Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Aloha, Hawaii!:
The debate between Inslee and McKenna.
Who is Paul Ryan?
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, South Carolina edition:
Pap: GOP bound to fail.
Thom and Pap: Obama endorses Constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.
Liberal Viewer: The most negative campaign ever?
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
White House: West Wing Week.
The G.O.P. Multimedia Extravaganza!
- Young Turks: Mitt on Abortion.
- The Worst jokes from the convention (via Political Wire).
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: RNC 2012—Romney for President?
- Mitt: “Say”.
- Young Turks: Tim Pawlenty’s jokes at the Republican Convention.
- Clint Eastwood offers a rambling and surreal bit of “performance art” at the convention.
- Raw Story interviews Clint Eastwood’s chair
- Jonathan Mann: Clint Eastwood Talking To A Chair:
- SlateTV: Eastwooding
- Young Turks: Clint Eastwood and the invisible Obama.
- Ann Telnaes: Romney talks to his chair.
- Maddow: Eastwood’s terribly timed RNC meltdown
- Sam Seder: Clint Eastwood, Mitt Romney & the RNC in a nutshell
- Comedian John Fugelsang reacts to Clint Eastwood
- Sam Seder and friends on Fact checking Paul Ryan’s RNC Speech (hint: full of lies!).
- Thom: It’s all another Republican con job.
- Young Turks: Mitt’s acceptance speech.
- Young Turks: The Ryan acceptance speech.
- Sam Seder: Ann Romney’s RNC Speech (or Tell Us How You REALLY Feel!).
- Thom: How the MSM helps the GOP Big Lie.
- Mark Fiore: The Love Me Mitt doll!
- Thom: GOP’s nightmarish response to MLK’s “I Have a Dream”.
- Mitt’s convention: Not going as planned.
- Jon would settle for ANY truth in Ryan’s speech
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: RNC 2012, elephants and a Newt!
- Jonathan Mann: Your Monster’s Come To Life
- Sharpton: The history of Mitt Romney’s flips and flops
- Young Turks: Buying Mitt Romney…The real Convention Is at Cracker Bay.
- Sam Seder: RNC attendees throw peanuts at African American CNN camera operator. “This is how we feed the animals”.
- Mitt accidentally calls the United States a “company”
- Thom: Can Romney flip-flop from being wealthy and out of touch?
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan blames Obama for S&P downgrade?!?
- Sam Seder: Jan Brewer endorses Obama at RNC?
- Mitt Romney: You didn’t build it…you DESTROYED it!
Clint on Obama:
Roy Zimmerman: Mitt’s America the Beatiful:
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Court strikes down Ohio early voter restrictions.
The Democratic plan for gun control.
Veterans who support Obama.
Liberal Viewer: Colbert in the tank for Obama?
Ann Telnaes: Republican VP candidates, past and present.
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, The Idaho verse.
Romney’s plan to “strengthen” the middle class.
Young Turks: The Michelle Obama slave mag cover.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
From a GOP convention delegates blog
I don’t know what amuses me more, the fact that this individual is claiming to be “civil” while being nakedly racist in expressing his views, or the fact that he thinks he’s going to see anything but that synthesized, plastic, cartoonish Disneyfied version of a foreign Country when going to Disney World.
I’ll bet this turkey has never been outside the United States in his life, and if he ever did go somewhere, he’d be appalled that they didn’t speak English, and horribly confused as to how the people there could communicate with each other when they weren’t speaking English.
I am reminded of the American tourist who had been interviewed in Thailand the day after the gigantic earthquake and tsunami there a few years ago. He’d just arrived. He was complaining loudly and obnoxiously about the mess on the beach, the wrecked hotel, the fact that he couldn’t get any service as the restaurants were all closed and he hadn’t eaten since he got off the plane. He whined that his vacation was ruined, while standing amongst a visible backdrop of a totally destroyed town.
Foreign folks don’t hate us for our freedoms, they hate us because we’re fucking assholes.
Weird. Not, “we visited the different countries’ exhibits”, but, we visited the different countries.”
Strikes me that that was a remarkably realistic touch.
There are 11.5 million people born in Mexico now in the US. The US and Mexico are in a tight embrace and that is not going to change. Our nations and cultures are intertwined and only growing more so. The latino population is the fastest growing sector of the populace, and the electorate.
Adapt or die.
Strikes me that the WPPP (White Party Plus Puddy, AKA Republicans) is hoping for some kind of Noah’s Ark, or an armed Idaho compound, or an electrified fence with alligators, to protect them from the invading hordes. Fat chance.
Just like my grandfather, who came over in a boat in steerage in 1912 at age 11 with his 14 year old brother (the Ellis Island manifest list him as “Child” and his older brother as “Laborer”) anyone willing to abandon home for a harsh, uncertain, and potentially dangerous journey to America is likely to be hard-working and industrious – and this goes double for the desperate Mexicans who risk all to cross the border. These are self-motivated people looking for a better life, and are the kind of people that have made this country thrive for its entire existence.
Some people think this Eastwooding
thing will be useful to Obama. Team Obama quickly tweeted a chair image with the words “This seat is taken.”
Well, the internet works both ways.
Have at it, lefties. In 2008 Team McCain was caught with its pants down insofar as technology and internet presence was concerned. Maybe you haven’t received the memo, but Team Romney learned a few things from watching McCain.
This ain’t 2008.
@ 2
There are 11.5 million people born in Mexico now in the US. The US and Mexico are in a tight embrace and that is not going to change. Our nations and cultures are intertwined and only growing more so. The latino population is the fastest growing sector of the populace, and the electorate.
Adapt or die.
I think the argument should be over what ‘adapt’ should mean.
I don’t think it should mean we roll over so that in another decade, there are 23 million Mexico-born people living in the US. We’ve accommodated, mostly, those who are here but we have reached our breaking point.
Imagine Deathfrogg’s response when he learns that a Mexican national got the job he hasn’t had for the last three years. Will he bring up the Second Amendment
again? ’cause that’s one means of adaptation, I suppose.
Along the lines of Deathfrogg’s comment, which I referenced above, I should point out that periodically I am criticized for not specifically repudiating disgusting comments made by other right-leaning individuals on this site. I’m pooled with them since I didn’t specifically object to what they said.
How many of you lefties on HA called out Deathfrogg for his post? Is ‘going postal’ OK here, as long as it’s by a leftie?
Anyone? Bueller?
@ 3
You’re right. In 2008 all you had for a prospective pair of candidates was a dumbass old drunk and an uneducated, flaming twit with a sub-80 IQ. Now, you have a tax and draft dodging embezzler and a pathologically lying narcissist who is betting big money on the collapse of the Dollar.
Some heroes you have there.
@3 “This ain’t 2008.”
It sure ain’t. People realize now the economic storm clouds of 2008 were merely the leading edge of the Republican Typhoon that has engulfed the whole world. The masses drowning in debt. Unsellable homes. No jobs. Years or decades of slow growth ahead. And the rich just keep getting richer and Republicans keep trying to give the rich more and more tax breaks while what’s left of our nation’s output and wealth keeps concentrating in the hands of American history’s least productive and least deserving upper class.
The GOPers had their show — empty chairs and empty suits — for whatever it was worth. Starting Monday, the nation gets to see the real Americans, the people who did build this, who make everything happen, the producers: America’s workers.
@ 6
the producers
Yeah, like Tom Hanks, Ron Perelman, Larry David.
Looking forward to Occupy Charlotte, as well: America’s criminals.
@ 5
No jobs.
No skills.
Here’s something you don’t see very often: Karl Rove apologizing.
“Karl Rove … apologized on Friday to Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri after a reporter published biting words Rove used to describe the embattled Senate candidate.”
But after all, the man he wanted murdered is a Republican Senate candidate and losing that race wouldn’t be good for The Party.
@7 Apparently you don’t know what a shop floor, coal mine, or assembly line looks like.
President Obama 57%, Mitt Romney 43%
It looks like the Intrade free market took a good look at what Mitt was selling and ran the other way?
@8 Is this your latest meme? That if someone is unemployed, it’s because they don’t have skills, and not because our vaunted capitalist system has flaws that prevent it from providing enough jobs for our citizens? To a conservative like you, is unemployment always the unemployed person’s fault? Never the fault of the vulture capitalist who took over a viable company, stripped its assets out for his own gain, and tossed aside the dead hulk of the company, its product line, its customers, and its workforce? You do realize, don’t you, that everyone else on this blog thinks you’re a clownish buffoon?
The odds on Mitt Romney grow longer. Is this a bounce in reverse?
Researchers have come up with some interesting observations about human nature.
“People will select information in ways they want to see it and interpret it in ways they want to see it,” said Kurt Dirks, a business professor at Washington University in St. Louis. It comes down to another old saying: “Love is blind.”
This nicely describes many of our righty friends. They’re not evil, just serfs to their own natures.
@ 12
You’ve got the clownish buffoon crown, RR.
A lot of the jobs out there require skills that the job-seekers don’t have. We’re less of a manual society and more of a mechanized and technological society, now. The workforce is adapting to that, but not at the rate that is necessary to match skills with job requirements.
This is not something for which I blame Obama. It is not his role, nor was it GWB43’s, to guarantee jobs. Providing resources for retraining is partly his role and I think he has done that.
The rapid technological developments and shifts of existing job requirements have left a lot of people behind. That does not mean that there are not a lot of jobs out there. There just are a substantial number of jobs for which many applicants are not qualified. You know that.
@ 11
President Obama 57%, Mitt Romney 43%
It looks like the Intrade free market took a good look at what Mitt was selling and ran the other way?
Yawn. I guess this means that Darryl is off by 40+ percent, right?
Or, that you are free to make a lot of money by betting on Obama if you are so certain that Intrade’s current odds reflect reality.
@16 LOL! The polls are people telling other people what they might do. The UK betting game is different with real money getting wagered. One thing we know for sure is when Lyin’ Ryan’s lips are moving it is a good idea to factcheck.
@15 “You’ve got the clownish buffoon crown, RR.”
Like to put that to a vote?
Roger Rabbit Special Election
Now that Mr. Cynical Goatfucking Clown is gone, the most clownish buffoon on HA is …
(Choose one)
[ ] Roger Rabbit
[ ] Serial Conservative
Post your selection in the comments below.
I vote for Serial Conservative.
You’re already ahead in this election, SC!
You either know that’s not true, given Darryl’s patient tutoring of you previously, or you’re an unteachable imbecile.
Once again, when dealing with Republicans, one runs headlong into the inevitable question, “Stupid or lying?”
Then what’s your argument Bob? Is it debt?
A Mitt Romney victory would see higher government deficits, which is just what this struggling economy needs right now to regain full health
The Dullard (R-Money) plan is to do what he did at Bain – load the place up with debt, skim some of that debt off for the “shareholders” (tax cuts for the rich), “bonuses” (policy-making jobs and contracting largesse for his friends) and cross his fingers.
If it doesn’t work shit he can make something up like “headwinds from macro-economic forces”.
No contest. Cereal
Can you imagine anyone ever calling Willard Mitt Romney the “Prezy of the United Steezy“?
OW! The Barack-Ness Monster!
Have the Klynical Klown and his sidekick Dr Buttface (Puddydipstick) burned out????
Four long years of over the top hatred of one person (Barack Obamba) with absolutely no rhyme or reason to it will do that to a person.
@19 SC vs RR is no contest. The choice is like putting Clint Eastwood vs Bruce Springsteen at a live talent show!
So far, it looks like our friend Serial Conservative is well on his way toward winning the special election by a landslide! Keep the votes coming, folks!
(This post is a GOTV public service announcement.)
If the best the Republicans have to offer is Clint Eastwood it looks like President Obama has them between Rock the Vote, and a hard place.
A. So much for the melting pot and all that.
B. Considering a big chunk of America used to be Mexico and some of the oldest cities in America are Spanish/Mexican I’m not sure what there is to complain about.
Maybe we should organize an HA Troll Appreciation Day. After all, where would we be without our trolls? We wouldn’t have anything to do. If trolls didn’t occur in nature, we’d have to invent them, like plutonium. And our trolls do have a limited number of admirable qualities such as persistence — we fold, spindle, staple, mutilate, and humiliate them but they keep coming back for more. (Otoh possibly they do this for money, and hate their jobs, but are so far in debt they can’t quit.) Not everyone can take the abuse we dish out to trolls; to be a troll in the HA comment threads you must be either very thick-skinned or very stupid. (I’ll usually opt for stupid, because most of them seem insentient). In any case, we shouldn’t ever let up or show any mercy, because the job of a troll is to be abused. That’s what they’re paid for, and I feel they should earn their pay, like everyone else has to.
When Lyin’ Ryan rages against the machine get too out of hand will Mitt Put Him on the roof like he did Semus? Check out this new song from Devo.
@ 31
We wouldn’t have anything to do.
RR, you don’t have anything to do as it is. Pathetic waste of the final phase of life.
@19 Obviously, not a close call: the Serial Liar.
Actually, liar is not quite correct. I don’t think he’s capable of formulating shit. He’s repeating the lies of the actual liars.
Whether he’s doing it for free (stupid slut) or getting paid (craven whore), “Bob” takes the fucking clown-crown hands down.
I thought Eastwood’s shtick was cringe-worthy.
Not everyone agrees with me.
“As a performer, as a stand-up comedian for 30 years who knows how hard it is to get laughs, excuse me, he went up there … without a net, on a tightrope. There was no teleprompter. He did a bit with just an empty chair and killed,” Maher said. “He committed to it, it was consistent and it worked.”
I suspect that there will be Romney ads with Eastwood voiceovers this Fall, similar to the Super Bowl commercial he did. I thought that commercial was very effective, if inaccurate.
Donny Ray Williams Jr., 36, who served as staff director for a Senate subcommittee and worked in the offices of several members of Congress, gave at least one woman Ambien and assaulted her while she was unconscious, according to court papers.
And though the Washington Post story fails to mention it: The staffer has worked only for Democrats, including: Senator Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, Rep. Jan Schakowskay of Illinois, Senator Herb Kohl of Wisconsin, and Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, among others.
Not entirely accurate. After all, Joe Lieberman is an independent Democrat.
A ton of carbon dioxide contains 248 kilograms of carbon, so a tax of $300 per ton of CO2 would be equivalent to taxing carbon at a rate of $1.21 per kg. Since there are about 2.5 kg of carbon in a gallon of gasoline, this would increase the cost of a gallon of gas by $3.02 per gallon, or just a little more than Frank says.
How’s that use of corn to make ethanol working out for people who need to buy food, lefties?
Someday, someone should explain the Law of Unintended Consequences to idiots like Al Gore.
Although Gore’s real intent may very well be to cash in on the fawning worship of his green policies.
He needs the dough to keep Current TV up and running.
We will see a new face in Washington DC from Hawaii’s second congressional district. Her name is Tulsi Gabbard and she will be the first female combat veteran elected to the US House of Representatives.
Personally, I think Eastwood punk’d the Rs. He was playing the doddering, angry-waver-of-fists-at-the-sky, hey you kids get off my lawn!, garage is too small for my car senior driver — the character in his new movie.
Seriously, the Rs thought they were getting Dirty Harry, but that’s just one his many characters. A little google would have alerted them to the fact that Clint, in real life, is a raving socialist (in the presently degraded meaning of that term).
Essentially, the Rs gave him 20,000,000 pairs of eyes (but not nearly as many as he would have gotten in 2008) for his movie commercial. What a party!
But (I’m sorry to say), Clint is getting old and not nearly as sharp and this was an inevitable outcome:
O hosts Clint at the White House
@ 38
We will see a new face in Washington DC
A very attractive new face.
On both sides of the political spectrum, this is a good thing – I think it is easier to follow politics, and perhaps become involved, if the people making the news play well on camera.
Shallow? Sure. But faces like Obama, Harold Ford, Jr., Rubio, Mia Love, and the Hawaiian woman look much better on camera than that Botox’d Pelosi, hair-challenged DWS, and orange Boehner. I hear better if I’m not wincing while watching TV.
US Army Captain Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii will be a featured speaker at the DNC. It will be interesting to see a combat veteran rip into Lyin’ Ryan & Bullshit Mitt.
@ 39
That’s it. Insult the senior electorate, while Ryan engages them.
We’re counting on it.
@ 41
Maybe she’ll salute and ‘report for duty’.
@43 Why did Mitt Romney omit the words War and Afghanistan from his speech? Check out this video of US Army Captain Tulsi Gabbard teaming up with Vote Vets to make sure the Romney-Ryan budget does not end up giving the gold to Wall Street and the Veterans get the shaft.
@ 44
Why did Mitt Romney omit the words War and Afghanistan from his speech?
“[Romney’s] got no place to go on this, and I think if he’s smart he’ll be quiet,” said Lawrence Korb, a former senior Pentagon official and senior fellow at the liberal-leaning Center for American Progress. “The American people, even the Republicans, have turned against the war. They think it’s gone on long enough.”
We’ll see how much Obama has to say about it next week. Maybe he can talk about the Afghans we’re training and handing guns to, who then turn the guns on their trainers.
@33 “RR, you don’t have anything to do as it is.”
So what? I earned it.
“Pathetic waste of the final phase of life.”
It’s interesting you say that given you’re doing exactly what I’m doing.
@35 I expect to see Eastwood in political ads but I think the Obama campaign will be running them.
About the only thing that Eastwood needed was to place an empty suit in that empty chair.
Although I think that would be overkill.
@36 If he did it, throw his ass in prison for 60 years; but don’t force his victim to raise his child.
@ 47
How do you envision that going, RR?
Maybe Team Obama can mock seniors for being slow, rickety, and for not being in control of their mental faculties.
How do you think that will play? Do you think it will blunt the Ryan ads telling the seniors that $716B has been removed from Medicare and only gets covered if their doctors get paid less?
Please explain to me, RR, how the Dems will use Clint Eastwood to their advantage. I really want to know how you think that will work.
Serial Conservative at @42: “That’s it. Insult the senior electorate …”
Like you do every time you reply to one of my comments?
@50 I don’t write the ads for them, so I can’t tell you. You’ll have to wait and see like the rest of us.
If I were writing one of those ads, I might put Romney on an empty stage in an empty townhall and have him talking to himself about how he’s going to increase military spending, lower deficits, and give tax cuts to the rich all at the same time.
@45 The Russians had that problem with the Afghans, too.
@ 51
I’m not trying to get elected. And I insult you because you repeatedly are factually incorrect, blissfully so.
@ 53
That’s not Eastwood, that’s Romney. @ 47 you said you expected that the Dems would use Eastwood in political ads.
@ 54
Seems to me some old senile guy named Eastwood brought that up on Thursday night. Apparently he had a point to make by doing so. Glad you agree.
RR, explain to me again how the Dems will use Eastwood in advertisements against Romney this Fall, please. So far you seem to be shooting yourself in the foot.
Jacksonville, today. Two hours before event time.
@45 President Obama from the White House on September 1st 2012 talks about Iraq, Afghanistan, and bringing the troops home.
“We were offended to find a person from Mexico working in America.”
And they knew this how? Did they card the poor sap as in, “show us proof of your citizenship”, or did they just go by appearances? We’re they offended that a minority, legal or not, would represent America in an amusement park exhibit? Anyway I look at it, what contemptable, racist assholes.
Kind of like Bob, only he’s worse. Although he reserves a special hatred of people of color, he actually hates everybody but himself and the filthy rich. It’s easy for Bob to do because he views these objects of his scorn, the “masses”, to be “inferior” and ungrateful for that which he and the rich provide for us.
That’s supposed to be impressive?
I now have to bleach my computer because of the pajamas media link.
@ 59
Well, it’s not Bank of America arena in Charlotte, that’s true.
BTW Team Obama is going around Charlotte bars handing out free tickets to Obama’s nomination acceptance speech. Apparently people aren’t clamoring for them the way they did four years ago.
Hopenchange, y’all.
What ever happened to Sarah Palin? I miss her.
@ 61
What ever happened to Sarah Palin? I miss her.
She’s busy writing Jimmy Carter’s DNC convention address.
I’m sure you miss EVERYTHING about 2008. The huge money advantage. The absence of a record in office that people can use to criticize your candidate. The rock-star ambience at the campaign stops. The absence of grey hair.
You DO know it’s not 2008 any more, don’t you?
You DO know that he’s been around for 3 1/2 years and he’s still Blaming Bush for his woes?
You DO know that job creation is stalled, unemployment is ticking up, and that the only demographic age group he carried last time around is the age group in which unemployment is highest this time around?
I’m sure you miss Sarah Palin. I truly am.
Right about January 21, you’ll be missing Obama, too.
Wrong again, asshole.
Can you not lie?
A couple of Georgia counties’ Democratic committees have advertised tickets. So what? Probably registered a few voters in the process, if they weren’t arrested first – registering Democrats is illegal in a number of Confederate states, I hear.
Far cry from “Team Obama is going around Charlotte bars…”
Really? History started in January 2009?
That’s whackier than puddles believing that the earth started in 4000 BC.
What is with you rightards and history?
What was that even supposed to mean? Is adding “Jimmy Carter” to any sentence supposed to make it hilarious with you twits?
Bikini Graph.
Oh, wait, under the Romney Rule of Combat, nothing occurred prior to January 2009. Oops.
@ 66
3 1/2 years in office and he’s still blaming his predecessor.
3 1/2 years.
It’s too nice outside to be slapping Cereal around like this.
Serious question:
What are cities, counties, and states going to do when they don’t have the money to fix things like this:
and can’t get any money from the federal government because we’ve cut spending and taxes so low that there is no money?
@ 69
I think you could fill that hole with about 200 unsold Chevy Volts and fill in the gaps with all of those unused tubes that were left over when Solyndra tanked. Then pack that iron-rich clay in the remaining gaps and you’re good to go.
Or maybe we can stop spending money on stupid shit now so there will be money for when problems arise in the future.
Only the first part of the above is snark. The second part is serious. Money spent on stupid shit in the past is money we won’t have for problems in the future. Cutting way back on stupid shit spending now preserves something for important fixes in the future.
…the simple fact that Clint Eastwood felt comfortable riffing about how Obama’s got to go, has to help others get over that psychological barrier — which was a big theme of the whole convention — is a significant cultural breakthrough.
By Fall it will be commonplace to laugh about the incompetence that is our president. Laughing makes it hurt less.
By Friday NO ONE will want to vote for Gekko/Galt.
Congratulations, Serial Conservative! You are the hands-down winner of the special election. By popular acclaim, you are HA’s clownish buffoon.
I didn’t even have to get any of my dead friends to vote in that one.
Roger Rabbit Book Review
The Clash of Economic Ideas, by Lawrence H. White
I haven’t read this book yet, but I parsed outlines and reviews, and it looks interesting.
This book compares and contrasts the economic philosophies of Keynes and Hayek (who was influenced by von Mises) in a historical context.
I’m not a professional economist. Economics was my best college subject (straight As), and I have a minor in the subject (my two majors are political science and journalism), so let’s say I know enough about it to get a sense of what economists are talking about and there’s enough I don’t know about it that I keep an open mind.
If you know nothing about economics, the most important thing to know is there are competing theories about how economies work and what causes various economic phenomena (such as depressions), and nobody knows for sure which theorists are right, because economists try to understand human behavior which by its nature is irrational and unpredictable to a marked degree.
I sort of lean to the Keynesian side, which is what is largely driving U.S. policy right now — Bernanke and Obama are both Keynesian leaners. If you support reinstating the gold standard, as Ron Paul does, you are not a Keynesian.
Republicans tend to lean toward the Friedman-von Mises-Hayek side, which is often referred to as the “Austrian school” and is associated with free-market thinking.
Roughly speaking, Keynesian thinking tends to favor government intervention when markets go haywire, and Austrian School thinking tends to be against it. This is why Romney promised in his acceptance speech to replace Bernanke if he’s elected president, because Bernanke is a Keynesian interventionist and Republican businessmen like Romney are against that sort of thing.
This book’s author, and the book itself, tilts toward Hayek and abolition of the Federal Reserve; but he is an academic, not a financier or politico, so the book is not a diatribe and retains more than enough objectivity to be useful even to a committed Keynesian who simply wants a deeper understanding of his/her own thinking on the economy and economic policy.
White has the credentials to write a serious book about economic theory and history; he has a B.A. from Harvard and Ph.D. from UCLA, and teaches at George Mason University, a public university in Virginia with a strong economic program and two Nobel Prize winners on its economics faculty.
This is by no means a cheap book to buy; it costs over $100 at Amazon, and being a new book (April 2012), King County Library doesn’t have it yet, but it look like it’s worth waiting for. It’s about 400 pages and reportedly a relatively easy read in terms of the subject matter.
While I agree with you on that, somehow I don’t think we’ll agree on just what qualifies as stupid shit. I’d say two optional wars, tanks and planes the military didn’t want (D’s & R’s signed off on that), tax cuts for the wealthiest among us, and Cash For Clunkers all qualify as stupid shit.
I’m starting to think sequestration is a good idea, it’s the only way we’ll tame the military industrial complex beast and add enough revenue to make a dent in the debt. The economy will take a hit, but that’s a temporary thing and it’s going to take years to dig ourselves out of the hole we made anyway. It’s not like if it weren’t for sequestration everything would be rosy.
Which brings us back to that hole in the road in the welfare state in Mississippi*. Mississippi wont have the cash to fix it and under sequestration they’re going to have a hard time getting it from the federal government. So the hole goes unfixed and the road gets closed. Repeat that 50 or 100 times over across the state and we’ve got a bit of a problem on our hands.
Looks to me like it’s time for a managed contraction.
@70 “Or maybe we can stop spending money on stupid shit now so there will be money for when problems arise in the future.”
Do you include no-bid crony contracts and recreational wars in your definition of “stupid shit”? Given a choice between Monkeyface’s unnecessary and mismanaged Iraq war or solar tubes, I’ll buy the solar tubes.
@76 “I’m starting to think sequestration is a good idea”
I came to that conclusion a while ago. Plus, sequestration will tank the stock market, enabling me to buy cheap stocks. The stock market has gotten too cocky lately and needs some humiliation.
@71 “By Fall it will be commonplace to laugh about the incompetence that is our president.”
And doing so will expose you as the clownish buffoon you are, because this president is ever so much more competent than the last one; and when he has failed, that was almost always attributable to the obstructionist Republicans in Congress determined to make him fail regardless of the cost to the nation and the American people.
Sequestration cuts defense spending and raises taxes on the rich without any action of Congress. How can you beat that? And if middle class taxes also go up, Republicans will be blamed. Obama has them by the nuts.
I’m suspecting that the Democratic convention will have a huge drop as well. Same reason as the drop in people watching the Republicans: everyone already knows the guy and nobody really gives a shit.
I’ve been watching presidential elections since 1980 when was 12 years old. This is the lamest election I’ve ever seen.
GOP veepster Paul Ryan, who seems to have a major truth problem, today retracted his previous claims about running a marathon in less than three hours “after Runner’s World magazine found evidence he had completed one marathon and finished in just over four hours.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You gotta wonder what else he’s been inflating.
Richard Bach, author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” is in serious condition at Harborview Medical Center after crashing his plane at Friday Harbor yesterday afternoon. He clipped power lines on takeoff.
Serial Conservative @ 16,
“I guess this means that Darryl is off by 40+ percent, right?”
Your ignorance and inability to grasp simple concepts is stunning. Intrade is a market that allows people to “bet” on the outcome of the 2012 election.
My predictions, as I point out over, and over, and over again, are an objective assessment of the score right now. Not in November, but now.
Please…Can’t you THINK BEFORE YOU POST your childish prattle?
A thought just occurred to me. The reason Cheney and Rove are still alive is because God doesn’t want them. They’re Afterlife Rejects, so we’re still stuck with them down here in Purgatory. Sooner or later, though, their clocks will run out and they’ll get on the elevator to Hell. You can count on it.
Serial kinda reminds me of the devil in Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare.!
College Aid: Obama vs. Romney
Obama: Increase Pell grants, continue $2,500 tax credit, tie Perkins loans and work-study subsidies to schools limiting tuition hikes.
Romney: Tell students to “shop around” for cheaper tuition.
Always check the credentials of wondermoron ylbuttspigot@24 posts. Joe Wiesenthal isn’t held in too high esteem on the ‘nets. In fact one said don’t bet your money on his commentary.
Another leftist buffoon proffered by HA buttspigot.
Paul Ryan stretching the truth… He’s getting ready for his VP debate with Joe BiteMe!
Damn, the best is always skipped over by the Friday Night Comic Purveyor…
Another one missed by the Friday Night Comic Purveyor
Hmmm, maybe God is sending a message to DUMMOCRAPTS?
Interesting commentary about Obummer and taxes… Missed by the Friday Night Comic Purveyor.
Remember Puddy brought this to your attention first… Now she’s gone… good riddance to bad garbage!
Say it ain’t so… Protesters at the
DUMMOCRAPTICASShat convention?Butt butt butt thems yo peeps!
Another relevant news item skipped by the Friday Night Comic Purveyor… The Obummer Sadministration dropped their first part of the Joe Arpaio witch-hunt.
Remember for the last few months, ever since Da Perfessa has been touting his Obama/Romney poll Puddy has said there is blatant media bias which gives Obummer a 3-5% poll uptick. Well more proof right here…
Why does the slobbering libtard msm think they have to tell people how to think regarding a person’s speech? Are they so arrogant and so puffed up to think that their commentary is so self-important to anyone besides themselves? Sounds like Lib da schmuck and his every day pomposity, talking down his nose at you. Golly if Puddy had a VP like him he’d quit… Wait a minute… I had a pompous self-absorbed VP like him and I quit for a much better job. To wit:
Or this bombastic line later…
So are we to worship these two idiots who are telling us the slobbering media filter of couple hundred journalists, operatives and commentators… will tell Puddy what to think two days after the Romney speech? What is the collective view from you “pundits”? Have you gotten your story together? Seems Bill Maher didn’t get the message on Clint Eastwood. Maybe the Journolist replacement had a digital hiccup? Why do the questions from these to morons matter? Didn’t these two get what Michael Moore was really saying about soon to be President Romney? Why does the slobbering leftist msm still dwell on those wonderful Obummer ahead polls that continue to over sample DUMMOCRAPTS and we’re supposed to accept that as gospel because y’all say it’s so?
Puddy wonders will Obummer receive the debate questions quietly beforehand since the moderators are all left wing slobbering msm types.
Wow…10 posts full of…nothing. Not one whit of intelligent discourse.
And this:
I am so in this idiot’s head…HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!
Is a command of the English language so intimidating, puddles? An actual command of facts? An unwillingness to let your drivel go unchallenged, your empty, meaningless links exposed, your manifest stupidity ridiculed?
I suppose so.
Nothing I haven’t heard from fools before you.
“Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan says he didn’t run a marathon in less than three hours as he claimed in a nationally broadcast interview.”
Must they lie about everything?
Yeah, you are so in my head… NOT! Referential association seems to smack you side your head. You are the one always commenting. Somehow that doesn’t compute in your leetle world. You are arrogant and insipid, two qualities always on display when you declare your a progressive.
Notice lib da schmuck still dances around this…
Truth always leaves an empty spot in a progressive argument!
Like granny over the cliff?
Like Romney caused the cancerous woman to die?
Like Stephanie Cutter never knowing Joe Soptic?
Like Obummer saying Stephanie Cutter never said it?
Like Stephanie Cutter saying Obummer create more jobs than Reagan?
Do tell!
Is the presidential season and DUMMOCRAPTS are known liars.
I didn’t dance around anything.
As I’m sure you want to obscure, I pointed out that the Romney/Republican strategy, in full vile vicious manipulative Southern Strategy fashion, was to stroke the racist fears of old white uneducated people, and I used the word ‘nigger’ to do it.
And I would do it again, and I would still not back down or apologize to a pustulous twit like you.
You went ballistic in a fit of faux-pious and self-righteous grandiosity, and, in true Republican Rovian fashion, turned the accusation around, and tried to make it about shills like yourself being oh so injured.
Nice try, asshole, but no, you didn’t go ‘kablammo’, delusional, infantile little twit, more a ‘pfffft’ of a fart in the wind.
And, I pointed out, as others have, that you are shilling for a group that despises you – black Republicans, gay Republicans, ‘pro-choice’ Republicans, sane Republicans – you’re all a bunch of apologists and shills for a great big money and power machine that will throw you away when it’s done with you, but certainly willing to employ your useful idiocy right now.
So, go back to your Bibul and your fake history and science denial, your fear of knowledge and learning, you robed grifters selling you salvation, ’cause that’s all you’re going to have when when the White Party that you so love throws you away. Or puts you back in chains.
Those whacky Canadian right wingers cut taxes on corporations 30 percent over 6 years..
Unemployment barely budged..
What wimps! Ask any troll here. The proper tax cut is 100 percent over 1 second! That empty flight-suit in chief the trolls voted for twice – his tax cut was equally wimpy by that standard… We can see the results.
Republican timeline:
1776 – God gives Founding FATHERS! gold plates with Declaration of Independence.
1787 – Jesus writes Constitution, with focus on 2nd Amendment. Scalia was there.
1860 – Republican! Abe Lincoln. That’s all.
1932 – Communism come to America.
1980 – St. Reagan frees the stockbrokers
1988-2000 – Mumble, mumble – LEWINSKY!
2000-2008 – (averts eyes, shuffles feet, mumbles)
2009-present – KENYA!!! MooslimIslmoFascism! Welfare Checks!! Take America BACK!!!
Roger Rabbit’s Sunday Morning News Roundup
Item 1: The Republican Times says “a dental hygienist with no elective experience” has “a much more realistic sense of what state government must do in a financially restricted era” than four-term state representative Bob Hasegawa. Hmm, for starters, how about reinstating the newspaper tax?
Item 2: The Republican Times endorses Democrat Zach Hudgins for re-election to the legislature. This is a surprise until you read the fine print: “Under the top-two system, Hudgins’ opponent is an even more leftward Democrat, who berates Hudgins for not pushing harder for a state income tax.” In other words, the Times had no choice, because no Republican survived the primary.
(Same link)
Item 3: The “sagebrush rebellion,” an ideological forefather of the Tea Party movement, just lost its biggest court case. Western ranchers do not have a constitutional right to graze their cattle on public lands unhindered by federal land managers.
Item 4: North Cascades National Park supporters are organizing to expand the park.
Item 5: All across the nation, lower courts are throwing out Republican-passed laws designed to keep poor and minority people from voting.
Jay-Z and friends Rock the Vote to 50,000 in Philly.
LOL @ jay-z and kanye….I wonder how much more in taxes they are willing to pay?
Fear, it’s what’s for dinner on right wing asshat tables.
@110 Who is singing for Mitt This year? Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Charley Daniels, and the Oak Ridge Boys? Jay-Z just played for 50,000 in Philly with Beyonce on the sidelines!
Typical DNC Alinsky style tactics with no proof basis. Demonize someone with the old because you can’t accept anything new. Where in all of Romney’s life has he EVER shown racism? We’ll wait while you use that filthy mind looking for proof. Puddy has given you six examples in the last four years of DUMMOCRAPT Southern Strategy where 6 qualified black DUMMOCRAPTS strived for higher office. The whitey DUMMOCRAPT establishment put them back in their place and ensured their whitey counterpart or a more non-hostile negro got the nomination. You scream about Margaret Sanger and 50 years ago I yet you continue to discuss 30 years ago. Today Tim Scott and Allen West are prime examples of Republican Southern Strategy. In fact they put forth 14 blacks in 2010 for their Republican Southern Strategy and DUMMOCRAPTS ran racist campaigns against them. Uncle Toms, Turn Coats, etc. were the words from DUMMCRAPTS. Because you have no new proof you fall back on old horse manure. Also as Puddy remembers it was Jesse Jackson who upbraided northerner John Effin Kerry for no blacks in his campaign. Check it out with the buttspigot. He has the links. EPIC FAYLE #1!
There you go again. Arrogant and insipid. You don’t know me. You haven’t walked one nanosecond in my shoes. Yet you judge, just like the progressive nit-wit you are. You are a product of the Margaret Sanger educational system! You are a DUMMOCRAPT racist! I identified it. You go around and around trying to justify you moronic words for the last 10 days. None of the erudite HA leftists have come to agree with you, only gutter dwellers rujax and ylbuttspigot. Now that’s very telling schmucko! EPIC FAYLE #2!
Ummm… NOPE you DOPE. And speaking of Rove, seems you have him in the head. Speaks much about your “insights” into life. In DUMMOCRAPTIC circles which Puddy sees you don’t hang, whitey never uses the NIGGER to describe blacks, only useless trash like headless dorky dorkman lucy. You are in fine company. Your use of nigger is very telling because you project it on others. EPIC FAYLE #3!
Project much? A Psych 101 thing. You still haven’t answered the $64 Million dollar question:
Now why is that? Still waiting on how you teach your children to discern other blacks. Oh wait… they are all NIGGERS to Lib da schmuck. EPIC FAYLE #4!
Ummm nope you dope. You see Puddy has personal experience in Puddy’s job. When Puddy arrives in the South Puddy gets instant respect. No one questions why Puddy is there when Puddy shows up at their plants to make things more efficient. When Puddy arrives in the north my credentials are immediately questioned by libtard DUMMOCRAPTS. My IT history, how long has Puddy been doing this, my certifications. That NEVER happens in the South! It’s that simple Lib da schmuck. Puddy delivers life experiences. EPIC FAYLE #5!
No proof in that statement. Seems Tim Scott and Allen West put on chains to be elected in the DEEEEEEP SOUTH per Lib da schmuck! Man oh man. As stated earlier, when a black man wants to strive for better things he must be approved by whitey DUMMOCRAPTS or the chains are reapplied. Just ask:
Kendrick Meeks
Artur Davis
Thurbert Baker
Ken Lewis
Anthony Foxx
Johnny Dupree – those six lived it in the last 4 years. EPIC FAYLE #6!
Nuff Said Sucka – The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Lib da schmuck teaches his children the DUMMOCRAPTIC definition of NIGGER every day!
You are filth that needs the TyDee Bowl Man to flush your shit down the drain! That’s the swirling sound of toilet water and Puddy flushes you away!
@113 What happened to the Romney-Ryan Convention Bounce? Did all the bullshit deflate the ball?
who gives a fuck who is singing for who, you retard.
What kind of mongoloid retard puts any importance on what crap-ass singer sings for which candidate.
nice to see what idiots like you place as important.
god damn, no wonder you people want “free stuff”, you NEED it!
113 – Nothing but a stinking pile of boar manure there… that ODS does indeed do serious brain cell decay!
@115 Over 2.5 million new voters were registered by Rock the Vote in 2008. The target is higher this year.
Sure sucks for asshat right wingers!
puddles, I don’t need anyone to come to my defense when arguing with you.
Alinsky? Sanger? Spare me, you’re crazy.
You blithely deny the nauseating racism of St. Ronald Reagan standing in Philadelphia Mississippi in 1980, practically on the site where the martyred bodies of Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner were dumped just 16 years before, when he proudly declared that he supports “States’ Rights”.
You gloss over the party and actions of Jesse Helms and David Duke and Bob Corker, he of the ‘black and white’ ad, not to mention the pretty blonde white woman saying “Harald, call me!”
Cadillac-driving, steak-eating Welfare Queens, again from St. Ronnie.
You cannot hear an honest criticism of the Romney lies about free welfare checks – utter, totally false accusations designed for one purpose and one purpose only – to provoke the racist anger of poorly educated older working-class white people – a demographic Romney absolutely needs, and apparently will sink to any depths to win.
This of course goes hand in hand with the insinuations and accusations that Obama is a Kenyan, Obama doesn’t have a valid birth certificate, Obama doesn’t know how to be a ‘real American’ – and this not from the fringe but from Sununu and Trump and Romney himself.
Romney and the Republicans are waging a nakedly racist appeal – an appeal to people who are comfortable with calling Obama, and people like you, niggers. Plain and simple. Maybe not out loud, but under their breath, behind closed doors, in the company of other people like themselves. And the Republicans are perfectly willing to exploit this vile streak in the American psyche with their dog-whistles and worse.
I attack this, I call out this racism and condemn it, and you call me a racist. Fucking pathetic. Fucking crazy.
I don’t know what it’s like to walk in your shoes, that’s true, and it’s perhaps the only sane statement in your rant above. I’m sure you’ve faced injustice, systematic, structural racism is an enduring part of our society and it is utterly wrong. I’m also sure you’ve encountered racism in the north as well as the south, from Democrats and Republicans. I have no doubt of this, and it is reprehensible and immoral and wrong wherever and whomever practices it. Moreover, as a white man, I have certainly benefited from the structural injustices and prejudices that work in my favor and against people of color, and women, and non-straight people, and the differently abled, and on and on in this society. This behooves me to speak out, which is what I’m doing. This reality demands that I work for justice, that I challenge what I have been taught, explicitly and implicitly, that I speak out against injustice.
I have no doubt that you will go on apologizing for Republicans. People like Allen West, who tortured someone, someone it turned out had nothing to do with the incident at hand, not that that would have made it OK. Torture, puddy, and you defend him. He gets elected to Congress, and does a Johnny Iselin/Joe McCarthy impersonation, accusing people of being communists, implicitly, enemies of the state. Yet he’s black, and a fundmentalist Christianist Republican, so you defend him.
Very, very telling about your moral compass.
You other hero Tim Scott is a more pedestrian nut job, merely demanding that his Bibul be posted in government buildings, and being a whore to big business and rich people, and a typical Republican hypocrite on government spending.
You’re a twisted, tortured little man, defending people who despise you, bragging about the petty indulgences of full sized cars and skanky Marriott hotels that your employer allows you, springing to defense of torturers and Bibul-thumpers, shilling for the party that is doing its damnedest to take away the vote from people of color.
What about that one, puddles? How do you feel about the systematic attack on voting rights, waged relentlessly by the Republican party, that would take away the vote from hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, mostly and disproportionately people of color?
How do you look at yourself in the mirror every morning?
Since your limited little mind won’t let go of this, I’ll tell you.
I teach my children to think. Period.
When discussing Republicans, or conservatives, I make the point that their policies are beneficial to a very narrow slice of very wealthy people. However, to get elected, they need to convince a great many people to vote against their actual interests. These are the vast majority of Republican voters, and I don’t especially comment on black conservatives. The ones that come up are the ones in the news – like your buddy Allen West, who I point out to them is a sociopath, an unhinged and dangerous man.
Aunt Tom? No. But the concept of “house slave” and “field slave” has come up, and I know my 16-year old has read Malcolm X’s speech on the topic.
I do teach them that poor or working people, or anyone really, who is not benefited by what the Republicans do, nevertheless align themselves with the conservatives – usually for reasons of irrational religiosity, or tradition, or racism, or sexism, or gay-hatred – but this alignment is ultimately against their interests more broadly, and the concept of the “house slave” is an object lesson that can be applied regardless of skin color.
Nigger? No.
And despite your faux-rage and ostentatious huffing and puffing, I never call you that. You make accusations that are baseless, sadly consistent with your past history of relentless dishonesty.
Regarding people like you, I teach them to put as much distance between them and habitual liars as possible.
ya? so? you vote how Kanye tells you how to vote?
sure sucks to be a clown with barely two nickels to rub together.
why arent you out purchasing a new Prius or Volt or Leaf?
talk is cheap bitch, lets see you step up and put your money where your mouth is..
kock brothers! koch brothers! bawk bawk!
pot, meet kettle.
@123 If you are laughing your fool ass off it just goes to show how pathetic the tea party nutters have become.
124 – money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money
Sure sucked when money couldn’t elect Dino Lossi or Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman..
LMAO @ a total dip shit racist right winger!
Too bad Dr Buttface aka Puddyidiot hasn’t made an appearance..
I’d like to discuss with him the time he used the N Word to describe…
Moi! Heh.. That was uh interesting…
Moonie Cult Leader Dies
Dunno if anyone has posted this yet. Here goes. Sun Myung Moon is dead at age 92. Normally it’s gauche to speak ill of the dead, but this man was a cretin of a high order, not the least of his sins being he pretended to be God. Well, this god is as mortal as the rest of us, and the world is a better place without him.
oops was this a slip??? Besides money, yeah, this is only other thing that enters the idiot’s pea brain..
The pitiful asswipe’s whole existence is a pissing contest..
I gotta laugh when poor lib sci talks about racism. Lib Sci(and his ilk), all proud residents of “progressive haven” seattle…
Yep, that same progressive haven of seattle that likes to pat itself on the back for being all inclusive, has its black population either contained in the central district, or pushed into Renton and Kent.
the same progressive seattle that throws its black population scraps and chump change in exchange for votes, complacency, and obedience.
So keep on patting yourselves on the back progressives, your jewel seattle is really a fine example of how you really view blacks.
129 – Maybe the Moonie Times (which lost at least a billion dollars over its existence) will be sold to Rupert Murdoch – that moron could use another money loser.
Nah, I won’t miss the bastard either.
of course it wasnt a slip, you lazy tool – figure it out.
I dont give a fuck about the tea party, tool.
you fail.
so the tool YLBigot likes to lecture everyone about TEH EVUL GLOBULL WORMING!!!1111, but wont step up and get an electric car or hybrid.
I bet your house still has a 3o year old, inefficient furnace or baseboards too.
what a cheap asshole – lecture everyone else, but you dont walk the green walk.
@131 et seq. – Looks like one of Mr. C’s goats escaped. Should we round him up and ship him back to Montana?
When the seas rise, I think we should save rabbits, but let dogs and goats go under.
go ahead, you old lady is already there waiting.
@138 Not very particular, are you?
she isnt anything a fifth of whiskey wont cure.
@140 May I recommend Valium instead?
probably not a bad idea.
Hmmm. Look at the 4 most recent President Obama Approval Polls.
Gallup 8/30 – 9/1 1500 A 43 48 -5
Rasmussen Reports 8/30 – 9/1 1500 LV 48 51 -3
Democracy Corps (D) 8/23 – 8/27 1000 LV 47 50 -3
ABC News/Wash Post 8/22 – 8/25 857 RV 47 50 -3
Interesting to watch the Obama supporters to continue to delude themselves that there guy is somehow going to be a landslide winner based on hot air and bubblegum wrapper stats.
Bankers may not have an ounce of loyalty or patriotism, but money and jail are two things they understand.
And even that fool Akin is back after 1 poll showed him down 11. And by the way, this is a Democrat poll FYI
Missouri Senate – Akin vs. McCaskill PPP (D) McCaskill 45, Akin 44 McCaskill +1
President Obama is dragging the whole Democrat Party down. He will beaugard all the party money since he squandered his load and is so far behind Romney, leaving McCaskill to lose a race she ought to win.
We bought our car new in 2003..
How many miles you think are on it?
@143 I’d rather be us than you.
@146 Our 2001 has 33K.
Yay, go Jay Inslee!
Having light-rail means lots of folks will either be able to go without a car or go car-lite, which mean more money in their savings accounts and more money spent in local businesses.
Taking commuters off the roads also mean more room on the roads for those who choose to continue driving. If you love your car, please support light-rail projects!
O’ and there’s also this:
Washington and Oregon generally pay way more into the federal system then they get back out of it. We really should be grabbing every cent from the federal system that we can while we still can.
is it electric? is it hybrid?
answer: nope
hypocrite full of bullshit.
run along clown.
+90 or better on your furnace or water heater?: of course not, because all you do is talk shit without fronting up the cash.
your are probably waiting until you can get the shit for free….or rather, paid for by people like me….
Making other people pay for your phony bullshit crusade – fuck off and pay up, bitch.
151 – Little maxee the racist is too sceeeeeered to answer the qweschun…
RR has me beat but his kids have been grown up and probably out of the house since 2001..
We drive an average of 5k miles a year…
ONE THIRD THE AVERAGE… In total, at least 90,000 miles worth of pollution we didn’t contribute ASSHOLE!
I wonder how many miles little maxee puts on that Taurus crusing Aurora and Pac Highway?
The streetwalkers say, “Here ‘comes’ little maxee the asshat troll in his Taurus. Quickest C Note in the West!”
He’s experienced it in the South all right:
1. dont own a taurus…the only one I know if if the broken down hulk with hydraulics in your front yard.
2. I drive a shitload of miles every year – both for work and fun. and I like it.
3. Im not the one screaching about TEH GLOBULL WORMING like you do.
so…here we are back at square one again…when you gonna step up and “go green”?
when you gonna get that hybrid?
when you gonna get a new energy efficient furnace for the house?
when you gonna get that solar HW heating system?
When you gonna get additional insulation pumped into the walls and attic?
talk is cheap, and so are you.
tell us all about your grand plans to “sacrifice” some money and upgrade your shit.
oh wait, you want everyone else to pay for your stuff instead.
start writing those checks YLBarrio, lets see you walk the green walk.
Puddy’s Republican party:
Lindey Graham, paragon of Republicanism. But not a racist, oh no, never that. *rolls eyes*
So, here’s Mike Huckabee in 2008 talking about how the WSRP juked the count in the Republican caucus.
Fast forward to this election and you have Ron Paul getting juked at the national convention.
When will these folks learn that they will never get fair treatment from the Republican Party? Will the Paul’s and the Huckabee’s split off after the 2012 election?
I’ve never understood how a car with two engines, two giant batteries, and a ton of copper wire in it was supposed to be “good for the environment.”
LMAO!! Lying like everything else.. You’re the one who brought it up here in the threads.. Like all right wingers, you’re projecting! Obviously it means a lot to you.. You must have wasted your first 50 on a blow job in a Taurus off Pac Highway. Now it’s a c-note – inflation!
Makin’ the world a worse place for your kids. Typical asshat..
I respect reality. You live in a world of idiotic delusions. Sucks for you that the world is changing inexorably under your clay feet!
Whenever I damn please! Maybe when they get 200 mpg until then I drive a shitload less than a moron asshat like you! We went to the Mariners game the other day. Took the bus! Can you do the same? Nope. You’re an asshat flight case worried about puttin’ on the dog!
I’ve got a not so new energy efficient furnace.. No oil heat in my place. My gas is turned off right now. It’s off May 1 though Oct 31..
When I get lazy and take half hour showers. 10 minutes under a low flow shower head is my limit.
Got plenty now. Most cost effective efficiency move one can make. We’re just fine when the weather is chilly.
Wow! You’re an “expensive” asshat chatterbox. Nice to know – NOT!
We don’t live high falutin’. Got nothing to prove to moron asshats like you!
I’ll settle for asshats like you paying for the stupid wars you cheerlead for barcalounged watching Faux News. And all the other military weapons system boondoggles that give you a woody.. Keeping your short arm stroked is your #1 freaking priority in life!
So pay for it yourself.
Heh. Exactly what your whole pathetic life has led to. 6000+ comments of racism, ignorance and hate here in the threads.. A born BOZO indeed.
Nah, your wife only charged $30….guess she needed grocery money.
@160 Someone who patronizes working girls as much as you do must have a very ugly wife.
You are one to only charged $35…
@163 You couldn’t see in the dark. That was your sister.
Nope…no sister on this end..but hey, thanks for pulling out your dentures…..very thoughtful of you.
Hope you didn’t mind the ashtray on your head…
I’m black ylbuttspigot… Puddy can use that word whenever Puddy wants. DL Hughly! Whoopie Goldberg! etc. etc. etc.
Nice speeches from Lib da schmuck #121 & 122. Still hasn’t excused the actions of libtard DUMMOCRAPTS in the 2010 & 2011 elections against those 6 black men Puddy identified above. Then when a black man decides to go conservative he’s up there cheering the DUMMOCRAPTS who call him derogatory names. Then he cries a big river when someone calls him on it.
So… it seems you are on an island with rujax and the buttspigot. Live there dude!
So Lib Sci is forbidden use the N Word to ACCURATELY illustrate the dog whistles your miserable crowd sends out. Use of that word in that context is considered “vile”..
But YOU can call your political adversaries the N Word any time you freaking please..
‘cuz it’s what “Whoopie and DL said…”
Wow puddywonderingmoron! What a “privilege” that is!
Dullard (R-Money) gave a crappy nomination acceptance speech:
Rated lower than John McSame’s in 2008, lower than Bob Dole’s in ’96..
Heh. Lyin’ Paul Ryan, voted biggest brown-noser by his high school class..
Now the “Rosie Ruiz” of politics..
What doesn’t the guy lie or inflate about himself?
Puddy folds.
And without answering my question:
Puddy’s Republican Party is taking us back to poll taxes, and worse, and there’s not a peep from puddy.
Systematic disenfranchisement of blacks and elderly and poor in order to maximize the Republican vote, and there’s not a peep from puddy.
Racist gerrymandering, photo ID, targeted reduced voting hours – next they’ll be asking poor and/or black and brown people, “How many bubbles are in a bar of soap?” before they can vote.
And there’s not a peep from puddy about what’s being done to ‘his peeps’
Puddles seems to have latched onto Arthur Davis as his hero and martyr.
Arthur Davis is a turncoat.
Arthur Davis is a self-aggrandizing narcissist.
Arthur Davis lost the Democratic primary for governor in 2010 because he ran to the right in the primary. He lost the Democratic vote, you know, the people in the voting booth. He lost the black vote to a white guy because he did stupid things like snub the endorsement interviews of black political organizations. He voted against the Affordable Care Act. He went way off the reservation, as you would say, turning his back on the President’s signature and hotly fought policy initiative, and the voters didn’t like that.
There was no nefarious cabal of Democratic Party white guys who stabbed him in the back for getting uppity, as you allege. He turned his back on both the Party’s leader, the President, and the boots-on-the-ground Democratic organizations. And primary voters gave him the boot for it.
And his colleagues, as I have posted, told him to not let the door hit him on the ass on the way out.
And now he’s a hero and darling of puddles and the Republican Party.
You guys can have him.
I just want to say this again:
Yet another example of Democrat pond scum. Bill Brockmiller, a Wisconsin union boss thug who doubles as a Democratic Party office holder got himself busted in a prostitution sting. Brockmiller was active in the attempt to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Brockmiller blamed “extreme personal baggage” for the indiscretion.
Read it and weep.
On Wisconsin!
147. Roger Rabbit spews:
@143 I’d rather be us than you.
What? An incumbent who can’t get above 47% approval and has spent all the party’s money to no avail? A bunch of whiners who focus enviously on others success and try to grab a hunk of what someone else earned? No thanks. Been there. Been part of your Democrat Party.
Yeah, that’s probably not a good sign for Romney.
Kendrick Meek – (son of a former congresswoman, always suspect.) Ran for governor when Crist switched to independent when he was going to lose to Rubio. Seems your beef here really is with Crist, a popular governor who was not a right-wing darling like Rubio, and who siphoned off Democratic votes from Meek.
Meek seems like a good guy, with good leftist positions, like supporting Affirmative Action, and being against the Hyde Amendment.
Artur Davis – discussed above. Asshole. You can have him.
Thurbert Baker – Successful Georgia Atty. General. Did well as Democrat running statewide. Lost 2010 Democratic primary for governor to a former governor, Roy Barnes, who went on to be immolated in the general, in a Republican sweep.
Ken Lewis – Senate candidate in North Carolina, and talked up and supported on DailyKos. Excellent guy – with no electoral experience. Lawyer, community organizer, on the board of Planned Parenthood.
Lost badly in three-way primary to the sitting Secretary of State and a former State Senator.
He was running for the US-fucking-Senate against people already in office – one of them statewide – when he had never had any electoral experience prior.
This was another nefarious plot by the whitey cabal?
Anthony Foxx – your point? Elected Mayor of Charlotte NC in 2009 at age 38, re-elected 2011, first black man to hold that office since Harvey Gantt – you know, the guy who Jesse Helms barely beat using vicious racist tactics very reminiscent of what Romney is doing now.
How was he undermined by the whitey Democratic cabal, again?
Johnny Dupree – Good guy. Lost the governor’s race in MISSISSIPPI to a Republican.
This is more “evidence of a whitey cabal?
Puddles, just like your links to nowhere, your list of aggrieved black Democrats is weak tea – there’s no ‘there’ there.
(Follow me to the next post, and we’ll really skewer puddles.)
I was, um, curious, about puddles’ deep interest in and injury (feigned) over a number of left-leaning Democrats who didn’t get elected in/around 2010.
The all happen to be black, and puddles was throwing this out there as evidence of the Democratic whitey ‘massa’ keeping qualified blacks from higher office.
They are, as puddles has brayed repeatedly:
Let’s say I was somewhat skeptical of puddles’ commitment to and defense of these guys given his irrational and spittle-flecked hostility to all things Democratic.
Well, well, lookee here…from Artur Davis’ bleating website:
Puddles is merely transmitting the pathetic whines and sniveling attacks of turncoat Artur Davis.
More worthless drivel from the pud-whacker.
I don’t have high hopes for this latest troll, alas.
I wonder how much Democrats are paying people to come to the Convention? Lots of free food and a free busride! How many of these people are not-
A) Unemployed
B) Government Union bottomfeeders?
Not many. Trying to make the Convention look like 2008.
@181 You obviously know nothing about Democratic confabs:
1) Pay your own way
2) No food
3) No hospitality bar
4) No coffee within 6 blocks
5) Bring your own TP
When I go to a political event, I always head for the GOP hospitality room, because they live so much better than we do.
@181 “Government Union bottomfeeders?”
A bottomfeeder is someone who expects public schoolteachers to work for $35,000 a year, buy their own health insurance, and retire on social security so he can get away with paying only $5000 a year of property taxes on his $1.5 million mansion.
Oh, great, another Fox-addicted troll, trying to mainline that shit into the discourse around here.
So, bringing people to a national convention by bus is evil? They’re supposed to fill a 74000 seat stadium with local folks on foot?
You don’t like the idea of people organizing and riding buses to a huge event? People coming from all over the country? Everyone is supposed to drive their own objectivist Ayn-Randmobile, I suppose? (the lower gas mileage the better)
From your own Fox-Noise link, they give two whole examples of people organizing for bus rides to the convention, college students in North Carolina and church members in South Carolina.
This is some sort of nefarious plot?
You know Fox viewers are dumber than other folks, right?
177. Michael spews:
You are kidding, right?
Take a look at the RealClearPolitics poll of polls. It’s an unmistakable bounce Michael.
Especially when you look at Obama’s Approval Rating dropping and Obama’s Disapproval rising.
Have you even looked at these 4 most recent polls, including the Democrat one?
Rasmussen Reports 8/31 – 9/2 1500 LV 48 52 -4
Gallup 8/30 – 9/1 1500 A 43 48 -5
Democracy Corps (D) 8/23 – 8/27 1000 LV 47 50 -3
ABC News/Wash Post 8/22 – 8/25 857 RV 47 50 -3
Average these 4 most recent and you have Obama with
Approval 46.2
Disapproval 50%
That’s a 3.8% Disapproval
On 9/3/2004, Bush was at
Approval 51.8%
Disapproval 45.5%
That’s a 6.3% Approval
That’s a 10.1% point difference at the same time point. And you are grasping at straws based on one guys silly assessment. i feel the growing desperation.
Open you eyes Michael and use the reasoning power God gave you rather than being lead by some silly leftist Blogs.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
Police killed a man with a scoped rifle in a rural area near Arlington where residents often target shoot and hunt in their own backyards after a sniper wounded a passerby, shot out car windows, and hit a police vehicle.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You sorta hope the cops got the sniper and not some homeowner exercising his Second Amendment Rights (TM) in his backyard; but, either way, scratch one NRA member.
Big Difference in the 2 conventions.
Allow me to boil it down for you Bill Nye the Humanist Guy fan….
Republicans paid their own way to the Convention.
Democrats only come when someone else pays for it and offers them free shit.
Comprende asshole?
I forgot to include the link to turncoat Artur Davis’ website, the one where puddles cribbed his list of aggrieved southern Black Democratic politicians.
It’s here, if you really want to read what Artur Davis has to say.
@187 You’re breaking wind. Comprende, moron?
@184 Probably the same one. They keep coming back here in different disguises.
I was right (again)!
You do expect everyone to drive their personal gas-sucking AynRandmobiles to the convention!
You also seem to be arguing that not being wealthy enough to move yourself across country for a few days and all that entails should somehow preclude one from participating in politics.
Thanks for the honesty, it’s quite telling.
The syntax with this one seems a little different, but I could be wrong.
Also, she linked to a ‘Conservative women rock’ facebook page on another thread – hadn’t seen that one before.
They all seem equally clueless and angry, however. Not a happy combination.
Nate Silver has one of the best prediction records in the polling biz. Maybe that’s because he’s a statistician, not a pollster. The guy’s an expert on baseball stats, among other things. Anyhoo …
Silver’s FiveThirtyEight blog still has the EV count at Obama 307.8 vs. Romney 230.2.
Even worse for our conservative friends desperately sucking for air are Silver’s PV numbers: Obama 51.0% vs. Romney 47.8%.
And worst of all for GOP fans, the trend is going Obama’s way, with his leads over Rmoney growing in both categories.
Sure sucks to be a troll.
@192 I have a Republican pen pal I’ve been corresponding with for 15 years who angrily insists Obama and everyone around him are communists. It doesn’t matter how much you debunk this stuff; you can’t reason with these people.
I’ve always assumed they get this shit from rightwing propaganda, but I wonder if it works the other way around, i.e. perhaps the actual function of the Rightwing Noise Machine is to reinforce what these people want to believe and give them ammunition to defend their beliefs. In other words, maybe RW propagandists are followers instead of leaders.
Ain’t that ferdamnsure.
Underwear too tight? Not enough sex? Chronic constipation?
What do you think creates these fools?
Or something like that. They’ve gotten very good at stroking the pre-existing prejudices and expectations, the nasty Republican id of fear and loathing.
There are people who confront the world with fear and anger and resentment, and they raise, generally, children like that – sort of like the cycle of domestic violence.
These are the people that are easily propagandized, easily told whom to hate and fear, easy to demagogue, easy to lead to act against their actual interests. One subset are those whom Obama correctly characterized as ‘clinging to their guns and religion’. They’re the people that the dog-whistles (and more overt signals) are directed toward.
More bad news for Rmoney:
“Gallup’s Frank Newport suggested in a blog post on Sunday night that polling asking voters for their views of Mr. Romney’s speech had produced evaluations ‘at the very low end of the scale’ as compared with previous acceptance addresses.”
“The other bad numbers for Mr. Romney are in a pair of surveys that Public Policy Polling released Sunday night. In those surveys, Mr. Obama held a 1-point lead in Florida, while the two candidates were exactly tied in North Carolina. … A Republican candidate who was essentially tied in slightly red-leaning states like North Carolina and Florida in polls conducted immediately after his convention would be in some trouble.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t expect Obama to win North Carolina, and he doesn’t have to; in fact, he doesn’t even have to win Florida or Ohio. Romney could win all three of these states and he’d still be three states short, unless he also wins Michigan or Virginia. So … what are Romney’s chances of winning NC, FL, OH, and MI or VA plus one more (WI, CO, IA, NV, or NH)? And if he doesn’t win OH, MI, VA, then Obama is only 2 EVs away and any one other state — say, NV or NH or IA — would do it. I’d say the odds still heavily favor Obama and Romney’s only chance is to pull ahead among independents in swing states across the board. And because two-thirds of those voters are women that will be tough to do. Now you understand why Rove was joking the other day about assassinating Todd Akin. I think Romney, Rove, and the other GOP poobahs really would like Akin dead provided his demise can’t be pinned on him. We’re getting a good look at what GOPers think about when they’ve got a loose cannon in their ranks.
See: Wellstone, Paul.
Akin better not ride in any of those ‘dangerous’ small aircraft before November.
RealClearPolitics, which leans Republican, calls it even worse for Romney: 332 vs. 206. I’m not sure where the difference comes from, because Silver and RCP allocate the same states to the candidates on their maps.
Both have Obama winning Florida; if he does it’s over. Florida is a must-win state for Romney, but isn’t for Obama; and while the state is considered a tie because most FL polls have the candidates separated by less than the margin of error, they consistently show Obama ahead. Florida probably will come down to how much of the Democratic vote is suppressed so look for GOP dirty tricksters to go all-out there.
George W. Who?
Very, very funny. Crazy never sleeps.
No, I’m not kidding. That was a really honest to gosh USA Today headline.
‘Conservative women rock’
My dear Ms. Wingnut most definitely rocks.
“I have a Republican pen pal I’ve been corresponding with for 15 years who angrily insists Obama and everyone around him are communists.”
Unfortunately, my dear Ms. Wingnut also shares that view.
“They’ve gotten very good at stroking the pre-existing prejudices and expectations, the nasty Republican id of fear and loathing.”
That’s one of the problems I have with those right-wing bastards. I detest how they manipulate my dear Ms. Wingnut. As she’s a devout Catholic, my best weapon of defense against their button-pushing is to remind her of the words of Jesus. It’s no wonder to me why right-wing extremists never quote Jesus, even as they manipluate Christians. Right-wing extremism and the teachings of Jesus just don’t go together. That’s one reason why I think the weekly Bible bash is an idiotic political thing to do on this blog. Instead of insults, try over-riding the manipulation instead.
I don’t insult my dear Ms. Wingnuts faith, I simply remind her of it. It gives her pause eveytime I do that.
@185 A
No, I’m reporting what USA Today said about a Gallup poll.
“use the reasoning power God gave you”
The reasoning power of a goatfucking Klown. Too funny.
Our newest troll isn’t very bright.
Which explains the naked appeal to the worst racist tendencies of angry older white people.
However, Huckleberry Graham threw cold water on that, at least long-term. It may still work in the short-term, however:
Compared to what? Have any, ever, been bright?
You’re absolutely correct, though.
I’m still waiting for someone to point out to me the moral flaw in:
Did you even read your own link. Nate Silver admits “Gallup’s survey still contains a fair number of interviews that were conducted before the convention began, and there is a bit of a silver lining for Mr. Romney in that Mr. Obama’s approval rating ticked down in the poll on Sunday. Since Gallup’s approval ratings are based on a 3-day polling average while their horse race numbers are based on a 7-day average, that could indicate Mr. Romney may still gain a bit of ground in the poll once it fully rolls over to post-convention interviews”
Any moron can understand that many of the poss still don’t reflect the Convention bounce…except apparently you. Is the depression setting in?
201. Roger Rabbit spews:
In your desperation, you are now just making stuff up. RealClear is merely a poll of polls. It includes ABC/CBS/NBC/PPP, all Democrat polls.
Obama is in huge trouble.
Your spin defies reason, facts & logic..but keep spinning as it’s all you’ve got.
And Michael, USA Today is your source that things are going poorly for Romney.
You’ve got to be kidding, right?
You keep looking at national horserace numbers.
@198 was looking primarily at EV numbers, and Romney’s (very very challenging) path to 270.
No, you’re not very bright.
How many times per day are you required to use that exact phrase?
now you sound as nutty as RHPee
Wha? rhp is one of the most sober, level-headed guys around here.
WTF are you talking about?
LMFAO…sure, if you consider imagining black helicopters flying over your house and republican boogeymen hiding under your bed “level headed”…
It was a Gallup poll. Could have been USA Today, could have been the AP, Seattle times…
The story seems to be a 0-2% bump for Romney.
Gallup is a 7-day average for Obama vs. Romney.
Need to wait a week to see where it stands with regards to Convention.
Wow Lib da schmuck on a rampage… Puddy folding? Nope. You continue to rage on about things 20 and 30 years old. Regarding voter IDs. YOU BETCHA I AGREE. They are now combing over 30,000 dead people still on the North Carolina rolls. We’ll see how many voted in 2008 and 2010. That’s being investigated right now. I want my vote to count along with any other born in America and living person. What part of that don’t you comprehend? Stupid is as stupid does.
Notice the spin on each of the six black candidates? Bill Crist white guy… DUMMOCRAPTS threw their weight behind Crist. He claims they ran to the right? And Crist got his ASS handed to him by Rubio. So much for that working out eh? So it seems any black who decides to becomes a conservative DUMMOCRAPT isn’t accepted? How big tent of you Lib da schmuck! How big tent the DUMMOCRAPT party is. Your own words damn ya!
DUMMOCRAPTS… party of the white incumbent man!
puddles ‘argument’ here seems to be that if a black Democrat fails to gain office then it must be racism.
That sounds frighteningly like the complaints your conservative buddies make when we liberals decry bona fide racism.
I’d watch out, puddles, one of your conservative buddies is going to call you a ‘race hustler’* if you keep this up.
*(term I learned while perusing SoundPolitics and used to describe MLK and Jesse Jackson by one of the resident trogs over there.)
I’m sure you do – shoulda known.
You believe in a 6000 year old universe in which fossils and red shift are ‘tricks’ by ‘god’, but not global warming. You believe in Noah saving all the penguins, but not evolution. I imagine you’re a flat-earther, too. Birther?
In that same anti-empiric, magical thinking, culture war driven vein, you believe voter fraud exists, and that we need the White Peoples’ Party Plus Puddy (WPPPP, or Republicans, for short) to pass and enforce laws pretending to address a problem but really meant to keep as many black and brown people from voting as possible.
Your bleating about racism is bullshit, puddles. You only care about Republican people, and likely only Christianist Republican people.
Will you be ready puddles, when an election worker asks you how many bubbles are in a bar of soap, before he allows you to vote?
voter ID should be mandatory…and free.