Well…I got a late start at it, but here is your open thread for the GOP debate…
I’ll add some snark and tweetery as the mood strikes.
So…one of the reasons I am so late is that I didn’t realize there was no livestream from CNBC. I ended up on some live-feed that includes a panel of wingnut pundits. Google infowars.com and livestream or something.
One pundit dude refers to “Paul Rino” and later says he doesn’t think Rubio is unqualified.
That Rubio-Jeb(!) exchange is like when your kid whips your ass in one-on-one for the 1st time.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) October 29, 2015
5:43: Issues? Issues anyone?
5:47: I agree with Cruz…let’s put some substance into this debate!
5:48: Of course, Cruz dodged a debt ceiling question in the process.
I don't know if anybody else has noticed, but Carly Fiorina consistently comes of as a tad unlikeable. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
5:49: Awwwwww…that’s adorable. They let Rand talk.
5:50: Christie gets a turn. Christie claims the govt. lies to you about Social Security, and then goes on to make the amateurish mistake of calling it “an entitlement”. It isn’t. You paid in.
I don't know if anybody else has noticed, but Carly Fiorina consistently comes of as a tad unlikeable. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Mike Huckabee to Ted Cruz: Keep your Big Government hands off my Social Security.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) October 29, 2015
Remember how the RNC was going to keep GOP debates all civil and orderly this time?
— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) October 29, 2015
By the way, how come Rubio gets counted down for his youth and inexperience while Cruz, the same age and experience, gets a pass?
— David Horsey (@davidhorsey) October 29, 2015
Good question!
Are we at the "I was a poor kid and now I'm rich" part of the debate?
#WheresTheFastForwardButton? #GOPDebate #CNBCGOPDebate
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) October 29, 2015
Cruz, "My dad was a single mom…."
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) October 29, 2015
So far, the moderators are doing the most damaging thing possible to @realDonaldTrump: ignoring him
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) October 29, 2015
6:18: Carson is ALL for equal rights for same sex couples…but NO MARRIAGE!
Actually, Ben Carson, believing that LGBT People should have fewer rights than straight people DOES in fact make you a homophobe #GOPDebate
— Will McLeod (@WillMcLeod99) October 29, 2015
Guys, I think Jeb Bush has to make out with Obama: https://t.co/gfDGjXHcJP pic.twitter.com/2c3xUD2QkJ
— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 29, 2015
6:27: The Donald goes after SuperPacs…is he running for Bernie’s VP?
All night candidates have smelled blood, unfortunately for the moderators it's their own
— Joe St. George (@JoeStGeorge) October 29, 2015
6:30: Cruz, “Loose money”. For some reason David Vitter jumps to mind….
I’m still blown away that CNBC couldn’t cite the source on the Trump question. IT’S ON HIS WEBSITE. https://t.co/1cgzqASUYR
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 29, 2015
6:34: Mr. Huckabee, I’ve known gas bags and you are one gas bag.
The CNBC moderators seem like substitute teachers: not particularly competent and bullied by smart-alleck students
— Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) October 29, 2015
Incompetent questioning yes, but this was the most important debate to date: it finished off the Bush campaign.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) October 29, 2015
Kasich: "Income inequality is driven by a lack of skills." Not true. Income inequality is driven by rules that are rigged in favor of the 1%
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
My guess: After this debate gets factored in only R’s over 5% in national poll average will be Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) October 29, 2015
Trump clearly doesn't understand what somebody wrote in his immigration plan about H1-B visas. #CNBCGOPDebate
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) October 29, 2015
Trump Once Said Of Guns: “Nothing I Like Better Than Nobody Has Them” https://t.co/sEx6df62bl
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) October 29, 2015
So far, I think every candidate has had a moment worth touting or YouTubing… except Bush. #NBC2016
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) October 29, 2015
6:52: Christie, “When I’m president, police will know it!” Yep. Overtime traffic jam duty pay.
Fiorina makes call for return to Lochner era, saying that there's no constitutional authority for the government to set min wage. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Clearly, somebody is doing well in his fantasy football league (amirite, Gov Christie?) #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Christie just ate Bush's lunch! And probably others. Now this is the inning we have to get some runs!!
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) October 29, 2015
Were this an actual horse race, I'm pretty sure the entire field would be shot. #GOPDebate https://t.co/lD5KIbSCwq
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) October 29, 2015
Huckabee thinks it's easy to eradicate diseases because he knows they don't evolve. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Fiorina: "The federal government should not be in a lot of things. The only things they should be in are marriages & women's private areas."
— Craig Rozniecki (@CraigRozniecki) October 29, 2015
7:10: Chris Christie’s run-on, repeated rant is the second “runaway blimp” story of the day!
Chris Christie using that "keep your hands on your wallet line again." (Though to be fair, whenever I'm in NJ I keep my hands on my wallet.)
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
7:15: Christie repeatedly said he was “deadly serious” about changing things. Did he mean “dead serious”? In any case, brings to mind that bridge traffic jam….
Rand Paul wants a government so small he can't see it. Like a GOP penis. #GOPDebate
— Wonkette (@Wonkette) October 29, 2015
Trump promises America a lifetime of shorter debates. pic.twitter.com/I7OGMHAICl
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) October 29, 2015
#CNBCGOPDebate Shut up #MikeHuckabee You're there to sell your book.
— esd2000 (@esd2000) October 29, 2015
"I will change the culture in Washington," says the son and brother of two of the last four presidents. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
That concludes tonight's debate. We return to ongoing blimp coverage underway in Pennsylvania pic.twitter.com/L1eDPf1nph
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) October 29, 2015
@srjones66 I thought tonight's GOP debate was won by @BernieSanders and @HlLLARY split evenly
— ChuckTv (@Chucktv2) October 29, 2015
Well…that was “a thing.” It was my first GOP debate this cycle (and I was mostly listening to the audio), and it was pretty much the vacuous puffery that I expected. The only surprise to me was Trump’s strong statements against PACs. Other than that, Trump was just a meaningless braggart. Rand Paul morphed into Ron Paul, and came off more fringy than ever. Christie spewed pre-prepared platitudes. Rubio sounded angry and whiny. The Huckster is still a nut. Carson said things, but I don’t really remember them. And there were some other people talking, too. The debate moderators were TERRIBLE (and I am sure that is a bipartisan sentiment).
1. Carly Fiorina would look good in a burka.
2. Carly needs to get her broomstick out of the closet Halloween is almost here.
@1(1) Best line of the night so far.
Lots of fireworks and rivers of lies.
Blame government, blame government, blame government. Fiorina even blames big banks on government. Says banks would be smaller if government was smaller and there was less regulation. Does anyone but her believe that? We experimented with less regulation of bankers under our last Republican president; how did that turn out?
Republicans: We don’t have any ideas but by god, Obama is doing it wrong.
She is using Michelle to attack the president? That’s low!
The republican policies caused the problem then they blame all the problems on democrats. Brilliant.
Bunch of fucking losers. All bullshit. Plain and simple.
Here is the solution to all the deficit problems…
A 3% Flat tax!
#7 nicely explains #6.
Okay, so who won? None of them did. As TD says, they’re all losers. If I had to pick one as the most reasonable of the lot, I’d go with Kasich.
CNN fact-checks the candidates:
Christie: Misleading.
Trump: (1) False, (2) misleading.
Rubio: True.
Graham: True.
Jindal: Misleading.
Pataki: (1) False, (2) false.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Lots of pinocchio noses in that crowd.
Yeah. I’m watching Kansas City beat the Mets instead so I’ll have to catch the replay and avoid all the Debate spoilers.
You know, the first time he ran I kind of liked Huckabee. Now he comes across as a self-aggrandizing, ignorant peckerhead.
ArtFart @ 12,
Yeah…me, too.
So much better than the DUMMOCRETIN debate…
Ted Cruz is right… Libtard news people can’t ask real questions!
These moderators would never vote in a Republican primary.
Ben Carson’s Medicare commentary was twisted!
Heilary was smacked all over the place!
Christie told it as it is!
Rubio is right, Heilary is a big time liar!
Upon analysis, it turns out that last night was an exercise in resume padding, fibbing, truth-stretching, and media bashing with damned little enlightenment about anything.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fiorina the failed CEO, in particular, is turning out to be quite a little liar.
In the minor leagues, Jindal is the hands-down winner of the Creative Fibbing Trophy:
“The first debate featured sparring over who was best at cutting the size of government. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal claimed to be the only candidate who actually did so. ‘What we did is we cut state spending. We’ve cut our budget 26 percent according to Cato and other analysis,’ Jindal said. …
“The 26 percent budget reduction since Jindal took office in 2008 is almost exactly equal to the amount of federal aid following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita that ran out during that time, according to the Louisiana Office of Planning and Budget.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you want to see a real budget-cutting trainwreck, look no farther than Republican Kansas, where they’re struggling to keep schools open.
Considering the level of batshit insanity and anger on the stage last night, I believed the moderators asked fairly appropriate questions, although they left out, “Why are you all so damned batshit fucking insane?”
The moderators run to PMSNBC to complain… TYPICAL!
@18 … while the candidates run crying to the RNC. What a bunch of juveniles.
Fact checking the DUMMOCRETIN Debate
True 39
Mostly True 29
Half True 26
Mostly False 22
False 15
Pants on Fire 2
True 6
Mostly True 13
Half True 6
Mostly False 4
False 5
Seems the DUMMOCRETINS are BIG LIARS! Just like Heilary’s Benghazi testimony. Oh yes it was a video… ummmm,,, no it was terrorism… just to tell the American public!
@20 Records for the Republican liars to envy … if they get even one “half true” out of 20 answers they’re having a good night …
How To Get Fired In 3 Easy Steps
(1) Violate students’ and teachers’ constitutional rights by openly praying on the football field.
(2) When ordered to stop by the school district, refuse.
(3) When sacked for insubordination, go running to your rightwing lawyers and cry “discrimination!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There are lawyers and there are lawyers. Some lawyers give wise counsel to their clients and win theirs cases. Others make a media splash, dump their client into the gutter after losing in court, and move on to the next cause celebre that will bring them media attention anew. Go Liberty Counsel! Go religious freedom (but only for born-again Christians)!
This morning’s CBS News headline reads, “GOP Debaters Find A Big Target In Entitlements.” Of course, there’s nothing new about this. The GOP hasn’t had a new idea since 1910. They’re still trying to repeal the New Deal in order to fund tax breaks for the plutocrats. They get the rubes to vote for this by raising up straw targets like Planned Parenthood. Oooo! Mangled fetuses! That should get the adrenaline pumping in places like Ottumwa, Iowa. Make enough noise and maybe they won’t notice their food stamps, flood assistance, Social Security, and Medicare disappearing. But if that doesn’t work, don’t let ’em vote!
Yup. It’s all the media’s fault the GOP is DOA.
It’s not like they have the Presidential front runners on videotape being racist, misogynistic, or comparing America to Nazi Germany and/or slavery.
It’s not like they have the second tier candidates on videotape advocating shutting down, or actually shutting down the Government.
It’s not like the fiscal record of a lowest tier candidate as a governor is a disaster.
Oh. Wait.
Last night also inflicted on us more repititions of the standard GOP mantra of (1) slashing taxes (mostly for the rich) and (2) cutting spending (but no specifics about how).
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, the reason they’re vague about spending cuts is because they want to take a meat axe to middle-class entitlements and, of course, anything that helps the poor (read as “lazy colored people”).
“In a debate Wednesday night that was rife with confrontation and verbal barbs, there was one thing that wasn’t a big surprise: Nobody was speaking above a high school level.”
Ouch. Well, you gotta talk to your supporters at a level they can understand, know what I mean?
Last night Marco Rubio pushed back on John Harwood’s lie last night. Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS Harwood incorrectly attacked Rubio on a Tax Foundation analysis of Rubio’s tax plan. Harwood argued it showed that Rubio’s plan favored the wealthy more than the poor! Rubio slapped Harwood back by responding and correctly reminding Harwood on his previous tweet he put out and later he had to correct earlier this month! Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, John Harwood lied by vehemently denied his correction captured by twitter below.
Harwood vehemently denied that last night on national teevee!
John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 14, 2015
CORRECTING earlier tweet: Tax Foundation says Rubio benefits lowest 10% proportionally more (55.9) than top 1% (27.9%). Avg for all: 17.8%.
Last night Harwood lied about his own tweet. Rubio afterward correctly pointed this out. So when people checked this out later, all can see how Harwood embarrassed the left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN cheering media!
@26 If you don’t talk to them at a high school level they won’t clap like seals.
@27 Kasich got it right when he called the other GOP candidates’ tax schemes “fantasy” and he’s right. Trump’s ridiculous tax plan would increase deficits by $10 trillion over 10 years, Jindal’s by $9T, Bush’s by $1.6T. Kasich was right again when he said, “Folks, we gotta wake up. We cannot elect somebody who can’t do the job. You gotta pick someone who has experience, somebody who has the know-how, the discipline.”
Trump’s response? “Kasich’s analysis was quickly dismissed by Trump, who attributed his outburst to low poll numbers. ‘His poll numbers tanked; that’s why he’s on the end,’ Trump said.” That’s it, that’s all, over and out.
Christie was half-wrong when he asserted this election isn’t about fantasy football. It’s very much about fantasies. Football, maybe not so much, although the average Republican voter cares far more about passing and reception stats than budget math, which is why the GOP nominee is likely to be someone who’s no CPA or CFO.
@28 LOL! Great line! And bark like seals, too!
Even the Boston Globe claimed the CNBC moderators didn’t have the research to back up their silly, biased, inane, demeaning questions!
Sez much for a DUMMOCRETIN paper!
Must’ve been hard for the loon to watch that clown show, if he did. For visual representation of last night’s debate see:
Trump’s ridiculous tax plan would increase deficits by $10 trillion over 10 years, Jindal’s by $9T, Bush’s by $1.6T.
And Bernie and Heilary’s giveaways add $18 Trillion Roger Senile. Did you forget this senile one? http://www.wsj.com/articles/pr.....1442271511
Yet Heilary doubled down and claimed she would give the same stuff away too!
A ferry captain and chief mate suffered eye injuries from a laser last week. This time the moron with the laser got caught, because he shined it into the ferry’s wheelhouse from the passenger deck of a passing ferry, and the cops were waiting for him at the dock.
@33 Yeah, but they’ll pay for it by taxing the bankers and financiers who’ve been ripping off the middle class for years.
Also, let’s not forget that deficit spending is OK with Republicans, too, as long as it’s for bombs.
That the Republican candidates are all liars is one thing, and that’s pretty much normal for them, but when 20% of the Republicans on stage at last night are actual snake-oil salesmen, that’s taking it to a whole new level.
“Surgeon Ben Carson and anti-science Mike Huckabee raking in cash by hawking bogus medical ‘cures’”
It’s weird that Puddy resorts to Hitler imagery for describing the Democratic frontrunner, given that conservatives are far more likely to shovel masses of human beings into gas chambers than liberals are. After all, Hitler was a democracy-hating rightwing xenophobic racist, which describes an awful lot of Republicans too.
Poor poor senile wabbit. You’re the weird one with the obvious memory issues
Puddy delivered Heilary’s own unvarnished words on the gun ownership subject… going much further than Obummer calling gun owners bitter clingers; and what does Roger senile do? Waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah Puddy called Heilary correctly… waaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
It’s DUMMOCRETIN libtards who focus on skin color, sexual organs, marriage status, ethnicity, infanticide, etc. etc. etc. Republicans are reacting to DUMMOCRETIN thought!
Former Shrub speechwriter David Frum, writing in The Atlantic, has concluded that Jeb! can’t win the GOP nomination. Without him, what other choices does the Republican establishment have? Kasich is their best candidate, Rubio may be their best shot, otherwise they’re stuck with one of the has-beens, never-weres, or foot-in-mouth amateurs.
@39 “It’s DUMMOCRETIN libtards who focus on skin color, sexual organs, marriage status, ethnicity, infanticide, etc. etc. etc. Republicans are reacting to DUMMOCRETIN thought!”
Really? Who obsesses over pictures of dead fetuses?
I’ll bet lots of Republicans look at other kinds of porn, too.
Why do CNBC DUMMOCRETINS think Republicans talk at a middle school level? Because DUMMOCRETIN libtards running our schools are failing my people and leaving them at or below middle school reading comprehension levels… http://www.cnsnews.com/news/ar.....proficient.
A BIG Thank You to the libtard run NEA union who is destroying the education system in the inner city! Puddy delivered the speech from a union thug teacher president claiming it’s all about power not the children. Ax the clueless crazed databaze deala for a crazed databaze replay. Reading more into this article’s references, one teacher wrote on a blog she has PTSD from teaching English in the inner city. This is why Puddy uses wimens Triple Pressure Packed Steve. Libtards complaining!
Sux to be HA DUMMOCRETINS especially morons like Roger senile and Triple Pressure Packed Steve!
@42 Sorry, but I don’t have time for your drivel. I’m reading intelligently written articles right now.
Ahhh yes another partially correct raw horsesASS manure story from Triple Pressure Packed Steve. Dr Carson said last night he gave speeches. In 2014 Mannatech has also insisted that Dr Carson is “not a spokesperson or endorser of Mannatech.” Yet the libtard meme, especially last night continued from Carl Quintanilla went there even though the record is clear.
The same thing has happened to Oprah’s hero doctor Dr. Oz. He’s gone on his show many times explaining how websites claim he’s endoring a product when he isn’t. Dr Carson doesn’t have a daily doctor show. This is why the crowd booed Carl Quintanilla when he asked that stooooooooopid question last night and the morons at raw story know LIVs like Triple Pressure Packed Steve won’t investigate the truth because their level of BULLSHITTIUM is all fools like Triple Pressure Packed Steve will read!
One word answer for the Triple Pressure Packed head explosion heard in the northwest …
Roger senile @43,
The Mannatech link already
See #44!
@45 See http://tinyurl.com/pjtrusb
Carl Bernstein, dean of WA DC reporters has weighed in… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/n.....nbc-debate
“More than anything… CNBC was really reprehensible.”
CARL BERSTEIN: I think it was a bad, bad night for Jeb Bush. I think it was a bad night for Trump and for Carson. They didn’t deliver the way they were expected to. More than anything, MSNBC was — I’m sorry, CNBC was really reprehensible. But we got a real look at the Republican Party for the first time and their anti-government message is really picking up steam. And the Democrats got to pay attention to it and they’re right about the mainstream media. We in the mainstream media need to be reading the right-wing press more, looking online more. I look at it, because it’s a very different universe than we talk about. And there’s a lot of people out there that adhere to it.
Carl admits he’s part of the left wrong DUMMOCRETIN media! At least Carl realizes there more than the hunkered down DUMMOCRETINS reading DUMMOCRETINS view. That’s because the libtard press is really the no more hidden DUMMOCRETIN superpac!
Sorry Roger senile, Puddy don’t do tinyurls anymore… Who knows what crap you hide!
Found this on Facebook:
Short and sweet Republican Debate Synopsis
Economic inequality – DO NOTHING
Climate Change – DO NOTHING
Equal pay for women – DO NOTHING
Immigration – JUST STOP IT
SS/Medicare/Medicaid – CRUSH IT
Taxes – They don’t want ANY
Minimum Wage – NO WAY
WAR – Let’s DO IT
Media – Get rid of them too!
Puddy’s problem is that Carson is lying, and he’s gullible enough to swallow Carson’s lies whole.
“Ben Carson’s Mannatech Problem
“The GOP candidate denied any relationship with the controversial health-supplement company. His record says otherwise.
“During Wednesday’s GOP presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado, CNBC moderator Carl Quintanilla asked Ben Carson, a leading GOP contender and an accomplished pediatric neurosurgeon, about his relationship with a controversial nutritional-supplement company.
“‘There’s a company called Mannatech, a maker of nutritional supplements, with which you had a ten-year relationship,’ Quintanilla asked. ‘They offered claims that they could cure autism and cancer. They paid $7 million to settle a deceptive-marketing lawsuit in Texas and yet your involvement continued. Why?’
“‘Well, it’s easy to answer,’ Carson quickly replied. ‘I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda and this is what happens in our society. Total propaganda.’ He then backtracked a little. ‘I did a couple of speeches for them. I did speeches for other people, they were paid speeches,’ he told the crowd before switching back to a full denial. ‘It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them.’
“Then he again acknowledged a role. ‘Do I take the product? Yes, I think it’s a good product.’
“Presidential candidates frequently stretch the truth. Some of them have made fantastical claims about President Obama’s birth certificate, for example, or their ability to construct a giant wall on the Mexican border that Mexico will pay for. But Carson’s outright denial seems egregious even by that standard. His relationship with the company is lengthy and well-documented, which makes his response even more bizarre.”
I won’t post the details here; they’re in the article:
But don’t expect the credulous fool to learn anything from this article. He can’t read above third-grade level.
[Spilled line deleted]
Cool! Apparently that one word alone is enough to cause the batshit crazy loon’s head to explode.
I’m not trying to defend the commentators of last nights debate, because I think they are all a bunch of conservative slobs, but I find it funny that republicans find fault with someone resisting arrest or not cooperating or being “submissive” to cops because your suppose to respect and cooperate but they don’t find fault or are crying about how the moderators tried to do they’re job last night but couldn’t because a bunch of high school frat boys and girls want to run unruly.
Why is this about the commentators being the problem and not how commentators have to keep theses assholes in line
Bunch of fucking hypocrites as usual.
Damn, CNBC is a corporate-owned financial channel which glorifies corporations and free markets and Republicans hate it. It just goes to show that Republicans hate anything and everything, even the lovely and very knowledgeable Becky Quick, a WSJ alum from an oil family.
“Quick is known for her hard-hitting interviews and profiles of some of the world’s richest and most influential investors, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Alan Greenspan, T. Boone Pickens, Jamie Dimon, Charlie Munger and many others. She also has interviewed three U.S. presidents and has hosted panels at some of the most prestigious conferences in the world such as the Microsoft CEO Conference, Fortune’s Most Powerful Women’s Conference and the Allen & Co. Sun Valley Media Conference. Quick also authors a regular column for Fortune magazine as well as contributes to CNBC.com.”
Of course, we all there was nobody of the caliber of those folks on the stage last night.
Mmmm, back when Becky and Erin Burnett were both on CNBC together early in the morning talking stocks! Now that was some damn fine programming.
Carson’s blatant lying.
“What Ben Carson’s Mannatech Answer Tells Us”
“Carson’s lack of due diligence before working with the company is forgivable. His blatant lying about it now is much harder to forgive.”
OMG! NAZI COMMIE DUMMOCRETIN scum have infested the National Review!
@54 “OMG! NAZI COMMIE DUMMOCRETIN scum have infested the National Review!”
Careful, or you’ll make the loon’s head explode again, and make a big mess.
Republican Joe Scarborough says Rubio “flat-out lied” about his foreclosures and economic problems.
“I think it was [CNBC host] Becky Quick who went down the list of proven things about Marco’s foreclosures and all of Marco’s economic problems. Talking about lying; Marco said ‘I’m not going to answer those lies they’ve all been discredited.’”
“Marco just flat-out lied to the American people, there,” he continued. “And I was stunned that the moderators didn’t stop there and go, ‘Wait a second, these are court records. What are you talking about?’”
I love it when Republicans devour each other.
LMFAO! Even Ann Coulter is hating on the GOP candidate’s whining.
“Complaints about the CNBC moderators are a ridiculous attempt to imitate Trump. Compare it question by question to the other 2 debates.”
“GOP’s media bashing is getting boring.CNBC Qs not measurably different from CNN or FNC. They’re just imitating Trump”
@48 Paranoid much?
Nearly all the postmortem commentaries I’ve read agree the big story of last night’s debate is that Rubio destroyed Bush. See, e.g.,
(I fished this one from the clutter at RealClearPolitics, because it’s more lucid than most — and uses a great metaphor — but it’s representative of what numerous analysts have said.)
How about an all-female Democratic ticket? Say, Hillary Clinton and Patty Murray?
Mannetech information has been front and center since 2014. The JIM GERAGHTY article since January. Now libtards are hoping hoping hoping this is the knockout.
EPIC FAYLE libtards. Conservative focus groups called it another libtard hit piece! He was booked in the Washington Speakers Group. And the company said “Dr. Carson is not a spokesperson or endorser of Mannatech.”
Yet libtards need to knock Dr Ben out because he’s everything Obummer is not.
All black
conservative black
self – made black
brain surgeon
loved by DUMMOCRETINS and Conservatives
quiet and unassuming
doesn’t live in the gutter
doesn’t guttersnipe when attacked
not mean or vindictive
The audience knew about Mannatech and they were not impressed by Carl’s attack!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Keep screaming libtards!
Anything to deflect from Marco Rubio proving Heilary lied last week!
“CNBC’s really bad debate night.” – Wa Post.
It’s very telling the only candidate to agree with the CNBC moderators was John Kasich! Explains a lot! Ohio is doing great but John isn’t much of a candidate!
“Nobody watching at home believes that any of the moderators has any intention of voting in a Republican primary.” – Anothr correct statement from Ted Cruz!
DUMMOCRETIN commedienne Patton Oswalt ✔ @pattonoswalt
I hate Ted Cruz with the power of a million chainsaws revving but I agree with everything he just said. #GOPDebate
Real Americans can see the fix was in. HA DUMMOCRETINS are just CRETINS!
“Conservative focus groups”
Comprised of the batshit insane. Too bad. Sucks to be a loon.
“Real Americans”
Heh. My decoder ring interprets that as “batshit insane, America-hating wingnuts”.
Since the batshit crazy loon loves Patton Oswalt’s debate tweets so much…
“Carly Fiorina’s hair would reduce concussions in the NFL by 80%.”
“I think Alex Jones hollowed out Chris Christie and is inside his skin right now.”
“Oh fuck you, Rubio. The mainstream media is BEYOND conservative. They’re slaves to corporations and you know it.”
“We need a leader who will run America like an Atlantic City casino.”
“Hey @CNBC — please ask these tent pegs about guns & abortion so I can be reminded what assholes they are.”
“Also? Cheering for a billioniare bragging about randomly conceal carrying a handgun is sociopathic.”
Maybe all of the debates, all 50 of them, should be moderated by Faux News.
I’d have no problem with that.
If republicans want small government then why to we need 528 members in the house.
They want to change tax code. How about changing how of them that are – we need a real downsize, save us money bigtime.
Is it wrong to call these debates?
I thought a debate was where they ask a question like “If you were president, what would you do about income inequity” and give very person 1 1/2 minuted to pontificate, and when all candidates had time to babble,every candidate would have 30 seconds to respond on what the other candidates said.
I would love to see that if they asked the right questions.
Then why not ask Obummer’s whitey house why the allow income inequality to continue during Obummer’s preznitcy (headless lucy and Roger senile speak)?
Sure DAYUM Funny when Triple Pressure Packed Steve runs to Ann Coulter, someone Triple Pressure Packed Steve now loves. And notice that Patty Oswalt train wreck above. Triple Pressure Packed Steve trainwrecks because Patty explodes Triple Pressure Packed Steve’s silly argument supporting CNBC’s feckless debate.
Puddy wonders if Rachel MadCow wrote some of those “economic debate” questions. The Fox Business Network debate will be about economic substance not worthless hit questions even the Boston Globe has said were bad!
“It was brutal takedown, and CNBC’s smarmy moderators had it coming. Cruz is far from the first conservative to rail against liberal media bias, but he did it about as effectively as it can be done in 30 seconds. The clip of that moment will go viral.” – ” Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe
That and Marco Rubio’s Heilary is a liar moment have gone viral!
After the debate DUMMOCRETIN hater Luis Gutierrez is still screaming for Saturday Night Live to cancel Donald Trump on the show next month. Haters will be haters!
@ The Schizo @ 69
“Then why not ask Obummer’s whitey house why the allow income inequality to continue during Obummer’s preznitcy”
Odd thing, the fact of a completely nonfunctional Congress during his entire tenure as President doesn’t factor into that at all for you? A Congress dominated by Corporatists who pretty much took an oath the week after the 2008 election, to guarantee that he’d only be a one-term President? A Congress dominated by nakedly racist Conservatives who only see the color of his skin and ignore his words completely?
For an awful lot of people, that last thing is all that matters to them.
Out of everything.
It doesn’t matter how intelligent or educated or sharp-witted a man is, if he’s anything other than lily-white, or at least goes around passing himself as such, he has no qualifications for the job and any experience such an individual might have is completely irrelevant.
I know people like this. I used to work with them. I went back to school to get away from that mindset. My boss all through the 90s said it outright, that Black people don’t have the mechanical or mathematical aptitude, or the basic work ethic to be machinists. They’re all too lazy and stupid and addicted to crack or booze or something to be reliable on the job. That’s why the shop was full of nasty, fat, beat-up old white-skinned machinists who used the word “nigger” almost as much as they used the word “fuck”. These are guys who have never been out of the County, or the State in their lives except when they did their military service back in the 1950s and 60s.
And believe me, machinists use the word “fuck” a LOT.
How does the President fix a do-nothing Republican Congressional caucus too preoccupied with infighting over washroom privileges to care about economic growth?
By dooooooing it!
Wow, a person could post a cake recipe and the abuser of liberal first amendment tolerance would twist it to be an indictment of liberals
Found this on Facebook regarding DUMMOCRETINS not for Heilary… https://www.facebook.com/demsagainsthillary/
Did you know Heilary was against giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens in NY before she was for it?
Yes these libtard progressives scream and shout over Heilary over the Clinton Candidate Coronation Process by the libtard wimens at the DNC, butt they will jack boot goose step march to the polling booth and gladly vote for Heilary!
DUMMOCRETINS have no scruples. They will gladly vote vote for a liar and fraud. 4,000,000 Republicans had scruples in 2012 and DID NOT vote for Romney being a RINO! Big DIFFERENCE!
DUMMOCRETINS scream income inequality. It’s a known fact and acknowledged by Josh NotVeryEarnest that the whitey house pays wimens less than men!
Regarding the same screams over Obummer being a one term president seems you agreed with the screams of the Congressional DUMMOCRETINS over their calls to remove Bush by 2004? It started with the hanging chads of Florida in 2000!
Were web sites like this created against Obummer vomitman? http://www.smirkingchimp.com/
You really want to go there vomitman? Puddy has over 100 actual anti-bush is chimp web sites ready to go. Nothing like that is on the conservative side. You can google them just like Puddy!
did you forget this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....14266.html
Or the zombietime 612 or 612 links?
https://www.google.com/search [run on link]
Images for george bush vs monkey
@76 why? Because all the republicans are worse for the country and rbe middle class
“… let’s review an equally ridiculous equation.”
Followed by images of W and Chimpanzees.
As disastrous as his Presidency was, and as unpopular as Junior still is, seems like anybody who believes the hype about this latest feeble crop of GOP infomercial huksters is the Chimp.
Calling Puddy a chimp now eh libtard the unscientist @76?
Calling Dr Ben Carson a chimp now eh libtard the unscientist @76? Dr Ben has more innate intelligence in his little toe than you’ll ever display if you lived 1000 years!
Wow your racism knows no bounds anymore!
Thanks for playing moronic twit!
Fuckwad, seriously. Victim mode does not suit you.
And after all is said and done, this shit show of a Teapublican primary is entirely self inflicted. Face it. Your organization is hollowed out and aging. By worshiping greed and selfishness for so long, the best Klownservative political talent has become more interested in high paying media and consulting work, rather than public service. Your bench is made up of scrawny propeller heads with zits, and retired tycoons looking for a hobby.
And your candidates will provide for the middle class @78?
Heilary is owned by wall street. Puddy placed link after link here from left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN e-rag sites! Yep, your peeps declaring the truth.
Bernie Sanders give aways will add $18 Trillion to the national debt. FACT.
So you say what again?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This one is as DUMB as evah!
82 i would explain it to you if you would listen but you don’t have a track record of wanting to understand!
Is that really supposed to work? The race victim kryptonite?
Yes, Fuckwad. In answer to your question. I am calling you a Chimp. And a Fuckwad. In case that escaped your notice.
Still Hope springs Eternal. So…
No, Bernie Sanders is not going to bankrupt America to the tune of $18 trillion
“For instance, Sanders wants to spend $1 trillion over 10 years on infrastructure. That’s a lot of money, but it’s significantly less than experts say we need to repair all of our crumbling roads, bridges, water systems, and so on. And infrastructure spending creates immediate jobs and has economic benefits that persist over time, which we’d also have to take into account in deciding whether it’s a good idea.”
“The conservatives who are acting appalled at the number the Journal came up with are also the same people who never seem to care what a tax cut costs, because they think cutting taxes is a moral and practical good, in the same way that liberals think providing people with health coverage is a moral and practical good.”
I await your comprehension.
When confronted with FACTS vomitman changes its tune @81. When one meme EPIC FAYLES try another!
Your organization realized it killed 50+million of its future voters through donkoinfanticide so gotta replace them with illegal aliens. Give them free stuff to keep them DUMMOCRETIN for life. Your organization realized it had to indoctrinate kids from the conservative side of life by:
– making sure no one freely practices their religion in school
– making sure GAIA is taught at an early age… I am Captain Planet
– making sure to indoctrinate little kids through scare tactics that climate change is gonna kill them
– making sure by the time they enter college they know to tow the libtard line or the professor will mark them down if they write conservative viewpoints
– universities like WSU have to make special announcements that libtard professors really don’t mark down students grades. Well if that’s so why make the announcement WSU!
– libtard press writing stories and making teevee announcements how liars like Heilary are great for the US
Need to see more examples vomitman?
@86. That’s funny! Tell us more! Are the aliens from planet Zenon part of this? Where do the secret bases hidden under the closed walmarts figure into Captain Planet? Tell us more how reason and facts have a liberal bias in college so we shouldn’t be using them! Bring em on!
Wait… that’s only $1 Trillion on infrastructure moronic twit @86. What about free college, the free lunch, etc. etc. etc.? http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/.....-President
Puddy already supplied this link above butt as always you don’t like looking at FACTS! http://www.wsj.com/articles/pr.....1442271511
Yes – Price Tag of Bernie Sanders’s Proposals: $18 Trillion
Democratic presidential candidate’s agenda would greatly expand government
Puddy trusts the Wall Street Journal way more than the libtard led WaPost on economic issues!
Butt wait… there is more… Thom Fartmann… Hero of Da Perfessa’s Friday Night Comix claims it’s only $13 Trillion…. Bernie’s Reforms only cost $13 Trillion.
Oopsie useless tool @85… Puddy awaits your comprehension.
Wait… that’s only $1 Trillion on infrastructure moronic twit @86. What about free college, the free lunch, etc. etc. etc.? http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/.....-President
Puddy already supplied this link above butt as always you don’t like looking at FACTS! http://www.wsj.com/articles/pr.....1442271511
Yes – Price Tag of Bernie Sanders’s Proposals: $18 Trillion
Democratic presidential candidate’s agenda would greatly expand government
Puddy trusts the Wall Street Journal way more than the libtard led WaPost on economic issues!
Butt wait… there is more… Thom Fartmann… Hero of Da Perfessa’s Friday Night Comix claims it’s only $13 Trillion…. Bernie’s Reforms only cost $13 Trillion.
Oopsie useless tool @85… Puddy awaits your comprehension.
libtard the racist unscientist… Thanks for playing… It’s your side that plays the race card everyday. Now when conservatives come back at you with your useless arguments
Oh no the sky is falling…
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… Racist HA DUMMOCRETINS abound everywhere on this blog!
Nice group of morons you have Goldy! Way to perpetuate the leftist agenda. Saul Alinksy 101!
Golly this leftist moron doesn’t read…
Everyone of those are from PreviousPuddyLinks…Many from leftist found PuddyLinks!
So you’ve seen illegal aliens from planet Zenon? When did they land? Is Bernie Sanders one of them? Is that why he honeymooned in the Soviet Union? Another standard trainwreck @87!
Oh my stars, Fuckwad!
It’s all going wrong! People who aren’t Real Americans are just ruining everything! And now they are sending to the baby-killer-in-chief a budget that fully funds Abortions Inc.
What’s it all been for? All the hearings? The shutdowns? The millions spent on media and lobbying? Weeks of Congressional unrest? Dumping the Speaker? The salaries? The fund raising?
Tithe harder, Fuckwad!
Puddy, said “Racist HA DUMMOCRETINS abound everywhere on this blog!”
To be able to find racism in everything a liberal does is amazing. I can imagine puddy in his basement, leaning to look under a piece of furniture. “Those Racist HA DUMMOCRETINS have got to be here somewhere,” “Nope, no Racist HA DUMMOCRETINS over there,” he said, laughing. “Maybe under here”
Wait, wait, how good at this are you? How about “Liberals on this blog are typing using vowels.” Go ahead, Tell me how that proves that democrats are racist. Pass the popcorn, this should be fun.
And now they are sending to the baby-killer-in-chief a budget that fully funds Abortions Inc.
Because the “baby killer in chief” sez he will shut down the government if PP is not funded and the LIVs will believe it’s the Republicans fault libtard the racist unscientist because the libtard media is Obummer/Clinton/Sanders superpac. And it’s free! Carl Bernstein correctly called the libtard lamestream media for what it is – libtard!
Nice spin cycle try!
My goodness, before 5:00AM the batshit crazy loon’s head had started exploding all over this thread again. Now it’s head explosions the last thing at night and then yet more head explosions first thing in the morning. It’s one thing to be a batshit crazy loon 24/7, but to be an exploding head 24/7 is taking the batshit insanity to a whole new fucking level.
@93 because you definitely aren’t “better”…
Puddy is from the inner city… Puddy has witnessed the inner city policies of DUMMOCRETINS since Puddy can remember! Who controls the inner city? How are blacks and hispanics any better off under DUMMOCRETINS since the great society programs started in 1965?
Nuff said sucka!
Go puddy go! This is sad, you only have THREE names strung together “Obummer/Clinton/Sanders superpac”! I bet you can reach six or more
You know something like “the liberal Soros/Oprah/Hanaur /Alinksy/Gore/Streisand Zamboni of inJustice!” Beat 6, I know you can!
This looks to be nasty.
So glad conservatives don’t do stuff like this. Oh wait…
If only the darned “LIVs” weren’t running the show.
Oh, wait…
96, Puddy, puddy, puddy, just keep typing that humor! You are great! It’s so much fun when you post Bizarro world stuff where Major Great Society Programs were bad for society.
War on Poverty: forty programs that were intended to eliminate poverty by improving living conditions and enabling people to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty.
Education: sixty separate bills that provided for new and better-equipped classrooms, minority scholarships, and low-interest student loans.
Medicare & Medicaid: guaranteed health care to every American over sixty-five.
The Environment: introduced measures to reclaim our heritage of clean air and water.
National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities: created with the philosophy that artists, performers, and writers were a priceless part of our heritage and deserve support.
Job Corps: provided enabling skills for young men and women.
Head Start: program for four- and five-year-old children from disadvantaged families that gave them a chance to start school on an even basis with other youngsters.
What’s next? Hey! do this one: “How are blacks and hispanics any better off under DUMMOCRETINS since 19th amendment passed!” I know you can write something funny about it! On your mark, get set, TYPE!
Triple Pressure Packed Steve…
Sad and typical of all that pressure exploding everyday!
The fewest vetos since Willard Fillmore. Just in case you wondered.
Notice how fast @97 ran away from Bernie Sanders only $1 Trillion. So when Thom Fartmann claims otherwise Oopsie… gotta run?
We gave them majorities in both houses, and all they’ve managed to do with it is fight over who gets to sit at the pretty girls table. Even with vote rigging, suppression, and gerrymandering, they will lose seats.
@100, @100, @100, @100, @100,
DUMMOCRETIN speak from a DUMMOCRETIN link… Why didn’t you display it? Afraid? You don’t think we conservatives haven’t seen this useless horsesASS manure before. As the Bible sez “There is nothing new under the sun”. Tired old rehashed useless horsesASS manure! EPIC FAYLE!
The link the mornic twit @100 wouldn’t provide on purpose!
Major Great Society Programs
War on Poverty: forty programs that were intended to eliminate poverty by improving living conditions and enabling people to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty.
Education: sixty separate bills that provided for new and better-equipped classrooms, minority scholarships, and low-interest student loans.
Medicare & Medicaid: guaranteed health care to every American over sixty-five.
The Environment: introduced measures to reclaim our heritage of clean air and water.
National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities: created with the philosophy that artists, performers, and writers were a priceless part of our heritage and deserve support.
Job Corps: provided enabling skills for young men and women.
Head Start: program for four- and five-year-old children from disadvantaged families that gave them a chance to start school on an even basis with other youngsters.
Cut and paste job!
If only the darned “LIVs” weren’t running the show.
Who is in the whitey house implementing unequal pay for wimens? A DUMMOCRETIN. Who has their special super pac? DUMMOCRETINS!
Nuff said sucka!
Good Lord! It’s only 8:55AM and we’ve already witnessed 17 batshit crazy loon head explosions.
@104, you voted for Republicans?
Well you claimed to give conservatives majorities…
Stooooooooooooooopid commentary as evah!
The fewest vetos since Millard Fillmore.
Majorities in both houses of Congress.
The result? A food fight over who gets to wear the coolest necktie during the next “investigative” hearing, a budget increase, and full funding for Planned Parenthood.
This is what happens when you put them in charge.
Make one of them President, and you get all this, plus a brand new war!
I will vote Sanders fo president in the primary , and i hope he gets the nomination, if not, i will vote for Hillary, both are better than any republican running. Republicans want to privatize social security
Privatize = theft — That’s the only way you can get the public to understand this issue.
How about extending the Earned Income Tax Credit to individual taxpayers without dependents? Would any Republican do that? Would it be a good idea? Would that help lift disadvantaged minority communities and “tackle racism”?