Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Goldy: You too can go and pick Lettuce for $50/hr. Did your hand go up? I think it’s a great idea. But since it came from McCain it must be ridiculed.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Now back to Heilary watch.
BRIAN WILLIAMS: On the Republican side, does John McCain blunt back the attack, the insurgents on the right?
JOE KLEIN: I think to a certain extent he will. He’ll have a lot more — you know Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee would give him a great assist. Because the Republicans are completely berserk for reasons that kind of escape me about Hillary Clinton. She’s not a wild lefty, she’s a fairly moderate person. But she’s the enemy, and if she materializes on the Democratic side, you’re going to have a united and fierce Republican party.
I told you 16%ers here in a previous PuddyStudy how the leftist MSM views Heilary. You all were naysayers. Hopefully this finally clarifies their luvvvvvvv position with Heilary.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Joe Klein: What a putz.
I guess he forgot:
Heliary tried to nationalize health care in 1993 with the same big insurance companies she now delivers her idiot rants over.
Heilary and her historical disdain for the military (the Marines on the White House second floor).
Heilary and her “it takes a [big government] village” you idiot.
Don’t you 16%ers remember these things?
Puddy remembers.
Another TJspews:
Pay your gambling debt, Lambchop.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
To us whom think right: Did you read the ‘Nets where there is trouble with Heilary replacing a His panic woman with a black woman to head her campaign?
Also did you see yesterday Heilary claiming she’s in the solutions business and Obama is in the promiese (hope) business?
Did you see yesterday some in the NAACP back Heilary? What a crock!
Gonna get more interesting! I luvvvvv it when the big tent goes to battle internally.
Another TJspews:
You lost. Pay up.
Another TJspews:
Oh, and use “whom” properly once, will ya?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
“”Barack Obama is an anti-Semite,” said Gabriel, who founded the nonprofit organization American Congress for Truth following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “No Jews should support him. Jews should vote for Hillary Clinton.””
“UJC President Howard Rieger told JTA that his organization “condemned such expressions in the strongest possible manner.””
PuddyStudy: So which is it? Is Obama an anti-semite or not? Enquiring minds want to know. Except of course RudejASS and his sidekick correctnotright, who could care less about facts!
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Ahhh that canard ATJ. PacMan and I already answered that. Did you miss the memo?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Oh ATJ: To use the words of a clueless idiot poster here, “I don’t take orders from you”
Another TJspews:
I offered you a neutral arbiter. You declined. Now pay your debt.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
I feel another PuddyStudy cuming!
This “tiff” betwixt Barack and Heilary in the Donkey party could keep Oprah in bidness BIG TIME this year.
1) Oprah has a debate between Barack and Heilary.
2) Racheal Ray does the cooking. Some black home cooking for one and some race bait for the other.
3) Dr Phil does the mediation. – Lets see Phil always tells people how can they expect a different result when the continue to perform the same acts in life? Well, you in the donkey party are doing the same thing expecting a different result. The same thing again in the big tent:
1) A handsome, articulate, clean (Joe Biden’s words) black man (doesn’t own a 7-11) enters the presidential race and the donkey party are suddenly at each others throats about race. – Typical
2) A woman enters the presidential race and the donkey party are suddenly at each others throats about gender. – Typical again!
See how Dr. Phil would have a field day… while eating Racheal’s well prepared food while Oprah keeps the crowd at bay?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
ATJ, my only arbiter I’d support is GBS. Sorry bub, you lose. Now scurry along back to mama’s house coat!
Gosh, I knew that as a muslim BHO was anticanine but I had no idea he was also antisemite. Tx Puddy without your fowl filled mounthj (cats DO like dem blackbirds) how would I have known?
Now I understand howsit he lives across the street from a Sunaguogue! It is all a plan dso that when the Retro right spews enough hate, they will blow up the synaguogue instead of BHO’s house.
BTW, I suggets yougo to C-span at 11. The pig farmers of Wisconsin are going to test Mr. O’s claim to be a christian by asking him to east a pork chop in public.
Be there or be square.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Hey ATJ: Heilary has a million ideas on how to spend your money. You gonna contribute?
No? It’s your money? Thought so!
Another TJspews:
You entered into an agreement. You have failed to live up to that agreement. You lied. Doesn’t the bible have something to say against lying?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
SeattleJew: Why are you attacking me? I posted the words from a site I sometime visit. I read all viewpoints, not just the clueless idiot kool-aid.
These are your people. So the The United Jewish Communities are right-wing? I though all Jews voted for Heilary. My older brother lives in lower Manhattan and the voting results said the jewish vote won Heilary NYS on Super Tuesday. Hmmm…
So you have a problem?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
ATJ: Righteous indignation from you? You quotheth the Good Book! Yours still has three year old dust on it.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
ATJ Answer #17.
Another TJspews:
Pay up, Lambchop.
THANK YOU! Finally someone is replaying that $50/hr lettuce comment. What that fundamentally illustrates about McCain is that he thinks we are all a bunch of fat lazy slobs. How could a nation possibly elect an old man who runs down its people?
Can I vote for John McCain. Well Sen McCain, on this one you are right.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
pbj: You missed the point. McCain is telling the donkey party they are all a bunch of fat lazy slobs.
The one thing I like about McCain is he is anti-earmark. That makes everyone a fat lazy slob.
Another TJspews:
I won. You lost. Pay up, Lambchop.
No Puddy, I did not miss the point. McCain has always been pro-open borders. You lose credibility trying to defend him on this. You know as well as I that he and Kennedy worked on Shamnesty in closed doors. It was only after an upwelling of public anger that it was stopped.
McCain has had his own rolls in the pork barrel slop. Google the Rehnquist Center.
Do you also like that McCain is anti free speech (McCain Feingold).
I have been thinking about how someone as McCain could have become the nominee. And given the insight of the WSRP in our caucus process, it is no wonder a scoundrel like McCain is able to manipulate his way to be the nominee. If the McCain nomination isn’t a clarion call for reform or the Republican caucus system, I don’t know what is.
As to how McCain can continuously run down Americans and then expect their vote, the only thing I can think of is an age related mental affliction that causes seniors to blurt out inappropriate things at inappropriate times. Does anyone know the scientific name of this?
Seriously, I think McCain is mentally ill. I have no other explanation for why he would run down American born workers, tell us he doesn’t know economics all that well and then turn around and ask us for his vote.
I though all Jews voted for Heilary.
Nope. To the best of my knowledge no candidate for any office has that name. So it’s impossible for ANY jew to vote that way.
If you’re implying that jewish voters in total lean left that’s false as well. Some 30 to 40 percent lean right.
Another day another lie.
“I don’t take orders from you”
And “my word is my bond” (bullshit).
Ye who hides behind PacMan’s skirts
Let’s see what else.
We’ve got an interesting “big tent” with PLiar and pbj forming here.
“Will superdelegates overrule Dem voters?” Main story on cnn.com. Good article.
@19 puddy:
Obama is getting 70-80% of the black vote and he will probably get close to that much of the white, hispanic, female, Jewish and other votes in the general election.
He is going to unite the Democratic party and pull in independents too. Hillary is gone. The politics of divisiveness as epitomized by Dustin are gone. John McCain is old, tired and has pandered and contrdicted himself so much to even get the rrepublican nomination – that he fall under hsi own weight of contradictions. Even the right wingnuts hate him and are going to have grudgingly support him.
His idea of a fair debate is when he got mad and called a kid stupid at a McCain rally for asking him a tough question – and then refused to answer the question. The guy doesn’t have much self control and he shoots off his mouth in ten different directions.
Here is a link to McCain on the Iraq war contradicting his own statements:
Just a little of this running all over the country will put giant holes in Mr. Straight talk.
I have been thinking about how someone as McCain could have become the nominee.
Bush/Cheney has scared away independents and moderates from Republican primaries.
Then you had a circular firing squad in your party. A rich has-been Mormon tried to pose as a social conservative which bled off votes from both the economic and social conservative blocks while at the same propping up a Huckabee. Another geriatric actor couldn’t hold Reagan’s shoelaces.
Out of that mess you’re left with one man standing – barely.
After Bush/Cheney it couldn’t have happened to nicer people.
Google Rod Arquette. You’ll see an interesting story from about three years ago of him firing a Rabbi who was a talk radio host for one of his stations for helping Katrina victims.
Man… Puddy loves to blabber on and on and on and on, without really saying very much.
In fact, I could probably save him the time and just provide him with a Mad Lib:
(Republican platitude), blah blah blah, (Insult to liberals), HA ha hA ha! (Bad spelling mistake), what is up with you liberals? (Vaguely anti-Semitic remark). (Random straw-man factoid, taken out of context), does this prove my point?
Why don’t you actually talk about your beef with this statement in one (small) post? Then, perhaps, we could answer.
Still no Dusty since Richard Pope asked him this question:
“Are you Colby Underwood?”
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
pbj: I don’t like McCain. How many times do I need to continually say that.
Regarding his “open borders” commentary, if you go back and read my comments, I am against illegal immigration. I thought McCain-Kennedy sucked. What I was talking about is the donkey position parroted by Kennedy was “we need these people to pick our vegetables”. McCain was speaking to $50/per hour and people will flock to the job. At $7/hr Americans will run away from the job.
PUDDY IS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Always have been and always will be.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
bma: Let me know when you place a “fact” on the board. You can attack Puddy all you want. “Go ahead, make my day”.
I thought my Oprah show post#14 was a great idea.
If you choose to notice race and gender are issues with your party. What will blacks do (WWBD)? What will women do (WWWD)?
You and thorn are vacuous.
Democrats claim to be all inclusive and non-judgemental. Why then are so many of you what could only be described as religious bigots? Specifically, YLB describes in #33 “rich has-been Mormom” when referring to Romney. He isn’t the only one of you on HA that always include “Mormon” in any mention or description of Romney. Why is that? If it isn’t an attempt to appeal to, or perhaps subconscious symptom of, bigotry then what is it? Why the attempt to turn the mans religion into an epithet?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Clueless Idiot and others:
Facts just don’t support you:
http://www.jewishjournal.com/h.....p?id=18875 Interesting facts – “Why is Obama having trouble winning Jewish votes? To many Jewish voters he is an unknown on matters of vital interest to Jews. As a result, he has been placed on the defensive by viral e-mails claiming he is a Muslim, by a leaked memo from the American Jewish Committee that raised doubts about his position on the Middle East, and in general by the tendency to fill in the blanks about Israel and the Jewish community when it comes to a “new” African American candidate, especially one who is more inspirational than detailed and concrete on policy.”
PuddyStudy – Now you know where that memo came from!
Florida. Clinton – Jewish (58%-26%)
New York. Clinton – Jewish (65%-33%)
New Jersey. Clinton – Jewish (63%-37%)
Now it was Obama by a hare (pun intended):
Massachusetts. Obama – Jewish (52%-48%)
California. Obama – Jewish (49%-47%)
Puddy now uses his facts when needed!
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Clueless Idiot and others:
Facts just don’t support you:
From the Jewish Home Journal when Goldy release the link.
Interesting facts – “Why is Obama having trouble winning Jewish votes? To many Jewish voters he is an unknown on matters of vital interest to Jews. As a result, he has been placed on the defensive by viral e-mails claiming he is a Muslim, by a leaked memo from the American Jewish Committee that raised doubts about his position on the Middle East, and in general by the tendency to fill in the blanks about Israel and the Jewish community when it comes to a “new” African American candidate, especially one who is more inspirational than detailed and concrete on policy.”
PuddyStudy – Now you know where that memo came from!
Go to the Census page and find out the pupulation of any state.
Florida. Clinton – Jewish (58%-26%)
New York. Clinton – Jewish (65%-33%)
New Jersey. Clinton – Jewish (63%-37%)
Now it was Obama by a hare (pun intended):
Massachusetts. Obama – Jewish (52%-48%)
California. Obama – Jewish (49%-47%)
Puddy now uses his facts when needed!
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
I-Burn: That’s because Clueless Idiot is a bigoted moron!
Sorry, but you are wrong.
McCain responded by saying immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.
Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job offer.
“I’ll take it!” one man shouted.
McCain insisted none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season. “You can’t do it, my friends.”
Some in the crowd said they didn’t appreciate McCain questioning their work ethic.
There are lots of sources for this, but I put one from Free republic, as you would probably attack the source if I posted a URL from AFLCIO.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Correctnotright: Please show me where I said I support McCain?
Time and date stamp?
I don’t like the man – period.
Puddybud, I see you’re very busy this morning.
OK, BET TIME. I’ll take the Dem nominee for the Presidency, you take the Republican. I just checked my calendar for 2011 and I have a lot of wide open days. That way IF you win I’ll know when you’re buying lunch.
What you fail to recognize, even if HRC is the nominee, is that neither the Republican base nor the Democrat base is enough to win it all. It’s the independent voters, the swing voters, the Reagan Democrats and the Clinton Republicans that make the difference.
Depending on what poll you read anywhere from 2/3 – 3/4 of the country feels we are on the wrong track. No matter how you slice the numbers only the hardcore Republican base is satisfied.
When the pendulum of public sentiment swings that far the incumbent and the incumbent party always loses.
THE worse thing that could possibly happen to the Republican Party is for HRC to win, and 4 years later with a Democrat majority in congress, the country is doing much better.
There will be NO argument for conservatism. It will be viewed as what it is; an experiment in governing that failed. It was a new idea. It got traction. But in the end, like Marxism, Communism, and Fascism, Conservatism failed.
Our country was born on Liberal principles. No Republican signed the Constitution. Only the Democrats have survived since the inception of this country? Why is that you ask? When all else fails, you return to your roots.
Liberals RULE!
Conservatives DROOL!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Bernie Ward, the current poster boy for the left.
No wonder liberal talk radio is doing so bad, instead of entertaining the audience they trade child porn. Wait, maybe trading child porn is entertainment for the left.
Any proud liberals wanna take a shot at explaining why another democrat is caught with child porn? Does being liberal make you like child porn or does liking child porn make you democrat?
Family values takes on a different meaning for liberals.
It’s Christmas week, three years ago. Ward’s on his home computer using the screen name “Vincentlio.” He begins the chat with “Good afternoon, mistress.” The woman using the name “Sexfairy” answers, “How was your day, slave?” In explicit detail, Ward describes being humiliated sexually. At one point, he asks, “Are you going to make me feel dirty, mistress?” “Sexfairy” answers, “Yes, I am.”
Ward discusses group sex he had at an infamous porn theater in San Mateo. Then, nearly an hour into the conversation, he brings up photographs, “I love trading pictures.” “Sexfairy” answers, “and why haven’t I gotten any pics, slave? Send me some.”
Ward sends several pictures — one of a woman and two children. Ward describes her as a mother in her late thirties, she’s topless. He says the naked boy is 14, that the girl wearing clothes is 12. They’re all touching in a sexual way. http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/sto.....id=5956230
Another TJspews:
OK, BET TIME. I’ll take the Dem nominee for the Presidency, you take the Republican. I just checked my calendar for 2011 and I have a lot of wide open days. That way IF you win I’ll know when you’re buying lunch.
I’ll save you some trouble. He’ll lose the bet and won’t pay up. He lost a bet to me, and he’s refused to honor his word. He’s a liar.
Just don’t say you weren’t warned.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Clueless Idiot: You have no memory because you are devoid of American Historical facts:
From the Internet –
2000 Election Jewish vote Al Gore: 81% vs. GWB 19%
2004 Election John Effin Kerry: 78% GWB: 22%
• The Jewish two-party vote in 2004 was 29% more Democratic than the national two-party vote. This number has been remarkably stable over the last three presidential elections.
• A large majority (from 65% to 74%) of American Jews identify as Democrats. Estimates of the percentage of American Jews who identify as Republicans range from 11-21%
• Jewish Americans overwhelmingly identify themselves as liberal (up to 40% liberal in surveys by The Mellman Group along with Kiley and Co. and the Feldman Group) or moderate on an ideological scale. Somewhere between 13-18% of Jews identify themselves as conservative.
• There was a significant gender gap among Jewish voters in November 2004 according to the NEP survey. Though Jewish men voted for Kerry 70-28% (a 42% margin), Jewish women voted for Kerry 82-16% (a 66% margin).
Once again Clueless Idiot speaks from his ASS. Hence he’s a prime HorsesASS.
Well, I’ll have to respectfully disagree with you. Puddybud and PacMan both met me for lunch to pay off Puddy’s bet that he lost to me.
The jab about my calendar being free in 2011 is that it took Puddy about a year and a half to pay up last time
It’s not that he welches, he just has to collect the change from the couch before he can pull together enough money to pay up.
Good guy when you get to know him. He’s just very, very confused and misinformed about his politics and contemporary history of race in politics.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
GBS: You’ve been asleep. I ‘m for Obama. In fact talking to my older brother who was right about the Jewish vote in NY for Heilary during Super Tuesday (Clueless Idiot – wrong as always – muzzle that fool), he said if Heilary is on the ticket as Heilary/Obama he’ll sit out the election and he’s more die hard Donkey that the 16%ers here. He would have to think long and hard if it was Obama/Heilary because of the crazy fools in the Donkey party who are anti-Obama and sumtin strange could happen!
How do I know who you 16%ers all are? I have them in my family.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
GBS: I feel the same about you and your politics. The demolition squad did something to your political brain. Otherwise you are a great person. I told the wife she’d have to meet you sometime. Even PacMan likes you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#43 GBS says:
Our country was born on Liberal principles.
Like slavery? Like the dixiecrat party forming the KKK? Even years later when civilized men wanted to create the civil rights act and democrats once again did everything they could to keep blacks on the plantation. Speaking of plantations, how many slaves do you believe worked on the Gore tobacco plantation. Do you feel al gore jr learned how to be racist from his father (that fillerbusted the civil rights act), and his father’s father (that no doubt beat slaves) or on his own from growing up with those colored folk?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
BTW GBS: Heilary Cliton negatives range from 45-55%. So the independents aren’t fond of her either.
Another TJspews:
Well, I’ll have to respectfully disagree with you. Puddybud and PacMan both met me for lunch to pay off Puddy’s bet that he lost to me.
While it’s true he has a history of losing bets, it’s also true that he refuses to pay his debt to me, even though he admits he lost the bet. You may believe he’ll pay his debt to you when he losses, but, as I said before, don’t say you weren’t warned.
39 – Romney’s Mormonism is every bit as relevant to his candidacy as was John Kennedy’s Catholicism – even more so. Republicans have rejected him in vast numbers because of it.
46 – YOU SAID “ALL” JEWS IN YOUR COMMENT. CRAP HEAD.. That’s 100 percent in my book.
Since no candidate for president called “Heilary” exists, I guess this 100 percent support was whispered to you by the one of the choir of voices in your silly head.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
GBS: The bet was in the thread ATJ likes to post above when I start to irritate him with facts. I guess he must be a Heilary lover cuz this has been my attack today.
PacMan posted on this blog there was a fallacy in ATJ’s offer and the words I actually used. Now ATJ saw this post and ignored it (just like him) and so when PacMan said technically the ATJ bet wasn’t worded correctly based on my original words (Where is PacMan when I need him) I said hmmm… I guess I can post here again. He doesn’t like that.
The issue was Clueless Idiot couldn’t find the post in all his searching which was the original bet. ATJ had to bail out the clueless one. PacMan, the English major he is, corrected ATJ and told him his bet wasn’t worth the words used to create it.
@36 – I replied to that in the last open thread.
I’m not Colby.
You’ve been asleep. I ‘m for Obama.
I thought he was a “democrap”. What a loser you are!
Didn’t you attend your “R” caucus? (Nope, the Sabbath isn’t an excuse, as you’re often here on Saturday.) Why couldn’t you send a “Geritol” Thompson delegate to your County caucus? Campaigning takes money, that’s why candidates suspend their campaigns. However, you can still vote and support your guy at the grassroots.
Stick with that mumbling fool McCain. You deserve him. We don’t need your help in this fight.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Okay Clueless Idiot: All was too strong a word, mr. semantics. Now that we’ve cleared that up, Jewish peeps vote donkey.
The facts are the facts.
BTW SeattleJew: I am a Christian and I won’t eat pork in public or private. I eat other meats though. I eat at the “Y” too. Does that make me a Muslim?
Richard Popespews:
I found the anti-harassment court file against Colby Underwood that was referenced in The Stranger on January 30, 2008. ( http://www.thestranger.com/sea.....oid=496309 ) Case number is King County Superior Court No. 93-2-30022-1SEA. A restraining order was entered against Colby Underwood on December 20, 1993, after a hearing in front of a King County Superior Court judge.
Here is the litany of events which resulted in the issuance of the anti-harassment restraining order, according to the affidavit filed by the petitioners seeking the protection order. (Keep in mind that the Hillary Clinton campaign has hired Colby Underwood to raise funds locally.)
1) “F*** YOU N*****” SIGN PAINTED
Colby Underwood told us he spray painted a sign behind our house and that he comes over all the time when we are not home. 3’ by 4’ sign read “F*** You N*****.”
Colby Underwood set up a “Kool Aid” stand with his younger brother in our driveway so we could not use it then stomped on the plants in our garden.
Colby Underwood set up another “Kool Aid” stand with his younger brother in our driveway so we could not use it, still blocking the driveway. He stomped on our plants again, while yelling “Black shit!” King County Police called. Officer Gregg D. Knapp responded. Case #93-286043 Harassment.
4) 8/28/93
Colby Underwood turned up his stereo so loud (Guns ’n Roses) that we had tp leave our yard to go inside.
5) 9/11/93 TRESPASSING
Colby Underwood trespasses onto our property. We ask him to leave. He refuses. We take pictures. 20 minutes later, he comes back yelling “F*****s!” and “N***** Trash!”
I (Skip) was walking home from the store. “Fight me,” Colby said – and “I’m gonna kill you n*****!, I’m gonna kick your Black ass, you Black bastard.”
Cheryl and I were working on our driveway when Colby Underwood came over, yelled at me, “I’m gonna kill you Black prick,” then says to Cheryl, “why don’t you blow me? I’ll give you five dollars to suck my dick!” He then says, “Skip, you f*** your mother!”
We called 911 – Colby Underwood was continuous and relentless with his harassment. He trespassed, took a shovel, vandalized some of our yard work and yelled racial insults.
On October 11, 1993 at 2:05 p.m., Colby Underwood persuaded the bus driver to stop the bus in our driveway. Colby Underwood got off the bus, gave us the finger and called us “n*****”. We have worked with the Shoreline School District bus officials who have moved 2 bus stops to help us.
10) 10/23/93 HARASSMENT ON BUS (northgate Transit Center for home)
Cheryl and I were riding home when Colby Underwood got on the bus at the Fircrest School stop. He sits right next to us making harassing remarks. He waits for us to get off, follows us, walking close behind us, still making harassing and racist remarks, saying “crippled n***** bitch.”
11) 10/26/93 HARASSMENT
Colby Underwood walks in front of our garden, yells to Cheryl, “Cheryl, give me some pussy!”
12) 10/28/93 TRESPASSING
Colby Underwood comes from behind his fence onto our property, sneaking over to where our van is parked. I (Skip) come out, take pictures. Colby then runs off.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Clueless Idiot@57: At least you continue to answer to your name.
I choose whom I want to support. You can call me anything you want but the facts I post deeeeeeeeeeestroy your arguments all the time. You on the other hand supported a candidate who says one thing and did another (Edwards), and when caught claimed “I didn’t know”. Stop and play the tape or look it up on the ‘Net.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Richard @59: this is a Heilary supporter in 2008? Amazing about those Heilary supporters.
Creighton Headless Lucy Baril comes to mind.
ATJ made the original challenge and met the challenge.
You couldn’t hold up your end. You stupidly believe people here can’t do a google search. ATJ proved you WRONG!
You know why you shouldn’t lie? Because you have to REMEMBER the lies you told. YOU COULDN’T HACK IT. You couldn’t remember your own foolishness.
Go back to hiding to hiding behind PacMan’s skirts.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Barack Obama angered fellow Democrats in the Illinois Senate when he voted to strip millions of dollars from a child welfare office on Chicago’s West Side. But Obama had a ready explanation: He goofed.
“I was not aware that I had voted no,” he said that day in June 2002, asking that the record be changed to reflect that he “intended to vote yes.”
During his eight years in state office, Obama cast more than 4,000 votes. Of those, according to transcripts of the proceedings in Springfield, he hit the wrong button at least six times. http://www.latimes.com/news/na.....;cset=true
Gotta love it. Now we know why Obama has a history of voting present instead of yes or no, he can’t figure out how to push buttons properly.
Obama quote from the future- “Sorry, europe, I thought that button was ordering pizza, not blowing up your continent. My bad.”
Politics of divisiveness? Since when is lobbying for your candidate divisive?
The top three reasons that I’m pro-Hillary in this campaign are outlined below on issues that affect us today:
Supports Moratorium on Housing Foreclosures: Hillary
Supports Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants: Obama
Supports Health Care for 100% of the U.S. Population: Hillary
he hit the wrong button at least six times.
6 times out of 4000?
How many bad notes have you ever hit on your horn Stamm?
Marvin Stamnspews:
If you thought race was an uncomfortable issue in the Democratic presidential primary, wait ’til you get a load of what’s going on in the Democratic primary in the Memphis area’s 9th District of Tennessee, where a shockingly worded flier paints Jewish Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) as a Jesus hater.
“Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen and the JEWS HATE Jesus,” blares the flier, which Cohen himself received in the mail — inducing gasps — last week.
Circulated by an African-American minister from Murfreesboro Tenn., which isn’t even in Cohen’s district, the literature encourages other black leaders in Memphis to “see to it that one and ONLY one black Christian faces this opponent of Christ and Christianity in the 2008 election.”
The paper wrote that the “real motive” behind the ministers’ attacks was revealed later by Rev. Robert Poindexter who, according to the Commercial Appeal, said of Cohen: “He’s not black and he can’t represent me, that’s just the bottom line.” http://blog.washingtonpost.com.....antis.html
Gotta love it. Watch the infighting between special interest groups. Which special interest group do you support?
@42: sorry Puddy
I was not saying you support McCain. I was first replying to the Jewish support of Obama. Then going off on my own about McCain.
I think the results in NY, NJ may not have been indicative of how things are now. Jewish support for obama (like Black support for Obama after South Carolina) is on the upswing.
In the general election, I bet Hispanic, Jewish, working class voters, women, youth and african americans break for Obama.
The only group that will break for McCain will be older white men.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#65 YLB says:
he hit the wrong button at least six times.
6 times out of 4000?
How many bad notes have you ever hit on your horn Stamm?
My wrong notes don’t kill or ruin lives. And unlike Obama, I’m aware when I hit a wrong note. He was clueless.
@53 Romney’s Mormonism might have been relevant to his candidacy, but how does that make it necessary to use it as a descriptor now? JFK wasn’t forever referred to as the Catholic candidate. With Romney, many of you are mentioning his religion when there is no possible value in doing so. I believe it is bigotry and nothing but. For example, let’s look at your original comment: “A rich has-been Mormon…” Please tell me how Romney’s religion was at all relevant to the point you were trying to make.
In my opinion religion, like race, is mentioned in political context to appeal to latent, or overt, bigotry.
My wrong notes don’t kill or ruin lives.
You’ve provided no proof that Obama has done that. I wouldn’t trust anything you bring up here as far as I can throw it.
@64 dustin (Mike was waiting for you!): Supports drivers licenses for Illegal immigrants – was that before or after Hillary backtracked on that?
Hillary is a little late to the dance on foreclosures, where was she last March when this began to break?:
“One of the first presidential candidates – on either side of the aisle – to publicly speak out against the economic distress of the subprime mortgage crisis, Obama put out a statement in September laying out his plans to aid those in distress due to the sub-prime loan crisis. He wanted to implement a government relief fund, change bankruptcy law and offer a new tax credit on mortgage interest for those that don’t itemize or simply aren’t able to deduct their interest payments from their tax returns”
-How will Hillary enforce the mandatory health care plan?
Maybe you should answer those questions before you decide on whome to support.
MS @ 50:
If I’ve said this once I’ve said it hundred times on HA. There’s an adage my father taught me that you should heed: “When you speak (or write) your mind is on parade for all to see.”
You try to write as if you’ve got a “gotcha your nose” moment going, but due to the fact you lack any historical knowledge about our country you play the roll of a fool.
For those of us who are in the know, know that Thomas Jefferson (an Old School Democrat) tried to outlaw slavery.
“ Jefferson also proposed that slavery should be excluded from all of the American western territories after 1800. Although he himself was a slave owner, he believed that slavery was an evil that should not be permitted to spread. In 1784 the provision banning slavery was narrowly defeated. Had one representative (John Beatty of New Jersey), sick and confined to his lodging, been present, the vote would have been different. “Thus,” Jefferson later reflected, “we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, and heaven was silent in that awful moment.” http://sc94.ameslab.gov/TOUR/tjefferson.html
Dixiecrats like: Strom Thurmond, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Trent Lott? And the birth of the Republican Southern Strategy? Yeah, sure. Read up, ass HOLE. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1751.html
Ronal Wilson Reagan’s “States Right Speech” Philadelphia, MS? You mean that racist speech? Do you even know why that speech, in that city, in that time period was racist?
Why did Ken Melhman, RNC Chair apologize to the NAACP for the Republican Southern Strategy?
“GOP: ‘We were wrong’ to play racial politics” Read that headline again, ass HOLE. http://www.usatoday.com/news/w.....tics_x.htm
Funny thing is, I tried to pull this story from Fox News and guess what? It’s scrubbed from their site.
Grow up, MS. Face the facts, you’re wrong, your party is wrong, your ethics are wrong, you’re on the wrong side of history, politics, fiscal discipline, national defense and everything else. Not that Democrats are perfect, we’re not. Be we’re certainly a HELL of a lot better than you.
69 – He is a Mormon, that’s a fact and it’s also a fact that despite the support of conservatives like Limbaugh and Coulter and the National Review, the Christianist Reconstructionist Rapturist base of the Republican party rejected him, in good part because of his Mormonism and then flocked to Huckabee. They certainly weren’t ready for someone like him unlike the Dems in 1960 who made John Kennedy the nominee of their party.
Now how big a factor was his Mormonism? Maybe not that much. To my perspective, it was his running away from his record in Massachusetts symbolized by the dolphin “flipper” that really sealed his doom.
Your warning has been duly noted. Thanks.
Another TJspews:
I would respond to Lambchop’s rather curious rewriting of history in #55, but YLB already did that, so I’ll simply let the facts speak for themselves: Lambchop admitted he had lost and now refuses to honor his word.
The irony, of course, is that the wager was not over whether he was a liar (he already had been caught lying), but over his level of dishonesty. With his subsequent actions, it’s clear that he has simply reinforced the already obvious conclusion that his word cannot be trusted. In my book, a man whose word can’t be trusted isn’t a man.
I’ll leave it to others to determine whether his word on other issues is to be afforded any weight based on his documented history of lying. My response is something like, “fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again,” but you make your own choices of course.
@71 – Oooh a tax credit on mortgage interest – that’s going to help someone avoid immediate foreclosure when their payments are ballooning by $300 every 6 months.
Hillary has the long term plan as well, and the immediate short term piece that is needed to keep americans in their homes.
And she has been addressing this since March, but maybe a little research is too much for you?
As for driver’s licenses – she has had one position on it as a presidential candidate.
“As president, I will not support driver’s licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration including border security and fixing our broken system.”
Clinton in the debate more broadly supported Spitzer’s efforts to get something moving in light of Bush’s failed immigration reforms, but she never said she was FOR driver’s licenses for illegal immgrants.
Can you show me one direct quote, such as the one I gave above, where she said she was FOR driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants?
Being able to drive a car is a priveledge in this country. You’re in here illegaly, why should we give you priveledges?
As for enforcement, she hasn’t come out with a specific enforcement plan. In listening to her speeches, it seems that it would rely with your federal taxes when you file. But again, I can’t say specifically since I don’t know the precise enforcement mechanism since she hasn’t stated one.
But it would make sense to me at the IRS level since she’s going to be giving tax breaks to those people with health insurance at that level, that the enforcement would be there too, similar to how employers have to submit W-2 information, that helath insurance companies would submit H-2’s or some similar info…
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
GBS, ATJ & Clueless Idiot:
Fact: I accepted the bet. I left. I didn’t post again until PacMan posted his review of the bet.
Fact: PacMan, posted the bet wasn’t real because the words I used didn’t equate to the bet ATJ made. He the stated the reasons why the bet couldn’t be fulfilled
Fact: ATJ didn’t argue against PacMan’s facts. Clueless Idiot missed the post as always. If PacMan decides to come back like he did last week he’ll state it. When PacMan called me he said I accepted a bad bet. The statements are not equal.
Fact: GBS, as lunch he’ll explain his reasoning over lunch.
Fact: When I posted again, I referred ATJ to the PacMan post
Fact: ATJ referred to the copied post, didn’t address PacMan’s commentary.
Fact: PacMan came back referred ATJ to the ignored post.
Fact Puddy referred ATJ to the post. Again ignored.
Fact: Whenever I make the point against Donkey that ATJ dislikes he only refers to the original post, because he loses when he realizes the bet fell apart upon PacMan’s analysis.
Being able to drive a car is a priveledge in this country. You’re in here illegaly, why should we give you priveledges?
Nice sounding on paper but here’s the reasons why illegals should get driver’s licences:
If you drive without a license, you go to jail if you’re caught and then if you’re illegal, you’re sent back home. Eighty percent of new jobs in this country are created by small, medium sized business. Without cheap labor of some kind, many of them would have a difficult time making ends meet. Many of them employ illegals because they work for cheap. Many of the jobs involve driving.
Cheap labor means business can charge lower prices for their goods and services. The worse thing that can happen to these businesses is that their customers defer purchases because of rising prices due to higher labor costs. Like, maybe I can wait a little longer to remodel the house or maybe I can I can prepare a few more meals at home.
If Dems won’t give illegals drivers licenses, Republicans will find a way.
Both parties are trying to buy time on the issue while they find a way to make illegals “legal” so they can get drivers licenses.
Undocumented workers are here for one reason only. Many, many people WANT THEM HERE. And we all benefit from the cheap labor in lower prices for food, housing, services and many other things.
If people still really don’t like that then GO AFTER THE EMPLOYERS like they’re trying to do in Arizona. But if you did that then get two problems 1) higher prices which most don’t want and 2) what do you do with all the people? Between 11 to 14 million! They’ve got to eat too and if they can’t earn a living by working an honest job then they’ll do what they have to do to survive.
And believe me we don’t need 11 to 14 million desperate people.
We’re all at fault for letting things get to this point. It took a long time since Reagan’s initial amnesty to get to this point and it will take a long time for this mess to unwind if we indeed want it to unwind the way most are saying.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
So now I understand why ATJ fears me. He’s totally useless in a debate. He wants to shut me up. Isn’t that just like a donkey? Just like congressional donkey who want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
Clueless Idiot is what he is.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Clueless Idiot BULLSHITTIUM alert:
If Dems won’t give illegals drivers licenses, Republicans will find a way.
End of Clueless Idiot BULLSHITTIUM alert.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
So Clueless Idiot: Are you for union organizing these cheap labor individuals?
John Sweeney said this in 2003 against the first 2003 bill “These bills are recipes not only for large-scale displacement and wage erosion in a broad range of occupations, but abuse of both guest workers and their U.S. counterparts.”
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
So Clueless Idiot how do you reconcile this from the Sacremento Bee? Puddy posted this before:
“In a small office tucked inside a southeast Sacramento warehouse, a journeyman with Oakland-based Roofers Union Local 81 told apprentices — in English and Spanish — to listen up.
Teaching a bilingual seminar for union members puts Victor Garrido on the front lines of his AFL-CIO-based union’s push to recruit immigrants, including the undocumented, with guarantees of better pay, career development, pensions and health insurance.
It’s a survival tactic for unions, whose leaders see their foreign-born membership increasing and argue that inclusiveness protects all workers. But it’s one that can confound not just outsiders but some union rank and file, who fear the presence of illegal immigrants in general erodes working conditions.”
PuddyStudy – who are the union rank and file? Republicans? Don’t think so…
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
You see Clueless Idiot the real PuddyAnalysis:
Your party (select: was/is/are still trying) to sell the union people who back them in all elections up the river by getting free cheap labor to join their unions, to keep the union coffers full and to allow the big union fat cats to live the good life.
Puddy placed this on this blog when I stated Nancy Pelosi is for continued illegal immigration because she realizes eventually the rank and file union worker will begin to understand what she and her fellow donkey are doing to them; driving down their wages. I also stated she also realizes that she can state she championed illegal immigration so vote for her. Lastly I stated because of donkoinfanticide, Al Gore and John Kerry would have won by 4 million votes if abortion was not legal. Based on the 65/35 split of almost 49 million abortions to date, and the number of people who don’t vote Al Gore would have been president except for donkoinfanticide!
Puddybud says:
ATJ: I want the original link where I said those exact words.
In my business my word is my bond. JSA doesn’t have to be the arbiter. Post the link. If I said those exact words I’m out of here forever!
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
This is why ATJ wants to shut me up. He can’t debate facts so kill the messenger. PacMan said this was one reason ATJ wanted to get rid of me.
The other was ATJ is an idiot!
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Now Clueless Idiot, Post PacMan’s response.
Come on I dare you!
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
The operative statement is EXACT WORDS.
Come on Clueless Idiot… prove to all you are NOT a clueless idiot.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Next. Moving on.
Idiot @ 85
Ronnie Raygun signed the first amnesty. That’s a fact.
Everybody is responsible for letting things get to this point.
By the way did you check for green cards when those hispanic guys remodeled your house?
Didn’t think so. Ha ha ha! You took advantage of cheap labor!
88 – I never saw it. Post the link and I’ll read it for laughs. It doesn’t change the fact:
MWS denied being YOU.
I can dig up where YOU denied being MWS.
Which proves we were all onto your bullshit from early on.
The operative statement is EXACT WORDS.
Which is proof of your weasling.
You tried to kill two birds with one stone. What a monument to you ego that would have been.
Too bad you were on a collision course with your own lies!
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
How is that Clueless Idiot. ATJ accepted the exact words. PacMan posted no they weren’t.
Good try though. And you are still a clueless idiot.
So tell me Clueless Idiot, why do you want me shut up? Can’t debate me? Can’t work a spreadsheet? Too dumb to think? Need to get the daily drink of the warm white sticky kool-aid?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Idiot is your name.
Think of something more pithy. Ax rudejASS.
YLB @ 80
Eighty percent of new jobs in this country are created by small, medium sized business. Without cheap labor of some kind, many of them would have a difficult time making ends meet. Many of them employ illegals because they work for cheap. Many of the jobs involve driving. Cheap labor means business can charge lower prices for their goods and services. The worse thing that can happen to these businesses is that their customers defer purchases because of rising prices due to higher labor costs. Like, maybe I can wait a little longer to remodel the house or maybe I can I can prepare a few more meals at home.
And not pay worker’s a livable, prevailing wage. Look at the construction industry, is anyone going to say that the pay rates for legal workers has not been affected by illegal immigration?
If Dems won’t give illegals drivers licenses, Republicans will find a way.
Republicans find a way to give illegals a driver’s license no sooner than they agree that aetheism is a great thing.
Many, many people WANT THEM HERE.
A recent Washington Times national poll showed 77 percent of Americans believe illegal aliens shouldn’t be allowed to have driver’s licenses. 70% in an NPR poll said illegal immigrants should be denied local social services.
People that want them here are the same people that want to lower wages for American workers. When my dad was working his foundry job and asked for a raise for his review, his boss (literally) asked him “Why should we pay you $14 when I can go get a mexican who will work for $10?” He ended up giving him $0.10 per hour and then slashed health benefits the month after.
I’m a democrat who believes in paying a fair, honest, livable wage to legal workers.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
92: You never saw it? So my words in #79 are true again! And you called me a liar above. But you just contradicted yourself when you agreed these words are true: “Clueless Idiot missed the post as always.”
So which is it Clueless Idiot?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
OMGoodness: DustinJames just answered Clueless Idiot in #96 just like I did. Just used more words.
DustinJames: Too many words confuses Clueless Idiot. Facts hurt his single celled mind too.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#72 YLB says:
You’ve provided no proof that Obama has done that. I wouldn’t trust anything you bring up here as far as I can throw it.
If he has problems understanding which button he’s pushing, which is a fact, if president he could push the button to start ICBMs lifting off all across the country. Makes you feel safe and warm inside doesn’t it.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
Wax: The only truly black people in the Republican Party will all be displayed prominently on the stage at the Republican Convention in Minneapolis.
Will you be on stage? I guess you’ll cross that bridge ‘if’ you come to it. Heh…
And not pay worker’s a livable, prevailing wage. Look at the construction industry, is anyone going to say that the pay rates for legal workers has not been affected by illegal immigration?
Hey I’m not saying it’s a good situation but denying illegals driver’s licenses are only going to have a lot of bad side effects that don’t really solve the problem.
Republicans find a way to give illegals a driver’s license no sooner than they agree that aetheism is a great thing.
Crap. Bush’s original immigration proposal amounted to EXACTLY that. He didn’t have a D next to his name last time I looked.
A recent Washington Times national poll showed 77 percent of Americans believe illegal aliens shouldn’t be allowed to have driver’s licenses. 70% in an NPR poll said illegal immigrants should be denied local social services.
And most people for some reason also thought that Saddam had something to do with 9/11. That’s a knee jerk reaction in general. They’re not thinking it through. I discount the WT poll of course but 30 percent of 300 million is 90 million people. That’s a lot of people who think people despite their documentation status shouldn’t be treated like garbage.
People that want them here are the same people that want to lower wages for American workers. When my dad was working his foundry job and asked for a raise for his review, his boss (literally) asked him “Why should we pay you $14 when I can go get a mexican who will work for $10?” He ended up giving him $0.10 per hour and then slashed health benefits the month after.
Again denying driver’s licenses to the undocumented WILL DO NOTHING to solve the underlying problem.
I’m a democrat who believes in paying a fair, honest, livable wage to legal workers.
So am I. But I believe we also have to be compassionate human beings who strive to see the big picture lest we do awful misguided things that hurt people who just want to live a decent life and provide for their families.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
The only truly black people
The only truly black people? You mean some black people aren’t real black people? I’m sure black people are glad that you know which ones are truly black.
Another proud liberal outs himself as a racist.
If he has problems understanding which button he’s pushing, which is a fact,
Let’s see, according to you, he had no problem pushing the right button 3,994 times out of 4000.
The glass is considerably more than half full.
Obama 2008!
ATJ accepted the exact words.
And you accepted NOT weasling when you left. You rose to the moment. Something I did NOT expect you to do when I called your offer a sucker’s bet.
However you let PacMan convince you to weasel.
I can only wrestle with a pig for so long (what you call a “debate”).
Carry on Sillyman!
YLB: Granting a priveledge to illegal aliens will do nothing more than to encourage more illegals to come to the United States.
I see you’re being the artful dodger on racism.
I win.
Granting a priveledge to illegal aliens
The privilege is granted to people who can handle the responsibility of driving safely. That in my view is what the “privilege” is all about – NOT your documentation status.
Again, the big picture is that it took years for things to get this way. Coming to the solution won’t be easy and not everyone will be happy with it when it finally does come.
The lives of between 11 to 14 million people hang in the balance. We can either solve it peacefully and amicably or violently like we did with slavery, civil rights, labor unrest and other social problems.
re Marvin @ 102: Is the Republican administration in S. Carolina, in your opinion, dealing with a moral or legal issue in their obdurate refusal to desist friom displaying the confederate flag?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#108 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
re Marvin @ 102: Is the Republican administration in S. Carolina, in your opinion, dealing with a moral or legal issue in their obdurate refusal to desist friom displaying the confederate flag?
I’m still trying to figure out why you would call some black people “truly black people.” What do you mean, those that agree with you are truly black and those that disagree don’t deserve to be called back?
Go ahead and explain yourself.
I know you’re hiding Marvin.
Why are you afraid to confront my post @ 74??
Because you’re wrong.
@ 107 – I agree with everything you say in that post, but granting a priveledge to someone who is in the U.S. illegally is something I and the majority of Americans don’t want to see happen.
There is no proof that granting illegals a license will cause them to drive safer. It just prevents them from going to jail when caught. I know Seattle prohibits asking immigration status, but I think the more trips to jail, the more you’re not going to like being up in the U.S. without legal credentials. It won’t stop, but it may be at least a deterrant.
Wow. YLB is a cheap labor Democrat. Do you shop at Wal Mart too?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 109: Just answer the question. Your question of me is asinine, as it is well known that an individual’s ‘blackness’ is often questioned by whites and by black people themselves.
Obama being a case in point. So your efforts to twist my intended meaning are ridiculous. However, I repeat my question to you: Is the Republican administration in S. Carolina, in your opinion, dealing with a moral or legal issue in their obdurate refusal to desist from displaying the confederate flag?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
Marvin: You suck. You are dishonest.
112 – If you’re saying I’m for uncontrolled immigration you’d be wrong but this country has been more or less for it since way before Reagan signed the first amnesty and my comment says more or less why that is so.
My comments above were a statement of how things are, i.e. reality and not what I imagine they should be.
Fantasy is your guys’ job.
And no, I NEVER shop at Wal-mart. When they treat their workers like Costco treats their workers I’ll give them a chance.
There is no proof that granting illegals a license will cause them to drive safer.
They have to pass a test don’t they? Rules of the road? Eye sight?
It just prevents them from going to jail when caught.
And spending potentially a long time there waiting to be deported. The way some illegals were treated after 9/11 was utterly reprehensible. Might as well have been Abu Ghraib here in the U.S.
I know Seattle prohibits asking immigration status, but I think the more trips to jail, the more you’re not going to like being up in the U.S. without legal credentials. It won’t stop, but it may be at least a deterrant.
Undocumented workers have been treated like crap for as long as this country has been in existence.
In 1992 when I-134 passed, the provision that prevented public financing of elections was hidden in the “small print” and was not the main point of the initiative. Previously, Seattle had been one of the first cities that provided some form of publicly-financed elections in the form of matching funds. It has gone down the memory hole because of I-134.
The new “local option” bill that was passed in this session allows for local CHOICE to finance elections through public monies, it is not a mandate. Additionally, any locality or jurisdiction that wants to finance their elections with public money must pass a popular referendum in order to do so. No state money is involved.
Washington Public Campaigns (washclean.org) has been at the forefront of this battle for years. Go to the website for more information about what makes voter-owned elections the next wave of democratic action on a local level.
Next, voter-owned elections coming to a referedum in Seattle this coming fall. Stay tuned.
Nah, Nah
Nah, Nah, Nah
Hey, Hey, Hey Good BYE!
You conservatives had a good run at the top.
But it’s time to turn out the lights because this party’s over.
Conservative Christians revisit third party
McCain nomination turns eyes toward the Constitution Party
When your solid, hardcore base is splitting up and the Demcorat’s base is growing by leaps and bounds with new voters and younger voters, it’s all done for you now.
Baa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa
See ya. Wouldn’t wanna be ya!!
My Flying Spaghetti Monster, the signal-to-noise ratio here is abysmal.
@120 Yes, quite often S/N=0
Marvin Stamnspews:
#110 GBS says:
I know you’re hiding Marvin.
Why are you afraid to confront my post @ 74??
Because you’re wrong.
Which party started the KKK?
Which party fillerbusted the civil rights act?
Which party has a grand kleagle?
I will admit, I might be biased since I live in Los Angeles and am in the entertainment business. 99.9% of the people I know claim to be liberals/democrats. If I lived in the south I might have different experiences. My experience in the south was on the road with the temptations, thus we were in mostly black venues/areas.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Marvin: No way.
The Temps, The Primes, The Elgins
Melvin Franklin
Eddie Kendricks
David Ruffin – Men who voices made women’s panties drop!
Just My Imagination Running Away With Me
Papa was a Rolling Stone – My Ring Tone
My Girl
Don’t Let The Joneses Get You Down
I Wish It Would Rain
You hung with the best.
Another TJspews:
For the remaining one person not bored to tears by this…
I encourage anyone interested in seeing the terms of the bet for themselves can go to the link I posted upthread.
Fact: PacMan, posted the bet wasn’t real because the words I used didn’t equate to the bet ATJ made. He the stated the reasons why the bet couldn’t be fulfilled
Fact: ATJ didn’t argue against PacMan’s facts. Clueless Idiot missed the post as always. If PacMan decides to come back like he did last week he’ll state it. When PacMan called me he said I accepted a bad bet. The statements are not equal.
Fact: Both are irrelevant because Pacman’s opinion of the bet is irrelevant. This is so for two reasons: 1) He is not a party to the wager, and 2) I explicitly asked you if you wanted a neutral, third-party referee, and you refused. Now that you’ve lost, you want your buddy to cover your ass. Too bad. You made your bed, now you can lie (pun intended) in it. When presented with the facts, you agreed that I was right and you were wrong. Grow up, and take it like a man, for once.
As to the silly claim that I want to silence you, nothing could be further from the truth. You’re one of the best arguments we have for the Democratic party. I’ve shown your posts to a couple of people I know who don’t follow blogs, and their responses were “It’s just gibberish. Why would anyone listen to that fool.(sic)” and “Why does this guy think people will be convinced by baby talk?”
This wager wasn’t about shutting you up; I offered the terms because I knew how much commenting here means to you. I wanted to put something on the line that meant something. Otherwise, what’s the point of a wager? Clearly, the stakes were too high for you to handle. You just couldn’t live up to your word. Your addiction (to which you have admitted) is simply too strong.
Goodbye. Good luck. Get help.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
ATJ: This is the only thing you use against me. I already answered your attack when I came back in late October. Yet, you only use this as your modus operandi against me. In fact I can show everyone here when you appear this is your predominant comment on this thread.
You and your pals think anti-donkey facts gibberish. Hmmm…? I love attacking donkey. I love attacking the 16%ers. If facts are baby talk then you should comprehend them easily. It seems otherwise. You don’t use facts. I am not addicted to it cuz I have to work and pay billz.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 124: Are you sure you are not a Democrat? You’ve got acting like an ASS down to a T.
Here’s a question for you where you can display your command of the ‘facts’:
Is the Republican administration in S. Carolina, in your opinion, dealing with a moral or legal issue in their obdurate refusal to desist from displaying the confederate flag on the state capitol’s dome?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 124: What do you think the confederate flag represents?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 124: If you can not answer these questions directly, then will you stop posting on HA.
And Marvin: Weren’t you also the inspiration for Little Anthony and the Imperials’, “I think I’m Goin’ out of my Head”?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
Marvin was towel boy for, Little Anthony and the Imperials.
ATJ – Excellent.
Mr. “my word is my bond” (bullshit): you have been so hosed. Return to spouting your bullshit though. As ATJ said, it’s the best kind of support for throwing out your ugly , disgusting and corrupt party.
Goldy: You too can go and pick Lettuce for $50/hr. Did your hand go up? I think it’s a great idea. But since it came from McCain it must be ridiculed.
Now back to Heilary watch.
BRIAN WILLIAMS: On the Republican side, does John McCain blunt back the attack, the insurgents on the right?
JOE KLEIN: I think to a certain extent he will. He’ll have a lot more — you know Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee would give him a great assist. Because the Republicans are completely berserk for reasons that kind of escape me about Hillary Clinton. She’s not a wild lefty, she’s a fairly moderate person. But she’s the enemy, and if she materializes on the Democratic side, you’re going to have a united and fierce Republican party.
I told you 16%ers here in a previous PuddyStudy how the leftist MSM views Heilary. You all were naysayers. Hopefully this finally clarifies their luvvvvvvv position with Heilary.
Joe Klein: What a putz.
I guess he forgot:
Heliary tried to nationalize health care in 1993 with the same big insurance companies she now delivers her idiot rants over.
Heilary and her historical disdain for the military (the Marines on the White House second floor).
Heilary and her “it takes a [big government] village” you idiot.
Don’t you 16%ers remember these things?
Puddy remembers.
Pay your gambling debt, Lambchop.
To us whom think right: Did you read the ‘Nets where there is trouble with Heilary replacing a His panic woman with a black woman to head her campaign?
Also did you see yesterday Heilary claiming she’s in the solutions business and Obama is in the promiese (hope) business?
Did you see yesterday some in the NAACP back Heilary? What a crock!
Gonna get more interesting! I luvvvvv it when the big tent goes to battle internally.
You lost. Pay up.
Oh, and use “whom” properly once, will ya?
Did someone fart in #4&6?
The smell went atrocious!
Hey SeattleJew and others:
Looks like the big tent is fracturing even more. Didn’t you know Puddy reads everything…
“”Barack Obama is an anti-Semite,” said Gabriel, who founded the nonprofit organization American Congress for Truth following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “No Jews should support him. Jews should vote for Hillary Clinton.””
“UJC President Howard Rieger told JTA that his organization “condemned such expressions in the strongest possible manner.””
PuddyStudy: So which is it? Is Obama an anti-semite or not? Enquiring minds want to know. Except of course RudejASS and his sidekick correctnotright, who could care less about facts!
Ahhh that canard ATJ. PacMan and I already answered that. Did you miss the memo?
Oh ATJ: To use the words of a clueless idiot poster here, “I don’t take orders from you”
I offered you a neutral arbiter. You declined. Now pay your debt.
I feel another PuddyStudy cuming!
This “tiff” betwixt Barack and Heilary in the Donkey party could keep Oprah in bidness BIG TIME this year.
1) Oprah has a debate between Barack and Heilary.
2) Racheal Ray does the cooking. Some black home cooking for one and some race bait for the other.
3) Dr Phil does the mediation. – Lets see Phil always tells people how can they expect a different result when the continue to perform the same acts in life? Well, you in the donkey party are doing the same thing expecting a different result. The same thing again in the big tent:
1) A handsome, articulate, clean (Joe Biden’s words) black man (doesn’t own a 7-11) enters the presidential race and the donkey party are suddenly at each others throats about race. – Typical
2) A woman enters the presidential race and the donkey party are suddenly at each others throats about gender. – Typical again!
See how Dr. Phil would have a field day… while eating Racheal’s well prepared food while Oprah keeps the crowd at bay?
ATJ, my only arbiter I’d support is GBS. Sorry bub, you lose. Now scurry along back to mama’s house coat!
210 Puddy
Gosh, I knew that as a muslim BHO was anticanine but I had no idea he was also antisemite. Tx Puddy without your fowl filled mounthj (cats DO like dem blackbirds) how would I have known?
Now I understand howsit he lives across the street from a Sunaguogue! It is all a plan dso that when the Retro right spews enough hate, they will blow up the synaguogue instead of BHO’s house.
BTW, I suggets yougo to C-span at 11. The pig farmers of Wisconsin are going to test Mr. O’s claim to be a christian by asking him to east a pork chop in public.
Be there or be square.
Hey ATJ: Heilary has a million ideas on how to spend your money. You gonna contribute?
No? It’s your money? Thought so!
You entered into an agreement. You have failed to live up to that agreement. You lied. Doesn’t the bible have something to say against lying?
SeattleJew: Why are you attacking me? I posted the words from a site I sometime visit. I read all viewpoints, not just the clueless idiot kool-aid.
These are your people. So the The United Jewish Communities are right-wing? I though all Jews voted for Heilary. My older brother lives in lower Manhattan and the voting results said the jewish vote won Heilary NYS on Super Tuesday. Hmmm…
So you have a problem?
ATJ: Righteous indignation from you? You quotheth the Good Book! Yours still has three year old dust on it.
waaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa
ATJ Answer #17.
Pay up, Lambchop.
THANK YOU! Finally someone is replaying that $50/hr lettuce comment. What that fundamentally illustrates about McCain is that he thinks we are all a bunch of fat lazy slobs. How could a nation possibly elect an old man who runs down its people?
Can I vote for John McCain. Well Sen McCain, on this one you are right.
pbj: You missed the point. McCain is telling the donkey party they are all a bunch of fat lazy slobs.
The one thing I like about McCain is he is anti-earmark. That makes everyone a fat lazy slob.
I won. You lost. Pay up, Lambchop.
No Puddy, I did not miss the point. McCain has always been pro-open borders. You lose credibility trying to defend him on this. You know as well as I that he and Kennedy worked on Shamnesty in closed doors. It was only after an upwelling of public anger that it was stopped.
McCain has had his own rolls in the pork barrel slop. Google the Rehnquist Center.
Do you also like that McCain is anti free speech (McCain Feingold).
I have been thinking about how someone as McCain could have become the nominee. And given the insight of the WSRP in our caucus process, it is no wonder a scoundrel like McCain is able to manipulate his way to be the nominee. If the McCain nomination isn’t a clarion call for reform or the Republican caucus system, I don’t know what is.
As to how McCain can continuously run down Americans and then expect their vote, the only thing I can think of is an age related mental affliction that causes seniors to blurt out inappropriate things at inappropriate times. Does anyone know the scientific name of this?
Seriously, I think McCain is mentally ill. I have no other explanation for why he would run down American born workers, tell us he doesn’t know economics all that well and then turn around and ask us for his vote.
I though all Jews voted for Heilary.
Nope. To the best of my knowledge no candidate for any office has that name. So it’s impossible for ANY jew to vote that way.
If you’re implying that jewish voters in total lean left that’s false as well. Some 30 to 40 percent lean right.
Another day another lie.
“I don’t take orders from you”
And “my word is my bond” (bullshit).
Ye who hides behind PacMan’s skirts
Let’s see what else.
We’ve got an interesting “big tent” with PLiar and pbj forming here.
“Will superdelegates overrule Dem voters?” Main story on cnn.com. Good article.
@19 puddy:
Obama is getting 70-80% of the black vote and he will probably get close to that much of the white, hispanic, female, Jewish and other votes in the general election.
He is going to unite the Democratic party and pull in independents too. Hillary is gone. The politics of divisiveness as epitomized by Dustin are gone. John McCain is old, tired and has pandered and contrdicted himself so much to even get the rrepublican nomination – that he fall under hsi own weight of contradictions. Even the right wingnuts hate him and are going to have grudgingly support him.
His idea of a fair debate is when he got mad and called a kid stupid at a McCain rally for asking him a tough question – and then refused to answer the question. The guy doesn’t have much self control and he shoots off his mouth in ten different directions.
Here is a link to McCain on the Iraq war contradicting his own statements:
Just a little of this running all over the country will put giant holes in Mr. Straight talk.
I have been thinking about how someone as McCain could have become the nominee.
Bush/Cheney has scared away independents and moderates from Republican primaries.
Then you had a circular firing squad in your party. A rich has-been Mormon tried to pose as a social conservative which bled off votes from both the economic and social conservative blocks while at the same propping up a Huckabee. Another geriatric actor couldn’t hold Reagan’s shoelaces.
Out of that mess you’re left with one man standing – barely.
After Bush/Cheney it couldn’t have happened to nicer people.
Google Rod Arquette. You’ll see an interesting story from about three years ago of him firing a Rabbi who was a talk radio host for one of his stations for helping Katrina victims.
Man… Puddy loves to blabber on and on and on and on, without really saying very much.
In fact, I could probably save him the time and just provide him with a Mad Lib:
(Republican platitude), blah blah blah, (Insult to liberals), HA ha hA ha! (Bad spelling mistake), what is up with you liberals? (Vaguely anti-Semitic remark). (Random straw-man factoid, taken out of context), does this prove my point?
Why don’t you actually talk about your beef with this statement in one (small) post? Then, perhaps, we could answer.
Still no Dusty since Richard Pope asked him this question:
“Are you Colby Underwood?”
pbj: I don’t like McCain. How many times do I need to continually say that.
Regarding his “open borders” commentary, if you go back and read my comments, I am against illegal immigration. I thought McCain-Kennedy sucked. What I was talking about is the donkey position parroted by Kennedy was “we need these people to pick our vegetables”. McCain was speaking to $50/per hour and people will flock to the job. At $7/hr Americans will run away from the job.
PUDDY IS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Always have been and always will be.
bma: Let me know when you place a “fact” on the board. You can attack Puddy all you want. “Go ahead, make my day”.
I thought my Oprah show post#14 was a great idea.
If you choose to notice race and gender are issues with your party. What will blacks do (WWBD)? What will women do (WWWD)?
You and thorn are vacuous.
Democrats claim to be all inclusive and non-judgemental. Why then are so many of you what could only be described as religious bigots? Specifically, YLB describes in #33 “rich has-been Mormom” when referring to Romney. He isn’t the only one of you on HA that always include “Mormon” in any mention or description of Romney. Why is that? If it isn’t an attempt to appeal to, or perhaps subconscious symptom of, bigotry then what is it? Why the attempt to turn the mans religion into an epithet?
Clueless Idiot and others:
Facts just don’t support you:
http://www.jewishjournal.com/h.....p?id=18875 Interesting facts – “Why is Obama having trouble winning Jewish votes? To many Jewish voters he is an unknown on matters of vital interest to Jews. As a result, he has been placed on the defensive by viral e-mails claiming he is a Muslim, by a leaked memo from the American Jewish Committee that raised doubts about his position on the Middle East, and in general by the tendency to fill in the blanks about Israel and the Jewish community when it comes to a “new” African American candidate, especially one who is more inspirational than detailed and concrete on policy.”
PuddyStudy – Now you know where that memo came from!
http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/36000.html – choose your state.
Florida. Clinton – Jewish (58%-26%)
New York. Clinton – Jewish (65%-33%)
New Jersey. Clinton – Jewish (63%-37%)
Now it was Obama by a hare (pun intended):
Massachusetts. Obama – Jewish (52%-48%)
California. Obama – Jewish (49%-47%)
Puddy now uses his facts when needed!
Clueless Idiot and others:
Facts just don’t support you:
From the Jewish Home Journal when Goldy release the link.
Interesting facts – “Why is Obama having trouble winning Jewish votes? To many Jewish voters he is an unknown on matters of vital interest to Jews. As a result, he has been placed on the defensive by viral e-mails claiming he is a Muslim, by a leaked memo from the American Jewish Committee that raised doubts about his position on the Middle East, and in general by the tendency to fill in the blanks about Israel and the Jewish community when it comes to a “new” African American candidate, especially one who is more inspirational than detailed and concrete on policy.”
PuddyStudy – Now you know where that memo came from!
Go to the Census page and find out the pupulation of any state.
Florida. Clinton – Jewish (58%-26%)
New York. Clinton – Jewish (65%-33%)
New Jersey. Clinton – Jewish (63%-37%)
Now it was Obama by a hare (pun intended):
Massachusetts. Obama – Jewish (52%-48%)
California. Obama – Jewish (49%-47%)
Puddy now uses his facts when needed!
I-Burn: That’s because Clueless Idiot is a bigoted moron!
Sorry, but you are wrong.
There are lots of sources for this, but I put one from Free republic, as you would probably attack the source if I posted a URL from AFLCIO.
Correctnotright: Please show me where I said I support McCain?
Time and date stamp?
I don’t like the man – period.
Puddybud, I see you’re very busy this morning.
OK, BET TIME. I’ll take the Dem nominee for the Presidency, you take the Republican. I just checked my calendar for 2011 and I have a lot of wide open days. That way IF you win I’ll know when you’re buying lunch.
What you fail to recognize, even if HRC is the nominee, is that neither the Republican base nor the Democrat base is enough to win it all. It’s the independent voters, the swing voters, the Reagan Democrats and the Clinton Republicans that make the difference.
Depending on what poll you read anywhere from 2/3 – 3/4 of the country feels we are on the wrong track. No matter how you slice the numbers only the hardcore Republican base is satisfied.
When the pendulum of public sentiment swings that far the incumbent and the incumbent party always loses.
THE worse thing that could possibly happen to the Republican Party is for HRC to win, and 4 years later with a Democrat majority in congress, the country is doing much better.
There will be NO argument for conservatism. It will be viewed as what it is; an experiment in governing that failed. It was a new idea. It got traction. But in the end, like Marxism, Communism, and Fascism, Conservatism failed.
Our country was born on Liberal principles. No Republican signed the Constitution. Only the Democrats have survived since the inception of this country? Why is that you ask? When all else fails, you return to your roots.
Liberals RULE!
Conservatives DROOL!
Bernie Ward, the current poster boy for the left.
No wonder liberal talk radio is doing so bad, instead of entertaining the audience they trade child porn. Wait, maybe trading child porn is entertainment for the left.
Any proud liberals wanna take a shot at explaining why another democrat is caught with child porn? Does being liberal make you like child porn or does liking child porn make you democrat?
Family values takes on a different meaning for liberals.
It’s Christmas week, three years ago. Ward’s on his home computer using the screen name “Vincentlio.” He begins the chat with “Good afternoon, mistress.” The woman using the name “Sexfairy” answers, “How was your day, slave?” In explicit detail, Ward describes being humiliated sexually. At one point, he asks, “Are you going to make me feel dirty, mistress?” “Sexfairy” answers, “Yes, I am.”
Ward discusses group sex he had at an infamous porn theater in San Mateo. Then, nearly an hour into the conversation, he brings up photographs, “I love trading pictures.” “Sexfairy” answers, “and why haven’t I gotten any pics, slave? Send me some.”
Ward sends several pictures — one of a woman and two children. Ward describes her as a mother in her late thirties, she’s topless. He says the naked boy is 14, that the girl wearing clothes is 12. They’re all touching in a sexual way.
OK, BET TIME. I’ll take the Dem nominee for the Presidency, you take the Republican. I just checked my calendar for 2011 and I have a lot of wide open days. That way IF you win I’ll know when you’re buying lunch.
I’ll save you some trouble. He’ll lose the bet and won’t pay up. He lost a bet to me, and he’s refused to honor his word. He’s a liar.
Just don’t say you weren’t warned.
Clueless Idiot: You have no memory because you are devoid of American Historical facts:
From the Internet –
2000 Election Jewish vote Al Gore: 81% vs. GWB 19%
2004 Election John Effin Kerry: 78% GWB: 22%
• The Jewish two-party vote in 2004 was 29% more Democratic than the national two-party vote. This number has been remarkably stable over the last three presidential elections.
• A large majority (from 65% to 74%) of American Jews identify as Democrats. Estimates of the percentage of American Jews who identify as Republicans range from 11-21%
• Jewish Americans overwhelmingly identify themselves as liberal (up to 40% liberal in surveys by The Mellman Group along with Kiley and Co. and the Feldman Group) or moderate on an ideological scale. Somewhere between 13-18% of Jews identify themselves as conservative.
• There was a significant gender gap among Jewish voters in November 2004 according to the NEP survey. Though Jewish men voted for Kerry 70-28% (a 42% margin), Jewish women voted for Kerry 82-16% (a 66% margin).
Once again Clueless Idiot speaks from his ASS. Hence he’s a prime HorsesASS.
Well, I’ll have to respectfully disagree with you. Puddybud and PacMan both met me for lunch to pay off Puddy’s bet that he lost to me.
The jab about my calendar being free in 2011 is that it took Puddy about a year and a half to pay up last time
It’s not that he welches, he just has to collect the change from the couch before he can pull together enough money to pay up.
Good guy when you get to know him. He’s just very, very confused and misinformed about his politics and contemporary history of race in politics.
GBS: You’ve been asleep. I ‘m for Obama. In fact talking to my older brother who was right about the Jewish vote in NY for Heilary during Super Tuesday (Clueless Idiot – wrong as always – muzzle that fool), he said if Heilary is on the ticket as Heilary/Obama he’ll sit out the election and he’s more die hard Donkey that the 16%ers here. He would have to think long and hard if it was Obama/Heilary because of the crazy fools in the Donkey party who are anti-Obama and sumtin strange could happen!
How do I know who you 16%ers all are? I have them in my family.
GBS: I feel the same about you and your politics. The demolition squad did something to your political brain. Otherwise you are a great person. I told the wife she’d have to meet you sometime. Even PacMan likes you.
#43 GBS says:
Like slavery? Like the dixiecrat party forming the KKK? Even years later when civilized men wanted to create the civil rights act and democrats once again did everything they could to keep blacks on the plantation. Speaking of plantations, how many slaves do you believe worked on the Gore tobacco plantation. Do you feel al gore jr learned how to be racist from his father (that fillerbusted the civil rights act), and his father’s father (that no doubt beat slaves) or on his own from growing up with those colored folk?
BTW GBS: Heilary Cliton negatives range from 45-55%. So the independents aren’t fond of her either.
Well, I’ll have to respectfully disagree with you. Puddybud and PacMan both met me for lunch to pay off Puddy’s bet that he lost to me.
While it’s true he has a history of losing bets, it’s also true that he refuses to pay his debt to me, even though he admits he lost the bet. You may believe he’ll pay his debt to you when he losses, but, as I said before, don’t say you weren’t warned.
39 – Romney’s Mormonism is every bit as relevant to his candidacy as was John Kennedy’s Catholicism – even more so. Republicans have rejected him in vast numbers because of it.
46 – YOU SAID “ALL” JEWS IN YOUR COMMENT. CRAP HEAD.. That’s 100 percent in my book.
Since no candidate for president called “Heilary” exists, I guess this 100 percent support was whispered to you by the one of the choir of voices in your silly head.
GBS: The bet was in the thread ATJ likes to post above when I start to irritate him with facts. I guess he must be a Heilary lover cuz this has been my attack today.
PacMan posted on this blog there was a fallacy in ATJ’s offer and the words I actually used. Now ATJ saw this post and ignored it (just like him) and so when PacMan said technically the ATJ bet wasn’t worded correctly based on my original words (Where is PacMan when I need him) I said hmmm… I guess I can post here again. He doesn’t like that.
The issue was Clueless Idiot couldn’t find the post in all his searching which was the original bet. ATJ had to bail out the clueless one. PacMan, the English major he is, corrected ATJ and told him his bet wasn’t worth the words used to create it.
@36 – I replied to that in the last open thread.
I’m not Colby.
You’ve been asleep. I ‘m for Obama.
I thought he was a “democrap”. What a loser you are!
Didn’t you attend your “R” caucus? (Nope, the Sabbath isn’t an excuse, as you’re often here on Saturday.) Why couldn’t you send a “Geritol” Thompson delegate to your County caucus? Campaigning takes money, that’s why candidates suspend their campaigns. However, you can still vote and support your guy at the grassroots.
Stick with that mumbling fool McCain. You deserve him. We don’t need your help in this fight.
Okay Clueless Idiot: All was too strong a word, mr. semantics. Now that we’ve cleared that up, Jewish peeps vote donkey.
The facts are the facts.
BTW SeattleJew: I am a Christian and I won’t eat pork in public or private. I eat other meats though. I eat at the “Y” too. Does that make me a Muslim?
I found the anti-harassment court file against Colby Underwood that was referenced in The Stranger on January 30, 2008. ( http://www.thestranger.com/sea.....oid=496309 ) Case number is King County Superior Court No. 93-2-30022-1SEA. A restraining order was entered against Colby Underwood on December 20, 1993, after a hearing in front of a King County Superior Court judge.
Here is the litany of events which resulted in the issuance of the anti-harassment restraining order, according to the affidavit filed by the petitioners seeking the protection order. (Keep in mind that the Hillary Clinton campaign has hired Colby Underwood to raise funds locally.)
1) “F*** YOU N*****” SIGN PAINTED
Colby Underwood told us he spray painted a sign behind our house and that he comes over all the time when we are not home. 3’ by 4’ sign read “F*** You N*****.”
Colby Underwood set up a “Kool Aid” stand with his younger brother in our driveway so we could not use it then stomped on the plants in our garden.
Colby Underwood set up another “Kool Aid” stand with his younger brother in our driveway so we could not use it, still blocking the driveway. He stomped on our plants again, while yelling “Black shit!” King County Police called. Officer Gregg D. Knapp responded. Case #93-286043 Harassment.
4) 8/28/93
Colby Underwood turned up his stereo so loud (Guns ’n Roses) that we had tp leave our yard to go inside.
5) 9/11/93 TRESPASSING
Colby Underwood trespasses onto our property. We ask him to leave. He refuses. We take pictures. 20 minutes later, he comes back yelling “F*****s!” and “N***** Trash!”
I (Skip) was walking home from the store. “Fight me,” Colby said – and “I’m gonna kill you n*****!, I’m gonna kick your Black ass, you Black bastard.”
Cheryl and I were working on our driveway when Colby Underwood came over, yelled at me, “I’m gonna kill you Black prick,” then says to Cheryl, “why don’t you blow me? I’ll give you five dollars to suck my dick!” He then says, “Skip, you f*** your mother!”
We called 911 – Colby Underwood was continuous and relentless with his harassment. He trespassed, took a shovel, vandalized some of our yard work and yelled racial insults.
On October 11, 1993 at 2:05 p.m., Colby Underwood persuaded the bus driver to stop the bus in our driveway. Colby Underwood got off the bus, gave us the finger and called us “n*****”. We have worked with the Shoreline School District bus officials who have moved 2 bus stops to help us.
10) 10/23/93 HARASSMENT ON BUS (northgate Transit Center for home)
Cheryl and I were riding home when Colby Underwood got on the bus at the Fircrest School stop. He sits right next to us making harassing remarks. He waits for us to get off, follows us, walking close behind us, still making harassing and racist remarks, saying “crippled n***** bitch.”
11) 10/26/93 HARASSMENT
Colby Underwood walks in front of our garden, yells to Cheryl, “Cheryl, give me some pussy!”
12) 10/28/93 TRESPASSING
Colby Underwood comes from behind his fence onto our property, sneaking over to where our van is parked. I (Skip) come out, take pictures. Colby then runs off.
Clueless Idiot@57: At least you continue to answer to your name.
I choose whom I want to support. You can call me anything you want but the facts I post deeeeeeeeeeestroy your arguments all the time. You on the other hand supported a candidate who says one thing and did another (Edwards), and when caught claimed “I didn’t know”. Stop and play the tape or look it up on the ‘Net.
Richard @59: this is a Heilary supporter in 2008? Amazing about those Heilary supporters.
Creighton Headless Lucy Baril comes to mind.
ATJ made the original challenge and met the challenge.
You couldn’t hold up your end. You stupidly believe people here can’t do a google search. ATJ proved you WRONG!
You know why you shouldn’t lie? Because you have to REMEMBER the lies you told. YOU COULDN’T HACK IT. You couldn’t remember your own foolishness.
Go back to hiding to hiding behind PacMan’s skirts.
Barack Obama angered fellow Democrats in the Illinois Senate when he voted to strip millions of dollars from a child welfare office on Chicago’s West Side. But Obama had a ready explanation: He goofed.
“I was not aware that I had voted no,” he said that day in June 2002, asking that the record be changed to reflect that he “intended to vote yes.”
During his eight years in state office, Obama cast more than 4,000 votes. Of those, according to transcripts of the proceedings in Springfield, he hit the wrong button at least six times.
Gotta love it. Now we know why Obama has a history of voting present instead of yes or no, he can’t figure out how to push buttons properly.
Obama quote from the future- “Sorry, europe, I thought that button was ordering pizza, not blowing up your continent. My bad.”
Politics of divisiveness? Since when is lobbying for your candidate divisive?
The top three reasons that I’m pro-Hillary in this campaign are outlined below on issues that affect us today:
Supports Moratorium on Housing Foreclosures: Hillary
Supports Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants: Obama
Supports Health Care for 100% of the U.S. Population: Hillary
he hit the wrong button at least six times.
6 times out of 4000?
How many bad notes have you ever hit on your horn Stamm?
If you thought race was an uncomfortable issue in the Democratic presidential primary, wait ’til you get a load of what’s going on in the Democratic primary in the Memphis area’s 9th District of Tennessee, where a shockingly worded flier paints Jewish Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) as a Jesus hater.
“Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen and the JEWS HATE Jesus,” blares the flier, which Cohen himself received in the mail — inducing gasps — last week.
Circulated by an African-American minister from Murfreesboro Tenn., which isn’t even in Cohen’s district, the literature encourages other black leaders in Memphis to “see to it that one and ONLY one black Christian faces this opponent of Christ and Christianity in the 2008 election.”
The paper wrote that the “real motive” behind the ministers’ attacks was revealed later by Rev. Robert Poindexter who, according to the Commercial Appeal, said of Cohen: “He’s not black and he can’t represent me, that’s just the bottom line.”
Gotta love it. Watch the infighting between special interest groups. Which special interest group do you support?
@42: sorry Puddy
I was not saying you support McCain. I was first replying to the Jewish support of Obama. Then going off on my own about McCain.
I think the results in NY, NJ may not have been indicative of how things are now. Jewish support for obama (like Black support for Obama after South Carolina) is on the upswing.
In the general election, I bet Hispanic, Jewish, working class voters, women, youth and african americans break for Obama.
The only group that will break for McCain will be older white men.
#65 YLB says:
My wrong notes don’t kill or ruin lives. And unlike Obama, I’m aware when I hit a wrong note. He was clueless.
@53 Romney’s Mormonism might have been relevant to his candidacy, but how does that make it necessary to use it as a descriptor now? JFK wasn’t forever referred to as the Catholic candidate. With Romney, many of you are mentioning his religion when there is no possible value in doing so. I believe it is bigotry and nothing but. For example, let’s look at your original comment: “A rich has-been Mormon…” Please tell me how Romney’s religion was at all relevant to the point you were trying to make.
In my opinion religion, like race, is mentioned in political context to appeal to latent, or overt, bigotry.
My wrong notes don’t kill or ruin lives.
You’ve provided no proof that Obama has done that. I wouldn’t trust anything you bring up here as far as I can throw it.
@64 dustin (Mike was waiting for you!): Supports drivers licenses for Illegal immigrants – was that before or after Hillary backtracked on that?
Hillary is a little late to the dance on foreclosures, where was she last March when this began to break?:
“One of the first presidential candidates – on either side of the aisle – to publicly speak out against the economic distress of the subprime mortgage crisis, Obama put out a statement in September laying out his plans to aid those in distress due to the sub-prime loan crisis. He wanted to implement a government relief fund, change bankruptcy law and offer a new tax credit on mortgage interest for those that don’t itemize or simply aren’t able to deduct their interest payments from their tax returns”
Quoted by fair use: http://www.lasvegassun.com/pol.....eclosures/
-How will Hillary enforce the mandatory health care plan?
Maybe you should answer those questions before you decide on whome to support.
MS @ 50:
If I’ve said this once I’ve said it hundred times on HA. There’s an adage my father taught me that you should heed: “When you speak (or write) your mind is on parade for all to see.”
You try to write as if you’ve got a “gotcha your nose” moment going, but due to the fact you lack any historical knowledge about our country you play the roll of a fool.
For those of us who are in the know, know that Thomas Jefferson (an Old School Democrat) tried to outlaw slavery.
“ Jefferson also proposed that slavery should be excluded from all of the American western territories after 1800. Although he himself was a slave owner, he believed that slavery was an evil that should not be permitted to spread. In 1784 the provision banning slavery was narrowly defeated. Had one representative (John Beatty of New Jersey), sick and confined to his lodging, been present, the vote would have been different. “Thus,” Jefferson later reflected, “we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, and heaven was silent in that awful moment.”
Dixiecrats like: Strom Thurmond, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Trent Lott? And the birth of the Republican Southern Strategy? Yeah, sure. Read up, ass HOLE.
Ronal Wilson Reagan’s “States Right Speech” Philadelphia, MS? You mean that racist speech? Do you even know why that speech, in that city, in that time period was racist?
Why did Ken Melhman, RNC Chair apologize to the NAACP for the Republican Southern Strategy?
“GOP: ‘We were wrong’ to play racial politics” Read that headline again, ass HOLE.
Funny thing is, I tried to pull this story from Fox News and guess what? It’s scrubbed from their site.
Grow up, MS. Face the facts, you’re wrong, your party is wrong, your ethics are wrong, you’re on the wrong side of history, politics, fiscal discipline, national defense and everything else. Not that Democrats are perfect, we’re not. Be we’re certainly a HELL of a lot better than you.
69 – He is a Mormon, that’s a fact and it’s also a fact that despite the support of conservatives like Limbaugh and Coulter and the National Review, the Christianist Reconstructionist Rapturist base of the Republican party rejected him, in good part because of his Mormonism and then flocked to Huckabee. They certainly weren’t ready for someone like him unlike the Dems in 1960 who made John Kennedy the nominee of their party.
Now how big a factor was his Mormonism? Maybe not that much. To my perspective, it was his running away from his record in Massachusetts symbolized by the dolphin “flipper” that really sealed his doom.
Your warning has been duly noted. Thanks.
I would respond to Lambchop’s rather curious rewriting of history in #55, but YLB already did that, so I’ll simply let the facts speak for themselves: Lambchop admitted he had lost and now refuses to honor his word.
The irony, of course, is that the wager was not over whether he was a liar (he already had been caught lying), but over his level of dishonesty. With his subsequent actions, it’s clear that he has simply reinforced the already obvious conclusion that his word cannot be trusted. In my book, a man whose word can’t be trusted isn’t a man.
I’ll leave it to others to determine whether his word on other issues is to be afforded any weight based on his documented history of lying. My response is something like, “fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again,” but you make your own choices of course.
@71 – Oooh a tax credit on mortgage interest – that’s going to help someone avoid immediate foreclosure when their payments are ballooning by $300 every 6 months.
Hillary has the long term plan as well, and the immediate short term piece that is needed to keep americans in their homes.
And she has been addressing this since March, but maybe a little research is too much for you?
You’ll see 4 official releases since March 15th.
As for driver’s licenses – she has had one position on it as a presidential candidate.
“As president, I will not support driver’s licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration including border security and fixing our broken system.”
Clinton in the debate more broadly supported Spitzer’s efforts to get something moving in light of Bush’s failed immigration reforms, but she never said she was FOR driver’s licenses for illegal immgrants.
Can you show me one direct quote, such as the one I gave above, where she said she was FOR driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants?
Being able to drive a car is a priveledge in this country. You’re in here illegaly, why should we give you priveledges?
As for enforcement, she hasn’t come out with a specific enforcement plan. In listening to her speeches, it seems that it would rely with your federal taxes when you file. But again, I can’t say specifically since I don’t know the precise enforcement mechanism since she hasn’t stated one.
But it would make sense to me at the IRS level since she’s going to be giving tax breaks to those people with health insurance at that level, that the enforcement would be there too, similar to how employers have to submit W-2 information, that helath insurance companies would submit H-2’s or some similar info…
GBS, ATJ & Clueless Idiot:
Fact: I accepted the bet. I left. I didn’t post again until PacMan posted his review of the bet.
Fact: PacMan, posted the bet wasn’t real because the words I used didn’t equate to the bet ATJ made. He the stated the reasons why the bet couldn’t be fulfilled
Fact: ATJ didn’t argue against PacMan’s facts. Clueless Idiot missed the post as always. If PacMan decides to come back like he did last week he’ll state it. When PacMan called me he said I accepted a bad bet. The statements are not equal.
Fact: GBS, as lunch he’ll explain his reasoning over lunch.
Fact: When I posted again, I referred ATJ to the PacMan post
Fact: ATJ referred to the copied post, didn’t address PacMan’s commentary.
Fact: PacMan came back referred ATJ to the ignored post.
Fact Puddy referred ATJ to the post. Again ignored.
Fact: Whenever I make the point against Donkey that ATJ dislikes he only refers to the original post, because he loses when he realizes the bet fell apart upon PacMan’s analysis.
Being able to drive a car is a priveledge in this country. You’re in here illegaly, why should we give you priveledges?
Nice sounding on paper but here’s the reasons why illegals should get driver’s licences:
If you drive without a license, you go to jail if you’re caught and then if you’re illegal, you’re sent back home. Eighty percent of new jobs in this country are created by small, medium sized business. Without cheap labor of some kind, many of them would have a difficult time making ends meet. Many of them employ illegals because they work for cheap. Many of the jobs involve driving.
Cheap labor means business can charge lower prices for their goods and services. The worse thing that can happen to these businesses is that their customers defer purchases because of rising prices due to higher labor costs. Like, maybe I can wait a little longer to remodel the house or maybe I can I can prepare a few more meals at home.
If Dems won’t give illegals drivers licenses, Republicans will find a way.
Both parties are trying to buy time on the issue while they find a way to make illegals “legal” so they can get drivers licenses.
Undocumented workers are here for one reason only. Many, many people WANT THEM HERE. And we all benefit from the cheap labor in lower prices for food, housing, services and many other things.
If people still really don’t like that then GO AFTER THE EMPLOYERS like they’re trying to do in Arizona. But if you did that then get two problems 1) higher prices which most don’t want and 2) what do you do with all the people? Between 11 to 14 million! They’ve got to eat too and if they can’t earn a living by working an honest job then they’ll do what they have to do to survive.
And believe me we don’t need 11 to 14 million desperate people.
We’re all at fault for letting things get to this point. It took a long time since Reagan’s initial amnesty to get to this point and it will take a long time for this mess to unwind if we indeed want it to unwind the way most are saying.
So now I understand why ATJ fears me. He’s totally useless in a debate. He wants to shut me up. Isn’t that just like a donkey? Just like congressional donkey who want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
Clueless Idiot is what he is.
Clueless Idiot BULLSHITTIUM alert:
If Dems won’t give illegals drivers licenses, Republicans will find a way.
End of Clueless Idiot BULLSHITTIUM alert.
So Clueless Idiot: Are you for union organizing these cheap labor individuals?
John Sweeney said this in 2003 against the first 2003 bill “These bills are recipes not only for large-scale displacement and wage erosion in a broad range of occupations, but abuse of both guest workers and their U.S. counterparts.”
So Clueless Idiot how do you reconcile this from the Sacremento Bee? Puddy posted this before:
“In a small office tucked inside a southeast Sacramento warehouse, a journeyman with Oakland-based Roofers Union Local 81 told apprentices — in English and Spanish — to listen up.
Teaching a bilingual seminar for union members puts Victor Garrido on the front lines of his AFL-CIO-based union’s push to recruit immigrants, including the undocumented, with guarantees of better pay, career development, pensions and health insurance.
It’s a survival tactic for unions, whose leaders see their foreign-born membership increasing and argue that inclusiveness protects all workers. But it’s one that can confound not just outsiders but some union rank and file, who fear the presence of illegal immigrants in general erodes working conditions.”
PuddyStudy – who are the union rank and file? Republicans? Don’t think so…
You see Clueless Idiot the real PuddyAnalysis:
Your party (select: was/is/are still trying) to sell the union people who back them in all elections up the river by getting free cheap labor to join their unions, to keep the union coffers full and to allow the big union fat cats to live the good life.
Puddy placed this on this blog when I stated Nancy Pelosi is for continued illegal immigration because she realizes eventually the rank and file union worker will begin to understand what she and her fellow donkey are doing to them; driving down their wages. I also stated she also realizes that she can state she championed illegal immigration so vote for her. Lastly I stated because of donkoinfanticide, Al Gore and John Kerry would have won by 4 million votes if abortion was not legal. Based on the 65/35 split of almost 49 million abortions to date, and the number of people who don’t vote Al Gore would have been president except for donkoinfanticide!
ATJ posted the link in comment 37 of that thread.
This is why ATJ wants to shut me up. He can’t debate facts so kill the messenger. PacMan said this was one reason ATJ wanted to get rid of me.
The other was ATJ is an idiot!
Now Clueless Idiot, Post PacMan’s response.
Come on I dare you!
The operative statement is EXACT WORDS.
Come on Clueless Idiot… prove to all you are NOT a clueless idiot.
Next. Moving on.
Idiot @ 85
Ronnie Raygun signed the first amnesty. That’s a fact.
Everybody is responsible for letting things get to this point.
By the way did you check for green cards when those hispanic guys remodeled your house?
Didn’t think so. Ha ha ha! You took advantage of cheap labor!
88 – I never saw it. Post the link and I’ll read it for laughs. It doesn’t change the fact:
MWS denied being YOU.
I can dig up where YOU denied being MWS.
Which proves we were all onto your bullshit from early on.
The operative statement is EXACT WORDS.
Which is proof of your weasling.
You tried to kill two birds with one stone. What a monument to you ego that would have been.
Too bad you were on a collision course with your own lies!
How is that Clueless Idiot. ATJ accepted the exact words. PacMan posted no they weren’t.
Good try though. And you are still a clueless idiot.
So tell me Clueless Idiot, why do you want me shut up? Can’t debate me? Can’t work a spreadsheet? Too dumb to think? Need to get the daily drink of the warm white sticky kool-aid?
Idiot is your name.
Think of something more pithy. Ax rudejASS.
YLB @ 80
And not pay worker’s a livable, prevailing wage. Look at the construction industry, is anyone going to say that the pay rates for legal workers has not been affected by illegal immigration?
Republicans find a way to give illegals a driver’s license no sooner than they agree that aetheism is a great thing.
A recent Washington Times national poll showed 77 percent of Americans believe illegal aliens shouldn’t be allowed to have driver’s licenses. 70% in an NPR poll said illegal immigrants should be denied local social services.
People that want them here are the same people that want to lower wages for American workers. When my dad was working his foundry job and asked for a raise for his review, his boss (literally) asked him “Why should we pay you $14 when I can go get a mexican who will work for $10?” He ended up giving him $0.10 per hour and then slashed health benefits the month after.
I’m a democrat who believes in paying a fair, honest, livable wage to legal workers.
92: You never saw it? So my words in #79 are true again! And you called me a liar above. But you just contradicted yourself when you agreed these words are true: “Clueless Idiot missed the post as always.”
So which is it Clueless Idiot?
OMGoodness: DustinJames just answered Clueless Idiot in #96 just like I did. Just used more words.
DustinJames: Too many words confuses Clueless Idiot. Facts hurt his single celled mind too.
#72 YLB says:
If he has problems understanding which button he’s pushing, which is a fact, if president he could push the button to start ICBMs lifting off all across the country. Makes you feel safe and warm inside doesn’t it.
Wax: The only truly black people in the Republican Party will all be displayed prominently on the stage at the Republican Convention in Minneapolis.
Will you be on stage? I guess you’ll cross that bridge ‘if’ you come to it. Heh…
And not pay worker’s a livable, prevailing wage. Look at the construction industry, is anyone going to say that the pay rates for legal workers has not been affected by illegal immigration?
Hey I’m not saying it’s a good situation but denying illegals driver’s licenses are only going to have a lot of bad side effects that don’t really solve the problem.
Republicans find a way to give illegals a driver’s license no sooner than they agree that aetheism is a great thing.
Crap. Bush’s original immigration proposal amounted to EXACTLY that. He didn’t have a D next to his name last time I looked.
A recent Washington Times national poll showed 77 percent of Americans believe illegal aliens shouldn’t be allowed to have driver’s licenses. 70% in an NPR poll said illegal immigrants should be denied local social services.
And most people for some reason also thought that Saddam had something to do with 9/11. That’s a knee jerk reaction in general. They’re not thinking it through. I discount the WT poll of course but 30 percent of 300 million is 90 million people. That’s a lot of people who think people despite their documentation status shouldn’t be treated like garbage.
People that want them here are the same people that want to lower wages for American workers. When my dad was working his foundry job and asked for a raise for his review, his boss (literally) asked him “Why should we pay you $14 when I can go get a mexican who will work for $10?” He ended up giving him $0.10 per hour and then slashed health benefits the month after.
Again denying driver’s licenses to the undocumented WILL DO NOTHING to solve the underlying problem.
I’m a democrat who believes in paying a fair, honest, livable wage to legal workers.
So am I. But I believe we also have to be compassionate human beings who strive to see the big picture lest we do awful misguided things that hurt people who just want to live a decent life and provide for their families.
The only truly black people? You mean some black people aren’t real black people? I’m sure black people are glad that you know which ones are truly black.
Another proud liberal outs himself as a racist.
If he has problems understanding which button he’s pushing, which is a fact,
Let’s see, according to you, he had no problem pushing the right button 3,994 times out of 4000.
The glass is considerably more than half full.
Obama 2008!
ATJ accepted the exact words.
And you accepted NOT weasling when you left. You rose to the moment. Something I did NOT expect you to do when I called your offer a sucker’s bet.
However you let PacMan convince you to weasel.
I can only wrestle with a pig for so long (what you call a “debate”).
Carry on Sillyman!
YLB: Granting a priveledge to illegal aliens will do nothing more than to encourage more illegals to come to the United States.
I see you’re being the artful dodger on racism.
I win.
Granting a priveledge to illegal aliens
The privilege is granted to people who can handle the responsibility of driving safely. That in my view is what the “privilege” is all about – NOT your documentation status.
Again, the big picture is that it took years for things to get this way. Coming to the solution won’t be easy and not everyone will be happy with it when it finally does come.
The lives of between 11 to 14 million people hang in the balance. We can either solve it peacefully and amicably or violently like we did with slavery, civil rights, labor unrest and other social problems.
re Marvin @ 102: Is the Republican administration in S. Carolina, in your opinion, dealing with a moral or legal issue in their obdurate refusal to desist friom displaying the confederate flag?
#108 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
I’m still trying to figure out why you would call some black people “truly black people.” What do you mean, those that agree with you are truly black and those that disagree don’t deserve to be called back?
Go ahead and explain yourself.
I know you’re hiding Marvin.
Why are you afraid to confront my post @ 74??
Because you’re wrong.
@ 107 – I agree with everything you say in that post, but granting a priveledge to someone who is in the U.S. illegally is something I and the majority of Americans don’t want to see happen.
There is no proof that granting illegals a license will cause them to drive safer. It just prevents them from going to jail when caught. I know Seattle prohibits asking immigration status, but I think the more trips to jail, the more you’re not going to like being up in the U.S. without legal credentials. It won’t stop, but it may be at least a deterrant.
Wow. YLB is a cheap labor Democrat. Do you shop at Wal Mart too?
re 109: Just answer the question. Your question of me is asinine, as it is well known that an individual’s ‘blackness’ is often questioned by whites and by black people themselves.
Obama being a case in point. So your efforts to twist my intended meaning are ridiculous. However, I repeat my question to you: Is the Republican administration in S. Carolina, in your opinion, dealing with a moral or legal issue in their obdurate refusal to desist from displaying the confederate flag?
Marvin: You suck. You are dishonest.
112 – If you’re saying I’m for uncontrolled immigration you’d be wrong but this country has been more or less for it since way before Reagan signed the first amnesty and my comment says more or less why that is so.
My comments above were a statement of how things are, i.e. reality and not what I imagine they should be.
Fantasy is your guys’ job.
And no, I NEVER shop at Wal-mart. When they treat their workers like Costco treats their workers I’ll give them a chance.
There is no proof that granting illegals a license will cause them to drive safer.
They have to pass a test don’t they? Rules of the road? Eye sight?
It just prevents them from going to jail when caught.
And spending potentially a long time there waiting to be deported. The way some illegals were treated after 9/11 was utterly reprehensible. Might as well have been Abu Ghraib here in the U.S.
I know Seattle prohibits asking immigration status, but I think the more trips to jail, the more you’re not going to like being up in the U.S. without legal credentials. It won’t stop, but it may be at least a deterrant.
Undocumented workers have been treated like crap for as long as this country has been in existence.
No deterrent at all.
Under the radar:
In 1992 when I-134 passed, the provision that prevented public financing of elections was hidden in the “small print” and was not the main point of the initiative. Previously, Seattle had been one of the first cities that provided some form of publicly-financed elections in the form of matching funds. It has gone down the memory hole because of I-134.
The new “local option” bill that was passed in this session allows for local CHOICE to finance elections through public monies, it is not a mandate. Additionally, any locality or jurisdiction that wants to finance their elections with public money must pass a popular referendum in order to do so. No state money is involved.
Washington Public Campaigns (washclean.org) has been at the forefront of this battle for years. Go to the website for more information about what makes voter-owned elections the next wave of democratic action on a local level.
Next, voter-owned elections coming to a referedum in Seattle this coming fall. Stay tuned.
Nah, Nah
Nah, Nah, Nah
Hey, Hey, Hey Good BYE!
You conservatives had a good run at the top.
But it’s time to turn out the lights because this party’s over.
Conservative Christians revisit third party
McCain nomination turns eyes toward the Constitution Party
When your solid, hardcore base is splitting up and the Demcorat’s base is growing by leaps and bounds with new voters and younger voters, it’s all done for you now.
Baa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa
See ya. Wouldn’t wanna be ya!!
My Flying Spaghetti Monster, the signal-to-noise ratio here is abysmal.
@120 Yes, quite often S/N=0
#110 GBS says:
Which party started the KKK?
Which party fillerbusted the civil rights act?
Which party has a grand kleagle?
I will admit, I might be biased since I live in Los Angeles and am in the entertainment business. 99.9% of the people I know claim to be liberals/democrats. If I lived in the south I might have different experiences. My experience in the south was on the road with the temptations, thus we were in mostly black venues/areas.
Marvin: No way.
The Temps, The Primes, The Elgins
Melvin Franklin
Eddie Kendricks
David Ruffin – Men who voices made women’s panties drop!
Just My Imagination Running Away With Me
Papa was a Rolling Stone – My Ring Tone
My Girl
Don’t Let The Joneses Get You Down
I Wish It Would Rain
You hung with the best.
For the remaining one person not bored to tears by this…
I encourage anyone interested in seeing the terms of the bet for themselves can go to the link I posted upthread.
Fact: PacMan, posted the bet wasn’t real because the words I used didn’t equate to the bet ATJ made. He the stated the reasons why the bet couldn’t be fulfilled
Fact: ATJ didn’t argue against PacMan’s facts. Clueless Idiot missed the post as always. If PacMan decides to come back like he did last week he’ll state it. When PacMan called me he said I accepted a bad bet. The statements are not equal.
Fact: Both are irrelevant because Pacman’s opinion of the bet is irrelevant. This is so for two reasons: 1) He is not a party to the wager, and 2) I explicitly asked you if you wanted a neutral, third-party referee, and you refused. Now that you’ve lost, you want your buddy to cover your ass. Too bad. You made your bed, now you can lie (pun intended) in it. When presented with the facts, you agreed that I was right and you were wrong. Grow up, and take it like a man, for once.
As to the silly claim that I want to silence you, nothing could be further from the truth. You’re one of the best arguments we have for the Democratic party. I’ve shown your posts to a couple of people I know who don’t follow blogs, and their responses were “It’s just gibberish. Why would anyone listen to that fool.(sic)” and “Why does this guy think people will be convinced by baby talk?”
This wager wasn’t about shutting you up; I offered the terms because I knew how much commenting here means to you. I wanted to put something on the line that meant something. Otherwise, what’s the point of a wager? Clearly, the stakes were too high for you to handle. You just couldn’t live up to your word. Your addiction (to which you have admitted) is simply too strong.
Goodbye. Good luck. Get help.
ATJ: This is the only thing you use against me. I already answered your attack when I came back in late October. Yet, you only use this as your modus operandi against me. In fact I can show everyone here when you appear this is your predominant comment on this thread.
You and your pals think anti-donkey facts gibberish. Hmmm…? I love attacking donkey. I love attacking the 16%ers. If facts are baby talk then you should comprehend them easily. It seems otherwise. You don’t use facts. I am not addicted to it cuz I have to work and pay billz.
re 124: Are you sure you are not a Democrat? You’ve got acting like an ASS down to a T.
Here’s a question for you where you can display your command of the ‘facts’:
Is the Republican administration in S. Carolina, in your opinion, dealing with a moral or legal issue in their obdurate refusal to desist from displaying the confederate flag on the state capitol’s dome?
re 124: What do you think the confederate flag represents?
re 124: If you can not answer these questions directly, then will you stop posting on HA.
And Marvin: Weren’t you also the inspiration for Little Anthony and the Imperials’, “I think I’m Goin’ out of my Head”?
Marvin was towel boy for, Little Anthony and the Imperials.
ATJ – Excellent.
Mr. “my word is my bond” (bullshit): you have been so hosed. Return to spouting your bullshit though. As ATJ said, it’s the best kind of support for throwing out your ugly , disgusting and corrupt party.