Donald Trump has been taunting Jeb! as being low energy. Judging from the need to add a high-energy punctuation mark after his name, I’m thinking that The Donald might be right on this one.
And this is kind of embarassing:
It brings back memories of this 2008 GOP low energy superstar:
On the other hand, Ronald Reagan was pretty low energy so it isn’t like energy level is all that Trump cracks it up to be.
And at least Jeb! doesn’t suffer from an abnormal chromosomal makeup.
There is low energy….then their is beauty and love.
Out of all the absurdity that seems to pour out of the pie holes politicians these days, the most absurd thing I’ve heard is the U.S. congress “appealing to the humanity” of Martin Shkreli. No wonder he smirked.
When I saw Jeb begging this way, I thought of Fred Thompson right away too. I recalled Goldy’s 2007 radio show and the Fred Thompson sound–good times.
Since Fred T. has passed away, maybe soon Jeb! could take over Fred’s old late night commercial spot, selling reverse mortgages?
@2 A lifesaving drug you can’t afford is worthless. Of course, the game Shkreli is playing is milking the deep-pocketed payers — hospitals, insurance companies, the government. What Shkreli did smacks of hospitals charging $50 for an aspirin, which provokes outrage because we’ve all become accustomed to paying a penny apiece for aspirins. Proponents of capitalism argue the solution is competition, although that’s problematical in the drug industry, due to patents and high development costs, which are both a bar to competitors and a big expense that drugmakers have to be able to recoup, or they won’t develop new drugs. Most of the time, the availability of generics prevents this kind of price gouging, but sometimes a specialized drug has too small a market to attract the generic drugmakers, and that’s what happened here. What’s the solution? Probably loosening the FDA regs to make it easier for compounding pharmacies to put competitive pricing pressure on gougers like Shkreli and Valeant.
Maybe Jeb needs to try some Bush beans.
Take a stroll about Lake Wobegon.
Talk about trimming bushes with a twinkle in his eye.
He needs to read something revolutionary. Maybe Mao’s little red book would help. This years election may actually be more of a American Revolution. The kind Jefferson was probably alluding to during certain comments about America needing a Revolution once a generation or so.
@4No what he did has a name it’s price gouging and other drug companies are doing it as well. Most states have laws on the matter, and there are unused anti-monopoly laws in this nation. So which candidate might actually tell the justice department to roll up its sleeves and get to work. Government putting itself back in the game and ready and willing to negotiate with drug companies on behalf of all Americans would go far. Just allowing the VA to negotiate would support Veterans and save the American tax payer billions.
First, he is gaming the system because he can. What does that say about congress? Could it be they are the one’s responsible for letting the sick be exploited this way? Secondly, to blame him is to be blind to how this exact same thing is being done to Americans in thousands of ways by the entire medical industry. There are cures to things like Hep C that simply are not affordable in this country but easily available in all the others. It is an example of our corrupt government more concerned with profits over people and another reason for the public’s anger.
And yet, they don’t fucking vote. Sigh.