Stop fighting and Get Cash for Rights.
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Nebraska edition:
Kimmel’s week in unnecessary censorship.
Ryan—Romney 2012:
- Ann Telnaes: Romney dances around Ryan budget.
- Young Turks: Tom Morello rips Paul Ryan
- Maddow: The Ryan pick…and the first week.
- The same.
- Kimmel: Mitt Romney’s new positive ad:
- Stephen on Ryan/Romney.
- Jenn: Ryan catches a bad case of the flip-flops.
- Stephanie Miller: Tom Morello raging against the machine that is Rep. Paul Ryan.
- Maddow: Ryan Medicare unpopularity trickles down…to Congressional races.
- Sam Seder: Romney rejects Obama’s “tax amnesty” offer.
- SlateTV: No truce in the Romney Tax wars.
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan’s pathetic FAUX debut
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: A VP for America?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The hypocrisy of Paul Ryan.
- Ed: Obama wise-crack about Seamus
- Axelrod on Mitt non-disclosure.
- Maddow: Iraq war excluded from campaign as Romney hires Bush Iraq spokesman.
- Kimmel: Romney outsources Sesame Street.
- Ed: The great Romney-Ryan $700 billion lie
- Mark Fiore: Mitt Romney finds his hero in “Deficit Hawk Man”.
- Sam Seder: Why Paul Ryan is a gift to progressives.
- Jon: On Paul Ryan.
- Ann Telnaes: Paul Ryan displays his archery skills.
- Maddow: Still talking about tax returns.
- Maddow: Even STILL talking about tax returns.
- Ed: Who is the bigger liar, Romney or Ryan (via Crooks and Liars)?
Sam Seder: Sen. Rand Paul thinks, “Obama Arming Weathermen!”
Lawrence O’Donnell: Limbaugh attacks debate moderators as ‘far left-wing’ liberals (via Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: Pussy Riot sentenced.
- Guilty of “Hooliganism”: Pussy Riot.
Sam Seder: Next on the Republican agenda? Taking school lunches from poor kids.
White House: West Wing Week.
G.O.P. Voter Suppression:
- Jon: The 2012 exciting new voter suppression efforts.
- Pap and Ed: Right wing courts are sending America back to the dark ages
- Maher: New Rules on Republican voter suppression (via Crooks and Liars).
- Sam Seder: PA voter suppression scheme goes forward.
- Pap: Republican judicial hacks help suppress voters
Stephanie Cutter: Medicare Whiteboard:
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, New Mexico edition.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Democrat Party is losing key members.
Now FYI, Artur Davis happens to be African-American. I suppose you hateful bastards will think in your alleged minds that he is an Uncle Tom or worse. Mr. Davis is tired of living on the Democrat Plantation, just like more & more African-Americans. I suspect Mr. Davis will have a key role in this campaign. Enjoy!!
Why is Obama evading the Press Corps? What doesn’t he want to answer? What is Obama hiding?
For almost 2 months now..evade, evade, evade.
Obviously Obama wants to avoid substantive questions. Why? It’s an Election year. When the President avoids the Press Corps for 8 weeks, something isn’t right.
@ ryan
Yeah, you keep milking those chickens. You’ll get something out of it, someday.
Meanwhile your Randroid/Mormon messiah dream ticket has to go to foreign countries to raise funds from diamond merchants and Arab sheiks.
Seems to me, he was not able to convince enough democratic voters that he was the best man for the job, that he had the right ideas.
Reminds me of the republicans, they cannot convince enough of the voter of the rightness of their goals, so they have to turn to voter suppression and cheat.
It’s wrong for the President to avoid the Press Corps for 8 weeks, but it’s perfectly fine for Romney and Ryan to avoid the press corp and not turn over even 5 years of tax returns?
@ 6
The last press conference held by Obama was in early March.
We’re coming up on six months.
8 weeks was the last time he answered ANY question from the WH press corps.
You’re awfully hung up on the tax return thing. Maybe it’s so you don’t have to address this:
…there were no BLS seasonal adjustments in August 2011. If this remains the same in 2012, the Gallup seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for August would be 8.3% while that of the BLS would be 8.7%, assuming a similar increase to that shown in the Gallup data. Further, Gallup’s data show the labor force participation rate to be increasing in August.
In fact, that’s the likely reason Obama is avoiding the press, even friendly press.
The pussy.
@6 Serially Misinformed,
Why is it that 63% of the public thinks Romney should release more tax returns than he has already made public, a figure which rises to 67% among independents?
And I agree with your desire for Obama to hold a press conference. I expect he’ll do that, oh, shortly before August 27th.
@ 7
Why is it that 63% of the public thinks Romney should release more tax returns than he has already made public, a figure which rises to 67% among independents?
Because they are asked the question, and they answer.
If they’re asked if it’s right that POTUS has gone nearly six months without talking to the WH press corps, my guess is that around 2/3, or more, would have a problem with that as well. Higher among independents.
You’re flailing. Meanwhile, the economy is clearly in decline and Romney/Ryan think it’s time to talk economic numbers. Oh, and to talk about Medicare funding and the drain on it that is Obamacare.
I’m OK with that.
@8 Serially Flailing?
“the economy is clearly in decline and Romney/Ryan think it’s time to talk economic numbers.”
Economy is clearly in decline?
You mean like clearly like this?
Or maybe you’ve got some other FREE MARKET! indicator of “decline”? We won’t hold our breath.
@ 9
No, like the trend you see when you compare ’11 Q4 GDP growth to that of ’12 Q1, ’12 Q2, and ’12 Q3 estimated.
Like the uptick in unemployment rate that couldn’t be masked last month, and the further uptick you will likely see for August, if Gallup’s suspicions prove accurate.
Your link is based on cheerleading for Apple and consumer ‘sentiment’. Meanwhile, Thursday’s unemployment claims and the four-week average provide no suggestion of an improving economy, and Greece was barely able to make a bond payment, with some sleight-of-hand, and needs to be fronted some cash
to make their next one.
Try a serious argument about the improvement in the economy. It’s a tougher one to make than cherry-picking a headline.
Remember James “Bulldog” Guckert AKA Jeff Gannon, the male escort?
Gannon routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings, attending four Bush press conferences and appearing regularly at White House press briefings. Although he did not qualify for a Congressional press pass, Gannon was given daily passes to White House press briefings “after supplying his real name, date of birth and Social Security number.”[4] Gannon came under public scrutiny for his lack of a journalistic background prior to his work with Talon[5][6] and his involvement with various homosexual escort service websites using the professional name “Bulldog.”
@10 Boob,
so your argument for our US economy is in decline despite 28 consecutive months of job growth, record corporate profits, and 4 year highs in the stock market is “Greece was barely able to make a bond payment?
You get partial credit as our economy is not growing as fast as it needs to be. And if you want to blame the president for that, I suppose you can.
But if you had grown up with School House Rock you’d understand that Congress needs to pass legislation.
How’s the Congress that Republican Paul Ryan is a leader of doing?
This Congress could be least productive since 1947
And while the farm belt suffers through drought, the US House of Representatives, that is Led By Paul Ryan, failed to vote on the Farm Bill that the Senate passed.
Paul Ryan gots some ‘splainin to do to mean Seniors on Medicare…
So he’s going to Florida..
And he’s bring his Mommy… Awwwww…
Mommy! Those mean old people are picking on me!
@ 12
Yes, there is consecutive job growth.
However, there is also consecutive population growth.
If job growth doesn’t at least match population growth we fall further behind.
That’s exactly what’s happened.
Again, you are cherry-picking. Job growth is only worth talking about if it exceeds population growth. That isn’t happening.
You seem to be pointing to the stock market increase as an example of a growing economy. The disconnect between the stock market and the economy is because there’s no value in holding cash at interest rates as low as they are today, and people similarly are hesitant to hold long-term bonds, which are particularly sensitive to the increase in interest rates we will begin to see in 2014 as a result of all of the massive borrowing we have done. Companies are more profitable, partly BECAUSE THEY ARE SHEDDING JOBS as they become more efficient, so they are a reasonable place to invest right now. Ergo, the stock market gains.
Remember when people getting rich in the stock market was a bad thing to HAers? Now you’re using it to delude yourself into thinking ‘The private sector’s doing fine.’.
It isn’t. Next month’s numbers will show you that.
@14 Boob,
So, what should President Obama do to ensure job growth is equal to the rate of population growth?
Gotta love those teabaggers.
After John Roberts let states opt out of the Medicaid expansion parts of PPACA, the teabagger’s are actually whining that PPACA won’t cover everyone..
What a bunch of dumbasses.
I really love posting articles like this:
But a Globe analysis of voter registration data in swing states reveals scant evidence that the massive undertaking is yielding much fresh support for Obama.
In stark contrast to 2008, when a strong partisan tailwind propelled Democratic voter registration to record levels, this year Republican and independent gains are far outpacing those of Democrats.
Have I mentioned that Romney hasn’t even really begun to spend money yet? That won’t happen until after the convention.
Heh. We got nothing but silence when for much of Bush’s term the economy didn’t produce enough jobs to satisfy demand from new entrants to the workforce.
So now in 2010 more jobs were created than in the entire 8 years of Bush.
And right wingers say “uh.. look! a squirrel!”
And Boob, I know you won’t let facts cloud your delusions, but in the unlikely event anybody else is reading …
U.S. consumer sentiment at three-month high in early Aug
@18 “Have I mentioned that Romney hasn’t even really begun to spend money yet? That won’t happen until after the convention.”
Maybe Americans are so confident about the economy going forward is because big chunks of Rmoney’s offshore accounts are coming home to be spent?
@ 18
So now in 2010 more jobs were created than in the entire 8 years of Bush.
1. This is 2012, not 2010.
2. How did those 2010 elections work out for you?
@ 19
Consumer sentiment is based on hope.
Hope is not a plan.
Where do you think consumer sentiment will be next time they measure it, after the runup in gas prices and the projected second straight month uptick in the unemployment rate, MBS?
Do you think you will be posting that, as well?
I’m pretty sure if it’s posted next month, it will be by me and not by you.
@21 Serially Dodging Questions,
I’ll ask again.
So, what should President Obama do to ensure job growth is equal to the rate of population growth?
20 – Yaaawwn.. Apples meet oranges..
@20 Hey, Link Cop Bob, you did notice, didn’t you, that your friend @1 and 2 didn’t provide any links? OMG!!
@ 22
At this point there’s not much he can do to cause things to change before the election. Even if he made huge changes in policy, people will wait until post-election before responding.
Capitulating to reality and extending all current tax rates is necessary. Allowing the payroll tax cut to expire would be wise but neither side wants to be the one to suggest that.
Dialing back the anti-oil rhetoric and permitting Keystone to go through would help by removing some of the upward pressure on oil prices, which really cut into GDP as well as into household disposable income.
It’s really not what Obama should DO. It’s what he should have DONE much earlier.
@ 24
I don’t pay attention to what he says. Most of what he says I have read elsewhere.
If I wanted to know what others on the right are saying I wouldn’t be here.
I pay attention to what people on the left are saying, on this site. It’s why I’m here.
And the 2010 elections worked out terribly for everyone it seems..
Guess whose approval rating is higher than Bob’s beloved Congress?
@25, Understood. You got nothing. Just like Gekko/Galt.
You keep following the Republican line wishing and hoping for America to fail so that the people who tanked the global economy can take back power.
And Boob, funny how Republican House Ideological Leader, Paul Coupons For Medicare! Ryan was talking about the economy in a senior center today.
Why does the Obama campaign keep hammering Slick Willard about taxes?
Because it works.
@ 30
Why does the Obama campaign keep hammering Slick Willard about taxes?
Because it offers a greater chance of success for Obama than if he tries to defend his record while in office.
Surely you’ve figured that out by now.
@31 Serially Dumbfounded,
Yes, it does.
Democrat Barrack Husein Obama is winning ever greater support of the people by talking about taxes.
Slick Willard is not winning greater support of the people by complaining about what an “Angry Black Man” the president is.
House Republican Leader of the least productive Congress since 1947, Paul Ryan is not winning greater support of the people by lying about Medicare in Florida.
@ 32
Er, that ever-greater support Obama is winning seems to be down 5% since May.
To see how hard it is for Romney to win, first look at this map:
There are 191 EVs in Obama’s safe states, and 181 EVs in Romney’s safe states. But it’s not that close, because 66 more EVs lean to Obama, while only 10 EVs lean to Romney. If both candidates hold onto the “leaning” states, Obama needs only only 13 EVs and Romney needs 79 EVs from “tossup” states.
Which states are “tossups”? Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and Iowa. Six states in all. Romney can afford to lose only one of the two smallest, Iowa or Colorado. If he loses two of these six states, or one of the four largest, he loses the election. That’s a very steep uphill climb.
Of course, Romney’s strategists realize that’s a nearly impossible task, so they’ve pretty much got to peel at least one or two states out of the “leans Obama” column. The best targets here are Wisconsin and Nevada, but it’s not really that close (yet) in those places; Michigan and Pennsylvania look out of reach.
Not only should this guy not get his dog back, he should get kicked in the nuts.
One of you mouthy assholes wants links-
Here you go-|25219|7946991837|146831014|7948454014|b|25291211374|tc||g|||&cct_ver=3&cct_bk=mitt%20romney&gclid=CJDOkvPr8bECFcXBKgodnQoAsQ
Sadly for Obama and you tightwad’s, Romney has barely scratched the surface on big donors.
This is from a month ago, but it still shows the untapped potential.
Serial is correct. Romney will start spending the big money right after the Republican Convention. He will buy HUGE amounts of airtime and ads during the Democrat Convention to contrast his positions with that of Obama and Obama’s pathetic idiot of a VP.
I was at a festival this AM in R country. Some hippy girl with all kinds of tats & piercings was alone running the Democrat booth with a life-size cardboard cut-out of both Obama & Biden. A guy started pressing her about how she could justify supporting a ticket with an idiot like Joe Biden just a heartbeat away from the Presidency. I watched and listened as he kept pressing her to explain how she could support Biden. She finally gave up, put the 2 cardboard cut-outs under her arm and stormed off in tears. Wish I had had my I-phone with me.
It showed me that leftists cannot engage in meaningful dialogue and anger quickly. Something you see confirmed here regularly.
Looking forward to the football season?
Man shot in the face near University of Phoenix Stadium
Questions for the Fascists in here.
1) Doesn’t it bother you that the Political party that is demanding an ever increasing level of scrutiny and proof of an individuals right to vote, is made up of all the same people who demand absolute secrecy when talking about their political donors, especially when they are stumping for campaign money overseas? Reporters were blocked from reporting on Rmoney’s entire overseas trip that was openly about raising cash from foreign donors, (something that is a Felony by the way.)
2) Doesn’t it bother you at all that they openly disparage Labor, referring it in their speeches as just being another form of welfare, and the people who perform labor to make a living as not being hardworking or intelligent enough to become as wealthy as they are?
3) Doesn’t it bother you at all, that the party of “fiscal restraint” and “Small Government” sees absolutely no contradiction with gifting the largest banks, multinational corporations and domestic weapons manufacturers with Trillions of dollars in taxpayers money direct from the Treasury, all while insisting they have the right to closely regulate peoples reproductive rights, health care and insisting on a ever increasing level of force an the part of local law enforcement to regulate moral behaviors and religious rules?
Answer me that Fascists. Seems to me that people are becoming a little weary of your fairy tale religions being used as an excuse to oppress people, steal from them and kill them in wars that exist solely for your pleasure and profit.
@37 Typical Unhinged Republican Supporter,
So you stood there and watched a guy berate a girl until she cried and you did nothing?
Good for you! Your mom must be so proud.
Not many recent state polls since Ryan was announced as VP candidate.
In Michigan, there is-
Mitchell Research 8/13 – 8/13 1079 LV 49 44 Obama +5
and in Pennsylvania–nothing, but the most recent poll out was:
Franklin & Marshall 8/7 – 8/12 681 RV 47 42 Obama +5
Romney is fortunate to have both the money and ground troops to not have to concede any of the toss-up or leans Obama states.
Obama is hurting for funds. It really surprises me because only last year, Obama’s camp was touting their $1 Billion Campaign.
Ain’t happening.
Even Obama’s large contributors at Goldman Sach’s hasn’t come thru this time.
It takes $$$ to play defense. Obama will be on the defense after the Republican Convention.
I think a huge issue will be the VP and the chronic idiocy of Biden. I wish Ryan could debate Biden 3-4 times instead of once…but once will be enough for voters to decide who ought to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Democrats brutally attacked Sarah Palin and it certainly had an impact. In a close election, R’s would be wise to make the Biden/Ryan comparison.
40. MikeBoyScout spews:
He wasn’t berating her. He was calmly asking legitimate questions she was unwilling or unable to answer. She couldn’t take the she ran out of the kitchen crying with Obama/Biden life size cardboard cutouts under her arm. You should be upset that such a moron was out there shilling for your guys and couldn’t even answer a simple question!
@ 34
You missed a tossup state – WI:
Romney could concentrate his massive cash hoard and the physical campaign presence in a small area, while Obama has to jet to CO, NM, NV to play defense or compete, and to LA/SF/Seattle/Portland to pick up checks, which reduces his presence on the ground in the eastern and middle battlegrounds.
So, Romney needs 5 of 7 states and he can camp out in the vicinity for most of the last two months to do it. One of the states is a ‘hometown’ state for him, another is Ryan’s hometown state.
This doesn’t seem especially difficult, RR, particularly as the economy is in decline, which essentially defeats the purpose of your post.
Mitt Romney outraised Obama’s team for the third consecutive month, taking in $101.3 million in July compared with $75 million for Obama and his party.
Romney had $186 million in the bank at the end of July. Obama had $146 Million in the bank at the beginning of July and spent a huge amount on attack ads in July. Obama hasn’t announced his cash in bank at the end of July, but it is believed to be substantially less that the $146 Million.
In addition, with the announcement of Ryan, Romney is crushing Obama in August.
By the end of August, Romney could have a $100 Million advantage PLUS fundraising momentum.
Obama ought to be worried.
You idiots have your head in the clouds or some dark, dank orifice to believe there is nothing to worry about.
Obama’s campaign has spent campaign money like they spend tax dollars. On frivolous bullshit. The well is running dry for Barry Soetoro.
@ 39
You’re an idiot. All those reporters who were blocked from reporting filed hundreds of reports about Romney’s trip.
Americans living overseas can donate to campaigns and can even vote. It’s why Obama has also held overseas fundraising events.
“Because it offers a greater chance of success for Obama than if he tries to defend his record while in office.”
Using the Way-Back machine, let’s say that it’s January 2009 and McCain/Palin are in the White House. The last Republican administration had left the economy in the ditch. The market has crashed. Americans are losing jobs at the rate of 700,000 a month. Banks are failing. What would the Republican president have done? What would have been the effect on the economy by what he did? Would American workers be better off than they are now? If so, in what way? What record would a McCain/Palin administration be defending today?
@ 46
It’s not 2009 and McCain and Palin are not running.
To help you out some more, GWB43 is not running, either.
It’s 2012, the economy is in decline, and there are two focused candidates pointing out Obama’s shortcomings.
What McCain or Palin might have done 3 1/2 years ago is totally irrelevant, Doctor Steve.
What’s relevant is what Obama has done and whether it warrants giving him another four years.
@42 “He was calmly asking legitimate questions she was unwilling or unable to answer. She couldn’t take the she ran out of the kitchen crying with Obama/Biden life size cardboard cutouts under her arm.”
You’re full of shit, a damned coward, and you’re certainly no man.
“What’s relevant is what Obama has done and whether it warrants giving him another four years.”
Horsehit. Let me help you out here, Bob. Republicans drove the nation into the ditch. Seeing as how nothing has changed with you people, if you had had the chance, you would have continued with the same policies that fucked this nation up in the first place. WTF are you proposing now in 2012 that’s different? Anything? No. So, yes, Bob, you have a record to defend, especially since that record of yours is what brought this nation to ruin and now you want to do it all over again, and without evidence of there being one single damned lesson learned.
Eh, wingnut lessons learned. I’ve got to admit that you guys are certainly becoming brutally efficient at telling little old black ladies, “You can’t vote!”. I’m sure you’re proud that proud of the lessons you’ve learned in that particular arena.
@47 Serially Confused,
“and there are two focused candidates pointing out Obama’s shortcomings”
Nope. Wrong again.
Slick Willard is dodging questions about his tax returns, and Republican House Leader of the Least Productive Congress Since 1947, Paul Coupons for your Medicare! Ryan is defending his plan to end Medicare.
Perhaps my friend Deathfrogg @39 was a little too wordy for you. Let me help you out again, Bob. Hell, I’ll even provide your answers.
1) Doesn’t it bother you that the Political party that is demanding an ever increasing level of scrutiny and proof of an individuals right to vote, is made up of all the same people who demand absolute secrecy…
2) Doesn’t it bother you at all that they openly disparage Labor…
3) Doesn’t it bother you at all, that the party of “fiscal restraint” and “Small Government” sees absolutely no contradiction with gifting the largest banks, multinational corporations and domestic weapons manufacturers with Trillions of dollars…
@ 49
You seem to give Obama a pass because things were bad when he assumed office.
Four words:
He. Made. It. Worse.
Add to it the inevitable ads with video of Obama saying that it’s a one-term proposition if he hasn’t turned it around.
Regarding Romney and Ryan and their proposals, that’s just getting started. Plenty of time left.
@52 Serially Dim
What EXACTLY did Obama make worse than Bush?
You can’t answer that question and neither can Slick Willard. That’s why their proposal to do the same GD thing Bush did that actually did make it worse is a losing argument; for you and the majority of voters.
@ 53
“What EXACTLY did Obama make worse than Bush?”
Let’s start with the deficit. Annual or total, your pick.
Move on to our relationships with nations such as Britain, Israel, Poland, Russia.
Oh, then there’s the labor participation rate:
There’s unemployment among African-Americans:
Busy day so that’s just off the top of my head.
“He. Made. It. Worse.”
How convincing, although I think it could be even more so if you were to use all CAPS.
By what measure, Bob? DOW? NASDAQ? No, the markets are better. Are we losing more than 700,000 jobs per month? Nope, we’re gaining jobs. Has Bin Laden hit us? No, he’s finally dead. Did you lose your guns? No, you’ve still got your guns. What’s your agony, Bob? How is it worse?
That’s Bull Boob.
Even the Slick Willard campaign knows they got nothing.
“Campaigns that are about specifics, particularly in today’s environment, get tripped up.”
@ 55
Labor participation rate.
Youth unemployment rate.
Gas prices. Oil prices. Maybe google effect of a dime increase in gas on the GDP, then extrapolate it out to see what two bucks higher gas prices means.
Let’s look at what Cash for Clunkers did to used car affordability for the low-income.
Let’s look at how many homeowners bought because of the $8,000 rebate, only to see their home values drop by $20,000+ after they did it.
Let’s look at the national debt.
Yes, the markets are better. Does that please you? Or is that not right, because it means the rich are getting richer? Do you want to credit Obama for the market gain and simultaneously Blame Bush for the market gain going primarily to higher earners?
@43 Wisconsin isn’t a tossup state on the Huffington Post map.
@ 56
You cut off the quoted article text too soon. Here’s what follows:
But aides believe there is a way for Romney and Ryan to present a vision of fiscal discipline so starkly different than Obama’s as to provide voters a clear choice, even without all the details.
“At the end of the day,” Rhoades said, “the American people are going to have to decide: Do they want to clean up the mess right now, or do they want to wait another four years, when it’s even worse? Do they want business as usual or do they really want to tackle the big challenges for a change?”
A Romney campaign official added: “I know there are some people in Washington, D.C., that are scared to talk about Medicare. We’re not. We’ve got a million hits on Medicare. We’ll do it for as long as they want. Let’s do it. It’s policy, it’s substance, it’s the future.”
Read more:
@ 58
You rely on the HuffPo map too heavily. Try Nate Silver’s map in the NYT.
“Move on to our relationships with nations such as Britain, Israel, Poland, Russia.”
OMG!! Mitt’s stumble and fumble tour! You’re too fucking funny, Bob.
“There’s unemployment among African-Americans”
LMFAO!! OMFG!!! Like you racists give a rat’s ass about black people! I’d think the asswipes who are fanatically trying to prevent blacks from voting, who gleefully strip the right to vote for local representation from black towns and cities, who dream of militias roaming the streets of Detroit, who belive that Trayvon Martin was a “thug” who got what he had coming to him, would give that particular stat the thumbs up!
@43 (continued) “This doesn’t seem especially difficult, RR, particularly as the economy is in decline”
First of all, you’re wrong about the economy being “in decline.” The U.S. economy is growing, and in fact, is one of the better economies in the global economic picture.
By all means, keeping cheering yourself up — “attaboy!” and “way to go!” — if it makes you feel better.
I’d rather be me than you.
I’ve said more than once that OR is closer than polls have indicated.
Here’s some material support for that:
I think OR will stay blue. But it’s not 8 points blue.
I know exactly what will happen after Romney loses. They’ll blame everything and everybody except the GOP’s bad policies and lousy governance. They’ll blame losing Wisconsin on sneaky leftwing operatives trading cigarets for votes in Milwaukee. They’ll blame losing Florida on illegal immigrants. They’ll blame losing Ohio on dead people voting. They’ll dream up every excuse under the sun to explain away the fact that a majority of the American people have concluded REPUBLICANS SUCK.
@ 64
We’ve understood for some time, RR, that you think you know everything.
We got that.
@47 “and there are two focused candidates pointing out Obama’s shortcomings”
Good luck with that. You’ll need it. Romney has a wooden personality, is tone-deaf, and out of touch. Ryan’s youth and dynamism are superficially attractive but his ideas are toxic. To win this election, they have to persuade middle class voters that raising their taxes and cutting their entitlements to finance more tax breaks for their rich pals is a good idea. Like I said, good luck with that …
So serial, could you explain to me what it is, precisely, that Mitt is going to do for America?
What five major accomplishments can we expect from a Romney administration that will make life better for all Americans?
With all of the terrible things that Obama has presided over, as you list above, don’t you think that it’s a problem that Mitt seems to be losing consistently and badly? Perhaps you could help turn that tide by explaining to me, and the estimable readers of HA, how Mitt is going to affirmatively make our lives better.
@ 66
To win this election they need to avoid huge gaffes and point out current events:
Unemployment rate rises in 44 states
and talk about what they’ll do to reverse them.
“Do you want to credit Obama for the market gain and simultaneously Blame Bush for the market gain going primarily to higher earners?”
Bush gain? Um, the market crashed under Bush. I was there. Where were you? And, Dude, I am a higher earner.
Are we worse off because we finally ended a war that began because the previous Republican adminstration was either stupid or evil enough to lead this nation to invade the wrong country at enormous cost that they kept off the books? And if you don’t mind my asking, if you win, are going to put the war you start with Iran on the books this time?
Of course, Rmoney & Ryan won’t admit they’ll raise taxes and cut entitlements. They’ll lie about that. They’ll deny the independent studies proving it, but they won’t persuasively debunk those studies, because they can’t, because the studies are right. Before this campaign is over you’ll see Rmoney & Ryan switch from talking about deficits to promising more pie-in-the-sky … they’ll say whatever they think gets votes. But it won’t work, because voters aren’t as stupid as they assume they are …
@65 No, I merely know more than you, which isn’t hard at all. Almost anyone can do that.
“We’ve understood for some time, RR, that you think you know everything.
We got that.”
We? Who are you speaking for, the Klown?
@67 Mitt doesn’t have a plan for America. His entire campaign is built around tearing down Obama. If picking Ryan was supposed to give the GOP ticket substance, it didn’t work, because Ryan’s ideas are so toxic it took Romney less than 24 hours to begin distancing himself from them.
The GOP has spent the last four years being the “Party of No,” so it’s not surprising they can’t come up with a constructive or affirmative idea to campaign on. Their party is driven by one thing: “We can’t stand a n—— in the White House!” They have nothing else.
Their whole party is driven by one thing: “We can’t stand a n—– in the White House!” They have nothing else.
And the race card is played, once again. It’s the US version of Godwin’s Law.
Can’t be ideologic differences. No. Has to be racism.
That must be why the left hated GWB43 so much. Couldn’t be ideology or performance in office.
@74 Oh, please. That’s your own chickens coming home to roost.
Help offshore more jobs, de-regulate power plants so people have to breathe more crappy air and pay more for their power, tax breaks for the wealthy and for corporations. Reduce finical aid for working class kids to go to college. Because let’s face it, college isn’t for the working class, it’s for the wealthy.
@ 75
You assume we would not have hated Hillary’s guts as well.
Bad assumption.
It’s not his skin color. That’s your weak argument in lieu of defending him on the merits of his performance.
Good luck with that.
“Can’t be ideologic differences.”
Yeah, I’m sure that it’s “ideological differences” leads you to try so damned hard to prevent blacks from voting.
I suggest that you quit hiding your lame, racist self behind accusations that we’re “playing race cards”, Bob. I call out racists like you for what you are and you don’t like it. To that I say, tough shit, Bob. Change your ways or get used to it.
Things are looking up. In 26 fuccking years we’ll have a balanced budget, probably on be in debt 30 trillion dollars at that time and no social security nor medicare. Awesome plan. Fuck yeah.
“You assume we would not have hated Hillary’s guts as well.”
Bad assumption, you say? So you hate the president’s guts, Bob? You hate the man?
You hate a lot of people, don’t you? Why? It’s OK to talk about it, Bob. After all, it’s not like you hide it very well. It’s pretty much out there now.
@77 “in lieu of defending him on the merits of his performance”
Excuse me?? I’m happy to defend Obama’s job performance, and have done so numerous times in this blog; I guess you weren’t paying attention.
Obama’s record:
Prevented another Great Depression
Got the economy growing again
Saved the U.S. auto industry
Strengthened banking system
Stock market up 60%
Unemployment benefits were extended
Middle class tax cuts were extended
Food assistance was expanded
Student loan interest was kept low
Enacted health care reforms
Expanded health coverage
New consumer protection agency
Killed Osama bin Laden
Helped rid Egypt of Mubarak and Libya of Gadhafi
Wound down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
What didn’t happen under Obama also is important:
Social Security wasn’t handed over to Wall Street
Medicare wasn’t privatized and voucherized
Pell grants weren’t eliminated
Innocent people weren’t tortured
No new wars were started
There’s more, but that should get you started.
@82 Bob will repeat the same thing again and again. Same with the tired crap about the country being worse off, which considering the ditch that Bush left us in, is a fucking joke. He’ll never back this lame shit of his up because he can’t. He’ll repeat these same baseless accusations again and again, without any supporting proof, because Bob’s a damned wingnut liar, just like the rest of them. He’s just more smarmy about it than our other trolls.
@77 “You assume we would not have hated Hillary’s guts as well.”
This is where you really reveal yourself, Bob. Your response to a difference of opinion over public policy issues is to “hate their guts.” It says so much about you.
And it isn’t just you, Bob. You merely reflect the pervasive attitude of rightwing extremists. It’s evident in such things as Coulter openly talking about putting liberals in concentration camps and “executing” them, rightwing loose-lipped talk about “civil war” and “Second Amendment solutions,” and the right’s daily ad hominem attacks against anyone who doesn’t fall in lockstep with the wingnut worldview. Rarely do we ever see you haters actually debate issues. You personalize every disagreement.
The right’s answer to everything is hate. They hate reproductive rights so much they blow up abortion clinics and murder abortion doctors. They hate LBGTs so much they tie them to fenceposts and beat them to death. They hate African-Americans so much they chain them to pickup trucks and drag them to death. They hate immigrants so much they openly talk about shooting them at the border. (Those immigrants, by the way, perform backbreaking stoop labor for low wages so you can eat cheap food.)
Goddam haters … this world would be so much better if they all Raptured Up right now. I can’t wait! Let ’em be gone and let us be done with ’em. They can have Heaven if it gets them out of this place.
Twice as many business executives around the world say the global economy will prosper better with President Barack Obama than with Mitt Romney, according to a poll out Friday.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another myth is busted. Business executives don’t think Romney is better than Obama for their businesses.
“It’s hard for us to keep writing articles about Obama being brave and shit when he keeps acting like a pussy.”
Reporters at the White House on Friday asked spokesman Josh Earnest about the lack of an official Obama press conference. They also complained that while Obama has done a series of interviews, he has mostly fielded softball questions from outlets like People.
@ 85
Maybe get the business leaders from other countries to write letters to battleground state residents urging them to vote for Obama, like Guardian readers did for Kerry in 2004. How well did that work out in their target state, Ohio, RR?
Oh, and who the fuck cares how well the foreign firms will do. Isn’t it American businesses we care about, RR?
Why, look what happens when one reads your article and finds out what American business CEOs think:
The result was different among respondents in the United States, where a slim majority thought Romney would be better for their businesses than Obama.
SC commentary: Don’t take RR at his word. Forked tongue and fat ass.
58. Roger Rabbit spews:
Duh. Look at RealClearPolitics. Huffpo is hardly nonpartisan. You seem to be able to find convenient polls to ease your pain. It’s boring.
Wisconsin is in play.
Look at the Governor’s Race.
Look at Thompson’s lead over Baldwin.
Do you really think Obama has it in the bag??
The R’s have quite an organization on the ground in Wisconsin whether you like it or acknowledge it. The Ryan choice has fired them up again.
But hey, let’s see how much $$ Obama spends in Wisconsin. He’s spending an awful lot for a State that is not in play RR.
78. Steve spews:
So angry steve, please tell me what you call Artur Davis??
Come on angry steve..what do you call an African-American 4-time Democrat Congressman who left the Obama plantation??
You seem to scream racist and all kinds of angry stuff when white people disagree with obama’s policies. How about Davis??
Paul Ryan is forcing Obama to defend his ObamaCare/Medicare Plan in Florida. Why does Obama engage Ryan?? Why not send Crazy Joe out there??
Joe Biden will be an issue before this is over. Who is a heartbeat away from the Presidency??
Currently its a fucking clown who is so demented that Obama is keeping him in the closet! This is hysterical. Obama will have to take on Ryan and Romney himself. I got news for you, Obama is not up to the task. Obama has a track record & policy to defend. The MSM covered for Obama’s amateurism in 2008. Can’t effectively do it this time.
Joe Biden. You talk about a scary guy to have his finger on the button.
“You seem to scream racist and all kinds of angry stuff when white people disagree with obama’s policies. How about Davis??”
You dumbfuck Klown, I don’t call you out as a racist because you don’t like the president’s policies. I call you out as a goddamned racist because you hate black people.
God, you’re fucking stupid.
“The result was different among respondents in the United States, where a slim majority thought Romney would be better for their businesses than Obama.”
A “slim majority” of American business leaders thinks a Republican president would be better for the economy than a Democrat president? You’re slipping, Bob. And you want to crow about that? Really? Of course, since you have nothing but contempt for anybody who isn’t a Galtian Lord, such as the American worker, I already know that you don’t give a fuck what they think about anything.
@88 “Duh. Look at RealClearPolitics.”
In RCP’s poll aggregation, Obama leads Romney by at least 4% in every poll except Rasmussen.
Rmoney may or may not still be involved Bain Capital’s business decisions, but he’s still personally profiting from laying off American workers and sending their jobs to China.
The Guardian reports that Bain has for months been dismantling and shipping to China, “piece by piece,” a car parts plant, of which it is majority owner, in Freeport, Ill. — even as it requires the workers to train personally their Chinese replacements, who have been flown in by management.
“It’s not easy to get up in the morning, training them to do your job so that you can be made unemployed,” Bonnie Borman told the paper. Borman, 52, has worked at the Sensata auto sensors plant for 23 years. She has three children and predicts that soon, “I am going to be competing for minimum wage jobs with my own daughter.”
Although Romney left Bain around the turn of the century — pinpointing the exact year is difficult, which has itself become a source of controversy — he maintains financial ties to the company, receiving millions of dollars annually in profits from buyout and investment funds. Which means that Romney stands to gain if Bain’s plan to cut costs at Sensata by eliminating U.S. jobs succeeds in increasing profitability.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, if it’s Rmoney’s business, he can do whatever he wants with it — private property and all that, you know. But the presidency isn’t private property. It belongs to all of us. And I’m picky about who occupies that office. A guy who forces workers to train their foreign replacements before he fires them isn’t the kind of person I’m willing to vote for.
“I am going to be competing for minimum wage jobs with my own daughter.”
The Romney/Ryan “plan” for the American worker condensed to a single sentence. Sucks to one one of the 99%, but they don’t count, do they, Bob? And why? Because to you self-exalted Galtian Lords they are “inferior”.
“You have the courage to tell the masses what no politician told
them: you are inferior and all the improvements in your conditions
which you simply take for granted you owe to the effort of men who
are better than you.”
The search for relevance continues….
So, cereal, I was SOOOOO hoping that you could lay out for me the affirmative case for a Romney presidency.
You’re great at making smarmy attacks on Obama, but I want a positive vision. I want to see that argument that will lift Mitt out of the cellar. I want to hear the persuasive vision that will allow Mitt to rocket ahead of Obama, allowing him to realize all the structural advantages he should be enjoying, what with Obama’s being in over his head and all…
…because right now Mitt is still consistently trailing, and the whole Ryan roll-out was a complete disaster – hard to see how Mitt wins if he keeps this up.
Few print media editorial writers are more conservative, are bigger Ryan fans, or dislike Obama more, than Thomas G. Donlan of Barron’s. But Donlan, who knows how to read an electoral map, knows a lost cause when he sees one:
“The ’13 Keys to the White House,’ a system devised by American Unviersity Prof. Allan J. Lichtman and explained in a book of that name, says that President Barack Obama has a lock on the election because he has at least eight of keys, maybe as many as 11. Lichtman has used his system to predict the last seven winners of the popular vote for president. In back-testing, it also correctly identifies the winner of the popular vote in every election since 1860.”
(Source: Barron’s, 8/20/2012, p. 35.)
“It’s not easy to get up in the morning, training them to do your job so that you can be made unemployed,” Bonnie Borman told the paper. Borman, 52, has worked at the Sensata auto sensors plant for 23 years. She has three children and predicts that soon, “I am going to be competing for minimum wage jobs with my own daughter.”
I believe that I can speak for Bob and the Klown here, “The inferior Bonnie Borman should stop her whining, suck it up, STFU, take that minimum wage job away from her hand-maiden daughter and be damned grateful to her Galtian Lords that she even has that much”.
Why on earth would our Galtian Lords take away school lunches from poor kids? Why??
“They are inferior”.
96. Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie spews:
How about Davis??
Non-answer. Artur Davis is an African-American former Democrat. He is now a big Paul Ryan fan. What do you call him Lib Sci??
Tongue-tied aren’t you?
Take a stab at it.
I can’t wait.
How on earth could our Galtian Lords justify their stopping black people from voting? What could justify such a horrendous thing?
“They are inferior.”
So how many of you self-proclaimed open minded liberals are going to watch “2016”??
This is going to be a Huge Hit.
Take a sneak peek at the trailer—
Get inside Obama’s head.
It’s getting rave reviews.
Very thorough.
How on earth could our Galtian Lords justify their paying zero taxes while making the American worker pay 29% in taxes?
“They are inferior.”
How can our Galtian Lords possibly justify the lose of American lives in a senseless war in Iraq?
“They are inferior.”
Romney’s kids sure as hell didn’t signup to fight!
Here a couple quotes from the producer of “2016” Dineesh D’Souza
“One of the themes in the movie is the anti-colonial goal of downsizing America in the name of global justice.
“So the core idea here is that America has become a rogue nation in the world and also that America enjoys a standard of living that is unconscionably high compared to the rest of the world. So anti-colonialism is a program of global reparations, not racial reparations. It’s reparations for global injustice. Obama’s goal is to shrink America.”
I believe D’Souza is right on the money.
“What do you call him Lib Sci??”
I’d call him stupid and you, being a racist, you’d still call him a nigger. Was that the point you were trying to make, Klown?
I’m with LS. Irrelevant. Alabama? Give me a freaking break.
Here’s a video for the klown:
From a recovering Republican..
107 – What a load of horseshit! Just go over to WND and go full birther..
Miserable klown..
@107 You believe a lot of idiotic things.
“Romney’s kids sure as hell didn’t signup to fight!”
You need to view the world through Galtian eyes. A Romney spawn campaigning for his father serves his country just as much as any of the “inferior masses” dying in some senseless war waged for corporate profit.
“The consensus among the citizenry is that Mitt must be eager to hide just how successful he was at making money … if, as he insists, he has nothing to hide, why is he so unyielding about hiding it?” — Alan Abelson, Barron’s, 8/20/12, p. 6.
How’s that?
Romney is raking in $7 million more from scheduled events yesterday and today.
$7 million in 2 days, just from those events.
After the Republican Convention, Romney/Ryan will be unleashing unprecedented media blitz that will moot the Dem lovefest and focus on issues as well as Obama’s character flaws and Biden’s incompetence & lunacy.
Hold on to your seats!
Romney has taken Obama’s best shot and the polls have barely quivered.
The dopes (Obama/Biden) are about to be roped.
I find it amusing how the leftists at HA cannot address Artur Davis.
It’s laughable.
Davis isn’t just campaigning for Romney/Ryan in Alabama either. Florida ain’t that far away. You leftists want to keep the African Americans on the plantation. You are the worst kind of racists…institutionalizing poverty and entitlement mentality. Shame on you!
That makes you a racist shithead.
You call an intelligent African American a “moron” simply because he doesn’t agree with you ideology of institutionalized poverty and government dependence.
You are one disgusting human being.
“Shame on you!”
Hey, asswipe, that’s my line. You know, the line I lay on you whenever I find out that you’ve been fucking the goat again?
What percentage of AA’s vote Republican? Very small. Artur Davis isn’t going to change that.
Remember Mike Steele? The cow on the tracks?
Davis is a newly minted right wing tool now selling tax cuts for the rich to African-Americans?? Heh. Good luck with that. Silly klown.
You can find out which AMC Theaters are showing “2016” here
Enjoy it!!
“2016” opens in Lynnwood on Fri. 8/24.
See you all there!
@116 Yeah, I’ll call a stupid black man a moron. WTF is your problem with that, Klown? Hell, you hate blacks and call them niggers, asswipe.
@119 I would categorize that as “useless knowledge”.
It takes a special kind of brains (e.g., the eggplant variety) to advertise rightwing propaganda on a liberal website.
D’Souza’s always been a somewhat kooky right wing tool..
His theory is as idiotic as birtherism.
That stupid movie will play to empty rooms.
It’s been panned already.
Keep making us laugh klown.
Arthur Davis switched sides. So? A conservative Democrat seems to jump ship every 3 or 4 years, so he’s right on schedule. There’s very little difference between a conservative Democrat and a more middle of the road Republican.
Actually, that right there says way more about your own ignorance than anything about those of us on the left.
Had a good day deep sea fishing today; brought home the biggest catch on the boat, a 36″, 17 lb. stripped bass. Gained me $100 on a $10 wager. I just thought I’d leave you with the following:
Set yourself Free – love a Homo today.
The movie 2016 – I wonder how much will be factual and how much will be propaganda swift boating based on nothing. I bet there will be a lot of shocking (of course) but nothing on factual data or information.
Not sure how you can believe in anything you see in a propaganda movie and not believe a bunch of scientists that warn against Global Warming. Laughable.
Stupidest thing posted on this thread
“This [the movie 2016] is going to be a Huge Hit.”
“Somewhat”? You are far too kind – the man is a complete crackpot.
“2016” is merely the latest iteration of that Sarah Palin movie that the wingnuts all jacked off to, and the rest of us promptly forgot.
Um, cereal?
Those positive reasons for a ‘Romney’ vote would be really enlightening right about now.
Just sayin’.
@128 Speaking of wingnut films, what’s really mind-blowing is that there’s supposedly going to be an Atlas Shrugged, Part 2 released soon. Didn’t the first one tank big-time? Or is there some kind of wingnut film welfare system like the one they have set up for wingnut book authors?
@126 “Set yourself Free – love a Homo today.”
Hmm, that’s kind of a variation of the ol’ Randian “Set Yourself Free – Embrace the Greed”, only their’s rhymes better.
“Set Yourself Free – Embrace the Greed”
That gives me an idea for a song.
Well, credit where credit is due.
Gekko/Galt are likely to take the youth vote this go around. Did you see the rock/pop stars they’ve lined up for the Republican National Convention?
Kid Rock and Lynyrd Skynrd
Obama/Biden only have some “Hip hop” dude.
Lynrd Skynrd! And Obama keeps talking about “forward”.
Kid Rock endorsed Obama in 2008 and you idiots were thrilled!
Kid Rock even played at Obama’s Inaugural Youth Ball
You neglect to report that Trace Adkins, who spends more time with the troops than all the left-wing nutjobs combined is also endorsing Romney.
You idiots should also look at the numbers of Democrats leaving your Party because of religious freedom issues. In the end, this could very well be the difference. Abortion and Gay Marriage..and forcing it down the throats of fairly Liberal Catholics who voted Democrat in the past.
Way to go!
Perhaps Joe Biden can explain to them what Obama meant when he wrote the law to force Catholics to pay for ObamaCare, even parts against their religious beliefs.
Yeah, that’s it..Go for it Joe!!
This ought to be great.
Said nothing worthwhile about Artur Davis…
Point of fact Fascist one… don’t comment on black issues. You look stupid! I placed on this blog twice how DUMMOCRAPTS have a race problem. Here it is for a third time because Artur Davis is absolutely RIGHT, DUMMOCRAPTS have a race problem. BTW you can read Artur Davis’ blog.
Not recommended reading for rujax, because rujax loves headless lucy’s reservation. So rujax; are you a house or field one?
On a different note… Took Mrs Puddy to P-Town. We didn’t know it was Bear Week.
So gman, did we see you in that special bar in P-Town as we walked past? Was that you in that dress with all those tattoos at that restaurant? Or was that you with the pink outfit walking down the street?
Take a look at the race in Washington’s 6th CD where you have a pro-choice pro-gay marriage Democrat going up against a a pro-choice pro-gay marriage Republican. The anti-choice ant-gay Republicans in the race went down in flames in the primary.
And then there’s this:
Doesn’t sound like people are fleeing in mass from the a pro-gay marriage stance to me!
13 refreshes since 9:03..
klown – no one cares about your birther-style idiocy.
Please do try to think for yourself and not just parrot what you hear on Fox News and News Busters.
Searching “democrats leaving the party” on Google News brings up Fox, News Busters, and a handful of other nonsense sites. The headline for the very first hit is:
Copy and paste much, Ryan?
Obummer wants to decimate the military and we have a soviet sub undetected in the Gulf of Mexico?
Like that tripe y’all call news from left wrong puke sites Michael?
Cry me a river!
@ Ryan and since you brought it up, here’s what the LA Times had to say about Arthur Davis leaving the Democratic Party:
I guess all those Obummer and Mrs Obummer visits aren’t saving $$$ on the Tonite Show.
You mean the employer of the “Barack the Magic Negro” meme? That slobbering Obummer msm leftist rag Michael?
Did you read about how whitey DUMMOCRAPTS decide which blacks will go forward and which won’t? Doubt it!
LMAO!!! P-Stupid is psyching up to labor in the “salt mines”..
Note that #142 had just posted a bunch of tripe sourced from The Washington Free Beacon @141.
Because you can’t find it anywhere in the slobbering libtard msm Michael.
So did it happen or not Michael? Did the US Navy say the senator is lying?
Was that another diarrhea stain from ylbuttspigot in #146?
Yes your honor, the Prosecution rests!
Bitchslapped again ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
Oh noes what will gman say about dis?
Yep, in fact that’s exactly what they said.
Did that come from the admiral? Ummm nope!
We’ll see.
Another reason why those MSNBC hosts are morons! They have apologize after their diarrhea stains. Maybe ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot could learn something from Toure!
@153 Once again, HA’s master of trivia fiddles over some guy nobody ever heard of, while the world burns around him.
Just as a friendly reminder, here are some of the things that are actually important right now:
Republican opposition to health care reform
Republican opposition to stimulus
Republican opposition to extended unemployment benefits
Republican opposition to food assistance
Republican opposition to Medicaid
Republican opposition to union wages and benefits
Republican support of offshoring jobs
Republican support for more tax cuts for the rich
Republican support for privatizing and voucherizing Medicare
Republican support for economy-killing austerity
Republican support for privatizing Social Security
Republican support for assault weapons
@141 “Obummer wants to decimate the military”
Really? I’m under the impression all he wants to do is slightly scale back the 80% increase in defense spending that occurred under Bush (not counting the trillions Bush spent on two wars he started and couldn’t finish).
It’ll be interesting to see how willing Republicans are to spend more money on veterans. Thanks to Bush’s two wars, we have more veterans now, and some of them are severely injured. Unprocessed applications are piling up in V.A. offices because they don’t have enough staff.
I’m under the impression Republicans aren’t all that interested in veterans. After they come home from the wars, they aren’t useful anymore, so Republicans prefer to throw them away and spend the money on weapons for their next war instead.
There haven’t been Soviet submarines, or anything else, since 1991, puddles.
Last I checked, most of the Gulf of Mexico is international waters, and the Russians are perfectly able to legally operate there.
Moreover, your link prattles on about how the submarine in question, which, *gasp*, carried weapons, patrolled ‘undetected’ for weeks.
Um, undetected by whom? The Washington Free Beacon, which the linked story references? Glenn Beck? Your mom?
What a fucking nonstory from an idiot YEC birther fool.
Veterans too closely resemble working people.
Their only value to Republicans are as props, often onstage somewhere, usually accompanied by wrapping themselves in ‘merican flags and yodeling about Islamofascists.
But spending money? Like to provide promised healthcare? Or retraining, housing, counseling? Nah, never heard of ’em.
You know, standing at a busy intersection with a sign asking for change, usually with a Bible quote, is an entrepreneurial growth industry – vets should consider starting a franchise – that’s the Republican veterans’ policy.
Republican opposition to health care reform – Yeah Roger DUMB Wabbit… Obummer claimed to be against anything over $900 Billion. Now over $1+Trillion and climbing. Yanked from Medicare $716 Billion! How is that working out for seniors?
Republican opposition to stimulus – Yeah Roger DUMB Wabbit… Obummer claimed it would keep unemployment below 8%. How did that work out for 23 Million Americans? How did that work out for his academic based economic team? They went back to academia!
Republican opposition to extended unemployment benefits – Yeah Roger DUMB Wabbit… Obummer claimed he would create jobs jobs jobs… Joe BiteME claimed Summer 2010, 500,000 jobs a month. You give someone free money and you get many more ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigots! Wanna see Andrea Pelosi’s video again?
Republican opposition to food assistance – Yeah Roger DUMB Wabbit… Obummer claimed he would create jobs jobs jobs… Joe BiteME claimed Summer 2010, 500,000 jobs a month. You give someone free food every day and you get many more ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigots! Wanna see Andrea Pelosi’s video again?
Republican opposition to Medicaid – You forget something Roger DUMB Wabbit… Supreme Court overruled that part of the law. Claimed it’s a tax. Then what happens after 2016 Roger DUMB Wabbit to the state coverage? Hmmm…?
Republican opposition to union wages and benefits – Union wages and benefits can no longer be supported in today’s economy and environment. Would a union member rather have a job at a slightly lower wage or no job at all Roger DUMB Wabbit? Remember that’s how Scott Walker won Wisconsin. BTW this year we vacationed with some Wisconsin UNION MEMBERS who voted for Scott Walker! They were appalled at the union thug tactics of your OWS type buds Roger Dumb Wabbit.
Republican support of offshoring jobs – This one is too rich. Puddy has placed instance after instance of DUMMOCRAPT led job off-shoring on this blog over the years. Ask the ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot for the links. He has every Puddy entry cataloged and chhronicled. Just ask Roger DUMB Wabbit… grow some marbuls in your senility years!
Republican support for more tax cuts for the rich – Wow Roger DUMB Wabbit… still preaching that DNC, DNCC, DNSC class warfare act. Romney wants tax cust for everyone. Also if you got your way Roger DUMB Wabbit… it’s at the most $85 Billion a year. And how much does that cover Obummer profligate spending habits? Just a few days!
Republican support for privatizing and voucherizing Medicare – So? The program is going to flounder under ObummerCare. Covered above Roger DUMB Wabbit… Obummer took $716 Billion from Medicare… Nuff said sucka!
Republican support for economy-killing austerity
Republican support for privatizing Social Security
Republican support for assault weapons – These last three aren’t even worth the pixels you created!
Facts… make libtards heads explode!
Where has Puddy said he believes in the birther story, you 9-11 truther moron?
And why is that Roger DUMB Wabbit? Your man is in charge!
O.M.G. you’re stupid, puddles.
John Cornyn, perhaps the stupidest man alive, ‘demands’ an ‘explanation’ for Russian submarines operating in international waters from the CNO, an admiral.
The Navy responds, with a spokesman – you know, someone officially speaking for the organization – because, among other things, the CNO is not going to stoop to either this minimal task, or political grandstanding, at least not over that twit Cornyn’s posturing.
Said spokesman, a Lieutenant Commander (more at Cornyn’s level), said the story was false, in somewhat more diplomatic terms.
All the while puddles is frothing over the fact that ‘The Admiral!! The Admiral!!’ didn’t respond personally.
God you’re a waste of good oxygen.
Oh, you believe that Obama is native-born, and thus Constitutionally qualified to be President?
OK, I stand corrected and apologize for my error.
You remain, however, a believer in a 6000-year old earth (or is it 6012? I get confused), where velociraptors rode Noah’s canoe along with the Emperor Penguins, and a denier of manifest facts like evolution – painting you, birther or no, as a profoundly dumb and unserious individual.
Well 9-11 truther, you certainly didn’t deny you think like Anthony Van Jones.
Yes I believe Jesus created the world in 7 days and when He returns what will you say to Him? “Golly Jesus, I didn’t think you were real!”
Can’t wait for that day Lib da schmuck!
Paul Ryan is shown to be a massive hypocrite AGAIN:
In 2010, he denounced stimulus.
In 2002, he supported it.. Why? Oh! A right winger was in the White House.
zzzzZZZzzzz.. He took away overpayments to hospitals and insurance companies.
Paul Ryan supported the same cuts in his budget.
What a miserable moron.
i.e. to buy off morons like Dr Butthead on the cheap and reward his rich friends BIG TIME..
Yeah… keep that “bee” in your bonnet ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot! You parrot the DNC talking points almost as good as the slobbering libtard msm!
Damn he got bitchslapped above and he came back for another bitchslapping!
Poor ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot. $85 Billion a year is all and you can see ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot is sobbing oh the rich oh the rich, forgetting Obummer just raised his wife’s taxes with ObummerCare.
So stupid for so long… that HA ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
Heh. Poor Dr. Butthead.. The idiot right wingers in the House of Representatives voted slavishly for the Ryan Plan..
A plan that makes the same 716 billion in “cuts” to Medicare.
A plan that in total derives 62 percent of discretionary spending cuts from programs for the poor: WIC, TANF, Food Stamps, Head Start, etc.
A plan that doesn’t produce a balance budget for at least 28 years.
All to finance tax cuts for the rich and much more big spending on defense pork barrel.
How’d those Bush tax cuts do in creating jobs? Remember the right wing idiots said for years they wanted to make them permanent?
Dr. Butthead suffers MIGHTILY from ODS.. It’s hilarious to see how blinded he is from it!
@137 – were you the two apes dragging your knuckles on the sidewalk?
LMAO! Now the moron Dr. Butthead believes Ryan is agreeing with “DNC talking points”…
This idiot thinks paying 117 percent of fee-for-service to insurance companies is a good idea.
@150 – what would you like me to say about it. How about who cares. When you heterosexuals get marriages all figured out maybe you can pass on the great knowledge to gay people. At least we aren’t going around killing spouses and children.
Is it law ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot? Keep screaming about the Wyden-Ryan plan ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot! ObummerCare is law ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
$85 Billion pays for much much of Obummer’s spending ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot?
Ummm nope gman, never dragged my knuckles unlike you because my arms are too short to box with God! I’ll let Mrs Puddy know you went racist. Good job moron!
So you were the one in the dress and tattoos? Mrs Puddy wouldn’t let me take that picture, otherwise I would have mailed it to Carl for a new thread “Bear Week”.
Another bitchslapping. He’s come back for more. He likes a public bitchslapping! That’s the ylbuttspigot way.
Glad you brought Wyden up.. Here’s what Ryan had to do get Wyden’s stamp of approval:
Puddy is glad he brought it up too. Using leftist pinhead Jon Ward ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot? Wow it seems all of ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot articles are written by leftist pinheads. It Figgers!
Puddy just bitchslapped ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot to admit it’s the Wyden-Ryan plan on this blog and ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot didn’t even know it. See how Puddy owns this fool ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot?
Yes, it’s called negotiations ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
That didn’t happen with the Porkulus Bill, son of Porkulus Bill or ObummerCare!
Puddy thought you played stooooooooooooopid ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot. Puddy sees teh stoooooooooooopid came naturally from birth!
Yup – there’s that ‘Christian love’ for ya.
With puddy and other christianists, it’s all about tribalism and the slobbering expectation that Sky Daddy and his kid are going to return and inflict eternal pain on everyone they don’t like.
How very Christian of you.
Nope, there is no evidence that ‘god’ exists. If, deus-ex-machina, it does, and someday descends from the sky, yes, my position will be that I never worshiped because I used my faculties and could not find any reason to worship.
I will, in this imaginary future of yours, stand by my position of doing my best to maintain the Golden Rule. I will with pride state that I saw no reason for worship, but rather worked to make the world a better place, worked to create a just society, worked to keep the earth intact and alive, worked to make reason and knowledge the basis for decisions, rather than myth or pedigree or greed.
If that lands me in eternal hellfire and damnation, and you, a hateful bigot and blithe believer in fantastical myths, a knuckle-dragging tribalist and hater of knowledge, learning, and anyone different from yourself, get to enjoy eternal bliss, then so be it.
I will take those odds, and maintain my integrity.
Nope.. It’s the Ryan plan period.. a 2012 plan.
Wyden’s part is for 2013
Oh I see. A “conservative” compromising with a “liberal”
Way to go Paul Ryan selling out your base like Dr. Butthead!
Notice that the more Dr. Butt is confronted with facts the more insane he gets!
An eternity without the miserable company of Dr. Butthead aka Puddybud??
I’d call that heaven!
Your link makes no mention of Wyden. And Stephanie Cutter, blatant liar that she is, forgets Ryan’s plan is not the law of the land. It’s a proposal and Wyden agreed to it. You should see the attacks by leftist pinheads on Ron Wyden!
EPIF FAYLE again. Bitchslapped again!
Well then you admit you like Satan Lib da schmuck.
Thanks for playing! Wow out of his own mouth to fingers!
Bullshit. The stimulus bill was too small by half to get Republican votes in the Senate.
Oh you mean Wyden selling out DUMMOCRAPTS? Have you read the latest DUMMOCRAPT blogs ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot? They are moaning that Wyden takes away their attack mantra for the next 5 weeks.
Got link? A libtard msm link ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
@174 – Puffy take your bigotry elsewhere.
@175 – you like to do a lot of bitch slapping, you got some pent up anger and hatred inside of you. You like violence, don’t you. You ever bitch slap Mrs. Puffy? Or does she slap you around?
Because it discusses the RYAN Plan stupid which includes the same ending of Insurance company and Hospital overpayments through Medicare as PPACA.
Nope. Wrong again. Wyden insisted on some changes. And you’re contradicting yourself. You seem to be implying that Wyden is responsible for Ryan cutting Medicare like PPACA does. Now you’re saying that Wyden is rubber-stamping Ryan.
So which is it smart guy?
gman once again demonstrates 24 hour mindless moonbat memory malady. Puddy placed link after link where progressive blacks claimed blacks can’t be bigots. Only the one who “rules” is a bigot. Hence my posts with many DUMMOCRAPTS showing their bigoted selves like you and your hateful posts gman. Puddy is only stating facts from last week. Apparently you can’t stand having your personal facts on this blog eh gman? You should lose some weight though as the dress showed your panty line! How much did those tattoos cost? Those big ring bangle earrings looked expensive. How did you get your feet in those 3 inch stiletto shoes? Even Mrs Puddy noticed them! Were you the official “side door” greeter at that restaurant?
Nope you dope ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot. The plan put forth was the Wyden-Ryan plan ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot. Your own link from HuffPo above called it that ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot! That’s why Obummer’s spokesman Jay Carneybarker last December called it the Wyden-Ryan plan ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot.
Do you remember anything not found on left wrong puke sites?
Um, no.
But very revealing – anyone you don’t like is Satan now? You’ve said this several times today. Was the sermon particularly brimstone-filled this morning?
So puddels, you just happened, accidentally, to be vacationing in Provincetown? During Bear Week?!!
Just by, um, accident?
Nice to see you took your beard, er, Mrs. Puddles, along with you. Poor woman.
Explains a lot. Like being a black Republican. You should met these guys.
Puffy you are pathetic…God will get you.
Either you accept God and His Son Jesus or not Lib da schmuck. It’s that BLACK and white!
You choose to not accept Jesus and God as you claim sky daddy and his son. Well then you accept the only other choice Column B!
Lib da schmuck, when we arrived at the welcome center before crossing the Bourne Bridge we were told their was a New Orleans style carnival in P-Town. Being a N’Awlins visitor during those times we said let’s see. Well were were kind of shocked especially the little children in the restaurants looking out the windows at the gman freakshows happening in the streets!
Accident? Well we certainly didn’t know! Butt you probably did!
So once again Lab da schmuck is talking outta his ASS again. You leave diarrhea trails like ylbuttspigot!
Agreed. I don’t.
By that, I assume you mean I’ve chosen a rational life, one free of myth and myth-derived prejudice and bigotry. Moreover, I’ve chosen a life in which I haven’t been snookered by a grifter in a robe blathering on about how God needs more money, or that the poor suckers who follow a different grifter are all going to burn in hell and we may as well kill them anyway, they aren’t on our team.
Is that what you mean by Column B?
Which was preceded by the Ryan plan which says this:
Then click on the link at the bottom left of the page:
Fulfilling the Mission of Health and Retirement Security for All Americans
So you’re sticking to your story about ‘finding’ yourself ‘accidentally’ in Provincetown during Bear Week?
Um, OK.
This child seems much more loving and accepting than the ones you describe in your care. Poor things – hopefully as they grow and emancipate they’ll find a more loving worldview – many children raised as hating Christians do.
And that’s why progressives are the meanest cheapest people the world have ever known. The Salvation Army proved that! That’s why you libtards are so upset over Romney giving $2.94 Million to the Mormon church which lowered his tax rate down.
Libtards – only use other peoples’ money not their own… EVER!
Amazing how Lib da schmuck knew immediately where to find those pictures. From your personal digital rolodex eh Lib da schmuck?
I simply googled ‘provincetown bear week’ or just ‘provincetown’, if that matters.
You can accuse me of being gay, or whatever – I actually don’t take it as an insult. I’m WAY more offended that you’re trying to attack me by way of insinuating that I’m not straight – which is more of your tribe-based hatred and bigotry.
Like I said, how Christian of you.
Puddy never accused you of being gay or straight… That’s your pathetic outlook on life! You are so sad and so pathetic! When confronted by your own stupidity you blame it on whatever the blame du jour is!
That’s nice. Puddy would never have thought that way because it’s not on my need to know basis. Puddy doesn’t need to know about “pictures” like that. Puddy is glad you needed to know!
Preceded by…
Thanks for playing ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot. Another bitchslap across the buttspigot. Diarrhea trails everywhere!
204 – Yaawwwwn… Ryan kept the PPACA “cuts” to Medicare. It’s a fact.
He published his budget in April 2011
The Wyden stuff came in December 2011 after the Republican idiots in the House rubber-stamped the Ryan plan.
Moronic idiocy from Dr Butthead abounds aplenty!
Which is why Politifact rated her statement TRUE?
A liar only in the mind of a documented HA comment thread pathological liar: Dr. Butthead aka puddyliar!
The three moderate Republicans who voted yes—Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter—all insisted they wouldn’t support anything over $800 billion.
Btw, that link also claims the stimulus was very successful for its size:
Todd Akin, Teahaddist running for Senate from Missouri, explaining the biology of lady parts:
You know, this gives me hope that we’ll hold the Senate this time around.
Heh. Has this been discussed before?
Dullard (R-Money) was arrested for disorderly conduct in 1981.
Ok. The cop got hot under the collar for being ignored. But Dullard was a scofflaw nonetheless.
But of course Dullard had to get his pound of flesh for being embarrassed.
Looks like McCaskill might be holding onto that seat after all.
I suppose he meant by definition. A reflection of his exalted self-estimation.
Yes, Mitt is a dick. Probably tried to have the cop fired.
208 – That has to be the most stupid statement by a right wing candidate for the Senate since Sue Lowden’s Chicken Health Care Barter plan.
The latter was just hilariously stupid. The former is sickeningly ugly stupid.
Dullard (R-Money) needed a man with a plan:
He needed his own Dick Cheney. Good thing perhaps that Ryan’s only run little more than a Weiner mobile in his life.
“Yes, Mitt is a dick. Probably tried to have the cop fired.”
Strange behaviour for a guy who impersonates cops. Hmm, I wonder if he tried stealing the cop’s uniform and badge?
Part of Mitt’s story about impersonating cops, besides the effort it takes to get your hands on an authentic looking uniform and badge, was that he went through the trouble of getting his hands on a red flashing light that he could stick on the roof of his car. He really went out of his way to get this kind of kick. There’s all the planning that went into it, then the acquisition of necessary items, the execution of it. Very, very strange.
I’m suggesting that this is in no way normal behaviour, and that Mitt displays personality traits that I wouldn’t want to to see in an occupant of the Oval Office.
Strange how a career politician in Congress since age 28 is a multimillionaire at age 42. Maybe this explains it:
What’s even stranger is the GOP trying to sell this guy as “self made.” There’s no explanation for that.
What a moron ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot is! She claimed she knew nothing of Joe Soptic… Oopsie! That disgusting ad has come back to haunt you libtards!
She’s a blatant liar and we all know Politifact leans left!
Where is Ryan’s budget listed? So much for that Politifact horsemanure ylbuttspigot.
Bitchslapped again!
216 – LMAO! You’d vote for Akin wouldn’t you?
I just did a search and you’ve used Politifact 14 times..
You’re a joke.
And each of those times ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot… Politifact used the facts correctly. So predictable, all the time predictable and so stooooooooooopid. So Stephanie Cutter big time liar on the national stage. So mr. plagiarizer… NEXT! You sure it’s only 14 times. Your database has been proven faulty before BY ME!
Bitchslapped into another thread!
See ya lata sucka!
Oh! So they’re ok only when YOU use them..
Like I said you’re a joke.
And you’d vote for Akin in a heart-beat. He’s got an R next to his name and he probably shows the proper symptoms of ODS that meet with your approval.
So when will libtards discuss how Obummer has hidden 3.8 Million previously employed peeps on Social Security’s disability insurance program.
Where would unmployment be with those additional 3.8 million peeps?
Looks like NewsWeek got something right.
Hey libtards… remember this? Remember Obummer and Geithner’s growth projections of 3.2% for FY10, 4.0% for FY11, and 4.6% for FY12? Well libtards what happened to the economy? Well we saw 2.4% for FY10 and 1.8% for FY11! Will it be above 2% for FY12?
LMAO! Niall Ferguson is a fatuous right wing dope.
Here’s a good panning of that Thatcherite:
Tailor-made for fatuous right wing dopes like Dr Butthead aka Puddy the pathological liar!
Republican Mike Lofgren, a 28 year veteran Republican staffer has written a book:
Add Paul Ryan to that list of crackpots. Add legions of sycophantic admirers like Dr Butthead aka Puddystupid.
These new swiftboaters shoot themselves in the foot before sticking it in their mouths!
So much for that right wing shit!
PAUL RYAN: Pretty Much Evil
Family values – Puffy Style.
The antics of one heterosexual mom. Not that all heterosexual moms are like that.
Hey gman,
I wonder if she was a NEA union member?
Well, we know who to give the douche nozzle of the week award to this week! On the plus side, Akin is old and will be dead soon.
Love the comments on Mr Atkin’s Facebook page.
Never let it be said that the Republicans don’t know how to party!
Bumpersticker on Rep. Akin’s SUV:
“Against Abortion? Don’t Have Consensual Sex”
Wow, what a hornet’s nest of comments at that guy.
Oh fergawdsakes – he should just say he went skinny dipping, it’s nobody’s business, and get over it. Much more defensible than this cowering shame over taking off his clothes and going swimming.
This is NOT something I can get upset about – having played both naked co-ed ultimate frisbee and naked co-ed beach volleyball, and enjoyed both immensely. Moreover, it’s really the only way to go to the beach – leftover from my Bay Area days, pity too few clothing optional beaches around here.
It’s just the way we DFH’s roll.
178. Well said, well reasoned.
I only pointed it out because it’s exactly the sort of thing that righties get all upset about and here they they are doing it.
234 – Yeah it’s no big deal except these tight assed right wingers are always touting their oh so superior “family values” and clothing optional bathing (under the influence of alcohol) isn’t usually on the list.
Then the HA buttspigot farted this useless crap
Such a stoooooooooopid moron ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot is!If this happened with DUMMOCRAPTS, there would not been any reporting or any rebuke from leadership!
Peggy Noonan said it best…
Yep, when libtards say shady things… wink wink nod nod!
@228 – maybe so, but that probably doesn’t exclude her from being some right wing nut job homophobe that participated in chik fill-a appreciation day.
Got proof or more moronic speculation?