Today Gov. Christine Gregoire completed the recurrent training requirement to earn a “red card” that certifies her to be on the scene of a wildland fire.
The story was all over the news this afternoon; but, in fact, she first earned a red card in 2005:
“I want to understand the conditions that our firefighters face in keeping our families, communities and resources safe,” said the governor. “Having this training means that I will be able to safely enter these areas to get the most up-to-date information.”
Gregoire is the first governor in Washington history to receive this training. She completed the firefighters work capacity test by walking one mile in under the 16 minute-limit and properly deploying her fire shelter. Department of Natural Resources staff in a non-suppression role are expected to undergo light physical fitness training as well as an eight-hour annual firefighter refresher course.
The “Red Card” is a federally recognized Interagency Incident Qualification Card that lists qualifications and currency of people certified as wildland fire personnel. Based on the training she undertook, I suspect Gregoire re-certified as a Field Observer under the Wildland Fire Qualification System (see pg. 103).
No word yet on whether Dino Rossi will try for a Real Estate Broker license in response.
I have been called many names in my lying,leftist career as a mouthpiece for the DNC, but never a sexist!!
Awesome, so she is certified to go to an area that is 25 miles from a forest fire…Really productive to have a governor on the scene, and slow down the first responders by bogging them down with questions.
Harry Reid and and Nancy Pelosi were driving down the road having a beer when they looked up they saw a police roadblock and were sure they would be cited for drinking so Harry says ill pull over and we can finish the beer on the side of the road when they were done Harry says to NANCY TAKE THE LABLE OFF THE BOTTLE AND PUT IT ON YOUR FOREHEAD AND TOSS THE BOTTLE UNDER THE SEAT.AND LET ME DO THE TALKING WHEN WE GET TO THE ROAD BLOCK.WHEN THEY ARE STOPPED THE POLICE OFFICER SAYS TO HARRY REID HAVE YOU TWO BEEN DRINKING HARRY SAYS WHY NO OFFICER. WHO SAYS TO HARRY REID WHATS THAT ON YOUR FOREHEAD AND HARRY SAYS WHY WERE ON THE PATCH.
This is the kind of stuff that drives the righties crazy – I love it.
I particularly like the Dino Rossi reference – the lying sack of shit should have been prosecuted when he lied about being a broker.
They don’t prosecute lying,leftist political hacks pretending to be objective, nonbiased journalists, do they? (sweating)
No more than they prosecute drug-addled child-molesting, wingnut radio hatemongers
Or AWOL Pretend Presidents who had father’s who got them into the National Guard ahead of 125,000 other people to avoid combat in Nam.
‘Amazingly enough, a new Gallop Poll shows that the GOP presidential candidates are substantially less bizarre than their supporters, if such a thing were possible — a finding that stunned most intelligent observers of this campaign.
While only three of the ten GOP candidates recently came out of the creationist closet and raised their hands in support of total ignorance of evolutionary theory, a whopping 68 percent of self-identified Republicans reject science and have blithely concluded that the world came into existence through magic.’
Or lying, document forging, commie sympathizing moonbats. You right, what the hell am I worried about.
Way cool. I think it would be great to have a cert like that. Anything you do like that, including mountain certs for backcountry snow hiking or anything else is serious biz. It shows a level of understanding for the seriousness that is involved.
For you righties… it isn’t ok to just walk in a fire zone and shoot the shit with the crew. Not even for the Governor… or even a real estate agent.
You got to wonder about a party who cant persuade the public that your guy is a war hero after receiving three purple hearts…. Yikes!!!
Leave it to the democrats.
No word yet on whether Dino Rossi will try for a Real Estate Broker license in response.
Cold, dude. Hilarious, but cold.
Things have changed since I fought fire for the DNR in the late 70s. Back then, we just dove in thar and did it. :)
I agree that such certification is serious business. Fire is not a toy. I only saved two lives (maybe (they miight have made it without me)) during my time on initial attack.
Another factor is the level of fuels these days. Long term fire suppresion has proven to be a wrong tactic, as compared to the natural state of periodic burns from lightning or native action. Climate change has also resulted in earlier growth of grasses and other light fuels that become dangerously dry earlier in the season.
I hope that her escorts are also trained. Forest fire is not something to joke about. Remember the folks on the Okanogan some years back, or some of my injured friends!
commie sympathizing
Anybody who remembers me knows I am no fan of Gregoire.
Caveat given, I think this is good for the Governor. Like another CEO – and one I support and have donated to by the name of Sir Rudy Giuliani – she should be at the scene and see for herself what is going on.
I just hope she goes and acts like a CEO and not an ass.
Also to be fair if (and when) it’s Governor Rossi (again), he damned well better take the course, go to a few wildfires and act like a CEO.
I heard Dino signed up for the water safety and CPR courses at the Red Cross. He wants to give back to the community that has given him so much.
@16 “Sir Rudy Giuliani”
When did he become a British citizen? Did he renounce his American citizenship?
@16 “Rossi … act like a CEO”
You gotta be smoking some bad shit, Josef! The closest Rossi ever got to a CEO job was supervising one part-time janitor when he was in college. Rossi is nothing but a hair-slicked-back salesman. He has no qualifications whatsoever to be governor of our state. Knowing your heart-throb married somebody else must be eating your heart out, Josef! You should’ve asked Zits for a date when you had the chance. That opportunity it gone forever now.
Roger Rabbit @ 19
“That opportunity, it’s gone forever now.”
Oh…I don’t know ’bout that. If Marummy is anything like “Sir Rudy,” she’ll be available in a few months….
methinks you f’d up.
(Position Category: Wildland Fire)
Satisfactory performance as a Fire Behavior Analyst (FBAN)
Successful position performance as a Long Term Fire Analyst (LTAN) on a wildland fire
Satisfactory performance as a Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO)
Satisfactory performance as a Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB)
Successful position performance as a Long Term Fire Analyst (LTAN) on a wildland fire
Hmmmm. I don’t think Chris Gregoire meets these quals!
Hmmm did you mean
p103 as numbered by Adobe reaser rather than in the document????
(Position Category: Wildland Fire)
Satisfactory performance as any single resource boss (CRWB, ENGB, TRPB, FIRB, FELB,
Successful position performance as a Field Observer (FOBS) on a wildland fire incident
This coujld be the basis of a major poilitcal scandal. Is CG moonlighting as an LTAN?
Hay ..
No doubt the guv is qualified to fight fires. Yep. non doubt.
And clone sheep too!
CG is an improvement (little enough) over Gary Locke, but why try to make a bhodisitva out of a competent admin?
So far to date, CG really ha snot shown any evidence of leadership on hard issues .. e.g. tax reform, ed reform, or farm worker reform.
I have a hunnnch she is angling for a job in the Clintobamadwardson Presidency. AND I don’t think that job is gonna be a AG. THAT would be impressive but methinks President Barillary will want to follow p the Gonzales era with someone of gravitas.
If I hadda make a bet:
secy of interior — secy of HHS something like that.
How about starting a pool? We could have a a couple of bottles at DL and each drop a signed buck in the bottle we think is true. The winners get to split the bucks in the other bottles!
ooops isn’t gambling a crime in our clean sheets bedroom of a state?
SeattleJew @ 22,
Yep…it is page 103 (as numbered by the pdf reader) or page 99 as labeled on the bottom of the page.
Looks like we have another Publican who is confused. These guys think you “WIN” the White House by stopping blacks from voting.
“You gotta be smoking some bad shit, Josef! The closest Rossi ever got to a CEO job was supervising one part-time janitor when he was in college.”
Kinda like Marcy Bruner being a Microsoft Executive, or knowing first hand how the military works, because her brother who never speaks to was with the 101st Airborne, or how she got all of her skills from being the “President (Kinda) of a Homeowners Assoc. How about how she can appeal to the people in her district by campaigning in Seattle.
C’mon everyone, get out and vote this time! lets not have another repeat debacle of 2000 & 2004… Aren’t we all tired of lies, unnecessary wars, avoidable casualties, global warming, the rich getting richer while middle class gets poorer?
This begins at the grass roots level, like supporting your local democratic government and leads all the way to the Whitehouse!
Kinda like Marcy Bruner being a Microsoft Executive, or knowing first hand how the military works, because her brother who never speaks to was with the 101st Airborne, or how she got all of her skills from being the “President (Kinda) of a Homeowners Assoc. How about how she can appeal to the people in her district by campaigning in Seattle.
FYI: Insults carry more weight when you know the name of the person you’re attacking.
Another TJ,
I know exactly who I am insulting, that is part of the insult. How dense are you libs anyways?
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