Jon does Barack.
Mark Fiore: microtargetting undecideds.
Sam Seder with a new edition of Random Rush.
The Candidates Have Dinner Together:
- Obama and Romney joke at Al Smith dinner (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young TurksAnalyzing Barack’s jokes at the Al Smith charity dinner.
- Young TurksAnalyzing Mitt’s jokes at the Al Smith charity dinner.
- Maddow: Romney camp embarks on misinformation campaign to hide extremist policy.
Sam Seder: Breaking down Benghazi; the G.O.P.’s scandalquest.
White House: West Wing Week.
Newsy: Another appeal’s court finds DOMA unconstitutional.
Sam Seder: FAUX and Fiends lose their minds over BASIC MATH.
Obama: Commit to vote.
Pap: The continuing G.O.P. war on voting.
Willard (and friends):
- Stephen switches positions (via DailyKos).
- Mitt Romney’s problems with women.
- Young Turks: Romney to CEO’s—‘Help’ employees vote ‘right’ way
- Thom: Romney encourages employers to tell employees how to vote
- Stephen reveals Mitt’s plans for Day One
- Romney recorded asking employers to sway worker’s votes.
- Obama explains Romnesia (via Crooks and Liars):
- Bashir: Diagnosing Romnesia (via The Political Carnival).
- Jennifer Granholm: How Romnesia took the nation by storm.
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan’s pathetic soup kitchen photo op.
- Kimmel: Mitt’s new women’s ad
- Mitt’s math-challenged tax plan.
- Maddow: Bush foreign policy infects Romney campaign
- ONN: Mitt’s leaked Google search history!
- SlateTV: Romney boys can’t contain their Obama debate anger
- Tagg Romney jokes about taking a swing at the President.
- Ed: Tagg shows disrespect.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Your dad is a liar…so take a swing at me (via Crooks and Liars).
- Sam Seder: Tagg wishes he could punch the President
- Sharpton: Tagg Romney’s ‘Take a swing at Obama’ comment is a symptom of GOP disrespect & racism
- Zina Saunders: Pick-a-Prez:
- Mitt Romney’s condescending views toward women
Maddow: Maricopa County Elections puts wrong election date on form—in Spanish only.
Sam Seder: Federal Appeals Court rules DOMA unconstitutional.
Jennifer Granholm: Debunking conservative myths—what your Republican uncle needs to know.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News or CNN less biased on Romney politicizing death of ex-SEAL.
SlateTV: The Boss is back!
Maddow: Party differences apparent in donor list.
Debate, Town Hall Style:
- Stephen: On Megyn Kelly’s town hall debate analysis
- Who won?
- Key & Peele: Luther on Obama’s town hall debate win.
- Thom: Myth Master Mitt Romney.
- Sam Seder: Obama smacks Romney’s Libya accusations as offensive
- Ann Telnaes: Biden helps Obama prepare for debate 2.
- Romney’s way: He talks…you listen.
- Sam Seder: Mitt Romney’s Libya FACE PLANT!
- Bashir: Right-wing “act of error” on Libya
- Right wing debate delusions: An ‘act of terror’ is NOT really a ‘terror attack’?!?
- Ed: Right-wingers still blame Candy Crowley for Romney’s poor performance.
- Newsy: Romney’s binders full of women
- Conan: Obama impresses the judges.
- Jon on binders full of women.
- Sam Seder: Did Romney make his case for affirmative action with his binders?
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Romney’s Binders
- Ann Telnaes: Another Romney binder.
- Young Turks: Binders full of women—great story because MITT LIED
- SlateTV: The “Binders full of women” meme
- Jonathan Mann: Binders full of Women.
Young Turks: “Lowlife Scumbag”…Congressional debate gets heated.
John Fugelsang: The week in amnesia—a tale of two 9/11s:
Mitchell and Maddow: Obama touts advocacy for women.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Jennifer Granholm: Issa’s sensitive document dump jeoporadizes security.
Sam Seder: Rep. Joe Walsh opens up new front on the War on Women™.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Just in time for the foreign policy debate on Monday, the Republican party reminds us all that for them the lives of people defending this republic and its principles are simply cannon fodder for political gain.
Issa’s Benghazi document dump exposes several Libyans working with the U.S.
Scoring political points with the lives of others. It is what today’s Republicans do.
From the both sides do it file
Vandals spray-paint swastikas on Obama campaign office in Conifer
Stay classy Republicans!
Will Gekko/Galt call for a declaration of war against Canada?
TransCanada temporarily shuts Keystone pipeline
We should definitely fast track the Keystone Pipeline project across fragile environmental areas!
What could possibly go wrong???
@2 Telling Republicans to stay classy is like telling pigs to stay clean. Beyond keeping some type of class they are a bunch of Pretenders. They wave around the American flag all patriotically but they don’t believe in true Freedom. The Great Pretenders. Fakes and Phonies and the biggest hypocrites.
Wanna know who is raising the BIG BUCK$ for the presidential candidates?
Obama tells you.
Slick Willard won’t tell you. You just need to trust him.
For those lily livered never served in the uniform of our country TROLLS who come here and parrot the Republican talking points to make political hay on the death of American hero patriots
U.S.: Evidence doesn’t show planning in Libyan attack
“Please proceed Governor.”
Yesterday Michael wrote
that $15,000,000, which Romney borrowed to make it through the end of the primary season and because he couldn’t tap his general fund, was a lot of dough.
OK. Let’s say he’s right.
A bank owned by a union has loaned the DNC $15M in the past two months:
DNC Owes Union Bank $15M
Washington Free Beacon, by Staff Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/20/2012 9:12:11 AM Post Reply
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) now owes $15 million to the union-owned Amalgamated Bank of New York, campaign finance records show. The DNC received a $7 million loan from the bank in September, in addition to the $8 million loan it took out the previous month, neither of which has been paid back.
and Obama borrowed the same amount last month
Obama Campaign Borrows
$15M from Bank of America
Washington Free Beacon, by Staff Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/20/2012 9:07:09 AM Post Reply
Obama For America took out a $15 million loan from Bank of America last month, according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report. The loan was incurred on September 4 and is due November 14, eight days after the election.
Romney had a good reason for borrowing the money – he needed it as a bridge before he could tap the general fund.
What was Obama/DNC’s reason?
Get ready for The Pain.
@7 Kap’n Kornflake,
Gawd are you thick!
ALL campaigns borrow money to bridge their finances. Just like a business gets revolving credit you idjit. jeebus on a cracker!
The last two weeks are gonna be a huge barrel of GOP whoop-ass poured over the Midwest.
RNC Trounces DNC in Fundraising as Democrat Party Goes Bankrupt
Posted on | October 20, 2012
The official Federal Election Committee reports for September are out, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s DNC is a complete wreck. The Democrats ended September with cash on hand of $4.6 million, compared to the Republican National Committee’s $82.6 million.
That’s nearly an 18-to-1 cash advantage for Republicans.
Get ready for The Pain.
@ 8
ALL campaigns borrow money to bridge their finances.
Well, then I guess we’re looking at Team Obama borrowing heavily on a Bridge to Nowhere.
Pretty apt metaphor to describe his entire presidency, don’t you think?
Thanks for that hanging curve down the middle, MBS.
Missiles of October, RNC-style.
Condensed to a single article title.
Republican National Committee has $83 million in bank; Democratic National Committee takes out loan
Read more:
Gotta love this last line. Priceless.
The DNC declined to comment for this report.
Uh oh.
Republicans are bracing themselves for Gloria Allred to make a potentially damaging revelation about Mitt Romney, just weeks before the election.
The pro-President Obama lawyer is rumoured to be preparing for her so-called ‘October surprise’ in which she will strike the Republican presidential hopeful’s chances by unearthing some sort of secret or scandal.
Read more:
Wow, no shortage of skirts for Obama to cower behind, is there?
@10 Kap’n Kornflake,
Hey big talker, you feeling yourself confident enough to increase our wager to a Rmoney respectable amount of $10k?
And why didn’t you respond to Darryl yesterday?
Obama’s troubles in MI and PA just got a little bit worse. Maybe more than a little.
This has to be persuasive, as it’s the guy who really saved Chrysler.
“After a lifetime of voting for and supporting Democrats — and even declining appointment to the U.S. Senate from a Democratic governor — Lee Iacocca Thursday endorsed Republican Mitt Romney for president.
The blessings of the onetime Chrysler chairman are expected to help Romney in two highly competitive states: Pennsylvania, where the 88-year-old Iacocca was born and raised and is still widely respected, and in Michigan, where Iacocca rose to become a major figure in the auto industry and won international praise for cobbling together the government-backed loans that saved Chrysler in 1980.”
@ 13
I did, offline.
Our current bet stands.
Forbes Magazine, The Capitalist Tool, reports:
If Romney Cuts Taxes For The Rich By 20%, He Will Have To Raise Taxes For The Middle Class By $1 Trillion
@ 14
The guy who really saved Chrysler endorses the guy who saved the Salt Lake City winter games as the guy best able to save America from herself.
That’s gotta look good in a 30-second ad splashed all over MI, OH, PA, doncha think?
Get ready for The Pain.
@14 Kap’n Kornflake,
How about I offer you 2:1 on a Rmoney respectable wager of $10,000 that Obama wins BOTH Michigan and Pennsylvania?
Think that endorsement is worth $20k of free money? Or maybe you’re just pissing in the wind … as usual.
Eight straight polls for Romney in FL.
Florida now gone for Obama
Long meandering thought from me:
First North Carolina, now Florida. While I’ve been saying they’ve been gone for a while, the eighth straight poll giving Romney a lead makes it pretty irrefutable. The President will not publicly concede it, because it would look terrible. But Romney is enjoying a close but consistent lead now.
The next two most Romney-loving states, Virginia and Colorado, may start dropping in line soon. Rasmussen gave us another R+ poll in the Old Dominion, and PPP could only get O+1 in their most recent paid poll released Wednesday. Not to mention the Kimball Poll and Gravis release earlier in the week.
Paint the South red.
And get ready for The Pain.
@ 16
Not sure which version of that piece you read. It apparently was updated to reflect a comment to the original post. The updated material:
In the interest of fairness I want to report that some readers of this blog have pointed out that Harvard economist Martin Feldstein wrote a column in the Wall Street Journal on August 28,2012, underscoring that IRS data from 2009 shows Romney’s plan “would not require a large tax increase on the middle class to avoid raising the deficit.”
Also note that the original piece referenced two sources for his post, one of which was Democratic Party headquarters, that well-known non-partisan entity that had to borrow $15M in the past two months so it could stay in the black.
Just sayin’.
And next unicorns will fly out of Obama’s ass.
Also Gravis has a new poll coming out this morning from Ohio pegging the race a 47%-47% tie, with a D+9 sample.
D+9? In 2012? Good luck with that.
@19 Kap’n Kornflake,
Nice piece of edited BS propaganda Gekko/Galt has put together to make political hay on the death of American patriot heroes.
Here’s an unedited video of George W. Bush making light of the lie he told to hurl the country into war to find WMD in Iraq. Iraq where you did not serve, and where 4,000 Americans died and 30,000 were wounded.
0550 is the time mark where he gets yucks for blood from lies.
If there’s going to be a bounce from the 2nd debate in Obama’s favor, it hasn’t shown up, yet. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Rasmussen 7-day tracking poll in the swing-states, which includes three post-debate poll days. Romney’s lead increases in each one.
I don’t think Obama did much to move the needle in debate #2.
Release Date
October 20, 2012
Romney +4
October 19, 2012
Romney +2
October 18, 2012
Romney +1
I don’t know about you, but I like to start off my vacation tan with a nice base char.
Banana Boat Is Recalling Its Sunscreen
That’s Catching People on Fire
Atlantic Wire, by Serena Dai Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 10/20/2012 6:04:00 AM Post Reply
Banana Boat is recalling its UltraMist spray-on sunscreens after five people in the past year have literally caught on fire from wearing it, the AP reports.
For laughs …
over at (un)SP “real men” troll for hook-ups in a conservative way
Seattle Elementary School Bans Halloween Costumes
One parent told The Seattle Time that earlier in the week a school vice principal told him the costumes were banned because observing Halloween might be offensive to some students, but the school said that wasn’t the case.
We wouldn’t want to risk offending the 0.1%, now, would we?
Kap’n Kornflake,
What political price should House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) pay for compromising the identities of several Libyans working with the U.S. government and placing their lives in danger when he released reams of State Department communications Friday?
Will Romney demand he immediately resign?
Or does that get a pass from you and your team?
@ 26
Speaking of down-ballot (it was in the first comment in your paste, MBS,
and in light of the stellar fund-raising job @ 9 by the DNC in the most recent reporting period,
do you have any predictions on down-ballot successes attributed to Obama’s coattails this fine Fall election season?
@ 28
What political price should House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) pay for compromising the identities of several Libyans
Since you asked, MBS, and since there’s a Pakistani doctor currently in jail (unless he’s already been killed) because Team Obama divulged details of the hit on OBL, I guess I think the political price should be similar.
Don’t you?
Are you glad you brought it up, MBS?
Good day, all. You, too, MBS.
Gotta run.
@31 Kap’n Kornflake,
You run away now. And your Bullshit response @28 continues to tell us just how cowardly and stupid you are.
Don’t forget to mail Darryl your check.
Ryan’s in western PA today.
Tweet from Salena Zito, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review writer:
More than half of the attendees at the Ryan rally are women.
Obama’s poll numbers with women have plummeted in recent weeks.
Does it matter?
Women don’t vote their uterus. They vote the economy. Remember that. Team Obama hopes you don’t.
Get ready for The Pain.
@33 Kap’n Kornflake,
I doubt you’ve ever heard of Moon Township let alone been there.
Check out the large crowd Ryan’s gathered at his huge rally
There are more people gathered in Moon Township this morning at the local McDonalds.
@30 Kap’n Kornflake made an accusation about the Obama administration in yet another attempt to make political hay at the expense of the interests of our nation and the principles for which it stands.
The accusation that the Obama administration divulged Dr Afridi’s name to Pakistan or anywhere is plainly false.
Prior to being detained by Pakistani authorities the Obama administration offered Dr Afridi and his family resettlement in the US
Once Dr Afridi was detained by Pakistan the Obama administration has worked diligently for his release.
The very fact that Bob makes such an unfounded and false accusation against the Obama administration in reply to a question about yesterday’s news of a Republican negligently jeopardizing lives in the pursuit of Republican political points is yet another example of Bob’s stupidity and callousness about the sacrifices others make and are making and which he (like Rmoney and his 5 boys) did not make.
Bob did not spend his youth serving this country. He spent it on drinking and eating such that he has gout.
@ 34
I remember, in early 2009, a lefty friend sent me a link to an article about 30 people gathered at a Tea Party meeting in some podunk town in eastern TN.
He was laughing his ass off at the pitiful group.
Go right ahead and smirk.
@ 35
The accusation that the Obama administration divulged Dr Afridi’s name to Pakistan or anywhere is plainly false.
I said nothing @ 30 about the doctor’s name being divulged. I said that operation details were divulged. It’s possible to share sufficient detail that a person involved can be outed.
IIRC a doctor went around to that neighborhood surrounding the compound in which OBL was housed, giving vaccinations or something, and collecting the needles so that DNA testing could be performed to ensure that the inhabitants of the compound had DNA homology with that of known OBL relatives.
I’m guessing it wasn’t hard to find the doctor, once the method of detecting OBL’s presence became public knowledge.
I did not say the name was disclosed. I said details of the operation were divulged.
Nice try, asswipe.
@36 Kap’n Kornflake,
I’m not “smirking” and I’m not a friend of yours.
Up @18 I made you an offer after you came here spewing bullshit. You never responded. Later you posted more bullshit about Gekko/Galt in Pennsylvania.
Again, not smirking. I’m doing.
How about I offer you 2:1 on a Rmoney respectable wager of $10,000 that Obama wins BOTH Michigan and Pennsylvania?
See Bob, unlike you and your nitwit fantasies and bullshit propaganda, I’ve got facts. Facts when coupled with your stupidity have already taken $1,000 dollars out of your pocket, providing you pay up.
So, if and when you come here with your Republican lies and talking points, it takes me very little effort to put the lie to them.
You’re a lying sack of shit Bob who doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
Now, run along … or limp along cuz of your fat eating drinking low exercise lifestyle induced gout.
He is very adept at the dishonest false equivalence.
His whole M.O. is the wheedling, gloating, smarmy put-down of his opponents, without the substance of a positive position, or at least one he’s honest enough to admit. The only time he’s expressed any sort of policy opinion that I’ve read was the other day, when he was going on about raising the FICA tax rate, but not the ceiling – which would of course force lower income people to pay more.
This leads me to the belief that he’s a simple greed-oriented rightist, motivated only by MORE FOR ME type thinking, but thinking he’s reluctant to state around here.
He doesn’t give a shit about foreign policy, or Darrell Issa putting peoples’ lives in danger in his manic quest for a scandal, or anything other than tearing down Obama and Democrats – and that only because a Romney win would be good for Dr. Robert’s wealth, plain and simple.
@37 Kap’n Kornflake,
Where’s your PROOF that it was “operation details.. divulged” by the Obama administration that put Dr Afridi at risk?
You got any PROOF?
Because if you don’t have PROOF Bob, the situation is not analogous at all to the FACT that House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) compromised the identities of several Libyans working with the U.S. government and placed their lives in danger when he released reams of State Department communications Friday.
And as you have NO PROOF Bob, why did you attempt to make an analogy between the fantasy of Obama jeopardizing lives in your twisted mind to actual FACTS of a House Republican leader putting lives at risk?
@ 39
which would of course force lower income people to pay more.
Well, I suppose that’s one way of looking at it. Another way is it forces EVERYONE to pay more. Everyone with a job, that is.
Shared sacrifice. What a concept.
Disingenuous fuck. I’m not going to bother schooling you AGAIN on this. You are all about getting other people, preferably those with lower incomes than your average radiologist, to pay more, so you don’t have to pay your share.
Shared sacrifice my ass.
@41 Kap’n Kornflake,
You speak of shared sacrifice, yet when you could have made a sacrifice and served this nation’s armed forces in a time of war you didn’t. Just like the candidate you support and his five sons. Slick Willard was for the Vietnam War while he played with his religion in a French Château.
You talk about other people who work making more sacrifices just like the candidate you support does, but those sacrifices wouldn’t apply to Rmoney and the windfall he and his wife made on the Chrysler bailout.
I thought you were going to limp on over to the couch and eat some donuts leaving us alone, you degenerate f*ck?
@ 40
Where’s your PROOF that it was “operation details.. divulged” by the Obama administration that put Dr Afridi at risk?
You got any PROOF?
My, aren’t we desirous of proof when it suits our purposes.
Harry Reid didn’t need any proof to allege that Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years.
But some guy commenting on a blog? You need a blood oath or something.
MBS, you got schooled and now you’re whining. First rule of holes, dude.
@ 42
“My share” is whatever you want it to be. It’s always easier to solve your problems by making someone else pay for it, isn’t it, Lib Sci.
Great concept to teach your teenage son. Offload responsibility on to someone else.
Award for exemplary performance in the false equivalence category.
A specialty of Dr. Robert’s.
I’ve asked you repeatedly to leave references to my children out of your odious comments.
But while you’re invading my space that way, let me ask…do you get more alumni fundraising calls from Brown, or Maryland?
You should know – that’s Republican mantra.
Lowering taxes on upper incomes – when they’re already at historic lows; increasing FICA rates, not ceiling, so lower earners pay more; eliminating capital gains taxes.
You are only about transferring costs to someone else, preferably poorer and more powerless.
@45 Kap’n Kornflake,
you got schooled and now you’re whining.
Unlike you I did not attend remedial schools, so my standards are a little higher for schooling dipshit.
How did you school me again?
Was it you made something up and compared it to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) compromised the identities of several Libyans working with the U.S. government and placed their lives in danger when he released reams of State Department communications Friday and declared them the same?
Hold on. I think I just flushed your school diploma after I wiped my ass with it.
Romney is up big with independents: In 2008 Obama beat John McCain by 8 percent among independents in Ohio. Of the seven current RCP polls that give independent numbers, Romney is up by an average of 8.7 percent:
That’s a 16 percent swing in independents toward Romney from 2008′s numbers. If you assume equal turnout in 2012 as 2008 (using my number from above) but take Obama’s 8 percent edge with independents and give it Romney, that 4.6 percent 2008 margin becomes a tie. At that point, Romney would win if he chips away at the five-percent turnout advantage from 2008.
Every stop in western PA reverberates in eastern OH.
Lee Iacocca endorsed Romney. There are an awful lot of UAW plants in Ohio. Iacocca saved Chrysler.
How y’all feelin’ about Barack’s chances in OH these days?
@50 Kap’n Kornflake,
How am I feeling about Obama/Biden’s chances in Ohio today?
I feel you should accept a Rmoney size wager with me of $10,000 that Obama/Biden wins Ohio AND Pennsylvania AND Michigan.
How do you feel? You feeling man enough to back up that bullshit with $$$?
No? Not surprised.
Now, please limp off because of your sloth induced disease of gout with your bag of donuts in front of your teevee playing Fox News.
Damn. Democratic counties in OH aren’t doing this year what they did in 2008.
It’s almost as if this ain’t 2008 or somethin’.
“Still more Democrats than Republicans requested early ballots, but Democrats’ percentage advantage has shifted from 33-19 in 2008 to 30-23 this year.”
“In 2008, Obama cleaned McCain in absentee voting,” Schweikart said in a news release announcing the findings. “McCain actually won the statewide vote on Election Day, but he was too far buried in the absentee and early vote count. Early voting in Ohio began earlier this month and could still produce some surprises.”
Schweikart found some of the most significant swings came in the state’s large, heavily Democratic urban counties.
Public Notice
It is unlikely that Roger Rabbit will be able to attend DL or other Election Night gatherings, as I will be working for the Voter Protection Program on Nov. 6, possibly out of the area.
The VPP is an effort by the Democratic Party to recruit lawyers to help ensure that everyone entitled to vote is able to do so, and that all legitimate ballots are counted.
The VPP counteracts the Republican Party’s shameful efforts to prevent American citizens from voting in their own country.
Clown gatherings like the VPP are why the GOP wants this to be an emphatic election result.
If we’re up by 2% in each red state, VPP becomes irrelevant.
Hey, RR, you could practice for being unavailable on election day by not posting between now and then.
Just a thought.
The fact of the matter is that Mitt Romney is winning Pennsylvania because he is winning the “jobs” argument. Every statewide poll we have done the past three years shows Pennsylvanians want the economy fixed. According to our latest polls, the economy continues to be cited as the most important problem facing the Commonwealth– mentioned by nearly fifty percent and far ahead of any other issue. And the PA Labor Department released its revised unemployment report showing the state’s unemployment rate (8.2%) now officially higher than the nation’s 7.8%. So Pennsylvanians are still suffering from a bleak economy, more so perhaps than neighboring states like Ohio that can attribute their recent job gains to the auto industry. This explains why some need to warm up to the argument that Pa’s electoral votes could be up for grabs.
‘warm up to the argument’ = pull their heads out of their asses and realize
Allright everyone have a good day today, I have to go now.
Just kidding, I’ll waste my whole day here being a dick.
She’ll make a good First Lady.
Sarah Haley Sarah Haley @sarahhaleyTN
.@AnnDRomney walks with women as they raise awareness for breast cancer.
Serial sayz:
What you find if you follow the link Serial so kindly provided.
And if you scroll down a little bit further you find me quoting Serial.
And then my reply to it.
Kap’n Kornflake,
What’s the matter?
Has your sloth induced disease of gout adled you already feable brain?
No endorsement from a has been octagenarian or drive by rally for less than a hundred losers by Ryan at an airport layover is going to change the outcome in PA or OH.
While no one can know the outcome until it happens, I do appreciate that you have far more confidence in my predictive abilities than your own.
Care to take the Rmoney size wager I offered you? Or maybe you’re just too full of shit?
Hey, my gravatar’s started to show up. That’s odd. It’s too small to really see, but that’s a screen cap from a 1950’s B movie The Killers from space.
No idea what to do with this, but here are early vote statistics:
from the United States Election Project, out of George Mason University.
About 11% of the likely total of Ohioans have already voted.
I don’t think there’s much you can do with it.
It supposedly helps campaigns because they can see who hasn’t voted and have longer to run their GOTV campaigns. But, after 18 months of presidential campaigning and all sorts of other races on the line everyone that’s going to vote is going to vote. I don’t think a couple extra weeks of GOTV’s going to make much of a difference.
On a lighter note:
Top 10 most punchable faces in media [SLIDESHOW]
Read more:
Ezra Klein, definitely. O’Donnell’s a close second, but that vein in his forehead that stands out every time he makes an ass of himself tells me he’s pretty close to stroke city, anyway. Klein’s in position to do far more damage for far more years to come.
Yeah. Klein.
My all time favorite campaigning and elections question:
What channel’s is this GOTV you guys keep talking about on?
“Ultimately, listen, I think life begins at birth……”
That would be news to all of those surgeons who do intra-uterine fetal surgery. And maybe to a few mothers-to-be who have been awakened for months by kicking of their not-yet-alive unborn child.
Is this any less stupid than what Akin said?
It’s almost like the NYT is reading the tea leaves and knows it’s got some damage control to do, and quickly:
Romney as a Manager: Unhurried and Socratic
another morning spent ignoring the FUD from dailycaller and townhall and redstate that Robert A. posts and reposts incessently, with added smarm and unctuous commentary.
Looks like Obama will become irrelevant even before January 20th.
Mitt Romney Transition Team Quietly Developing Plan For Fiscal Cliff
Led by former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt, Romney’s transition team has been at work since summer preparing to choose Cabinet officials and build the new government if he’s elected. The team has held events to raise private money, hired more staff in Washington, and moved into bigger, government-provided offices Sept. 4
@69, do you think he thinks anybody wading thru these comments ever clicks thru to those BS filled sites?
The above should read.
Wow, shocking.
“The VPP counteracts the Republican Party’s shameful efforts to prevent American citizens from voting in their own country.”
Translation: The VPP will do whatever it takes to get their candidates elected, legal or not.
Hey rodent, do you think you can get the folks at KCE to double-count votes for I-502 and not count the votes against the initiative? May as well do sometihing useful if you’re going to all the trouble of vote manipulation.
Where Kap’n Kornflake once again displays he knows nothing and is incapable of becoming informed – Serial BullSHIT
If one were to read Kap’n Kornflake in the HA comment threads in the past 2 days one might get the impression that Gekko/Galt has some cash advantage on our poor African American president’s campaign.
Is Kap’n Kornflake correct?
Romney has cash-on-hand deficit compared to Obama
Go read the whole thing.
Once again, Kap’n Kornflake shows that all he is really good for is living such an unhealthy lazy lifestyle that he’s got the gout.
I think it’s pretty well documented that Serial doesn’t give a fuck about the truth and, just like Romney, has magical ever shifting goal posts.
Both campaigns have so much cash, that I’m not so sure Obama having more is a big advantage.
But nah, none of this is about funneling cash to his friends…
@ 74
You’re looking at Romney’s account by itself, which really isn’t correct. Each side has its presidential campaign account, RNC/DNC account, and an affiliated PAC account. Team Romney reported $191M COH at September-end. We know that the RNC has around $82M and your paste has Romney with $63M so the PAC entity contributes the rest, or around $46M, roughly speaking.
Tellingly, your link says this:
Overall, Romney and the Republican Party and joint committees had more cash in the bank than Obama and Democrats at the end of last month.
How much does Team Obama have? It doesn’t say.
But it does say this:
Obama also swamped Romney in spending on advertising, direct mail and postage last month, spending $94.8 million to Romney’s $42.4 million, according to a USA TODAY analysis of campaign expenditures. A month earlier, Obama’s advertising bill totaled $71.2 million, while Romney had spent far less, $35 million.
So for two straight months, Obama massively outspent Romney, nearly 2 to 1, and what does he have to show for it? Right now he’s behind in the national polls, battleground polls, and may or may not have a narrow electoral vote lead.
Your article also says that Romney repaid two-thirds of what he borrowed in May, while Obama borrowed during the month. Ask yourself, if Obama is doing so well, why he borrowed.
Romney has steamrolled Obama this month and very, very likely had an overall cash advantage at the start of it. They have held off on spending until now, and it’s time to pile on.
Oh, and there’s American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, which between them have raised more than $170M and have been pounding Obama in the battlegrounds as well.
Obama will be swamped by the state of the economy, poor performance in office and in the debates, and by massive amounts of ad money to ensure that every voter knows it.
Obama outspent Romney 2 to 1 the past two months and is behind. This month, Romney will outspend Obama.
Get ready for The Pain.
@ 76
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Axelrod works for free.
Oh, and Gibbs had a pretty good month as well:
$60K. Not bad. 50% more than the highest payout you mentioned.
@75 Michael,
Obama/Biden do not have a cash advantage.
But they certainly do not have any disadvantage.
The advantage Obama/Biden has in cash is the ability to manage it far better than Gekko/Galt.
There are a myriad of example, like the one USA Today points out of the Obama/Biden 2:1 advantage in on-the-ground staff, like the mismanagement example you provided and my personal favorite
Mitt Romney’s unusual in-house ad strategy
For a guy whose supposed strength is managing, he’s certainly failed to demonstrate any ability to manage money better than a Community Organizer.
Team Obama took $20M from BofA for the DNC convention, it turns out.
Obama for America borrowed $15M from BofA.
Last month, two weeks after OFA took out the loan, Bank of America announced a plan that would lay off 16,000 workers by the end of the year.
BofA needed a $5,000,000,000 infusion by Warren Buffett last year.
This year at SOTU, Warren Buffett and his secretary played a pretty prominent role.
Gee, make all of that stuff a relationship amongst Republicans and there might be some interest about it on HA.
@77 Kap’n Kornflake – Serial Dipshit!
Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?
Cuz if you believe that BullSHIT you’re spewing you might as well.
You’re a clown.
@77 Kap’n Kornflake – Yellow Bellied Idjit!
said: “This month, Romney will outspend Obama.”
Tell you what, you would not bite on my offer of a Rmoney size wager of $10,000 with 2:1 that Obama will win Michigan AND Pennsylvania.
You would not bite on my offer of a Rmoney size wager of $10,000 that Obama will win Pennsylvania AND Ohio.
Let me sweeten it for you.
I offer you a Rmoney size wager of $10,000 that Obama/Biden will win MI, OH and PA
AND that Obama/Biden will outspend Romney/Ryan in October.
That means if only ONE of the bullSHIT opinions you’ve expressed here today come to pass, you win!
Think you can bat 1 for 4?
Or do you accept that I’ve proven you 0 for 4 on your lame assed BullSHIT by declining?
Thanks for the clarification.
Being helpful as only Biden can:
Biden: Lilly Ledbetter Wasn’t A Big Deal For Equal Pay
Actually, it is correct when you’re looking at the accounts by themselves and saying that you’re looking at the accounts by themselves.
@84 Kap’n Kornflake – Serially Propagandizing!
Funny thing. Nobody cares what Paul Ryan said today in Moon Township PA. Nobody. Not even you.
You come here and post Biden campaign stops.
You know why there’s no C-SPAN video of Paul Ryan in Moon Township today? Because nobody cares to watch it and C-SPAN did not cover it.
I think this should settle the cash-on-hand issue, as it includes all three of the entities @ 77 I referred to for each side and it’s complete through September-end:
October 20, 2012, 3:33 PMComment
Cash Advantage for Romney as Campaigns Enter Final Weeks
“Mr. Romney, the Republican National Committee and their joint fund-raising committee ended September with $183 million in cash on hand, compared to $149 million for Mr. Obama, the Democratic National Committee and their joint fund-raising effort, giving the Republicans a significant cash advantage just as the race began to swing in Mr. Romney’s favor in early October.”
Yes, as Michael @ 75 said, both sides have an awful lot of dough.
But we know @ 74 @ 77 that Obama’s been spending at twice the rate of Romney for two months and has been slipping while doing it, we know that Obama’s had to borrow during the month of September, and we know that the DNC also has had to borrow during that month.
We also know that Romney had a flood of donations come in after he cleaned Obama’s clock in Debate 1.
If someone is hurting for cash at the end of the election, it won’t be Romney.
@85 Michael, Damn you!
Now he might be able to figure out that it is mathematically impossible (not accounting for Rmoney $5 trillion dollar tax cut math) for Romney/Ryan to outspend Obama/Biden in October!
Never mind. No worries. It’s Bob the bumbler.
@87 Kap’n Korflake – Serially Confused!
Because I’m a bleeding heart liberal, let me clue you in on a little something. The loser of a presidential election is always the one hurting for cash at the end of an election. Look it up.
And as Gekko/Galt are going on to defeat it certainly will be Rmoney hurting for cash, and they already are.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
Notice how Michelle didn’t say ‘employed‘:
Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual – uninvolved, uninformed…
Romney’s September Campaign Fundraising Trailed Obama’s
Poor Kap’n Kornflake. He’s wrong every time he opens his yap.
What pain? I’ve repeatedly stated that who wins the election will have little effect on me and that Obama merely represents the least bad option. Just like how for most Romney voters a vote for Romney is is simply a vote for “not Obama.”
I’m only in this because I’m sick of the lying, the ever shifting goal posts, and assholes that try to redefine rape as not being so bad if brute force wasn’t use. You boy Ryan signed onto that last bit and seems incapable of telling the truth, btw.
Had Jon Huntsman gotten the nod from the Republicans I might be voting for him. Utah was well run when Huntsman was the governor and Huntman’s smart and didn’t lie during the infrequent times he got to speak during the debates.
Besides what’s Romeny going to do when he’s elected?
Is is going to go back to kicking gays out of the military? That’s not going to happen.
He says he’s going to repeal and replace the ACA, but so far all he’s come up to replace it with is magical fairy dust. The insurance companies have already said they’re keeping most of the ACA in place, regardless of what happens legislatively. Romney’s got nothing.
Most of the opposition to the much ballyhooed Keystone pipeline is coming from private landholders and is getting settled in state courts. There’s nothing Romney can do there.
Romney’s budget and tax cuts: more fairy dust.
And hell, you wont even tell us why you’ve decided come on here and pump up Romney at every turn.
If elected Romney will be a place holder president.
@ 89
The loser of a presidential election is always the one hurting for cash at the end of an election.
You are absolutely correct, MBS. Without question.
I think that statement might come up again in the HA threads over the last couple of weeks.
I love Christmas lights! They remind me of…..
“the people who voted for Obama…….”
They all hang together; half of them don’t work,
and the ones that do, aren’t all that bright!
@ 92
Besides what’s Romeny going to do when he’s elected?
I believe there are two things that he will do, quickly, that will matter greatly:
1. He will make moves to reduce the price of energy.
2. He will reassure business owners that their efforts to invest and expand will not be used against them by the government. At least not by the federal government.
I have no idea whether ACA can be repealed. I would say doubtful, at best. If it’s repealed there has to be something that replaces it that’s more palatable, and I haven’t seen that.
But I think that wholesale changes can be made to it, leaving a majority of it intact, which will make a difference. Fortunately, it’s early and not much of it has taken effect, except the part that separates people from their money, which begins in earnest in little more than 2 months.
GD Soshulist Kenyan Mooslum Usurper! It’s a GD October surprise! These Chicago guys will do anything!
U.S. Officials Say Iran Has Agreed to Nuclear Talks
And only 2 days before the Foreign Policy debate on Monday! Drats! It’s taken Slick Willard months to understand he wants to bomb-bomb-bomb Iran. There’s no time left before Monday to prep for this!
@95 Kap’n Kornflake – Serially Disappointed!
With the announcement I referenced @96 what do you think is going to happen to world oil prices on Monday? Looks like our President just did “make a move”.
@ 96
So, if we’re going to meet with Iran, without preconditions
as Obama stated when he was candidate Obama, how come it took nearly 4 years for that announcement to be made?
@ 97
No idea. There’s the Marcellus shale announcement today, and a lot more affects oil prices than Iran.
Obama’s lost four points in a week in OH:
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — A poll released Saturday by Public Policy Polling has found President Barack Obama leading Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Ohio by 49% to 48%. The results are good news for Romney, who has closed the gap in Ohio after PPP’s Ohio poll on Oct. 13 showed Obama up 51% to 46%.
@ 96
That Iran thing? The US made the agreement with Iran’s Charlie Brown. Problem is, it’s still Lucy holding the football:
In this case, American officials said they were uncertain whether Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had signed off on the effort. The American understandings have been reached with senior Iranian officials who report to him, an administration official said.
@101 Kap’n Kornflake – Always Rooting Against the US
Yeah, you keep hoping for some bad news, will ya? Unemployment numbers. Housing starts. Iran breakthrough. The achievements of the Obama administration never seem to break your way against the US.
Kap’n Kornflake – Endorsements Are Important!
Do you know the name of the newspaper whose media market is ranked No. 1 in the country for Sunday newspaper readership percentage (75.4% of total adults) and No. 2 in daily newspaper readership percentage (62.6% of total adults), second only to The New York Times in the weekday editions?
@ 102
Yeah, you keep hoping for some bad news, will ya?
It’s not that I’m hoping for it. It’s that I continually read or hear it. It’s become the new normal in Obama’s world.
For three more months.
This Iran thing is Obama’s Hail Mary.
Florida. Gone.
Virginia. All but gone.
New Hampshire. Going.
Iowa. Going.
Pennsylvania. In serious trouble.
Michigan. In more trouble than he can afford.
Colorado. Going. Going.
Nevada. In serious trouble.
Obama needs the Ayatollah to get re-elected. He can’t get the job done with plain old Americans making the call.
How? Is he going to alter the laws of physics and geology? That’s about the only thing that will do it. We use about the same amount of gasoline as we did in the late 80’s & natural gas prices are about the same as they were in the early 90’s.
Blathering nonsense. I’d refute it but there’s nothing factual to refute.
It can’t. The senate will still be controlled by the Democrats and even John Boehner likes parts of the ACA.
So, in essence, you’ve got nothing. You’ve spent the last couple of months camped out on HA spinning your yarns and end you’ve got nothing.
I repeat: you’ve got nothing.
Cap’n Dr. Robert is desperately hoping that bad things happen to the country so that Obama loses – he’s just all aflutter about the money he’ll keep when his tax rate drops with Willard at the helm.
He’s all about his money. It’s either that, or just hates Obama, for some reason.
Eh, Robert?
Kap’n Kornflake – Endorsements Are Important!
Let me give you a couple of hints, cuz I understand you’re not too bright.
Hint 1: It is in a state that no Republican who has gone on to the White House has ever lost.
Hint 2: Although it’s media market is ranked No. 1 in the country for Sunday newspaper readership percentage (75.4% of total adults) its readership tomorrow, Sunday October 21st is going to EXPLODE.
I was thinking the same thing.
I don’t really think that he’s that simple-minded as to believe that the President controls the price of energy.
It’s chaff, obfuscation.
Robert is about one thing, and that animates his hopes about Romeny..
Bob doesn’t like his low low tax rate, and wants it lower. If the folks who don’t make radiologist coin have to pay more, tough.
Kap’n Kornflake – Endorsements Are Important!
Now I know you got your heart set on the significance of the Lee Iacocca, the octogenarian who retired from Chrysler before Bill Clinton came into office in 1993, endorsement of Slick Willard to swing votes in Ohio where so many work in the industry that Slick Willard wanted to Let Go Bankrupt.
So, please sit your fat lazy sloth diseased ass down. Wait. What am I saying? Of course you are sitting down! As if you’d be jogging or on the stair stepper. Duh!
The answer to my question @103 is the Cleveland Plain Dealer. As you are too dumb to know, the Plain Dealer is read throughout the tristate area in and around Ohio to a much greater extent than anyone ever paid attention to Lee Iacocca.
On the basis of sound leadership, re-elect Obama: endorsement editorial
Now, I went ahead and did a search with a 24 hour parameter in Ohio’s most widely read newspaper for Iacocca and nothing came up.
Do you own any Ginsu knives? Can I bring you one?
@104 Man, a lot of wishful thinking going on there.
Below follows the twisting of the knife from the Cleveland Plain Dealer’s endorsement for President Obama
Ouch! The Plain Dealer evaluates Slick Willard as the unprincipled pol in the same damning way as Utah’s Salt Lake Tribune.
PPP poll in Ohio:
Obama up 1 over Romney, 49-48.
21% of voters in the state say they’ve already voted, and they report having supported Obama 66/34. Romney has the 52/44 advantage among those yet to cast their ballots but obviously it’s easier to count on votes that are already in the bank.
Here’s the problem with that statistic: Only 11% of Ohioans have actually @ 63 voted. This suggests that the poll has significantly oversampled Obama supporters.
And that should make this:
There are some troubling signs for Obama in the poll though. Ohioans trust Romney more on the economy by a 51/47 margin and trust him more on Libya 49/47. Obama had the advantage on each of those issues in our poll last weekend.
even more worrisome for supporters of The One.
Fortunately, I am not one of them.
Kap’n Kornflake – Carpet Bombs of Ads!
And Bob, I trust you’re still with us because a coward like you just isn’t brave enough to end the ignominy of a life of sloth and stupidity,
just one other thing.
Just as the Cleveland Plain Dealer hits the streets with that endorsement for Obama with its damning of Romney as an unacceptable candidate, those damn moneyless Obama supporters are going up on air in OH and WI with the MOST EFFECTIVE ad of any campaign or Superpac this entire election.
@106 “when his tax rate drops”
This isn’t a realistic scenario under either political party and any thinking person would realize that. Unless, of course, you think making seniors pay $6,000 a year more for health care is good policy and marketable politics. Or, alternatively, you can go borrow a couple trillion more from China, who will be happy to lend it to us on condition we stop defending Taiwan.
@ 111
Cleveland is in Cuyahoga county.
In Ohio, for instance, Cuyahoga County — home to Cleveland — would vote for a Democrat regardless of the candidate
Is it any surprise that the paper in the most liberal county in Ohio, the county that is home to all those auto plants, that received all that free money from the government during the bailout of GM and Chrysler and whose union members got their pensions topped off and had to concede very little in the process, would support the giver of all that free shit?
Only to you, MBS.
@112 Polls are less meaningful now than in 10 days or so, after the final debate, and when people have begun casting ballots in early-voting states. Of course, the only poll that counts is the one on Nov. 6.
@ 114
Actually, my tax rate will drop when I’m retired. I am likely to retire sooner if Obama wins than if Romney wins. There’s little point in slaving away if you are going to see significantly more taken away in taxes.
To a person that can afford to retire now, it’s a reasonable trade-off to retire with less and live a longer, happier life, than to continue to work and see so much more of it taken away in taxes.
It’s why I’m at peace with the outcome of the presidential election no matter what.
@117 What a load of horseshit. Taxes are lower now than at any time in the lifetimes of anyone currently working.
P.S., If you drop into a lower tax bracket after retiring, I’ll feel for ya, man. I’ve been retired for 10 years and my income is still going up.
@ 116
Polls are less meaningful now…
IOW you’ve decided to stop talking about them until your guy is able to turn it around.
Oh, and early voting has begun in 21 states already, if I have counted them @ 63 correctly.
@115 Kap’n Kornflake – D’oh!
Yeah, you’re right.
That Lee Iacocca endorsement’s going to be all the news in Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron, Dayton, Parma, Canton, Youngstown.
None of those other places in Ohio will ever here about the number one paper in the state endorsing Obama. Just like they didn’t hear about the Plain Dealer’s endorsement for G.W. Bush over Gore in 2000. Or Bush over Dukakis in 1998. Or Reagan over Mondale in 1984. Or Reagan over Carter in 1980. Or Ford over Carter in 1976. Or Nixon over McGovern in 1972. Or Nixon over Humphrey in 1968. Or Nixon over Kennedy in 1960 ….
We’ve had bad trolls on this blog before, but this one is a flake. He must be high on mushrooms or something.
@ 118
I’ve been retired for 10 years and my income is still going up.
You must have been a real loser of an employee. Big surprise.
He plays a martyr on TeeVee, too.
@120 Just like the Seattle Times is read in Seattle and nowhere else in the state of Washington, right? See #121.
@122 Interesting you should say that, because in government service, everyone is paid the same regardless of whether they’re lousy or great. In other words, if you work for the state, you can’t make more money by
working harder
doing higher quality work
coming up with money-saving ideas
accepting extra responsibilities
mentoring other employees
being more productive
There is no recognition or extra pay for exemplary performance. Some people adapt to this system by doing the bare minimum to get by, which means others have to pick up the slack. I’ll leave to your imagination which kind of employee I was. Everyone else here probably can guess without much difficulty.
Obama blood in the water in PA:
Mitt Romney’s Campaign, RNC Have 60+ Staffers In Pennsyvania, Planning More
WASHINGTON — The Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee have more than 60 staffers in Pennsylvania for the closing two weeks of the presidential election, a RNC official told The Huffington Post.
The official added that they are planning how many more to add as Republicans begin to view the Keystone State as in play this November. It’s not entirely clear whether the staffing is being done as a head-fake for Democrats or out of general electoral optimism.
PA is very fluid. MBS laughed at the turnout in the Pittsburgh area for Ryan this a.m. but there were about 880 people there and they were only notified of the hastily arranged event last night. Ryan spoke at 10:15 this morning.
The Susq. poll is the best news for Romney in a long time. If it’s accurate, Obama’s in deep, deep shit.
@123 I understand why he feels like a whipping boy.
White House denies agreement on U.S., Iran nuclear talks
It’s like a two-word metaphor
for your entire day, MBS.
@126 yawn
@121 Roger,
Don’t blame the mushrooms.
Bob’s a dolt of the first order.
The only stuff affecting his last remaining brain cell are the bad health effects due to his prodigious consumption of alcohol, fructose-sweetened drinks and donuts that gave him gout at an age too early to retire.
But f*ck all, if I didn’t get him to bet $1,000 straight up on Obama v Rmoney.
Of course he’s going to have less money if he retires. He’s incapable of keeping holding on to what he’s got!
Cereal Bob reminds me of a guy standing on a street corner and banging on a garbage can lid with a stick to get attention.
EVERYTHING SEEMINGLY IS SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL: Seattle Hamster Placed In Police Protective Custody Following DUI Stop.
OK, who else here thought of gman first?
@130 “But f*ck all, if I didn’t get him to bet $1,000 straight up on Obama v Rmoney.”
Really? How’d you do that? I offered him straight odds and he wouldn’t even go $1, I assume because he didn’t have a dollar. Did he just get an inheritance?
@128 Kap’n Kornflake – Thinks the Adage is ‘The forest from the peas’
The White House denied it? Oh Noes! Then it’ll never be all the rage with Villagers like Bob Schieffer and there won’t be a question about it on Monday night that Slick Willard won’t be ready for and Obama will because he knows all about it.
What were you saying about “pain” before?
@133 Roger,
Here check it out
I don’t know if he’ll ever pay, but got ’em any which way.
VP candidate Paul Ryan attends Pittsburgh airport rally
Kelly Senkoski, 25, of Sewickley, said she’d just received her master’s degree in education, but has yet to find a teaching job, which was why she came out to see Mr. Ryan.
“If Romney and Ryan are in office, I think I have a better chance of getting a job,” she said.
Noel Um, 18, a freshman at CMU, came to volunteer at the Ryan rally “because I think it’s really important that, as an Asian American woman, I exercise my right to vote. A lot of people in my demographic don’t care, and at my school, a lot of my friends just aren’t going to bother. But Obama promised change, and it hasn’t happened.”
Read more:
Maybe only around ‘several hundred people’ attended the rally, but an awful lot more people get to read those words.
Which, of course, was the real point of the rally. Pittsburgh’s media radius also extends well into eastern OH.
A source who visited Jackson this week said, “Jesse wanted you to know he is finding it difficult to continue his treatment because the press is staking out his home and making access to his doctor, who is within a short walking distance from his home, incredibly hard.”
They probably transported him in a Waaaaaahhhhmbulance.
U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. headed back to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota
@136 Kap’n Kornflake – Media Expert of the Mid-Atlantic Region!
Where is Sewickley Bob? You ever been to Sewickley? F*ck! You ever been to Pittsburgh?
Guess you know perfectly well what the folks in Pennsylvania think of 25 year olds from Sewickley, right Bob?
And, f*ck all, the open minded (if a bit ancient) people of Western PA are always looking for advice from 18 yr olds with names like “Noel Um”.
Seriously, slit your wrists.
@135 A little voice tells me you should have demanded he put it in escrow.
@135 (continued) Besides, if Obama wins, he’s going to get a 43.8% subsidy from Uncle Sam, so it’s not a $1,000 bet; it’s a $562 bet.
@ 140
‘if Obama wins..’?
My, how far the mighty have fallen.
@139 Roger,
Darryl’s more or less done that and up on this thread (I think) he’s stated he’s agreed.
@140 Gotta get what we can when we can. :-)
@141 Kap’n Kornflake – Can’t C my way out of an A to B Conversation!
Two adults talking dipshit. You wouldn’t understand.
Stop (the non existent) war on coal!
One more Romney/Ryan lie. If anyone’s waging a war on coal, wouldn’t it be the guy who as governor stood in front of a coal-electric plant and said it was killing people?
From the Department of Why Even Bother?
Fluke takes center stage in Reno
6:55 PM | 2
Sandra Fluke, the woman at the center of a media firestorm earlier this year after Rush Limbaugh called her a ‘slut,’ spoke Saturday in front of about 10 people at the Sak ‘N Save in north Reno.
Ten people. About the same number as inhabit your average crack house.
Hey, speaking of Reno:
Nevada needs a change now; elect Mitt Romney president
…Obama cannot avoid the consequences of poor decisions and misplaced priorities.
Foremost among them was his early focus on an overreaching health-care reform plan that wasted 12 very valuable months of his and Congress’ time and cost him precious political capital. The manner in which the legislation was drafted violated Obama’s pledge to govern openly, and its passage — leveraged through a supermajority — served to further galvanize the partisan divide in Congress. Fear of the impact of that reform and the costs associated with it continue to play a major role in preventing businesses from hiring new employees at a time when nearly everyone agrees that jobs must be the president’s foremost goal.
A vote to re-elect Obama promises four more years of the same.
…the United States, and Nevada, cannot afford four more years of the same. The change Obama promised four years ago is needed right now.
Obama needs Nevada, right?
Seems like he might not get it.
Because this shit is going to be worth a whole lot less come November 7th:
Going out of business sale: 30% off everything at
Epic flail.
Terry Moran
The Obama campaign’s tone right now–snarky,belittling–seems off for the closing days. Like McCain’s “celebrity” attacks. Kind of flailing.
‘Second Amendment Solutions’ Dep’t
In California, a man upset over being evicted shot an entire family, killing the father and his 4-year-old son, wounding the mother in both legs, and critically wounding their 6-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter. Only their 8-year-old son escaped unharmed. Police are looking for the suspect, who also torched his apartment and the victims’ home.
In Michigan, police are looking for a sniper who is shooting at cars.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Humans can’t be trusted with guns no matter what the Second Amendment says. Next thing you know, they’ll be plinking at rabbits. =:(<
@141 Somehow I don’t think my choice of words is going to determine the outcome of this election.
60 comments by serial so far, don’t feed the animals!
US And Iran Reportedly Agree To Nuclear Talks
“The United States and Iran have agreed for the first time to one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, according to Obama administration officials, setting the stage for what could be a last-ditch diplomatic effort to avert a military strike on Iran. …
“News of the agreement — a result of intense, secret exchanges between American and Iranian officials that date almost to the beginning of President Obama’s term — comes … just two weeks before Election Day and a day before the final debate, which is to focus on national security and foreign policy. …
“‘It would be unconscionable to go to war if we haven’t had such discussions,’ said R. Nicholas Burns, who led negotiations with Tehran as under secretary of state in the George W. Bush administration. Iran’s nuclear program ‘is the most difficult national security issue facing the United States,’ he said, adding: ‘While we should preserve the use of force as a last resort, negotiating first with Iran makes sense. What are we going to do instead? Drive straight into a brick wall called war in 2013, and not try to talk to them?'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While undoubtedly not intended as an “October surprise,” these talks put Mitt Romney in an awkward spot. He either has to endorse them — therefore acknowledging a significant foreign policy accomplishment by Obama — or tell voters before the election that he’s going to send their kids to another war without making any effort to avoid it through diplomacy.
The challenge for the next president, after the election, is to prevent Iran from using the talks as a stalling tactic while moving closer to acquiring a bomb. Diplomacy is useful only if Iran’s leaders are willing to back down from their pursuit of nuclear weapons.
Look for Romney to play ham-fisted politics with these talks in tomorrow’s debate. He may say we should have bombed Iran years ago. To most Republicans, you can never go wrong by resorting to military force. To those who study history, very few wars don’t go awry. And to anyone with a conscience, using war as an instrument of policy is hideous and immoral.
I think we may be about to learn a lot more about Romney’s character — and whether he has any.
Good non-partisan article discussing that this election will likely come down to 106 counties that voted for Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2008.
NBC/WSJ poll has the candidates tied at 47. In the last poll, which was before debates began, Obama was up 49-46.
The current poll was taken entirely following debate # 2.
It seems as if Obama’s ‘win’ in that debate has done little to move the needle in his direction.
Fact is, the incumbent is at 47% fewer than three weeks before the election.
Rasmussen’s three-day national tracking poll, also acquired fully after debate # 2, has Romney up 49-47.
Again, the incumbent is at 47% fewer than three weeks before the election.
Oh, Fox had Obama up 46-43 in Ohio, but with a D +8 sample. If you look at the independents in that poll, they went for Romney by 24 points, 52-28.
24 points.
George McGovern has died. A war hero fighting Hitler; a peace hero fighting Nixon and the Republicans.
Nixon’s “secret plan” to end the war: More war.
In the end a small Southeast Asia country meant little or nothing in the Cold War, despite all the lives squandered there.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
Seven people have been shot at a hair salon in a mall in suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Police are looking for the shooter.
Mother Marianne Cope became America’s 11th saint today. A health care pioneer, she founded several iconic hospitals, initiated desegregation of health care facilities, and introduced the concept of sanitation and diseease control in hospitals; but is best remembered for her work with lepers in Hawaii.
Pope Benedict XVI also canonized the first Native American saint, Kateri Tekakwitha, known as Lily-of-the-Mohawks, who served as a nun in Quebec. Her canonization is based in part on the miraculous recovery of a Ferndale, Washington, boy.
dunceman looked in the mirror and explained himself to a “T”!
Mean Pat Smith, whose son Sean died in the raid, said: ‘It was a disrespectful thing to say and I don’t think it’s right.
‘How can you say somebody being killed is not very optimal? I don’t think the President has the right idea of the English language.’
Yeah his dying in Benghazi wasn’t optimal!
Something missing here…
Romney 51
Obummer 45
I’m so in your head, Faux…and I’m laughing at you.
Try again dunceman,
Spotting your lunacy, proving you have issues with FACTS!