Perhaps I just missed it, but I don’t remember seeing anything about this in the Times or P-I:
Microsoft stirred some controversy last week by announcing that it would no longer issue DRM keys for defunct MSN Music after August 31. This effectively will prevent former customers from transferring their songs to new devices after the deadline. Customers could potentially lose their music if they get a new computer or if the hard drive crashes on their current one
[…] “MSN Music customers trusted Microsoft when it said that this was a safe way to buy music, and that trust has been betrayed,” Corynne McSherry, an EFF attorney, said in a statement. “If Microsoft is prepared to treat MSN Music customers like this, is there any reason to suppose that future customers won’t get the same treatment?”
Um… no.
Microsoft’s Rob Bennett said that continuing to support the DRM keys was impractical…
Because that would require maintaining and operating these strange things called “servers,” something Microsoft has absolutely no experience with whatsoever.
… that the issue only affects a small number of people…
How many exactly is a “small number of people” to a behemoth like Microsoft? A couple dozen? A couple hundred thousand? A couple million?
… and focusing exclusively on Zune was the best way to go.
Well, the best way to go for Microsoft.
He also noted that it wasn’t Microsoft’s decision to wrap music into digital rights management.
They were just following orders.
I know Microsoft is a mainstay of our local economy and has made a lot of people here very wealthy… but this is simply a crappy way to treat your customers, and you’d think our local media would have called them on it.
They should replace the customers’ music with Zune store music at no extra charge.
As for the rest, DRM protection is a crappy deal for everyone. iTunes DRM-protected songs can’t be played on a Zune, Real Player/Rhapsody songs can’t be played on much of anything (Clix 2, The Sansa View, The Clip, and the E200 V2 is all, I think), Zune Music Store songs can’t be played on an iPod.
Note to MSN Music subscribers: download a cheap stripper and get rid of the DRM and you’re home “free.”
Like the ones here.
http:// drm-removal. com
If someone buys a microsoft product for music they get what they deserve.
For music, buy Apple/MAC.
For adding up numbers, buy microsoft.
Why would the P-I get this story right when they so badly misconstrue the issues of the 8th CD race?
Another bold idea from Microsoft.
Now NBC says the Zune will have a “copyright cop” filter in it to prevent playing “non-legitimately purchased content” like bootleg TV shows:
Just imagine, every time you try to watch a video on your Zune it’d phone home to see if you’re authorized to watch it. Hope you used authorized software for your home movies…
Anybody stupid enough to pay their hard-earned cash for DRM-crippled content from either Microsoft or Apple deserves no sympathy whatever.
Now that I have sold all my Microsoft Stock…I’ll say AMEN to that.
But wait Goldy, didn’t ditzy Darcy gain her so called “massive-experience” from this very company? Hhhmmmmm…..check the janitor’s closet more likely.
Y’all might want to keep this in mind…
@8 Art Fart:
Good one! That’d be Goldy, pulling his pud over the empty-suit. Maybe she promised him a real job if she manages to worm her way into office?! Wait a minute…I can sign…(“signs”) WTF?! Nightcrawlers for sale!