Former congressman Jay Inslee is going to debate Washington AG Rob McKenna in a couple of minutes. The Ale House will give me picture, but no audio. And I haven’t found the audio feed on my radio yet, but here is a thread for you to offer your own thoughts.
Have at it!
9:01: It sounds like KUOW really does have it on tonight. Bonus. In fact, I cannot see what is going on, but I can hear it, thanks to the miracle of the transistor (radio)!
9:03: McKenna refers to this debate as an “unprecedented event.” I don’t think it is quite that unique!
9:05: First question…what will you cut if we have a new recession? Ummm…isn’t the economy getting noticeably better?
9:07: So far, both candidates have been regurgitated talking points. Comeon guys…mix it up a bit. I already heard this debate.
9:10: How will each candidate meet the $4 billion court ordered funding level:
McKenna: Well…we can do it a bit at a time by some magic voodoo method.
Inslee: We can do it…by increasing percentage of budget going to education.
9:15: Inslee goes on the attack calling McKenna’s proposal a “gimmick.” Topic changes. The judges hold up a “Jay +1” sign.
9:17: Rob McKenna wants a level playing field for all businesses. That sure sounds like SOCIALISM to me.
9:19: Jay points out that Washington state gets ranked as one of the best places to have a business. Yes.
9:20: Early learning. McKenna wants to extend it to nursing visits for pregnant moms. Okay…I guess we can call that “early learning”. McKenna points out that many kindergartners are not prepared for kindergarten. WTF?????
9:23: Inslee has been advocating for early learning since 1980 (when McKenna was an adolescent). Good point!
9:24: Come to think of it, McKenna may STILL be an adolescent.
9:25: Inslee went to church in Seattle today where there were beautiful children. (Oops…out of time)
9:26: The TeeVee tells me that Detroit is kicking Oakland’s ass.
9:29: Fuck…this is boring. I want JOE!!!!
9:30: Inslee: Women should have access to contraceptive services (and men, for that matter).
9:31: Inslee supports marriage equality. McKenna…not so much.
9:34: McKenna starts doing metacommentary…
9:35: I see men hugging men on TeeVee. It isn’t a Dan Savage special…it’s PROFESSIONAL SPORTS!
9:37: Pot: Jay will vote no, but will uphold the will of the voters.
9:40: Pot: Rob…not so much.
9:41: Time out for a sec. GAWD…I cannot express how unappealing I find McKenna…WHAT A FUCKING WHINING, SNIVELING, GEEKY, SICKLY DWEEB. Okay…back to normal….
9:45: McKenna would operate in a “bipartisan fashon”. Yeah. Like being a founding principle in the failed state AG lawsuit against “Obamacare.”
9:49: On Gun Control: Inslee wants a zero-tolerance policy on violence. Complements his opponent on making progress in this area.
9:54: Inslee hits McKenna on that stupid “Old men sitting in a diner complaining about taxes” ad. I guess that’s okay, but that add is so amateurish that he didn’t really need to waste the words.
9:56: Closing statements. Fucking yeah!!!!
Take home message: McKenna is a congenital whiner. He can’t help it—it’s in his DNA. As a good liberal, I shouldn’t discriminate against him for it. But FUCK, IS HE FUCKING ANNOYING!!!!
@0 9:29: Fuck…this is boring. I want JOE!!!!
ZZzzzzz.z.zzzzz. Yeah, Joe!!
I’ll be honest. I couldn’t sit and watch it. One of the first questions is about funding education and both candidates are talking nonsense when it comes to funding. Without substantial revenue increase, education in this state will remain a disgrace. Inslee claims Mckenna’s tax plan is a gimmick. But to be honest, Inslee’s plan of “achieving efficiency in medicare” is just as much a bunch of malarkey as snot-nosed McKenna’s.
I don’t think we have the political will to fund education. So what will the court do when our political leaders fail?
McKenna’s an asshole. Life’s to short to vote for assholes.
Yes, throw more money at the problem, that is the libs answer for everything. Well as Margaret Thatcher says of socialism, sooner or later in socialism you run out of other people’s money!
Well, the good news for Bobby Mac is he now has a clean clock.
McKenna was probably talking about the current trend (well, actually for at least the last 25 years) to “red-shirt” kids who were born in the second half of the calendar year and put them in a “fives” co-op preschool program instead. Exactly what that has to do with school funding, I have no idea.
Thank God my parents didn’t do that to me. Had some health problems later and there was talk about holding me back, but thankfully I kept up with my class (barely). If I could do it again I would have graduated from high school when I was 16 instead of 17.
A big part of early learning is about pushing yourself to succeed and how to overcome failures.