Those recurring charges:
(This and some sixty other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
Those recurring charges:
(This and some sixty other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
Roger Rabbit, stay warm and safe in your burrow tomorrow okay?
FnF is heading down to Wilson Pacific Middle School to play ‘surrogate bunny’ & caucus on your behalf tomorrow – – for Clinton.
Didn’t seem fair in thinking:
– RR desperately Wanted to go to caucus – but Couldn’t
– FnF, Registered Dem, Could go to caucus – but Wouldn’t
I don’t have many pretty speeches to offer, but I will share some of the ideas you’ve posted. (Won’t tell them I voted & mailed my absentee for Edwards on Super Tuesday, knowingly tossing my vote away in that respect.) Tore my house apart, but found my Voters ID card today.
So, rest and get to feeling better will ya? Will let you know what happens.
Candidate “Feel-good” Obama is proposing the Americans with No Abilities or Ambition (AAWNAA)to give special staus to those who choose to get No Education and sit around on there asses looking for handouts and impregnating or being impregnated out of wedlock….and everything else to buy votes. Obama has become a rock-star for Hollywood & lazy asses.
On foreign policy, Feel-good will “negotiate with everyone!!”. Isn’t that what Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler & the Munich Pact?? That worked out well. Isn’t that what Svoboda of Czechoslavakia did in 1968 with Breshnev of Russia….and 3 weeks later they were invaded.
Happy days are here again!!
The next time you cut and paste that racist message, could you please include “cadillac driving welfare mammy”.
Identity politics. Racism. Slurs and Innuendo. The Clinton Machine comes to town.
Any criticism of Obama’s proposed policies and lack of details is met with cries of racism.
Good luck with that.
At least Hillary is a fighter…despite her other Socialist tendencies.
No doubt you on the extreme-left assumed that those speaking out against bush would face their wrath.
Instead, it’s thse speaking out against clinton.
Gotta love it. Trash the bush kids like olbermann, get a free pass. Make a snide remark about the clinton’s daughter and you’re off the air.
What happened to the “truth to power” you all believed in?
“truth to power” went out the window seven years ago… live the next 8 crying like a 2 year old.
Excellent point.
This whole Hillary/Chelsea thing reminds me of a joke:
Bill Clinton steps out of Air Force One with a razorback pig under each arm.
The soldier at the bottom of the ramp says “Welcome Home Sir”
Clinton replies “Thank you…I got this pig for Hillary & this other pig for Chelsea”.
The soldier replies “Excellent trade sir!”
@1 Okay. You just made my day. I couldn’t have stayed home knowing it’s close and the bitch in combat boots needs my vote, so I was seriously contemplating sneaking out this afternoon to go to my caucus. The fact Mrs. Rabbit came home from work to walk the dog so I wouldn’t go out in this cold, windy weather made it harder, and knowing you’re subbing for me makes it impossible. So, I’ll behave and be a good bunny, and stay in my dry, toasty burrow! Mrs. Rabbit thanks you. The veterinarian thanks you. I thank you.
There are more tests ahead, but the vet thinks I have a disease called bronchiecstasis. I looked it up on Wikipedia which says it’s progressive and incurable. It makes perfect sense, and it explains why I feel shorter of breath every year, even though I don’t smoke very much. I probably don’t need to be fitted for angel wings just yet, but maybe I should put in my reservation for a pair, so they’re available when I need ’em.
#6 Tommy Thompson says:
Keep practicing your spelling, you almost spelled hahaha correct. If you don’t mind me asking, you’re a product of public school aren’t you?
@2 Now that’s not a nice way to talk about your fellow Republicans! Even though Republicans aren’t nice people — they’re stupid idiots who don’t believe in using birth control, preach a celibacy they don’t practice themselves, and above all they don’t do any work!! All the work in this country is done by Democrats and immigrants. No one works harder than immigrants.
For example, the late Rafael Peralta was born in Mexico City, came to the U.S. with his family, and joined the Marines the day he got his green card. “As of January 22, 2008, a Medal of Honor … for Sgt. Peralta is awaiting presidential approval.”
Marvin Stamn @ 5,
I suppose it is because Chelsea didn’t embarrass the nation by being a drunken slut.
Hey Marv…ever catch a glimpse of Jenna’s Bush?
#8 Roger Rabbit says:
The difference between conservatives and liberals.
The guy from sound politics is made fun of because he lives off his wife’s job.
Rabbit brags about making his own wife leave work to come home and walk the dog.
Someone feeling shorter of breath every year smokes? No wonder you’re a democrat. Someone with respiratory problems smoking deserves how he feels. This would be the problem with “free” healthcare, the stupid people wouldn’t take enough care of themselves.
@10 Disingenuous again, Roger. NO ONE on the right side is saying a word about “immigrants”. Legal immigrants, that is. Why are you implying otherwise?
@11 What are you, five? College prof? Pfft!
In order to further facilitate our wingnut friends’ participation in their favorite sport, immigrant-bashing, I thought I’d point out how cheap immigrant labor will bail out their retirement:
“WASHINGTON — … [T]he time for a sober and realistic assessment of immigrants and their impact on the United States has already arrived … a serious discussion about immigration is taking place …: the unprecedented economic and societal demands caused by retiring baby boomers ….
“Dowell Myers … argues that policymakers will have to think of immigrants as part of a solution rather than a threat to America …. A demographer at the University of Southern California …, Myers believes immigrants and their children will have to help the U.S. meet the huge costs of boomer retirement.
“A significant shift will begin two years from now in what’s called the ‘old age dependency ratio’ — the ratio of … economically dependent seniors to the productive segment of the population. … [T]here will be … fewer workers to cover the government’s growing obligations [to] the elderly. To finance … Social Security and Medicare, ‘you are going to need every worker you can get,’ said Myers. … [A] larger pool of them will be the children of immigrants ….
“Over the next few years, many boomers will put their homes on the market as they move to the Sun Belt or away from busy urban centers. … Immigrants and their children could have a big impact on the housing market …. According to census figures assessed by Myers, immigrants represented 40 percent of the growth in home buyers nationwide between 2000 and 2006. In California, Illinois and New Jersey, they exceeded by far the share of new buyers who were native born. In New Jersey, in fact, all of the growth over that period was because of immigrant buyers. …
“Myers is convinced that during the next president’s watch ‘this will be a bigger, a more dominant concern … than the Iraq war is today.’ Policymakers already are reconsidering many attitudes about retirement age, Social Security benefits and taxes. But nowhere will the thinking need to be more different than when it comes to immigration.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s one more item for you CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES to think about: The more immigrant workers earn, the more Social Security taxes they pay, which makes it more likely you’ll get all of your bennies. Yep, isn’t it ironic that the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES’ living in their retirement communities will pay their greens fees out of the Social Security checks they get courtesy of immigrant labor.
#11 Darryl says:
Gotta love liberals… Calling public school teachers sluts and thinking it’s cute.
No doubt the few people who show up for GOP caucuses today, having little else to do because the GOP nomination is already as good as sealed and delivered, will spend their time discussing with their ever-shrinking circle of friends the Brown Peril, punctuated with their customary ignorance and narrow-mindedness:
“For months leading up to the presidential primaries, anti-immigrant extremists sought to make political hay with immigrant-bashing. Pundits joined them with firm assertions that presidential candidates could gain votes by talking tough on immigration. But the extremists and the pundits are proving to be wrong.
“Leading Republican candidates have tied themselves into knots over immigration, filling voter mailboxes with loaded images and packing the airwaves with messages about ‘leaky borders’ and ‘insufficient vigilance.’
“Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney poured millions of dollars into TV commercials … arguing that … Huckabee and … McCain were soft on immigrants. … Romney thought he was following the formula for a successful campaign by fanning the flames set by conservative talk-show hosts. …
“The only problem was, the public isn’t buying it. …
“Despite … anti-immigrant rhetoric, polls … show that the majority of Americans want a reasonable and fair solution to the immigration issue … that allows immigrants to … become a part of society ….
“Immigrant-bashing isn’t winning elections for candidates …. You only have to look to the losses of U.S. Reps. J.D. Hayworth of Arizona and John Hostettler of Indiana, and Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, to see this truth.
“Smart policies that promote safety (like driver’s licenses for everyone) should prevail. Reasonable politicians … who are representing growing constituencies of immigrants … should … help immigrants build the economies of their communities. While … extremists continue their losing campaign … [of] tough talking on immigration …, serious politicians … recognize that integrating immigrants is one of the state’s top economic development strategies.
” … [T]he polls show people want sensible solutions at the federal and state levels … that align with America’s history and values, and help build community and benefit the economy.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://archives.seattletimes.n.....=immigrant
Roger Rabbit Commentaries: The know-nothings, as per usual, are soiling their pants by pissing into the wind.
@17 Bullshit. You quote a biased commentary and act like it’s the gospel?
From Zogby in June of 2007:
Nearly two in three Americans (64%) would prefer their Congressional representative worked to pass immigration reforms that were more restrictive, while just one in four (26%) would back making the U.S.’s borders more open.
Not many folks have a problem with LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Period. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp? LEGAL! You know, that thing you claim was your goddamned profession for how many decades?
Deja Vu All Over Again
“Veterans come home to poor job prospects
“WASHINGTON — … [R]ecently discharged veterans are having a harder time finding civilian jobs and are more likely to earn lower wages for years partly because of employer concerns about their mental health …, a government study says. …
“The 2007 study … found that 18 percent of the veterans were unemployed within one to three years of discharge, while one out of four who did find jobs earned less than $21,840 a year. Many had taken advantage of government programs such as the GI Bill to boost job prospects, but there was little evidence that education benefits yielded higher pay or better advancement. …
“The study said employers often had misplaced stereotypes about veterans’ fitness for employment, such as concerns they … were at risk for post-traumatic stress disorder.
” … ‘[S]tories that perpetuate the “Wacko Vet” myth [have] made … employers more cautious to hire a veteran,’ said Joe Davis, spokesman for Veterans of Foreign Wars. …
” … [A] Labor Department report obtained by AP showed that formal job complaints by reservists remained high, citing concerns about denied jobs or benefits after they tried to return to their old jobs after extended tours in Iraq.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As a Vietnam veteran, all of this is very familiar to me. The bleating sheep of the right would have you believe the biggest problem faced by veterans returning home from the war zone is long-haired hippies spitting at them and calling them “baby killers.” Wrong! Overwhelmingly, the typical veteran’s greatest obstacle to reintegration into society is employers with the stereotyped attitude that veterans are psychos who crouch on rooftops with sniper rifles waiting for a chance to pick off innocent citizens because they’re hopelessly in the grip of an insatiable urge to kill. And guess what. We all know who employers are. They’re Republicans who wrap themselves in the flag, loudly proclaim how patriotic they are, and call Democrats “traitors” for allegedly not “supporting the troops” enough.
Hypocritical assholes.
@12 As usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about, but that’s to be expected of a fucking idiot like you. Let me clarify a couple things for you:
1) The dog belongs to Mrs. Rabbit.
2) Mrs. Rabbit works a part-time job to pay the dog’s expenses (food, vet bills, etc.).
3) I didn’t ask Mrs. Rabbit to walk the dog. I was going to walk the dog myself. She came home to keep me from going outside.
4) Want to know how I got sick? Mrs. Rabbit works in a real estate office full of Republicans. One of these Republicans came to work sick and sneezed all over the place, giving Mrs. Rabbit her cold. Mrs. Rabbit brought this Republican cold home and gave it to me. Because I have a long-term chronic respiratory illness, when I caught this inconsiderate Republican jerk’s cold, it turned into walking pneumonia.
5) What part of “I don’t smoke very much” don’t you understand?
6) In any case, what sense is there in giving up an occasional puff of pipe tobacco simply because you have a respiratory ailment that’s going to kill you anyway? That makes about as much sense as a guy about to be shot by a firing squad declining a last cigaret because it might give him lung cancer.
7) Unlike our gigolo blogger friend, I don’t live on Mrs. Rabbit’s income. I worked all my life, supported my family, and live on my pension income.
So, go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious blockhead.
Marvin Stamn @ 16
“Gotta love liberals… Calling public school teachers sluts and thinking it’s cute.”
And then there are the Wingding morons who don’t realize when they are committing a simple logical fallacy (a deductive fallacy, in this instance).
Hey Marv…are your skills in logic a product of a private education? Or are you still working on your GED?
@13 “NO ONE on the right side is saying a word about “immigrants”.”
REALLY??? You guys sure had me fooled!!! I was under the distinct impression you hate everyone.
@13 (continued) In any case, when people talk about “immigrants,” everyone is talking about illegal immigrants, dope!
Not that legal status stops Republicans from rounding up immigrants and throwing them in jails simply because of their skin color.
@14 Hardly. Professor Darryl is merely pointing out, in a restrained and objective manner, that you wingnut bloviators are hypocritical blowhards.
@16 They let that drunken slut teach?
@18 “Not many folks have a problem with LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.”
Does this mean you condemn Michelle Malkin’s racist screed that hundreds of thousands of Japanese-Americans who were in this country legally deserved to be thrown into concentration camps?
@18 Before you go off on illegal immigrants, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions.
1) Are you willing to do stoop labor in farm fields?
2) Are you willing to do hard physical labor for less than minimum wage?
3) Are you willing to pay higher food prices in order to send the illegals home?
4) Are you willing to do the jobs that illegals fill, such as working in slaughterhouses, emptying bedpans in nursing homes, and cleaning motel rooms?
5) Are you willing to pay higher Social Security taxes to make up for the taxes illegals will no longer pay after we send them home?
6) Are you willing to pay higher taxes for more military spending to deal with the security problem we will face if there’s a violent revolution in Mexico staged by starving masses cut off from the income their relatives formerly earned in the U.S.?
7) How willing are you to forego the economic benefits of the cheap labor provided by illegals?
So I guess the wingnut line now is they don’t hate immigrants, they only hate illegals, and we’re supposed to believe that was their position all along.
So if you guys are only against illegals, why are you against birth citizenship? A child of immigrants born in this country is not an illegal — that child is a U.S. citizen. If wingnuts are only against illegals, why do wingnuts want to take away this most fundamental of rights — citizenship? And if those kids aren’t entitled to be citizens by virtue of being born in America, then why should you be entitled to citizenship? Your claim to citizenship isn’t any different or better than theirs.
@21 I suspect Marv is another fucking dropout from home schooling.
Marv wants you to believe that Republican employers want the INS to raid their businesses and cart off the illegals so they’ll have more opportunities to hire Americans at $20 an hour.
Since most business owners are Republicans, and the wingnuts’ biggest beef against illegals is they take jobs away from citizens, you’d think they would demand more INS enforcement against employers.
@22 Obviously your prejudice has blinded you to reality, then.
#32 Roger Rabbit says:
Exactly. Why do you think it’s true Roger?
@23 Again, bullshit. You dims are trying to insinuate ALL immigrants, and that to be against *illegals* is racist. Shouldn’t be a surprise since equivacation is what liberals do best. Cognitive dissidence much Roger?
Let’s see the link proving your last is a widespread problem, or retract your racist assertion.
@24 hypocritical blowhards? Looked in a fucking mirror lately?
@26 When did that event occur Roger? How many years ago?
How typically intellectually dishonest. Some historical personage violated my beliefs, so they must be a racist bastard.
As it happens, I do condemn that act, but the fact of the matter is, it occured a long time ago, and I wouldn’t presume to speak for anyone alive at that time, and whatever justification they may have had or felt. And that is coming from someone who absolutely despises FDR. Speaking of which, are you ready to condem him for the racist, lying, power-hungry bastard that he was?
Went into a Government Subsidized housing complex this week. Had the “Patient” try to give me his/her medical coupons (I referred them to the BLS transporting agency for that). Informed the patient that the nature of the call was not an emergency and that they could drive themselves up to the hospital, find a friend to do it, take a taxi or a bus. “Patient” refused wanted instead to use those coupons for an Ambulance ride. While all of this was going on, the patient’s big screen plasma TV was blaring and another person in the patient’s house decided to follow the ambulance, in his/her own private car to the receiving ER. So how about those recurring charges? Subsidized Public housing, (With a Video Game system and a 50in Plasma TV), a private vehicle to the hospital, but decides to let the taxpayers foot the bill and a member of the family still decides to drive in their own POV (Privately Owned Vehicle) to the ER. How much does that cost the Average taxpayer? Can I get those charges dropped from my bill?
Re: Darryl @ 11.
Yes, the Bush twins are HOT!! Come to think of it, Julie & Tricia were HOT! Susan Ford was Hot! Mo Reagan was Hot! Patti Reagan was HOT! All the Republican girls are HOT! ‘Cause they aren’t INBRED!!!
Look at Amy C, Chelsea C, Caroline K, etc, etc! Woohoo! “How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm?” (‘Cause that’s where they belong!)
Democrats don’t govern for sh!t and they sure can’t f**k too good either (looking at the results)!!