As long as we’re on the topic of Karl Rove today….
Lynn Allen from Evergreen Politics saw Jim Hightower last night and got an interviewed with him. She asked him about his experiences with Karl Rove.
It’s payback time!
(Via David Postman.)
by Darryl — ,
As long as we’re on the topic of Karl Rove today….
Lynn Allen from Evergreen Politics saw Jim Hightower last night and got an interviewed with him. She asked him about his experiences with Karl Rove.
It’s payback time!
(Via David Postman.)
North Korean reclusive leader Kim Jong-Il’s health has further deteriorated and he can no longer walk without difficulty due to worsening diabetes, a South Korean lawmaker said. Kim, 64, has long suffered from diabetes, kidney and liver problems and now has difficulty walking, said Chung Hyung-Keun, a longtime intelligence official now affiliated with the opposition Grand National Party. […………………………………………………………………Aren’t there ANY fellow “progressives” on HA.ORG that will offer Kim Jong-Il a kidney and/or part of a liver? Where is your liberal Democrat spirit? Carl? Daddy Love? David in Seattle? Goldystein? SHOW US THAT YOU CARE!!!!!!!!!!]
On behalf of many, many of us, I’d be glad to offer him yours.
K, North Korea is a planned Hillary Village with “guvment” housing, food, transportation, and health care for all!! Not a Republican around for miles! Just a wonderful “govment” controlled central planned economy……..just like Hillary’s great idea. Soooooooooo, save the Dear Leader!! Democrats: Donate your organs!!!!!
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 8:28 pm
Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can’’t answer.
You can’’t even answer question #1. I have 9 more……..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 9:22 pm
Your first question was so stupid that I can’t wait to see the other nine, so I’ll make an offer–– if you show us the other nine questions I’ll answer all ten of them. Moonbats are so funny when they’re trying to be clever.
Commentby americafirst—— 9/8/06@ 10:07 pm
Still waiting for the other nine questions, you phoney and cowardly moonbat.
JCH at Post 1,
Does the orgasm hit at the thought of being the first comment, or just as you hit the send key? Just ax’ing.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Thank goodness you never had one.
Mrs. Left Foot,
the truth is that JCH was raised on a special ‘farm’ in Enumclaw (Mr. Cynnical is his older brother!). JCH gets ‘off’ just thinking about coming to (or in) any HorsesAss.
MtRainier at 6
Nice to have a kindred spirit. ( I must admit I am not familiar with Mr. Cynical).
Carl, It’s time to trade her in on a younger, quieter model!
lling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people in the world.
Commentby Mrs Left Foot […….Back from “shopping” at the Embassy Suites, Teresa? Room 401 with “Leroy” and “Jerome”??]
“Carl, Are you done yet? I’m watching the Home Shopping Channel!” [Teresa]
Doctor JCH Kennedy I figured you would be bizzy servicing Roves sick sexually fantasy’s to night buttnutz…
Just when I think I’ve read the stupidest post ever, you go and post another. In future, kindly proofread your posts before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this message board with a litany of misspellings, egregious grammatical errors, and other verbal atrocities.
Bottom line, Teresa: After meeting me for 10 minutes, the only question you would have is, “Where”?
“Carl, I want a bigger diamond! I want a bigger house! I want a vacation! I want…….I want……….I want……..” [Hey, Terrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaa, May Carl come out and play?]
I am sure Carl would love to play with you. However he is Los Angeles watching his Dodgers play the Padres this weekend. He will be here on and off, I am sure.
You don’t like playing with me, John? You always have so much to say and suddenly you want Carl. Unrequited love is painful, is it not, Johnny boy?
The ring is fine, the house is fine and as you have been told we will be in Hawaii November 9-14, perhaps you can drop by the condo and have dinner with us. You know, put your hiney where your mouth is.
I would not blame you for refusing, after the butt kicking you are getting here tonight. From, GASP!, a woman.
JCH at 13
This one is too easy, John.
My only question would be, “WHERE is it?”.
Johnny, it might be best for you to keep your short comings in your pants. That way when you brag, you won’t be proving yourself a liar.
This is fun. A glass of wine, James Ingram on the stereo and you.
Interestingly, Teresa, there is NO Teresa Grossman listed with the WA Bar Association… I know, I know, save your little typing fingers… You “practice” under your maiden name… how convenient.
So, are you
Teresa Virginia Bigelow?
Ann Teresa Cockrill?
Teresa Louise Pottmeyer?
Teresa Louise Aronson?
Teresa Williams Gillespie?
Teresa Carroll McNally?
Teresa E. Smith?
Teresa L Tippett?
Teresa Lynn Conlan?
Teresa R Byers?
Teresa Rene Magaram
Teresa T Campbell?
Teresa A Barnett?
Since “Carl” is an old fart I’m betting on Teresa Virginia Bigelow, Bar #9211… which puts you a tad bit younger than the illegitimate queen.
Teresa, When you are used to “Tookie” Williams’ 9 inches of “black Democrat love” up your rectum, how do you find Carl’s 2 and one quarter inches of “manhood”? hehe, JCH
17….Note Carl’s posting of “Mrs. Grossman” [ex wedding ring]. Looks like the Grossmans are trying to pull a fast one!!
Where is this pic you keep mentioning, JCH?
Not only do I pratice under my maiden name (licensed in CA, NY, and IL), dear, I also practice under my first name.
Now, tell me, given all that I know about the “posters” here why would you be given anything that you could use to track me down? Carl has given his full name here. I am simply not comfortable doing so for obvious reasons. He is retired. I have an obligation to my employer to not be controversial. I am politcal, but being controversial might compromise my effectiveness as employee and attorney.
I know that you here are not comfortable with a woman who can hold her own, but deal with it.
Why don’t you publish your name and the name of your “family business” that you are so fond of alluding to?
So tell me, howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS?
Oh I found the “pic”.
There is not one, single, self-respecting woman in the city of Seattle that would be caught DEAD in that get-up!
Give me a break!
Is that your Branson Missouri, ‘I want to be a Lennon Sister’ look?
How much did that hair cost “Teresa”, with all those ‘artfully placed’ curls?
Did you get the boobs at Costco, dear?… you know where you get far more than you’ll ever need for a price you can’t resist??
Fake name, fake boobs, fake picture, and fake orgasms for Carl. Typical “JAP”.
ps: the false eylashes… very RETRO!… and tacky.
22, ROTFLMAO!!! Er, Teresa, “Welcome to WALMART”!!!!!
T, Looks like you are going down tonight!! Go down, Teresa!!!
It’s time for Carl to come home and get all worked up and have to take a heart pill again!!!!!
Teresa, I suggest you try this hun.
Really though, the experts at Nordy’s and Macy’s can help you out…without an appointment!
I’m kinda wondering… how does an esttemed “attorney” get red, rough, calloused KNUCKLES?
Those are not the hands of someone who works with her “brain”…
Such a troup of lemmings we have here. Do you honestly believe that my husband would post a picture of me here? You people really are gullible. I must say though, JCH certainly got worked up over it. As I recall there was also a picture posted of a typical Republican woman right after that. Why, Johnny, would think that one picture is real and dismiss the other one as humor? You really don’t think do you? You did get several hours of “posting material” though didn’t you? You should send Carl a thank you note. He is not even here and you mention him post after post. He really gets to you, Johnny. It could not be more obvious. (I must admit, I have never heard him swear quite so colorfully as when he does so here).
Are Republicans all this dense, slow and blind?
Why, just exactly, is proudofherass defending you? Have you run out of rude things to say? Or is it that you are not getting the reaction from me that you desire?
I like to play, I just like to play my rules.
And proudofherass, I never said I was an esteemed attorney. That is for others to judge.
Clever evasion and deflection, Teresa, if utterly predictable.
One of the most famous songs of the Lennon Sisters was “My Cup Runneth Over”.
I think you misinterpreted, dear.
“If you want to get somewhere with me, charm and politeness (qualities of which you are completely devoid) work much better”
Teresa [……….Er, T………GET IN THE BOXCAR!!!! NOW!!!!!]
I could have the rough, red knuckles from punching Johnny, Mark and Mikey around tonight.
BTW, Mrs. Grossman, Do you have any gold fillings?
I could have the rough, red knuckles from punching Johnny, Mark and Mikey around tonight.
Commentby Mrs. Left Foot— 9/15/06@ 10:02 pm
Or you got those dishpan hands wringing out that bar rag when washing all those ‘Drinking Liberally’ pilsner glasses.
“Cheers” indeed!
Dear Miss howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS,
I know you are slow. Seems to be a Republican affliction. Read this carefully:
Carl found the picture online. He tried to find the kind of girl JCH would enjoy. Seems he hit the nail on the head.
Now, one more time:
If you need help understanding this ask MWS, he seems to be able to read at a slightly higher level.
Dear “Mrs Grossman”
I know you are slow. Seems to be a liberal nutburger affliction. Read this carefully:
If you need help understanding this ask an adult.
Missy, immitation is the finest form of flattery. Thanks.
I am leaving now. There does not seem to be any worthwhile conversation going on. (John Barelli being the exception).
I did have fun. We will have to do this again.
Carl just called, game’s over, Dodgers won. He says he will be here when he gets back to the hotel.
One would imagine that an “esteemed attorney like you “Mrs” would be insulted that “Carl” chose to depict you as a slutty cotton queen, rather than the classy executive he claims you to be.
One would imagine that would make you worry about the company good old “Carl” is keeping down in LA gettting balled…er, at the ball game.
Sweet dreams, “carl”…er, “mrs”… er, sixth grade fantasy.
The rantings of a bitter woman who is completely insecure in her relationship. He is with his grown son and daughter, who live in the L.A. area.
You really do have a low self-esteem, Missy. Who says “getting balled” anymore? Again, I never said or claimed “esteemed attorney” status. I told you, that is for others to say, not me.
The only thing I have shared is that I am licensed in CA, NY, IL and WA. That is it. The rest is your need to put people down in order to build yourself up. But, honey, if you will look down and take notice, your feet are still in the mud on the ground.
You convienently ignore the important parts of a post so that you can spout your nonsense and attack, attack, attack. Why don’t you reveal your name and your “family” business. I know being a gypsy has a stigma attached to it, but we won’t judge you too harshly.
You conveniently ASSume I am a “missy”, “carl”.
Retract the claws, sweetcheeks.
No, “Mrs” little “carl” claimed you were a classy esteemed attorney… yet he portrayed you as a HeeHaw heroine!
What does that say about his fantasies.
As to the family business, why in heavens name would I expose our employees to the juveniles that inhabit this board?
I seem to remember you claiming a similar reason for not naming the “fortune 500′ for whom you purportedly work, as I notice you cleverly hide your “maiden name”.
Give it up sweetcheeks.
Your wine is gone, the music has ended and it’s time for you to snuggle up with whatever it is that gives you comfort while “carl” is with his “grown son and daughter”.
We both feel through your words and your newly revealed keen eye for disecting a photograph that you are indeed, female. You have never denied being so.
As for the rest of your post, this is the internet. You would be served well not to believe what you read here. I don’t consider your opinion or take to heart anything that you, or anyone else, posts here.
This is amusement only. Keep that in mind.
Teresa…………Are you OLD?? And stinky between the legs? GROSS!!!!!!!!
I don’t consider your opinion or take to heart anything that you, or anyone else, posts here.
Teresa [……..How many heart attacks has Carl endured being married to you?]
I am new here. I can’t help but notice that JCH is a bit rude. So with your permission I am going to take a crack at cracking on him.
JCH is a pole-smoking, sister-raping, panty-slurping, rectal-guzzling, boil-nibbling, fuck-headed fucktard!
I am pleased to say this for Mrs Left Foot, who singlehandly kicked JCH’s ass tonight. I don’t know if she will approve of the language, she appears to be a lady, but my intent is to support.
Not only do I pratice under my maiden name (licensed in CA, NY, and IL), dear, I also practice under my first name.
Teresa **** – #89243
Current Status: Inactive
This member is inactive, but is eligible to become active.
Bar Number 89243
Mercer Island, WA 98040
District Outside California
Undergraduate School Univ of California at Los Angeles; CA
County Non-California Law School Loyola Law School; Los Angeles CA
Status History
Effective Date Status Change
Present Inactive
1/1/1993 Inactive
7/29/1991 Active
1/1/1986 Inactive
11/29/1979 Admitted to The State Bar of California
Teresa **** WSBA Bar # 36062
Law Firm Admit Date 4/7/2005
Address Mercer Island, WA
Status Active
New York State Attorney Directory – Search Detail
Search Results:
First Name: Teresa
Middle Initial:
Last Name: ****
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