You may remember Part I of the McCain: “I am an illiterate” series, where John McCain was asked what kind of computer he uses:
“Neither. I am an illiterate who has to rely on my wife for all of the assistance I can get.”
Just in case there are any lingering doubts that he is wildly out of touch with the 21st century, McCain demonstrated that he is (rather unsuccessfully) taking vocabulary lessons (my emphasis):
We’re going through a process where you get a whole bunch of names, and ya … Well, basically, it’s a Google,” McCain said. “You just, you know, what you can find out now on the Internet. It’s remarkable, you know.
Pathetic. Is this an example of McCain’s famous “straight talk”? What can we expect next from “the straight talk express”…McCain asking African Americans, “Who Let the Dogs Out,” and complementing them on their bling bling?
(H/T Political Wire.)
McCain and Ted Stevens, lulz. I think we need to do lolcats pictures of them with captions like: ‘Teh Google – ur doing it wrong’ or ‘i can haz intertubz?’
Reason number 838,382 that FlipFlop McCain will loooooose this time too. The use of the Internet, new media and media in general is not the GOP strong point. They rely on old media – i.e., hate radio – which has a severely declining audience.
4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!
Quick! Somebody, hand him a 3G iPhone!
“McCain Vows to Campaign in All Thirteen Colonies”
In the conclusion of his remarks, Sen. McCain vowed that his campaign would employ “the latest technology” to spread his message across the thirteen colonies.
“We will use the telegraph key, the carrier pigeon, and the pony,” he said.
Wrong and wrong.
It’s the “internets” and “the Google.”
Per Smirky McFlightsuit.
Is McCain starting to make W look smart?
“… promised to campaign in all thirteen colonies…”
Okay, I’m still laughing at that one.
We smarty-pants Liberals are somewhat familiar with the internets and all the clogged-up tube ownership issues involved, butt (and this is a big butt) just like many people voted for Bush because they could relate to a fellow illiterate, so will much of the un-hip, internets-deprived citizenry vote for an igrint, ferocious old fossil like McCain.
“I ain’t tew smarts, but I’m Preznit!!”
There’s method to his madness. Don’t believe for a second that McCain doesn’t know how to use a computer. He was flying jets when Sen. Vitter was in diapers. OK, not a good example.
But here’s what the Internet is doing to McCain. He used to be able to get away with the most outrageous shit–saying one thing one day and another thing the next, and insisting to the press that he never said the first thing, whereupon the press, dutifully in his pocket, always repeated his claims as fact.
Now the Google and the YouTubes show him lying all the time, 24/7, and each time he tells a new lie it is exposed as fast as he tells it. And the press can’t save him from this, so they’ll probably turn on him in the end to keep from looking stupid themselves. And he doesn’t know what to do about it.
Meet president Obama.
27 electoral votes in Florida.
Daddy Love @ 12: Interesting. I wonder what’s behind the shift? Perhaps the “old generation” of Cuban refugees from the late 1950’s is dying off? Perhaps their children and grandchildren aren’t buying into the “we need a Republican in office who will take Cuba back from the Communists and help us return to take back our family’s plantations & factories again?” Perhaps they saw that Clinton’s policies made it easier for them to travel to Cuba and give cash to their relatives than under the Bush administration?
Or maybe they simply see that the Republican policies are running their new nation into the ground, and want to reverse course?
13 rhp
I’m guessing “all of the above.” Plus Raoul Castro easing up over there.
The Straight Talk Express got derailed by the Bullshit Bus in 2000. Four years later they offered McCain a ride on the Bullshit Bus, and he’s been riding it ever since.
I’d have voted for McCain in 2000, but now? NFW.
Here’s the real stupidity of the “Carter 2nd term” idiocy. Conservatives are well-known to believe that their pet ideological dogma are actually, objectively true. Any attempt to inform them that they are pretty much uniformly false by reference to objective standards are met with utter incomprehension on their parts. So knowing this, here I go anyway:
So you know, we can see clearly that it’s utterly moronic for these dumb bastards to think that this will benefit them. Yet they say it anyway, because they are utterly convinced that everyone hates Jimmy Carter just because they all do.
Jeez, where’s TRM when you need him?
I know many people who work at Google. I’ve been using it since it first started. My company partners with Google.
And there is nothing wrong whatsoever with saying “It’s a Google.” We who are actually heavily involved in the tech world, use that, and similar, phrases all the time. Google can be a verb, a noun, or, most commonly, an adjective. You can Google something, you can do a Google, or you can do a Google search. It’s all the same.
I did a quick search of my chat logs and found dozens of examples.
Sorry, but you’re the idiot here, Darryl.
18 p
Yes, if you can’t argue the law, argue the facts. If you can’t argue the facts, argue the law. If you can’t do either, pick at a triviality.
Uh huh. I mean, even if “Google can be a verb, a noun, or, most commonly, an adjective”, that makes it all right for McCain to blurt it out completely out of any sensible context?
That the problem with you fucking wingnuts…ideology trumps ALL common sense.
You’re brainwashed moron, Pudge. Seek help.
Daddy Love: your criticism is of Darryl, right? Because it was his topic, not mine.
Darryl: I am sorry that you are incapable of understanding the clear and perfectly reasonable meaning. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. I don’t even understand what you’re not able to understand. “It” refers to the implied antecedent “the vetting process.” “a Google” refers to the method used: a Google search. “Well, basically, t’s a Google” therefore means that the vetting process is basically a Google search.
It’s not hard!
But I know, it’s easier to act superior and resort to namecalling then to actually have a clue. But if I can do it, you can too!
“I am sorry that you are incapable of understanding the clear and perfectly reasonable meaning.”
Likewise, I am sorry that your WingDing ideology so blinds you to rational interpretation that you become a self-parody.
“There was absolutely nothing wrong with it.”
Ummm…yes there is. If taken as a grammatically correct sentence, “Well, basically, it’s a Google” is utter nonsense.
Now, there can be two rational arguments about what happened: (1) McCain doesn’t understand how “Google” is used in ordinary speech, or (2) McCain left the sentence dangling at “Google”, which was intended as a modifier of an omitted word “search.”
So, I hypothesize it betrays ignorance (much as uttering “One of the things I’ve used on the Google is to pull up maps” and “the internets” did for Shrub). You hypothesize (I presume) that McCain truncated “search” off the end of his sentence. Neither of us knows for sure what hypothesis is correct…all we know is that McCain uttered a nonsensical sentence for some reason.
But there is more evidence. The combination of his clumsy, “what you can find out now on the Internet. It’s remarkable, you know” (yeah, John…we do know) and his past admission that he is computer illiterate, sure doesn’t help your case.
But…keep on believing pudge. Self-delusion is better than cutting yourself….
Darryl: yawn. You didn’t actually address my clear (and, of course, correct, which is why you didn’t address it) deconstruction of his language.
Unless you do, you’re just beating your chest in hopes that you can show the other apes that you are the alpha.
I didn’t specifically address your deconstruction? I did, but your analysis was flawed, so I fleshed it out for you in 22.
Yep..but without the word “search” appended, the sentence is nonsense. Gramatically “Google” becomes a noun in that construct. That was the point of my “hypothesis 2” above.
Try to keep up.
Darryl, no, you did not specifically address it, you tried to dismiss it. Addressing it would be evaluating the merits of my claim, not simply asserting I am wrong without offering any evidence of any kind.
Incorrect. It makes perfect sense, because “a Google” is a well-accepted synonym for “a Google search.”
Yes, and that is perfectly valid, and very common.
You’re basically just saying here that you’re ignorant of common usage.
“Yes, and that is perfectly valid, and very common.”
Wait…so…you are seriously saying that you believe that “It is a Google.” (note the full-stop) is commonly used to express the idea “It is a Google query.”?????
Holy shit are you retarded!
Darryl: um, yes, it is very common.
You need to get out more or something.
Make up shit much?
Darryl: no, I don’t. You really made yourself look stupid here.
“You really made yourself look stupid here.”
Should I start saying things like…”It’s a Google!”, yeah…then I will be looking stoopid.
Hey Pudge…Google “It’s a Google.” I believe you will find lots and lots of folks snickering at McCain. I don’t think you will find “It’s a Google.” (note the full stop) in any context outside of the snickering (short of those monkeys working on the works of Shakespeare).
What you can be damn sure of is that “I’s a Google” will join Shrub’s “The Internets,” “The Google,” and Uncle Ted’s “Series of tubes” as a classic example of gaffes by politician stuck in the mid-20th century.
You apparently don’t understand how Google works. Its system will give higher ranks to things that are linked to, especially for given words. So Googling those words now will, of course, give McCain links higher than any others. Duh.
But if you actually know how to use Google, it is pretty easy to find plenty of examples of using “Google” as a standalone noun that implies “search,” that predate McCain’s use.
Oh, and if you understand the Internet, you know that it IS a lot like a series of tubes. It might sound funny, especially coming from Stevens, but it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to say.
“The Internets” is just funny. That too makes sense, however — since in fact there are many connected internets — but I doubt Bush meant that.
“You apparently don’t understand how Google works.”
Based on???????
“Its system will give higher ranks to things that are linked to, especially for given words.”
Ummm…but I didn’t have anything at all to say about page rank. I merely pointed out that the sentence “It’s a Google.” (using Google as a noun and object of the sentence) is largely confined to references to McCain. (You may, as jsa on Beacon Hill put it, be a top candidate for “bubble boy of the year,” but I give you the benefit of the doubt that you realize that search results need not be examined in order of rank).
“So Googling those words now will, of course, give McCain links higher than any others. Duh.”
Irrelevant, but yeah…Duh!
“But if you actually know how to use Google, it is pretty easy to find plenty of examples of using “Google” as a standalone noun that implies “search,” that predate McCain’s use.”
No…one can certainly find examples. I think one of the three links you gave was a genuine example. The others seemed to only used Google as a noun when it was referencing a particular search engine.
My challenge still stands. “It’s a Google!” (or minor variants).
“Oh, and if you understand the Internet, you know that it IS a lot like a series of tubes.”
Wait. What? I thought it was like a big truck!
“It might sound funny, especially coming from Stevens, but it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to say.”
Exactly…it was Steven’s whole awkward statement that made “the tubes” so funny.
“The Internets” is just funny.”
Sure is.
“That too makes sense, however — since in fact there are many connected internets — but I doubt Bush meant that.”
Exactly. Adding an article in that context is awkward in American English. It betrayed a certain lack of familiarity with using the term in everyday speech.
The same with McCain’s “Basically, it’s a Google.”
Awwwwwwwwkkkkwarrrrrd. Embarrrrrassing!
Here is what I suspect happened: Some staffer had mentioned to McCain that they were “basically starting the vetting process with Google searches.” McCain wanted to say “Basically, we’re doing a Google search,” but he found himself embarrassed using the word “Google” (which most of us got past very late in the last century) and he was not confident he was using the term properly, so he stopped and laughed. And threw in the awwwwkkkkward bit: “…what you can find out now on the Internet. It’s remarkable, you know.”
(Which is almost as inane as Stevens telling us that the Internet is a series of tubes, not a big truck.)
I think one of the three links you gave was a genuine example. The others seemed to only used Google as a noun when it was referencing a particular search engine.
Incorrect. All three examples use the construction “do a Google” as a synonym for “do a Google search.”
My challenge still stands. “It’s a Google!” (or minor variants).
I provided three. “Do a Google [search]” uses the exact same language rules as “it’s a Google [search].”
What’s “awkward” is that even in the face of direct evidence, you’re still claiming McCain’s usage is unique.