I couldn’t be prouder of the fact that Washington State is leading the legal fight against Trump’s immigration order. I’ve been saying on this blog since Trump won the presidency that much of the resistance will be local. Our local officials are doing great work.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Fillibuster. Now.
Bannon the Hillbilly Vader wants to break some shit?
Make it the Trailer Trump Senate!
Leaving cloture votes hanging out there from now until the mids is like giving an Amex Centurion card to a meth addicted hillbilly pole dancer. Fuck that. Make ’em own it all it now.
Roger Rabbit spews:
The coup is underway. We are defending democracy and liberty. That’s not my opinion; read this:
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
There will be lots and lots of victims of Hillbilly incompetence and weakness over the next four years. A majority of them will be the people who helped put Preznit Putin-Puppet in office. But there’s nothing to be done for them. Their cause was lost when Hillbilly Jesus traded America to the FSB for hookers and drug money. Tear the rear view mirror off and toss it out the window.
tensor spews:
Echoing what Carl posted, it’s great to see Gov. Inslee and AG Ferguson stand up to the bully.
Let’s get Senators Murray and Cantwell to do the same at their level.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Seahawks QB Russell Wilson says Trump’s presidency is “getting out of hand,” is filled with “negativity,” and predicts Trump might not “last four years.”
Roger Rabbit spews:
Lookee here! A new restaurant opened in Fremont! Boob’s minimum wage economic model just collapsed.
Roger Rabbit spews:
A white asshole approached an American-born Muslim in a Georgia cafe, called her a “bitch,” and asked her if she has a green card.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone wanna guess who he voted for? Btw, this jerk later offered to apologize after he was identified and outed on the internet, but she refused to have anything to do with him.
Dr. Z spews:
4-month old girl misses open heart surgery because our doctor believes she’s a threat to national security.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Betsy DeVos is on the edge. With 2 Republicans now committed to vote against her, it will take VP Pence’s tiebreaker to confirm her. But if Sessions is confirmed first, then she has only 49 “yes” votes to 50 “no” votes, and she will be defeated. And, of course, if another GOP senator joins the “no” ranks, she’s done regardless.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@8 Donald Trump kills helpless babies. How sweet. He’ll also be remembered as the president who handcuffed kids at airports.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Where are the trolls today? Hiding? I wouldn’t show my face either, if I were them. They built this.
Steve spews:
I need to get my screen name straight! I used “Dr. Z” at Zombie (u)SP after Sharkansky banned me for my comment about him being loathed by the Association of Aggrieved Waitresses.
Ekim spews:
Roger @11 Where are the trolls today?
Troll party? Involving goats and other farm animals?
Masturbating to pictures of handcuffed 5 year olds?
Watching some DRUMPH videos?
tensor spews:
Where are the trolls today? Hiding? I wouldn’t show my face either, if I were them. They built this.
Yeah, loudly, shrilly, and nervously re-assuring each other that Hillary Clinton will never be president is one thing; defending their alternative to electing her is another. Chronically overprivileged underperformers just don’t like taking responsibility. Who knew?
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
they are combing the hillbilly derp-o-sphere searching for demonstrations of organized strength. But so far all they can find are videos of Sean Spicer shouting repeated lies at an empty room and Jared Kushner roaming around outside the East Wing tapping on the windows.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@12 Yes, lest we forget, Stefan Sharkansky, the (u)SP founder and profiteer at taxpayer expense, is the heartless jerk who got a single-mom waitress fired from her job in retaliation for telling his rowdy kid to be quiet in a busy restaurant because he has no fucking parenting skills. And then the thin-skinned dick banned people with more humanity than him from his blog for criticizing him for it. He reminds me of someone else who’s been in the news recently.
tensor spews:
@12, @16:
Best of all, the founder of (u)SP was the non-Christian head of a mixed-ethnicity family, and thus, could not actually live in any part of our country which practiced his political philosophy. Rather than draw the obvious conclusion about said philosophy, he lived in Seattle and bit the hand that fed him. Charming fellow.
(Wasn’t his surname actually “Sharansky,” and his spelling of it with another “k” was his juvenile tough-guy self-promotion, right?)
Roger Rabbit spews:
@17 “(Wasn’t his surname actually “Sharansky,” and his spelling of it with another “k” was his juvenile tough-guy self-promotion, right?)”
That’s correct, plus he was a gigolo living on his corporate-lawyer wife’s income.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
I need to get my screen name straight!
Use Six Times Shit Pressure Packed Steve. In honor of all those head explosions you’ve experienced many times.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
One of them sought quiet refuge at an old thread for an hour or so this afternoon. Spend some time around them and you’ll often see hillbillies muttering to themselves. Usually complaining about a pregnant unwed daughter or needing a new blue tarp for the roof.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
Trump kicking DUMMOCRETIN ASS with that judge.
DUMMOCRETINS screaming the Scalia seat is “theirs” for Merrick Garland.
They forget the Biden Rule
they created and Schumer reinforced.
They forget the Schumer Standard
because lib the fetid gaseous arschloch Schumer likes to see himself in pixels
“Sure it’s apples to oranges. At one point, it was a Republican nominee. Now it’s a Democratic nominee.”
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
What do you suppose will be the reaction of President Strong Bad and his team of Shit Lords as one after another the progressive, affluent, healthy, well educated states that would never support Russian authoritarianism enact state laws to enshrine the features of Obamacare that he has promised to destroy?
Free birth control and abortions for all the nasty women! And not a Sister Fucking thing the impotent hillbillies can do about it!
K2 spews:
Our Psycopath in Chief is on a roll.
He threatens to invade Mexico,
threatens Iran
“As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice,” Flynn said.
And insulted Australia
“President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refu¬gee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win”
Do any of you really believe he is not dangerous? God help the USA. We need it.
K2 spews:
@22- Really, Puddles. Read the Republican quotes from LAST Year, and stop misrepresenting Biden’s quote.
Now give me some of the random letters you think communicate something.
Steve spews:
While loon head explosions have become as tedious as Seattle rain, those two @19 and @21 were pretty sweet.
Steve spews:
Speaking of tedious, this thread is somehow devoid of Doctor Dumbfuck Nazi’s hashtags. Sad!
tensor spews:
One of them sought quiet refuge at an old thread for an hour or so this afternoon.
That’s one of the most pathetic examples of Troll Decay yet! Even Mark Adams going off his meds and babbling to himself about Iran wasn’t that sad.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Trump refused to honor a refugee agreement between the U.S. and Australia, then hung up on the Australian prime minister. I guess we’re not friends with Australia anymore. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when Trump wants Australia to furnish military bases for his war with China.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@22 Why, you’ll hear Republicans whine about states’ rights, of course.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Roger Rabbit spews:
A Minnesota jury has convicted a white supremacist who shot five black men at a BLM protest and then tried to claim self-defense of assault and riot.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you go to a BLM rally wearing a mask and start calling people “n*****s,” you’re probably not defending yourself.
Roger Rabbit spews:
A Florida court has awarded $5 million to golf club members who sued Trump.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Ever wonder what rightwing hero and role model George Zimmerman is up to? Still making a name for himself. To wit:
“Zimmerman, best known as the man who was acquitted of … shooting to death Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, had made a second career as an online troll. After several major controversies about the content of his Twitter account, Twitter appeared to kick out Zimmerman for good in December, just after he posted a series of tweets containing semi-nude photographs of his ex-girlfriend, along with her contact information.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yep, what our trolls and their like-minded friends find wholesome and uplifting is a killer who doxes his girlfriend and gets banned from Twitter for revenge porn. Question: Why would anyone want to be his girlfriend in the first place?
H. Lowe Crosby spews:
@23 “and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win”
Trump has to brag about the size of something and it looks like all he has to talk about is the electoral college margin, other than that, he has nothing.
H. Lowe Crosby spews:
Trump made his surprise visit to pay his respects to the Navy Seal that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. While my heart and thoughts go out to the service member’s family and friends, this will be the first of many trips by Trump because his actions now are only going to enrage and embolden our enemies.
Trump should probably setup the winter White House at Dover AFB rather than in Mar-a-Lago
The Wisdom of PissCan spews:
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
No really DUMMOCRETINS are socialists… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....-are-they/
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
Once again everyone can see k2 speaks from the arschloch!
Puddy posted the Youtube video of BIDEN’S WORDS from 1992 and what does the schmuck write above @24?
misrepresenting Biden’s quote.
Seems then what Schumer said later is not being misrepresented, eh?
This is what you present as HA DUMMOCRETIN intelligence!
Steve spews:
I see we have been visited with yet another of the loon’s 4:00 AM Nazi hate-fests. Sad!
Steve spews:
“Trump made his surprise visit to pay his respects to the Navy Seal that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.”
Why do our military officials hate America?
“Trump OK’d Yemen raid without sufficient intel — leaving SEAL and child dead: military officials”
“U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.”
“As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.”
@godwinha spews:
@ 39
“Trump made his surprise visit to pay his respects to the Navy Seal that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.”
And then he told the Seal’s family that it was because of a video.
@godwinha spews:
Democrats thought it wise to have this woman share the podium with a sitting US Senator at the DNC meeting last year.
You’re being ridiculous.
Oh. You’re also showing Berniebros that they were right.
Roger Rabbit spews:
The Republican vandalism of the environment has begun:
“The Republican-led Congress took its first steps Wednesday to … repeal the ‘Stream Protection Rule,’ a measure issued recently that barred mining companies from putting any of their waste in local waterways.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, the dittoheads will hail this as the greatest thing since tainted lettuce.
@godwinha spews:
@ 42
“The Republican-led Congress took its first steps Wednesday to … repeal the ‘Stream Protection Rule,’ a measure issued recently that barred mining companies from putting any of their waste in local waterways.”
Even the EPA
EPA Says It Released 3 Million Gallons Of Contaminated Water Into River
needs competition.
Steve spews:
I suppose if there’s an upside to the loon posting hate here is that it means the doctor hasn’t lynched his useful tool yet.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@34 It’ll be the usual deal: When things spin out of control, Trump will expend effort and taxpayer resources on suppressing photographs of flag-draped caskets arriving home via bulk air freight.
@godwinha spews:
What do liberals call other liberals who prevent their own people from beating a helpless prostrate individual?
Is the term traitor? Comrade? Steve? Dude?
I have no idea why liberals think this kind of behavior is going to work in their favor.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@38 Nothing there but fartings from a bean field.
@godwinha spews:
This is CNN. This is UC Berkeley.
“What is happening here
is that these are student protesters, some anarchists from what I can gather, trying to breach the building right now.”
Amazing oral reporting in the first 90 seconds of the video. Police in riot gear trying to protect the venue, protesters using barricades as battering rams trying to get in.
Goldy helpfully weighing in sidebar with comments about Trump’s penis.
This is what is left of your movement, HA libbies. Riots and penis jokes.
Steve spews:
President Bannon has no doubt that war with China is imminent.
“White House’s Steve Bannon thinks war with China is imminent: ‘There’s no doubt about that’”
I’m sure a nuclear exchange with China would liven things up.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@40 “And then he told the Seal’s family that it was because of a video.”
Game of Thrones?
Roger Rabbit spews:
You know, Boob, if Republicans want to spend the next two years investigating Benghaaaazzzziii!!! again, and doing nothing else, at this point I’m okay with that.
Steve spews:
Trump has no time to address right-wing terrorist attack on Mosque in Canada. Finds time to threaten UC Berkeley after fascist and twitter-stalker Milo was canceled due to protests.
“Trump threatens UC Berkeley funds over Breitbart protests”
Roger Rabbit spews:
@41 Boob prefers to shill for the mad king. But who knows, he may build some nice castles in the air.
@godwinha spews:
With all of the commotion over the DeVos nomination, some of y’all may have missed that for-profit corporation Laureate Education, Inc., which paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to serve as ‘honorary chancellor’, went public yesterday.
Yes, its founders and original investors cashed out. First day didn’t go so well.
For the stock, anyway. Bill and #CrookedHillary would have cashed out their shares before the stock price dived, and probably did pretty well.
Always follow the money.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@43 Sure, why settle for 3 million gallons of pollution caused by a dumb fuckup, when you can release hundreds of millions of gallons of pollution and destroy entire fisheries by doing it intentionally? That’s Republican logic at work.
@godwinha spews:
@ 52
Trump has no time to address right-wing terrorist attack on Mosque in Canada. Finds time to threaten UC Berkeley after fascist Milo event was canceled due to protests.
US president less concerned about Canadian problem than about American problem.
I know, Steve. It’s different from the past eight years. Trump might even spend some time on the violence in inner city Chicago, instead of worrying as much as the previous administration about what’s happening in the Calais “jungle”.
Things are different now.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@44 I’m still wondering how yahoos who couldn’t tie their own shoelaces managed the knot.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Comics who steal material get pee in their beer.
Unless you have Liddle Marco’s permission.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@46 My guess is those are yours.
@godwinha spews:
Maybe next time Goldy’s hungry for a metaphor
he could check this out:
McDonald’s Burger Machine Unveiled As “Fight For $15” Moves Forward
BOSTON — At the same time as a coalition dedicated to passing legislation that would boost the state’s hourly minimum wage to $15 delivered its presentation on Beacon Hill, across town in Kenmore Square a McDonald’s franchise unveiled the world’s first Big Mac machine.
Pay no attention to the robot behind the curtain.
Steve spews:
“Trump might even spend some time on the violence in inner city Chicago”
Yeah, things are different now. Your racist wet dream of the National Guard being sent to kill black males in America’s cities just might come true. You must be fucking thrilled!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@60 Oh my, Boob’s panties are in a twist because fast food workers in BOSTON want a $15 wage in 2021 which is FOUR YEARS from now after another 10%-12% or so inflation; but never fear, help is on the way, in the form of a Big Mac vending machine, and as long as Boob sees robots putting $10-an-hour workers out of work, all will be right with the world.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@61 But only after the emperor knocks off Mexico City first.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@48 We don’t have a movement. We have a concept of civilization different from that of reactionaries nostalgic for the pastoral manor life of the 1840s.
Steve spews:
“But only after the emperor knocks off Mexico City first.”
Maybe he’ll go all out and nuke Iran, Mexico, Australia, Canada and China and be done with it.
@godwinha spews:
I see we have a new Secretary of State.
Thank you Senator Reid. Your short-sightedness and even more blind support from your party have made the next four to eight years possible.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Boston. Another vibrant extremely well educated, economically booming, healthy, progressive, liberal coastal city where not incidentally the unemployment rate is well below 4%.
In such a place, and without immigrants, exactly who besides robots would be available to make Big Macs?
Don’t worry hillbilly idiots. The McDonalds in Manchester, Kentucky will be the very last one to get a robot. So you’re safe.
@godwinha spews:
@ 67
Dragon started in Boston. Now it’s worldwide. Oh, and it replaced my transcriptionist a couple of years ago.
Just sayin’.
@godwinha spews:
Boston. City in MA. MA, which is governed by a popular Republican.
WBUR Poll: Republican Gov. Baker More Popular Than Democrat Sen. Warren
How could the state’s top Republican be more popular than its top Democrat? Koczela says it’s about bipartisanship.
“When you look at Elizabeth Warren’s favorables, only 12 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of her,” Koczela said. “When you look at Baker, 60 percent of Democrats view him favorably. So he has bipartisan appeal, where Elizabeth Warren really never has.”
@godwinha spews:
Liberal quandary:
Do you attend a (Not my) President’s Day protest at school if it’s held on a school holiday?
You pussies stop being so fuckin’ funny to watch, an’ I’ll stop watchin’. Promise.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
a couple of years ago
Sounds about right. Only a gated greenhouse marketplace like medicine could support that kind of ridiculous inefficiency.
How much do you pay the little boy that holds your dick when you pee?
-You should check those crosstabs at 70
@godwinha spews:
@ 71
agated greenhouse marketplaces like medicine and the public sector could support that kind of ridiculous inefficiency.ftfy
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Only a gated greenhouse marketplaces like medicine and the military could support that kind of ridiculous inefficiency.
Credit where credit is really due.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Drumpf’s first military operation resulted in piles of dead bodies, many of them innocent, because he approved the operation “without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations,” according to military officials.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When he carries out his planned invasion of Mexico, you’ll be able to walk from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean on dead bodies, many of which will be American.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@69 I don’t understand it. What can possibly be appealing about any Republican?
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Baker: pro-abortion, pro-contraception, pro-transgender bathrooms, pro-marriage equality, pro-medical mj, pro-sentencing reform, pro-environment, pro-gun control, etc.
Not in good standing with the Hillbilly He-Man Woman Haters of Trailer Trump America.
Steve spews:
“You pussies”
Says the Colonel Klink half of HA’s Klink and Schultz Nazi comedy team.
Steve spews:
“Maybe he’ll go all out and nuke Iran, Mexico, Australia, Canada and China and be done with it.”
Eh, I should have included most of America’s major cities. I imagine the warheads have already been retargeted.
ArtFart spews:
@78 Cue Randy Newman singing “Let’s Drop The Big One”…
Roger Rabbit spews:
“The question is, will [Merrick Garland] have a hearing, and will it be taken up by the Judiciary Committee. He will not be. […] This nominee is not going to be considered. […] The president initiates the appointment, the Senate decides whether or not to consider it at all.”
“Apparently there’s yet a new standard now, which is to not confirm a Supreme Court nominee at all. […] I think this is something the American people simply will not tolerate […] Our hope would be that our Democratic friends would treat President Trump’s nominees in the same way we treated Clinton and Obama.”
Sen. McConnell suffers from:
[ ] (1) Amnesia
[ ] (2) Hypocrisy
[ ] (3) Duplicity
[ ] (4) Venality
[ ] (5) All of the above
Roger Rabbit spews:
One bright spot is glowing in the darkness enveloping us:
“A new PPP survey of Milwaukee County finds that Sheriff David Clarke is very unpopular, and has almost no chance at being reelected next year.
“Only 31% of voters in the county approve of the job Clarke is doing, to 62% who disapprove. Beyond that, voters consider him to be somewhat of a national embarrassment. 65% say that he’s had a negative impact on Milwaukee County’s image nationally, to only 29% who think he’s had a positive impact. White voters (34/59 approval for Clarke) and black voters (22/72 approval for Clarke) are united in their negative feelings toward him.
“Among Democratic primary voters, just 13% say they would support Clarke in a Democratic primary today to 82% who say they would prefer someone else. Clarke basically has no path to reelection as a Democrat at this point. He probably could be the Republican candidate for Sheriff- he gets a 72/23 approval rating from them- but then he would have virtually no chance of winning the general election either way.”
But he may already have a new gig lined up: Rumors are swirling that his buddy Drumpf is going to appoint him to head an “All Lives Matter” task force. I sure hope the duties of that position don’t include issuing orders to people who carry guns, because this fucker thinks protesters should be shot. When someone looks at him the wrong way, though, he merely harasses them in the airport with cops and police dogs.
Roger Rabbit spews:
And then there’s this:
“‘I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up,’ McCain said.”
Yep, you right that right, that was Sen. McCain promising in October — back when everyone still thought Hillary would be the next POTUS — that no SCOTUS nominee of hers, no matter how qualified, would ever be confirmed.
Senate Democrats have all the justification they need to tell Trump to shove it.
If GOPers respond by taking away the filibuster, fine, it’s already useless because they’re going to do it anyway, so might as well get it over with. And if they do, Democrats should make sure the GOP never, ever, again has the filibuster when they again become the minority party. And that WILL happen. Don’t forget, the 46 sitting Democrats and independents got 20 million more votes than the 54 sitting Republicans. And that was before Trump began vandalizing the USA.
Hypocrite is every Republican’s middle name.
Roger Rabbit spews:
In case you missed it, there was a special election for an Iowa legislative seat a couple days ago, which may be giving us a first look at Trump’s coattails after entering the White House.
To be sure, it’s a Democratic district; Hillary carried it in November, 52%-41%. But this week, a novice candidate beat the Republican, a cop, by 72%-27%. It appears a third of Trump’s voters in that district have migrated back to the Democrats in less than 3 months’ time.
Steve spews:
“Sen. McConnell suffers from:”
[ ] (1) Amnesia
[ ] (2) Hypocrisy
[ ] (3) Duplicity
[ ] (4) Venality
[x] (5) All of the above
A poll on the loon would have to include “batshit insanity” and “goat fuck fever”. For our fascist doctor, I’m sure “Nazi wet dreams” would suffice.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Meanwhile, in Kansas, the commander of a Civil Air Patrol unit said a legislator who introduced a bill to ban concealed carry from the state’s public college campuses should “swing from a tree.” The funny thing is, the legislator in question is a Republican. Sanity prevailed and the commander was forced to resign from CAP.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This man’s explanation was that the bill violated his constitutional rights. Of course, the vast efforts and resources the GOP pours into vote suppression violates the affected citizens’ constitutional rights, too. As does interfering with abortion clinics, and pushing prayer in public schools. But I’m sure this flies right over the heads of people like him.
Hypocrite is every Republican’s middle name.
Roger Rabbit spews:
When I returned home from Vietnam, I was called a baby killer, even though I hadn’t killed any babies. Trump, who is the same age as me, never served in the military but may have just killed a real-life baby (not to mention the kids killed in his botched commando raid into Yemen).
I get treated a lot better now. Strangers come up to me and thank me for my service. Meanwhile, millions are taking to the streets to vilify Trump. It all seems very fair to me.
Steve spews:
I was wrong. No need for Trump to target Canadian cities with our nuclear warheads. For now.
“Canada’s Trudeau decides not to poke US ‘grizzly bear’ for now”
Roger Rabbit spews:
Looks like Drumpf is going after separation of church and state, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This has to be for political expediency, as I doubt very much that Drumpf is a religious man. He worships in the Temple of Money and that’s about it. He’s certainly not a Christian, or if he is, he’s the most hypocritical Christian on earth. It’s not plausible that he’s ever cracked a Bible, because he guy has no moral compass whatsoever. He doesn’t believe in anything except himself, so if he thinks there’s a God, he also thinks HE is God.
@godwinha spews:
@ 83
Yeah, I’ll say it’s a Democrat district.
The Iowa Democratic Party put nearly $30,000 into the race in in-kind contributions, according to campaign finance filings. Kurth raised about $24,000, with $10,000 coming from the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 431. But she had spent only $946 going into the last five days of the campaign.
Gonzales raised about $1,500 for the race and had spent $961 going into the last five days. The Iowa GOP had not made any contributions to Gonzales’ campaign, according to the reports, which were filed last week. The Scott County GOP gave his campaign $750.
And turnout for this special election was all of 13%.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, one explanation is that quite a few Trump’s voters disappeared, sure.
An equally plausible explanation is that a whole lot of people who could not bring themselves to vote for #CrookedHillary decided to vote for the Democrat in this smaller race.
Either way, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit,
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
And this election had nothing to do with coattails. It may very well have shown just how many Iowa Dems hated #CrookedHillary’s guts, tho.
Own-goals seem to be a specialty for you.
H. Lowe Crosby spews:
@88 “so if he thinks there’s a God, he also thinks HE is God.”
Everyone here is so serious, time for some humor:
What is the difference between Trump and God? God doesn’t think his Donald Trump.
What is the difference between Donald Trump and the Hindenburg? One is a flaming Nazi gasbag, the other is a dirigible.
Ima Dunce spews:
Let us take a second to ponder the fact that many of the red(neck) state voters that put G.W. Bush in office helped put our current president(emperor) in office. Then let us think about how those same people demanded we shut up about our objections to going to war in Iraq. A badly planned and executed misadventure by arrogant and ignorant men. It got their children killed and mangled for no good reason. It is happening again. Only this time the Republicans in charge are even more arrogant and ignorant than the last bunch. Expect an even deadlier outcome.
Steve spews:
“One is a flaming Nazi gasbag, the other is a dirigible.”
I like it.
Steve spews:
If Doctor Dumbfuck Nazi had posted all of his thousands of pro-Putin hashtags in bold font like @89, I’d have bet that he’d at least have a fighting chance at being appointed our nation’s new surgeon general.
@godwinha spews:
What is the difference between Trump and God? God doesn’t think his Donald Trump.
Substitute ‘surgeon’ for ‘Trump’. Works better. Always has, always will.
@godwinha spews:
@ 91
It got their children killed and mangled for no good reason.
It may also have gotten us Obama rather than #CrookedHillary.
Bright side to just about everything. I probably did better under Obama than I would under #CrookedHillary.
@godwinha spews:
@ 86
I get treated a lot better now.
Of course you do. Probably everyone you meet thinks you’re the oldest living Down Syndrome survivor.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Toothless hillbilly terrified of sick little girls celebrates another impressive situational win.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
It got their children killed and mangled for no good reason.
Entertainment isn’t a reason?
We got a whole new genre of books, games and movies out of the deal.
A bunch of new tropes and stereotype characters too.
I don’t know about the rest of you Elites, but my Netflix queue is getting more than a bit stale. We need some idiot hillbillies to go fuck things up in some interesting new parts of the world.
@godwinha spews:
@ 98
Didja see that six-hour Spike Lee joint – a documentary of #CrookedHillary and the ugliest-ever child of a president landing under sniper fire in Bosnia?
@godwinha spews:
@ 98
Didja see that six-hour Spike Lee joint – a documentary of #CrookedHillary and the ugliest-ever child of a president landing under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Play it backwards at double-speed and there’s a hologram of John Edwards impregnating Rielle.
DeathFrogg spews:
Whatever happens, it’s still Obama’s fault.
What sheer lunacy looks like.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
99, 100
sounds very 2003. Spike who?
I’m not much into the oldies/rerun stuff. Maybe if you could recast it with Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone I could take an interest. But Bosnia. That sounds sort of old world Muslim to me. That shit’s played. It’d be a whole lot cooler set in South America. When it comes to retro, Narcos are very hot right now. And the Latin market residuals are blowing up. Didn’t America get up to some shit back in the ’80s down there? What was that all about, right?
@godwinha spews:
Clock Boy shoulda retained Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. No directionality needed for this case.
On Thursday afternoon a Texas Judge dismissed a lawsuit filed against Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro by Mohammed Mohammed, the father of “clock boy” Ahmed Mohammed.
Good thing Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit earned a public sector salary. Had he tried to make his way in the private sector, he’d be in worse financial shape than ‘froggy.
@godwinha spews:
@ 102
And the Latin market residuals are blowing up. Didn’t America get up to some shit back in the ’80s down there?
Slow down there, Tubbs.
What did a typewriter, Ronald Reagan, and Glenn Frey have in common?
They each had semi-colons.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
With the Clintons out of the way, JW needs a new hobby horse.
But credit the man this: if it weren’t for him and his pals, Hillbilly Jesus wouldn’t be spending the next four years undergoing a crash course on FRCP Rule 30. I don’t know about the hillbillies, but I’m looking forward to it.
Ha Ha Clinton Dix spews:
Does that include you being unemployed?
Ima Dunce spews:
Who will be laughing when the emperor spurs a military coup?
@godwinha spews:
@ 107
Don’t I get to play your silly game, too?
Do not pass Goldy. Do not collect $200.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
Looks like SPPS and its raw story on the US Nacy Seal Commando raid LIED again… http://www.reuters.com/article.....SKBN15D08J
raw story… so raw it’s full of lies… BULLSHITTIUM eaten daily by SPPS.
Now we know where all that extra shit pressure comes from between its ears, behind its eyes!
Wait for it…
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
Trump has no time to address right-wing terrorist attack on Mosque in Canada.
More raw story BULLSHITTIUM from SPPS. Canadian newspapers already said when Trump called! Puddy posted it last week. Ask the gaseous arschloch for the replay!
raw story was jacking off and missed the call like SPPS misses his calling all over these threads!
@godwinha spews:
Fake news didn’t, but you buncha pussies might have lost it for yourselves.
A flood of false headlines probably did not swing America’s election
You knew what the DNC was doing to Bernie. You let it happen anyway. Certain of you even provided cover.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
Think on your sins.
@godwinha spews:
Stop attacking her credibility, Goldy wrote in late May.
Yes, we wouldn’t want her to practice defending herself too soon, would we? We wouldn’t want her to defend it in May so she could claim it was “old news” in the general, would we?
Let’s build her up. Let’s pretend that “extreme carelessness” means she got a run in her stocking and went out in public without first checking herself in the mirror. Let’s let her go months without a press conference, or giving an interview to someone whose questions weren’t submitted ahead of time for approval.
Think on your sins.
Steve spews:
Those were some nice fascist loon head explosions @109 and @110. When it comes to head explosions, the fascist loon never disappoints!
@godwinha spews:
Next thing you know she’ll be soliciting mesothelioma suffers.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Kshama Sawant @cmkshama
Witness or victim of police violence, pepper spraying or harassment at #SeaTac airport on Sat? Contact my office: http://sawant.seattle.gov/did-.....testimony/ …
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Let’s pretend that “extreme carelessness” means anything at all other than precisely and exactly the very same things the current President of the United States and his senior staff including numerous members of the National Security Council Principals Committee are doing right this very minute.
Anything at all will do.
@godwinha spews:
Hey, remember the day before the election, when Goldy had a some theories? One of them was this:
Undermine public faith in the outcome of this election. If Hillary Clinton substantially over-performs the polling averages it will look awfully suspicious to voters already primed by Trump’s relentless voter fraud allegations. I mean, Nate Silver has never been wrong before, so why would he miss a few key states this time around? Such suspicions will serve Republicans well as they continue their efforts to delegitimize Clinton through hearings, confirmation battles, and ultimately impeachment.
Instead we get to watch Dems attempt to delegitimize Trump. Although losing committee votes unanimously seems to be an odd way to do that, libbies.
@godwinha spews:
After a violent protest forces UC Berkeley to cancel a speech by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, students wonder what has become of an institution known as the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement. (Feb. 2) AP
Coupla years, they’ll be wondering what Schumer plans to do with a caucus of < 41.
Keep it up, libbies.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
It’s hard to say if Milo cons hillbillies more than Snowflakes. But one thing’s for sure. It’s not like he’s subtle about the con.
The whole point of that guy’s act is to get it canceled. It he doesn’t get canceled then he hasn’t truly succeeded. That’s why his speaker contracts have a guarantee. He’s got Hillbilly Jesus working for him. Blac Block might as well be working for him too.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Today we learned Drumpf takes pills to grow hair.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@117 No college or other venue has any legal or moral obligation to provide a platform to people who incite riots.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@116 “Instead we get to watch Dems attempt to delegitimize Trump.”
When did we say he’s illegitimate? If you can’t concoct your snark without lying, maybe you should be in some other business. We didn’t say he’s illegitimate. Nuts, mentally ill, unbalanced, incompetent, yes; he’s all that and more. But we never disputed his legitimacy.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@103 At least I don’t have dead patients stacked like logs behind the radiology lab.
Negan spews:
So its Milos fault you leftnuts go all violent??
Lolz logic
Roger Rabbit spews:
Looks like Drumpf’s Russia policy is already unraveling.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@123 Think of a person who yells “fire!” in a crowded theater. Who would you blame for the resulting commotion? If you need help with this, we have counselors standing by. And stop calling these people in black masks who show up at protests to set fires and throw rocks through windows “leftists.” They are not protesters, and they are not part of the crowd.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
The whole point of that guy’s act is to get it canceled.
So DUMMOCRETIN anarchists are friends of Milo? They went nutzo due to some subliminal messaging? They ransacked and burned the mutha down because Milo said so?
DAYUM Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom, you really are an “elite nutburger”!
Dysfunctional DUMMOCRETIN like you are SCUM!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
@117 No college or other venue has any legal or moral obligation to provide a platform to people who incite riots.
And yet no DUMMOCRETIN libtard msm reporter will stick a microphone into the face of Stretch Pelosi or Little Chucky Schumer and ask why don’t they call out their anarchist supporters and their FASCIST NAZI actions!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
And stop calling these people in black masks who show up at protests to set fires and throw rocks through windows “leftists.”
Why? They only show up to create mayhem and destroy and go FASCIST NAZI when a conservative is about to speak somewhere!
They are libtard leftist DUMMOCRETINS, plain and simple! They are your worst nightmare early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit!
Steve spews:
Way to pussify your comments, Doc. Effeminate much? I tell you what. If my eye-roll strain gets any worse, I’m sending you the fucking medical bill. Actually, you and the dumbfuck loon should split it. DUMMOCRETIN anarchists?? WTF kind of dumbfuckery is that? Stupid fucking loon needs to splurge and buy himself a fucking brain.
Here’s the deal, you fucking fascist fucktards. Commies to my left, fascists to my right, and I don’t cotton to either fucking one of them.
Steve spews:
Milo? When did you fucking gay-hating fascist fucktards decide it was cool to have a guy with a dick in his mouth as your fucking hero? There’s some serious fucking cognitive dissonance going on with you two shits.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
@123 Think of a person who yells “fire!” in a crowded theater.
Steve spews:
“Think on your sins.”
This isn’t helping my eye-roll strain. Um, Doc, as you obviously haven’t figured it out yet, you’re talking to a bunch of fucking atheists.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
Where were they during the Pussy march on Saturday January 21st? Hiding of course!
Why did they show up in Chicago March 2016 when Trump was to speak?
Why did they show up in WA DC during Trump’s inauguration?
Why did they show up at UC Berkeley when Milo was to speak?
Why do they show up every time Milo plans to speak?
Why did they show up when Ben Shapiro was to speak?
You see SPPS, they are libtard FASCIST NAZI SCUM! This is why you see college and university students, raving lunatic juvenile crowds, fools attacking Bernie Sanders in Seattle and elsewhere, and felonious criminals as useful idiot tools of the professional anarchist organizers; paid for by one of 64 George Soros front groups!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
bunch of fucking atheists.
Some fuck each other while others fuck four legged farm animals.
Thanks for playing SPPS!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
bunch of fucking atheists.
Some fuck each other while others fuck four legged farm animals.
Thanks for playing SPPS!
Negan spews:
Ok then, good to know. Now anytime someone wants to say something, we can just riot and shut them up……and then blame them.
To hell with free speech, just threaten a voilent mob and so nobody says anything
And you were a fucking lawyer? Lmfao.
Just a shame the NVA werent better shots….
Negan spews:
And yes, they are your peeps….own it.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
be fair now. The Hillbillies have a very long history of a “certain kind” of hero worship.
Who can forget the golden oldies from the fairly recent past:
“I hired Jeff last winter when I was in Philadelphia on business. I was so pleased with the experience that I recently had him travel with me on a weekend trip to North Carolina.”
“While earlier reviews may have suggested [Jeff] might be rough, that was not the case. He was caring, assertive, and with stamina that could have gone on all night. While I was expecting a large cock. This was 8, or maybe a 9, and very thick. His technique made this the first time I have ever not been hurt when stretched to the limit when going to first base. First, my legs over his shoulders, then on my back, flipped over and on to doggie style. It was all good. This guy was easily in the top 5% of any escort I’ve found. While he hasn’t had a review in a while and didn’t ask for this one. It is well deserved. If you’re looking for a hot, hard, large sized, forceful top this man is it. Oh yes and he does kiss. The published picture is not good, he’s better than that as well.”
“The sex was great, he’s a hard core top, verbal and strong, never romantic, but not mean. But there was so much more. He is intelligent, but would not want me to tell you that and very interesting. Being military also, we had much in common. I feel completely at ease that my secret is safe with him.”
A true American Hero and keeper of military secrets!
There are so many more similarly positive reviews of White House “special guest” Guckert. Even a few from customers other than Bush senior staff. But I’m afraid if I go on the trolls may be unable to control themselves.
@godwinha spews:
@ 123
You have it exactly correct. The left is never at fault for anything.
An example:
David Burge
DePaul: sorry, Ben Shapiro might bring a risk of violence to campus
Me: violence by whom?
DePaul: us
12:24 PM – 1 Aug 2016
Steve spews:
Whoa! The loon double-posting about animal fucking. He obviously got a little too excited about that one. And he probably scared the hell out of the goat, poor thing.
Nice head explosions, though.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Republicans move to allow mentally ill people to buy guns:
“Congressional Republicans want to undo an Obama administration initiative designed to keep mentally ill people from buying guns. … Republicans and the National Rifle Association blasted the initiative as unconstitutional gun-grabbing. Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas) introduced legislation to block the rule last year. ‘We need to protect rights of all Americans, including individuals with disabilities,’ Johnson said then, referring to Second Amendment rights.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can’t make this shit up.
Steve spews:
“But I’m afraid if I go on the trolls may be unable to control themselves.”
Don’t worry about the loon losing it. He’d have to get back first, and that ain’t happening.
Steve spews:
“And yes, they are your peeps….own it.”
Hey, Max! I knew the layout of the place they were staying at during WTO as a friend used to live in that building. I gave serious thought to killing a few of the motherfuckers for trashing my city. I don’t think anyone would have faulted me for it. What a bunch of fucking losers.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@138 I wondered how Drumpf keeps his biochemistry under control. He’s obviously not fucking his wife.
tensor spews:
“Instead we get to watch Dems attempt to delegitimize Trump.”
Illegal detention order, hasty and ill-advised attack, throwing a temper tantrum via telephone at another head of government — all that joyous good government you so admire was just his second week in office.
He soon will have no legitimatacy remaining for anyone to remove.
Except in the eyes of painfully-gullible voters, folks so pathetically vulnerable they were easily Chumped by a con man on reality TV.
And we already know they are in the minority, don’t we?
Live on your knees.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@137 Saying something over and over doesn’t make it true.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@145 Boob hasn’t figured out yet it’s the Republicans who will remove him.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Republicans want to undo the Johnson Amendment. I hope it’s not lost on HA readers that this will allow Republicans to get tax deductions for their political contributions by funneling them through churches.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone interested in joining the Natural Church of Trees and Rabbits? Even atheists are welcome! Your tax-deductible offerings and donations will be put to good use.
@godwinha spews:
So, the chick who did the national anthem at Trump’s inauguration, Jackie Evancho, will be at The Triple Door, four shows on March 23-24.
It might be a nice protest opportunity, no? You might get to make a 16 year old girl cry.
And YLB, if it turns out she’s got the spine you lack and decides to stand her ground when you accost her, you’ll have yourself a fair fight, girlfriend.
Mark Adams spews:
Carl unfortunately the Washington State Attorney General is jerking off. Washington state has no standing. The case could very well die before ever going to trial, If it makes it to trial then there will be appeals and it will die on appeal as Washington State has no standing. It’s a waste of Washington State tax dollars though it may make some feel good. Washington state would do better by spending what it will spend on this boon doogle on some free KY and dildos to the top 500 Seahawk fans.
Though it may help the political career of our Attorney General is he planning on running for Governor? The Senate? The Presidency? Well if so bad Washington State Attorney General. Mild hand slap.
Mark Adams spews:
@4 So how long until you smell the reality that the Republicans have more people in more seats in the United States Senate. The Democratic Senators need to pick their fights, as they are going to loose most of them, probably all of them. If they make everything a fight at some point they are just going to piss off Americans. They would be better off making some appropriate noises of disapproval , but allow things to proceed, vote against,and pounce on the policy blunders. And if Democrats protests create chaos that isn’t going to help. If the policies of the Republicans actually work then Democrats are just going to have more egg on their face with this resistance crap, as when I count the butts in the seats in Congress there is no resistance. Unless your talking civil war, and if Trump is really a Creon then you will just have handed him the power. Who has been the beneficiary of the coup in Turkey?
Mark Adams spews:
@21 I believe Biden, Shumer and Senator Barrack Obama were wrong totally wrong. What they are saying is hubris. The Senate has an obligation to follow the Constitution, and do it’s job when the is a Supreme Court vacancy and the President (any President at any time during his or her term) has put forth a candidate. The hearings should be short and sweet, and proceed quickly to a vote of the whole Senate. up or down. When the Senate fails to do its job then the President damn well should use the tools to place his nominee onto the court temporarily which will likely become permanent.
I think both parties have been pretty shitty and getting shittier over Supreme Court appointments and are not appointing a good mix of judges. They all seem to forget Supreme Court Judges are like a box chocolates where at least a few of chocolates are mislabeled. There is no way to know the judge your going to get when they are on the Supreme court, and judges can change over decades. Hopefully the changes are not due to dementia, but we have had those on the court, and the Senate is very reluctant to remove justices unless they drool too much during the annual picture.
Mark Adams spews:
@23 Your point is?
Lots of southerners have supported invading Mexico for any number of reasons. Got us Texas and California and a whole buch of the west in between. And there was that Gadsen purchase. It’s US hobby. And my Great Grand Dad was down in Mexico chasing that there Pancho Villa (terroist) down in Mexico before and during WWI. So why you making fun of this great American past time? If we can’t keep them out of the US why don’t we just invite them all in? That could be the ultimate Trump plan.
Iran come on ever since we lost our guy the Shah we have been on the brink of at least nasty rhetoric. Occassionally it’s been accompanied by actual gun fire. I personally know of Americans who had to get out of Iran during the revolution and they were not nice about getting out. Of course if the Shah had stayed in power for oh another 5 years he would have had the bomb. Just think if the Persians had had the bomb during the Iraq and Iran war. Just imagine. Easy to walk in afterwards and apply the Carter doctrine to the liberated oil fields of both nations.
And Australians having fits over anyone trying to immigrate there is the ultimate irony. Them Ausies are all descendants of Convicts and take great pride in that. Most would have preferred to remain in England. But after 1776 England had to send their convicts some place else, and that place was Australia. Convicts and sheep can you imagine?
Mark Adams spews:
It’s the 3rd of February and those of you hoping that groundhog day would do it’s magic on Donald Trump will soon have an answer. Though wouldn’t we have seen the miracles already if President Trump had experienced it, we would have Canadian health care, peace in the middle east, Russia joining NATO, American tequila with authentic American worms, the Rockettes would have a banner year, manned missions to the moon, Mars, and Europa, and the US mens team will win the next world cup.
Mark Adams spews:
@22 As a good Republican he would come out and support the states doing exactly those things or other things if they choose. He is very progressive if it’s states doing those things as they should have been doing in the first place, removing the burden from the Federal government.
Mark Adams spews:
@75 Can we include the opinions of gold diggers at least when talking about the well to do Republicans. Or maybe we can consult Mr. Fitzgerald.
Mark Adams spews:
@24 Oh come now that would be no fun. This is politics. Of course the major fact that the Republicans had the butts in the Senate seats (ie the power) really makes what was said by any of them politicos meaningless. And a President unwilling to use the tools he had under the Constitution to deal with an uncooperative Senate means we are where we are at today with the new President making his pick and that pick will be on the court.
The Republicans had the political power to do it and they did it. Or will do it.
Don’t like it, well you probably aren’t going to like the results of the upcoming Congressional elections which mean at least Democratic Senators should say I like the SOB the President nominated and I’m voting for the SOB so I can have a hope of keeping my Senate seat.
Mark Adams spews:
@30 Doncha know the Lke Wobegon effect. Now go have a coffee at the Chatter Box Café, and you won’t be surprised that jury came to that conclusion.
Mark Adams spews:
@52 Beyond the phone call to the Prime Minister of Canada where the President offered condolences what do you expect or any President to say or do over any such event in Canada? Send in the national guard? If the Governor of California were to ask the President could support National Guard troops at Berkely, and that University does get tax dollars and is in the US so like the prison riots hopefully an issue of higher priority to the President than the criminal act in Quebec (Canada has not yet been able to legally call the event an act of terrorism.)
Mark Adams spews:
@34 Well the Seal is dead due to the policies of the last administration. Still on what basis do you think Trump’s actions are going to have the effect your stating? I think there is a fair argument the reverse is actually true. What matrix measurements do you suggest should be used to measure your predicted outcome?
Mark Adams spews:
@45 Not necessarily. He could reinstitute rules that would bury our war dead in country at designated military grave yards. Bringing home our war dead is a pretty modern concept.
Mark Adams spews:
@55 Perhaps we should be concerned about streams here in Washington. Sure we have some mine tailings, and there is Hanford, but what about all the cow, pig, and chicken manure right here in Washington state. Is our state doing enough? How do we get our state government to do more? Or is all the legislatures time going be dominated by the school issues? How do we raise the money so the state could do more about this issue right here in Washington state? Are our democrats in Olympia doing something? Are the Republicans? Could the Republicans be the good guys on this issue at the state level?
Mark Adams spews:
@60 Automation to some degree will hit the fast food world, Still it’s consumers who will determine just how far it goes. As the article states this is just a promotion, and the machine is totally dependent on the employees dong just about all the work. If this were totally automated then Unions should encourage their members not to go to go to those franchises.
We as consumers do make choices. I rarely use the self service line at my local groceries, I use a line with a human checker. I like to go into my Credit and make a deposit and do my business with a human being rather than the ATM machine. I don’t always but my consumer preference is to deal with an actual human being, in part this is an intentionally choice to keep my fellow citizens have jobs. and hopefully maintain the fabric of the community. So come on conservatives you like that fabric so you all can insist on using human checkers, tellers, ect. Maintain that fabric.
Mark Adams spews:
@0 He suffers from none of the above. He had the butts in the seats of the Senate giving him the power to ignore a lame duck Presidents nominee, and he still has the majority of butts in the Senate. So he has the power. He apparently had the power to keep Garland out and apparently has the power to ok the Presidents nominee. He took the political risk and spent some political capital and looks like he won. Politics 101. Merrick could be on the court right now for at least the next year. President Obama declined to spend the political capital or take the risk. He refused to even threaten to call up one of the retired Supreme court judges. Not only did the Democrats loose and elections have consequences, a good portion of this was and is self inflicted.
Mark Adams spews:
@1 If he gets a new gig then it’s a mute issue and there will probably be at least two people running for an open seat. Otherwise he will be the incumbent Sheriff, an if he runs he will probably win. Assuming someone runs against him. Yes, America’s toughest Sheriff is Sheriff no more in Arizona, but that mother won a whole lot of elections (a few close, most not even close or unopposed) and was in that office for decades.
Mark Adams spews:
@148Why set up a church? Unless it’s narrowly structured any 501C3 will be able to be political. It’s frankly rare the IRS actually goes after a church, though 501C3’s have been hit by the IRS more frequently. Of course we would need to hire more people at the IRS so it could go after some of those political preachers and make a example of them. Maybe it’s good they don’t want to let this sleeping dog lie.
Mark Adams spews:
@120 Not true. Berkely is a state school. Therefore it’s not just a school preventing speech it’s in fact a part of California’s government. There is also the argument even most private universities state they are places open to all ideas and are a place where speech takes place in the light of day as some of the great marketplaces of ideas.
The Wisdom of PissCan spews:
Boob loves to drill home when some individual claims to be harassed in the name of bigotry when it ends up that they lied.
I wonder what he thinks of whe an individual that is involved with policies does it? Bowling green massacre? I’m sure he’s ok with.
The Wisdom of PissCan spews:
The Wisdom of PissCan spews:
Funny Abby. Did you say that when the Repukes denied Obama? Or is that how you feel today?
America – home of the fake, frauds and phonies
The Wisdom of PissCan spews:
Puffy and Milos sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G, kissing in the tree. First come love, then comes gay marriage, then come baby Ape in the Ape’s carriage.
Mark Adams spews:
@125 I agree with Justice Black that you or I or anyone has an absolute right to shout fire in a crowded theatre. It maybe the right thing to shout in certain circumstances. Since gas lights are not used anymore most likely you or I would be ignored so due to modernity your example lacks any bite. If a panic would ensue sure I could be held accountable, but the government has no ability to prevent me from speaking prior to me doing so. Doesn’t give me the right to libel or slander someone, and there is them fighting words, but on them Judge Black was a bit forgiving as well.
As it is your reasoning would not pass muster with the current court so try again. And since you are a current or past member of the bar maybe include your name, bar number, and statement that you are not giving advice here per the rules of ethics, PS Roger Rabbit is not listed as a current or former member of the Washington State Bar. Do you need the ethics rule number you are violating counsel?
The Wisdom of PissCan spews:
Naggy Faggy trying to be so politically correct. Like you give to shits about Milos. And I agree – who gives a shit about the drama fag.
Its like when Boob thought he could pedal gun ownership to gay people after Orlando shooting occurred.
The Wisdom of PissCan spews:
Kabooooooom. American French fries.
Negan spews:
Hey Steve, hows it going?
Ya, I remember those days…lol.
And I 100% agree with you….fuck the communists and fuck the fascists…..and also fuck the socialists.
Sorry to say, but the lefts authoritarianism is really coming out full force now…..and yes, the WH is looking like a shit show too.
No worries, construction is underway in Sedona, and Im moving out of King County to the sunny side of the mountains….long commute but worth it.
Hope all is going well on that Canadian high rise design….might bump into you on that one.
Emperor Max the First.
Negan spews:
Yes, like your investing prowess.
Negan spews:
So when are you moving?
No? Not enough bath houses in Dublin?
tensor spews:
You might get to make a 16 year old girl cry.
She was what — the fourth, fifth, or sixth choice for that tacky, trashy Inaugural flop? How many others rejected the offer before the organizers were desperate enough to hire her? Sounds like she has plenty to cry about already — even without you calling her a “chick.” (Classy!)
Would making a 16-year-old girl cry be better or worse than putting a six-year-old girl in handcuffs?
Would making a 16-year-old girl cry be better or worse than killing an eight-year-old in a hastily-ordered military raid?
Once your deep and heartfelt reverence for the greatest policy successes — so far — of the current Administration wears off to the point where you can actually comment upon these acts, please do let us know.
Until then, you’ll continue to do the only thing a voter who was Chumped by a reality-TV huckster can do:
Live on your knees.
@godwinha spews:
@ 177
Not enough bath houses in Dublin?
They’ve all banned him already. None left.
His parents are moving for the fourth time in the past two years. He keeps locating them.
He thinks everyone in the office where he works shares his politics. They’re scared to admit otherwise to him.
One of the most psychotic fucks liberalism has ever created, he.
Negan spews:
Shorter Tensor: it’s okay to go after a 16 year old girl, whose only crime is singing the national anthem for president the left does not is like. Because politics.
Steve spews:
“Emperor Max the First.”
I turned the condo towers design over to Canada. I’ll take the project back during construction. Digging the hole starts soon.
I was working on the convention center expansion project during the WTO protests. We had to shut it down for a few days. It almost made me hate whales and dolphins. I most definitely hated those fucking Oregon anarchists. “Die! All of you! Die!”
tensor spews:
While we all know of your mighty, chronic, and failed struggle with basic reading comprehension, this is unacceptable, even for you.
The only person here who has suggested anyone “go after” this young lady was the charming fellow who called her a “chick”. That’s how his “mind” works: he gets his jollies, such as they are, from attacking the weak and vulnerable, and so he assumes other people suffer from the same mental maladies.
By contrast, my sympathetic response implied she’d clearly suffered enough already; having to take the wretched work her better-known contemporaries had publicly rejected cannot have been easy for her.
Steve spews:
Jackie Evancho? I say leave the kid alone.
Elijah Dominic McDotCom spews:
Whether its Milo or Jackie Evancho, the most hurtful thing anyone can do to a talentless attention seeking celebutard hillbilly Honey BooBoo is ignore them.
If Black Bloc shit stains keep it up, Milo will get a series on TLC.
Steve spews:
The only political stance Jackie Evancho has ever taken is to stand up for her transgender sister’s rights. I won’t be hating on a kid for singing our national anthem.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
Puffy and Milos sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G, kissing in the tree. First come love, then comes gay marriage, then come baby Ape in the Ape’s carriage.
Another DUMMOCRETIN child in action!
Mark Adams spews:
@170 Cut the Abby crap out, and be a real human being and be on here as yourself under your own name.
If you look back you will see I thought it was wrong what the Republicans were doing to Garland, that I thought he should have had a hearing and a vote of the Senate. Up or down,. Failing that I stated that Obama should have done a recess appointment that the Republicans would either have accepted the appointment or had a showdown in the Supreme Court that the court would have dealt with the issue of the Senate not technically being on recess even the though no quorum is available. With even just eight Supremes and the issue being on a Supreme Court justice being not acted upon by the Senate, perhaps the court would actually make a ruling rather than putting as they often do in controversial cases. For instance when the case about in god we trust in the pledge of allegiance finally made it to the court they punted by saying the father didn’t have custody of the child and had no standing.
Still under using political science the Republicans did not steal a seat they used political power to take a seat. And Democrats did not have the butts in seats in the Senate to do squat, only President Obama had the means to shake up what the Republicans were doing and he choose not too. Such a nice guy. unless you are in 6 of 7 Muslim majority countries we are bombing. (Is the bombing with love?)
Mark Adams spews:
@178 Parents know how easy it is to make a 16 year old girl cry. Amazing you don’t even have to try often. And like dealing with some Democrats what makes the girl cry one day is 10 degrees from what made her cry the day before. So bloody fickle. Often it’s crocodile tears, In some instances it’s exactly the right thing to do. And sometimes it can be fun. Parents should give in to the joy of making a 16 year old girl cry, it’s gonna happen, just like the weather.