Senator Patty Murray is now the secretary of the Democratic caucus. That puts her in the number four leadership position in the U.S. Senate.
She outranks Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sen. Elizabeth Dole, Sen. Olympia Jean Snowe, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and Sen. Barbara Boxer. Senator Murray is now the highest-ranking woman in the U.S. Senate.
and that in itself is so ludicrous as to be unbelievable. the woman voted [repeatedly] the dimmest bulb in politics is their fearless leader?
god….just when you thought things couldn’t get any more silly………
i’ll bet boxer’s knickers are in a knot. LOL.
The only knickers in a twist I see are the X’ed Out Hag!
You Neo-Convicts need to get over yerselves. . .You Lost. YOU ARE LOSERS!
No one respects your crimped opinions. . . You were roundly repudiated in the last election.
LOOSERS! Losers All.
Your criminal misconduct in the last Congress brought this on you. Your follies in Iraq. Your criminal dismantling of the Constitution. You are shameless and hardly worthy of your your citizenship.
# 3
Let the games begin……Now your team has the ball, lets hope they don’t let the home team down, and fumble.
The winger’s repetition of the “Patty-Murray-is-dumb” mantra is becoming about as monotonous as the ones about “all-liberals-hate-America” and “everything-will-be-OK-if-we-kill-more-mooooooslims”.
She’s a ranking member of the United States Senate. You’re drones who spend your time typing crap on one of the few blogs where you’re tolerated enough not to have your posts deleted, but nobody agrees with you. Who’s dumber?
yeah, sure festivusghost, you demonstrate real brilliance there @ comment 1. Do wingnuts go to school to learn how to be so stupid? What’s the tuition for stupidity lessons? Did you graduate, or are you staying in school to get an advanced degree? You think Boxer has a problem with this? Well, she doesn’t, so you’re an idiot.
It must really frost the righties to see their attempt at the destruction of America come to an end. What a great day for America! Now let the investigations begin. Let’s start by indicting these cowardly republicans on HA who pretend to be vets when in fact, they are nothing but draft dodging Solidier Of Fortune Magazine wannabes!
RightEqualsStupid says: It must really frost the righties to see their attempt at the destruction of America come to an end.
That statement is just fucking dumb. We the neocons want to destroy the terrorists. Send them to their 72 virgins. Did Saddam meet his voigins yet? Nancy Pelosi wants to “neeeeeeeeeeeeegotiate with them. So Moonbat! VeryLeftStillStupid, which do YOU want?
Patty Murray may the the highest ranking woman, but we all know which woman wears the pants in the Senate. It ain’t junior!
Murray is entering her 14th year in the Senate, and she’s 0 for 102 in having a bill she’s sponsored pass the Senate.
And of course Murray would outrank Dole, Snowe and Hutchinson, they are all Republicans.
I find it interesting you left Cantwell off your list of woman Senators outranked by Murray.
I think Feinstein would have been a better choice, if being a woman is the main consideration. She’s been a much more effective legislator than Murray.
4 “lets hope they don’t let the home team down, and fumble”
That’s already been done by the GOP bunglers; now it’s time to let the varsity squad play.
@8 “We the neocons want to destroy the terrorists. Send them to their 72 virgins.”
And you’re planning to start doing this … when?
@10 “Murray is entering her 14th year in the Senate, and she’s 0 for 102 in having a bill she’s sponsored pass the Senate.”
That’s about to change now that the Senate is no longer controlled by Republican obstructionists.
re 3: “crimped opinions” SOLID…………….
re 4: We won’t. We’re declaring war on Acapulco and hitting them with everything we’ve got!!!!!!
We’ll be walkin’ tall as winners once again. This’ll make Grenada look like the mighty USA attacking a tiny island with 150 Cuban bluecollar workers!!!
Sorry…. Bad example…
ConservativeFirst @ 10
“I find it interesting you left Cantwell off your list of woman Senators outranked by Murray.”
Ummm…it’s pretty fucking obvious why I did that. Sen. Murray is the senior Senator from Washington. Sen. Cantwell is the junior Senator from Washington.
Here’s what I mean:
“Friday, November 04, 2005
“Legislation Killed By GOP Senate Defines Republicans
“In yesterday’s article I did my best to point out the hypocrisy behind Senate Republican whining about the partisan behavior from their colleagues on the Democratic side of the aisle. I looked at all 281 roll call votes taken in the Senate though the end of October and pointed out that, despite their sniveling calls for civility and cooperation, the GOP has killed at least 80 percent of legislation sponsored by Democrats in 2005.
“Today, we look at some of the 94 (of 118) rejected Democratic bills. By looking at legislation that the Republicans found so unpalatable, we get an unvarnished view of their vision for America and a glimpse into just how mean-spirited these people really are.
“The difficulty in writing anything that attempts to sum up GOP cruelty to average Americans, is knowing where to begin and what to include. Sadly, in just examining votes taken so far in 2005, there’s a huge volume of nasty votes from which to choose.
“The Bankruptcy Bill
” … [T]his bill, which took effect last month, made it almost impossible for Americans to file for bankruptcy … no matter how dire the circumstances that drove them …. The best Senate Democrats could do was propose amendments ….
“Sponsored by Ted Kennedy (D-MA), S. amdt. 28 would have exempted debtors whose financial problems were caused by serious medical problems from any means testing in filing for bankruptcy.
“S. amdt. 32, by Jon Corzine (D-NJ), sought to preserve existing bankruptcy protections for Americans in economic distress if they acted as caregivers to ill or disabled family members.
“Dick Durbin (D-IL) sponsored two bankruptcy-bill amendments, S. amdt. 49 and S. amdt. 110. One would have protected employees and retirees from losing their life savings in corporate bankruptcies, while the other attempted to exempt debtors below the nation’s median income from filing restrictions.
“All were defeated on … party-line votes ….
“Minimum Wage
“Senator Kennedy tried once in March and then again in October to raise the federal minimum wage …. The two amendments, S. amdt. 44 and S. amdt. 2063, went down by votes of 49-46 and 51-47, respectively, with only a couple of Republicans crossing the aisle on behalf of working Americans ….
“National Security
” … In July, Senate Democrats unleashed a flurry of amendments to secure our country and all were unceremoniously dumped by the Republicans.
” … Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) pushed S. amdt. 1222, which specifically would have prohibited ‘…Federal employees who disclose classified information to persons not authorized to receive such information from holding a security clearance.’ The bill was defeated 53-44 with every single Republican on the floor voting against it. …
“Charles Schumer (D-NY) had two amendment defeated (S. amdt. 1189 and S. amdt. 1190) that would have provided $70 million to identify and track hazardous materials shipments and provide new security programs for inspection of air cargo containers.
“Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) sponsored S. amdt. 1351 in July that had a very clear premise for people who claim to be as terrorist-hungry as the GOP consistently does: Stop U.S. corporations from financing terrorism. … Apparently forgetting that they’re either ‘with us or with the terrorists,’ all but two Republicans voted against Lautenberg’s bill and it went down … 51-47.
“Veterans and First Responders
“Another subject where the GOP speaks loudly but seldom does anything concrete is funding veterans programs and providing tools and salaries necessary for police and firefighters.
“In March, Daniel Akaka (D-HI) introduced S. amdt. 149, which would have provided an increase in veterans medical care by $2.8 billion in 2006 – the Republican leadership shot it down 53-47.
“Thinking she might have better results if she lowered the tab a bit, Patty Murray (D-WA) came back at them the following month with S. amdt. 344, to provide $2 billion in medical care for veterans. … It too lost in a … 54-46 vote. …
“Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) had S. amdt. 147 — to restore $1.6 billion in Bush administration cuts to first-responder programs – defeated by a vote of 54-46 ….
“Christopher Dodd (D-CT) … introduced S. amdt. 1202 to ‘…fund priorities for America’s firefighters, law enforcement personnel and emergency medical personnel by reducing the tax breaks for individuals with annual incomes over $1 million.’ … Senate Republicans rejected the bill.
“And There Were Many More
What you’ve read so far is by no means an exhaustive treatment of how callous the Republican-controlled Senate is when it comes to doing substantive things for real people and truly protecting Americans.
“John Kerry (D-MA) and Jack Reed (D-RI) both tried three times to getting funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and failed on all of those attempts. … Kennedy went for an increase in Pell grant funding and Dodd tried to get more money for Head Start programs – neither made it past the GOP’s ‘compassionate conservatism.’ …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info, see
@16 Darryl, I’m afraid the distinction between “senior senator” and “junior senator” is too nuanced for a conservative mind to grasp.
Roger Rabbit @ 18
“I’m afraid the distinction between “senior senator” and “junior senator” is too nuanced for a conservative mind to grasp.”
Yep…that’s part of their burden for failing out of high school as a sophomore.
In the “Congratulations Stefan” thread, Mike Webb Sucks resurrected the wingnut lie that North Vietnamese Gen. Giap attributed the communist victory to U.S. anti-war protesters. Read the debunking of this false internet rumor here: /16/2004/10/
Sorry about the bad link. Try this one:
Speaking of links … on this, the first day of Congress’ rebirth, it seems fitting that I give you this link to the incomparable’s legendary “Frog in a Blender”:
The new GOP watchword on Capitol Hill is: “Hey, I’m spinnin’, I’m spinnin’ … !!”
Don’t forget to turn Froggy’s speed up to “10” … he he he
… I love the finale where Froggy’s eyeball makes a plop-landing after he gets blown out of the blender! HAR HAR HAR … just substitute “Republicans” for “Froggy” and you’re there …
Teachers are smart! She’s one savvy, patient and real Democrat! Guess those tennis shoes paid off!
FCS, Prescott, it’s my turn to blog! Get your thievin’ hands off my keyboard!
Hey sucks-do you support our troops? If so, take their place.
Historians Diss Bush
“Of 415 historians who expressed a view of President Bush’s administration … as a success or failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success. (Moreover, it seems likely that at least eight of those who said it is a success were being sarcastic …. )
“Twelve percent of all the historians who responded rate the current presidency the worst in all of American history, not too far behind the 19 percent who see it at this point as an overall success. …
“Some of the historians rightly pointed out that it would be hard to argue that the Bush presidency has not … been a political success — or … that President Bush has not been remarkably successful in achieving his objectives in Congress. … ‘His presidency has been remarkably successful,’ one historian declared, ‘in its pursuit of disastrous policies.’ …
“[S]ome … will dismiss the findings as the mere rantings of … liberal academics …. Yet … for all the distaste liberal historians had for Ronald Reagan, relatively few would have rated his administration as worse than that of Richard Nixon. Yet today 57 percent of all the historians who participated in the survey (and 70 percent of those who see the Bush presidency as a failure) … say that Bush’s presidency is … worse than … Nixon and Reagan. One who made the comparison with Nixon explicit wrote, ‘Indeed, Bush puts Nixon into a more favorable light. He has trashed the image and reputation of the United States throughout the world; he has offended many of our previously close allies; he has burdened future generations with incredible debt; he has created an unnecessary war to further his domestic political objectives; he has suborned the civil rights of our citizens; he has destroyed previous environmental efforts by government in favor of his coterie of exploiters; he has surrounded himself with a cabal ideological adventurers . . . .’
“Why should the views of historians on the current president matter? … Academic historians, no matter their ideological bias, have some expertise in assessing what makes for a successful or unsuccessful presidency; we have a long-term perspective …. Accordingly, the depth of the negative assessment that so many historians make of George W. Bush … make clear [they] would readily agree with … then-Democratic presidential hopeful Richard Gephardt …: the presidency of George W. Bush is ‘a miserable failure.’”
Excerpted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This survey was conducted in 2004, before Bush’s invasion of Iraq had clearly turned into a debacle.
“Murray is entering her 14th year in the Senate, and she’s 0 for 102 in having a bill she’s sponsored pass the Senate.”
Years 1 and 2 she was one of the least senior members. Since then, she’s been in the minority, facing the most obstructionist majority in history. Oh, sorry, context could lead to nuance, and right-wingers won’t embarrass their Dear Great Maximum Leader by understanding something he doesn’t.
At least that nasty ol’ rapist Strom no longer tries to grope her. That’s the best good news we could ever get, under our now-fallen ex-majority party.
Completely understandable that our resident ‘rooster-fish’, Christmas Ghost, makes another idiotic post on HA. Once again she is starting the new year out with more of her/he/its “wisdom’. I wonder if she could pass the WASL…..
That statement is just fucking dumb. We the neocons want to destroy the terrorists. Send them to their 72 virgins. Did Saddam meet his voigins yet? Nancy Pelosi wants to “neeeeeeeeeeeeegotiate with them. So Moonbat! VeryLeftStillStupid, which do YOU want?
It’s not just that you’re an idiot. You are a bore. That’s the worse crime. You are a complete bore. Entertain me.
Daddy’s drunk again, ‘cuz he thinks Nancy Pelosi will make him pay taxes again.
@31 Wanting and doing are two different things. You GOP nitwits don’t know how to tie your own shoelaces let alone destroy terrorists!
#33 is for MWS @8.
Feinstein was able to get 10 of the bill she sponsored passed over a similar time period. So your excuse is just a lame rationalization for an ineffective Senator. You do realize that during part of Murray’s tenure the Democrats controlled the Senate.
(explitive deleted)
You chose to include the three Republican women Senators who had less of a chance than Cantwell to be elected to a leadership position. Despite “failing out” of high school in tenth grade, I can recognize a straw man argument.
But why refute an argument, i.e. Fienstein is a better choice, when an insult will do?
StillLeftAndStupid: I have told you five times now I am over the age limit. I was Vietnam draftable but my lottery number was high so I didn’t have to go!
Sad isn’t it; Senate used to be place for best and brightest (yeah, as long as they were white males, ok you got me there)
But now in you rush to go against the old mistakes, you want to pretend this woman is a decent Senator. Come on; if she was a man you’d never vote for her.
Scary isn’t it, to have one of the dummer people in our state up there weighing in on the future.
(voted for Cantwell cuz she ain’t dumb, might have voted Feinstein if in Ca, Boxer too left wing, but still not as dumb as patty, and of course could easily vote for Hutchinson and a gaggle of conservative women)
Feinstein was able to get 10 of the bills she sponsored passed. She did this in about the same time period working with the same “obstructionist” majority. So your argument is just a vain attempt to explain away Murray’s mediocrity.
Furball the IDIOT lawyer: About GIAP the NVM General, you better take it up with your non friends the MARINES:
I will continue to post this link, like your cheap labor libtards Clinton, Ruben, Shalala, and Reich!
I knew you disliked truths about Iraq. You chose to skip it. IDIOT!
Furball I assmue you discount this guy on GIAP: who wrote this:
I as others here don’t need to “freep” as you and Clueless/YLB love to claim. Reading is Fundamental. How did you pass the bar? Affirmative Action? Are you really Allen Bakke?
Paddy Mac says: Years 1 and 2 she was one of the least senior members. Since then, she’s been in the minority, facing the most obstructionist majority in history. 01/04/2007 at 9:53 pm
Moonbat!s forget Jumping Jim Jeffords gave the majority to the Moonbat!s late 2001 and all of 2002.
Funny how clear thinking minds work!
Sucks do you have kids? Why not send them? As for the draft, I thought pretend patriots like you VOLUNTEERED! Or did you, like the rest of your republican heros have OTHER PRIORITIES?
You flag lapel-pin wearing chickenhawks make me sick.
Cowards, every one of you.
It ought to be pointed out that the authors of most of the above posts no doubt consider George W. Bush to be brilliant.
Wow that’s awesome!!! I hope she uses all of that power to get the Millennium Development Goals achieved.
Wow , Does this mean pork and earmarks will become good things now ?