Peter Callaghan of The News Tribune notes that Dwight Pelz sometimes uses baseball analogies when talking politics. And sometimes they’re tortured baseball analogies:
So, Pelz said, having the state’s primary on Feb. 19 is akin to having a ticket to the fifth game of the series – it’s not too late and it’s not too early and it might be just right. Maybe you had to be there. And to think that Republican Party Chairman Luke Esser, not Pelz, is the former sportswriter.
Ahhh…yes, Luke “The Truth” Esser. He began his sports journalism career writing for The Daily, the student newspaper at U-Dub. One of my favorite columns was from 1986, where Luke used an interesting sort of political analogy metaphor allusion in describing a national championship football team:
A prominent associate editor of a great big Seattle paper as much as wrote my name in the loss column after the Husky football team lost to B.Y.U. on national television 31-3. According to Columnist ‘X’ and various B.Y.U. players, some unsavory comments I made about the Cougars the season before (when those polygamists won a national championship there was no way in hell they deserved) were responsible for the 28-point win.
Does this mean Luke isn’t going to be a Mitt Romney supporter?
Darryl, thank you. I always enjoy learning new words. “parrhesia” is a good one. Not that it really applies here.
By the way, Romney makes jokes about polygamy too
This Esser character is a real sour-puss.
Actually, I think Esser is a natural for Romney. They both appear cut from the same cloth, the kind of cloth that just disintegrates when it actually has to hold something of substance.
Stefan @ 1,
Thanks Stefan! I’ll include the audio version of that in my Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza post this evening.
Um, Stefan, just exactly how is “parrhesia” not being used properly here.
Your entire site is an example of parrhesia. This one too.
\Par*rhe”si*a\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?; ? beside, beyond + ? a speaking.] (Rhet.) Boldness or freedom of speech.
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
Although yours is more closely related to diarrhea of the mouth or keyboard.
Here’s a typical right wing piece of shit and ANOTHER Publican going to jail.
And on a totally unrelated note-Steffy – I think your wife gives good head.
Sign the Online Card and Let Your Senators Know You Support the Employee Free Choice Act
Sign the Online Card to let your senators know you support the Employee Free Choice Act. Our goal is to collect 1,000 signed online cards in each state, combine them with the thousands that are being collected in communities across the country and deliver them all to the U.S. Senate. We need your help to reach this goal and to send a clear message in support of working families.
America’s middle class is disappearing, good jobs are vanishing and health care coverage and retirement security are slipping out of reach. To get ahead economically, working people need the freedom to choose for ourselves whether to join together in unions to bargain for better wages and benefits. But the current system for forming unions and bargaining is broken. Corporations routinely intimidate, harass, coerce and even fire workers for trying.
The Employee Free Choice Act would change that by restoring workers’ freedom to form unions and bargain—without management interference.
Scooter Libby, convicted felon, is going to jail. If he doesn’t, it will further seal the demise of the Republican Party — a party of corrupt men and women — a political party that richly deserves to be obliterated and its followers scattered like dust before the feet of the advancing and ultimately victorious Progressive movement.
May Teddy Roosevelt rest easier in his grave and may Ronald Reagan forever rot in hell.
The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America Is a Myth
Lucy, while I agree with you, the properly phrased Shakespearean version of the curse would run something like this: May Ronald Reagan’s pernicious soul rot half a grain a day forevermore in Hell.
Just for the record… GWB has established himself as the Jimmy Carter of the Republican Party. By throwing in with those on the left who seek to destroy this country, he has betrayed every patriot in the country.
Trent Lott is a problem. We will “deal with him”…
MTR’s Moonbat Poll:
Do you support the proposed “Hush Rush” bill?
1) Hell yes, “talk radio is running the country. we need to deal with that problem.”
2) No, there’s that pesky first amendment thing.
3) I may disagree with you, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.
4) Since us moonbats can’t win based on an honest factual discussion, we need to shut up our opponents.
Mark the Redneck @ 13
I fully support the Make the Redneck Pay His Gambling Debt bill.
How ’bout you?
I love it. Of all the things that Chimpy has done, the one thing capable of incuring the wrath of his neanderthal base is to have been in favor of a bill that Ted Kennedy would vote for.
@6 “I think your wife gives good head” for a lawyer.
Lawyers don’t know how to give blowjobs. That’s why Bill had to use an independent contractor.
@11 Shut up and quit freeloading on this website until you pay your gambling debt!
The P-I’s Dave Horsey got his start on the U.W. Daily, too. And that’s where Esser’s resemblance to Horsey ends.
Horsey = Pulitzer Prize winner
Esser = maggot food