Olympic GOLD:
- London Mayor dings Mitt (via Crooks and Liars).
- Sam Seder: Mitt’s blunders.
- Mitt #RomneyShambles
- SlateTV: Mitt’s no good, very bad week.
- Thom: Talking in code.
- “Was it something I said?” #RomneyShambles.
- Sam Seder: Has there ever been a worse Presidential candidate?
- Pap: Mitt Romney, The Olympic Ass Clown
- ‘Unbelievable,’ ‘Incomprehensible’: Krauthammer (!!!) slams Romney over Olympics comment.
- Michelle shows Mitt how it’s done.
Mark Fiore: ALEC Rock:
Voter Disenfranchisement:
- Alyona’s Tool Time Award: PA for it’s voter ID law.
- SlateTV: Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law comes under Federal scrutiny as Republicans admit Mitt agenda
- Charlie Crist blasts Rick Scott over voter disenfranchisement (via Crooks and Liars).
Obama: Weekly Address.
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Maryland edition.
Guns and Violence:
- Ann Telnaes: Our desensitization to violence.
- Mark Fiore: Gun Safety.
- Pap: The gun industry’s license to murder.
- Obama and Mitt square off on gun control.
Thom with Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Roy Zimmerman: Beer Party Anthem for patriots.
Context Matters:
- Stephen supports Mitt’s very, very honest ads. (via Crooks and Liars).
- Jon on Mitt’s phony, “you didn’t build that” attacks (via Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: About that ad.
- Obama: “I believe”.
- Ezra Klein (for Maddow): Quoting out of context (via Crooks and Liars).
- Stephen defends Romney’s “Anglo Saxon” remark (via Crooks and Liars).
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Bachmann on her witch hunt.
White House: West Wing Week.
Homophobic Food:
- Jonathan Mann: Screw You, Chick-Fil-A.
- Conan: Chick-Fil-A’s New Mascot—Chaz The Intolerant Chicken
- Stephen is a Chick-Fil-A culture warroir (via Crooks and Liars).
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Zina Sanders: Michele Bachman’s Christian Crusades:
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican Indiana edition.
More Mitt:
- Ann Telnaes: If dodgeball were an Olympic sport.
- Mitt won’t reveal what he’s hiding in his tax returns.
- Alyona: MItt’s foreign policy stuck in the Cold War.
- Thom: Why is Mitt making out with bankers?
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Kentucy edition.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
HoooooBoy! Do they ever get tired of getting caught lying?
How does Romney maintain any credibility with anyone who hasn’t suffered a traumatic, critical thinking destroying brain injury?
…he’s white, and rich, and not Barack Hussein Obama.
I’m with Krugman:
Our policies are INSANE, or at least overly responsive to fools like our trolls who squeal constantly about ‘Obama’s $16 Trillion Debt!!1!11’
There is a long-term debt issue, having to do with health care (single-payer, anyone?) and the Bush tax cuts and wars. However, in the short term, we need to SPEND like all get out – put people to work building those capital investments – schools, high-speed rail, windfarms, deferred maintenance, teachers, libraries – stuff that will pay benefits for decades.
We need the self-serving debt princesses like ev and Max and whomever else to please STFU and let us fix the economy like we know how to do.
We have to remember: Conservatives the world ’round are trying to exacerbate the financial problems, not solve them.
Florida Republican Jim Greer,
Not exactly news, as we’ve known for a long time that racists like Bob detest the thought of blacks being allowed to vote.
Get a load of all the dictatorial orders issued by Michigan’s Republican Caesar, Rick Snyder and Detoit’s unelected Emergency Manager, a man appointed by Snyder.
No big deal. It’s just another million Americans added to the rolls of those who used to be free.
Elect Republicans and you can blow a goodbye kiss to local and state representative government elected by the people.
Willard’s made such an ass of himself across the pond, it’s hard to see him recovering. Only a fool would vote for this guy.
@7 Yeah, his unsolicited and unwanted expertise on organizing Olympic Games has forced him to flip-flop again. Mittster may be a hell of a community organizer, but he doesn’t know squat about foreign relations or diplomacy. Next thing you know, he’ll criticize Obama for killing Osama bin Laden and apologize to Al Qaeda.
Mass Shootings Of The Day (TM)
“Three people were shot dead Friday night in rural Pennsylvania … and the suspect was … arrested after fleeing with his four-year-old daughter. One of the dead might be the child’s mother.”
“A man suspected of shooting an Indiana police officer died in a shootout, police said early Saturday. K-9 Officer Matt Fox of Fortville, Indiana, was trying to perform a traffic stop on a male driver who refused to stop, police said ….
“The incident follows a shooting in the Indiana town of Pendleton on Thursday, in which a bystander was killed and two police officers wounded. A police dog was also killed, and the suspected gunman was found dead … possibly by a self-inflicted gunshot.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, so these aren’t true “mass shootings” of the Colorado variety, just a routine domestic and a couple of garden-variety law enforcement confrontations. But that’s still a lot of loose lead flying around. How long will SCOTUS wait before reintrepeting the Constitution again to mean the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” doesn’t necessarily include everybody? How about if we just include organized, trained, and supervised state-sponsored militias and let it go at that? Everybody else has to get a training certificate, pass a competency test, and get a license?
@3 What we DON’T need are more publicly-financed sports palaces, especially in locations where they disrupt the working economy.
My suggestion was to borrow to buy/build capital investments – things that pay back – transportation infrastructure, schools, R+D, rebuild electrical grid and clean generating facilities – NOT sports palaces for Mitt’s friends the team owners to make more $$$ with.
It’s amusing to watch you assholes try to out intellectualize each other with a bunch of irrelevant bullshit.
RealClear (poll of polls) shows Obama’s approval at 47.1 today. On 7/28/04, George Bush was at 48.8.
With all the money and attack ads, it appears Team Obama is in big trouble. The Republican VP nominee will be Marco Rubio and it will be announced at the Republican Convention.
Let’s see where things are say 2 weeks after that. People care about the economy & job opportunities.
In the meantime, continue your meaningless blather in the echo chamber.
eh…good luck with that.
A few nuggets from the new WSJ poll taken before Willard’s European Disaster
Obama 49/45
Willard 35/40
Democratic Party 40/40
Republican Party 34/43
Overall Obama 49%, Willard 43%
preference for party to control Congress
Dems 46%, Rep 45%
And lying about what Obama said is gonna turn it around?
Like my name discloses;
here’s a post to a Yakima Herald-Republic
online article:(another right wing extemist;unfortunately Nick was a former police officer.
Nick Hughes · Top Commenter
“….and other incidents when force was used against minority suspects.”
Are they saying that force has been used against ONLY minority suspects? How can that be true, unless more minorities are committing crimes than Caucasians. Of course, THAT would be true, here at least. I guess the cops will only be allowed to use force to protect themselves against whites. That makes sense to me. Yet ANOTHER “Progressive” move to turn our country into a liberal nightmare of “Hug a thug” programs and policies.
Be ready people, to defend YOURSELVES, because the police aren’t going to be able to if this keeps up.
Tampa strip clubs prepare for Republicans (who outspend Democrats 3 – 1).
Republican family values. As if we didn’t already know that it’s just another damned lie spewed by those damned lying liars.
@12 I’m a little curious about something, Ev. Do you drool as you peck away at the keyboard? It’s just that I have this mental picture of you when I read your comments. I see you with one finger up your nose, one finger on the keyboard, and you’re drooling. On the keyboard. Yuck. Tell me it isn’t so.
@14 Jesus H. Christ! WTF are you talking about? Gawd, just what we need, another incoherent racist troll.
I take it that you want cops to shoot homeless injuns, maybe shoot and kill some of those damned spics and niggers too, or is it Democrats you want shot? You’re really not being very clear here, guy.
Here’s a clue, fucktard. You’re just another damned racist, hate-filled, babbling, right-wing idiot. We have enough of those here already, Bub. Go away.
@12 You must feel pretty insecure about R-Money’s chances, because you keep pumping him up and dissing Obama’s polls. You don’t see us doing that. We don’t have to.
@14 Good grief. God went to a lot of wasted effort to create your brain, given what you do with it.
Over polled DUMMOCRAPTS by 12%. Even some DUMMOCRAPTS have written off that poll!
Yes, a really useful poll there checksez creep!
Golly this missed the Friday Night Funnies. So much lunacy all over DUMMOCRAPTS lately!
Wow, this was missed in the Friday Night Dummy Pages.
Another miss in the Friday Night Dummy Pages
Now why did this miss the Friday Night Dummy Pages?
Only in Obummerville!
I take it that Serial Bob got tired of having his ass handed to him. Good riddance.
Boy, if you think Seattle’s cops are bad …
@25 Yeah. Now if we could just get rid of the other tedious troll …
Same poll, somewhat or strongly liberal 24%. Somewhat or strongly conservative, 39%.
I’ll take ‘grasping at straws for $1000, Alex.’
Wow, this is insane. I guess I should expect the insane since I’m trolling righty Youtube comments, but dang.
Fact – Poll values 46% DUMMOCRAPT 34% Republican
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! Can you say CHECKMATE? The real poll documentation vs cherry picking by checksez!
C H E C K M A T E!
Just think all that over polling and DUMMOCRAPTS only got 1% more?
@29 Amazingly, those neo-nazi cocksuckers actually think they’re patriots. A lot of people in my father’s generation died to keep them from taking over the world.
@30 Keep telling yourself your flip-flopper is gonna win, pudnutz. Hope — even irrational hope — makes you feel like you have a reason to live.
czech you idiot.
Even the Democrats said the NBC/WSJ was skewed.
Czeck this out dumbass..
28. czechsaaz spews:
That’s not what it says at all you idiot!!
No wonder the Country is going bankrupt with progressive morons who can’t add running things.
“republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)”
That’s too weird for words.
@34 Does it give you headaches to be so fucking stupid, Ev? I bet it does. Yeah, it’s gotta really hurt your head to be so fucking stupid. I know how you could end the pain. So do you. Do you ever think about it, Ev? I bet you do. But I’d like you to try thinking of it this way. It’s the one thing you could do, Ev, that would truly make this a better world.
@32, 35
He’s talking about going on a killing spree, killing liberals and not one person on that site is telling him to STFU.
LMAO!! The Koch Brothers fund a study that confirms man-made global warming:
Too freaking funny!!!!
LMAO!!! Rujax and I were really onto to something when we suggested that Puddybud should run for President..
Would have been the best thing ever to happen to the Dems! The fiend makes Willard look like an amateur.
The Conversion of a Climate-Change Skeptic
@38 David Koch also funded a PBS show on NOVA, “Who wrote the Bible?”, that made the case that King David was no more than a chieftain of some mid-east cowtown. God and Moses didn’t write the Books of Moses. It was different groups of scribes hundreds of years later. I’m surprised the teabagging wingnuts don’t hate the Koch brothers more than they do liberals. It’s so obvious that they’re playing the teabaggers for chumps.
You wingnuts are being played and you don’t even know it. That’s sad. For our nation, that is.
@39 One of the comments,
“I see a TON of anti-Obama sentiment coming from the Republicans, but there’s a distinct lack of support for Mitt. I have yet to have one of them tell me why I should vote for him.”
We have that problem as well. We hear no end of the Obama hate, but not one good word about their own candidate. Not one. If nothing else, that is truly bizarre. I’ve never seen that in my lifetime. I’ve never heard of such a thing at this level of politics. I suspect we’re breaking new ground and that, as a country, were in a space we’ve never been before.
Serial Bob has probably had six weeks or so to answer Lib Sci’s question asking him to name five reasons why a Romney presidency would be good for America. You’d think Bob would throw out a few reasons, if only to try to get Lib Sci to can it. But he’s been beaten with this question every damned time he shows up and he still can’t articulate even one single reason for a Romney presidency. But he can spew the Obama hate with the best of them. Then again, he should. After all, he’s a fucking racist asswipe.
Atlanta Black Star HA’s databaze hemorrhoid ylb? You meam you scanned the DUMMOCRAPTIC Underground and then tried to show you visit black music sites based in the south.
You don’t fool Puddy.
These are great!
You’re aware that in 2011, Pew found 46% of American’s identified as Demcrats? And just this month, Rasmussen, the pollster Republicans love, pegged 35.4% of Americans self identified as Republicans.
WSj sample of 46-34 is damn close. What was that about Checkmate? Would you like links or can you Google…er…Bing, this being Seattle?
Yeah, that’s last year!
Alex, give checksez Stupid for $2000
Oh you mean this Pew Study?
I think I would kill myself if I were as stupid, and as irrelevant, as puddles.
That’s all.
LMAO!!! “Meam”?? Wrong again Puddydumbass!
@49 Prove IT!
Oh now you are the typing police? Whatamoron!
Lib da schmuck appeared… as always, nothing significant was added…
Typical so typical!
Don’t think… go on do it! See ya!
The Republicans here seem so certain that Romney is going to win. How can they be so certain? They deny Global Warming but yet so certain about this idiot becoming President. One can only wait till it happens and laugh after they get more of a bad thing compared to the Monkey W Bush.
Well since no one else noticed @24
Gee Puddy, does the name Jonathan Pollard mean anything to you. After he was caught and convicted of selling U.S. classified information to Israel, the Israeli government issued a directive to cease all spying activity against the U.S. After all, they’re our allies.
Oh, just infiltrating NASA, Atomic Energy secrets….
You know, the kinds of things that if they were carried out by China, Iran, Russia, or Kenya for that matter, they would be characterized by Puddles and Bolton, and the whole right wing noise machine as Acts of War.
But Israel? Nothing to see here. Need another billion, friend?
@20, 30 & 46
So Piddles, the 11% in WSJ identified as Independent/leans Democrat, these are Democrats?. Only way you get to your panty bunching 12% over poll or 46% Democratic number is to include those who told the pollster they aren’t Democrats.
Poor poor checksez,
Uses the wrong poll… Muslims who lean DUMMOCRAPT (46%)! Now that’s
Then keeps the stupidity rolling in #53. Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa. It wasn’t Puddy who claimed it… it was MSM libtards who admitted it. Go back to early last week and read dude.
Stay away from the left wrong kook-aid sites checksez… You’ll “appear” more lucid. Alex, give checksez Final Jeopardy!
Yeah, but this sadministration tells the world it’s clandestine secrets and then wonders why leaders don’t trust Obummer. Notice Putin wants to place a base in Cuba now? A strong US leader would have stopped that. Russia wasn’t adventurous when Bush was in the White House. Strong leadership provides a foreign deterrent. Obummer ain’t a strong leader. That’s why Putin wants Obummer to win another term. Putin can have his way!
Still stupid even this Sunday morning!!!!!
I Haven’t addressed you Muslim poll cause it was a deliberate Red Herring. But if you want to brag about ANOTHER cultural or ethnic or religious group that won’t vote Republican for at least a generation, go right ahead.
You brought it up @45. There is no Pew poll out there where DUMMOCRAPTS are at 46%!
Good try at deflection ya moron!
To Doctor Lib Sci and Mrs. Dr. Lib Sci–
When ObamaCare was being touted by you leftists, I asked a simple question over & over again.
Where are the all the doctors going to come from??
Now, way too late, the NY Times has an article that points to the harsh realities.
So Lib Sci..where are all the doctors going to come from?
You are such a medical “expert” & deep thinker, I’m sure you must have thought about this and have the answer…don’t you??
We know a number of doctors who are going to absolutely refuse to take any new patients.
Are you going to force them to take new patients??
How? Lock ’em up if they don’t??
We are headed toward a real nightmare folks.
Leftists get so damn excited about leftist ideas, they too often fail to even look at the unintended consequences of their actions.
So Lib Sci…
Respond to the article.
Where are the docs coming from??
What will be the quality of care if we start crankin’ docs out at some earth muffin college??
Hi, my name is Dr. Moonflower and I just graduated from the Earth Muffin School of Medicine. Take these herbs and come back next year.
@55 “Russia wasn’t adventurous when Bush was in the White House.”
WTF? Are you trying to paint Chimpface as a “tough guy” who kept Russia in check? Are you out of your fucking mind? Ex-KGB agent Putin spent the decade of 2000-2009 consolidating dictatorial power over Russia and blowing the shit out of Chechnya, while your boy was bogged down in two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan he couldn’t win.
45. czechsaaz spews:
In 2008, the electorate identified as D+7. Does anyone want to wager that the electorate will be MORE Democrat this election than four years ago? Yet MSNBC/WSJ try to say with a straight face that the electorate is now +11Democrat???
Give it up czech. Even Democrat Pollsters have said this poll you refer to is horribly skewed.
Puddybud–Why can’t this fool named czech just admit he is wrong rather than continue to throw out random stats to try and justify the unjustifiable?
Don’t these leftists ever just take a wee step back and say..”You know, COMMON SENSE says there are fewer Dems in 2012 than 2008?”
But NO, they have to continue down the amusing road of anemically trying to justify a clear outlier poll based on ridiculous assumptions.
So if someone does a poll that is +11Republican, do you think czech would be screaming foul?? Yet he continues to make a bigger ass out of himself.
Also note, that none of the other leftists are trying to come to czech’s defense on this idiocy.
Give it up czech.
@58 So what the fuck is this? An argument for denying people access to health care because we’ll need more doctors for the increased number of patients? Is that the wingnut concept of a
rational argument?
@58 Gawd, you’re so incredibly fucking stupid. How do you live with yourself? I mean, really, how do you live with yourself?
Oh deary, dear Piddles.
I guess you got me, this here Pew poll Shows 47% Democrat but it did include Independent leaners
So what might lead to a shocking number of Independent Republican leaners in 2011 to now identify straight independent for Rasmussen in 2012? JOBS…JOBS…JOBS in Congress meaning 32 symbolic and futile votes against Obamacare, abortion votes, a whole series of meetings on women’s health including mo women, NO BIRTH CONTROL FOR YOU, Obama’s birth certificate is fake, hold the country hostage and imperil the credit rating. These are all Republican ideas.
And the movement between the Pew and Rasmussen numbers suggest that while Dem leaning independents are still Dem leaning independents, the R-leaners recognize the crazy when they see it and want no further part.of it.
Of course I recognize that all this is academic as we’re looking only at national numbers. But in all those state-by-state analyses it would appear that Willard needs to flip 90% of the Obama leaning states and run the table on all the tossups too.
So Piddles and ElectricVehicle, if those are the kinds of odds that fill you with confidence, I’d be happy to offer you 100-1 on the Mariners winning the World Series.
Orders from a pathological liar…
61. Roger Rabbit spews:
07/29/2012 AT 10:27 AM
62. Steve spews:
Si in other words..you 2 idiots cannot tell us where the doctors are going to come from either. It’s a real problem. More insureds will yield exponentially more doctor visits.
Come to grips with that please…and answer the question.
Where are all the doctors going to come from to meet the increased demand??
Makes your head hurt to think about it, doesn’t it guys?!!! Try. Simple, simple question.
Where are all the doctors going to come from to meet the increased demand?
Are you guys going to give up your slots for someone else?? I doubt it, especially when you are really ill like the Rabbit.
There is no answer from the Obama crowd..just more irrelevant vitrol instead of answering the simple question..
Where are all the doctors going to come from to meet the increased demand?
PLEASE TRY..although I know you won’t because you cannot.
Notice the HA hemorrhoid ylb ran away…
Even copies my HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Neva an original thought from that moron! But he’ll ask you to take the test!
Oh it’s fake!
Jobs… The preznit Obummer claimed he had a jobs plan… DUMMOCRAPTS in Congress and Senate gave Obummer carte blanch to go with it. DUMMMOCRAPTS railed on Bush for his job failings so you can’t deflect and blame that on congress ya dope. Nope, that’s a loser just like you!
And how do we know it worked? Well look at the unemployment numbas. Still over 8% even after the BLS lowered the number of people seeking work over the last year and numbas are still there.
yes, its called welfare…
More facts for checksez:
Deficits at the $$$Trillion level since Obummer took orifice. GDP growth at 1.5% after the anemic 1.9% last quarter. Now we see US poverty at the highest level in 50 years. 41 straight months of over 8% unemployment.
Now here’s the killa. Imagine if President Romney said, “We tried our plan and it worked.” The slobbering libtard MSM would go apoplectic! But we have a DUMMOCRAPT in da whitey house! And nary a peep from ABC, CBS, CNN or Obummer’s personal networks NBC and PMSNBC. Obummer uttered this exact useless sentence last July 23rd. And is it a wonder why no one watches the standard network news anymore!
Well not welfare @69. But we know one doesn’t work at all all day and we’re not sure what the other does except play in a band!
You should change it’s name to YLButtSpigot because all he does is spew useless horseshit on this blog!
@66 “Where are all the doctors going to come from to meet the increased demand??”
Why do you even need to ask? The free-market guys can answer your question. According to them, more demand always increases supply.
Heh. Still here dummy. And why should anyone sane have anything to do with a pathological liar??
Carry on silly.
So this is the new wingnut meme? We have to deny health care to millions of people because we don’t have enough doctors for everyone?
Upfront, that’s a falsehood, because the uninsured are getting health care now. Obamacare doesn’t really expand access; it’s mostly about who pays for existing health services.
So the answer to your question is: The demand will be met by the same doctors who are serving those patients now, but they’ll be working in health clinics instead of emergency rooms.
Why are our trolls so stupid? Why does this blog get the dumbasses?
@70 And there’s where Puddy shifts from looking at real numbers by real polsters and moves to what he knows is true because he believes, in the depths of his soul, that America knows exactly what he believes is true.
Why if only more Americans could see that the stimulous failed, Republicans would be walking away with this. Why if only Americans who aren’t in poverty could see that the Dow over 13000 is bad for their 401k, this would be a cakewalk. Why, if only Americans who ARE in poverty could just see that electing the party that openly campaigns on killing what little assistance they get, there would be no Democrats. If only more Americans recognized that cutting Public Sector Payrolls would actually DECREASE unemployment and spur GDP growth, this would be in the bag.
Fortunately, the % of Americans that ARE Puddy level stupid will cast losing votes for Willard in November.
Oh and now we get the racist @ 69
Being “corrected” by another bigoted right winger @71!
And they’re both wrong!
More EPIC FAYLES by the HA hemorrhoid crazed databaze deala.
ylbuttspigot keeps dealing his horseshit all day every day 365 times a day!
You’re an ugly little racist asshat!
LMAO @ 78
What was that you said about my relatives again dummy?
What have I have ever said about yorn??
Oh shit this one is a classic:
“cognitively impaired” – yep that’s puddyidiot and the moronic asshat troll to a tee..
Slick Willard Rmoney opens his yap on international shores and the story lines are #romneyshambles and a magazine cover declaring Mitt Romney: A Candidate With a Serious Wimp Problem
LMAO!!! Too sweet… Is the freak any more ready??
@70 “Deficits at the $$$Trillion level since Obummer took orifice.”
Yep, every 30 years we Democrats have to bail the country out of another Republican Depression, and save capitalism again.
Alright, this hasn’t been reviewed yet and is subject to the usual skepticism at least for that reason:
This is a review of the effects of ‘urbanity’ on surface station siting for collection of temperatures. Seems the best-sited stations show far less temperature increase than those with poorer siting, and that the best-sited data are increased three-fold after NOAA gets involved to ‘adjust’ the data (Ever notice how the computerized adjustments are always up from the actual measurements? But I digress.).
In defense of Watts and McIntyre, I’ll merely point out that one of the co-authors is from UAH, which lends significant cred.
Spent an hour on the kayak today off Whidbey. Amazing day.
86 – Bzzzzzt.. Sorry Bob. Watts said he’d accept Muller’s findings.. Well so much for that.
Watts is just a tool like every other climate science “skeptic” with the exception of Muller.
And it appears you’ll swallow whatever fossil fuel interest funded tools tell you.
Just dropping by – I’m working today so have no time to converse.
However, had to respond
Bullshit. Total Bullthis.
Watts is not credible. See here.
Cereal, could you please provide me with an affirmative argument for a Romney Presidency? Five little points….
@ 87
Not exactly sure what statement Watts made – link, perhaps?
Here’s what Watts et al. have to say now:
166 Given that the WMO has endorsed the Leroy (2010) classification system in CIMO-XV 167 (2010) as a WMO-ISO standard, it is suitable for use in re-assessing the station quality 168 issues reported by Watts (2009)., Menne et al.,(2010), Fall et al.,(2011), and Muller et 169 al.,(2012).
They’re re-reviewing BEST data, amongst others, with an updated system for assessing site quality.
As I said @ 86, it hasn’t been reviewed as yet. Having Christy on the paper is a little tougher for you to dismiss, no?
And since when is something published and ‘accepted’ set in stone, when it’s called into question by newer methods of analysis?
Words of Anthony Watts, fossil fuel tool:
And, I’m prepared to accept whatever result they produce, even if it proves my premise wrong.
@ 88
Yeah, not much in climate research has transpired since, um, 1999. You’ve got me there. Guilty.
I’ll see your 1999 study and raise with one from 2007:
We conclude that the data contamination likely leads to an overstatement of actual trends over land. Using the regression model to filter the extraneous, nonclimatic effects reduces the estimated 1980–2002 global average temperature trend over land by about half.
You know Ross McKittrick, don’t you? With McIntyre he’s the one who proved that Michael Mann pulled the Hockey Stick out of his ass and handed it to IPCC3, which licked it clean and featured it in their report.
Ah, but The Science Is Settled. Right?
@ 92
Were you to click on your own link and learn that Watts’ comment was made prior to BEST publication, and before Watts learned that Muller did something Watts took issue with, you might have the interest to see what else Watts said:
It takes two more clicks from your own link and it’s a lot to ask of you on a Sunday, I know, but you were the one who brought it up.
BEST used a 1999 method to rate stations. Watts used a 2010 method.
We don’t keep time by sundials anymore. It was a standard used once, but we’ve moved beyond it. Advances in methods of quantification can be a nuisance, I know.
72. Roger Rabbit spews:
That’s a non-answer Roger.
I’m asking you since you were a defender of ObamaCare–
“Where are all the doctors going to come from to meet the increased demand??”
@ 95
Here’s my concern about that:
I think we’re going to see the quality of physicians in a rapidly expanded pool of medical professionals that we see when pro teams expand and a lot of not-ready-for-prime-time-players take the field.
I’m afraid that we’ll see standards lowered and people moved through training programs because we need bodies.
Do I want a physician who matriculated through the medical school at the University of Washington? Or one who matriculated through the newly created School of Medicine at, say, Central Washington University? I guess if I need to turn my head and cough it doesn’t much matter. If I need an aortic valve replacement………….
it might.
Hmmm. Did this 2010 method pass peer review? It takes a year.. Has it been vetted? Or was it pulled out of the ass of yet another “skeptic”?
Blah, blah..
Of course Watts took issue. How could someone like him predict that Koch money would fund a guy who would EVER come to the “wrong” conclusion?
I’m sure we haven’t heard the last word on this..
ObamaCare provides for less than 1/12 the necessary Primary Care Docs needed by 2014.
Where are the Docs coming from??
And come on…ObamaCare will push some docs to the sidelines..or they will simply not take any obamacare patients. What are you going to do about that???
Bob I’m shocked. Why not the University of Phoenix?
Wouldn’t that be the free market at work?
Absolutely and that’s the point. In the end, Obamacare will cause quality of care to drop greatly for most Americans. The rich will still be able to have plenty of access. So the leftist meme of screwing the rich will actually result in screwing themselves and the middle class.
The only way to prevent that is if Obama’s regime overseas and approves every patient a doctor sees and orders them to take on obamacare patients. That will be next.
It will end up as 1 huge bureaucratic clusterf@@k.
But the Union Boss Thugs will be exempt!
That’s what is truly amazing.
How the Obama “exemptions” were doled out to friends of Barry.
What a joke.
All the leftists can do is try and make light of the doctor shortage and all the related problems obamacare creates. It’s a funny joke. haha.
Where are the answers boys????
@ 97
endorsed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO-XV, 2010) Fifteenth session, in September 2010 as a WMO-ISO standard
from the original link I posted @ 86.
Here’s the WMO pdf:
This probably is the relevant passage:
The Commission thanked Mr Michel Leroy (France), the chair of the Expert Team on Surface-Based Instrument Intercomparisons and Calibration Methods (ET-SBII&CM) for steering the activities of the expert team according to its terms of reference and CIMO-MG guidance. It noted with satisfaction the progress and achievements made in this area.
Is that enough? Dunno. Who’s the ‘controlling authority’? (Thanks, Al Gore.) WMO? IPCC? UEA? NOAA? UAH?
2x YLBigot self ownage in one day.
@ 97
I’m sure we haven’t heard the last word on this..
So am I. One of the reasons I threw it out there for discussion.
If not for the inclusion of a UAH researcher as a study author, I would not have.
Since we’re talking about surface stations and BEST, this was posted today and is FYI only. Haven’t read it yet but it’s on the same topic:
Oh it was funny that Watts “suspended publication” for his “press release” today..
Nice stunt.
We shall see.
103 – Yawwwnn.. Many times every day mirror soilage by the supreme asshat of these threads.
@ 106
More current stuff:
Muller’s Op-Ed piece in the NYT, er, tomorrow:
Maybe current isn’t the correct word.
108 – Way ahead of you @ 40..
@ 109
Another narcissistic posting from ylbuttspigot. More EPIC FAYLES. More diarrhea. I guess it was 6 Spicy Tacos after all.
Good Try Roger DUMB Wabbit. We were told Obummer and his economic team had The Plan.
His economic team left Roger DUMB Wabbit. They went back to college to teach again.
Of course you have no excuse for Obummer’s failures so blame it on Bush.
Yeah, more name calling and we have job. What does ylbbuttspigot have?
The same thing Newsbleak called GHWBush years ago!
Looks like GM is going the way of risky subprime auto loans. When this fails will Obummer blame it on Bush?
Isn’t NewsWeak, going all Internet? And they wonder why they were bleeding readers with headlines like that one against Romney!
Of course NewsWeak didn’t cover Obummer’s golf outing today!
Bush started the auto bailout for GM, you unbelievable moron.
Even Sticky Ricky Santorum admitted that; or are you deaf as well as stupid?
GHWBush – George Herbert Walker Bush? Bush the Elder!
You unbelievable moron!
Nope, George W. Bush, also known as Dubya the Bushwacker.
You pathological liar, sick fuck lunatic.
You moron! What if HL said something like that? We’d never hear the end of it.
You’re such an idiot!
Doing a great “job” being bigots and sycophants to right wing money and your noses are brown and yes, it’s because you two twits are “cognitively impaired”.
Only too obvious. Hardly needs to be said.
Another narcissistic posting!
Another cognitively impaired posting!
I was the one here who said months ago Bush was the originator of the auto loan bailout. You can ask ylbuttspigot, HA’s hemorrhoid crazed deranged databaze keepa. He’ll gladly leave another diarrhea trail of HA regurgitation. Just axe him…
Here are the facts… I already covered this some time ago but you’re a libtard idiot with 24 hour memory malady so it seems a refresher is needed…
GWBush authorized the first auto loan in October 2008 for GM and Chrysler of $17.4 Billion. But, Bush put some stipulations by declaring the loan depended on the companies hitting “Restructuring Targets“
So when Obummer came into the whitey house… He threw out those stipulations. He upped the ante to $85 Billion. He inserted Steven Rattner as the car czar. Rattner killed jobs all over the country by closing down dealerships. Obummer saved the Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) for the UAW and that’s wh ere most of the $85 Billion went to, not the creditors owed by GM and Chrysler! Basically Obummer gave to the UAW +$25 Billion!
So the bottom line is… We the taxpayer will will be out tens of Billions.
See ya turdball!
@124 “So the bottom line is… We the taxpayer will will be out tens of Billions.”
Voting Republican will cost you a lot more than that … unfunded wars … unfunded tax cuts … unfunded prescription drug program … unfunded this … unfunded that … you see, pudnutz, Republicans don’t spend less money, they just spend it on different stuff, none of which benefits shmucks like you.
Hey, globull warming deniers, you’re fucked:
EPIC FAYLE again. I have a job. Pays well, pays for my vacations!
What do you have? Absolutely Nuthin!
Wasn’t that Teddy Kennedy’s signature achievement?
Why does Roger DUMB Wabbit hate Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy?
Sheesh, DUMB Wabbit what will you hate next?
@112 I don’t need to excuse Obama’s “failures” because he isn’t a failure like your organ grinder monkey was. Didja notice layoffs went down and GDP went up after he took over? Not to mention the stock market — I made damn near $10,000 last week. Think I’d vote against the guy who revived the economy? Guess again.
@128 “Wasn’t that Teddy Kennedy’s signature achievement?”
Nope. Your chimp. And he paid for it by borrowing from his Chinese friends.
@127 I don’t need a job. I have stock.
@128 “Sheesh, DUMB Wabbit what will you hate next?”
Well, let’s see, how about dogs? I hate dogs! Dogs are good fer nuthin! All they do is eat, shit, bark, and chase rabbits. Dogs are even more useless than Republicans, if that’s possible.
Nope DUMB Wabbit… Try again!
@ 97
Since you asked whether Watts’ work was based on methodology that had undergone peer review, I think it appropriate to point out that the BEST work itself has not yet been peer-reviewed, at least not to the point that a decision has been made to permit publication in the journals to which the work was submitted:
and that at least one of the reviewers of the work has twice recommended that the work not be published. That reviewer (McKittrick) published his criticism today (7/30 entry):
Just sayin’.
@133 I don’t need to try again. I’m right and you’re full of shit.
“Ted Kennedy not only voted against Bush’s Medicare Part D legislation, he was one its most vocal opponents.”
Next time, spend 30 seconds fact-checking so you don’t make a fool of yourself, like you did this time.
@95 See #74.
Funny how none of these deniers tried to discredit Muller until he changed sides. I wonder how many times his work was quoted by the same people now trying to paint him as a scientific quack?
And what does that say about them?
@96. I think we’re going to see the quality of physicians in a rapidly expanded pool of medical professionals [decrease]
Totally right. There for we should not try anything, because the quality might go down. It might effect my level of care, as a republican, if we allowed everyone to have access to health care, so we should not change the system one bit.
Everyone already has access to Health Care. It’s just that ObamaCare creates a massive costly bureaucracy adding greatly to the cost. Also, docs that don’t believe in government intervention in their health care are likely to leave..adding to the problem.
What obamacare does is exacerbate, making much, much worse and much more costly an existing trend and problem.
So, @138–
Answer my question please.
Where are all the docs going to come from???
Can’t answer, can you.
All you can do is throw in a barb that it’s selfish republicans.
Try again..
Where are all the needed docs going to come from??
Yes Roger you are right. He voted Nay for the final bill while voting yea for the first bill. He wanted Bush to fund it at $800 Billion while Bush funded it at $400 Billion.
So if this was an “unfunded liability” at $400 Billion as you call it, what would it have been called at $800 Billion?
See ya!
Where are all the needed docs going to come from??
I donno, what about the invisible hand of the market? If there is demand, doctors will be trained.
why do you suddenly fear our free market system?
@ 141
What part of the free market system does the University of Washington belong to, NTfF?
Adding medical schools is different than opening another Starbucks. My rough guess is that from the time a new school is first discussed to the time that school is planned, built, staffed, opened, and students are graduated, about a decade elapses.
I suppose it would be easier to mandate that all existing schools accepting federal dollars expand their student bodies by 10% within three years. Easier unless you’re the dean of a medical school subject to this type of mandate, that is.
What part of the free market system does the University of Washington belong to?
The market part. Duh.
When there is more demand, schools will ramp up.
It’s like the economy. If there is demand, then businesses can hire.
Why is that suddenly so hard for you to understand?
Ummm.. You may want a quack doctor, Puddy wants a great doctor. So “ramping up” to provide more physicians isn’t the greatest action Fascist one!
@ 143
When there is more demand, schools will ramp up.
It’s like the economy. If there is demand, then businesses can hire.
Why is that suddenly so hard for you to understand?
When budgets are being cut, and when tuitions cover only a small part of the cost of educating a student, where does the money come from to expand or build schools?
What part of the blood-turnip relationship is so hard for YOU to understand? There’s no money to do it. Health care is a huge money pit. Unless there is a huge cash infusion to subsidize the cost of this (Is there? I don’t know for sure but I don’t think so.) it’s an unfunded requirement that will only end up making the whole heath care law debacle even more costly than it already is.
Who needs doctors when everyone will be starving due to a lack of food due to gloable warming. I can’t believe the graet concern for a lack of doctors, but not the concern for anything else. What idiots. No water no live.
why don’t the conservatives here talk about GWB Medicare plan that isn’t paid for, costing in excess of 60 Billion per year towards the deficit, the same deficit that they like to blame Obama for. Why? They must be afraid or lack intelligence, take your heads out of each others asses.
You just don’t want to pay for anything do you.
No money. That’s your response for everything. It’s like trying to have a dialogue with a skipping CD player. Why bother.
It’s too funny to see the right wingers demand “great doctors” from “socialist”-style universities like UW where HA blogger Prof Darryl teaches.
Why not let the market decide? Ever hear of University of Phoenix???? I’ve been hearing from right wing dopes for years that there’s nothing markets can’t do!
Really, this is hysterically funny!
@146. By your logic, I anticipate your vocal opposition to Prez romney starting a war on Iran, on the grounds that it will required new trained military personal and that costs money that we cannot afford. I want you to write to romney “What part of the blood-turnip relationship is so hard for YOU to understand? There’s no money to do it. The military is a huge money pit.”
142. No Time for Fascists spews:
Take a look at the medical schools and retirement curve for docs…and add those who refuse to participate in obamacare.
Where are the docs going to come from?
It takes years and years of costly training and there are far from enough in the pipeline to meet the growing demand.
Saying the free market will take care of it??
Fine. But in this case, there is a long time lag between entering school and being ready to provide high quality medical service.
Please, one of you pinko’s show me how the need the next 10 years will be met…please!!
It’s a simple, logical question yet you fools avoid it over & over again…because you can’t answer it. Idiots.
Because training Medical Docs is different from selling hamburgers.
Besides, I thought ObamaCare was supposed to save us money??
With a higher demand for docs…should the cost of training those extra docs be charged to obamacare??
One of the many problems with obama in general is all the “hidden costs” when he gets you assholes all jazzed up about some “free” shit.
This is yet another case..a big oops.
Where are the docs going to come from to meet the growing demand under obamacare??
Should have thought of this BEFORE it was passed. Oh yeah, Pelosi wanted to pass it first so she would know what was in it.
Just saw a politcal ad on the internet about out of control spending and the national debt. The commercial narrator was telling viewers to tell the President and Congress to stop the crazy spending because the debt is just too much…but they leave out the other side of the equation, and that tax rates are the lowest they’ve ever been. Maybe we should focus on a little tax increase for the very wealthy as well as get spending under control…what hog wash. The debt is mostly attributed to the monkey W Bush tax cuts. And idiot Romney wants to cut the taxes further….what about the Debt. This is easy enough for a second grader to understand but too much for the Teahadists.
You would think that having a need for more doctors would be a great thing for a Republican, unless they would rather everyone work for Walmart and die trying to get ahead and then tax the lower income more severly than the upper level brackets. American Exceptionalism.