because these illegal aliens serve a larger political and progressive multicultural agenda.
Nice try fiend. From thread 3984. Your own words:
You know why. And my oh my are you freaked out!
The best is yet to come.
So…er….when do the “Death Panels”(tm) start? Let’s ask Sarah Palin. ROTFLMAO
Maybe the week after Obama and his secret Kenyan army outlaws Christianity? Or two weeks after guns are outlawed and the black FEMA helicopters swoop in to confiscate them all? ROTFMALO
Now that the health care bill passed, and we no longer have “freedom”(tm), how is everyone’s life going? ROTFLMAO
Now that Iowa has gay marriage, I assume heterosexual Iowans have stopped getting married or having children. Same with Massachusetts, the state that has had gay marriage the longest. They MUST have the highest divorce rate in the nation? What? Lowest? Huh. ROTFLMAO
With the “attack on religion”, how many of you out there have had your local church shutdown by the government now? All of you? 50%? I assume the government has come into your house to take your bible? ROTFLMAO
You can’t fix stupid.
38: “You can’t fix stupid.”
Indeed, you can’t. But, you sure as hell can find amusement in stupid.
You made a little vocabulary usage error in one of your comments.
I did a search.
You’ve made the same mistake in at least 36 comments. (I don’t have April or May compiled yet.) So this is not just a simple one time thing. It’s baked in.
Let’s see if you can find it. Otherwise I’ll just poke a bit of fun at you every time you repeat it.
Let’s see that “edumucation” of yours!
@14: That was profound, Roger.
@25: Fuck, he’s (its) stupid!
arschloch… Four people at Tuesday’s Drinking Libtardos heard a certain person ask that question fool. Why not ask your question to peeps who were there?
Of course being a laughing hyena arschloch, you won’t ask!
FREAKED OUT? From a dumb brick who can’t use a box of matches? Who, when used the vaulted DB the first time couldn’t perform a chronological equation on Mike Webb?
You are the lowest of the lowlifes on HA you stupid moron! So far Puddy has counted 97 HA lefty lowlifes!
Oh and Puddy doesn’t do your bidding fool!
@30: Tag! You’re it!
Yep you can’t fix stupid, except when you listen to the health care rationing coming to a hospital near you. Just what Sarah Palin said was coming in her book which libtardos went nutzo over…
By the truth you’ll be set free.
Oh BTW arschloch, those four peeps also saw Puddy give the $$$ to Goldy. Why not match Puddy’s gift to keep HA going so Puddy can smack your ASS some more?
Of course the laughing hyena arschloch won’t; you are a cheep bastard huh?
Were any of them at the last DL? This is how you roll? Gladhanding them one night and insulting them in the comment threads the next?
Wow Stupes, what a pillar of the right wing community you are! We’re so privileged to know you (ick..).
And well so much for your “edumucashun”..
Uhh.. That’s 37 times now fool!
What? Guessing again moron? You are so pitiful, it’s pathetic arschloch!
Match Puddy’s gift to Goldy and you’ll find out fool! Otherwise, more hot air out of the arschloch!
Still waiting for your next failure in the copied HA DB moronic madness! Ewwwww Puddy scared!
@17 “roger; you know why public jobs are harder? you work less and thus have more work per hour.”
You’ve obviously never had a public job.
@33. And how did it get to be 11.5 trillion?
Since Iowa and Massachusetts passed gay marriage my dick has shriveled up.
48 – What an incoherent mess..
Oh and the orders! Oh my..
Stupes, I contributed to Goldy’s fund drive before you did and probably more times.
And I’m going to keep giving because I believe in what Goldy’s doing. He’s an engaging and entertaining read.
What do you believe in?
Need I ask? I’ll say because it bears repeating:
Right wing bullshit and the legend in your own “mind”..
G’night fool! The count of your idiotic usage still stands at 37 and I’ll update when I have April in the database. I’m tuning my code like it’s a freaking stock car.
Heterosexuals – keep the love machine going.
Puddy @ 3
Do you support Arizona’s SB 1070 Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act?
From your incoherent rants, it’s impossible to tell either way.
righton @ 24
Please explain.
I have four kinds of salt in my pantry. Lots of it. No one’s been checking my intake.
obama/fda considering limiting salt in foods. Its bad for 2 reasons; a) its none of the gov’t business whether i have too much salt, or pepper, or thyme in my food, b) we’re broke…its a frivolous item to have bureaucrats working the salt issue; spend our scare tax revenue elsewhere
You are a dumb brick freak so what’s new arschloch… Remember four people at Tuesday’s Drinking Libtardos heard a certain person ask “Why? There’s Google”.
Talk about obsessions. Do you obsess about the junior arschlochs getting into college, or, will they be as stupid as you demonstrate here on HA?
Jason, Did you read the Arizona law? And since their law is more restrictive than the US law Puddy is wondering where’s da beef Jason?
Show Puddy where the law is more openly racist than the federal law.
Puddy will wait.
Trying to discuss facts with Jason Osgood is similar to dealing with the dumb brick arschloch…
Either Jason doesn’t read much or he forgets what he reads in a 24 hour span.
Why does Odumba and his disciples hate libtardos in NYC?
“NYPD officials are frustrated with the Department of Homeland Security’s delay in releasing funds that the Finest badly need for the prevention of a “dirty bomb” attack.
The Police Department said it has been trying since last fall to obtain an $8 million federal grant for a radiation detection system, which would instantly read data from 4,500 sensors in cop cars across the region to intercept vehicles carrying explosive devices.”
It’s because Odumba and his disciples want mayhem to get their “plans” in place or they have no clue at all!
58 – See 38.
Learn to read – your own words.
And obsessions? Oh my!
#2 – the product of the ass-end of the right wing idiot machine that manufactures right wing idiots from the ranks of the silly, the gullible, the credulous, the fearful, the foolish, the angry, the resentful – like freaking widgets!
You really believe I need anyone’s approval to do what I fucking please within the limits I set for myself?
What a freaking idiot!
so while YLB’s wife works all day, he obsesses over HA code instead of looking for a job..LMFAO
nice marriage.
Dr Dre…
For the arschloch can you say
D I P S H I T?
To be clear, YLB, who could be volunteering his time if work isn’t possible, instead spends it building what is essentially an enemies list for HA. Far more Nixonian than Progressive, that’s for sure.
The arschloch would be rejected.
Puddy guesses Jason Osgood didn’t read the Arizona law and he didn’t know about the FDA and their salt decisions.
Yet he’ll be in your face asking questions about topics he knows little about!
Can you say Implosion?
Actually, the process for limiting salt in processed foods goes back to 2005. Started under W, implemented under Obammy.
Oops, hit submit too soon.
The just released IOM stating that we should lower the amount of salt in processed foods was started in 2008.
Pfffft.. A list of buffoons is more like it.
Such pushback! I’m obviously on the right track..
So far we got a dumbass bigot with the mentality of junior high, a wannabe hit man and a batshit insane fiend..
Well… What can I say? Someone’s gotta do it.
Who would you propose as the Top Ten All-Time HA Trolls? There have been so many that dart in and out; the criteria for all-timers is not easily stated. Is it longevity? Could a one-hit wonder make the list if the stain left has enough stench?
@74 I’m obviously on the right track..
Personally, I eagerly await your project’s completion and HA’s revelation of troll identities. go for it, ylb!
@75 PL and YLB
Though an infrequent visitor here any more, I like your idea. If y’all would take nominations, I’d propose – from your side of the street – the late, very unlamented, byebyegop. Biggest troll, and most miserable piece of human dung imaginable. You have to admit, that there have been few more rancid individuals ever on HA. Don’t know what ever happened to him/her/it, parents finally kicked him out? but I’m sure it was well deserved.
Not the least interested in the troll’s true identities. They’ll stay anonymous. Let me repeat.
They stay anonymous. I really don’t care who they are.
I’m interested in their obsessive compulsive behavior and their addiction to a bankrupt ideology.
I’m curious at how the big picture of this strange message board community of trolls looks after a good examination. I believe the picture that’s eventually drawn will be both funny and horrifying.
@76, @78 – They stay anonymous
Meaning what exactly? You/HA will have determined people’s identities with your smart software/database, but will choose to keep them anonymous until you don’t? I didn’t think you could do this.
75 – PL, the top troll criteria for me is the sheer visceral impact of their right wing batshit insanity.
There was one troll, typicallefty, who wasn’t here very long but he was a really nasty character.
So in no particular order:
Mr. Cynical
Rick D.
Marvin Stamm
HNMT (hateful name morphing troll)
Piper Scott
and last AND least
Lots of runners ups: manoftruth, IDGAF, klake, zapporo, christmasghost, Janet S., chardonnay, GS, JeffB.
This is all off the top of my head. I’ve been knee deep in code lately and haven’t read as much troll stuff as I should.
77 – I have to mostly agree. ByebyeGop’s stuff was more often than not painful to read and I think his style very often hurt the progressive cause here. I appreciated his linking to the good progressive news from MSNBC but beyond that.. not so much.
Good list. The various Marks deserve mention. Of course, Ricky D. has penned under a number of names, which hardly distinguishes him from other trolls, I suppose. We have this Dr. Dre character currently who seems to want to make a play for the team. I remember someone really vile, like pnr, or something like that. Real hateful character, with nothing to say. That hardly distinguishes him, I guess. You should run your data by a social psychologist when it is compiled. Fascinating insights would surely ensue.
79 – Uhhh.. No the stuff I’ve coded up doesn’t turn an anonymous troll into a flesh and blood human being. Any conclusions drawn are based purely on stuff you see in both the day to day as well as the totality of threads.
What I’ve done is what anyone could do if they bothered to take the time and trouble.
If a troll somehow reveals their true identity through a slip of some kind – again, I’m not interested in finding that. If I did find something like that, I would not reveal it.
81 – Absolutely, the mark brothers deserve special mention:
The Real Mark, who made an ass of himself haranguing the other marks to leave his handle alone. and prognosticating and ending up totally wrong and looking like a total loser. He has at least been smart enough to stay away.
marks – who was ok on some days, pretty obnoxious on others.
Mark the Redneck – Yikes, how could I have left him out?
and the odious turd – Mark1.
Yes, prr was a pretty vile one.
And yep the moronic bigot is making a strong play for Puddybud’s spot for the LEAST amongst this latter day breed of trolls.
Hey, trolls,
Ramp it up, guys (and maybe gals)! We’ve got some competition going here. Put your best foot forward (into your mouth). Be remembered. You surely won’t be remembered at whatever else it is you’re doing in your life.
How come it took this leftist fool over a week to do the correct thing??
Much better than Odumba who nevver admits his mistakes..just calls it “misspeaking”
This is why the Left will collapse…failure to take accountability in a timely fashion.
I hope the Tea Party & Vets descend upon Conn. for the election in November.
Allow me to save Cynical the trouble this AM
Monday, May 24, 2010
@82 What I’ve done is what anyone could do if they bothered to take the time and trouble.
Yea, and didn’t have jobs in order to (a) provide for themselves and their families, and (b) to pay the taxes necessary to help the more needy in the state including the “unemployed but don’t want to work” – like you. That’s some gig you’ve got going YLB.
I guess we can add Erica to the idiot troll list:
Allow me to inform you Erica: Rasmusseen is not a reputable pollster, period. Anyone who quotes Rasmussen opinion polls is ignorant and a fool. Welcome.
If you took Rasmussens biased data and put in the numbers under Bush, you would get much worse numbers.
Klynical never bothered to put that up either.
@46: hahaha Puddy the idiot is at it again.
Sarah Palin and you have two things in common – you are both way above yor heads on politics and you both lie.
As if we do not have rationing rigth now in health care – what is the first thing they ask you for in the hospital? An insurance card.
The idea that the sickest people should be treated first and that we should do preventative care for all is just sooooo scary – that the rightwingnuts cannot fathom it.
Common sense is too hard for the idiot rightwingers to understand.
87 – Gig? Hmmm. Interesting. Where have I heard that word recently? Dope, meathead, dumb bunny, now gig. Interesting.
Heh.. Your silly digs won’t deter me hit squad guy.
Keep it going. It’s very entertaining.
Puddy @ 59
I asked:
You replied:
That’s not an answer.
Do you support AZ’s SB 1070?
Simple question.
Answer the question.
righton @ 57
Ah. Now your story changes. You originally said
A little push back, and you’re off and running in another direction.
Your criticisms might be a little bit more potent if they weren’t so flexible.
“I guess we can add Erica to the idiot troll list”
Nah, it’s probably just the KLOWN in drag, posting from the barn.
Michael @ 72, 73
Hysterical. Good eye.
Tenderhands YLBleeder apparently does have a job: internet stalker.
goldy, you should be concerned about this.
Government is boring and takes forever to do anything. There was no way the salt thing could have started under Obama and gotten this far this quickly. It just took a little digging around to find that stuff. It looked like regulating salt in processed foods was first mentioned back in the mid 70’s.
@96 Heh- salt. It’s just another manifestation of that “truther” mentality of theirs that they seem to need to project onto us.
Gig? Hmmm. Interesting. Where have I heard that word recently? Dope, meathead, dumb bunny, now gig. Interesting.
What in the f*** are you talking about?
I’m a rare visitor to HA, and you’re clearly a head case. What normal person would spend all their time tracking and building a repository of people’s identities for the purpose of what, blackmail? Your assurances above are bogus, and you know it.
First they came for the salt and I said nothing…
Heh.. Yes indeed until last Thursday or so you were kind of scarce.. Since end of Feb was it not?
I enjoyed your little tag team with the braindead bigot. Oh what a coincidence. He’s back for another handoff..
Was it “michael not Michael” last week? But then you DID capitalize the M to call DL a “dope” did you not? Or someone else some other name. I’ll look it up later.
Pretty underhanded hit squad guy.
Keep going. It’s too funny.
Oh my. Sigh… Entertainment only. Indentities? Only interested in your comment thread personality. I truly DON’T.WANT.TO.KNOW who you are.
Goldy and Darryl only nominally police these threads. Here, you can be “yourself”. Isn’t that right?
If this is the place you come to be “yourself”. Why would any decent person want to know who you are?
Entertainment for me. Something else for you it seems.
Keep going but again it’s totally up to you. Your call.
You are a head case. And some of those other readers up above have you absolutely pegged re: your tracking of identities. You’re not being honest about that. Not cool, dude.
Love to repeat yourself don’t you?
And like all right wingers you loooove to lie..
Unless of course you’re betting on the ignorance of other right wingers to raise a stink – which is a pretty good bet.
Be my guest.
internet stalker…plain and simple.
How long before YLB hands over some personal info to someone like Rujax for one his “midnight visits”??
or maybe to someone lke GBS who has openly threatened people with physical harm simply for having a different political bent?
goldy, this will blow up in your face – I guarantee it.
Poor wittle Dre is scared that his inane comments may come back to haunt him.
Grow up you little wuss.
First, most of what you post is drivel and second you are not worth anyones time to kick your sorry butt.
Why would I want to beat the crap out of an intellectual midget when I can pick apart your third-grade level ramblings right here for everyone to see?
This query from hit squad gal deserves some comment.
I’m NOT affiliated with Goldy or any other HA blogger. I’ve met Goldy and few other HA bloggers but I actually haven’t been in direct contact with any of them for a number of years.
I’m just another comment thread guy like almost everyone else here.
HA has outed only one troll to my recollection – Kevin Carns of the odious Speakers Roundtable and Goldy never revealed his comment thread name. Only two trolls have been banned – the totally ridiculous and OCD JCH and Marvin Stamn.
These comment threads are as safe a place as any for right wing trolls. It’s why it’s been such a troll magnet over the years. And the trolls know that.
Might as well have some fun at troll expense. The trolls have never been shy about dishing it out in the other direction.
Oooh.. The mental dwarf bigot is scaaared.. Spinning his braindead bigoted fantasies.
Ignorant and silly..
Taking time out from late-breakfast pitchers at Roethke’s Blue Moon to goad Dr. Darryl into a discussion of paleodemography. Break that big word down for us, Darryl. Tell us (in little words we can understand) what you’ve learned.
Here, for the second or third time, is a useful J-curve. This one, unlike Michael Mann’s global warming hockey stick, is the real deal. It’s from Nobel-winner Solow’s review of Gregory Clark’s book about turning Malthus upside down.
The graph’s inflection point corresponds to the first sustained rise in real income in the known history of homo spaiens. Although the ag revolution of ~10,000 years ago may have achieved a similar spike in real income, Clark notes that many hunter-gatherer groups during the ag era were better fed and longer-lived than were agriculturalists.
The spike in income that began 200 years ago also corresponds to increased longevity. Before 1800, for most or all cultures and for most or all of our history, lifespans were flatline flat. Malthus ruled. For thousands of years we were leveled by Malthusian mortality. Then, at about the moment Malthus published, Malthusianism began to perish.
Caveat: In swaths of sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Latin America, lifespans are probably shorter now than they were in 1800.
Very interesting.
@105? scared? no.
but concerned that some of you freaks will decide to get drunk one night and let your little mental condition get the best of you.
I have kids, and dont need a “midnight visit” to the house, especially if I am not home.
trust me, I can handle anybody here, and have the firepower to back that statement up – I just dont want my kids dealing with you fanatics. I have seen your type in action couple of times – most notably at WTO. Fanatical progressives accosting 50 year old secretaries just trying to get the hell out the area. You see, its what you people are all about: you always resort to violence, that is until someone puts you in your place.
you wanna go dance sometime, just name a place.
@107…ya, coming from the “man”(and I use that term loosely) who wont find a job, wont help take care of the kid, and who hasnt left his basement in three weeks.
and over-the-hill old trolls like moi. Couldn’t get to work at Key Tower for days. Others already in Key Tower couldn’t get out.
That’s how left-wingers wing it for the working class.
The only one here I’m afraid of is Dr. Darryl. Mostly because he beat me down on a thread and because I then called him names … I mean, what else could I do? Then I linked him to the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers of yore.
Figure the dude wants to share a pitcher becuase he wants to stuff me in it. Wouldn’t stand a chance against an alpha male like him.
Re: Dr. Dre’s post at 109
Further evidence that the phenomenon most commonly at work in wingnuttia thinking is paranoia.
These comment threads are as safe a place as any for right wing trolls. It’s why it’s been such a troll magnet over the years. And the trolls know that.
Great, then you won’t mind bringing your source code to DL tomorrow and sharing with us. The only way you could have the identity information you claim to have is through detailed HA log data. You want to put this to rest, be there code in hand.
And incidentally, I’m no troll, though some of them are very good friends – I voted for Obama. Privacy issues are a hot topic for me.
109 – Too fucking stupid for words!
WTO? The silly anarchists from Eugene got the little bigot so sceeered..
WTO. How long ago was that?
Since then the country turned from majority right wing to majority a bit more sane than the right wing (although weak-kneed) and the bigot is so sceeered of progressives. You know people who favor some more government spending on education, infrastructure and health care (especially for veterans of Bush’s miserable wars) over recreational wars of choice, manufacturing terrorists through torture and other outrages and war profiteering.
Internet stalking? What a frightened dolt. This is the only place on the net I hang. And I have not the slightest interest in following a worthless ignorant bigoted right wing name-caller ANYWHERE.. If you want to stay here and indulge yourself as you’ve been doing then you’re going to get some surly attitude. Deal with it. Poor baby.
I feel sorry for your kids bigot to have such a craphead for a father.
So continue your miserable crusade here bigot and I and others will continue to laugh at your ignorance, your mean-spiritedness and your paranoia. You’re a credit to the right wing. Your kind make our point every day.
Thank you for that.
And it appears you’re the half-man behind the curtain of the hit squad – all your personalities seem to share your ignorant fear of being outed. Calm bigot, calm.. Put away your pop gun.
whachoo talking ’bout, ylb? you dissing sock puppet me or the other sock puppet, the docta?
Wow. What a treat you are!
Identity information. When did I claim that?
Log data? Uhh.. no… Just comment threads dolt – which are in the public sphere.. Trolls reveal plenty through their antics here and that’s all I’m interested in.
If you REALLY BELIEVE I have access to HA log data then take it up with Goldy. HE’s at DL every week. He’d have to be complicit and I already told you – his track record of coming back at trolls is almost non-existent.
What a child… You want to see some of my code? Read my blog. I’ve even posted some of it here in the threads. No I’m not going to make a DL appearance to calm your silly fears.
Then don’t post stupid, abusive stuff in blog comment threads. That’s not the least bit private. That’s just inviting others to come back at you.
Now who’s the head case? You take something for your paranoid schizophrenia? While you’re at it, take something for you dumbassedness.
HNMT @ 117
Nope not addressing you. I have to admit, it appears to me you have a bit more on the ball than some of these other “dopes” and “meatheads” I’m addressing at the moment.
Then again, you could be them.. Anything’s possible in anonymous troll land.
Please leave my balls out of this.
Have tried to tell you that you have better trolls than you deserve. If you can’t show us the respect we deserve, at least try to give us some gratitude.
120 – Don’t flatter yourself. The expression refers to baseball if I’m not mistaken (pitching in particular, again iinm) not the human male genitalia.
I have better trolls? Moi… Heh.. This coming from a troll.
As for gratitude, I thanked the braindead bigot above for being such a credit to the right wing cause. Of course I was being mocking/sarcastic/facetious/disingenuous, whathaveyou..