Back six months ago the liberals refused to debate on Fox….what happened??? I guess they realize who the real media is now. roof roof.
“NEW ORLEANS — A Democrat took an open Congressional seat long held by Republicans in the conservative district around Baton Rouge in a special election Saturday, giving the party an early boost in its quest for an increased majority in the House of Representatives.
Don Cazayoux, a state representative, defeated Woody Jenkins, a small-newspaper publisher and former legislator long associated with religious-right causes in Louisiana, by 49 percent to 46 percent, in a tight race for a seat left open by the retirement of Richard Baker, a Republican.”
The real media.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Why do liberals care if republicans are volunteering to enlist in the military and are being killed??? Weird.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Who did they elect governor again. hahahahahaha
So has Jane Balough served any prison time for the voter fraud? If not, why not?
We seem to be spending a lot of time focusing on crap this election.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
KCRE was ready to let her go. It was only when Jane went to the real media that any charges were brought against her. She made her point that King county is not interested in prosecuting voter fraud. Of course who can blame them with all the dead donks that vote.
@3 I don’t give a good golly fuck myself. I wish more of you bastards would go and get yourself killed. And by the way, if you’re looking for a way out Jane/Puddy – don’t think you have to go all the way to Iraq. Run your ass over to the Aurora Street Bridge and jump. Hurry. There’s still time to make the day better for the rest of us.
A Democrat wins a seat held by the GOP since 1974. This is just a taste of the spanking we’re going to give you punks in November. Get used to it. HE HE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Democrat Wins La. House Seat Held By GOP Since 1974
“BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) – A Democrat won a special congressional election here Saturday, bolstering his party’s majority status on Capitol Hill by taking a seat Republicans have held since 1974. …
“The congressional district includes Baton Rouge and surrounding parishes. ‘People in Louisiana are hungry for a new direction in Washington,’ Cazayoux said in a written statement issued by his campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s gotta be the fucking understatement of the decade.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Why should we fight on your ground and on your terms? We’re going to make you come to us like the Minutemen did to the British at Lexington and Concord.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Why do liberals care if republicans are volunteering to enlist in the military and are being killed??? Weird.”
Trust me, dog, our side is going to do everything in our power to make sure military votes are counted in this fall’s election.
Here’s one of the reasons why: When National Guardsman get called up to active duty, they have to serve 180 days to be eligible for full benefits. So guess what happens if they get wounded before they’ve been over there for 180 days? The military bills them for their medical care and turns their accounts over to private collection agencies, and the wife back home gets harassing phone calls from bill collectors, that’s what happens.
You bet your stupid canine ass I want all the military votes counted.
@5 Never mind her; just euthanize that fucking dog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 (continued) But to answer your question, no, our Republican prosecutor didn’t think Republican Balogh’s voting fraud warranted jail time. In fact, our Republican prosecutor doesn’t even want you to know he’s a Republican. He wants to change the law so he can run as “non-partisan.”
bybygoober, why do you want me to commit suicide or go to Iraq?
PuddyFact: Oh… I know, because you are a mental midget and that’s the only way you’ll win in any argument.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 I do give a good golly fuck because it isn’t Republicans who are being killed in Iraq, it’s the same minorities and poor people that Republicans have always exploited. I want it to stop forthwith.
BTW, here’s something else to think about: Because Bush is fighting his recreational war in Iraq with borrowed money, after you add the interest payments the actual cost to taxpayers is $300 billion a year, not $120 billion a year.
And that’s only for the advertised direct, off-books, cost of the war. They lowball that figure by not counting all the military equipment being destroyed or used up, and which will have to be replaced. That item will show up in future defense budgets.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 I agree with you, puddy. It seems such a waste. Why profitlessly throw yourself off the Aurora Bridge when volunteering to get killed in Iraq could spare the life of some poor soul who would rather not die there?
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. ByeByeGOP spews:
I wish more of you bastards would go and get yourself killed.
What kind of a person wishes for others to die?
If that’s really what you want, why don’t you do it yourself? Are you waiting for a government program to do for you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just When You Thought Eating Fish Was Healthier For You …
i. 80% of all seafood consumed in the U.S. is imported
ii. China is a major exporter of seafood to the U.S.
iii. Chinese seafood shipments are routinely mislabeled and/or contain harmful bacteria and/or banned veterinary drugs
iv. Even though only 1/5th of 1% of these shipments are tested, 400 shiploads of Chinese seafood products were rejected by inspectors in a single year
This food safety moment was brought to you by the laissez-faire capitalists of the GOP.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Do you ever get the feeling that since Republicans got into power, everything we took for granted has stopped working — just broken down?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “What kind of a person wishes for others to die?”
Ann Coulter and Jonathan Gardner, for starters.
In fact, conservatives began publicly wishing liberals dead long before liberals wished the same for conservatives. All we’re doing is feeding you pricks your own medicine. How’s that castor oil taste, sliding down the old sluice pipe, asshole? Shut up and suck it down; it’ll do you good. Drink some prune juice too, because you’ve got shit coming out of your ears.
P.S., We’ll knock it off when your side knocks it off, but your side has to stop first, because your side started it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans not only oppose any sort of gun control, they also oppose legislation requiring toy makers to “clearly differentiate” the appearance of toy guns from real guns — so kids won’t get shot by cops.
“National Rifle Association spokesman Ashley Varner said anti-toy-gun legislation is ‘silly’ because ‘it doesn’t deal with issues of crime. … It doesn’t target getting criminals off the street.'”
So, if she comes upon a 12-year-old laying dead on the sidewalk because the police thought he was brandishing a real Uzi, would she giggle as she stepped over the body?
Marv – You should ask yourself that question. Since you have no trouble sending young people to die in Iraq so you can drive your 1973 Nova.
Hey righties – chew on this. A Dem wins a special election for a Congressional seat held by the GOP since 19 fucking 74!
This is just a little taste of what you have coming to you in Nov. Get used to it assholes!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: Paul Hughes of Minnesota is considered a terrorist by the Department of Homeland Security because DHS’ voice recognition software is so bad it confused Hughes with “Hussein.”
@21 Do you ever get the feeling that things just don’t work right anymore with Republicans running the country?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 People like Marvin will gladly trade your son’s life for cheap gas. And they can’t understand why we don’t like them ….
Pelletizer@14: So you can place worthless commentary here about subjects you should leave alone? So you can have a worthless comment slide under the radar as everyone who’s a 16%er “believes” everything from Pelletizer?
WrongO dumb bunny. I enjoy reading your law entries as they are well written and make sense. Well let me clarify something… your comments on Sound Transit are good too. I think that’s because it’s a guvmint activity and you being an ex-guvmint lawyer fit like a glove on the hand…
When you venture into other topics, one can see the oxygen starved brain synaptic misfirings occur right before our very eyes. And that’s when I enjoy pointing out the fallacies to your arguments like your latest attempt at being pithy: McCain 100 Year war. You know that was a lie and you placed it here. Even Goldy doesn’t use it anymore but Pelletizer does…
So I ask Pelletizer, why is that? You want me dead too because it frees you to place you unabridged garbage here without anyone to refute your positions? You are as bad as bybygoober – a real mental midget.
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. Roger Rabbit spews:
P.S., We’ll knock it off when your side knocks it off, but your side has to stop first, because your side started it.
How childish of the democrat party.
At least you admit that the democrats copy what the reps do.
Marvin Stamnspews:
20. ByeByeGOP spews:
Marv – You should ask yourself that question. Since you have no trouble sending young people to die in Iraq so you can drive your 1973 Nova.
What do you think I am, a travel agent?
Do you have any proof I send people to iraq?
Did you forget? The reps are the evil rich. 73 nova isn’t the car for us evil rich types. We have a fleets of SUVs sitting around idling all day long to use up oil and cause global warming.
We took ANOTHER seat away from you in Congress increasing our majority. And we took one you held since 1974 in a district that voted 59% for that traitor Bush. This is BAAAD news for you cowards.
Get used to it – because in Nov, you’ll see more of the same. You have LOTS more seats to defend than we do. If we win just half of the seats in play – you will watch our SUPER majority relegate you to the sidelines (and the prisons) where you belong!
Hey righties we just took a seat away from you in Louisiana. WOW that’s gotta hurt. And it was a GOP district since 1974! Get used to it punks because in Nov you will see more of the same.
You have LOTS more seats than we do to defend. We only need to win about half of them to get a SUPER majority in Congress. Then you’ll know some REAL pain! HE HE!
Pelletizer did it again with his article in post 16:
“But the Bush administration has signaled opposition to key provisions that would require regular inspections in foreign lands and limit ports where food can arrive to docks with FDA labs.
As always to make his stupid point Pelletizer misses the major rub… Of course it’s because his oxygen starved brain needs to think.
So I’ll ask Pelletizer: Would you want the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans coming to the US states and inspecting our food products and creating faux issues?
Marvin: I bet bybygoober can’t tell why the Nova didn’t sell in Mexico.
Kind of like the arguments put forth by HAs clueless idiot.
19. Roger Rabbit spews:
Republicans not only oppose any sort of gun control, they also oppose legislation requiring toy makers to “clearly differentiate” the appearance of toy guns from real guns — so kids won’t get shot by cops.
Hey rabbit, you’re an old guy. Didn’t you play army as a little boy? I did. Why didn’t we get shot by cops, was it because the guns didn’t look real or because we didn’t
1. Wave the guns around in front of people to intimidate them on the freeway
2. disobey the police when ordered to halt
3. use a fake gun to commit a crime
I feel sorry for kids being shot by government employees. The government routinely abuses their power with those unable to defend themselves.
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
@20 People like Marvin will gladly trade your son’s life for cheap gas. And they can’t understand why we don’t like them ….
Yup. I take him down to the local exxon/mobil and trade him for 10 gallons of gas at a reduced costs.
I know you don’t like “them,” you have problems with people different from you. It’s very common in old retired folks.
The GOP defenders: Stamm, Puddy and JBD defend the indefensible – a war that was unnecessary with over 4,00o needlessly killed (and bin Laden still at large), the largest budget deficits in history, corruption on an unprecedented scale, incompetence like we have never seen before in Iraq and after Katrina – and they try to imply that RR is a mental midget! Defending the indefensible requires huge mental gymnastics…even the american public cannot be fooled for too long – the republican brand is corruption, incompetence, budget deficits and an unnecessary war.
In the song Hey Jude, at 2:58 minutes, you can hear John Lennon in the background say “Fucking Hell,” because he mistakenly sings “let her into your skin,” instead of “… let her under your skin.” I first read about this on Wikipedia – Hey Jude. Then I went to listen for it myself, and sure enough, if you listen closely, you can hear it.
Don Joespews:
@ 33
Why do you suppose they spend so much time dredging up old press releases from Nancy Pelosi? It’s all they have left: try to get people to forget the massive Republican cockups by pointing out how difficult it’s been for Democrats to clean up the mess.
John DOE (like doe a deer caught in the headlights): Again I am so surprised you are as dense as spent uranium on this one.
Now since your side has control, even to the point where Pelosi is looking at changing the rules on David Obey’s committee, she claimed to have a plan to reduce gas prices. Well everyone is waiting for the plan. This along with other lies she told helped her get control of the House. When these lies are exposed as the song goes “Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day” people will see your party for what it is…
I hope people have noticed the only thing incorrectnottobright has in his arsenal is the commentary he falls back upon when his other blog entries are exposed for what they are not worth. Not worth the pixels being used to display his blather…
incorrectnottobright: Where did I say Pelletizer is a mental midget?
Don Joespews:
“Again I am so surprised you are as dense as spent uranium on this one.”
Ah, yes. I’m so fucking dense on this one that I am, in fact, cheering you on! Please, press this song-and-dance argument about Pelosi supposedly lying in some throwaway press release two years ago. In fact, make it the centerpiece of Republican campaigns this year!
This is almost as brilliant a strategy as trying to convince voters that they’re really better off than they think they are. How well did that strategy work out two years ago?
Throwaway press release? So then it was just a lie, just a typical political move, throwaway the political ploy, as it was just to get votes, I really didn’t mean it, I just said what voters wanted to hear at that time, screw the voters once we get what we want. The voters don’t really care about how high gas prices are, they did at election time in 2006, but the voters were smart enough to know it was just a “throwaway press release”, they were smart enogh to know we were lying and we had no plan to lower prices.
Don Joespews:
@ 40
That it was a throwaway doesn’t make it a lie. It’s this kind of dissimulation on your part that has quite a few folks around here questioning your liberal credentials.
Let’s see, now. When Bush and Co. cooked the intelligence in such a way as to push this country into an ill-advised war that wasn’t a “lie”, but when Nancy Pelosi says the Democrats had a plan that turned out to be not as effective as we’d like, it, all of a sudden becomes a lie?
Duplicitous bullshit.
Bush, the CIA, the FBI, the UN intelligence on Iraq’s WMD WAS lies, Saddam killing thousands (hundreds of thousands) and innocent women and children was fact, yes we went to war based on a lie by all parties involved.
So that makes it ok to lie to the american people who are in dire financial strain, about a plan to lower gas prices “immediately”?
“not to be as effective as we liked”??? WTF???? It hasn’t been effective AT ALL! Gas prices have not gone DOWN at all but instead have gone UP!
Don Joespews:
“So that makes it ok to lie to the american people who are in dire financial strain, about a plan to lower gas prices “immediately”?”
You really don’t understand the meaning of the term “throwaway,” do you? Amazing.
Since you’re willing to suppose, for the sake of argument, that both are lies (not granted in either case, but let’s see where this gets us). How many people have died because Democrats have been unable to keep a lid on gas prices?
Dead innocent Iraqis and American soldiers don’t piss you off, but high gas prices do?
Now, do you understand the meaning of the term “throwaway”?
headless lucyspews:
Q- You know why it doesn’t work for dead Republicans to vote and win an election?
A- Because there isn’t enough of them.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Trust me, dog, our side is going to do everything in our power to make sure military votes are counted in this fall’s election.
Yeah right. Trusting a donk for fair elections is like trusting a bank robber on a burgler alarm for a bank.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 Why should we fight on your ground and on your terms? We’re going to make you come to us like the Minutemen did to the British at Lexington and Concord.
05/04/2008 at 6:52 am
You’re right. The dems really can’t afford to fight on our terms because they would actually have to answer tough questions. But then again they are pussies so it makes sense.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
n fact, conservatives began publicly wishing liberals dead long before liberals wished the same for conservatives. All we’re doing is feeding you pricks your own medicine. How’s that castor oil taste, sliding down the old sluice pipe, asshole? Shut up and suck it down; it’ll do you good. Drink some prune juice too, because you’ve got shit coming out of your ears.
P.S., We’ll knock it off when your side knocks it off, but your side has to stop first, because your side started it.
Whaaaaaa…Someone call the Whambulance. I think its great that Ann Coulter is dishing back what we have had to put up with from feminists and radical donks for years. There are millions of repubs who feel the same. Judging by rabbits reaction they sure can’t take it. And no we are not going to stop it, we are playing by your rules now beyooootch. Enjoy.
Jane's Dog's Addictionspews:
Better back off, bro. We got Hot Damn Ann and PMS Rabbit bobbing on the same side of the cesspool, cheerleading for Hillary.
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. Don Joe spews:
Let’s see, now. When Bush and Co. cooked the intelligence in such a way as to push this country into an ill-advised war that wasn’t a “lie”, but when Nancy Pelosi says the Democrats had a plan that turned out to be not as effective as we’d like, it, all of a sudden becomes a lie?
When you look at all the quotes by the democrat in the 15 month long rush to war one must assume that the democrats that parroted the lies of bush to be some of the stupidest people on this planet. Yet, they were voted back into office. How do you explain that unless the people that voted for the democrats to be even stupider?
In case you never saw it, here is the link to videos of the finest democrat liars telling us about the WMDs that saddam had.
I really would like you to explain why all these people lied to us. Just think, if the democrats had told the truth maybe we never would have gone to war.
Wasn’t it the democrats that ran on Change, Cleaning the swamp and going after those evil rep[ublicans? Any idea when that’s going to happen?
How stupid do you feel voting for liars with the [D] next to their names?
Nice to see John Doe losing it over a “throwaway”line. I guess the words from a Donkey mouth are throwaway.
Thanks John Doe for the clarification.
Don Joespews:
“When you look at all the quotes by the democrat in the 15 month long rush to war one must assume that the democrats that parroted the lies of bush to be some of the stupidest people on this planet.”
Whenever someone uses the phrase “one must assume” in relation to a statement of fact, the subsequent conclusions remain distinctly uncompelling.
“I really would like you to explain why all these people lied to us.”
The poor sods had the misfortune to believe that the Bush Administration wouldn’t stoop to cooking the intelligence in order to justify going to war when we did. Hell, even Kenneth Pollack, who had advocated regime change in Iraq, said that April of 2003 was too early. Again, we see a Republican apologist telling only half the truth, and, yet again, we see proof that the whole truth has a well-known liberal bias.
But, for the sake of argument, let’s assume that all of what you allege is true. Your conclusion is not that I should be pissed off at Bush and the Republicans for having lied us into war. Rather, your conclusion is that I should feel stupid for voting for Democrats.
Is that really the best that you have? I should ignore those who perpetrated a criminal con, and heap all my derision on those who were conned?
This is why Republicans are going to lose even more ground in November. No matter how hard you try to paint Democrats in a bad light, it’s not possible to make them look worse than Republicans.
Marvin: Thanks for the link. I lost it and it’s good to see these WMD words from the Donkey again. Now incorrectneverbright to have to change his favorite tag lines again.
Don Joespews:
“Nice to see John Doe losing it…”
Losing what, Parrot? Does Polly need another cracker?
John Doe the line was “Nice to see John Doe losing it over a “throwaway”line.”
Good try at shorting my comment.
John doe: One must assume? Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?
Wrong. And you know it.
Don Joespews:
“Good try at shorting my comment.”
You claim that I’m “losing it.” What I’m supposedly “losing it” over doesn’t really matter if you can make the claim that I’m “losing it” stick.
So, try answer thing question, for a change. Exactly what am I losing, here?
“One must assume? Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Marvin’s the bloke who pressed that phrase into service. I was merely calling him out for doing so.
As for an original thought, I think it’d be great if you actually came up with one. While you’re at it, try constructing a coherent argument once in a while as well.
John Doe: “So, try answer thing question, for a change.” Then “try constructing a coherent argument”?
You are the one who said Pelosi used “throwaway line”. NO ONE ELSE. So Donkey use throwaway lines. I’m sure Congressional Donkey would be proud of your thoughts.
Wow John Doe, you are losing it.
Veni vidi vici. Try not using this line again indeed.
Thanks for playing.
BTW John Doe where did Marvin say ““One must assume?”
or Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Somehow upon inspection I can’t find those sentences in Marvin’s commentary. And since I was reading your commentary and responding to it, WTF?
Don Joespews:
‘You are the one who said Pelosi used “throwaway line”.’
Yes, I did. I’ve also explained exactly why it’s a “throwaway,” but you appear to have difficulty reading (we’ll get to that in a bit). Allow me to restate the point, however, because I’m curious to see if this can penetrate the thick walls you’ve built around your ideology.
Pelosi’s statement is a “throwaway,” because whether or not she actually lied isn’t an important question. Even if she did lie, the consequences of the lie aren’t particularly earth-shattering.
Now, exactly how does the above argument mean that I’ve “lost it”?
“BTW John Doe where did Marvin say…”
The first paragraph my comment at 56 was a quote of what Marvin said at 54. You’ll note my use of quotation marks. If you read both my quotation and Marvin’s comment @ 54, you’ll see that he used the phrase “one must assume”.
Now, really, which one of us is “losing it”? You can’t read properly, and I’ve actually put together a cogent argument as to why the truth value of Pelosi’s comments don’t matter–an argument to which your only retort is that I’m, somehow, “losing it.”
By the way, I’ve asked a question in the other open thread. Care to answer that one?
Marvin Stamnspews:
61. Don Joe spews:
As for an original thought, I think it’d be great if you actually came up with one. While you’re at it, try constructing a coherent argument once in a while as well.
You mean a coherent argument like the democrats are so fucking stupid they blindly parroted the words of someone they all felt stole the 2000 election?
If your coherent argument is correct, the democrats must be the stupidest people ever in the history of this country.
How stupid must someone be to continue to vote these idiots back into office.
Maybe you’re right, the democrats are idiots. That would explain why bush still hasn’t been impeached besides what you feel is insurmountable evidence.
Don Joespews:
“You mean a coherent argument like the democrats are so fucking stupid they blindly parroted the words of someone they all felt stole the 2000 election?”
No. I mean a coherent argument that doesn’t require distorting the facts in order to justify its conclusion.
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. Puddybud spews:
Marvin: Thanks for the link. I lost it and it’s good to see these WMD words from the Donkey again.
My pleasure. After all the PuddyFact links you’ve turned me onto it’s about time I return the favor.
John Doe: Since you are delivering speculation who knows the answer on earth… God does. Jesus does. Holy Spirit does.
Don Joe: You threw up Marvin used this line before me: Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Where did he say that?
Don Joe spews: “Pelosi’s statement is a “throwaway,” because whether or not she actually lied isn’t an important question. Even if she did lie, the consequences of the lie aren’t particularly earth-shattering.”
So it’s ok to lie to the American people, because the lie wasn’t earth shattering? As millions of people are going into near bankruptcy over gas and food prices?
Don Joespews:
@ 68
“Since you are delivering speculation”
Huh? What speculation? I’ve said that an answer to a particular question of fact is unimportant. I haven’t assumed any facts in the absence of supporting evidence.
To say, outright, that Nancy Pelosi lied, now that would be speculation.
What more can I do, Puddy? I can’t read the comments for you.
Don Joespews:
“So it’s ok to lie to the American people, because the lie wasn’t earth shattering?”
No. I’m saying that it isn’t worth the effort required to prove whether she was lying or not. Of course, if you disagree, you’re quite welcome to try to prove that she lied, but you should be aware that you have a high burden of proof. You need more than the fact that Nancy Pelosi hasn’t deigned to respond to Republican diversionary tactics.
“As millions of people are going into near bankruptcy over gas and food prices?”
If millions of people are going into near bankruptcy over gas and food prices, then I think we should focus our energies on the people whose policies caused the problem in the first place. Don’t you?
@72 – “I think we should focus our energies on the people whose policies caused the problem in the first place. Don’t you?”
YES totally agreed starting with those who have pushed ethanol production and use since the 70’s and 80’s!
Don Joespews:
“YES totally agreed starting with those who have pushed ethanol production and use since the 70’s and 80’s!”
There is speculation that this has something to do with global food prices. Frankly, I’m inclined to think that general inflation combined with crop failures in Asia and Australia had a far more significant impact on food prices than anything else. Of course, if you have data that suggests otherwise (and not just speculation), then, by all means, let’s see it.
But, I’m at a complete loss to now what ethanol production has to do with increased gas prices. Care to enlighten me?
“Exactly one year ago National Turkey Federation president Ted Seger told the House Agriculture Committee that the federal ethanol mandate would drive up corn and soybean prices and hurt consumers who eat turkey.”
“Demand for alternative energy sources has led farmers to sow less wheat and convert land to crops such as corn, sugarcane and rapeseed, that can be turned into biofuels. ”
Crop failures in Australia and Asia are nowhere being mentioned in ANY media here in the US. Yes demand has increased for food therefore prices will rise based on demand also. Along with weather related events. But that same argument can be used as to why gas prices have skyrocketed. Demand.
Marvin Stamnspews:
64. Don Joe spews:
Pelosi’s statement is a “throwaway,” because whether or not she actually lied isn’t an important question. Even if she did lie, the consequences of the lie aren’t particularly earth-shattering.
One of the 16%ers on this blog posted that at the time we went to war 70% of the population believed saddam had WMDs. With the democrats parroting bush what was the country supposed to believe.
Do you believe we would have gone to war if the democrats didn’t use those throwaway lies so easily?
Don Joespews:
@ 75
Well, you’ve cited the speculation I’ve seen, but where’s the data? As for our media not reporting on other potentially relevant events, does that surprise you?
And I still haven’t seen any connection between ethanol production and increased gas prices. Are you retracting that one?
@ 76
I don’t recall anyone posting anything about public perceptions regarding Saddam and WMD. I posted a link to a USA Today poll that showed 70% of Americans thought there was a connection between Saddam and the attacks of 9/11.
As for “throwaway” lies, I don’t recall saying anything about those particular falsehoods being throwaway. Indeed, I was drawing a stark distinction between statements regarding a plan to keep gas prices down and statements that falsely induced us to go to war. Do you not share in the belief that these are matters of distinctly different caliber?
@77 – I am begining to see how you are very good at twisting words….where did I say ethanol production is to blame for high gas prices? Yes it is in part to blame for high food prices, but so is demand as it has been growing tremendously! Gas prices are also high, in part on high growing demand.
Don Joespews:
“I am begining to see how you are very good at twisting words”
There’s a difference between making a natural inference based on the prevalent subject matter and, say, a persistent effort to twist someone’s argument in a direction that’s never been made. The case can be made that most of your participation in this thread has been a textbook example of the latter, so I’m somewhat surprised to see you complaining about other people twisting your words.
Or are you simply complaining that I’m better at it than you are?
“where did I say ethanol production is to blame for high gas prices?”
Not explicitly, but the entire thread has been about gas prices. At what point did you think the subject had shifted away from gas prices to being exclusively about food prices?
Lastly, I’m curious. Both the present inflation and the overall situation in the world oil market are, indisputably, a direct result of the policies and incompetence of the present Republican Administration. Why do they and their policies escape your ire such that you choose to focus on ethanol production? Pardon my saying so, but it seems to me like you have some seriously misplaced priorities.
So the oild crisis is this entire admins fault?
Is that what you are saying, specifically?
Don Joespews:
@ 80
I’m not going to simplify the truth, because doing so nearly always damages it. Moreover, I’m not sure I can state it any more clearly than I did @ 79. So, if you didn’t understand it, I suggest you grab a dictionary.
If your questions are merely a means of disagreeing with what I’ve said, then let me ask: do you remember what happened the last time we chose to finance a war through chronic debt?
Well you are blaming this current admin for gas prices, even though the past 30 years nothing has been done to reduce our need for oil. It’s not just the republicans or democrats fault, it’s both with their combined bickering that ends in nothing being done. Kinda like the 520 bridge and AWV discussions.
And food prices are related to gas due to the fact with gas being as high as it is, it costs more to transport food and with ethanol taking up corn and wheat, but no ethanol any where to be found here. And do you know where to find a gas station with ethanol? And is it cheaper than regular gas?
Don Joespews:
“Well you are blaming this current admin for gas prices, even though the past 30 years nothing has been done to reduce our need for oil.”
See now, that’s exactly the kind of oversimplification I have been trying to avoid. I specifically mentioned the “policies and incompetence” of the current administration, and the point was to focus on the “what” rather than the “who”. Your restatement of what I said is semantically different from what I actually said.
I also mentioned both inflation and the global oil market, but you’ve confined your remarks to the global oil market. That’s quite surprising, because inflation has a far greater effect on the price of gas at the pump than does the global oil market.
In short, Hannah, you’re playing a consistent wingnut semantic game of trying to shift blame from where it clearly belongs onto those who had very little to do with what’s been happening. It’s a game that is selective in the facts it chooses to bring to the table, and it is also a game that is highly destructive of the truth.
Can we say that Democrats and Democratic policies had something to do with current gas prices? Yes–as long as we measure that “something” in such a way as to give it proper proportion to Republicans and Republican policies.
The truth is, whatever blame we can lay at the feet of Democrats and their policies, it pales in comparison to the policies and incompetence of Republicans. Indeed, the current circumstances in which we find ourselves are nothing short of a complete and damning indictment of Republican ideology.
“And food prices are related to gas due to the fact with gas being as high as it is…”
Sorry, but the implications of your earlier comment had the causal chain going in the opposite direction–from higher food prices to higher gas prices. If you had intended to say something else, then I’ll take these comments as a correction of your earlier remarks.
” And do you know where to find a gas station with ethanol? And is it cheaper than regular gas?”
I’m not sure I understand the scope of your question. Nearly all of what’s currently sold as “gasoline” is a mixture of both ethanol and gasoline. Proportions do differ, so, are you asking me to tell you where you can find gas stations that sell something other than E10, say E15 or E85?
Moreover, why should I have to do the research for you? If you think you have a point to make, then go dredge up some facts for yourself.
Why not John Doe lay the blame on the Donkey? You side chooses to stifle oil exploration. Your side chooses to kill new nukular energy plants. Many on your side don’t want wind power in their back yard. Kennedy for instance. Other donkey too.
Don Joespews:
“Why not John Doe lay the blame on the Donkey?”
For the simple reason that none of the things you cite adequately accounts for the present increase in gas prices.
Take ANWR for example. If we could pump the oil in ANWR fast enough to offset what we currently import from OPEC countries, the oil there would last less than two years. The longest estimate I’ve seen, 32 years, is based on maximum estimates of the volume of oil and assumes that ANWR oil accounts for no more than 5% of US consumption. Do the math. That’s, literally, a drop in the bucket.
As for nuclear energy plants, until such time as we come up with a way to deal with the waste in a safe and efficient manner, the costs outweigh the benefits there as well. Moreover, until people start driving more electric/hybrid vehicles, nuclear energy won’t have any effect on gas prices.
Contrast all of that with the effect of the Iraq war, political unrest in the Middle East and the effects of inflation (which is, itself, another result of our attempt to finance the Iraq war with chronic debt), and you get right back to the statement I made above. You might be able to lay some blame at the feet of Democrats, but that level of blame pales in comparison to the blame we can lay at the feet of Republicans.
Your half truths don’t cut it, Puddy, and you can’t make them be the whole truth through mere force of repetition.
Who said I suggest we pump it at that rate? You said it. ANWR is used to supplement our ME oil dependence.
Back six months ago the liberals refused to debate on Fox….what happened??? I guess they realize who the real media is now. roof roof.
“NEW ORLEANS — A Democrat took an open Congressional seat long held by Republicans in the conservative district around Baton Rouge in a special election Saturday, giving the party an early boost in its quest for an increased majority in the House of Representatives.
Don Cazayoux, a state representative, defeated Woody Jenkins, a small-newspaper publisher and former legislator long associated with religious-right causes in Louisiana, by 49 percent to 46 percent, in a tight race for a seat left open by the retirement of Richard Baker, a Republican.”
The real media.
Why do liberals care if republicans are volunteering to enlist in the military and are being killed??? Weird.
Who did they elect governor again. hahahahahaha
So has Jane Balough served any prison time for the voter fraud? If not, why not?
We seem to be spending a lot of time focusing on crap this election.
KCRE was ready to let her go. It was only when Jane went to the real media that any charges were brought against her. She made her point that King county is not interested in prosecuting voter fraud. Of course who can blame them with all the dead donks that vote.
@3 I don’t give a good golly fuck myself. I wish more of you bastards would go and get yourself killed. And by the way, if you’re looking for a way out Jane/Puddy – don’t think you have to go all the way to Iraq. Run your ass over to the Aurora Street Bridge and jump. Hurry. There’s still time to make the day better for the rest of us.
Hey righties – how’s this taste?
A Democrat wins a seat held by the GOP since 1974. This is just a taste of the spanking we’re going to give you punks in November. Get used to it. HE HE!
Democrat Wins La. House Seat Held By GOP Since 1974
“BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) – A Democrat won a special congressional election here Saturday, bolstering his party’s majority status on Capitol Hill by taking a seat Republicans have held since 1974. …
“The congressional district includes Baton Rouge and surrounding parishes. ‘People in Louisiana are hungry for a new direction in Washington,’ Cazayoux said in a written statement issued by his campaign.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s gotta be the fucking understatement of the decade.
@1 Why should we fight on your ground and on your terms? We’re going to make you come to us like the Minutemen did to the British at Lexington and Concord.
@3 “Why do liberals care if republicans are volunteering to enlist in the military and are being killed??? Weird.”
Trust me, dog, our side is going to do everything in our power to make sure military votes are counted in this fall’s election.
Here’s one of the reasons why: When National Guardsman get called up to active duty, they have to serve 180 days to be eligible for full benefits. So guess what happens if they get wounded before they’ve been over there for 180 days? The military bills them for their medical care and turns their accounts over to private collection agencies, and the wife back home gets harassing phone calls from bill collectors, that’s what happens.
You bet your stupid canine ass I want all the military votes counted.
@4 Let’s recap:
Winner of 2004 governor’s election:
Loser of 2004 governor’s election:
@5 Never mind her; just euthanize that fucking dog.
@5 (continued) But to answer your question, no, our Republican prosecutor didn’t think Republican Balogh’s voting fraud warranted jail time. In fact, our Republican prosecutor doesn’t even want you to know he’s a Republican. He wants to change the law so he can run as “non-partisan.”
bybygoober, why do you want me to commit suicide or go to Iraq?
PuddyFact: Oh… I know, because you are a mental midget and that’s the only way you’ll win in any argument.
@7 I do give a good golly fuck because it isn’t Republicans who are being killed in Iraq, it’s the same minorities and poor people that Republicans have always exploited. I want it to stop forthwith.
BTW, here’s something else to think about: Because Bush is fighting his recreational war in Iraq with borrowed money, after you add the interest payments the actual cost to taxpayers is $300 billion a year, not $120 billion a year.
And that’s only for the advertised direct, off-books, cost of the war. They lowball that figure by not counting all the military equipment being destroyed or used up, and which will have to be replaced. That item will show up in future defense budgets.
@12 I agree with you, puddy. It seems such a waste. Why profitlessly throw yourself off the Aurora Bridge when volunteering to get killed in Iraq could spare the life of some poor soul who would rather not die there?
What kind of a person wishes for others to die?
If that’s really what you want, why don’t you do it yourself? Are you waiting for a government program to do for you?
Just When You Thought Eating Fish Was Healthier For You …
i. 80% of all seafood consumed in the U.S. is imported
ii. China is a major exporter of seafood to the U.S.
iii. Chinese seafood shipments are routinely mislabeled and/or contain harmful bacteria and/or banned veterinary drugs
iv. Even though only 1/5th of 1% of these shipments are tested, 400 shiploads of Chinese seafood products were rejected by inspectors in a single year
Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ety04.html
This food safety moment was brought to you by the laissez-faire capitalists of the GOP.
Do you ever get the feeling that since Republicans got into power, everything we took for granted has stopped working — just broken down?
@15 “What kind of a person wishes for others to die?”
Ann Coulter and Jonathan Gardner, for starters.
In fact, conservatives began publicly wishing liberals dead long before liberals wished the same for conservatives. All we’re doing is feeding you pricks your own medicine. How’s that castor oil taste, sliding down the old sluice pipe, asshole? Shut up and suck it down; it’ll do you good. Drink some prune juice too, because you’ve got shit coming out of your ears.
P.S., We’ll knock it off when your side knocks it off, but your side has to stop first, because your side started it.
Republicans not only oppose any sort of gun control, they also oppose legislation requiring toy makers to “clearly differentiate” the appearance of toy guns from real guns — so kids won’t get shot by cops.
“National Rifle Association spokesman Ashley Varner said anti-toy-gun legislation is ‘silly’ because ‘it doesn’t deal with issues of crime. … It doesn’t target getting criminals off the street.'”
So, if she comes upon a 12-year-old laying dead on the sidewalk because the police thought he was brandishing a real Uzi, would she giggle as she stepped over the body?
Marv – You should ask yourself that question. Since you have no trouble sending young people to die in Iraq so you can drive your 1973 Nova.
Hey righties – chew on this. A Dem wins a special election for a Congressional seat held by the GOP since 19 fucking 74!
This is just a little taste of what you have coming to you in Nov. Get used to it assholes!
Factoid: Paul Hughes of Minnesota is considered a terrorist by the Department of Homeland Security because DHS’ voice recognition software is so bad it confused Hughes with “Hussein.”
Source: “Maxed Out,” by James Scurlock (2007), available from your public library or at;sr=8-2
@21 Do you ever get the feeling that things just don’t work right anymore with Republicans running the country?
@20 People like Marvin will gladly trade your son’s life for cheap gas. And they can’t understand why we don’t like them ….
Pelletizer@14: So you can place worthless commentary here about subjects you should leave alone? So you can have a worthless comment slide under the radar as everyone who’s a 16%er “believes” everything from Pelletizer?
WrongO dumb bunny. I enjoy reading your law entries as they are well written and make sense. Well let me clarify something… your comments on Sound Transit are good too. I think that’s because it’s a guvmint activity and you being an ex-guvmint lawyer fit like a glove on the hand…
When you venture into other topics, one can see the oxygen starved brain synaptic misfirings occur right before our very eyes. And that’s when I enjoy pointing out the fallacies to your arguments like your latest attempt at being pithy: McCain 100 Year war. You know that was a lie and you placed it here. Even Goldy doesn’t use it anymore but Pelletizer does…
So I ask Pelletizer, why is that? You want me dead too because it frees you to place you unabridged garbage here without anyone to refute your positions? You are as bad as bybygoober – a real mental midget.
How childish of the democrat party.
At least you admit that the democrats copy what the reps do.
What do you think I am, a travel agent?
Do you have any proof I send people to iraq?
Did you forget? The reps are the evil rich. 73 nova isn’t the car for us evil rich types. We have a fleets of SUVs sitting around idling all day long to use up oil and cause global warming.
Hey righties – chew on this you punk bastards.
We took ANOTHER seat away from you in Congress increasing our majority. And we took one you held since 1974 in a district that voted 59% for that traitor Bush. This is BAAAD news for you cowards.
Get used to it – because in Nov, you’ll see more of the same. You have LOTS more seats to defend than we do. If we win just half of the seats in play – you will watch our SUPER majority relegate you to the sidelines (and the prisons) where you belong!
Hey righties we just took a seat away from you in Louisiana. WOW that’s gotta hurt. And it was a GOP district since 1974! Get used to it punks because in Nov you will see more of the same.
You have LOTS more seats than we do to defend. We only need to win about half of them to get a SUPER majority in Congress. Then you’ll know some REAL pain! HE HE!
Pelletizer did it again with his article in post 16:
“But the Bush administration has signaled opposition to key provisions that would require regular inspections in foreign lands and limit ports where food can arrive to docks with FDA labs.
As always to make his stupid point Pelletizer misses the major rub… Of course it’s because his oxygen starved brain needs to think.
So I’ll ask Pelletizer: Would you want the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans coming to the US states and inspecting our food products and creating faux issues?
Marvin: I bet bybygoober can’t tell why the Nova didn’t sell in Mexico.
Kind of like the arguments put forth by HAs clueless idiot.
More proof that the GOP is doomed:
That’s gonna leave a mark……..
Hey rabbit, you’re an old guy. Didn’t you play army as a little boy? I did. Why didn’t we get shot by cops, was it because the guns didn’t look real or because we didn’t
1. Wave the guns around in front of people to intimidate them on the freeway
2. disobey the police when ordered to halt
3. use a fake gun to commit a crime
I feel sorry for kids being shot by government employees. The government routinely abuses their power with those unable to defend themselves.
Yup. I take him down to the local exxon/mobil and trade him for 10 gallons of gas at a reduced costs.
I know you don’t like “them,” you have problems with people different from you. It’s very common in old retired folks.
The GOP defenders: Stamm, Puddy and JBD defend the indefensible – a war that was unnecessary with over 4,00o needlessly killed (and bin Laden still at large), the largest budget deficits in history, corruption on an unprecedented scale, incompetence like we have never seen before in Iraq and after Katrina – and they try to imply that RR is a mental midget! Defending the indefensible requires huge mental gymnastics…even the american public cannot be fooled for too long – the republican brand is corruption, incompetence, budget deficits and an unnecessary war.
In the song Hey Jude, at 2:58 minutes, you can hear John Lennon in the background say “Fucking Hell,” because he mistakenly sings “let her into your skin,” instead of “… let her under your skin.” I first read about this on Wikipedia – Hey Jude. Then I went to listen for it myself, and sure enough, if you listen closely, you can hear it.
@ 33
Why do you suppose they spend so much time dredging up old press releases from Nancy Pelosi? It’s all they have left: try to get people to forget the massive Republican cockups by pointing out how difficult it’s been for Democrats to clean up the mess.
John DOE (like doe a deer caught in the headlights): Again I am so surprised you are as dense as spent uranium on this one.
Now since your side has control, even to the point where Pelosi is looking at changing the rules on David Obey’s committee, she claimed to have a plan to reduce gas prices. Well everyone is waiting for the plan. This along with other lies she told helped her get control of the House. When these lies are exposed as the song goes “Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day” people will see your party for what it is…
I hope people have noticed the only thing incorrectnottobright has in his arsenal is the commentary he falls back upon when his other blog entries are exposed for what they are not worth. Not worth the pixels being used to display his blather…
incorrectnottobright: Where did I say Pelletizer is a mental midget?
“Again I am so surprised you are as dense as spent uranium on this one.”
Ah, yes. I’m so fucking dense on this one that I am, in fact, cheering you on! Please, press this song-and-dance argument about Pelosi supposedly lying in some throwaway press release two years ago. In fact, make it the centerpiece of Republican campaigns this year!
This is almost as brilliant a strategy as trying to convince voters that they’re really better off than they think they are. How well did that strategy work out two years ago?
Throwaway press release? So then it was just a lie, just a typical political move, throwaway the political ploy, as it was just to get votes, I really didn’t mean it, I just said what voters wanted to hear at that time, screw the voters once we get what we want. The voters don’t really care about how high gas prices are, they did at election time in 2006, but the voters were smart enough to know it was just a “throwaway press release”, they were smart enogh to know we were lying and we had no plan to lower prices.
@ 40
That it was a throwaway doesn’t make it a lie. It’s this kind of dissimulation on your part that has quite a few folks around here questioning your liberal credentials.
Let’s see, now. When Bush and Co. cooked the intelligence in such a way as to push this country into an ill-advised war that wasn’t a “lie”, but when Nancy Pelosi says the Democrats had a plan that turned out to be not as effective as we’d like, it, all of a sudden becomes a lie?
Duplicitous bullshit.
Bush, the CIA, the FBI, the UN intelligence on Iraq’s WMD WAS lies, Saddam killing thousands (hundreds of thousands) and innocent women and children was fact, yes we went to war based on a lie by all parties involved.
So that makes it ok to lie to the american people who are in dire financial strain, about a plan to lower gas prices “immediately”?
“not to be as effective as we liked”??? WTF???? It hasn’t been effective AT ALL! Gas prices have not gone DOWN at all but instead have gone UP!
“So that makes it ok to lie to the american people who are in dire financial strain, about a plan to lower gas prices “immediately”?”
You really don’t understand the meaning of the term “throwaway,” do you? Amazing.
Since you’re willing to suppose, for the sake of argument, that both are lies (not granted in either case, but let’s see where this gets us). How many people have died because Democrats have been unable to keep a lid on gas prices?
Dead innocent Iraqis and American soldiers don’t piss you off, but high gas prices do?
Now, do you understand the meaning of the term “throwaway”?
Q- You know why it doesn’t work for dead Republicans to vote and win an election?
A- Because there isn’t enough of them.
Trust me, dog, our side is going to do everything in our power to make sure military votes are counted in this fall’s election.
Yeah right. Trusting a donk for fair elections is like trusting a bank robber on a burgler alarm for a bank.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 Why should we fight on your ground and on your terms? We’re going to make you come to us like the Minutemen did to the British at Lexington and Concord.
05/04/2008 at 6:52 am
You’re right. The dems really can’t afford to fight on our terms because they would actually have to answer tough questions. But then again they are pussies so it makes sense.
n fact, conservatives began publicly wishing liberals dead long before liberals wished the same for conservatives. All we’re doing is feeding you pricks your own medicine. How’s that castor oil taste, sliding down the old sluice pipe, asshole? Shut up and suck it down; it’ll do you good. Drink some prune juice too, because you’ve got shit coming out of your ears.
P.S., We’ll knock it off when your side knocks it off, but your side has to stop first, because your side started it.
Whaaaaaa…Someone call the Whambulance. I think its great that Ann Coulter is dishing back what we have had to put up with from feminists and radical donks for years. There are millions of repubs who feel the same. Judging by rabbits reaction they sure can’t take it. And no we are not going to stop it, we are playing by your rules now beyooootch. Enjoy.
Better back off, bro. We got Hot Damn Ann and PMS Rabbit bobbing on the same side of the cesspool, cheerleading for Hillary.
When you look at all the quotes by the democrat in the 15 month long rush to war one must assume that the democrats that parroted the lies of bush to be some of the stupidest people on this planet. Yet, they were voted back into office. How do you explain that unless the people that voted for the democrats to be even stupider?
In case you never saw it, here is the link to videos of the finest democrat liars telling us about the WMDs that saddam had.
I really would like you to explain why all these people lied to us. Just think, if the democrats had told the truth maybe we never would have gone to war.
Wasn’t it the democrats that ran on Change, Cleaning the swamp and going after those evil rep[ublicans? Any idea when that’s going to happen?
How stupid do you feel voting for liars with the [D] next to their names?
Nice to see John Doe losing it over a “throwaway”line. I guess the words from a Donkey mouth are throwaway.
Thanks John Doe for the clarification.
“When you look at all the quotes by the democrat in the 15 month long rush to war one must assume that the democrats that parroted the lies of bush to be some of the stupidest people on this planet.”
Whenever someone uses the phrase “one must assume” in relation to a statement of fact, the subsequent conclusions remain distinctly uncompelling.
“I really would like you to explain why all these people lied to us.”
The poor sods had the misfortune to believe that the Bush Administration wouldn’t stoop to cooking the intelligence in order to justify going to war when we did. Hell, even Kenneth Pollack, who had advocated regime change in Iraq, said that April of 2003 was too early. Again, we see a Republican apologist telling only half the truth, and, yet again, we see proof that the whole truth has a well-known liberal bias.
But, for the sake of argument, let’s assume that all of what you allege is true. Your conclusion is not that I should be pissed off at Bush and the Republicans for having lied us into war. Rather, your conclusion is that I should feel stupid for voting for Democrats.
Is that really the best that you have? I should ignore those who perpetrated a criminal con, and heap all my derision on those who were conned?
This is why Republicans are going to lose even more ground in November. No matter how hard you try to paint Democrats in a bad light, it’s not possible to make them look worse than Republicans.
Marvin: Thanks for the link. I lost it and it’s good to see these WMD words from the Donkey again. Now incorrectneverbright to have to change his favorite tag lines again.
“Nice to see John Doe losing it…”
Losing what, Parrot? Does Polly need another cracker?
John Doe the line was “Nice to see John Doe losing it over a “throwaway”line.”
Good try at shorting my comment.
John doe: One must assume? Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?
Wrong. And you know it.
“Good try at shorting my comment.”
You claim that I’m “losing it.” What I’m supposedly “losing it” over doesn’t really matter if you can make the claim that I’m “losing it” stick.
So, try answer thing question, for a change. Exactly what am I losing, here?
“One must assume? Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Marvin’s the bloke who pressed that phrase into service. I was merely calling him out for doing so.
As for an original thought, I think it’d be great if you actually came up with one. While you’re at it, try constructing a coherent argument once in a while as well.
John Doe: “So, try answer thing question, for a change.” Then “try constructing a coherent argument”?
You are the one who said Pelosi used “throwaway line”. NO ONE ELSE. So Donkey use throwaway lines. I’m sure Congressional Donkey would be proud of your thoughts.
Wow John Doe, you are losing it.
Veni vidi vici. Try not using this line again indeed.
Thanks for playing.
BTW John Doe where did Marvin say ““One must assume?”
or Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Somehow upon inspection I can’t find those sentences in Marvin’s commentary. And since I was reading your commentary and responding to it, WTF?
‘You are the one who said Pelosi used “throwaway line”.’
Yes, I did. I’ve also explained exactly why it’s a “throwaway,” but you appear to have difficulty reading (we’ll get to that in a bit). Allow me to restate the point, however, because I’m curious to see if this can penetrate the thick walls you’ve built around your ideology.
Pelosi’s statement is a “throwaway,” because whether or not she actually lied isn’t an important question. Even if she did lie, the consequences of the lie aren’t particularly earth-shattering.
Now, exactly how does the above argument mean that I’ve “lost it”?
“BTW John Doe where did Marvin say…”
The first paragraph my comment at 56 was a quote of what Marvin said at 54. You’ll note my use of quotation marks. If you read both my quotation and Marvin’s comment @ 54, you’ll see that he used the phrase “one must assume”.
Now, really, which one of us is “losing it”? You can’t read properly, and I’ve actually put together a cogent argument as to why the truth value of Pelosi’s comments don’t matter–an argument to which your only retort is that I’m, somehow, “losing it.”
By the way, I’ve asked a question in the other open thread. Care to answer that one?
You mean a coherent argument like the democrats are so fucking stupid they blindly parroted the words of someone they all felt stole the 2000 election?
If your coherent argument is correct, the democrats must be the stupidest people ever in the history of this country.
How stupid must someone be to continue to vote these idiots back into office.
Maybe you’re right, the democrats are idiots. That would explain why bush still hasn’t been impeached besides what you feel is insurmountable evidence.
“You mean a coherent argument like the democrats are so fucking stupid they blindly parroted the words of someone they all felt stole the 2000 election?”
No. I mean a coherent argument that doesn’t require distorting the facts in order to justify its conclusion.
My pleasure. After all the PuddyFact links you’ve turned me onto it’s about time I return the favor.
John Doe: Since you are delivering speculation who knows the answer on earth… God does. Jesus does. Holy Spirit does.
Don Joe: You threw up Marvin used this line before me: Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Where did he say that?
Don Joe spews: “Pelosi’s statement is a “throwaway,” because whether or not she actually lied isn’t an important question. Even if she did lie, the consequences of the lie aren’t particularly earth-shattering.”
So it’s ok to lie to the American people, because the lie wasn’t earth shattering? As millions of people are going into near bankruptcy over gas and food prices?
@ 68
“Since you are delivering speculation”
Huh? What speculation? I’ve said that an answer to a particular question of fact is unimportant. I haven’t assumed any facts in the absence of supporting evidence.
To say, outright, that Nancy Pelosi lied, now that would be speculation.
@ 69
“Where did he say that?”
In this comment, I pointed to this comment, wherein I quoted this comment. I even gave numbers for the referenced comments.
What more can I do, Puddy? I can’t read the comments for you.
“So it’s ok to lie to the American people, because the lie wasn’t earth shattering?”
No. I’m saying that it isn’t worth the effort required to prove whether she was lying or not. Of course, if you disagree, you’re quite welcome to try to prove that she lied, but you should be aware that you have a high burden of proof. You need more than the fact that Nancy Pelosi hasn’t deigned to respond to Republican diversionary tactics.
“As millions of people are going into near bankruptcy over gas and food prices?”
If millions of people are going into near bankruptcy over gas and food prices, then I think we should focus our energies on the people whose policies caused the problem in the first place. Don’t you?
@72 – “I think we should focus our energies on the people whose policies caused the problem in the first place. Don’t you?”
YES totally agreed starting with those who have pushed ethanol production and use since the 70’s and 80’s!
“YES totally agreed starting with those who have pushed ethanol production and use since the 70’s and 80’s!”
There is speculation that this has something to do with global food prices. Frankly, I’m inclined to think that general inflation combined with crop failures in Asia and Australia had a far more significant impact on food prices than anything else. Of course, if you have data that suggests otherwise (and not just speculation), then, by all means, let’s see it.
But, I’m at a complete loss to now what ethanol production has to do with increased gas prices. Care to enlighten me?
@74 – Just a couple articles:
“Exactly one year ago National Turkey Federation president Ted Seger told the House Agriculture Committee that the federal ethanol mandate would drive up corn and soybean prices and hurt consumers who eat turkey.”
“Demand for alternative energy sources has led farmers to sow less wheat and convert land to crops such as corn, sugarcane and rapeseed, that can be turned into biofuels. ”
Crop failures in Australia and Asia are nowhere being mentioned in ANY media here in the US. Yes demand has increased for food therefore prices will rise based on demand also. Along with weather related events. But that same argument can be used as to why gas prices have skyrocketed. Demand.
One of the 16%ers on this blog posted that at the time we went to war 70% of the population believed saddam had WMDs. With the democrats parroting bush what was the country supposed to believe.
Do you believe we would have gone to war if the democrats didn’t use those throwaway lies so easily?
@ 75
Well, you’ve cited the speculation I’ve seen, but where’s the data? As for our media not reporting on other potentially relevant events, does that surprise you?
And I still haven’t seen any connection between ethanol production and increased gas prices. Are you retracting that one?
@ 76
I don’t recall anyone posting anything about public perceptions regarding Saddam and WMD. I posted a link to a USA Today poll that showed 70% of Americans thought there was a connection between Saddam and the attacks of 9/11.
As for “throwaway” lies, I don’t recall saying anything about those particular falsehoods being throwaway. Indeed, I was drawing a stark distinction between statements regarding a plan to keep gas prices down and statements that falsely induced us to go to war. Do you not share in the belief that these are matters of distinctly different caliber?
@77 – I am begining to see how you are very good at twisting words….where did I say ethanol production is to blame for high gas prices? Yes it is in part to blame for high food prices, but so is demand as it has been growing tremendously! Gas prices are also high, in part on high growing demand.
“I am begining to see how you are very good at twisting words”
There’s a difference between making a natural inference based on the prevalent subject matter and, say, a persistent effort to twist someone’s argument in a direction that’s never been made. The case can be made that most of your participation in this thread has been a textbook example of the latter, so I’m somewhat surprised to see you complaining about other people twisting your words.
Or are you simply complaining that I’m better at it than you are?
“where did I say ethanol production is to blame for high gas prices?”
Not explicitly, but the entire thread has been about gas prices. At what point did you think the subject had shifted away from gas prices to being exclusively about food prices?
Lastly, I’m curious. Both the present inflation and the overall situation in the world oil market are, indisputably, a direct result of the policies and incompetence of the present Republican Administration. Why do they and their policies escape your ire such that you choose to focus on ethanol production? Pardon my saying so, but it seems to me like you have some seriously misplaced priorities.
So the oild crisis is this entire admins fault?
Is that what you are saying, specifically?
@ 80
I’m not going to simplify the truth, because doing so nearly always damages it. Moreover, I’m not sure I can state it any more clearly than I did @ 79. So, if you didn’t understand it, I suggest you grab a dictionary.
If your questions are merely a means of disagreeing with what I’ve said, then let me ask: do you remember what happened the last time we chose to finance a war through chronic debt?
Well you are blaming this current admin for gas prices, even though the past 30 years nothing has been done to reduce our need for oil. It’s not just the republicans or democrats fault, it’s both with their combined bickering that ends in nothing being done. Kinda like the 520 bridge and AWV discussions.
And food prices are related to gas due to the fact with gas being as high as it is, it costs more to transport food and with ethanol taking up corn and wheat, but no ethanol any where to be found here. And do you know where to find a gas station with ethanol? And is it cheaper than regular gas?
“Well you are blaming this current admin for gas prices, even though the past 30 years nothing has been done to reduce our need for oil.”
See now, that’s exactly the kind of oversimplification I have been trying to avoid. I specifically mentioned the “policies and incompetence” of the current administration, and the point was to focus on the “what” rather than the “who”. Your restatement of what I said is semantically different from what I actually said.
I also mentioned both inflation and the global oil market, but you’ve confined your remarks to the global oil market. That’s quite surprising, because inflation has a far greater effect on the price of gas at the pump than does the global oil market.
In short, Hannah, you’re playing a consistent wingnut semantic game of trying to shift blame from where it clearly belongs onto those who had very little to do with what’s been happening. It’s a game that is selective in the facts it chooses to bring to the table, and it is also a game that is highly destructive of the truth.
Can we say that Democrats and Democratic policies had something to do with current gas prices? Yes–as long as we measure that “something” in such a way as to give it proper proportion to Republicans and Republican policies.
The truth is, whatever blame we can lay at the feet of Democrats and their policies, it pales in comparison to the policies and incompetence of Republicans. Indeed, the current circumstances in which we find ourselves are nothing short of a complete and damning indictment of Republican ideology.
“And food prices are related to gas due to the fact with gas being as high as it is…”
Sorry, but the implications of your earlier comment had the causal chain going in the opposite direction–from higher food prices to higher gas prices. If you had intended to say something else, then I’ll take these comments as a correction of your earlier remarks.
” And do you know where to find a gas station with ethanol? And is it cheaper than regular gas?”
I’m not sure I understand the scope of your question. Nearly all of what’s currently sold as “gasoline” is a mixture of both ethanol and gasoline. Proportions do differ, so, are you asking me to tell you where you can find gas stations that sell something other than E10, say E15 or E85?
Moreover, why should I have to do the research for you? If you think you have a point to make, then go dredge up some facts for yourself.
Why not John Doe lay the blame on the Donkey? You side chooses to stifle oil exploration. Your side chooses to kill new nukular energy plants. Many on your side don’t want wind power in their back yard. Kennedy for instance. Other donkey too.
“Why not John Doe lay the blame on the Donkey?”
For the simple reason that none of the things you cite adequately accounts for the present increase in gas prices.
Take ANWR for example. If we could pump the oil in ANWR fast enough to offset what we currently import from OPEC countries, the oil there would last less than two years. The longest estimate I’ve seen, 32 years, is based on maximum estimates of the volume of oil and assumes that ANWR oil accounts for no more than 5% of US consumption. Do the math. That’s, literally, a drop in the bucket.
As for nuclear energy plants, until such time as we come up with a way to deal with the waste in a safe and efficient manner, the costs outweigh the benefits there as well. Moreover, until people start driving more electric/hybrid vehicles, nuclear energy won’t have any effect on gas prices.
Contrast all of that with the effect of the Iraq war, political unrest in the Middle East and the effects of inflation (which is, itself, another result of our attempt to finance the Iraq war with chronic debt), and you get right back to the statement I made above. You might be able to lay some blame at the feet of Democrats, but that level of blame pales in comparison to the blame we can lay at the feet of Republicans.
Your half truths don’t cut it, Puddy, and you can’t make them be the whole truth through mere force of repetition.
Who said I suggest we pump it at that rate? You said it. ANWR is used to supplement our ME oil dependence.
Your logic works wonders.