Stephen: Gingrich is a baby-eating werewolf (via Crooks and Liars).
Roy Zimmerman: Iowa Edition of Vote Republican.
Mark Fiore: Dark Matters.
Sam Seder and Glenn Greenwald: The normalization of extremism.
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Colorado edition:
SlateTV: Missouri “Right to Pray” amendment lets kids opt out of evolution .
- SlateTV: The gloves are off!
- Young Turks: Romney attacks Obama with welfare ad.
- Bill Press: DNC says Romney Campaign is ‘hitting below the belt’
- Maddow: Welfare ad “dog-whistle” racism from Mitt Romney.
- Young Turks: ‘Son Of Boss’ Ad
- Newsy: Rep. Allen West fights ad.
- Sam Seder: Tasteless fear-mongering anti-Obama ad asks America “Are we safer?”
- Jon on Mitt’s flailing ‘Romneycare’ defense (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Newsy: Obama ad questions whether Obama has paid income tax.
- Buzz60: New Romney ad aims at Catholic swing state voters.
- Maddow: The SuperPAC political week
- Jon: mocks conservative freakout over ‘Priorities USA Action’ ad.
- Young Turks: Alan West punches woman in face in new ad.
Sam Seder: Mississippi church refuses a Black couple’s wedding.
Pap: Welcome to the era of Super PACs.
Roy Zimmerman: Montana Edition of Vote Republican.
NPR: Special Disaster Edition of It’s All Politics
Ann Telnaes: SuperPACs and their handlers put on a silly show.
- Newsy: Rep. Ryan will be named Romney Running mate on Saturday Morning.
- SlateTV: Obama’s new nickname for his opponent.
- Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, New York edition.
- Bill Press: Mitt’s tax problem.
- Ed and Pap: Harry Reid is right about Mitt’s taxes
- The Spin Room: Romney’s running mate.
- Jenn with UW Prof. Matt Barreto: Can Romney make a dent in the Latino vote?
- Stephanie and Markos: Was Jon Huntsman Sr. Sen. Reid’s source?
- Young Turks: How you can stop paying so much in taxes—just like Mitt Romney
- Newsy: Can Romney recover from a very bad month?
- SlateTV: Some high profile endorsements for Romeny.
- Sam Seder: Mitt Romney doesn’t know anything about dressage? YEAH, RIGHT!
- Jenn with Democratic strategist Kiki McLean: Mitt’s running mate.
ONN: Onion Week in Review.
SlateTV: Will Ted Cruz’s prime time GOP convention speaking spot appease the Tea Party?
Stephen looks back on Obama’s war on pizza.
White House: West Wing Week.
This Week in GOP Voter Suppression:
- Pap: The Pennsylvania effort to suppress the vote.
- Maddow: New ID laws.
- Jon on GOP exaggerated voter fraud claims (via Crooks and Liars).
- Sam Seder: PA is the new FL in voter suppression.
- Sharpton: Republicans ramp up voter suppression effort.
- Sen. Scott Brown is disturbed by push to register welfare recipients to vote (via Crooks and Liars).
- Rep. Allen West defends disenfranchising Ohio voters (via Crooks and Liars).
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Wow Perfessa of the Friday Night Comics… You really got the most extreme moronic commentary this week!
How would they know unless they gave at least 10% to religious activities? Since most HA left wrong link “prophets” y’all run to are atheists… they don’t know jack!
Romney’s answer to the Joe Soptic lying ad…
Yes America deserves better. But will the low information DUMMOCRAPT voter actually get it? Independents should.
More proof slobbering libtard media loves Obummer
Somehow the Friday Night Comics Purveyor misses the real slobbering Obummer love stories for the standard campaign coordinated Republican character smear attacks!
More proof slobbering libtard media loves Obummer
Reaaly libtard reporter? Did you actually think that when the community organizer in chief was erected by you and 85% of your peers? “How can I vote for Obummer when he has no private-sector experience?” Show just how much in the tank the slobbering libtard press in up the Obummer butt.
Somehow the Friday Night Comics Purveyor misses the real slobbering Obummer love stories for the standard campaign coordinated Republican character smear attacks!
UpChuck Todd from NBC News grew some cojones yesterday at the Whitey House presser
So from now on we who think right have our proof the campaign works with outside groups to coordinate the standard campaign coordinated Republican character smear attacks!
I am impressed, Puddy now supports the MORMON church!
Yes Mitt does give a LOT of Romnney Rmoney to support his Church .. you know the guys that own an empire of TV and Radios stations???
So lessee …. we Jews havea community center with a swimming pool (a VERY religious organization) how about contributing to el QAEDA (a VERY religious organization) or Opus Dei (a VERY religious organization), or the Republican party (a VERY religious organization)?
@1-6 more of Puffy’s ass gas.
Paul Ryan’s plan supposedly balances the budget OVER 26 YEARS, how about just letting the Monkey Bush tax cuts expire and balance the budget all that more quicker. What hog wash Republicans try to sell.
More PROOF BUTTputty the Goatboy@4 sure does love the quote out of context.
Slick Willard is suffering from some very severe flop sweat.
Hey, did you down load the Slick Willard iPhone app? No, not the one which misspelled “Amercia“. The iPhone app which bragged “There’s no telling when Mitt will choose his VP. But when he does, be the first to find out with Mitt’s VP app.” Another example of #RomneyShambles.
Again BUTTputty the Goatboy@5 quotes out of context so he can do more psychotic babbling.
Slick Willard now seems to be backing away from
Eddie MunsterPaul Ryan.“He doesn’t understand how the free economy works. He’s never had a job in the free economy.”
Well, that’s just blatantly false!
Paul Ryan drove the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile as a college student, so Paul Ryan knows all about wieners in the private sector!
Has anybody seen Paul Ryan’s Federal Income tax records?
Does anybody know if Ryan ever claimed the National Register of Historic Places 20% investment tax credit for the large Georgian Revival with six bedrooms and eight bathrooms he and his family own in Wisconsin?
so which one of the trolls has been braying for weeks that Rubio would be the pick, deliver Florida and some Latino voters?
So how’s Willard going to take Florida by adding the guy who told Florida’s retirees to replace Medicare as we know it with an Entertainment book. Buy one anti-statin at full price, get 50% off your hip replacement.
We’ll give you a coupon for a part of your new health insurance. High risk, can’t afford the other half? Sucks for you Grandma.
Florida goes to Obama 300+ electoral votes total.
I give to organizations that directly aid the poor. Not ones that support a priest or an army of lawyers to cover for the pedophiles on their midst.
The deductable amount is the same, without the guilt.
Uhhhh… Willard (R-Money) introduced Eddie Munster as the next
of the United States…
The gaffe was too funny! I’m calling him Dullard (R-Money) from here on out.. How this guy made such a pile for himself is beyond comprehension.
Android/Randroid 2012!
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.–Kung Fu Monkey
How does Slick Willard say and repeatedly preach that the problem with Barack Hussein Obama is that he’s “never spent a day in the private sector” and then decide that lifetime politician Ryan is the best choice to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?
Is Slick Willard wrong about Obama’s resume?
Or is Slick Willard wrong about Paul Ryan?
And of course, the best way to move on from a mistake is to interrupt the guy who’s now at the podium to call attention to the mistake again.
That’s a pretty stupid assertion if Dullard (R-Money) really said that..
A lawyer serving clients isn’t working in the “private sector”??
Even as a community organizer he drew a salary from a non-profit Catholic organization. That’s not “private sector”?
Oh I guess Obama was a little lackluster on working for a corporation whose purpose is to make rich men richer. Oh that is “private sector”.
GOP Bumper Sticker: Romney – Hypocrite
“[Ryan] voted for some of the biggest drivers of the deficit/debt — the Bush tax cuts, the Iraq war, and the Medicare prescription-drug benefit, all of which weren’t paid for. Moreover, Ryan voted against the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles recommendations.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just another borrow-and-spend Republican.
The GOP Platform
“An analysis from the liberal-leaning Center on Budget Policies and Priorities says that 62% of the spending cuts in the Ryan budget would come from low-income programs, while 37% of its tax benefits would go to those making more than $1 million per year.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Good luck with that, GOPers. I’m sure the millions of people your economic policies put out of work will appreciate your plan to cut off their Medicaid and food assistance.
Republicans complain about illegal immigration, but this happened when Bush was in charge:
“A federal jury in San Diego on Friday convicted two former Border Patrol agents of human smuggling in one of the highest-profile corruption cases in the last decade.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yet another example of how the Bush administration was run like an unsupervised kindergarten.
Not bad for a guy who grew up on Social Security payments, never worked in the private sector and has spent the last 14 years of his life as a public servant.
How does your net worth compare post the 2008 crash?
Let’s take a moment to celebrate the choice of RandRoid House Republican, Paul Ryan.
Please bow your head.
A reading from the history of idiot RandRoids – Alan Greenspan, named by Time Magazine as one of the 25 People to Blame for the 2008 Financial Crisis
Henry Waxman: “You had the authority to prevent irresponsible lending practices that led to the subprime mortgage crisis. You were advised to do so by many others. Do you feel that your ideology pushed you to make decisions that you wish you had not made?”
RandRoid Alan Greenspan: “Yes, I’ve found a flaw. I don’t know how significant or permanent it is. But I’ve been very distressed by that fact.”
A reading from the history of idiot RandRoids, like House Republican Paul Ryan.
“a guy who grew up on Social Security payments”
Whoa! And he grew up to become the sworn enemy of America’s social safety nets? Talk about pulling the ladder up after you.
“never worked in the private sector and has spent the last 14 years of his life as a public servant.”
How Randian of him. Romney must be really desperate.
And what can Slick Willard tell us about House Republican, Paul Ryan’s private sector experience?
Slick Willard running for president who won’t let anyone see his tax returns because he is teh awesome businessman.
“You know, I’d like to change the Constitution. I’d like to have a provision in the Constitution that in addition to the age of the president and the citizenship of the president and the birthplace of the president … I’d like it also to say that the president has to spend at least three years working in business before he could become president of the United States.”
House Republican, Paul Ryan’s business experience must be teh AWESOME, right Mittens?
Take that, you community organizer-lawyer-university professor do-nothing commie!
@ 25
House Republican, Paul Ryan’s overall net worth falls between $927,100 and $3.20 million, making him the 124th wealthiest member of the House, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Yeah, it helps to marry into money. Just ask John Kerry.
Ryan and his wife, Janna Little Ryan, have financial stakes, worth between $350,000 and $800,000, in her family’s Oklahoma-based land and energy companies, according to Ryan’s 2011 financial disclosure forms, filed in May.
Janna Little Ryan earned between $100,000 and $1 million in 2011 from an annual distribution of her late mother’s trust, according to an addendum to the 2011 disclosure, filed in June.
My strong suspicion is that if you back out Ryan’s wife’s family money from their joint assets, Ryan probably has a fairly spartan accumulation of wealth, not unlike Joe Biden.
BTW, the reason Romney picked Ryan wasn’t to pull in more money:
…of the three often- discussed vice-presidential picks — Ryan, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and Ohio Senator Rob Portman — Ryan had the least to offer Romney in terms of new donors.
How tuned in to budget issues is Paul Ryan?
Enough that he was once asked to run OMB:
To the extent that Romney wants this election to be about clear policy differences, he’s got his wish.
Ayn Rand (an atheist) joins the GOP Ticket…
Jane Mayer makes the point quite well.
As you lefties struggle to make your point that Paul Ryan wanted to raid Medicare, it might be a good idea to keep something in mind:
So did Barack Obama.
What, specifically, was Barack Obama willing to permit?
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, raising the eligibility age to 67 would cause an estimated net increase of $5.6 billion in out-of-pocket health insurance costs for beneficiaries who would have been otherwise covered by Medicare. Seniors in Medicare Part B would also face a 3 percent premium increase, the study found, since younger and healthier enrollees would be routed out of Medicare and into private insurance.
Maybe Ryan’s plan wasn’t so bad, after all. Compared with Barack Obama’s, seniors (48-42%) clearly preferred Ryan’s:
Ryan’s plan includes a complete restructuring of Medicare for people younger than 55. Pluralities of middle-aged Americans as well as those 65 and older prefer Ryan’s plan to Obama’s, while adults 18 to 29 show more support for Obama’s, 53% to 30%. These findings are in line with approval of Obama by age, more generally.
@29 Serially Wrong,
Wrong pal.
That $927,100 to $3.2 mil is not the joint Ryan money, that’s declared solely as House Republican Paul Ryan’s net worth.
House Republican Paul Ryan is worth more today than you are and probably will ever be Serially Wrong, all on a public salary and never mind his well-to-do trust fund baby wife.
Required reading for those interested in this dangerous threat to America:
This November how about dropping the whole damn tree on this thug.
More from the #RomneyShambles campaign for Mittmentum
via TBogg
Don’t see any coupons there.. But yeah Obama was at times so eager to do a deal with Republicans he needed their own ridiculous extremism to save Obama from himself..
And this extremism is good for this country how?
@ 33
I looked at the list of Ryan’s holdings in 2010:;year=2010
They’re a bunch of small positions in major stocks.
Oh, and there are some biggies, which are these (this cut-and-paste from Bloomberg link, above):
The companies are Ava O Limited, which has mining interests; Blondie & Brownie LLC, which has gravel interests; Little Land Company, an oil and gas corporation; and Red River Pine Limited, a timber company, the forms show. Also listed on the forms are mining rights in Oklahoma.
So, MBS, the list of Ryan’s assets, which add up to the dollar amount @ 25 you stated, DO, in fact, include his wife’s assets, acquired from her family interests.
In summary, you are wrong.
You also are wrong about this:
House Republican Paul Ryan is worth more today than you are and probably will ever be… ,
but I digress.
Feel the Mittmentum bounce achieved by House Republican Paul Ryan
Hmmmm.. Ryan’s budget included 45 billion in subsidies and tax breaks for fossil fuels:
How convenient for Ryan and his family.
May, 2011
Senate votes down Ryan budget, 57-40.
May, 2011 (same day, apparently)
Senate votes down Obama budget, 97-0.
@ 39
So, since subsidies are current somewhere between $78B and $158B
I assume that means Ryan is cutting oil subsidies.
Ya know, usual suspects, I’m beginning to think that the Mittster may have an outside chance of defeating the Milk Chocolate Messiah in November. I’d rather see Milk Choclate win so that we can avoid all the pissing and moaning and street demonstrations against “racism” that will inevitably follow should the Mittster win. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharton – all those guys – they’ll have a fucking field day demonstrating if the Milk Chocolate Messiah doesn’t win in November.
It’s just easier to re-elect Obama and avoid all that shit. After all, it ain’t likely that he’ll be able to do much damage, and the day he’s sworn-in, he immediately becomes a lame duck prez! It’s all going to be OK.
If you follow Severely Constipated@40‘s link on the Obama budget vote you see that context is everything.
Democratic aides said ahead of the vote that the Democratic caucus would not support the plan because it has been supplanted by the deficit-reduction plan Obama outlined at a speech at George Washington University in April.
@ 43
OK, so then the Dems voted unanimously against another Obama plan.
You would think that at least one Dem in the Senate would support at least one of the plans Obama pulls out of his ass.
42. Politically Incorrect spews:
Ya know, usual suspects, I’m beginning to think that the Mittster may have an outside chance…
Like another trip to GB or Israel to show his international diplomacy skill?
While on the subject of budgets, I could point out that it’s been 1200 days since the Democrats offered one up for a vote.
Well, it’s not as if the Milk Chocolate Messiah is such a wonderful choice, now is it, Mitt the Twit?
They both suck pond water, chief.
Severely Constipated@44,
You continue to pick nits on “ancient history.” The big news today is Mitt The Twit picking the Paul Ryan Plan as his VP pick. Could you explain just how this is a good thing for your side? I’m still having a problem seeing it as more than a another self inflicted wound to the Mitt The Twit campaign.
Whatever else you say about Obama, you cannot say he made his fortune outsourcing our manufacturing sector to China.
@30 Yeah, well, Bush made some lousy hires. See, e.g., Michael “hell of a job” Brown at FEMA.
@32 Obama is in office and I’m getting Medicare. That’s good enough for me.
@47 Just can’t refrain from the racist dig, can you? Typical rightie.
THanks, Willard…
Dems win…you lose.
We can push President Obama left after the election.
I feel soooo much better now.
This is gonna be FUN!
@48 I think Romney had to pick Ryan to keep his campaign from disintegrating. It doesn’t play to the middle, where the swing votes are. It proves Romney is struggling to hang onto his own party’s base.
“How tuned in to budget issues is Paul Ryan?
Enough that he was once asked to run OMB”
Oh, you mean the guy who nominated Harriet “Tuned-In” Miers to the Supreme Court also wanted Ryan to run OMB? That guy who led the nation to invade the wrong country likes Ryan? That guy who ran up massive deficits before leading the nation to economic ruin likes Ryan? You mean the guy you never even mention by name anymore, he likes Ryan? The guy whose strings were pulled by the same neocons pulling Romney’s strings now? That guy?
Yeah, that’s one hell of a recommendation you’ve got there, Bob. Ryan must be “tuned-in”, alright. What a load of horseshit.
Severely Constipated@46,
While on the subject of budgets, I could point out that it’s been 1200 days since the Democrats offered one up for a vote.
Credit for that should go to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” Budgets, help for the middle class or the poor? Not so much.
It’s still not going to be easy…we’ll win…
…but it WILL be FUN!
@ 48
Your ‘ancient history’ was fewer than 15 months ago.
Here’s how I see the Ryan pick:
1. There will be no claims that he is unintelligent. Similarly, there will be no claims that he does not speak well (think Jindal’s SOTU rebuttal as a contrast) and that he is not persuasive.
2. He’s incredibly focused on the federal deficit and, just as importantly, on the long-term effects of the continual buck-passing that goes on in Congress, shared pretty much equally on both sides of the aisle, at least over the past 10 years or so. No blame of one side here – it’s a problem and it’s due to failures all around. He doesn’t bring platitudes and airy speeches about how America The Beautiful is the greatest nation on the earth and we’re efficient and educated and strong and productive and…….
IOW he isn’t Joe Biden. He brings something very, very, VERY specific to the table.
3. To the extent that Romney wants this election to be about the economy – and I believe he does, as it’s the number one concern to the American public – there’s no better choice to reinforce his seriousness in addressing the deficit by reducing spending.
4. I keep reading on HA about how Romney’s hated by his own base, etc. Well, this choice will please the base in a way that a selection of Rice or Christie would not.
5. Biden couldn’t knock Palin off-stride in a debate. How will Biden fare against Ryan? “God love ya” only goes so far. Ryan can be serious and specific and Biden really cannot. Ryan is controlled and measured and Biden is not. It won’t be as big a debate as when Palin was VP nominee, but people will be watching, this time, to see if Biden self-destructs.
6. (This isn’t my own thought but something I read today.) Romney will be hammered about the Ryan plan. Romney has said he supported the Ryan plan and so it’s around his neck. As long as the Ryan plan will be attacked, who better to defend the merits of the plan and to explain the basis for it than its architect?
7. WI has 10 electoral votes. Neighboring MI, MN, and IA have 32 more. These states are not in the bag for Obama. Obama’s job in each of them just got a little bit harder.
I would have a harder time coming up with a defense list were the choice Pawlenty, Jindal, or McConnell. Portman would have been a pro-economic choice as well but he’s not nearly as well-spoken and polished as Ryan.
A Romney choice of Rubio, Rice, Christie would have been seen as unserious.
A Romney choice of Ryan means he’s comfortable having a debate about choices between two vastly different approaches to the economy and government’s role in it.
Hope this is what you were asking to see.
Severely Constipated@59,
But how are Mitt The Twit and Ryan going to convince the American People the future is in completely gutting all of the social programs to support even more tax cuts for the rich and increased military spending with some vague promise that the budget will balance in 26 years.
@ 60
I thought you were serious @ 48. Now @ 60 I see you merely wanted to waste my time.
Enjoy your afternoon, anyway.
But Severely Constipated@61,
It was a serious question. Mitt The Twit has thrown the dice, hoping to turn around a loosing campaign by embracing Ryan and his plan. Now both will come under focus. Sure, Ryan is a likeable guy, but so was Ted Bundy, unless you were one of his victims. As Nate Silver says in his article, A Risky Rationale Behind Romney’s Choice of Ryan:
Mr. Ryan’s controversial budget, which polls poorly, will obviously get much more attention than it had previously. The fate of the presidential race and the fate of Congressional races may become more closely tied together. Mr. Obama will no longer have to stretch to evoke the specter of Congress and its 15 percent approval rating. With Mr. Ryan on the opposing ticket, he will be running against a flesh-and-blood embodiment of it.
Ryan Plan on Medicare:
If you are 55 or older, don’t worry, nothing changes for you.
Everyone else, when you turn 65, you get a voucher. Good luck on finding insurance coverage.
Ryan Plan on Medicaid:
Bye bye.
Ryan Plan on Capital Gains:
Even 15% is too much for our Job Creators® to pay.
0% is a much better rate.
Butt ekim, one of HA’s faithful who takes his drugs up his ASS was there front and center when Goldy, et. al was blaming the gas price rise on GWBush in 2008.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. The only way anyone can find his “brain” (jury still deliberating on that) is to take a horse appendage and shove it far up ekim’s ASS!
gman saw Sean Puff Daddy Coombs again.
Apparently gman’s head was up Puff Daddy’s ASS. Well that would fit gman to a “T”!
Of course HA’s crazed deranged databaze butthead ylbuttspigot forgot when Obummer introduced Biden the same way.
Of course ylbuttspigot focuses on the stupid stuff while the big picture spins away from him.
This is why ylbuttspigot leaves diarrhea trails wherever he posts!
See ya!
Neither. He told the truth. Something hard for Obummer’s peeps to do when caught in lies!
Is all one needs to read when Roger DUMB Wabbit presents it as “proof positive” on anything!
Wrong… He already told Russia he’s gonna give away the farm if he wins a second term.
Of course when you are a libtard, 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady causes stupidity and moronic madness!
I’m not sure I buy the Nate Silver “Romney shaking things up by picking Paul Ryan” narrative. How does Ryan shake anything up? We all know who Ryan is and what he’s about and he’s not that far from what Romney’s been saying. I really doubt Ryan would make anyone that’s decided not to vote for Romney to take a second look at the guy. Ryan’s a yawner of a VP pick.
Poor, poor Goatboy. Is this the best you can do? I really expect better insults from you. Go back to your room and try again…
Yaaaawwn. You assume wrong Boberino.. 30 – 60 billion o f the figure you cite include defense costs of guarding strategic shipping lanes, coast guard, etc..
Why not zero subsidies in Ryan’s budget? Aren’t we into an Atlas Shrugged vibe here?
You haven’t drilled down beyond doing a google search and digging up a figure.. Nothing apples to apples..
Puddy is glad to see ekim is finally agreeing that GWBush had nothing to do with the rise in gas prises in 2008. It took 4 years but he winally found some cojones. Glad that animal appendage finally scratched that colon itch!
Good for you ekim. Which drug worked the best up your ASS?
Why the same? I thought your crowd is “better”.. So does this mean if someone votes for your guy the clock is turned back 4 years?
Thanks . I’ll stick with what’s been proven so far.. It’s worked well for kids who want to stay on their parents insurance, not getting thrown into bankruptcy for not reporting a case of acne, families who want their loved one s to come home from stupid Republican wars, etc.
What happened to that ylbuttspigot claim Obummer campaign didn’t collude with Priorities America? Remember this diarrhea trail from the HA ylbuttspigot?
Well ylbuttspigot was caught in the lying hype. Obummer’s peeps lied. Joe Soptic even admitted Bain offered him a job buyout last January.
Another EPIC FAYLE from the buttspigot, yellow loser style!
Wow is Dr. Butt excited about a right wing politician who was inspired by a hard core atheist being one heartbeat away from the Presidency?
Is his buddy the Klynical Klown excited?
Oh yes! We know the klown is excited! We’ve seen his man-love ecstasies for Ryan in these threads MANY TIMES!
77 – NO PROOF whatsoever.. Just right wing bullshit innuendo.
LMAO!!! Simple common sense says the opposite.. GWB starts 2 wars right? Wars require a lot of fuel to run right? Means it puts pressure on oil prices to increase.
The wars were put on the credit card right? That can only help debase the dollar. Raises oil prices that mostly priced in U.S. dollars…
Sorry Dr. Butt you fail again.
Ryan smacks Obummer around. Such a smackdown!
Remember the CLASS Act part of Obummer care… Kathleen Sebelius’ on Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) found CLASS would have to charge monthly premiums as high as $3,000 per month just to cover costs.
Obummer’s own Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad called these so called savings, “A ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.”
Facts are facts and libtards can’t handle facts!
You just failed in your OWN ANALysis ylbuttspigot…
Obummer supposedly wound down Iraq. So then prices should be much lower. They are not. Under Obummer our credit rating went from AAA to AA+ due to Obummer’s love of spending. So by your putrid ANALysis…
Obummer has caused oil prices to go up!
Another EPIC FAYLE diarrhea trail from ylbuttspigot.
Good for OFA!
I’m sick to death of Republican dirty tricks and lies and distortions.
Soptic’s story is true. Romney’s Bain Capital shutdown that plant. The right wing assholes HAVE NOT been able to disprove Soptic.
You’re fucked puddypisspussy.
Here’s some proof Bobster..
LMAO!! Where’s the 5 dollar gas stupid that Bob was fantasizing about last Spring?
Yeah prices have stayed high. The federal reserve did the QE’s. Obama have anything to do with that?
You fail again Dr. Butt!
@82 “Obummer has caused oil prices to go up!”
Actually, I’m to blame. Oil prices went up because I bought oil stocks.
Oh my this rujax jackASS still can’t read. Obummer’s cash man Jonathan Lavine was in charge of Bain not Romney
EXPLODES this comment
You dope. Another FACT based argument from Puddy! Too bad rujax is one dumb moronic twit! So sad he’s sooooooooooooo stupid!
@85 If gas prices go up, it’ll be because Chevron’s unsafe California refinery blew up again. But hey, no problem, less regulation of refineries will fix that!
Non sequitor argument. Who cares. It’s still more than $1.85 when Obummer took ofice. Your stupid ANALysis fayled above and still fayles here. ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Absolutely. Obummer praised it. Timmy Tax Cheat Geithner asked for them!
Another EPIC FAYLE and still stupid and leaving more diarrhea trails! That’s HAs ylbuttspigot!
And that’s not true either asshole. Soc Sec is solvent and can be easily fixed forever.
NOW we get to have a clear debate about the kind of future we leave for our grandkids.
PS Paul Ryan “smacking around President Obama” is as much of a joke as you are.
Why we Liberal folk know that the GOTP, aka the fascists are just that, and seek nothing less than an end to the Republic of the United States.
Just another psychotic, piece of shit Fascist Oligarch who only wants to repair the damage done to his friends by the American Revolution.
Maybe Jonathan Lavine was Harry Reid’s Romney tax source. He’d know. He killed Joe Soptic’s job!
Eat shit, you mother fucking pig.
Oh really dipstick rujax? So HHS is lying rujax? So Kent Conrad lied rujax?
Do tell. More horsecrap from TPM rujax?
Sorry moron… Puddy don’t eat the pig! Puddy don’t do sex with animals. Check with ekim. He likes the animal appendage!
When rujax loses his many arguments… he’s reduced to that comment!
The Prosecution Rest Your Honor. rujax is one stupid mofo!
Lessee gas prices reached a peak of $4.21 under Bush from a low of $2.10..
Wow over 2 bucks rise..
You fail again Dr. Butt!
Well facy THAT!
Golly-gee willikers.
More huffpo crap from rujax. Like that Bain capitalization article last week that basically went no where!
Still wondering about Joe Soptic rujax?
Stupid moron!
I have lots and lots and lots and LOTS of arguements fuck face and while you SHIT EATERS are trying to kill the American Dream I’ll use as many as I can get my hands on.
Romney and Ryan are dirty. Dirty filthy can artists and swindlers…
…an the puddypisspussy is a fucking rotten rat-bastard scab for supporting them.
SHAME puddypisspussy, SHAME!!!
Oh my seems another diarrhea trail from ylbuttspigot. Yep gas prices decreased drastically under GWBush. And you HA morons blamed it on Bush’s oil robber baron buddies. Well if they are Bush’s buddies how did the price of oil increase so drastically under Obummer buttspigot?
Another EPIC FAYLE diarrhea trail from ylbuttspigot. This definitely is another amoeba dysfunction (his brain cell) of the ylbuttspigot.
One more time for rujax, HA’s dumbASS!
So stupid for so long!
Not when you’re dealing with a product with expanding demand and a finite supply.
A REAL sweetheart, this guy.
Oh noes, headless lucy’s zero sum game!
It’s Willard Mitt Romney’s company, you dumb fucking fuck and TILL gets Bain income.
You are a naive little boy.
LMAO!!! Yeah when his crappy economic policies led to a crashing of the economy!
Hey I thought cutting taxes and regulation meant an economic utopia. Starting a couple of wars also meant big bidness too for the right people.
Why did the deepest recession since the Great Depression started happening in freaking 2007 O Dr. Butt???
Face it Mr. Phd in ASS – your right wing policies stink! And it’s the same, old same old that your guy Dullard (R-Money) and his sidekick Eddie Munster is pushing this time? Why should it work any better?
Now why did rujax run away from this?
Maybe because a “left wing asshole” closed GST!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This has been know for almost a month!
rujax, what a dumbASS! Still living in 2011? 2010? 2009? Who knows!
Now we see the next diarrhea buttspigot trail appear. Each previous argument EXPLODED in his buttspigot. Now he’s trying to change the tracks.
Nancy Pelosi, Charles Rangel and Harry Reid buttspigot. They got the purse strings. ylbuttspigot can not explain why under Obummer gas prices skyrocketed.
Fourth EPIC FAYLE diarrhea trail from ylbuttspigot!
@107 Yep, we have to supply the gravediggers after you guys blow through town.
I watched that tape till the end..
What does Eddie Munster say near the end of that video??
’nuff said. You fail again Dr. Butt! You’re in love with a liar! Like any of us would be surprised..
That’s a lie moron.. Prove it.. You can’t so you just pull it out of your ass when you’re cornered.
That Congress gave Bush everything he asked for on the defense and the wars. EVERYTHING… He gave little in return.
Still trying eh rujax?
So rujax, why has even the slobbering libtard press rejected the Soptic/Bain story? Maybe because they possess something lacking in you. A working brain!
Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House in 2007? 60th Speaker of the House
Charles Rangel wasn’t Ways and Means Chairman in 2007? Mar 3, 2010, Charlie Rangel stepped down from his post as chairman of the powerful tax- writing House Ways and Means Committee today
Harry Reid isn’t Senate Leader in 2007? Senate majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada
So who is lying now? Proven by FACTS!
While I have not personally watched Goatboy with any animals (and nor do I want to), I’m willing to confirm his obsession with goats on this blog going back for many years.
I don’t know ANY press outfit has disproved that story.
It’s drawing blood and it’s true.
113 – What a dumbass! As you’ve been saying a lot recently,
It’s a fact too that moron you voted for twice was occupying the White House!
It’s a fact too that those people you mention inherited a mess by that moron and his rubber stamp Congress!
What an idiot!
Did Nancy, Charlie and Harry raise taxes?
Did they impose boatloads of new regulations?
Shit all we heard after Nov 2006 was that new Congress was full of “Blue Dogs”..
But according to Dr Butt. they were flaming socialists.
Shit Raygun who raised the capital gains tax would be a socialist to these morons now.
Your Honor, as all can see when you prove rujax and ylbuttspigot wrong they revert to crying out their ASses!
No Obummer has! More ylbuttspigot EPIC FAYLES!
That Jonathan Lavine, Obummer bundler was in charge of Bain Capital.
Sucks to be rujax!
Ummm nope! Try again! Prove it.
What was unemployment rate then?
Only because DUMMOCRAPT Thomas Tip O’Neill lied to Reagan and never cut spending. How do you know a DUMMOCRAPT is lying. Their lips are moving!
119 – Now he changes the subject!
121 – I asked you to prove it! You haven’t.. Blaming the crash of 2008 on the Congress is bullshit and you know it..
Or maybe you’re too insane and inane to know it.
More shit you pulled out of your ass.. If Raygun made lame deals it’s only because his lame brain was slowly melting down to Death Valley days.
Face Prof Butt. You’re in love with TWO pathological liars!
You’re a pathological liar yourself.
It’s no wonder you can look past Dullard’s religion..
Devotion to right wing LIES and your Obama Derangement Syndrome seals the deal!
Dullard could be a freaking SCIENTOLOGIST and you’d vote for him!
Oh rujax, sucks to be you…So the media has not disproven Romney wasn’t at Bain when the plant closed, Soptic failed to mention Bain offered a job buyout when GST was closed, his wife had medical insurance, and his dishonesty is the main point in a grossly false portrayal of the situation.
Sucks to be rujax!
More EPIC FAYLE diarrhea trails from ylbuttspigot. When he turns his buttspigot on you just can’t turn it off.
ylbuttspigot forgets calling GWBush a chimp and his Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) which came way before his claim of anyone having ODS!
Wait for it… another EPIC FAYLE diarrhea trail from ylbuttspigot!
127 – You don’t deny you’d vote for a Scientologist!
You are desperate due to suffering from ODS!
I have no sympathy for your suffering!
C’ya ODS man!
Today marks the 1202nd day since Harry Reid’s Senate DUMMOCRAPTS passed a budget!
Then #128 & 129 appear.
Can I call it or can I call it? When he turns his buttspigot on you just can’t turn it off.
Take the test! Take the test… oops it’s fake!
Hey Goatboy, I’m offering you a job buyout. Here is $5.
You ever notice how BUTTputty the GOATboy sprinkles his posts with “butt” and “ass”? You ever wonder how he got that back tan he’s been bragging about? Wonder no more. He’s been outside riding his goats and living up to his name:
BUTTputty the GOATboy.
You took the test all right Dr. Butt..
You’ve tested positive for Obama Derangement Syndrome!
The prognosis is continued brain wasting.
Being right wing, suffering from ODS is a brain damaging disorder!
Heh. Back on the old laptop huh? I enjoyed that internet cafe machine you were using the last time. On vacay and just can’t stay away!
ODS? I thought it was a mix of bad drugs and untreated syphilis.
My bad…
Oh my ekim is providing us another adventure into the Psych 101 projection zone.
You can always tell when you strike gold on a HA leftist pinhead.
Still stupid! Very very stupid! grasping at something else because some many EPIC FAYLES from diarrhea trails above by ylbuttspigot. Or is it ylbitchslapped?
More projection of ekim’s butt status!
You better get to a doctor fast!
What’s the name of this blog ekim? horsesASS.
What’s the name of your posts? moronic.. idiotic… stupid… to name a few
What is ylb? A buttspigot. Also bitchslapped.
See ya!
Straight from Goatboy. He hangs out here because the name horsesASS. So Goatboy has a thing for the horse’s ASS as well as the goat’s ASS.
My apologies Goatboy. I stand corrected. It’s horses and goats, not just goats.
Remember when Paul Ryan deeeestroyed Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz? No? Well one more time
This the best you got Goatboy?
Let’s see…
Ryan wants a 0% capital gains tax.
Mittens continues to hide his tax returns.
Yes Goatboy, this will play well. The teabaggers will love it. What can possibly go wrong.
@142 Remember when Paul Ryan deeeestroyed Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz?
No. Really, no.
Here’s why: What Ryan said in that video was, “I put out a budget plan to satisfy one person in Congress — me.” He calls that “an adult conversation.” I call it self-centered, childish, and undemocratic. When you’re elected to Congress, your job is to listen to other people and pursue what they want, not tell them what you want. He also rudely interrupted and overtalked Wasserman-Schulz — is that what you call “destroying” someone, puddy? Not in my book. Ryan comes across in this video as a juvenile who throws a tantrum if he doesn’t get his way. And Wasserman-Schulz was right about what Ryan proposed: He did champion Bush’s idea of turning over Social Security to Wall Street. We all know how that would have turned out. There’s only one grownup in that video, putz, and it isn’t your choirboy.
Yeah you dumb gullible fuck, that changes…
Romney’s a vicious predator, Soptic’s wife is still dead and you are a puerile little fool.
Steve, this moron has a real Psych 101 problem. Freudian slip!
Is there a cure? Not sure?
Better than your “entries” animal appendage hider!
Where did he say dat Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Why Businessmen Are Lousy Politicians
“It’s Mitt Romney’s mantra: America needs a leader with strong business credentials. Yet history shows the opposite — private-sector successes flopped in office. Meanwhile, there is one important kind of experience Romney may not have. …
“Romney makes his assertions about the importance of business experience so eagerly and so often as to suggest that the relationship between business success and presidential success is simply a given. The only problem with the claim is there’s no evidence to suggest it’s true. The greatest presidents? Notable business failures almost to a man, if they had any business experience at all [citing Lincoln, Truman, Washington, and FDR]. …
“This is not to say that no successful businessmen have ever become president. A few have … [b]ut no one would argue tht the one-term presidences of Harding, Hoover, or Carter were anything close to successes. …
“Why is it that, when it comes to the presidency, businessmen … just can’t seem to cut the mustard? For one thing, the basic goals of business (productivity and profit) are not completely congruent with those of national office (the general welfare, the pursuit of which may be neither efficient nor profitable in any narrow sense). … [T]he very qualities that make a successful CEO are not especially useful or effective in politics but are actually inimical to political success. … [P]olitics … is always the art of the possible, a game in which personality, charm, people skills, the ability to communicate … all matter …. [M]ost businesspeople have never dealt with the wily, needy, fickle types who populate a legislature, either. …
“[A]ll of the most successful presidents … have faced adversity and overcome it. … Conquering adversity could be said to be the essential job description of the presidency. Each day brings some fresh hell, some new requirement for … grace under pressure, and the perpetual challenge is … ‘to keep all the balls in the air without losing your own’ [quoting Arthur Schlesinger].”
— Todd S. Purdum, “The Hiring of the President,” Vanity Fair, September 2012, p. 224 et seq.
(Todd Purdum is a career political journalist who worked as a White House correspondent for the New York Times before becoming a national political editor for Vanity Fair. He graduated from Princeton in 1982.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Businessmen rarely do well in politics because business and government require different skill sets. That’s why the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Public Administration (MPA) are different degrees, and the MBA and MPA are set up as separate schools with different course offerings in our universities. I know something about this because I’ve owned two small businesses, did MPA coursework at Seattle University, and worked in government.
The goal of government is not profit or efficiency — democracy, with its requirement to listen to constituents and engage in prolonged public discussion of issues before making decisions — is inherently inefficient. We all know how hard it is, and how long it takes, to get anything passed by a city council, state, legislature or Congress. We want it that way, because we want our government to be responsive to us. We Americans don’t like the idea of top-down command government, and we deride such governments where they exist (e.g., North Korea).
I’ve quoted this article at some length (but within the bounds of fair use) and I’m writing a somewhat lengthy comment (for me) because I think the notion that our government would work better if we ran it “more like a business” is an important, widely believed, and pernicious myth in the political life of our nation. This idea is fallacious, and when it has been tried, almost invariably has produced bad if not disastrous results.
My generation of baby boomers remember a particularly destructive manifestation of this faulty thinking. In the 1950s, our military leaders got a notion that our armed forces should be run “more like a business,” and began encouraging young officers to study business methods. I guess the aim was to win wars faster (and at less cost in treasure and blood) by running them more efficiently. By the early 1960s, when we got involved in Vietnam combat, our defense secretary was Robert McNamara, the quintessential “whiz kid” from the business world who, after inflicting the Edsel on the auto industry, proceeded to inflict bomb tonnages and body counts on the troops trying to fight an insurgency in Vietnam. We all know what that led to — “ticket punching” officers, a failed attrition strategy and its accompanying pointless slaughter, and ultimately a lost war and 58,000 wasted young American lives. The fundamental fault of our military leaders who led us to this result was that they built an Army and Marine Corps around a generation of officers who knew who to manage but didn’t know how to command.
Throughout the Great Depression and World War 2, our country didn’t need a businessman who knew how to run factories (or flip companies for quick profit). It needed a leader who could inspire and build up our confidence in ourselves, and fortunately for us we had one.
On the darkest day of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world came far closer to the nuclear abyss than anyone knew at the time, the world was saved from disaster because RFK’s sharp analytical mind and JFK’s cool demeanor were the dominant forces in the cabinet room. The generals and the rest of the cabinet wanted to take out the Cuban missile sites, which they thought were under construction. They didn’t know that nuclear-tipped missiles were already in place, armed and ready to fire, and the Krelim had already given launch authority to the local commanders at the missile sites we would have bombed if the president and his brother hadn’t held the military option in check.
There is absolutely nothing in the history of the Vietnam War or Cuban Missile Crisis to suggest that a businessman like Mitt Romney is the kind of person you want making decisions when absolutely everything is on the line.
Nor, for that matter, is there any history to confirm that a businessman like Mitt Romney can better rescue an ailing economy than a skilled politician can. See, e.g., Harding and Coolidge; and, for that matter, Bush Jr., our only MBA president to date.
I’ve been around politics all my adult life. I also know something about business and what it takes to deliver product, satisfy customers, and turn a profit. (I’m grappling with that right now; I spent much of this afternoon thinking about trademarks and licensing agreements — from a marketing, not legal, perspective.)
Based on that experience, I feel comfortable in saying there is nothing in Mitt Romney’s background except his brief stint as Massachusetts governor that qualifies him to be the political leader of our nation. We’ve tried that with our people who brought everything but political experience and skills to the table, and they failed every time.
Paul gave Schultz her own medicine. Ever watch her in interviews Roger DUMB Wabbit? She won’t go on real interviewers!
It’s amazing how Roger DUMB Wabbit gets away with excessive paragraph copying in #152 breaking the HA rules.
Well he is a libtard!
Facts and rujax, oil and water.
Obummer bundler leads Bain
Obummer bundler closes GST
Soptic’s wife has insurance from her company
Soptic’s wife dies 5 years later
Soptic’s wife dies 7 years after Romney leaves Bain.
Facts – The oil of life
shitty water – rujax
Facts – never change
shitty water – flushed down the toilet.
Nuff Said SUCKA!
@151 In the video you linked to @142.
I recommend you actually watch it. Then you would know the answer to your own question, and wouldn’t have to ask me.
(And you call me “dumb”??)
Robert Schlesinger is Managing Editor for Opinion at U.S. News and World Report, a liberal blogger on the site’s Thomas Jefferson Street blog and the Huffington Post, and writes a biweekly column for U.S. News.
That’s all you need to know about the links ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot posted above @147.
@154 Two-thirds of that comment is my commentary, jackass. I quoted less than 5% of the article.
it’s the cheap street drugs and the untreated syphilis I tell you. Nothing else explains Goatboy’s delusions.
@154 (continued) Okay, here’s what I’m gonna do.
The entire article is online,* so I’ll copy and paste it to a Word document, and run the Word program tool to get a word count.
Then I’m gonna copy and paste the portions I quoted in #152 to another Word document, and get a word count of that.
Then I’ll divide the word count of the article by the word count of my quoted portions, and post the percentage of the article’s word count I used in my comment @152 when I have that number.
This will take a few minutes.
* When writing #152 I typed the quoted portions with the magazine in front of me. Yes, I bought the magazine, or rather Mrs. Rabbit did, so the publisher got some money from us in exchange for my quoting their article in my comment.
Oh poor Roger DUMB Wabbit.
Roger tells me to watch the video. Notice Roger DUMB Wabbit didn’t answer the question.
So I ask it again… Where did he say dat Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Second chance!
Roger DUMB Wabbit – 2 paragraphs, 3 if the point is useful. And how many did you copy above?
Rules don’t seem to pertain to libtards much!
@154 (continued continued)
Word count of Vanity Fair article: 1450
Word count of quoted portion @152: 320
Percentage of aricle quoted @152: 22%
Okay, so I stand corrected, 5% is off. I used approximately 1/5th of the article. There is no legal standard saying you can’t exceed X percent; “fair use” allows you to use enough capture the essence of the article, and in word count terms, that will be a higher percentage for a short magazine article than it will be for a book or lengthy essay.
HA’s policy on quoting from copyrighted material is geared toward staying within the bounds of “fair use” so HA doesn’t get sued for copyright violations.
If you have a beef about it, I have two suggestions. (1) Contact the moderator (Darryl) and ask him to delete my comment. (2) Contact the publisher of Vanity Fair and ask him/her to sue me. The process server can find me in my hole under the big tree on the east side of Green Lake Park.
Heh. Moronic right wingers are still clinging to the myth that Dullard (R-Money) “left” Bain in 1999.
Tools gotta stay on message!
Incompetent Armchair Lawyer @162: I pieced together snippets from throughout the article. Where is there a fucking paragraph rule? Like I said, if you want to get technical about fair use, file a fucking complaint with someone in a position to do something about it.
Or, alternatively, if you wish to complain to me then please fill out my Standard Complaint Form below:
Write your complaint here -> [ ]
File it here:
@164 I’m sorta with puddy on that one, to some extent. It’s a crappy ad. FactCheck called it “misleading.” But it’s not Obama’s ad. It was run by an independent Super-Pac.
Puddy, if you don’t like anonymously-funded Super-Pacs trying to influence voters by running misleading political ads, complain to the Republican SCOTUS justices who inflicted Citizens United on us. They’re ultimately responsible for this.
And on the Outrage Meter, it’s considerably less worse than rightwing screeching that Obama forged his birth certificate and attended terrorist training schools in Indonesia.
Also, it’s worth mentioning that the Obama Campaign ran an ad on the same plant closing that also features Mr. Soptic, and PolitiFact graded the Obama Campaign’s ad as “mostly true.”
So, Puddy, if your point is that Obama lied about Romney’s responsibility for Mrs. Soptic’s death, my answer is he didn’t so go fuck yourself.
166 – But the tool PuddyButt (I’m calling him Dr. Butt these days) claims he has some sort of evidence of collaboration/coordination between Priorities USA and the Obama campaign..
I have evidence he pulls a lot of what posts here out of his ugly ass. Well that’s sort of obvious to anyone intelligent upon first reading.
The Priorities USA advertisement, Understands, has not once, not once been aired on TV as a paid advertisement.
You know what has been airing in everyone of the states Slick Willard is taking his House Republican to?
Son of Boss, where an ad specifically approved by President Obama accuses Slick Willard of paying no income tax.
Makes one wonder why the Slick Willard campaign and his minions are thrashing over Understands and not Son of Boss.
Maybe Romney didn’t pay any federal income taxes for 10 years?
I researched the Soptic ads* earlier this week because my rightwing brother, Brer Rabbit, sent me an article from Investors Business Daily* accusing Obama of 5 “despicable lies” against Romney, of which the Super-Pac ad featuring laid-off steelworker Joe Soptic is one.
Brer Rabbit habitually forwards junk e-mails to me that he receives from his circle-jerk of rightwing friends. You know the type I mean; they always come up “FALSE” in bright red letters when you check them at debunking website like, Media Matters, FactCheck, PolitiFact, etc.
I don’t let Brer Rabbit get away with this shit. I run them through a debunker site, then send him the link.
In this case, I told Brer Rabbit it is Investors Business Daily who is lying when they accuse Obama of running the Super-Pac Soptic ad. I gave him the same answer I just gave puddy: If you don’t like it, complain to the Republican SCOTUS justices who inflicted Citizens United on us, because they’re responsible for the fact that anonymous millionaires can put any shit about candidates and political races they want to on the airwaves, if they’re willing to pay for it.
Romney didn’t kill Mrs. Soptic. Regardless of what his involvement in Bain was after 1999, he isn’t responsible for her death.
The Super-pac ad sought to make a valid point — that he didn’t care what happened to the workers of companies he took over — but he didn’t give her the cancer that killed her, nor did he take away her health insurance.
According to FactCheck, when Mr. Soptic lost his job at GST Steel, his wife was employed and had health insurance through her employer; she lost her health insurance when she left her job because of an injury over a year later.
The ad bases its argument that Romney is to blame for her death on the thesis that she would have gotten timely medical diagnosis and treatment if she remained covered by her husband’s insurance after losing her insurance if he had remained employed by GST Steel.
There are serious problems with this argument. It requires assuming that (a) she would have sought medical care sooner if they’d had health insurance, (b) she would have been timely and correctly diagnosed, and (c) her cancer was curable. That’s too many “ifs.”
I agree with puddy the ad is unfair to Romney. But it isn’t Obama’s ad. It’s an independent Super-Pac ad. If puddy has a problem with this, then he should support reversing Citizens United and he should support the kind of campaign finance laws that McCain sponsored. If he doesn’t, then he’s at least as responsible for that ad as Obama is.
* As noted above, there are two ads in which Mr. Soptic appears and discusses his deceased wife, one by a Super-Pac and the other by the Obama Campaign.
** I never read IBD because of it systematically pollutes its business reporting and investment advice with nauseating rightwing diatribes.
Really Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Roger Rabbit spews:
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy] Memory isn’t your strong suit!
See ya!
And they admitted they KNEW and had talked to Soptic on a May conference call after saying they knew nothing of Soptic!
See ya!
@168 Fyi for those not in the know, “BOSS” in “Son of BOSS” doesn’t mean “boss” as in “your boss at work.” It’s an acronym of “Bond and Options Sales Strategy,” and “Son of BOSS” is a subsequent iteration of the strategy.
It’s a tax avoidance strategy used by many companies in the 1990s that went out of favor after courts ruled in the IRS’s favor and allowed the IRS to collect avoided taxes from some of these companies.
Romney was chair of the audit committee of Marriott Corp.’s board of directors when Marriott avoided $71 million of taxes by using the “Son of BOSS” strategy.
FactCheck has criticized the “Son of BOSS” ad as “misleading” on the grounds Romney did not personally profit from Marriott’s tax avoidance, whereas the ad strongly suggests he cheated on his personal taxes; but you wonder where his ethics were when the company was doing this.
Which is the point of the ad.
Butt Roger, there was the initial video with DUMMOCRAPTCY Now where Jonathan Lavine, Obummer Bundler, Managing Partner of Bain after Romney left in 1999 (FACT) was offered a job buyout.
This is why the dumbest of the really dumb HA libtards ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot and rujax HA’s house neeeeeeeegro heads explode!
Another weak attack attempt by Obummer and his minions!
@161 “Oh poor Roger DUMB Wabbit. Where did he say dat Roger DUMB Wabbit? Roger tells me to watch the video. Notice Roger DUMB Wabbit didn’t answer the question. So I ask it again… Where did he say dat Roger DUMB Wabbit? Second chance!”
Holy fucking Great Mother Rabbit Spirit!!! Thanks for giving me a second chance, Buttboy. I guess I need it, since plain English is beyond your ken. So here goes, hopefully in language you can understand:
“Where did he say dat Roger DUMB Wabbit?”
Does that answer your question?
What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress? Puddy supposes nothing if they are libtard. They should go to the prom in a dress and the girl in a tux. Metrosexual!
@171 “Roger Rabbit spews: Deleted — see HA Comment Policy] Memory isn’t your strong suit! See ya!”
You want my comment @152 deleted so badly you’ll even make up a “Deleted — see HA Comment Policy” and post it here, so you can lovingly gaze at it, won’t you?
Feel better now?
This is classic behavior amongst the right wing tribe. The internet and e-mail has cemented these delusions so tightly – it’s produced millions of impenetrable right wing blockheads!
I believe all of our trolls subscribe to such e-mail lists.
You can debunk these lies 24x7x365.25. It does little to those whose brains were susceptible to these kinds of brain damaging lies.
Some do see the light. Too few though.
@174 Oh wow, Joe Soptic was offered a “job buyout,” so that makes it all right.
How much was the buyout offer, puddy?
Do job buyouts come with health benefits?
Is it better to get paid a few months’ wages you don’t have to work for, than continuing to have a job to go to and continuing to work?
Isn’t accepting a job buyout offer kinda like taking welfare? Wouldn’t a real man rather work?
So you’re dissing Joe Soptic because he was offered a job buyout as a consolation prize for losing his employment and benefits. That little crackjack toy is supposed to make his layoff A-Okay, is that it?
Go fuck yourself, puddy. I don’t think you can sell that shit on any shop floor in this country.
@179 “You can debunk these lies 24×7×365.25.”
Shouldn’t that be “24×365.25” or “24x7x52.1785”? But I’m only a “DUMB” rabbit (quoting puddy).
I was quoting RYAN from that piece moron.. All the words were RYAN’S..
That was RYAN criticizing Dullard (R-Money)’s health care program in MA..
Like Bush Sr. calling Reagan’s stupidities “Voodoo Economics”!
What an idiot!
181 – Probably makes more sense, yes.
Most of the media commentary I’ve seen so far on Romney’s veep pick is portraying it as a Palin-magnitude disaster.
(But for different reasons; Ryan isn’t a dumbfuck like Palin, but he has his own set of liabilities, not least of which is his scheme to privatize Medicare will go over like a lead balloon with the over-65 demographic, of which I am one.)
Once again Roger DUMB Wabbit misses the nuances while being Very Stupid… YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER!!! – Sorry Roger DUMB Wabbit wasn’t into i n c e s t.
I n c e s t and A n i m a l Sex… Two things high on a libtard’s mind!
3rd try…
Were you this obtuse in the courtroom?
Do you actually read and comprehend? It was from Jonathan Lavine… Obummer bundler who was the managing partner AFTER Romney left in 1999 who offered the job buyout not Romney.
FACTS that libtards can’t fathom.
Slobbering libtard loving leftist media have much invested in Obummer. So you’ll see all their negativity front and center Roger DUMB Wabbit!
I’ll check later Roger DUMB Wabbit. Job to perform now!
Yes, absolutely! All Obama’s campaign has to do is pick through that disaster of a Ryan budget and through campaign ads tick off what he plans to cut:
x billions from students
x billions from food assistance
x millions from head start
x billions from health care for the poor
all to finance many, many billions of tax cuts for the rich and then?????
Just play Dullard (R-Money)’s voice agreeing to that disaster of a budget.
They’re all ready doing it!
@186 “It was from Jonathan Lavine”
I didn’t say otherwise. And you lecture me about “comprehending”??
@189 Next time you see a Republican, ask him if he would hire a CEO who doesn’t believe in his business model.
When he replies, “No, of course not,” ask him why he would vote for someone who doesn’t believe in government to run our government.
GOP Voter ID Laws Are A Fraud
“A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent. …
“[R]eporters … sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of fraudulent activity including registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, vote buying, false election counts, campaign fraud, casting an ineligible vote, voting twice, voter impersonation fraud and intimidation. Analysis of the resulting … database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation.
“With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We now have a specific number to back up our belief that GOP voter ID laws are nothing but a scam to keep the elderly, poor, students, and minorities from voting. Out of 146 million registered voters in the U.S., exactly 10 were caught impersonating other voters. Ten cases in all 50 states out of 146 million voters. That’s the GOP’s justification for disenfranchising millions of eligible voters, including tens or hundreds of thousands who risked their lives in military service defending our country.
From the same article:
“The … Republican National Lawyers Association … has compiled a list of 375 election fraud cases, based mostly on news reports of alleged fraud.
“News21 examined the RNLA … database and found only 77 [of the cases] were alleged fraud by voters. Of those, News21 could verify convictions or guilty pleas in only 33 cases. The database shows no RNLA cases of voter-impersonation fraud.“
Oh, and those 10 people who impersonated voters?
“[O]ne of the rare instances of voter-impersonation fraud occurred in Londonderry, N. H., in 2004 when 17-year-old Mark Lacasse used his father’s name to vote for George W. Bush ….”
It figures that when an impersonator is caught, he’s a Republican, doesn’t it?
They Call This Guy A Socialist?!
“Barack Obama often gets slammed for his stewardship of the U.S. economy, but for stock investors, he’s been one of the best presidents since World War Two. …
“[T]he S&P 500 on Friday was closing in on a four-year high and was up 74 percent since … the day Obama took office. Not since Dwight Eisenhower … has a president had such a strong run for their first term. …
“‘The stock market is a barometer … of improvement in the economy,’ said former Merrill Lynch strategist Richard Bernstein …. ‘There is no doubt the economy has improved in the last four years.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Romney and Ryan have to run against a rising stock market and improving economy. They’re trying to sell the voodoo economics that caused the crisis in the first place. Good luck with that in November, boys.
Roger DUMB Wabbit still hasn’t answered the question posed three times
Puddy Poll
[]Maybe Roger DUMB Wabbit get it? Could be!
[]Maybe Roger DUMB Wabbit is obtuse? Definitely!
[]Maybe Roger DUMB Wabbit is getting senile? Probably!
[]Maybe all of the above? Absolutely!
You know Obummer is hard up for cash when he turns to Michael Jordan to help fund raise.
Slobbering leftist pinhead Fareed Zakaria is caught plagiarizing… Remember when Puddy caught ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot doing the same thing in 2007
Then remember this classic?
There is no crazed deranged databaze for Puddy ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot! All Google… All Google!
Ya know he really wanted to say PROVE IT! Ya see Pavlov knows these things about ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
Sucks to be ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
Puffy smells like shit.
the same thing being plagiarism?
Where did I claim that survey was my own work?
Such a moron does not know the definition of plagiarism..
Supposedly this moron makes a good living.. Guess there’s a demand out there for idiot savants.
Sigh.. There’s a place for everyone it seems and this right wing moron surely believes everyone should be in their place..
It’s Willard Mitt Romney’s company. Bain is his and every family tragedy…every closed company, every laid-off worker, every family tragedy is on him.
Spin all you want you shameless prick.
LMAO!!! Watch Gov TPaw Bridgefail stumble and fumble his answers to how many years of tax returns he gave to the Dullard (R-Money) campaign:
PRICELESS! Now do you know why even right wingers say Dullard should release his tax returns?
Paul Ryan, it turns out, is one of the least effective congressmen in history:
“He’s been in Congress for nearly 13 years, but Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has only seen two of his bills pass into law during that time … a bill … in July 2000 that renames a post office in his district [and] … in December 2008 … legislation to change the way arrows (as in bows and arrows) are hit with an excise tax.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the sum total of Rep. Ryan’s legislative productivity after 6 1/2 terms in Congress. Oh, btw, here are the details of his tax legislation:
“Specifically, his bill amended the Internal Revenue Code to impose a 39-cent tax per arrow shaft, instead of a 12.4 percent tax on the sales price.”
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaa har har har har har
@196 Refer to Einstein’s definition of insanity.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Ryan was picked for the VP slot because he was the only one that would take it.
@203 I don’t think that’s true, but I do think it was the desperate act of a nominee too weak to stand on his own, who is trying to figure out how to make a one-legged stool stand up.
In the end, what matters is votes, and the best window into voters’ minds is polls. From that perspective, Ryan looks like a suicidal pick for Romney:
Bill Burton, co-founder of Priorities USA super-PAC: “From the beginning when we polled, we found that the Ryan plan was the most toxic political document ever.”
Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg: “Surveys showed attacks on the Ryan plan moved voters dramatically. A lot of white, working-class voters, particularly older ones, will walk away now.”
It’s probably not true, but let’s make them prove it and then go down their list asking each person how many years worth of tax returns they provided the Romney camp.
Also, I heard that all of Romney’s Veep candidates fuck chickens.
GOP Fantasy
“Mr. Romney promises to open development of U.S. energy resources, without harm to the environment ….
“Mr. Ryan … would put Health and Human Services on the dime to cut costs without reducing benefits ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Producing energy without harming the environment. Cutting Medicare without reducing benefits. If you believe that I have a bridge for sale.
Sucking down the last remaining dregs of our fossil fuels as quickly as possible is not in our best interests.
@210 The problem isn’t that we’re running out of fossil fuels, the problem is we have too much of them. As a scientist told National Geographic several years ago, “We’re going to run out of atmosphere before we run out of fossil fuels.”
Where did Ouddy claim this ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot?
Once again you try to make yourself look intelligent, butt it’s another EPIC FAYLE diarrhea trail from ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
Oh noes #83 EPIC FAYLE attack from the crazed deranged databaze. Right on time!
All can see when facts are in front of rujax he runs to his stupid manual! Wait… he doesn’t need a manual. Stupidity comes naturally!
Ouddy = Puddy! Watching closing ceremony!
Rich Lowry… singlehandedly takes apart the “smartest woman” on NBC!
P R I C E L E S S!
Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz – is truly a moron
Butt later she realizes what an ASS she is…
That’s why y’all held the May conference call with de whitey house eh Debbie?
No idea.. Don’t know this “Ouddy”..
Is he an idiot like you?
Btw, your cloaking device is off.
Hey GoatPutty, you know if you actually posted something rational and informative, we just might find it both useful and worth reading. As it is, the only service you provide is comic relief.
Sucking down the last remaining dregs of our fossil fuels as quickly as possible wont do the atmosphere any favors.
@218 “As it is, the only service you provide is comic relief.”
It isn’t even that.
Conservatives are up to their old nasty anti-environment tricks.
“[A] controversial bill backed by Western conservatives in Congress … would strip federal funding from environmental groups that have challenged hydropower facilities in court over the past decade … [and] block federal money from being used to study or undertake dam removals ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This extremist bill was introduced by our state’s own ethically-challenged Doc Hastings.
I’m watching the conservatives who accused Obama of forging his birth certificate and attending an Indonesian terrorist-training school whine about a Super-PAC ad that blames a woman’s cancer death on Romney.
Welcome to the world of political lying, kiddies!
These guys have been doing it to us for so long it’s about time they got some back.
The Koch Brothers Step In It
Zach Galifianakis used to be an actor/comedian few people ever heard of. Until he parodied the Koch brothers in a new comedy film called The Campaign. What the Koches did next is making Califianakis famous the Koches laughingstocks.
Oh, and here’s the movie trailer:
Now that Paul Ryan is the GOP veep candidate, maybe this campaign ad will go viral:
Oh wait, it already did!
Thanks to Mark Halperin, known slobbering msm libtard
More FACTS which ekim and his animal appendage buds can’t refute!
So? That’s all you got when your head explodes over Blabbermouth Schultz?
Showing the world he’s as stupid as rujax and ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot together! A three pea pod!
More lies from DUMMOCRAPTS when you can’t talk about your dismal failing economic record!
We all see the great divider Obummer didn’t tell us what he believed, didn’t tell us what he was really going to do, and when erected he didn’t do that!
Last January in USA Today, America’s libtard leaning national color daily stated Romney’s 15% income tax rate is “While Romney’s effective tax rate is higher than the national average, it’s lower than the percentage paid by most high-income taxpayers. The average effective tax rate for taxpayers with AGI of $1 million or more is 25%, according to the Tax Foundation analysis.” Why? because he gives generously to charity something anathema to libtards!
But that doesn’t stop the HA libtards and their frog march over the cliff saying Romney needs to pay more tax. Y’all are jealous!
That reminded me, has Paul Ryan also embraced these important teabagger values, along with Creationism, regulation of vaginas and denigrating climate change?
All too true. The Kochs can certainly afford better than our two bit troll.