I imagine Mary Cheney is still a virgin. In any case, she bore a son today.
Cheney and Poe, a former park ranger, have been together for 15 years and live in Great Falls. And no, there’s no more word on how the pregnancy came about.
How, indeed! I wonder if the answer is parthenogenesis? (Hey…I’m not trying to imply that Mary Cheney is a shark—even considering who her father is.) You know, some kind of biological response to prolonged female-female cohabitation? Oh…wait…it can’t be parthenogenesis, because that would always result in a female offspring (two X chromosomes).
Nope…nothing of scientific interesting going on here.
This is just another typical case of a virgin Mary giving birth to a son.
Hmmmm, bet the young ‘shark’ looks like PuddysButt
Live long and prosper, Mary, Heather and Samuel.
Two mommies will do just fine, and sorry straight guys, daddy is most likely a gay male friend. Fag sperms via turkey baster or real doctor toys.
Goldy, as a sperm donor to many lesbian mommies, you, straight boy, do not have the perogative to mock Mary and Heather.
Grandpa Dick has horrible politics, but seems a nice dad. Amazing, huh, dimwitty.
Dude, lay off Ms. Cheney. It’s not her fault that her dad is the real life version of Montgomery Burns.
There are plenty of people who supported Bush/Cheney who deserve to be ridiculed. Mary Cheney and her newborn are not among them.
Partheno-whasus? You mean you don’t think Mary just closed her eyes and thought of England?
Ol Stefan at Sound Politics finally deleted my comments. He wants to cry like a little baby about voter fraud, but when I post links, and statements to the far larger problem of election fraud by the GOP, he has to delete my comments.
What is wrong Stefan, the truth hurts?
I have never once posted anything I could not back up with links.
It is nice to know Stefan needs to carry the GOP’s water, raising a stink about a couple felons voting, when thousands had their right to vote stolen from them by the GOP over, and over, and over.
Open and shut cases.
Thanks for pissing me off Stefan. Thanks for carrying Karl Marx Rove’s water too. It is nice to know that there are people that want to steal your right to vote from you if you are likely to vote for democrats, or happen to be black soldiers.
Goldy, lesbians are famed for fist fucking and strap ons. Doubt either is a virgin. Your post is a bit too cutsie, go jack off somewhere.
You, gummy mouth, it seems, are the virgin. Find the clue bus, and lay off the new moms and sweet baby boy.
Bet he has a ample family trust fund in days….go Samuel and loving moms.
You know the wonderful thing about the blog world. I can come here and tell it like it is, and Goldy won’t delete my, or pretty much anyone else’s posts. Since most of Goldy’s stated positions are the right ones, he has no problem proving the people that disagree with him to be wrong.
In right wing world, they can’t handle people disagreeing with them, especially when they are wrong. How can anyone that is wrong repeatedly be able to face criticism. They need a bunch of bobble head trolls agreeing with them no matter how wrong they are.
The great thing about deleting my posts, is all the wingnuts that spewed their disinformation at me, look like idiots. They are responding to facts, typed by facts, and there is no text, so their comments also need deleted. This will piss them off. Kinda looks bad when you delete posts (based in reality) doesn’t it Stefan?
I tell you what Stefan. If you want to do a blog, defend your positions, and actions with facts, and links. You post your propaganda, and truth tellers like myself call bullsh*t on your crap.
I noticed my comments disappearing right before I was to post the following.
Please read below.
You want to cry like a little baby because some felons got to vote, but tens of thousands of legitimate voters have their right to vote stolen from them by the GOP every cycle. Of course you can’t let someone come on your stupid pathetic blog and tell this truth. It is backed up in fact, testimony, and convictions, and confessions.
For instance….
From Brad Blog, McClatchey: “But one quick point that we haven’t highlighted enough lately: Voter Fraud is the term used to describe voters gaming the system on a retail level by voting twice, etc. It’s extremely rare, as bi-partisan reports have shown time and again, despite GOP claims (that includes the EAC’s own buried and altered reports that von Spakovsky hoped to influence).
Election Fraud, on the other hand, is the defrauding of elections through the administration of those elections, from inappropriate voter roll purges to gaming of voting equipment, etc. Evidence strongly suggests that the GOP’s unevidenced claims of a “voter fraud” epidemic by Democrats may well have been forwarded after 2004 in order to deflect from the now-well-documented evidence showing GOP election fraud in Ohio and elsewhere.
Hope that reminder helps to clarify. ”
We now know why Stefan has to delete my comments. The well documented election fraud by the GOP is far worse than a couple felons trying to vote.
Sorry Stefan.
The truth hurts when you are a Republicon hack water carrier doesn’t it?
Keep trying to stir up trouble crying like a little baby about voter fraud. We all know what the GOP criminals do, and get away with it.
What kind of world has the Denier Duck Cheney left for his grandchildren?
Mr. Smitty @ 3 said…
“Dude, lay off Ms. Cheney. It’s not her fault that her dad is the real life version of Montgomery Burns. There are plenty of people who supported Bush/Cheney who deserve to be ridiculed. Mary Cheney and her newborn are not among them.”
Hey…I’m just the friggin’ messenger…you’re crucifying the wrong guy!
Stefan, I am polite, and courteous when I comment on your blog. I understand most of your regulars live in a fantasy world, and try to bring them some realty from time to time.
Some of them even think Bush is a good president. I know, I know, they are reeeeeeel stupid, but what do you expect from the average republicon. They are allergic to reality, and we all know it.
Stefan can’t handle people posting things like this from BradBlog.com “”WHAT HAPPENS in a presidential administration when loyalty, to borrow a phrase from “Star Trek,” becomes the “prime directive”? What happens when its all-encompassing fog obscures all other values — such as fealty to the Constitution, the rule of law or simple humanity?
What has become clear already is that the “loyalty uber alles” mentality has infected a wide swath of the Bush administration. Simple notions like right and wrong are, in their eyes, matters of allegiance, not conscience.”” A comment from David Iglesius, a Republican prosecutor that was fired.
I understand how hard it is being a Republicon these days Stefan, with all the investigations uncovering crime, after crime, after crime. Abramoff telling all, and Fredo’s Politicization of the Justice Department with the help of Monica II and all them convictions.
Stefan, why don’t you just admit your party is bankrupt in every way. The only family value they stand for is hate, and they are a conservative as a drunken sailor. No disrespect for sailors by the way, get trashed when you get on dry land if you feel like it!
That piece of shit transvestite Steffy needs to be called out the next time he/she shows up in public. This punk is the poster boy for the Publican party. A weak, dishonest, spoiled little bitch who lives off his wife, throws stones and runs and hides rather than allow any real debate. Fuck you Steffy. And your wife says hi!
So we think Puffybutt’s lesbian Muslim wife fucked Cheney’s daughter and the immaculate conception took place?
Pooooor Mary Cheney. She campaigned for her father, whos party openly uses gays as political fodder to get the Talibangelicals to turn out to vote.
Hitler couldn’t be Hitler without the Jews to use, and the cons can’t be cons without gays to attack, and demonize.
By helping Bush Cheney, Mary Cheney becomes just another hypocrite denying her sexuality, or worse. A traitor to her kind. An average Republicon…….
Mary Cheney is a common Republicon. So twisted with contradiction that all they can do is hate others for their confusion, frustration, and disillusions. It’s all “their” fault right Mary?
If Mary Cheney was a real human being, she would be in the gay pride parade, signing up voters to vote her dad, possibly the worst human being alive since Hitler, and the lying shrub out of office.
Hey, but this would take a person with moral standing.
Maybe grandpa can teach the little tyke to slaughter 500 caged birds in a shoot, just for fun, and not eat a single one! Yahoooooo!!!!
Rightequalsstupid gets it.
Stefan can’t handle anyone calling him out on his crap. Us reality based people can trash his issues, and comments like there is no tomorrow.
He has to run and hide, and delete comments.
He can’t handle the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
re 11: The challenge with Stefan is to find a computer that he has hasn’t blocked you on. I’ve done it from time to time for years now.
Public library computers are good.
Don’t bother being polite anymore. Be as nasty, derisive, and cruel as you can — because he’ll ban you again in short order.
What a bloody twat that bastard is.
That dumb bastard Bush is gonna make a move soon.
I expect another neo-con generated terror strike and an attempt to create a military dictatorship.
I put nothing past these assholes.
How can a Jew resist this thread?
Take a look at the birth announcement and a video!
Why is anyone upset about what Darryl, the Anthropologist and Hominid in his own right, has to say about the virgin birth? If, as I read, 70% or so of American Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus, then why question the possibility that a second virgin birth has occurred? If once a miracle why not twice? and to a Miriam yet!
As a biologist, let me tell ya the ONLY remarkable thing about such an even is that both Mary’s apparently have had male children. Parthogeneic birth should produce only females! At least that is how it works with frogs.
OrIs there a message here??? As a Jew it has always seemed odd to me that Jesus, the Jewish preacher, would somehow reach the ripe old age of 30 without a spouse. He claimed to be an observant Jew and under our Law, we are required to be married and productive long before the third decade!
Unless … unless Joshua ben Josef and now Schmuel Dovid bat Miriam are both transexual females??? That would certainly make sense in Joshua’s case! It would explain his lack of female partners and so much more of his err ahh oddness. Could it be that Pilate crucified the preacher because of fear that He was gay?
It is also of interest, if Samuel David is a parthogenic child of Mary Cheney, that we now know that goyem, not just Jews, have this biological potential! One more piece of evidence that Jews are like everyone else!
I just admit to being impressed that Miriam has named her “son” or daugther after a great Judge and a great King. Is Samuel David the second Jesus?
BTW, for those who don’t know me well … my name in Hebrew is Schmuel Mosheh (Samuel Moses). My mom, however was only a Mulkeh so I guess I am not a candidate for anointment?
Anyhow, from one Schmuel to another Schmuel, welcome to this messed up world!
More at SeattleJew
There’s an old joke about a little Jewish lady who goes to check into a hotel. She schleps her bags up to the counter and asks for a room, at which point the clerk informs her that there are no rooms in the hotel. She decides to wait.
A little while later, after seeing people checking in and checking out, the little old lady schleps her bags back up to the counter and asks if there’s a room available, only to get the same response she got the last time. She decides to wait some more.
This pattern repeats a few times, until the clerk finally tries to quitely inform the lady, “Ma’am, we don’t rent rooms to Jews.”
At which point, the lady, looking over the rims of her glasses and shaking her finger at the clerk, asks, “Do you know why Christ was born in a manger?”
The clerk says, “No.”
The lady says, “Because some damn goyyah son-of-a-bitch like you wouldn’t rent his mother a room!”
Actually, from looking at the picture, he looks like a perfectly lovely little boy. Not entirely surprising, because whatever opinion one has about her sexual orientation or her politics, Mary’s quite a pretty lady.
From everything I’ve read and heard, the Vice President and his daughter have a close and loving relationship. And Dick and Lynne sure look like they’re taking to being proud grandparents like ducks to water. Maybe this will mean that the Iraq war will at least be brought to an end before the kid’s eligible for military service.
Darryl,it seems you attract the illiterate, poor comprehension group @2 and #6.
Hey, TWITS! that post was by Darryl!
Sheesh, Earl and you have the stones to call anyone “dimwit”?
Earl, Dude, you make a rock appear articulate. . .
My first reaction when reading this was pretty much the same as mr. smitty. Mary Cheney isn’t an elected official, and her son is certainly not fair game for any sort of criticism.
But… For whatever reason she had, Mary Cheney actively campaigned for the Bush/Cheney ticket, and may actually have swayed some voters their way. In an election as close as that one was, her participation may well have been a tipping point.
I would have understood completely had she chosen to remain out of the limelight through the campaign, making innocuous sounding “I love my dad” noises whenever she was pinned down by journalists and pundits. Regardless of how we might feel about him, asking a daughter to actively campaign against her father is a bit much.
Mary Cheney went much further than that, becoming a political target in her own right. She was the Bush-Cheney ’04’s “Director of Vice Presidential Operations”, a senior member of the campaign leadership.
Were she simply the Vice President’s daughter, then I would be one of those loudly declaring her to be “off-limits”. She didn’t get to choose her parents, and I would hope that regardless of any differences she might have with her father that she would continue to love and honor him as any child should.
That, however, is a far cry from actively supporting her father in acts and statements that have heaped scorn on people like her and have caused harm to her community.
Sadly, I must agree that she has earned the distrust and disdain of her community and of everyone else working for justice and legal equality for all. Frankly, Darryl was probably way too easy on her. I can hope that her son doesn’t end up bearing the burden of his mother’s hypocrisy, but for Ms. Cheney herself, I can only hope she sees the error of her ways.
I don’t think it’s hers. It doesn’t have the Cheney family genes — there’s no horns, forked tail, or sulfur smell.
headlice loocie@16-17: Did your Seattle District school computers tell you these facts?
Stay tuned, I’ll choose a new name too. Oh crap Voice of Chalk Scratching will tell everyone.
@5 Two words: Intellectually dishonest.
@5 You didn’t really expect a fair shake from Stefan, like HE gets on THIS blog, did you?
@7 Look at it this way. When you keep Stefan busy deleting your posts, he isn’t loose on the streets preying on widows and orphans like Dino Rossi does.
Darryl, a UW anthropologist, posted an item on HorsesAss asking whether Mary Cheney’s new child was the result of a virgin birth. This upset some of the readers, but why? and why is anyone upset about what Darryl, the Anthropologist and Hominid in his own right, has to say about the virgin birth? If, as I read, 70% or so of American Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus, then why question the possibility that a second virgin birth has occurred? If once a miracle why not twice? and to a Miriam yet!
As a biologist, let me tell ya the ONLY remarkable thing about such an event is that both Marys apparently have had male children. Parthogeneic birth should produce only females because female cells lack a Y chromosome! At least that is how it has worked until Jesus.
Or is there a message here??? As a Jew it has always seemed odd to me that Jesus, the Jewish preacher, would somehow reach the ripe old age of 30 without a spouse. He claimed to be an observant Jew and under our Law, we are required to be married and productive long before the third decade!
Unless … unless Joshua ben Josef and now Schmuel Dovid bat Miriam are both transexual females??? That would certainly make sense in Joshua’s case! It would explain his lack of female partners and so much more of his err ahh oddness. Maybe the Holy Sirit did visit both Marys with some sort of testosterone producing tumor??
Even today, in a permissive society, transexuals find it tough. Could it be that Pilate crucified the preacher because of fear that He was gay? Has Mary Cheney’s son had a sex chromosome test???
Look at this from the point of view of the elder Cheneys. they are devout Christians. What more wonderful even than their virgin daughter giving birth to a “boy?” Isn’t it also odd that young Schmuel was born just as the Prophet Falwell passed on?
As a Jew, I find this all VERY encouraging. For 2000 years we have been accused of being somehow different. If Samuel David is a parthogenic child of Mary Cheney, that we now know that goyem, not just Jews, have this biological potential! One more piece of evidence that Jews are like everyone else! Hashem* is wise and will always reveal the truth to those who seek it.
I just admit to being impressed that Miriam has named her “son” or daughter after a great Judge and a great King. Is Samuel David the second Jesus?
BTW, for those who don’t know me well … my name in Hebrew is Schmuel Mosheh (Samuel Moses). My mom, however was only a Mulkeh so I guess I am not a candidate for anointment?
Anyhow, from one Schmuel to another Schmuel, welcome to this messed up world!
cross posted at my blog
*Hashem … Jews do not use a name for the Deity., Hashem means, “the Name.”
@23 Roger, it boggles the mind to apply intellectual to any endeavor Skankansky is involved with.
@8 The fact the RNC created a vast vote-suppression apparatus, spent millions of dollars on it, and corrupted an entire administration to avoid prosecution and cover up the existence of this crime says worlds about the GOP’s lack of confidence in their ability to win an honest election, doesn’t it?
May 24, 2047
Billings, Montana
Today Samuel Cheney, grandson of former Vice-President and convicted war criminal Richard Cheney, announced the formation of an exploratory committee to test the waters for a run for the Republican nomination for President.
A one-term Senator from Montana, Cheney announced that he was resigning from the presidency of the Flaming Republican Faggots, a social club of very rich white gays. “I don’t want to be defined by my sexuality,” he said. “My family has much to atone for. I have tried, giving away most of the fortune my grandfather got from selling out his country. Ever since the states of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi sank as a resul;t of rising sea level, I have understood that our family was not, in fact, ideological; we were simply evil. I shall continue trying to atone with my ‘Make Friends, Not War’ foreign poluicy initiative.”
@12 His former watchdog says hi, too! Stefani, wave your paw and bark at your ex-master!
Stefani lives with me now because the food is better here.
@19 You expect a wingfuck to be INTELLIGENT enough to tell the difference between DARRYL and GOLDY? Hell, Xmasvapor can’t even tell the difference between GOLDY and ROGER RABBIT.
That’s OK, Roger. I knew you before you were a Rock Star.
@26 Personally, I suspect somebody fucked her.
@34 Say … does that kid look like her dad? Just wondering …
@35 Betcha no DNA test will ever see the light of day …
@27 Typing that was merely stretching exercises for my paws before going to work here.
I’m betting on David Crosby,
@33 B-b-but I didn’t get picked on American Idol … (sniffle)
@39 However, I do kick Republican ass …
I would think most women would become lesbians if Dick Cheney were their father.
harry poon at 17, re-read, or read, or watch the movie “Seven Days in May” (screenplay by Rod Serling) if you want some really scary stuff. A relic from the early ’60’s that is still relevant.
@34 Roger the Rarebit
Oh yee of little faith? Do you not think that miracles can repeat? Why doubt the virginity of both Marys?
Of course it is possible that Saule David is not the expected miraculous one but why deny oneself such a wonder? Maybe Rabbits lack imagination?
BTW, next time I see you at DL, I want to return your left forepaw. I tried it at Schwab and got screwed, Never trust a free rabbit’s foot again.
Why owuld Dick Cheney be any more likley than Bill Clinton to aborn a lesbian? Are you dissing lesbians?
Besides, some believe that Mary too was of divine birth!
oh, goldy is not the fool, it is darryl….
who would have thought, world wide media on the fag sperm insemination of lesbians, even at the highest levels……
fuck the politics, the educational value is giant
and, goldy is not the sperm donor…neither is tree frog whiner
who, then? by the way, granny and grandpa look quite delighted, 8 lb. baby, god, who is the daddy?
The Following Comments Were Deleted By Stefan At SP
I am now banned at SP (Stefan is an asshole)
“41. Gimmee a break. Saying the GOP (through the Justice Department) pressured prosecutors to investigate and prosecute the insignificant crime of voter fraud to draw attention away from the far larger problem of election fraud is exactly on topic. I am calling you out on your attempt to cry about a couple felons voting, and not utter a peep about the GOP voter suppression machine denying tens of thousands of legitimate voters the right to vote. Many of them vets.I can provide more links than you can delete to back this fact. You want to talk about voter fraud, I want to put it into a broader context. Reality. GOP voter suppression, and using the Justice Department to achieve these ends.
Our election wasn’t perfect, but what have you got to say about the 92,000 legitimate voters jebbie kicked off the Florida rolls in 2000, or what Ken Blackslime dirtbag did in Ohio? All part of the same thing.
If you can’t defend your positions, and admit the GOP has spent millions on voter suppression I will out you, and your unwillingness to accept reality on the larger blogosphere.
If you want to keep crying about felons voting, I will be crying about unindicted felons committing voter suppression nationwide.
Same topic.
Posted by facts at May 24, 2007 07:17 AM “
Since I am banned at SP the following comment could not be posted:
You want to continuously complain about McKay, why don’t you explain to your readers what happened to the four lawyers Robert Fitrakis, Susan Truitt, Cliff Arnebeck and Peter Peckarsky in Ohio. They sued Bush-Cheney since no one was going to look into the flawed election there in 2004.
Just for bringing a lawsuit, backed by a pile of evidence piled on a pallet 10 feet high (since I know you love voter fraud/suppression evidence) these lawyers were reprimanded by the state Attorney General.
All the people committing crimes in the 2004 election process are all Republicons, and they have yet to be indicted, or investigated.
The evidence is overwhelming, and there is not a single federal investigation?
That is the “Loyal Bushie” effect right?
While the humorous tag line had to do with virgin birth, hence it is possible to inject a Christian baiting theme to it, I would have to wonder why you are working that theme so hard.
I would have expected it from Mr. Minion, but you’re a grown and supposedly reasonable man, and a professor at a major university.
I’ve seen that same theme in your own blog, and thinking that it was simply a matter of misunderstanding our theology, tried to discuss the issue in a non-prosletizing manner, but apparently you prefer to leave your predjudices intact. That was on your blog, and you may do what you wish with it, including spreading misinformation.
On most issues, we find ourselves having similar viewpoints. I wonder, however, why you feel the need to ridicule my faith on a political blog.
Exactly what have I personally done to you that you feel the need to ridicule my faith? I have to wonder about any student that wears a Christian symbol into one of your lectures. Do you ridicule Christianity there too?
PudWax: “Voice of Chalk Scratching” is a moniker that, if you think about it ( and I know you never think, just react)makes no sense. It should be “Voice of Nails Scratching on Chalkboard”.
Clear language means clear thought.
I would love to meet you and discuss this. Drop me an email.
First, I was certainly NOT ridiculing Catholicism. (I assume that is the faith you refer to?). My persoanl heroes include John XXIII, Cesar Chavez, and Francis Collins. I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood and … dare I say, my closest friend is a Catholic.
That said, a HUGE part of the problem in our society is the insistence of Christianity that others accept the Church’s views of things as truth or at least as acceptable no matter how bizar.
let me give oyu three specifric examples.
1. The current Pope’s bizar claims that the Amazonian peoples were awaiting the Church. The Church enslaved and devastated these people. The Pope should beg their forgiveness and work to re-establish pre-Xtain faiths.
Spiritually, stanbd with Hugo Chavez and in the spirit of Kennedy’s Berlin wall speech would like to claim that I too am an Indian.
2. The last Pope’s effort to exonerate Pious XII and Popo Nono, two deviants worthy of wide spread mistrust, and actuially to make both saints. How would YOU feel if a poerful entity tried to make saints out of the KKK?
3. The wide spread insistence on the historical validity of the Xtian bible.
Here I can expand.
a. Millions of my people have dies because the Roman State made these apocrypha state documents.
b. As a Jew I need t listen to Xtians misuse the name of G-d (Jesus would have been stoned to death for blasphemy for using the word Xtians use every day) .
c. My son is named for the great Pharisee, Hillel. Historically, if Jesus existed he was a lay Pharisee. Yet, I attended a church service (related on my blog) where the priest, a well meaning guy) excoriated the paharisees and praised a Roman. Kind of like reading how noce the SS guards at Auschwitz were and then hearing the Jews in the camp decried as Yidden.
d. Until VERY recently, the Church denied my popele’s right to a homeland.
let me finish by comng very close to home. The Eucharist. I have no more objection to this rite than I do to any other ritual exercise. What does bother me is that the same poeple who practice ritualistic deophagy if not cannabilsm, decry others’ beleifs in “pagan” religions. To me this si a TERRIBLE contradiction. the sheer beauty of the Eucharist, the humnble sharing of Godhood is, to my mind the essence of what I admire in Catholicism AND the esenmce of what is wrong.
Lets look at what I have said here. In what way does it disparage the mysticism of the Eucharist to point out the irony surrounding Mary Cheney’s virgin birth? Does her hypocrisy reflect on the life of Chavez or your own faith? OTOH, do you know of the effort of YOUR church to suppress the life of Yoshua ben Pantera? This man was a Pharissee and a bastard son of Rome. He lived and dies before the purported time of Jesus and his life is described in the Talmud. Because of the similarities in his story to that of your Deity, many Jews were persecuted and died in Spain and the Talmud was burned. Is it wrong of a non-Xtian to ask whether Yoshua ben Josef was really a roman bastard? Would it hurt your faith if this were true?
So, SeattleJew does NOT mean to offend. However, how can there be discourse when one side says, whatever we do is holy?
My bottom line? I hope my efforts at Irony are NOT bigotry and am very open to advice.
New little hunting partner for gramps! Wonder if Cabella’s sells infant cameo?
2 ecumenical comments:
A spell-checker is warranted in theological dissertations.
It is feckless to take rabbit parts to a tire store. Oy.
As in “cameo flags”?
Here’s one to mull over: maybe it’s possible that Jesus was not the literal son of God that the Christian church says he is. Maybe it’s possible that Jesus was a moralist and religous figure who spoke in parables to stimulate others towards more moral behavior.
Could it be that Christianity just morphed onto the behemoth Catholic Church and Protestantism on stuff made-up by Jesus’ followers after his death? In other words, could it be that Christianity, like “The Hobbit,” is a tale that “grew in the telling?”
Actually, I’m United Methodist, but we’re an offshoot of the Church of England, which was branched off of the Roman Catholic church which has its roots in Judaism (and there are actually a few more twists and turns in that history, but I’m giving the Cliff’s Notes version.)
After spending a bit of time looking over your site, I cannot find the e-mail address, but mine is realestate@barelli.biz. That goes to my public e-mail address, and I’ll give you my private one off-line. I’ll be happy to discuss either religion or politics with you, as I’d enjoy learning more about Judaism.
Many of the comments you make are both valid and historically accurate. Sadly, many Christians not only do not know our own history, but do not understand the basics about our faith. This even includes some pastors. The authors of the Gospels also tended to simply use the label “Pharisee” to mean those religious leaders that were more concerned with their position in the community than with their faith.
The Pharisees get an undeserved bad rap with some Christians. Paul, perhaps the most important of the Christian authors after the Apostles, declared himself to be a Pharisee and studied under Hillel’s grandson Gamaliel, but that gets ignored all too often.
The Pharisees also tended to be the folks in authority. Folks in authority often act hypocritically when their stated beliefs become inconvenient, and Jesus tended to condemn hypocrisy more than any other sin. (I often wish that some of my fellow Christians would notice that.)
Your last series of questions, regarding Yoshua ben Pantera. Certainly, if this person was the wandering preacher referred to by Paul and the Apostles, it would drastically change the face of the Christian faith. My understanding is that there is nothing directly linking Yoshua ben Pantera with Yoshua ben Josef except some speculation which would certainly have been considered heresy by the church. (This topic is occasionally brought up today, assumed as fact without evidence and used to attack Christians that have never heard of the issue.)
If you want to read what I consider to be the single best primer on Christianity, I suggest “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis.
Emily Littela: Another name for headlice loocie.
Have you ever heard chalk scratch a chalkboard? It fits!
“A one-term Senator from Montana, Cheney announced that he was resigning from the presidency of the Flaming Republican Faggots,”
wow…didn’t a famous actor have to go into REHAB for making comments like this?
i’m shocked…shocked i tell you. and all here in the land of the democrat’s tolerance.
do any of you ever think about what you say?
what a joke…..