Guide to voter ID laws.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Roy Zimmerman with Sandy Riccardi: The Wedding of Church and State:
Thom: The Good, the Bad and The Very, Very Ugly.
Ed: Democrats Rebound in Senate Races For 2012
Mark Fiore: Why do they hate us?
President Obama on Letterman.
Young Turks: Rush Limbaugh blames “Feminazis” for his small penis.
Thom and Pap: GOP says “lazy people shouldn’t vote.
Obama v. Romney in Patriot Games:
Ann Telnaes: Testing your free speech limits.
White House: West Wing Week.
- Homer votes for Mitt:
- Sam Seder: “Poor me…I inherited nothing!”
- Ann Telnaes: Romney offers his opinion on the 47%.
- Young Turks: GOP Abandoning Mitt Romney.
- Mitt taken out of context.
- SlateTV: Romney on the ropes
- Sam Seder: “Poor me, I’m not Latino.”
- Obama ad features Mitt Romney!
- SNL on 47%
- Jon: The 47% meltdown.
- SlateTV: Ann Romney damage control.
- Maddow: Paul Ryan has trouble at the AARP.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: The 47%
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan at the AARP.
- Thom: Does Mitt think he’s Jesus?
- Liberal Viewer: SNL predicts Romney 47 Percent Scandal
- Sam Seder: Mitt’s tax return.
- Jon: Romney Magic:
- Young Turks: Mitt Romney flip-flop videos
- Maddow: Mitt plays tax games with 2011 return.
- Sam Seder: Ann Romney to GOP, “STFU!”
- Umm…Booooo!
- SlateTV: Tim Pawlenty quits Mitt.
- Obama (and his anger translator) on the 47%
- Thom: Romneyhood!
- Tweety: Romney Wobbles
- Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘equestrian’ Ann Romney to critics, ‘Stop it. This is hard!’
- Young Turks: Ann lashes out
- Mitt Romeny: Outside the circle.
- Maddow: Big name Republicans thinking past Mitt.
- Leaked! Missing footage from Mitt’s explanatory remarks.
- Conan’s new Romney attack ad: Barack Obama doesn’t exist.
- Paul Ryan repeatedly gets booed at AARP speech
Ann Telnaes: Justice Scalia vents.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Jon: Jesus’ wife.
Sarah Silverman does a Voter ID PSA:
Sam Seder: Florida makes it almost impossible to register to vote.
Young Turks: ON that Sarah Silverman video.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Friday’s report will be closely analyzed for its potential impact on the presidential campaign, especially in 12 swing states that are expected to be key battlegrounds.
Those 12 are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, and North Carolina have jobless rates above the national average, which was 8.1% in August.
Among the 12, Michigan’s rate rose the most last month, 0.4 percentage point from July, to 9.4%. Rates rose in seven of the 12 compared with July.
No matter. What really matters is that Romney overpaid his 2011 taxes.
The repercussions of declaring that the Benghazi attack was a planned terrorist assault on the United States would be extensive. For starters, it would raise questions about the Obama administration’s precautions in a volatile region and its preparedness for anti-US strikes in an area known to harbor Al Qaeda and other Islamist extremist elements.
More broadly, it could call into question President Obama’s Middle East policy in the wake of the Arab awakening. Some Republican critics are already tarring the policy as too weak and dismissive of the threats that the region’s tumult presents.
Maybe another big speech in Cairo will do the trick.
Really, Obama has little to worry about insofar as security lapses in Libya might affect his campaign.
After all, Bibi’s got his back:
“Wait for what?”
Obama called for Mubarak’s ouster. Obama bombed Libya to help ensure Gadaffi’s ouster.
The results:
U.S. and Western diplomats are concerned that the longer Bashar al-Assad hangs on to his failing regime in Damascus, the more likely it is that the aftermath of the Syrian rebellion will be dominated by Islamist elements, completing an arc of newly empowered radical groups along the southern half of the Mediterranean from Libya to Syria.
Alternate title: Doubling Down on Stupid.
Taxpayers, ratepayers will fund California solar plants
Driven by the Obama administration’s vision of clean power and energy independence, the rush to build large-scale solar plants across the Southwest has created an investors’ dream in the desert.
Taxpayers have poured tens of billions of dollars into solar projects — some of which will have all their construction and development costs financed by the government by the time they start producing power.
Banks, insurers and utility companies have jumped in, taking advantage of complex state and federal tax incentives to reap outsized returns. Among the solar prospectors in the Mojave are investor Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., General Electric, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley and technology giant Google Inc.
I just finished a second-story remodel and in the process placed wire conduit in preparation for a solar install. It will probably cost somewhere between $19-22K. Without all of the goodies financed either by ratepayers or taxpayers, the annual payback in electricity saved for all this work is around 1%, and that’s assuming no added costs for maintenance, replacement, or repairs, which seems unlikely.
Ratepayers have been forced to fund an account from which I will be reimbursed $0.54/kWh produced. This will give me around $700 per year, which makes the project pencil out, when the other incentives are added in.
So over 10 years or so, I’ll be paid back the cost of the project, or around $20K, in subsidies, credits, and other givebacks, courtesy of my fellow taxpayers and ratepayers.
Take that $20K, use it instead for, say, eight rebates of $2,500 each to buy a Prius or other EV, and I bet a whole lot more energy is saved, carbon dioxide is not created, and fossil fuel is not burned over those 10 years.
Solar is idiotic, part of the ‘All of the Above’ approach to reducing energy consumption. Until we have better market penetration by gas-saving vehicles that don’t themselves require huge government subsidies to entice customers to buy, we have no business wasting money on something that provides a far smaller return to the environment.
Nice photo, at the link, of a protestor burning a photo of Obama.
Weren’t they all supposed to love us because we elected him?
Fouad Ajami: Muslim Rage and the Obama Retreat
We can’t declare a unilateral end to our troubles, or avert our gaze from the disorder that afflicts the societies of the Greater Middle East.
Our foreign policy has been altered, as never before, to fit one man’s electoral needs. We hear from the presidential handlers only what they want us to believe about the temper of distant lands. It was only yesterday that our leader, we are told, had solved the riddle of our position in the world.;mg=id-wsj
People like you?
Remember the terrible economic crash of 2008 and the recession that followed and when you forgot you came in to an extra $61,122?
@5 Solar is idiotic or not depending primarily on location. If you live in Western WA it is probably marginal at best. In Las Vegas with 355 sunny days per year it can make sense. The other idiotic thing about solar is the emphasis on centralized production and distribution. Solar works best when used passively, in the location and design of your home or commercial building, in orientation of buildings and so on. We just left Las Vegas. Almost everyone we knew lived in stick-built Mediterranean [Southern CA] style home and had major AC bills in the summer and major heat bills in the winter. We lived on the old side of town in a Mexican neighborhood in an adobe house with Chinese Elm shade trees. Our bills were significantly smaller due to better building for the site.
@ 8
It makes sense only if it’s heavily subsidized. Without the subsidies, the bang for the buck is a joke.
@8 wharfrat,
Not going to go into the details, but solar is really not dependent upon location. The issue is the effectiveness of the cell to convert the energy. The US developed technology exists and is in production today such that solar panels with the newer technology if used in western WA are every bit as effective as those used in Las Vegas a decade ago.
Free Market baby!
Life Spans Shrink for Least-Educated Whites in the U.S.
Republican free market policy prescriptions are literally killing you.
I haven’t had my coffee yet, and can barely muster the effort to even read Cap’n Crunch’s drivel, where @5 we’re treated to his whining about a program he doesn’t seem to understand, doesn’t like, but is planning to take advantage of anyway.
Curiously whining about the cost, but certainly not declining the benefit he personally is going to derive, he does not seem to understanding the good, or utility, that might derive from such a program that would justify its immediate public cost. Once again we see the defect in right-wing analysis that fails to appreciate benefits or costs beyond one order, or maybe two, of relationships beyond the end of their greedy noses.
I can come up with numerous examples of public costs that benefit private entities, usually corporations – Cap’n doesn’t seem to have a problem with those.
Here is one example. Would the Keystone pipeline be economically viable without ‘taking’ private lands?
Or how about this one, more here, even negatively commented on by Reason magazine here? Would our nation have wasted trillions of dollars on unnecessary wars had this this public funding of private gain not taken place?
Yeah, solar subsidies are EEEVVVUULLLLL!!!!
Did orders come down from the wingnut mothership to pick a fight about solar power?
The right wing are pulling out the stops to steal yet another election for their beloved right wing plutocrats. The result will be war and poverty for the many, vast riches for the few.. The overwhelming majority of the right wing are not rich by any stretch. They somehow believe benefits will trickle down to them. In reality they will be trickled on but somehow believe even that is better than anything else. They are fools.
@ 13
Ask the LAT. They wrote the article.
@ 12
I understand it just fine. Been working on this for nearly three years now. Been to the solar fests, talked to the guy who’s currently in trouble for certifying as made in WA items that were not. Done all sorts of CAD work on the building. Looked at all of the subsidies, how they came about, etc.
Dropped from consideration one company who decided it would endorse Inslee on its FB page.
Just fine.
If I had a use for a second Prius I’d buy that instead of doing solar. The Prius V won’t work for me, tho.
Prius is amazing. Why couldn’t Toyota, rather than Obama, win a Nobel Peace Prize the way Gore did?
From Michael Gerson, Republican:
Howard Fineman’s article at the HuffPo is where I found Gersons…
@ 17
Yes, some in the GOP are critical of Romney. Some in the Democrat party are critical of Obama.
Go figure.
That was good!
Whistling past the graveyard…
@ 19
If you say so.
It’s the economy. Florida’s unemployment rate just went up.
It’s the economy.
Deep Thought:
If 47% of Americans are moochers, how many US Presidents have only released two years of tax returns since George Romney led the practice of releasing 12 years of tax returns in 1967?
re 20: It will still be the economy even if Romney wins, stupid. You are surely not under the illusion that Republicans can fix something they caused and do not even understand?
@16 – That Gerson piece is scathing in its denunciation of what passes for glibertarian rhetoric..
Refreshing to read from a right-leaner..
@ 22
The economy had recovered from the recession that began under GWB43. Q4 growth in GDP last year was 3%
If you look at the chart in this dKos post
you see a nice healthy four-quarter increase in GDP as well.
You can’t blame current woes on the GOP. We’re heading into the Obama recession. The September and October unemployment figures will be released before the election.
Own it.
@22, in reference to the fool @24
Fascinating, isn’t it, the Republicans’ demand that we base all analysis and judgement as if the world were not 6000 years old, but rather 3.5?
Hey Kornflake,
You would have us believe you are knowledgeable about the mid-east. Why have you not commented about this?
Libyans attack group linked to U.S. ambassador’s death
or this?
Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases
@ 26
I have no special Middle East knowledge, although clearly a different perspective from many on HA.
Regarding your links, if it was supported by the government, I think it’s great. I did read one piece in which a prominent Libyan noted that Stevens had been a friend of Libya.
Does it change the fact that the State Department did not adequately protect its ambassador? No, it does not.
@24 Kaptain Kornflake,
We’re heading into the Obama recession. Own it.
Tell you what A-Hole, let’s you and I place a Romney bet of $10k with proceeds to go to the USO to support our troops on whether the USA goes in to recession in 2013.
You up for “owning” that?
@ 28
That bet would depend heavily on who wins the election, would it not?
Which side of the bet would you take?
Why would I bet the economy would slide into recession in 2013 if I also believe Romney will win? If he wins, I believe we avoid recession unless one has already started or is very, very close (see Clinton/Bush 2000 – the decline started under Clinton and yet it’s commonly referred to as Bush’s recession.
Further, the NBER has muddied the waters with their revised definition of recession. It’s not two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth anymore.
My point is, we’re sliding and have been for some months, after a pretty decent 2011. That can’t be hung on GWB43. It’s Obama’s to own.
Tell ya what, tho. If Obama wins, I’ll donate $1,000 to Darryl’s favorite charity. If Romney wins, you make that donation instead of me.
re $1,000 donation to Darryl’s fave charity, deal.
You’ve got Slick Willard and I’ve got the winning ticket.
But, you’re backing off of that BS statement about sliding into recession? You won’t own it?
Come on, make the bet. You can afford it. And the USO does good work.
Solar, wind, nuclear, coal, oil, geothermal – use ’em all. Whatever works in whatever location.
@28 & 29,
Remember it’s the electoral college that counts. Washington’s electoral votes are definitely going to be cast for Obama because he’ll win the state. That’s just the way it is. The western side of the Cascades is heavily Democrat, and there are more of them than Republicans, Libertarians and others in Eastern WA.
@ 32
Thank you for that reminder of how presidential elections are decided. I was concerned that things might have changed since 2008.
Please excuse me while I move WA out of the red column.
@ 30
I don’t know how the economy will play out. Christina Romer, famously, bet very wrong as well.
I don’t want a recession. That’s not my point.
My point is that we are sliding toward one – GDP growth has fallen each quarter since ’11 Q4 and probably will fall in ’12 Q3 as well. Unemployment is no better and after accounting for reduced participation rate is in fact worse. Those numbers will not be helpful to Obama and those numbers will be reinforced by additional data and by debates and media ads between now and election time.
That is my point. It’s why my sky is not falling right now. I think it will become the focus in the final month and that focus will not help Obama.
@34 Kornflake,
What you said @24 was We’re heading into the Obama recession.. When put to the test of “owning” your words, you backed off.
Let’s be clear. The global economy is hurting due to idiotic economic policies of austerity in the EU which further negatively impacts global demand. That’s a risk to the US economy.
But in no way do economic indicators point to a pending US recession in the next year.
More to the point when Obama and the Democrats win on November 6th, a significant political risk to the US economy will be avoided.
There will be no US recession in 2013 precisely because Obama and the Democrats are going to win and the crazies who would implement the same GD policies which crashed the economy are going to lose.
I gotta go do GOTV.
@ 35
How many quarters of decreasing GDP growth until you would say a recession is occurring?
Three meets a downturn of several months.
Part of the problem of defining a recession is that NBER doesn’t really do a very precise job. It’s like obscenity. They know it when they see it. Thanks a lot, guys.
By at least one previous NBER-described definition, we’re in one now, if Q3 is lower than Q2. I’ve posted on that before. Doctor Steve, IIRC, came up with a more recent definition or description that wasn’t as damning.
re 36: The reason that your arguments don’t work is that you go into them with a predetermined result. Any evidence that you present is suspect.
It’s like you guys and global climate change.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about the ’08 election and how, at the time, I like to compare it to a game of musical chairs where someone had taken a giant shit on the last chair. Sure you could win the game, be the last person remaining, but is it really worth it?
@36 Geez, you have nearly half the comments in this thread and your candidate is still not only losing, he’s taking the party down with him. You’re just going to have to try harder.
When I entered the job market the local unemployment rate here soon reached 16%. The lines of the unemployed poured out of the Unemployment Building on Taylor and went around the block. One of things I heard back then that stuck with me, if you have a job, it’s a recession and you’re scared. If you don’t have a job, it’s a depression and you’re fucked. Now that’s not exactly NBER, but it’s certainly a look beyond the statistics into the impact of unemployment on people’s lives, hopes and dreams.
When Romney closes a small-town factory and has the employees train their Chinese replacements, his vision is that he should be able to fuck these people over and then leave them without any social safety nets whatsoever to help them out when they’re down and out. They are road kill and Romney doesn’t want to even look in the rearview mirror at what he’s done to them. A town devastated by unemployment can just turn to it’s churches of the unemployed for charity. To add insult to injury, Romney doesn’t he or his heirs paying any taxes at all on the fortune he’s made from shipping American jobs, hopes and dreams to China.
Such a plan. Such a vision. No wonder you and Romney want to talk about other shit, Bob.
Reading the many posts back and forth regarding movement of opinion in this state or the other I am reminded of shamans reading goat droppings and divining the future. Winter is coming, time to cut firewood and clean the gutters.
Yup. I just pulled 6 pints of pear butter out of the canner. Spaded under the summer garden a couple days ago and planted fall rye on it, the sprouts are just starting to come up.
Just tried the pear butter, it’s super yummy.
@ Serial Conservative,
I really doubt The Great Contraction will care who the next president is. Same with the congress. Whomever they are, they wont be the ones driving the bus.
However, we do know that Bill Clinton’s failure to regulate the derivatives markets, the Bush Admin’s failure to follow the rule of law across the board, and the Obama Admin’s half-hearted attempts to reinstate the rule of law into the finical services sector have all made things much worse than they could be. And yet, you think we should vote for a who would follow these exact policies and would remove the little bit of the rule of law that the Obama Admin has re-established. Sorry, that makes no sense.
@39, Steve:
The Rs: They’re liars. They have concsiously lied throughout this cycle. They lie about stupid inconsequential things and double down or amend the tax returns to support their lies.
The legacy of this R ticket (up and down the ballot) is:
Republicans and lying are indelibly equated in the minds of most Americans. That and demographics condemns the Rs to electoral hell.
Also, too: They’re incompetent losers!
Earth to Bob:
Oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear are all heavily subsidized. And the oil and LNG coming out of the Middle East is being escorted by our war ships at additional cost. Then there is the waste products put into our environment with attendant costs.
I know a few folks in Western WA that heat their homes via solar thermal setups. They get nearly 100% of their heat and hot water from solar 9 months out of the year and the remaining 3 months they still get over half of it from solar. Not a bad deal at all.
I’d missed that howler monkey. The search for oil is subsidized, the drilling is subsidized, the refining, and movement of the refined product is subsidized, the road building that uses oil products is subsidized, the happy motoring that goes on on those roads is subsidized.
That’s great contraction II, btw.
@45 poppycock, I say, poppycock. Don’t let the facts get in the way of good bullshit.
Wow, sometimes the NY Slimes actually prints real material!
Weak man, weak policy! Plain and simple!
No interviews for this story, butt I’ll run to the NY Slimes and tell them all our other military secrets to make Obummer look good!
@48 Puddles,
The key point for Americans to the story you referenced is this
You may have told us already Puddles, but in the effort to keep American “strong!”, did you enlist and serve in Bush’s war in Iraq?
Or maybe you sat on your ass and commented about how America was stronger while others fought and died?
Hey in the Good News for Mitt Romney department, things are looking up in Ohio. No Republican has ever won a presidential election without winning Ohio. Never.
Smell that?
How’s that ODS working out for you trolls?
@51 YLB, not arguing, but … it ain’t the snapshot that is an interesting indicator, it is the trend. The mittastrophe that is the Slick Willard/Lyin’ Ryan campaign at the end of September is our opportunity to right the ship.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
Hey guys, speaking of the election, when is that damn carpet bombing supposed to start?
Sarah I quit as governor to be a reality TV star Palin has chimed in to help the Republican ticket, but strangely her advise is not having its desired effect:
Sarah, equally competent to kill a moose or a Republican presidential nominee’s chances at being elected.
@53, the only carpet bombing Rmoney and the Republicans are capable of is of the sort my puppy does; with equal effect.
Too old CubScout! Of course you skip over the fun parts where the Slimes actually printed some truths about Obummer’s failures!
@56 Puddles,
Who told you you were too old? A recruiter? Did you volunteer to serve the purpose you push?
And when you volunteered were you told you could not?
I don’t think so.
@56 Let’s be clear and to the point Puddles.
You were and are AWOL when it comes to strong American foreign policy.
You pathetically carp about the Obama administration’s weakness, but you personally cower in the face of the difficult personal sacrifices needed.
You lack the courage to fight and serve.
And as fighting these wars may require physical abilities you may lack through no fault of your own, you cower from all sorts of other responsibilities required for the lousy policies you’d have others fight and die for.
Where were you when Bush’s foreign adventure was initiated without the tax funding required? Where are you today on that issue?
If it was such a good idea to spend American blood and treasure in Iraq under Bush, and if you honestly believe we should spend more American blood and treasure in Iraq today to clean up that mess, are you ready to fight for significantly higher taxes to pay for it all?
Where are you on the Republican Senators failing to support those Iraq War Veterans get jobs?
I’ll tell you where you where and where you are, Puddles. You are AWOL. Traitorously AWOL.
I read the NY Times article to which puddy linked, and the inescapable fact underlying any analysis of Obama and Iraq, is encapsulated by the question,
So puddybud, would your Jesus have approved of the killing of all those innocent Iraqi ‘children of god’?
A very contemporary and shameful point. Do you, puddybud, support the Republican Senators who killed the Veterans’ Job Corps bill?
You are as clear as mud as always CubScout. Since you are so wrong about everything the rest of your rant is absolutely worthless.
Obummer’s foreign policy as come down crashing two weeks ago. Can’t blame that on Bush. Well you could blame the pullout of Iraq on Bush Obummer loves to strut about!
puddybud – you’ve again failed to answer the burning question…
Another question you’ve so far failed to answer…
Puddy sez…
Was it a non sequitur? HAHAHAHAAAA!
Ahh the idiot has returned to the thread!
When the Beast nails you, it nails you!
So Lib da dunce, you haven’t answered how all those new ASSholes feel now that the Obummer sadministration finally admitted Benghazi was a terror attack. Can you say flow through ventilation?
F L O W T H R O U G H Ventilation!
@65, 66, 67
puddybud, why can’t you answer simple questions that derive from your self-stated religion and self-stated politics? I find glaring conflict between the two, and am just trying to learn more.
You, on the other hand, can’t stop talking about assholes. Why is that?
Well it’s real simple Lib da dunce… A week ago Thursday Puddy postulated from liberal British fish rag wrappers the Obummer sadministration knew this was a terror attack. You claimed Puddy was stupid and wrong. Well you are a libtard HA leftist ASShole. Now that Obummer’s sadministration admitted it was a terrorist action you received new ASSholes from Obummer’s peeps. Now everyone sees you are stupid and you were wrong. You haven’t answered how all those new ASSholes feel now that the Obummer sadministration finally admitted Benghazi was a terror attack. Can you say flow through ventilation?
F L O W T H R O U G H Ventilation!
I’ve been saying from the beginning that we need to investigate and find out what happened, what went wrong.
You, and Cap’n Crunch, have been braying about ACTS OF WAAARRRR!!! and vengeance and ‘leaving them dead on the battlefield” and other cheap saber rattling, without knowing anything – mere speculation – with an agenda only to condemn the present administration and score cheap points – this is all transparent.
You still know nothing, not in any detail from which you can derive valid conclusions that might be meaningful in any sort of debate. That, of course has not stopped your braying.
Nor has it stopped your distasteful preoccupation with assholes, just like jockstraps previously…
Now, please…
puddy sez…
No, they don’t. But most people around here think you’re a complete tool.
Got a link to that Lib da dunce? Show where Puddy has said anything about a war!
Most morons here are wrong-headed leftists like you. Nothing new here move along!
Puddy knew more than you 10 days ago. I don’t live on left wrong puke sites. So what does that say about you Lib da dunce?
Yes all of the above!
I asked you about you Jesus view of killing, and you made a comment, to paraphrase, about leaving terrorists ‘dead on the battlefield’.
Look it up yourself.
Now, will you answer my questions to you in 71? Or are you a coward?
Spin, spin, spin, puddybud.
What’s Jesus going to say about you and your deceit and nastiness when he returns in his Clouds O’Glory?
Not your bitch fool!
How dem new ASSholes feeling?
So? You’d try them in NYC courts! So? You seem to forget Jesus’ words. Well not going to continue to repeat myself.
Which would those be, that would justify ‘leaving them dead on the battlefield’?
Why do you have such fear and loathing of our courts, our Constitution? Do elaborate.
You really don’t see how this diminishes you, do you?
You don’t want to respond to any of these?
You seem to forget who was right and who was wrong. No clarification needed… Puddy was right way early! Seems you are of diminished capacity!
Where does this appear in any argument?
@83, see #78!
Looked this one up. All revenue bills begin in the house. It was Constitutionally killed! SO why are there 1 million unemployed veterans? Obummer sadministration policies!
See ya!
In response to substantive questions, puddybud has only this to offer…
Spin spin spin
puddy sez…
But Republican Lisa Murkowski didn’t have this objection:
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III, who led the attack against, didn’t say anything about constitutionality…
Neither did crazy-ass Coburn…
All quotes from Mother Jones.
puddybud is too much of a coward to stand up for his beliefs, when those beliefs are held up to the light.
What would Jesus say?
Sometimes I fell bad about how easy it is to pwn puddybud.
For about a nanosecond.
On a different note, after having a useless discussion with Lib da dunce… On MTV they said being called a slut is a good thing. Who knew Rush Limbaugh was ahead of his time!
Lib da schmuck lied again.
Puddy in other threads put forth Jesus’ commentary. Dunceman didn’t like the Biblical quotes, so he’s reduced to creating horseshit out of thin air. A real magician.
Then he runs to mother jones, who put forth a tape on Romney then admits it begrudgingly wasn’t the whole session. So much for that leibtard site!
You’ve only ever said, “I and the father are one” as a justification for OT-type bloodlust. That’s it, that’s all you’ve ever responded.
NOT A WORD on love. Not a word on how your mean-spiritedness, your ‘leave them dead’ bloodlust might comport with the Sermon on the Mount.
Yet you’re quick to threaten me with your Jesus’ wrath for my atheism when he returns in his “Clouds O’Glory”.
What a nasty, vengeful god you worship. Explains a lot about you.
And what, pray tell, might be in those two minute that would mitigate what we’ve all seen?
How about this? Mitt: “…and that was my impersonation of a total asshole…”?
What might be in there, eh puddy?
Oh my one more time for emphasis…
Not your bitch fool!
How dem new ASSholes feeling?
David Oh so Corny claimed he had the full tape… no interruptions.
Mother Jones Lie!
Going out with Mrs Puddy Lib da dunce.
See ya!
Or should we be calling you White Puddman?
Crying and running away…so sad to see a grown man behave this way.
How many times did he call him “the messiah”??
b cs -r -t puddymoron -d “^200[8-9]|201[0-2]” -b “*the messiah” -c
| count |
| 351 |
1 row in set
“One of the people who manages our corporate twitter account thought he was tweeting from their personal twitter account on Saturday morning but tweeted from our corporate account by mistake…That person immediately realized his mistake and deleted the tweet from our corporate account. We have taken steps to help ensure that this kind of mistake doesn’t happen again.” – Proof positive most MSFTies are basically libtards!
And we see another diarrhea stain from the buttspigot. Leaving his smelly mark in another thread.
BTW buttspigot,
Puddy parroting Donna Brazile and others ya moron!
Still staying stooooooooooopid! You are batting a perfect 1.000!
Obummer calls Israel’s concern over Iran just “noise“!
Yes, your suspicions were correct, puddl was misleading, again.
Obama’s quote:
puddl’s take:
puddl probably couldn’t get a job a Drudge.
I corrected the dumb fuck’s comment for him.
Looks better, huh?
So why did this fall on the cutting room floor?
Of course this was skipped by Lib da dunce. To most Americans, Israel is our CLOSEST ally in the region, not one of the closest! And it’s noise per Obummer! He’s not meeting with Netanyahu!
And he’s losing Florida Jews left and right!
Thanks for playing Lib da dunce!
You are a clown.
rujax, the dumbest of the HA libtards has nothing left in his amoeba. So he manufactures PuddyMissives!
Sad, so very sad!
How do you get 18,000 people in a 5,000 seat place? Make up numbas if you are the AP (Administration’s Press)! Well, you gotta do something to make Obummer look good!
Any way you slice it, it was WAY more than that famous Romney venue on Boca Raton.
Moreover, googling “18000 in 5000 venue” and you get a veritable rogue’s gallery of the right-wing fever swamp, all reposting the original Breitbart article. We all know about Breitbart’s veracity, or lack thereof.
Double moreover, the venue, the BMO Harris pavilion, holds at least 10000, and several reports besides AP had the number at 18000, which was sourced to the Obama campaign. I bet they’re having fun watching you guys on your gerbil wheel.