– Shock of Shocks, Megan McArdle’s arguments are not very good.
– Seattle City Hall open house is April 6.
– CNN runs a good story under a horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible headline.
– I love Eurovision.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Shock of Shocks, Megan McArdle’s arguments are not very good.
– Seattle City Hall open house is April 6.
– CNN runs a good story under a horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible headline.
– I love Eurovision.
“Coal export would harm our air, water, and climate so it makes sense to evaluate the impacts,” Brett VandenHeuvel, executive director of Columbia Riverkeeper said in a statement Monday.
Read more here: http://www.bellinghamherald.co.....rylink=cpy
So would the continue importation of vehicles. And so would the transport of vehicles across our own country.
UAW union members, trying to kill us with the enviromental filth their work creates.
This got a fair amount of play yesterday on these inner-webs but no OT on HA so…
Under the theory that NO idea is too idiotic to throw a gun at…A Tuscon resident is raising money to give away guns to people who live in high crime neighborhoods. (Pulled from the Moon-y Times, I’m ‘Fair and Balanced.)
Keep in mind, one of the stellar things learned from ‘Fast and Furious’ is that giving guns to anyone is not a crime, even criminals under Federal warrant. The criminal having the gun, illegal. Handing it to a wanted criminal and pretending not to know, totally legal.
Sitting here in ‘Libtard’ Northwest, I can’t imagine a single thing ever going wrong with this plan. It’s pure brilliance.
So you’re in favor of spending tons of tax money on light rail I take it? Volunteering as a foot soldier in the war on cars?
Funny how Neoliberal economics focuses so thouroughly on efficiency and productivity but mention that single passenger vehicles are the LEAST efficient from a consumption of raw materials standpoint method of transportation ever devised…..FREEEEEEEDOM!
(Also kind of wondering, you say the UAW in America lobbies for IMPORTED cars? Haven’t had your coffee yet?)
@ 3
So you’re in favor of spending tons of tax money on light rail…
Your tense is incorrect. We’ve already done that.
I’m in favor of avenging the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor, too.
(Also kind of wondering, you say the UAW in America lobbies for IMPORTED cars? Haven’t had your coffee yet?)
I referred in the immediately preceding sentence @1 to vehicles shipped across the continent and the damage to the environment from their manufacture and transport. While some of those vehicles might come from Europe, most of them are produced domestically. I’m pretty sure the UAW supports domestic automobile production almost as much as they support all those contract clauses paying them on days they don’t do any work, cz.
Giffords, who was shot in the head during a rampage at a Tucson, Ariz. rally in January 2011, retired from the House of Representatives in 2012 to focus on her recovery. The New York college will award the former congresswoman with an honorary doctorate of humane letters.
Her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, will be awarded with that AR-15 assault rifle he’s been coveting
but so far hasn’t been able to purchase.
In shocking comments, the former president of the Steubenville chapter of the NAACP places the blame for the rape case that has shocked the nation on the 16-year-old victim.
Royal Mayo, a lifelong resident of the Ohio city that gained national infamy following the rape of the girl by two Steubenville High School football players, says that attention should be focused on the role of the young woman, whom he calls the “alleged victim,” saying she was drunk and wanted to go out with one of the football players.
I wonder if he thinks that Trayvon Martin was responsible for the outcome of the fight he started with George Zimmerman, too?
From 7,
Since I couldn’t listen to progressive radio on my way into work today, I surfed the three conservative talk stations ( Hey Bain Capital, how’s that 0.000001% market share working out for new format? All 3 sports people that don’t like the other 14 sports radio station must sort of like it. Since it’s all about the ratings and not about shutting down conversation Bain doesn’t like, not at all.)
I heard them do the tap dance that homosexuality is a much worse sin than divorce.
I heard them discuss that if we allow gay marriage, then polygamy is next.
Lastly, one host was going on and on that Gay Couples have it so good the way it is, cause if they have Whole Milk, First Class, marriage, their taxes are going to go up as a couple. Like there was no other benefits or obligations conferred by marriage except paying taxes.
Typical corporate conservative, the only thing that matters is money and taxes.
Still, in balance, it seemed the talk show hosts were prepping the audience that DOMA would likely be overturned and begging the audience to not destroy the Republican Party in a fury of ideological purity.
Looks like Dr. Bob doesn’t have many patients this morning. Or any other morning …
We learned this morning from released court documents that Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza had his very own gun safe in his very own bedroom and 1,600 rounds of ammo.
3) There was a Conservative activist who was pro-rail, that I disagreed with on everything else.
Also, light rail is being built in Red States, like Texas, Arizona, and Utah. It should not be a Conservative/Liberal issue.
@ 9
I heard them discuss that if we allow gay marriage, then polygamy is next.
IIRC, we also heard this query from Justice Sotomayor earlier this week.
@ 12
Also, light rail is being built in Red States, like Texas, Arizona, and Utah. It should not be a Conservative/Liberal issue.
Red municipalities in Red states, RF? Or Blue municipalities?
Its called concern trolling. Have you supported policies to raise the fleet fuel efficiency? No, you support the party that is against such ideas because….FREEDOM!
Spent enough on rail or alternative transit? Here’s a question. Say I live in Snohomish and I need to get to Olympia to get a legal copy of my birth certificate. How do I get there in under 5 hours without a car? Say I live next the Sound Transit 554 somewhere in Bellevue. How to I get to SeaTac for my 630am flight when the first bus starts at 5:30? Sys you live in Puyallup and the last Sound Transit Train leaves King Street at 6:15 and the boss client starts a meeting that lasts til 6:08. My commute just went from 45 minutes to nearly two hours by the time the every half hour higher fuel consuming bus leaves.
@ 15
Say I live in Snohomish and I need to get to Olympia to get a legal copy of my birth certificate. How do I get there in under 5 hours without a car?
You have no greater right to have the public create a mechanism for you to travel swiftly from Snohomish to Olympia than I do to have the public create a mechanism for me to travel nonstop from Bellingham to Portland on light rail. Or from Seattle to Mobile, Alabama nonstop on an airplane.
If you are inconvenienced on days you make rare trips, welcome to reality. Don’t lose your fucking birth certificate.
True liberal thought, you espouse. You desire, ergo someone else must provide it for you, otherwise it’s the GOP’s fault.
Try some personal responsibility. Don’t lose your birth certificate. Then you don’t have to whine about hassle-free rapid transit for the one time you need to make a 90 mile trip.
Neither of these magazine covers
bothers me in the least.
One of them, in fact, is a little arousing.
From 16,
I’d like to see people everywhere take more responsibility for their personal lives. There is a tendency, I think, for all of us to blame somebody else for our poor life choices, and then think some deus ex machina mechanism should come along and fix our lives.
@ 19
…some deus ex machina mechanism should come along and fix our lives.
There’s a more easily pronounced name for that mechanism hereabouts.
It’s called a tax. Specifically, a tax levied against someone else.
Took a second to get the rote Randian response out of you. It is the government’s responsibility to promote commerce. That requires moving employees. We currently do that through a massively inneffcient, both from lost employee time…er…productivity, and a consumption of raw materials model. Would Seattle businesses prefer to have an employee base and attract talented workers from a greater area by cutting commute times in half? That’s the job of government.
If you answer no, you’re full of shit.
It’s about promoting economic activity. its the Republican parties mantra that whatever is good.for business is good for America. So why does moving customers and employees to businesses not count? ERRRRR….be responsible. Buy a car. FREEEEEEEDIM!
Or are you just another devitee of the childish political theory that sees any investment in the commons as parasitic?
(Ypu’re aware that you started on the point that cats are overconsumptive and inefficient. What’s your better method if it’s every individual’s responsibility? Should I build a helium hovercraft? Can i build my solar zipline adjacent to your house?)
@ 20
It is the government’s responsibility to promote commerce. That requires moving employees.
I suppose that’s the Keynesian response out of you.
Moving employees might be necessary for manufacturing. For fruit-picking. Less and less in our world otherwise, doncha think?
I have a sister and brother-in-law in West Palm Beach. They just moved there from the Boston area. They kept their jobs – she’s a PT bookkeeper for a firm, and he does advertising/inventory management, apparently quite well. I won’t bore you with what they bought and what they paid to get it, but OMG. If I didn’t have family and other obligations here, I’d be moving there myself. A 50 year old 4 BR house in North Seattle probably costs more than a 5 BR micromansion with a pool and MIL house there.
Once a month he flies back to Boston for a couple of days.
Moving people will be less and less important over time. Making very large investments on a shrinking problem makes not so much sense.
If the Chinese are so committed to long-term use of coal, how come they presently have 28 nuclear plants under construction, with a lot more on the way?
(In case you’re wondering, my source is the latest annual report from Crane Corporation. Westinghouse is building the plants, with Crane supplying a lot of the pumps and valves.)
@16 Presumably you’ve been OK with the construction and upkeep of a network of highways on the public’s dime to enable each and every one of us to make those trips in our private cars?
(On the other hand, depending on when you go you’ll be hard pressed to get from Snohomish to Olympia in 5 hours in your own car…)
@ 20
…cats are overconsumptive and inefficient.
Just one of the many reasons I’m a dog person.
Another thing that concerns me is the sissyfication of the young folks. For example, primary schools are banning such activities as dodge-ball and tag for some strange reason.
At the same time, the educational system is telling kids that they are all “special.” The educators seem to want to build a nation of under-educated egotists who are wimps.
Tag and dodge-ball are great games even if kids get hurt or feel bullied. Hey, life is full of hard knocks, and trying to convince kids these don’t exist is doing these kids a disservice in the “real life” department.
@ 23
I am. Those highways also enable trips to be made on public transportation, too. Existing and functioning public transportation.
And we’re gonna need those highways for all the short school buses that the special ed public TYA @ 25 mentioned will be riding in, aren’t we?
@ 25
Oh, YLB…
Looks like it’s time for you to join the conversation, Girlfriend.
It was only yesterday that rhp6033
seemed to suggest that Reagan provoked Libya by sending a naval group into the Gulf of Sidra after Libya’s idiotic pronouncements and threats.
I wonder if rhp6033 similarly thinks that Obama is being provocative and perhaps cavalier with PDK and the Boy Blunder currently in charge of that nation?
U.S. embassy in Seoul warns North Korea with photo: This B-2 stealth bomber is just across border
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com.....z2OrTkD66m
Do we ‘reap what we sow’ on this one, too, rhp?
So you envision a world where the majority of people have white colar type jobs to the point that transit and traffic will become irrelevant? When your family goes to Boston, did everyone at Ligany telecommute to the tarmac jobs? Can I get someone to telecommute my Amazon order from the fulfillment warehouse shelves to me? Can I telecommute to the Olympic hotel? I hear the telecommuted clean rooms have comfy beds.
Effin autocorrect. I know that Logan is an airport. I have no idea that ligany is a word ’cause its not.
Effin autocorrect. I know that Logan is an airport. I have no idea that ligany is a word ’cause its not.
@ 29
It’s not a matter of whether transit/transport exists. It’s a matter of whether it necessarily has to be optimized or otherwise there’s something wrong with it.
That Amazon order still makes it to you even if it has to be re-routed at an intermediate site, doesn’t it?
Transit and traffic aren’t irrelevant (I was in that northbound I-5 mess the whole way, yesterday), but I don’t think anyone owes me a fast commute at 4:30 in the afternoon. We have podcasts, hands-free phones, etc.
How about fewer building restrictions and fees so it’s cheaper to build, and therefore cheaper to live, closer in?
You were the one who chose to bitch about the Snohomish-Olympia route. All I did was reply.
Bob @ #4 said: “I’m in favor of avenging the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor, too.”
Apparantly he’s never red about the fire-bombing of Tokyo, and knows nothing about the two nuclear bombs dropped on Japanese cities. Accounts of the fire-bombing are rather horrifying – mixed B-29 loads of fragmentation bombs (to create kindling) followed by fire bombs, which created a firestorm of huge portions of the city (made mostly of wood at the time).
One account had a mother running for her life with a child strapped to her back, until she could dive off a bridge into the river. The child didn’t survive, by the time the mother got to the river she was nothing more than charred remnants, and the mothers clothes burned off her in the process of running from the fire.
It took a long time before Boeing could sell airplanes to Japan – one Boeing salesman was said to mutter in dispair, “Those damned B-29s!) It wasn’t until the development of the 747 and the Lockhead scandel in the early 1970’s that Boeing really got it’s foot in the door there.
@ 33
Hey, military history buff, maybe address @ 28 or the link contained therein.
And Jesus H, dude. There’s a difference between red and read.
Finally, I’d read you an account by one of the dudes who drowned on the USS Arizona. Unfortunately, er, they all drowned.
War is Hell. Mite have red that sumwear.
Bob @ 28: I didn’t say anything about “provoking” Libya. I merely mentioned that if we had the right to transit through international waters, so did the Chinese. International rules should apply to everybody (despite George W. Bush’s insistance that U.S. “national interest”, as determined by whomever is in charge at the time, prevails over international law and treaties signed by the U.S.)
As for the connection with Korea, you made that connection, not I. Korea is, and always has been a special circumstance due to history and the fact that no peace treaty was ever signed. Technically they are still at war. I hope that a lot of the drum-banging coming out of N. Korea now is due to internal politics – Kim Il Ung is still trying to solidify his power, and there are lots of military hard-liners who would love an excuse to replace him if they think their positions of power and priviledge are in jeapordy. Sending stealth bombers to S. Korea, though, is just a very visable show of force by the U.S. Guam would be a much better place to station them for an actual attack.
# 33: Sometimes I get the words scrambled lately, but in this case “red” vs. “read” was simply a typo.
@ 35
Just for future reference, can you list all the special circumstances that exist, or do you just make them up to cover Obama’s ass or your own?
It’s always harder to play games when the rules change at your opponent’s whim.
# 34: So I take it that you believe Japan intended it to be a “sneak attack”?
Be careful! The correct answer isn’t found in a brief response or slogan.
Oh, and since we are talking about “imports” of Japanese cars, what do we do about the fact that the major Japanese automakers all have plants in the U.S.? Heck, even Volkswagons are made in Chattanooga, Tennessee these days.
# 37: read my post – “…due to history and the fact that no peace treaty was ever signed.”
You are so convinced that the President is wrong, why don’t you state what YOU would do with regard to N. Korea, starting right now.
And remember that Seoul and it’s skyscrapers are withing artillary range of N. Korea, and that the N. Koreans have spent decades carving artillary positions into stone mountains so they can roll the guns out, have them fire, and then roll them back in and close the blast doors to protect them from counter-battery fire or air strikes.
@ 38
what do we do about the fact that the major Japanese automakers all have plants in the U.S.? Heck, even Volkswagons are made in Chattanooga, Tennessee these days.
Um, we don’t keep Chrysler from going under, ’cause with all that competition and really impressive vehicle technology, there’s no natural need for Chrysler to exist. Obama’s team split 4-3 on that vote, so it’s not like it’s a right-wing talking point – Obama’s own hand-picked team of consultants barely voted not to let Chrysler die. We spent many billions of dollars to hand Chrysler over to a foreign firm, and we still are paying for that today.
Thanks for asking.
A few weeks ago you were touting a bogus comparison to say gas cars are better than hybrid or electric. @4 you argue that gas cars are bad and individual ownership of transportation methods is inefficient and environmentally unsound. @16 You argue that only the individual is responsible for their transit, so I guess you’re back to cars are good in less than an hour. @20 Transit shouldn’t be a major concern to create commerce ’cause telecommuting. @ 26, the inefficient systems you decried in @4 is just fine. @32 Everyone should live closer in so then why is telecommuting relevant?
One might suspect that you have no core convictions except to be the “Anti” on this board.
@ 39
I’d tend to ignore PDK and pressure the Chinese. I don’t see a reason to buzz PDK’s border with B-2s.
Or maybe I could make like Halfbright and dance with Kim.
@ 41
A few weeks ago you were touting a bogus comparison to say gas cars are better than hybrid or electric.
Nope. I’ve made a lot of fun of the Volt, as well as battery fires affecting the Fisker and anything having to do with A123 and Obama’s other green disasters. But that’s not what you allege, and what you allege is false.
I’ve consistently said the Prius technology is amazing. I own a Prius – wife drives it since her commute is longest. I have absolutely nothing to saw about the Prius but
1. Wow
2. Toyota – what do you have to show for the past 10 years, other than sitting on your Prius lead?
If you’ve got proof, let’s see it.
Here comes another bullshit argument. Somehow, for the oh-so-economically concerned, shedding chrysler direct and indirect jobs would do the economy no harm since there are other factories that will hold steady and not pick up the displaced workers?
Foreign ownership is a problem. Hmmm…There’s a multiple billion dollar industry in California. Its majority owners are Australian and Japanese. Are there no jobs or money being made by major movie studios? Budweiser is now owned by a InBev (Gasp! Euros!) Did all the Bud factories in the country shut down. did they stop selling Bud to American consumers and pull all those jobs to Europe? Ford owns Volvo automotive. Does that meant every Volvo in the world is built in factories on American soil?
And people accuse the left of not understanding global economics. Or maybe we should accuse you of jingoistic arguments only when they suit you. (good today, bad in a week, S.O.P. for Cereal.)
@ 41
One might suspect that you have no core convictions…
Everyone’s got to believe in something.
I believe I’ll have another IPA, barkeep.
# 4: We used to control N. Korea by having the Chinese put pressure on N. Korea. But that hasn’t worked too well lately, partly because N. Korean leadership considers China to have departed from Communist orthodoxy, and partly because China started to pressure N. Korea beyond where it wanted to go (i.e., nuclear programs, etc.). It’s last option is to cut off the limited trade which still exists, but once that option is exercised it has no other options other than joining a U.S. or S. Korean alliance – which China isn’t going to do.
And the U.S. putting pressure on China for foreign policy purposes has limited impacts, as well. China’s first immediate response is to “indefinately delay” final approval of purchases of Boeing aircraft, which puts economic and political pressure back on the U.S. They are pretty good at pushing back in areas you wouldn’t think are connected, and keeping just the right balance so that it doesn’t end in an all-out trade war.
What China most wants is for the region to remain quiet, at least to the point of retaining the status quo. It certainly doesn’t want a war in Korea. It will do it’s best to prevent that from happening, all on it’s own. The problem is, and always has been, the N. Korean leadership.
@ 46
It’s last option is to cut off the limited trade which still exists…
Actually, I think China’s last option is to start constructing a really long, high wall.
Wow. Great times ahead as winter fades
We let right wingers sell us all down the river on this issue at our own peril.
Morons like Bob have got theirs.. Head firmly up ass – all is well in the world for Bob!
@ 48
We let right wingers sell us all down the river on this issue at our own peril.
Meanwhile, you remained silent while left wingers regaled you with claims of New York City under water by the end of this century due to seas rising by 12-20+ feet.
49 – Can you still read “Watts up with that?” looking through the walls of your colon?
@ 50
Can you still read “Watts up with that?” …
I can comprehend what I read on that site, and on Gavin Schmidt’s site, RealClimate, as well. I also can comprehend what I read on Stephen McIntyre’s site, and on Judith Curry’s site, and on Roy Spencer’s site.
YLB, can you understand anything that dKos hasn’t had to dumb down for you?
Bob avert your eyes.. The following could be injurious to your health.
Here it comes!
Heart attack time for Bob!
Quick someone get Nugent to Iowa before this breakout of progressivism starts to spread and induces cardiac arrest in more tea baggers!
# 47: “Actually, I think China’s last option is to start constructing a really long, high wall.”
Because the last Great Wall did such a good job of keeping the Mongols out?????
@ 52
YLB, do you think there’s something he might want in return from teachers that isn’t in the AP story?
Longer school days, more school days, additional effort in exchange for higher pay…….
Stuff like that? Is it possible there’s more to the Big Story from AP.org than you might be able to comprehend @ 51, YLB?
@ 53
Because the last Great Wall did such a good job of keeping the Mongols out?????
Because Israel’s wall separating her from Gaza did such a good job minimizing terrorist strikes against Israelis. If memory serves, that wall in Berlin was purty effective, too.
Hmmmmm….’splain this to me.
So that was some “Other” Serial Conservative linking to a bogus comparison between traditional and hybrid/electric cars? That was a Prius driver (Nice tax break you got with that) making sure you thought subsidizing alternative fuel cars was, “taxpayer-funded frauds on the public?”
That wasn’t you?
@ 52
No doubt, YLB, you’re HA’s premier cheerleader of all things Obama and liberal. You wear the kneepads better than anyone.
Uh oh….
The group is recommending starting pay for teachers go up to a minimum of $35,000 a year, with an average of $40,000 to $45,000 for starting pay statewide. The starting pay increases would build over a three-year period. Current minimum starting pay for a teacher is $28,000 a year.
Once in the system, the task force recommended that teachers be put in one of six roles: initial, career, model, mentor, lead and emeritus.
As a teacher moves up the ladder, he or she receives higher pay, but also is expected to take on more responsibility, particularly in respect to helping less experienced and poorer performing teachers better their skills.
Sounds like merit pay and added responsibility to me, YLB.
Remember, YLB, it’s only free to YOU if someone else pays your way. To everyone else there’s a cost.
@ 56
1. Why is it bogus?
2. How does that equate to gas cars being ‘better’ than hybrids, as you alleged I said @ 41?
All that article does is discuss the carbon footprint that goes into manufacture.
Define ‘bogus’ as you use the term.
Back tonite.
As was pointed out at the time, even a remedial math graduate should see the problem immediately. They gave you the giant tell.
If 14,000 equals 30% of x
And 30,000 equals 50% of y
Which is greater, x or y?
I have a shovel if you need to borrow it to make your hole bigger.
Bob @ 32
Tell me what building restrictions and fees you wish to do without and I may agree with you. Not all of them are bad.
From 59,
X = 46,666.67
Y= 60,000.00
Looks.ike Y is the larger amount.
# 55: The Berlin Wall (actually, the entire German border between East and West) was designed to limit people out. Same with Gaza. We could argue about effectiveness (hasn’t had much impact on missles or smuggling of arms into Gaza).
But on a higher level, I’m still trying to figure out how China keeping N. Korean refugees out of China would have much impact on either country. Sure, there’s some very localized trade that goes on – but it’s pretty minimal. N. Korea has more interest in keeping it’s people out of China, where they might be “contaminated” by radios or TV’s that pick up more than the one official channel, than China does in keeping the Koreans out.
The N. Korean leadership, of course, has access to anything it wants.
So how does a wall between N. Korea and China compell N. Korea to do anything?
# 32: I live in Everett. My office is in Bellevue, but my work week takes me in all directions, depending upon what’s happening. (I’m about to leave for Everett, then to Seattle, before heading back to Everett late tonight). My wife has worked in Edmonds for over 20 years for the same firm. For those who say I should move closer to my work to save gas, I have to ask: “Move where?”
But I’d love to have a full-scale light-rail system in the area, so I could hop on a train to go from Everett to Bellevue to Seattle to Renton and back to Bellevue and then home to Everett. That would allow us to get rid of one car, at a significant savings and benefit to the environment.
By the way, the records relating to the search of the Newtown shooter’s residence were released. Aside from the stash of other guns, ammo, samurai swords, etc., they say there was an “NRA Certificate”. The report doesn’t say what kind of certificate it was.
The NRA was rather quick after the shooting to claim that the shooter and his mother were not members of the NRA. Does anybody know what other kind of certificate they might issue to non-members?
I’m assuming that they wouldn’t be so stupid as to try to “scrub” their computer records to remove any reference to the shooter. But if they had any record of the certificate being issued to the shooter, and they thought they could cover it up with it a blanket denial that he and his mother weren’t “members”, then that would be worth some heat being put on them.
It might be interesting to have an FBI team execute a search warrant against the NRA offices and be photographed taking out truckloads of files, and an IT forensic team deconstructing their computer records.
E X C E L L E N T!
Meanwhile… Big guvmint type Bill Gates wants to track your kids… Nuthing from the HA libtards on this. Why? Puddy would not want his children tracked. They are my responsibility until adults. What sez HA libtards? Nuthin… Bill/Melinda Gates Foundation gave $500G to gay stuff. Turn a blind eye. Typical!
Leftist pinhead Sean Penn’s son didn’t fall too far from the tree. How do we know?
” Sean Penn’s Son RAMS Photog F*** You N***er”… Sounds like headless lucy was there!
What are you babbling about, you hateful, pustulous buffoon?
We leftists support that kind of grant. We applaud it, not ‘turn a blind eye’.
As always Lib da schmuck moron skips the important stuff to focus on the mundane. Must be Lib da schmuck moron wants Bill Gates to track his son, no questions asked.
Seems Lib da schmuck moron approves Sean Penn’s son tirade on a black photographer! Seems Lib da schmuck moron has no problem calling blacks the “N” word!
Yep, that must be it!
Meanwhile we see HHS Sebelius admitting ObummerCare WILL raise your health care costs. Must be peeps are now reading the really fine print as it goes into effect.
Butt butt butt, we had to pass it before we could learn about it.
@ 59
Thanks but I’ll take the journal referees and the statistician over your sage analysis.
Had you actually gone to the abstract you would see that the electric vehicle still comes out ahead in the long run. But it’s only in the long run.
We find that EVs powered by the present European electricity mix offer a 10% to 24% decrease in global warming potential (GWP) relative to conventional diesel or gasoline vehicles assuming lifetimes of 150,000 km.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2012-10-g.....e.html#jCp
Hell, we could all just turn down the thermostat a degree in Winter rather than doing all the idiotic mining of rare earths and throwing good money after bad for exploding batteries.
Meanwhile state freedoms are measured here. Puddy knows where the good stuff is! See where your home state ranks.
@70 Well, this time someone in the administration beat the insurance industry’s mouthpieces to the punch. Seems that for quite a long time actually, whenever ANYTHING has happened (including failed attempts at health care legislation in the past) the industry has come up with some excuse or another to take away another pound of flesh.
Are you that stoooooooopid ArtFart? Really? Obummer told us this would save everyone money. You forgot this eh ArtFart?
The gas pressure is affecting your mind!
@64 Also, it seems the information released by the authorities confirmed that every one of the 26 kids was killed with the suspect’s AR15–the same one some gun apologists were for some reason claiming not long ago he’d left in his car. It also turns out he used 30-round magazines and fired a total of 154 bullets.
Did you notice the nanny states of NY and CA rank at the bottom of regressive taxes and lack of freedoms?
Had I advanced beyond G.E.D. proofreading I would have noticed that the equation I was citing should have been:
If 14,000 is 17% of x
And 30,000 is 50% of y
Which is greater, x or y?
So you realize now that your point on 3/11 was just bulllshit? you WEREN’T implying exactly what you linked, hey lookee here, this this article says hybrids suck, take that hippies?
Why can’t we do both? Or would offering a tax break if households cut electricity useage over a one year period over by say 15% electricity some socialist assault on liberty and personal responsibility?
And where is the outcry for crazy peeps like Adam Lanza not being able to get a gun? Oh wait… the ACLU says you can’t do that!
In the country that can do no wrong, the “man” of a certain house asserts his “authority”..
Bible says in Genesis that woman is the “helper”.. Right wing believers hold the woman’s role is to be “submissive” to the man.
Wow.. Puddymoron should delight in this particular “man” from the country that can do no wrong!
Oh no unemployed lunatic Pluto boy tries to quote the Bible… And he tries to attack the Jewish faith. You can’t find anything here in America unemployed lunatic Pluto boy? Hey unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, Puddy does not worship a synagogue! Stooooooooooopid unemployed lunatic Pluto boy!
Well unemployed lunatic Pluto boy…
Now why would lunatic unemployed Pluto boy write something other than this. Because Mrs SEIU wears the pants everyday while unemployed lunatic Pluto boy sits at home in a skirt and lace panties cruising left wrong sites.
Thanks for playing unemployed lunatic Pluto boy! When you understand the Bible come back! BTW Puddy does NOT condone what this rabbi did. Maybe you do since you found it unemployed lunatic Pluto boy!
Don’t matter silly Bob.. There’s only one direction that spending should go for your ilk:
There’s only one direction that public employee salaries should go
For the ultimate goal of your ilk.. Taxes go
@81 proves that argument is way over unemployed lunatic Pluto boy’s head! unemployed lunatic Pluto boy only has one view… hate hate hate!
You worship the country that can do no wrong!
You believe Obama has to be at Bibi’s beck and call..
This shit in your head worked out great for you last Nov 6!
82 – Wow Puddymoron disagrees that cutting spending and public employees salaries for tax cuts is wrong?
Who’d a thunk it from this right wing dumbass?
Remember when Puddy said the FAU professor and his lunatic stomp on Jesus was probably a libtard? Remember how Fascist Pigsty went nutz? Remember when Puddy proved it?
Well Florida authorities are now on the case Fascist Pigsty!
Proves the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy doesn’t understand the argument again. So sad! Here unemployed lunatic Pluto boy Puddy reduced the questions back to four. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
3) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
4) Does the skirt and lace panties fit so well you love it?
Will Pluto boy “man up” and explain his unemployed position? Why does he lounge at home while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure.
Thanks for playing this afternoon Pluto boy.
And what is it with Iowa.. I don’t see any of that (gasp!) 187 million in additional funds going to more charter schools or vouchers.. And why is more money needed? Just repurpose existing funds.. That’s the half-assed fantasy world bagger way.
Iowa doesn’t do vouchers and only supports 3 charter schools in the whole state.
The governor (a Republican) said he went to public school and got a great education..
This is total heresy to the baggers! Is there a primary challenge coming for this governor? Or are the baggers dying off at such a clip that this Governor has nothing to worry about?
If 14,000 is 17% of x, then x is 82,352.94. If 30,000 is 50% of y, then y is still 60,000.
Looks like x is greater than y now.
86 – Poor dumbass. I hope the freaking Klown doesn’t read this thread..
He’ll never break bread with you again!
Oh no, a positive article about guns in the HuffPo and libtards are not happy.
What’s going on in KY??
Fuck mining coal.. Just don’t inhale!
Oh any minute now we’ll here a familiar whine from Puddyidiot..
Puddy can contact Cynical at anytime unemployed lunatic Pluto boy. Yet you can’t answer simple questions.
Unemployed and happy his children are provided for better but he’ll use tctmgr to screen scrape HA to catalog comments!
Remember this wonderful comment from this KLOWN? Well the KLOWN decided not to run for the senate. Even leg thrills wasn’t “down” on her candidacy! Oh shucks!
Ah, outreach.
Saw this on Tweety (Hardball) tonight.
Piddl’s latest favorite gay-hater, and fellow crazy Bibul-thumper, Dr. Ben Carson, compares gay marriage to bestiality and pedophilia.
A TWO-FER! Like a mash up of ‘Box Turtle’ Cornyn and uber-creepy Santorum.
I love the smell of desperation in the morning! It’s the smell of Republican electoral victory!!!
What is with you limp-dicked fucktards always referring to my children?
Pack of fuckin’ weirdos, piddl and cheapshotBob.
In answer to your taunt about Bill Gates tracking schoolchildren, you link led to World Net Daily, with a proud list of contributors on the right column…Joseph Farah, Alan Keyes, and Bradlee Dean, among others.
’nuff said.
OH!! *palm*slap*forehead…when piddl says “Focus on the mundane” he meant to say, “Responds to my posts”.
I get it. And yes, your posts are mostly indecipherable and invariably insane, with generous heapings of hate and fear thrown in.
I’m sure you can but will you tell him that you don’t believe..
The only direction for government spending is DOWN..
The only direction for public employee salaries is DOWN..
All to make sure tax collections head DOWN..
Heh.. Better make sure that goofy KLOWN is not lurking. Poor fool.
How’s that heavily funded Republican minority outreach coming along?
Rep Don Young (R-Alaska)
On the bright side Young wasn’t claiming to have formerly owned African Americans or Hispanics, so that’s progress…. Republican style.
Yeah, saw that….I think that if bigotry against anyone different from yourself is your norm, is an organizing principle of your party, you’re going to have a very hard time achieving outreach to those people so many of your compatriots are so deeply hateful toward.
Just sayin’
Don Young is trying to walk it back now, issuing a statement that said he was simply using the term that they used to use when he was young, and he realizes it is wrong and offensive now. He also put in a plug for immigraton reform.
To me, the “apology” seemed a bit too well written to match his speaking style, and was perhaps written instead by a GOP staffer. Makes me wonder if he wasn’t contacted immediately by Boener’s office and told in no uncertain terms that a statement was arriving in his e-mail shortly, and that he should copy and paste it into his own e-mail to issue as a press release.
Of course, his seat is safe – he’s been in Congress for a long time. Nobody’s going to mount a primary challenge on this issue, and in his district anyone with an “R” after their name will win the general election. But that doesn’t mean he can’t take a few other aspiring Republicans down with him, nationally.
(Overheard from Boener’s office: “Will somebody please put a *@#*!!*#+* gag in his mouth until after the 2014 elections?”
Hey right wingers,
You should be up in arms..
The “gubmint” is imposing a special little “tax” on a jawb kweatoh, i.e. “too big to jail”..
Think of how many jawbs this tax will kill!
@ 103
You do, realize, YLB, that if he’s buying himself out of a jail term, it’s Obama that he’s paying off, don’t you?
Yawn.. Right winger’s favorite SCOTUS politician in robes (next to Clarence Thomas)..
lies from the bench.
At least in the Pudge sense of lying.. Scalia could just be a incorrigibly bigoted ignoramus to the rest of us.
Funny about Don Young.. I was telling dumbass right winger Chris the other day that “illegal” is word bigoted right wingers throw around because they can’t easily get away with “wetback” anymore.
Pretty funny about Ben Carson huh?
A freaking Santorum styled idiot! Puddymoron’s last hope – down the drain!
LOL! Ahab complex again much Bob? Barack is now going to pocket that “tax” on sacred jawb kweatoh Cohen..
Yeah right.
I chuckled when Aubrey McClendon bragged that not a single county in OK voted for Obama.
Those money-grubbing head up their ass bigots reap what they sow:
Well, it has not taken long for the Republican party to find a way out of its ever deepening hole vis-a-vis minority outreach.
Dick Morris Says He Is Working On An RNC Ad Aimed At Latinos
What could possibly go wrong?
Hey Bob,
44th in Jawb kweashun!!!
I hear the Bahamas can really suck in the springtime. Sometimes when you go there on Spring Break, you don’t feel sufficiently relaxed afterward.
The solution?
Why, another vacation, of course.
“Sun Valley is known to be a getaway for celebrities and the First Family is no different,” reports KMVT.
“In an exclusive photo obtained by Idaho’s First News, you can see the First Daughters, Malia and Sasha Obama skiing at River Run Thursday. The Sun Valley Ski Patrol confirms the girls were enjoying the wonders of the mountain. We also received unconfirmed reports the daughters were staying at Thunder Spring in Sun Valley.”
To watch the First Family, you’d hardly know these are tough economic times.
Again from that yahoo article:
Check.. let the “jawb kweatoh” keep their own money to propel WI to 44th in jawb kweashun.
Huh??? WTF??? I thought right wingers told us that government doesn’t create jobs.. This is better left to the free market. Why not let the market decide? Could this be
WTF??? Damn! This Walker is using taxpayer dollars to play “beggar thy neighbor” with other states.. What a socialist sell-out!
Sheee it.. Why not let the market decide? Can’t entrepreneurs and businessmen just go get a bank loan or find private angel investors?
Walker truly turns out to be a freaking socialist!
Shit.. When you’ve lost Limbaugh you might as well throw in the towel.
The only recourse for the baggers is to impose “language purity” laws to go with those ultrasound wands they like..
When you “allow” the language to change, you lose the issue according to jaba the hut.
Imagine that – Harry Potter comes to baggerville.. Just wave the wand and keep the language pure!
@112. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but America elected their FATHER to be President, not the teenage and pre teen daughters.
You keep attacking the kids. Why is that? Get help. Really. Get Help.
Liz Cheney. Pipe down the crazy!
Have you learned nothing from your old man? At least he calculated his crazy to have a certain desired effect and more often than not he got what he wanted.
In 30 states across the nation, bagger-fueled legislatures go ALL-OUT on jawb kweashun:
Walker should take a cue from these puppies!
Good riddance.
Starting Point CNN @StartingPtCNN
It’s @Soledad_Obrien’s final day as host of @startingptCNN. The entire staff here wishes her good luck. She will be missed!
rolandsmartin ✔ @rolandsmartin
I’ll be on with @Soledad_OBrien @StartingPtCNN tomorrow. Even though my deal ends April 6, llkely my last @cnn appearance too. So tune in!
Bob @ 118..
What’s up with Soledad? Database shows me nothing.
With Rachel it was the mole..
With “Amy Goodbitch” it was the smell and the stringy, oily hair..
So what was it with Soledad?
You must be a real ladies man!
@ 120
With Rachel it was the mole..
With “Amy Goodbitch” it was the smell and the stringy, oily hair..
Why use past tense, YLB?
121 – you made those remarks in the past..
What? Are you contrite now?
Heh. You’re supposed to be conserving the past aren’t you?
Have you heard the hullabaloo from the Boeing vine? Apparently with the SPEEA contract “settled” the geniuses who brought you the 787 first delivery in 2008 via outsourcing and management/labor animus has a new plan to abandon Puget.
My email and phone have lit up with descriptions of Boeing sending eng work and IT out of Puget with offers of employee transfers with salary bumps … down.
Glad I’m shorting them in my portfolio.
123 – Yeeeeee haaaaa!! It’s Texas time!
Or will it be a bidding war with the Carolinas, Alabama? Nothing more entertaining than an old fashioned right wing race to the bottom!
Let’s put Bob and Puddymoron on the first plane built out of that!
We’ll be rid of them for good no doubt.
It’ll then be tough sledding in WA State.. Beautiful future thanks to greed.
Lib da schmucko posts
So let Puddy make it plain to you. You are fine with Bill Gates wanting to track your son in school in some great database?
Sheesh… stoooooooooooopid mofo!
Soledad, Obummer lover! CNN got so many complaints on her bias!
Seeeeeeeeeee ya Soledad!
Unemployed lunatic Pluto boy… won’t answer questions on why he won’t work for a living but will read anything linked to Media Morons.
Good for Ben. He put a line in the sand.
While Don Young went idiot… where is unemployed lunatic Pluto boy or FlubScout or rhpee6033’s condemnation of this? The legislator is black and the constituent is white.
Wow Planned Parenthood is now advocating if the child was actually born during an abortion… let’s kill it. So if it’s viable, isn’t that murder?
Since you HA leftists hate Israel and since mooooslims hate gays… seems to be a problem here…
So why has Chicago, Los Angeles, New York Prosecuted Fewest Federal Gun Crimes? Could be they really want to cull the herd? Just axing.
Moron @ 126…
Is that all? Asking hard questions of Republicans? I was asking Bob if there was a mole or a smell or oily hair as he’s fantasized of other female journalists who don’t tow the batshit insane MRC line.
Yawwwwn.. A lie..
Why don’t you seek help sad fool for your pathological lying?
Shit! And this wasn’t “going idiot”???
Poor fool.. Jabba the hut (Blimpbaugh) said you lost the battle on language..
Separate but equal “civil unions” don’t pass muster anymore dumbass!
Nice try with your beloved Carson who ran off at the mouth equating gays with pedophiles and zoophiles.
PROVE IT! She equivocated… You are still an unemployed lunatic moron. It’s apparent you don’t care about your children having a better life. No why is that? Lazy and shiftless as always!
136 – Here’s the proof:
I can’t find:
In anything she said.. What happens between doctor and patient is none of yours or anyone else’s f’ing business dumbass!
You are a DOCUMENTED liar!
# 123: Yep, the engineers at SPEEA thought they could buy some job security by voting for the contract, which left their fellow technical workers (both represented by SPEAA) twisting in the wind. The tech workers had no choice but to throw in the towel at that point.
A couple of comments I’ve heard from the factory floor:
(1) Boeing wanted SPEAA to strike, so they could use it as an excuse for the a good portion of the delays while the 787’s are grounded – exercising the “force majour” clause in customer contracts. That’s why their offer targeted the pensions, which they knew had been sancrosanct to Boeing union workers. But once the Union caved in, their was nothing to prevent Boeing from transfering the jobs elsewhere.
(2) The 787 line has a lot of relatively new people, who didn’t have cash reserves built up to withstand a strike. Their more seasoned brethern know to put aside money from each paycheck so they can take a vacation as soon as a strike begins (Boeing is notorious for offering little in the way of sick leave or vacation time, so sometimes a strike is the only way to get away for more than a week at a time).
So now we see unemployed lunatic moron Pluto boy condones killing born children.
Must be why we see how he hates giving his children a better life by getting a job!
The more this lunatic unemployment Pluto moron boy types words on HA, the more we see how insane he is!
139 – Canada doesn’t have a single law on the books regulating abortion fool..
Hasn’t fallen into the Arctic Ocean yet fool..
Think about that next time you spend money there.
NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS – the decisions made between doctor and patient!
Words matter. You can have what ever opinions you want. But if you broadcast them off in a public forum, there may be consequences.
Wow. Puddydope must be following the “sun down” rule on Good Friday..
Heh.. Will he abstain from HA through.. sundown on Saturday?
Heh.. Saturday night is salt mining time!
We’ll see him psych himself some time after 7:37 pm tomorrow.