The Night They Drove the Tea Partiers Down, Frank Rich
“Should the G.O.P. avoid self-destruction by containing this fringe, then the president and his party will have to confront their real problem: their identification with the titans who greased the skids for the economic meltdown from which Wall Street has recovered and the country has not.
“The Obama administration does not seem to understand that this rage, left unaddressed, could consume it. It has pushed aside the entreaties of many — including Paul Volcker, the chairman of the White House’s own Economic Recovery Advisory Board — to break up too-big-to-fail banks. Those behemoths, cushioned by the government’s bailouts, low-interest loans and guarantees, are back making bets that put the entire system at risk. Yet last Sunday, we once again heard the Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, on “Meet the Press” dodging questions about the banks in general and Goldman in particular with unpersuasive bromides. “We’re not going to let the system go back to the way it was,” he said.”
@1 The GOP will go down in history as the assholes who said “no” to affordable health care for all Americans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a list of things Republicans are against:
Good wages
Health care
Why would anyone vote for them? Really, why? What possible reason could anyone have for voting for these jerks?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 The argument is that big banks move capital more efficiently. The flip side is this very efficiency can be used to bring the system down more quickly and easily.
Was reading something most here would think is fucked up bullshit rightwing shit….but then again you all are shitheads….I think.
But the best statement that fits no matter what you think as a citizen of the US…. “Only a foolish people trust their lives and souls to an entity defined by its ability to punish non-compliance with force.”
Remember to read the Constitution this Christams…or Hannaka or what ever you want to celebrate. It allows you and me to live as FREE people….the government is about taking that away…but progressives love that….all hail the collective
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
A Frank Rich article? Priceless!!!!!!
One of the reasons why the NY Times is laying off another 100 in December,
proud leftistspews:
Another reason your party is going the way of the Whigs is that you don’t recognize the talent and keen observation of Frank Rich. He is one of our finest. But, you see everything through an ideological microscope that blocks out any art, ability, or analytical astuteness that fails to support your restricted world view. Do you have a clue how small your world is, given that which you exclude? I would feel sorry for you, except for the harm that your world view does to the world.
Me, I’ve been writing about how the Stupak amendment and the mandates are probably the final nails in the coffin of the existing two-party system. With those choices, the Democrats are alienating the two main popular groups that brought them to power: women and (mostly young) new progressives.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Proud Leftist,
Sure he is. He’s so far out in left field the seats are 30 miles away. He’s such a Libtardo, the NY Times is losing readership left and right.
My restricted world view? It was you and others who attacked Brian Baird because he listened to his constituents and voted their voice. Now that’s a restricted world view.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
So much for the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm “open hand” approach with Iran.
Iran charges three detained Americans with espionage
Iran has charged three detained U.S. citizens with espionage, the official IRNA news agency quoted a judiciary official as saying on Monday. – WA Post
@6 Dear ignorant little Dengle.
I read your “article” – sorry it was a piece of biased trash. Instead of the non-partisan CBO estimates – we get the partisan and discredited estimates by the Heritage foundation on health care numbers.
Here are the basic numbers about our current broken system of health care, that the “article” (actually a poorly written opinion piece lacking in basic facts but filled with simplistic right wing fanatasy) fails to mention.
Currently, we spend more on health care than any other country (about double the nearest country).
Yet we have 47 million or more uninsured (many can’t pay or have pre-exsisting conditions and can’t be covered (except for exhorbitant fees).
Our health care ranks low (37th – on the order of Slovenia).
We waste billions of dollars and the insurance industry has an overhead/profit of over 20%. Medicare has a 3% overhead.
Health care costs are rising faster than ever – despite the lack of inflation.
Our companies and corporations are handicapped by high health care costs and cannot compete with Europe or Japan/China.
Our government loses billions each year due to the republican give-away to the Pharmaceutical industry – we pay more for drugs than any country on the world.
Spin those numbers and facts sometime ….the important facts your “article” failed to mention – while railing against a government option – that is only an option.
Every other advanced country in the world has some form of this type of government health care….except us.
So Stupes why do you buy Seattle socialist health care “Group Health” for your fambly for less than 6 large when you could buy the “free-market” kind for over 13 large?
The “free market” kind pays for fancy mansions and jets for insurance execs and fat fees for specialists.
Why is the socialist health care so much cheaper? Is it because the doctors are on salary and the health care is rationed to hypochondriacs?
Why are you doing this to your fambly???
What will Mr. Klynical Klown think?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Moron AKA ylb arschloch,
If you were employed you’d know the answer fool. Since you mooch off the SEIU dime you are “Clueless”.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
It seems correctnotright is back at his 47 Million uninsured level again. The good old numbers game.
Gotta love how the pro-abortion folks are now pizzed at the Dummocraptic leadership over the abortion compromise in HR 3962 to get enough of their party to vote yes.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The CBO estimates are over 1 Trillion with the AMA bribe of $.25 Trillion added. So this 900 Billion total cost was just another Dummocraptic lie. And being the big hypocrite you are you turn a blind eye.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Why did the Ft Hood shooter do it? He was upset Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm didn’t get the US out of Iraq.
So it was the preznit’s fault. You all know damn well if there were Bill O’Reilly or Bernie Goldberg or Michael Savage books in his apartment you’d hear they caused it. Well he was upset we’re still in Iraq. He supported Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his “calls” that we’d leave Iraq. Well then who’s fault is it?
See the latest news cycle on this. Remember the first reports said the FBI rejected terrorism.
Nice to talk about low Medicare overhead, but the elephant in the room is the hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud each year that drains the system.
We’ve yet to hear of plans that will address these issues. Lofty goals – a Washington staple – are not a substitute, and the record has not been good.
Don’t have to fiend. FBI have been extracting useful information from perps for many years without resorting to medieval methods.
Any ticking time bomb here? As if that was ever a reality-based scenario on anything other than Murdoch’s “24”.
Thank you once again for proving what a knee-jerk right wing fool you are.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Complain all you want, unemployed fool. Puddy has it going and you are still on your ASS. How is that miserable life treating you lately? How are those “job searches” on HA going? Still living vicariously through other peeps associating their success as your own? What a dense brick of a moron!
Puddy takes the insurance offered by the organization YOU STUPID MORON!
Another day of comedy from the ylb arschloch.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
xota you are right about Medicare while correctnotright rails on with useless farts ummmm facts…
We waste billions of dollars and the insurance industry has an overhead/profit of over 20%. Medicare has a 3% overhead.
“Medicare says that their overhead costs are 2 – 5%. When they say this they are being disingenuous. Their overhead is low because they don’t count all of it. It’s like congress spending money and then putting the costs off the books. If Medicare were a private insurance company Patrick Fitzgerald would be taping their staff meetings.
Medicare imposes an almost infinite number of unfunded mandates, rules, and regulations on medical providers. These mandates consume vast swatches of time and impose huge costs. Costs which of course are passed on to patients and taxpayers, but which Medicare doesn’t count. Talk to your doctor and ask him about Medicare’s regulatory regime. Be prepared for a lot of frustration. Why do some doctors favor a government run single payer health care system? There are a number of reasons, but likely most prominent among them is that most of these doctors don’t spend a lot of time taking care of patients.”
Now if Puddy wanted to be like Roger Rabbit, this is what Puddy would say…
Medicare claims a 2-5% overhead rate. Well this is how Medicare works…
@22 xota you are right about Medicare while correctnotright rails on with useless farts ummmm facts…
It’s an absolutely inane claim, heralding low overhead when the system is bleeding immense amounts of money through waste and fraud. In fact, one reason the overhead is so low is so little money is allocated to catching the fraud.
Puddy takes the insurance offered by the organization
A “socialist” organization apparently. Why else would they choose healthcare from gasp! Seattle? Why not a health plan that costs more like the Kaiser Foundation says it should?
Oh that old guilt by association thing you wingnuts are famous for.
Why aren’t you associated with a proper wingnut organization?
Been looking everywhere for that picture of what your peeps would think of your socialist health care that YOU pay for. Found it.
Sorry but your insipid stupid argument is falling on deaf ears. Puddy is enrolled in the family plan while you bitch and moan woe is me.
Stay stupid fool!
The Prosecution Rests.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a word of warning from Business Week magazine, in an article titled “Five Market Mistakes To Avoid.” Before you blow this off, let me say I’m only trying to save you from yourself, ya stupid goatfucker!
Skip Mistakes #1, 3, 4, and 5; the one you should read is 2:
“2. Don’t Fall for Fads or Hype
“In investing, jumping on the bandwagon is often a bad idea.
“For example, television ads have appeared touting gold as an investment after the precious metal’s price has jumped higher, approaching $1,100 per ounce on Nov. 6.
“Yet this could be the very time when gold prices are at or near their peak. ‘This is probably the worst time in my opinion to pile into gold,’ Benningfield says.”
Only way to be, puddy! Go ahead, work — and give 32.65% of what you make to the gummint — if that makes you happy. As for me, I’m gonna make my money by inheriting it and/or flipping assets, because the taxes are only 1/3rd as much on the useless and unemployed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another protest aimed at obama at the white house. Of course that automatically makes them racists.
Used to be the media always covered these things. Now with obama in the white house, they don’t seem to have lost the reason to show the protesters.
Heh. With socialist health care from Seattle. With kids attending a Seattle University chock full of “librul” professors.
What kind of a wingnut are you?
The same kind who checks comment threads ever hour or so. Even Mr. Klynical Klown took the day off. Must have been bummer news from Rasmussen.
Carry on fool!
@22: the waste and fraud in the health insurance industry tops Medicare AND they have a 20% overhead….ooops, Puddy misses again!
According to the AARP, the current system is part of the problem:
Waste, fraud, and abuse appear in all segments of the health care system and in all areas of the country. Fraudulent and abusive practices include overcharging or double-billing health insurance companies or the government for services provided, charging for services not provided, and rendering inappropriate or unnecessary care.
Our current health care system makes detection and pursuit of wrongdoers extremely difficult. Experts have identified structural features of the U.S. health care system that make it particularly vulnerable to fraud and difficult for enforcement activities to control it. Some of these features include the fee-for-service payment system, the fragmented nature of the private health care insurance and delivery system, and the highly automated claims processing system.1 The fact that there are more than 1,000 payers and billions of annual claims paid to hundreds of thousands of providers illustrates the immensity of the task.
@28: Gee, 200 people protesting…that is really important Stamn.
Almost as important as the couple of people the tea baggers get….get a clue Stamn, idiots and radicals on both sides are pretty insignificant. And so are you.
Where is Klynical: The market hit a new high today….of course the economy is still in recovery from the mess left by Bush, but the market always recovers before the economy does.
31 – Yep. The G-20 are keeping the printing presses running. I see GE and Catepillar are up. Export oriented stocks benefit when the dollar goes down.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Keep screaming about my inexpensive health plan while being unemployed ylb arschloch while Puddy keeps making money.
My kids earned their right into UW by being intelligent. Let’s see what your spawn does in a few years. Hopefully they’ll follow in their mother’s footsteps!
A Co-op! All your wingnut buddies have to suffer with the status quo crap costing over twice that amount!
You see a doctor on that plan – he or she is on salary!!! Oh poor Stupes has a little achy-poo in the knee from an old sports injury. Well sorry Stupes you’ll have to wait in line, the plan has limited resources – just like in CANADA!!!
Imagine that – Stupes of all people – a closet socialist!!!
Oh he mumbles – that’s what the organization offers. So why isn’t the fool with a different organization? Cuz he’s a hypocritical idiot that’s why.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
No rujax,
Puddy pays! What a dumbfuck of a “man” this turdball rujax the dumb cinder block is.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Poor ylb arschloch…
He has no life so he makes shit up. My yob has this plan fool. Sooooooo what does your you offer?
Ooops my bad… you are unemployed.
Why is Puddy there? Great yob, work from home and Puddy gets to kick your sorry unemployed ASS all over the ‘Nets.
Way to go Lib-tar-do!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
BTW rujax,
Puddy makes too much money to qualify for some scholarships. See ya numbnuts!
See the stock market today???
One thing about investing is that it’s all about trends.
Do you realize that the Dow trended downward from its October 11, 2007 high of 14,709 until the day Bush left office?
That’s 466 days of a downward trend.
It only took Obama 45 days to stop the Bush downward trend and started the current Democratic created upward trend has lasted for 227 days!!
And for some reason, against the good for America you continue to rail agianst Obama and the Democrats even though clearly, history and the facts are not on your side.
Why do you and the Republicans continuously try to prevent America from prospering?
Is it because your ego is so big you cannot admit when the policies and political leaders that you believe in fail America?
Despite the overwhelming long term trends to the contrary??
Really, give us a thoughtful answer as to the reasons you continue to predict failure despite proof to the contrary?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Yep saw the stock market today. Got some good gains.
Regarding railing against America, we’ll see. The Dow hit 10,000 and you went nutzo. Then the Dow went down. Let’s see if it continues to go up. Regarding the policies, did you notice the $$$ dramatically dropped today? Gaz prices will be increasing real soon!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Well it seems the Ft Hood dude was trying to get in touch with Al Qaeda. Because the libtardos have emasculated our CIA and FBI, this whackamole Hasan was allowed to get a promotion even though his superiors complained up the Army command chain. And this happened on Obama’s watch Libtardos!
“On Thursday afternoon, a radicalized Muslim US Army officer shouting “Allahu Akbar!” committed the worst act of terror on American soil since 9/11. And no one wants to call it an act of terror or associate it with Islam.
“What cowards we are. Political correctness killed those patriotic Americans at Ft. Hood as surely as the Islamist gunman did. And the media treat it like a case of non-denominational shoplifting.”
Yet ABC News Brian Ross has the balls to report truths while other leftist rags and pinheads like Evan Thomas and Bob Schieffer pop the party line.
Barry Hussein O. predicts passage of nightmare spending in Senate!
The Night They Drove the Tea Partiers Down, Frank Rich
“Should the G.O.P. avoid self-destruction by containing this fringe, then the president and his party will have to confront their real problem: their identification with the titans who greased the skids for the economic meltdown from which Wall Street has recovered and the country has not.
“The Obama administration does not seem to understand that this rage, left unaddressed, could consume it. It has pushed aside the entreaties of many — including Paul Volcker, the chairman of the White House’s own Economic Recovery Advisory Board — to break up too-big-to-fail banks. Those behemoths, cushioned by the government’s bailouts, low-interest loans and guarantees, are back making bets that put the entire system at risk. Yet last Sunday, we once again heard the Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, on “Meet the Press” dodging questions about the banks in general and Goldman in particular with unpersuasive bromides. “We’re not going to let the system go back to the way it was,” he said.”
@1 The GOP will go down in history as the assholes who said “no” to affordable health care for all Americans.
Here’s a list of things Republicans are against:
Good wages
Health care
Why would anyone vote for them? Really, why? What possible reason could anyone have for voting for these jerks?
@2 The argument is that big banks move capital more efficiently. The flip side is this very efficiency can be used to bring the system down more quickly and easily.
Was reading something most here would think is fucked up bullshit rightwing shit….but then again you all are shitheads….I think.
Anyways,so good points in this article
But the best statement that fits no matter what you think as a citizen of the US…. “Only a foolish people trust their lives and souls to an entity defined by its ability to punish non-compliance with force.”
Remember to read the Constitution this Christams…or Hannaka or what ever you want to celebrate. It allows you and me to live as FREE people….the government is about taking that away…but progressives love that….all hail the collective
A Frank Rich article? Priceless!!!!!!
One of the reasons why the NY Times is laying off another 100 in December,
Another reason your party is going the way of the Whigs is that you don’t recognize the talent and keen observation of Frank Rich. He is one of our finest. But, you see everything through an ideological microscope that blocks out any art, ability, or analytical astuteness that fails to support your restricted world view. Do you have a clue how small your world is, given that which you exclude? I would feel sorry for you, except for the harm that your world view does to the world.
Me, I’ve been writing about how the Stupak amendment and the mandates are probably the final nails in the coffin of the existing two-party system. With those choices, the Democrats are alienating the two main popular groups that brought them to power: women and (mostly young) new progressives.
Proud Leftist,
Sure he is. He’s so far out in left field the seats are 30 miles away. He’s such a Libtardo, the NY Times is losing readership left and right.
My restricted world view? It was you and others who attacked Brian Baird because he listened to his constituents and voted their voice. Now that’s a restricted world view.
So much for the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm “open hand” approach with Iran.
Iran charges three detained Americans with espionage
Iran has charged three detained U.S. citizens with espionage, the official IRNA news agency quoted a judiciary official as saying on Monday. – WA Post
@6 Dear ignorant little Dengle.
I read your “article” – sorry it was a piece of biased trash. Instead of the non-partisan CBO estimates – we get the partisan and discredited estimates by the Heritage foundation on health care numbers.
Here are the basic numbers about our current broken system of health care, that the “article” (actually a poorly written opinion piece lacking in basic facts but filled with simplistic right wing fanatasy) fails to mention.
Currently, we spend more on health care than any other country (about double the nearest country).
Yet we have 47 million or more uninsured (many can’t pay or have pre-exsisting conditions and can’t be covered (except for exhorbitant fees).
Our health care ranks low (37th – on the order of Slovenia).
We waste billions of dollars and the insurance industry has an overhead/profit of over 20%. Medicare has a 3% overhead.
Health care costs are rising faster than ever – despite the lack of inflation.
Our companies and corporations are handicapped by high health care costs and cannot compete with Europe or Japan/China.
Our government loses billions each year due to the republican give-away to the Pharmaceutical industry – we pay more for drugs than any country on the world.
Spin those numbers and facts sometime ….the important facts your “article” failed to mention – while railing against a government option – that is only an option.
Every other advanced country in the world has some form of this type of government health care….except us.
So Stupes why do you buy Seattle socialist health care “Group Health” for your fambly for less than 6 large when you could buy the “free-market” kind for over 13 large?
The “free market” kind pays for fancy mansions and jets for insurance execs and fat fees for specialists.
Why is the socialist health care so much cheaper? Is it because the doctors are on salary and the health care is rationed to hypochondriacs?
Why are you doing this to your fambly???
What will Mr. Klynical Klown think?
Moron AKA ylb arschloch,
If you were employed you’d know the answer fool. Since you mooch off the SEIU dime you are “Clueless”.
It seems correctnotright is back at his 47 Million uninsured level again. The good old numbers game.
Gotta love how the pro-abortion folks are now pizzed at the Dummocraptic leadership over the abortion compromise in HR 3962 to get enough of their party to vote yes.
The CBO estimates are over 1 Trillion with the AMA bribe of $.25 Trillion added. So this 900 Billion total cost was just another Dummocraptic lie. And being the big hypocrite you are you turn a blind eye.
Why did the Ft Hood shooter do it? He was upset Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm didn’t get the US out of Iraq.
So it was the preznit’s fault. You all know damn well if there were Bill O’Reilly or Bernie Goldberg or Michael Savage books in his apartment you’d hear they caused it. Well he was upset we’re still in Iraq. He supported Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his “calls” that we’d leave Iraq. Well then who’s fault is it?
See the latest news cycle on this. Remember the first reports said the FBI rejected terrorism.
Are they gonna waterboard the Ft Hood shooter?
I know the answer – you’re a right wing hypocrite – do as I say not as I do..
You can’t even send your kids to a wingnut school. Your kids are being taught by “libruls” like Prof Darryl!
You don’t have to agree with Robertson on everything – he’s for lower taxes and he’s a big “C” Christian!
What a miserable FIEND.
@12 We waste billions of dollars and the insurance industry has an overhead/profit of over 20%. Medicare has a 3% overhead.
Great, but the problem with waste and fraud has been known for years and we haven’t been able to address the problems:
Nice to talk about low Medicare overhead, but the elephant in the room is the hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud each year that drains the system.
We’ve yet to hear of plans that will address these issues. Lofty goals – a Washington staple – are not a substitute, and the record has not been good.
Heh. Oh your love for torture.
Don’t have to fiend. FBI have been extracting useful information from perps for many years without resorting to medieval methods.
Any ticking time bomb here? As if that was ever a reality-based scenario on anything other than Murdoch’s “24”.
Thank you once again for proving what a knee-jerk right wing fool you are.
Complain all you want, unemployed fool. Puddy has it going and you are still on your ASS. How is that miserable life treating you lately? How are those “job searches” on HA going? Still living vicariously through other peeps associating their success as your own? What a dense brick of a moron!
Puddy takes the insurance offered by the organization YOU STUPID MORON!
Another day of comedy from the ylb arschloch.
xota you are right about Medicare while correctnotright rails on with useless farts ummmm facts…
“Medicare says that their overhead costs are 2 – 5%. When they say this they are being disingenuous. Their overhead is low because they don’t count all of it. It’s like congress spending money and then putting the costs off the books. If Medicare were a private insurance company Patrick Fitzgerald would be taping their staff meetings.
Medicare imposes an almost infinite number of unfunded mandates, rules, and regulations on medical providers. These mandates consume vast swatches of time and impose huge costs. Costs which of course are passed on to patients and taxpayers, but which Medicare doesn’t count. Talk to your doctor and ask him about Medicare’s regulatory regime. Be prepared for a lot of frustration. Why do some doctors favor a government run single payer health care system? There are a number of reasons, but likely most prominent among them is that most of these doctors don’t spend a lot of time taking care of patients.”
Now if Puddy wanted to be like Roger Rabbit, this is what Puddy would say…
Medicare claims a 2-5% overhead rate. Well this is how Medicare works…
blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah
etc. etc. etc.
Instead Puddy gives you the original article.
@22 xota you are right about Medicare while correctnotright rails on with useless farts ummmm facts…
It’s an absolutely inane claim, heralding low overhead when the system is bleeding immense amounts of money through waste and fraud. In fact, one reason the overhead is so low is so little money is allocated to catching the fraud.
That’s thinking outside of the box, for sure!
A “socialist” organization apparently. Why else would they choose healthcare from gasp! Seattle? Why not a health plan that costs more like the Kaiser Foundation says it should?
Oh that old guilt by association thing you wingnuts are famous for.
Why aren’t you associated with a proper wingnut organization?
Been looking everywhere for that picture of what your peeps would think of your socialist health care that YOU pay for. Found it.
Ask Mr. Klynical Klown if that’s an accurate image of “Group Death”.
Why are you paying for this “socialism” for your fambly?
Useless unemployed tool@24,
Sorry but your insipid stupid argument is falling on deaf ears. Puddy is enrolled in the family plan while you bitch and moan woe is me.
Stay stupid fool!
The Prosecution Rests.
Here’s a word of warning from Business Week magazine, in an article titled “Five Market Mistakes To Avoid.” Before you blow this off, let me say I’m only trying to save you from yourself, ya stupid goatfucker!
Skip Mistakes #1, 3, 4, and 5; the one you should read is 2:
“2. Don’t Fall for Fads or Hype
“In investing, jumping on the bandwagon is often a bad idea.
“For example, television ads have appeared touting gold as an investment after the precious metal’s price has jumped higher, approaching $1,100 per ounce on Nov. 6.
“Yet this could be the very time when gold prices are at or near their peak. ‘This is probably the worst time in my opinion to pile into gold,’ Benningfield says.”
“Useless unemployed”
Only way to be, puddy! Go ahead, work — and give 32.65% of what you make to the gummint — if that makes you happy. As for me, I’m gonna make my money by inheriting it and/or flipping assets, because the taxes are only 1/3rd as much on the useless and unemployed.
Another protest aimed at obama at the white house. Of course that automatically makes them racists.
Used to be the media always covered these things. Now with obama in the white house, they don’t seem to have lost the reason to show the protesters.
“We recognize that Barack Hussein Obama is white power in black face,” civil rights activist Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black is Back coalition, which arranged the protest, called into a megaphone as the group marched outside the gates of the White House.
Heh. With socialist health care from Seattle. With kids attending a Seattle University chock full of “librul” professors.
What kind of a wingnut are you?
The same kind who checks comment threads ever hour or so. Even Mr. Klynical Klown took the day off. Must have been bummer news from Rasmussen.
Carry on fool!
@22: the waste and fraud in the health insurance industry tops Medicare AND they have a 20% overhead….ooops, Puddy misses again!
According to the AARP, the current system is part of the problem:
@28: Gee, 200 people protesting…that is really important Stamn.
Almost as important as the couple of people the tea baggers get….get a clue Stamn, idiots and radicals on both sides are pretty insignificant. And so are you.
Where is Klynical: The market hit a new high today….of course the economy is still in recovery from the mess left by Bush, but the market always recovers before the economy does.
31 – Yep. The G-20 are keeping the printing presses running. I see GE and Catepillar are up. Export oriented stocks benefit when the dollar goes down.
Keep screaming about my inexpensive health plan while being unemployed ylb arschloch while Puddy keeps making money.
My kids earned their right into UW by being intelligent. Let’s see what your spawn does in a few years. Hopefully they’ll follow in their mother’s footsteps!
The Prosecution Rests.
Oh…so WE’RE paying for YOUR kids to go to UW?
From the people’s republic of SEATTLE!
A Co-op! All your wingnut buddies have to suffer with the status quo crap costing over twice that amount!
You see a doctor on that plan – he or she is on salary!!! Oh poor Stupes has a little achy-poo in the knee from an old sports injury. Well sorry Stupes you’ll have to wait in line, the plan has limited resources – just like in CANADA!!!
Imagine that – Stupes of all people – a closet socialist!!!
Oh he mumbles – that’s what the organization offers. So why isn’t the fool with a different organization? Cuz he’s a hypocritical idiot that’s why.
No rujax,
Puddy pays! What a dumbfuck of a “man” this turdball rujax the dumb cinder block is.
Poor ylb arschloch…
He has no life so he makes shit up. My yob has this plan fool. Sooooooo what does your you offer?
Ooops my bad… you are unemployed.
Why is Puddy there? Great yob, work from home and Puddy gets to kick your sorry unemployed ASS all over the ‘Nets.
Way to go Lib-tar-do!
BTW rujax,
Puddy makes too much money to qualify for some scholarships. See ya numbnuts!
See the stock market today???
One thing about investing is that it’s all about trends.
Do you realize that the Dow trended downward from its October 11, 2007 high of 14,709 until the day Bush left office?
That’s 466 days of a downward trend.
It only took Obama 45 days to stop the Bush downward trend and started the current Democratic created upward trend has lasted for 227 days!!
And for some reason, against the good for America you continue to rail agianst Obama and the Democrats even though clearly, history and the facts are not on your side.
Why do you and the Republicans continuously try to prevent America from prospering?
Is it because your ego is so big you cannot admit when the policies and political leaders that you believe in fail America?
Despite the overwhelming long term trends to the contrary??
Really, give us a thoughtful answer as to the reasons you continue to predict failure despite proof to the contrary?
Yep saw the stock market today. Got some good gains.
Regarding railing against America, we’ll see. The Dow hit 10,000 and you went nutzo. Then the Dow went down. Let’s see if it continues to go up. Regarding the policies, did you notice the $$$ dramatically dropped today? Gaz prices will be increasing real soon!
Well it seems the Ft Hood dude was trying to get in touch with Al Qaeda. Because the libtardos have emasculated our CIA and FBI, this whackamole Hasan was allowed to get a promotion even though his superiors complained up the Army command chain. And this happened on Obama’s watch Libtardos!
“On Thursday afternoon, a radicalized Muslim US Army officer shouting “Allahu Akbar!” committed the worst act of terror on American soil since 9/11. And no one wants to call it an act of terror or associate it with Islam.
“What cowards we are. Political correctness killed those patriotic Americans at Ft. Hood as surely as the Islamist gunman did. And the media treat it like a case of non-denominational shoplifting.”
Yet ABC News Brian Ross has the balls to report truths while other leftist rags and pinheads like Evan Thomas and Bob Schieffer pop the party line.
For the Stupes, Poopers and Pudges of the world:
Too funny.