Apparently, the Party of ‘No’ is also the Party of ‘Doesn’t Know’:
Yeah…I mean, why bother “doing policy” when you don’t believe in government?
Our liberal county:
Black man murders elderly white woman and gets only 16 years in prison.
Fuck you soft-on-crime liberals. Fuck you violence and crime-loving blacks.
The Republicans are hapless idiots.
It’s the corporate lobbyists and their tools the blue dogs that’s the real enemy.
1 – classy bit of racism there Troll. Nice job. Bet you’re gonna tell us next that you despise the “N” word.
# 1
Yes generalize all liberals, shall we do the same thing for conservatives and say since David Duke was a Republican then you all are racists? No that would be silly as it is silly when you did it.
Actually, Dr. Duke is a former Republican AND Democrat.
And yeah, liberals tend to be softer on crime. That’s a known fact. A study was done that proved it.
I wouldn’t bother responding to Troll’s faux outrage and incitement. She frequently posts such idiotic comments that appear to be aimed at simply invoking a reaction.
And then when you point out the failings of her comments, she typically resorts to something like, what do you expect…look at my screen name!
It is best to simply ignore her altogether (or have fun mocking her).
Hey Troll…the murdered woman wasn’t your mother or grandmother??? I sure hope so!
Of course Liberals aren’t going to listen to what Republicans have to say about Obamacare being fiscally unrealistic.
But why won’t they listen to the Dept. of Commerce when they claim how badly this current proposal would hurt the economy?
How about the Congressional Budget Office claiming this plan would “bust the Budget”.
How about HR 1495?
How about empowering the people and not the bureaucrats and special interests?
If you want to see how well Government runs health care, pop into your local Veterans Hospital for a couple of days.
“Of course Liberals aren’t going to listen to what Republicans have to say about Obamacare being fiscally unrealistic.”
As has become apparent over the last several days, Republicans don’t give a rat’s ass about “fiscally unrealistic.” This is about “Obama’s Waterloo.” This is about putting the Republican party ahead of ensuring that all Americans have access to health care.
“But why won’t they listen to the Dept. of Commerce when they claim how badly this current proposal would hurt the economy?”
Oh????? I’m curious. Where did the Department of Commerce make that statement?
“How about the Congressional Budget Office claiming this plan would “bust the Budget”.”
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the House version of reform could add $239 billion to the deficit over the next decade. That averages to $24 billion per year…far, far less than the costs of George Bush’s military adventurism. In any case, this is definitely an issue that the Senate is working on.
“How about HR 1495?”
Two words: RON PAUL!
“How about empowering the people and not the bureaucrats and special interests?”
In case you didn’t notice, The People spoke loudly and clearly last November.
“If you want to see how well Government runs health care, pop into your local Veterans Hospital for a couple of days.”
Huh…yet, the Republicans had control of the government for six years, and the didn’t bother privatizing the VA. Go figure!
Now for something completely different…She was the national poster girl for lesbianism. Now she married and with a child.
Sorry, never heard of her….
Darryl, you need to read the Advocate more often! Looks like she crossed over and likes a real one now!
The only “Advocate” I’ve ever read is a local political blog.
But, umm…kudos to you for being “up” on the real publication!
Well the dems have no plan either.
Government is for the people to be in control, not for government to control the people.
According to the polls some that spoke in Nov 2008,may be sorry now.
Well no one is perfect.
“Well the dems have no plan either.”
What the fuck????? Are you retarded or something. They’ve introduced specific legislation, you moron!
“Government is for the people to be in control, not for government to control the people.”
Incorrect. A sociological definition of “government” is the agency that actually controls the application of “violence” (in a broad sense) of individuals and collections of individuals against other individuals and collections of individuals.
Without government, your neighbor can simply take your property, freedoms, rights, etc. by force. Hence, government is inherently a body that regulates behaviors and is empowered to sanction for deviations from social norms.
“According to the polls some that spoke in Nov 2008,may be sorry now.”
Perhaps…but those polls aren’t the ones that count. In fact, some of the recent disgruntlement with Obama is because of his lack of progress on some issues like health care reform. You do realize however, that overall, Obama is still in positive job approval territory, don’t you?
“Well no one is perfect.”
In politics, there is no “perfect”.
Darryl, Puddy reads many things so Puddy can understand the other side. Butt, it’s hard sometimes to understand a fool like Gman. Being “up” on the “publication” is almost a funny pun dude!
“Being “up” on the “publication” is almost a funny pun dude!”
Thanks! I had a hunch you might appreciate it.
@9: Now for something completely different…She was the national poster girl for lesbianism. Now she married and with a child.
Ugh. You’ve already proved you’re a douchebag. No need to give us extra evidence. She’s more notable because she took some bigots to court, not because she exclusively slept with women.
Wow demon kid, she took some people to court and you call them bigots? How bigoted of you. It’s all in the article Puddy provided. Only you had to call it bigotry. Yep, yous one of dem “progressives”! Keep your douchebag full and handy.
Darryl, have you ridden Link yet? I have. Don’t see many black people on it. It’s mostly white, yet the Rainier Valley isn’t. Is Link racist?
This is one of my patented Posts Within The Comment Section®:
Homeless people are stupid. Those tent city Nickelsville people have had THREE MONTHS to plan their move and look for a new place to go. Now I’m hearing these people on the news whine about how they don’t know where they are going to go next, now that the State is going to kick them off the land they are currently camping on.
Now I know why they are homeless. They are dumb and don’t plan ahead.
What about inefficient?
That’s the word that the obama used describing his free government health care plan.
Of course the obama was speaking without his teleprompter so you can’t take his words serious.
Like the obama said during the campaign, “words matter.”
And lets not forget the free government health care the federal government gives to native indians.
If the federal government can’t provide adequate health care to those they already promised it (veterans/indians), how gullible do you have to be to believe they can do a better job with millions and millions more people.
You don’t like homophobic bigots?
If true, give steve a piece of your mind…
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
So instead, rely on the government to take by threat of force to redistribute the wealth.
Don’t forget how the obama answered joe the plumber.
Of course the obama was speaking without his teleprompter so you can’t take his words serious.
Oh yes, Marvie’s “Joe the Plumber,” who is neither a “Joe” or a “Plumber.” A fraud on both counts, and therefore a star wingnutz look to with pride.
Marvie the ignorant, stupid and bigoted goatfucking faggot cunt continues to misuse the word bigot, still not realizing that it applies to himself.
Why not keep posting your childish “faggot” insults?
You do much better when you copy and paste the insults of others.
I knew I could count on you.
Bigots like you have a hard time keeping their hate secret.
bigot-expressing or characterized by prejudice and intolerance
Sounds like you.
I wonder why the left-wing media are no longer keeping track of military deaths or spending time talking about those that are dying in the war.
Oh yeah. A democrat is in the white house. Those deaths don’t matter any more to democrats.
But Marvie, you are an ignorant, stupid and bigoted goatfucking faggot cunt.
29 – Funny I just heard about some GI’s dying in Afghanistan.
Where? Oh yeah, the media!
Does the WAPO count? Fool..
Careful there, YLB, you mess with Marvin’s reality construct and the fucktard’s head just might explode again.
Does anyone watch “True Blood” on HBO? If you do, is Larry the Cable Guy in part of the intro where they run who’s starring in the show? I’d swear there’s a guy dancing with this girl who looks exactly like Larry the Cable Guy. Did anyone else notice this?
Darryl @12: Just because Puddy reads The Advocate and might attend a Pride parade here or there doesn’t mean he’s necessarily gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
Ekim, that wasn’t very nice of you. What did I tell you about making Marvin cry?
So Marvelous Marvie wants a body count for for Bush’s War of Choice, does he?
There are now 4329 American dead and “officially” 31431 American wounded however the VA reports over 150,000 Iraqi vets receiving disability benefits.
There is an estimated over 1,000,000 Iraqi dead and 4,000,000 Iraqi refuges caused by the Bush invasion. We do not have an accurate count as the Bush Admin not only did not count Iraqi dead, wounded and displaced but also discouraged others from doing so.
Of all the things you can accuse Bush of, being a humanitarian is not one of them.
@34 Interesting link, Yellowpup. “San Franfreako” First, you hatefully call gays “fags”, Puddy, and now this?
Heh- I’m sure Marvin, our Blog Bigot Buster, will soon be all over this one, taking Puddy down for his obvious gay-hate. You go, Marvin!
Yeah, Steve, I know. Marvie’s feelings are easy to hurt. But Marvie really must realize for himself and acknowledge that he is an ignorant, stupid and bigoted goatfucking faggot cunt. Once he does that there is a chance for his recovery. So think of it as tough love and done for Marvie’s good.
YellowPup, How else can Puddy understand the “inna workings” of Blew John, Boeing Bob, Gman and other “people” on this blog? You need to see it and capture it so you can show the world how vile their crap is. You need to show the world how they will attack you as a bigot while being so “progressive” and bigoted themselves. You need to read their “stuff” so you can cum back with a knowledgeable retort. Otherwise you look like clueless wondermoron all the time and YOU too at times; foolish and stupid.
Oh yeah… Puddy expects the usual idiotic response. Yeah Puddy can read it cummin soon to a HA Libtardo thread. Someone will try and call Puddy foolish and stupid too. Yep that’s so original Puddy decided to remove it from your drivel laden repertoire.
Hey thanks YellowPup for reminding Puddy about these since ekim is discussing war deaths…
Puddy is sure Nick Berg had his Miranda Rights read to him by the terraists before he were beheaded. After all he was an American.
Puddy is sure Daniel Pearl had his Miranda Rights read to him by the terraists before he were beheaded. After all he was an American.
Puddy is sure Jack Hemsley had his Miranda Rights read to him by the terraists before he were beheaded. After all he was an American.
Puddy is sure Eugene Armstrong had his Miranda Rights read to him by the terraists before he were beheaded. After all he was an American.
Puddy is sure three alleged CIA agents had their Miranda Rights read to them by the terraists before they were beheaded. After all they were Americans.
Keep up your liberal talk.
I’m no longer going to waste my time on you.
Here’s one for Marvelous Marvie and Stupes:
Only from the media that “stinks right”.
At least you have progressed to the point you can admit I busted you for being a bigot.
If you continue to improve I can see myself no longer helping you by posting your bigoted words. Only then can I focus my attention on what you consider the right wing bigots on this blog.
Keep up the good work.
Hey Goatabuser ekim,
It seems the BBC and you have issues over deaths. Now we know the BBC is a leftist libtardo organization. But for them to say Jan 10, 2008 there were 151,000 Iraqi dead from March 2003 to Jan 2008 and now your link sez over 1,339,771 dead leaves 1,188,771 dead from Jan 10, 2008 until July 21, 2009? Puddy doesn’t think so. The BBC study interviewed over 9,000 families all over Iraq. Your putrid link only has Opinion Research Business interviewing 1499 peeps. Puddy thinks your link is inflatin da numbas on poipuss! Iraq Body Count has the number at 100,990.
This was debunked long ago ekim. Must be them goats are dislodging useful facts and you are replacing them with goat garbage.
You need to go back to Steve’s goat barn!
clueless wondermoron, it takes a real man to man up when they make a mistake.
Now these fools have been wrong many times but…
Puddy never seen Chris Tingling Leg Matthews apologize.
Puddy never seen Keith ESPN Reject Olbermann apologize.
Puddy never seen Rachel MadCow Maddow apologize.
Puddy never seen Jack The Ripper Cafferty apologize.
Puddy never seen Roland CNN Laugh-In Martin apologize.
Etc. etc. etc.
Butt, this comment was funny by Kilmeade: “we [Americans] keep marrying other species”. Brian knew about Steve, ekim, and even proud leftist and his goat loving with his weekly goatee award!
What a chronological fool clueless wondermoron is!
Fiend! @ 43
Maybe our resident demographer Darryl can chime in on this. You’d accept his judgement would you?
Of course not. Darryl doesn’t “stink right”.
@21: Stamm, A proven idiot says:
Have you looked at our current system. You know, the one that spends more than any other country (by far), and produces results on par with Slovenia.
Wow Stamm, you are dumber than a log and more biased than Ann Coulter.
“we [Americans] keep marrying other species and other ethnicities . . . Swedes have pure genes . . . in America we marry everybody…”
LMAO!!! Of course he’ll apologize to keep his miserable job and his bloated salary – the fact remains – he’s a racist and an idiot.
If that’s true…
Why didn’t teddy kennedy go to out of the country for his cancer treatments?
You would think someone with his millions of dollars would get the best medical treatment he could instead of taking his chances on the american health care.
The Mat-Su Barbie just keeps raking the ethics complaints in:
So many Dems up there just have it in for her. Oh wait a minute! Dems are about the size of the Peace and Freedom Party in Alaska!
Note to the Barbie: you were supposed to be the GOVERNOR of Alaska not the QUEEN.
Once again, the idiot Marvin show how stupid he is:
Hey Marvin, who started the unnecessary war in Iraq?
Who failed to finish the war in Afghanistan because of Iraq?
Who failed to catch bin laden and stop the Taliban?
typical republican BS: Blaming the Bush and republican failures on Obama. Just like how they are trying to blame the Bush recession on Obama.
Fools and hypocrites.
If you want to know the republican playbook, just look at how they react to health care:
No republican plan.
Attack it as socialist.
Try to take down Obama and prevent any action (see DeMint, Jim)
or Sotomayor:
Attack old statements she made.
Delay and confuse.
or almost anything else (such as the republican plan for the economy (there was no coherent plan).
Republicans cannot lead because they do not believe in government. They believe in the destruction of government – exactly what Bush did.
Boy, you are STUPID.
Is that supposed to be an argument you are making?
We have an inefficient system that spends more and gives less than any other – yet you make the argument that Kennedy did not leave the country to get treated… stupid are YOU?
He has great government medical coverage – why would he leave?
Wow, you just proved my point. Thanks, you hapless fool.
NutsTooTight has them cinched up again. Tighty whiteys this time?
Puddy has no problem with a random comment here or there, but she made the “wise latina” comment many times fool. Also since you are into Attack old statements mode, Puddy doesn’t remember your comments on how HA Libtardos attacked Samuel Alito or John Roberts and how they “attacked old statements”
Yeah, “tough love”, Ekim, that’s the ticket. At least Marvin admitted to fucking goats. In a multi-step process towards recovery and wellness, that’s a very big first step. Now we need to get him to recognize real bigotry when he sees it, like with Puddy and his gay-hate.
Why do you call gays “fags”, Puddy? Sounds hateful. Same with that “San Franfreako” thing. It would seem that you believe that gays are freaks. Hmm, that sounds hateful too. And intolerant. Hate and intolerance. Bigotry defined. Oh, and why do you think that gal crossed over to the “right side”? Do you mean to say that to be gay is to be on the wrong side?
You better get on this, Marvin. I think you might finally find yourself a real gay-hating bigot instead of someone who simply called you a name and made you cry.
And speaking of making Marvin cry, shame on Darryl for making Marvin cry the other day.
clueless wonderman, accept Darryl’s statistical pronouncements? Well if Prof Darryl can access the original data sets used by the various studies Puddy would. Butt as always Puddy dives into links provided by HA Libtardos!
Steve axked Puddy…
Maybe because they call themselves that. Remember Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr AKA Perez Hilton a really gay blade called someone a faggot? Puddy placed it for all to read. Since he’s a real flaming one, picked on Carrie Prejean for her personal views, and used the term, it has to be acceptable, fool!
Steve, do you really have that many memory leaks every day? You need to tighten up the old DOS Basic Code running your femtometer brain. Maybe you should rewrite your memory routines in C#? Puddy knows clueless wonderman has memory leaks! He’s chronologically challenged!
Did Darryl take over for that other liberal blogger here? Can’t rememeber his name…old radio broadcasting failure or something. What is that guys’ name? If so it is a decided turn for the worse.
Darryl seems moderately intelligent and to have the facts he cherrypicks on hand.
Having said that he is a blowhard without the redeeming value of expelling any wisdom. He is a polarizing force without the redeeming value of a real ideal worth fighting for.
Worse, he is enabling all the mean spirited cowards on the left and right in turning political discourse into monkeys throwing feces at each other. None of you people would have the sand to say these nasty things to each others’ faces, but you get mighty brave with a keyboard in front of you!
Congratulations Darryl, I thought the other fellow was wrong on pretty much everything, but at least he had some tenuous grip on reality.
For the record, you are wrong on this issue. In every way. You could not be more wrong. The republicans did not originate this plan. They are aware that fighting it is unpopular. They fight it on principle. They have a political view with which you disagree, which is fine. Because they oppose your Messiah doesn’t make them devilish though, just ideologically opposed. And just now that opposition can only take the form of denying the idiotic ‘hurry up and socialize’ plans Obama and his cronies want to ram down the throats of Americans. They simply don’t have the position to originate real plans in opposition.
Is it about politics as usual? You betcha. Just as it was with Bill Clinton, and as it is with the man who is unfortunately the president. But it isn’t just about politics. It can happen that politics and ideals do intersect. Rare, on either side of the political fence, but it can happen.
You don’t agree that we as americans do marry everybody?
And why did you assume when he said “pure genes” he was specifically referring to whites and not any other ethnicity?
Do you agree with-
If you consider what the fox guy said is racist, would you consider someone assuming a person on welfare is black racist? You know, like steve’s homophobic buddy gbs said…
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
Why did gbs assume I was black when I said I was on welfare?
Or if you feel bad you admitted what steve said was bigoted you can remain silent when one of your left wingnut buddies goes racist.
@52: Poor Puddy – You got nothin’, so you resort to insults.
Sotoamyor is qualified, intelligent and has repudiated that statement. On the other hand, it was Alito who said he used “empathy” – but he sure has not demonstrated it.
And Clarence Thomas is simply not qualified and has shown himself to be an inferior judge by the low level of opinions he has written.
Yet Puddy supports Thomas – because Puddy is a rightwing knee jerk republican with limited ability to process information and come to logical conclusions.
@57: Dear Marvin:
Boy you are stupid, once again.
GBS was referring to a statment YOU made about black people on welfare being lazy – he was NOT saying you were black, he was saying you made a racist statement..
Nice try, racist fool.
Nuff said….
By your own standard, our VP is a raging racist.
Hmm, Puddy says since gays call each other “faggot” it’s OK for Puddy to call them “faggots”. By Puddy’s standards, since blacks will call each other niggers, it’s OK if headless lucy or anybody else here calls Puddy a nigger. Way to to dig a hole for yourself, Puddy.
I don’t blame you for changing the subject.
I didn’t say anything about who started the war or failed to finish it. I made the comment that the liberal media is no longer keeping it front page news the number of deaths in the war since the obama took office.
The obama is increasing the number of troops in afghanistan, where are the war protesters? You know the ones that chanted war is not the answer and give peace a chance? Did they give up their beliefs or is the media no longer willing to give them press?
Where is cnn/msnbc/abc/cbs/nbc and all the other left wing media reminding america that-
KABUL (AP) The July death toll of American troops in Afghanistan is the highest monthly level of the war.
Another good reminder that the liberal media has gone silent on civilian deaths since the obama took office.
The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) estimates at least 800 Afghan civilians have been killed between January and May this year, a 24 per cent increase over the same period compared to 2008.
Illustrates perfectly what’s wrong with the system. Good health is care is available in this country – but increasingly only to those who can pay the exorbitant costs.
The right wing is only for that which benefits rich people. That in itself is sick and the cure is progressive politics.
@56: Lost: the Foolish Republican excuse-maker
Where is the republican plan on health care?
What are the republican principles?
Hard to tell – since Bush spent us into a bigger deficit than any other president in history and managed to simultaneously put us into the biggest economic hole since the great depression (after 8 years).
Less government regulations?
That worked sooo well in the banking industry and for food safety and for dependence on foreign oil.
Should we continue the failed republican policies?
And continue to destroy government and have one of the worst health care systems in the world?
The current system is a failure: it costs more than any country in the world (yet is on par with Slovenia), there is no portablilty, it doesn’t cover millions of americans and millions more are undercovered, going bankrupt because of health care costs or are denied benefits even if they have health care.
If you consider yourself a “thoughtful” person, what are your solutions to these problems.
I want more than simple minded platitudes that government is bad and you have “ideals”. I want real world solutions. I want comparisons with other countries.
If private insurance is so efficient – won’t it out-compete the government?
Why doesn’t private insurance lower the costs?
Why is private insurance a virtual monopoly in most places, with only a few choices?
Why do our drugs cost more than in Canada?
Why did the republicans cave in to the special interests in the drug industry and prevent cost-saving by the government in Medicare?
Instead of issuing stupid platitudes – answer these specific questions and show us how “intelligent” you are.
How wide your stance is, it’s of no consequence, man! Right or wrong on politics, as long as you hurt no one, we are generally open minded, and we accept you as you are. When will you?
Puddy stil doesn’t know shit about who is and isn’t being mirandized in Afghanistan…
But hey Pud? Why are you so afraid of miranda? If a detainee is guilty and there is evidence, won’t a trial prove it? Not just as a matter of law but as a demonstration of “legal justice” to the Afghan people?
You know what arrest, no lawyer, no trial, immediate punishemnt is? Soviet. (Cuban, North Korean, Khmer Rouge…)
So Puddy, why do you think the Soviet system of jurisprudence is superior to the American system? Why do you hate your country? Do you hate your freedoms and liberties?
Ha! How brain dead is this? I guess we “lily white boys” here should start using throwin’ around the “N” word ‘cuz we watched it on “The Wire”.
Such a moronic fool and a gay-hating bigot to boot!
We both know that’s a lie for a couple reasons. That would be a racist statement and I’m not a racist. And more importantly, if I did say something racist steve and his trained monkey ekim would be posting that link 24/7.
steve would love to have that link. Give it to him.
If you want to protect me from steve posting my “racist” statement, then you might as well stop calling me stupid. Why should you be a hypocrite for my benefit.
See how easy it was for me to prove you a liar.
@62: Thanks Marvin for showing how stupid you are.
Did you not listen to Obama during the campaign?
He said many times that Bush failed to go after bin Laden and failed in Afghanistan and that he would increase troops there – so he is keeping his word.
He was against the unecessary war in Iraq and how it pulled our resources away from Afghanistan.
Did you forget who attacked us on 9/11? It was NOT Saddam, you fool.
@68: I remember it well – I don;’t have the time to prove you are a liar once again. I have done that many times already.
A liar and a fool.
Puddy will vouch for GBS not being a racist – I would bet.
At least Puddy does not lie. I may disagree with Puddy and his sources and conclusion – but he does not lie.
Stamm – you just out and out lie.
You use the word. Your buddy gbs used the word. Your trained monkey ekim uses the word.
Maybe puddy just wanted to fit in with you and your friends.
Did you see what correctnotright wrote in #59-
a statment YOU made about black people on welfare being lazy
Wouldn’t you love to have a link with me calling blacks on welfare lazy? Wouldn’t you love throwing that link in my face every time I point out you are a homophobic racist bigot?
correctnotright won’t post the link for me. Maybe if you ask him he will post it.
Of course, we both know he’s lying to protect his fellow left-wingnut gbs so he never will, but take the chance and ask him.
Wouldn’t you just love doing that to me.
Ask correctnotright.
Uhhh. I would not go that far. He has been caught red-handed about his sock-puppetry on this blog.
He constantly mis-represents what people have said in these comment threads. He could be lying or he could be just plain stupid.
I remember one of the nicknames for his old losing sock puppet MWS was “Reading Comprehension Sucks”.
Steve is going to be disappointed that you refuse to provide the link.
How chickenshit is it of you not to back up your allegation that I wrote something racist.
steve is a homophobic bigot, here’s my link-
See how easy that was for me.
@ 60
I heard no talk of “pure genes” in that tape.
Not to say Biden isn’t an idiot and an embarrassment at times.
Just keep watching your Faux News Wrong Stuff. I’m sure it’s really edifying for you.
I know you’re not as stupid as you’re acting, but I’ll type real slow so you can read it anyway.
My point is not who started the war, or what the obama said he was going to do.
I am pointing out to you that the liberal media has decided that 24/7 coverage of the troop deaths is no loner needed.
That either the war protesters that were protesting against all wars have either gone silent or the media has decided not to report that as news anymore since there is a democrat in the white house.
75 – Uhhh.. Marv. Barack Obama is winding down Iraq. Didn’t you hear? And I already showed that deaths of soldiers in Afghanistan are being reported. You are WRONG.
The American people support Afghanistan. The attack on this country originated from there. That country should not be allowed to backslide into the 12th century again.
Since you brought biden up…
Why do you feel biden made that comment about obama being the first clean articulate african-american?
[ ] He’s a racist
[ ] He was not judging, just making an observation.
For example, when I’m in seattle and I see you working, I would comment that wow, ylb has a job. I wouldn’t make a comment that wow, steve has a job because I know he has a job. Biden wasn’t judging african-americans, until obama he had never met a clean smart articulate african-american. After all, his experience with african-americans prompted him to author that legislation that jailed the users of “black” cocaine (crack) while only giving a slap on the wrist to the users of “white” cocaine (powder).
Do you ever wonder why you never heard anything about biden and that black crack bill except from those not on the political left?
I proved conclusively on Friday that Puddy lies. (“Idealt with Grandfathering”)
NutsTooTight, where did Puddy bring up Clarence Thomas a Great Black American? Puddy brought up Alito and Roberts.
Why do you always do this NutsTooTight? Why do you always deflect and throw useless deflection points into your argument?
Oh Puddy just got it… Clarence Thomas was an anecdotal story because discussing Alito and Roberts doesn’t allow your anecdote to work!
Okay, Puddy understands.
@ 11 Since you have to be so childish and call names, I will say this to you I am rubber you are glue what you call me bounces back and sticks on you! nah nah nah nah nahhhhhhhh!
Marvin’s head likely exploded when he read Puddy’s justification for his hatefully calling gays “faggots”.
It’s OK, Puddy. We all know that Marvin won’t come down on you. You know as well as I do that he doesn’t give a shit about gays. He’s just pathetically exploiting them as the wingnut troll he is to score a few cheap points on a blog comment thread. So I’m sure he’s still good with you. On the other hand, if you ever bring up headless again, I’ll simply repost your own written justification for his calling you a nigger. You dug the hole yourself, Puddy, so you can surely live with the consequences.
Puddy was waiting for Steve to go there. Why? Because Steve hasn’t denounced headless lucy yet!
Now onto your other useless point. The N word is already determined to be out of place in the American lexicon as an epithet. While faggot may be derogatory, when gays use the term to attack heterosexuals as Mario did or to attack someone who doesn’t agree with you flaunting it in front of little kids, then all bets are off about the word. Steve, Puddy would never call you the N word. Understand the difference?
Puddy realizes common sense was left at your goat barn door!
77 – Biden has LOTS of foreign and domestic policy making experience. His knowledge of the ins and outs of the Senate are a huge asset to Obama.
Lee on THIS BLOG has criticized Biden on drug policy. I’m in agreement on that score.
If Biden’s running mouth gives a little too much ammunition to the right wing that hurts Obama or the Democrats he will be forced to resign – no doubt about that. But given that the right wing is as popular as passed gas in an elevator – we’re a long way from that.
I’ve seen no evidence that Biden is an out and out racist. Just a guy who’s not careful about keeping old attitudes in check. Obama would not have picked him for VP otherwise.
You want to see a REAL racist? How about Jeff Sessions of Alabama who the Senate back in the nineties couldn’t approve him as a judge because of his racism?
checksaid, oh yeah you sure did.
The obama is having problems.
Remember when Barack Obama first announced, he was going to develop this office on urban policy that was going to lift the people up on the bottom in urban areas, based upon what happens in Chicago.
Well, months later, Chicago’s blowing up. Where’s the urban policy? New York, Detroit, all these areas where the NAACP has chapters, they’re dealing with record unemployment, rise in urban crime.
You and your assistant there, I hope you’re having a good day. What I was calling for is I know there has been a lot of talk in terms of whether or not the President talks down to black people.
But for me, when I say patronize, it seems like black folk are still caught up in the euphoria of his election and it’s because he’s a black President that we allow things to happen.
Why should I denounce headless, Puddy, although I did denounce his words just last week? But I withdraw the denounciation. You’ve convinced me in this thread that it’s OK for headless to call you a nigger, just as it’s OK for you to call gays “faggots”.
Keep digging that hole, Puddy, and you’ll cause Marvin’s head to explode again. Not that I mind.
As said by the same person that uses the “faggot” word as an insult.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Your attempt to belittle me was an epic fail.
Funniest quote of the day from clueless wondermoron
Hmmm… When Trent Lott didn’t keep old attitudes in check where was clueless wondermoron? No where!
Which U.S. Senator opposed the nominations of the Supreme Court’s two black justices, liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas?
Wow! What does Marvelous Marv think of that? I guess that means his favorite quote is truly lame because it’s merely “derogatory” and “all bets are off” because gays have used the word against straights.
Tell me Fiend @ 82, if I can find an example of a black guy calling an irishman a “white n*gg*r”, does that mean “all bets are off” on the N word?
Such a moronic dunce!
YLB, Dude, really?
Are you now blaming Fox News for Joe Biden’s racist comments? How about his “clean and articulate” comments? Those the fault of Fox as well?
believe me, I’m not defending Fox, they have plenty of f’d up crap on the air, as does all 24/7 cable news channels.
“it seems like black folks are still caught up”
Oh, you can call them “niggers”, Marvin, as Puddy don’t mind.
Hmm, in Marvin’s World blacks are some monolithic entity, all thinking alike, acting alike, all being fooled by our beloved President. heh-
Thanks for the dose of thinnly veiled racism there, Marvin.
88 – Lott was your party fiend. Your kind wanted to get rid of him because he called the impeachment case the whackjobs in the House brought against Clinton “garbage”. And it was – just another sordid episode to soil your stinking party for the ages.
You saying I wasn’t for Lott going? Shit I cheered it on fool. Who needed that guy?
I’m sure many Senators opposed Thomas and Marshall – many of them hailing from the rump region of Republicanism these days – the South. Lots of folks who “stink right” down there.
Hey Steve, where is this denouncement?
And Steve, keep trying to equate the two terms. You are so far out in space the Hubble is needed to see you now.
What kind of person decides he made a mistake denouncing a racist and then withdraws the denunciation?
I mean besides someone that lives in a white kountry klub, belongs to a white yacht klub and works in a no-blacks allowed workplace.
Do you understand why I call you a racist. If you’re not one, you are sure doing a tremendous job impersonating one.
I tell you, YLB, Puddy and Marvin were made for each other. Maybe we’re doing a good thing by getting them together. Marvin the racist and Puddy the bigot. And neither one thinks before they type!
Golly clueless wondermoron…
So you are saying to all here that you think Steve and GBS are queers clueless wondermoron? Here let Puddy remind you what Puddy wrote gays have used the word against straights. Puddy is sure Steve and GBS are proud you “outed” them…
Hmm, Marvin’s head seems to be exploding. I warned you, Puddy. See what you’ve done now?
90 – How do you make that leap? Biden is responsible for putting his own foot in his mouth.
Faux is responsible for hiring right wing fools who believe they have all the freedom in the world to just be themselves.
Great! Keep up the great work Faux! It just keeps on helping the progressive cause.
clueless wondermoron@92: Such a hypocrite. It’s okay for Joe Biden to let slip his old ways and attitudes but Trent Lott be damned when he did it.
You prove to us everyday you are a clueless wondermoron!
See ya nutso!
Huh? You mean keeping his old racist attitudes in check? You mean like it’s okay for him to be a racist as long as he doesn’t proved the right wing with any proof of his “old attitude?”
the obama picked someone lame so he would by comparison look better.
So clueless wondermoron, we who think right will never see you use a Fox News link or quote again right clueless wonderidiot?
Just axking since they only use right wing fools as you say. And since they are right wing fools, nuthin they say can be used by a worthless clueless wondermoron!
Thanks for pointing this out. Just like you did with the WA Times story on the Dummocraptic Pension Fund scandal. What a monomaniacal fool!
96 – LMAO!!! We got a head explosion here.
Look how he makes the leap from me criticizing his lame excuse for anti-gay bigotry to ME calling Steve and GBS “queer”.
Classic. “Reading Comprehension Sucks” still applies. Mendacious faux-reasoning could apply as well.
Such an IDIOT!
Christ, you’re stupid, Marvin. Didn’t you read Puddy’s justification for calling gays “faggots”? Quite convincing, don’t you think? You see, it turns out there was no need for me to condemn headless for calling Puddy a nigger. Headless is only acting in the same manner as Puddy when Puddy calls gays “faggots”. Hey, if the supposed victim of the “n” word attack turns out to be good with it, then who am I to throw out condemnation? I admit that, all in all, it makes no sense to me, but I’ll just go along with Puddy on this to see where it goes. And if your head explodes along the way, so be it.
clueless wondermoron@102, if you could read and comprehend the only head that exploded was Steve and GBS when you “outed” them. There is no leap here, as everyone can see what you wrote fool. Puddy’s comment was crystal clear fool. You tried to use something like you tried with the Mike Webb dancing on his grave.
EPIC FAIL twice!
I already said he’ll be gone if he goes too much over the top – just like Lott. I won’t miss him fool! Just like Lee wouldn’t miss him for his drug policy mistakes. I won’t miss anyone who hurts the progressive cause.
This is just too much fun.
Damn. You make this waaaaay too easy.
That was a black caller on the al sharpton radio show.
Is it still thinly veiled racism or did you ignorantly misspeak.
BTW, your projection is exposing your bigotry more than ever.
You would be better served if you dropped your faux concern for gays and blacks and get back to your fantasies about goatfucking.
Say, YLB, I just had an idea. Maybe we can get both their heads to explode at once. We haven’t seen a multiple troll head explosion since November 4th.
LMAO! Steve, GBS – look what this fool is doing! Classic.. Classic. Twisting to his insane purposes what the opponent has said or just plain freaking stooooooopid…
Oh my, Marvin’s talking goats!
I tell you, YLB, Marvin’s head is about to blow up real good.
LMAO!! Of course I will – to demonstrate the idiocy of those who “stink right”.
The best ammunition progressives have are the braindead words of those who “stink right”.
Man you’re floundering…
I wonder if biden has met a second clean & articulate african-american yet.
Steve you are truly a moron.
Steve for the last time. For the moral equivalence to work Puddy would have to call a non-black person the N word. Then you could use the N word the way you are proposing. Well Puddy would never do that fool.
Mario called a heterosexual person a faggot. He opened the can
At least you are no longer tying to justify your bigotry. That’s a definite improvement in your life.
Steve – it’s happened. These fools don’t have anything to stand on.
I gotta go. Thanks for the entertainment guys!
I suspect Puddy’s head just exploded.
So let’s get into it, Puddy, down to it, an open discussion on racism and bigotry. Here goes. How long have you hated those gay people you get off on calling “fags”, Puddy? For as long as Marvin’s hated those, heh, monolithic “black folks”?
You don’t even know when you’re being mocked.
56. Steve spews:
I had some reservations whether or not I should have called My Favorite Marvin a “worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit” so I conducted a few polls. I asked 43 gay friends about the “faggot” part and 42 responded that not only was it OK…
05/08/2009 AT 9:23 AM
You too.
Time for sushi.
So everyone can see the real fool clueless wondermoron…
Puddy wrote:
clueless wondermoron then adds
So for Marvin to not use Steve’s and GBS’ quotes it means what clueless wondermoron? You wrote it fool. If Steve and GBS are straight then they used it as an epithet again Marvin fool! If Steve and GBS are gay then they used it as a derogatory comment like Mario did.
Do you actually see the difference clueless wondermoron? Is it that difficult?
Mario opened the can? You can tell the future, can you? You know what someone will say years in advance? After all, you’ve been calling gays “fags” on this blog since 2005 that I know of. Now about this Mario guy, remind me here, Puddy, when was he in the news?
I just love it when your head explodes, Puddy.
Puddybud @ 43
“It seems the BBC and you have issues over deaths. Now we know the BBC is a leftist libtardo organization. But for them to say Jan 10, 2008 there were 151,000 Iraqi dead from March 2003 to Jan 2008 and now your link sez over 1,339,771 dead leaves 1,188,771 dead from Jan 10, 2008 until July 21, 2009? Puddy doesn’t think so. The BBC study interviewed over 9,000 families all over Iraq. Your putrid link only has Opinion Research Business interviewing 1499 peeps.”
There are a lot of errors in this statement, Pud….
First, the BBC has nothing whatsoever to do with it. The 151,000 figure comes from a peer-reviewed paper:
Iraq Family Health Survey Study Group (2008) “Violence-Related Mortality in Iraq from 2002 to 2006,” New England Journal of Medicine, January 31, pp. 484-92.
This is frequently referred to as “The WHO study” because the World Health Organizations was a member of the study group.
The study examined violence-related mortality from January 2002 through June 2006. They interviewed 61,636 people in 9,345 households. They estimated from 104,000 to 223,000 violent deaths in Iraq during that 3-year period.
The link the Ekim provided to is an extrapolation based on “The Lancet” study:
Burnham et al. (2006) Mortality after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: a cross-sectional cluster sample survey, Lancet 368(9545):1421-8.
(I wrote about that study here.)
Essentially, that study estimated excess mortality over a slightly longer period (January 2002 to July 2006). “Excess mortality,” means that all forms of mortality above the background levels (as estimated for just before the start of the war) are included. So, war deaths, homicides, disease-related deaths, deaths resulting from a disrupted health care system, etc. are all included. In other words, The Lancet estimated the overall impact of the war on any increases and decreases in mortality.
The study interviewed 1,849 households that included a total of 12,801 people, so it was smaller than the WHO study. But for what it’s worth, smaller sample size doesn’t lead to biased estimates, just larger ranges for the estimated mortality. So criticizing either study for the sample size is complete nonsense.
The Lancet study estimated a range 392,979 to 942,636 excess deaths over pre-war mortality levels. Of these, a range from 426,369 to 793,663 were attributable to violent causes.
Aside from one older Lancet study, the WHO and later Lancet studies are the only two peer-reviewed studies in the scientific literature.
There is one non-peer-reviewed population survey-type study of mortality that was conducted by a polling firm. Opinion Research estimated mortality from March 2003 to August 2007. They used a
They interviewed one person in each of 1,499 households about deaths in the household. Other methodological details are largely missing. They found the total number of deaths (a different measure than the previous two studies reported) ranged from 733,158 to 1,446,063 since the war began. But, lacking scientific review by statisticians, demographers, or epidemiologists, the quality of the research is not known.
“Puddy thinks your link is inflatin da numbas on poipuss! Iraq Body Count has the number at 100,990.”
The estimates at appear to be an extrapolation from the Lancet study from Jul 2006 to the present. It isn’t a peer-reviewed study, and the methods appear to be rather approximate, so I won’t comment on the veracity of its estimates.
The Iraq Body Count (as well as the AP and Iraq Coalition Casualty Count) reports are not estimates of deaths. They are estimates of MEDIA REPORTS OF DEATHS. As such, they underestimate both deaths from war violence and excess mortality. The results have not undergone scientific peer-review prior to publication and the methodology isn’t recognized as a valid way to estimate mortality by demographers, statisticians, or epidemiologists.
“This was debunked long ago ekim.”
I’m not sure what you are referring to. Neither of the two peer-reviewed studies have been “debunked”.
I don’t believe ylb is as clueless as he comes across.
I believe he’s afraid to be honest so you won’t ue his words against him and I won’t use his words against steve/gbs/rujax/ekim.
The racist Marvin doesn’t seem to realize that his head is exploding.
“If Steve and GBS are gay”
I really like how you twist logic like a pretzel right before your head explodes.
You hate gays and so you hatefully call them “fags”. You’ve done it for years. Unapologetically, I might add. Mario had nothing to do with it. That’s just a lame-ass excuse you’ve come up with while you continue to dig that hole you’re in.
Steve, you are the fool who tried with twisted pretzel logic to use the N word not Puddy. Your twisted pretzel logic only works if Puddy called you the N word which Puddy has never done.
You are on a small limb and it’s cracking fool.
Darryl, The LA Times looked at the Lancet Study in 2006. “The Baghdad morgue received 30,204 bodies from 2003 through mid-2006, while the Health Ministry said it had documented 18,933 deaths from “military clashes” and “terrorist attacks” from April 5, 2004, to June 1, 2006. Together, the toll reaches 49,137.” This is while the Lancet study claimed 655,000 deaths by mid 2006.
Based on the Lancet Study over 3% of the total Iraqi population would have been killed by now.
Debunked Darryl!
Talk about twisted. Got nothing to say about Mario, your previous excuse for calling gays “fags”, huh, Puddy? That one backfired on your ass, didn’t it? Yeah, you’re better off pretending that one never happened.
Yup, your head explodes real good, Puddy. Keep digging that hole.
Steve, my head feel just fine. Nothing backfired in fact it’s more clearer every day. Where has Puddy not pretended it didn’t happen?
You are truly delusional.
“The LA Times looked at the Lancet Study in 2006. “The Baghdad morgue received 30,204 bodies from 2003 through mid-2006, while the Health Ministry said it had documented 18,933 deaths from “military clashes” and “terrorist attacks” from April 5, 2004, to June 1, 2006. Together, the toll reaches 49,137.” This is while the Lancet study claimed 655,000 deaths by mid 2006.”
How is a body count in the Baghdad morgue relevant to the Lancet study? I mean, you would certainly expect a far lower body count in the morgue of a city than for estimates of excess mortality in a war-ridden country. So the morgue count is at least consistent with the Lancet study.
“Based on the Lancet Study over 3% of the total Iraqi population would have been killed by now.”
And…just how did you estimate that little nugget of delicious wingnuttery, Puddy?
Here are some proper mortality statistics:
The study found a crude mortality rate of between 4.3 and 7.1 per 1,000 individuals before the war and a range from 10.9 to 16.1 per 1,000 individuals after the start of the war.
However, the peak period was from June 2005 to June 2006, when the study estimates a rate from 14.6 to 26.7 deaths per 1,000 individuals. So the high-end estimate is almost 2.7% that year, but if you had to pick a most likely value in that range, you would take 20 per 1,000, or 2% for the year at a peak. That is just shy of four times the mortality rate before the war started, which is hardly a surprising increase in mortality in a conflict zone.
“Debunked Darryl!”
Ummmm…no it isn’t Puddy. You see…science isn’t debunked by commenters on blogs (or even newspaper articles). Papers published in the scientific literature are retracted when a flaw is identified by one or more scientists trained in the field, and those flaws are properly published (via scientific peer review).
More commonly, older papers are valid but superseded when a comparable paper is published (again, via the peer review process) using superior methods or better data.
@126: Once again Puddy has no clue – we have already gone over the “Bahgdad morgue” figures and every reliable source says that they have far UNDERestimated the results of the war.
Puddy also forgets ot include all the refugees and the rest of the deaths.
Remember, it is only sectarian violence if they are shot in a specific way at the morgue…
What BS!
The L:ancet Study was publiched in a peer review journal and Puddy stuff…just opinions.
But hey, Puddy still thinks global warmiong is a hoax and knows nothing about science.
Way to pontificate Puddy, on things you know little about. Keep reading those right wing fools you cite – how often do I have to debunk your crap?
The typical LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN attempts to paint Conservatives as “hating government” and “hating paying taxes”.
Bad try===NO SALE
Conservatives actually want limited government that focuses on Public Safety/Defense and Infrastructure…staying out of the way so the free market can flourish and give folks an opportunity to succeed.
Conservatives dislike paying taxes for excessive bureaucracy above and beyond the fundamental purpose of government.
Why is that so bad??
Leftists on the other want big costly government. The bigger the better. They want “rich, successful people” to pay high taxes so they can have lots of free stuff at someone else’s expense. KLOWNS don’t believe in personal responsibility or individual initiative. They believe in the redistribution of wealth.
They are lazy bastards by and large.
It’s not called global warmiong anymore, it’s now called climate change. Unlike global warming, calling it climate change they can’t be proven wrong. Just like how the scientists in the 70’s were proven wrong about global cooling.
Please try and keep up.
This should be fun…
Lets define the ramifications of your broad description:
No public education in your country? No welfare, social security, DSHS, mass transit?
No state schools? No FDIC? No medicare or medicade? How about department of ecology?
Would food and drug safety fall in or out?
How about illegal drug enforcement?
Would banks be regulated at all?
Would you keep the Federal Reserve?
Who would be responsible for forest fires?
Would we still have the IRS?
Just maintain the roads, internet, fire department, Immigration, courts, the military, CIA, FBI and cops.
Any leftist pinhead klown that uses deductions to lower their tax bill are proving they don’t want to pay taxes.
Hell, even gbs bragged about not paying his “fair share.”
107. GBS spews:
Last year, GBS paid nearly $0 in federal taxes. After my deductions, which are many, I don’t have enough in “taxable” income to pay taxes.
It’s nice. I almost had a 5-figure income tax return check.
GBS don’t mind paying his fair share in taxes. The operative word being “fair share.”
06/19/2009 AT 4:51 PM
Only a leftist pinhead klown would pay 0 federal income tax using loopholes and then say he doesn’t mind paying his fair share.
What laws under under Public Safety, Defense or Infrastructure did Bernie Madoff break?
Marvin Stamn @ 132,
Don’t quit your day unemployment, Squirt. You don’t know the first thing about science.
But…if you are interested in attempting to educate yourself about the research on climate change in the 1970s, here is a good article from a leading climatology journal.
A brief excerpt:
NASA would be canceled.
So would any and all publicly supported arts including the symphony.
National parks would have to be sold off.
Would TVs and Radio content be limited in any way, any more, by the government, so long as what they said, didn’t trigger Public Safety concerns, like shouting FIRE.
A usa poll must be wrong.
How could this happen to the I Won? Is the liberal media not working hard enough?
• By 49%-47%, those surveyed disapprove of how he is handling the economy, a turnaround from his 55%-42% approval in May. The steepest drop came from conservative and moderate Democrats.
• By 50%-44%, they disapprove of how he is handling health care policy.
• A 59% majority say his proposals call for too much government spending and 52% say they call for too much expansion of government power.
• Expectations of the economy’s turnaround are souring a bit. In February, the average prediction for a recovery was 4.1 years; now it’s 5.5 years.
• The administration’s stimulus package isn’t seen as a benefit by most whether viewed in the short term or the long term, in how it will impact the country or individuals. Only a third think it will help their own family’s finances in the long run.
No more labor safety concerns. No more rules about child labor, or overtime rules.
If banks go bust, it’s the responsibility of the stakeholders.
No more public teaching hospitals.
No more rules saying hosipital have to treat the poor, unless you think that falls under Public Safety. Maybe you would treat their TB, but not their broken leg or cancer, since you cannot spread them.
Thanks for the advice. I was just thinking of leaving the music business to become a scientist.
Strange that the article says the media pushed the myth,
isn’t that what many are saying now about the liberal media and global warming?
And it’s great you have such faith in scientists.
Do you have any idea why an amateur astronomer discovered a “scar” on jupiter using his backyard 14.5-inch reflecting telescope that the brightest scientists in the country didn’t find with resources far and above what the 44 year old computer programmer used. Maybe those scientists were busy blogging about global warming or something.
Where would marriage and divorce laws fall in this country if all the government cared about was Public Safety, Defense or Infrastructure? It doesn’t seem to be a part of that list. Would they be negated?
How about intellectual property? Would the RIAA be allowed to sue over music rights? Or Amazon holding the one click patent?
I forgot libraries. Those would go.
And public pools.
Also the rules that say that Oregon and Washington beaches are public to all.
Would you keep the The Federal Elections Commission?
How about Uniform Building Codes? Is having safe buildings part of public safety or a drag on the economy?
Post office is gone.
Look at this…
Now who besides the most moronic troll ever to haunt these threads (and a few of his fellow travellers) can conclude from what I’ve been writing in this thread that I’ve called Steve and GBS gay much less believe that?
Demokid called Stupes a douchebag and I like DK – he doesn’t mince words and he doesn’t have time to suffer fools gladly. Heaven knows why I do it. I keep saying it’s for the entertainment but going back and forth with insanity should be left to the mental health professionals.
I don’t see the US patent office as part of the Public Safety, Defense or Infrastructure so it has to go. It’s not a road.
Marvin Stamn @ 140,
“Thanks for the advice. I was just thinking of leaving the music business to become a scientist.”
Good idea…I hear moving pianos can be hell on the back. Keep studying for that GED exam!
“Strange that the article says the media pushed the myth, isn’t that what many are saying now about the liberal media and global warming?”
The article doesn’t just “say” the media pushed the myth. They demonstrate it through a survey of the peer-reviewed literature. And, indeed, there are “many” (primarily Wingnuts) now saying that about the “liberal media” and global warming. The difference is that, now, many such media accounts don’t mis-report on the climatological literature, as they did in the 1970s.
“Do you have any idea why an amateur astronomer discovered a “scar” on jupiter using his backyard 14.5-inch reflecting telescope that the brightest scientists in the country didn’t find with resources far and above what the 44 year old computer programmer used. Maybe those scientists were busy blogging about global warming or something.”
Ummmm, Marvin…your comment betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of science. It is a great big universe out there, and it is pretty common (and strongly encouraged) for amateur astronomers to contribute this type of empirical observation.
Mr. Klynical has been bleating that PS/I/D line for years and it’s not indicative of any deep thinking at all – just the leavings of a simple-minded, miserly, mean-spirited reductionist.
Not to say that government doesn’t have waste and shouldn’t be reformed in some areas that result in lower costs and a smaller bite on the taxpayer’s wallet.
The way I see it, cyn’s country would be a savage and dangerous place, a good percentage of the US population would die, quickly or slowly, if we went to that country of over work, famine and illness. It would be not be an easy country to live in. You would constantly have to watch your back because you had no safety net or rules and regulations to fall back on. I thing it would be hard for most of the middle class and even many of the rich to keep their wealth, without the rules and institutions that keep us safe and content. We would probably choose a dictator to protect us and the country would split into factions and smaller city states.
And 119 is just SO indicative of deep thought. Derogatory vs. epithet. All bets off.. Splitting hairs.. whatever!
Sorry it doesn’t excuse ANYONE from using “faggot” or the N word in any context – even when gays or black folks use those words amongst themselves. Those words should be left to the losers in a political debate.
I guess it’s just an example of Stupes’ “crisper english” – you know that kind he uses to smear liberal politicians as racists.
Even if you’re a lefty at npr, you still can’t mention ted kennedy and mary jo…
I received a lot of mail, a good percentage of it ugly, over my Friday post about the 40th anniversary of Chappaquiddick — the shorthand description of the July 1969 accident in which a car Sen. Ted Kennedy was driving went over a bridge, resulting in the death of a young woman, Mary Jo Kopechne.
Much of the mail took me to task for having the insensitivity (their word) of reminding people of the accident as Kennedy is suffering from brain cancer. Others wondered why I would mention this when “what Bush and Cheney did was much worse” (their words). As if one thing had anything to do with the other.
Strange that a good percentage of his mail was ugly.
I wonder how many right-wingers wrote him ugly mail?
Which leaves those tolerant liberals as the senders of the ugly mail.
Don’t forget the guns. Cyn wants guns and ammo so he can defend himself. Lots and lots of guns and ammo. Why his home must look like a National Guard armory.
Why did you write out “faggot” but not “nigger?”
Are you afraid of black people? Got some race issues?
Marvin Stamn @ 149,
“I wonder how many right-wingers wrote him ugly mail?
Which leaves those tolerant liberals as the senders of the ugly mail.”
Ummm…I know reading can be really, really hard for someone like you, but if you had just ventured forward another couple of paragraphs, you would have seen:
151 – I was about to but then I probably would have been attacked for it –
by someone like you.
Thanks for playing…
@151 Marvin, you brought it up, how can you prove you don’t?
But why would he get ugly mail from those that are not fans of the ex-alcoholic when he wrote about mary jo.
He might have been the only left-winger that wrote about mary jo on the anniversary of teddy letting an innocent young woman die.
Since you believe you are so smart, can you find any mention of mary jo on cnn/msnbc/air america on the anniversary of her death.
If you had posted about it here, do you feel that the left-wingnuts here would have appreciated it? Obviously ylb would have taken offense with you, he didn’t feel it deserved to be mentioned when Puddy & I brought it up.
DId you know the hbo documentary about teddy never mentioned mary jo?
To be sure, the film devotes more camera time to breezy, sun-soaked shots of Ted sailing on the cape than to probing the mysterious Chappaquiddick incident.
So you wrote out “faggot.” What, no fear of me attacking you for that.
You excuse doesn’t pass the smell test.
prove I don’t what, have a fear of black people?
Unlike headless lucy, I never posted that I have problems being around blacks 24/7.
Unlike gbs, I never assumed someone on welfare was black.
What have I written that would give you reason to believe I’m a racist. I did have that message #85 that steve said in #91 was thinnly veiled racism. Of course, I suckered steve into jumping to conclusions. What I posted was from black callers to the al sharpton show.
Looks like some of the bloggers at huffington post want to get paid.
Silly bloggers, profits are for arianna, not the writers.
Yet as brilliant of a strategy as hiring legions of unpaid writers is, there is a catch. Eventually and, some would argue, already, the only writers that will write for free are writers that can afford to write for free. The voices of the passionate amateurs that The Huffington Post showcases are becoming increasingly homogenous and, in the long-term, a blog dominated by rich people and celebrities will alienate readers that aren’t a part of this demographic.
The Huffington Post’s advertising revenue from January through April 2009 was $3.4 million. So let’s round down and assume that ad revenue for the year is $10 million. I propose that The Huffington Post commit to spending 20% of its revenue rewarding bloggers. For 2009, this would be $2 million.
10 Million $ and the bloggers write for free?
Like they say… there’s a sucker born every minute. And arianna has found most of them.
Kudos to arianna for getting rich on the backs of progressives.
Marvin Stamn @ 156
“But why would he get ugly mail from those that are not fans of the ex-alcoholic when he wrote about mary jo.”
Why? I suppose because you Wingnuts are so deliriously obsessive in your hatred of Sen. Kennedy that you spew ugliness over Kennedy at any opportunity that arises. You know…some sort of hater’s Tourette’s syndrome.
But whatever the reason, your hypothesis was (as usual) completely wrong. The actual empirical data appear to contradicted you.
“He might have been the only left-winger that wrote about mary jo on the anniversary of teddy letting an innocent young woman die.”
“Since you believe you are so smart, can you find any mention of mary jo on cnn/msnbc/air america on the anniversary of her death.”
What the fuck?
“If you had posted about it here, do you feel that the left-wingnuts here would have appreciated it? Obviously ylb would have taken offense with you, he didn’t feel it deserved to be mentioned when Puddy & I brought it up.”
Why would I bother writing about it? And how is this relevant to your under-informed claim that, “liberals [were] the senders of the ugly mail”?
“DId you know the hbo documentary about teddy never mentioned mary jo?”
Frankly, I didn’t know there was an HBO documentary about Kennedy.
You see what is happening here, Squirt? You are obsessively deranged about a Senator from the east coast, and an accident that took place three decades ago—probably before you were even born. This is precisely what I meant by “deliriously obsessive in your hatred”.
Hey, we are doing the same and making Goldie a very rich man! Marvin, if you don’t get a check in the mail real soon, you should show him by quitting blogging all together!
We are all figuring out this new internet thing, and how to make a living in a changing world. I expect if some method of payment is not made for the best bloggers that help generate that wealth, they will quit and the Huff Post will suffer for it.
Nobody wants to to work for nothing while someone else get rich off their effort, be it bloggers or mechanics or doctors. I expect it will shake out. Good on the Huff Post to bring in it within the Huff Post.
How bad are things for obama?
He’s now sending out democrat congress critter russ carnahan to lie about the health plan.
Is the health plan really going to create “savings” and “efficiencies?” And let’s not forget it’s also going to create a surplus.
The best line was-
“If it’s so good, why doesn’t Congress have to be on it?”
Of course, his constituents had a good laugh.
You certainly didn’t contribute to the stereotype that democrats don’t have a sense of humor with that line.
Liberal policies fail.
See kalifornia.
Why does college cost so much. Are the teachers like you too greedy?
Darryl, So to accept Lancet’s numbers you and NutsTooTight believe 578 Iraqi civilians died per day since the start of the war? Interesting for you Darryl, standard gullibility for NutsTooTight.
So you are saying the Iraqi Health Ministry doesn’t measure all deaths all over Iraq just Baghdad? From WikiPedia – “The Ministry of Health was founded in the middle of previous century. Its task is to provide health and medical services to every Iraqi citizen during normal and emergency circumstances in the country“. Seems to Puddy they measure death in every province too.
Sorry Darryl, while maybe 200,000 have died mostly due to Al Qaeda and it’s friends, those deaths are not due to US war activities.
BTW here’s tha math. 2315 days of war into 1339771 estimated dead to date.
Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Queen @163
Are you too stupid to know it was Governor Ronald Regan who changed California college tuition? So you see, it was conservative policies that failed. Oh, that is right, you are after all, stupid and ignorant.
Wow ekim the goat abuser travels all the back to 1966-1974 to attack Reagan. So Jerry Moonbeam Brown did nuthin to fix it?
So ButtPutty the Santorium quibbles over the Iraqi dead totals, preferring to ignore good science as wingnuts prefer to do.
Well OK, lets accept ButtPutty the Santorium‘s figures. Only 200,000 dead. By his own math that works out to 86 Iraqis killed each day since the war started. Oh, that is so much better.
Notice how ButtPutty the Santorium tries to redirect known wingnut goat fucking activities. Perverts. All of them.
Hey ButtPutty, how did that visit with James Dale Guckert go? Did he satisfy you and is he still using the handle Bulldog for his male clients and does he still pretend to be a White House reporter?
Goat abuser Ekim accepts 578 Iraqis dead per day. Amazing what some HA libtardos will believe. Puddy wrote this…
Puddy didn’t estimate how many are dead due to US War activities. Where did Puddy get the 200,000 number? Look it up ekim instead of abusing goats.
Of course jerry did nothing to fix it.
The state is run by democrats/liberals. Their policies failed the people.
The state is issuing IOUs for it’s vendors.
The city of los angeles now wants to give tax breaks to the rich liberals in show bizness to keep hollywood productions in the city. It must be a sad day for democrats knowing that tax breaks for businesses is the key to keeping people employed.
Poor ButtPutty the Santorium. I don’t need to find your pathetic sources since I “accepted” your figures as a given for the sake of argument. And also for the sake of argument I’ll accept your statement at face value the Iraqis were killed by “Al Qaeda and it’s friends”. But those 200,000 people would not have been killed by your “Al Qaeda and it’s friends” except for the US occupation of Iraq and the US failure to protect the citizens of Iraq.
You still loose.
Wow Ekim supported Uday and Kusay and their torture and rape chambers.
Wow Ekim supported Saddam and his torture where necks slashed, their eyes gouged out and their genitals blackened.
Wow Ekim supported Saddam and his refrigeration of naked Iraqis.
Wow Ekim supported under Saddam, there were no rights of appeal.
Wow Ekim supported interrogators regularly using pliers to remove people’s teeth,
Wow Ekim supported electric prods to shock men’s genitals. Well he does abuse goats.
Wow Ekim supported drills to cut holes in their ankles.
Wow Ekim supported interrogators regularly raping wives in front of their husbands.
Thanks Ekim for that wonderful clarification!
I see Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Queen is still spouting nonsense. I bet he forgot about Prop 13.
Notice how ButtPutty the Santorium has been reduced to irrational thinking? Once you punch holes in his “logic,” he throws a tantrum.
It must be ButtPutty the Santorium gets his education by watching Fox News. You know, the network which fires reporters for not lying as ordered by their bosses.
Hey ButtPutty, how did that visit with Bulldog go?
Stupes supports the policies that lead to “Mr Frosty”.
We’re supposed to be the good guys. We don’t abuse who we set out to help especially when there’s no evidence of wrong-doing.
He has no answer to this.
Nope no fear. I fully expected you to do that. I just buffered it a bit.
Thanks for playing..
@1 Liberals aren’t the problem, it is you cocksucking heterosexuals that love to murder, rape and kill.
Mention it all you want. Just shows your silliness and obsessive hatred.
So weird that right wingers across this country go into united knee jerk motion on the anniversary of that accident at the command of the right wing echo chamber.
When Teddy has passed, they’ll knee jerk in unison about something else. Can’t wait to see what replaces Teddy.
Puddy @ 164,
“So to accept Lancet’s numbers you and NutsTooTight believe 578 Iraqi civilians died per day since the start of the war?”
You are a little off. The value 540/day is what I get, with a plausible range from 324/day to 777/day. Also, the Lancet article made no distinction between civilian deaths versus deaths of soldiers. They measured all excess mortality.
“Interesting for you Darryl, standard gullibility for NutsTooTight.”
“So you are saying the Iraqi Health Ministry doesn’t measure all deaths all over Iraq just Baghdad?”
I made no claim either way. But it is well known that the Iraqi Health Ministry was unable to comprehensively collect death certificates during the invasion and occupation.
Seems to Puddy they measure death in every province too.”
Nope, not during the period in question…if that were true then there would be no need for population-based surveys.
“Sorry Darryl, while maybe 200,000 have died mostly due to Al Qaeda and it’s friends, those deaths are not due to US war activities.”
But pulling numbers out of your ass doesn’t count, Puddy. That is why scientists go and use methods acceptable to other qualified scientists to estimate such things.
“BTW here’s tha math. 2315 days of war into 1339771 estimated dead to date.”
The Lancet study gave a range of 392,979 to 942,636 for the period from 20 Mar 2003 to 15 Jul 2006. There were 1,213 days in that interval. Hence the numbers I gave above.
Darryl, Puddy didn’t pull the 200,000 number out of my ASS. This was Al Qaeda attacks on civilians and Iraqi police. If you carefully search you’ll find it too. Puddy easily found it from libtardo MSM sources.
Regarding the Iraqi Health Ministry issue Puddy wrote…
But Darryl, you said this before
You skipped over the Health Ministry before so Puddy raised it again.
Regarding all the other stuff, if you go back and look at the original link Ekim placed here, that’s where Puddy pulled the 1339771 number from. It’s through today which is 2315 days.
Marvin Stamn @ 163,
Looks like you Pulled a Palin there, Pal.
Geez…two days in a row I argue you into the ground…. You need to try harder.
Wow. Thank you Darryl.
So refreshing to see the analysis of a trained scientist compared to the drivel from a trained seal.
Once again Puddy caught Ekim with his pants down abusing his goat. First he accuses Puddy of being a friend of Al Qaeda, who hates Israel, when Ekim knows Puddy is one of the original HA neo-cons, and second now we know Ekim wishes Saddam was still in power by his commentary above.
Good job goat luvr!
“Puddy didn’t pull the 200,000 number out of my ASS. This was Al Qaeda attacks on civilians and Iraqi police. If you carefully search you’ll find it too. Puddy easily found it from libtardo MSM sources.”
As should be obvious from my previous comments, I am highly skeptical of informal estimates and “polls” that don’t have fully described methodology and published in the appropriate scientific literature.
“But Darryl, you said this before:”
Puddy…we are discussing mortality in all of Iraq, not the number of bodies that end up in a morgue in Iraq. Big, big difference.
“Regarding all the other stuff, if you go back and look at the original link Ekim placed here, that’s where Puddy pulled the 1339771 number from. It’s through today which is 2315 days.”
See what I said about that particular site above. Its estimates don’t have any validity in a scientific sense. I’d call them guesstimates.
So clueless wondermoron admits he has to call in the calvary because he’s a loser.
Interesting. Butt, clueless wonder moron, the average of 578 a day isn’t that far off of 540 a day based on the two values used. This is also missed by clueless wondermoron, chronological idiot.
I wonder if Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Queen gets paid by the RNC for posting on HA. I wonder if Marvie reports his earnings to Welfare?
Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Queen is in good company. Even though Joe the Plumber is neither “Joe” or a “plumber”, Joe the Plumber is a Welfare Queen. Way to go Samuel J. Wurzelbacher!
Argued me into the ground?
What happens if I actually give a damn and argue you into the ground.
Will your fragile ego be able to handle it?
Darryl, Puddy tried to explain to you the Lancet study was discredited. Puddy will now deliver the goods…
Exhibit #1
“Still, the authors have declined to provide the surveyors’ reports and forms that might bolster confidence in their findings. Customary scientific practice holds that an experiment must be transparent — and repeatable — to win credence. Submitting to that scientific method, the authors would make the unvarnished data available for inspection by other researchers. Because they did not do this, citing concerns about the security of the questioners and respondents, critics have raised the most basic question about this research: Was it verifiably undertaken as described in the two Lancet articles?”
Exhibit #2
“In a highly unusual rebuke, the American Association for Public Opinion Research today said the author of a widely debated survey on “excess deaths” in Iraq had violated its code of professional ethics by refusing to disclose details of his work. The author’s institution later disclosed to ABC News that it, too, is investigating the study.”
Enjoy your reading.
Exhibit #3 And we all know what this character’s political bent is. So using clueless wondermoron’s argument, he’s a left-wing whack job.
Exhibit #4
Marvin Stamn,
“What happens if I actually give a damn and argue you into the ground.”
Well…for starters you would, for a brief moment, bask in the glory of not looking like a perpetual idiot….
I see that Darryl has gone and made Marvin cry again.
Darryl @145, As an avid amateur astronomer and astrophotographer myself, Marvin @140 is a hoot! Nice takedown.
ButtPutty the Santorum @185 is still confused. I will try to help him.
Once again Puddy caught Ekim with his pants down abusing his goat.
Sorry ButtPutty, you’re projecting again.
First he accuses Puddy of being a friend of Al Qaeda, who hates Israel, when Ekim knows Puddy is one of the original HA neo-cons,
Wrong again, but I find it interesting you hate Israel. Been there myself. I liked both the country and the people.
I did not know you claimed to be an “original HA neo-con”. If you are a typical neo-con, it is not surprising neo-cons are a fast fading phenomenon.
and second now we know Ekim wishes Saddam was still in power by his commentary above.
Eh? I point out your fallacious reasoning and you follow up with further fallacious reasoning? Simply amazing.
Good job goat luvr!
And you finish off with more projecting.
Good job, there…
Foolish Ekim where did Puddy say he hates Israel? Nowhere! What a fool!
Regarding your love of Saddam, see your stupid comments above.
“Puddy … a friend of Al Qaeda, who hates Israel”.
Hey, if you can misquote people, so can I.
Say, Puddy, just to follow up, did you ever work on that bigotry issue of yours? That is, are you still inclined to call gays “fags” in the HA comments? Just curious. And I do hope you don’t go blaming some guy named Mario again for all the gay-hate you spew here.
@195 Sigh! When wingnuts start projecting their goat lust…
For a racist homophobic bigot you’ve got quite the imagination.
Isn’t it about time for you to go accusing someone of being a bigot to deflect from the piss poor job your mother did in raising you?
I know… why don’t you brag again about withdrawing the “denounciation” of a racist. Like I asked before, besides for a racist, what kind of person withdraws the “denounciation” of a racist.
Hey Steve did you work on that goat abusing problem of yours all over the HA comments? You have no one to blame as we know you love to abuse goats.
Poor Marvin. He searches so hard to find bigotry on the HA site and there’s that bigot, Puddy, sitting right under his nose. Perhaps all those tears that Darryl caused to flow blind the poor sap to his surroundings.
Hey, Puddy, do me a favor call gays “fags” again. Maybe it’ll help get poor Marvin’s mind right.
@201 Oh my, there’s that silly troll projecting about goats again. Hmm, it seems to me that the guy has an issue or two besides bigotry that he needs to work on.
Puddybud @ 192,
“Puddy tried to explain to you the Lancet study was discredited. Puddy will now deliver the goods…”
You did claim that, but as I pointed out, there is a formal process for “discrediting” peer-reviewed studies. I’m not aware of the study being withdrawn or superseded.
“Exhibit #1”
Puddy…the National Journal is a magazine, not a peer-review science journal. Don’t waste my time with media bullshit for addressing the validity of science.
“Exhibit #2”
You send me to ABC news where a public opinion polling group (that the authors are not members of) is rebuking the authors? However, that article points out that Johns Hopkins is also “investigating.” The results of that investigation could, potentially, discredit the research. But his hasn’t.
“Exhibit #3”
Another non-science link Puddy??? If you look into the issue, Puddy, the Soros funding was not used to conduct the research. It was used after the research was completed to publicize the results. Grants happen all the time. Is most of the research on Malaria being conducted today invalid because Bill Gates funded it?
“Exhibit #4”
Finally…you cite a peer-reviewed journal (New England Journal of Medicine). But the article seems to bolster, not weaken, the Lancet study compared to the WHO study. Now you are arguing in the wrong direction!
So anyway, my America-hating trolls, what’s up with you Republicans and the panda costumes and pedophilia? That’s more than just a little bit weird, if you know what I mean.
So hard? Are you smoking some of that kush weed?
It wasn’t hard at all to expose you as a bigot.
It was easier than exposing headless. You know, the racist you are now defending. Go figure.
Why did you believe that calling me a “faggot” was a prime time insult? Do you think being a “faggot” is a bad thing, is that why you ignorantly thought I would be offended by it?
col. sanders’ favorite chicken is almost as smart as his hero “the oreo man”.
@206 It seems that I’ve made Marvin cry. I’m so sorry, Marvin. I don’t want you to cry. Really.
Hey, Puddy, maybe Marvin will stop crying if you call gays “fags” again. You can always blame it on Mario.
Maybe Marvin will stop crying if I share a joke with him that Mr. Klynical told us the other day.
Sure, it was a stupid racist joke told by a stupid, America-hating, racist troll, but you’re a racist too, Marvin, so no harm, right?
So did that joke help you to stop crying, Marvin?
If you’re not lying, denounce ekim for his use of “faggot” as an insult.
See how easy it is for me to prove you are a liar.
Does your job require a high school diploma? The reason I ask is you don’t come across as very clean, bright or articulate.
We already know that the Klynical PIN-HEADED KLOWN is a racist who hates blacks, but I wonder if Marvin understands that he’s also a bigot who hates gays?
OMG!! Mr. Klynical used the “f” word!! Fuck, Marvin, you know what that means, don’t you? Get on it, boy.
Go ahead and post whatever links your small mind believes is racist.
If you can’t, don’t worry about it. No one expects you to be able to.
@210 “If you’re not lying, denounce ekim for his use of “faggot” as an insult.”
OMG!! Did Ekim call somebody a bad word?
Hey, how about that, so did Puddy.
That must chap your ass, Marvin, to read such vicious language coming from the likes of Puddy and the KLOWN. I bet that you’ll be all over their ass, seeing as you’re the self-appointed HA designator and castigator of bigots and racists, as well as being the HA PC speech moderator. Kind of like Troll, only more self-glorified and certainly more delusional.
Please stop deflecting.
This is between you and me unless you want to give up and talk about someone else.
Say, what about ekim. Does his use of the “faggot” word bother you? You admitted that you’ve withdrawn the denunciation of headless so unless you’re a hypocrite you can’t complain about anyone else writing something racist.
Do you want to compare my words and your words or have you learned your lesson and would rather discuss someone else.
He copied and pasted your words. You have said many times that you apologized for using “faggot” as an insult. If you apologized for using the same word you are fully aware it’s a bad word.
Do you believe Puddy was trying to insult someone with his words like you tried to do when you were throwing “faggot” around like some inbred redneck?
You made it very clear that in your mind, “faggot” is a big time insult. Epic fail, I wasn’t insulted. Sucks for you that you exposed yourself and got nothing back.
Marvin continues to cry even though I try so hard to help him stop. So sad. Maybe this will cheer him up.
Well, geez, I reckon we all know now how Mark feels about gays. That must shiver your spine, Marvin, to read such hate.
Again you want to talk about someone else.
At least you know better than try to punk me like I’ve punked you as evidenced by your inability to provide links to anything I’ve written that is racist or homophobic.
“Do you believe Puddy was trying to insult someone with his words”
Oh, good point, Marvin. There’s just no way that Puddy calling gays “fags” was meant as an insult. Same goes for Mark and Mr. Klynical too, I’m sure. When they call gays “faggots”, no way is it intended to insult anybody.
“like some inbred redneck?”
Oh, oh. It looks like Marvin has an “inbred redneck” bigotry issue, as well as his vile racism to work on. And seeing as how he views gays as mere pawns in his obsessive wingnut troll games, he might want to examine his own bigotry against gays as well.
So, Marvin, I take it that you consider all “rednecks” to be “inbred”. When did you first realize that you hate “rednecks”?
@217 “Again you want to talk about someone else.”
Again you go into deep denial when confronted with real bigotry.
Your moral compass is all fucked up, Marvin. I figure you share their hatred of gays. It’d explain why you would so readily use gays as a political pawn while never evidencing any support for GLBT issues or the politicians who support those issues, and certainly never condemning bigotry and hate towards gays being spewed by the right. In other words, Marvin, I don’t need links. Your every post, your every act tells us what your values really are. And your acts tell me that you’re the bigot around here. All your stupid accusations of bigotry amount to nothing more than the usual projection by a wingnut troll. You want to find a real bigot, Marvin? Take a look at yourself and your friends, Mark, Klynical and Puddy. Gay hating bigots, all of you.
As said by the same person that wrote-
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
It’s hard to take your whining serious when you have such a proven history of bigotry.
And AGAIN with links to someone else.
I don’t care how many other people you want to point the finger at. It doesn’t change what you wrote one iota.
This is between you and me.
Until you can provide a link to me writing something equivalent to what you said your words trying to insult me are meaningless dribble.
You mean bring up the problem of right wing bigotry from Stupes and Klynical.
Nice pseudo anti-bigotry there Stamn.
“This is between you and me.”
Silly me. And here I thought I thought your issues were between you and some poor, hapless goat. My bad.
Hey Steve, just the other day I outed Stamn as bigoted against heavy people.
He called Obama’s nominee for Surgeon General, a “fat ass”.
Real class act this guy. But I’m not going to repeat his words like he does with that lame quote every other comment.
I’ll just mention it every once in a while at an appropriate moment to illustrate, yet again, right wing hypocrisy.
@222 “pseudo anti-bigotry”
I don’t recall Marvin ever saying anything for the GLBT movement. Rather, he rabidly supports politicians and the political party that has tried to stop GLBT progress at every turn. Of course, with his being a wingnut troll, what else would one expect of the asswipe? I’ll say it again, Marvin doesn’t give a shit about gays. He doesn’t understand this, but his string of “GBS and Steve are bigots” posts only displays a willingness to use gays as a means to an end.
Now, other than that, I do recall a few of Marvin’s diatribes against Christians, although he’s backed off on that. He’s not a “n” word spewer like Troll, but there’s been plenty of posts with undercurrents of racism. As a supporter of “Macacca” Republicans, what else is to be expected of the goatfucker? Like the spineless “Mr. 50% + 1”, Marvin’s just another hypocritical wingnut asswipe. Nuff said, as the Puddwipe likes to say.
Did I mention that Marvin fucks goats? Can’t leave that out. It’s what really defines that strange motherfucker. heh- I’d go as far as to bet even odds that our perv Marvin wears a panda costume while doing it, like that other Republican perv I posted upthread.
Why is Marvin on this faux anti-bigotry crusade? Simple. And it’s got absolutely nothing to do with gays. Calling that asswipe out as a goatfucking perv rang his bell something awful. I knew the odds were that at least one of our trolls would turn out to be a perv and could eventually be outed. After all, trolls are the rank underbelly of a beast most foul. Even the party leadership has been revealed as a gang of pervs. A gross overreaction would tell the tale of who’s who around here. Well, look who’s overreacting. Our resident wingnut perv turned out to be Marvin. Lord, it’s got to suck to be him.
Sorry Darryl, there was no peer review of the study. That’s what those exhibits demonstrate. The Lancet study did not publish their methodology. You are acting just like ylb AKA clueless wondermoron who discounts the source if it isn’t left-wing. Well we know what he claimed on the Dummocraptic Pension Fund Scandal.
Those articles discuss this. And since there was no peer review the “study” was dismissed. Here are peers who are complaining on the “methodology.
The authors refuse to provide anyone with the underlying data,” said David Kane, a statistician and a fellow at the Institute for Quantitative Social Statistics at Harvard University.
Fritz Scheuren, vice president for statistics at the National Opinion Research Center and a past president of the American Statistical Association, said, “They failed to do any of the [routine] things to prevent fabrication.” The weakest part of the Lancet surveys is their reliance on an unsupervised Iraqi survey team, contended Scheuren, who has recently trained survey workers in Iraq.
American Association for Public Opinion Research doesn’t count eh Darryl?
Critics say that the surveys used too few clusters, and too few people, to do the job properly. Here are their questions you dismiss Darryl.
# Sample size
# “Main street” bias?
# Oversight
# Response rate
# Lack of supporting data
# Death certificates
# Suspicious cluster
# Follow the money
# Partisan considerations
Sorry dude there are too many unanswered holes in their methodology.
Marvin, Steve is belittling Puddy and he used faggot cunt. Which personality is Steve using today?
Darryl the New England Journal said they can account for 151,000 deaths, 1/4 the Lancet study. There is no arguing the wrong way. They can’t come close to the Lancet values.
And… they published their methodology.
Multiple Steve personalities? You mean like you and Mike Webb Sucks? Like that? Whatever, Puddy. Hmm, tell you what, Puddy. Let me know when I start writing in the third person, because then I’ll actually have an affliction worthy of your concern.
I can only conclude that you’ve finally lost what was left of your mind, my dear sockpuppeteering friend.
“Sorry Darryl, there was no peer review of the study. That’s what those exhibits demonstrate.”
Ummm…Puddy, none of those “exhibits” suggested any such thing. Not even close. You have no fricken idea what “peer-review” means, do you, Puddy?
“The Lancet study did not publish their methodology.”
What! The! Fuck??? Please read the paper and then reassess your claim. I’ve read the paper. Numerous scientists have read the paper. Burnham, et al. definitely published their methodology.
“You are acting just like ylb AKA clueless wondermoron who discounts the source if it isn’t left-wing.”
WTF are you babbling about? I’ve cited no “left wing” sources in discussing the veracity of this paper. I am sticking strictly to properly published scientific sources.
“Well we know what he claimed on the Dummocraptic Pension Fund Scandal.”
I have no clue what you are babbling about.
“Those articles discuss this. And since there was no peer review the “study” was dismissed.”
If the study was dismissed, please cite the where the article has been retracted. In science, these things are taken extremely seriously, and handled very formally. Yet, you have not shown any evidence that the findings are considered flawed by scientists competent to make such a claim.
” Here are peers who are complaining on the “methodology.
The authors refuse to provide anyone with the underlying data,” said David Kane, a statistician and a fellow at the Institute for Quantitative Social Statistics at Harvard University.”
This is patently false. The authors have provided the data to numerous qualified scientists.
“Fritz Scheuren, vice president for statistics at the National Opinion Research Center and a past president of the American Statistical Association, said, “They failed to do any of the [routine] things to prevent fabrication.” The weakest part of the Lancet surveys is their reliance on an unsupervised Iraqi survey team, contended Scheuren, who has recently trained survey workers in Iraq.”
Puddy, when scientists find flaws in peer-reviewed research, they are expected to submit and publish their findings to a peer-reviewed journal. That isn’t simply a suggestion, it is a rigorous requirement. Thus far, Dr. Scheuren has not felt compelled to do so. Instead he has vented an opinion in a weekly popular magazine. No self-respecting scientist would ever accept a magazine opinion piece as a valid refutation of a piece of science.
“American Association for Public Opinion Research doesn’t count eh Darryl?”
A peer-reviewed journal artical published by the AAPO showing in detail the study’s flaws would count. But a person offering opinion in a popular magazine doesn’t.
“Critics say that the surveys used too few clusters, and too few people, to do the job properly.”
People have taken lots of pot-shots. Where’s the science, Puddy? Seriously. Science doesn’t stoop to opinion pieces in popular magazines.
“Here are their questions you dismiss Darryl.
# Sample size
# “Main street” bias?
# Oversight
# Response rate
# Lack of supporting data
# Death certificates
# Suspicious cluster
# Follow the money
# Partisan considerations
Puddy…I “considered” such things in that I read the magazine article. Interesting comments, but nothing that can be considered valid science.
“Sorry dude there are too many unanswered holes in their methodology.”
Nope. Show me the methodological holes as documented in a peer-reviewed science publication, and you will be on to something….
Puddy @ 229,
“Darryl the New England Journal said they can account for 151,000 deaths, 1/4 the Lancet study.”
That would be the “New England Journal of Medicine” (NEJM) Pud.
If you go back to my original discussion of the scientific evidence for mortality in Iraq @ 121, the NEJM study is discussed and referred to as the WHO study. I’m very familiar with it.
The WHO study didn’t measure the same thing as the Lancet study. The WHO study estimated violent deaths. Whereas, the Lancet study estimated all forms of excess mortality.
“There is no arguing the wrong way. They can’t come close to the Lancet values.”
First, you didn’t actually link to the WHO study published in the NEJM. Rather, you linked to a commentary on the study that compared aspects of the Lancet study and the NEJM study. Specifically, the article you linked to was pointing out some of the flaws in the NEJM study.
“And… they published their methodology.”
Well…not the thing you linked to. That was just a commentary. But both the WHO study and the Lancet studies fully published their methods. Otherwise, they would not be acceptable for publication.
I must be doing a good job of punking you if you are resorting to give me credit for the quotes of bill maher and other lefties.
I take you lies as a compliment.
Problems with your memory?
You called me more than a goatfucker.
Since you can’t remember what you called me, let me take this time to remind you of the hate and bigotry you wrote.
See, you wrote much more than calling me a goatfucker.
I hope I’ve helped you remember how you expressed your hate for “faggots.”
Ever since I played steve into expressing his bigotry he hasn’t been the same.
In an effort to justify his boorish behavior he keeps pointing the finger at others without taking responsibility for his own actions.
So far, we know that steve is a racist and a homophobic bigot. We don’t yet have any proof of him fucking goats but the way he’s cracking up it won’t be long until the proof emerges.
I was thinking of passing the links of steve/gbs/rujax/ekim to some gay blogs. The only thing stopping me is that despite the fact I’ve taken a few shots at goldy, I don’t have any problems with goldy and don’t want to penalize goldy for the actions of others. I’m guessing that gay groups would complain and try to shut down the cesspool.
Were your words “Multiple Steve personalities?” a quote from someone or did you write it yourself.
Hey, Marvin, how goes that faux anti-bigotry crusade of yours? Think you’ll fool any gays today as you continue to ignore the real bigotry they face in life? That’d be a first seeing as nobody but your gay-hating bigot friends have played along with your tired, faux outrage. I reckon your rabid support of politicians and the political party that have stood in the way of GLBT progress at every turn speaks far louder to GLBT’s of what your real values are, as opposed to the bullshit concern you’ve spewn here. Actions speak louder than words, Marvin, but this is something you’ll never understand.
Oh, and you really do need to stop fucking that goat, Marvin.
@236 Yup, all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, alright.
Puddy says:
Sorry Puddy: according to your own insane rules you can’t use those sources becuase according to you they are not reliable.
Life is a bitch when you can’t use data to make your incorrect case.
Darryl has pretty much shown your “argument” to be foolish and naive.
Oops – once again Puddy is shown to be completely over his head and a fool.
Nice documentation Darryl – I have gone through this before with Puddy too – but facts are not Puddy’s forte.
Way to throw around the race and bigot card Marvin.
Do you support gay marriage?
Do you support the republicans who voted against the renewal of the civil right act?
What a hypocritical republican. You belong tothe racist party Marvin – just admit it.
steve himself said he wanted to belitte me by calling me a “faggot.” His words, not mine. Hell, even gbs/rujax/ekim used the same language without you batting an eye. Why is that?
Of course.
I’ve never contributed $ to any party, never voted for either reps/dems. If that’s how you consider “supporting,” than I guess your answer is no. I think I’ve been very clear on my anti-politician/government employee views, I only vote on propositions and the like.
You mean hypocritical like you not being offended by the words of steve/gbs/rujax/ekim?
Actions speak louder than words.
Your inaction regarding the lefties on this blog using “faggot” as an insult speaks for you.
NutsTooTight: Facts, Puddy delivered facts of scientists who disagree with the methodology and conclusions of the Lancet Study. Reading the WikiPedia article there are many scientists who question the Lancet study while others support it. The UN said pre-war the death rate in Iraq was 10/1000 while the Lancet study claimed 5.5. So if you claim 14.3/1000 as the was there is a 4.5/1000 differential between the UN and Lancet. Some argue if one uses the UN values the Lancet numbers are not that great. Lancet claims look at other countries around Syria and Jordan. Jordan has a more active society with minimal governmental killings. Syria, being a dictatorship has a different issue. Getting back the the 4.5/1000 differential, that’s statistically significant NutsTooTight. There were scientists who raised that issue. There was the cluster size issue. Some noted scientists complained they took too few clusters to extrapolate their findings.
So you can blather all you want NutsTooTight. There are other studies out there which differ from Lancet. If you choose to believe 540-578 Iraqis die per day from the war from a population of 26,200,000+ so be it.
Blue John you KLOWN–
I said this–
The operative word is FOCUSES.
You list some things like IRS–
Pretty much gone with a flat tax or VAT.
Social Programs—Gone
Not the Governments role. We have spent trillions and created a welfare mentality.
Forest Fires — part of Public Safety.
Schools–All handled locally thru local taxes..period No involvement of State or Feds.
Stgeve continues to ruin Goldy’s Blog getting sucked into lengthy, meaningless discussions.
Troll 101
Good work Marvin and Puddy!!
Let’s see if the facts support your position…
Don’t ask don’t tell- was supported by a democrat president
DOMA was supported by a democrat president
Unlike the last administration, neither the current president or vice president is for gay marriage.
The current president is against gay marriage because of his religious views. Hey, is that why you are hate gays, because your god told you to?
The current president invited well known anti gay preacher McClurkin to participate in its southern gospel tour event in South Carolina.
Let’s examine the views of the democratic candidates in the last democrat primaries in the last election…
bill richardson used the word “maricón” as an insult.
john (didn’t cheat on wife” edwards said “I’m not comfortable around those people”
hillary is against gay marriage
obama is against gay marriage
joe biden is against gay marriage
If I remember correctly, the ONLY democrat presidential hopeful that supported gay marriage was kucinich.
Lets move on to some other democats…
fort lauderdale mayor jim naugle has made a series of homophobic remarks about the many gay tourists who visit his florida city.
liberal journalist eric alterman said after coulter called edwards a “faggot,” “Look, the word ‘faggot’ … is a word one hears in private conversation quite frequently; she just said it in public.” What does that say about the liberals eric hangs out with that “faggot” is used “quite frequently.” Considering the words you, gbs/rujax/ekim use, maybe eric was talking about you guys.
Why do you believe that the democrats made such a big deal of informing the nation that mark foley was gay and preyed on young boys. There was no proof he ever touched a boy yet the left worked hard to link gays and little boys. Is that supporting gay rights or reenforcing a false stereotype?
Liberals and Their Invisible Homophobia
It’s not just homophobia from conservatives we have to worry about. Liberals can be just as baldly antigay — often without reproach.
So tell me again, how do democrats support gay rights?
Smart or dumb, I exposed you as a bigot.
Let’s say I’m a functioning idiot.
I still exposed you as a bigot.
Sucks for you.
Marvin, yep it’s a great article on how Libtardos act. Just like the way they act in private when discussing blacks.
Lloyd Marcus the Songwriter & Vocalist of the “American Tea Party Anthem” is the president of the NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). He received this from his YouTube posting of “American Tea Party Anthem”:
“maybe this nigger should shut up and learn his place” was one posting. Was that you headless? Steve? rudeASS? Where did this come? From so-called tolerant progressive libtardos. Yet it’s the libtardo MSM who claim liberal Dummocrapts are the saviors of black peeps becuz they’s saintly protecting blacks from evil rich white conservative republicans. Well Puddy placed on HA Libtardos evil rich white progressive libtardo Dummocrapts and their words and actions. BTW Steve and clueless wondermoron, did you find that post? What date was it?
Remember when Puddy placed libtardo fool actress Janeane Garofalo oh HA Libtrados who claimed she diagnosed conservative blacks as suffering from the “Stockholm Syndrome”. BTW Steve and clueless wondermoron, did you find that post? What date was it? Well Janeane is really saying “better get yo black ASS back on da plantation. We own you”. Damn, that’s what headless lucy basically said. Yet ROTCODDAM has nuthing to say about this. Why ROTCODDAM?
So, who attacks blacks who succeed? Libtardo Dummocrapts DO! All the time Conservative Republicans do not persecute black achievers. Any black who achieves without Libtardo Dummocrapts assistance are targeted for Uncle Tom-hood. Witness the attacks by the libtardo MSM (gross cartoon caricatures) and HA Libtardo fools on Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Michael Powell, Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas. Chucky Schumer illegally used Mike Steele’s social security number to try and get dirt. The libtardo MSM covered it up. Puddy placed it here on HA Libtardos. BTW Steve and clueless wondermoron, did you find that post? What date was it? Yet peeps like ROTCODDAM just let it fly blindly by like the three monkeys (see no, hear no, and speak no evil).
So Marvin they are closet haters of blacks and gays.
I would have thought you approved, after all…
(CNN) — Here’s yet another reason to stay in shape: Thinner people contribute less to global warming, according to a new study.
Don’t you care about the planet? If global warming is a problem, shouldn’t the people contributing to it be called out?
Besides for contributing to global warming, fat people need more health resources. Have you noticed as the country gets more obese the costs of health care are rising. Why shouldn’t obese people pay more for health insurance. Drivers with lots of tickets pay more for car insurance. People living in fire/flood area pay more for home insurance.
True, there are people that are genetically disposed to higher weights, or because of medication (steroids) have weight gain. There should be exceptions for them since their weight is not because of their lack of self-respect.
Can you be bigoted against someone for their actions. A black man is born black, a gay man is born gay. People get fat. A black man will always be black, unless you’re michael jackson. A fat man can lose weight.
Did my comment about obese people bother you because you have a few extra pounds? Since you’re not working, now would be a good time to start an exercise program.
What have democrats ever done to help blacks?
The democrat controlled school districts have been keeping the black population uneducated for years now. Black graduation rates are below what they were before the helpful democrats took control.
You gotta love the way democrats take care of black neighborhoods. My grandmother lived in watts, 4 houses away from the watts riot. I used to play there as a kid. The homes/yards were small but well maintained. I played with kids without a thought. Today, the same homes are falling apart, graffiti all over the place lowering the property values even further. All the homes have bars on the windows and for fear of violence the parents that do care don’t let their kids play outside.
Thanks to the democrat support of planned parenthood, blacks abort at 3 times their % of the population. And lets not forget that over 80% of the klanned parenthood clinics are in minority neighborhoods.
Of course my views of democrats is from living in a city controlled by democrats.
Maybe ylb can chime in and tell us what the democrats have done for blacks besides blame republicans.
Romaine lettuce recalled due to possible salmonella risk
Why didn’t the obama do something to help make the food safe to eat.
Oh, that’s where the hope comes in.
Gee it makes a lot of sense that blacks vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers because according to Stamn, Dems don’t do anything for them.
Makes a lot of sense.
And Stupes shouldn’t hold up Steele as any kind of standard bearer. Peter Principle applies here. That is a fool using tactics from the LAST WAR.
He made himself look STOOOPID by repeating the world “experiment” 32 times in his speech on health care and then stumbled over the simplest questions from the press. He only seems to know what some overpaid hack from the Frank Luntz school of propaganda tells him.
The fool still thinks “scare words” will still deliver the goods for his party. Great job Mike. Keep it up.
Progressives will thank you for it.
Why didn’t the Ahhhnold? Isn’t most Romaine grown in CA?
Oh Ahhnold is too busy running up deficits ‘cuz he’s afraid to fix the abomination that was Prop 13.
Deficits that overwhelm anything people got angry at Davis for.
So tell me again, how do democrats support gay rights?
You are trying to tear down one side without considering the alternate. Our current leaders are not wildly supportive. I give you that. But look at the Republicans…..
Democrats do not have a great record, but I prefer them to the Republicans who are actively trying to find ways to destroy me and my family.
I cannot think of any republican initiated legislation in the last 40 years meant to help gays or lesbians.
Republicans want things like a freakin constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and opposes legal recognition of any sort for gay civil unions.
Republicans actively fight to keep gay couples from adopting kids.
Republicans actively fight to keep gay couples from being foster parents.
So, I have a choice of luke warm support or actively hostile? That’s an easy choice.
Is that the best explanation of what democrats do for blacks?
If a woman stays with a man that beats them does that prove the man treats them well?
Come on… list what the democrats do to help blacks.
Never mind, even you can’t articulate what the democrats have done for blacks.
Wow I gotta hand it to Stupes.
He’s thrown as large a phalanx of right wing bullshit at Darryl as I’ve ever seen.
And it bounced off like pigeon crap to the Rock of Gibraltar.
Way to hand this fiend his ass Darryl. Of course he’ll never learn from it and will remain wedded to his right wing garbage as the dope fiend is to the needle.
Puddybud @ 243
“Facts, Puddy delivered facts of scientists who disagree with the methodology and conclusions of the Lancet Study. Reading the WikiPedia article there are many scientists who question the Lancet study while others support it.”
This statement highlights your fundamental misunderstanding of how the process of science works.
In science, there is a strict process of quality control. The process also includes big incentives for uncovering flaws in the works of others and, going through the exact same quality-control process, formally challenging the findings, methods, data, or theories of other researchers. And every scientist knows that they can formally debunk, correct, improve, etc. the works of others simply by writing up their critique in a formalized way and publishing it in a peer-reviewed journal.
In science, the opinions of even the foremost recognized expert in a field are worthless until this formal process has been undertaken. Hence, opinions placed in the popular media, encyclopedias, posted on a web page, etc. are irrelevant.
(Analogously, we recognize the formal judicial system as the sole mechanism by which a person is convicted of a crime. It is irrelevant what lawyers, pundits, bloggers write about a case. Only the courts serve to administer the formal process that ensures the proper quality control for convicting a person of a crime.)
“The UN said pre-war the death rate in Iraq was 10/1000 while the Lancet study claimed 5.5.”
Yet, when the UN actually did a study to measure mortality (rather than rely on government estimates), WHO study estimated the pre-war death-rate in Iraq to be 3.17 per 1,000 people per year. The Lancet study estimated pre-war mortality of 5.5 per 1,000 people per year.
“So if you claim 14.3/1000 as the was there is a 4.5/1000 differential between the UN and Lancet.”
I have no idea what you are getting at here.
“Some argue if one uses the UN values the Lancet numbers are not that great. Lancet claims look at other countries around Syria and Jordan. Jordan has a more active society with minimal governmental killings. Syria, being a dictatorship has a different issue. Getting back the the 4.5/1000 differential, that’s statistically significant NutsTooTight. There were scientists who raised that issue. ”
Please cite a specific (and properly published) paper that does this analysis.
“There was the cluster size issue. Some noted scientists complained they took too few clusters to extrapolate their findings.”
That is irrelevant. The smaller cluster size issue just means that the confidence intervals are wider. But, if you are referring to the criticism from Steven Moore, it was Moore’s misunderstanding. As summarized in Wikipedia:
Of course, the Wall Street Journal is not a peer-reviewed scientific publication. The scientists who did review the paper prior to acceptance for publication considered the sampling strategy and sample size and found that they conformed to accepted scientific practices.
“So you can blather all you want NutsTooTight. There are other studies out there which differ from Lancet.”
Nope. As I pointed out in a previous comment, there are only THREE properly published studies of mortality during the war. Two of them were published in the Lancet (by the same team from an earlier survey), and the WHO study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
There is an additional survey conducted by an opinion pollster (Opinion Research Business) that found an even higher mortality rate (759 deaths per day, range:456 to 899), but the study is not described to a sufficient degree and not published in the scientific literature, and therefore isn’t acceptable as valid science.
Other mortality estimates are informal, summaries, incomplete (like counting media reports of deaths), or guesses.
“If you choose to believe 540-578 Iraqis die per day from the war from a population of 26,200,000+ so be it.”
Puddy…you can chose to believe in the freaking Tooth Fairy, if you want.
For me, I’ll chose to neither “believe” or “disbelieve.” Since I cannot observe the actual mortality rates for myself, I rely on the best published science available, and treat them as evidence for what was really happening. Right now, there are two high-quality studies available. Both studies have weaknesses; they both cover a comparable period, but measure different aspects of mortality. The WHO study says that (on average) 126 people were dying of violent causes per day. The Lancet study says that there were (on average) 540 deaths per day for all causes. (Both figures are pretty damn horrifying!)
Neither study has been formally shown to be flawed in any significant way (and both have minor flaws, owning to very difficult circumstances for conducting the surveys). If and when a serious flaw is found in one of the studies, the offending study will carry less (or no) weight of evidence.
You didn’t list a single thing democrats have done to help gays but you sure did talk about republicans.
Which is worse… someone that doesn’t know better or someone that says they know better but still does nothing.
Why do you support a party that talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. Let’s pretend you hate me. I would rather you say “I hate you” than say you love me and then stab me in a back. Don’t you feel the same way?
160. Blue John spews:
That’s pretty funny.
You think Goldy is getting wealthy because of
Actually Blue John, KLOWNS like steve, Ekim, YLB and Rog Rabbit really hurt HA by engaging in lengthy vulgarity sideshows.
Sticking to the issues with well-grounded facts and logic would lead to many more readers than endless, mindless chatter about goat-fornication, racists & homophobes.
It’s Too Damn Funny.
Goldy’s biggest problem are his own krowd ruining his Blog with this garbage.
How many people read the thread posts regularly?
Answer–Probably less than 20.
steve, EKIM & YLB are foolish to engage in this stuff…it just shows how out of control angry they are.
Thanks for your efforts guys!
You have ruined this Blog with you mindless chatter! Keep up the bad work.
258. What lens do you view the world? You seem to be missing things, or maybe you are just forgetting….
Domestic partnership laws Version 1 and 2.
Gay couples in WA can adopt kids
Gay couples in WA can foster kids
The bill grants same-sex couples additional rights — including the ability to share bank accounts, the right to hold common property and immunity from testifying against one’s partner in court. Divorce rights — including child-custody provisions — were also granted.
The measure now goes to Gov. Chris Gregoire, who is expected to sign it into law.
WLAD forbids sexual orientation and gender expression or identity discrimination in
several critical areas.
► Employment in state, municipal and private workplaces with 8 or more employees.
► Public accommodations, meaning places open to the public such as businesses
that sell goods or services, recreational facilities, providers of medical services and
public schools.
► Housing and financial transactions such as real estate rental and sales, and
applications for credit or insurance.
Am I protected from discrimination based on my HIV status?
A Yes. WLAD prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on their
HIV or hepatitis C status, and from requiring employees and prospective employees to
take an HIV or hepatitis C test. WLAD also prohibits HIV and hepatitis C discrimination
as a form of disability discrimination and provides greater anti-discrimination protection
for people with disabilities than federal law does.
Washington law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the
areas of employment, real property transactions, credit and insurance and public
At least talking about getting rid of Don’ Ask Don’t Tell?
Is it totally perfect, are we totally equal. No. But the republicans would like to negate all of that.
I’ll put it back on you.
What have the Republicans done for Gays and Lesbians?
This just in—
By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer – 26 mins ago
Obama is left hanging out there…just before yet another speech.
Obama “fatigue” has clearly set in.
Americans are tiring of his face, his voice and his lame-assed Marxist ideas.
You wish. And such a liar. If the comment threads were really hurting Goldy’s cause then they’d be gone by now or changed a lot.
If I had to guess, the threads are pretty irrelevant. They’re mostly a source of entertainment and boy oh boy such interesting archive of right wing insanity.
Like cyn’s argument that Democrats doen’t help gay people, without any examples of how Republicans help gays and lesbians.
Ok Darryl, I accept your answer. Butt, Puddy doesn’t believe in the Tooth Fairy. He never came to da ghetto! 540+ deaths a day is hard to fathom.
Many things are hard for you to fathom, Puddy.
So how’s the faux anti-bigotry crusade going, Marvin? Who’s jumped on your band wagon so far? Hmm, it looks to me like you’ve only picked up two supporter of two people so far. First, you’ve got this guy, an old friend and fellow traveler:
Heh- go through the archives and one can get a load of what Puddy has to say, alright. Alas, not one word can be found in support of GLBT. Oh, and you’ve got this guy, another of your HA friends:
Heh, yeah, he’s a good one for the cause. Looks like your crusade is going nowhere fast, Marvin. The Big Fizzle. In your months long effort to start a faux anti-gay bigotry campaign against Steve and GBS, you’ve only managed to attract two wingnut anti-gay bigots to your cause. LMFAO!! You keep working on it, though. Maybe someday you’ll get this other friend of yours signed up as well:
The company you keep. It’s pretty obvious that you don’t give a shit about gays, Marvin. Well, other than using them as a means to a political end, which, by the way, in no way benefits the GLBT community. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I like what Partnered with Child had to say to you,
“What lens do you view the world? You seem to be missing things”
Wow Stupes and Stamno (@260) go
in this thread.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer couple of fiends.
@266 I liked how Partnered with Child dealt with Marvin.
@262 Mr. Klynical seems to be morphing into a concern troll these past few days. The guy who gave us this nasty little piece of work just last week is now concerned about raising the level of discourse:
Steve, not hard to fathom you abuse goats.
Not hard to fathom clueless wondermoron is a chronological idiot.
Where did Puddy go kablammo clueless wondermoron? You have no answer for #248.
She did what you can’t.
Ironic considering how many times you have used “cunt” as an insult.
268 – Yeah, sick right wing “humor” for sure. Passed around the right wing e-mail network and through wonderful right wing haunts like Free Republic (who distinguished themselves recently by calling Obama’s daughter Malia all sorts of sick names).
266 – Yep with a big stick stenciled “REALITY”. Same way Darryl dispatched Stupes.
@272 clueless wondermoron, YOU didn’t do it fool.
That’s all that matters.
I’m not trying to be the spelling nanny, but you spelled a word wrong.
You spelled it “YOU didn’t do it fool.”
The correct spelling is “YOU can’t do it fool.”
Ha! Ha! Ha! fiend @ 270
Darryl handed you YOUR ASS! You threw every scrap of right wing bullshit you could culled from all your favorite sources like WSJ Editorial page.
and a “librul” professor made short work of you!
YOU ARE DEFEATED! Your right wing bullshit is WORTHLESS.
So what do you do? You just serve up some more. “Oh you didn’t answer me in 248.” blah, blah..
Nice try. Loser…
He couldn’t answer my questions either.
But he did let partneredwithchildren give me a good going over.
Hhmm, he let a woman do his job. If ylb isn’t working, is he letting his wife also do his job?
It looks like Marvin’s crusade to label GBS and myself as gay-hating bigots has amounted to nothing. The Big Fizzle. So far Marvin’s recruited just two supporters, his friend Puddy (“I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times”) and his buddy Mr. Klynical (“he’s not a pansy-ass like the other faggots”). Way to go, Marvin. You’ve managed to recruit two gay-hating bigots into your anti-gay bigotry crusade. LMFAO!! Hey, keep up the good work, Marvin. Hell, maybe you can sign up your buddy Mark (“What is it with you butt fuckers that makes you think we’re AFRAID of fags?”) too.
Puddy, Marvin and Mr. Klynical. Or as I like to think of them, The Squid Squad, our self-appointed, self-righteous, gay-hating prosecutors of anti-gay bigotry. Wingnuts. What else need be said? Well, this – they’re hypocritical asswipes, every one of them.
By the way, YLB, I asked Goldy to forward to you and Proud Leftist my phone number and email address. I think it’d be a kick to get together one of these days.
Again you are lying.
If it amounted to nothing, why did you apologize for it.
Please try harder, you are making this too easy for me.
I would say it’s like shooting fish in a barrel but doing that requires one to have to have a gun. You jump out of the barrel directly into the fire without me even picking up a gun.
You think my apology had anything to do with your insignificant self? LMFAO!! The Squid Squad. Wingnut bigots. Asswipes. Each of you. Don’t like hearing the truth? So fucking what? You’re too much the coward to ever do anything about it, that’s for damned sure.
277. Marvin, I’m not a wife, I’m a husband, a Gay man. I assumed that was obvious with a name like “Partnered with Child” but I guess you didn’t understand that.Glad to clear that up for you.
Since you are here now.
Marvin, what have the Republicans done for Gays and Lesbians, in the last 30 years?
Yet another lie.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
05/08/2009 AT 9:34 AM
The truth is I have proven you to be a liar using your own words over and over.
Please try and keep up.
I shamed you into apologizing.
What more do you want me to do?
If you’re not afraid of me, why not let goldy pass along your contact info to me to prove you are not afraid of a “coward.”
Sorry. No offense intended. I assumed you were a woman “partnered” with a woman. For my knowledge, why should I have thought you were a man because of your name?
Thanks again.
I can’t think of much right now.
You shamed me into nothing. First off, that was a conversation between you and GBS. GBS had called you a “faggot”. You started crying and whining how GBS is a bigot, which he most assuredy is not. I thought about it and, against my better judgement, joined GBS and did the same. It didn’t feel right. I do have a number of very dear friends and co-workers who are GLBT and so I had a discussion with a few to get their feedback on what I had done. To tell the truth, when I described what a self-loathing asswipe wingnut troll you are, not one objected, though one friend did suggest that using “queer” would have been better, given the broader definitions of the word. You would read into it what you want. Alas, it was too late. While no GLBT friend or co-worker suggested that I apologize, I did decide to apologize to the entire forum because I had no idea if I had inadvertantly offended someone other than you. You, I don’t care about. Now, GBS did apologize to you specifically. I will never do so. The reason is simple. I don’t apologize to gay-hating wingnut hypocritical trolls. Um, to be clear, that’s you, Asswipe.
Like I said, your faux crusade is a abject failure. You’ve only brought on board two gay-hating wingnut bigots. Three gay-hating peas in a pod. Some anti-gay bigotry crusade that’ll turn out to be.
You don’t give a shit about GLBT. You just use them to score cheap points on a leftist political blog on which you and the other wingnut squid-squading, gay-haters troll.
You can go fuck yourself now.
“If you’re not afraid of me, why not let goldy pass along your contact info to me to prove you are not afraid of a “coward.””
You really want to get together? Got a death-wish or something? I reckon so. As I’ve mentioned before, you’re one of those people who seem to go through life begging for someone to kill them. Rest assured, Marvin, keep it up and, sooner or later, someone is going to gladly oblige you.
Oh my!
I just read something fun.
When Joe the idiot Plumber told Christianity Today, “I wouldn’t have them anywhere near my children” – i.e. yes he was talking about “queers” (his word).
What did Meghan McCain say – bless her, an outspoken supporter of gay rights?
“Joe the Plumber – you can quote me – is a dumbass. He should stick to plumbing.”
Stamno – dude – stay with the horn.
While I agree the Democrats are sometimes timid and even wrong headed, they do tend, overall, to slowly support Gay Rights.
I find it disingenuous of you to attack the Democrats for their failings toward Gay Rights when the republican are staunch in their resistance to them.
Your message seems to be “Please get upset with that group that kind of supports you and stop paying attention to the group that actively opposes and hates you?”
After all, Jesus said in Matthew 7:5,
“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”
“Stamno – dude – stay with the horn.”
As with his posts, he probably only knows how to play one note.
@288 We can always use a few more better Democrats, and not just for this issue.
“He should stick to plumbing”
And he’s not even a plumber! Not a problem for Joe (not even his name!) though, as he’s on wingnut welfare for life.
@288 “they do tend, overall, to slowly support Gay Rights”
Admittedly, that was my story as well. Even until recently I’ve hesitated on gay marriage. But only because I no longer believe much in state-sanctioned marriage of any kind. Only civil unions. After a few conversations here with my friends at HA I’ve turned around. My poorly thought out vision of a state that doesn’t concern itself with “marriage” and that only deals in the legality of civil unions simply will not come to pass. With that now understood, I now firmly believe that gay marriage should be legal. Now. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Then that is yet another lie I caught you in.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
05/08/2009 AT 9:34 AM
You even thanked me for shaming you into the right thing.
As I’m posting your words proving that you have a problem with the truth I am realizing your issues with lying is pathological. You don’t even appear to know you’re lying.
Explain how the conversation is between me and gbs when my message is replying to you and your message is replying to me?
I know, I ask you questions you can’t answer.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
05/08/2009 AT 9:34 AM
And another lie. Do you want me to post the words of ylb denouncing you.
Have you noticed how I post your words proving you a liar and the best you can do is lie and make stuff up.
Why can’t you use my words to prove what you claim?
Come on steve, try harder.
Yet you didn’t provide any contact information.
Your actions speak louder than your empty words.
I understand why you feel that way.
Of course I only attack democrats. The opposite of this blog…
I wonder if he was led to believe that gays go after little boys because of the democrats attacking mark foley.
Did mark foley touch any little boys?
joe the plumber used the queer word. He’s a private citizen.
bill richardson used the word maricón, he was running for president on the democrat ticket.
Which one has more power over your life?
Naaah! Had to be John Briggs of your state – CA. Or at least the Briggs of the late 70’s.
@295 you had to go back almost a year to find that quote? Out of a year’s worth of comments, THAT’s the one that bothers you? That one? Really?
That comment was not attributed to the owner and chief blogger of HA, that was a comment attributed to some one else. It’s not relevant. You might as well take something troll or manonthewall wrote and try to claim THAT was the guiding principle behind this blog.
Of course I only attack democrats
And that makes you very blind to the failings of your party. I try to be aware of the good and bad aspects of the Democrats. Do you try to be aware of good and bad aspects of your party? Name a couple.
@298: There are approximately 70 Libtardos and 18 people who think right on this blog. More than 3.8:1 ratio. Many times we, the people who think right ask why don’t the HA Libtardo blog leaders ever castigate Dummocrapts for the actions they love to jump all over Republicans for. The link Marvin placed above was Lee’s response. So when peeps like you ask Marvin places the correct answer. Why is it over a year old. Well the HA Libtardos live by that response so Marvin displays it for newbies such as yourself.
You’re such a fucking hypocrite, Puddy. How many of you America-hating trolls castigate Mr. Klynical for telling racist jokes? Zero. Including you. How many of you bastards have ever castigated Troll for spewing the “n” word? Zero. Including you. Of course, it’s possible you agree with Mr. Klynical’s point of view that you, a black man, abhor the thought of ever having to work like a white man.
By your logic, I should be able to go to a blog site like hannity forum or free republic and find lots of examples where the conservatives there are castigating republicans for things that they are jumping all over democrats for? In checking out those sites, I see a decided lack of equal time.
Could it be you only require progressives to be fair minded while conservatives don’t have to bother?
I cannot speak for the other progressives here, but I’m critical of all politicians who don’t live up the values they profess, in proportion. How come John Edwards who had an affair or Elliot Spitzer caught with a hooker are dead as a politicians but your party of values won’t disavow South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford for having an affair or Vetter(cannot recall exact name) was caught with a hooker.
@301 I distrust all politicians but I distrust Republicans far, far more than I distrust Democrats.
#302. I go by their actions. Republican by their actions, do not support the values I think are important for America AND republicans, by their actions, do not live up to the values they claim to have.
Democrats, do this also, but in much smaller numbers. If they also become corrupt, then I will no longer support them either.
Take the case of that Jefferson guy back east, with money in his fridge. I would have actively supported a better democrat to replace him in the primary.
last time I checked in here there were 203 comments.
now there are 303.
thee fucking puddy and marvin show.
you fuckheads married? is marvin a puddy sock puppet…what the fuck?
a more stupid and really really dense pair of assholes would be impossible to find…
“is marvin a puddy sock puppet…what the fuck?”
I’ve wondered about that. He’s sockpuppeted before. Old habits die hard.