They were told that they can’t succeed without a college education. Now many of the people they know that have graduated can’t find a job that’ll keep them from being “underwater” on their student loan debt.
So yes, it helps to speak up.
I’m not arguing against going to college or that we don’t need more pell grants. We need both.
But, what I thinks happened is that the world changed (the world IS ALWAYS changing) and colleges didn’t. It used to be that if you had a degree you could get a job. Period. That hasn’t been the case for 20 year and yet colleges are still graduating kids with the expectation that they can get a job regardless of what their degree is in.
If I had kid who was a senior in high school right now chances are next year he or she would be going to a community college for one of the shorter trade programs. Get them a skill they can get a job that starts at 15 bucks an hour. If they want to continue on to college after that that’s cool.
Blue Johnspews:
How do you factor in that many companies, especially large ones, don’t want to bring up talent? They want to hire 4s and 5s, they don’t want to waste resources raising a 1 up to a 4 or 5 level. Cause they will simply leave and to someone else’s company as a 4 or 5.
Seems you have all these kids trying to be educated to a level 4 or 5 level and they still cannot find work.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Yeah, it’s like a lot of things they tell you that simply aren’t necessarily true. Get a college degree and you’ll get a good job and be successful. That’s no longer true anywhere in the US. It might be smarter to learn how to be a heating and air condidtioning guy versus getting a degree in French lit or creative dance.
I should point out that it’s a continuing source of amusement in our office that not one of us has a college degree related to what we actually do. Our degrees, including some graduate degrees, are in unrelated fields.
My dad has a degree in economic, he was a commercial fisherman.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Nowadays workers are expected to pay for their own training, their own health care, and their own retirement. Employers expect them to be job-ready, and to be willing to take a job paying $15 an hour with no guaranteed hours and no promise of continued employment. Why would anyone want to work under those conditions?
When a businessman is confronted with a situation in which investing in an enterprise would cost him more than being in business will earn, he walks away.
When working becomes so expensive and unrewarding for workers that working is a losing proposition, they’ll walk away, too.
Why is this so hard for anyone to figure out?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 The purpose of college is to teach you how to think, communicate effectively, obtain and organize information, and figure out what to do with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Occupy movement is spreading like wildfire. I think it reflects a popular discontent with how things are going in our country. The last 30 years of Republican policies has resulted in 99% of the people working harder than ever before under bad working conditions and for low pay to enrich the 1-percenters. What these demonstrations indicate is that the era of the 1-percenters is coming to an end. One way or another, they’re going to be forced to share the wealth that workers create with the workers who create it.
Last I looked there was 25 million people in this country that were unemployed or grossly underemployed..
There’s what 40 million people on food stamps???
How many millions of them marching in the streets will it take to scare the politicians into making some halfway positive changes???
@7 See #9
Right now it’s protests. If the protests don’t work the next step isn’t go back home and doing nothing…
It’s a historical inevitability that if the things that Rog laid out @7 & 9 don’t get taken care of though protests and dialog that they’ll get taken care of with bricks and petrol bombs. It’s not about what of any us think or like, it’s just what happens. It happens every fucking time and it works almost a often.
The rich in America are coddled and soft, they’ll fold when faced with a real threat. I’m not advocating that. I’m advocating the opposite of that. But, if we problems don’t get solved with dialog they will get solved with bricks.
Unlike the Arab Spring protests, the Occupy movement is headed towards inclement weather.
Does it take a winter break and start up again in the Spring? Or does it keep going and going, weather be damned?
I agree with Roger. People attend college to receive an education, and in the process, be prepared to learn how to think and figure out problems without being bamboozled.
Very few undergraduate students spend enough time in a major field (if there is one to be had) that would constitute pre-career preparation.
I bet not very many folks get a job in their undergraduate academic field. Narrowly trained people without a broad education are at greater risk of getting pushed out of the job market. Hot fields change all the time and technology changes fast in the hot fields.
Meanwhile it looks like the budget writers in the state are asking colleges and universities to be prepared for a special session cut of 20% to 30% in additional cuts as well as a cut in the state need grant which represents huge chunks of tuition dollars at each and every public 4 year and community college.
All cuts, all the time suck.
the umpirespews:
how many of these idiots a the UW have mommy and daddy paying for college?
I always get a laugh out of FOOHS(fresh out of high school) kids who think they have a clue about the real world.
how many of these poor downtrodden students have ever held a job in their life? and how many of them have an x-box in their dorm? my bet is that the numbers are 4 to 1 in favor of the xbox over a real job.
we were all(well many of us) were naive college students at one time – now I just sit back and laugh at these fools who are complaining about something they know nothing about – IE Life.
Once you get out of college you’re going to have to get a job and it’s a lot easier to get a job with a teaching or librarians certificate to go with that degree in Classical European Lit. In other words you need to combine vocation and avocation.
how many of these idiots a the UW have mommy and daddy paying for college?
Considering what’s been happening with mommy and daddy’s stock portfolio lately, probably not that many any more.
I always get a laugh out of FOOHS(fresh out of high school) kids who think they have a clue about the real world.
I know some folks that sent their daughter to WSU to get a degree in nursing. They spent a ton of cash so she could get this great degree. The kid was a straight A student, all her teachers raved. Their daughter worked at a hospital for two months and then went back to pulling shots at an espresso stand where she had worked in the summers. She didn’t like nursing.
They should have sent her to a community college to get a CNA, it takes 3 months and cost 7 or 8 hundred bucks. She could have always gone back to school for that BA in nursing.
Just like I posted @16 there needs to be a vocational aspect! It wasn’t like that from 1945 to 1985, but things change over time and it’s sure as hell is like that now.
the umpirespews:
I agree – but there are already Voc-Tech schools out there.
You know, I have no problem with people studying whatever they want in college. BUT, dont complain after the fact when you got some useless anthropology or museum studies or drama degree and cant find a job or pay back your student loans.
Those degrees are the type that people should get AFTER they have a real career that pays the bills.
The other thing that cracks me up is the fact that people will get student loans(or just plain spend the cash) for 100 and 200 level classes(IE fresh and soph years) at big schools like UW or WSU..what a complete waste of time and money, when you can go to the local CC and take the same courses for a fraction of the cost and in a class that doesnt have 250 people in it.
Pour two teh peeple!spews:
Yeeh we occopied red sqare, deh naim is fiting know?
@7 “Nowadays workers are expected to pay for their own training, their own health care, and their own retirement.”
Or, as suggested by David Brooks of the New York Times, be so courteous as to croak at around 60.
Lauramae can't think for herse;fspews:
Laura you always agree with Roger what is it with you? Can’t you think for yourself? You always jump in after Roger in blogs. Kind of like blog stalking.
OHHHH I agree with Roger.
Can’t you think for youself?
Lara get a life and stop blog stalking.
@11 “The rich in America are coddled and soft, they’ll fold when faced with a real threat.”
Not as long as they can send someone else to do their fighting for them.
This might in fact include some members of New York’s finest–a leftover provision from the Giuliani years provides for private entities to hire the services of the police. For a mere $37 an hour (plus a ten percent surcharge to the department) you can have your own police officer at your disposal, complete with uniform, baton, pistol and other accessories, along with full authority to arrest people, and to hurt them severely if they resist. Nobody in the know in New York is speaking out about it, but this could explain the rough treatment of demonstrators by the “white shirts” while other officers’ actions are far more benign.
There are similar laws in other municipalities allowing this sort of thing.
You know, I have no problem with people studying whatever they want in college. BUT, dont complain after the fact when you got some useless anthropology or museum studies or drama degree and cant find a job or pay back your student loans.
Those degrees are the type that people should get AFTER they have a real career that pays the bills.
That’s not how it worked for a large section of the baby boomers and they can’t see how things can any different now. You can’t really blame them, that’s the way their world worked for the last 60 years or so.
But, that’s not how it works now and it’s not how it’s going to work for the next 20 years or so.
The sort of society we could be headed for if the forcces of privilege prevail could be rather like the present situation in Brazil. A vast population of poor people live in slums, while the upper and middle classes huddle in gated enclaves guarded by mercenaries. Outside the walls, crime is everywhere–kidnapping is one of the country’s biggest industries–and the government’s resources are woefully inadequate to deal with it. As a result, the wealthy have almost become prisoners in gilded cages, fearful of venturing outside without armed protection.
@23 The way it’s going, actors and writers are becoming less in demand, largely because the mass entertainment industry is replacing them by providing the public a barrage of worthless “reality entertainment” in which untrained jerks are stood in front of a camera to behave like…untrained jerks. I’m not at all sure that any of us is better off for it.
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
I agree with Roger. People attend college to receive an education, and in the process, be prepared to learn how to think and figure out problems without being bamboozled.
How LauraMae? To think like liberals? Most colleges teach people how to be liberals. To demand their Cadillac immediately as soon as they start their “job”? Or demand their piece of the pie without any sweat equity? Been working since 16 and still don’t own a Cadillac.
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
What is funny is this! Bet these HA libs can’t figger out the correct link!
Choose the celebrity!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cain Leads GOP Polls
The pizza guy has jumped to a strong lead over Mittens in polls of GOP voters after last night’s. Perry? You need a magnifying glass to see his numbers. GOP grassrooters like the fact Cain “is not a politician,” which tells you something about what they think of politicians in general (including theirs).
Meanwhile, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center says Cain’s 999 plan would make the tax system much more regressive and give the rich a massive new tax cut at the expense of the poor.
ButtPutty's fetid syphilitic brainspews:
Who the fuck cares what ButtPutty thinks?
#26. Stay fixated on your political dichotomies if you must, but it just isn’t the case that students enter higher education as blank slates to be filled with the political ideologies that you fear.
I’ve lived a couple of tremendously conservative states and worked at universities in those states, specifically Indiana and Kansas and not only did students emerge from those universities with degrees that suited them well, but they also emerged with a diverse set of political and religious beliefs. And these bastions of Conservativeve social environments also invested well in their higher education system, unlike the very blue state of Washington. So apparently in some parts of the country, even your fellow conservatives recognize that having an educated populace serves the public interest best.
In the 16 years I’ve lived in Washington, I can tell you this, I’ve encountered far more vitriolic anti-education animosity at any and all levels here than I ever did in Kansas or Indiana. It’s very odd.
Here’s how a liberal looks at it: a long time ago workers in this country realized that industrialization wasn’t making their lives better, but worse. The captains of industry were making a ton of money and living a merry life far away from the dirty, dangerous factories they owned, and far away from the even dirtier and more dangerous mines that fed raw materials to those factories.
The workers quickly decided that this arrangement didn’t work for them. If they were going to work as cogs in machines designed to build wealth for the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and Carnegies, they wanted a cut. They wanted a share of the wealth that they were helping create. And that didn’t mean just more money; it meant a better quality of life. It meant reasonable hours and better working conditions.
I was there, and one sign said: “Students shouldn’t have to pay back loans.”
Fucking morons.
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
No one cares what ekim the goat master thinks!
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
Stay fixated on your political dichotomies if you must
Yes LauraMae, it is shocking about conservative states such as Kansas vs libtardo WA State… But you see I speak from fact! I remember this from the WA Post.
By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.
The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where, according to the study, 87 percent of faculty are liberal and 13 percent are conservative.
PuddyCommentary… And where did Barack ObamAA+ go to school? Elitism. Where did much of his cabinet go or work at? Elitism.
So you said it’s odd. Could it be your life outlook is odd LauraMae and our view is more mainstream?
See ya!
Puddy, if you believe that college students absorb their professor’s political affiliation than you probably also think that things like being gay are catching.
You represent what my 84 year old father would call a “flat earther.” He never went to college either but never once has been opposed to regarding a wide variety of information and analyzing it critically. Lucky for me he always thought that it was important that his daughters go to college.
ButtPutty's fetid syphilitic brainspews:
ButtPutty was spreading the rumor that he was home with his wife watching the Rethug debate.
And where did the miserable idiot that zombie cretins voted for twice go to school? And where did the same miserable idiot hide for 6 years in a TANG champagne unit while another American got his ass shot at in the Mekong Delta?
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
ButtPutty was spreading the rumor that he was home with his wife watching the Rethug debate.
Unlike you ekim whom no one has met, several HA libtardos have met Mrs Puddy. They personally witnessed her beauty. Now Roger DOPEY Rabbit claimed he doesn’t look at other women (just fantasizes about animals) so technically he lied because he shook my wife’s hand and looked right into her eyes and said nice to meet you.
So, as always, you are talking from inside your goat’s arschloch!
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
Puddy, if you believe that college students absorb their professor’s political affiliation than you probably also think that things like being gay are catching.
Ya damn straight about that. I have personal evidence in my older son now at law school. His stories are long about professor biases in undergrad school and how they portray the DUMMOCRAPTIC side a way better!! Too bad those facts EXPLODE HA libtardo minds.
Notice no one touches this…
And where did Barack ObamAA+ go to school? Elitism. Where did much of his cabinet go or work at? Elitism.
It’s a toxic fact to a DUMMOCRAPT!
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
To the arschloch @38,
Man you are S T U P I D! Did I say everyone is persuaded? Even 13% of the elite schools are conservative professors.
Another arschloch smelly gas moment!
Puddybud, identifies Ekim AKA Turd For Brains, Another Cass Sunstein Malleable Homer Simpson idiotspews:
Maybe Ocupy UW will have a brilliant speaker talk about “revolution“. It’s always the DUMMOCRAPT way to preach violence as their ends to a means!
Gee, it looks like Puddy is swallowing a variation of that line I used to hear from Neo-Confederates a decade or so ago, to the effect that all the teachers in college are “pro-Union” – otherwise they would teach that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, it was about tarriffs! Of course, Spiro Agnew started the whole bit in the late 1960’s, claiming that the Republicans represented the “Silent Majority” and that liberals were the “nattering nabobs of negativism” (a good line, I must admit).
They have use this argument, that the media and colleges are dominated by leftists, to dismiss any analysis of Republican policies or actions.
In truth, the mainstream media went out of it’s way to be considerate of Republican opinion, to the point where it wouldn’t even point out the obvious falshoods in Republican statements. And in colleges around the country, liberal and conservative professors both get equal opportunities to present their views to the undergraduates – although it seldom changes the way the undergraduates vote, most of them have developed party loyalties long before they came to college.
And this completely ignores the fact that a high proportion of college students are not fresh out of high school anymore, but are adults.
Finally, I understand why the Republicans are insisting on attacking both higher education and the mainstream media. Both are devoted to discovering and publishing facts, not talking points. Since facts have an inherent liberal bias, then all that leaves the Republicans to do is to appeal to the less-educated in the U.S. society, those who argue that the higher education to which they could never aspire is unnecessary, and even harmful. And, of course, if most college professors and members of the media DO tend to be liberal, it is only because they are generally smarter than the average American, or in the case of the media, have been around politicians enough to know which ones are genuine and which ones are talking from their nether regions.
One guy’s take while walking about Zucotti Park (OWS):
I did 40 interviews. My first question was “Why are you here?” Then, in some order “What do you think the problem is?” and “What would you do?” I would ask what they meant by some broad term, such as “Democracy” or “Equality.” I did not prompt on Obama or current political leaders.
Here are the notes.
Almost all (38) mentioned corporate greed. The other two were Ron Paul supporters.
Almost all (35) wanted more regulation of financial transactions/tax on transactions.
Most (30) mentioned democracy as being important, and many of these (24) mentioned that they felt democracy was lost, or slipping away in America. Most who mentioned Democracy meant representative (22) not direct (8) democracy.
Most (29) mentioned “99%,” which means it is clearly the meme….
One important point I want to stress is that many, on the left and even more on the right, have described this group as “angry.” It is not. I met exactly one angry person all day, and he was an Indigenous rights activist. I’m going to say that if you aren’t bitter about how the government has treated the first peoples, you aren’t an Indigenous rights activist, because it was the first land fraud, from which Wall Street’s is only an echo. Other than that, the anger content was entirely on people covering the rally. Many people with microphones wanted these people to be angry.
Judging from the amount of vomit spewing from pussybutt today he must have licked his breakfast out of a goat’s ass.
Puddybud, who read how Mr DISGUSTING "I live off the net" all dayspews:
Gee, it looks like Puddy is swallowing a variation of that line I used to hear from Neo-Confederates a decade or so ago, to the effect that all the teachers in college are “pro-Union” – otherwise they would teach that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, it was about tarriffs!
Gee it looks like rhp6033 is a certifiable moron. That was from the WA Post idiot. There is no swallowing on Puddy’s side. The swallowing is on your side with kook-aid!
They were told that they can’t succeed without a college education. Now many of the people they know that have graduated can’t find a job that’ll keep them from being “underwater” on their student loan debt.
So yes, it helps to speak up.
I’m not arguing against going to college or that we don’t need more pell grants. We need both.
But, what I thinks happened is that the world changed (the world IS ALWAYS changing) and colleges didn’t. It used to be that if you had a degree you could get a job. Period. That hasn’t been the case for 20 year and yet colleges are still graduating kids with the expectation that they can get a job regardless of what their degree is in.
If I had kid who was a senior in high school right now chances are next year he or she would be going to a community college for one of the shorter trade programs. Get them a skill they can get a job that starts at 15 bucks an hour. If they want to continue on to college after that that’s cool.
How do you factor in that many companies, especially large ones, don’t want to bring up talent? They want to hire 4s and 5s, they don’t want to waste resources raising a 1 up to a 4 or 5 level. Cause they will simply leave and to someone else’s company as a 4 or 5.
Seems you have all these kids trying to be educated to a level 4 or 5 level and they still cannot find work.
Yeah, it’s like a lot of things they tell you that simply aren’t necessarily true. Get a college degree and you’ll get a good job and be successful. That’s no longer true anywhere in the US. It might be smarter to learn how to be a heating and air condidtioning guy versus getting a degree in French lit or creative dance.
I should point out that it’s a continuing source of amusement in our office that not one of us has a college degree related to what we actually do. Our degrees, including some graduate degrees, are in unrelated fields.
My dad has a degree in economic, he was a commercial fisherman.
@3 Nowadays workers are expected to pay for their own training, their own health care, and their own retirement. Employers expect them to be job-ready, and to be willing to take a job paying $15 an hour with no guaranteed hours and no promise of continued employment. Why would anyone want to work under those conditions?
When a businessman is confronted with a situation in which investing in an enterprise would cost him more than being in business will earn, he walks away.
When working becomes so expensive and unrewarding for workers that working is a losing proposition, they’ll walk away, too.
Why is this so hard for anyone to figure out?
@5 The purpose of college is to teach you how to think, communicate effectively, obtain and organize information, and figure out what to do with it.
The Occupy movement is spreading like wildfire. I think it reflects a popular discontent with how things are going in our country. The last 30 years of Republican policies has resulted in 99% of the people working harder than ever before under bad working conditions and for low pay to enrich the 1-percenters. What these demonstrations indicate is that the era of the 1-percenters is coming to an end. One way or another, they’re going to be forced to share the wealth that workers create with the workers who create it.
9 – I really, really hope it turns out that way.
Last I looked there was 25 million people in this country that were unemployed or grossly underemployed..
There’s what 40 million people on food stamps???
How many millions of them marching in the streets will it take to scare the politicians into making some halfway positive changes???
@7 See #9
Right now it’s protests. If the protests don’t work the next step isn’t go back home and doing nothing…
It’s a historical inevitability that if the things that Rog laid out @7 & 9 don’t get taken care of though protests and dialog that they’ll get taken care of with bricks and petrol bombs. It’s not about what of any us think or like, it’s just what happens. It happens every fucking time and it works almost a often.
The rich in America are coddled and soft, they’ll fold when faced with a real threat. I’m not advocating that. I’m advocating the opposite of that. But, if we problems don’t get solved with dialog they will get solved with bricks.
Unlike the Arab Spring protests, the Occupy movement is headed towards inclement weather.
Does it take a winter break and start up again in the Spring? Or does it keep going and going, weather be damned?
I agree with Roger. People attend college to receive an education, and in the process, be prepared to learn how to think and figure out problems without being bamboozled.
Very few undergraduate students spend enough time in a major field (if there is one to be had) that would constitute pre-career preparation.
I bet not very many folks get a job in their undergraduate academic field. Narrowly trained people without a broad education are at greater risk of getting pushed out of the job market. Hot fields change all the time and technology changes fast in the hot fields.
Meanwhile it looks like the budget writers in the state are asking colleges and universities to be prepared for a special session cut of 20% to 30% in additional cuts as well as a cut in the state need grant which represents huge chunks of tuition dollars at each and every public 4 year and community college.
All cuts, all the time suck.
how many of these idiots a the UW have mommy and daddy paying for college?
I always get a laugh out of FOOHS(fresh out of high school) kids who think they have a clue about the real world.
how many of these poor downtrodden students have ever held a job in their life? and how many of them have an x-box in their dorm? my bet is that the numbers are 4 to 1 in favor of the xbox over a real job.
we were all(well many of us) were naive college students at one time – now I just sit back and laugh at these fools who are complaining about something they know nothing about – IE Life.
Once you get out of college you’re going to have to get a job and it’s a lot easier to get a job with a teaching or librarians certificate to go with that degree in Classical European Lit. In other words you need to combine vocation and avocation.
Considering what’s been happening with mommy and daddy’s stock portfolio lately, probably not that many any more.
I know some folks that sent their daughter to WSU to get a degree in nursing. They spent a ton of cash so she could get this great degree. The kid was a straight A student, all her teachers raved. Their daughter worked at a hospital for two months and then went back to pulling shots at an espresso stand where she had worked in the summers. She didn’t like nursing.
They should have sent her to a community college to get a CNA, it takes 3 months and cost 7 or 8 hundred bucks. She could have always gone back to school for that BA in nursing.
Just like I posted @16 there needs to be a vocational aspect! It wasn’t like that from 1945 to 1985, but things change over time and it’s sure as hell is like that now.
I agree – but there are already Voc-Tech schools out there.
You know, I have no problem with people studying whatever they want in college. BUT, dont complain after the fact when you got some useless anthropology or museum studies or drama degree and cant find a job or pay back your student loans.
Those degrees are the type that people should get AFTER they have a real career that pays the bills.
The other thing that cracks me up is the fact that people will get student loans(or just plain spend the cash) for 100 and 200 level classes(IE fresh and soph years) at big schools like UW or WSU..what a complete waste of time and money, when you can go to the local CC and take the same courses for a fraction of the cost and in a class that doesnt have 250 people in it.
Yeeh we occopied red sqare, deh naim is fiting know?
@7 “Nowadays workers are expected to pay for their own training, their own health care, and their own retirement.”
Or, as suggested by David Brooks of the New York Times, be so courteous as to croak at around 60.
Laura you always agree with Roger what is it with you? Can’t you think for yourself? You always jump in after Roger in blogs. Kind of like blog stalking.
OHHHH I agree with Roger.
Can’t you think for youself?
Lara get a life and stop blog stalking.
@11 “The rich in America are coddled and soft, they’ll fold when faced with a real threat.”
Not as long as they can send someone else to do their fighting for them.
This might in fact include some members of New York’s finest–a leftover provision from the Giuliani years provides for private entities to hire the services of the police. For a mere $37 an hour (plus a ten percent surcharge to the department) you can have your own police officer at your disposal, complete with uniform, baton, pistol and other accessories, along with full authority to arrest people, and to hurt them severely if they resist. Nobody in the know in New York is speaking out about it, but this could explain the rough treatment of demonstrators by the “white shirts” while other officers’ actions are far more benign.
There are similar laws in other municipalities allowing this sort of thing.
That’s not how it worked for a large section of the baby boomers and they can’t see how things can any different now. You can’t really blame them, that’s the way their world worked for the last 60 years or so.
But, that’s not how it works now and it’s not how it’s going to work for the next 20 years or so.
The sort of society we could be headed for if the forcces of privilege prevail could be rather like the present situation in Brazil. A vast population of poor people live in slums, while the upper and middle classes huddle in gated enclaves guarded by mercenaries. Outside the walls, crime is everywhere–kidnapping is one of the country’s biggest industries–and the government’s resources are woefully inadequate to deal with it. As a result, the wealthy have almost become prisoners in gilded cages, fearful of venturing outside without armed protection.
@23 The way it’s going, actors and writers are becoming less in demand, largely because the mass entertainment industry is replacing them by providing the public a barrage of worthless “reality entertainment” in which untrained jerks are stood in front of a camera to behave like…untrained jerks. I’m not at all sure that any of us is better off for it.
How LauraMae? To think like liberals? Most colleges teach people how to be liberals. To demand their Cadillac immediately as soon as they start their “job”? Or demand their piece of the pie without any sweat equity? Been working since 16 and still don’t own a Cadillac.
What is funny is this! Bet these HA libs can’t figger out the correct link!
Choose the celebrity!
Cain Leads GOP Polls
The pizza guy has jumped to a strong lead over Mittens in polls of GOP voters after last night’s. Perry? You need a magnifying glass to see his numbers. GOP grassrooters like the fact Cain “is not a politician,” which tells you something about what they think of politicians in general (including theirs).
Meanwhile, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center says Cain’s 999 plan would make the tax system much more regressive and give the rich a massive new tax cut at the expense of the poor.
Who the fuck cares what ButtPutty thinks?
#26. Stay fixated on your political dichotomies if you must, but it just isn’t the case that students enter higher education as blank slates to be filled with the political ideologies that you fear.
I’ve lived a couple of tremendously conservative states and worked at universities in those states, specifically Indiana and Kansas and not only did students emerge from those universities with degrees that suited them well, but they also emerged with a diverse set of political and religious beliefs. And these bastions of Conservativeve social environments also invested well in their higher education system, unlike the very blue state of Washington. So apparently in some parts of the country, even your fellow conservatives recognize that having an educated populace serves the public interest best.
In the 16 years I’ve lived in Washington, I can tell you this, I’ve encountered far more vitriolic anti-education animosity at any and all levels here than I ever did in Kansas or Indiana. It’s very odd.
A message from a 99 percenter to a very smug 53 percenter (yeah right)…
He’s paying federal income tax and doing without health insurance?
Best thing I’ve read in weeks.
Read the whole thing. Very impressive.
I was there, and one sign said: “Students shouldn’t have to pay back loans.”
Fucking morons.
No one cares what ekim the goat master thinks!
Yes LauraMae, it is shocking about conservative states such as Kansas vs libtardo WA State… But you see I speak from fact! I remember this from the WA Post.
PuddyCommentary… And where did Barack ObamAA+ go to school? Elitism. Where did much of his cabinet go or work at? Elitism.
So you said it’s odd. Could it be your life outlook is odd LauraMae and our view is more mainstream?
See ya!
Puddy, if you believe that college students absorb their professor’s political affiliation than you probably also think that things like being gay are catching.
You represent what my 84 year old father would call a “flat earther.” He never went to college either but never once has been opposed to regarding a wide variety of information and analyzing it critically. Lucky for me he always thought that it was important that his daughters go to college.
ButtPutty was spreading the rumor that he was home with his wife watching the Rethug debate.
He married his goat? Will wonders never cease?
What’s that smell? ButtPutty!!
Unlike you ekim whom no one has met, several HA libtardos have met Mrs Puddy. They personally witnessed her beauty. Now Roger DOPEY Rabbit claimed he doesn’t look at other women (just fantasizes about animals) so technically he lied because he shook my wife’s hand and looked right into her eyes and said nice to meet you.
So, as always, you are talking from inside your goat’s arschloch!
Ya damn straight about that. I have personal evidence in my older son now at law school. His stories are long about professor biases in undergrad school and how they portray the DUMMOCRAPTIC side a way better!! Too bad those facts EXPLODE HA libtardo minds.
Notice no one touches this…
It’s a toxic fact to a DUMMOCRAPT!
To the arschloch @38,
Man you are S T U P I D! Did I say everyone is persuaded? Even 13% of the elite schools are conservative professors.
Another arschloch smelly gas moment!
Maybe Ocupy UW will have a brilliant speaker talk about “revolution“. It’s always the DUMMOCRAPT way to preach violence as their ends to a means!
Gee, it looks like Puddy is swallowing a variation of that line I used to hear from Neo-Confederates a decade or so ago, to the effect that all the teachers in college are “pro-Union” – otherwise they would teach that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, it was about tarriffs! Of course, Spiro Agnew started the whole bit in the late 1960’s, claiming that the Republicans represented the “Silent Majority” and that liberals were the “nattering nabobs of negativism” (a good line, I must admit).
They have use this argument, that the media and colleges are dominated by leftists, to dismiss any analysis of Republican policies or actions.
In truth, the mainstream media went out of it’s way to be considerate of Republican opinion, to the point where it wouldn’t even point out the obvious falshoods in Republican statements. And in colleges around the country, liberal and conservative professors both get equal opportunities to present their views to the undergraduates – although it seldom changes the way the undergraduates vote, most of them have developed party loyalties long before they came to college.
And this completely ignores the fact that a high proportion of college students are not fresh out of high school anymore, but are adults.
Finally, I understand why the Republicans are insisting on attacking both higher education and the mainstream media. Both are devoted to discovering and publishing facts, not talking points. Since facts have an inherent liberal bias, then all that leaves the Republicans to do is to appeal to the less-educated in the U.S. society, those who argue that the higher education to which they could never aspire is unnecessary, and even harmful. And, of course, if most college professors and members of the media DO tend to be liberal, it is only because they are generally smarter than the average American, or in the case of the media, have been around politicians enough to know which ones are genuine and which ones are talking from their nether regions.
One guy’s take while walking about Zucotti Park (OWS):
Judging from the amount of vomit spewing from pussybutt today he must have licked his breakfast out of a goat’s ass.
Gee it looks like rhp6033 is a certifiable moron. That was from the WA Post idiot. There is no swallowing on Puddy’s side. The swallowing is on your side with kook-aid!
Man these leftist freaks are loony tunes!