The right wing can only spin it for so long before they are mowed under by it.
And when that happens. Oh what joy!
Fleeting of course because then the adults have to clean up. What a thankless job that is. Why do we let the right wing mess things up so much?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Was the obama born in america or in kenya?
A kenya paper talking about the obama and getting the judge to unseal divorce records against his republican opponent to help him “win” the election.
Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. “I don’t hate anybody” spews:
Reality can be swift and cruel.
The right wing can only spin it for so long before they are mowed under by it.
And when that happens. Oh what joy!
As said by someone that uses the name “I don’t hate anybody.”
12 – Awwwwww…. Marv is a birfer! You get that bit from Orly? Is she your neighbor?
13 – Right wing antics are entertainment for me. It’s like a three act hollywood picture whose ending you can easily predict: disaster and failure ending in right wing defeat.
If only right wingers weren’t so destructive to the country and my kids’ future, but you gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes.
Marvin, even a Republican judge (appointed by George W. Bush) fined Orley Taiz $20,000 for waisting her time with a “clearly frivilous claim” alleging that Obama wasn’t a U.S. citizen.
Funny, Republicans usually use the phrase “frivilous claim” whenever they want to intimidate people from – you know – actually collecting on their insurance policies, or requiring corporations to follow the law. But they get all upset when a judge actually assesses sanctionis against them for wasting their time with a frivilous claim.
Toothy Thompsonspews:
I’d better look at that clip again. I swear it looked like Charles Krauthammer on the tracks.
The Right Wing: wrong then, wrong now, wrong always.
proud leftistspews:
I remember Cynical posting every day back then, too, about how Obama was killing the Market. None of these wingnuts now seem to give Obama any credit for the Market’s climb. I hate to say it, because I deeply respect wingnuts, but aren’t we witnessing a little bit of hypocrisy?
Of course the truth is that the stock market and the DWIA have little to do with current economic policy and much more to do with past policies and the current and future business situation.
The market can soar on false news, false banking profits and an underlying weakness.
The market usually goes up before the economy recovers and goes down when the economy is roaring.
Right wingnuts usually have no factual basis for the crap they put out anyways….
anita dunn says she looks to mao…you fucking jew kike bastard criminals
@20 Bigot
Gee, I really missed the vile pus coming from woman of falsehood.
Just remember little woman punk, we are laughing at your sick little excuse for a mind.
when you have that kind of person in the white house, i’m sure appointed by rahmn emanuel. that is what you deserve.
Dear little moron person:
Appointed by Rahm Emanuel – umm do you not understand our system of government?
Obama was elected by the people of the US in the largest vote margin by a non-incumbent in history, then he appointed Emmanuel as his chief of staff.
And what do you have to say that is factual? Anything?
What don’t you get?
Joe Wilsonspews:
Obama was elected by the people of the US in the largest vote margin by a non-incumbent in history …
An utterly meaningless statement from the utterly meaningless notright.
34 1920 Warren G. Harding 60.3% 26.2% 16,144,093 070044327,004,432 James M. Cox
36 1928 Herbert Hoover 58.2% 17.4% 21,427,123 064116596,411,659 Al Smith
37 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt 57.4% 17.7% 22,821,277 070600237,060,023 Herbert Hoover
Joe Bastardi discussed equatorial waters cooling, you fool. He didn’t comment on the arctic or antarctic. Butt, being the whole arschloch you are… you can’t process those facts.
my fault, but i thought you were smart enough to follow without spelling out every little detail. i was talking about anita dunn, and rahmn emanuel is obamas gatekeeper.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Of course the truth is that the stock market and the DWIA have little to do with current economic policy and much more to do with past policies and the current and future business situation.
Go back and see the comments on your side around the Stock Market when it was going up under GWB you fool!
The healthcare train, it’s comin’
It’s comin’ ’round the bend
Those wingnut cows are sausage
They are facing their end
They knew they had it comin’
They knew they’d never win
But, they kept right on a-spewin’
Now, they’re out of spin
mary mary quite contrary
shave that pussy, its so damn hairy.
@2 Get that off a junior high rest room wall?
actually no. I wrote it on your daughter’s dresser…buy that girl some clippers!
Where’s a moderator when you really need one.
Painful to watch, in so many ways…
Oh my! Hey Stupes! You still have anything left in the tank for this Steele guy?
Cow on the tracks! That was too funny!
Too bad modern trains don’t have cow-catchers.
Michael Steele is an embarassment. But then the whole republican party is one big embarassment – so he is the perfect spokesman.
It is a match made in heaven. The cow on the tracks and the party of “no”. No ideas, no policies, no sense and no clue.
Hey Stupes, moron, idiot, fool,
Time to trot out Joe “aaaaahnoold” Bastardi. Drop his name. He’s your goto guy…
An ice-free Arctic is good for the shipping bidness!
Reality can be swift and cruel.
The right wing can only spin it for so long before they are mowed under by it.
And when that happens. Oh what joy!
Fleeting of course because then the adults have to clean up. What a thankless job that is. Why do we let the right wing mess things up so much?
Was the obama born in america or in kenya?
A kenya paper talking about the obama and getting the judge to unseal divorce records against his republican opponent to help him “win” the election.
Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.
As said by someone that uses the name “I don’t hate anybody.”
12 – Awwwwww…. Marv is a birfer! You get that bit from Orly? Is she your neighbor?
13 – Right wing antics are entertainment for me. It’s like a three act hollywood picture whose ending you can easily predict: disaster and failure ending in right wing defeat.
If only right wingers weren’t so destructive to the country and my kids’ future, but you gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes.
Marvin, even a Republican judge (appointed by George W. Bush) fined Orley Taiz $20,000 for waisting her time with a “clearly frivilous claim” alleging that Obama wasn’t a U.S. citizen.
Funny, Republicans usually use the phrase “frivilous claim” whenever they want to intimidate people from – you know – actually collecting on their insurance policies, or requiring corporations to follow the law. But they get all upset when a judge actually assesses sanctionis against them for wasting their time with a frivilous claim.
I’d better look at that clip again. I swear it looked like Charles Krauthammer on the tracks.
16 – Yep, that’s one right wing ghoul I would not miss.
Hey wingnuts,
Here’s a little tape to celebrate the “October Surprise”:
The Right Wing: wrong then, wrong now, wrong always.
I remember Cynical posting every day back then, too, about how Obama was killing the Market. None of these wingnuts now seem to give Obama any credit for the Market’s climb. I hate to say it, because I deeply respect wingnuts, but aren’t we witnessing a little bit of hypocrisy?
Of course the truth is that the stock market and the DWIA have little to do with current economic policy and much more to do with past policies and the current and future business situation.
The market can soar on false news, false banking profits and an underlying weakness.
The market usually goes up before the economy recovers and goes down when the economy is roaring.
Right wingnuts usually have no factual basis for the crap they put out anyways….
anita dunn says she looks to mao…you fucking jew kike bastard criminals
@20 Bigot
Gee, I really missed the vile pus coming from woman of falsehood.
Just remember little woman punk, we are laughing at your sick little excuse for a mind.
when you have that kind of person in the white house, i’m sure appointed by rahmn emanuel. that is what you deserve.
Dear little moron person:
Appointed by Rahm Emanuel – umm do you not understand our system of government?
Obama was elected by the people of the US in the largest vote margin by a non-incumbent in history, then he appointed Emmanuel as his chief of staff.
And what do you have to say that is factual? Anything?
What don’t you get?
An utterly meaningless statement from the utterly meaningless notright.
34 1920 Warren G. Harding 60.3% 26.2% 16,144,093 070044327,004,432 James M. Cox
36 1928 Herbert Hoover 58.2% 17.4% 21,427,123 064116596,411,659 Al Smith
37 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt 57.4% 17.7% 22,821,277 070600237,060,023 Herbert Hoover
42 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower 55.2% 10.9% 34,075,529 067004396,700,439 Adlai Stevenson
51 1988 George H.W. Bush 53.4% 07.8%7.8% 48,886,597 070771217,077,121 Michael Dukakis
56 2008 Barack Obama 52.9% 07.3%7.3% 69,460,098 095299189,529,918 John McCain
And that’s just for the 20th – 21st centuries. Anybody even want to have a clue what clueless notright means by margin?
And as for those bathroom walls, picked this up at UW’s Sieg (Heil!) Hall:
Toasted brained ylb arschloch@10
Joe Bastardi discussed equatorial waters cooling, you fool. He didn’t comment on the arctic or antarctic. Butt, being the whole arschloch you are… you can’t process those facts.
my fault, but i thought you were smart enough to follow without spelling out every little detail. i was talking about anita dunn, and rahmn emanuel is obamas gatekeeper.
Go back and see the comments on your side around the Stock Market when it was going up under GWB you fool!
Marvin @ 12
Really? Are you sure? I mean are you really, really sure you want to be spewing birther rhetoric?
Even my diehard fundie family member has stopped forwarding that crap to me. Maybe you didn’t get the memo.
Runaway train be comin’
Comin’ ’round the bend
Rob Reich say younguns be payin’
While ‘Bama spend and spend
Light shinin’ in the tunnel
Comin’ from that midnight train
Rob Reich say Granny got to die
So libs don’t feel her pain
Obama’s train it’s comin’
Flatten Granny on the track
Rob Reich say she had it comin’
She too old to pay her tax
Obama pull the plug on Granny
See the light wink outta her eye
Rob Reich say she good to go
And death panels are a lie
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