Howz your Thanksgiving going? Did Uncle Jake come over and ruin it by spewing MAGA bullshit? Or did your entire family celebrate in thanks that RBG is still alive and an election draws nigh? Let us know in the comments. And enjoy a few bonus videos:
- The Late Show: Pardoned turkey tells all to House Intelligence Committee
- Jimmy Kimmel: The turkeys should be pardoning Трамп
- SNL: First Thanksgiving:
- Mental Floss: Debunking 18 Thanksgiving myths
- Thanksgiving classic: Sarah Palin’s Thanksgiving day massacre (with a side of word salad):
- James Corden: President Corden wouldn’t pardon turkeys
- Young Turks: Трамп cries About The “War on Thanksgiving”
- A Cowboy Explains what Thanksgiving is actually about:
- Sam Seder: Трамп Invents Totally Fake War On Thanksgiving To Bash The Libs
The further I see, the more the greater your material
Suicide or murdered?
Each Thanksgiving the Wall Street Journal republishes two famous editorials.
Here is what WaPo’s David Ignatius wrote about them last time around:
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving each year, the Wall Street Journal republishes twin editorials that evoke America’s special gifts: “The Desolate Wilderness” and “And the Fair Land.” They describe the pilgrims’ fears as they departed Europe in 1620, and the measureless bounty they and their descendants found in the new land. The spirit we celebrate on Thanksgiving Day is our most powerful national asset. We need to put America’s riches back on the table and share them with the world, humbly and gratefully.
I’ll spare you the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit habit of pasting the whole thing here. For those interested, it’s reprinted thousands of places, one of them (randomly found on Google) here:
@3. Thanksgiving.
Celebrating the day Americans fed undocumented aliens from Europe.
I post because the racist incel is such a hypocritical troll.
“Thanksgiving is a time of mourning for many Native People. It serves as a reminder of how a gift of generosity was rewarded by theft of land and seed corn, extermination of many Native people from disease, and near total elimination of many more from forced assimilation and as a reminder of 500 years of betrayal.”
I acknowledge that white culture did this and while we can’t change the past, we don’t have be worse in the future. Republicans have shown no interest in doing the right thing, it could cost them money and or privilege. IMHO
Republicans need to get therapy for their sex and control issues. Really.
Only the Best people, best morals, very religious.
Child-Sex Charge Upheld Against Trump Campaign’s Nader
In a three-count indictment unsealed in July, prosecutors alleged that George Nader brought the boy to Washington in 2000 after being introduced by way of a European pimp. “Night after night,” the indictment alleges, Nader assaulted and exploited the boy while withholding his passport to keep control over him.
Prosecutors also claim Nader threatened the boy’s mother, telling her she would be jailed if she were to report him.
I guess in trumper’s minds, everything is tolerated if it helps them win.
Doctor Dumbfuck is happening to it, Darryl. See #3. I’m going to have a nice Thanksgiving anyway. I bet Dumbfuck will, too. The poor horse not so much, just like all other days for him.
@5 If Trump had been around then, he would’ve let the brown ones in, and taken them in chains to his plantation.
I’m pretty sure there’s a Doctor Dumbfuck balloon somewhere in the Macy’s parade. May be hard to see because the wind is knocking it around a bit.
Wherein Tucker Carlson admits Trump lies a lot, then claims “what really upsets liberals” is when he “tells the truth.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think it’s probably fair to say that Tucker Carlson’s notion of “truth” isn’t the same as ours. Although between you and me, I don’t think he cares what’s true or not true, I think he’s in it just for the money.
Here’s wishing everybody a wonderful Thanksgiving.
@12 Trump is in Afghanistan visiting the troops. Kudos to him for that, if he doesn’t politicize it.
Agreed, Hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
NOW the Christmas songs can start.
The article was instead catching and intriguing enough to receive all probable nuances
to recall. I really do get pleasure from reading the
content and the composing manner of the writer, etc.. I suggest you write such types of posts every day
to provide the audience like me all of the essential info.
In my opinion, it is much better to be ready for all the unexpected scenarios beforehand, so yes,
it was fairly cool.
#15 was posted by either a bot or a Trump speechwriter.
15 reads like a ESL bot practicing making paragraphs
@17 What diff is there between that and drafting a Trump speech?
Regressive taxes are a good thing, says Democrat candidate for president.
Bloomberg: Taxing the Poor is Good Because They’ll Have Less Money to Hurt Themselves
I’ll agree that people like the Fucking Moron need to have these decisions made for them, because they’re too stupid to make them for themselves.
@ 15 was written by the Hillary Clinton campaign coordinator for her 2016 general election Wisconsin stops, and (s)he was hired by none other than Robby Mook.
@19/20 seem more of a bot than the others. Same consistent messages with
no substance.
“Twitter has banned the Republican candidate seeking to unseat Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) after she made making multiple posts about killing the congresswoman, the company confirmed Wednesday night.”
You think a doctor would be concerned with this, but………..hey he’s got his horse and buggy.
@ 24
Spraying citrus crops with antibiotics that have been around forever and injudicious prescription of the new, designer big-gun antibiotics are two different things, gman.
Obama’s EPA would have been just as eager to help out California as Trump’s EPA.
Blaming decisions made by physicians well-aware of the concepts of antibiotic resistance on the Trump administration is silly. Meaning right up your alley. Your time is better spent barebacking total strangers. Then you can blame Trump because your PrEP failed, gman.
@25 you’ve probably had more sex with strangers (ones with name and then those without, of the animal kingdom) than I have.
A guy with a knife attempted to kill people in London but was shot by police. The terrorist made the mistake of bringing a knife to a gun fight.
@25 “Blaming decisions made by physicians well-aware of the concepts of antibiotic resistance on the Trump administration is silly.”
I agree. We should focus on the Trump administration’s really big and truly stupid screwups, i.e. promoting anti-science attitudes and denying the reality of climate change.
@27 You’d rather be shot than stabbed when a terrorist runs amok? No problem. The NRA and GOP are making sure OUR terrorists have ready access to guns, including rapid-fire military weapons. When they come upon you, they won’t be hampered by gun control laws the way London terrorists are.
Glad to see the turkey @25 is still with us the day after Thanksgiving. HA trolls are hard to replace. This blog chews them up and spits them out. They leave a bad taste, like cranberries without sugar.
Speaking of bad tastes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investments in GE and 3M must be awfully tasting turds.
@31 What’s the dividend yield on your fancy horse trailer that you bragged about? Oh, that’s right, you don’t believe in dividends. You’re in it for the kinky animal sex.
Wonder what new Afghanistan policy Trump will unveil? With his trade negotiations with China falling apart, he’s bound to cut an “art of the deal” with the Taliban. That one, too, will involve surrendering to vicious killers.
Well it’s time for my daily exercise, so I’m going outside to find a dog to chase me. Don’t go away, doc, I’ll be back later.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s daily exercise is cleaning the feces off his keyboard because he neglected to wash his hands after his thrice-daily Fleet-and-hose routine.
No doubt. Other than being the chick who fellated Willie Brown to advance her career, she hasn’t made a name for herself.
It was typical of Harris and her campaign, which has often displayed a desire to be everything to everyone that has instead left voters with questions about who she is, what she believes and what her priorities and convictions would be as president.
“If she doesn’t turn it around in the next couple months, what I think we may end up saying what doomed her candidacy is there just wasn’t any clear rationale,” said Paul Maslin, a longtime Democratic pollster who has watched Harris’s evolution for years. “She didn’t give the voters — they didn’t give the voters — a clear sense of ‘why am I doing this.’ (Link @ 36)
Even YLB understands that at one point a girl’s simply gotta get off her knees.
@325 At least my comments aren’t horseshit.
@36 & 37 Ever notice how Dumbfuck obsesses over candidates who have no chance of being elected in addition to defending one who never should have been nominated let alone elected?*
* Only one of the political parties is degenerate enough to do that. Harris, at least, is a plausible candidate, even if she turns out to be an unsuccessful one.
@ 39
… obsesses over candidates who have no chance of being elected…
See also: Every HA libbie during the 2015-2016 GOP primary season.
@40 Which one of your asses did you pull that out of?
+25.60% for the period January 1, 2018 through November 29, 2019.
1. My mom was not involved.
2. No moonlighting was required.
No, I have Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson to take care of anyone who would attempt such a thing.
The fact that the Second Amendment was one the top things we considered when writing the Constitution reveals how important we Founding Fathers believe it was to have an armed response to potential tyrants in government.
We had a good candidate but we did not factor in how racist a segment of the population and how crazy a black president had made them. We did not factor in election cheatng by the Russians, willfully supposed by corrupt republicans.
@43 For that to work, (a) you need to carry your Smith & Wesson with you everywhere you go, (b) it has to be loaded, (c) you need to avoid shooting yourself in the foot and/or shooting your own balls off, and (d) you need to see the terrorist attack coming, and terrorists usually aren’t that accommodating. Also, because your chances of being killed by a terrorist are less than your chances of being hit by lightning on a statistical basis, make sure you wear a lightning rod everywhere you go, too. But note it must be properly grounded to work.
You can be sure our trolls aren’t properly grounded. They prove it with every comment they post.
@42 Continue keeping everything in that index ETF and you’ll be fine.
@ 43
The fact that the Second Amendment was one the top things we considered when writing the Constitution reveals how important we Founding Fathers believe it was to have an armed response to potential tyrants in government.
It’s important to defend against the potential tyrants who have tried multiple times, and yet failed to get themselves elected to government, too.
@ 44
We had a good candidate but…
Red, you stupid fuck, right there is your problem.
She was awful. She was so fucking awful the DNC had to cheat others in numerous ways to push her to the nomination. She was so awful that even women failed to support her in the numbers expected.
And Red, if you really want to look at racial breakdowns of the 2016 electorate, take a really careful look at how many black voters stayed home once Barack wasn’t at the top of the ticket.
Red, assume some responsibility for your own fucking failure.
She was horrid. You’re being ridiculous.
Red, if you have to convince yourself you’ve got a “good” candidate this time around, too, you’ll deserve the ass-fucking that you’ll get one more time.
@48 Sez the moron who daily defends a tyrant elected with the aid of Russian intervention, and who in office caters to Putin’s every whim.
@49 Awful. Horrid. Hmmm. What would you call the alternative?
@50 Sure looks like you want the Moscow-sponsored tyrant to be re-elected.
I think he’s trying rub one off. The horse is probably tired. This must be his way of jerking off.
@ 52
What would you call the alternative?
Well, if one dismisses Sanders (and I dismiss Chafee), there was Jim Webb and Martin O’Malley, both declared candidates who would have done decent jobs as president.
Then there are the untold numbers of would-be candidates who were prevented from announcing because of pressure from The Clinton Machine.
Too many Democrats went with It’s Her Turn rather than looking carefully at just how awful she is as a human being, as a candidate, and even as she continued to damage her own credibility prior to and during the primary season she was given a pass.
In the simplest of terms the alternative, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, was not giving her a pass.
Imma let Steve fill out my ballot again next year.
@55 “there was Jim Webb and Martin O’Malley, both declared candidates who would have done decent jobs as president”
Yes, either of them would have been a better GOP nominee than the Putin sycophant who got the nom with Moscow’s help because Republican primary voters are, well, crazy.
@56 You do voting fraud too? Figures.
Not sure I have to go to church on Sundays because every time I give a homeless person something they say “God Bless you” to me.
“Imma let Steve fill out my ballot again next year.”
I’ll try to remember to tell you who you voted for.
@44. I post that Hillary Clinton would have won but for the illegal Russians election tampering, and Democrats not factoring the the racist insanity induced by a black liberal president.
@49. The racist incel goes fucking nuts, frothing in the mouth crazy. He DEMANDS that racism and the Russian were not to blame, it was all Hillary Clinton’s fault and black people for not voting for her.
He can’t bear the fact that only way his side one, was by colluding with Russians and scaring the racist white people
I did a quick skim and every time some one brings up the Russians and racism, he’s there instantly deflecting to how awful Hillary was and was the the blacks fault.
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