According to several reliable sources, Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi is really… a woman. The putative winner of the Nov 2 election has denied that he was born Diana Rossi, but insisted that he has never referred to himself as a man, saying that other people wrote his legislative biography. When asked if his gender was misstated, Rossi said “If I saw it, it didn’t register.
According to Sec. of State Sam Reed it was not immediately clear what, if any effect this might have on the recount.
If Dini/Dino/Diana needs a referral, he is lucky as hell in life. Seattle has a world class gender center, truly on the leading edge internationally, called the Ingersoll Gender Center. And much to our great credit Seattle is one of the few places in the USA where transgended folk thrive in all respects. They feel safe and acccepted, day or night. Just a FYI…..where if might be germaine.
Small hint to Dini/Diana/Dino…….cheap surgery to get the ears cut back.
Rudy–of all people to get personal!!! Those are desperate comments…but I suppose we can forgive you. You are still in shock about the results of the Governors race.
You know, I happen to know several transgender people. Well, not exactly transgender…but serious cross-dressers anyway. Have you ever worn womans undergarments Rudy?? Do you have them on now??
Hey, hey, pseudo expert- straight men wear womens under panties. Helps somehow- I think the term is on the silkies. The word for them is transvestite. Nothing to do with gender.
Had a transgened woman who lived upstairs for 8 years, Carol, from Boston. She participated at Ingersoll. Feel free to refer your friends if needed. From Carol’s remarks, very cool place with a lot of programs.
This not meant for humor or sarcasm. And no bearing on any election or politics. But Seattle’s caring reputation makes me proud to live here.
Very good news, but I believed that many other countes shoud star their recount on saturday. Why?
P.S. The good news is that Dino Rossi gains one vote in the recount (at the moment…).
Rudy & Goldy–you 2 are a real pair of left-wing jewels. The Rudy “conspiracy theory” about 4 precindts in Snohomish County being overcounted turned out to be false. The Dems forgot to look at new registrations!!! Fuzzy math! No more wrist-flapping Rudy until all facts are in.
I added -dy to the end of my name in hopes that you will listen. Perhaps all commenters should add -dy like Josef-dy, Jim-dy King-dy etc.. Perhaps that is the magic formula to unlock the key to two this dynamic duo.
Hey seriously–with 3 million ballots and a # of Auditors & Election Officials—stuff can happen. But their are errors of ommission and errors of Commission. Partisan zealots can ruin it for all of us. This is why the Provisional Affadavits MUST have a 2nd look. Berendt’s cushy job is on the line. He sends his kids to a private school in Olympia. (although he sure talks a good public education game—typical limo Leftist) He costs his kids School District approx. $4200/kid. Is this the type of leader the Dems should take pride in?? He needs this $100,000+/yr job guys. How far will he go to keep it???
Hey Cynicla-di-da… oh… why bother refuting you when you keep attacking me for things I never said….
It is getting very close to the time to get the Jesus Bus out of the garage and head north of the border for a little head-cleansing…
Or go home and listen to nothing but Cream, Buffalo Springfield, and Jefferson Airplane for the next twenty-four hours (maybe a little Jethro Tull and T Rex mixed in…)
And if anyone really wants to know what is happening, go ask Alice…
I think Christine should just resign, she has fu**ed up this great state for far 2 long. I am determined she wanted to win whatever, she kept having the reounts until she won. Well as u know she did and now shes trying to call it hers. SHe also wants Dino Rossi to resign now, I as a tax payer don’t want to see this. Have another election or push it all the way to the Supreme COurt in DC.