Young Turks: Republican Santa?!?
Rappin’ up 2012
Young Turks: Dick Armey’s armed teabagging coup:
Sam Seder on Social Security hater Alan Simpson.
- Sam Seder: Fiscal Cliff? US Deficit shrinking at fastest pace since WW II.
- Young Turks: CNBC anchor completely flips out over fiscal cliff
- Obama makes statement on avoiding a middle class tax hike.
- Sam Seder: When Republicans say, “broaden the base,” they mean “screw the middle class.”
- Young Turks: Debt ceiling fear mongering.
- Sam Seder: Why the U.S. doesn’t have a debt crisis.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: DUI for a dry politician?
Guns, God, Kids, and Schools:
- Ann Telnaes: NRA’s Body Language.
- David Gregory shows high-capacity ammunition magazine on ‘Meet The Press’ (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young Turks: Military grade weapons show up at gun buy-back
- Nutjob Sheriff Joe Arpaio wants ‘armed posse’ to protect Arizona schools (via Crooks and Liars).
- Liberal Viewer: Gun control or God control?
- Red State Update: Gun Control.
- Mark Fiore: Bumper Sticker Action.
- Young Turks: Celebrities call for gun control.
White House: West Wing Week.
How Republicans will raise your milk prices (via Crooks and Liars).
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Good morning. Everyone try something here.
Google search:
“Civil Rights Organization Patrols Sanford”
Enjoy the fun.
Haha! Except it’s not funny. Wow, what a bunch of ass-clowns.
Peter Orszag:
Wow something new right wingers (Faux Snooze and hate talk radio in particular) can claim credit for!
CNN tries to outdo Faux:
Objective: WAR with Iran..
@ 4
Nothing new here. w.R. Hearst almost singlehandedly started the Spanish-American war by propagating with his newspaper company. Repeating ad-nauseum the sinking of the USS Maine as an attack on one of our capital ships, even though it was a coal dust explosion that blew it up.
It isn’t about disseminating information, or telling the truth about anything. It’s about selling the product. In the case of the cable TV propaganda companies, its about keeping people in their easy chairs to watch the commercials. The actual programming they put on isn’t the pundits or the “news”, its the commercial advertising. All that other stuff is just filler between the money making shit.
@1 That’s a screamer. You don’t know whether to howl with laughter or pull your fur out.
@5 I’ve always thought the Superbowl ads were better than the game. When ads are done well they’re the best entertainment on TV.
So, Dick Armey wants to emulate that paragon of advanced civilization, Afghanistan, where newly ascended leaders routinely murder their predecessors and as many of their followers as they can get their hands on?
As of April 1979, Afghanistan’s leader was Sardar Mohammed Daoud Khan, who 6 years earlier had seized power from the king (who was his cousin and brother-in-law).
On April 28, 1979, Daoud was overthrown and murdered in a coup led by Nur Muhammad Taraki, of the Parcham faction of Afghanistan’s communist party, the PDPA, and Hafizullah Amin, of the Khalq faction of the PDPA.
On September 14, 1979, Amin overthrew and murdered Taraki, then rounded up and murdered dozens of Taraki’s Parcham buddies and tens of thousands of other people.
Amin promptly left the communist reservation and, the Soviets believed, began cozying up to the CIA. On December 25, 1979, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, murdered Amin and his entire family, and installed Parchamite Babrak Karmal as their puppet.
Karmal, an ineffectual stooge, was replaced on Gorbachev’s orders in 1986 with yet another Parchamite, Mohammad Najibullah Ahmadzai, whose regime collapsed in 1992. He was murdered by the Taliban in 1996.
Pension? What pension? If you’re the leader of Afghanistan, you don’t need no fucking pension! Nor survivor benefits for your wife and kids, because there’ll be no survivors.
Is this the model Dick Armey is adopting for his little fiefdom? Just wondering. As ridiculous as things have become here, at least we’re not Afghanistan — yet. The basic elements are there, though. We have our own Taliban, they’re acquiring modern military weapons, and mass murder is becoming part of our way of life. The American Taliban have set out to reverse 20 centuries of civilized progress within a decade or two.
@ 6
Froggs don’t have fur you dottering lagomorph.
I am the greatest commenter in the history of HA, and that includes both commenters and bloggers who come into the comment section to comment. I, more than any other person, including the founder, is responsible for the survival of this blog. I have gravitas.
@ 11
You’re also the dude with the day-glow orange super shag carpet in your bathroom, and a full length mirror directly facing the loo so you can watch yourself take a shit every morning.
Stock tip: Short Santelli. Ticker symbol: SANTI Traded on the pink sheets. Risk is high due to small float and insider control. Nevertheless, opportunities can be found. These are the same people who have fallen more than once for Nigerian letter scams and believe, despite all contrary evidence, that the US is “just like Greece”.
@13 The rest of the CNBC crew isn’t much better.
Fucking god-damned nigger bitch.
@11 You’re confusing “gravitas” with “gravity”.
This jackass, whoever he is, wouldn’t think he was so funny if he had to pay a $1,000 fine for each bird.
I remember hopping through Cheyenne, Wyoming, past the Union Pacific yards in 1970, and seeing steam locomotives parked there. Well, lo and behold, there’s still a roundhouse and at least three steam locomotives there, only one of which is currently operating. Union Pacific No. 844, built in 1944, was never retired from service and remains on UP’s locomotive roster, and has an excursion schedule every year. A non-operating sister locomotive is kept on hand for parts to keep No. 844 running, and a larger “Challenger” class locomotive is being restored and may return to the rails in 2016. No. 844 was originally a passenger locomotive; the Challengers hauled World War 2 freight over the Rocky Mountains.
Fiscal cliff discussions break down after Republicans demand Social Security cuts
– Good! Why do republicans hate the 99%
@19 This is great! GOPers are holding your tax refund hostage until your grandpa hands over his Social Security check! That should clarify some things for middle-class voters.
Roger @ 16- No, the confusion is between gravitas and gravy. Mommy just brought Troll some more gravy.
Occupy Wall Street in the news yet again.
I’m wondering if Darryl will ask if there’s statistical proof that shit like this:
Greenwich Village couple busted with cache of weapons, bombmaking explosives: sources
The privileged daughter of a prominent city doctor, and her boyfriend — a Harvard grad and Occupy Wall Street activist — have been busted for allegedly having a cache of weapons and a bombmaking explosive in their Greenwich Village apartment.
happens more often in OWS circles than in the general population as a whole.
I, again, won’t have an answer to that question.
There weren’t murders, rapes, OD deaths, suicides, or people trying to blow shit up at Tea Party events, though.
And while bomb-making stuff is (YAWN) old news in OWS circles, how about those high-capacity magazines?
Police also found a flare launcher, which is a commercial replica of a grenade launcher; a modified 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun; ammo; and nine high-capacity rifle magazines, the sources said.
That right there is some serious down twinkles.
Happy New Year, HA libbies.
@22 Yeah, you gotta wonder why the children of the rich are a bunch of goddamned anarchist bomb-throwers. The estate tax should be 100%. They wouldn’t have so much time on their hands if they had to work like the rest of us.
Fiscal Cliff Tax Deal
Based on news sources and the president’s remarks this morning, the “fiscal cliff” will be done in stages, and the tax deal looks like this:
Individuals making over $400k and couples over $450k will pay the Clinton-era top rate of 39.6%.
Dividend tax will rise to 20% for that group and stay at 15% for everyone else.
Estate tax exemption of $5 million with estate tax rate rising to 40%.
The stock market is modestly up this morning.
A person after my own heart:
Tailor made for Ahab-complex sufferer Bob..
22 – zzzzZZZzzz.. Occupy was always supposed to be about non-violent civil disobedience..
I’m sure the weapons were planted by over-zealous Cheney leave-behinds.
Poor Bob – reduced to fishing in a parking lot pond after a rainstorm.
@ 26
Hey, YLB.
You gonna resolve to be gainfully employed sometime during 2013 or with the election results are you still good doin’ whatever it is you do?
Today’s been fun. With one eye I watch what we’re hearing about the negotiations @ 24 and with the other I look at what expenses to pull into this year or push into next year and with my third eye I look at what stock sales to make before the market closes in 1:16.
Ah, and then there’s work. So I can earn money, then pay taxes, then have the rest @22 stolen from me when I’m dead.
Wadda country!
28 – zzzz… reduced to the bottom of the saucepan..
What a joke you are Bob. You got it made! Wow! The “community organizer” has been bery, berry good for Bob..
Keep it up though.. It’s kind of quiet here without the silliness from trolls.
@ 29
The “community organizer” has been bery, berry good for Bob..
No difference either way, actually.
Where his influence will really kick in is starting in about several years, when the national debt is at $23T or so and Dems are struggling to raise taxes on the highest earners to 45% in order to glean another $50B per year in revenues.
I’ll be retired and it won’t affect me. The real tab, paid for by reduced economic opportunity and diminished job growth, will be paid for by Lib Sci’s children.
That’s the irony about all of this. The demographic group that most strongly supports Obama is the one that will be taking it most deeply up the ass as a result of the policies he supports.
Me? I’ll pay higher taxes for the next 4-6 years or so, retire sooner rather than later, and leave the mess to Lib Sci’s children. It will be their turn to support you, YLB.
It sure sucks you can’t take it with you.
No worries Bob. As I told the asshat little maxee wankatansky.. If ever I got ahold of some of your precious lucre I’d just wipe my ass with it before flushing it.. Or in your case I’d just throw it into the cold hole after you.
You seem so attached to it. Why not bury you with it? Who am I to separate a lost soul from what gives him or her some small comfort in this brief life?
30 – zzzzZZZzzzzz … More sad piffle…
@ 31
You seem so attached to it.
Actually, no. Taxation influences behavior. We’ve clearly seen higher taxation coming for some time now. Nearly two months. So, we’re in the process of setting up trusts to charities of our choice. Benefits the charities we want to see helped, and keeps our money out of the government’s hands.
The best part is when we donate appreciated stock. We get a tax deduction for the entire amount of the donation AND we avoid taxation on the capital gains portion we would otherwise face, were we to instead sell the stock.
You should try it sometime. Next time you get a welfare check, just endorse it over to United Way.
Serial Conservative @ 33,
Speaking of Charities…don’t you have an outstanding obligation to fulfill?
@ 34
Dear XXXX:
It’s a fact. Thanks to you, fewer people in Washington will go hungry.
Can you imagine a 10-year-old celebrating her birthday without food to eat – let alone no birthday cake? How about a newly retired teacher whose social security checks don’t stretch far enough to cover all the bills? Unfortunately, we can because we’ve seen it all too often. But, we have also seen the reassurance, comfort and dignity that you give to others when you help us provide food to those who need it, no questions asked. Your contributions help make that happen. Thank you!
I am writing to acknowledge that we received your gift of $1,000.00 on December 31, 2012.
Your thoughtfulness and generosity enable Northwest Harvest to address hunger statewide, just as we’ve done for the last 45 years.
You may be aware that not only do we run the state’s busiest food bank on Cherry Street in Seattle, we also distribute nutritious food to more than 350 partners throughout Washington State, including food banks and meal programs. And, our backpack program discreetly provides food for kids in more than 40 high-need schools so that they have nutritious meals and snacks on weekends and holidays, helping to improve academic readiness.
Please know your gift means a lot. It costs Northwest Harvest only 67 cents to provide a complete meal for a family of three. So, we cannot overstate the enormous impact of your contribution. One of the people that your gift has helped told us recently, “Please thank them. You’re what has kept me going.” We can’t say it better than that.
With gratitude,
Shelley Rotondo
Executive Director
No tangible benefit, goods or services were provided to the donor in connection with this gift. Northwest Harvest is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization. Tax ID #91-0826037. Please retain this letter as a receipt for your gift.
@ 34
Like I said @ 28, we’re doing a lot of year-end stuff today. My wife’s got her own list.
BTW it’s a pain in the ass to donate anonymously unless it’s cash stuffed into a red kettle next to a bell-ringer.
I put ‘In honor of Dr. Holman’ and the HA web address in the memo. Didn’t make it into the auto-generated letter. You can check it with the ED or I can send you the anonymized text and the CC statement if you want verification. Us evil Rethuglicans are all born liars, after all.
Awwww Bob…
Doesn’t the government support the troops? VA and whatnot??
Why do you hate the troops Bob? Bush sent a lot of cannon fodder into his wars that you supported twice.
I guess you just hate all those Republicans on food stamps…
Welfare?? Shit we don’t even get food stamps.. We’re way behind the Republicans in the trendy dept.
Bob’s battening down the hatches..
It’s the “end-times” for America..
Heavens! It’s supposed to go the other direction don’t you know????
Over the cliff we go..
600 billion in revenue increases? Heh. We’ll take it. Ugly cuts to follow I’m sure.
He’s being kind. Take or leave it morons. Go F yourselves whatever you decide.