Today’s cowardly massacre at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo is both incredibly sad and incredibly infuriating, for reasons I don’t think I really need to explain. In fact, I am so outraged, that I’m momentarily at an uncharacteristic loss for words. And so pathetic as it is, the only thing I can think of to honor the lives of the courageous satirists who were assassinated today is to reprint my own pathetic cartoon of the prophet Mohammad:

The prophet Mohammad enjoying an ice cold seltzer
I don’t pretend for a moment that I face any personal risk in posting this. I’m not nearly important enough. But lacking the words to fully express my outrage, I felt the need to make some sort of symbolic gesture, and this was the best I could come up with in the moment.
Personally, I’d rather not live than live in a world without satire. And I would hope that everybody in the media who shares this sentiment would err on the side of defiance rather than caution in honoring the lives of their fallen comrades.
Cowardly massacre. Press respond in kind:
Some Outlets Are Censoring Charlie Hebdo’s Satirical Cartoons After Attack
Aren’t these the types of individuals Israel wants to obliterate? Yet, there are HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS who disagree with that sentiment!
So this is the outcome!
@ 2
What the fuck does Israel have to do with this? This was an attack in France, on a French magazine, by French citizens. It seems to me as being better pointed out as an example of what Religion and the fanatics it generates has traditionally offered to people who question or mock it.
Christians do this same sort of shit in Uganda and Liberia all the time. Jews do it in the last little chunks of Palestine that remain. Bhuddists are doing it in Myanmar and Hindus are doing it in Kashmir. It’s all the same.
Once again the vomit master has no Effin clue regarding Israel and their desire to eradicate those vomit master “religion of peace” friends with their AK-47s. So here it is vomit master in very simple terms.
1) The same type of extremists with their AK-47s were the ones whom last year lobbed over 1600 rockets into Israel.
2) The same type of extremists with their AK-47s are the ones Israel went after by entering into Gaza to destroy their tunnels paid for by European and American funds
3) The same type of extremists with their AK-47s are the ones the UN gave those rockets back to when found on UNRWA sites.
4) The same type of extremists with their AK-47s are those whom behead Americans like James Foley while Obummer golfs.
Meanwhile a great article on Obummer and his sadministration’s attack on Charlie Hedbo a few years back!
Also how the AP is now censoring the Charlie Hedbo cartoons!
Nice how Puffy just skips right over the role of religion and fanatical religious scriptures.
The French Police knew who these three klowns were.
Surveillance… Something NYC Mayor Bill deBlasio stopped doing once he became mayor. Great job he’s doing eh HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Does the empty nut bag @6 ever add anything useful to the argument?
Please deliver the Koranic verses that discuss this empty nut bag?
Please deliver the Biblical verses that discuss this empty nut bag?
not cowardly AT ALL. brazen is a better word. but, there was no cowardice on display here. what they did was reprehensible, but they were not cowards. words have definitions and you can look them up if you’re not sure which one to use.
also, can you please ban puddy? OR is he an internal troll to drive comments?
OR is he just a piece of shit racist troll, who will whine when his questions aren’t answered, yet never answer a question himself? and then he gets his free speech and hurrah?
i support the latter (his free speech), but jesus christ, he is one useless piece of shit. . .
Ahhh yes another progressive IDIOT, this one calls himself money! The warning signs of being a useless are very apparent in post #9. With commentary like that in #9 he’s not getting paid!
FACTS scare “people” like money!
When real questions are asked Puddy answers. If you think the empty nut bag asked a real question, then you are as nutty as the empty nut bag!
All Jesus has to do is read the troll@10’s putrid 40k+ tracks in these comment threads and I’m sure Jesus would agree with that assessment.
LMAO!!! Didn’t know Charlie Hebdo had a NYC address troll.
And so stupid the troll forgot all about the NSA and their continuously permitted telecom metadata harvesting, the FBI and their NSL’s, etc..
@4 You forgot a few:
5) The same type of extremists exploded pressure-cooker bombs in crowds at the Boston Marathon.
6) The same type of extremists planted a bomb at a Colorado NAACP office today.
7) The same type of extremists blow up abortion clinics and gun down abortion doctors.
8) The same type of extremists point sniper rifles at BLM officers.
@5 “his sadministration’s attack on Charlie Hedbo”
@9 ” is he an internal troll to drive comments?”
Yes, we pay him. He’s actually very nice in person.
I’m sure the same was often said of another Republican..
Ted Bundy.
Wow troll. I thought Israel uses force to defend their country and their citizens, not wage war on another religion. Gee. I guess they got their work cut out for them. Only a billion or more muslims to go. AIPAC will do their best to persuade the next klownservative preznit to nuke em’ all from orbit. Only way to be sure.
Well you’re a big booster of Israel here. I guess you know better.
Can this idiot troll dig a bigger hole for his ignorant self?
The only possible response to that news from the village idiot troll@10 and his Hot Air type fellow travelers is:
Good riddance!
To the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot @17,
Those are your idiotic words. Remember absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot, you think like them. You hate Israel just like them.
In church this evening we prayed for his family having to watch over and over his assassination on that YouTude video everyone is playing by morons who think like you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! At least my 40,000+ comments don’t EVER think like those killers. Yet absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot, you think like them every day with your Israeli hatred.
Sux to be an absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Soooooooooooooo IDIOT Wabbit @12, Jay Carneybarker didn’t attack Charlie Hebdo for their cartoons in a daily screed back in 2012?
Wanna read the exact wording of the screed?
Wanna read what Josh Earnest didn’t say today because of Obummer sadministration whitey house political correctness that the French President DID immediately say; so Obummer calls an emergency presser in the oval orifice to finally call it terrorism?
You HA DUMMOCRETINS are a scary loony bunch of LIVs!
Who claimed these are “Islam Religion” peeps? Puddy thought you called them “terraists”? You do leaking buttspigot! Proves how wrong your “thoughts” really are leaking buttspigot!
Just another overseas contingency operation EH?
You prayed for the muslim cop??? You call a guy like that “religion of peace” all the time in these threads. You don’t fool us ignorant liar!
You did stupid troll. “Religion of peace” is your dog whistle for hating muslims. You don’t separate peaceful muslims from violent extremists in any of your putrid tracks you leave in these threads.
@19 I didn’t post #12, but I’ll be happy to endorse its contents.
As loathe as I am to post links to schizophrenical websites, I just had to sow some grist into that weird little ungulate excrement mill that ol’ Spittles has churning in his skull.
One of the major problems I see with religious mania and fanatical behaviors that unerringly result from it, is that the religion is a method of camouflaging violent psychosis. If religion was completely taken out of the equation, that obsessive behavior becomes self-evident. As it stands now, religion helps people with obsessive behavior disorders channel that obsession into something that at least turn a profit to those who control the message. Nothing sells faster, and at such a high rate of return as pure bullshit.
People who are left helpless to fend for themselves with such disorders will inevitably act out. I’d be willing to bet that this is a direct result of suppressing the self-education instincts of a little kid. They were punished for being curious. They were actively prevented from exploring the world around them very much. I knew a lot of kids when I was young who were never allowed to go out and play after school or even on weekends. They were pretty much locked inside their houses when they weren’t in school, they weren’t allowed to read any books outside of their parent’s direct approval, they weren’t allowed to have many friends, and it was always about the Church. The Church was the entirety of their lives. Nothing outside of the Church was permitted. If one wanted to be a friend, one had to go to Church with them. That was a lot of kids in my Elementary and Middle school.
So people raised like that react like little kids when something within the framework of that obsession creates an anger/offense response and many such folks lash out with as an extreme level of anger and physical force they can personally muster. That isn’t a rational act of a thoughtful adult, that is the reaction of a helpless little kid that just might have been beat down too many times, or conversely, made to believe that he is some perfect princely example of his race or Nationality or the religion he has been raised on in conjunction with that, and nothing he could do in the name of that religion could ever be perceived as being morally or ethically wrong.
The gun makes it all so easy-peasy. Just a little twitch of a finger can send someone into whatever afterlife they might believe in. The gun is a cowards weapon. It requires zero skill, zero active cognation, and nearly zero physical effort to make it function. Give that obsessive individual a gun, a large bank of rigid belief systems and include a high pressure education on exactly what constitutes a grave offense to that belief system, then discourage or suppress any knowledge that might conflict with that, and you’ll have a fanatic who is willing to do violence.
There’s a reason why male humans between the ages of 16 and 25 make up the bulk of the world’s militaries. They’re the easiest to rile up, they’ll do whatever you make them do when you add physical stress to their lives such as really creating the situation where they could be killed. They’re the easiest to lie to, and they’re gullible as hell when you use those religious ideals in their training. They are already highly conditioned to be predisposed to obey a command structure.
So, blaming Obama for this massacre in France, or the one in Sandy Hook, or the one at the military base in Texas is not just utterly absurd on it’s face, it is an open and deliberate falsehood specifically designed to incite visceral reactions in people who cannot see any reason why they should question that narrative. Especially when that narrative is being repeated around the same religious background as the individual who is from the same demographic as they are. But for the fanatic, the obsessive, it creates a real problem. It gives them a reason to take offense.
Especially when that offense is that of merely being questioned about philosophical conflicts within their belief system.
LMAO!!! Of course they do. When the country that can do no wrong kills hundreds of kids, old men and women, the sick and dying in hospitals in the Gaza,
YOU ARE SILENT(LY GLOATING)! And you distract from these horrors by babbling about feckless rockets that cause next to no casualties
Remember what you said long ago village idiot troll?
If you don’t publicly condemn it YOU SUPPORT IT.
LMAO!!! And our local village idiot troll has bought shitloads indeed of pure bullshit.
I can’t help but notice that in our post-racial society the news of Scalise, he of unfortunate associations and weak excuses, becoming the new face of the Republican party occurred the same week the NAACP was bombed.
Oops! I hope I didn’t just play a race-card. Oh, my! That’d leave me open to being accused by some crazy, fucked up wingnut shitstain who cheers each and every police shooting of a black man for walking down the street, shopping or sleeping, that I’m the “real racist” – a DUMMOCRETIN!!
LMAO!!! I don’t hate Israel stupid troll. I despise egregiously unjust societies. The State of Israel was built on a rotten foundation and can only stand by increasing force of violence.
I can’t support that. When the State of Israel enforces racism at home and projects bellicosity abroad, I call it out.
Thousands of Jewish Israelis and diaspora jews do the same. Do they “hate Israel” like “them”???
What a silly lying ass you are!
I think the old cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb in his turban and a crazy look on his face says it all.
We should fill the world with so many cartoons like that that there is no way for them to react to it (Muslims) except to address the issue it raises.
Which is: Do we have the right to criticize their religion or will we have to defeat them on a larger field?
I, for one, won’t shut up.
Fuck the puddyfuckwad and his fucking religious extremism.
And what of the colonies. When the ghosts of Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco come back to gay Paris. Loss of part of France still must pain the grey haired men sometimes when walking the boulevards thinking of days of Empire. Yet France is still where “The Rights of Men” were born on the kings tennis courts. What grand ideas that still breath and survived a terror, the worlds first and yes the French are perfectly capable of some wonderful statement of Enlightenment or a spiral into terror. I do believe Madame Guillotine is still available, though believed of late to be passé. Perhaps not now the French will struggle with this clash. Hubris of Empire, but yea suddenly magazines across Europe are putting on the cover these cartoons and giving this creed the finger. Bravo!
There was also an attack on a police officer in Paris, who has died from injuries. French authorities are saying it is too early to tell if it is connected to the attack on Charlie Hebdo.
Puddy notices how HA’s buttspigot changes the “tone” of it’s comments. Everyone knows how HA’s bittspigot hates Israel. It hates Israel almost as much as these terraists. Then it laugh’s it’s arschloch off. That’s all it has left being all arschloch.
1) Did the Arab policeman yell Allahu Akbar before he was assassinated buttspigot? Not from the video/audio of his assassination. This is why you are as dumb as rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears! You two can’t separate anything and process it correctly. The buttspigot lumps all Arabs as being terraists. All of the bttspigot rants above make no sense.
2) Puddy calls the “religion of peace” adherents those the buttspigot loves call terraists. That’s your word buttspigot. If the buttspigot can’t figger that out over the almost 10 years the buttspigot has polluted the HA threads first as For the Clueless, then changing it’s name over and over; then there is NO HOPE of a working brain in that neanderthal cranial orifice on your shoulders. Wait a minute… there is not working synapses in that orifice as this was determined to be true long ago.
3) Diaspora – The buttspigot whips out that out to make silly claims. The buttspigot like many here are Anti-Semitic. Your kind is identified here buttspigot. Puddy supports Israel’s right to exist. You take the terraist and Palestinian side over and over and over! The younger Jews are polluted by American newspapers and the progressive attitudes of DUMMOCRETINS. Yet, when it comes down to the brass tack bottom line; Jewish diaspora NY DUMMOCRETINS Jerry Nadler and Chuck Schumer fully SUPPORT Israel after all their standard bellicose anti-Israel statements in the Congress. Sux to be the HA buttspigot!
You see buttspigot, you think just like the Kouachi brothers.
This exactly describes HA’s buttspigot – Proverbs 6:12–19
Real news all the time on the terror attacks…
@ 33
Actually, Proverbs 6:19 describes you, to a Tea, Mr. Spittles.
Anyone else notice that our little pet schizophrenic seems to be positively ecstatic with glee over the Reims massacre? Hell, the people on FOXNews were literally high-fiving each other about it yesterday. They’re fucking over-goddamn-joyed about it.
Fucking sick bastards.
@23 “religion is a method of camouflaging violent psychosis”
Yeah, killing your fellow man (and a batch of defenseless civilians) is a lot easier if you scream “Allah akbar!” or “kill a commie for Christ!” while you’re doing it. You humans are weird.
@32 “Everyone knows how HA’s bittspigot hates Israel.
“Everyone,” in this case, consisting of one demented troll.
Scratch a lie, find a thief.
“Freedom agenda”. Jesus what a total crock of shit. He was so busy trying to rationalize the situation he caused that he’s tripping all over himself. Tell another lie to cover for a former lie, then forget exactly what it was he was even lying about.
That whole administration needs to be standing tall, in chains, at the Hague. We’re going to be dealing with the fallout for generations.
Notice how the troll changes his “tone”:
What does the troll mean by “almost”? If a secular jew criticizes Israel for one or more of its policies, does this jew “hate” Israel “almost” as much as some violent extremists? After all, lack of support for Israel’s racist and bellicose policies equates for support of terrorism and anti-semitism in the deranged mind of the troll.
And the bullshitting asshole troll is always calling the Israel critics in these threads “friends” of the terrorists. I suppose this disgusting liar has some proof of this.. Naaaah. He’s just full of hate himself projecting it on others.. Yaawwwwn.. As it ever was with deranged asshole klownservative trolls.
LMAO!!! Notice the troll calls the cop Arab. Was he a muslim troll? A secular muslim perhaps? Did you check out his religion before you and your church “prayed” for him and his family? The troll, a coward and hater, sidesteps this question..
Oh wait but it’s explained here:
It’s TOO DAMN FUNNY!!! I never called the cop “arab”. I called him a muslim as referred to in the tweet.. The “inference” is clear.. The troll must believe all muslims are violent extremists, ticking time bombs just waiting to go off. In the trolls mind, there’s no possibility that the cop was a muslim. He had to be a christian of some kind.
Damn it sucks to be this deranged troll who crosses the street when a man wearing a skull cap or a woman wearing a hajab strolls his way. Always living in fear.
And the troll really seals the proof on his stupidity.. I use “terraists” to poke fun at the sicko torture and war policies of the empty suit it voted for twice and the empty suit’s mispronunciation.
We liberals don’t support people hurting other people unless it’s in self-defense. The troll is too stupid for words. Or too sick in the head, ruled by his hateful fantasies.
The crazed-bigot who tried to blow up the Colorado Springs, CO. office of the NAACP is still at large.
Where is the outrage from the puddyfuckwad?
Because the bad guys are only brown or black.
FOX says so.
Rush says so.
Must be so.
Here’s what a member of the other “religion of peace” was up to…
Right-wing extremists in Georgia charged as domestic terrorists,
But, but, Bill Ayers!!
Meanwhile Puddy’s classmate is standing up while other libtards run away…
Manwhile HA’s buttspigot sez nuthin important. Elevated itself to a hero of whale manure… the standard level of buttspigot discourse!
That’s nice buttspigot, since it was well known the policeman was from Tunisia… Hence his was an Arab! You’d learn this if you read the Puddylinks!
Sheeeeesh you really are a moron! Butt we all already knew this from your almost 10 years of buttspigot droppings in HA DUMMOCRETIN threads!
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears did you really read your article? Where is Christian Jose Gomez identified as a Christian? You hijacked that paragraph!
I’m still waiting for Spudnutz to express similar outrage against Christian terrorists.
Puddy still waiting for the IDIOT Wabbit to condemn atheist and satanist terraists!
“I’m still waiting for Spudnutz to express similar outrage against Christian terrorists.”
He doesn’t think of them as terrorists. Rather, for Puddy, right-wing Christian terrorists are heroes in the mold of our Founding Fathers.
Behold! They’re just like Washington, Jefferson and Madison…
“Peace, Cannon and Williamson — all members of a militia in Georgia — participated in online chat discussions between Jan. 23 and Feb. 15, 2014, that were monitored by the FBI.
During the conversations online, they discussed using guerilla war tactics and planned to launch attacks against a metro Atlanta police station and several government agencies in February 2014.
The three men attempted to “recruit other individuals to join them and to carry out similar operations in those individuals’ home states.”
Peace allegedly told other militia members to choose targets including “road blocks, TSA checkpoints, sheriffs/police conducting operations outside the Constitution” as well as to participate in the “removal of government people who support extra-Constitutional activities.””
Again you avoided the question toolish one. Did you and your church pray for the family of a muslim?
You can’t answer that question either because you don’t know or you DON”T WANT TO KNOW..
What’s wrong with praying for the family of a muslim cop troll?
“Many”must include JCH..
“Many” must include Mark the Redneck.
“Many” must include Man of Truth.
Have any of those klownservative anti-Semites above supported Goldy’s voice in this blog in spirit and/or donated coin?
More silliness from the deranged, demented troll. What else??
LMAO!!! Of course I take the Palestinian side. 20 percent of the population of Israel are Palestinian. I support them in their struggle against 2nd class citizenship in their own country. Why shouldn’t I support Israeli citizens stupid troll? You do don’t you????
And I don’t stop with the Palestinians. Any Jewish Israeli disgusted with the brutal and repressive racist policies of the Israeli government is fine by me.
Nice to see you mocking the silly mispronunciations of the empty suit you voted for twice.. Taking one from my book huh troll?
What else??
There goes the troll wearing the tin foil hat and disparaging young jews who think for themselves. Wow. Sure sux to be that troll.
What??? Damn! So some democrats criticize Israel but can still FULLY SUPPORT Israel??
I thought that couldn’t happen in the troll’s puny universe. It’s either all or nothing to the bullshitting asshole troll. Wow
Oh well.. Those democrats have a right to run their political careers as they see fit. It’s up to their constituents to vote yea or nay on the matter. I don’t live in their States..
LMAO!! I call Godwin’s law.. You lose the debate troll. You must really pride yourself on being an expert on how murderers think. Did you learn that from Agent Wilhelmina “Dana” Scully-Jack???
CNN reporting that Paris terrorists want to die as martyrs. I think that is part of the problem with this whole terrorist situation that feeds thems via the fear and sensationalism attention that they get. Instead CNN should report that the terrorist want to die as cowards and assholes, then let’s see how many people want to copy them,
@52 let’s not forget about Christian terrorist that call for stoning of gays, and say god hates gays. That shot is terrorism, even if it doesn’t directly kill someone. Inevitably this type of terrorism breeds hate and spawns some asshole to beat or kill a gay person. Terrorism is terrorism. Osama bin laden was a terrorist but he didn’t fly the planes, he was the guy calling to hate gay people in essence to my example. The goons are the ones doing the beatings and killings.
Puffy supports those terrorists as do a lot of right wingers, like supporting Putin, another terrorist.
Just had a discussion with my father about Christian extremists (terrorists) that call for stoning gay people or death. He said that was different and that it is free speech. He pretty much didn’t back down until I told him that I have my own religion and it calls for stoning of heterosexuals. I said how is that for freedom of speech? I said how many Christians would think that my religion is bad and terroristic.
Even a dad can be stupid. I told him not to be so self righteous.
HA buttspigot hero… deluded as evah! One long post of deluded babbling. When caught with its own statements the buttspigot blows a gasket!
hero in its own mind!
…You lose the debate troll…
Should the words debate and troll be used in the same sentence?
I know I left my MLA guide around here somewhere. Gimme a sec…