Don’t know what you tried to post there but I’m just getting an ad.
proud leftistspews:
Wingnuttia must be so proud of itself for the perception it has created of itself. We see what a wonderful job winguttia is doing with regard to recruiting the young.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Obama seems like a nice guy to me. I’ll probably never vote for the guy, though, or, for that matter, one of those Republicans who can’t stand NOT being involved in some stupid foreign adventure over in the Middle East. I’ve had it with that crap! Close down the side shows in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is Mayor Nickels going to give up his armed escort now that we are safe on Seattle owned properties? Remember, the odds of somebody getting hurt are significantly higher with a firearm in his presence.
Nobel Committeespews:
The Nobel Committee has awarded a special Nobel for Bravery to President Obama today for his role in the safe rescue of Balloon Boy. In part, the citation states Obama’s inspirational “YES WE CAN” motto kept the hopes of Balloon Boy’s parents high as they searched their house for their son, finally finding him in the attic. Without President Obama’s glorious leadership, the boy would surely have died today.
Politically Incorrectspews:
That was snarky.
Why Does Peas Prize Obama Hate Black People?spews:
Obama wanted to use his first visit as president to the Gulf Coast …
via Blethen Bugle, today.
And that first visit? A very brief drive-by. Compare it to a recent Oprah Obama taxpayer-paid pollution-spewing planet-killing junket to wonderful wonderful Copenhagen.
proud leftistspews:
There is too much hate in our body politic nowadays. It is not healthy for our democracy. Because I like to lead by example, I am going to stop troll-bashing and start treating trolls with deference and respect. I am turning the page on partisan rants. I will show nothing but love for our trolls from now on. Besides, isn’t it true that we will ultimately be judged by how we have treated the least of those among us?
Well what are you really saying Harry? Puddy covered some of this before which ylb arschloch can vouch for but he won’t being an arschloch:
“The results of Kessler and McClellan’s study have been applied to current health care expenditure to approximate the cost of defensive medicine across the nation. These statistics applied to the nation’s $1.4 trillion annual health care expenditure in 2005 (estimated to be over $2 trillion this fiscal year by President Obama), show that health care costs could have been reduced by $124 billion overall and government expenses by $50 billion per year. Adding the cost of defending malpractice cases, paying compensation, and covering additional administrative costs (a total of $29.4 billion), the average American family thus pays an additional $2,000 per year in health care just to cover the costs of defensive medicine. With the national health care costs expected to be over $4.5 trillion by 2017, the cost of defensive medicine to the average American could triple in the next 10 years.”
54 Billion a year for 10 years is $540 Billion Harry Reid… for tort reform…
Why did you forget the other 129+50+29.4=208.4 Billion a year savings
So remove the 29.4 and insert 54 Billion = 233 Billion per year Harry.
So now over 10 years we save 2.33 Trillion Harry. Why did you skip this Harry?
proud leftistspews:
My dear friend, Puddy,
The tort reformers won the battle simply by coining the term, “defensive medicine.” Our medical provider friends can jump on their horses and proclaim that the only reason a certain procedure is performed is to keep the wicked trial lawyers outside the castle. The reality, of course, is that the providers nonetheless charge for, and profit from, the “defensive” procedure. Would you not concede, at a minimum, that mixed motives might underlie what is referred to as defensive medicine?
Most studies, and surely the most reliable ones, indicate that malpractice case filings are down and that malpractice costs to the healthcare system barely count. Please read some studies that do not support your position, my friend.
Fit to Printspews:
From today’s Jayson Blair times:
* The Michele Bachmann action figure is on page A20. Fact checkers, maybe the same checkers who checked SNL’s Obama skit, find “falsehoods” in Bachmann’s remarks about ACORN census jobs, jobs the Census Bureau said would no longer be delegated to ACORN. Also note that Bachmann is one of those Republican child haters who, according to Jolly Roger Rabbit, cares about children only before they’re born. Bachmann “has opened her home to 23 foster children.”
* The Arts Section says that Tina Fey can’t act when she’s pretending to be Tina Fey.
* Page B2 has a warning about the Obama Bubble. Page B2 calls it a Dow Bubble.
* Kristof’s column is about thug union Democrat public schools that abuse our children. “It’s difficult to improve failing schools when you can’t create alternatives such as charter schools and can’t remove inept or abusive teachers.” That truth is so inconvenient that Kristof won’t be allowed to buy a piece of the St. Louis Rams.
So you’re advocating a single payer system? There’s no need for malpractice insurance. The emphasis is on preventative, vs defensive, medicine.
I’m so glad that we’ve finally found common ground on this one issue.
Keep thinking things through like this and pretty soon you’ll be talking like a progressive.
(PS- You got my apology for confusing you with pudge?)
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud Leftist…
WHAT? When Kessler-McClellan did their study in 1997… it won the 1997 American Economics Association’s award in health economics.
Puddy went right to the HuffPo specifically to REFUTE
Most studies, and surely the most reliable ones, indicate that malpractice case filings are down and that malpractice costs to the healthcare system barely count.
So you are really saying
Dr. Johnny Benjamin Sports doctor, orthopedic surgeon, handsome black man
IS NOT a reputable source?
Puddy using the tried and true Democratic playbook of useless thoughts: How racist of you Proud Leftist!!!!!
So you disagree with the AAOS who seem to agree with the black sports doctor.
Of course the Mass Med Society estimated in their own local savings…
So who are these “non-biased” sources Proud Leftist?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So you’re advocating a single payer system?
Where, what, when, how, why?
proud leftistspews:
Puddy, my buddy,
Physicians organizations, in fact, are not credible when it comes to issues of tort reform. They have an ax to grind. Would you consider a trial lawyer organization credible on the issue? Of course, you would not.
With regard to the doctor you identify, I could care less what his skin color is. That’s what differentiates me from people like Rush Limbaugh, who are incapable of disregarding skin color. Tell me, Puddy, do you think that Donovan McNabb was overrated because the media needed to make a star of a black quarterback, like Rushbo claimed? Frankly, I remember him as a helluva quarterback who led the Eagles to the Super Bowl. [I hope I’m not being disrespectful here, given that I’ve turned a page and all.]
Tell me, Puddy, do you think that Donovan McNabb was overrated because the media needed to make a star of a black quarterback, like Rushbo claimed?
PUDDY VERY GLAD YOU ASKED… Ever come to a Drinking Liberally? Let me know and I will call in front of you my older brother who as a big time liberalhe’ll say “This is the one time I agree with Rush Limbaugh”.
Yes both of us think Donovan is overrated. He could have handled the TO situation much better, and he tends to think Donovan first team second…
Since you have poor memory… Eagles fans booed his selection in 1999.
60.4% 18th-best in the 2008.
58.9% for his 10 year career.
ESPN has him MIA for 2009…
NFL Fantasy has him #10
Puddy thinks Randall Cunningham was a better quarterback. And he played on a worse Eagles team. In 1990 he almost ran for 1000 yards. He was the one who set the stage for the better black quarterbacks of today Daunte Culpepper, Byron Leftwich, Donovan McNabb, the late Steve McNair, and Michael Vick. When Randall retired in 2002 he was still good. He retired as the all-time leader for quarterback rushing yards. Led the Vikings to a 15-1 record. He had a 106 passer rating in 1998.
Puddy would probably be a pretty good guy if he wasn’t such a jackass.
Louisiana Judge denies marriage license to interracial couple.
“I don’t do interracial marriages because I don’t want to put children in a situation they didn’t bring on themselves,” said Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell of Tangipahoa Parish.
People should stop pretending Obama’s the Messiah and get back to bedrock Americanism like praising Ronaldus Magnus.
Here’s one for Puddy.
proud leftistspews:
Rujax at 21
Nice pick up. What do you think about that, Puddy, my buddy? Our president is the product of a mixed race relationship, and he seems to be doing alright. So do his children. Puddy, will you defend this judge, who we all know votes Republican?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Another reason Puddy agrees with Roger Rabbit that the government should stay out of marriage. It belongs in churches under God, indivisible!
Uhhhh….ever heard of Tthe Firstt Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.
Thos. Jefferson letter to the “Danbury Baptists” 1802
sludge puppy says;spews:
Okay I’ll go for tort reform but every time patient dies from a medical error the doc does 20 to life.
That Justice of the Peace is a fucking racist you dimwit, THAT’s the point!
It’s because of idiocy like yours that I detest religionists.
Puddy @ 18
First, you say this in response to my query about Donovan McNabb being overrated:
“PUDDY VERY GLAD YOU ASKED… Ever come to a Drinking Liberally? Let me know and I will call in front of you my older brother who as a big time liberalhe’ll say “This is the one time I agree with Rush Limbaugh”.
Yes both of us think Donovan is overrated.”
Then, in the same post, you say this:
“Puddy thinks Randall Cunningham was a better quarterback. And he played on a worse Eagles team. In 1990 he almost ran for 1000 yards. He was the one who set the stage for the better black quarterbacks of today Daunte Culpepper, Byron Leftwich, Donovan McNabb . . .”
I’m confused, Puddy. Why did your friend, Rush, think the media needed to make a star of a black quarterback named Donovan McNabb, when even you believe there had been better before (I might agree with you about Randall Cunningham). Any chance you remember Joe Gilliam with the Steelers? I don’t think he got the chance he should have had.
Puddy, here’s a deal. I have never been to Drinking Liberally. I have wanted to attend, but as you know, I do not live on that side of the water. Give me a little notice if you’re going to be there, and I’ll attend. I kind of meant what I said above about democracy not doing very well when we are as divided as we are. I do believe the majority party needs a noble opposition, and I don’t believe your party is providing anything by way of a noble opposition at the moment. (Check out Everett Dirksen if you’re not sure what I mean.)
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud Leftist,
When Puddy went to college one of my buds was a dark-skinned black bro. He was adopted by a white family. I met them all as we were tight. He had a German name and no one knew why. Later he told us the problems he had growing up as a black child of a white family. Made you really mad. Oh BTW, he was 6′ and 205 of all muscle. He beat some ass growing up.
When Puddy went to college one of the girls everyone lusted over was half Japanese and half black. Wavy black hair tall and those eyes. She spoke perfect Japanese yet she was gaijin and black. They wouldn’t talk to her. She hated it.
When Puddy went to college there was a black man with mixed race parents. One of the upperclass black men happened to see his parents and the members of the black dorm on north campus called him half-breed.
The same thing happened to a light skinned black woman who happened to have a white father. That really set the black women against her For what? Cuz her mother married a black man.
So yes Proud Leftist Puddy has seen it BIG TIME>
proud leftistspews:
I couldn’t agree more. Those that want tort deform, should live (or die) with its consequences.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow Proud Leftist,
Interesting Post. Do you remember how many times Puddy has referred to Everett Dirksen on this blog? Numerous times. Ask ylb arschloch. He can give you the number direct from his tctmgr. Butt since we both have seen ylb arschloch in action we both know he only uses it for stupid attacks.
Now Joe Gilliam… He lost his starting role to Terry Bradshaw. They gave him a chance but he wasn’t very accurate.
I’m confused, Puddy. Why did your friend, Rush, think the media needed to make a star of a black quarterback named Donovan McNabb, when even you believe there had been better before (I might agree with you about Randall Cunningham).
Why you confused Proud? Not from da hood? Cunningham was a better person, a team leader, a talented quarterback who survived when the social mores were still blacks were still thought of as running backs, defensive backs or receivers. So along comes McNabb, booed by the Philly faithful, and he comes out with this machismo. Good for him. But he had to deliver. Read some old Philly paper comments from the early 2000 years.
BTW my older brother thinks Mark Sanchez of the NY Jets is too cocky too!
The MSM only interview those who they feel will give them the answer they are looking for. That’s why Rick Sanchez of CNN had his ASS handed to him earlier this week by Mercury Morris when Morris agreed with Limbaugh the NFL is like the crips and the bloods. Watch Sanchez face when Morris agreed with the comment.
Why do you think Sharpton and Jackson get all that face time. Neither are too bright. Neither are too articulate. Neither can see anything except race issues. At least Sharpton wasn’t as fast to draw conclusions on the 3 Duke whitey boyz as Jackson was. And knowing about Jackson’s shakedown tactics, he hates corporate America until he gets his piece through a shakedown makes him more distasteful!!!!!
When you plan to make it let Puddy know.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy would love to get into a black issues discussion with ROTCODDAM at a DL one night.
It would be GLORIOUS!!!!!
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 30
Was any of what you saw right? Was it good? Do you condone how those mixed race people were treated? People can’t much help with whom they fall in love. I think the generation that is now becoming adult is doing better than our generation did about such things.
Want to know something? On my maternal side, my grandfather emigrated from Norway and my grandmother from Sweden. They married in Ballard, to the chagrin of both sides. That was considered a mixed race marriage because Sweden had occupied Norway until 1905. They could communicate with each other in their native tongues, and they didn’t look much different. Nonetheless, some relatives would not even attend the wedding (in the 30s). Some, would never talk to one or the other again. Tell me, should we try to get over such differences, or just believe they are eternal?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
No rujax, your points are seldom agreed to…
Except the ones on the cinderblock corners.
That kid was sharp.
He picked up on all the Obama Derangement Syndrome going around the wingnutties among us.
So sad that a child has to witness such insanity.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Until your party stops putting people at each other to get elected no one will get over their differences.
Now regarding conservatives who act stupid get rid of them too. But who was it who placed the first black NSA and SoS in WA DC? And what did your party do? What did “people” like ylb arschloch call them? And you wonder why Puddy has such a distaste for ylb arschloch and other filth like him on HA Libtardos?
Think long and hard about your answer Proud Leftist!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy has a date night so we’ll continue this tomorrow. Great start to the evening…
Asshole @ 37
What did I call Powell and Condi?
Powell soiled himself at the UN. Who could respect him after that even after all the infighting he did with the neo-crazies?
Condi? Shit. I commend her for driving the chimpanzee away from Duck! Cheney while SOS but that’s pretty thin gruel after eight years of the WORST administration this country has ever endured.
She could come clean and expose all the crazy shit that went on. The people have a right to know. Then I’d have some respect for her.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 32
Do you really want to cite Mercury Morris as an authority? Didn’t he have a little trouble with the law? He may have rehabilitated (and you and I, as Christians, know that happens), but don’t you think kissing up to authority might be in his best interests?
35. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
No rujax, your points are seldom agreed to…
Except the ones on the cinderblock corners.
10/15/2009 at 9:57 pm
Sure, Puddy. Right.
Whatever you say.
Like I said, if you weren’t such a jackass, you’d be all right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Well, if you’re not going to vote for either Obama or a Republican who likes foreign adventures, that doesn’t leave you much does it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 & 7: Jealous because you didn’t get it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “I am going to stop troll-bashing and start treating trolls with deference and respect. … I will show nothing but love for our trolls from now on … isn’t it true that we will ultimately be judged by how we have treated the least of those among us?”
Not me. I’m going to continue giving them what they deserve, even if I go to Hell for it. True Americans deserve nothing less from me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 What you’re leaving out is that surveys show many doctors say they would not significantly alter their “defensive medicine” practices even if liability was not an issue.
You also failed to mention that states which have enacted so-called “tort reform” have not experienced a drop in health care costs.
Finally, you also overlooked the fact that so-called “defensive medicine” benefits patients by catching medical conditions through more thorough testing that otherwise would have been missed.
Consider yourself bitch-slapped again, puddy, but thanks anyway for playing. It’s always a pleasure to kick your stupid ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Bachmann “has opened her home to 23 foster children.”
Thanks for alerting me to this! I’ve contacted Minnesota child welfare authorities.
(Rujax sez in his announcer voice:)
So Roger…is there a home version of “HorsesAss” that our contestants recieve for appearing on the show?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 No, but they get a Rubic’s Cube and a mop for cleaning up after their heads explode.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 That looks like a Sec. 1863 lawsuit for treble damages in federal court to me. One of my brother attorneys will earn a nice fee from this one, and he’s got a deep-pocketed local government to go after. What that government does to this JOP is their business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 You fucked up again, puddy. My position is government should be in charge of marriages and churches should stay out of government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “When Puddy went to college …”
This has got to be an exaggeration.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “Now regarding conservatives who act stupid get rid of them too.”
There wouldn’t be many conservatives left, would there? Btw where do you want to be sent?
You fucked up again, puddy. My position is government should be in charge of marriages and churches should stay out of government.
Wrong old Feral Dumb Bunny… that’s not what you said earlier. Remember the R-71 discussion? Or as always you once again forget anything 24 hours old? Maybe you should review what you said about it. Puddy will give you ample opportunity before Puddy picks it apart again… Search HA Feral Dumb Bunny. It was recent.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch,
Up yours fool. You’ve made disparaging remarks on Colin and Condi with your signature simian silliness. This is why you are the most despised here along with headless by Puddy. You sit on your unemployed ASS and attack good people who are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY smarter than you and they are black, recognized in their fields for their accomplishments and conservative.
I thought you were suggesting ways to save money and improve the quality of care. Obviously, I thought you’d support single payer because it’s proven effective at doing both. Far more effective than any other approach.
What was your motivation? Rationalizing tort reform? I’d like to think you’re better than such cheap rhetorical tricks.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud asked
Do you really want to cite Mercury Morris as an authority?
No, Puddy happened across the YouTube video of the CNN interview. Sanchex thought he had a retired black professional footballer who would attack Rush and he agreed with some of Rush’s comments. It was
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny because the Sanchex idiot has a checkered history. Since Puddy has relatives in South Florida, search Rick Sanchez Miami and see what you stumble upon.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Still waiting for your comments on post #37.
Puddy realizes no one else would touch it except that old simian spotter ylb arschloch. Maybe in his “mind” he thinks he’s married butt in reality he’s a trained unemployed chimp who has computer skillz.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Jason sez
I thought you were suggesting ways to save money and improve the quality of care.
Puddy was/is, and will be for a long time suggesting ways to save money and improve the quality of care. Butt the single payer plan won’t be the answer.
Obviously, I thought you’d support single payer because it’s proven effective at doing both. Far more effective than any other approach.
“The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA’s support of Democrats’ proposed health care overhaul.”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You see Jason, when the reality really checks up you’ll never that poll above from the whitey house… It doesn’t fit the public option narrative.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
When well known black economist Thomas Sowell laid out his disagreeing comments on “obamacare” what did you think Jason and Proud Leftist?
He’s a PhD. Economist. A black man. Racist? He questions if this program is so wonderful why wait until 2013 to implement it?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Jason, did you notice big labor has come out against Max Baucus’ bill because it taxes their “top-shelf/mercedes” health care plans? Will congress get taxed on their plans now?
We have multiple forms of healthcare insurance, readily available for side-by-side comparisons. The marketplace of ideas and innovation at work. The real world shows that single payer is the most effective and costs least.
And you want me to read a poll?
Please, be serious. These are issues of life and death.
Your proposal is perhaps 1/2 as effective as mine. You’re leaving money on the table. If it was your money, I don’t think you’d let your “principles” prevent you from saving money.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
The preznit brags about “polls” all the time. The preznit’s disciples brag about “polls” all the time. Your friend and libtardo nut case correctnotright recently bragged about eight “polls”.
Money? Puddy suggests many reforms. Democrats only want one thing…
“Money for the Kennedy Institute was inserted by Mr. Inouye and Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat. Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, Louisiana Democrat”
“$20 million for Humvee maintenance at an Army National Guard installation in Maine, sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe, Maine Republicans. The senators said cuts in the maintenance program proposed by the administration would result in the “layoff of 175 employees in a region already suffering” from the recession.”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Imagine if GW Bush had tried this. The HA Libtardos would be howling and screaming madly.
And just think if he tried this too. The HA Libtardos would be really loud in their howling and screaming.
“The law was passed after a late-1990s scandal involving the U.S. companies Space Systems/Loral and Hughes Electronics Corp.
Both companies improperly shared technology with China and were fined $20 million and $32 million, respectively, by the State Department after a U.S. government investigation concluded that their know-how was used to improve China’s long-range nuclear missiles. ”
You all know about good old Democrat funder Bernie Schwartz. Cheap Labor Democrat…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow if this happened during the GW Bush administration HA Libtardos would be screaming madly. Goldy or Darryl would create a thread heading. ylb arschloch would be the first to post…
“Three intelligence reports warned that Taliban insurgents were planning an attack just days before this month’s raid on two remote military outposts in eastern Afghanistan that killed eight U.S. soldiers, but the reports were dismissed as insignificant”
56 – Where’s the link moron??? Oh I get it. I called the Chimp and his crew, “The Chimp Gang” or “the monkey administration”.
So let me clarify. I meant
The Chimp AND his gang. Ok? Does it leave a trace in the sea mucilage between the ears?
Of course not – you’re the type to call Ted Kennedy a racist because he disparaged neanderthal judicial philosophies the tactics of your batshit insane buddy Joe Farrah.
“The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”
I don’t care how clean she comes about that insane gang she was part of. I’ll respect her for coming forward but I NEVER EVER FORGIVE HER FOR THAT!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ahhh yes the biggest unemployed name caller on HA is having a “heartfelt” moment.
The only last laugh will be when you get employment. Until then the comedy continues…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Has anyone been paying attention to the price of oil?
No! Well you should. Butt, y’all don’t care as long as new money is being printed by the peznit’s gang.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 Please feel free to remind me of what I don’t know about myself. You seem to have undue enthusiasm for putting words in my mouth. I don’t know why, because you never get away with it. But, hey, take a whack at it puddinghead. You don’t need to prove your idiocy on this blog anymore, that’s already established, but you’re one hell of an entertainer so don’t quit now!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Looks like the truth about the Peace Prize is coming out…
“The choice for Obama was however strongly supported by committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland and Sissel Roenbeck, both representatives of the Labour Party”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Another reason the peace prize money should go into Chicago…
Puddy been talking about inner city problems for years on HA. Of course ROTCODDAM has nothing to say on this subject either…
Puddybud is entertaining in a really really irritating kind of way.
But he sure is a know nothing jackass. Except about football. I may not agree with his opinions (big shock) but he seems to knoww his stuff there.
@ 79…
WHO besides you actually GIVES A FUCK.
Christ on a crutch, you asshole. The AMERICAN President won the award.
Aren’t you an AMERICAN? Or have YOU “seceded”?
It’s a fucking sourrce of American PRIDE and International prestige.
Not like invading and destroying a defenseless country that did nothing to deserve it. Not like being a continuing international embarrassment and impediment to international co-operation.
Now you’re advocating we govern based on polling data?
Maybe we should also ask the populace if the sun rises in the east, if creationism is real, and if ketchup is a vegetable.
I’m talking about improving healthcare. Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Heating Oil Inventories And Prices Higher
Wait a minute! Under the laws of supply and demand, isn’t higher inventories supposed to result in lower prices?
Yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but that’s not how it works in the unregulated, laissez-faire, completely free markets advocated by our wingnut friends.
What actually happens is crooks, scammers, con artists, and greedheads move in and manipulate supplies, drive prices up, and skim money off the top — making everything more expensive for you the consumer.
In other words, a “free market” is a license for thieves to steal from you.
We all know the 2008 Oil Price Gouge wasn’t caused by supply shortfalls. There weren’t any supply shortfalls. It was caused by speculators.
Well, the same thing is happening again. Daily Finance reports:
“There’s plenty of heating oil to go around — indeed, inventories are at their highest level in nearly three decades — and yet prices are going up. …
“Supplies of heating oil stand about 33 percent above their five-year average, we learned from the Energy Department on Thursday, something that would ordinarily be considered a glut.
“Gluts are bad for producers but great for consumers, thanks to the good old law of supply and demand … the price of heating oil, if anything, should … be coming down. And yet it’s getting more expensive. …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking market failure. But hey, there’s a silver lining — my oil stocks are doing great!
@83 Jason
Welcome to Puddyworld, where the main points of an argument are ignored, so that Puddy can be brilliant (in his own mind) by making his own completely absurd points.
After he demolishes you intellectually (in his own mind), he will try to insult you and claim you know nothing.
Puddy has successfully defended the non-scientific anti-climate change crowd, the corporate interests, the racists in the republican party and the current health care system….all in his own mind and with his own unique way of obfuscating the true issues with side-points of little importance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
U.S. Economy Could Lose 25% Of Jobs To Offshoring
In other news, economist Alan Blinder says 25% of U.S. jobs — 30 to 40 million jobs — could move abroad. Meaning, if incentives to offshore stay in place, they will go abroad. No company can afford the competitive disadvantage of voluntarily paying higher U.S. wages.
“Many analysts were quick to point out that ‘could’ is miles away from ‘will,’ and have noted that Blinder’s depressing conclusion doesn’t automatically translate into a massive outflux of jobs. While this is certainly true, it ignores the devastating effect that offshoring has already had and minimizes the attraction that the program holds for business owners. Under the circumstances, the fact that 25 percent of jobs can go overseas suggests that — if current trends continue — a large percentage will eventually do so.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Corporatism has completely taken over the running of America; and under corporatism, America no longer exists for the benefit of all Americans, but only for wealthy investors.
If you think unemployment is ugly now, wait until another 25% of the workforce is added to the unemployment rolls, bringing total unemployment above 35%. Even the Great Depression wasn’t that bad.
Frankly, some of the Republican policies instituted since Reagan’s time make no sense, such as giving American companies tax breaks to send jobs overseas, and allowing American billionaires to avoid U.S. taxes by taking up residence in tax havens like the Cayman Islands while running companies in the U.S. and taking money out of the U.S. and stashing it in Caribbean and Swiss banks.
Naturally, one wonders who the hell these American businesses who are shucking good-paying jobs right and left will sell their products after American workers become so destitute they won’t be able to buy pencil erasers. No worries; there’ll be plenty of newly-affluent Indians and Chinese to sell to!
What the fuck is this country coming to?
Where is theat idiot Klynical??
He never posts good news for Obama like this–
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11
Roger Rabbitspews:
Disease Stages Comeback
Bacterial illnesses are killing hundreds of thousands of people because drug companies don’t have financial incentives to develop antibiotics, according to a report from the American Academy of Microbiology.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yet another fucking market failure! There are no technology hurdles to overcome; we don’t have these medicines simply because there’s not enough profit in them.
Here’s how the private drug industry works. They don’t invent anything. All the basic research is done by universities and government labs at taxpayer expense. Private for-greed drug companies get this research essentially for free and use it to formulate proprietary drug products which they sell to the taxpayers who paid for the research at huge markups.
The government is complicit in this scam. They give the drug companies patent protection for X number of years. During the patent period, the companies reap enormous profits by selling drugs at huge markups. None of that money directly benefits patients.
As you know, after a drug goes off patent, generics become available and the bottom drops out of the pricing. Drugs that sold for $5 a pill can then be bought for 5 cents a pill.
Anyone who tells you those profits support research is either ignorant or lying. Private for-greed drug companies typically spend about 5% or 6% of their revenue on R & D, and most of their “research” merely consists of trying to reformulate drugs they already have into new combinations of drugs solely for the purpose of extending their patents and therefore their profit generating ability.
The lion’s share of what you pay for patent-protected proprietary drugs — between half and two-thirds — is spent on marketing. That’s right, most of what you pay for brand-name drugs is spent trying to persuade you to ask your doctor to prescribe them for you.
In the real world, most of us can’t afford pricey branded drugs, and must wait years for patents to expire to get access to treatment, hoping the infection doesn’t kill us before a generic becomes available.
That’s a fucked-up way of doing things, if you ask me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 I haven’t seen him for several days, either. He’s probably dead. Most likely got an infection from fucking his goats and couldn’t afford the pills because they’re still under patent. RIP, you old goatfucker! Where you are now, you won’t have to worry about heating oil prices this winter.
If you think unemployment is ugly now, wait until another 25% of the workforce is added to the unemployment rolls, bringing total unemployment above 35%. Even the Great Depression wasn’t that bad.
Well that’s the ruling class’ worst nightmare. There’ll be a freaking revolution if that happens.
But they’re so damn greedy they may resort to private armies and fortified gated communities before they surrender a penny to help the poor and the middle class.
i guess you guys dont get it, but that is exactly what is about to happen.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again rujax proves he’s a cinderblock
WHO besides you actually GIVES A FUCK.
Christ on a crutch, you asshole. The AMERICAN President won the award.
Aren’t you an AMERICAN? Or have YOU “seceded”?
It’s a fucking sourrce of American PRIDE and International prestige.
Not like invading and destroying a defenseless country that did nothing to deserve it. Not like being a continuing international embarrassment and impediment to international co-operation.
Grow the fuck up.
Really rujax? They admit they placed his name as for his potential not what he did. Installed in 11 days and he’s nominated for the peace prize. Yes to you potential is all one needs. What ha this preznit delivered? Even Dr Cornel West, liberal black professor of Princeton also asked for what? Is Dr West a racist too rujax? Is Dr Thomas Sowell, black PhD conservative economist who asked “For What?” a racist too rujax? Tow professors who are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than you rujax question the Nobel Committee’s motives.
Whatever dude!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Jason Osgood…
Now you’re advocating we govern based on polling data?
No that’s correctnotright, HA Libtardos and the libtardo MSM.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
BULLSHITTIUM ALERT still in force on Roger Feral Dumb Bunny…
Yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but that’s not how it works in the unregulated, laissez-faire, completely free markets advocated by our wingnut friends.
Nope you dope! The continual printing of more US greenbacks has devalued our currency and the oil price increases. Ask your bud GBS! He’ll explain it to you feral dumb bunny.
Did you forget about NYMEX Feral Dumb Bunny? Ask your nephew ylb arschloch to give you all the NYMEX posts.
@92 Oh, but we do get it! I bought shares of Olin, parent company of Winchester, and all the rightwing nuts buying ammo are pouring dollars into my pocket! I’m gonna be a rich fucking bunny! Oh, and btw, if you guys try to overthrow our elected gummint I’ll fucking shoot your traitorous asses. Before we hang you, I mean.*
* Heh! Just kidding! This is only a morbid Coulter joke. We wouldn’t waste rope like that.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh look Roger Feral Dumb Bunny is explaining someone who funds many of the libtardo whackamole web sites visited by the HA Libtardos…
allowing American billionaires to avoid U.S. taxes by taking up residence in tax havens like the Cayman Islands while running companies in the U.S. and taking money out of the U.S. and stashing it in Caribbean and Swiss banks.
Can anyone figger out who this is?
Puddy still likes your definition YouTube Videographers, many of which this blog loves to post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
correction @98: that should be @93 not @92
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 This shows just how stupid you truly are, puddy. When they talk about heating oil “inventories,” they’re referring to heating oil already already in the United States, dumbshit! As in already bought and paid for, but sitting unsold in storage tanks. Currency devaluation may affect wellhead prices abroad, but has nothing to do with domestic prices for refined products in storage and awaiting buyers, which is supposed to be a function of supply and demand. Supply up = price down, this is what you guys say you believe in, right? So why isn’t it working? You come up with some bullshit about “inflation” (which is a whole ‘nother subject, see below) but that has nothing to do with the failure of the market to respond to oversupply with falling prices. I repeat, why isn’t the supply-demand curve working? The only possible answer is “price manipulation.”
Amazing how you claim this is how it works to make yourself look smart.
Cheerio Bunny…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
When you get a job all will smile on HA. Until then many are laughing at you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As for “inflation,” here’s the scoop. The government has infused cash into the economy in a lesser amount than the private cash taken out of circulation and parked in Treasuries, so the gummint’s cash infusion can’t possibly be causing monetary inflation because the money supply is smaller than it was when all this shit started.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But trying to explain that to an idiot who can’t even read a historical deficits chart is hopeless and a waste of time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When all that cash parked in Treasuries and earning zero interest — about $3 trillion — comes out of hiding and goes back to work, it’ll have to go somewhere, and a lot of it will go into stocks. More money chasing the same stocks = higher stock prices. But that won’t happen right away because people are still scared. First, there’ll be a selloff of the currently overbought stock market, and of course I’ll take my profits before that happens, then after the market overreacts in the other direction and the market becomes oversold, I’ll buy them back and when all that money comes out of Treasuries I’ll sell them again for double or triple what I paid for them! This sure beats working.
Of course, my stock flipping activities don’t contribute a fucking thing to GDP or the economy, and don’t create a single job. This is why Congress rewards me with generous tax breaks and society adores me and fawns over my prowess. If you want to be mistreated, disrespected, and taxed to death, then get a job and find out what society’s attitude is toward people who work and produce! I did, and I’ll never do it again. I much prefer to play the zero-sum game of taking money from other people and giving it to myself. This is what our society respects, honors, and rewards! Working is for saps and suckers. I don’t work or produce; I’m a capitalist!
Roger Rabbitspews:
No one should feel sorry for my victims, because they willingly give me their money. Most of them are hedge fund and mutual fund managers anyway, and they deserve to have me take advantage of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@103 “When you get a job all will smile on HA.”
You must be joking! You don’t listen to anything I say, do you? Okay, go to work if you want to. Don’t let me stop you from working! Idiot. Me, I don’t work, I flip financial assets for fun, profit, and tax breaks.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Roger Feral Really Dumb Bunny Idiot@108, Why not check to see who @90 is moron?
Man you need those virtual oxygen bottles from Carl Grossman!
He sucked one of those blobs through his proboscis into the empty cavity between his ears.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Oh hahaha a ylb arschloch funny.
Go with it arschloch. You know what it looks like from picking your nose too deeply and now projection is all you have left. Did a blob float by in your vitreous humor?
Awwww … puddinghead … do I frustrate you and get you really wound up?
G O O D ! ! !
Roger Rabbitspews:
@109 Uh, poodle, I hate to tell you this but my remarks @108 were directed at the maroon who posted @103 not my friend @90. You have a reading comprehension problem. Get help.
“We’re going to have to, if you’re very old, we’re not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It’s too expensive…so we’re going to let you die.”
“…I am going try to reorganize it to be more amenable to treating sick people but that means you, particularly you young people, particularly you young healthy people…you’re going to have to pay more.”
“…What that means, less innovation and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market which means you are probably not going to live much longer than your parents.”
Full speech can be found here at the Berkeley Web site…
Wait for it… correctnotright will call this an anecdote.
114 – Indeed Stupes can’t comprehend for beans. Some kind of mental tic.
Really rujax? They admit they placed his name as for his potential not what he did. Installed in 11 days and he’s nominated for the peace prize. Yes to you potential is all one needs. What ha this preznit delivered? Even Dr Cornel West, liberal black professor of Princeton also asked for what? Is Dr West a racist too rujax? Is Dr Thomas Sowell, black PhD conservative economist who asked “For What?” a racist too rujax? Tow professors who are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than you rujax question the Nobel Committee’s motives.
Whatever dude!
You are unquestionably the dumbest fucking fuck in a fucking truck load of dumb fucks.
You have NO fucking clue how the prize was awarded. ALL your God-Damned cites are ALWAYS wrong or you twist them beyond recognition. Your “conservative” sources are fucking right-wing propaganda. You are a fucking laughing stock. A fool. An object of abject derision. Your moronic contrarian act is tedious and tiresome.
Politically Incorrectspews:
rodent sadi:
@3 Well, if you’re not going to vote for either Obama or a Republican who likes foreign adventures, that doesn’t leave you much does it?”
That’s correct, but there are alternatives to dumbass Dems and crooked Reps. I’ll vote for someone other than those two choices.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Looks like rujax the cinder block as an expert on the Nobel Peace Prize… NOT
1) Puddy posted the comments from the committee stating Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was nominated 11 days into his presidency
2) Puddy posted to comments from the committee where other members questioned his nomination 11 days into his presidency.
3) Puddy placed the comments from the committee where the discussion focused on his potential, not his actual accomplishments.
4)Puddy posted the comments after the prize was announced from the head of the committee and his direct words on why Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was selected.
5) Sources were from Norway or France. Shhhh don’t tell that to rujax. It’s best to keep him stupid all the time.
And this dumb as a cinder block block head rujax wrote
You have NO fucking clue how the prize was awarded.
Ummm… miss stuck on stupid… uhhh… YES Puddy does. Puddy used their own quotes ya stupid moronic idiotic twit.
Show where Puddy DIDN’T use their own words cluster brains?
Nuff SAID Sucka You make imbeciles proud
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Feral Dumb Bunny Wabbit and ylb arschloch,
There is one of you chronically unemployed. All Puddy messages were directed at the chronically unemployed one. Feral Dumb Rabbit is welcome to think they point at you anytime you want. As they say about the shoe fitting…
Don’t know what you tried to post there but I’m just getting an ad.
Wingnuttia must be so proud of itself for the perception it has created of itself. We see what a wonderful job winguttia is doing with regard to recruiting the young.
Obama seems like a nice guy to me. I’ll probably never vote for the guy, though, or, for that matter, one of those Republicans who can’t stand NOT being involved in some stupid foreign adventure over in the Middle East. I’ve had it with that crap! Close down the side shows in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is Mayor Nickels going to give up his armed escort now that we are safe on Seattle owned properties? Remember, the odds of somebody getting hurt are significantly higher with a firearm in his presence.
The Nobel Committee has awarded a special Nobel for Bravery to President Obama today for his role in the safe rescue of Balloon Boy. In part, the citation states Obama’s inspirational “YES WE CAN” motto kept the hopes of Balloon Boy’s parents high as they searched their house for their son, finally finding him in the attic. Without President Obama’s glorious leadership, the boy would surely have died today.
That was snarky.
via Blethen Bugle, today.
And that first visit? A very brief drive-by. Compare it to a recent Oprah Obama taxpayer-paid pollution-spewing planet-killing junket to wonderful wonderful Copenhagen.
There is too much hate in our body politic nowadays. It is not healthy for our democracy. Because I like to lead by example, I am going to stop troll-bashing and start treating trolls with deference and respect. I am turning the page on partisan rants. I will show nothing but love for our trolls from now on. Besides, isn’t it true that we will ultimately be judged by how we have treated the least of those among us?
Gotta love it. Really really love it…
Well what are you really saying Harry? Puddy covered some of this before which ylb arschloch can vouch for but he won’t being an arschloch:
“The results of Kessler and McClellan’s study have been applied to current health care expenditure to approximate the cost of defensive medicine across the nation. These statistics applied to the nation’s $1.4 trillion annual health care expenditure in 2005 (estimated to be over $2 trillion this fiscal year by President Obama), show that health care costs could have been reduced by $124 billion overall and government expenses by $50 billion per year. Adding the cost of defending malpractice cases, paying compensation, and covering additional administrative costs (a total of $29.4 billion), the average American family thus pays an additional $2,000 per year in health care just to cover the costs of defensive medicine. With the national health care costs expected to be over $4.5 trillion by 2017, the cost of defensive medicine to the average American could triple in the next 10 years.”
54 Billion a year for 10 years is $540 Billion Harry Reid… for tort reform…
Why did you forget the other 129+50+29.4=208.4 Billion a year savings
So remove the 29.4 and insert 54 Billion = 233 Billion per year Harry.
So now over 10 years we save 2.33 Trillion Harry. Why did you skip this Harry?
My dear friend, Puddy,
The tort reformers won the battle simply by coining the term, “defensive medicine.” Our medical provider friends can jump on their horses and proclaim that the only reason a certain procedure is performed is to keep the wicked trial lawyers outside the castle. The reality, of course, is that the providers nonetheless charge for, and profit from, the “defensive” procedure. Would you not concede, at a minimum, that mixed motives might underlie what is referred to as defensive medicine?
Most studies, and surely the most reliable ones, indicate that malpractice case filings are down and that malpractice costs to the healthcare system barely count. Please read some studies that do not support your position, my friend.
From today’s Jayson Blair times:
* The Michele Bachmann action figure is on page A20. Fact checkers, maybe the same checkers who checked SNL’s Obama skit, find “falsehoods” in Bachmann’s remarks about ACORN census jobs, jobs the Census Bureau said would no longer be delegated to ACORN. Also note that Bachmann is one of those Republican child haters who, according to Jolly Roger Rabbit, cares about children only before they’re born. Bachmann “has opened her home to 23 foster children.”
* The Arts Section says that Tina Fey can’t act when she’s pretending to be Tina Fey.
* Page B2 has a warning about the Obama Bubble. Page B2 calls it a Dow Bubble.
* Kristof’s column is about thug union Democrat public schools that abuse our children. “It’s difficult to improve failing schools when you can’t create alternatives such as charter schools and can’t remove inept or abusive teachers.” That truth is so inconvenient that Kristof won’t be allowed to buy a piece of the St. Louis Rams.
Correction: Jayson Blair Times.
puddypud @ 9
So you’re advocating a single payer system? There’s no need for malpractice insurance. The emphasis is on preventative, vs defensive, medicine.
I’m so glad that we’ve finally found common ground on this one issue.
Keep thinking things through like this and pretty soon you’ll be talking like a progressive.
(PS- You got my apology for confusing you with pudge?)
Proud Leftist…
WHAT? When Kessler-McClellan did their study in 1997… it won the 1997 American Economics Association’s award in health economics.
Puddy went right to the HuffPo specifically to REFUTE
So you are really saying
IS NOT a reputable source?
Puddy using the tried and true Democratic playbook of useless thoughts: How racist of you Proud Leftist!!!!!
So you disagree with the AAOS who seem to agree with the black sports doctor.
Of course the Mass Med Society estimated in their own local savings…
So who are these “non-biased” sources Proud Leftist?
Where, what, when, how, why?
Puddy, my buddy,
Physicians organizations, in fact, are not credible when it comes to issues of tort reform. They have an ax to grind. Would you consider a trial lawyer organization credible on the issue? Of course, you would not.
With regard to the doctor you identify, I could care less what his skin color is. That’s what differentiates me from people like Rush Limbaugh, who are incapable of disregarding skin color. Tell me, Puddy, do you think that Donovan McNabb was overrated because the media needed to make a star of a black quarterback, like Rushbo claimed? Frankly, I remember him as a helluva quarterback who led the Eagles to the Super Bowl. [I hope I’m not being disrespectful here, given that I’ve turned a page and all.]
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Proud Leftist
PUDDY VERY GLAD YOU ASKED… Ever come to a Drinking Liberally? Let me know and I will call in front of you my older brother who as a big time liberalhe’ll say “This is the one time I agree with Rush Limbaugh”.
Yes both of us think Donovan is overrated. He could have handled the TO situation much better, and he tends to think Donovan first team second…
Other white guys thought so too.
Now for facts –
Since you have poor memory… Eagles fans booed his selection in 1999.
60.4% 18th-best in the 2008.
58.9% for his 10 year career.
ESPN has him MIA for 2009…
NFL Fantasy has him #10
Puddy thinks Randall Cunningham was a better quarterback. And he played on a worse Eagles team. In 1990 he almost ran for 1000 yards. He was the one who set the stage for the better black quarterbacks of today Daunte Culpepper, Byron Leftwich, Donovan McNabb, the late Steve McNair, and Michael Vick. When Randall retired in 2002 he was still good. He retired as the all-time leader for quarterback rushing yards. Led the Vikings to a 15-1 record. He had a 106 passer rating in 1998.
Puddy would probably be a pretty good guy if he wasn’t such a jackass.
rujax, for you… there is no hope.
See ya sucka
Here’s one for Puddy.
Rujax at 21
Nice pick up. What do you think about that, Puddy, my buddy? Our president is the product of a mixed race relationship, and he seems to be doing alright. So do his children. Puddy, will you defend this judge, who we all know votes Republican?
Another reason Puddy agrees with Roger Rabbit that the government should stay out of marriage. It belongs in churches under God, indivisible!
Uhhhh….ever heard of Tthe Firstt Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Okay I’ll go for tort reform but every time patient dies from a medical error the doc does 20 to life.
That Justice of the Peace is a fucking racist you dimwit, THAT’s the point!
It’s because of idiocy like yours that I detest religionists.
Jeeeee-Susssss …Tim Eyeman is such a moron.
Puddy @ 18
First, you say this in response to my query about Donovan McNabb being overrated:
“PUDDY VERY GLAD YOU ASKED… Ever come to a Drinking Liberally? Let me know and I will call in front of you my older brother who as a big time liberalhe’ll say “This is the one time I agree with Rush Limbaugh”.
Yes both of us think Donovan is overrated.”
Then, in the same post, you say this:
“Puddy thinks Randall Cunningham was a better quarterback. And he played on a worse Eagles team. In 1990 he almost ran for 1000 yards. He was the one who set the stage for the better black quarterbacks of today Daunte Culpepper, Byron Leftwich, Donovan McNabb . . .”
I’m confused, Puddy. Why did your friend, Rush, think the media needed to make a star of a black quarterback named Donovan McNabb, when even you believe there had been better before (I might agree with you about Randall Cunningham). Any chance you remember Joe Gilliam with the Steelers? I don’t think he got the chance he should have had.
Puddy, here’s a deal. I have never been to Drinking Liberally. I have wanted to attend, but as you know, I do not live on that side of the water. Give me a little notice if you’re going to be there, and I’ll attend. I kind of meant what I said above about democracy not doing very well when we are as divided as we are. I do believe the majority party needs a noble opposition, and I don’t believe your party is providing anything by way of a noble opposition at the moment. (Check out Everett Dirksen if you’re not sure what I mean.)
Proud Leftist,
When Puddy went to college one of my buds was a dark-skinned black bro. He was adopted by a white family. I met them all as we were tight. He had a German name and no one knew why. Later he told us the problems he had growing up as a black child of a white family. Made you really mad. Oh BTW, he was 6′ and 205 of all muscle. He beat some ass growing up.
When Puddy went to college one of the girls everyone lusted over was half Japanese and half black. Wavy black hair tall and those eyes. She spoke perfect Japanese yet she was gaijin and black. They wouldn’t talk to her. She hated it.
When Puddy went to college there was a black man with mixed race parents. One of the upperclass black men happened to see his parents and the members of the black dorm on north campus called him half-breed.
The same thing happened to a light skinned black woman who happened to have a white father. That really set the black women against her For what? Cuz her mother married a black man.
So yes Proud Leftist Puddy has seen it BIG TIME>
I couldn’t agree more. Those that want tort deform, should live (or die) with its consequences.
Wow Proud Leftist,
Interesting Post. Do you remember how many times Puddy has referred to Everett Dirksen on this blog? Numerous times. Ask ylb arschloch. He can give you the number direct from his tctmgr. Butt since we both have seen ylb arschloch in action we both know he only uses it for stupid attacks.
Now Joe Gilliam… He lost his starting role to Terry Bradshaw. They gave him a chance but he wasn’t very accurate.
Why you confused Proud? Not from da hood? Cunningham was a better person, a team leader, a talented quarterback who survived when the social mores were still blacks were still thought of as running backs, defensive backs or receivers. So along comes McNabb, booed by the Philly faithful, and he comes out with this machismo. Good for him. But he had to deliver. Read some old Philly paper comments from the early 2000 years.
BTW my older brother thinks Mark Sanchez of the NY Jets is too cocky too!
The MSM only interview those who they feel will give them the answer they are looking for. That’s why Rick Sanchez of CNN had his ASS handed to him earlier this week by Mercury Morris when Morris agreed with Limbaugh the NFL is like the crips and the bloods. Watch Sanchez face when Morris agreed with the comment.
Why do you think Sharpton and Jackson get all that face time. Neither are too bright. Neither are too articulate. Neither can see anything except race issues. At least Sharpton wasn’t as fast to draw conclusions on the 3 Duke whitey boyz as Jackson was. And knowing about Jackson’s shakedown tactics, he hates corporate America until he gets his piece through a shakedown makes him more distasteful!!!!!
When you plan to make it let Puddy know.
Puddy would love to get into a black issues discussion with ROTCODDAM at a DL one night.
It would be GLORIOUS!!!!!
Puddy @ 30
Was any of what you saw right? Was it good? Do you condone how those mixed race people were treated? People can’t much help with whom they fall in love. I think the generation that is now becoming adult is doing better than our generation did about such things.
Want to know something? On my maternal side, my grandfather emigrated from Norway and my grandmother from Sweden. They married in Ballard, to the chagrin of both sides. That was considered a mixed race marriage because Sweden had occupied Norway until 1905. They could communicate with each other in their native tongues, and they didn’t look much different. Nonetheless, some relatives would not even attend the wedding (in the 30s). Some, would never talk to one or the other again. Tell me, should we try to get over such differences, or just believe they are eternal?
No rujax, your points are seldom agreed to…
Except the ones on the cinderblock corners.
That kid was sharp.
He picked up on all the Obama Derangement Syndrome going around the wingnutties among us.
So sad that a child has to witness such insanity.
Until your party stops putting people at each other to get elected no one will get over their differences.
Now regarding conservatives who act stupid get rid of them too. But who was it who placed the first black NSA and SoS in WA DC? And what did your party do? What did “people” like ylb arschloch call them? And you wonder why Puddy has such a distaste for ylb arschloch and other filth like him on HA Libtardos?
Think long and hard about your answer Proud Leftist!
Puddy has a date night so we’ll continue this tomorrow. Great start to the evening…
Asshole @ 37
What did I call Powell and Condi?
Powell soiled himself at the UN. Who could respect him after that even after all the infighting he did with the neo-crazies?
Condi? Shit. I commend her for driving the chimpanzee away from Duck! Cheney while SOS but that’s pretty thin gruel after eight years of the WORST administration this country has ever endured.
She could come clean and expose all the crazy shit that went on. The people have a right to know. Then I’d have some respect for her.
Puddy @ 32
Do you really want to cite Mercury Morris as an authority? Didn’t he have a little trouble with the law? He may have rehabilitated (and you and I, as Christians, know that happens), but don’t you think kissing up to authority might be in his best interests?
Sure, Puddy. Right.
Whatever you say.
Like I said, if you weren’t such a jackass, you’d be all right.
@3 Well, if you’re not going to vote for either Obama or a Republican who likes foreign adventures, that doesn’t leave you much does it?
@5 & 7: Jealous because you didn’t get it?
@8 “I am going to stop troll-bashing and start treating trolls with deference and respect. … I will show nothing but love for our trolls from now on … isn’t it true that we will ultimately be judged by how we have treated the least of those among us?”
Not me. I’m going to continue giving them what they deserve, even if I go to Hell for it. True Americans deserve nothing less from me.
@9 What you’re leaving out is that surveys show many doctors say they would not significantly alter their “defensive medicine” practices even if liability was not an issue.
You also failed to mention that states which have enacted so-called “tort reform” have not experienced a drop in health care costs.
Finally, you also overlooked the fact that so-called “defensive medicine” benefits patients by catching medical conditions through more thorough testing that otherwise would have been missed.
Consider yourself bitch-slapped again, puddy, but thanks anyway for playing. It’s always a pleasure to kick your stupid ass.
@11 Bachmann “has opened her home to 23 foster children.”
Thanks for alerting me to this! I’ve contacted Minnesota child welfare authorities.
(Rujax sez in his announcer voice:)
So Roger…is there a home version of “HorsesAss” that our contestants recieve for appearing on the show?
@48 No, but they get a Rubic’s Cube and a mop for cleaning up after their heads explode.
@21 That looks like a Sec. 1863 lawsuit for treble damages in federal court to me. One of my brother attorneys will earn a nice fee from this one, and he’s got a deep-pocketed local government to go after. What that government does to this JOP is their business.
@24 You fucked up again, puddy. My position is government should be in charge of marriages and churches should stay out of government.
@30 “When Puddy went to college …”
This has got to be an exaggeration.
@37 “Now regarding conservatives who act stupid get rid of them too.”
There wouldn’t be many conservatives left, would there? Btw where do you want to be sent?
There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
Roger Rabbit sez
Wrong old Feral Dumb Bunny… that’s not what you said earlier. Remember the R-71 discussion? Or as always you once again forget anything 24 hours old? Maybe you should review what you said about it. Puddy will give you ample opportunity before Puddy picks it apart again… Search HA Feral Dumb Bunny. It was recent.
ylb arschloch,
Up yours fool. You’ve made disparaging remarks on Colin and Condi with your signature simian silliness. This is why you are the most despised here along with headless by Puddy. You sit on your unemployed ASS and attack good people who are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY smarter than you and they are black, recognized in their fields for their accomplishments and conservative.
puddybud @ 15
Forgive me.
I thought you were suggesting ways to save money and improve the quality of care. Obviously, I thought you’d support single payer because it’s proven effective at doing both. Far more effective than any other approach.
What was your motivation? Rationalizing tort reform? I’d like to think you’re better than such cheap rhetorical tricks.
Proud asked
No, Puddy happened across the YouTube video of the CNN interview. Sanchex thought he had a retired black professional footballer who would attack Rush and he agreed with some of Rush’s comments. It was
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny because the Sanchex idiot has a checkered history. Since Puddy has relatives in South Florida, search Rick Sanchez Miami and see what you stumble upon.
Still waiting for your comments on post #37.
Puddy realizes no one else would touch it except that old simian spotter ylb arschloch. Maybe in his “mind” he thinks he’s married butt in reality he’s a trained unemployed chimp who has computer skillz.
Jason sez
Puddy was/is, and will be for a long time suggesting ways to save money and improve the quality of care. Butt the single payer plan won’t be the answer.
Really? How? Did you see this poll Jason?
“The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA’s support of Democrats’ proposed health care overhaul.”
You see Jason, when the reality really checks up you’ll never that poll above from the whitey house… It doesn’t fit the public option narrative.
When well known black economist Thomas Sowell laid out his disagreeing comments on “obamacare” what did you think Jason and Proud Leftist?
He’s a PhD. Economist. A black man. Racist? He questions if this program is so wonderful why wait until 2013 to implement it?
Hey Jason, did you notice big labor has come out against Max Baucus’ bill because it taxes their “top-shelf/mercedes” health care plans? Will congress get taxed on their plans now?
puddy @ 60
We have multiple forms of healthcare insurance, readily available for side-by-side comparisons. The marketplace of ideas and innovation at work. The real world shows that single payer is the most effective and costs least.
And you want me to read a poll?
Please, be serious. These are issues of life and death.
Your proposal is perhaps 1/2 as effective as mine. You’re leaving money on the table. If it was your money, I don’t think you’d let your “principles” prevent you from saving money.
The preznit brags about “polls” all the time. The preznit’s disciples brag about “polls” all the time. Your friend and libtardo nut case correctnotright recently bragged about eight “polls”.
Money? Puddy suggests many reforms. Democrats only want one thing…
Get with the program dude.
Way to go Democrats…
“Money for the Kennedy Institute was inserted by Mr. Inouye and Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat. Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, Louisiana Democrat”
“$20 million for Humvee maintenance at an Army National Guard installation in Maine, sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe, Maine Republicans. The senators said cuts in the maintenance program proposed by the administration would result in the “layoff of 175 employees in a region already suffering” from the recession.”
Imagine if GW Bush had tried this. The HA Libtardos would be howling and screaming madly.
And just think if he tried this too. The HA Libtardos would be really loud in their howling and screaming.
Amazingly the preznit decides to circumvent the 1999 Defense Authorization Act
“The law was passed after a late-1990s scandal involving the U.S. companies Space Systems/Loral and Hughes Electronics Corp.
Both companies improperly shared technology with China and were fined $20 million and $32 million, respectively, by the State Department after a U.S. government investigation concluded that their know-how was used to improve China’s long-range nuclear missiles. ”
You all know about good old Democrat funder Bernie Schwartz. Cheap Labor Democrat…
Wow if this happened during the GW Bush administration HA Libtardos would be screaming madly. Goldy or Darryl would create a thread heading. ylb arschloch would be the first to post…
“Three intelligence reports warned that Taliban insurgents were planning an attack just days before this month’s raid on two remote military outposts in eastern Afghanistan that killed eight U.S. soldiers, but the reports were dismissed as insignificant”
56 – Where’s the link moron??? Oh I get it. I called the Chimp and his crew, “The Chimp Gang” or “the monkey administration”.
So let me clarify. I meant
The Chimp AND his gang. Ok? Does it leave a trace in the sea mucilage between the ears?
Of course not – you’re the type to call Ted Kennedy a racist because he disparaged neanderthal judicial philosophies the tactics of your batshit insane buddy Joe Farrah.
A lot of love this morning for Moon and Andy this morning fiend.
Hey Fiend,
I can’t let this go about Condi..
I don’t care how clean she comes about that insane gang she was part of. I’ll respect her for coming forward but I NEVER EVER FORGIVE HER FOR THAT!
Ahhh yes the biggest unemployed name caller on HA is having a “heartfelt” moment.
Such a moronic loser!
Good Morning Right Wing Fiends,
Unless Harry Reid and others are hell bent on selling this country out for fears of right wing retribution,
we WILL HAVE health insurance industry reform with a robust public option:
73 – We’ll see who has the last laugh shithead.
The only last laugh will be when you get employment. Until then the comedy continues…
Has anyone been paying attention to the price of oil?
No! Well you should. Butt, y’all don’t care as long as new money is being printed by the peznit’s gang.
@55 Please feel free to remind me of what I don’t know about myself. You seem to have undue enthusiasm for putting words in my mouth. I don’t know why, because you never get away with it. But, hey, take a whack at it puddinghead. You don’t need to prove your idiocy on this blog anymore, that’s already established, but you’re one hell of an entertainer so don’t quit now!
Looks like the truth about the Peace Prize is coming out…
“The choice for Obama was however strongly supported by committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland and Sissel Roenbeck, both representatives of the Labour Party”
Another reason the peace prize money should go into Chicago…
Abstinence Programs…
Puddy been talking about inner city problems for years on HA. Of course ROTCODDAM has nothing to say on this subject either…
Puddybud is entertaining in a really really irritating kind of way.
But he sure is a know nothing jackass. Except about football. I may not agree with his opinions (big shock) but he seems to knoww his stuff there.
@ 79…
WHO besides you actually GIVES A FUCK.
Christ on a crutch, you asshole. The AMERICAN President won the award.
Aren’t you an AMERICAN? Or have YOU “seceded”?
It’s a fucking sourrce of American PRIDE and International prestige.
Not like invading and destroying a defenseless country that did nothing to deserve it. Not like being a continuing international embarrassment and impediment to international co-operation.
Grow the fuck up.
puddybud @ 65
Now you’re advocating we govern based on polling data?
Maybe we should also ask the populace if the sun rises in the east, if creationism is real, and if ketchup is a vegetable.
I’m talking about improving healthcare. Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Heating Oil Inventories And Prices Higher
Wait a minute! Under the laws of supply and demand, isn’t higher inventories supposed to result in lower prices?
Yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but that’s not how it works in the unregulated, laissez-faire, completely free markets advocated by our wingnut friends.
What actually happens is crooks, scammers, con artists, and greedheads move in and manipulate supplies, drive prices up, and skim money off the top — making everything more expensive for you the consumer.
In other words, a “free market” is a license for thieves to steal from you.
We all know the 2008 Oil Price Gouge wasn’t caused by supply shortfalls. There weren’t any supply shortfalls. It was caused by speculators.
Well, the same thing is happening again. Daily Finance reports:
“There’s plenty of heating oil to go around — indeed, inventories are at their highest level in nearly three decades — and yet prices are going up. …
“Supplies of heating oil stand about 33 percent above their five-year average, we learned from the Energy Department on Thursday, something that would ordinarily be considered a glut.
“Gluts are bad for producers but great for consumers, thanks to the good old law of supply and demand … the price of heating oil, if anything, should … be coming down. And yet it’s getting more expensive. …
“So what gives? Here’s what: Energy traders ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking market failure. But hey, there’s a silver lining — my oil stocks are doing great!
@83 Jason
Welcome to Puddyworld, where the main points of an argument are ignored, so that Puddy can be brilliant (in his own mind) by making his own completely absurd points.
After he demolishes you intellectually (in his own mind), he will try to insult you and claim you know nothing.
Puddy has successfully defended the non-scientific anti-climate change crowd, the corporate interests, the racists in the republican party and the current health care system….all in his own mind and with his own unique way of obfuscating the true issues with side-points of little importance.
U.S. Economy Could Lose 25% Of Jobs To Offshoring
In other news, economist Alan Blinder says 25% of U.S. jobs — 30 to 40 million jobs — could move abroad. Meaning, if incentives to offshore stay in place, they will go abroad. No company can afford the competitive disadvantage of voluntarily paying higher U.S. wages.
“Many analysts were quick to point out that ‘could’ is miles away from ‘will,’ and have noted that Blinder’s depressing conclusion doesn’t automatically translate into a massive outflux of jobs. While this is certainly true, it ignores the devastating effect that offshoring has already had and minimizes the attraction that the program holds for business owners. Under the circumstances, the fact that 25 percent of jobs can go overseas suggests that — if current trends continue — a large percentage will eventually do so.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Corporatism has completely taken over the running of America; and under corporatism, America no longer exists for the benefit of all Americans, but only for wealthy investors.
If you think unemployment is ugly now, wait until another 25% of the workforce is added to the unemployment rolls, bringing total unemployment above 35%. Even the Great Depression wasn’t that bad.
Frankly, some of the Republican policies instituted since Reagan’s time make no sense, such as giving American companies tax breaks to send jobs overseas, and allowing American billionaires to avoid U.S. taxes by taking up residence in tax havens like the Cayman Islands while running companies in the U.S. and taking money out of the U.S. and stashing it in Caribbean and Swiss banks.
Naturally, one wonders who the hell these American businesses who are shucking good-paying jobs right and left will sell their products after American workers become so destitute they won’t be able to buy pencil erasers. No worries; there’ll be plenty of newly-affluent Indians and Chinese to sell to!
What the fuck is this country coming to?
Where is theat idiot Klynical??
He never posts good news for Obama like this–
Friday, October 16, 2009
Disease Stages Comeback
Bacterial illnesses are killing hundreds of thousands of people because drug companies don’t have financial incentives to develop antibiotics, according to a report from the American Academy of Microbiology.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yet another fucking market failure! There are no technology hurdles to overcome; we don’t have these medicines simply because there’s not enough profit in them.
Here’s how the private drug industry works. They don’t invent anything. All the basic research is done by universities and government labs at taxpayer expense. Private for-greed drug companies get this research essentially for free and use it to formulate proprietary drug products which they sell to the taxpayers who paid for the research at huge markups.
The government is complicit in this scam. They give the drug companies patent protection for X number of years. During the patent period, the companies reap enormous profits by selling drugs at huge markups. None of that money directly benefits patients.
As you know, after a drug goes off patent, generics become available and the bottom drops out of the pricing. Drugs that sold for $5 a pill can then be bought for 5 cents a pill.
Anyone who tells you those profits support research is either ignorant or lying. Private for-greed drug companies typically spend about 5% or 6% of their revenue on R & D, and most of their “research” merely consists of trying to reformulate drugs they already have into new combinations of drugs solely for the purpose of extending their patents and therefore their profit generating ability.
The lion’s share of what you pay for patent-protected proprietary drugs — between half and two-thirds — is spent on marketing. That’s right, most of what you pay for brand-name drugs is spent trying to persuade you to ask your doctor to prescribe them for you.
In the real world, most of us can’t afford pricey branded drugs, and must wait years for patents to expire to get access to treatment, hoping the infection doesn’t kill us before a generic becomes available.
That’s a fucked-up way of doing things, if you ask me.
@87 I haven’t seen him for several days, either. He’s probably dead. Most likely got an infection from fucking his goats and couldn’t afford the pills because they’re still under patent. RIP, you old goatfucker! Where you are now, you won’t have to worry about heating oil prices this winter.
When we have health insurance reform with a robust public option leading to the re-election of Barack Obama.
Stupes will be sooooooo sad then…
Poor Stupes..
And so many other things are coming..
The final wind down of Iraq. A change of strategy in Afghanistan. Re-regulation of the financial markets. Green jobs. Climate Change legislation.
Lots of changes for the better as opposed to those failed chimpanzee policies.
Well that’s the ruling class’ worst nightmare. There’ll be a freaking revolution if that happens.
But they’re so damn greedy they may resort to private armies and fortified gated communities before they surrender a penny to help the poor and the middle class.
i guess you guys dont get it, but that is exactly what is about to happen.
Once again rujax proves he’s a cinderblock
Really rujax? They admit they placed his name as for his potential not what he did. Installed in 11 days and he’s nominated for the peace prize. Yes to you potential is all one needs. What ha this preznit delivered? Even Dr Cornel West, liberal black professor of Princeton also asked for what? Is Dr West a racist too rujax? Is Dr Thomas Sowell, black PhD conservative economist who asked “For What?” a racist too rujax? Tow professors who are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than you rujax question the Nobel Committee’s motives.
Whatever dude!
Jason Osgood…
No that’s correctnotright, HA Libtardos and the libtardo MSM.
BULLSHITTIUM ALERT still in force on Roger Feral Dumb Bunny…
Nope you dope! The continual printing of more US greenbacks has devalued our currency and the oil price increases. Ask your bud GBS! He’ll explain it to you feral dumb bunny.
Did you forget about NYMEX Feral Dumb Bunny? Ask your nephew ylb arschloch to give you all the NYMEX posts.
see your name in pixels in #95.
@92 Oh, but we do get it! I bought shares of Olin, parent company of Winchester, and all the rightwing nuts buying ammo are pouring dollars into my pocket! I’m gonna be a rich fucking bunny! Oh, and btw, if you guys try to overthrow our elected gummint I’ll fucking shoot your traitorous asses. Before we hang you, I mean.*
* Heh! Just kidding! This is only a morbid Coulter joke. We wouldn’t waste rope like that.
Oh look Roger Feral Dumb Bunny is explaining someone who funds many of the libtardo whackamole web sites visited by the HA Libtardos…
Can anyone figger out who this is?
Puddy still likes your definition YouTube Videographers, many of which this blog loves to post.
correction @98: that should be @93 not @92
@96 This shows just how stupid you truly are, puddy. When they talk about heating oil “inventories,” they’re referring to heating oil already already in the United States, dumbshit! As in already bought and paid for, but sitting unsold in storage tanks. Currency devaluation may affect wellhead prices abroad, but has nothing to do with domestic prices for refined products in storage and awaiting buyers, which is supposed to be a function of supply and demand. Supply up = price down, this is what you guys say you believe in, right? So why isn’t it working? You come up with some bullshit about “inflation” (which is a whole ‘nother subject, see below) but that has nothing to do with the failure of the market to respond to oversupply with falling prices. I repeat, why isn’t the supply-demand curve working? The only possible answer is “price manipulation.”
Wow Roger Feral Dumb Bunny@88
Puddy read the same article too…
Amazing how you claim this is how it works to make yourself look smart.
Cheerio Bunny…
When you get a job all will smile on HA. Until then many are laughing at you.
As for “inflation,” here’s the scoop. The government has infused cash into the economy in a lesser amount than the private cash taken out of circulation and parked in Treasuries, so the gummint’s cash infusion can’t possibly be causing monetary inflation because the money supply is smaller than it was when all this shit started.
But trying to explain that to an idiot who can’t even read a historical deficits chart is hopeless and a waste of time.
When all that cash parked in Treasuries and earning zero interest — about $3 trillion — comes out of hiding and goes back to work, it’ll have to go somewhere, and a lot of it will go into stocks. More money chasing the same stocks = higher stock prices. But that won’t happen right away because people are still scared. First, there’ll be a selloff of the currently overbought stock market, and of course I’ll take my profits before that happens, then after the market overreacts in the other direction and the market becomes oversold, I’ll buy them back and when all that money comes out of Treasuries I’ll sell them again for double or triple what I paid for them! This sure beats working.
Of course, my stock flipping activities don’t contribute a fucking thing to GDP or the economy, and don’t create a single job. This is why Congress rewards me with generous tax breaks and society adores me and fawns over my prowess. If you want to be mistreated, disrespected, and taxed to death, then get a job and find out what society’s attitude is toward people who work and produce! I did, and I’ll never do it again. I much prefer to play the zero-sum game of taking money from other people and giving it to myself. This is what our society respects, honors, and rewards! Working is for saps and suckers. I don’t work or produce; I’m a capitalist!
No one should feel sorry for my victims, because they willingly give me their money. Most of them are hedge fund and mutual fund managers anyway, and they deserve to have me take advantage of them.
@103 “When you get a job all will smile on HA.”
You must be joking! You don’t listen to anything I say, do you? Okay, go to work if you want to. Don’t let me stop you from working! Idiot. Me, I don’t work, I flip financial assets for fun, profit, and tax breaks.
Roger Feral Really Dumb Bunny Idiot@108, Why not check to see who @90 is moron?
Man you need those virtual oxygen bottles from Carl Grossman!
CNR speaks the truth.
You’re a legend only in the sea mucilage dump that charitably passes for your mind.
For all those curious, this is what passes for Stupes’ (aka Puddybud’s) brain:
He sucked one of those blobs through his proboscis into the empty cavity between his ears.
Oh hahaha a ylb arschloch funny.
Go with it arschloch. You know what it looks like from picking your nose too deeply and now projection is all you have left. Did a blob float by in your vitreous humor?
@109 “Roger Feral Really Dumb Bunny Idiot@108”
Awwww … puddinghead … do I frustrate you and get you really wound up?
G O O D ! ! !
@109 Uh, poodle, I hate to tell you this but my remarks @108 were directed at the maroon who posted @103 not my friend @90. You have a reading comprehension problem. Get help.
Robert Reich strikes again…Deplorable commentary
“We’re going to have to, if you’re very old, we’re not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It’s too expensive…so we’re going to let you die.”
“…I am going try to reorganize it to be more amenable to treating sick people but that means you, particularly you young people, particularly you young healthy people…you’re going to have to pay more.”
“…What that means, less innovation and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market which means you are probably not going to live much longer than your parents.”
Full speech can be found here at the Berkeley Web site…
Wait for it… correctnotright will call this an anecdote.
114 – Indeed Stupes can’t comprehend for beans. Some kind of mental tic.
You are unquestionably the dumbest fucking fuck in a fucking truck load of dumb fucks.
You have NO fucking clue how the prize was awarded. ALL your God-Damned cites are ALWAYS wrong or you twist them beyond recognition. Your “conservative” sources are fucking right-wing propaganda. You are a fucking laughing stock. A fool. An object of abject derision. Your moronic contrarian act is tedious and tiresome.
rodent sadi:
@3 Well, if you’re not going to vote for either Obama or a Republican who likes foreign adventures, that doesn’t leave you much does it?”
That’s correct, but there are alternatives to dumbass Dems and crooked Reps. I’ll vote for someone other than those two choices.
Looks like rujax the cinder block as an expert on the Nobel Peace Prize… NOT
1) Puddy posted the comments from the committee stating Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was nominated 11 days into his presidency
2) Puddy posted to comments from the committee where other members questioned his nomination 11 days into his presidency.
3) Puddy placed the comments from the committee where the discussion focused on his potential, not his actual accomplishments.
4)Puddy posted the comments after the prize was announced from the head of the committee and his direct words on why Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was selected.
5) Sources were from Norway or France. Shhhh don’t tell that to rujax. It’s best to keep him stupid all the time.
And this dumb as a cinder block block head rujax wrote
Ummm… miss stuck on stupid… uhhh… YES Puddy does. Puddy used their own quotes ya stupid moronic idiotic twit.
Show where Puddy DIDN’T use their own words cluster brains?
Nuff SAID Sucka You make imbeciles proud
Feral Dumb Bunny Wabbit and ylb arschloch,
There is one of you chronically unemployed. All Puddy messages were directed at the chronically unemployed one. Feral Dumb Rabbit is welcome to think they point at you anytime you want. As they say about the shoe fitting…
got a job yet ylb? no? wow, the wife must be proud.
You’re probably a pretty decent guy everywhere else but here, you are a bother and a bore.
Seriously jackass, grow up.
@122… mean grow up and be like Goldy posting fecal threads?
Goldy, do you sometimes wonder why you ARENT the media or taken seriously?…..your fecal thread should give you at least one clue……
Oh, now rujax can’t respond to Puddy actually using the Nobel Prize committee commentary so he reverts to the insipid personal attack mode.
What a dumb cinder block. A clustered cinder block. Once a stupid moronic idiotic twit, always a stupid moronic idiotic twit.