Stephen Colbert: Obama’s secret martian gayness.
Mark Fiore: It’s the Foreign Policy, Stupid!.
Young Turks: “Some girls rape easy,” says idiot politician.
Colbert: The 7-11/Pizza Hut election (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Bad Lip Reading: The first debate.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Sam Seder: GOP Rep. who cut embassy security funds blames Obama for embassy attack.
Young Turks: Pro-life Rep. demands abortion for his mistress.
Willard (and Eddie)!
- Big Dog: Welcome back, Moderate Mitt!
- Martin Bashir: Mitt Romney’s multiple-choice abortion gymnastics
- Young Turks: Romney’s many views on abortion.
- Ann Telnaes: Mitt repeats his “trickle-down government” line.
- Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican—Missouri edition:
- Mitt: debates himself:
- Selma Blair: The woman for Mitt Romney.
- Sarah Silverman and friends: The truth matters
- Young Turks: Romney on healthcare, “Uninsured don’t just die…It’s paid for”.
- Martin Bashir: Ryan’s narcissism on display.
- Slate: Mitt’s twisted words on abortion.
- Ann Telnaes: Mitt flip-flops his way up the polls.
- Sharpton: Mitt introduces “statesman” nut job Glenn Beck in 2009.
- Sam Seder: Ryan gets testy in interview
- Slate: Ryan walks out on interview in Michigan
- The Romney—Ryan strategy
- Bad Lip Reading of Ryan’s video diaries:
Jon: “Fucking crazy” GOP candidates .
Richard Alley on Abraham Lincoln and the Founding of the National Academy of Sciences.
Barely Political: Redneck political coverage.
Jim Lehrer: Badass moderator.
Ann Telnaes: Child Marriage.
Rob McKenna puts his dancing shoes on.
Grandpa versus Eddie Munster:
- Young Turks: Media opinion on who won.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: The VP debate.
- Jenn: Paul Ryan challenges the truth to a debate and loses
- Maddow: On the debate and Ryan’s “principles”
- Maddow: More on Paul Ryan’s “principles”
- Cenk and Jenn: VP Debate from mirth to malarkey; laughing Joe.
- Sam Seder: Biden destroys Ryan.
- Cenk moderates another kind of debate.
- Jen: Judging the VP debate
- What Biden was thinking.
- Somebody laughs too freakin’ much!
- Biden’s debate.
- Jenn: Exposing Ryan’s “six studies” lie.
- Rachael Maddow and Ezra Klein: Factchecking the debate.
- Young Turks: FAUX News’ “trail of tears”
- Autotune the debate.
- The presidential staff debates
Kid President’s guide to being a party.
White House: West Wing Week.
Slate: Rape victims have a message for Todd Akin.
Liberal Viewer: When is Stephen Colbert joking?
Lisa Brown and Maria Cantwell channel SNL for Marcus Riccelli:
Thom with the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Jon: Poll are so worthless but so quotable (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Republicans embezzle money that was going to the troops. What a surprise. a friend of Gov. Scott Walker. They support the troops alright.
Shot fired at Obama Denver headquarters. Democracy by Republicans. The Freedom Fighters.
Take the R Train!
@ 4
So Gman cares not about four dead Americans in Libya
but a bullet going through a building in Denver is something to get his panties in a twist.
Democrat/Liberal thought process, simply put.
@ 2
Let’s take a little stroll down Denver Democrat operative memory lane, shall we?
One of two people suspected of shattering 11 windows Tuesday morning at the state Democratic Party headquarters has an arrest record and a history of helping a Democratic political candidate, public records show.
Police said that about 2:20 a.m., 24-year-old Maurice Schwenkler, now in custody, and an at-large accomplice took a hammer to the picture windows displaying posters touting President Barack Obama and his health care reform efforts.
Early Tuesday, Democratic Party chairwoman Pat Waak said the damage to her building in Denver’s art district was a consequence of “an effort on the other side to stir up hate.” She tempered her statement after Schwenkler’s political history was revealed.
Read more: ’08 race worker held in damage to Colorado Democratic HQ – The Denver Post
Just in time for the foreign policy debate:
Russia sees every other nation having her ass kissed by Obama, and now expects Obama to pucker up and smooch the Kremlin Rosebud as well:
Romney campaign: Russia’s withdrawal from Nunn-Lugar another example of Obama’s failed reset policy
@6 Cap’n Kornflake,
Вы говорите по-русски?
Who is this Lugar you speak of?
Are the expenditures for Nunn-Lugar so important, so critical, that it is worth borrowing money from China to pay for it?
And can you please point us to the Gekko/Galt position on Nunn-Lugar?
Every quote in the linked article, aside from that of Lugar himself, was from a Romney adviser.
Quality work there, Cap’n.
@6 Cap’n Kornflake,
Kidding aside, I do speak Russian and have had substantial business interests in the Russian Federation since 1999.
The US relationship with Russia is extremely complicated and there are no simple answers or directions. That said, the demise of Putin government’s support to extend the Nunn-Lugar agreement should be laid at the feet of the Republican party.
My question @7 about “Who is this Lugar you speak of?” is apropos because Russians (and not just Putin hacks) viewed the campaign in which the Republican party threw Lugar out of the Senate very clearly.
Lugar’s Republican primary opponent specifically ran against Lugar’s cooperation with (then senator) Obama. That cooperation was for the The Lugar-Obama Act, which is modeled after the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program (Nunn-Lugar).
The Russian government correctly perceives that one of the USA’s two major political parties, the Republican party, is no longer committed to cooperation and that any extension of Nunn-Lugar is problematic to Russian interests.
Yes, the Russians not continuing their participation in Nunn-Lugar is a bad thing, but it just another national security blunder brought about by Republicans.
@ 7
Are the expenditures for Nunn-Lugar so important, so critical, that it is worth borrowing money from China to pay for it?
Well, I guess accomplishment is debatable, so you make the call and please tell me what you think. From the article, here’s what the agreement accomplished:
In August alone, the program helped the securing of six nuclear weapons train transport shipments and destroyed 153.2 metric tons of chemical weapons nerve agent, Lugar said.
“The Nunn-Lugar scorecard now totals 7,610 strategic nuclear warheads deactivated, 902 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) destroyed, 498 ICBM silos eliminated, 191 ICBM mobile launchers destroyed, 155 bombers eliminated, 906 nuclear air-to-surface missiles (ASMs) destroyed, 492 SLBM launchers eliminated, 684 submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) eliminated, 33 nuclear submarines capable of launching ballistic missiles destroyed, 194 nuclear test tunnels eliminated, 3192.3 metric tons of Russian and Albanian chemical weapons agent destroyed, 590 nuclear weapons transport train shipments secured, security at 24 nuclear weapons storage sites upgraded, 39 biological threat monitoring stations built and equipped,” the statement read. “Perhaps most importantly, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus are nuclear weapons free as a result of cooperative efforts under the Nunn-Lugar program. Those countries were the third, fourth and eighth largest nuclear weapons powers in the world.”
My answer would be yes, but what do I know?
@ 9
Glad to know you have specific knowledge on the topic. I do not. I’m sure Russia’s position has changed since the agreement was signed and then renewed. You may blame the Republicans, but I suspect Russia sees American unilaterally disarming under a second Obama term, and wonders why she should bind herself to an agreement to go along.
The title of the piece to which I linked clearly stated that it was about what the Romney campaign had to say about the termination of the agreement and it should not be a surprise to you that the piece quoted Romney advisors. There’s a link in the piece to the NYT if you want something somewhat more neutral, you may have noticed.
I was under the impression that this is a partisan blog. I see no reason to behave neutrally on this site. Look at the links at the top of this thread. How many of them are ‘neutral’?
@10 Kap’n Kornflake,
No, I asked you. That is the criteria of your candidate for President about every federal program.
What is Slick Willard’s position on
a) Continued spending on Nunn-Lugar?
b) Cooperative Threat Reduction Program policy itself?
@ 12
I suppose it’s difficult to continue spending on a terminated program, although the materials already decommissioned will require ongoing expenditure, which I assume could continue.
Regarding the cooperative threat reduction program, it seems that with Russia’s decision, everything is up for negotiation, isn’t it?
I would ask whether Obama plans for the US to continue to disarm if Russia is no longer cooperating.
Or perhaps someone can ask that at the debate.
MBS, this guy spins faster than Paul Ryan backed into a corner by Martha Raddatz!
It’s not lost on anyone that Cap’n can’t answer the question you’ve asked repeatedly – ha cannot mount an affirmative argument FOR Romney, only take pot shots at Obama.
@11 Serially Idiotic,
You “suspect Russia sees American unilaterally disarming under a second Obama term“?
You’re a willfully uninformed asshole.
That’s not a suspicion. That’s an observable fact.
And I don’t need your referring me to other links. I’m well aware and very well read on the issue.
@ 15
I’m well aware and very well read on the issue.
And quite impressed with yourself, I see.
The debate should be informative. There will be lots to talk about. SOFA in Iraq – the one that does not exist, Benghazi, Nunn-Lugar expiration. Iran, Israel, our current good relations with Poland and the Czech Republic.
I’m sure Obama will have good answers to all of these. Of course, he can’t use the ‘We inherited a huge economic mess.’ excuse he uses on the economy.
If you can’t attack the facts or the logic, attack the opponent, ad hominem.
Turn it into a tit-for-tat about personality, self-praise, petty bullshit.
Sure sign that Cap’n Crunch has been PWN’D!
Oh, and throw out as many little shiny objects as possible…
Serially Idiotic’s imagination aside, I’ve a little story to tell about what Russians think and talk about regarding an American president.
In June of 2001 I was in Russia for an extended period of time. In the middle of the month I was in Moscow when Miserable Failure said after meeting with Putin
From that point forward EVERY Russian I have ever met (and I’ve met thousands!) understood Bush and his foreign policy team to be idiots.
Forget for a moment that in Russia the soul (душа) and speaking about it is a very sensitive subject, but he was talking about a man everyone knew to be a former KGB agent. Not even Putin loving Russians accept that looking into the eyes of a trained spy tells you anything.
Bush’s stupidity with that remark is still discussed today, 11 years later.
Robert Reich is all over this right-wing bullshit…
Cap’n Crunch, in a nutshell.
Substance-free, indeed.
@ 18
If you can’t attack the facts or the logic, attack the opponent, ad hominem.
No one knows this better than you, Lib Despair. I’ve been on the receiving end for months and you’re one of the main aggressors.
And yet, I’m still here. And now Romney’s surging. I’m looking forward to the next 3 1/2 weeks. Aren’t you, Lib Despair?
Mucho thank you to big-mouth, boorish Joe Biden!!
Ohio will decide the election. Joe just opened up a huge can of worms for Obama…again. In a close election, something like this with all the direct & indirect jobs at stake could mean thousands of votes.
Sposiba, Mischa. Do svedanya.
Gotta go get some work done…
(Menya zovut Mischa, tozha)
@23 Очень приятно Миша…пока
The desperation of the Obama Regime is so telling. They are actually sending Joe Biden out to Wisconsin and allowing him to open his yap again. Wow. After keeping Joe under wraps for weeks, he is out there like an uncaged lion, hurling bullshit and hoping some sticks.
how many days will pass before the next huge Biden gaffe??
It will happen before dawn on Tuesday..setting the stage for Obama to fail once again.
Hey Kap’n Kornflake,
You know what else Russians know?
They know (far better than you!) that one of the two candidates for US president made money circumventing Russian law to sell cigarettes.
Here’s an English version for you
Report: Romney Helped Market Cigarettes
What do you “suspect” Russians think about that sort of behavior?
The blame for BenghaziGate is right at Hillary Clinton’s feet. And she is mighty unhappy. Obama will have to take the hit or throw Hillary under the bus in the next few days. No way is Hillary gonna take the hit. Bill won’t let her because it will impact both of their places in history, which matters to them. Can’t wait for more bickering and then to watch Obama get clobbered for this travesty of lack of security where 4 Americans Obama was charged with protecting were murdered by Obama’s terrorist pals.
Great article about Hillary’s anger about this-
“The blame for BenghaziGate is right at Hillary Clinton’s feet. And she is mighty unhappy.”
No worries, the Milk Choclate Messiah will get re-elected in a few weeks, and that will be the beginning of the end of Hillary’s 15 minutes of fame. After leaving office, she’ll hit the lecture circuit, write a few books (with a good ghost writer to assiste her), make a ton of money, and laugh like hell. That’s what husband Bubba did, and Hills will follow suit.
Hey Kap’n, did you read up on Bain Capital CEO’s involvement with Russia?
That HuffoPo expose,
Mitt Romney’s Bain Made Millions On Big Tobacco In U.S., Russia, speaks volumes about Slick Willard’s foreign policy experience and devotion to the Mormon religion:
Ryan had to pull his support on this one.
What I really want to see in this election is pigs like this guy getting themselves unelected and that seems to be happening.
From 30:
“…Slick Willard’s…”
Are you harkening us back to the days when we all used to call Bill Clinton “Slick Willie?” I’ll bet Bill was a great party guest back in his college days, but you’d never leave your date alone with him!! He’d screw a snake if somebody would hold on to its head!
@ 26, 30
Yawn. I assume the @ 26 report referred to in the Moscow Times link is the HuffPo @ 30 report, in essence a double-post of the same thing.
So, what you are saying, in essence, is that Romney’s Bain, led by Romney, assisted newly created Russian Republic, and their leader Boris Yeltsin, in establishing its private sector economy, part of which was importation of cigarettes into the country.
You spin that behavior inconsistent with Mormon teachings on tobacco use. Perhaps so.
I would spin that as foreign policy and successful economic expansion experience, which I believe we could use in a leader of our nation.
Nice try.
How much trouble is The One in, when the Associated Press runs pieces with headlines like this:
Crowds surge at Romney campaign events as GOP candidate rides the wave of momentum
Obama blamed his change of DNC venue on the weather. Sure. Whatever.
Somehow the weather doesn’t seem to be stopping Romney supporters:
Soaked supporters standing in muddy puddles cheered as he delivered an abridged version of his standard campaign speech. Some wore ponchos, while many others stood shivering and drenched, hands in pockets.
At the Shelby County Fairgrounds, Judy Cartwright was wearing four layers to try to keep warm as the cold wind pushed temperatures into the 30s Wednesday night. It was Shelby’s first glimpse of a presidential candidate since she met Harry Truman as an elementary school student more than six decades ago.
‘At least it’s not snowing,’ she said with a smile. ‘This is a chance of a lifetime.’
I smiled all the way through this piece:
How the 2012 Election Is Stacked for the GOP
By Jonathan Chait
Democrats appear well-poised to hold the Senate in 2012, but anybody counting on this to restrain a President Romney is probably deluded.
Imagine you’re Romney, trying to pass some version of the Ryan plan through a Senate with, say, 51 or 52 Democrats. In 2014, Democrats will be defending Senate seats in states like Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, South Dakota, and North Carolina. All those senators will be desperate to burnish their bipartisan credentials. Romney would barely sweat the task of picking off a couple of them to support his agenda, perhaps in return for some a favor to their local industry.
In practice, then, Democrats have just one election that gives them a remotely fair chance to win: the presidential election. They have no chance to control the House or to wield effective control over the Senate. The whole weight of the party’s agenda — protecting health-care reform, progressive taxation, and everything else that might be mowed down by Republican-controlled government — rests on Barack Obama’s shoulders.
The absolutest, bestest part? You’re gonna lose the White House, too, libbies.
If Biden outperformed Ryan on Thursday night, why would the LAT run a piece like this?
Romney and Ryan bask in newfound momentum
LANCASTER, Ohio — Mitt Romney and Paul D. Ryan reunited on the campaign trail Friday, on a surge of fresh momentum from their debate performances and gains in the polls.
President Obama will be rocking with huge crowds.
Paul Ryan at least twice on Thursday slammed Team Obama for making the election about small things.
Team Obama plays right along:
Obama camp: Now can we go back to Mitt’s tax returns?
The campaign said it plans to run the 30-second ad in Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
I suppose if you’re Obama and the alternative is defending your record in office based on its merits, this doesn’t seem like such as bad idea.
Good luck with that.
@ 37
Springsteen will pack them in, sure.
But they’ll be there to see Springsteen, not listen to Obama.
Oh. And then they won’t vote.
Yeah, it’s a right-wing poll.
According to a new poll shared exclusively with POLITICO, Mitt Romney is leading President Obama in a congressional district in Maine — raising the possibility of the GOP nominee winning an electoral vote in a deep blue state.
The live-call poll, conducted by Glen Bolger of NMB Research and provided to POLITICO by American Crossroads communications director Jonathan Collegio, shows Obama winning statewide 48 percent to 44 percent.
But does anyone really think Romney DOESN’T have a chance to pick up an EV in Maine?
The Benghazi debacle, recast as game theory in which Hillary and Barack are the players:
Who’s the winner here?
Right now, I’d say Cuomo.
“Let’s take a little stroll down Denver Democrat operative memory lane, shall we?”
But mention the failed policies of Bush that led to a Great Recession and misbegotten war and, um, what is it you say about that, Bob?
It’s OK for you, but not OK for us, even though what we talk about is relevant and what you bring is old news delivered with a smarm that needs to be wiped off your damned face, you fat, gout-ridden drunk.
The reason you can’t come up with five reasons why a Romney presidency would be good for America is because Romney is Bush on steroids. It’s a trickle down on America of the same old failed fiscal policies. It’s handing over social safety nets, education and the justice system to profiteering global corporatists. It’s yet more misbegotten middle-east war. Debt, degradation, death and destruction. Little wonder Romney’s plans are a fucking secret. And little wonder that you don’t want to fucking talk about it. Tough shit, Bob.
“I suspect Russia sees American unilaterally disarming”
That one’s right out of early 1960’s Regnery Press fear-mongering of that other commie, JFK. How fucking pathetic is that?
“Hillary’s 15 minutes of fame”
15 minutes of fame? Lordy, is there no end to the stupidity?
serial con-servative, Here is Bruce Springsteen and Barack Obama live in Ohio. And you are claiming (lyin) today these people failed to come out to vote?
these pieces of shit should be tarred and feathered
this kind of BS is a the product of fucking partisan lemming politics.
criminalize ALL political parties if you want this country saved.
Grog is another useless partisan lemming who will follow how the hollywierd elite tells him to vote.
Grog is just another tool.
@ 45
Uh, Greggy, that was a 2008 video. Back when Hopenchange was something people believed would be real.
This ain’t 2008.
But Obama’s still running against George W. Bush, so I can understand your delusion.
I mistook this poll for another FL poll and was remiss in not pointing it out earlier. Forgive me.
Barack needs the FL Hispanic vote, doesn’t he?
Exclusive poll: Obama’s support among Hispanic voters eroding
An exclusive Tampa Bay Times/Bay News 9 statewide poll shows many Hispanic voters dropping their support for Obama.
Last month, 52 percent of Hispanic voters polled said they would vote for the president. That has now dropped to 44 percent.
Romney picked up some ground among Hispanics, from 43 percent to 46 percent. And the number of undecided Hispanic voters has doubled from 5 to 10 percent.
Going from +9 to -2 in a month. That’s pretty devastating.
At least FL Hispanics don’t vote the way mainstream Hispanics do.
Or…….. might they?
It’s alco currently not clear if they’ll ever even BE attorneys.
2 law school students accused of beheading exotic bird at Las Vegas casino’s wildlife exhibit
Authorities say surveillance video captured the men chasing the bird into some trees. Witnesses say the two emerge carrying the body and severed bird head.
Police say the men claimed to study at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, and had student identification cards. It’s not clear if they have attorneys.
Some circumstantial evidence that one of the asswipes in @ 50 might lean Democrat:
Justin Teixeira
Law Clerk
U.S. Department of Justice – Environment & Natural Resources Division (Natural Resources Section)
May 2011 – July 2011 (3 months) Washington, D.C.
University of California, Los Angeles
B.A., Political Science, Environmental Studies Minor
I’d say that the fact they’re students at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law would point to them being a bit to the left.
Of course if you want to talk ass-wipes, I’ll see you your Berkeley Law students and raise you two state reps in Arkansas that think “slavery was a blessing in disguise” one AR state rep that endorses killing kids and a state rep in Wisconsin that thinks some girls “rape easy.”
@ 52
Of course if you want to talk ass-wipes, I’ll see you your Berkeley Law students and raise you two state reps in Arkansas that think “slavery was a blessing in disguise” one AR state rep that endorses killing kids and a state rep in Wisconsin that thinks some girls “rape easy.”
Fry ’em.
Dunceman farted
Meet Kettle! Your modus operandi every day!
Nope. Was just down there a few weeks ago. The Cubanos think much differently in politics from other latinos.
How badly is Romney losing?
I’m not suggesting the election is over. But it looks like Romney has an almost insurmountable task ahead of him if he is to leave the rolls of the unemployed.
Daily Breakdown: Romney’s Best Polling Day Yet
This is probably Romney’s best polling day of this election. Not only did he hold leads in the battleground state polls but Romney made relatively large gains compared to pre-DNC surveys. And the North Carolina poll where Obama led was partially conducted prior to the debate and Romney led by 6 points in the post-debate sample. Romney even led a poll in Nevada, the first he’s led since the onset of the general election campaign.
in only 12 days.
Jus’ sayin’.
Steve, please take your Ginko…
June 2009, the recession ended… It’s October 2012… As Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz said in 2011… DUMMOCRAPTS own the economy. Soooooooooooooooo, Nuff said on that sucka!
Iraq War ended by Team Obummer. Afghanistan still going under Obummer’s tutelage. Soooooooooooooooo, Nuff said on that sucka!
You gotta raise your game dude.
BTW I thought I gave 5 reasons Romney is betta than Obummer. Ask the HA ylbuttspigot for ASSistance since ylbitchslapped catalogs every PuddyWordEntry!
I loved that Obummer’s peeps on twitter are talking about good vs. bad polls.
You know the Obummer peeps are worried if they are seeing their “good” polls sucking for dem!
Joe BiteME to the rescue! Oops… EPIC FAYLE for him!
Great entry SC on TNR!
Well you libtards can’t scream over The New Republic. It’s positively libtard…
Now that it’s definitive there was no Mohammed video demonstration at the Benghazi Consulate, who will Obummer blame next? The lie has fallen apart.
It’s surely amazing how HA libtards selectively use The Daily Beast. When it slams their position it disappears from their daily narrative!
When you wear a Romney shirt to a Philadelphia high school the DUMMOCRAPT teacher makes it a reference to KKK!
The NEA in action!
Now this is gonna hurt… So why was this missing from the Friday Night Comics pages since early September? And this was how they felt about BiteME before the convention and the debate!
Puddy wonders what would be the new words used today.
It’s curious… Ha ylbuttspigot loves to throw David Brooks as his Republican Obummer sucks repellent… Well it seems that repellent is weakening…
And how does that CBS focus group feel now about this from David Brooks…
Someone posted on the Internet BiteME interrupted Ryan 85 times. The RNC Chairman had it at 82.
Sucks to be a DUMMOCRAPT right now! Scranton PA is missing their village idiot! Well he moved to Delaware!
That’s all you need to know about people who work for public radio!
Another moron who lives inside the libtard left wrong bubble. Her poor 14 year old daughter is so unaware of the REAL facts. She’ll be mentally challenged the rest of her life!
It’s too funny seeing these hateful trolls whip themselves into a frenzy..
‘Tis why they call it silly season..
Friend of Puffy. Religious crap has to go. I hope them Pastors are happy too. People need to stick their bibles up their asses.
Gman, thanks for that link.
The vengeful and hateful really seem to latch onto that Bibul – lots in there for them.
From you link:
I wonder if he follows one of those pastors that puddl is always braying about, the black Christianists who are turning against Obama because their god smiles on them for their hatred of gay people.
Eh, puddl? Your god hate gays too?
“DUMMOCRAPTS own the economy.”
Apparently they own every Republican screw up as well. But that can happen when one side refuses to accept responsibility for anything they screw up and then does nothing to fix the mess that they created, nothing at all.
Everything’s your fault. Everything’s my fault. I’m sure world’s a little better off for our having that little tit-for-tat.
For Greg, with love:
Sean Davis
POP QUIZ: Which one of these charts is Obama’s Intrade contract, and which is the 2001 Nasdaq bubble/burst?
Wrong again diarrhea stain. We laugh at the leftists like you who think Joe BiteME won his debate!
Bwaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
Looks like Fearless Felix’s jump is on for tomorrow morning.
Jay Leno last night…
NBC, The Tonight Show!
So it turns out that Paul Ryan was lying though his teeth during that debate he had. Personally, I didn’t watch the thing. But, Ryan’s near constant lying bothers me.
Leftist all the way. So how many pants on fire did this one get Michael?
Green Energy… FAIL Seems those headwinds (China) killed another company!
Puddl sez
Would your Jesus say something like that, Puddl?
The bit I block quoted quotes AP, The Hill, and PolitiFact and the things that all three sources said are all factually accurate.
So, in less you can actually prove the facts are wrong please do the world a favor and DIAF.
Oh lookie here DUMMOCRAPTS in action!
Oh poor dunceman… The empty chair and empty brain are front and center and so all he has left is attacking Puddy!
Oh my… you can’t be serious?
It’s becoming worse and worse the more one finds out. Of course FlubScout will scream racism or something even sillier.
Did someone send this woman HA HorsesASS Kook-Aid?
Ignorant. The last time an ambassador was killed was in 1979? Of course Americans are interested. Is she saying Stevens doesn’t count cuz he was gay? gleeeeeeeeeeeeman doesn’t count cuz he’s gay? Puddy counts gleeeeeeeeeeeman as an idiot so he counts! gleeeeeeeeeeeman is an idiot first, moron second and a gay blade third!
Maybe she’s claiming the 47% that have Obummer’s back don’t care about no dead ambassador and burned out foreign consulate! Would make sense. They are low Information DUMMOCRAPTS. Puddy has placed link after link of low Information DUMMOCRAPTS.
So if they want to use the Mohammed video for embassy demonstrations…, how will releasing the Obummer’s offing of Bin Laden film on November 4th eh libtards?
Must be the internal DUMMOCRAPT polling has shown this event sucks to the party and they are walking the media dog to spin another narrative!
Oh, don’t play the victim, puddl. I wasn’t attacking you, I just want to understand how this god of yours, who you’ve threatened me with in the past, would react to you saying the things you do, over and over and over, this being some of the milder stuff…
My understanding of Jesus’ teaching is that of peace and love. You claim to live the teachings of this Bible of yours.
I’m just wondering how you get from your Jesus’ teachings to some of the nasty, hateful insults you hurl around here.
How do you do that?
HA people have talked endlessly about this topic. I find it amazing that our conservatives seem perfectly fine with the idea of changing America in to an extractive society. Is it brainwashing? Is it that society somehow stopped promoting what ever countered our natural urge toward greed?
Glad dunceman came back to attack again. What did Jesus say dunceman…
John 8:44 NIV –
Nuff said SUCKA!
How do you get through life with such a well-developed sense of victimhood?
You haven’t stated, despite your Bible quote, how your relentlessly nasty, insulting, name-calling posts are consistent with your Jesus’ teaching of love?
Do you, puddy, get to decide who is good, and who is evil, and then act accordingly? Aren’t you commanded to love your neighbor? Turn your cheek?
How do you continue with the venomous posts you do, and call yourself a Christian?
You’ve threatened my with eternal damnation when your Jesus returns in “Clouds O’Glory”…aren’t you playing god when you decide who is condemned and who isn’t?
Don’t bother trying to have a discussion with puddy.
If he’s a persona, a piece of performance art, logical arguments like that have to be ignored to maintain the performance.
If he is a religious zealot,than nothing you say will crack his bubble of faith in god as he has decided God will be.
Either way, you will have not more luck getting him to change, than you would arguing with the TV.
Ignore him.
Hey there, NTfF!
Yes, I know…but I enjoy toying with him, holding his (whatever he is) manifest hypocrisy up to the light.
Undermining his self-righteousness with his own nastiness, particularly delicious with a Young-Earth Creationist who is the most venomous of Neanderthal right-wingers, is a guilty pleasure of mine.
Michael @ 73
I don’t think Ryan ‘dismissed’ green pork (I have a Muppets joke similar to that, BTW) any more than Romney did when he compared the oil industries subsidy to the $90B subsidy given to ‘green’ industries. Did he implicitly criticize the expenditures? Sure he did. But there’s a difference.
Ryan specifically mentioned the Fisker factory in another nation. While it is true that the money came from a Bush-created program, the money was specifically allocated by Team Obama to a foreign factory employing foreign workers, not US workers. Since I’m on the Fisker path, I’ll mention that the HuffPo article linked to a March, 2011 article in which the author said things were fine with Fisker. We NOW know that Fisker’s in trouble, apparently won’t use the US plant we gave it money to use, and if it produces anything, will be producing it in Europe, using European workers. The criticism of spending US dollars for stuff produced overseas also extends to Chinese-made windmills, etc.
Since we’re talking about green pork and whether it was beneficial, which was Ryan’s point, I should point out that a lot of that money is earmarked for an idiotic high-speed train in California that they don’t have the money to build and that won’t be used if it is built, and more of the money was earmarked for home insulation programs, which sounds fine except it got bogged down in idiocy about whether the contractors chosen had enough people of color to qualify to do the work, which really slowed things down and ended up with only a small fraction of the money being spent in the period in which the funding was considered most crucial to the economy.
Michael, since you linked to the green jobs stuff immediately after you mentioned Ryan’s ‘near constant lying’, please point out to us where Ryan lied.
OK, my ‘green pork’ muppet Joke:
Q: What’s green and smell like pork?
A: Kermit’s finger.
Until this morning the sources I have been reading that indicate Obama/Biden will blame State for the Benghazi debacle have all been pretty clearly right-leaning sources.
Until this morning.
Did Biden Hang the State Department Out to Dry at the Debate?
Everyone loves Hillary Clinton these days. She’s got an approval rating way higher than that of Joe Biden or of President Obama, who can barely muster 50 percent on a good day.
But what if the most politically significant foreign-policy failure of Obama’s presidency is actually due to a failure of the diplomatic-security strategy at the Clinton-run State Department?
That’s certainly what all the evidence suggests.
Biden opened the door to this on Thursday night. If Barack reiterates it, Team Clinton will have a narrow window in which to respond.
It should go without saying that Hillary would have a better chance in 2016 without the nation having experienced eight years of Obama fatigue.
@69 Intrade has President Obama 61%, Romney 39% today. So what part of a 22 point lead and 15 of 15 Oddsmakers showing Mitt is going to lose does your pea-brain fail to compute Serial Con-Servative?
Oh, Greg. I don’t know whose numbers to believe more: In-trade’s 61% or Darryl’s 90+%.
It’s all so confusing, especially with RCP showing Romney with a lead, nation-wide.
So I’ll just leave you with this little trip down memory lane:
BREAKING (Gallup): Dukakis takes 17 point lead over George Bush!
Fifty-five percent of the 948 registered voters interviewed in the poll said they preferred to see Mr. Dukakis win the 1988 Presidential election, while 38 percent said they preferred to see Mr. Bush win. The poll had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.
Debate 1: Choom Gang Obama.
Debate 2: Triple-shot Obama.
Axelrod: Expect more ‘aggressive’ Obama in debate on Tuesday
“I think he is going to make some adjustments on Tuesday,” Axelrod said on Fox News Sunday.
I wonder if it will have Barack coming off as authentic as Gore did when Gore Debate 1 is compared with Gore Debate 2.
Meanwhile, Romney will continue to look presidential.
Nope you Dope. Jesus identified you perfectly. Sucks to be you dunceman!
interesting advice, coming from someone who’s whole lifestyle revolves around sticking things up his ass.
Arguing anything with Fascist is like talking ot a brick wall. He’s neva wrong, he seldom posts anything from a real web site, just left wrong crapola, and he seldom makes sense.
Typical HA libtard!
Wherein puddy describes the core of his Christianism…
Well, that was refreshing.
Puddy, in one brief post, lays bare the essential denial of brotherly love that Jesus taught, and exposed the fetid core of his loathsome self.
Thank you, puddy.
Plain and simple… You are not my neighbor. You are NOT my brother. You don’t even rate being my brotha. Puddy realizes this is difficult for you to fathom.
It’s good to see Joe BiteME is back to his old self.
You keep digging yourself deeper and deeper with your hateful brand of Christianism.
Am I not a child of God? Is not ylb? gman? Roger? Anyone you disagree with?
By denying our relationship with you, that frees you from Jesus’ admonition to love? Really?
You make clear your mirror-image relationship with the Taliban every day.
@ 101
Am I not a child of God?
Lib Despair, I’m pretty sure you’re a child of cousins.
Looks like David Broken-Axlerod has started the throw Hillary under the bus tour…
I don’t know exactly which way Tampa leans.
But Survey USA polled Tampa residents affected by the VP debate:
and Biden didn’t come off especially well:
13% say they changed which candidate for President they support as a result of the debate. Of those who tell SurveyUSA they changed their mind:
* 44% switched from the Obama ticket to the Romney ticket.
* 29% switched from undecided to the Romney ticket.
* A total of 73% switched to the Romney ticket.
* 18% switched from the Romney ticket to the Obama ticket.
* 6% switched from undecided to the Obama ticket.
* A total of 24% switched to the Obama ticket.
* 49% say Biden is ready to be President, if needed.
* 51% say Ryan is ready to be President, if needed.
Wrong again dunceman. You are the child of cousins… Great line SC… great line.
You see dunceman, you ridicule and belittle anything of God. Hence you will never measure up to being anything except a child of the devil!
Sucks to be you!
Speaking of Biden:
Leaders run to problems to fix problems.
Barack, on the other hand, is desperate to blame his on someone else.
Anyone @ 103 else.
Child of God…
Is a religious concept… religion, a concept foreign to dunceman!
News you might have missed:
In other economic news, the U.S. trade deficit widened in August as exports fell to the lowest level in six months, a worrisome sign that a slowing global economy is cutting into demand for U.S. goods.
The Commerce Department says the deficit increased to $44.2 billion in August, the biggest gap since May and a 4.1 percent increase from July.
Oh, and I found this interesting: It seems that the steep drop in new unemployment insurance claims was because California didn’t get its work done quickly enough for all of the CA unemployment claimants to be counted last week:
The unadjusted increase in claims last week was smaller than projected because one large state showed a drop rather than an increase, said the spokesman, who declined to name the state. The breakdown by state will show up in next week’s report.
What does this mean? Assuming the BLS is above-board, the CA mistake will be rectified in the next couple of releases, which might push the upcoming data higher than it should be. This could make the unemployment claims look worse than they are just before the election. Or at least just before the last debate.
@105, 107
Nice to see you dancing around your (alleged) convictions and descending further into self-parody.
Seems you do believe that you get to pick and choose who is worthy and who is not.
Seems in your titanic arrogance you’ve supplanted your Jesus and have taken on the roll of judging for yourself.
Seems you only follow the law, “Love your neighbor” after you’ve decided who is worthy to be your neighbor and who is not.
Not very Christian, but very, very Christianist.
What would your Jesus say about your behavior?
This is gonna hurt Tuesday night… Robert Fibbs in action.
Who said Puddy did dunceman… Your own actions on this blog prove religion is a foreign concept… The rest of your rant is useless psychobabble!
@ 110
What matters is not the answer to the question.
What matters is that the question is now being asked by MSM.
HA libbies: What are Obama’s chances if the media were to do their jobs?
Somebody not messing around…
You did.
How quickly you forget…how quickly you backpedal…how quickly you deny your own words and culpability.
You’re a fraud, puddy. Your own words reveal what a hate filled, self-righteous, nasty little man you are.
Jesus wept.
You seem to be celebrating killing and war. What would your Jesus say?
Ok… let’s change the pace for a minute…
Hillary’s not going to take the blame for Benghazi without a fight.
State Department released this transcript, which conveniently indicates that the link of the Benghazi attack to the video, since discredited in no uncertain terms, unless you have the credulity of Liberal Scientist, was not State’s doing:
OPERATOR: The next question is from the line of Brad Klapper with AP. Please, go ahead.
QUESTION: Hi, yes. You described several incidents you had with groups of men, armed men. What in all of these events that you’ve described led officials to believe for the first several days that this was prompted by protests against the video?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: That is a question that you would have to ask others. That was not our conclusion. I’m not saying that we had a conclusion, but we outlined what happened. The Ambassador walked guests out around 8:30 or so, there was no one on the street at approximately 9:40, then there was the noise and then we saw on the cameras the – a large number of armed men assaulting the compound.
Completely excellent…
Hypocrite? Oh my dunceman has lost it like his candidates. Israelis died under this moron. You would rather cheer his actions. Waytogo libtardo!
If Axelclod claims Obummer will be more aggressive during the next debate, does that mean we’ll see the real thin-skinned Obummer in action? Will we see him snap like other times.
Slime will smell!
@ 118
From Lib Despair’s link:
If President Obama can get in a line or two like that next Tuesday, the race will be back to where it was before last week’s debate.
Hey, Lib Despair, where will the race be if Barack’s Shecky shtick falls flat?
After three-plus years in office, Democrat strategy boils down to hoping Obama’s one-liners will be better than Romney’s.
Hopenchange, four years on.
Well well well ABC News is coming clean for a change… Raddatz throwing BiteME under the bus… kinda blows up dunceman’s rude pundit entry…
Seems to ABC News BiteME blew it up!
When the debate moderator tears you a new arschloch… you start looking like dunceman… Remember his original Benghazi commentary? Go back to Sept 12… It’s P R I C E L E S S!
Sad so sad…
Oh my Ohio Coal Miners are asking the Obummer reerection campaign to stop lying…
No wonder Ohio went from Obummer to tossup leaning Romney! Then there is this
So Obummers sad campaign calls for an investigation cuz they ain’t getting their “support”.
Maybe it’s because it’s Sunday and people are generally low-key.
Maybe it’s because Doctor Steve hasn’t regained consciousness yet today.
Or maybe it’s because this:
was such an obvious plant by Democrats into a Romney event that not even people as in-the-tank-for-Obama as the HA crowd are willing to subject themselves to the immediate smackdown that would ensue if they tried to post it.
We’re aware. We’ve had plenty of experience with your shit. And we plan to win the election by a large enough margin that you can’t cheat your way out of the loss.
I didn’t really get # 16 at first.
$8000 watch-guy @125
Wow. Somebody’s sure itching to use their prepracticed lines and not seeing the opportunity.
Go for it – let us have it.
Wow The WaPo is having much fun here…
Because he was talking to the NEW York Times about the upcoming Bin Laden movie and how to spin it two days before the election. Let’s answer the other questions!
notice how Lib Scientist(insert laughter here) and the rest of the HA lazy losers have run and hid from the whole Denver incident barely 48 hours ago.
Oh Lucy… dis one’s gonna hurt too… Gosh Romney gonna have a field day in the town hall…
Sometimes the Chicago thug machine is the best answer to the Obummer campaign. Ask them the tough questions. Watch them prevaricate. Dance… Dance, Dance, Dance. Watch them change the subject. Chris Wallace always nails them to the wall. They get shifty. Maybe that’s where dunceman learned it.
Oh Lucy… dis one’s gonna hurt even worse… No wonder Elijah Cummings is carrying Obummer’s kook-aid. Lindsay Graham nails it so well Bob Schieffer can’t even cover for Obummer on national teevee.
Damn this is great…
Wow. Puddl, the ostentatious Christianist, doesn’t get that Colbert is satire.
Have you been watching him all this time thinking he’s on the level?
Truly pathetic.
P R I C E L E S S!Kitchen getting hotter and hotter!
Colbert may be satire, but USA Today isn’t.
Obama, Romney nearly tied in Electoral College
Puddy just read the Simon Wiesenthal Center is aksing on Obummer to publicly condemn the anti-Semitic call for jihad against Israel by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide, Mohammed Badie. What will Obummer do?
@4 – Give me a fucking break. You’re talking about 4 real, dead people, including an ambassador who, by all accounts was a good guy and a devoted public servant. You’re criticizing some fucking anonymous commenter, but you’ve posted not one fucking word about the complicity of your own party in cutting security dollars. If you truly gave a rat’s ass about these dead Americans, you’d have taken your own party to task. But you don’t. You’re using their corpses as a petty tool to poke at the president on a stupid chat board.
That’s despicable.
It’s stupid.
It’s petty.
And it’s despicable.
You are one stoooooooooooopid person dogbreath. You live on left wrong sites. Puddy already posted the State Department’s response to Nancy Pelosi’s rant.
Since you choose to not read Puddy’s entries you choose to look stooooooooooopid on this blog dogbreath. Here is is again dogbreath.
dogbreath, once an idiot, always an idiot… born completely stoooooooooooooopid! Nuff said SUCKA! Seems you are despicable among other adjectives!
And… it seems money diverted from Libya may have been used for the Austrian embassy to buy Chevy Volts. If that’s true you side has more explaining to do stooooooooooooopid dogbreath!
@ 137
A representative of State was asked specifically if inadequate funding affected security decisions, and answered ‘No’.
Jake TapperVerified
State Dept’s Charlene Lamb, asked if budget cuts had anything to do with security decisions, said “No, sir.”
She stated specifically that they had in place the staffing they wanted in place.
Maybe that was coverup, which would not be surprising, but funding inadequacy did not factor into State decisions, unless there’s something you know that hasn’t been stated.
Nice try, but your diversionary effort isn’t supported by facts as provided by State.
The more Puddy deals with morons like dogbreath, it’s readily apparent leftists on HA ARE low information voters. Daily Kooks, Thoroughly Pathetic Morons, Morons.Org, Friday Night Comics, etc.
Nuff said SUCKAS!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… These leftists are morons.
No need to go to Fox News for this. Laura and Brit scold a NY Times reporter for sitting on the side lines while the administration lied about Benghazi.
To wit Brit Hume said later…
No Brit, the NY Slimes with stone wall and obfuscate the Benghazi news to make sure Obummer looks as good as needed. The NY Slimes prime objective is to make sure Obummer gets reerected. Bernie Goldberg was right and is still right! They are the slobbering libtard media!
What a great profession for a right wing slimebaugh-worshipping moron – debt collector:
A debt collector, angered that a disabled US Army veteran was living off of disability payments, told him he “should have died” in war instead of “taking advantage of” other Americans.
That guy is a hero to our trolls.
Not even Faux News can make the math work:
Our trolls can do it in a half second. Make the math “work” by name calling any skeptics..
Heh. Ultimate in irony. Our trolls calling Faux News names.
Oh shit. Last I looked Dori Monson was voting for this guy:
Gary Johnson: Mitt is “without one molecule of brain”
What will our poor little asshat troll, “little maxee” do now?
Wow Paul Ryan practicing “altruism” for the cameras. Anathema to his inspiration to “public service”, Ayn Rand:
He practiced this “altruism” on an already cleaned soup kitchen..
What a fucking phoney baloney!
Oh my the diarrhea stain, another of HA’s low information voters, left his wet puddles of smell above! What ylbuttspigot just proved in #143 is Fox News is fair and balanced, unlike his favrit site PMSNBC!
Butt alas, the buttspigot will only use Fox News when he can make an insipid point. So there goes his Faux Noise rant.
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
Wait for it… wet puddles of smell… coined by Puddy will be used in a moronic, idiotic attack against Puddy!
Yawwwn… Bloomberg can’t make the math work either..
They claim “the final word” on Willard’s “plan” and the phony “studies” that fail to support it.
146 – Bingo. called it. Name-calling to make the math “work”.. Heh. What a shitty life to be a right wing troll.
Heh. Too funny and sad.. Another greedhead threatens to “destroy jobs” if Obama is re-elected.
LOL!! Quick cut his taxes before it’s too late!
This newspaper hasn’t endorsed a Democrat since 1964:
i.e. who can possibly trust what comes out of this idiot Willard’s mouth?
Is this something your Jesus would say? Or look approvingly on one of his followers saying?
Why do you think you don’t have to follow His laws, puddy, but still get to claim His presence in your actions? Or are your actions void of Him?
Puddy already gave dunceman what Jesus said about the likes of him and other hateful HA atheists!
Did you forget already dunceman?
Winston-Salem didn’t get it right…
Bush started the bailout of GM. No wonder they are wrong!
BTW ylbuttspigot, Puddy doesn’t see anything in bold! Plagiarizing again? Sheesh… what a diarrhea stain!
Really big yawwwwwn for Josh Barro from your Bloomberg column – smelly libtard who once said in National Review
Nuff SAID on that SUCKA ylbuttspigot. At least the National Review keeps him as one of their token leftist pinheads. You seem to forget Puddy catalogs leftists in the media. And you always to run to them whenever you need to put yourself in pixels. Puddy identifies these losers and your use!
Josh glosses over the growth assumed by the Harvard professor, just like any other libtard does. And he downplays the most revenue ever delivered to the US in 2007, $2.56 Trillion and in 2008 it was $2.52 Trillion. Then Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid screwed the economy and blamed it on Bush! Now you see why Harry Reid continues to not deliver a constitutionally mandated budget. This is missing this leftist pinhead’s commentary.
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
Oh noes… will Candy Crowley be quiet or will she lean left libtard like she normally does?
Holy Leftwing Commentators Batman
Seems Andrew Sullivan is still in panic mode…
A big time leftist dope, who knows BiteME just changed the slope, not the path!
and you think Obmama’a reinvigorated IRS agents are going to be any better?
Sadly, no, puddl, that wasn’t the question. I’m asking about you. I asked what Jesus thought of you – and you evaded by telling me he’d consider me a liar.
But puddl, I’m an atheist, and I don’t care what ‘Jesus’ thinks, but you’re a “Christian” – it’s only germane what he thinks of you, which is my question.
You told me you get to pick and choose who you consider your neighbor, which other of God’s children you treat with love, and which with contempt. Which you consider your ally and toward which you hurl nasty, bragging insult
You’ve replaced God in judgement with yourself.
My question to you remains unanswered…what would your Jesus think of YOU?
149. YLB spews:
This newspaper hasn’t endorsed a Democrat since 1964:
In May of this year, ‘this newspaper’ was bought by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.
My guess is that ‘this newspaper’ will endorse Democrats until ownership changes, or at least until Buffett is no longer running the show.
When something makes no sense, YLB, why parrot it? Do you really think no one is watching?
147. YLB spews:
Yawwwn… Bloomberg can’t make the math work either..
YLB, it’s in the opinion section on Bloomberg. Would you agree with me if I took a conservative opinion published in NYT and maintained that the opinion was the newspaper’s position on any particular issue?
Opinions are like assholes, YLB. And you seem to have your head up your own.
Cap’n Timex is starting early this morning…
@ 161
Lib Despair, I start early nearly every morning. Most people who don’t pay their fair share do.
@ 147
Here’s an opinion column, YLB, in the WaPo:
How Obama bungled the Syrian revolution
… his serial miscalculations have had the consistent if unintended effect of enabling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad — first to avoid international isolation, then to go on slaughtering his own population with impunity.
Obama’s Syria policy began in 2009 with the misguided idea of reaching out to the dictator. Within a month of his inauguration, Obama reversed the Bush administration’s approach of isolating Assad.
YLB, would you be OK with me representing this opinion by a single individual as “Washington Post thinks Obama fucked up his most recent foreign policy challenge.”?
YLB, do you think Bashir Assad is a ‘reformer’? Team Obama did, not that long ago.
Since the point is to rip YLB a new one, it’s off-topic for me to point out that this piece ran in WaPo the day before a debate in which Obama will have to defend his foreign policy choices. But fun, nonetheless.
What if the MSM decides to play the last month fair and square, YLB? Think Barack would fare well?
This is interesting…
The piggish greed of those at the top, working against social mobility, and thus competition, veritably pulling up the ladder after them. Same as it ever was. You know what happens?
The “I GOT MINE” and “I WANT MORE” chorus, comprised of shallow greed-heads like Cap’n Timex*, and led by Rand-bots like Willard and Ryan, are trying mightily to corner the market on everything, the rest of us be damned. Their thinking extends about 6 inches beyond their noses, about 6 months into the future, if that, and is driven by nothing but entitlement and greed.
They will destroy this Republic, if we let them.
*(if he is who he claims to be…OTOH, I’m still not convinced he’s not the idiot nephew of the asst. deputy chair of some state’s Republican Party, given a job even he can’t fuck up.)
What happened to “I make you think, you make me think” – you know, the schtick you started out with around here.
Oh, yeah, you were lying.
You know the left is desperate when they gotta go back to 14th century italy to try and make a pont.
Relevancy = 0.0
@ 165
What happened to “I make you think, you make me think” – you know, the schtick you started out with around here.
‘You’ can refer to one person or to a group. Since there have been two thread topics stemming from input I have made over the past few months, I’m probably making someone think, YLB.
Insofar as you (singular, now) are concerned, though, I’m probably just firing up the black helicopters in your cerebrocortical tissue.
One more thing, Lib Despair: Just because you are paranoid does not mean that we are not out to get you.
You know the left is desperate when they gotta go back to 14th century italy to try and make a pont (sic).
The alternative to this is defending Obama based on his record in office.
So, yeah, desperate times call for desperate measures. Like Big Bird, Sandra Fluke, and Seamus.
Yes, we are laughing at you both, Cap’n and kim jong (Tenille?).
You guys don’t get irony, do you?
Perhaps that is the fundamental difference between us – you’re the people who want us to organize our government according to the 4000-year-old scribbles of iron-age goatherds, yet you find comparison between our society and a mercantile one in direct lineage a few hundred years before invalid.
LOL! That’s rich Bob. With Russia using Syria as one of their coveted warm water ports why didn’t wise global strategist Bush put Assad out of business long ago?
WAPO editorial page? A right wing leaning place for inside-the-beltway conventional “wisdom” for many, many years Bob.
Home of the execrable Krauthammer and the late not-so-lamented Michael Kelly who bought the farm covering his own wet dream in Irag.
171 – Iraq, excuse me..
Lib sci the clown sure does seem scared of other peoples beliefs.