Liberal Viewer: FAUX News profanity hypocrisy.
Pap: Republicans bury their heads in the sand on climate change.
Young Turks: Nutjobber Rep. Michele Bachmann, “Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating America”.
NAACP Convention:
- Mitt Romney’s Black base.
- Organs make political speeches better:
- Slate News: Romney gets booed.
- Young Turks: Joe Biden’s NAACP speech.
- Young Turks: Mitt Romney NAACP speech conspiracy theories.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: David Brooks and “Meritocracies”.
ONN: Ron Paul makes campaign stop in whimsical jalopy.
Young Turks: Climate change or just hot weather?
Jimmy Kimmel: Boehner’s tears.
Ann Telnaes: Empowering women with choice and education.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Mitt’s Olympic Trial:
- Slate News: Is Mitt Romney lying about leaving Bain?
- Young Turks: When did Mitt Romney leave Bain.
- Vetting Mitt’s Veeps: Sarah Palin:
- Ann Telnaes: Dick Cheney fundraiser.
- Newsy: When did Mitt leave?
- Young Turks: Obama campaign’s devastating, simple strategy to attack Romney.
- Jenn: Mitt Romney is unworthy of the Presidency.
- Maddow: Romney paid as a do-nothing President?!?
- Bill Press: DNC on Romney’s ‘ludicrous and shocking’ claims about stimulus money
- John Oliver: Mitt Romney is not boring.
- Young Turks: Where in the world is Mitt’s Money.
- Maddow: Ghosts of Bush Administration haunt Romney’s campaign.
- Mitt’s Bain secret exposed!
- Barely Political: An iPhone 4Mitt:
- Daily Kos Radio: Bain-a-palooza
- Thom and Pap: Romney caught Lying Again & Again & Again
Stephanie Miller: A Sarah Palin election sound bite.
Sam Seder: Rick Scott’s vision seems to be “Tuberculosis For Everyone!”
Thom: Do we need the Disclose Act or a Constitutional amendment?
Sam Seder: Ron and Rand’s internet manifesto.
Maddow: “Scott Brown claims Clinton, Biden call him!
Mark Fiore: The Godawful Particle.
Papantonio & Lizz Winstead: Lizz Free or Die.
Ann Telnaes: Boehner gets his health-care facts wrong.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
- America’s STUPIDEST Governor??? LePage (R-ME) doubles down on comparing ‘Obamacare’ to the Holocaust (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young Turks: IRS=Gestapo.
Threatening the First Lady!?!
Greenman: Welcome to the rest of our lives:
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Reprieve for Mississippi’s last abortion clinic.
Alyona: Whale Wars.
Young Turks: Obama’s “biggest mistake” during Charlie Rose interview.
Pap and Cliff Schecter on offshore banking scams:
White House: West Wing Week.
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Christ on a crutch Bachmann is a fucking nutcase.
I was saying this two years ago. Why again isn’t this woman in a padded room under heavy sedation?
A friends of mine, now in Seattle, hails from the district next to hers. Apparently, that Congressional district is just chock-full of the old school, right winger Swedish-decended Korean War/Vietnam vets set, retired insurance company executives and the so-called “upper crusty” middle class folks who saw the best days of their lives in High School. There is a church on every corner, and a Tavern on every other corner.
Now, I have nothing against Swedes, but having worked with a few over the years I can tell you that the ones I did know were headstrong, obstinate and not very well educated. Although they seemed to be damn good machinists and pretty much really nice people until you got four or five beers into them. My old Boss owned his shop lock, stock and barrel and ran it as a sole proprietorship and not a Corporation. His son runs the place now. Classic Swede, big, strong as an Ox, mildly racist, not particularly brilliant but reasonably competent, and he has his fathers eidetic memory. But man, Rush the blimp is on his radio all the goddamn time.
You can always tell a Swede, but you can never tell ’em much.
Mitt Rmoney is pissed.
August 2011
“Have we ever had a president, who was so eager to address the world with an apology on his lips and doubt in his heart?”
Apologies are bad! And Obama is always apologizing!
Except when he doesn’t and Slick Willard’s fee-fees are hurt.
July 2012
“He ought to disavow it and reign in these people who are running out of control. He sure as heck ought to say that he’s sorry for the kinds of attacks that are coming from his team.”
Hey Mitt lovers, the team which kept the American auto industry alive and killed bin Laden ain’t going to apologize for that, and they ain’t going to apologize to Slick Willard for asking Slick Willard to release his tax returns.
Suck on it.
@ 3
If Rmoney has nothing to hide, why is he hiding it?
Also, the Libor scandal explained. This might even be simple enough for SpuddyPud and that creep SerialCon to understand. Although they’d probably figure out a way to rationalize it and justify it in the name of von Mises and Ayn Rand.
Free markets for all, except the bottom 99% of the population.
re 2: I don’t consider myself stubborn, but I’m usually right about everything.
You can always tell between the sane Republican and the insane Republican. The sane one is no longer playing politics and the insane one is trying to get re-elected.
@2 – funny, I have a farmer friend, whom I mentioned here before, he is a Swede, you described him to a T.
@ 7
Yeah, I liked my old Boss a lot, even if most of the other dudes in the shop thought he was crazy as a rat in a shithouse. The man could pull up prices from the of various metals, tooling and shit from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s right out of his head and had kept all his old receipts to prove it. He was also a hell of a lot more openly racist than his kid.
All Mitt has to do is say you want my tax returns… release your college transcripts.
Regarding the stupid rant above… Let’s not allow the historical revisionists to take credit where credit is not due…
But since you want to give Obummer the GM bailout credit… Let’s first get more facts onto the table…
So what happened to those restructuring goals Fraggy? Well Obummer upped the bailout ante to $62 Billion and those goals went bye bye because his UAW buds got upset! Those CADILLAC HEALTH CARE plans are still in place Fraggy. Obummer delayed the CADILLAC HEALTH CARE Plan taxes until he’s fully gone like 2018! We are in the $Billion hole for how much for Government Motors Fraggy? And the hole is getting how much bigger!!!! From the Wall Street Journal.. previously used material. Check the crazed deranged databaze creata ylb
Regarding Bin Laden… He used GW Bush’s pre-created infrastructure and knowledge how much again?
Facts… always used to DESTROY useless arguments from HA leftist fools like Fraggy!
If Obama didn’t come off as a nice guy, for whatever reason that seems to be, he’d be in a whole lot more poll trouble.
Speaking of which, his favorability numbers are down below 50% now:
That’s in a poll in which 7% more Dems than Reps were included in the sample.
The news gets worse for Obama: This poll shows a majority want tax cut extensions for all income levels.
How badly is Obama stumbling by trying to soak the rich? The youngest of the poll participants want tax cut extensions across the board by a margin of 69-29.
Obama keeps hammering at Romney on wealth-related issues. Nationally that resonates with 20% of voters, and those voters are already Obama supporters. It doesn’t, apparently, resonate so much with his important young adult vote.
It’s the economy and nothing else. On another thread someone alluded to a GOP ‘October surprise’. My feeling is that there will be a surprise, but it won’t be the GOP pulling the stunt.
Obama will end up counting on people voting for someone they know is incompetent because they like him.
Hopenchange, baby.
pudge (LIAR!) bait.
Aug. 12, 2011, federal disclosure form
“Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.”
A Seattle variation on “I can see Russia from my house.”
Seattle’s spectacular sunsets, thanks to wildfires in Siberia
@9. Puddles,
“All Mitt has to do is say you want my tax returns… release your college transcripts.”
OK, I’m with you. Why won’t Slick Willard Rmoney say that? What are you going to do to force Slick Willard Rmoney to say that?
Slick Willard Rmoney was all over the networks yesterday and all we heard was bullshit like “I was the owner of an entity that is filing that information.” WTF?
The Cubscout:
That’s nice. The rest of your rant was gibberish!
Oooops.. Condi is too librul:
Just as well.. Really doubt she’d want that job.
MikeBoyScout @ 13
Of course asking Obama to release his college transcripts in exchange for the Mittster’s tax returns is an entirely false equivalence.
If Mitt wants Obama’s college transcripts, he ought to make a deal to release his own college transcripts.
Mitt ought to release his tax returns because almost every presidential candidate in recent times has done so. It’s pretty much a norm and an expectation.
The question for Mitt is whether he will be hurt more by releasing them or by not releasing them. It’s difficult to say, except that John McCain didn’t do so well releasing only two years of tax returns….
Should have added, the job being babysitting another empty suit.
Yeah…Condi previously stated that she is interested in policy, not politics.
Apparently, she hasn’t changed her mind.
At least it’s a start:
I don’t care about the college transcripts of people who went to college way back in the day. I really wish people would just STFU about it.
Since there is some confusion about when Romney quit working for Bain, maybe seeing old tax returns would clear that up. Maybe it wouldn’t. Nothing else Romney has ever said was clear, he’s been on four sides of issues with only three side to them, so maybe his tax returns would be just as muddled as everything else he’s said and done.
@ 18
This is from memory but I believe GWB asked Cheney, twice, to be his VP, and Cheney declined. Cheney led the VP candidate search for Bush.
From what I am reading, the main case against Rice is that she isn’t well-suited to be an attack dog. For that matter, neither is Biden, but I digress.
She might prefer policy but if she is asked to serve she would seem unlikely to decline.
Teachers Union Boss Thugs are raping the teachers with huge salary and benefit packages. Teachers across the country face pay freezes and possible layoffs, but the heads of the two biggest teachers unions saw their pay jump 20 percent last year, to nearly half a million dollars apiece.
Factor in stipends and other paid expenses and Randi Weingarten took in $493,859 and Van Roekel $460,060 for 2011.
These big salaries drew jeers from many educators and their advocates in the U.S., where the average nationwide salary for teachers is $44,000 a year. By contrast, nearly 600 staffers at the NEA and AFT are raking in six-figure salaries, according to Association of American Educators Executive Director Gary Beckner.
“In terms of salaries, union executives rake in nearly 10 times the average household income and far more than any teacher,” according to Beckner.
Nice to see the workers rise up against the Union Boss Thugs. In Wisconsin, more than 1/2 Union members left the 2nd biggest Union when given a choice. These Government Unions must be eliminated…and will be if workers are just given a choice whether to belong or not.
RE: The whale wars link.
cmnon darryl, I figured you would have more class than to support a lying, thieving, attention whore like paul watson.
paul watson isnt about the whales..paul watson is about paul watson.
fuck him and his band of misfits.
I saw Chris Hayes’s appearance here on Monday. He cited David “Tool Time” Brooks’s BoBo book, for its profiles of .com-era excess. So good take-down clip here of Brooks (who can never be taken down enough) criticizing Hayes.
I look forward to reading Hayes’s book. His history of “meritocracy” (coined in satire and then brought into non-ironic use) was interesting.
Young Turks: IRS=Gestapo.
Yep, they’ve definitely got that one right over on Cenk’s show!
“Now, I have nothing against Swedes, but having worked with a few over the years I can tell you that the ones I did know were headstrong, obstinate…”
I’ve noticed that about other groups, too. The Koreans come to mind. They get along with you just fine, but can turn on a dime into an adversary or piddly-shit. The Scots can be dicks when they want to be, too. The French are arrogant, but nobody knows what they’ve got to be arrogant about. that’s one of the musteries of the Universe, I guess. The Sapnish haven’t done a damn thing since the weather and the Brits defeated their armada back in Queen Elisabeth’s time. The Italians? Well, I don’t think need say much except that they’re good with food but kind of bad when it come to changing sides ina war.
That’s poverty wages to a typical CEO..
Hospitals are heavily unionized.. Wanna know the salary of many local puget sound medical system CEOs?
More than $2 million..
How is patient care suffering with such bloated salaries.
Oh who is this???
Oh so this outfit takes funding from the usual right wing suspects as well..
“How is patient care suffering with such bloated salaries.”
Maybe that’s part of the explanation for the sorry state of health care. Don’t forget that the guy getting the bypass surgery on the fifth floor is footing the bill for the drug overdose or gang banger with a gun shot would who shows up at the ER.
The only way I can see costs being reduced is to have lots more doc, nurses and other health care people in the system. There really ain’t much incentive to charge less, at least when it comes to the high-roller docs out there.
The problem came about, originally, when Medicare came into existence (a well-intentioned program with absolutely no thought of controlling costs). When Medicare people asked LBJ what they should pay the docs for their medical services, Lyndon said to pay what the docs asked. Well, since every doc thinks pretty highly of his or her skills, he or she thought the re-imbursement should be 10% above his or her colleagues because, in their minds, they deserved it. Then, a year or so later, they all felt entitled to a 10% raise. Well, it wasn’t long before all these costs increases in Medicare (and outright fraud) ran up the price tag for medical care throughout the entire coutry. Also, technology geeks saw a market for advanced diagnostic and treatment devices, and Medicare would gladly pay whatever was asked. Can’t blame the capitalists for that: that’s what they do – make money!
When I was a kid, I can remember the docs complaining that Meidcare was going put them out of business. I think a lot of them honesty believed that until they realized that Medicare was a government-sponsored cash cow. Now the docs could have the great satisfaction of providing medical care to the suffering and make a ton of money to boot!
It’s a cynical explanation, I’ll agree, but a realistic one.
@ 16 Darryl,
People like Puddles seem all wee-weed up about the college transcripts. America does not give a damn. But if “releasing” Obama’s college transcripts is the quid pro quo for America to understand how Rmoney made his pile, then I think that’s a trade Team Obama is willing to make.
Rmoney will never make it because just like McCain, Rmoney knows that if anybody sees those tax returns Rmoney has a zero probability of being elected.
And like McCaine, it would could be the very real possibility that there were Felonies committed.
…liar, thief… @ 23
“cmnon darryl, I figured you would have more class than to support a lying, thieving, attention whore like paul watson.”
I don’t really select videos as a means to “support” people. Rather, I link to videos that I believe liberals will find interesting and/or right wingers will find annoying. I guess that worked!
What I find most amusing, is that I put up a video that is quite critical of Obama—even saying Bush was better on the issue—and I get shit from a rightie over it!
I must be doing something
rightcorrect!Who would invest $75,000,000 in Stericycle, a medical waste company that, among other things, disposed of aborted fetuses?
Mitt, you’re the master of investing, tell us about the potential profit in disposing of, I think you call them, babies.
I can’t add much commentary to this one, because it’s so fucking insane that I don’t know what to say. I also don’t know how to link directly to comments on YouTube, but I found it here:
I’ve been having a laugh listening to the insane, extreme right, freaking out on YouTube about the upcoming UN arms treaty.
Also fun to note: now that the right wants us to vote no on the thing they’re on the same side of the issue as the countries that they like to freak out about, like Iran, Venezuela, and China.
I figured out how to link directly to comments, here’s the link:
Or maybe not, it doesn’t seem to be working.
The good Republican governor of Sweet Home Alabama has something to say about Slick Willard’s stonewalling on providing his tax returns.
Of course, being both Republican and not quite as smart as a stone, Bentley has not yet figured out that Slick Willard certainly has “things to hide” and that those wrong doings need to be carefully hidden from the American people.
How many jobs did Barrack Obama create during his years working in the Private Sector?
Oh yeah..he never worked in the private sector. He was a community organizing whore.
Can’t wait for Romney to rope the dope about HIS Private Sector experience, which is none.
Can’t wait for Romney to rope the dope about HIS Private Sector experience, which is none.
You’re going to need to wait. Rmoney has had a tough week so he’s taken some more vacation.
He’s currently roping his dope off the shores of his mega million dollar vacation home in his way cool boat “The Offshore“.
And before you get started, Rmoney is listed as the sole owner and captain, but he has nothing to do with his boat, “The Offshore“.
Bentley’s probably not thrilled about have a Yankee Mormon running for president.
Kinda like this guy:
Bain Bain Bain.
Listen to 4 DUMMOCRAPTS who knew what was going on at Bain. Of course HA DUMMOCRAPTS won’t believe Bain DUMMOCRAPTS?!
Let’s say Romney didn’t leave until 11/1999. Stericycle started in the abortion cleanup business AFTER 2002. Hmmm… bit of a time line difference.
Great Line…
Dayum… Dat’s Funny!
Another Friday and another executive order from Obummer… so knowing how nefarious these clowns are, can you see in the future they hijack the Internet and everything going through the executive branch?
@41 Puddles,
Let’s say Romney didn’t leave until 11/1999. Stericycle started in the abortion cleanup business AFTER 2002. Hmmm… bit of a time line difference.
But we agree, the company solely owned by Slick Willard invested $75,000,000 in supporting abortion clinics.
Mitt, what do you have to say?
“We were investors to help get them going.”
Good to know. So, if it is a matter of making a hefty profit, Slick Willard is OK with a woman’s right to choose.
HAHAHA Jerks and Cryers are upset at Howard Kurtz for telling the truth. Notice the spin they use!
Do you understand chronology? Was Stericycle in the business when he made the original investment or did they start in 2003?
@46 Puddles of …
I understand just fine.
Slick Willard and Bain Capital invested $75 million in 1999 in Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal firm that has been attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted fetuses collected from family planning clinics.
As Slick Willard says “We were investors to help get them going.”
Yes, those collections started in 2003 and afterward! Willard was not managing Bain after 1999. So says 4 BAIN DUMMOCRAPTS on CNN!
In 2008 Mitt Romney gave John McCain over 20 years of tax records.
After revealing the records, the McCain campaign decided Rmoney wasn’t right for the Vice Presidency.
We don’t know what is those records.
But something made John McCain think Sarah Palin was more qualified than Mitt Rmoney for the Vice Presidency.
What is it that John McCain’s campaign knows that Mitt Rmoney doesn’t want you to ever know?
Ask Cubscout! Grow sum marbuls!
To the person playing Puddybud,
“Was Stericycle in the business when he made the original investment or did they start in 2003?”
Please make your character aware of the facts: Stericycle was in the business of disposing of fetuses AT LEAST since 1991. In that year, their Arkansas operation was fined by OSHA for workplace safety violations that included, in part, keeping fetuses, human body parts, and dead animals from biomedical experiments in unlabeled containers.
My “marbuls” have never created an aborted fetus needed to be collected and disposed.
Nor have I ever invested in a company which seeks to profit from an anti-choice business climate created by the investors, thus driving up costs.
How about you? You ever invested in aborted fetus collection & disposal companies?
If you have, did you shelter your profits from paying your patriotic tax burden in an offshore bank?
Got link? All I see 2002 and 2003 Stericycle.
Nope. Not rich enough but trying to get richer everyday!
Good find Darryl!
Mitt Romney $75,000,000 capitalized company in 1999 – Stericycle Inc., a company building Washington state’s first medical-waste recycling plant in the Cascade foothills!
Dateline Thursday, August 15, 1991
Medical-Waste Firm Hit With Violations — Company Building State Treatment Plant Is Cited In Arkansas
That’s right Washingtonians. Mitt Romney pumped $75,000,000 into a company disposing aborted fetuses in the Cascade Foothills.
Yeah, you’ve got your principles.
Why don’t you take a trip and visit the Stericycle locations in Washington,cf.osb&biw=1920&bih=992&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
You can wave a Rmoney sign while you inhale the aroma of incinerated aborted fetuses.
“We were investors to help get them going.”
Sounds like Tea-Party Fun.
If you’re looking for a well reasoned op-ed on why you should vote for Mitt Romney you may want to consider this letter to the editor written by Brad Pitts mom.
Or maybe not.
Pudpuller’s teensy reptilian brain is twitching with the realization that Willard is the R party’s John Edwards, but it’s too late now.
Wow. Puddydummy is going into contortions trying to justify throwing the lever for Willard (R-Money)..
The facts will never matter. Obama derangement syndrome and the big $$$$$ in front of Willard (R-Money)’s name triumphs over all.
in Puddydope’s pea brain..
Wait a minute…
You leftists tell the world fetuses are not human babies… So Mitt and company invested in a company that destroyed fetuses. So now fetuses are aborted human babies?
So what changed?
Yep, all that matters to the Puddydopes of the world is that Willard (R-Money) is NOT Obama and he made his pile on his own with some help from his “crew”..
No matter that he whored himself to MA voters saying he was pro-choice and now he’s doing the same to the puddydopes of the world crying that he’s had a change of heart.
He was a “self-made” rich guy – even with homes he could count. Couldn’t say the same for McSame who dumped his disfigured wife for a younger, richer, prettier model – a gigolo.
Anne stayed at home – raising kids and making horses dance.. Drawing on Willard’s cadillac health insurance! No need for PPACA in that household and shit even MA’s Romneycare – no sir!
What a couple they’ll make in the White House!
What happened to the screaming about LIBoR? Oh yeah Little Timmeh Tax Cheat Geithner KNEW about it! Maybe that’s why the dumbest of the dumb crazed databaze moron ylb shut up on it!
So how does one investigate ways to prevent “misreporting”? I guess that means this was a real problem and you knew about it after all, eh Timmeh! So it seems the US sub-prime rate scandal was well known by leetle Timmeh Tax Cheat Geithner, and many unprepared borrowers were approved who should have been rejected. All these loan defaults which killed the last two years of the economy under Congressional DUMMOCRAPT rule was really assisted by DUMMOCRAPT Geithner. This will be really interesting…
63 — zzzzzZZZzzzzzz.. So?? How is the LIBOR calculated???
If you know how then this right wing bullshit meme falls apart.
Nice try stupid.
Or maybe that he knew is one more reason we need to get rid of him. But, please don’t pretend that “your side” would do any better.
Once again we see why the dumbest of the dumb crazed databaze moron ylb is a comendy in himself. Bloomberg was the source jackass.
DUMMOCRAPTIC Senators are asking Geithner and Holder for documents. Will they withhold them from the DUMMOCRAPTS too?
You are soooooooo stoooooopid.
We didn’t campaign on that hopey-changey thing. So you can hope Obummer changes the treasury secretary.
Regarding who does better… it’s the OWS (read Nancy Pelosi type DUMMOCRAPTS) gang who continually screams about Wall Street, banks, etc. Seems when it’s DUMMOCRAPTS doing the dirty, things go silent!
O’ come on Puddy, you know when the Republicans were in control they didn’t regulate anything properly and people got away with murder and now all they’re saying is we want to go back to how it was before.
You wont hear me arguing that when it come to finical regulations the Democrats are wonderful, they’re not. They just suck slightly less than the Republicans.
Speaking budgets, lets look at yours:
What the wife brings in = XXX
What the state sends in support checks: XXX
What YLBigot brings in = 0
What YLBigot pays in federal income taxes = nothing, Max pays his bill.
66 – Heh.. No facts on how the LIBOR is calculated just more stupid from a right wing tool.
Obama Private Sector job creating==ZERO
All this bonehead did was write a book about himself and get his wife an overpaid job she was unqualified for at the Chicago Mafia Hospital.
Otherwise, Obama would be living with YLB in YLB’s basement that his wife pays for.