I was walking to Drinking Liberally the other night, and the city was all lit up. Christmas decorations, trees, really looked nice in the remaining snow.
Still, all I could think was: Man, Christmas starts earlier and earlier. I mean, wait for New Years Day to pass at least.
One of the uglier faces of today’s Republican Party.
A fake Christian. A racist. A greedy businessman. A climate denier. An all-around asshole. And he’s not very popular in his district, so his House seat could be flippable in 2018.
Trump’s assaults on workers continue apace.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who thinks this president gives a flying fuck for the middle class has his head up his ass.
I ran across some cool pics of ironworkers. What those guys do is really cool, too. Yes, it’s dangerous; no, I wouldn’t do it, I’m too scared of heights.
And here’s a cool story about the “Cowboys of the Sky.”
These guys BUILD stuff. They don’t talk about it, they do it.
Richard Nixon had his defenders, too. They were wrong. Nixon was guilty, and those who stuck with him through thick and thin ended up looking like credulous, unpatriotic fools.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The enemy is not journalists, investigators, or critics. It’s unchecked power. Some people – the types who don’t learn from history or experience – have forgotten that.
Unchecked power? Plenty of that in the Deep Sate.
@5 What a vapid comment.
Alabama recriminations have begun. Trump now blames the loss of a GOP Senate seat on Sessions. For quitting the Senate to work for … who was it again Sessions gave up a safe Senate seat to go work for?
“Recently, Trump bemoaned the Republicans’ loss in a special election in Alabama and in part blamed Sessions, whose departure from the Senate to head to Justice necessitated the election.”
Stupid as ever in hillbilly country.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These people think it’s un-American to wear seat belts. That would be fine if taxpayers didn’t have to pay their medical bills and support their families when they go through a windshield. Seatbelt laws are to protect us, not them. We’re tired of paying for their stupidity.
“This year’s Nobel Peace Prize went to an organization hoping to ban nuclear weapons, and last summer the United Nations advanced the first treaty to do so. The U.S., however, boycotted the talks, saying the timing is not right to lay down nuclear arms.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Do you feel safer with a chest-pounding infantile fool in the White House?
A shocker.
Across the board, in every state and district, the more educated, affluent, and healthier a woman is the less she wants to have anything at all to do with treasonous hillbilly finger rapists.
Never could have seen that one coming./s
Did I also mention that more women vote?
Well now I did.
I’ve been having problems commenting the last two – three days. Am I being blocked?
I can’t post under the Name “The Wisdom of PissCan”…am I being blocked or hacked?
@121 Probably not, just an inadequate hosting service. (What do you expect for $10 a month?) I’ve had this problem on and off for years. I suspect the host can’t handle the traffic volume. Mine’s okay right now, except editing is reeeal slooow.
I wonder if Boob has any decaying trees that he should chop down.
I can post under any name except if I use my proper email or my normal name. I think it is the work of Neo-Nazis.
@16 Everything above the knees.
The Frozen Arctic is going, and isn’t coming back.
net neutrality!
@20 Too late. Should’ve voted for Hillary.
Prison isn’t supposed to be fun, but firing a kitchen worker for refusing to serve inmates rotten food? C’mon.
Of course, we’re talking about a private contractor here. This is what Republican privatizing of government functions looks like. If that worker were a state employee, he’d have civil service rights, and they couldn’t sack him for that.
Meanwhile, “According to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), correctional inmates are 6.4 times more likely to suffer from a food-related illness than the general population. … The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found that inmates suffer from foodborne illness at a rate of 45 per 100,000 people annually, compared to only 7 per 100,000 in the general population.”
Again, privatizing. A large percentage of prison food service is now provided by contractors, not public employees, and the “more cheaply prisoners can be fed, the more money can often be made … companies paid by the meal can keep more money when they skimp on food.” Or properly trained and decently paid employees.
But Republicans don’t care. As long as someone’s making money from other people’s misery, that’s all that matters to them. And campaign donations from private prisons and prison services vendors, nearly all of which goes to Republicans.
The irony is that not a few Republican politicos will get to taste-test that prison food themselves.
@21 I did!….it’s me Pi**Ca*
It’s still not fucking working!
Till Next Time!
Rumor is going around that the Russian hack of the RNC uncovered dirt on Maine’s Susan Collins and it was used to blackmail her to vote for the budget. Same with blackmail of Lindsey Graham, Maybe he didn’t want his boy friend pics published.
As a Doctor, I’m Sick of All The Health Care Freeloaders
I work in a clinic where the vast majority of my patients are on government-funded health care and have never worked a day in their lives.
“Research has shown that people are more likely to die when they lose access to health care. Letting more American children die preventable deaths will send a strong message to kids across the country: Pull your thumbs out of your mouths, get potty-trained and GET A JOB!”
I assume the irony will be lost on our republican posters.
Carl it could be the lights are all up for Three Kings Day or even for the New Year. Hopefully you had a proper holiday drink with a liberal portion of rum. If that did not work try again. No luck. Call Uber and have another. And no you cannot have reindeer steaks unless you celebrating with Lapps.
@6 I agree there are some resemblances in policy and governance between Obama and Nixon. Nixon was our last liberal President and Obama got his health plan passed. Suspended habeus corpus. Used the espionage act for more convictions than all the previous Presidents. Dick would be impressed. Nixon would love drones and killing American citizens would be A ok. Bombing foreign countries good. Expanding a war to include bordering countries a good thing. Placing American troops into countries without notifying Congress or being transparent to the American people. Obama is a Republican, in the Nixon style. Just darker, younger, better looking than Nixon.
The drama continues in Alabama. Roy Moore has filed a suit to stop the Alabama canvassing board from formalizing Jones win due to fraud. I do wish the Alabama Secretary of State would update the numbers.
@8 Actually all states have passed seat belt laws except New Hampshire, a blue state.
The laws were passed because seatbelts are effective in saving lives, and if you get ticketed you pay a fine. If you don’t use a seatbelt the taxpayers don’t pick up the tab, insurance companies do. It took years for Ralph Nader to get them on his side of the issue, they came around. It appears only those Democrats in New Hampshire value personal freedom over the states ability to fine citizens. Washington state does have the highest rate of seatbelt usage and the highest fine at $124, a rather loose correlation.
@9 So how about the 2005 peace prize? The 1995 prize? The 1985 prize? The 1975 prize? The 1962 prize?
What was the position of the 2009 peace prize winner? That it’s not time yet.
@22 There is and has been an amazing fix to these issues. When you put the food in front of a judge. If there is a problem it will be fixed. And it doesn’t matter if they are Republican or Democrat.
@29 why is it if Drumpf did all that (who knows maybe he has or has done worse) you would have a good silver lining message for us. Sideways mother fucker.
@31 maybe if you do a little more research you might find out that seat belts were pushed by Republicsns who thought that they were compromising against an earlier wish of air bags by Democrats. Suck on that asshole.
Gotta love the DUMMOCRETIN politician… http://dailycaller.com/2017/12.....ent-video/
Till Next Time!
A name HA DUMMOCRETINS used to trust… https://twitter.com/SharylAttkisson/status/945829024663855111/photo/1
Isn’t it great a DUMMOCRETIN congresscritter takes a FALSE TWEET, runs with is and then is forced to delete it!
Dear @PressSec: You don’t serve in Congress. I do. And I can say with absolute certainty that you are lying. https://t.co/PGGMhnRVzr — Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) December 19, 2017
And the smackdown!!! https://twitter.com/PressSec/status/943224870149742592
Gotta Love This!
Till Next Time!
Republicans think you’re stupid.
“Trump, Republican lawmakers and their allies are betting that higher take-home pay from the tax cuts will shore up public support for a law that poll show a sizable number of Americans view unfavorably.
“They also appear confident that ordinary Americans will have no objection if corporations and the wealthy receive the bulk of the tax-cut gains so long as middle class households, on average, also receive some benefits.”
Polls say they’re wrong.
Gotta Love This too… #CrookedHillary sinking like a rock and the rats are bailing… http://dailycaller.com/2017/12.....education/
Till Next Time!
These people live in trailer parks next to tire dumps.
They are stupid.
But that doesn’t mean they’ll thank Roypublicans for an extra $60 in their paycheck.
First, they wont even see it. It’ll be sliced and diced into a dozen other deductions on their WalMart pay stubs for insurance, employer taxes, state witholding, etc. These are people who don’t even own calculators. They can’t count beyond their fingers and toes. And in the last few weeks they’ve all run up thousands in CC balances that they’ll be paying off for the next ten months. They are going to feel the same way next as they always feel: broke. Because that’s what they are.
You gotta love DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters… http://dailycaller.com/2017/12.....led-queen/
I-940, which would make it easier to prosecute police for unjustified shootings, needs 260,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot. Initiative organizers plan to turn in 360,000 today.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Washington law requires prosecutors to prove police acted with “malice” or “evil intent,” which is a ridiculous standard that’s impossible to prove and effectively bars prosecution of killer cops in our state. It’s time for a change. No one is against police who do their jobs properly, or police exercising reasonable self-defense. We all want cops to come home to their families at the end of the work day. This initiative targets rogue cops who kill at whim. Human life is too precious to allow anyone, including police, to take it at will. Every business, profession, and occupation has performance standards. Police, who literally hold power of life and death over citizens, should be no exception. This initiative will establish a more reasonable standard for when cops can use deadly force. I’m going to vote for it, and that doesn’t make me anti-police, it means I’m pro-life.
But that does mean they’ll never thank a DUMMOCRETIN for that extra money in their weekly paycheck.
First, ftfy!
Second, it’s readily apparent DUMMOCRETINS never think it’s your money, hence there are only tax increases when DUMMOCRETINS are in charge!
Till Next Time!
@42 And here’s Puddy spewing the standard rightwing intellectually dishonest guilt-by-association bullcrap.
It’s also hypocritical, because all Republicans have far more in common with Donald Trump than all Democrats have in common with this jackass congresswoman from Texas.
Please feel free to move to Texas and help vote her out of office. And while you’re helping to cleanse public life of jerks who shouldn’t hold public offices, also sign a petition to impeach the lying, cheating, dishonest, and incompetent groper in the White House.
Have in common?
They fucking adore him. Just look at Shortbus and Doctor Dumbfuck. Over the last seven months they’ve fallen in love. And the worse Fuckface is the more they adore him.
It’s a cult of personality. It’s a vivid face tattoo that no amount of laser surgery will ever remove. They adore a treasonous perverted Russian puppet finger rapist. Their credibility in passing judgement on anyone else is simply gone forever.
@44 It’s like this, stupid. Government, like everything else, runs on money. If you spend X, then you either have to raise X through taxes Y, or borrow the difference Z. This is math even you should be able to figure out.
So Republicans just slashed the revenue component of X, and gave most of the tax reductions to themselves and their rich cronies, with a few crumbs to the other 95% in hopes of conning them into supporting this piece of shit.
Does this mean they’ll cut spending to bring X into line with Y? Hell no, they increased Z by $1.5 trillion, with another $2 trillion out there if the 95%’s crumbs are extended beyond 2025, should whoever is in power then judge that further small bribes are necessary to prevent revolution or at least prevent repeal of the 80% going to the 5%.
But this doesn’t mean Republicans have abandoned spending cuts. They definitely intend to cut spending. Not defense, they want to increase that, plus find money to build that wall Mexico was supposed to pay for until Mexicans told Trump to go fuck himself, plus millions more to move our embassy in Israel to make a statement guaranteed to stir up more violence in the Middle East. No, then intend to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, food stamps, Meals on Wheels, and throw indigent 98-year-olds out of nursing homes so the 5% can spend money that would normally support socially useful governmental functions on more mansions, yachts, private jets, diamonds, and mistresses.
This is what you vote for, fuckstick. Every day on this blog you shill for more of the same. That’s why everyone here except your fellow troll Doctor Dumbfuck, who shares your disgusting personal values and political allegiances totally divorced from basic morality and decency, thinks you’re a lunatic. And, of course, your incoherent babbling doesn’t improve your credibility.
You and the doctor are big fat zeroes.
@46 See #47 for further details. Trump is an indecent man of zero character pursuing a crassly selfish agenda so lacking in decency it even throws helpless old people and sick children under the bus, and anyone who still supports the Trump-Ryan-McConnell cabal is beneath contempt. This is no longer just a matter of philosophical differences. It’s personal. Voting Republican is now a character flaw.
A DUMMOCRETIN congresscritter admitting no Russian Collusion found so far even after the “special indictments” of Manafort and Flynn.
Till Next Time!
BULLSHITIUM from the senile old FOOL of HA DUMMOCRETINS… @42 And here’s Puddy spewing the standard rightwing intellectually dishonest guilt-by-association bullcrap.
Guilt-by-association TRUTH? A little web search would have saved you from looking silly, stoooooooooooooooooopid and senile. Butt, alas, those are your nom de plumes these days!
Well Roger senile idiot wabbit… since your side loves to use uncorroborated sources… http://wbsm.com/opinion-barry-.....the-swamp/
Well Roger senile idiot wabbit… how about her own congressional staph… http://www.houstonpress.com/ne.....er-6570168
Well Roger senile idiot wabbit… more from knowledgable sources… http://forums.liveleak.com/sho.....?p=2297837
Stay silly, stoooooooooooooooooopid and senile. You are what you are. A stooooooooooooooooooopid box of white chocolate!
Till Next Time!
How cum no libtard wanted to discuss this? https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/20/supreme-court-sets-guidelinees-in-daca-fight-311016
Or https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000160-763b-da22-ad65-77fba6610000
This is good new! It’s a helpful sign that SCOTUS will not give unelected libtard judges carte blanche to hamstring the federal government’s legitimate efforts to enforce immigration law restrictions, consistent with the current statutory law. From libtard locations so shitstain underpants steve can’t scream HATE. Well it can because the shitstain is really a FOOL!
Till Next Time!
Why we need government regulation of private facilities.
But don’t try to explain this to a Republican, because he’ll stop listening to anything that conflicts with his free-market* ideology.
* If you’re 86 years old, and get beaten up by another resident, you should have picked a different facility. That’s how the free market works. Competition eliminates economically inefficient nursing homes.**
** In order to avoid the economic inefficiencies caused by frivolous lawsuits, you will not be allowed to sue the understaffed facility that admitted a violent patient and then failed to protect you from him. That’s on you, because you’re responsible for choosing to live in that facility.
@49 Not surprising, given that he sits on a panel run by Republicans whose salaries depend on the panel not finding anything.
The special prosecutor is a different story. Four indictments and two guilty pleas say something’s there.
And the special prosecutor’s investigative file is secret, so the fact a congressman (whether Republican or Democrat) doesn’t know what’s there doesn’t mean nothing’s there.
But don’t expect a babbling lunatic to figure this out.
Look out. everybody! The loon’s head is exploding with HATE again! SAD!
@50 You don’t have to prove from your bullshit sources that Rep. Lee is a jerk. Everyone knows she’s a jerk. What do you expect me to do about it? I don’t live in her district. I didn’t vote for her. You wanna do something, talk to her voters. You’re wasting your breath on me. See @45 above for further instructions.
@51 What’s controversial about SCOTUS ruling that
“The District Court may not compel the Government to disclose any document that the Government believes is privileged without first providing the Government with the opportunity to argue the issue”?
This is a procedural ruling on a very basic point. It shouldn’t be challenging even for a babbling lunatic.
@49 Not surprising, given that he sits on a panel run by Republicans whose salaries depend on the panel not finding anything.
DAYUM this senile idiot has gotten worse. This is the same committee that has Adam Schiff (CNN leaker) as the ranking member whom runs to CNN and PMSNBC to get face time!
EPIC FOOLishness from the senile idiot FOOL wabbit!
Till Next Time!
HA’s senile idiot wabbit farted this… @50 You don’t have to prove from your bullshit sources that Rep. Lee is a jerk. Everyone knows she’s a jerk.
Then why did you previously claim this senile idiot wabbit? @42 And here’s Puddy spewing the standard rightwing intellectually dishonest guilt-by-association bullcrap.
Senility perhaps? Right your honor!
Apparently then it’s NOT standard rightwing intellectually dishonest guilt-by-association bullcrap! You wrote “Everyone knows she’s a jerk.”
Another EPIC senile idiot wabbit FAYLE this morning! You really are racking them up Roger senile idiot wabbit!
Sux to be you senile FOOL!
Till Next Time!
2017 was the Year Of Republicans and here’s what we got:
“White supremacists marched in Charlottesville; the worst mass shooting in history occurred at a music festival in Las Vegas; Alabama Republicans nominated an open racist for their Senate seat who turned out to be a sexual predator; and the president of the United States lead a seemingly unprecedented attack against the press and First Amendment.”
2018 promises more of the same, only worse.
Waytago, dumbfucks.
@58 I stand corrected. You’re right, I didn’t assent to your intellectually dishonest bullshit that tries to implicate other Democrats in Rep. Lee’s jackass behavior. Only you are suggesting that because she’s a jerk, all other Democrats are jerks, too. That’s bullcrap, and it’s intellectually dishonest, although such niceties are no impediment to your ilk.
Wherein a former Breitbart staff and spokesperson for Rep. Darrel Issa, who’s not exactly a flaming liberal, calls the Republicans in Congress a bunch of cowards.
A federal judge has struck down an Arizona law, passed by racist Republican legislators, banning ethnic studies from Tucson schools.
Erica Garner, 27, who became an activist against police brutality after her father, Eric Garner, was killed by police is in a coma with “major brain damage” following a heart attack she suffered on Christmas Eve.
Don’t fall for it.
Bardella’s schtick is a tired and worn out as the old credit card he used to scrape the “W” sticker off his Dodge back in 2006.
If 2017 was the “Year of Republicans”, get ready for 2018 to be the “Year of Those Other ROYpublicans”.
Let’s just call bullshit when it’s bullshit. These are all the same corrupt, treasonous perverts they’ve always been. Every single one of them. They spend all their time pandering to a vast mob of ignorant drooling pill-crushers milking them for cash and preying on their fears and superstitions. And the minute the un-dead monsters they sew together in their policy shops begin to fail, as they always do, they turn right around and pretend that they never had anything to do with it all. And that it was “those other ROYpublicans” who are to blame for the mess they’ve created.
They will never stop going to this bottomless well of “conservative stoopid” until we fill it in. With votes.
@64 He says he’s a Democrat now. A year from now, everyone will be. I remember back in 1975 you couldn’t find anyone who voted for Nixon. He must’ve lost both times by landslides.
Any greedy hillbilly-whisperer can say anything. And will.
Point is they toiled tirelessly in their hate foundries for years, even decades to bring our nation to this point. I’ve read nothing from Bardella to indicate that he regrets any of it.
Practically speaking he’s just wrong most of the time. And it just keeps catching up with him. He was wrong to go to work for a crook like Issa. Wrong to go to work for Andrew Breitbart. Wrong to side with Fields over his employer. Wrong to side with the #neverTrumpers. And now he’s wrong to throw in with the Clintons, DWS, and the tattered remnants of the DLC dead-enders. I’m not judging this morally. That has no relevance when discussing the behavior and motivation of “conservatives”. But practically these have all been career mistakes for Bardella.
The Democratic Party Bardella thinks he has joined is gone. It was crushed out of existence by people just like him who cheered and fist-pumped at the sight of a budget-balancing gun-toting Democratic President Bubba being righteously impeached for a blow job. That party will never return. Nor should it. Democrats win by opposing and resisting the basic regressive tendencies of privileged angry white men who’ve had everything handed to them. Not by pandering to them. He should just go sell vinyl siding. It’s what he was born to do.
@66 “He should just go sell vinyl siding. It’s what he was born to do.”
Hell no! I’m already having enough trouble getting rid of the window salesmen. Where do you put windows in a rabbit burrow?
Roy Moore will never, ever be senator.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Suck on it, Roy, and also the Alabama voters who would put party before country or decency.
Wisconsin’s Gov. Walker is buying 13,000 jobs for $4 billion with taxpayers’ money. That’s over $300,000 per job.
Meanwhile, Wisconsin’s schools are losing teachers because Walker refuses to pay them.
This is what GOP government looks like.
At the end of a year that began with millions of women marching in the streets against a pussy-grabbing president, and which ended with Republicans supporting a child-molester for the senate, this should come as no big surprise, even to a dumbfuck.
As Republicans are doing zilch about Russian interference in our elections, it’s obvious that the loon, Doctor Dumbfuck and their party of treasonous, fascistic pussy-grabbers, pedophiles and goatfuckers are banking on Putin winning another one for them.
@ 70
Well, Steve, I’m sure not banking on Eric “I can’t breathe.” Garner’s daughter surviving to 2018.
Update: Cat scan shows Erica suffered major brain damage from a lack of oxygen while in cardiac arrest. Please continue to pray hard for Erica and pray for her family and kids just as much.
5:29 PM – Dec 27, 2017
No cop to blame this one on. Although Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will surely try.
This explains Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s existence, as well.
“She’s not gone, she’s brain dead,” Garner’s heartbroken mother explained early Thursday. “Physically she is still with us.”
Pretty sure mom will be singing a different tune once she realizes there’ll be an inheritance flowing her way.
This is the only thing to grudgingly respect about Doctor Dumbfuck. The whole “compassionate conservative” long con is something he fully rejects and acknowledges to be a myth. His isn’t the party of “me”. It’s the party of “Fuck You!” It’s a shame he hasn’t done more to bring the Freak along for the ride. The tiresome moralizing from a superstitious loon who pimps for pedophile Milo while crying about “unborn Americans” and defending a serial abortion provider is badly in need of a makeover.
@ 73
Months-long string of unbroken insults from you about the woes of people who don’t vote your ideology, and I’m the one who lacks compassion.
Not that I don’t think that 30% of what you write is amusing and that 2% of what you write is worthy of a true spit-take. You’re a fine writer. You’re just wholly lacking in compassion, yourself.
And for that, we salute you.
Yes, the rodent and the rest are all quite intolerant people.
@71 “No cop to blame this one on. Although Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will surely try.”
You should’ve read @63 before stepping on your dick, dumbfuck.
@74 But don’t let me stop you from reveling in someone else’s medical catastrophe.
@75 That’s right, I’m intolerant of what shouldn’t be tolerated, e.g., sickos who make snide jokes about a stranger losing a daughter.
@74 “Months-long string of unbroken insults from you about the woes of people who don’t vote your ideology, and I’m the one who lacks compassion.”
JACKPOT!!! This is it, what I’ve waited all year for. A provocateur comes to a rowdy liberal blog to pick fights, gets his ass kicked, and then … breaks down into tears. Boohoohooo!!
Even Nixon, scumbag that he was, had more dignity and self-respect than you do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s62PeTxELL4
Happy new year, doc. May 2018 be equally demeaning and humiliating for you and your ilk. You deserve it.
@74 “Months-long string of unbroken insults from you about the woes of people who don’t vote your ideology, and I’m,/i> the one who lacks compassion.”
Congratulations Doc, you finally get a gold star for self-introspection. Since you made a statement and not a question I take it you have finally come to terms with what everyone else at this blog see, a doctor that has no compassion. Well done!
How does that first step in a twelve-step program feel?
@79 Yes, I agree, we should all be supportive if Doctor Dumbfuck is having a come-to-Jesus moment and deciding to take the cure. As the Savior taught us, every soul no matter how flawed is worth saving.
I’ve been doing this for 13 years now, and I’ll hand this to doc, he’s tougher than most. Historically, new trolls on this blog have lasted an average of two weeks.
Come on guys – have some compassion. The guy that has to buy his wife a horse to keep her happy (for appearance sake) needs some compassion.
Speaking of brain dead DUMMOCRETINS, Roger senile idiot wabbit made this assertion…
I didn’t assent to your intellectually dishonest bullshit that tries to implicate other Democrats in Rep. Lee’s jackass behavior.
So Puddy asks where did Puddy implicate another dishonest DUMMOCRETIN? Puddy wrote above… You gotta love DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters… Then Roger senile idiot wabbit went nutzo. The article was about Sheila Jackson Lee — PERIOD!
Once again senility is truly underrepresented until Roger senile idiot wabbbit writes in a thread. Then it’s over-represented because there is no thought processes apparent, just gibberish! It needs to be pastured ASAP!
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile is Jesus really real? Puddy know so! Well atheists read this… https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/jesus-historical-jesus/did-jesus-exist/
Till Next Time!
2017 was the Year Of Republicans and here’s what we got:
No #CrookedHillary as president.
No more DUMMOCRETINS in the whitey house
TRUTH coming out about the Obummer Iran nuclear deal
TRUTH that Obummer and how inner city drugs was no big deal
The Las Vegas shooter was NOT a Republican
Al Stuart Smalley Franken[stein] is a sexual predator
DUMMOCRETIN Matt Lauer is a sexual predator
DUMMOCRETIN Harvey Weinstein is a sexual predator
DUMMOCRETIN FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe will resign because he was caught
DUMMOCRETIN FBI wife cheater Peter Strzok was outed for being a #CrookedHillary lover
DUMMOCRETIN comedienne Kathy Griffin isn’t working anymore
DUMMOCRETIN leaders stacked the primary season deck against The Bern
Three gay Hollyweird loving DUMMOCRETINS are sexual predators
Shall Puddy go on? This list can be expanded!
Till Next Time!
Puddy wrote:
“Puddy wrote above… You gotta love DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters… Then Roger senile idiot wabbit went nutzo. The article was about Sheila Jackson Lee — PERIOD!”
Shelia Jackson Lee is a congresscritter. Singular. Without the “s” at the end. Puddy’s word was “congresscritters”. Plural. With the “s’ at the end. If we assume that, at one point in his life, Puddy did understand the difference between plural and singular forms (yea, that’s a questionable assumption), we’d rightly conclude, based on this exchange, that the Rabbit isn’t the one who’s senile.
Compassion. Riiight.
For a generation that graduated from 8th grade with the entire world economy forced to its knees before them, all but guaranteed a comfortable middle class income and full retirement by age 55, most of the biggest miracles of 20th century medicine perfected for them, a thousand-fold expansion of global food production layed out before them, and responded to all that unprecedented good fortune by screaming “Fuck all you dirty niggers and Mexicans!”
I used to feel some compassion for them. But time ran out. Progressive, educated, tolerant America has waited patiently since 1960 for these troglodytes to creep nervously out of the cave and face modernity. But instead they’ve all retreated into bizarre fantasies about conspiracies and ignorant crowd-vetting of “long form” birth certificates and police body-cam beatings.
I have zero fucks to give when it comes to these people.
@74. Godwin says “… I’m the one who lacks compassion.”.
Isn’t this projection? Loudly claim that your opponent is doing exactly what you are guilty of doing?
Godwin would be hard pressed to find examples of his compassion. I did a quick search and found:
“Snow got me out of having to attend a Xmas Eve service at 11p last night. Pretty much proof that there is a God.”
“There are things one must do for appearances. Attend, with family, a Xmas Eve service.”
“My only objection is that after the 2nd abortion they aren’t held down and forcibly Norplanted.”
“For those of you who are waking up to find your stockings empty, you have only yourselves to blame.”
“I, personally, do not favor gutting Social Security. Rather, I prefer that YLB’s kids pay a higher percent of their gross income to sustain Social Security, thereby sustaining the retirement payments my wife and I will receive.”
“Sorry, Deathfrogg. I just checked and the Employment Security Department isn’t offering any year-end bonuses.”
“What other legacy could a mother ever want for her child?”- How about a slew of hotels with the family name plastered on the outside?”
“The tax cut bill has been signed into law, so beginning next year you might be able to afford something besides public transportation.”
“The other shoe would be mandatory spending cuts.”* Even better.
“Wow, Bitcoin is plummeting almost as fast as ‘froggy’s latest job prospect.”
“Confidential to gman: This is not the same as six hung men.
Bodies of six men found hanging from bridges near Mexican tourist resort ”
That’s what I found before I got bored.
He’s mean spirited. He’s homophobic,. A homophobic slur is his go to response when exposed to facts proving he’s wrong. He’s racist. He’s obsessed with greed.
Godwin is not an admirable human and he seems content with that.
Don Joe,
You got one thing right. How ironic you agree with Puddy; Shelia Jackson Lee is a congresscritter.
Puddy been writing about DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters for YEARS! All the way back to 2008 Puddy started using that term. Google it dude! Sheila Jackson Lee is one of those critters. That’s 9 years Don Joe. Haven’t been paying attention.
If this was Puddy’s first entry, then, Don Joe, you’d actually have an argument. But you lose! Again! Soooooooooooo, crawl back in that alternate universe you came from. Roger senile idiot wabbit can’t remember what it wrote one hour previous in the same thread! Roger senile idiot wabbit is senile! EPIC FAYLE!
And Don Joe, since you are blind to FACTS, every entry from the senile idiot wabbit about Republicans is guilt be association.
Till Next Time!
A Brief History Of The HA Cesspool
For the sake of nostalgia, here’s the very first ever HA comment thread:
HA’s tradition of intellectual honesty and liberals owning up to their mistakes began early in this blog’s existence:
Soon, arguments in the comment threads began:
The first “rabbit” appears in HA (but not THAT rabbit):
Goldy begins receiving hate mail; he would later be reported to police as a child molester and have manure dumped in his driveway, but the rightwing hate directed at him began here:
Goldy claims he likes hearing from readers who disagree with him; arguably, this is when HA established itself as a blog open to uncensored trolling:
Seattle Jew appears in the comments under the nom de plum “thehim”:
Rossi and Gregoire virtually tie in the 2004 governor’s race, and the HA comment threads explode, with early trolls like Chuck and Mr. Cynical weighing in:
I’m not sure when THE rabbit first hopped into the picture. This is the earliest one (@10) I found in the archives, which appear to be partial and incomplete from that period:
Evergreen Railfan was posting back then, as was Richard Pope, and many of the early HA trolls including Chuck, Mr. Cynical, and Mark the Redneck. In June 2004, before the contentious 2004 governor’s election, and back when Goldy was focusing on Eyman’s initiatives and there were very few comments, I was nearly dead from a blood infection, and spent the rest of that summer sleeping it off (literally; I was sleeping 22 hours a day, getting up only to eat and piss). Beginning in September 2004 and continuing through December 2004, I worked on campaigns and then on the recounts. My earliest HA postings seem to have been in December 2004 or January 2005, and back then I frequently changed names to cover my tracks. “Roger Rabbit” stuck, quickly became a popular character on HA, and a dozen years later is still here and going strong because the rabbit, as our Republican friends liked to say back in those days, “has too much time on his hands” and nothing better to do with it, although I’ve never considered fighting The Good Fight for God and Country Against Republicanism as anything less than a noble and worthy cause. The same can’t be said of Piddles and Doctor Dumbfuck, whose cause is less than noble or worthy; as they daily demonstrate in what has become known as the “HA cesspool,” unproductive idleness corrodes and corrupts minds predisposed to sedition in evolving and unpredictable ways.
As the Savior taught us, every soul no matter how flawed is worth saving.
That’s correct Roger senile idiot wabbit! Butt, alas, your DUMMOCRETIN pals here on HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t want to accept Jesus and be saved! So, hence the lack of compassion of DUMMOCRETINS, especially HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
@88 his compassion goes way back – I don’t know, ohhh maybe 3-4 years or more ago he was compassionate enough to tell me that my father must be embarrassed (I guess for a lack of better word – I don’t remember the exact quote) by me because I am gay.
So compassionate. So, so compassionate.
Not sure if I missed it or if DD is just a private person, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard him speak of a child of his own…maybe he’s not proud enough to talk about it.
Wait for it – I’m sure he has a compassionate response to follow. The compassionate one. That poor horse.
So, Puddy’s been confusing the difference between singular and plural since 2008. Somehow, this is supposed to mean that Puddy’s not senile.
Epic fail, indeed.
@90 Fuck You.
@82 “have some compassion”
For the wife or the horse?
“Fuck all you dirty niggers and Mexicans!”
Channeling your inner vomit producing dead toad or headless lucy?
Till Next Time!
“Fuck all you dirty niggers and Mexicans!”
Channeling your inner vomit producing dead toad or headless lucy?
Till Next Time!
@83 “So Puddy asks where did Puddy implicate another dishonest DUMMOCRETIN? Puddy wrote above… You gotta love DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters… ”
You just answered your own question. When you put an “s” after “congresscritter” and made it plural. If you need to have someone explain this to you, try a high school English teacher.
Seems Tim Kaine’s son is DUMMOCRETIN SCUM like his father! http://dailycaller.com/2017/12.....p-protest/
95, 96, etc.
Not at all. Merely blockquoting directly from r/The_Donald.
You ought to know. It’s where most of your plagarism comes from.
“DUMMOCRETINS don’t want to accept Jesus and be saved! ”
Neither does Godwin.
Godwin: “Snow got me out of having to attend a Xmas Eve service at 11p last night. Pretty much proof that there is a God….There are things one must do for appearances. Attend, with family, a Xmas Eve service.”
Unless Lip service is what counts as accepting Jesus in your religion.
@84 Thanks for reminding us that all the evidence of Jesus’ historicity is literary in nature, and there is no physical archaeological evidence confirming such a person actually lived, or if he did, that he was a divine being in human form.
But that’s not really the problem, is it? The real issue is not whether Jesus existed, or the undeniable social value of his purported teachings as related in the New Testament, but the fact we have so many people running around today calling themselves Christians but acting like Republicans.
senile FOOL @97,
Refer to #89!
Sux to be senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Unless Lip service is what counts as accepting Jesus in your religion.
NOPE! Good try reformed commie!
Till Next Time!
@85 What, in that list, constitutes a Republican accomplishment that makes the average American’s life better?
Here’s what Americans got from the GOP in 2017: A ranting racist leader who revived the virulent white nationalism of the 1950s, a roaring stock market that enriched 5% of the population, and a tax bill that put the country $1.5 trillion farther into debt to make that 5% even richer.
Here’s what they’ll get from the GOP in 2018: More racism, less health insurance, and attacks on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and even Meals On Wheels in the name of reducing deficits.
Here’s what the GOP has already started to get from those Americans in 2017 and will get a lot more of in 2018: “Fuck you, you’re fired.”
calling themselves Christians but acting like Republicans.
Beats calling themselves Christians but acting like DUMMOCRETINS. We saw what Obummer has done, just to his own people for a “treaty”.
More disgusting DUMMOCRETIN actions… http://dailycaller.com/2017/12.....ng-emails/
Till Next Time!
@105 No honest person can call himself a Christian and a Republican at the same time. The GOP is now the party of Donald Trump and Roy Moore. Sad, but you did that to yourselves. We didn’t want you to, nor did we assist or facilitate your moral suicide in any way.
@ 91
…I don’t know, ohhh maybe 3-4 years or more ago he was compassionate enough to tell me that my father must be embarrassed (I guess for a lack of better word – I don’t remember the exact quote) by me because I am gay.
I am certain that, at minimum, your family is embarrassed by you. Whether that was the term I used is something to be left to YLB’s database. Horrified, rather than embarrassed, might come closer to accuracy.
I am equally certain that your homosexuality entered into my assessment not at all. It may be the most human thing about you, gman.
@106 Which makes Omar Amanat guilty of fraud. Why don’t you run in next year’s elections on a platform that goes like this:
“Hillary Clinton’s aide’s cousin convicted of fraud.”
Dig a little deeper and, who knows, maybe the cousin’s neighbor had a dog that bit somebody.
You sure know a winning argument when you see one, dumbass. (sarcasm)
@100 and yours truly – the gay guy – made it to church Christmas eve (4pm mass). And Puffballs is trying to teach us Democrats a lesson. What he proves is that he is a moron. And plays the race card when it works for him.
Yet neither do any of your Roypublican pals here on HA.
You might want to think about that one.
@108 I hope, for their sake, that you don’t have a family. That you were cloned from a blob of protoplasm that can’t think or feel. That’s about the only way anyone could take being related to you.
@108 nice projection.
@89 “All the way back to 2008 Puddy started using that term.”
Which is about as original as the rest of your bright ideas.
@ 109
“Hillary Clinton’s aide’s cousin convicted of fraud.”
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s got a point. That’s nothing, especially when you could go with
#CrookedHillary’s IT technician pleaded the Fifth…
#CrookedHillary’s chief of staff and attorney was given immunity by the FBI prior to …
#CrookedHillary’s aide and attorney was given immunity by the FBI prior to…
#CrookedHillary’s information resources management office director when she was at State was given immunity by the FBI prior to…
Or, you could point out that #CrookedHillary saw a need to bring NINE attorneys to an interview in which she was not placed under oath, no recording was made, and no notes were archived.
Those are much closer to the Cesspool of Clinton she embodies.
@90 They don’t have to go to church as much as you do, because their souls don’t need nearly as much saving as yours does.
@115 By all means, run on “Crooked Hillary” in 2018 to try and distract the voters from how they got fucked over by your party. I’m eager to see how well that works for you.
Someone please explain to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit that church attendance isn’t like a monthly payment for a purchased indulgence. The way the story was told to me, even those who are forced to accept from, rather than give to the offering plate have just as good a shot at getting into Heaven as the fat cats.
@102 I’m not the one having brain farts, dumbfuck. You wrote @42:
“You gotta love DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters… ”
If you don’t believe me, look it up.
My point is, you didn’t write “congresscritter,” you wrote “congresscritters,” in its plural form with an “s”, and unless Rep. Lee is more than one person, you were extrapolating her jackassery to other “DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters …”
If you don’t believe this, ask a high school English teacher, or for that matter anyone more literate than you are.
Now watch Piddles go slithering under his rock in a cloud of squid ink …
@118 “church attendance isn’t like a monthly payment for a purchased indulgence”
True; most people you find in churches just treat it that way.
Btw, what religion has a long history of selling indulgences? This is a pop quiz. Hint: Not the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit.
Squid ink FOOL?
You are the about one taking a single Republican act and putting it all over other Republicans. DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters is a term Puddy has used since 2008 to describe one or more DUMMOCRETINS! Just ax the clueless crazed databaze deala!
If you can’t fathom that senile idiot wabbit then you really are a FOOL!
Till Next Time!
Puddy really likes Ben Shapiro 98% of the time. This is one of those times! http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2644300
And Rosie O’Donnell proves she has man parts after all!
O’Donnell replied in a now-deleted tweet: “suck my dick ben.”
Tell Next Time!
A Republican suggests a sensible way to repair the GOP tax plan. It cuts the deficits created by the tax plan in half, supports Medicare, and best of all, helps save our habitat.
@122 Of course you like Shapiro. He’s a feather of your flock.
@121 Only a squid uses the plural to denote the plural, then when cornered, claims it meant the singular.
“Vanity Fair” had the gall to suggest that I, the self-appointed Queen of the Universe, should not run for President on 2020. It’s perfectly OK for liberal media elites to attack any and all Republicans, conservatives, Libertarians and anyone else who is not a liberal progressive Democrat, but they should never, never besmirch me, the Single Most Important Person in the Universe!
(I’m not sure the entire Universe can contain the size of my ego and My Grandeur.)
@ 126
(I’m not sure the entire Universe can contain the size of my ego and My Grandeur.)
And that pantsuit is having some difficulty containing the size of your ass, #CrookedHillary.
@121 Only a squid uses the plural to denote the plural, then when cornered, claims it meant the singular.
NOPE you DOPE. Puddy been using congresscritters for years. You don’t have the balls (your posts prove it) to ask the crazed databaze deala!
Till Next Time Tomorrow!
@128 “Puddy been using congresscritters for years.”
You’ve been illiterate for years, too.
“Conservatives” act like they’re the 12-13 year old kids in my old neighborhood who liked to get their jollies by pounding on the 6-7 year olds around the block and then grew up to be cops. they certainly exhibit the temperament of the sociopathic pre-teen with damn near every post I see on YouTube and the ‘chans.
Odd thing, the SchizoPoodle posted a link above to a forum at LiveLeak, which is an openly White Racist website owned by a Russian and hosted in Russia. It’s the new name for the old “Ogerish” website that used to post highly detailed and very graphic videos out of Chechnya, Russia and Yugoslavia, of people getting their heads cut off with dull knives and being executed at close range with machine guns. They posted a real good one about ten years ago that went viral on places like StormFront and the various ‘Chans and such, of a couple of Moscow teenagers using a claw hammer to crush the head of a gay man and stab him a couple of hundred times with a screwdriver, laughing the whole while. The associated forum was full of people going on about how they could hardly wait until they could do the same thing in America, including to all the Kikes, Niggers and Spics.
I read the ‘Chans. The political forums are a real case study in how unfettered mass murderer wannabees talk, when they are just waiting for “that moment” when they can unleash their violence upon the world and not face any consequences.
Fat Donny’s election is a major part of that. He’s going to give them the green light, any day now. They say this right out in the open.
The vomit producer dead toad farted…
Odd thing, the SchizoPoodle posted a link above to a forum at LiveLeak, which is an openly White Racist website owned by a Russian and hosted in Russia.
Really? All one needs to do is visit the libtard site WikiPedia and one can view the TRUTH! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiveLeak
Type of site Video sharing
Available in English
Founded 31 October 2006; 11 years ago[1][2]
Headquarters London[3], United Kingdom
Area served Worldwide
Owner Unknown
Created by Hayden Hewitt (co-founder)
In 2016 the partnered with an RT affiliate to share videos.
Where is LiveLeak on the political spectrum? Leftist of course!
Can anyone ever trust the vomited BULLSHITTIUM that proceeds from the fingers of dead toad?
NOPE! As much as Roger is senile, the dead toad is a moron!
As always FACTS! Never the hate of the vomit producing dead toad inhaled by shitstain underwear racetrack steve!
Till Next Time!
Uh-oh! The batshit crazy loon woke up at 4:00 AM in a state of Peak HATE again! Huh! Just like he did on Christmas morning. SAD!
Dr. Dumbfuck confirms what we all know @127, that he is an “ass man” all the way around.
This has to be his favorite view of the world: https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1380392600i/755797.png
I pity his horses.
@88 “He’s mean spirited. He’s homophobic,. A homophobic slur is his go to response when exposed to facts proving he’s wrong. He’s racist. He’s obsessed with greed.”
Sounds like you just described most Republicans.
Pro Tip: read your citations.
How lazy are you? Don’t answer that.
Countdown to unhinged, empty headed baby talk in 3… 2… 1…